HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 44 Tutpti iv.% April 18, 1901 Do You' Know... THE SIGNAL: GODER1011 ONTARIO TI•at the " New Century Braid" of clothing has a diterent appearance to tshat of other makes, there ts such a stylieh appearance to it th st makes it look lilt inuch liko the tot torsi work, end being a practicai tailor myself I see to it that every ;ferment is made to fit properly, is pressed moely :toil given such au appearauce that it is difficult to seedily., iiiiiiirenee be tweets our at d the ordered work. NOW ABOUT THE PRICE. These are days 66 Iinti p.opI. like to got things as cheap as they can, or rathi r g •t the hest value they can for their money. In the class of clothing 1 beadle there iv cheapnees Add value oonibined, the piece* run 5, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 15 dollars. I as you to come and Inspect thew ; if they are not the best league you have ever seen dOn't boy them. OUR SPRING HATS have no equal iu town. If you kuew how Litany lusts were sold last Satur- day, you would think there must be something in our claim. Who would say that there were sny better hats made than CHRISTY'S I In stiff- hate the prevailing shades are black and terra ; in fedoras, pearl, drab, slate end ultra slate. 1 have also just received the nobbieet hat worn in New York today. W. C. Pridham, Sole agent tor Clevisty's Hats. Furnisher and Clothier. ht Ara la Mamma= MR? THURSDAY MORNING NT MeltILLICISIODY _ .00DIRICR. THURSDAY. APRIL IS. 101 MATTERS OF MOMENT. Questions of the Day Dis- cussed. • Ilew Are la Sanwa, Ilaildlag-Tbe Gov orniment's Partials With tee Mulles Mena likerelle.-11r. Wall eity Apprevos. Tomdrro,.April b, 1901. la it. rallwey polloy the Roes Guvero• mint hes shown itself thoroughly .breast of the time. it hes always been quick to anticipate patina eentiment end alert to implement it when that sentiment was healthy. Perhaps no ()locative body has kept snob • careful gauge of public opinion, or has steered so wise a °ours* among au thy conflicting enunciate lo this nage of our development. Ontario needs railways, end railways need oapital 1,0 build them. With out dis000ragina comitel, thedloss Govern moot bee yet kept in oiled the Not that rail- way. are public utilities and ought someday to be the property of the people if they so choose. Of course the railwey questicio in On- tario Ls not such a lerge subject as It to at Ottawa. The Dominion Government le tackling the subject bravely, but they hays a legacy of mistakes from the Coneersetive regime which oomplioate the problem to some •11.01. In Ontario the subjoin la oomperatively free from these embarrsas meats, and tee Roes Government starta witti • pretty olear field. At Ottawa, they ars not prepered to take the public owner- ship of railway. into Immediate favor, al• though they seem to to swinging roand gradually in that lirection. At Toronto. Premier Ross is more enterprising He has only Ontario to consider, and aa tsr us On- tario 1. concerned lie has discerned a geome- ter, seutiment for public ownership and • pretty deep seated one tor Government oon• trod of nilways. l'his Is only °stars' hi Ib. banner Proylnoe ot the Dommion, th• Proviso. which is In the van both in wealth and intelligenoe. During this sossion the Roes Government hos indicated in two eases Its oapacity to reprenot • progremalv• people. Tne question of Government own orehlp will be Investigated, and it the in- vestigation is favorable the Teiniecaming Rsilwey will likely be • Goyerornstot to initiation In oonstruotion, imd perhaps in operetta'. The ed visibility of Government inotrol is folly recomileod in the lateet rail. way bargain made by ths Government - that Is tin bargain with the !Manitoulin and North Shore Railway. Thls terrain acknowledges' the form, of throe thin,. which have had muoh discus also in the press end on publio likelihood of publio ownership in the f UUUUU , Government oontrol of rate. in the eneamelme, sod. In case of purchase, a prioe ao eho Government of octet and intereet liedaus the Provinolal subsidy and onehalf of any Dominion subsidy. The bergalo not only recognizes thine prinotples, but it confers practical ad, winters. which are worth