HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 'ONTARIO. •1".1-1- Towboat ,r Towb oar, ApU 1 f 1901. d W. Acheson & Son Dress Goods AT AN... Extraordinary Price.... FOR... April 26 and 27 TWO DAYS' PRICES. As never before -from one end to the other the store is fairly, beaming with bright new stylish goods, Silks, Dress Goods, rluslins, Qinghams, Gloves, Prints, Carpets, Curtains. A variety so vast, so complete, that to attempt a description seems a hopeless task. Our extraordinarily large stock suggests to us two days' advertising selling. Remarkable Offerings for April 3 and 27. 40 Pieces Dress Ginghams. • New, bright, beautiful goals, new colorings, stripes and plaids. Regular values 12ic to 20c a yard. Two days' prices, at per yard 60 Pieces new, 32 to 34 inches wide, English prints, fast colors and in an immense range of patterns. Regular 10c and 12Jc goods, at 45 Pieces of New Wool Dress Suitings. Bleck lu•trea sea Si, tlians, best quality, 44 to 46 inches wide, su,,,ll, nest pattern. }regular prices range from 60c to 80c a yard. Apri! two days' rale prices, at per yard 30 Pieces 36 to 38 inches wide, all pure wort h. as y suiting Berges it' ,•11 Lading color. and black and cresta, at per yard, spe:ial ... ... . 70 Pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 50 to 60 inches wid,• and 3i yards Ioug, in a vanety of new de signs, fine, soft curtain and very effective. Regular price $1 60 ._._, _ _. a psis. Your c Ce - '._.---..---. 50 Pairs Cotton Blankets in white and in grays with fancy borders, full double size. Regular value $1.00, at per pair 5 Pieces 36 inches wide, heavy, reversible union carpet, new designs and good, fast, clear colors, at per yard, two days' only special 10 Pieces new, extra heavy, well colored, 27 inches wide, English tapestry carpets in designs suitable for any room, hall or stairs. Regular value 60e a yard and recommended for good wear, et par yard 8c 8c 25c 25c 1.00 69c 29c SOc FRIDAY AND SATURDAY -APRIL 26th AND 27th W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY • pries to many, yet for the put two weeks the deceased suffered from pneumonia Oe S.,urday morning he s•. out In the yard and had reac,ed the door of hu house, it• tending to re enter, when tie dr• pped dead. Kipp n : Mr. Lin•frn, .err th. • lla,e, has euvo.eded to get, log the drst prize for oae er the Parts Erpoe,tloo. Ae the Kr poen ion was Doe • 6o6001a1 1000400, the gold medal has not beep sent to him. Re opeld obtain it by sending 1125 Holm.., lie: The many friends of Rev. J. (ir..oe and wile will be mooh pleased to know they are Improving. They hay• had the sympathies of the oommualty derlag their illness and all will be glad to the them both out and aha pastor in hu pulpit •gets. Clinton : C. Hoare last week pleased the most duent oustomer he has yet had the pleasure of serving He made the e.le of • Doherty organ to Rio. MoC•Ilum from Ana M1n,r, to be shipped to the Armenian Mmelee 'Feral/mica' Co/lees, hoar the olty of Taus. Brussels : Wedn.eday of !alit week Will. Ranker, goo of Mrs. ((emu Beaker, of Brussels, and Miss Annie McNiohol, • for mer resident of this place, were nOit•d ID marriage Mr. Baster lives at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho. where he has • good Mims, tion. Porter's Hill : Ito Monday, 8th, while 1). Glidden, lonosesion 1, was felling trees In the bash, hie young eon, Melville, was straok by a falling tree and was picked op for rho& but alter some time he regained 000•olousew, and is, we hep*, on • fur way to rworory. Clinton : Hobert Lofft, • minim eon of A. H bait, of Se Mary's, formerly of Clinbp, tell hod -first into one of the wreaked freight oars at the Santa bridge recently .ad we. rendered eoselw by the fall. He was thought to hive been badly hurt bot the many friend. of the family will he Method to leer° that he bas fully reooverd, Brothels : Saturday, 6•.b, Jno. Sample ar- rived home from Louisiana, U.S., where be has been lumbering for sly months with Kelly Bros., formerly of Blyth He le five pounds beerier thao when h. went south He says the motion of the State where he wee Is well wooded, oak belay • special)" yalu.ble timber. Their market le Mt. Louts. seaforth Mrs. N. Cuff, who has been confined to her home, and • Reset part of the time to her room, dale last November, with • severe •ttaok of broeebtt, and shingles oemblbed, i., we .r• pleased to sag. so far Improved that she le op and around the house nearly ail the rim., and hammier. entertained of her r•oovery to the near future. Exeter : Wm. liathethe, te•oher, of Fair- field, and son of R m. Reeeh•w, of the 3rd oanosssion of Stephen, who underwent en operation at the hands of U.. Monett, .a misted by Dr. Brownlna, for •ppendioltts, whish proved M be a different Meese* teen was expected, being • growth on o01 of the Intestines, le now lying In • orltlo•I n oedltlon, rt. 1. azpeote,f, however, that h@ will r.00ver. His mother Ie 'len quite 111 •t her hernia Stephen and ander the dootor s Mee. Clinton .1. G. 'Haagen, editor of The Vonooursr (R C.) World, whose death has been anneooed, esu a rseldeot of Clinton • t oho time. He was here at Strathardle, Perthshire, In 1838, He received kis early edao•tloe at Moulin. With his parrots and their family he Dams to ("mashie 11353, settling In Logan township, in the oouoty el Perth. where his father, now pet 135 years of age, and w bright and hearty old m.n,stlll resides. His mother died slant ten petiolate. Hs was the *!deet of • faintly of eight. In whleh hi death ne.w the first break He leaves three sisters- Mrs Retort Millar, of Guelph ; M,. R..y.tt, of Stratford ; Mrs. W. N Husband, of Haneall (i)•kota) ; and throe brothers, William and Robert, at hams. and I)•rld, In Detroit. He h*.•n hie apprent ooehlp 1n the printing trod* Is 1864, ostler John MoWhlnusy R see. 1. th. old 9.allo.1.4Tial, Wedaeook,.lane merited with The Review. There ha ram.leed nn til MO. when, with his young wit*, he re- melted to Clinton. He rem•le*d there till the wiater of 11161, when he left tor Qe.Mo, heeled swarth • position' In the (levers• Comm, : N Jaokaoo ties those .d • One tan in Ibis oldest drug bounce 10 /Anapest. 131 R.,bert Berndt hoe gnus le 9trat bray, lettere he hes mewed s enmities Ina bakery Cno,c 1 : Mt. Reid, of I'rmoes street, sassed to her Itrm In Harl,ck on Thnredey et last week Grey • W• ars glad to see John Robert • ns, who had •uoh • tad shaking op 1n the seal pit, able to be out again. Btowsele : 'Nth Beryl West, formerly et Brawls, has nese te Chatham, where she will make her home, `tee has three sisters there. Seatorib Robert Winter shipped a ear load of very aloe b•ooa hoes from two - forth station last week They were 000 alerted t. Colttogwood. Wlarthsm : Another of Wingham'a young Wile was married let week. John Ribhle, Inearaoee .gent, o1 town, was mar rad M Mr.. A. P. Johnson. Brussels t Therday moroiog of last wash, at b o'clock, Janet Johnston, beloved wife el Henry 'Taylor, died at her home, Graham's survey, le b.r eightieth year. Exeter : Mesa. Evan end Heaman have been busy rswetly took -pointing the front of Messrs. Dlokeos, & (:srllog'. new build- ing, thus Arline moob to It. appearaooe. W,ogbam : Dr, M. 8. Kennedy, V.S., .4 Carmen. Man., graduate el Ontario Veurlo- ery College, will wet Dr. J. Wilson, V.3., la Mile tows In hie practice daring the tam• w. 8upben : Dr. H.th.m, a former teacher of 8. 