The Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 91901. rIi d, autl on ,tarve, nor. Se to live full and Xing re. aid brain, tith cuu• ud. W spirits, then rest p is not Mir blood le nutri- is food, When :mulsiun sets the ,in --man free easylr, .lits ate ;INE. In Luther ut. t► t'omn4.n t poteul Li came the y the Inert ery school - can cense • e Idoudy cnowr that mP dcin�l. er s ye so. s: 'Expert 1toheen_ time. If you tuadr, and. In the win. est humor. n. and the 'op. Admit ut h1 neck earl, coral, rage,. and did Lim n It was 101 t you think Iundredr of here 11,41 ,y and rni- med trrtilr-- oat. Ths t hide off. lulney, but Sutherland Distemper. Mee en DT S REED CAPTURED. six Boers Killed, Ten Wound- ed and 22 Prisoners. TWO CUNS ALSO TAKEN Amt. but la Rad lehope-1111 the Reinforcements 11.110 arrIv ed - Two Indian lienerals--Claaps Can. utIlres Slay Wear. Louden, April 12.-Reuter's cur- reepoadeut telegraph.: I WON able on • his wit) down, was very elated, tail was riding a huree fur which he entered the colony. The Duerr ▪ a time. They were mumetiwee ▪ ad three days withust food. After f.gliting till clerk they had to e at n410. the rule. holding their lite. the commanders, included, • hi (.1... daylight lite "khakis" ere nt them agate. . nee acknowledge tha t their aired in killed, wounded, stud prieou- es were 701.1, deed that of 4,elr nOn- so, the) brought back ''&• ley four • Vtlete. Thirty Boers were drove' u while re-cromoing tee irolge. Whet) the invader.; return- ed th.•y were la tatters and Fourie tiol hot We valuable hum), cool WAS leering miserable. De VI et awl Mid Mosher, !dotting _theeresatug aeceuut of lietury Will be unepairing in It.. oh:, lunation of Lk) Wet as a patriot, ,,, 11 1, 111 'be entice...tamale In hid trrulde tie lonimauder. Ilia vanity --for Ilw oral:Malmo of the struggle is nutie Leg tee' hut an Inairdlaste yaelty- -lete lost head of tier .witheet. die country le ' late, and. let it lec remember,ed, lee Wet Imo person oily hsen reeponatblo for most uf the lesolatIon. Alla nerve.. are mhatter• el. Ilet le Irritable. unreasonable and rr. 111 his greatest feelifig .of let. lerne le litre...Add against tile Dutch vel I. Cape Celeny. • Poor prism:tors, to Wawa 1 was talkies, stett on tlyc fluor with a gel bore which told a tale of loathing an.1 rontetept, an I be 'tenured me that the veatiment wit. participated in to the full by lite into commander. Towe tile t he Tra as, aster. 100, idler. la ethioutly a feeling of distritet. De ly for rocrult to from among the Trans ta.derr, Raking them to come and fight like Mee nee not 'skulk. 311 Ili) newt of their reinipttrtots. Vreou the date of tho capture of Ift•Wetedork tee Doer teeter rwinu• 14/ 113Ve 10Mt a,1 control over hinor•If. According to own men. ho trot Itterft4ty them into ohrelleoce. Me discipline les been ',teener than that of any hemmer martinet. lie luta allowed oc one to 'think bnt himself. -"Do- and take a rifle rind Aga." he maid one litre 111 tile plan of campaign, "but ,ktect talk to me now." Feb. lath, Feb. Halt, Feb. 2fitli aud Starch 150, 1U00, I Lave drawn attention to the conduct of the trainee daring the operethei therein wouktillte here to mention the ill* tiugulehed part played by thu Royal Camomile Regiment Ito adv twee tat the %reecho.. tin 27th Febru- ary, au I referred to by me In my de/motel. No. 3, ut the 28113 lebreart, 1900. It he now my pleaming duty to bring to Your 'Lordship's uetice the name* of the following officer*, tiori-couttule- 'Flouts' officers, and men, on account of tee wervicas they have rendered (Welke, the recent operation's: Illeter II. Denied], the Royal Cana - Man Regiment of luruntry, Alde-de- Tho Royal Canadlau Regiment of tu- telary : Lieutegant-Colonel W. I). Otter. Cana.11an Start, Aide -do -Camp to His Excellency the °overtime -General of colonel, Royal Canadian Reeriment of Infantry ; Senior O. C. C. Pelletier, Regiment of Infantry • Cftpt. H. B. leamioneell, captain, 'loyal Catutellatt Iltten ; 11,110, Private J. Kennedy ; 7,017. Private 11. Andrews; 7.010, Private J. R. Diellume ; 7,033. Private leave mimed to the favorable coifed - I ve the li011or to be, My Lord. Your moot obedient servant, Roberta Allege.' Piot to Kill