enumerating. In the tint piss, it did not ooet • mint le aeon, sod the lands which have been ,root .4 will be greatly benefitted. Toe land great le large, but much of it will rover support a population. The land le tuning ood in elternate Government and railway toweithip blooka. The township block Idea seems to get over einem difficulties about eaxation which oomolloate the C. P. Ft situation in Marimba end the North-West RWPAULIND For Four Years We ho.. sold McBurneyaBeattie Wheel. in Gorlerich we have not had one diratitiefierri rostomer Nomt hoot+ changed then mount for ono other wheel The tint yes we sold 14, last year mar 60, thie year we sim at the century mark. Will venire ho one of them. Don't buy • . hoop wheel and come here in a few woke and sok ue to take it, but nome here end get a bilaBurney•Beentio on tho Sart am? you are sure to be satisfied Prices $40 and $30. 1-. EMERSON'S Itinycip and Mimic /1011114s. Territories, It will ales saestarage settle - moot end tin esteblIshment of municipal institutions. The alternate township blocks moan also that the country all along the line of railroad will bit equally develop- ed, and not some particularly favored sec- tion. The railway will run through Dew nrritery where eettlement oen be most easily estabitalied. From Sudbury west to Michiplootou thou le • territory 175 mile. wide at the western end, narrowing to about 40 miles sI the 'stern mid, all this now unsettled wilderness. An Went of twontry as how as from Toronto to King sten, reaching book forty miles. will be opened up for settlement l'ut • thousand MOW. • year in this oountry -as the com- pany intends to do-giv• them • railrosi to retry good. to rod from market, end tho matter of populating the new district stems pretty well a&fr inarded. The settlement part of the bargain lir so• oomplished by the oonstruotion ot the North Shor- line, but It la also worth not- ing that thnomstruction aloog the penin- sula °oaten other adventageo. It will put Old Ontario and New Ontario in closer Wont, • eoed thing for both, inducing Old Octant° to m•ke ventures of °spited aud energy to tin great north land, and New Ontario to trade with us. If other good feature,. than Gine are tn be fought in the railsrey bugs°, it wttl do to point. out that this line may yet become • link in an other transcontioental highway. which will Rive oompetitton sod make the railway problem oil Closed& tinier of solution. The leader of the Opposition could flat no fault with he Manitooltn and North Shore aoreement, although be declined to be ea optimistic as Premier Rose •liout l's future. Hil_W•tero1e. toys it bis approve'. and though his outlook was not so rosy, he pronounced the railway • good thing t.•• cause It wee a necessity. 141111, there may be some,people who will object that tdr. Clerguotwill make a little money out of the enterprise. Mr. Clergue's genius for so plot:anon has already barite fruit in the colony of Industrie' he has ea... tooled et the Sault. True, he takes toil L., himself, but the benefit to the country is none the littoause he ins planted something bo'• ter than a pardon In the wilds of Algoma. The Government and Mr. ClerRue's corn espy have msdo • good bargain all round - Rood for the people. good for Ontario, good for tbe company. Lotil Ontario is peepsred to rotate roti. ay -building or Its own &cootie? we can horsily do better :heti to torn our railway enterprises over to IT I like Mr. Chagas who are satisfied *On • fair re- ward on their investments. • • • Ib. *yenta of the session have been enough tat wake Mr. Whitney get hot un - dor the *oiler. The majorities In the Leg, islature have been discouraging. The Rios. irovernment Ina never been sustained by lees than 10, and in some case. the ono jority ranged up to 15. However, this ls not the lent of it. Mr. Whitney finds old followeru dropping out, on a000unt of thot hope deferred which m•keth the heart slak. Is Is said that Mr. Matter will not Ton again, This deprtyee Mr. Wbitney of one of the beet front- benohen, perhaps hie moet popular col league. Mr. Foy is an able man, but somewhat alnotish Colonel Mathison is not exactly a heavyweight in debate. One of the men who might hold up Mr Whit ney's handu