HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 10THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Onl5thof ay We will give away a beautiful suite of five pieces covered with fancy velour plush. For every dollar cash purchase you will have one chance on this hand- some present. It doesn't cost you anything and you may be the lucky one to take it away. Come and see it. SOME SPRING BARGAINS. MILLINERY. Just received a case c f Ladies' black and whibe and blue and white new straw sailors, worth 50c, for . 25c Also a regular 75c sailor hat for. _ 35c Lovely trimmed hats with all the Latest touches of fashion. New spring coats for ladies, with full box back, very sightly, in fawns and blacks, from $4.00 to $7.00 NEW GINGHAMS in latest checks and stripes at 12ic New colored pigaes, worth 20c, for. 11c HOSIERY. ladies fast black heavy cotton hose, extra at 2 pairs for Fine wide ribbed cashmere hose, at per pair CORSETS. 25c tib The new straight form corset., a most correct fitting and easy wear, at 75c and $1.00 A special short corset covered with ,food jean and nicely trim- med, regular 75c, for 59c CLOTHING. Boys' Suite, Men's Suit Boys' Pante, Men's Pante, Men's Waterproof Coats. New prints special at lot GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Ladiee' Rain Coats, comfort- able, durable and stylish, fromSpecial flowing end cies, worth 25o $3.50 to $10.00 50c, for . Extra value sox at 2 pairs for 25o New colored print shirts at... 50c New black and brown stiff hat $2.00 DRESS GOODS Special line of Homespun', in greys, browns, fawns and bluee, worth $1, for 69c in fawns, navy, gray and blacks New flee for ladies, 15c, 25c, 50c, 81.00 LACE CURTAINS Housecleaning will upon be here. Curtains, curtain muslin, art miming, will be on your want list.. We have a well -assorted stock. Lace Curtains, 25c, 500,111-,-,1e--$14.- Art Marlins, 5, 10, 15. 20, 25o. Cretonnes, 8, 10, 12i to 25c. New Sideboard Drapes, New Embroidered Covers, etc., New Bureau Covers. Printed Cashmeres, fest colors, in new shades and patterns, at .. 20c Lovely satin Venetian clothe, already shrunk, worth $1.25, for.$1.00 Every want in the dry goods line has been anticipat Ni for spring as for as you ble We can not mention all lines we have here, nor display thein all to sir windows, but come to and look around. Conde oat in the morning if possiblwe can give you better attention. Smith Bro's& Co. .410 4 } If you are Mint for ... TRASH.. do not come to LEE & SIIEPIARD'S. We carry nothing but the newest and most up=to-date stock of *' . PAINTS, OILS and VARNISHES, READY f'IIXED PAINTS, tta$;i STOVES and TINWARE, TILE and IRON PIPE. BLUEVALk. I prttrnoe of year friendliness to all oar MuPt.AY, April 16_ Intercourse with you, and hewing est before hila Kamen, of Luukeuw, Is vleltiog .t "' )'Our motile of uprightness lar ail dui - your and readl0me b lead • belptne hood lo time 01 need, we Nis this opportunity of "hewing our •pprulatiou of year chore -ter In thew reepsota. Wishing to give a No albla eopreesdou to thew futures we beg of you to soups thew early chain as • taken of our 'lours regard and ..Isom. W. bops you will Itvsatooy years to 10107 them and that they will bring many happy roman• minus to you alter you hove retired from our mldet. Signed to behalf of the oeighbere, Roar McK.szu, W r. KAtssa. Township of Ashfield. April 5th. 1901. Julio R.Ly'.. Mise Ma,y Thornton, of Wloghem, ls visa',ug 0 J,.ho tlardser'.. Mies Ag5te Smlllle went to Grand Valley on Saturday, when she will te.wb snout. W.,Iey Donato he' taken a situation to Jobe herr'' .ore to W ingbam. He is the tour►b Bluevale b:,y Mr. Kerr has io his store Peter \Vbwler and totally, of 'ruroberry, moved foto the house °woad by Wm. Stewart last Friday. He ioteuda working with Jame" I'u5b. Mrs. (Rev.) W. H. Bloss as ooe of the heirs to the fortune IsIt by mllltuoare Cline. of l'euoeylvaota. Key. Mr. lions was Boos ' tattooed to Bluevah, and Mn !lose' friends will be latersat-d In the armies that a owning tier way, - DUNGANNON. DR. 0. A. NEWTON, DENTIST, HAS discontinued his tripe to Dungannon. W'U be plumed to meet acv from that neigh- borhood who mew re,iube als eervioes at the home office. Luoceow, where he will be found every day in the week ezoept Thunder. when ha preservation of to naruural !teeth, ccrowotdto and bridles work, oto. taro methods of extract- ing. Nonce.