HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-25, Page 1THE SIGNAL LOOK AT YOUR .LABEL 1 IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR 1901 ii FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. .4%21 GODERI('H, ON PARU), CAN AD : APRIL 25, 1901. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. THE WEEKLY MAIM,. r REPJR r Uomentan, April M. 1901. gall Wheat '163 to 66 rloar. fondly. pot OW*.... _.«1 10 to 1 10 ✓ lour, patriot, par OWt...i9 60 1'. 1 50 Brea,0 w... "' „16 O isam shorts. tr too • -•• .- . Moreeolods, for cwt 100 to 1 CO Rye, par bosh........ 040 to 0 91 Book wheat. prix baht 0 t0 to 0 50 Oeste. it boob ... • 90 10 6 1) Pees, p bash. .. 60 to 0 61 Berle,. par boob ... .... 97 to 0 38 to 000 bash 90 • Vtoo 10 to91t Potatoes. 0 • .,• l3 to 0 11 putter, (Sewn. per 1b . .,.• 10 to 0 11 tail) fnY . 009. 4. 1 B 10►9 to a 10 Wood .......................... t0 to 400 0.g1lnes. . 90 to s n lamb8klas•~ �� 60 to 0 7U Live Hov 00 to 636 Dressed HOOP 00 to 730 d na, . ....... ......••. 11 to 0 l3 Ham. Ver lb. .............. 16 o" 13 Lard. per Dressed Beef, tore ggasbr, 00 to 0 00 Dressed Bppeoosrt bind " 00 to 0 W Ordinary 00 75 to 3 30 Situations Vassal. WAHTHD._ A OOMPETENT OEN- seal os,vaat, Apply to Yrs, SHIP. HARD, North attest. 274f WASriO.-BY APRiL 15 MI, THREE goal Suss se nook, esti ,r maid and housemaid. Apelly to 21 Ridgewood P.*. Godurhth. 1)ii eTT1(LL1 Publto Nodes MARE FOR BALK -BAY, 7 YEARS old 17 bands hlgle, von antes I0 as d snot. Olt.. W THOYYWN t BON. SPkCIAL NOTICE TO WATER TAR RRB IN ARIICARS,-Partiesowl•g waiters s for the quart' .J must pay up with• at fall by May IN es wash will be torted off. W. L. MORTON. e.,11eo1S.. 9f -21 BF:Ntd1LLtit NURSERIES -'1REES, HLALTHY TKLIB. W. lug. full I ne of trait, oroamanla' and ev.rgreeo Ir e. •' hes( possible prto.. Wr[te 10 s at o co for catalogue Plat• orders euly •n•, tiearethe varletlee you want A Isrge vdrisly of plants suitable for kaagtot basket.. fiend • postal card to us sad we wIll sell f,r ro Ir handing bosoms and ver them filled to your order. Also bed - ante at numnalgs prices. Address : JMO SI Z W ART. egomYMr. Oat. ti /H Mgt Bent. HOU91t 10 LET -A FIRST-CLASS boom on Aagle.ea strut. at protest ea - by Mr. Blmeetz roe p.rtto0lare apply 4 Yn. LOUIdA 81310, Lakeview. Wen aro. VOR SALE OP TO RENT -NEW 1' brick house. ori nor of Brta0als reed fj and Waterloo streetfor p•rtleaten >i••i tly .4 W.J. MOH BO W. 110m1'tes street. C �REN I FOR GRAZING -THE sooth half of lot 59. Maltlaod sae, Moo, Ooderleh towaoh:p, comprising 67 acres Two tool orchard, no the property will bo eel pd ed.leo Tho plass le well (mod and there 1s ea abundant .apply of water. Apply to WM '; M.YATH .oderlob• P.O. or to C1.RTIS STZ V IN 4, Clinton. 96 101 TM BEN F - 9TORR TO RENT IN 1 tbrlvleg woolen town[, 5alabls for dry. AOde. t nee Nrnsehis a a»esW boots sad Mem or geoer.l store Bslnes sot over Sona An A I sent newly refitted. opposite Wading farmer: hotel •d narked. two doors from post «tfic •. Town supported by indus- tries 1aro.ot. dairringtrait and •sot-rSls- l.g. Flnt-cla • op.+o seg. • regular •nap tot rte right moo Write It you mesa hostess*. S. B. BMAL'. Wit Box 64 Listowld. For Bata LAND FOR MALE IN TOWN OF UODRRICH -Tor sale on reasoeab5 terms. 'be proper( known et the Distillery lands, befog part of Mork '9" In the Town of U1iooddwish. °attaining about h soros with ti lag. and watorrights on tbe River Malt lard. For terns apply to GARROW t OAR - ROW. solkltore for the vendor. VOR 9 A L.E. -lAT9 96. 96, 117, 118. 119 1 and lid to Hotohl.oa'. survey, MB In 0odaeloh. ser pertloales s apply to PHILIP HOLT. Barrister. to.. Ooderlch. Marsh 11th, 1900. Ott( A0001) 80 ACRE FARM FOR SALE i et 11..0.0.1040. IL C.4.11.0 Town - ship, "Mooted 1+ miles from Ho manilla. Si orchard, 0.11m Clinton. 1 d spring mood eek A wood field of ft 1 when. Terms rea.onsbls. For partlo- ular. apply te THOS. OUNDRY, sootlo.ear. Oodm ob. lett POLITICS IN PARABLES' About Harbor*, Whletere' FUhing and Ohoeta. Re Otea.*.■ la tho hesitates Cablaes-The Foster and Hos.11l Whiskers-114Mog Trouble ea the Thames Creek --old Ravin bee the Spook, all (Wawa T DaATHOOTii, N. 8., April 20, 1901. Olay, Mr. Editor, our good friends the Tories appear to be haysom lou of fuo-so thew would bays as believe -.t the way In wbluh venous members of the Cabtost ars sticking up for their respective ottles to the matter of settling the question of the great Canadian seaport. Tari', and Ftupat rlok, cad Cavts, and ON or two ethers are fight - tug bard for Moir favorite harbors, and 1 gess Fieldtag and Blair w111 yet be beard from. 1 tell you they have bean hitting right not.t one •notbee Ilk. little men ; but they do It oo the Boor of the House, to wholesome, stream argument, fair and above board, showing the 000otry that members of • united Cabinet oan (rely advooate o0 the Boor of the Commons the merits of the various rival poru,dolog so as private mem ben and not as Ministers of the Crowe That's • way Liberals hays. They tvlk straight to one mother whoa the matter comes before them it private members ; and when things are settled to Council they remain true to *soh mho, and to the Pre- mier, and don't go on strike. There ain't ao "omit of traitors" in our Cablost bunch, gentle folks. Then ain't •0y oats to come back to thio Cabinet, even though the Minister of Pob110 W arks may get into bolts in • Parliameotery way lath the Solloitor-Genual la advooating Montreal u sootiest Qoebeo for the great harbor point 1 admire them gentlemen for etiokl0g up for their own oldies ; bot I tell you, If Holt fax or Cope Bross