8. No. 3, Stephen, who hu been pr.otielar; Ms profession at Con.tanee, .111 move to 8eslorth and hang out lib swlasle ahertly. glebe : There diad at the family reed deso..111a10 street, on Teburd•y the 6th, Jape Harding, beloved self* of Chris hopper H.•►er.11le, sr., at the age of elghty• two years 8eaforth Mies Nellie Doyenne returned home for her Rater holidays from Ambersr• baro, where she has resigned her poeleloe as aeaoher, having vacated a Ioorstiv• pndtlos la Klakor.. Morris : Wm. Wllklaso,, 4th line, sold • dandy well-bred better, 2 years and 6 me.lhe old, to A. Currie, bobber, Brussels. recently, that waled 1,000 pound.. He got 11136.00 for her. Wlnrh.m : Ames Tinting was away this week sad •Weed the Sex m111. •t Forest, Stratford, L1.eowel and other pointe,•nd he wys be finds that tba outlook for the flat bs.Mw le very bright. Rester : T. te Hawksh.w, who recently dbposd of oh. Cemmerolal Hoose here, ilea •.•opted • position with the well &sews Arai of Line. MoDoeald i 0o., ether . inufaee*rers, Londe°. ltelg{ave : Thursday of last wink Thw. C. Wilklaon lets B.I rare for R•nanabe. Mirth., when be will theist hie brother, Jamie, who has • flourishing furniture and andert►kl.g busiest* In that oily. Wier m : A very pretty wedding took place on Idly alter...., 6th 1o.t., at the ',aldose' if Mrs. 8111., la wbloh her d.agh- tes, Mise Floresth Harriett, and Cries W. ledlls, et awe, were 4h" oosersotlag rar- ities. arMes. Ooderfoh l ereehip : 1'. Cole has a won- dev4.l bee : lase *ink 111.141 w Ng melor• lag 8,6 India, add w.lthl,+ 7 ex. 1! Ir keeps up this reoetid 14r. Cole had better Ory to have egg. *old by weight Instead of by the dean WI.gh.. A very pretty wedding took *Mee at the reefAeath e/ Jabs McDoa.gh, 1r11se111 street, ns Wdeeed.y syealeg of lest week, woes his daerhsar, Mies Char lett. M. MoDoa.ah, was married to Chas. R. Ale.Wian, of Loudon Bntsele : Leat week Tho Pest meds betel refeeesos to the 4.,..se of M. 1). F Mmlth, formerly of Krems/de. Tree Ripley Repines gives the fellow's* partloelare of M. sed "vest : --The saws .4 i), D 7. Nsh1k's death was heard with deep regret ea 11aMrdal gaseslss,ibe 6th Igoe debits' 10 @'.leak, and MA • eleewa ever the Patine Oelpbbribe.d Mille his death was s ser agent printing ofbo'. Ib May of that year he emoted to Uuelpb and b•uame forbwtit of The Advertiser, owned oy the ate Jona than Wtlkineon Thou he red Jtlod+ loons, the termer editor of The Mistuury and Advertiser, bought The !detours, out. rod the vesture prospered, la 1867 the partnership was dis.olv•e •ad kir Mo. Lagan, alter some other business venture., left fur Hrltleb Columbia. Soot or : William B•IIaalyue, the assessor, bas returned his roll, and trout 11 w• areae the following statuUw : Toe total value of real and personal properly and taxable tearooms Is 8631 035 ; taxable fothag.,86 600 ; p•reoo•1 pr osiri y, 866 750 ; real property, 8567.685 ; foul popu- lation, 2,380, er 46 under leeear ; number of births, 26 ; number of death., 13 ; horse., 64 ; oath!. 42 ; hogs, 1 ; doge, 89 ; steam hollers, 17. The ,ow.'s ae•ets are asees.d re follows : Waterworks, 813,000 ; town building and weigh stale. w1,6 ervund., 815 000 ; fire appllaouu, 82 800 ; pubhu school, $9.000 ; Collegiate