- The Iwai &genet to Dungiono° for Tau litotaL 1e at the outos of J. U. Waal,, oonvoy&our, aro., who will receive or dere' foe .ubsoriptions. advertising and Job - work, and 1. .utborized to give receipts for amount. acid fur the same 'runway, April 16, Our new. wetuh maker is 000upytng the bulldog retinal, used ass barter .hop. Mr. Lawry, V. 8., bair oemm.noed pow• Doe In the r000a formerly 000upled as the reading room. We are pleased to .tate that T. W . Little e nd Adam 1liompsoo, who have ben troubled with a -throat, affection are getting better. Oo Monday W. 1'. Grlereoo and Mr. Sml:h, V. S., both of Wtocham, seers to our village and vlulntty iooking for borass to purchase tor the uvaltll to Sonth Atrtos. Jame. t1 Aker I. troubled with an sterol of "criteria" 10 the head. We .tnwrely hope that through the utedtc01 treatment w blon he te reutying h. will .aro become 000 y 0leeoeo t. St -DDE' Deno -a. -J. Ulakeo.00, of Asb- ti•,ld, 00. sustained • great lees in th..ud- d, u death of hie wife last Sendai,. The in - (comet takes phos today In Dungannon vmeary. Furtti.r refers/toe will be made n est week. ADCPtes SALE -On Thursday o1 11101 week the popular auctioneer oonduoted an auction sale of stock, farming implements, . to., on fte premia. of Andrew Dreaory, coo 5, E. 11., Ashfield, with great woo.... The weather was very tine and a very large orowd of farmers and others were present. Good prices were realized, the premed. b. tog about 11,600. GooD SALL.-It pays farmers to rates good hones and .tock, as 1. .bown by the following. During lot week John Howatt. of Ashfield, near Daogannon, old a two you old filly to William L. Ferguson, of (suborns, Dear Carlow, tor the band.ome prime( $130. The colt esu sired by the well-known stallion, Pride of Ltouole, own• .d by Mt. Ferguson, who has had about thirty years' expertseos with borees and is therefore a competent judge of bore.. Plumbing and furnaces:a specialty. We seli:the Guderich Bicycle for $35.00, less 10 per cent. forspot cash COMING AND GOING - J. W. Broderiok was In town 05050 on Friday. O. F. Blair, of Brawls, was to town Moody. J. K. But has r tuned from CUaton and le agate working at the organ factory. Walter Brlmioombe left t.hloage. F. Holmested, of SeaWorth, was Is town ea Saturday. Jo. Uarrluk left oo Tuesday te bake a pool floe at Guelph. Fraser McDonald, of n/. Helens, woe is town last week. Mrv. O F. Blair, of Brussels, le yatl"sg at her former home here. Fred Deacon, of Stratford, was to town for • few days this week., Mrs. and fine Hodges', of Cll000n, v 1- Ited 1n town over Sunday. (Liver Rbysas and Roberti Jones left ea Monday for Sault 8e.. Marie. Rev. I. B. Wallwla, of L.mlogeoo, was In town lest week ea business. on Tosedav tor Mie Duff. teacher, of Blyth, spent the Easter vaoattoe al bar home hen. John Fraser, of Cheltenham, was the guest of S Slone, Hamilton street, over Sunday. Jlm Gerrow returned to Upper Canada College en Monday Ow spending Easter at home. H. K. Jordan la 1n Brentford chi, week meatier hie brother in the produoloo of so opera there. Uooduotor Alga was at Alton the put week vultteg his mother, who has bun v?ry 111 of pneumonia. Mn. Walter Sharman went to Detroit o0 Friday, having s'o'lved word of the illness of her eater, Mrs. Heard. John Snell returned on Saturday to Ptok• erten. where he is t.aobtng sohwl, after ■p.odlog the Easter holidays at home. S. Morningstar returned N town o0 Sat- urday atter spending the winter in the States of New York and Peoneylvaela Mr. tad Mrs. Huller retuised home Sat- urday night from Florida. Mr. Hillier bas recovered from his recent tndl,poal't n. Mies M. Woods, of St. Helene, who has bun vidtiog at Lakeview House the past week, returned to her home oo Wednesday. Mr. and Mr.. George Wilmot haves• turned to Ihur home o0 the Huron road of• ter spending