Kruger. Leedom, April 13. -"The palieu of thee city," says the Amsterdam tor- respuudent, of the Daily Expects., 're- cently gut wind qf contemplated at- tempts upon the life of Mr. Kruger. Ono of the person'. arrested is said to hate made a confession." Mrs. -Crosije's Health. ad el eft hem eightermer- • the fore INES WASHER e t on Trial • satnefectorr rasiteedtortm Mt end do or work theta W heriniteatee handle. AIN e . Fat tense oral' tee. Oat PSYv rawly see lee Berman, for 1. Book of oure. GA. g Soon. Mt NOV IOW =mown, gr Cease, as ,a Dedham. Ifeeer of4DP.Wet's follower* hare tot hesitated to blut that his mind haw become unhIngeal. And, indeed. If 'nee ie the case, It is na wonder. The mole territerrl. I Mitre fell). Wellaiel. Oen 111. old 11.1 lore Ural. set nisnim 514 ,_New Brilro• 7t1 mod 1. Nelda teinin lean at. sente. eulhave Oat CAN In I tr. Conn ON !Apnea Mete.) tinetted %tension Oro nor. panning fatrlirr nerd. Ite;m1t. etc. Adder., ile• tension. e r, Til5onnnne. 18 IN THIt hro peach ire w at yeti Mtn. MeNol AND 'Mee. N. Staltheie f▪ amily. Dm It def. rime elect •ndo troche:teen 01 !NE of f65 1 on two roll. ▪ tv oat rev sin Morrell eel e Met eerie arable scale melee lest Jenuary, sod tent the tow ret•ruits have WWI INNIS to the Trantivazil by way of Illwahop. mewl, In Connect Seutnwest Attlee. The correspeutleut add. that the Mell- ish military ()Metals will probebly they run into uu unexpected oda- tutted° in Northern Cap?. Colony. Killed Trying to Exciter. London, April Ie. -A Reuter mee- gage from St. Illeiena rays that ?J'rs. Croupes state td health lets. caused Rome anxiety. See ts oenewhat bet- tor now. .but het mist' becanse ca- roled for a thee OWIlthiC tu anxiety coneerning the welfare) of her fain ilysla the Tranovaal, goal the recent death), of some ut them. Gen. Cope, continues well. (Ile Capture or Pringtoo. London. April 1.e. -A despatch de - realities the recent capture 04 Com- deubtalde rommatelautei horse wad abut under him. awl he Was cap- tured by the Imperhaln her-4re he meld elear Dave reared Cape Verde. Hittite's. N. 8., April 12.-A cable city, agenea of the Elder,' Dempeter Company. Metes that the 'steamer lgoatforte with the South Africen No More Iteinforeements. Ifondoo, April 1 2. -The Daily Ex- press thle morning snys It under - 'stands that the Goveruatent has decided to cease sending reinforce- -meat* to South &trios. 111thisters Preach Sedition. London, tintur•lay, April 13.- "A sierloure seditious movement.'" says the Pleteruutritsburg correspon- dent of the Daily Mail, "Is wpreading among the natives. It is headed. by native mieletere who'prettch the doe - incites the natrviliTeethrow off European control. The authorttles are carefully watching the props - gusto, but are reluctant to iutere fere, through fear of makirot mar- tyrs of the ringleaders." Peelle April H. -1'64606g the Boer prisoners who recently arrived lu Lisbon from Lorene° Marques,' mos j lean, Mr. Rabdulph elartiusen. Ile was ventured by the British, but re - tug uut to fight again. Sultacquent- quez at the request of• the British Cape Town, April 15.--A New Zee- authorities, under suspiciou of beteg land trooper who was with the Kim- „ Boer „Irma 'Jerky tx.ilumit -followed some Boers into the bush, wit •re lie wail sur- rounded, eaptured tine diaarmed 'ex- cept !or revulvur he had in law locket. The trooper was then left iu charge of twu Boers. Watchlue his opportuulty the New Zealander allot Thu sound of the firing brpught back the talit•r Detre, whu killed the trooper oh the spot. The Plat to KM Kruger. Loudon, AprIl 15. -The report that net attempt watt Made to usiittdAllate Mr. Kruger lecke confirmation. One rtory is that the man wh,) intended to kin tho former President of. the South African Republic, was eremite(' before lie coull carry unt his purport.. Another yarn, printed in Pare., is that the attempt to kill Mr. Kruger war actually ruude. The Perla Estaft•tte *aye Mr. Kru- ger wits etabb d, aud that hid "Mr. Martimpen, ou being brought here. secured Ids release. According to renriveeetatione, be was aide- de-catep to Col. John Blake, comman- der of the Irish Brigade." Plague Ceers. Cepa Town, April lie -The plague eager to date number 