HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 2■ The Signa Till Nr,t' 131t11'I3H T.1Xh:!%. SI The laKlgat spo ell delivered by Sir Miclwcl Hkks-Beach Thursday Ir Pro . U www ly nog gHQ�* Booms" ag generally cwti oh,tu e, ct tha le t•1t IL �'OJJfa011�1. -J w(xakl Im too Lot u(,h.1u t Sho' that the /W° titxe•t umptw(ed undue it should be pts- lhn --,__-- : = pular. They are Lor necessity Ot the sec -- . -- war, a pxLrt of the price of glory, ar Ptt) TliilADA11Y. APRIL, -3, 1!101. Atr :+)dney Smtun would have galled fee• --•--- ---- - -- thew. 'Phe preolde of Britain have en- -� nn UPKN TIIK DOOR. Juyldi the loon Lot untaxed sagar since tit Is74, bol uuuly who are now living Mr. Kpmlo. 11. P•, carte Lot the Torics cc,a rentellulwr the tittle when the nit roto nvreerotr Toronto in Perlin- slq;atr duty w•nr (mel of the chief re- in talent. to alwomys ready to express bb velour prr,thlcers. l0 18i4 sugar pin- Bit u,inuion with regard to lho duty vi, ,K,rted from Britiwh p(uresslons paid 11 the ldusernmeul toward the MAar- 11 duly of -4 shillings p.•r cwt., nud Br faCturers. Nu matter which px)tillcal (tireign sugar pnkd no Ices than 63 w party play be la plAver, he takes It ►hillillKa per cwt., figurer beside II fix grantrvl that the manufacturers whi(.11 Sir Michael hicks-lleneh'r pro- lit:: are elitltled to ample tariff Protec- I,um11l of 4r. 2d. par cwt. nppewrs thl li11n,nut only On their twit "ccou:kt %pry m4mleralP Indeed• Hoducllou/ In tit i. bat til: tho sake of 11te employees this thity were outdo from time to ler who ecru wages in the protected es- lime, ted in 1848 It w-Iw arranged ov tablurbuu-nts. The incl that the con- that there rhovM be a grndufil re- up ►omen of lite goods -the people %%It(' dul.ti,ru in both the tett and the lou- pit .� rewlly Illy the wages-hu%c allot, Cur duties Willi, u 1few to their tonal ,1,, intens r1 ts, w•hch 1'ar141wmat (t%tghl ,'1 Bit extlsr•Uon. lt'tten Mr. Glacbtunu e - to tail+ unto consideration. never dor• lhered his ftimuur lmi Igi t spxeck in tri i turbo the murrtvo Intellect of Mr. 18,,.I, lw tkx;lplred that the power tit Kemp. lie looks at the turiff quer- ,duty Lou sugar would produce more el I - tl(m from the point of view of hur rov 411M Alkali the higher duty had Is own �guikd, uud whether ilk the To- 1rrooght. ,%nil he anliclixtted such a u rtat., Iloird of Trsute, in mePtings rarplew by 1880 lar would permlt the let ',t the Citwtdiau MnnUriteturerr' Ad-. repeal of tlic�i+rcocne tots. er sta,t•lotbu, Lor un file floor of Parkin- Tbeu the'Crimean War broke out- nu meat he lu)s (kown the law no it .,a wakr f„uglit fur n, Otrlligibl0lour- ti there Were rxo other side lit the stir- lx4ot; act, lending to no decisive Lor Itr Joct under conoJeratbn. Itecently, hiding results; a War, moreover, tit i in heavy Mr. Krwial pail a %WIL to Vrw Bream- vele(."h idroh'el the country lou ruck, end whli" ilk that •Pet► ,,last, nn 1 wldeh Intl the ex{►endtutre %loco hp practically demoustrut- un a permanently higher level” -And ed film tentler etinslderatlon fur tike N, it c:.mP alit that, instend of to I workYmgmon curd hie toutempt belagT table to continue the trolley of t for the consuming clivus ulwilk u•h ,re lax rc lucllou, a strenuous effort Wool ai i p,atros:,ge, he dpdenJV-fyr his pru(its. to b, made to meet line iue%Itablc w i 0 Trio oseke:%g Stamping Works were litare, Tile iucom0 ilk% was of wnr expr_s I in the market. lir. KemP can't hie cut- rlalrpl In, 1854, aI it looks been mired tat loagurs, reulisiug the fact tion the is 1`901, to 14+1. un tutu pound, and u ai - purchase of thin industry by indepen- larth 11l 1854 anti IS55 too segar to dent mnnuhMturer/ would prububl) .huty ^'nw incrimsed. lit 186.), the In- L•, IPnd to a healthy cumpctlliun, ltd a„Iae tux wasp 91. un the p:+ond, the ,w o es vulbL•1 the other teudercre land tia duty to...it. per"Ito. and .the sugar i. n P A r e • ble to Ica of and •l. Una they have rinse decidtKf to (.luau ,duty 13rb per cN s nisrltnntie, lisp works. At the yawl• lA th4` rr%enue from tlittse sOurlCe, Mr. I' time tiiew genllemeu emhrnce.l lite (iindistonet sw•ept,awAY A pot of @mall fo opportunity of WeralPing the prier protective an -I revenue -dot r� admit- w Lor lfle products Which were furmerl` ting free. importation Ot all mADufac- si t . nuunufaclurttl by the Omsekeng cool- ture.) articles, Of all raw materials, of 1 Il puny. In other wor4r, thin strung (,f Iklt fan^v' g�O'A tttd of fill articled r• f � frlenJ of tae laboring class nut 11111) (rf fool except threw: on which taxa- Bc i . �, clots the faclur) which gave cm tion was retain I rulely fur revenue ;Il A 4i p/oyment to n Inrge nuinber of work- purpowew- • The duties un ten .And ri wen, but immirti:ital) inere'kW4§ the ,%IR„r,” hp *nl•1, "whatever else they Sp price of this kin -I 4,f h,,,rlehtall girrls ni') b.•, are adnq►iy revenue duties. 11 to the artuakn. they entall nu complexity in the Cn► I Tile St. John Teletgraph "sys tile( toms law ; nlr,vr all. Alley entull none f - "t lie Isboring clam Ilat a splendid ex- of vie rvlls that belong to differen- f ample of genuine ('onAer%inlFve poll- tial duties." In 186'1 the income tax cl ! tirleav In Kr. {Comp. Their ulweehes was reduLed from 111. to 7,1., an -t tine n w(wldl4`ere the Imprerava tout' thea L duty from lit :Ki: to lm. In 1884, ti, i n( 3 Ind the interests of the workingmcll the inrOmt tax came tk)w11 to 6d., in At heart, wherenev in tile majurity of 186, to 4.1., the tea duty Mang re- NI IndAance/, their principles Pat in prat- ,hretrl to ell. it the latter )Lear, and ,11 tient are them exldWt(r11 by the mem- in 1868 the sugar duty gleed at 4s. l: Ler fur Toronto. Tho people fit NeW pier cwt., almost the exact figure H Bruagwick now have cause to rpmens now prop,)w„I Ly We Michael Hiek(s- her the name of Mr. Krmis, 110-1 tl'r) Bplich. t will in future rraA with care his Tho new• rngnr (fatly, will' the It t npeechts on prutecton." Vritisli C„aloum'•rm will hnvP to pmly, p i to trot this n eaM Ger the action pm,lunts to about I cent. pa•r pound. 5 -.. tri ihlSiQ%�rMsenl_ _ under lite clause which it ental W hall the ratio lev• whieh •ls designpl to defeat ll' sol fu A1C n a nrhemew of romlriupstpra? Tl'e pur- fi:•ature about tt is that the Brit t chaaw of a factory fur the pwrp.,ec of iris impurtern have laid in enough e ch►eing It sap is primer facto r%idehce eligar to .1111111) tilt country for ik of a 0K'Dopoty in rcertriction of treat(' swan) naunths,4hus lilting fill') pr1- --uf a mngkirncy to rub the cunsitmpr %ate pm,ckets a large' naununt of -and the tariff of tho country should nK•npy that ought to go "tnlu .the i Wel no Rill to that kind of bueilless. pulAle treasury. it Mr. Kemp is unwilling tO rubwlt The export clut) of I shil:ing per to fnir domcltle competition, he tun 11n coal is lees deiennible than I ought to Ret a sitakw-of. tareigo, -cum. the import-duA4,,on ntgar.. it im petltlun, ani the tariff ought to be feared that Lite effect uPura 'lie arrange(] to give him lite full benefit 1\'elsh coil) •rico will be %t•ry *ertons. i Lot It; ' lar Germnan land America" (%,at will bat! initialled ti,, compete with British In •1'H15.HAkjXr, MARIlMT. th" 11lKLterraa(.an, while Japanert: d The Ubbe ways that, when that Clint vrlll c(:ntrul tho markets of the . fair Nant. .L despatch from New usanufaetaree Lot Canada aro lip- York nu)o: %.'k'ye,l, they will Afford a home lunr- Tile pnopprsl►1 of sir Michael 11lcka- krt more impoetsat titan any exter- Itench to tax coal etpmmled 4rumn i it in the case F:ugLand a shilling is ton is n q ati- I tial iurrket can le. Th. f)ing anlmHxeetnent to coal export- nlrendy, not only with regard to Pro h(re. C. J. Wittenberg, Prosd- Canada's products, but also with re- ,tent of the Chesspwake rind Ohio ppmird to the pralnctm od nearly every foal anI lion Co„ said : "At suit of atuntry. Whim the Duke of Bridge- the NI(dtu•rrnneun