HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 5►'
i my old stand and am
5th a complete new stock
Goods, suitable for the
have nothing to offer but
'ht in the best market,
%r at rock bottom prices
portion of your trade I
I can satisfy you, both
3 not necessary to quote
h to call your special at-
ack and Colored Dress
tr) ranging in prices from
lks in great variety, both
'ember the place, COL-
lephone 86.
Cines: Our ONVII
36c-3 for $1.00.
Warranted equal
to any.
Our Sassafras
blood and stomach )elan,
60c-6 for 2.50.
As ideal spring
Climax Furniture
Garden Seeds.
e to work hand,
aro subject to
fitted hy such •
(25.:, 5 tor *1. )
ve;eachlhorse a
ling Oil!" It is
ref ever known.
k. 2& a bottle,
ind some of that
u- oR,r •tteade
s in using paint a little before ft
:ernes absolutely necessary.
Don't wait till the old coat has
tirely worn away.
Amanita, and and toot)
Red, Yellow, Bleakand
have • can for radians.
-e Store, Goderich.
THURSDAY, April 18, 1901.
W. Acheson & Son
Dress Goods
AT AN...
Extraordinary Price....
• /1/ _. . _I i°%
meal printing °Bit. 10 May of that year
be removed to Guelph mad ammo torso=
of The Advertiser, °wood oy the tote Jon,
than Wilkinwo Thou h. tui J
loon., the former editor art The Mercury
and Advertiser, bought Tb. Mercury est.
rod the ,.oture prospered. In 1467 the
partnership wee dis.olved and Mr Mo
Logan, after some other butane. venture.,
left Dur Britian Columbia.
Seafortb : William Hmllaolyue, the
assessor, has retarded his toll, and from 11
we glean the following •latatiue : The
total value of real and personal properly
and taxable croon= le *631 035 ; ta1•b1.
luoome,S6 600 ; tensorial pr.,peri y. *66 760
real property, 5567.685 ; total pope
lotion, 2,380, er 46 under last year ;
number of births, &S ; number of death',
13 ; horses, 64 ; otttle 42 ; hogs, 1 ;
. on . /,,,u... 17 The town'' 1
broadsides, deepening, helghNaasg life sad
dream and hope of the hamar roost. I be.
Isere that b.aveu will dud free room and
mope for all that as beet and ooblear to
us, and that not • man, not a woman wbo
baa ouotrlbuted to the sweets ass, the b•ppt
now, the beauty, the glory, the beeitb, the
utilitt•ug of bureau life In th.s world but
will dad ample coops earl room ter • thous.
.ad times grander contribution to the
growth sed development of the naivete*
utter there.'
• newer ireetmeal fee t'asarrk
K.i,obea 'Tory •seated port. Nuub • rem-
edy la U•rt•rrne cone, whluh is inhaled lobo
.11 porticos of the thereat, lungs and ueal•1
passages, where It 11110 the germs, and euro.
Mos dlse.... t'.tarrhozone 1. pleagan• .•'.
and absolutely sure to cure. It relit t ';
distressed feeltuv 1a the head, ole•r. • u
supplement to "`the inaI."
Vera Nwtaa
le a proems *lolled by vaulty barked up by
vood tight bout, -you may lack the varsity
but you b.y. the good tight boot. --you
may weer any sae bouta you p1.aa= up to
thrift mars too .mail, i1 you use 1'utu•m's
Penalise Coro and Watt Ezaaotur. Drug.
glutei sell at.
le Uric Acid In lbs Moot
Unhealthy kidney• ars the
cause oaf th• acid toeing
there. if the kidney. acted
►►1►rr irr rrr rrr rrr rtr ret ttt rrr rtt rrr rrr m rrr rrr rtt rrr rrr rrr rrr 11rrr rrtr2
each of Pure ('ream Baking
llOo s b. The step -ladder alone 5z•
)p Tea -not a medicine, but n care-
.eton Tea blended in a ycientitic
ed Hops. Delicious and healthful.
y your Garden Seeds. We have a
EZ=Y (1St CO.
edy for WEAK and IMPURE
iacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
(teat and beat designs in
untrimmed Millinery and
Ispect before purchasing.
Hamilton Street.
we expected -every person
)er bought.
it feel when he has a cinch on any
itomern feel when he gives them $
. Look at the other fellow'm paper
to say, make a nett of his prices -
know the rest.