don't come out ahead Boally as the great Canadian pore, 1'11 eat George R. Foster's obis whisks. Which obta whisker remind. me of • story, showing these Is • danger of some people dspeodlog too munh upon Govern- ment all or .odoreatioo. Down In the States •t Ilio lase Presidential election • Populist he was holdlog forth on the merits of the dives dollar. He had • long beard, Out like that of the late lamented member of North Brum, and he pat In his beet licks Os the 16 to 1 argument The wild winds In that Kansas Lir blew bis whiskers over. Ms shoulders, and his 'pooch was squally oyoleoto. He &pally hammered Els argu• moot tate the following seotans : "It Is oeosgary for th. welfare of the ssatry, my follow olt,sens, that silver should be kept at is face yaius. If the Government oras Ite bat and marks • dollar a dollar, It follows the1 It is • ceasing dollar. doesn't at r A Rep.bhean he gays. "Say,_ taloa., may I ask you a quietism!" The Populist he smiled p.ksoleforly, sad he gays, "Certainly, my trlead, I am here to eohmhtoe von." Tho other °hap he up and asked : "Theo, sir, If the Oeyeromeot marked your whls kora 'hat' would • male eat them Y' Say, l thought we fellows down hen and la Newfoundland were the only Canadians that hod muoh trouble with their hitheriw ; -well, 1 goose i should not sxolude the British Columbia folks But I ase by • telegram In M. oily pap.rs that Col Leys has s.atlo his resignation from the Leglda- 10rs is year 1'rovinoe beans of some fish Mg deal, Jost think of London, Ontario, having a French shore fishing troabls 1 Of sars 1060'1 fathom the question a1 Was at this distance, but there's oothlog that meta op human dander like fishing privi- leges threatened. The fishing lostinot 1" deeply implanted in our nature. We have forgotten many portions of Soripture, but ons read never to be forgotten is t'ear's famous saying, "I go • fishing " Ws have tergotton many of ear lease -of money, of pl•oe, of frteods-but who oan ever torget the big fish he lost jest se b. thought he had it wifely in the loading net! My boy Inch bas had some measure of mooing a.d popularityfor • young man, and to varlout ways as woo compliment' from the pobllo as well as from private friends, but he ons told me that the proudest moment In his lite was when he pulled up his first pike when he lived for a while ,n eastern Ontario, "when the blue St. L.wrenoe rale toward Ih. sea." Aod I believe him. And here comes my first fish 'tory • An old chap 1 heard of was lying on his death Md. Hs bad boon a gnat sports- man, and there wasn't hfe equal with the rod and lis in hie onontry. A worthy minister oslled In to see him, and In • little while he ea1d that 11 the patient had any- thlog on his mind he thought it might ease him m 000fide 1► to the pastoral ear, so that M might pass away In pees. "Well, there's lust one thing," mold the old man, and • look of deep regret swept ever his pale Ise.. "And what is that!" asked this clergy. man, to his most sympathetic tons. The old sportsman lifted his hands and moved them In emphasis, as be wild, "If I could only live my We over again, I'd use more batt and less flies !" .New, Cabinet promises are asu.11y given with an eye to 'rearing a good polities' o4uh. And 1► 1. possible that there ars .omo Government" that, If they would get • winning string in the next .leotico, will flood to um more Mit and les noes. And oho hest letter of the lase word needn't be dropped to order to see the point of the admonition. It's • toot. I no that my gifted friend Nicholas Flood Davie 1s writing from the gallery of the Hoose of Common.. i oame awns' one of ht. new spepsr letter' whirs rh. dear old boy tolls • big ghost story -where he re. molly dmd with the shades n1 Sir John, and D'Aroy McGee, and Plump, and other spooks. It was • mighty good bit of de.°riptivs writlog, sea Some folks say Mot they don't think Nichola. Flood hob - milord with these shades of the departed Tories at all, but that the thing 0u made 0p out of his own mind, holo. holo.. Well, that Is worth oenidarlog, I °anews l am not l0olined to believe In ghosts myself ; FARM OR SALE -THAT FIRST elms farm Immo as the "0umday Farm,' below R, half lot 211. oo0oewioo 1, Last Wawanoeh. 1•d acres, nacre" cleared and to a goed state of cultivation. 1 sere hush, Then Is on rte plane • god two storey frame dwelling house 13z34 with w1og 16010, and a R d stone miler. • frame barn 362.16 with stone sable. ander, 4 some of good orchard. 2 Rost never iailin( spring wig's The soil le a good cloy 'sem, shoot 70 sores In gran, a soros of fell wheat. and some fall ploughing. The renege are geed. 1t 1. on a leading gravel road mnvanient t, oherohs, school, .to., 1 mile from the village of Auburn, 6 miles from Myth, 11 miles from the *owes of (ioderlch and (otor'. This ism very desirable paoe- no poor or wash and. - toe tall partloulars apply to PHILIP HOLT. .011011or for the estate of the ate Mrs. Cams d+y, Mosta W . GLENN CAMPBELL i• .lemma and mustn't dlreotor of North at Methodist church, and teacher of pianoforte, ;Apennine and their', will be pleased to re ..e.ve pupil.. Instructionveither est stags home, or at porIt'. hoe, as s desired. Rtodlo at aH1OA1.41 INN Mere. Wiest. Tail Medleal. EARS. SHANNON & GALLON, era. SIC ANS ani iswgeo.e. (Moe to Rank of consomme be'Iding, west fide of Square. Night mils at residencies. Ik. Sha.. on. Dr. Oallow, old reeidosoe. haplw M. lOgln st. w, '{Tone 14, 'Phone f.1. I11Maraae*, eta (111A'4. R MRA W, (iRNRRAL INSUR "J ANC& and real estate asset, Moe. toe door east of P. 0.. Oodorlob. Agent for the leading mutual fire feminism Dorn melee