port" where hOlh English uxd Au C Imn coal to shipped water a" dmtdarr ontwriulat" . fnen thin prise to +err Ckrlw and a►a.cY- began to build Qlnalm in England a Im,rt tax Of it sPllligg a don On F:imgllxh cemtlury and ' n half ago, it was coal will divert much Imnlnews to pointed out tint pruduc}ion and tllir country. Tile tax will lop pia de were really slimulntM b). pdtl•bull) w'pl(v)mc, t,o, as for the last tra R few )(ars Lhe pri-p Lor FfiK11rAi runt opening up the homte market, which l aim leen pteadll% drelning. While . waw vastly more impr)rtunl then all the price (if American coal ham been f(re(gn markets rnmLlnwl. Murat Of adcaDging. Tldw has berm dlat' to rd ants and ansae t loo- toll#, grun'tll of the *trel industry thw grata x r q P litre and tile- 11(Krlltle of the strel �Io••wl con n Canadian term are Von- buninPms In England." a►i+nod Lou that form. Mont of the taro- It lv nut probiblo that the export 1, du^tm (.f Wentworth County that (duty on (xnt will b,% long retnhaetl. '(' are wold fit all are ocanenmed ilk the Air s•x,n law the wain In ended, ain't it Ofly of linmilt,m. lhwt ar the bpe4Ones pamvmible to mo(Rfp the wnr i, r the coal duty will bat the fir4t , t.tx R. , c n n r ti, 1rm Of ;nn 1 a inn( IT n u nu• y tate11a by (:nnnodiwn11 In rX_ to go. fir lilchnel HICks-preach nmkA i i clongn f(* f(dm1 prodnct11 and raga irly anihrrrtt;y ter borrow S60,11"0r)t), matet-L•tlm. That Was the came fit thuitlrh lie oloto not expect to utilise P%ery ptng• or the country.'n bletory the lo'w•er in full, ttnteR4 the war from the down Of settlement ; It will should h„ for "muime rpnaon oMhlly Ica time (.awe . Lo:.tlla..sa1l. • toaL. ZJ& terda was 1rMt tnrifr myst"m may p)revnll from not nn enviahlp one, ball he per- titne to tints. No'tict of ParflanS•nt furnoxI it with emirng" nail frank - lo needed to induce it m.in to buy arra, making nn attempt to conceal from the rr'IKhlw)r to whom le 014`1111, a,11y detnll of the sil»ntlon, rho I If the print Ils right. \'len prodlict'i 14tnnrnl leew,n of Whioll In that ware art• odd to tnr.'lgnpro„ and torelX11 i` nbinnd priwtpwmn teforn►+ nal home. products nee taken In etritange, Alm (lr,ire Of markets gi%(.n grn'itrr gain, A-ItANKINO AMAIAiANA-rio%: owl grunter gain to tie.• ihdl%1'tumlm Tho negotkatlonia for the pur- Who rompn"e tlife nation itufolWok ill( chmm� by the Cnalndtnn Bank of Com- ndlditkrn to tie aggreglite WPAIth pf m4`ro•,• of the assets of the Bitslk Of the nKltkon. Conadn cony prodne-more• µritlnh COlumbls hnva been Parried grnLn anti beef, more wand pulp and to completion, And the rtmnigawta- p4R Iron, more *liver and mare le d tion thus brought atnnt Once" this tlnn twT own tmrOpl' ell" consent. Old anal rmoutalrle financial infti- And n foreign loarkwt will h- n,•r(led ntlnn In an envlaMp,pnpitlon mm�nlr for lite surplus of tl►It*(• prolucts. it ( nokdlen banklelf mncprus. it liar we May frwrly of lit.• cloth and mllgnr. 6S hr"elooA In Ca"Ada, f1%e in the the two. Rnet "fee. rte., of Other 1J1t1(ed 9lato's, and onn in. F.ng- rounlrlrls, our ability tO wall Cannniati InM1. and Its assets emonat to $64,- ptrdlerts In foroll(n ennntries will 691,664,9^_ ; Ito capital and rpilprve be ornhan(w, end the• Carindinna Who to $1n,00n,(X10. it* operations are sell thrlr ngrleulturnl pr(Oil •to to lhr no Inwr+otllftat with the affairs of our wu11[ern n( CnnAdlnn pulp tint plig bran Country R 1ludne*f lite that anything k - will r(xlaume, the foreign g„nils Affecting It maRt he of general in- Iwooght back t(' ('nnndln In r%rhnno p terpmt, find Its latpat forward stoop hr ltw exports or pulp &awl pi,t iron will he viewed with pleasure by the The serest rrnd to nn nli-ronnn protit ('4%nitdlan Mainess world. ls far (invernrrlrnt to hold nloof nod allow thin prod,re,rls nnot consumer. CAnAda has over 17,000 Militia .d the tmy-re rand the *eller■ to mnnnge rAllway; the United States has 1SO.- these mnitrera file theme"Ives, m'1f.I000. Volmlootiom m�siderp(1, we harm Interpol tat-ing n sofpr gnhle than till, no need to he, ashamed of nor throw - wisdom of politicians. Ins. ' I R 'r1/F: W Alt TAXK14. r llichaet .. Hicks"BOUCII'r buliget porutr aro retgarded very serlous- n (trent Britlslln. Sir William N'er- -Ilnrcourt'r regretful cumuteut t the 1,11,000,04XII U) saved during rnly years 11f codnn+uuy nud debt - log x•1:1 be w•Iptni oat by tine South amain w•ar hits Irma a sobering ef- t. There is dirturbaltee In trnde 1 fiunuchll virclea talk necuunl of e new dutle" and the new lunlul, 1 the coni miners and 911111 rs are a vtate of distressful APPI. snsluu. t the% I9amtltoll lgeclntur it lie- glitpd, Tb It the new U.". un the Itish people are u perfect Coxl-dead, or(h more thnil all 010 smattered mils an 1 widows' weeds that our Idpnlully pruduett4lt fur the Slice, nks It gees In the budget sieech of e Chancellor of tits Exchequer it %ning toward protection. IL gloats eat the Wag that "when a Govern- nt once create” a new tax fur the rpdxp% of paying some unexpected lite it Is seldom that, after that ,clal purpx)re fur which the x hur been menti+l W served, e tax Is discontinued•'; It de- arer that "the augur beheaule certainly of the-, prulecti%e ndpr," Abut "the export duty on coal n kisocii ct blt'w• fur the free trnd- (r" An l It btlbbipts over with the lion that "protecttotl tin sugar re- vere nud nn export duty on coal e cuough to make the bones ur.aN e ol.l free trade 'phWIRThers' the like a wcigun oil u cobblestone pavement." -... If It were true thtt Britain land reed her ince back toward protec ton, it would not bat e% thing for Can lL•tn4c to rejf,h)e (icer. We sell and ort continue ilk seH a large share the eurplu4 products of our coon y In Brititiu, Ain't it would nut Ir boon us Contada fur Britain to lint to tIM l►llited Stater In turiff legld Lion anti Mr Our baron uud chtwrP Ir t u( the British txsrkeL as our lx y nail brans have b:I'n btirro,l "Out tor, market of the C111ted Stutcs. ltelher Uarindian proteOWU Ir gl)rl f Canada or not, British prutectluu onld bat land for ('anAda, tlecsuze Lt .mahl restrict our an" in our best r1 alntu+t our only remuloing, for ►git market. But Sir iMlcbxtel llickm- ach l* no' protectionist. (!l•• alll +tinctly in Ws idl)erch, when refgr ng to tor. sugar tax, WhIelk tlw r-.otntor describes rte ' er•rtufuly cal I? pr.otc ctive ord •r •' : "W h tt 1 pro weer, ie nut (t protective duty bei un atkgtutlC. lxlblik mtelrwity int +arisen Lor satukr duty of which tfi taborini ;(ares slr,uhl.lr.mr a Jailr share;' nor galln : '•.Nothing Must bo OULIC to pro rt that Britat refiner to the tilt, Irnntag,, (a tin Itratlwh,consunner.' r. Gladrt(smt regarded the stag+] kly nit a revenn-, Ire. R prOt•ctive harnlr:', .3111 loo tk,4•d Sir Michael actio -Bench , Tle Tor-Istr, Worltl, like the Sper nWr, was dispmx+e(t at first Rinne• , regard tJw new Britiah taxed a rotective. but On e4`rond tlought i l.l,l•e tilt, othpr Way. In today' i,wup, under the heading " hull fled . . .