IC's worth your while anti tl.t•
acquaintance' will nave you Riney.
The largest chew of Ili,ycles eve r seen in Godertit All fully guaranteed.
0,11 line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They comb ne all
the latest features.
Dunlop, 0. & J., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires.
We also have a number of secondhand wheels at bargains
Repairs exec rte.' cart -fully and promptly by a first-class repair man.
We have leen seeing lei yclee ever since a bicycle was a bicycle anti are known asi reliable
des'er•. Telephone 92.
TI'.X1.AY, April 16.
!hoe. Tiobbrrs. 1. eel ,yang a week'•
relatives and frl»d. In Uodetnot.
TRCt1�n1Y, AprIl 11.
Thursday leveeing Mies L. Campbell
whites .n the Methodist choroh on
j+ot "Spring." the a0dt.m ea•
ksaght out and w.s very ably etyma
whn-were present would b very
hear Mas l'.mpeell oa another o0-
-t. Ili I' PRY. -The followng are th•
1 to .ucousfnl put'le at the recent
0o reanimates' Oat of flfteee
*10 wrote, twelve gammon
• error iII. to Iunlor i'. -total
s) ; pus, 400 - Addle McLeod
rite Hewk,as 424.
cow 111, to smiler III, -total
• ; to psee, 363 - Lora. Gr.hrm
sola Buie 429, Elder M•w 373, Ed.
.4Mrty 364,
tumor 11. bo jailor IIL- total
10: to nue, 335. -Eva McNe.405,
kr•�am_32i. Annie Youov 340. Vera
337. •
part iI N ju•lior 11. -John Wrote
:JO. I, eugberty.
kering children starting to .ohne'
rims 0111 pie.a gee that they start
n lload.y of Ma,.
Mo.nar, April 15'6,
A It t'T. -ler. Knbert Pentland le
Ips of • leiter Informing him of • pad
t that load the earthly oereer of his
tFm , ..t Lis Angels*, 1'.Ilforna
was bern an W•w•aoeh,near line,
belt his printery infuriation .t the
toh!lo taboo'. He qualified for •
, and after Dueling the Model school
int for some time in • school at
teeth of Gerrie. in 16114 he taught
Orales school, and when his term
note he went for • while to Belli
Maryland, and thence to Manitoba,
lie farmed for • time H. then mov-
La Angeles, California, when be re
till the time of his demise. For
roan he wu engaged as teach•r,hut
tit 1111., somewhat' be left the pro
sed went mining. Oa Maroh 16th
sed a companion had Dr.p.r°4 tour
tote Ignited. He told hie oomp•nloo
diaster and he would fire the shote.
mnde complied and soon heed • re -
not hearing • wooed implosion he
le the tunnel when Mr. Pentland had
neklne,sed when the smoke and dust
may he fnrind hie mangled body
cos distance from where the etpine-
re4, Death war IoeNeNo.u.
Moe of the rook had etrnnk 111•
meths hie threat, and • third bad
one arm from hie body. His boly
sad to l,.e Ang•lee and interred
"ratify Me14. the rem wins of his
Gte.,whe died there some years age
ached eau, while here, • member
Mtthoditt eharoh and when he went
Argels he 'Untitled himself with&
endive Episcopal ohareh H• war
sly respected end Isay.s • wile
children, fear brothers and ore)
. ,ter to mown hie rn Iden dn'h. His
trlen-ls have the heartfel. sympathy of the
community In their Der..vement.
MonnAY, April 15.
The rcralar moot hy meeting of the W.
r. M. S wee held •t the hem. of Mrs.
Young no Wedoesd.y, April 10 h. It was
• tram o lel service for the 1.. Mrs. Fero'.
ma, who bad a1w•v. been • member et the
e•,m.ty. A gettable service was conducted
at whloh • resolution of coodoleooe was
read, and then forwarded to the family o1
the deceased l..Iv.
The tel o nog is • Dopy of 16. reeolutloo
Mr. Fogueon and family.
1)uaa tamers -rhe Sal ft's Hill Aurtl-
•ry et ins Wom u'. F.,noon Mtatoosy
Soots:, deer= to extend N yeu their heart.
felt sympathy to thea arrow welch bee fallen
apo. v •u 10 ib. death of your beloved wife
and mother.