lnauto'•, 812.000 ; publio library, 82,000 ; wtat, 8538 800. Londeaboro' : A. t6e years follow noun other in rapid su0uemiou oue link atter an- other of the chain that joins the present with the early and important history of this Pruvtnoe Is broken. Another of them links has beet@ severed by the death of W•1 ter Riddell, whloh too@ plan. un Sunday moroiog, April 7511, at his home In Loads,. baro', •t ;hs adyaaud age of oy.r three. quarters of • cautery He was born near the town of Perth, Lanark osuu:y, l* 1825, his parents (Mr. and Mrs. James Riddell) baying emigrated from P•vth•hir., lo Soot• land, some years previous. He sem• west end took op lend In Hullett township In 1851, sed afterwards returned to his home, where he was married In 1853 to Mia Eliz• - beth Fwt•r, daughter of the late Chrbto• phsr Foster, &q , Dear Samb'. Falls, and the same year he established hu home op ion 14, on the 13th oonoemlo. of Hullets, whore be lived sutll oven yea, ago, when he retired from the more arduous wnrk of he farm sed removed to Loodsboro'. Hie beloved wife did twenty amen years ago. Oa *Is journey west h• had to delve In • wagon from Hamilton, the nearest point of n.viganoo, sad the nearest ma,k*t town was Uoderioh. Those were the days when the early settlers had literally to hew oar' • home ea well ae a destroy for themselves, sod Wear up the land by 000y!aot rod hard toil. and suffer the num•rous privations i0• separably 00ou•ui•d with snob life. Pore°. ,Og a life of npnshtnem puri et, lote.1 lnlcg• rity he gained the highest respect and ea ,eam of those with whom he oam• 10 000. tact ; .lily cultivating a tangelo* and cheer. !al di.posr ion, his pretence wag, as rays of sub.b,D. He was a 000soteotious and eon - ▪ t member of the Presbyterian search, for many rare an elder of Burne' oboroh, Hmlett, lied • faithful 9ooday school work• sr. The funeral took place on Tuesday, WHAT IS HEAVEN LIKE? Is the Orthodox 4 oarepll.s a correct er aea•.a•ble One T At the Unitarian Church of the Mess, .0 in New York on • recent Sunday, Re, Minot J. Savage preached on " Heaven.,' e nd 10 the aoaree of hie sermon said : •' 1 have hunted the desoripuons 0t h, oven that 1 have been •bis to dad through how ung-ootog to sod, and I tied that up to the Dissent time the wn'sre have uo• euo ceded iii mak ng them ntLerealtng to m-. Take the writer of tb•old nymn-I thou., h• I 'bald be able to moat! hes name, bas I 0.th not baso .ble M put my finger o0 it - who ung• . Wneo we',. been titer* ten thoaseou years, Brtgb; *timing as the sap, - -- Wee no Its days to sing Gd'. prate. Then when we first begun. "Now can you lmegto• yourself beery comae Owl's prise every day tor 10,000 years' Cao you Imagine God willing to pu. up with it' Of oouree It is all figurative. I see . wply 0.10g tease illustration. to shoo how n (bosh It i•, mesa 1n geo.r.l terms. to deaur,te the heaven that even we dews '1 remember, painfully welt, when I was • little boy. beano the obms mug some. times, pal hep* for the last hymn when 1 had been so tired for twenty w1Dutes lbsi it seemed •Imo•t Impo.tble for me to keep still any longer, the old hymn that olos.i with When oo0gregatlone oe'er break up And Sabbaths have no lied " Now 1 •uppo•e that must hive been ex premise of • sato of mind into which some body worker: himself when be wrote that hymn, to mak• It mean something to him ; but is It anything that make* us want to go to bsayso ! It ahem. to me that there must be • re- form in our thought. .bout heaven In the direction of making It sweet and real and homed. And It IM ourlous, .od It is strange, and mon curious sed more strange that the people who stand in the way of • little more light do not see 11 ; It ie °untoo, I say, to see how people w111 stand 1n the way of a little more sea .lble ham•n though• to some of these direc- tions. "Now when Elizabeth Stuart Phelps wrote her 'Gates Ajar' what did she do 1t for -what was the main point of the book ! 