- - _ ,.,-...... r 11467-1.1 .fi Ir TRADE N'IT11 K.URoI'M:. t Thr Chicago cuutptanY +thich Is go' I big into business oil the ussumptlun , ttutt Chltmago W now an ocear port, i revs Its way qulte clear for the out- ward vu)age. lir bouts will start ' from Chloango Indica► with grain and agricultural IInpleusesils ; will leave I tile grain Lot ltuffalu, carry the Int- plewentw thruuggli the ('uuadlaD can:nm to Montreal. take on coal and extra cargo there, curl prucced to' I,i,c•rlr,ul. Wit11 regard Au tits re- turn cargo, there ie reomo uoxlety, cold nn appeal W una,ln to Chicago Iw- 1r'rlerm and wholt,malerr to patronise this lluo during the sefisulk of lake Wttlgatk,u, lit order to wD.kP the expK•rimeut a sere". There's the rub. Tho outward cargoes ant more numerous, hert\-l•r and more bulky than those which (,.tn be obtained fur tow retlirll ruynge. the natural (iffertu►ce being increased by the ef- [owl 11f Jho united Slater tariff, which discourager iwpd+rtatlons from Furtgw. Fur wu(•h cargoes ns,rare to lint grit, the largo ocean %emnelr Cull offer lower •rates caul greater speed than those which are ndapted for lalto us well ns aieeau uaslgatiun. Tow profits un freight from Europe will not be great, gut it rates are cut the importer will of courmir get the ad%nntngv. If the Chieugu lwopde and those Lor lite west Ili Lolly wnut to make trnde with Europe n succoes. let thea) bring Uivir In- flutuce W bear nt WaulliugtOn W linve the Culled Stut'r tariff re- dune.! anal thus Invite imP9rtatioua Under the old Navigutiva Laws, pre- vl,um to 1815: nu British goods coral he exported except in Brilirik ships. Naturally eni sigh, foreign nations rrtahated, with the reoult that ,[lritial. ships voavcyed manufacture■ .W .Unerlca and had kc return 1n Imtlhut, while American sltllw M11- vey'etd Tutton to Lherpm,ol alit; had 111,0 tat return empty. Two rets of rhipr were entptvyed to perform one S., 'age. The aouvetttinn Of 1815 pont nn end W that absurdity, but tiro l'. S. prote•ti%c legi+latlon of the last forty yearn has greatly hampered the shipping trade between the two c ontinenla. Tho Welland and Sts. Utiarrence ('finals tend to d Facilitate commerce, bill u simple tar- iff atmostudment would wake it bOutu- vlitorkilly : "(preen Britain still goes on blun- clug• The war was a blander, fir t lend lire p')lic) that made the wvkr p.resibin wits n blunder. Thr :overnmen''t pulley far meeting the %ar ({,tilt is la blunddr. If ever Ittre wag un .rpportunily for trying protectiod tit Great Britain, It Is the yr -owint uK'ment, when no m(Lny mil - ,.'no hnvo to be ritis.al to meet the abut,r11191. Ldellcitg caused by lisp war. M14-.111JA cattun of u Judicious Yystam of pleartection to tits mnuufucluring ndugtrier of tirent, Britain wortld hart• (lone tore. than anythlog else to couuterb Ranco tow fiulkncial IoIr1- R of the war. It' is e%ii•nt front tlmt Allow tariff, lutwe%er, that ureal dtritnht it still in thtr hands Lot free triad. th(K'rista. slid that tilt• tim fur tux• ndkgrti-m of It proteeli%0 pot ry in th:(t country bats out yc Irrh•ed. The Impunitlun of n cen t pp,und on reflnM rngnr Ravclrs o protection, and tt will, no doubt rr:mtly benefit that British refiners but the Uovernment did n4A Imp lite duty fur the pwr{r(I/e of hPlpl tho a nglr bKluntry, but alnlply fie too;tus whereby the pm.r man (%Km bo nc%de lit pay Mg quota of tilt, wa drill upectat Ld•t the \VorW and the w,•ttle that question between the Both aro prat-tiunirts; both or nnxinuu that Great Britain nh(ml n(h,pt protection, ,but while on weeuls protection in tile fllcka-Bene tnrifr, the other can see nothing bit obetnato adherence to free trade, fair me tow extraordinary demand f war revcone-wild permit. e It ls pt•Op(rsedt to ratnbllmh n ,tat. mint -lucking Indtulry nt ('algar that place being particalurly wit ;itnatrd In the nlldpt (if a ranch) t• wntry. Referring to the pwo1K)s the win11I" T, Icgrnm Croryl any ('nal my le well sltnated fu: au NOTtS AND COMMENT-S- ruit fur C^5,000. Tito history the t Acture has hot!" rurlouslY g I a mutter Lot fust, It gels Ito Duane lVnl two hat, uud Ir not n wurk,tyf Oulasrburuugn, nor is It it pr,rtritlt A th o Duchowo t,1 !)evonshire, lou liar us can b.) discovered. It w',as the ,r',porty lit 1811 dd a 11•iss Anule Maginnis, w•ho hod lklwilyr said It %%^au Iwrtralt of ono ul liar relatives. I It teas It full Wngth prrrtralt, but situ cut cif tho Juga, In ordler that the canvas w•Itll Ito frame might be fitttd over n lucultell,lcee. At lisp noun months ended March glut, l'alattla'r lutpx,rtr were reduced by $683,76', while 1ho exports were Incre melt by $15,902,15:5, am ctam- prared w itit tfie corresponding period of the f4mal year 1899-199. The re- dwtk)ll of the customs duties am- ounted to $484,4-3. Those whO are welded to tike old mercantile syrtew of political economy. with its txtlnneo of trade theory, ought to be delighted. Their creed tat that our aim should ho lit export tis nineh as possible land to Import ns little ns p0mslblp, uud fur tilt- present Canada secats to be wov-itmg In that direr. tio". The groat increase lit exports wnd iii products of the mines, which advtueed frons $U,( .-,437 to $28,- 54L',:t86, w•h1e forest and arricul- tura) exlrortm rhow(d a slight tie- cranre. The tutall exlr,rtr fur the nine moutlw were 11135,471,:70; the total imports {12'9,013,131.-_ .AI, Ottawa wvtman has refused to reveal liar nice to the census fac- totum, torn npi tho papers and salt] thislga tow revprse of complimentary, ,Anti tat flow to be tatlled on to ans- wer Ln the prdice court. Wily_uol allow• the Plmmerator to guess at the ages of such women? Ile could get near enough'to the hetual fig- ures fur all practIcul purpoace And' avoi,l muro Lor lees urpleas intness. 1 r E� INIONS r1000 Q�M�6 '19T LOSS CAUSED BY FLOOD Soy Saves a Train From Destruction. )RISIS PAST AT PITTSBURG Ifa1l,Iry Ilrldge at P A%tlrraon%llle, N. v., (mune - Danger Point Itrnahed or ('laclnoull -- Illah t\'ludx al Chlcrgo Orlie vemssls to rthrilrr. Pitlrbrrg, Pa., April L` -.--Ono of the thrilling IncinwltV cuuiterted ,lith the flood conditone prevnlling lit this Btato was the halt -breadth srcupxl from destrootlon Lot the Peu11sylvunit lim.te.l train, west -bound, near Ty- rone yesterday• A buy riding frautlo- Lolly at the wide of tits track, wildly wn%lnK his call, gave the warning to the englsoer that saved the train from gong fug epee.l into a landslide. Even so. tow train ran Into a large rock, knocking off the cowcatcher of the rugine, and a Pullmuu war Madly da m:tgvx4 Water Valllwp{. At 9 v'clock this moruiug the Alio- gliruy marks ahoweJ :51 fast, and were falling about 3 Inches an hour• It b imposdblo to approximate the :oar resultla;; from the high waiters. litlmutes vary from $i0.10,Ut10 to tr,•'I,(X)O.MA1, but tow first flgurn+s `Evill i,rububly aoln rester the currect amount. The ipecac U%ernufas. -RuclastAir. N. V.. April '.-Thr Gruesee Itiver Is once rluro`un till, rnmpage.. unit during trier town -4 luuura the wetter Iles gone up three 1' N a d t P t feet. it is ruing at tits rate of xD 1 N inch an hour this morning. Many terms are tingled. Pennsylvania Suffers Severely ldrlla+ry Itrldg , Gowe. ,Amsterdam, N. Y., April 2_. -Thr I by the S!ormd Mulwwk Rorer dna rico ten fust 1 Astec Sutnrilay night, ar a result of ,, the heavy rales, and is hitt riaiuK• already being higher than In luauy OHIO R:AGHES DtiNGEti. LiNE ycnra twfore. Ali abutment of Lbe I \vest Shure.' brifge at Pfltterurn- Pittsburg. r.1., April 21. -Pittsburg %iiiu gave way this morning gnat unit Allegheny air,• slowly emerging l;(o.•m.itates trulna being run offer The iloPra have rot got lien. Frenrh from tilt) murky iI('ud. At 8 p.m. tit" r t t )(>♦1. nR a kl or m. "I or Il ng low' tor; Central front Cttoa till C0atrel Jurction. east of tld@ city, ,yet. The story ,••.ad prtlbtbll R titnek- rivers were rec•eling nearly a fan nn �t_llselosell. )A)bpr'r canard. . hour. The highpRt p-,ittt rearbeal u►t -._-_41�aiuXer Cincinnati, O., April tL'.-The daa- town and rrpight (xl enttle from lie• far Wrist, IH1vlr I11liiriJ (law wua ::"..+d first at ger line'wns rea(111ed here to -tiny in That appeal f„r help fur hoer 11 a.m., whlch mes'ks -S fret fit the. the Ohio river flood which started Irriip,ners is touching enough, Init jslsetign of the Allegheny an,t Yon- at the head waiters lust week and there are others. What about the ongancNi IUter�. Tnu witter remain- ,i:.inp; sit lunch dankago at 1'tttst thousands of ravaged' farms 11hd pt stats onary untlt about 3 p.m., burg h•Irkw-itter nal Intermedlnte {rants The uilin; the licking tan the w'ilowed &not, ort,llarl4K1 loyalists” when it I1Pgaa to tall. Conservative nliso (urnlmhon more labor for oar own r. it ral*O op^n" lap prompect11 henturky side hits Inundated pearts prep for fuurther emp!oylnrnt In ronverting e•wtalaler Loi the tvtnl damage In t,f CAmkugL(inl, Newport, nm! other Common law Lor "proomstlrk` fear. thin dirtriet Is bootw4`Pn i-.