shows elan. of disaffeetion. Two or three times Mr. Carecolleo, of Ham- ilton, has pulled against his leader, and in one Instanoe he Rave Mr. Whitney • not- able rebuke. Everybody remeinners t`e to do the 'seder of the Opposition made over the Prhohett &Siderite during the bud- get deists. Consequently, when Mr. Cannelton took ormallion not 'omit after to say that his depreciated the praotioe of read log affidavits lo the House It was construed MI a direct slop at hie leader. At any rate Mr. Whitney took it op that way, and answered hotly that nothing in his public °steer had Oven him more satisfaction than hie handful, of the Pritobett affidavits Vgoox. - - ----- -- WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. WM' WAV All TOMOARbw London Free Press : Mr. A M. McEvoy, county treasurer, le oomewhat better yes bards,. 70014XalCAl. C11•1,11M, Baton Transoript It has leen found in Germany that °ameba are superior animals Tor farm labor. if the oxen wish to keep their jobs they will have, to hump them calves. PRAT* TOR HUSH. hingeton Freeman 1 Talk about Irish bulls. Here's one from onr neighbors soros. the border th•t knocks Irishmen Into the shade. Tb. Wisconsin Leeislature is onnsidoring a bill,one phrsse of whioh reads: "The rollaway companies In the State shall equip their trains with device. that win koop thorn on the track after derailment.' A niestyler111U 111DITOR. Ottawa Citizen : Rev. Dr. Savage of hew York has been 'twiner bit views on w hat Heaven is like He says eon/Mons will be mooh the same as they are here, many tourers of dieriniet and disommlort, but there will he human ocoupations for all "Homan n000pation !" That means work W. would ilk• to hear the reverend gentle- man's destription et the other plans. vp1l.g1'1s, 10010 oprOWITNITY. 'onion Advertiser In the rodent 'wheel board election. ir Cleveland, only 706 wom- en polled their votes. A year oaro nearly 6,000 vote4 In *hoe negleoting 1.sweets tbele franohise, the women nf Cleveland give comfort to those persons who are ever ready to than • woman Is opt to he moved hy flu aed *tarts, ami not to value )the privilege of vale, when conferred en hoe. Of inures she tin a good man• male Imitators hot that ought to brine esamee. ARTTAltaral TWAT, 101.1 11. Taranto Weakly Ron Oar pronotionlate are 'wolfing ever the tidings that among the war tone In England there is likely to he an impnre duty en engin. This they tansy will Ito the fleet move in • return nf statosumeishilp bete the darkest.. of Ala_,..AJOAY...•_ ' ' -...._.. ,.....a........a...0...- ... fro. trod* to the tight ol protection. They ere easily pleased.' As sugar la not in Euolitod tticr• is no neut. industry to be protouted. Au 11I14101t duty ou 1101101 would be, like tin import duty on wiue and W- hew°, etriotly • revenue tax. Wino aoy resounsible fintish statesmen or ray liratlash Chaniber of CuatillOtOto •vows conversion from tree trade, our protoottopiste will bar• cootie to roird4o. Evou th• n they will be very for from au luiporlal toffee:gin, woloh requires • °cottony' tariff applicable and aotitiptable too all the members ut a widely scattered and motley Empire They have takes cute step to the direction of thole policy.and their con woolen trade la olready la revolt. PlawSPAVER ENTIthrtiell. Londou Advertiser New York papers, Ilk. others, en, of gismos, always ostItOUS for "coops.' There was a wild so:amble at this tune the 144, Oleo Atom to get out the hrot special edition onouncing that evout Evorythlav was rowdineos, •yea to the itteresityp• plain /row which snob editions were to be printed. One New York daffy haa now eighty plates mores ty led, 10 announoe blot death of the Pope, whenever it soots., with details of hui Ilfe. The proceeds of stersotypieg ttae specie' plate. takes plate daily, so that in tin emit of • oable casings aononnolog the demise of his holiness the frost] plates ins b• put on the pt.., and the paper printed linkup • few mlautits • A 111:81,1111114 •USIINISTLAThatr. Stratford Beaton The latest report ot the Pos•master•til I show& that shoe the Liberal party assumed office in 1896 soon 1,071 ciew postotli.ashaye been established to the Doolinion, Estimaung the numbs/ of poetoffioes oow in