and leading so et smbanls. Meraantbe and manufacturing risks at (owes( rate.. 0.11 at eaoe. bat thea Mr. Davis says be sow them, and bold converse with them down In the r..auraot of the Hoose at 01taw., sod 1 have been immured by 1 men of uoim patchable authority that Nwhulss Floud Davin le an authority on the question of epirlta I II'e • fan►. U R A yeses. DAUGHTERS OF 1 HE EMPIRE. rhe Ambit'sa of the Leval 'truck Is to Establish a Hesplal la tiuderlrh, Following I. a report of the mooting of the "Ahmeek" (Beaver) braouh of she Daughters of the British Empire, held in the law Lbrary at the Douro house, on Ap- ril 19th : The regent, Mrs Mwdonald, 000upted the chair, all the others befog prompt, yls' Mrs R U. Reynolds, treasurer ; MIs A. M. Lewis, soretary, and MISS Widd.r, 5seiiant monitory. Th. minutes of the last mooting were read and duly approved. The names of thirty-one new members were then entered. and the roll called by the as. mutant secretary, Miu Wtdder. Mrs. Mao• dooald then rolled the attention of those present to the oonaider•tioe of the project of belptna toward' ohm stabllehmsot in Ooderwh of a general and marine hospital, to be koowo as the "Alexandra Hospital," sod to be for the use and oomfort of the whole ooenty. It was agreed aeon 500611 • meeting of the townspeople through the ageooy of Mayor Wilson at someoonvenlsoi date to the near future, and on the proposal of Mrs. Moodooald, wooded by Mr.. Proudfst, Mre. Hays, Moes B. Wilton ted thee Nairn were appointed a smolt too to interview all the doctors 0 town, clergymen and promloeet business men, •rid ask them to be present at the muting when called, and t0 1•k• part in the discussion as to ways and mesa". It was &sided to oom mu0lo►m with some of the doctors to other parte of th• oouoty of Huron •0d ask tor their a.•nttanoe towards the furtherance of the uodertakiug, and also that the mayors of other towns and villages •rid some of their promloeot citizens 1» oommuoloated with upon the subleot. Sits F. Ball then read the following paper, prepared hy Mn. M.odooald : It 1s now generally koowo that the or• I oniz•tion of the "Daughter" of the Em- pire" is the o0t0om0 of a sentiment 10001. oared to the hearts of women by the Youth African war, which Mein a sons. challenged the power of the Empire sod Ito armies. During the earlier period of the South African osmpalgo, the great Mouton and reveries that betel the British arms aroused the sympathy and loyalty of British sub jecu in evert y0arur of tie globs. and all felt the Imperative 0eses11y of helping toe Mother Land. The men gave their personal ..rule to the gallant soldiers all the colonies sent, and the woman as nurses and in seed• tug oomfora to the Bead of strife d1d their best. The "Daoghtere of the Empire" was formed to may on the good work of bele, in time of need, to "Krog and oouotry," and in tune of mom hy gentle sou to foster and lostill the good sod ohtet good of our leilow-oouo'rymen, and •Id in •very way within their power to benefit their land and unite In one oonmoo bond the women of the greets* Empire the world has ever seen. Oar Ahm'eh branch feel that the mss praotieal way of Mowing our deep Interest in tho well-being and awfulness of our order is in doing what our hand Sods to do, and doing it with our might, by filling a loog telt want In endeavoring to stimulate the in- terest of the publlo In the founding of • hospital for the town of Uoderloh and the ooa0ty ot Huron. We fully realize that much • hope undertaking as building and maintaining • heeptal 0.00ot be a000mphsh- d by seotlment only,and that the efforts of • few patriotic women would be inad,quate without the warm and materia! support of the whole community. We feel that the l.• attrition of our order to this town will not be In vain It we can stimulate and foster pobllo opinion io the direction of scab • humane and muoh.oseded Institution, and instill in the minds of the philanthropic oltizens of (loderloh and the oouoty of Huron that It to s duty as well as • prlvl. legs to old maternity our effort. In the foundation of a hospital. We mast be prepared to meet iodtfT.r• sus, If not opposition. •t first, bat we most weevers. as snob • great boon cannot he appreatated at 000e by the general pub Ito ; but those of as who have had to tend the sdok and suffering folly realise how the aid of • hospital would alleviate la many oases 00oeoeseary suffering. Referring to /he House of industry at Clinton, whloh to and will be • luting mo.um.ot to the gan.00lty aod homantty of the psopls of chis county, when It was first sa.gsted it met with opposition, If not hostility. but to • few short years Its stroogest opponents at fist Moame lin warm supporters •tterw0rds, ties showing how a few progressive and oour.gmne people can, Mooed by a good cause, in ?Nemo pobllo opinion. What is sogge.md Is the holdloq in the near future of a public meeting, and have some of our prominent men address the meeting to 9010100* the great advantage to he obtained by having a pobllo hsplsl In our midst. Each one of us oan reoall some Instance when a sufferer has endured needless cola for look of proper a000mmodatlon and •Oteo- tlnn, particularly where a 000 0giers d1. ease was the malady. And than the sailors who are etrlken down In our pore, tbere Is simply no refuge Inc them. Will we each Indivldnally pledge ourselves to do oar beat and vary boot to forward this good work, and •s "Daughtsn of the Em- pire' feel that we an set lemma our oppor- tunities pats 00heedod ? We do not as •o order wish to arrogate first place to our- selves, urselves, hot 011100 operate in every way with say other organizat:onl In helplog nn this worthy canoe, feeling we have faithfully done oar part in Mosul nor country's 000m, by Wog the first M nail attention ten this long felt want. M. E. R. Mar1MtrALn, Regent. Three viol were next appointed Mrs. Masson, Mrs. Horton and lire. (.lodge) U•yls. It was deoldd to hold rte regrolar mese• Inge on the fourth Monday of emit mortb, at 4.30 P M. The m.eting_tMo adjourned. Prism ready -mixed paint" are lasting. They prssrvs the wood and make the build- ing look new Sold hy rehab!. hardware dealers. McKenzie & HowILL have these paints, WR. ItOBKRTRON. Am0nuntant and lasttra0es Agent. Ilsks and a000nn4 made up. I*0lI4ings rented sed snits sllmtd. Fin Iseurans Is Th II.h and Canadian Companies. 