�.� Im n prluttrral Applicalton of tie petit- suburbs. The mill creek vq,ll,•% Is riggers will got ba rc%oguized In New anti 8 1x10,11110. Fifty thousand wurk- full (if water rubs filling dnti11190 ilk Y(trk n4'w• unlrpo a Written, wAncilted err are suffering from cu(Orced idle- the w•esL end of Chicinu til. A siuulsr coi►lrart Ir produrw%I and registered lino:. cu11ditiou exim►Le in the rant en,l •Ind nxxlthn. Our u••Igldrurr ore The loam to the railroads PutPring .kk'ttR the lilllo Mtanl bottom/. The wilMn si% 1'ittnlmsrg front flood . Intal-+lidon• wore. eandltitwa Is along the pxiblic Meowing pnruthas. r. wrtrkwt bringer. heavy lmow and hlniing anal isle Lentos yard of tutu hPIRg a great eatttl,-ralving district, the interfrreleP With traffic to city. where wewesatre blocked and dlnw nnyb(r1Y otttehe of n Tnr), r,mg11IY estimated nt 61.r)W,000* coillnra filltol with 114CFt water. 1wi pptLrkper office seen one of those Th. do" to lel nl,ti pules rind anuT"=' do s a do Co•ren" 'Yrnu,l circulars 1 Nate of linty mina a l e Ion .. %caR this *action and that stage to drew have reachM the hnndt of the m(in14, nod i' will talo) meverui days ren_c-hed Inst evening. At 53 lett eensum enumerator*. Which Of the to fully repair them. Train* nrr 1"1W running on r.11 the roads, tnit nn at- tralna owaaov et, o the -Grand cen= teal statbn. at 56 feet the baseball tricksters Invented the Morgan ? tempt is being made to keep lip to park I/ fhxxisl, and at SH feet the Vancouver grocers leave organized schtrlulue. Hou+es vloudrd, meati At the tract ID Newp,rt, Ky., to protect thelnnriven againot b The mubmergprl dlslrbt■ in !'lits- nlU/t loop. Iwlu w lircearry. Mack that er no t'mn lhnn 7-i,_ dead. berg and Attgheuy are a reese of lt'Lwtcd, Uonn., April '::..-An en - heats. l[y! what applaumo the Spee. abject misery. Cellars andt In mown glue utturhod to a frefght'train on might win out there by Its cam- tr/taneve, the first floors of stores std dwellings are covered .with wat- the G-ntral New F,nglum.l Railway, Which was leavin W -re title oKruiu K g paalgn agalsst the law/ for the--• .(tat. .4'hc damage-l"-fasswit�--and fat nide IlartfO carters lection of debt f buildings in Alltgbeny.ls estimated w carr ,l Innllslhkts nail Wnslrutr occurred fit shunt $1011,000. In Pittsburg the yesterday, plunged through is trestle \Pw York I,egisiaturs will ooa+ider dose lit reakdenree said stores and In the 1Vewt Whined yard find went n bill ill prevent the wholesale do- IWLAm and thea artist Of cleaning ep into a raceway lendkng tat the fac- wtrnaton 11f plgw)ns fit ■huutipR will amount to about $_30,000. At from tory of T. C. Itleborda A ;(env, liard nxltct(rr. Recent bntcherica. herr Volarnegfpboroagh, six mlh'e 1'ittu urge the lose Is estlssataml .ai ware narmfnetun•rir. Th•t crew roo 1'eapwvl injury by jumping. The arel- non:% tunch to stroller publle feeling[ $40,(MX)• dent wns caurvtol by high water. against tin flee of tame plg(rune a't Th,r 1\'rMtnglM,lt+eM Ehtutrir Camplany Iliad two vilrl•.r.ds of fiuirh,•d mnt.•rhtl tI1Rh tt'iads wt t'lfrwRu. Idl(x,tiD1; IbalCltPlt for Toronto bn the harko. Th:-) %%.•re cl,icago. 111.. .April Y_.-Tlw gnat - _� ( Auslrsl- will bt►rio u protectisn caught fu Jho fkKdl anti wnter got into the cars. Tile loss may ren(.h storm (d wind, avow anti rain, Which pravelkrd In tilt middle wast Satur tnrifr, bIt it will malt ilia w,r high fie $50•x- un ey oar"free trade" tnrlff.-MALI and Em- Anti swept ve l,akenly un and swept over loin Mtchl total parr. Allose the Ornger Aura. gaol Lnto Chlnsgu. It dill damfigo to In 7411. gnertion orf whether n tariff Cincinnati, Ohio, April 2t. -The prropK•rly, blew ,Mown tree and mllrtab Is Lor In not fur protection does not Ohio River reached turty-five feet Mry In tow purism find trtmdrvarde, r altogotliver 4le'pentl on its'me'"' - t4"ight, pad will ,each tbt dagger Tlak-"br 1'UCF M -t 1lm-p-it" Mitt- crippled electric wiree anti whippetd tlif takes into the htmviegt *en Of' "veFy Idpthl- -----` _ _ that osraeoa. Many %emlseis Ilk(] t, /eek, l[r. Andy i11grnro can Iwi Tharp has been afore nlnrm through- *Itelter. *currLI-oul when Ile talks behind the ,ut the Ohio valley to -idly un account Wastatingl„u it fermi• or pnrlinmentnry pritilege. But of the flo(Z tlan fit tiny perlud *Ince F'ebannry, 1881, when the Oh:., Ither ,Itrporl. \t'nRlahlgton, April 2S, 11.13 n.m.- 41 Amoy Ingram ,.arraigning Hon. Mr. reached its hlgh •fit singe def xe Pnly- Thr vventhrr bureau has insurd the Rust• "mpnnn of (lecency and moral- ague feet enol eight luc•hew nal thin city. ffrllowing *1,Prinl 1"dl"tln: n ply" tw Adm pi(kWtcklnn to he heard Montt of lite inhribltantn of till vnllPy During thn Inst "4 bfmrr lhn fg11n h - -Ment She night In nnticlpsat'on of the River hon fnllrn 4.4 feet fit PittRlrurg t wlliwut Inughter. W rmt flood ever known in the valley, find R ("rt nt Ravin I+1and dem. It ___ Now til0 Steel Tnmwt la thrrntrocd eelko. us they will rxtt know until to-nxr- ham ripen four fet tit Parkrrml,urg, row that the water ham h.•gnn (fill- 7.1 rept nt Cinclnnntl ant] 4.4 feet nt with n Log TJuv gnemtotl or Ing fit PlAtnMirg. 1'ntll talo new•n I..xllavllip. The river x•111 pnxs below wage" In n')t fit incur, Imo the rum- rent•h(nl tho r1%er men here lo-hkRl't she dringnr•Ilne, 2� rapt, fit Pitts. pian)• inxiptls that It will not "ree- It waR team,, that the record of IAM burg too-oMy. The crest of the flood the amalRnntnif aworkn- Oa)lj n P _who Irl ILL Ie r1 II roil sic N Il lit n b .k R R erully b liprei thut lite river will not (t 1 e in *. r nrkrrebmr t In Ti. R ri%er wilt pnmR iebw th4` dnnt;rtr Ione, i lino In the mnnngemrnt of Itmworkw. in exceed the flodt of Febrienry, lldtl7, a50 fort, fit Cincinnati by tonight, 11 The union tlrentrno tit (•fill (plot 60,- and, of March..1898. when it. reached a'n'I the erect will Irian that pd.int coo men on strike. alxty-oxine fret Lot Cincinnati. \t lXXIINrllle the dnng.r line Lor '!A nl -- _ -r fe t wad b� reached by Tarsi(y i,lzlltr tvun•ler it Lite Tury mruhlueciuld AIrFAIt(t+ ItAb A WIIF:BhIN(i There are rno prpsegt indicnilnn+ of R: ell explain the origin of that "circular Vl%c'llnndred (louses F'IooMd and whlth -- (ohansio In the condltlonR tufflrlent to check the falling vatere neer the --- - -- R"Ile-ling. W. Va., April :51. -At 9 1l% in. thi ray" was 4t (Det 4 triches POPE APPEALS TO CARLOS. and rL•Ang S InNKIs an hour. Th- top — botch was expr-etell It nn hour or Aska 111nt to ('heck the Anit-Clerlrml t%.o. w'ith lw+s Llan 41 f::irt. This Movement In Portunal. staprt "lints Whorling entir►ly out of f.uld•11r rommunicalt in by rntl, {G)nw, April -2.-Popp len has air! only tlr% Mg Cincinnati liners are written goo antogrnplile letter to nbte tit run now, find trate rraldeuta King Chasrlw of Portugal, appenling along tho rls.•r bankm note flring to him to cherk the nntl-clerleal fr,tglrntly fit flu+ hontw brrantlr the nxoremrnt, which has now reached mwPil from them la wnmhing foundn- swrlonm prv)porttnns on role.onnt of the tirxta away frons their IKSrww. fn support lent It by thn fiovernment. ti,"l"llnR, nellnlre, Rrldgelsrl, Ren Tile vn'lean Authorities are *tronR- wo1o:1 And Martin's Ferry nhout 51X1 ly of the imprwwlam that King hrnAlso hnre been PnterM by tion wn Charlot Im In favor of the emanrlpxt- ler, mo»t of the famlllps moving to tion of PortnirAl from the domina- upoier flmrs. Nearly arery winnufae• tion rtf thn clerical ordpre. tnring ewtaloll,lhinte t do the Whee•ling This In gnito n aptbnrk for the. dstrirt Is *hM dovrn and cannot law Ilarie+ who carr., ff,rmprl,v so streona ourno until Teew1¢lr. that they were abin to lvoropel King At Martin'* Ferry the cantor dr (.hnrlev to obey the Pnpxtl orders fnr- wtrOyrd 500.000 brick fit tow' Belltaxtt bidding him to visit him nnrin, thr Prick Comryany. pntnlling n komm of Inte King linmbert, at Rome. 11'_00!1!1 to $110 (XXL. Th.