operatiou at 10,000, this means that in the past four years the facilities for the distribution of mad matter have been increased by steer eleeon per cent. Itils • well•known (sot that newly e stsblished postoffion do not pay their way for the first few years. In view of MAI end the reducition of the postal rates, the honor to Mr. Mulook for keeping his department'. expenditure; so Won to the reosipts le all the greater. The resulta of his administration ere abundant proofs of the wisdom of retaining in power • bush neselike Government. XINIXTMAS ANL, oOtAL Christian Guardian • More and more it is becoming accepted that the minister rhonld I,s, of all ineo,tha moat nroest, paiostaklog Act onthusiestio studsot of roma' problems. •!.. tot he hos te say and bow muOta be has o tray on Giese stannous in hie publio Horatio°0 will depend largely on the field of his activities, and the phases of the problem tlitt there present themselves to him. But, a any oese, the objection, frequently made, that Cho minister who makes &imolai study of this question o•L: ond usually in preach - lag socoloiogy instead ot the Gospeldoes n ot hold. Die Gospel, we Senses, le intend e1 10 oome with moving and regenerating p ,wer to all ono, to all claws, to all condi tioos, to a!I relation. in life. Eyerythiao human 00thee. within ita scope, therefore ev. rything bonito Is of intermit. The prob- lem for the minister, the problem for the ci. arch, is, bow to apply the Gospel olden only to Um map. the ones, tha lastitut too, the 'conditions of life, everything that gots to make up the sue) total of human emit- enin Tin problem is deep, fat•rosabiog ; it oantiot be solved offhand. It requires the Infinite patience borne only of ttio t•britt-love. Bat that the true follower of Christ anould be indifferent to it is well. °nth unthinkable. 44.04o HUMAN salaTaltl•L. London Advertiser : The more elderly Doukbobors orionot in reason be expeoted to tak• la new ides, as rapidly as the young people. To. tenth are the hope of every country, and all aocounts agree tint the Doukhobor boys and girls ore good humus material. Te•timony to this is horn* in the report ot • ledy who oonducited • school in the Doukhobor settlement at Torktea ISM eLlinaler : "All were very wearies end stager to kern," &he wenn. "Soar. of Id e children mate regularly frorn the vit. lee* Utehenje, five long miles, in all weathers. They ell come early, too, eo I opened school .1, 13:30 daily. sod when oleo mg time oame;•t 4 I often thought I was the only tired ono." And again : Most ot them are surorisioRly apt at simple arlth• mem work. The older ohildren had be- come perfect in ehe MuittpllOation tablee up to 'six time.before the oloinug of the school. I think tt will b• found that then children will exoel in mathematio. when opportunity permits " The needle and amtroidery work dons by the girle in her school she demobs. Ai "simply weinderful," sod concludes with • striking tribute to the mentions and independence of the Douk- hobor ohaucter : "Who° these poor oil - lagers found that the school wee entirely non official, and my work wholly voluntary, O committee of mots offerei me remunera non, whioh being declined, they expressed their gratitude, and told ins, through their spokesman, that they 'thanked 1111 011 the day aod all the Meat.'" Ilia "uA11.191101tOCUll " Montreal Star : Tin recovery of Gains- borough'. "Duchess of Devonshire" la likely to have far•roachlag effects First, but by no means the moot iniportant, is likely to be the effect upon the market value of th• pic- ture iteelf. which Its theft, ita long disep- pearsnoe end tts unexpected recovery, may be expected to have. Of for more soots', economic and artistic monsequenoe is the an• tialpated revival of the GaineborouRh hat. From every point of view, •xoeot that of the man who has to pay for the hat, and the man behind the hat •t the theatre, the revival la one to 10hailed with astiefael too. Oae of the greatest drawback. and one of the greatest recommendations of the "Oates. borough" is that it is Dot particularly cheap. Consequently if the hat becomes A Mare, it Will mean millions of dollars to the triode. Chiefly, however, a revival of the Galosborouth hat is to be welcomed for in Rennine artistic, value. It is one of the oom• paratlyely few teminioe adornmente that have an aesthetic, Fatima d'etre. There aro thousands of hats that may provok• hand oho en•yhatred, mince and unoharitabf• n ets. The Gainsborough is nne of nie hate Iliffit Seeitio• tromonsito• earl f annitioe silm ire, tion -of the hst!