4Mloo- Ie Pwn toot & Hays' Ono., North 'treat aderlob. stf 1 (1� J. T: NA,flL, ORNERAL IN t. Flra, Liffe, Asides .nIIKIRANJo.. and sad OlesuReal Illetatei rnno. 8ffeete1 on mete 0 or end plan •t lowest rats Meet tile. Beet Regllah and me sed'+n rempsnios retested. Moe as11 dew to Ostrow it Barrow. Atter' Hamilton •uses, rap liar Model Tatlorin`. JItMT RR, RIVED THE 1.iNR 07 mpr. te>f ins millings that nn, *05(nm0re wen Mnh ors hark ons nputaYet( eb ith other Hess .oIletds fes .prl•g Sms.57°atty at geld t►W,tly flrst- work at model"potmu as giteeeati raw L APLETON. AROUND TOWN. Tull Powso 00Y9AN1'e PlwrneITloN do CIITID -At a smonal meettug of the Mira Mumma held on Monday eveninr 1t was do - Med to aooept the proposlttuo of the Mait- land River Puwor t ompany, 0s pre.ot51 at the regular mes1iug of the 000001l on Fri. day night. and the .postal mamma* was authorized to attend to the draftiog of an agreement with the Company safoguardtag the interests ot the town. Ths Mayor and Uouonlllor N.fte1 wore delegated to r.pr.- mat the town at Ottawa in the matter of 13e11 Telephone Go. rates. DI1347a AT THE LITSKART SOCIETY. -A meo110g of the Oollealate Institute Literary Soolety will be held tomorrow (Friday) mooing, at whlob there will be a debate bs- ►ween two meditate .1 the IstU0m, W. Patentors and E. E•Orett, and two repro .enlatives of the Wong Mm'. Debating Club, Stuart Lane and W. H. Ronerios. Th. subject of debts is, "Resolved, that oapital punishment Is justifiable," Messrs Laos and Robertson taking the affirmative. Nut week the Literary Society will ter inmate 1ta 501101tlee for the school sum with • .soul for the stnde011 .rid their frisods. SAID PASHA. -We have not had an open in Goderich for • goo.( many years cad theatre -goon apprsated Tory bearil:y the opportunity promoted on Monday meeting in the production of the oomlo opera "Said Pasha" by the Lyceum Opera Company at the Victoria Optr. House, whtob held one of the best •udleocs of the season. To. •5(0gtog was very good, both 10 the ciborium and solo part. Toe •od,so01 enjoyed greatly the simony of Mos Glover, Mr. MoUrumish and Mr. Smith, and a new patriotic chorus took Immensely. The comedy pans were a prominent feature of the production and ware irrasist1bly funny. A LETTER or THANKo.-Mayor Wilson has received • hitter of [hooks from Joho McKay, of Hearst and McK.y, Saul% Sts. Marti, 501401tors for the Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Co., as follows: "Ossa Sia, -Re Manitoulin and North Shore Railway, I take this opportooity on brhvlf of the company to heartily thank you for the valuable aseietano• whtoh your oouooil, press and ott,zens have r.oder.d the oompazy In nrgtog the claims of tole vary Important inter provincial railway project on the attention ot the Provioo:i and Dominion Parliaments. Trusting that thebeeofla arIdog from this railway pro- ject will .xosed our most 151113610,011 antlolps- lions, I remain, etc. JNO. MiKAT," A DEPUTATION TO OrrAwA.-A bill •a- thorizmg the Bell Telephone Co. to loorease its spttal .took from five million to too million dollars, which Dame up before a oommittes of the Senate a' Ottawa last Thursday, was adiourn.d for a week to per- mit maoloipahtls to oppose the bill If they wise. *letter waa resited by the Mayor lost Saturday from the saosel for Mu oar potation of Toronto stating that that oity would be represented at Ottawa when the bill name up for dlecusalon this 'Thursday morta09, and that they intended to mimeo the bill unites Matures were added to ex rats for the future. Tho town wee invited to be represented at Ottawa, and to 00 oyer. ate with the deputation from Toronto. lo a000rdanoe with this levitation His W or• ship Mayor Winson and Councillor T. C. Naltel left yesterday for the spial te rep. reseal the town. BADLY Broom:. -The Uweo Sound Ad• vertl•er of Friday teat nye : By the explos- ion of • gasoline hand•pot n: '. , blah ha was warmlog a oyllnder on the steamer Hiram R. Dixon, Aikman Vroomao, the first engineer, was badly burned on Wed- nesday afternoon. The can leaked, thus al• lowing a gas to form ioalde, which oanaed the explosion, blowing out the bottom of the can and epnokhog the burning oll over Vroomao's hand, and clothes, whloh began to burn. The second engineer, L. Drink - water, and Fred l.oye, of the (ioderlch En• gime Works, who were working close by, rendered prompt assistance, and probably saved the life of the unfortunate man, 1)r Lang was summoned and did what was pos- sible to alleviate his sufferings. after which Vrooman was taken to the Osiers' and Maris Hospital In • oab. The akin of botn hands was oompbtely boned off, and thorn were other Lege oertoae wound• on the oink and fes. Mr. Vroomao, who lives on Hill street near St. Mary's ohuroh, had only re• turned to town on Monday from Iloderloh, where he had Men working all winter, and will now have at least • month'. 