We de. ye to pleas on record oar svpreol-
ation of h • many noble virtues of nor de
paned setae. S • bee teen • member of
the society ev.r since Its organization, and
we always f and her f.tthru' and to.lou
.n whetoyer work was undertaken. tt •
le 1 diet enr society has loft • faithful
weaker an t .sob member • persoo.l and ,
sytipatheuo friend ; hot real zi that nur
lose le not oomp.r•ble to tenure, an a tide
we feel that we may not enter into the s&C- i
tedium of your oriel, we wnold assure you
Het you Imre Ilis deep sympathy a1 the
May the Gd d Peas oomferl and sus
fain you In the hour of trnnh'., and may
you •ver look to H.m as a God who 1e to
wise to err and too good to be unkind. ,
Signed en behalf et the Moolety
Mas J. A. %VAI.T111, Pre.,
MRs, K 11. Yonne, Vice Pres.,
Mics F. Flsasa, Sea
MnsoAY, April 15.
Mn. 3e*. Taylor visited her eon Herbert
at Hamilton daring the Emits. holidays.
The latter le don= well and had many
weeds of enquiry after old friend. In Gem
From one et the Stratford papers we learn
that the Rev. Mr. Turnbull, who w.. for
tome years oo.putor with the Rey. lir. Ure,
of Gnderloh, then 1. charge of L.ebor° and
the Union Pie.hvterien charche', hes been
appointed Ohalrm&e et the board of 1111111131.
ere of Knox C.ell.ge, Toronto.
OBITUARY -Op 1 outlay, March 26 11,
death visited the home of Mr. aril Mme
fight Bogle, tattier from them tie:, =lent
eon, ('brlstopher, aged fifteen months.
Friends and neighbors showed their deep
sympethy h • large ntteedsec at the Ian
oral on the following Thursday Tbs fsner•
• l eervlo.s were 000da0Md by Rev. du
Hamilton earl the sell bearer. were A Mem
A. rind R Glidden end H. Bogle, whn low
seri the remains to tneir last rest In Pme•
thew cemetery. 1 rhe &boyo Item eat in-
advertently omluedlut week.
At the lout meeting of the Preshy Try 1s
was d.old.d to rA-anite 1.•.be.. and Uoioe
churches, and to ono•..gnus, Rev .D. H.m•
dten w111 M recalled, having recently re
• lined oh.rao o1 the nhner% here so that th•
proposed 'hangs might be carried out.
keep op this record Mr. Cole had better
My to have mgt sold hy weight Instead o1
by leo dome
Wlegham A very pretty wedding took
'lase at the reeldeeee el 1.1.. M.I)onsgb,
Pr•asle Sweet, ea W.desiday •y»leg of
lass week, "rhea his danehter, Mise Char-
lotte M. McDea•gh, was married to ('hu.
Z. Alta.., .1 I..ed00
Rrasale • Leat week The Put made
Brief reformism to the dac.•ee of 1)r. 1). r.
Nelle, formerly of Rrasseele. Too Ripley
Repeats gives the tnllowle[ parameters of
the sad west - The sews of Dr D R.
11m1M's death was heard aria deep regret
es teassit,,, morsleg,th. 6t6 lass ,.best 10
Aka, Ms oat • ream seer Mo ester•
MfrIMA»d. While M• death wan s err
The ooneregatlooa o1 Iweboro and Union
°hurt= are oto to b
g g coy or build • manes In
Uoderich, and liberal snbselpt loos have •1
reedy been made it v. Mr. H.m.lt,n
ere»bed hes 1.•t Suud•y at th• astral
boar 10 • large 00 ,gregat on .iter • month's
Patnzb Bt:rone -Wednesday moraine,
the 10 6 of Aunt, Ann Young, wife of our
reopened townsmen Hugh Cbahulm, passed
pe•o.fulty &wiry from thte trenseat wnr•4
to the mil-a0tua+n of life, being 1n ter 63 d
year, le the presentee of theme of her obnd•
ren rending at nom. and eav,r.l friends
Toe deo.esed war the eldest Laughter of
the late J.mee Yo•ov, who was oust of he
mousers of t:od.noh ,owoehip 11., our
ylving brothers are \V llum and J .mea, of
Colborne ; Henry, Ch•rl.e and .1 inn, .1
Uoderlch towo.bip, and Alex . of K n11ti ;
and her meters Mee Dalton mud Mr.. Au -
11n,01 A,ndeld,and Mr.. Have 51•ct• •1
of Uodertoh. Atter her marriage to
Mr. Cbt.holm they settled on • term
ere the 12 it co00sseon, A.bh,ld, and
toyed there for •b..u• tinges yr.r., .ud
then hy exchange of hums tkuh • Mr.