40U. There have boon 135 death., and 116 cases are under treatment. The remaind- er have recovered. • SHOT OUT THE LIGHTS. Aft Utswrittets lestedeut About the etratheonA Rorer. Lieutenant John Leckie, of the Stratheoua Home le talkiug of the exploits of his carps, said to a re- porter : "The Imperial officers regarded the come going guatatere of the ant hue been urrested. The blowy Stratheonas indulgently. It was dircredited, pending confirmation. Miele... for them to protest, :Is one etaff officer learned to his diecum- Mere, 114141 the incident le worth re - N1111 ty Utt- ers Killed. letting. The Stratleconam had finish- Ceitio Town, April 13. -Midland far- fed their work with Oeneral Buller mers nesert that ninete: Hoerr were division, and were en route mouth, In the repent engagement at being located nt a station on the Jannenville. br trill that this is the railroad until tralus were procured newt crathing blow the Deer Mead- for their tranaportatien. On part - V tag with the tetrad. Buller had (said. tor liestorking Farina. pertel authorities. are carrying out en excellent wheat., for re-sroekeig ase country after the war. Stock depute aro !icing establish/A era Government farms ln tlet Tram". erketratid Orange ttiver (biotin... The thing more then the nerves of man ilium malts with uppamitiou lu galulug lug movetuent by delta:11in a 'arcing misE0 THE halt a doseu ()entree. Colored Wit- The enemy, hotteter, me I Helibron. Ile reports that 20of the patrol, which umlutained a heavy enetuy were killed. fight with the Braise' seoute. Thu Deem leen hard primed by Grob:dear still stuck to ids position, turned euutliwurd to the Ngoine for- frootel attack, the flunking party tett, our troops. stet prime la touch meantime pri•esing idle) 110111. right with them. The eueues'e ' Pom-pom." he‘Sill. which tiler Were ututtile to tuke with them, was found at the bottom of a precipice emaelied to pieced. biz rand sheep. and 100 wagonr, three of which contained clothing, have Met Wets captured. A number of the Boer.. are diamoutited. A party of about 30 of the enemy broke away itertliward. but the main body is etel In trout( of the column'''. They have now practically loot everything. Many of them are eurretelerIng en the Zulu frontier. Duero 1•:1111sting. lamtIon. April 15. -In tlempatch to the Tomes ileneral Baden-Powell is reported ae saying.that on.. thousand Free State Doerr have pitied the ooluetabuttry force which bears ithe De W et 141111 1101h11, Cape Town. April 15. --It in offi- cially announced that Generalise Botha and De Wet were near Hellbron tat .1pril Nth, anti met again at Wits 'topples on April lltlt. :401110 01 the commandoes are on leave 4)1 ttbrent•e until tteday. ween, it le maid, devel- opments luny be expected itt the matter of the pence negotiations. Meaty Captures. Cape Town. April 15.-.1. small col- umn operating from Alicia' North line been pressing Boer columanioet. un the north bank of the Orange raver. Melt thev Met week from Before irt/itt.ng for nommen.' to "flood -bye. Meath...num. Better. Cape Colouy. The Deem Melted perticipate la the operations now braver, or 'more useful men I have into email partied, and several uf proceeding in the midlands, Crowe'n never had the huttor to command." Ute-ev have been captured. colonial coiner: was addressed by The bees were naturalry tickled .--- Dr. Smartt. Commemioner of Public with the popular General e common- . - Werke In the florin Cabinet. Dr.* (totem ; and the fact that, while ly- otetting Reported le cape te oieno, 8m:tett thanked the men on behalf bug at the station, they had etolee f • oode Cape Towri. April 15. -It iii off'. Melly stated tlutt Scheeperel corn. of the Cripe tirevernMent for the mag- two arr tnIficent services they had rendered .traln did not tend to subdue uni were about to render the Em- their apiriti. Merriment ran high, tufted°. after making a denematra- Itires when as haughty staff officer strolled tete neer Aberdeen, .44 aft located over from n generni's quarters near- uortlwast of, Aberdeen Tee'y by and ordered all light.. out. The were nearly enrprieed by the Brit - 'The BeInto- reement•. men from tVetetern Canada bad been ish. bat thanks t a thick ntirt, London, April 