50fnroed Idleoes from his Injuries, which odder the ciroumeta0oe1 might have been mach more esrlous. T9 rarm.M. r1() FARMERi• - SEED PEAS -- i 1 have • carload of Rood Peat .ming In ovary week from the north. from neo Owen Round : they nataln nn hugs. 1 shall coop a .npply on hand nntll the lith rr( Mgr my that oan he tnppl IM ; also alert of Rood Barley. it (a r•ommnn tense that If all wmnla •nos them peso tis a would not be mo many once In this year's crop and let 1 farmors chop nip and fell that! b . eery peas. To hanisn the Mtg Sit m.iM molt cowing their old peas If mp•r.4 10*11 pee that the county and township eene- elle tato the matter Into onn0tdori.inn anoth- er your and have tho maple malt swing for two years and will also mos that the noontime It e no itstlf half Middlesex twwo thirds stops .Oweegri all most melt for mus or two years and 1 know tho humors aro really to do to In another root fort ttheyteen, oretaid 10'0 portanPERRIN of ow"1 Q1likes. Mug 10th. *101. HORN WALLIR. -In Clinton, April 1? wife of C. J. Wallis, a ono. YR1.11RUM. In 9t. Poul 37 Rammlt ave., on April 2ndtho wife of Rev. A B. Moldrnm, of a /ambles. 1108414. In Mayne', on Apt.10(5 tho wlu of W. A. Donor. of 1,e Bank of femoro, Of a inn. SMITH. In t*odsrich. on Aorll 19th, tho wits of R. L. Rmlth, of a danghter. DIED• HOOAN 10 C:edrrloh, no Toastsy. April 11. 1'. Hogan. MOHRI.Y In Goliwloh, nn Hundal afternoon, April 21. Mary Rs- • . re11M of ohm sets John Moiety. aged , year. MONIL IN In the toweshlpof 0olhmoo on 9endar, April 21. John MINATI.. aged 71 year. BROWN. --At Rarnts. on MonilOW. 9110 last., Marianne Cloth. tenni of (bo las George 0.v Formerly of 811rl,sgs. Huron road to ksr Mt Mr. et town. she louse nine grandohlldre° and LIBERAL CONVENTION • two greatgran lahildno, beth sons The funeral on In -slay was private, sud the servitors were onaduot it by Boor 0. Turn hull, rector o1 St. George's obureh. Th. poll bearers were D '7, MuKay, W. A H. Cuff, J. H Oolboros, John Acheron, Geo. Acheson and W . R. Robertson STATEMENT OF I't.vlIVIT O NCERT TO A. l'uIe0OLr -Io a ,. not moue of The Star It was intimated that the public wee desiruu" of obtaining a statement of the result of the benefit Shoo A. Chu holm on hie return from 9. Afrloa, and although the oommlttee had not thought It necessity to publish • de tailedstatement of the affair they 0000luded it was only fair to the townspeople to show what money was mooned, and slimed the (ollowlog Cash collected by J. Koos..3 45 00 s Proed. of mattes and oou• ort 173 (10 ---$218 00 Expenses : S. M. Brown3 86 60 Printing, watab mid 1molds dais 65 26 Oowpltn,slaris5 8 76 Cash balances $114 5 0 $ 67 60 In reforms to the article above meotlooed Jr. lee Doyle wishes 1t stated that although one of the primo mover" to the f0sptlon of the affair Le was, on a000uot of ill health, preveuted from having apylh104 wbatever to do with the oarryi0g cut of the proosed togs. Th. putts who wars metruneotal to o.rrying the thing through were Mayor Wilson, Aldesman Knox and (apt. Grant. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The weather the past week was lomewhat erratlo, but Ptidham, the (alto?. oan suit 700 or coat you for any weather, and guarantee' Foe will be suited with the !suit, The Coowirvtives of West Huron meet at Smith'. Hill tomorrow to prepare ler the bye-aleotioo. W. A. MoKI,. change of ad. was re• waived too Ise for insertion this cask. Watob for It next week. James Heals bas sold hie sable to J. Loltbwatte, who has had it removed to his pro1erty on Quebec street. A meeting for the purpose of ore/mix:og the tennis club for the ammo will be bid In the Bank of Commas roomette Saturday afternoon at 5 o'olsk? There is one disadvantage lot000neotlon with the new pavements, and that le the liability of bores to Glp on tee oros(030. Friday dter0000 one of Lee & 9hepbard•s delivery team dipped on the cros.iog a' the hoed of North street and 1.11 fiat on lie side. Miss Crook, of Toronto, will be at Smith Bros.' dry g•.045.10re on Monday and Toes• day next, 29th and 30th, for the purpose of d.moo.traring the motile of the new R & I erect form ruaraoaed onbreaksbls ,;crests. Fvery lady should oall sod see the display of these .105(1.05 goods Monday and Tumidity next. The friends of Mise Fannie Gibson„ daughter of U. (0 Utbwo, St. Louie, sad granddaugbtu of Mn. Glbeon,Byteld road, Goderiob, will be prated to learn list ohs was one of the graduate. of the Amertoao Mdloal Collrge, St. Loom, and Is now qual- IBed to practise mmioi0e. Mies Gibson was o::e of the two ledy gradastar who ni- foe., 1 n re oommeodatloo from the exam O f 1". 1 An lo'certing dsbite was held at the Epwo to League of North street Methodist church on Tuesday evening. The subJmt was "Resolved, toot great events make great men rather than great men great events," the affirmative smokers heiog H. R. Gust and W. 1. Pasmore and the nega- tive Mies Minnie Campbell and Mise Mary Salkeld. The add were all good au l the ground was keenly contested. The judge', Rev. Jasper Wilson, A J. Moors and W. R Robertson, deoided that the negative had woo. confessing, however, that It was with difficulty they had Dome to a decision be:ireen the two sides. 