the wtnler at Piokford, Mloll. gap. Joeeph Macdonald, of lined Merab, are rived Mooday evenies ee 11011 Isle pergola, Mr. end Mn. A. O. Macdonald. of Dunlop, tied °tear relatives bore. Kincardine h'perter : H. Netted, who bas been for moven' weeks at Ma hems In Tornio, has retuned to town and has eosin taken ha position - t W. C. Lm• combo's law otos. C Seeger, Pollee Magletra' . of Godertob, le the &ether of a book dealing with the pinatas is ortminel oases which has trued from the pre- of the Oaoad& Law Book Company, Toronto. Hugh Murray, who hat been well knows for many years to the tnvsllW ppuabllo ea brakeeman on the Ooderioh-8tralford las, has &leen op hie position en the O.T R. mad lett o0 Monday for Philadelr' • te job his brother, who ', engaged .ridge• batlding. Mr. Marra)'e f• e v ,ul leave later oo. 141etiNn AND Go1Ne;.-Kobelt Douglas and family left here or Wednesday of last week for tae vicinity of Dundas, ooanty of Wentworth, where he has purchased some property He was a resident In 101. seo- tleo of maotry for many years and by hie obliging and upright oondnot made many blends We wish him sod family happl nese and good eacoese in their new domtolle Richmond Sande and family left here on W edoesday of last week on 0 yiai4 ing tour of about two weeks to relatives and friends at Aylmer and other pointy. We wish them a pleasant tour and erre re- turn Charles Robinson, now of Pon- tiac, and some years ago • resident of Dun• gan0o0, is visiting relatives at Prosperity, West Wawanosb We were ples+d to see him looking well and to bear that he la prospering well In bis business in Uncle Hams domain ea many of our young Casa• dir is are doing throughout the states..,. James Wilson, who has been to the employ of John Hite*, of Kloaardtne, as ealeemao to Mr. Hiles' Dungannon branch, for some time, left bore oo Friday teat for Thodtord, county of L.mbton, where he bar secured a good position. W., along with his numeroa• trends, wish him the best of sacoees in his new utoatton Mr. and Mn, Little, of Luokoo v, visited their can, our popular slim -maker, on Monday, ADURrS'ro MR. DItt.N0Y.-Fullowing is the address promoted to Mr. Ureeeey std family mentioned in last week's IIONAL To Mr. and Mn. 1re•nsy and daughter. DEAR r alas Dr,- We or a.ntand you eon. "tinplate Laying your old homestead, where se pioneers you "ratted upwards of fifty pure ago. We minuet permit you to de - pert from among ns without giving expos - ..00 to our helloes of regret and at the tame time also the regard and esteem we entertain toward you as friends and oeieb- b •r. 'Though we feel sorry at your de- parture, yet at your adyaoosd sae it seams the wisest and best tonne you can vena'. Haying, as neighbors, had so long an ex - .e. -.-.gym.. •••••d.....• ,.alto Your Dentist In Will Tell You That your teeth will repay you a thuuos. dfold for a'1 the ware you give them --relay you by their beauty rod uaefulueen Don't Let Them become discolored or decayed. Our Autieeptic Pearl Dentdrtoe keeps the teeth beautifully white It removes urtu deetrovs ter- mentauou -the real cause of de- wy --111411the gum* firm, ray and healthy trios 250 a bottle F. 1R. DUNHAM, Phm. B., DRUGGIST. Corner of Wert St. and Square. �araaeerw�eewreemwrwere.•• 10010. president, Judre Ma.wo; ;prealdent,D?. Hueter ; floe preeldea►, Sheriff Reynolds ; eeoretary treure ar. J. 1). O'(bonel; man - ming oommlttee, Messes. Lane, Eliot and McLean. The oommtttee will appoint skip.. The membership ke for the wase0 wee placed at *3 1he olub will play on the West -et. lawn again this year and Wm. MoOre.th hos been engaged as caretaker of the grounds. 