•re are ,•mailer t o+.rw to rather pinntm, aggregating l,rrfbthly a40.(XX). Taking tiro Iota of British (ltleer ,Kilted by flosern, Mtatnnaa, rallraind lnn,11111(te•R nn,l In Ppkin, April 21. -it In (4fklnlly rat dcactriwl konowt. the nRRrrsnte coat of pxortM tient (len. Redd, commaaditrl tM find in this dintrlrt In nt leftist at Rhnn-Hnt-Kwan, sent Majni $InO,000. probably more. Rrownlast nn,l n company of Pao- t'resldeat cant,, Cashier Sn:eldp. Jnuh Infantry to dlaparmn w hand of robbrro between Ching�Wan-Ton cad Tanronver, lYaasl., Apprril 21. -Chan. Fnnln/r-fn. A rombinw(1 fnrne fit FATV Brown and F,. L. Canby, Prnaldent Prs toad robboars, numhoring n thea ant enshler rpeppcthely of the First want men, attnrkM the expedltlon Natlon•il Rank• of tills city, which killInK lfnjor Rrowning an i oil* Or th1 was forced to Anspend yestprday, rokllprp, awl wOnnding several. Tin eommltt(vl suicide InAt nigw�h1t. two company rwtrnntnn to Fnning-fn Mi1M fron hare. Tbplr Wise were awl reinforroments have bwpn seer' runlet this ttltoraing. to them from allan Tarsi-Rwaw. r � ,;, .. - rte; tA.... .,... The Markets Lrrdleg \\'heel tlarketa, ulluoving Lore alur]ng g11utuli„1i. Joy Lot impsortaut wlwaat eruh•r. sago ... ... 1--- ia171 ar York ... ... ... -- 0 77 .; y Waukee ... ... ... 0 7:1 -..-- holds ............ Wires dvo%n. ledu ... ... ... ... 0 7 i 0 71 l 1 lr(At ... ... ... ... \\Tres duwu. loth, No. i X... 0 71 s4 luth. No. 1 1t... 0 73 3 l --- 7nerpolle, No. 1 .urtheru ... ... ... 0 71 5 8 U 7U 7 y Late Jlarket.. Averpoul, April " .-Cluslug teat elrot, dull ; Nu. 2� red western later, 5s 10 1-Sd; No. 1 uurthuru ring, 6m 1--d ; Nu. 1 Cal., es 1 3.ori; ;ores, firm ; May, 5r 1(kd ; July, 5s- 1 -4d. . Turualo M"armers' Alarket. kprll ;52. -The prinoi�al rreviptr un oatreot ntnrknt here to-duy wern tier nwltyfgr; thesewerooffer'"I t•ely. Thero wits u ruirly Inrge al mionen of farmers, eonrWer"I' u w•vnther curl the state of lits ado, but there were low by'e,v. •gulnr dealers said It wits lite r'rent Saturday lou far tit's year. o grnln, hay uT straw wits offer,•1, id lite deliverler ted vegetabkes.nel erred Itogs were light. Estgr fit U; , Lik. Some snail lots of funcy dls ruld a mint or two) IligTirr. ratio wets out sutiv'e, still ttiwar Is be close huklerr appeared very an, ant to get rill of their su,11rlae4. r1ros In other lines of prolnee ars .Initially steady and unchans..l. 'hent, white 6lic; red, 68!tc; g(dse, 7%e ; spring. 70•. Barley, 46e, Ityr, 1K. Buckwheat. 551kc. Outs, 35kr. rite• 65c. Ilny $l5 to $16. Straw, 9. L0. l'orunlu tildes and Wuol. ItOles, cured, 7 tar 71-4e; calfskiss, o. L 7 k1 tk: Nu. '•e 6 tri 7c Act - )no (dalrins), each, 50 til 65e; slnrppe skins, fresh. I1Q: W 111 ; tnlluw, res- sred, 3 to 5 I -4c ; wood, 9leee", t:t A 1 Le ; unwashed. fleece. H tit 9r . upset, super.. 17 to tyc ; pulled, ex ria. L'0 to 'Ale; hhies, , green. 5y.- t 1 6'f c, • oe •rat rooto I,Ire . 1 i k llrrkrl+. export rattle, ahole,I, p,,r cwt. $I ,.I tark.a4. _ dumMium ......... . . 13 1". 1r It.1t t.1w. ... Ji. lir I;. Hutdden.'cwtlle pe -k -d .... 1.11 V3 1 i1 Wit alar: cant., cmto(re.. ask W- 41•r-.. nu(rhen' ewttlo swirl >t ii W til do wed:urn, inlism . ... iM W xx. Hutel'err ronkmoe. tier OWL - �s le W Iran tuli., exuort. I...a, 7. per owL. 1 to W , t :i tour. oxlrnrt. light. per OWL.... t M W I m rase,tere. •hbrl-keep 4 tat to 1 L' 'o elrr-. me,tinal t 6% to I (r1 do Haght t Yi to t r., dtockrn, loft W 1110) Ito. 1 M i3O t L o? -oohs+ end hetten ' tw to t :fi hio-hrr bull.. ..... ' +1 to . Licht .twit bull, per Cwt.... t 74 w r L' Nsu•h oow4, Mob, .... r: of W 1. w t'Mvi,. rime car cwt. t"'"t to t t. a0. bW'k.......... . t n/ to 4 b Pherp, e•klobrrd'. each...... ... t Yi R, I w [Alin w..r-aria led. par rwl . 1 31 to 1 n; do tarurard. per rwl . 1 ls4 In t L di,. tlpr(tat. Omab :3t to .i.n (' sea. @e'r emild. ...... t ad to fiw. - own. Ck•rro'. per cwt 6 : i to , lar Ilrht.D+e' cert. .... *'�. to nut Rog. pint!. p..r ow, .. 6 i, td n s W,w,.lwr,;wt........_.......... t.l. to 1* :ab,aen.... . ....... .......... t lar 10' 1 ,e a4t*WV4 111 t, eD Ck(tes0 Markets. Sou F1grJ1. April 2b. -The first meVtiWXX0f the Flash ChorM W,arl war liel.l',in►t evrning. Two hitnd:al an•1 fifty bimrclal, all white. Vti--o Offered on hoard, 8,• none w.hl:dMl 81-4c td, 8 un curb. ltnu•ra fire- arnt-Wo(rl. 11runner. I,,.grn *cal. Birdsall. Board wilt inert en FrIM! during the srallon. Canton. N. Y...-Lprit'.L-Chpeer, There Is at, nrtive 11111019 ,IPmxel at stmitty mnrket - trmm last week. 1Ye to jotttAsl prices here per Mtsbel at lf7 S3 to $1(..50 fur alsike. i►7 tat r't f.. r' lad el.,vpr nn I *:.' 15 tat $3 15 f ,r tim- othy. Haulto:eA Erwin M.arkrIC I�•nl wl►att market I, st It J'Al and lwctire, Above Leong Lou di-" silken U,war,lo wctivs Lvnd,:19- nud_ it In nc.nrcvly likoll thaL 11%) (I•n'k ening lit trade will talk" Place until lake lusslgntlon IV al,trnt to ()lien, which Wray be experienced within throe we•pk0. Present, price+ are as follow*: tin. 1 Mrd 7V:. N'! '' 11ard 75c. Noe 3 hu.ro tiba. tuuo +jn,.1 pwrd 61c, tough Nu 1 worthrrn 31c, all in store fit Fort WIlltain. spit (.r ria r,uta Drtrd No. 3 hard tat film anmo hies as straight No. :1 hsrl. Onts-Rrrrtneaa the been gnittipr weetk. Th -re N still sine 4lrinn ,l W seed oats, to supply whH, broth W- tarin aAfI Northern Allierta nate arr taping used. Thr (doubts whit, hevc be,,n cast upon the grrminstisi glralitlen of tho"Intttr hnre had tit' effect tof turning ntt-•ntion�tLIOI, tanto orate. Thnre lie a at ndy for (trawl tints. Hnl,ltrR, mnnlfe"t a little nxore anxiety to lar stocks. lar the warm weattio r l4 a;%' pronching, wlen them Is dnng,•r 4 tM onto hemming sprlle,l bat hent In1r. We quote: Ontario frits, Nit- .-. white, 46c per i t"wl : Alb•rLn 41 l0 4ge ; llnnit-Irk grR4rw -NII- 4' 40r. In ear foots. on trnr.k 1o►re.-tvin nlpeg Coinmerclal. April 19. Ilradmtreet+' on Trade. Wholesale trade nt llnfitrt•AI 111• pact week Ilan born moderately iia" Ire, anti on the whole there hail lee'. , r r, rat M . ctl 1 r nrr int. A Ar Im r m m P tlnnn aro being made. for tike "11"' Ing of navlgnlion, anti Inrge loo:• titles (,f freight are walling t" c" forward. Thern hnre barn spa"' rorntry b11yprm In Toront" thl+w'e°'t• nod house salon in the wh,deasle".* pnrlmentia of LrnAe have bran Ins- rr. FAni(rl an far this Arnmon in tatn! /lrpnrtgkrfftWr'tjf'_tmisIIT -- ._spws.._-'t (•oneiktrabin in"Pnar. Over Irpll'"' Yrara for the nam(+ time. There hast hnpn a g(xdl distrlbutive drmnndf"I various step!" gO(eln At thrall "n"' I le pant week. Large shipments''^n tinnw to bat iraLde to varlous poor(+ of tho erwtntry. Travollers nrr Bend Ing forwarrt good -skid orders fee the aprinq and anntmer. Country rat mitinhrrr, rare very fair for this sen' Ron. There- In no aperlel fealnro in wboleanle trm,l" Lot Wtnnipm Ther° Jur been R fair morrmrnt from )"h berm' hands at London thl4 we"k Rotallern ere dimpnmM to ^cels f r Prally In view of the prowl+ the Ii'itrlflenOnfurt shoal that+trndr Is not specially active. FIRE AT STRATFORD. N111 Ann .Ipvntpr Fall Prey I" trimmest. Atratfor4l, flat.. April "1,--.