'There was • large attendance a'. the meeting and the debate was thoroughly enjoyed. GODERICH COLLEGIATE INSTI• TU fE. The following are the peroeotagee of the coal obtained by the poplis at the Raster terminal examination : FORM I11. Nzwv Mold TH1 HARBOR. -Capt. Mor- rison, of Mooretowo, was berm for three or lour days to adjust the oomp•eem of the str. Myles. ..Capt. FA. Robertson, of Sarnia, was here this week and purchased the tug Eagle. We understand the tag to to he mod to oarry NM from Kettle Point to Strnl•. It was 0nnoonsd some time caO that ('apt. Roberto -in had retired from rho settles of the Northern Navigation Ce., but he has mongered with the oompanr and will be io command of the Monarch again this aeuoo. ... About 6 o'clock Sat- urday evening Jas. Wells went to .ted aboard of the tug Huron while she was Molting out and was thrown Into the water. Four or Bye men went to the moons and re. stored him to terra firma The tag. M,,, Queen and Seibold left for the bating islands on Thursday and the Sea Kine and Sea Gull followed no Moody The sobs. Katandin was lying between the piers Yesterday waiting for • favorable soled to leave for the north. Capt. Cnlwill lasbeen on the siok list for several days ....The sir .tones it gettt05 ready for immediate de. mature and I. t•k,ng on supplies for the 6.5.,meo....The dredge cnmmonsd work on Monday in the harbor, The blaatter new also hays commemed work ....Light. noose keeper Campbell garret his light, Mot wows ....A number of cargoes of grain, from Untoago ono Port Arthur, aro expect- ed at the hg elevator within the next few d.y.....Rig String, of perch are beano seen thea days. THE LATE MRS. MO.ELT.-On Tuesday last the fu ,ar.l of the tat. Mr.. Mealy took place to Ma,Il-*nil smotsy. Ahh0noh she had bun feeble of I.te rare, .s was natural for one of her adyanoed age, It was only since shoot Christine' that she was oonfiosd to her had, and, lodes'. • sheet thine before. that ohs was able she present et the Lord's table At Sr. Genrge'a ohuroh. Her release, whtob oame on Monday alteronon, woo the result of a breaking down of the Mdliy onweu, and was a very peanefol and pain- less ono. Mrs. Mortally was born In Notting• hamehln, England, on the 26th of March (Lady Day) le the rear 1812, her maiden Immo Ming Mary Asset, in 1834 aha was married M John Monty, and in 15452 Mr. and Mrs. Mostly oma 10 (J.nad. with ,their thrre nh111r0.. 5.1(1140 St Kuaardino, whore in uncle al Mr. Wooly', had Men for • year puisne, The j y tom Quebec oocopted about • month and was mads by 009011. In the spring of 1964 rho femdy minnow, to the vicinity of Godortoh •e4 thirts.n years Iter, In 1877, to tho rewo of (ioderlch Itaslf, whey* Mrs Mealy .4eee rstd.d, her hshe.d's dealk smartie/ In 1891 at aha god old age of nlnatr.se Sears. Raids her throe ohlldren, Mn. eo. Williams, Mrs Verson win el (.sl. Vases., .f the 33rd WIN.) awl Juba Mess/7 • Hon. J. T °arrow again Plaolid In Nomination. A Large Had Harmonious gathering of the Liberals of lent Nemo - upeeebee by the 70.10.., It. Holme., H. P., and Others -The Pincers Sleeted. The oombload annual mooting and nom. looting 000veo11o0 of the Liberals of W set Huron was bold on ruesdy at U a W. Proudtoot, prsldsot of the riding as. ambition, occupied the chair, and Wm, Cosa, of t.'I:ntoo, was to his plena u ..ore- ►ary. Tee president explaloed the twofold ob- ject of the meeting, .toting that as the annual meeting would In the asu►1 ooune be held to • few weeks 11 had boon 000- •Idered advisable to bring It oo to oo00eo- tloo with the oomisatloo meeting, • nom- loatloo for the Looal Houde having been made oboasary by the noon/ demotion o1 the Court of Appeal, Tho .1.0(10(1 of otfiosn was then prooeod ad with, and resulted as follows : President, Win. l'roudfoot. First vis president, Morgan Dalton, A.hbsld. Snood ►Is prealdeot, Jams Vouog, Auburn. Third vis president, Henry Morris, Colborne. S.o..tary•breasurer, Wm. Coate, Clinton. Auditor, D. F. YoPhenoo, Clinton. Chairmen of divisions were •ppoinsJ as followe : Ashfield -No. 1, A. Dasher, Dungannon : No. 2, Hugh Monne, Crewe ; No. 3, Naito Andrew, Luokuow ; No. 4, Jams Craw• ford, Port Albert) Nu. 5, Juho E. Sullivan, Klogsbrldee; No. 6,Donald MoL.an, Look - now ; No. 7, John Jamieson, Laurier. Colborne -No. 1, Wm. H 11, Beemfller ; No. 2. John Sands, Saltlord ; No. 3, Joe. Bell, Carlow ; No. 4, Donald Cumior, Duo• lop East Wawansh-No, 1, R. C. Mo()owan, Blyth; No. 2,'1'. R. F•ylor, jr., Belgrave; No. 3, John Shtell, W Ingham ; No. 4, John 0111espie, W hlteoh0rob. West W•wanosh-No. 1, B. J. Crawford, Dungannon ; No. 2, Thos. Radcliffe, Au- burn ; No, 3, Thee. Whim, Sb. Helen. ; No. 4, Alex. Stewart, St. Helene ; No. 5, John Sheriff, Lookoew. Uodoriob township -No. 1. Joe. Salkeld, Godortoh ; No. 2, (iso. Cox, Porter's Hill ; No. 3, John Torranoe, Porter's Hill ; No. 4, John Wlggiomo, Clinton ; No. 6,, J. W. Yee. Holm.7111e; No. 6, Wesley Mar- quls, H"Imesville. Hulett - No. 5, James Southoombe, Clanton ; No. 6. Humphrey Sooll, Lood.d- boro'; No. 7, John Wilmo, Anburo, W agham-A. Comma • Ullotoa-D. F. MoPher.on. Blvth-No. 1, H. MoQuarrle ; No, 2, N. H. Young. Uod.rl°b-A. Saunders. The nomination of a oandldat• being the next order of bnatosee, Hugh Mol'hso muted, se000d.d by Robt. Holmes, M. 1'.. that Hon, J. T. (Jarrow be ch. oandldate. No other oomlo•tl•n was mads and the president dee Isra1 the motion marital, tb• oomlu•tion being ratified by hearty •p• plauoe. Before calling upon the ooml0ee, Mr. Proudfoot made a few remarks, warolog his hearers against the over000tldenoe which had Man displayed In the past. Their op- poneota would make a strong effort in the fight which was to come on, and 11 behooved all to do everything 10 their power to ..cure the 500oeee of the oandidate whom rho) bad m unanimously nominated, Mr. Darrow, who mu Men called upon, stated that he was just rsoovsnog from a oold and oould not make a long epe.ob, but he felt there 'gore sumo things he should say. Hs thanked them very