1f Ibis weather m051.nes the bowlers will be okasieg the kitty in • few day.. NOTES OF SPQR I'S. A juelor baseball olab, tee Venni H.roas, has been organized wtbh the follewtsg of• floors : Manager, John Oampbell ; captain, Robert Campbell ; treasurer, Kenneth Mc- Leod ; secretary, Peroy Buell The boys would lite to renter ohalleogee from other junior tuna. Alex. Meteor rode a o.otary en Sunday, taking the Heron road route. Ha time was 9 boon, 20 minutes, an hour and • half of whloh was "pent In Stratford. Alex. war not trying to make a time record, bat the ride was remarkable as the first oenlory of the cautery. The annual meeting of the ,iderloh bowling club was held at the sura bottle on Saturday evening. The ohabr war ee• oapled by K. McLean, president, and then wee a god attendance. The Meuarer's report was promoted and .bowed the club to be In a good financial oo.dltles. Of- Cosrs were •looted as follows : Honorary Eu�lisV Spades and SIIOTe1S vernal The tool that lasts, gives the most wear and tear, is what you want. We have a stock of these, imported direct for our INTRODU ".`WALK OVER" vitt' SHOES We have secule4 the exclusive agency for this famous and incomparable shoe, which is known throughout the United States and is the acknowledged standard of excel - I Ince i 11 I9en's Footwear. We want every man in Goderich to make their acquaint- ance. You'll like then. They are an advanced idea in shoe making -the combination of all good'points that make satis- factory footwear. We desired the best shoe made for our customers and could not get a shoe made in Canada that suited our ideas of fine footwear, consequently we took the agency for deo. E. Keith's famous American make, the •• Walk Over." They are made in all the new leathers, ideal patent kid that will not crack. . Russian and vice calf and the finest of v:oi kid, all widths and styles. You can get from us as good shoes as the world produces. Famous Queen Quality for women Famous Walk Over for men. P. T. HALLS, Goderich. The Cash Shoe Dealer. LEE & Sal EPII A Re - -trade. Why buy a poorer tool when you can get a much better at the same price ? ter - MORE'' sell the coiled wire and all other kinds of fence and'builders' material. ? We have the ekt wALL pApER,AGENCY FOR THE: It is a pleasure to look at our Wall Paper. The patterns are exclusive and the colorings harmonize per- fectly. 'stl:We have taken great care in the selection of our stock. which is not surpassed anywhere. Oyer 400 samples to select from anti alt carried in stock. Np matter what you want you will find it here „_._....: Prices range from 4c per roll to 40c per roll. , T+We make a specialty of, showing Papers from 15c to 3ac. Ask to see our elegant stripe and panel effects and keep your eye on our show window for balance of season. Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store Telephone No. 100 11 Great House Square, liod.noh. MERICRN STEELWOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of barge, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides for expansion and contrac- M•°` tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of funiform quality. Never goes %sang no matter how great a Surat is put upon Pt. ones Dote net mutt - tat, •, but bees efficlentty tun cattk. horses. begs and oils. • 14081 e Neo i i 0. • • v • 0 0 EVERY ROD Of AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED eY TUC MANUFACTURERS. Cell and See K. Can show you how it will save you money. We have sold mile. of thin fencing. This year it is iwtter than sewer. ,-{Wy,tsi>tt:.was+"1tr:;ir McKENZIE & NO WELL The plan to bee Mi Hardware carp Atte/WNWh ATimely of - oa sWaterproof IMELY because it comes just at the time of year they are usually most needed. Money saving too -because there is a difference of from $1,50 to $3.00 between the sale price and the real value of the gar- ments. This difference is all in your favor. Every one of these coats is good ; they were made by one of the best. if not the best, makers of this class of goods. The colors are mostly plain fawns or neat small checks. The styles are plain, double breasted or fly front, or with detachable cape. Seams are gummed and sewn, and all are double texture garments and waterproof. There is not a single one of them but is worth $1.50 more than the sale price ; most are marked $2.00 to $3.00 under value. You are not likely to have another suL:I chance to get a good rain coat at such a saving for many a day to come. The prices : Tweed waterproof eosin, velvol ostler, doable texture, plaid boing, double breasted. without A/ caha