1 oar* not whether her particular id.as were true or net, but what did she plead for ! A tvnioal illustration will show you. A 11111• 51r4 teems to play the piano. Sheba' never had one, she long* for one as the groat, emoting .ohleyemeot and glory of her life, sod she ask. Mae Phelw whether she be. hetes 10.1 she will have a plaoo In hearth. What did Min Phelps say to bet' She tells her frankly that the thinks she will, and .11 over that onuelry, and all over Europe there rose e howl. Wbat tor! Because op to that time the only instruments that bed been intro4uosd Into heaven apparently were harps! " Now • harp, for anything 1 the the, le just as material, 11 that % e the trouble, u a piano : bot this little girl d!dn'r want . harp, .he didn't know how to play on a harp ; it would hive been no heaven to her to give her a harp. Aod Mae Phelps keenly and sensibly saw, whether she was telling her the literal troth or not, that she was telling her the divinest and deepest troth of all when she told her that the e upremnt longing of her soul would be met and ...tithed. - " Hut avert' step of religious p hes had to meet this Bort of stupid, thoughtless, pore prejodlos. As I old. • rnabo it not • bit more material then a harp, but It woe .11 sigh' be talk .boat harp., and hereeay to say anything shout • piano ! Now the is what we most get ever. Moot of the heavens of the past are furnished for thou - patine with only the thine. that • very lea people desire. 5.0 em In the pictures of them harp always, people with golden Drown. standing before the throne taking them off their heeds and flinging tnem as the teed of ,fesui or of fled. and singing and ohenting HI. glory ; and you think from the.* eatemeats and plotarem, and the art lest bee been lavished on the.. things In every direotloo, that this 1* shoat ell there is to heaven. "Now while everybody 1 suppose has some small a.paolty Inc learning something about main, there are, • thousand other things ilio. they care for a great deal more Is than going to he nothing for •pyhndy bat the masicla01 to do In htavenW hat would George Mtepoeaeon do In heaven' What would Mabee' Angelo do In heaven ! What w111 the great mahnmattoisne de le heaven! W hat will the great dlesnverere de In heaven ! What will the great Phil anthrnpete do la home -for, aopordlnr to the Ranier Idea of heaven, lilt field Inc philanthropy le done away with ; yen arc Ernes to M glad when y0* w ;stools In turnable, Inn.aett .l Mine sorry for .hem, morerineatly there N going te he no Bald for 'fleet t.c get them not of their trouble That is M. teething al most of the thee. tog1s_ "90 meet .1 the pater*" of the eld time Waves* da eat meaty the deemed ler the broadeelag, deepening, belgbtesieg life and dream and hope of the human rano. I be. loo.. that Margo wilt dud free num •0,1 seep for all that Ig beet and uuble.t :n us, and that not • man, not • woman who bag ooutrlbuted to ,Le semot..em, the happt nese, the beauty, the glory, the hearth, the unlit Vog of human lite m th.s world but will lied ample soaps and room for • thous and times grander uoutrlbu'wn to the growth and development of the eat