1 5. -The otory sterts complimented by Buller. and were they escaped. with the loll. of only The British troupe advanced stead- ily, but the Iloyr resietance was 'dub - horn, and It wee only when our men got to very clure range that the enemy bolted. Tile Boers lett a large number of killed alai wounded, ttint Itetn. Dart - nen captured many prieunere, ai well ail the ...Mire provirluit couvoy of the three ce.mmando)r met thotesande of t and sheep. Chows fur Canadians. Ottawa. Aprli 15. -According the regulations made by the \Vat; Of- fice) governing the Of the ,015 Africau medal, the Cu Ilan Infantry still receive four el:tem: "Caps) Col - and "Johannesburg.'• 11 Battery men will rein Ivo three clasps, "Cape Col- otty," "Orange Free State" and -Sei- fert," Tic, Aleuntee Infentry Royal Canadian Dragoons will re- ceive elaspv for -Johannisberg,' 'Pla- infield 11111" 'Waive Colony" eind '' Orange Free State." The li,tyal Canadian Dragoons will abet rec.ivc the "114 'fast" clasp FROM THP,I1NE TO EMIR Oldenburg Grand Cuke a Raving Maniac, S CO .,FINED AT DRESDEN. mteet be atekel to the long list of Old World ruler* who 'into iota their totraint 104 It/1111 tiCe. the reigning Grand Laic • Ilf Olden- thruae• wily a peer or 1) lig% 1121: BANK WIVES. Two Banks Swindled Out of Thousands of Dollars. HE OBTAINED OVER $5,000. mato of ilio patti2 retctott foe the Wit -rt. demented leacheiew Philip of Coburg, (+keel daughter of Mug laavpoid of (Ito 114.1gidow, 11114 been 041/035.441 *lel educe tite ecandal re. eulting from her eloping with leer huehand's chamberlain and the lor• gory of tho nanti of her winter, the trio, to -a tputntity of notes on wbitet 11110131 war ohta Mod. Thought to litive Goue Abroad. Thet the Grand DULA of Oldenburg wae liko his fa thee and pre - month« on thee reftwal of the 1,eghsializrev of Oldenburg 31 comply with (Ito ekonater Tei* mere:Hied civil list, he annottneel that Ilk had impaired by overeork and that Ito rtoo.11 lti not01 40 rest, it was generally useunttel that he wan re• t.olved tette at trip abroad. lecog tette much fun being made both in tic? OcrenAti and foreign prose nItout hi* complaint of ot erwork. th‘Lt• 110 1111:1111.1 11.11/t• the greater part of Itla c•oirt officials on hnif ply end slimeiseed others, but the.. tvais looked neon Illit.PCly 11 11 I/ 111/1 elfetttet11111 iriitation at the leegialat tweet refutes' to inerrant' ifie inconve 1.11'11V 1111 .0111 knew that 1)/1 Wtle ri lunatic amyl , and tioahectiou with _the thoro 113t4 Well until now no talk or auggeet Ion of a regency. leered Reek the %Actium -George Deal Was Perpetrated -The Main Still at lairs.. Toronto. April 15. -By meaus of a clever swindle two of the tuest promi- nent financial iartitutions in the city, the Calletlien Dunk of Commerce and the Imperial. Bauk, were ou tiat- tuelue robbed of -amounts aggregat- ing $6.246. abd th hut yet kuuwu whether other hetnke may havo suf- fered to a outlier extent. The device, which was used successfelly on the banks inentkozed, war the "relying" u tittleed the saute swindler appeared. lie was. eo far am is knoWn. unat•- compataled by courederatels. end up eo the. morning MA slotted *remit. On Therein), kept a Young 111111I represented Mewed am Omega FL Winton, of St. Johuhe N. 11.. appear at at the hcad office of the Bank to • open: an aotouut. Ile made a de- posit. or Ile0. and told the ledger - keeper that he wag connected with a bicycle company et 70 King street west.. On the next day. Friday, he increased his deposit. byi $50„ and later ilk the day drew a obeck for la°. which was regularly cashed by tile paying teller. On Thursday Win- ton had placed en depesit the sum uf $50 at the Imperial Peek. giving ehe 1411111 mane and representing him - melt as being in the same bueluesup he had done in the ease of the Bank of Commerce. C'hotte Hie 111,10 W•II. rrAIN el SICK AND THE MAN WII0 MAY SVCCEED rot 01 11 11d. Ilu nted from term to fa rui..•bliged to sleep miles ai1fty from 1,15 own Runs, never knowing whew... seed] ammo* the' next peewee. he toe tree tried beyond mortal strength. Speaking to tee men one eao he total them that lie wont! mile•• the whole world ring with hie 1,Itnt. 101113 would be counted a 11-,ro iccur,ling to my Informant. this was .