pe, fawn shades, a nobby garment al a little $doe prim, a good coat at $4.50. Oar mile priori... Imported tweed waterproof nab, dark oeleelsp, medium ohsoka, plaid lining, double teeter, sews red gummed seams, detuhable cope, a good drlvlog out. Regular vales, 57; for gale, Dont leave off buying too long or you will be too late, for when these are gone we are not likely to have any more at such prices. .00 Geed quota, Ousel Youngest .este. tutors. ..ams gemmed and sews, welsh oelbr, buoy plaid liaise, glee shade et dark taws, ltogltek Boake, steam yulesels.d, war- ranted set ee harden, a regular a7 Deal 1 5545, Estes guilty tweed w5Wrpeoef oasts, seat' cheek 10 fawn and brown, double se10.re, fancy plaid Being. fly front, ..1..1 collar, seams gemmed and sews, English make, slum talc.. sed, warrented be stead 007T ellaale, a ask►y earnest, geed Sake at *SO. Our sole,, Dollar Overalls ,-a:-• .-a, -;iikiiir Selling for Seventy-five cents .. . They are the regular dollar kind and will cost you that any place else in town. We bought them cheap and while this lot lasts yo t can buy these overalls ready to wear for little if any more than the cost of the material. It can't pay you to bother making them when you can huy them as cheap as this. A Unroll" mad. Irom extra heavy blue or grey denim, d.,biysewn bad riveted pockets. hlgb bee, all asses sews *100 stroos thread, rlv.t.d battens, w111 eland hard wear. A bargain, at per pair, $1.00 MORE ISO:.- a NEW CURTAINS. We opened up more new curtains last week and are now showing some very handsome designs in medium and high grade goods. We buy them all direct from the makers. ()ur assortment is large, the patterns new and up to date, and you are not likely to find better values anywhere. Here are a few out of the many lines we are showing : Nottingham lam torten', fall 34 yards lea', 56 loohes wide, stress Do1, else i .00 lefty pattern, very special value Per pelt 00 Nottingham lam orates, 'vary strong net. felt 34 yards long, 60 Isobars wide, I.ds large floral design, an ezoellse►'tartaln to wear. per pato Nottingham lam onrtein., bee and strong net., look stitch do., w111 wash end do up well, handsome d«Iros no Coe rote. Si yd.. long. 82.00 and 2.50 Very fine Notelopham leo. aortal°, all 34 yds long, plain nese with border* and elegant any deelgae 6.00 on very flee ners,perpelr, 4,5010 Handsome patters in Swim ear• blas, Imported by eureelves dlrr .et from the makers in 14wtteer- bed,very sarong and serviceable, beautiful designs ea real Bales net. Per pair, 84,78 te. .. . 6.00 Bobinette Curtains - The handsomest, the daintiest, the most up-to-date curtain for bedroom or sit - t ing-room is the bohinette. They make a very efctive window drapety, and grow more popular every season. We will he pleased to show you the very pretty designs wo have and give you an illustrated catalogue showing how to drape them to get the beet street. The prices are $3.25 to $4.76 per pair. WHITMIRE] DISPLAI, If you have not Seen our display of fine white un derwear come art Mill week or next and examine it. People who hour' seen it are generous in their praises of the .tyle and value ofd ewhomakeontA shown. Skilled opera underwear and nothing else all 'rein year round make these garments there is a style and a finish about them that is impossible to get on those make at home. A sample Yalu') from each line : Corset Covers. Made from stress Seglleh metes, mmbrla finish. lines betimes, V shape nook, trimmed with 2 rows of 1 !soh Cee embroidery sod of fealherstttoh beeld, special Drawers. Made .f very Coe E.glleh'OMon, c ambrle finish, 4 rows of sorrow took. sod frill ad Si inch om• breldery. Per pair.. ......... Skirts. Made of See Regll'h eeton. use's doable sawn, fall .1.e. trimmed 11/1 bb 5i leek frill, edged %SC. with 14 loot* embroidery. w 1 Gowns. Made from fine aloes, seek, r" frost end eleeves Mlmmed with II esmhrie frlBl.g. yoke .f op -s week les.r►Ien eWekc. .Ips 8k. leseruos 4.wn frent'of•walet .. • l ,,. Our telephone No. is 25. Use it any time you want anything in a hurry. May Designer now in. HODGENS BROS. QODBRICH. :