-no ! of the fare la front of the hat 11 is the backaroond which throws the faoe into bold relief : the &ethnic setting of th• gem ; the picture of silver, for the apple of gold. The chief beauty of the Osinsbcrough is that you forget the hat -except when yon get the bill, and when you have the misfortune to sit behind IX. AN aaRNIT1101.0010AL Rivaling. H.D. r. to Toronto Star : "Just as I am, Without one plea.' I was sitting la the soot of the scornful, to urn, the gallery, and I loaned forward and looked down at the 000am/scion an4 the choir. A thousand of 'ham, sad inerysion singing to boat the bend. The mighty volume of sound rots and gorged about the gallery awl yanked at the (emoted °wiling, sie if in vain seeking & vent. I looked &gals. Three londred male saints, moistly bald, seven homiest slater., hound for glory, and every one of them with a hat on. The hats drew my attention and drov• as In. to an ornithological ie, 4.•• only fie., bonnets loaded (lows with grebe .kine, &boot • tlorAut •thoned with too comae@ ..1 gorgeotte Inhabitants of troplOal News Forty-three decorated with the distorted remains et gabs and t•reis -the beautiful, graceful sea swallows ; aigrettes, some draenspluoked by plume hunters from their murdered owners In F'inrhis awannts ; shore lark. and sandpipers, thistle birds and tanagers, wertibre owl other !varieties too numerous to mention, and * veto one representing • •nioeine void le * world which the Great Architect planned to he always filled with melody inci tisane y. It Is part of the philosphy of nature th&S eh* duplicates, and therefore 1 reason ea that the (humeri of some nt these onek • sore salon wet* none of the brighten. Two retro of wings are ene rale. tee maay, oyes for • ealnt. It mans to me It mese be 00 YOU KEEP CHICKENS? We have a very large assortment of wire poultry netting that we bought for cash, and we are selling it at the lowest figures to be had in Huron County. Be sure and see the small niesh poultry netting for young chickens. FISHING TACKLE. We handle the very best lines of fishing tackle, and have just opened out our spring shipmont of hooks, lines, cat gut, sinkers, reels, oiled silk waterproof lines, braided lines, land- ing nets, baskets, jointed poles and bamboo poles. The best bamboo pole in town for 10e. HOUSEHOLD ENAMELS AND VARNISHES. Every housecleaning time we sell large quantities of enamel. There is nothing that will add beauty to your old furniture like our enamels. We carry many very artistic shades. Try our varnish- es on old furniture, and when your furniture needs a little polishing up try our furniture_oil. Robertson's Ready -mixed Paints are the best. We sell them, and good brushes to put them on with. Ixrc=1. Cheapest Hardware 81045 in Harm Honest Goods at Honest Alms. against th• rules Itot lbws who prefer to wear their wings on their heed. to have another pair hung on the book of than: ghoul der bled.... BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. A STORY 01, CALIFOXNIA. -Georg, N. Morena & Company, Limited, have arrang- ed for • Canedian editich of Frank Morris' great novel. "The ()Aeolis ; A Story of California." is la not too couob Ioso5. that, taken alteg•ther, this is the most remark able novel of mown peon, an *pooh mut- iny book, the Influence of which will bo felt allover the continent. "The Octopus" is fall ot vivid description, thrilling &comes sod Itte-lik• character. ; the story of the great straggle between the wheat -grower and the gigantic raltroad trust holds one enthralled from start to finish, combined, as It to, with °lever etudies of character sod accurate and interesting delineatio° of western life. Aa the narratioa leads up to the powertui olimax the duologue to will sustained, and the dracaena nature of the boot males a powerful impreseion on the reader. A Soriee 1I0 "Sootcry."