• teen unfortunate apoech he has solo eelivered. The Dutch mind dee, not weir to heIghts of fame. They do not Went it. Ai POITel 01 them paid among themselves: "Of what une will it b to ma to call myself n hero ar.a.da\T weer -My em teetowt.". tirrobtnily, my. .1111 men have Weenie dissatiefled, n.1 bogie to heeltate teeming ft man wham selfiehnees Ili leen. Iltel.er*r Speech. London, April 13. -Genera I Sir ter Reviver, Buller, speaking last evening at Plymouth, eulogised the amistimeo velach Canada and Aus- tralia had reudered Great Britnin In forming In Mouth Afriva a third armee' us," he said, "and meet be•ati- 'awe' to do what lo proper for th-m- selves. Reasonable conceesionn moat 11", Xv,intert to them. We 'newt not repeat the -hero, whifeh lust us Am- erica. The Bret great child of the Empire was lust becalm. a fine, Prowant, lusty boy W38 1101. Itillell .11"11411 rope, rind wee allowed to think Ode:trent In innell matters from undertaking is sure to have benefi- cial reeulte. Sent to Pretoria. Nyistroom. Transvaal Colony, S.A. April 12. -All the inhabitants of thh; place hare been sent to Pretoria. Precaution...a St. Redeem. IA 'el:au. April 12.-Oreat precau- tions ere being taken here to prevent .1 polaible the introduction of the holuonic plague. acoording to the latest cables, Le mo seer -musty in - creaming lu Came Town. A patele notice ha" been put up of- fering a penny for every rat enught, kept well employed keeping toll of the Cepturvg. Otherwiee there la little astir here All of the DPW lIttiVAIM Floer priennere seem well mettle at Broad Bottont camp. TIM health le good. For the Widows' rued. Loreto°, April 12. -Lorne Currie. the Yachteman, who Is building three bent." from whieh one will bet select- ed am challenger for the BeAWAn- hrtka Cup, antionneos that the other twe will I/P nold for the benefit of the South .1frle.an Weir Widows' Fund. Johanneetairg, April 14. -The an - an • I Natal in suerenee'l till further mi- tten comes AP no surprise at the pre- sent jimeture. At title mement we ta• ll Retest- eetent home *Lettere of the maltreatment and . 11.• tittle Neck we've' nml 'ehil- confirm/thee, details. The enrmy for the meet part are now reneuct- to the dictates fit etvIlizetion, and Tweet Inevitably forfeit tho ce•nsel- Fir l'inelon Blood takes command of hie •lintriet fleet Wedneede.y. IMO 1tOr fit, Sonde Drift thie merning. The cm my fled to the hill', abandon- ing 300 horse.", beeidive arms and eritilpment. Thie commando le newt Probably that widell writ. reported to le. making earths -era of Coleetmeg towards Saxony mime (lityg ego. Deere enter 1311051. Orobelastr,- Avid et Smatleel, and after NOM, fighting tercel them to retire mod, leaving five dead rind several wortnelmi on the flel 1. Ten priwoutra were, token, nn I nil the enemy'r watromn emir rev tn. rind nevern1 Oa -maned enttle nn 1 littera were motered. The Brit - lose wee ene men wounded. oci-by the Express that furtit foreesnerar will uut be rent to tfrica line lel to a calculation evhat hoe bees doe* along that deco January 1st. la the House o Common* recently Mr. ,t3chwatin atked- am/tell/OM Lord le itele•ner a demand for 30,0011 more men, 4us Fegele'eeee fle- full of rum, twO factor', width did is few riflee and saddles. ef, acceptable. The lights were not el- train n,•ar Kenbry.t, and suttee munt• ce Ouguisheil and the (kilt thing that ly burned a good.; lewd. happened wan that one of the boys (.°1111"1141111th ri-elechee--11-11-1-tirkt4'- Inger have t•reseted the railway near from the Kootenay.; ehot out the ficer'r lantern with a bullet from Conway, 'eating a conaltierable force ix -shooter. This started the ball, 60111 11 01 IlidlielbUrg. . - VI "t*il fnlyrinttl, the entire out, Small bodies .4..lieere are moving lir. lireer•ek-No, rir. • 'Aura lights .011.1 playfully ',hooting They entered the latter place. but Sir Cherie'. lalke tug): e 1 the number' the wl Owe out of the railroad do- did no harm. of elrafte on I romforeenionts lauded pot. Th fuldirele of 'Mots faunae.] The general teethe+ of 'tiled° Colle- tt% South Africa. Mcce January. tee entie,e 0411113). and in a few nen_ matelot -et are 1.0 bleak up into