\t the«' drlock thin morning n biAsp came (lir corerrd fit Rorld A (•nlln010 flair mill an 1 rlpvntor. The film's hall nor fn`w matin !treat headway when t T' llrr Wn srrlvwl. AR th6 venter r was spry wank, efforts to cherk Inst fire were ineffPrttva. Th* h11lh'ints wnr" rompletely glutted, ,,"IT II'r Wali@ being loft standling Thr tMAl low U $40,000; Imm�rnneo $'' � �a �'1-rpt Allnnt il.0W hnla,els of Oatwi page, *Ml harloy. In the nle,ntnl were destroyed, And that whole '"111• tag Plast wrecked. BEAUTIFUL, ILL4 MARIE Burn OurIOX Earthquake, Wodr 1'eriahed In Rev, Jt ,pas ono bturired years Lou Ooto- I h,•r III. Ib91, ahno '•the unfortunat0 (laoell of France'• expLat(d tan tits walfuld till the crlwes lhut urlsto- vrac) lilt,, (.outwitted in tilt, land u%0r w'h Loh 0110 came front .luutrla to re,gn rind w-Itich served tier us never wunuut rt, b(wutidul and (charming had aet•a served before. It woe on the 16th of October, 1793, dost Nlnrie Antollietto war executed. :I,n wag born November 2, 1753, the ,L,) of tho graft earthqunke fit Lls- hun, ilio daughter of the Kaiser f'ruut, for whuul the Immorlul utt- tioltrtl h)11tu was wrltte11, nud of the grist 3farla Therean. She w•as be- truthod lit the then Datophitt, the son Lot lou_a XV„ e,,Lrly In April, 1770 final Yat the 21st of the sumo mouth s:'t cul tot Frame, Her progress eluants Jho coctineut wits triumphnl, ,a wl she war married cal Versailles on May loth, In the nlklrt of It storm uI thtlldpr ,tot 14rhtning. Nile was then still a young girl and her figure had ,itdeereloped. 1L was tour years later when Edmulod Burke saw her, the queen of tho court fetes, seal could roespare her to Imithiang Plus titan ••the uu,rrl5ng star, full of life and splendor nvnd JOY." I,,,,I,A X\'. diad that very year to lit" spring. After that tvrotatlen tile. quiwn decided on Ute Petit Tr4non, tit \'erx:7111eu. as a retreat from ,the ceras of state. It wits her husband's present to her. During the next iwttive ypnre she continued to leau- tify rand embellis!t It, and it played s t4wriblo part In the great drama of the revolution. The Comte d'Artw, the Princome do Lamballp, Duohplsse MARIE ANTOINETTE. Pram a portrait aaW to have been taken In prism. . ocel not at oho waI not Inj1 mlrt pie( i,4. PuligaacI Mme. Da plarryI higoy, lo,a do Besenval, Lausun and' F•orren- never wns there such a o0*1tnY tit gay, thoughticsto young p duple, It( the vupreme height Lot plcarare nud gnlety ,one pay gad tho neat in the :1 11- uwful gulf of rerolulinu and m sw cru. If was at the Trianon that the Queen gnve her c,wutry Islrties. nnioqueruder and b cunt aIIr1`fOTmA . ' Her first child. "1[ndame Royal," afterward the Duchome d'Anf� I,me, war born Deceinber lt►th, t'M. Ti iHtuphln wits W-ra in the autumn of T781. There were Irani is re}wc- ingR all over Paris, and the market. wontpn, dreesed ism hln,•k *Hit, wttrlVL pl fit the palitee. Tho i nc do Nor• failb,tl' wets r�Am, gad-__ Princt,wr Stjoide„ %ilio diet] young,In 1786. --- TM• affair of the eSaasond a0ck lane happpksed in 1791, and worm- flow that emvtiststl gato n teartrd Im !saint to the grc,wing tWe i'f dis(•on- t4•nt. Marie Antoinette halt tet%=e '•the AtttrtrLln w(xnnn" wham Parts hated sand mafigne(t, The meluorabtt• meeting of the States lleriernd, the first since 1815, took place on May 4th. 1789. It was v:► that day w•heu thr King and Queen walked lit the tthnttmilec was, hootelh(uKlThe Ba/tUr wap taken .July lith, and the exa ,haw began. Tie bread rloln wetirred Dn Aha nth and 6th rd 0�tubpr. Vermnilles cane attackrn and enrro(nded by ,he mob, and the Kivx rand 4tieell were removed to Parts. Tbia WIw that be- ginning of the end. Tho royal fam- _liy tfrOk lapp�� �t_heir life fit the Tullar l.4%. 'lona wlloritvs .Ate ovwr ,%:am made 1n Junp, 1791, Arreated fit the litldp town of A'nreunL% over 1;U0 collets frurn ('aril, the fugitives here brouglit Ixlck to virtual lm prbmxlment. lint. year Inter the sanR•culotten. phtging "C'nirn" and led 17 Suntorre, h•mlegr.l the '1'ldlerieei, bureT-in-: {n'' sottrd the King a 11141riw4,044'4414" lac:.. call of the (shoo+ veto I'll the Italy$, aCninmt the non-Jurin., pri -silt and tlry asnigrrn. On the night of Aug:' 9th ((that year, 17U-, tit,. lnc,•la sounded rind the next tiny the .ra(.obina rind Ihr llnrsrlials mnrehed (Lot Nae pomace, the Nnti(mAl Owird throw•hr,t do%%n their atmn. 'Clip. royal family; acct m. pdtntr,l h7 the Duchenne dp Lnmtwtii(• lint] the Dncheamp de 'rourzel, left the Tuderlen fit H In the mossninK nud ualket through tho RrLrticn to the AReemAly. Thr mob hootrd them :tied n aR- 1CP nal i t r r nal. h n over nn tit r P � P 1' p r A rat w ct•t R L, ( n rad the Swtaa. y the King and hta family, now at Istat okwnly trentrd ns prlsonerm, were re rnnred to the tower of tits temple. The temple, formerly the hendquar" torp of the Knights rreinplar, eon piated od two part", and Fining - nnil Ilan t(wypr, which wits n prtden. Wfore the mo ntl won out the PrlorrsR dr h^ aIle h •r Qw left efts kis tool tol I arn, rail( its wh M. teen removed to the prl+on of I.a' I-nrpe. The natortenntl, 1'rincems w all mnrdernil (xi, D,r. 1rd. The Republic was pro•inlur`d by lhr ronventign on S•pt. L'lnt. After tM4 drerpp the prisoners were trenteil with Increased severity. They were (lints,, writing matertnln And were not allowed to ronverse except rlluu,l In the presence of thPlr j• llerm. Nncrtl pr,rirls were denled them, and lisp Queen had to do m"nlel work. Small Inllgndtlen were vilified on thpm. The King wns bronght before till, inn vrntion for trial on litre. 11th. The ftrrnnlly infnmrmin Barere rond11eted the ceremony. After the rending of life net oN aeousatlon the King wall not nllowed to see hoc fnmthv, tont was pprmlttPd twnn*pl. kt. de dfnlrR herlo^R nerved fort' him. Louie wrote him will on Chrlostman day, and np Iwairr.l 1efOrn the convention for the mrrnn4.1 time, on rho 26th, when ho rend Tile drfpnrp. The King wnoa sen tensed on .inn. 17th land Pxrcllten on that 21st. Loftin Wass In itis 19th year fit the time of him death. film body was Barer fM that night In nn open (•offint. flll,vl with gqnick time, In the mmmnn ('rmetory Of the Madplpinn. He sent H the Quppn the wadding ring Fill, hold give" Mm find other N,ke'nas nhleh reached her after grpnt (lit firnity Ber deppair wan Ro Kr,vlt thnt her dnnghter mAA 11lndame FI'tR btIt feared for hpr reason. She Fal r"'I�1 by nn illness lar Un,lnm^ itoY ala, And then n sprio11m mdeknMn n th" hanphln'n. )10 rPDorprod, only i,4 04 "palated from his mosher by tht t' n Fe h i1 n t 1 f I t , I I I I I I I I Caasuot ..t.cwslainrluA_P- �� Ant rd the Chief ranching dlmtrlet of dopR not mean W hnre Kot farther the west, the opermtkon tit *Loch nn than tat) than linndr of a Tury aonmet- eetablllohmrnt will ixolh henpflt the enrL6lt the rnnchpr. The Lk1n tlrrngatr " Thr (edlow-s who town and rrpight (xl enttle from lie• far Wrist, to,gpd nn fmilti in ()t tbp Olote would which mumt nlwnym Mt IVA%y, m••nns prolnbly nut hPeltnte to forge a +4i, mm•rs deducted from lite price the etrenlnr t, Cprlwxs otflebalr. nua•hrr wfmd,l O'hPrw•Ide rrc(•1%r for - lod beasts. If they itre k111ed, and Unlet+ Iwrr,l Roberts has rritwons wily the mnrketnMe parts of them mhlpgord, there Iv n 13T9P mn%Ing In naves peen hiatal nal fur haw ungra- trnntiiv,etatlnn, whi-h mpnn+ n Inrg•r rinnenemp toward (ienernl Ihill.•r, falls price for liar, rnJehrr. The work In irt11dlOdl enidnemm toward lite nvan wlut r4sulertlon with packing the went ,tld the b►Ig end of the Work (ow which nliso (urnlmhon more labor for oar own r. it ral*O op^n" lap prompect11 I,otd ltrdberts romps the glaory and prep for fuurther emp!oylnrnt In ronverting nxmey rewards In not crooditable to Int•% manufactured articlpm the by- 011`+ the mon, wk•), know flim hr*t Iw4rtueta of the pnrklnfc fnetory. This .Lad Im n prluttrral Applicalton of tie petit- br+rt n11at WhO ahnr111 h{r mtrngglc*, urn rlplen of the Nntlonal i'olley." nil with Miller. '• Nntinnal P011ry," ideed : It 1+ Ih: -- - %pry fq"ite to the nppllention Of Milwankstn Ins a new hinernl fml. tion Nntionnl Pnllry, find nnly ih„ A rdrpk of twdformen l,nir,•ra hna Idinelomt sand densest parll%nn moil! Imten orgilnliked rand drill,d nn.i now n%(dd *Po It. Th" ?l. in wsm In- nervew nal f(xlPrnla of the hnut Wn. c 1 til* estnbllshm •nt to all Tlr•y are (alformf4l in binck, With of ltrin*trlhe where they wonhl wort OFlead w kin,n Irtrchrw, britedl h.4on*p ei►1ltw, no►111r.ally i, to wLlh wine, whit' nifflew at the neck A1jtnrt nnlnral Inca In prMomlr+. Calgary litllpw,notad and wri+tm and a military chapeau, relLtr<•,I with n little white. Th' onn. hPIRg a great eatttl,-ralving district, cern twin turn In(v,r pleated, nn41 ull find It Ming cheaper to ship tit" too gat g inn at 140. flnUhPd than the live enttle, nature cr'rtm lit . rrAIR nm cl►prrhtl aR prnswiMl,. rful nntl nr►t tike N. P. pw(rmPdl to 81-11111- fnclnre. ill pr(arctive tariffs ennld N rev it is maid that 11fOrgnit, of (lo Would hp tri mnke It more costly ( Stevtl Trust fnmp, ham In,ught tit" to op4`rnls ancli can Industry. nnuch-talked-of Galnwhor•cmlgh por- R"Ile-ling. W. Va., April :51. -At 9 1l% in. thi ray" was 4t (Det 4 triches POPE APPEALS TO CARLOS. and rL•Ang S InNKIs an hour. Th- top — botch was expr-etell It nn hour or Aska 111nt to ('heck the Anit-Clerlrml t%.o. w'ith lw+s Llan 41 f::irt. This Movement In Portunal. staprt "lints Whorling entir►ly out of f.uld•11r rommunicalt in by rntl, {G)nw, April -2.