over there.' • Proper Treateneal for Catarrh Reaobw ev„ry sieoted part. Suuh • rem- edy la Gat•rrn, cues, w4luh 111 Whaled IBM all portion. of the throat, lung• red nasal passages, where It 0111. the germs, rad thew the disease. Catarrhuzone Is pleasar•, s•'. bad absolutely sen 10 ours It relit i 'u distressed balmy 1. the hest, oleare , • e throat and nostrils In one breath Poeiuve proof of our* le lotted to the words of Mr. Klrk,ol Klrigetoo,Uot.,wbo says : "1 mullet - lid for bf,e.s years from eatarrh of the nose sod throat, used fluunreds of remedies, con- sulted specialists but was nut permanently behetitted. Having personally .1•oeseed a our* of thirty years' steadiest effected by Catarrh, zone, I brought au oattit and used It for a month, 1t oured me, and 1 •en Dow 0o more 1bo1. 10 oatarrt. thou ,f 1 /seer had it Tb. 1e most 000vu.o,ug testimony trout one of Kingston's best booms mod most hiehly respected hostilities men It proves beyond Question that Caterrhozoo• •baa lusty tures catarrh. 11 never fads; Dever henna; guaranteed to our.. Price $1.00 small use 26 osete. Dre,gisM or Polson & Co., Hartford, (.oue„ U. 8. AN EDIToa's Tat•1J1.-Ed,tio, this paper is a aloe thing. It to puLiieh jukes people thy we are rstilcbrrined. II we don't w• are an old fossil. 11 we pablub original matter they say w* don't give that enough selections. 1f we sly. them eelestioos they shy we are too lazy to write If we don t 1,0 to thereat w• are heathen ; fl we do w• are a *7900111.. If we remeio to the office w. ouvh' to go out and bustle fur locals If we go out then we aro not @hooding t• our bunoes•. 11 w• wear old clothes tory laugh el u.. it we wear good ulothe. they • *), et• bays • pu'1. Now, what sr* we going 10 do' Ju.t ea likely .out• so• w11 say we mole , ht' ,tett' from our •zobeoges ✓ od ..' we did CONSUMPTION! Starting Statement by Sir James Grant, of Ottawa. 3000 Die Annually to Oatarle Mem l s'ssg% the Rav• Ossa et file aria Wizfts Pie .. lean the lsaodlla 11*tlsal £Wiseettoo held u OWwa • f•. der. Masa Mr Janes nr•nt ine MM.e eartizta._ mode ta. etartlly .talo ,.., t 1hd Mae person. W .m..N1r In Ontario teem tu!er_ ..Lely Trim. rapis tbe mood iamb:e flow 1a the wettil 5* 0 W meek of gwou *hackty alto mak reset For •.•aster al a .m*.rr Re. T. A. Mecum. has .40. m*M amin.e0 _Mtsesbt. of the .a, has made 1ke cos• of eewmeemn • tum etod, and has esV.edge to ow,paend)g • mem of twetmeot O 4100 pOM0.ely 4enre,e the ger/ that produce* the dbesw at 1*. Mem tl-o betiding up tett Iretmo .ori creating Irk aW blood Tope Is no b•mbw .trout Eh sles*m, M lames .tach) whet 4b Ointment w1`I d. W Mere. emphaticucy teat It con,. In .1n.q per omit of c•.o. TOS doctor Das such ceaad..e• In u •aloe un. ',.left that As offers trwM,.,.st.oe1T1Ve1y Pa.• to an who dean. a can. tiers r M Misr • You sr your ,Ick Moab sea hare a TRggcoorme of Treatment. 0anpb who to Two T. 1. *Lorre Ce ss i r 4 L ro , Limited. 111 tag et Ws, Toren. to. giving poet *Mee sag sambas olid address, and the hes medials, Mho slaw. Cts) w111 1 e promptly sat. wise smog, tor ahem ernes =mum HO lewd Persona n Paned@. IMO. 505500'.: ' neer a •men, •o papers w111 plesWi MIMd ler samples M th. Toronto babormerli 5, SvMIA , -4 RUBBERS fr� +`•t �l• ► oft. • 4r atm J 0 will outwear two pain of Ur.Lnery Common Rubbers. Search the World and you will find nothing sirukii.0 11 hatter than .7rnifat.d by Every Rubber Manufacturer and Dealer, but no imitation has our specially Manufac- tured Rope Canvas or Duck, the only fabric whi, h can be thoroughly impregnated with the Pan Gum. When worn out have leather sole put on and use dor • Plow Beet. They(. D. Kingeo , Limited, leave the only !