small Ur. Drolock mil I the numbere land- etch' see! 1 thousand troops had 'metier' and to avoid all risk Id an ell la Smith Africa piece .1an. let ere stood to no te repel an expected engagement. They leave their liora-no 1.05e c•fficere ant 20,30') nott-com- Attack by 1 Deere. Lieutenent conoenied in the 11111.4 ie•rtli of Ornal miselonel offl:•ers and men : 72() oM- Leckie moll the thee officers ed the Relnet. After marching .in a tercel. cern en l •21,50.4 men nee still at see.. squadron were rriediy summoned they leek up frenli animal'''. leaving ice. Melo asked whether Metre-- and quieted the ma it. Next day the their 11001 ones bellied to romper - thine were meet to I/0,41 Kitehener. officialie rustled up ars and packed nte. Tito levaders lieve-ao-whaelo-1 prior to tho Interview at Middle- • London, Atoll .42. - burg; if sr. what wore Ahoy, foul from Gen. Kitchener fern could they be laid on the table 1.1 the dated Thmoelay, .kpril 1 Mr. 111314tlel 6t -theremermetto- tee 4-wo hours' _hard lighting, .., has . 'dation', were being conducted with rie-the---Doerft -and that .the_burgliere would sfurreieler ley tin: end of ...r a I It •tha. for the best of sal rensons. i sue. near Bewetelorp. , Rumors ...I Faehoinge• eistent remerm on the Stock Ex - 3' "7" eltange toolay that peace !logo - !wilt ere not In poenerrion any'l Pretorle, April 15, General Kitellener retoria, aprli 15. -The Swazi propticti ho watt going to make. ; report, to the VV'nr Oilier ets followe tiu lien inforrned the Itirrn 'that 1"ln Itabingtorie operations, CA./it/eel elle •ill et fuse to allow them to en - The Lost beaten*. 1 ItawIlee mho volume rushed Smat's ter to pas.. through Rwatiland. Lendree April 14. -Figures showing I 'anger, nortitweet of Kierkederp, ut Thin lierielon cute off one rota., of Setae •Africe sip to the end of bfarell welled -el; and twenty -10v taken pri- ellellIS• the total losses through the war in I daylight. Sit Boer,* wero killed, te,ti envelop Retherto left open to the were issued rrom the Wet Office Met i te•nere. A t2-penteler, a perm-pom. Reny Ike have eroesed Into Zit - night. 1 tee anineinitien wampum, with 111111ntl- litiond, wher they are new itur- Fee lent month the death... inelod- I non. mid mere, 11,,e001 mid cattt,, reftlering te he DrItigh newer ing killed In at•tion. were 623; mire- ' were vapturcel. Ger enteialtien Wert. trate.. '1 ing and primmer'', 39: sent home as invnlide. 8,069. three %mottled. l'Itimor raptured Field Cornet Brio'. Orfirere. Men cal tie. Killed In nctian apt 8,5A3 I During 'Pitcher's operations- in the DIM of wounds 114 1,187 i (Menge 'River Celony eleven litere 92 1 were killed. :led one mirrendere 1. A et peen remeoernise onee.et tee', wow 290 ROBERTS IsitADIES 11. ANAIDIANe. Names Brought to Not lee of Wor Sec - The following eltrneta from %Mein" I, Saab Aherne deepatch of 11:1•1 Parliement, February, 1901, Mow the treoereee by hes te the work 14 111111 R07111 Canadian Regi- ment, and tho °fritters end men • the premed epecial Peelle(' letttallon, Who 'have the dIstlegulehed honer eleerntion of His Mei...tree Govern - Most by the then commender-le-celef in South Africa . Army Tienettninrters Mouth .1trlen, Camp Peardebog Feb 28, 1900. At n.m. on the 27th tho Itoynl Cannelton Regiment end No. 7 Cote - levy. neon' Engineer., o•mmotiele,1 Ifereut.-Col. W. F. Kincaid,' mip- _ ..00ted by the Bit itattellon nevem -suithentieera, advanced ender st heavy rale MP withl ebtaty yard., ed the enemy'', defences', en 1 siterroded entrenching themseitee, with the Ines et two officers wounded, sieten own killed end twenty -eaten' wonn•leci blot part In it. War Off1ee, Mtterh El, 1000. e. Accidental Tetal tlentlig . 4110 13,734 Mom Again Active. /dinging nod premnere. 17 715 Sent tempi n• invalide. 1,R92 43,534 tiro bring generally made for winter driven hie Tot el 2,599 58,026' 60,6'15 IP Den t In Month A f rice. 690 13,731 Ievallds nett home who Invalids left the mervire no tosfit .. 