-"The Visite of Elisabeeb," Is the title of 1 lively book by Elinor Glyn, desoribtog the pereartuations of • girl of seventeen -a girl of grea ':ottity and innocent onarm-among vartoos oamotry houses where her more or lees distant rie• letivet reside. The people she visits ars as/ the upper ten. ond are most cf them addict Li to what is celled "smartneoe." That is they are fashionable, worldly, Lod lotting' log, besides being inolined to treat the o eveath oomostadment as • joke. The book la • keen satire on tb• tellies of the oleos that hoids need superior to middle chain lien of morality, and that spends its aboiti dant leisure In trifling InanIties pies ued 10 • clever way The innocent vivecity and ' beauty of Elizabeth, and the girltsh lettere the writes to her moths: •bout all she nee in English houses siod Freooti chateaux. term • tithed to this piotare of "Solely." This book is publithed by George N. Motto bag & Oe , Tercets). -NTHOUSAND THANKS- lignigeni Ittraseb Lady Corsi el Itlieurop- Um by Romag's nIdeseir P1545 Rapr••••• Wee Gratitude. St. Film's, qes. , April lb. -Mulattos Maria Guimond of this pleas, is loud in her praises of Dodd'. Kidney Pills. 81,- .ys : 'I hays followed the troatir• • oi the first doctor. In Montreal ' t • amatiam, from whioh I have boon au for owe/ Mr years. I 000 no relief ...noon from aiiy or •Il of them. I beard of Dosid's Kid• n ett Pills for rheumatism and I tried them. "I have taken in all raven boxes, and I am perfectly cured, and as well aa ever Of course, I •rn telling o,11 my friends of the eroelleooe of this print remedy. I thank podd'a Kidney Pole a thousand time. for my wonderful ours.- Dorld's Kidoey will do tor anyoo• suffering with rheumatism just what they did for Madam. Guicnond. No one need suffer • moment longer, when p sum. Iola, and speedy remedy ia at hen& - SMILES. 'i'm goieg to leave, mum,' •nnounoed the honessmald to her mistress "Why, I'v• been doing half your work myeelt in order to iodate yOU to stay." rb. pited the lady. "Isn't that enough 1" _--- '•Yeem," answered the girl. "Flat your half of It ain't none to suit me." -Chicago News "Iletaray! exclaimed the optimistic horse, "the automobile won't be able to tain our places altogether." "What have you hoard inquired tam other. "Why, It says in this paper that the auto manufacturers will 01111 ilay• to nee horse- hide for the leather finishing.: -Philadel- phia Press "Mother. please, where is my hat !" ad Tommy, impatiently waiting to start. Tommy was rather given 10 les•Ing hi. things about "lt's where you left it, dear," answered mottos. Tommy ottosidered • moment. "Mother," he said, "If yon won't tell me where it is, won't you please m• where 11.11 it ?"-Clooinnotl Commercial Tribune. Words are but les•es, and sither• they most •bountil mach fruit of seen beneath Is rarely found. -Pooe. "What ie the on of a maa gettiog Into • crowd and velliny, se be don at a base - b•11 game" "Great heavens ezoisimed the enthusiast. "He's got to do It in • crowd If he were eo go sway by himself and yell In that manner they would have him in a lunette aaylum in lest than • wcek." "Ah I" sighed the poet ; "what is as eon sts the soft @prima air 1' "Th• sift spring mud," replied the prat:Mos' on. Eramine what is said, not him who ' peaks. Amblers proverb. Fond Father-34mile, •nu moat neyey talk when your mother is speakine. Johnny Jumputips-1 know ; there ain't mit °hence, then, II there, paw Pap& -There. there ! Von neesio't kles ma any more. Tall on whet yon want. Out with it. Daughter -1 don't want 'myth's, want to give yogi something. Papa Yon do ' What? Daughter -A son in-law. Jim* asked me to speak te you about P. raOlirRIAPIRD MAMMY. Little boy ; lint of Deists ; Sacked tbe brush Joined the saints 1.nos0ago necks nerstgbeenen. Don't lie around the hone* teeing time aid mosey Anton yonr honk Is stiff trern lowt• been Ito IX thoneande haters you have done. Roy a largo bottle of that nominally geed liniment. Pelona'. Nervilinsand rob it frequently over the sore part. It mita at tho pale, drives 1 6 elle, lielbefe iron np in se tiers Noisiness Is quiek to relieve ; aoroor talks ; sever henna. Try It Iaday. 