_ _ genuine JpaaA- Rubber. Don't buy unless the word' are stamped upon the sole of each Robber; all others are frauds upon the Public. Our Agent to Godenoh at 8'. George Pru., MASSEY HARRIS Toe name stands for all that 1e reliable In farming machinery. ...FARMERS... intending to purchase anything in our line should inspect our goods before placing their order. We always carry on hand a full stock of repairs. We have the beet make of Cream Separators on the market. You can get the most rep -to date Carriage or Buggy mode in Can aria at a reasonable prior from um. Massey -Harris Bicycles New 1901 models --elegant mounts. Call and sew them. BRRT_ P A,R801sTIB, AO•NT Mea Mwlas 1s • peones ezolted be vaulty backed up by rood tight biota -you may look the vaulty but you hay• the rood tight boots -you may weer any size boot. you pleat@ up to tbr,e else. too entail, it you use l'utuom's Pelule'. Cora tied Wait Extractor. Urns. glee sell it. heumatism.. le Ude Acid In the ieh.od. Unhealthy kidneys are tie rause et the acid being then. If the kidney -sac -tea es they should U,: would /train the Uric Acid out of the e,';mu and rheum/s- ilent is. ,d0't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney Dis- ease Dodd'. Kidney PHU have made a great part of their reputatron curing Rheumatism. So get at the maw e' eve Tearful shooting ,.....4 and still, aching; points. The M het one www way- Dodd's Kidney Pills ON '7 TAMPtR... with your health. Don't use Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the beet there is at the same prices that are ehargo d for inferior goads. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways froth, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department hos a reputation for promptnees and accuracy, F. JORDAN Medical 11 all. Lkillop Mutual Fire Iissauce Ce. F RM AND ISOLATED TOWN. PROP- ERTY INSURED. We apt Property Inure t up in Ja IMryj HM1 MOM a a errncretae are mwaeyesw. . J. 8. M+sl.esn, pre• ; T. Frawr. rtes -Der•, f Jas. 000.o.,y, u. tale. W. 0. Rro•dtoct, J. Watt .1.v. )(tau, J. U. Grave, J. Renonw• a, dig•• . , t{V O HrOtlto K,'ihttfo-rh insp. *- tor , . s,•:a : T, it Heys. Beafrrth, sooretary • try. .ser. AOCvT., J. W. 'it', Httimeoville : James ('ammlag Esmond vino ; It. MoMillso, Beatortb : R Smith, Harlock Palo) -bolder, can pay es.rwmeuts and to 1 their cards recelpt•d st Mr. Coats'. Clinton. oar rine ce clean Bros.' PalaClothing Store. Oode• S11nll SllhlS, OYfC91S ''lin man dressed lo • eaatswede at our store sle•y. 10 k• trim. as I is tke ambition of eyery moo of toile* silege. A large ranee of clntbs to from. 11 you ere oontemplating gettleg`\ light overcoat to- spring wear, Bite as. chance to serve yon. Price. rlrh, H. DUNLOP West Street A Great Snap R. St re ht a McKIM'S R Stand /d TWO BUSY STORES but not too busy to attend to your smallest want with pleasure, as well as your largest with care and expedition. Busy because the goods are all new and at the prices you like to pay. MIUlnery.-The tome of arae, style and beauty, the loam tupi,s and new Ideal, from fashion oentree combined with prices decidedly your way are here. Hers of fine straw brrld• and matting, trimmed with ribbons, sequins, flower., foliage, feathers and ornaments. Miss Duthie tan make the hat Met as you want 11. ;the hat the materialend the ability Perhaps you mould like to 1,1m your owo We have the material at halt pride Feathers and tips at half price Flowers at just half priori. elhlrt Waists and White Goode •1 oat. Mr. Andrew. had just got these 1., and we bought them a0 a trifle over half price, W. 4 For that room you wast some pith window) drapery. 