Limo . 0.m. to our m in 1868, sad for
nearly thirty •hr.e yr.rs they had lived
Gere. For the part two y..r• Mrs 01116.
holm had .ufleted much 1r. to hest trouble,
remaik,r.e.6 one time to your corrupt. d.
int that .he wool 1 not he her, I mo and
bet I.eae o1 lite wee cluing. All who
know her can ray she war • beloved mite,
mother rod meter, and • true friend to all
with whom ane mime to con got, and In t11.
bonnet Illness in th• hom•e of relative.
and neighbore ere wee often preemie to
lotion .red ease the .ufle' I Ivo of the
patient. Wheu her owes heel dittoes came
oho met It earth • true Christian tort nude
telling three about her that her end we.
1600a to be Tnrough her life .h= war s
faithful member of the Raman Collo io
church, earns.' and true 1,0 Ger du ie., ane,
she w•. fully reedy to meet her a .d Rev
Ether West, of d•. P.,er'. °hutch. •t the
oboe of the tuneful service* et the °herr+
spoke of the power of faith and the le.. -n•
whioh It taught. Death was always
,meager as rind all should ever be r. a ly to
meet at, u 1t epmree ore one. In clo.mv he
s•IA the deceased had fought • good hart
in ibis, life with Will and now hid g.ao to
her r•w.rd. We may note *hot the de
oserrod wee able to ne present a' the mid
night mue that inhered In the new Century
That war the last oor.eioo up n w flet .h••
reoeiv•1 theesor•ment at the slim; ; Inge-
m .nth. have pursed and .he h.. lI 0$ brought
bolero it In the silent .lumber bf dsrtk
The p. l •ori were 0 O •not J • MN
Aroy, 1 Ford and Alex Bilin[, Sl 0.
Hob, David Stitliog mod M.tthew .f
1b1s ohne, who low. rad the rearming to the r
last reef in the R. C mom sty In Cabotiie,
Of her family thaws are threes.n.--Jose
sad William and Jam.., 0rhn01 trustee of
8.8 N. 9. (J..itrnrne--and 1 u. denehter
Adele (tlre 13 Lootle ) M.. y ( lir.. M . a.i)
lane end F:1 z., th• latter l..0 .0,1.1,1.0 .t
home Durtug the sluing days el deneued'.
pleas many of her relates., Deighbnr, sed
friends palled to •ee her, and preview. to the
Masai many v e .ed her remelts The at
tendseos et the faner.l was API lare and
there were many eznreeel0m 0f deep eym-
pe'hy .116 the heresved hn•neni and fent
,ly on the sad lose they h.,. met with.
ssttllag In Logan township, in the 0000ty
el Perth, whore his tether, now past 45 year'
of age, and m bright and hearty old men,etlll
redid. File moths riled •boot tee years 660.
H. nee the oldest of • family of aiere, In
whleh Modena) o.u..o the fins hotel, H.
leaves three ethers -Mn. Retort Mille, of
Guelph ; Mee. Reeystt, of Srntfnrd ; Mn.
W. N. Heeb.nd, of Result (D.knt.) ; and
three brothers William and Robert, at
home. .,d i)avid, In I)etenlr. Ho imam
his spprentboobip N the printing trade le
1ft5A. under John MoW Messy A See. le ills
aid Seesired officio, Weed.benk.6=0e marred
with The Review. There he r.rn.insd es.
til 1459, when, .116 ha venni win. he ro-
e,eymd to tlLeton. Hs remained then 1111
the whets of 1.61, *hes he lett ter (jasho,
hayloft wound • palates 1. the Gement.
The London Hotbeds, o»fereooe w111
meet this year to the central Methodist
ebaroh, let. Thomas. The steamship core.