2,189 711 16,081 17,692 Surrender, Says Stein. Bloemfontein. April 1 4. -It lo re- ported that the health of former President Slept has broken down. It te, Moto Amid that he has odylsed -- 82.1,000 Cheque for oni. eteete. ilelland Sends 11reliillet, Ottawa. April 16. - Lord &teeth - !molten, April 15 -The Amityville gem has sent Col. Sem Stolle a etweemprefttlent of the Mlle Will re- chimes for 51,4,o00. is a merit of itsoetre the *interment that oecret hte. nopreelation of the manner In peer mine has Mon going nn le Del- whirls the ftillrini 1.01tO1 01 rein. too thlt mended Stratheone's Horse le South the t Nes 't 0 •f*P1Pritftif bled for the IttVere. .1 3 AM (Wen reepeetirely this one bp on going oft A rented- Mlles. opera t llifIT. Pr, Wel 'n merremont es are nret erratically reported °wine to the eyetem ntlopted by him of laylto: falls> trail, wherever he moves. Ile Is nosy reported to to endeavoring' tha threugh 111.• northeast corner of Orange River Colony and -to be trent/- foreleg the balk of his relherento to the hush veldt. The mate of the yountry and the nattiro of 11011tIlItIPOI ell 11 tr, gauged by the morel of the Cape Cftvaire' here. After ehey left tentershiarg Mei Boer/ hung on the rear gicird, emitting. bat refusing battle, threigh they mad,' a dant. to carstore WWI Bei histw'm pont-went More itetitity le 'Mown in the et - tomtits merits are said to be trying neve menne of mining the permanent W 11.r Geneve' French'. coleme heft ex- perienced great hard.(hipa between Piet Retie( awl Sweetland. They No Peppliee meld ree.(41 teem eel they Were forced to anbalat on eneh Mink endeavored to 1110.1t (he et - food Al the efeintry produeed. toialon of the Doer ebeepothootere Deenitora fighting le reported front from tits British Mill *thick. Three Veer.' It prlsoument. - rape Town, Aorti 1. -The Treneon Mr. De Wtt, 11 Mettlirr•T If the Par- liament ef the Cape , three fine of CL000. Itels.foreements Paste All Ar\ri leelemie flange leave robb el :1:0116 eery leech al uenni In the Oratel Device 01 ltidetioarg in mete elf the aim 'gentle or its ruler, 1ve that there hall been a et•rtain lost. of trade duo to easy it 'sloe the petty litetes of Ger- many tu get along without their ruler*. an lir ettperfluoue the littler MAY rege throutrei ine fired. marring s, it brother- ibla.w of the Owlish Duke of Con- naught. an I of Prince Frederick Leo- pre.e.nt wife he Prince Cons trt Oran I Duke. weer an object of pertic averidon to the fate Prince ItiRmarek. owing to 111%11111We rtellkeli WW1 Ilk notate to enable them to get through the Orr- "' 1111(11:sisni... Rey Ilt•eonte Regent. The present Grand Duke liar a eon 1 t year.* ',Nage, on I ae hill brother emcee/don, there in etwointely no one gelatine I to tithe refe101141011 14' the re - leery except the Itioelemborn Duke thorough efieorovite, and whose eon is about to marry the mister of the Czar. liter mottimption of the regency Berlin anti to the peop'e of Oldenberg. nn I It le perimps partly due to this that the mental rendition of the Duke line been kept eo ettreinely 't0I1141,eetatrel thnt hie mete in not hi - bo In ft petition to, resume the reins of pet ernmentt With these preparations the twine - ler waited for the morn! rash of basil - noes at the Meeks 011 SIltUrtIllj tit (owlet hien In accomplishing his w eenie. Entering the Bank of Com- merce on riaturday morning he drew a chock for 510, atel et him request Instead of going to the paying teller's wicket to draw the money. Winter napped out of the bank, tine by using pewerfte adds recoeteded obliterating the word and legume " 20" on the. °heck. rewriting It ter $2.900. Returning, he went to the lodger -keeper'', Mier° 113 the ment, and then stepped di- rectly to the paying -teller with the t•heck held In front of Mtn, &al lf he hail at. that moment reeelved it. The paper wait "marked" by the brink, ant the pitying teller without hesitation handed Mr. Winton L. t 111 red_.dollitt bills. • Repeats the operation. At the Imperiel Batik the swindler operated itt 4.14•tly the mean way. MIN cheque there was. drawn foe 810. toad. t kis. he .citaugedlor 82-653... whir% twenty-four COO n 550 I 1111 /1 55 bill. The robbery woe net discovered at either bank until mouse time otter banking hours, and then it Mete 10 light in the roMpartatin alsvays made at the and of the tlay ln theno hanks of the amount of cheques drawn up. The procedure le some banking -houses le different. however, awl it la believed that a Mintier swindle might iteve born perpetrated onetime of there anti ls.