sloosrely for the loyalty with which he had boon reeelved. He considered himself simply the servant, not the matter, of an Liberal. of West Huron, and there needed to be at any time only a whisper that he was not wanted as their oandldate and he would be willing to step aside His desire was that the Liber- als sboold succeed to West Huron, and he would not fled fault If they should pat him aside to favor of any other whom they might think • stronger candidate. Mr. Darrow referred to the vote recorded to pre loons elections In West Huron and stated that he was sstmfled there was • Liberal majority In th• riding, bac It rested with the men before him to make that majority effective. H. urged vigorous work on their part and he would 4o his part. He aught not bays the fmulry of making himself tree with the •leotor•, of "slapping them on alto h.ck and sailors them to the' ribs,` but he thought there was something more import. ant, he thought he might as • member do mm.thl03 to the Hoose wbloh they wanted him to do At the gement' dentine their oppooana said that they had .011.0 the seat. 1t taking the due sopa a0oording to law in regard to the election and ►,11105 by the result was stealing the meat they had molt it ; but the foot was that • Tort judge to Toronto had deolared that two ballots counted for Mr. Book should be thrown oat ; this left the vote • tie, and It was hardly to he .zp.ctd that that 0.t0r0- tag offer would dsolare Mr. Book Mooted. That was the extent of their steal. When ..she protest was ward he_ nava ep the .eat, each party prying Its own oasis --Ie did sot wont the test bolalrly--•rid the last eleotlan (the DeoemLor election of 189(1) was coodooted fairly. He had not the slightest Intention of nondoning wrooq• doing. hot the peoslier aclIomi of an 1,0.- spoostble person at Wlamh•m.hould not M !aid at the door of the Liberal party. It was childishness to .ay that rhe Liberals hod stolon the 1+.t *notion. lie did not "Impost *h.1 elections won 5v50 minted on as Angola would osduob them. The oleo - won laws were very ■trlogeo', but he dad not oomplaln of that, a. they were as bard spots their oppnr ant. its upon themselves. 8.1.11,1 the 1; five. make any oom- ol.Ir t. when the Red Parlor wan dolag Ise work, a hon the oharter of • great railway was sold fnr oash, when rho Tory party bled everybody for .ti he was worth--000- wamtor0, wholesale men and other. -and .poet the money 1■ oorruptloo! That par, y h+d Interfered alto with the ballot boxes ; ono had only to compare tho num. Mr of spol'ed ballot. in 1696 with the Dem• Mr in 1100 to realise tbst share was a one- .plr.oy throughout tits whole country In 1896 to cheat the Liberal party. H. did not think a tingle Liberal should Ieave ba party and gn into the 'lory party to find a perms air. They should stay In the 'Abets' party and mak* *h. oarty '.have itself If It was going wrong. He did not stand np for wroug doing, and he wanted them to help him to roe that Morn win no wrong doing. Mr. Ostrow .poke of methods of organlza• tion, and oonoluded by gutting bit bellef snot he world have 150 majority It, the hght whlnh woe .ming, and reeemsd bis mat amidst warm appton's. R. Holmes, M.P., wan askd t° •ddr.s M. oo.taetlon, And he took the opporta11- IIy of returning his thank. for rho support Has had worn glyea 111ss la the meet Dem - 0. M. Buchanan..86 J. P. Brown..,. -62 E ,1, Everett ....85 8 B. Elllott 62 L. MoMath .. ...77 T.J. O'Loughlin b1 M Newton 76 P Ktely 61 T. M•cFariaoo ...74 J. E. U•rrle 51 F P.dwlad 73 D. Alhnoo. 60 F. Graham .... .71 L .Teokell 50 W H. Bell ... .71 L Yes 49 J. Morris 66 M. Troy . 48 R Farrow 65 L. Willson ... ..46 C. Buohanan 64 T. Johnson 46 la Bentley .......:64 M. McDonald.46 ,Latlrhog 63 K. a rt....... 46 J. R Miller 62 I. 1: • r 44 K Guest.. ......61 M. C :!.erne 43 C. Newlin 61 Mary Spoor 43 H Dalton 61 (J. Varus ' 9 A. Cowes 60 E. Barker (l. McDonald 59 L Randle ' J. Maasoo59 P. O. Turnor..... 68 H Martin L. Brydges 56 1'. Nlobolsea Mood Yp.Ds.....54 J. F. Roberlwa..31 Polito 11. ll `.ilran4....w..,-79 W . Taylor At K. Webb.. .....76 F. Connolly.... .61 I. E. Rstes.......74 8. Devine...49 E. Hmrtel 73 R. ('umming.,,,.48 8. Mollwdo.. 71 D. Morris 48 O. McKay 67 L H.rrlleh 47 E. Moiety . .. . 64 C. Graham46 (1.F:MtlhmOn 62 M. Canningham.:46 . Jordan . 61 F. Holme. . , E Young. . 59 R Robinson.....43 C. Farrow 59 11. 1). Hamilton. 43 E Doolnp 58 M. Tait. .,38 W. W llllems .... 55 T. Salkeld... 30 T. Canaloo 54 POEM t.-DIVietON A. (0. Dyke..... 73 U Robinson .....47 (1, Anderson 72 R. Mo Loan .... .47 B Rnmeloombeb8 0 Stratton 47 M. Wright .57 ('. Rhyose 46 C.9•nndora 67 R. Mel)on•1d....44 L. Sharman.... 56 M. Murray 43 0t', Mclnteeh ....64 A. Gar -ow .42 A. (Bartok D. Novllle .... .41 G SeIkr1A .. 48 1'. L+ori 41 R. Taylor 48 D. MoNevia.....39 W. Ander. 47 8. %Bohm. 38 MIM t.--DtVttION n. M. Thorlow. ....76 R. Robertson 48 N. i.sieb 69 V. W hteoly 48 1'. Rvors 68 A Sturdy 48 A. D•nsy . ....67 M Saul*. A7 T. Lewitt 67 C Campbell 46 J. (..ports 66 O. I'ie 45 R. KI,Iott 64 R. Smith ..44 7Nalul 64 W Mit°hell.... 43 N..lamiesne. ... 63 U. Roberta .42 i': Car5y .... .67 .1. Carrie 40 F Dn0b 67 M. Wilson 40 G flood 66 14. Alla. 39 F. Arm.wnnm....64 1..01,nt, 39 C Htdop .63 J. lawmen.. ....38 R. Klmkssee51 M. Maeauley 38 W. rowans, 51 H. Polley 37 B. Many. 49 O. Osla. 33 4l 38 as 34 63 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - APRIL 26 Svant .Yaoted-Mn. Shephard Pass Cosiiuued Salo -W. U. Pridham 4 Fauhiooable Dress Uoods-Hodg.o. Bro"8 Warntog-Wm Mttohell - 1 Aaoouuoomeute-MoKenee & Howell1 Ytock Complete -.I. H Oolboroo...Supple- [moot Hair Gods Artlet-Prof. Oorsuweod 8 Maio for Sale -.Oso. W. Thomson & Soo 1 Erect Form Qonetr8mlth Bros. & Go. 8 talon amities. 