Tektite w111 meet ore Mead.y, Jute 3, at
3 30 P. a. • the ministerial seam will
open os Tuesday, at 2 r r , and the raga•
ler oonfer.nce 0se.ino will beet, on Idiom
day, .t 9 A. u Rev. Jeeps Wilson, of
Uoderlu6, is to condom; the ooefer»ee oom-
munloo service oo to. Sabbath •v»log.
The executive committee of the (=term
Christian Endeavor Colon met in the Y.
M. C. A. rooms. Loodoo, last week, and
traneaoted important business. The annual
convention of the anion will be held 1a
Brookville October 1, 2 and 3, and . very
strong program h.m been pt.pered,
whiob iooludee messy of thir leading.peak-
sre of the Provtoce and Rev. J. Wilbur
Ch•pm&a, of New fort. A. T. Cooper, of
Clinton, was appointed Ontario traneport-
•tlon 5lansger for tn. international C. B
convention, to be held la Clnom,att out
J uly.
A meeting of the executive committees of
the Colon Sabbath Sobool sad Christian
Endeavor A.00i.Iion of she county wee
held at Clinton on (Prod Friday. There
were preprint W . H Kerr, Hruaeel.; J E.
Tom, Ooderloh; J l'. Stoneman, Hansell;
.1. H. McC.i.Wo, Weed -id; Jobo Du.tow,
Nile; 11.t W »Moite°, A. T. Cooper, Rev.
Ur. Gifford and R.... W. G. Howson, Chin
too. Programs were wrangled for the sp-
acial meeting. which le to be held In Cllotnu
on Tue.dsy sod Wedoeeday, Juoe lb and 19.
Cnnrt.lan E•tde.vor day will be the brat
till year. W•Ekaawo (=table talent hao
bean luvlted to meet, all of wblo6 will be
made outltc ss moo ea r B multi' replies
are received.
A meeting of the board of the Methodist
twentietb 0estury tbaok.glylne fund war
held st Toronto last week. The board
formally etpreeted its approbation of the
valuable eervices rendered by R... 1)r.
Po te in he leader+hop of tee movement.
The gao.r.1 r.p rtahewed
ha 1 been .utworlbed, of whiob *800000 .rad
teen •Ir. udy paid la. All bet *25 860 60
of rte fund was allocated as follows:-
•I'hree-garters for church debts ard one.
yu.rter for oonnexloeai feeds The re-
mainder is to be (beaded •gnn!y among the
ng riot: est . - C tomtits,
We.l.y, Wlnoip.g : it'•'l.yen Tn»logit al
C. liege, Moetreal ; Allert College, Hole.
vllle ; llama -AI,..., N R. ; 8'. Job&.,
Newfouudi•ad. and Aline L.dise' Wises,
Se. '1'hnmsa., Tee =Hawing resoluttnn,
moved by Ken. 1)r, Rorteseh and emonil-d
by Ur. lams M41•, of Guelph, was earned
"That th t leotard uprise ire era'.
braille,' .t the .11,01 d reonite of the ap.
peal for I6• twee troth 'enemy thanksgiving
fund, and return Ito A'm•,h• v find .to .in
cars thank. for His blee.i •e thereon : taint
.11 nnneri-u•nee to th• fund, filler for
coonezlonsl . r loos) patentee, w bo are
re be varier peened to rem t at
mos is order 'that tee ►1•bfio roll be oom-
pited and that the ezeoullve committee be
antberlt.d to complete ell oollectloc, at the
earliest potable date.'
The Presbytery.1 Hares met 1n Willa
oeurob, CIInNn, est Tuesday of last week.
The time was occupied ehletly In reading
and discussing repute ea church life and
work, Sabbath schools and young people's
societies Altboogb these report' (motelo-
ed some discouraging features tbey were on
the whole favorable, It was found that .I-
thoogb the membership et the '0 P.S.C.E.
bad deore•eed their o»trlbutlone bo cborob
eobemse were largely la steer of those of
any prevlous you. The Bnaeoe committee
submitted • tabulated statement of this
dnasotal returns of coegreg•tlois within
the bounds. Ke.. Jt. A Anderson was
appointed convener of the home miasma
oommlttee tor the emitting year. Dr. F. R.
Beattie, of Louisville, a graduate of Knox
College, Toronto, was tomlo•ted to the
nhalr of spolorettse •od homiletics to that
Institution. 1'6e following commissioners
were appointed to repreeent the Presbytery
lo the next 0 1 Assembly, wblub meet*
at 0.t.w• next June :-.1. S. Henderson, ,1.