• yet uncliecovereft The el••rks wito conversed with Win- ton lutve furnished the police, strIth a deecriptlom of the. swindler, whieh was on Setturdny night telegraphed to a number of other Thle descrip- tion stater thnt leVInton Is a young man. ebout five feet &even inches le height, fele and clean sheven. On MI of 111. visite to the bank lie wore a clerk Misinees suit. the telly Meter t of the NetherIne Illy father. the bit Pretoria rerrenpondent of the Dail Mail, important end eweeping move- mente are nbout to begin en et Loop. Reale. Practically all the nouncrel am en route to Mouth Ar - rice hrtve nrrived. The army 110W number's 2e0,000 efficient tern, in- cluding 90,000 mounted Wens. The impply .if horse IN afteeptnte. It in expeeted that the India generale.. thopd, of the Chitral expedition, rind Elliott. who hive tritely nrrIved, will have important 00Mmands. Dartneli`e Dot Fight. Dnetnell's column, °tweeting Pant of Veyheld. hex emmontered nevem op - pollees from the enemy. Three eertomnaielorm PO111{0 rt Menne tomatoes. 'there they threw up en trenchmenti au I.nemle'et determined effort to cheek DIrtheirt4 mho nee. The 110erk 'who were ander Lem- ma:0nel Orobelnetr rind two other. rommentiante, ricenpied ft range of kopje.' neer Retaidere end from thin the British troops. Poem hotly engeged, end Ivy bold movement fewer& the enemy's right MAKING BABY CLOTHES. lagemoWilheimina Rani to he Inter- eeted lee the Work. emoter•lam, AprIR 13. -Her 610 -sty of Minitel wan. the department bloke,' (oh eel...entente for be main' In °Melee. are Silent. The officlain of both banks and the gard to the losers. It in known, how- ever, that the use of the ate& model be detected when the cheques Were elomely permitted. The swindler Mate., end the services of the Pin- kertorl agency will probably Ws em- ployed in the Reared' for them It Mrs note yet WOO awnertained where Winton lived [hiring th, three dery he Wog In the (My. Dauer Cline Ore:01rd. The only recent theft from a bank - cheque wesperemplethel ft few years ago by one Carl Bailor. who altered 85 cheque on the Beek of Remilton to mike it rfeld 000. Thie olleque was venerated tend cashed at the Ine- Pere.' Rent, and 'Abe -cieeethert who 'obeli /den 1 tha losa has been before the court, for prime time poet, end IR now In appeal. Better wile captured +Meetly after the rad -parr. an! wng went to Kingston Peelteialary. The eel!' person known to tits irmil pollee who 111/01 ehettlie3.111 to alter et, cheque rented eucceeefully Thronto•nnel in Ottftwa about eighteen or t*enly yeare ago. lied Ufa eweatted to Aim United SteAget . w outte, en Hie Matinees of royal fi duce' eremites, for Booth- "myern pellet thin totaint little or prince's", November. Queen Wilkie Ina, 1010 Will eP111- tug. 81. wee ma lei to Duke kerne), Feb. 7. Her mor Pe swinge en pati- ent:it recently ens c ente•I Prince of the Netherinnde. 15 IA expected meny New York'e to the memory Derry contribute, Th. Oreind Trtitik Railway' ear ferry "lineoo," lies et her 'alp on the lintesened OrniV time during Fettle - de y night. De Wolf Hopper, Den and WII- rrete,1 In the New York areeetny of biting the Siindely low. veers nertvign• .e1 teeny in the Moller (*Mitt before Mottled rate 7/elle? The Magietritt• re mer Ted deeterion. GIRL SCALPED. Hair Catieht In n Revolving Shaft -- Toilette Operet ion. lerneer, a little girl of 11 yeers, erns felteltted Dv the hoepital on Sat- ing ft ereem separator in the milk Armee. her httlr WW1 oftootht by ft re. voicing ehaft end grederilly twisted toned. No one rrn.e et hiend to ern - dor her el& The entire skin of the hand whieh the hnir grow,/ well wrenehod from the ee'llp. fled she wes afterwards found free from the Slot ed y long and eritleal rmer- hoed will be held In contact with eying. 11 11111111 1. Until A portion of the akin of the Intter II etigeh Reel oe the denuded woke Etwe Klebeek Wan shot to tlentli In A (Menke's row thin morning In n fight in Kline townehlp near eleAdoo, The Rev. De Robert Steele.. of St. 'ewe' Chetah. Pitiledelphle. haa horn weleeted he the Doke of Kew nestle no editor of "The Charnh Re English Church Review."