-Popp len has air! only tlr% Mg Cincinnati liners are written goo antogrnplile letter to nbte tit run now, find trate rraldeuta King Chasrlw of Portugal, appenling along tho rls.•r bankm note flring to him to cherk the nntl-clerleal fr,tglrntly fit flu+ hontw brrantlr the nxoremrnt, which has now reached mwPil from them la wnmhing foundn- swrlonm prv)porttnns on role.onnt of the tirxta away frons their IKSrww. fn support lent It by thn fiovernment. ti,"l"llnR, nellnlre, Rrldgelsrl, Ren Tile vn'lean Authorities are *tronR- wo1o:1 And Martin's Ferry nhout 51X1 ly of the imprwwlam that King hrnAlso hnre been PnterM by tion wn Charlot Im In favor of the emanrlpxt- ler, mo»t of the famlllps moving to tion of PortnirAl from the domina- upoier flmrs. Nearly arery winnufae• tion rtf thn clerical ordpre. tnring ewtaloll,lhinte t do the Whee•ling This In gnito n aptbnrk for the. dstrirt Is *hM dovrn and cannot law Ilarie+ who carr., ff,rmprl,v so streona ourno until Teew1¢lr. that they were abin to lvoropel King At Martin'* Ferry the cantor dr (.hnrlev to obey the Pnpxtl orders fnr- wtrOyrd 500.000 brick fit tow' Belltaxtt bidding him to visit him nnrin, thr Prick Comryany. pntnlling n komm of Inte King linmbert, at Rome. 11'_00!1!1 to $110 (XXL. Th.•re are ,•mailer t o+.rw to rather pinntm, aggregating l,rrfbthly a40.(XX). Taking tiro Iota of British (ltleer ,Kilted by flosern, Mtatnnaa, rallraind lnn,11111(te•R nn,l In Ppkin, April 21. -it In (4fklnlly rat dcactriwl konowt. the nRRrrsnte coat of pxortM tient (len. Redd, commaaditrl tM find in this dintrlrt In nt leftist at Rhnn-Hnt-Kwan, sent Majni $InO,000. probably more. Rrownlast nn,l n company of Pao- t'resldeat cant,, Cashier Sn:eldp. Jnuh Infantry to dlaparmn w hand of robbrro between Ching�Wan-Ton cad Tanronver, lYaasl., Apprril 21. -Chan. Fnnln/r-fn. A rombinw(1 fnrne fit FATV Brown and F,. L. Canby, Prnaldent Prs toad robboars, numhoring n thea ant enshler rpeppcthely of the First want men, attnrkM the expedltlon Natlon•il Rank• of tills city, which killInK lfnjor Rrowning an i oil* Or th1 was forced to Anspend yestprday, rokllprp, awl wOnnding several. Tin eommltt(vl suicide InAt nigw�h1t. two company rwtrnntnn to Fnning-fn Mi1M fron hare. Tbplr Wise were awl reinforroments have bwpn seer' runlet this ttltoraing. to them from allan Tarsi-Rwaw. r � ,;, .. - rte; tA.... .,... The Markets Lrrdleg \\'heel tlarketa, ulluoving Lore alur]ng g11utuli„1i. Joy Lot impsortaut wlwaat eruh•r. sago ... ... 1--- ia171 ar York ... ... ... -- 0 77 .; y Waukee ... ... ... 0 7:1 -..-- holds ............ Wires dvo%n. ledu ... ... ... ... 0 7 i 0 71 l 1 lr(At ... ... ... ... \\Tres duwu. loth, No. i X... 0 71 s4 luth. No. 1 1t... 0 73 3 l --- 7nerpolle, No. 1 .urtheru ... ... ... 0 71 5 8 U 7U 7 y Late Jlarket.. Averpoul, April " .-Cluslug teat elrot, dull ; Nu. 2� red western later, 5s 10 1-Sd; No. 1 uurthuru ring, 6m 1--d ; Nu. 1 Cal., es 1 3.ori; ;ores, firm ; May, 5r 1(kd ; July, 5s- 1 -4d. . Turualo M"armers' Alarket. kprll ;52. -The prinoi�al rreviptr un oatreot ntnrknt here to-duy wern tier nwltyfgr; thesewerooffer'"I t•ely. Thero wits u ruirly Inrge al mionen of farmers, eonrWer"I' u w•vnther curl the state of lits ado, but there were low by'e,v. •gulnr dealers said It wits lite r'rent Saturday lou far tit's year. o grnln, hay uT straw wits offer,•1, id lite deliverler ted vegetabkes.nel erred Itogs were light. Estgr fit U; , Lik. Some snail lots of funcy dls ruld a mint or two) IligTirr. ratio wets out sutiv'e, still ttiwar Is be close huklerr appeared very an, ant to get rill of their su,11rlae4. r1ros In other lines of prolnee ars .Initially steady and unchans..l. 'hent, white 6lic; red, 68!tc; g(dse, 7%e ; spring. 70•. Barley, 46e, Ityr, 1K. Buckwheat. 551kc. Outs, 35kr. rite• 65c. Ilny $l5 to $16. Straw, 9. L0. l'orunlu tildes and Wuol. ItOles, cured, 7 tar 71-4e; calfskiss, o. L 7 k1 tk: Nu. '•e 6 tri 7c Act - )no (dalrins), each, 50 til 65e; slnrppe skins, fresh. I1Q: W 111 ; tnlluw, res- sred, 3 to 5 I -4c ; wood, 9leee", t:t A 1 Le ; unwashed. fleece. H tit 9r . upset, super.. 17 to tyc ; pulled, ex ria. L'0 to 'Ale; hhies, , green. 5y.- t 1 6'f c, • oe •rat rooto I,Ire . 1 i k llrrkrl+. export rattle, ahole,I, p,,r cwt. $I ,.I tark.a4. _ dumMium ......... . . 13 1". 1r It.1t t.1w. ... Ji. lir I;. Hutdden.'cwtlle pe -k -d .... 1.11 V3 1 i1 Wit alar: cant., cmto(re.. ask W- 41•r-.. nu(rhen' ewttlo swirl >t ii W til do wed:urn, inlism . ... iM W xx. Hutel'err ronkmoe. tier OWL - �s le W Iran tuli., exuort. I...a, 7. per owL. 1 to W , t :i tour. oxlrnrt. light. per OWL.... t M W I m rase,tere. •hbrl-keep 4 tat to 1 L' 'o elrr-. me,tinal t 6% to I (r1 do Haght t Yi to t r., dtockrn, loft W 1110) Ito. 1 M i3O t L o? -oohs+ end hetten ' tw to t :fi hio-hrr bull.. ..... ' +1 to . Licht .twit bull, per Cwt.... t 74 w r L' Nsu•h oow4, Mob, .... r: of W 1. w t'Mvi,. rime car cwt. t"'"t to t t. a0. bW'k.......... . t n/ to 4 b Pherp, e•klobrrd'. each...... ... t Yi R, I w [Alin w..r-aria led. par rwl . 1 31 to 1 n; do tarurard. per rwl . 1 ls4 In t L di,. tlpr(tat. Omab :3t to .i.n (' sea. @e'r emild. ...... t ad to fiw. - own. Ck•rro'. per cwt 6 : i to , lar Ilrht.D+e' cert. .... *'�. to nut Rog. pint!. p..r ow, .. 6 i, td n s W,w,.lwr,;wt........_.......... t.l. to 1* :ab,aen.... . ....... .......... t lar 10' 1 ,e a4t*WV4 111 t, eD Ck(tes0 Markets. Sou F1grJ1. April 2b. -The first meVtiWXX0f the Flash ChorM W,arl war liel.l',in►t evrning. Two hitnd:al an•1 fifty bimrclal, all white. Vti--o Offered on hoard, 8,• none w.hl:dMl 81-4c td, 8 un curb. ltnu•ra fire- arnt-Wo(rl. 11runner. I,,.grn *cal. Birdsall. Board wilt inert en FrIM! during the srallon. Canton. N. Y...-Lprit'.L-Chpeer, There Is at, nrtive 11111019 ,IPmxel at stmitty mnrket - trmm last week. 1Ye to jotttAsl prices here per Mtsbel at lf7 S3 to $1(..50 fur alsike. i►7 tat r't f.. r' lad el.,vpr nn I *:.' 15 tat $3 15 f ,r tim- othy. Haulto:eA Erwin M.arkrIC I�•nl wl►att market I, st It J'Al and lwctire, Above Leong Lou di-" silken U,war,lo wctivs Lvnd,:19- nud_ it In nc.nrcvly likoll thaL 11%) (I•n'k ening lit trade will talk" Place until lake lusslgntlon IV al,trnt to ()lien, which Wray be experienced within throe we•pk0. Present, price+ are as follow*: tin. 1 Mrd 7V:. N'! '' 11ard 75c. Noe 3 hu.ro tiba. tuuo +jn,.1 pwrd 61c, tough Nu 1 worthrrn 31c, all in store fit Fort WIlltain. spit (.r ria r,uta Drtrd No. 3 hard tat film anmo hies as straight No. :1 hsrl. Onts-Rrrrtneaa the been gnittipr weetk. Th -re N still sine 4lrinn ,l W seed oats, to supply whH, broth W- tarin aAfI Northern Allierta nate arr taping used. Thr (doubts whit, hevc be,,n cast upon the grrminstisi glralitlen of tho"Intttr hnre had tit' effect tof turning ntt-•ntion�tLIOI, tanto orate. Thnre lie a at ndy for (trawl tints. Hnl,ltrR, mnnlfe"t a little nxore anxiety to lar stocks. lar the warm weattio r l4 a;%' pronching, wlen them Is dnng,•r 4 tM onto hemming sprlle,l bat hent In1r. We quote: Ontario frits, Nit- .