A. Hamilton, 9. A. Carrier•, C. Fletcher,
ministers, and the repreee.teinve elder*
from the coneregatten. of 9eafortb, Varna,
Exeter and (:rand blend. 1)r. Warden, of
Toronto, was oemio•ted se moderator of
this Assembly. The del'venuoe of the
t'reotyiery relating N this death of Rev.
Robert Henderson was proposed and pre-
seoted by Rev. .lu A. Aodereco. A mad
tion was presented by the congregation. of
Union church, Goderich township, and
Loolurs, praying 16.1 they should be •1
!awed to retries N their ler mor rsletleeehip
Bd offering to build a manse for their
anister on 000dltlon of their rrguest being
granted. It was resolved to alto. .11 the
oongreaetlone affected by the late re ar-
tan0.m.otef the field to return to their
fo-mer :deletions on 000dltlon that co grout
should be sexed from the augmentetd.=
load for B•ytlold and Bethany and the
Ilia ohurob•nd L-obtua,hood
bo redoo•rf $100. Mr. Ao.'ereoo was ap-
pointed moderator of Colon church and
Leehurn, with lnetroctloos to moderate In •
cell when the 000gnptfew were reedy.
Rev, 6 Acheson teoderd the re.lgn.tfoe of
hie charge of Klppss and Hill. (assn. A
•o. .1 ,1 meeting of the Pr
. e
Y Nt
Y will be
held at Broomfield en the 23 d loot. to deal
wills It. The next regular m1ttug will be
held at Cantos ea.lely d.h.
.hs e
rt e(
d at
• is
1 your health.
i Medicines
Get the beet
rices that are
e stock is al-
ticle pure, po-
)mptaas acid
Mal Hall.
R. B. Smith's /1,4 Kl MReld'sdOldStoreStand
but not too busy to attend to your smallest
want with pleasure, as well as your largest
with caro and expedition. Busy because
the goods are all new and at the prices you
like to pay.
MWtnsry.-The same of grana, style
and beauty, the latest °uplse ant new
Ideas from fashion metres combined with
prime deoldedly your wry are here.
Hr's of Due straw Walde and matting,
trimmed with ribbons, sequins, flowers,
foliage, feathers end nutriments. kite*
1)utlus can make the bat nut as you watt
1t. She has the material and the ability
Perhaps you eh 111. to trim your own
W. hag. the msterloual .t 11.11 price.
Feathers and tip. at half prloe
Flowers at just half price.
Shirt Waists and White Goods
at oat. Me. Andrews bad just got there
ler, and we bought them at • trifle over
half price.
Fur that room you want wane nice waders
drapery. 1 think we man suit you la spot
and stripe tan0y mallets, art atoms, tet
d»hems and er.seeoose and Laos oert ins,
all new, all the latest, all dependable •ud
at the lowers prloe, starting at ISO • yd.
Printa -Our stook le good and the prloes
colur pans worth 6o and 70.
Flannelettes -A big mann. •t .11
prices. See ours 11 5o • yard to 1240.
010thtngt.-W• w111 only say that one
guaranty. of Rood faltb to our clothing is,
your mosey book it you want It
Men's sults from *3,30 up.
Boys' •' " 111,50 up.
1 be newest •.d (0111eec 11tt1e fellows' alto
In the markt,
W. A. McKIM.
Empress SHOE
Spring is here.
You will be re-
quiring a pair
Insurance Cs.
H D.
up en Jsn•.ry
---1... • tps,e►m,pA.1 •
TO ADVBRI IBERB.-----a. f• troadrwes�
Notice 'e, J. Hemmer.-
otioe of changes must be left at this ilearo .h Ines -o.
°thee not later than Saturday 1ton11, ssoretary•
noon. The Copy for changes
must he left not later bran bin. -
147 noon. Casual Adtertis.enent8
accept011 0o to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Seed Emporium
We have the largest and best selected stock of
seeds in town.
James ('ommlag
n . Seafnrth ; R
•semente and rut
'oats' Clinton 02
thing Store. Wichie
. 'alt made at
Ire, as 1t ie the
was. to look.
the to 'hoose
ting getting •
wear, give u. •
Noes right.