'rho result in West Huron was s great enoouragement and oomlor► to the leader• of the party, sod he was re. quested to thank the Liberal. of West He- ron on their behalf fur returning • member to support them. Mr. Holmes spoke ot the vicious rum and oreed cry used by the Ooo• wirvatlyes to the late eleoti00. It did not work to Huron, but it hod had some effect In other Ontario 000stttuesols, tend other 550(5 wore lost through over000lldeme. The Conservatives felt very keenly the crushing blow of the loot 900110100 'Imo -Iona sad to order to get Into power at Ottawa It was weir scheme to win:Ontario sod make It • •teoplog-stone to officio in rho Dominion. Ina Liberals should drop all persona' fool. Ingo and unite In &O04 their Mosel, to so. ours the eleouon of Mr. ()arrow, a duly which they owed to th.meelvs. Other address were made by Philip Holt, K U , Jams. L Grant. Morgan Dal- ton and Hugh McPb.e. Resolutions of ran grit on 1,00001 of the death of Queen Flo. torts, of uoutidsos u rho Government. of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Hoo. G. W. Roes and of sv,np.thy with D. MoOtiIloud• dy in bre illness were moved and adopted, and the 0o0ventton Mooed Ite prooeodlog' with cheers. The meeting was one of the best over held by the Liberal. of West Harou. Then woe • large ir00dans from all portions of the, riding. •rid gnat eotbuslsm and the u,n,-sr .harmony provall.d, HON. J T. °ARROW NOMINATED. AT the Reform convention bold at Niugamooie Tuesday last the Hon, J. T. Gannon- Was unanimously nominated to contest West Huron at the coming bye- olectiou iu the interests of the party. If the Liberal party in the riding gets totg8tber, and if the party managers have gained sense from the lessons of the past, there is no reason why the Liberal candi• dam should not have a majority of from 150 to 200. The majority, based upon the last Dominion election, ie in the constituency, although It has not been gut out for Provin• MAI purpooeo in the past ten or twelve years in the election of Marsh, 1898, the con• ut,tut•,ncy was practically thrown away, owe ulg to want of orgamtation, and the over• .-onfidonee of the advteers of the candidate on that otxa.i,ri. To win In the eusai0g i'l..•tion no such mistakes should be made. 31r GAaeow, at the nomination, prom's. e.1 to du his part to bring the Liberal maj• ority Rr is normal condition, and if his triende mooted his efforts West Huron oat le. put no wecuroly in the Retorm oolumn that we will hear no more of any efforts by our Conservative friend. to awing it over the line. SNAP SHOTS. -"I'M not giving you any taffy,' as Hicks -Beath mid when he brought down hi.. budget. -Mae. EMMen.tne, w,fe of Hon. 11. Ra Footmoo, M.P. fou Woetiootolonl. N.B., d,odat her home ht 1k,reheater. N.B., Wt n,n•k otter a comparatively brief Illces. one leaver' s family ot five ohihireu, an aged mother and h'r husband to mourn her Iola. 'I'Bg Smoot. extends to Mr. EMML3600 and h,. family is abloom oondolenoe. -_COMING AND GOING N,. L. *01x111 was to London this week. John Wyoo hu returned from Torous. Jas. Soott, of Clinton, was 1n town en Friday. George Neibergall..1 Windsor, was le town tale week. The Msees Glover, of Detroit, an vls14 log at their hews hero. Mn. A. Y. cad Yise Marion Shephard aro visltuq ,0 Toronte, Mise Daffue h to Toronm this week •t - tending the summer mlllteery ope0loge. Ur. Stewart returned home last week from McGill University, Montreal, for the hnlldevs. Miss Maggie Robertson spoor a few days eke put week Orating her orother, R. S. Robertson, at Stratford. H. Mooan, president of the (lnderloh Else tabor Uri., wee to town for a few 1e7e oe his way borne from a trip to l'hleago. W. H. Robertao0 returned yesterday to Ottawa, having reoovsred his strength .aft• Mostly to motile him se resume his work. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hailnws' annual Haby DAT, Monday, May 6th. Hods" °hlld Solo • p Ira. Age Unit' 1E mon, h.. _._. -"-.. Wanted• - Goe toe bot-.tweekly. Erg., 12o tl a have 500 bushels home- grown timothy and clover for gala. 0. E. Kinn, Wtngham. MrKENOlO A Howxt.i. have lots of barb win. Un Monday they reo.ivea ear non. talnleq betw.en ons ane two h14.0drod 0111.. of wir., mostly it barb. Thl• as beam an •t the Ioweah pr's golog, and It 1• befog sold •t the lowest prix. gning. . The Style .f Hair W.,. 1. aa Important (.c'or to produce • yoorifi9 and reflood f.oa .1 0 well shaped hod t0 any lady or gentlanuO. Prof. Dnnnw.ed, who w111 6. at Hotel Redford, Godsrloh, can demoostrate this to anion* felling on blot at his show rooms. H. has ladies' and gents' wigs, supe., tang., wavy and plata fronts, switches In evory length and shade, that M will roadie adjust on any lady'. hea free o1 oharge to prove this. Doe's fall M see hem, Tuesday, May 7 AUCTION SALES. 411 portion roman* their Wo bile printed at this 000e w111 have a free netts tnearesd to this 1151 on to the time of mels. '1001 IIAY, Apr1125th. -CI oaring •oottan .ale of flret.o,wse farm stook and lmplamss, including food draft brood mare in foal 5.4 god oohs sired hy Lincoln, 2 and 3 years old ; 1 thoroughbred r5gatered Thirhetim boll,wrrgh• Mao to 1906 Ih..,aod other teed yosng 001110 ; 7 mtleh .w. ; pan �o� ebeap soil pips. The miasmata". tato., all in good shape. M.I. as lel. 9, one. 9, W. D. Colo.. no, near loyal post .as, 4e amts Irom tltwleneb. live, 'thing M h• ootd without the 'lighten reserve as the farm Imo beta loosed. Two.Aa Ow :av, atlYne- .sa. Mn. Joige0uae. propel .s.I. {