-. white, 46c per i t"wl : Alb•rLn 41 l0 4ge ; llnnit-Irk grR4rw -NII- 4' 40r. In ear foots. on trnr.k 1o►re.-tvin nlpeg Coinmerclal. April 19. Ilradmtreet+' on Trade. Wholesale trade nt llnfitrt•AI 111• pact week Ilan born moderately iia" Ire, anti on the whole there hail lee'. , r r, rat M . ctl 1 r nrr int. A Ar Im r m m P tlnnn aro being made. for tike "11"' Ing of navlgnlion, anti Inrge loo:• titles (,f freight are walling t" c" forward. Thern hnre barn spa"' rorntry b11yprm In Toront" thl+w'e°'t• nod house salon in the wh,deasle".* pnrlmentia of LrnAe have bran Ins- rr. FAni(rl an far this Arnmon in tatn! /lrpnrtgkrfftWr'tjf'_tmisIIT -- ._spws.._-'t (•oneiktrabin in"Pnar. Over Irpll'"' Yrara for the nam(+ time. There hast hnpn a g(xdl distrlbutive drmnndf"I various step!" gO(eln At thrall "n"' I le pant week. Large shipments''^n tinnw to bat iraLde to varlous poor(+ of tho erwtntry. Travollers nrr Bend Ing forwarrt good -skid orders fee the aprinq and anntmer. Country rat mitinhrrr, rare very fair for this sen' Ron. There- In no aperlel fealnro in wboleanle trm,l" Lot Wtnnipm Ther° Jur been R fair morrmrnt from )"h berm' hands at London thl4 we"k Rotallern ere dimpnmM to ^cels f r Prally In view of the prowl+ the Ii'itrlflenOnfurt shoal that+trndr Is not specially active. FIRE AT STRATFORD. N111 Ann .Ipvntpr Fall Prey I" trimmest. Atratfor4l, flat.. April "1,--.\t the«' drlock thin morning n biAsp came (lir corerrd fit Rorld A (•nlln010 flair mill an 1 rlpvntor. The film's hall nor fn`w matin !treat headway when t T' llrr Wn srrlvwl. AR th6 venter r was spry wank, efforts to cherk Inst fire were ineffPrttva. Th* h11lh'ints wnr" rompletely glutted, ,,"IT II'r Wali@ being loft standling Thr tMAl low U $40,000; Imm�rnneo $'' � �a �'1-rpt Allnnt il.0W hnla,els of Oatwi page, *Ml harloy. In the nle,ntnl were destroyed, And that whole '"111• tag Plast wrecked. BEAUTIFUL, ILL4 MARIE Burn OurIOX Earthquake, Wodr 1'eriahed In Rev, Jt ,pas ono bturired years Lou Ooto- I h,•r III. Ib91, ahno '•the unfortunat0 (laoell of France'• expLat(d tan tits walfuld till the crlwes lhut urlsto- vrac) lilt,, (.outwitted in tilt, land u%0r w'h Loh 0110 came front .luutrla to re,gn rind w-Itich served tier us never wunuut rt, b(wutidul and (charming had aet•a served before. It woe on the 16th of October, 1793, dost Nlnrie Antollietto war executed. :I,n wag born November 2, 1753, the ,L,) of tho graft earthqunke fit Lls- hun, ilio daughter of the Kaiser f'ruut, for whuul the Immorlul utt- tioltrtl h)11tu was wrltte11, nud of the grist 3farla Therean. She w•as be- truthod lit the then Datophitt, the son Lot lou_a XV„ e,,Lrly In April, 1770 final Yat the 21st of the sumo mouth s:'t cul tot Frame, Her progress eluants Jho coctineut wits triumphnl, ,a wl she war married cal Versailles on May loth, In the nlklrt of It storm uI thtlldpr ,tot 14rhtning. Nile was then still a young girl and her figure had ,itdeereloped. 1L was tour years later when Edmulod Burke saw her, the queen of tho court fetes, seal could roespare her to Imithiang Plus titan ••the uu,rrl5ng star, full of life and splendor nvnd JOY." I,,,,I,A X\'. diad that very year to lit" spring. After that tvrotatlen tile. quiwn decided on Ute Petit Tr4non, tit \'erx:7111eu. as a retreat from ,the ceras of state. It wits her husband's present to her. During the next iwttive ypnre she continued to leau- tify rand embellis!t It, and it played s t4wriblo part In the great drama of the revolution. The Comte d'Artw, the Princome do Lamballp, Duohplsse MARIE ANTOINETTE. Pram a portrait aaW to have been taken In prism. . ocel not at oho waI not Inj1 mlrt pie( i,4. PuligaacI Mme. Da plarryI higoy, lo,a do Besenval, Lausun and' F•orren- never wns there such a o0*1tnY tit gay, thoughticsto young p duple, It( the vupreme height Lot plcarare nud gnlety ,one pay gad tho neat in the :1 11- uwful gulf of rerolulinu and m sw cru. If was at the Trianon that the Queen gnve her c,wutry Islrties. nnioqueruder and b cunt aIIr1`fOTmA . ' Her first child. "1[ndame Royal," afterward the Duchome d'Anf� I,me, war born Deceinber lt►th, t'M. Ti iHtuphln wits W-ra in the autumn of T781. There were Irani is re}wc- ingR all over Paris, and the market. wontpn, dreesed ism hln,•k *Hit, wttrlVL pl fit the palitee. Tho i nc do Nor• failb,tl' wets r�Am, gad-__ Princt,wr Stjoide„ %ilio diet] young,In 1786. --- TM• affair of the eSaasond a0ck lane happpksed in 1791, and worm- flow that emvtiststl gato n teartrd Im !saint to the grc,wing tWe i'f dis(•on- t4•nt. Marie Antoinette halt tet%=e '•the AtttrtrLln w(xnnn" wham Parts hated sand mafigne(t, The meluorabtt• meeting of the States lleriernd, the first since 1815, took place on May 4th. 1789. It was v:► that day w•heu thr King and Queen walked lit the tthnttmilec was, hootelh(uKlThe Ba/tUr wap taken .July lith, and the exa ,haw began. Tie bread rloln wetirred Dn Aha nth and 6th rd 0�tubpr. Vermnilles cane attackrn and enrro(nded by ,he mob, and the Kivx rand 4tieell were removed to Parts. Tbia WIw that be- ginning of the end. Tho royal fam- _liy tfrOk lapp�� �t_heir life fit the Tullar l.4%. 'lona wlloritvs .Ate ovwr ,%:am made 1n Junp, 1791, Arreated fit the litldp town of A'nreunL% over 1;U0 collets frurn ('aril, the fugitives here brouglit Ixlck to virtual lm prbmxlment. lint. year Inter the sanR•culotten. phtging "C'nirn" and led 17 Suntorre, h•mlegr.l the '1'ldlerieei, bureT-in-: {n'' sottrd the King a 11141riw4,044'4414" lac:.. call of the (shoo+ veto I'll the Italy$, aCninmt the non-Jurin., pri -silt and tlry asnigrrn. On the night of Aug:' 9th ((that year, 17U-, tit,. lnc,•la sounded rind the next tiny the .ra(.obina rind Ihr llnrsrlials mnrehed (Lot Nae pomace, the Nnti(mAl Owird throw•hr,t do%%n their atmn. 'Clip. royal family; acct m. pdtntr,l h7 the Duchenne dp Lnmtwtii(• lint] the Dncheamp de 'rourzel, left the Tuderlen fit H In the mossninK nud ualket through tho RrLrticn to the AReemAly. Thr mob hootrd them :tied n aR- 1CP nal i t r r nal. h n over nn tit r P � P 1' p r A rat w ct•t R L, ( n rad the Swtaa. y the King and hta family, now at Istat okwnly trentrd ns prlsonerm, were re rnnred to the tower of tits temple. The temple, formerly the hendquar" torp of the Knights rreinplar, eon piated od two part", and Fining - nnil Ilan t(wypr, which wits n prtden. Wfore the mo ntl won out the PrlorrsR dr h^ aIle h •r Qw left efts kis tool tol I arn, rail( its wh M. teen removed to the prl+on of I.a' I-nrpe. The natortenntl, 1'rincems w all mnrdernil (xi, D,r. 1rd. The Republic was pro•inlur`d by lhr ronventign on S•pt. L'lnt. After tM4 drerpp the prisoners were trenteil with Increased severity. They were (lints,, writing matertnln And were not allowed to ronverse except rlluu,l In the presence of thPlr j• llerm. Nncrtl pr,rirls were denled them, and lisp Queen had to do m"nlel work. Small Inllgndtlen were vilified on thpm. The King wns bronght before till, inn vrntion for trial on litre. 11th. The ftrrnnlly infnmrmin Barere rond11eted the ceremony. After the rending of life net oN aeousatlon the King wall not nllowed to see hoc fnmthv, tont was pprmlttPd twnn*pl. kt. de dfnlrR herlo^R nerved fort' him. Louie wrote him will on Chrlostman day, and np Iwairr.l 1efOrn the convention for the mrrnn4.1 time, on rho 26th, when ho rend Tile drfpnrp. The King wnoa sen tensed on .inn. 17th land Pxrcllten on that 21st. Loftin Wass In itis 19th year fit the time of him death. film body was Barer fM that night In nn open (•offint. flll,vl with gqnick time, In the mmmnn ('rmetory Of the Madplpinn. He sent H the Quppn the wadding ring Fill, hold give" Mm find other N,ke'nas nhleh reached her after grpnt (lit firnity Ber deppair wan Ro Kr,vlt thnt her dnnghter mAA 11lndame FI'tR btIt feared for hpr reason. She Fal r"'I�1 by nn illness lar Un,lnm^ itoY ala, And then n sprio11m mdeknMn n th" hanphln'n. )10 rPDorprod, only i,4 04 "palated from his mosher by tht t' n Fe h i1 n t 1 f I t , I I I I I I I I