West Street
Our clovers and grasses have been bought from
the best importers in the Dominion and are pro- IJ
nounced by our numerous customers first-class
We are leaders in mange) seed. We have in
stock one-half ton of fine selected mange) seed of
all varieties.
As the corn season comes on you will find us as
usual with some of the best kinds for cultivation.
We have given our customers the very best
satisfaction in this line and will earnestly endea-
vor to do so in the future.
All kin` s o an Qirden seeds kep on
hand and sold at reasonable prices.
We sell the best brands of Flour, Herbageum
and Meals of all kinds.
Your patronage is respectfully solicited'on the
merits of the goods we sell.
Wm. Burrows & Solt
1s then going to be nothing for anybody
but the musicians to do to heaven' What
would George Stephenson do In heater
What would hi =heel Angelo do In heaven!
What will the great meth,matlni.ne de la
heaven' What will the great dleeev.rers
de In heaven' What w111 the great ph11
an.hrfpate de 1a haven for, e000rdlno to
Me pnonlar Idea o1 haven, ell held for
philanthropy le done •way with ; yea are
goo= to he glad when von tee people In
trouble, Imte.d nl Mine sent fee them,
eonee`in»sly then le going N he no Meld
for effort 1.0 get thorn Ont of their trouble
That 1e the trohing of mets et ►6e thee.
Se most o1 its. plater,* of the old time
beavers de set satisfy the demised for the
intending to purchase anything in nur
line ,hnuld inspect oar Ronde before
placing their order.
We always carry on hand a full
stock of repairs.
We have the heat make of Cream
Separators on the market,.
Von can get the moat up -to d►tt+
Carriage or Buggy made in Can-
ada et a reitennehle prier• from um.
Massey -Harris Bicycles New
19(11 motel, -elegant mount... Call
and .or. them.
n13RT_ P ARf3O1-TB,
er Soap, at So. •
11 • barrel • week.
;nap, se we tarry
NI found In an an
and our prloea
re know that Met
te a snap tor their
'h- line at nu
• ) 1 t R•••
a,ar off or
WI m: ,o *1'
& 00.,
blank, Gsdorloh.
THE• ..\
Our stock Is
about com-
plete with
the latest
fashions in
that will be
sold at as
close prices as
is consistent
with quality.
Remember you have no duty to pay
on the Shoes as they are made by Cana- -
dian workmen and are equal to the best
American goods made.
m. Sharman, jr.
Oil Spraying
In Winter with the
1 -�
The beet tam. I • • .
-.fore hey r
1V ■ t .
m nu.e ..f oiM
water pot..n in. he •
• •W prevent ani t ••i -�
1 a worm of I.n .••..
prep. Being the light .1 a
e twine day
A ctrtaln care f••r P00
J p
• pmTM.ih ■firer i r..k
all about winter .i ,.. n g
every 011.-r 1,i.d art
whet. er ,vIll
-:adly man free 101,17-
n. wriLo T + 11.
Loeo.', Ont
For Ladies' Fine Shoes
King Quality
'Nothing made in the United States to heat them.WIP
Every pair guaranteed. rrr... i.rr•
...THE... -
• •
d -matin Dairy
of your gran.l-
)ned hand -dip-
ped block tin, is the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All goods marked In plain
figures ; the smallest chilli can
get the same bargains as the
older ones as we have only one
price and that is the cheapest.
No overcharging in the ,hop.
J. H. Worsell
The cheap stove and foresee men.
...King Quality Shoes...
are t. t n1 o and up-to-date. We carry
large ring.•.
Our spring stock of good
is on our shelves.
flake your selection earl;
Trunks and valises at close prices.
OurlI Ci of staples are complete.
:Sole Agent for J. D. King Co'e Goods
Pastry, Oyster Patties,'Parts, Snort
Bread and Crean Rolls, Mime
Pies and Lady Finiers, Kisses,
MaCd11011s, Manus,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
arra AA g.rvl ao the beet merle in asy
it y in Canada.
1lanteIon Invhe the tt7df1u- -----
In fancy deafening ami ornament
int and almond icing.
IilvO ham an order and your mat
isfaetion will h.. welted.
Scranton Bard Coal
All coal wmlghaA nn the Y•rbet Arai
where inn mit Ran IM. for a Wm,
Orders heft at :.ii • SS1TE
Sion Drearily .ameded I.e-