1 *Mak we oat suit you le spoil and stripe Buoy muslin., art sa5eens, u1 deohams end orNisoues and lath aortalos all new, all tits latest, all dependable god at the lowest prlo., starti.g at /So • yd. Prima Our stook le good sod she prlow start at 50 s yard for • new, fresh, good. Dolor pique worth bas tied To. Flannelette) -A bis nos. .e .11 erboe.. 9.. our at So • y.rd s0 1$40, OIOLhIny.-We will osly say that oar guan0te5 .1 good fin le our °lathiest is, your 010Ny b.ok It you want It Men's .01.. from 83,30 up• Boys' " " 81,50 up. the newest sad tattiest little fellows sults le the markt, A. McKIM. THE 114E NEW Empress SHOE 6a Spring is here. You willbere- quiring a pair Uf..•. BOOTS OR SHOESIUU THE Slater... Our stock is about com- plete with the latest fashions in Footwear that will be sold at as close prices as is consistent with quality. Remember you have no duty to pay on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- dian workmen and are equal to the best American goods made. m. Sharman, jr. The beet t, - • • :-fore they a,• P - - e t .. m atu,e .,1.011 - .v'sterpot onin,h.. • ••W prevent wnt 1:•, 1 y wrth or 1a, ver ..eoinethe light of • • 1.ring day. A ct ,n re Ins Pen Inge fit pmtyrt awe a flee 4o"k 41 about winter at loving ,red every oU,,r kind of , :waving whn h we will •:adly msnb free to•ny- tote err!Wc16rif. TYE SPRAMOTOR CO, Lowson, Onl. For Ladies' Fine Shoes is our Ginger Snap, at. 50. • p000d, of which we sell a barrel a week. This isn't nor poly snap, e• we terry everything that oon be found In an op to due grocery store, mid our price. are right. ' he armors know that the% tan always get from se a soap tor theft produce. We tire-• ,,. .,roe •t no Iogttimas trade - • .1 go..: Gl,sware or pntorco., tiff or oholoset Wile China Ws Asa of them. T. Q. TIPLING CO., Redford blank, G.d rl•h. HANBIADE DAIRY TINWARE..... Our own hand -male Dairy Tinware made nut of your gram l - mothers' of i -fashioned hand -dip- ped block tin, is the cheapest and cleanest tinware to buy. All goods marked in plain figures ; the smallest child can get the name bargains as the older ones an we have only one price and that is the cheapest. No overcharging in the shop. J. 11. Worsell, The .heap stove end forums man, (toderleh Khutg Quality . "Nothing made in the United States to beat them.fi'• �1 , Every pair guaranteed. Csktlaee'>asMs 1 Trunks and Our lines of • THE.,. .0,911 ...King Quality Shoes... FOR MEN Ili ,• %, ry 111 o and up-toatide. \V,• t arra a largo ntng,•. Our spring stock of goods is on our shelves. flake your selection early valises at dose prices. staples are complete. ST. GiORCE PRICE Sole Agent for J. D. King Co's Goods' CANTEION'S Pastry, Oyster Palties,Taris, Short Bread and Cream Rolls, too Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses, lr[acaronis, Maraives, Brandy Soaps, Etc. an, as gond as the hest mane in any ,'fly in Canada. Cwntelon Ietrlw the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy dewIening Arid ornament ins and almond icing. (live him an order and your eat infection will he wwwurod. D. CANTELON, Wtur-aT. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THR ISRYT Scrll1oll Bard Coa11 1V TIIK MARKET A.1 t' a•1 welshed ea the market Mala whore Ton Get tWO lbs. for . ton. WM. LEA. Ord.'', loft as Lil rk BWILII,W$ Bien promptly swotted he.