96 emus. THE PENNY YE MEANT TO OrE• There's& tunny tale el a stingy man Who warn none too good but might tune been worn, Who went to Ma °hutch on Sunday night And tarried along his tvtill Ethel puree, Whoa the sexton o•m• with his bogging plate, The ohureh wits dim with th• oandle's light ; The Stogy men fumbled sll through hi. puree, And chose a Coto by touch and not mien. 11'. an odd thing now that guinea. 'bout.' be So lik• unto peonies in shops sod ore. "I'll give • pinny,' the stingy m•o said ; "The poor most pot gifts ot peonies de spin." Tbo peony fell down erlth • Manor ad i.og I Aod back to I not leaned tin stingy man "The work ull of the poor," be thought ; "I can't help them •11-1 gi•• what 1 can " Ha, 1.! how the sexton eiroloO, to tie sore Lo the gold gui lea fall on 0 1,1.to Ho, ho I hew the Wore non • heart ma- w/wag, Poroeivinr the blooder, bu: No too I 1. ' "No mattro," in said ; "iu the Lor i's se 00001 That ruins& of gold te set do o• to ale. Tiny lead to Him who give to the tam ; It *111 not it) bad an Oros meet t • " "No. no, moo," the chuckling sexton orlon out, "The Lord is na cheated- EN kens them well; Fl• hoes 1 wee only by sootdoot That out 0 thy Sorer. the guinea foil ' "Il• keep. an itcomon, ers doubt, for the putt ; Bat in that maroon% biolset down to thee N. nu& o' that golden onoiroa, my mon, Theo She one bare poem y• onset to f" There's s comfort, too, in the little tale - A fieriout side ea well as • tok• ; A oomfort for all the generous poor, In the othroloal words the 551100 'poke • amnion to thin& that the good Lord knows How eenorrine we really desire to be, And will give us oredit his acootme For all the peonies we long to eh. -Witness. • /be iniognown The followlsg table is gives by the Lit - .nary Digest regarding the animated nano low of people speaking Goo chief laosmages of MIMI:sties at different date.: Dan. English, Germano Russian. Fritsch Million. 1111115.. illloo 1500.. 4 10 3 10 1600 .. .a 14 1700.. 10 10 3 20 1800 .. a ao 31 1900 .. 116 OS ' 06 62 2000'.. 640 110 133 86 •Ikehasted. Mill Wood FOR SALE. The above is cut into etove wood ien./th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at Hsidenco, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. tinder -oh, November 21o, 1009. 53-3m JB SON Tan L5001/40 - uetvty oX TIvetexore o:a6. V.rfteakria.tys. iesebtre earenilly :atteaded to al ail hens, titian or day. 111 so boo. *Snarl. LORD MINTO.... Uses... Deering Machinery and J. W. Mann Cultivators and Drills on his farm. WET? Because they are the hest machines in the world. None can heat them. A. W. WISE 144 la Mem A. Melitinnen's old tinedliamiltrio etre* Godertah. 11/f/rIttitt1/11//ftrtfrtfrt?trfl r 1 1 1 IE 110 NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND IHAV E started store in my old stand and am ready to do business with a complete new stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the coming season's trade. I have nothing to offer but new, fresh goods, bought in the best market, which I am prepared to offer at rock bottom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of your trade I do so with confidence that I can satisfy you, both in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote prices just now, but I wish to call your special at- tention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from 25c. to $3.00 it yard. Silks in great variety, both in colors and black. Remember the place, COL- BORNF.'S old stand. Telephone 86. J. H. COLBORNE,- VIRUS: Strictly Oonh or Produce. OODERICti Now about Horse Medicines: Spring is • lime when many horses have to work hard, besides they as well ais huruan bebop are subject to 1118114,11,1.4. They will he benofitted by such • tOtti.. &a Our CondlUon Powder (25c, 6 tor 51.) It will repay ninny toner ita coot. Oiveheochlhonse • P&°k•fle Dul you over try our " English Heading Oil?" It is the greatest healor for all cute awl sorts ever known, Your money back if it doetu't do the work. 2fac a bottle, 5 for 51.00. W. O. GOODE -CHEMIST 0005.000 BIAINVIL WV you haven't &heady dule eo, ben/ aroond some ot that won -water for 0 tree aporotonats an *II01 Carr. •tteads 44) rth. Our Own Emulsion, 56c-3 for 51.00 Warranted equal to any. Our Sassafras blood and stomach bitten, 50c-6 for 250. All ideal spring medicine. Climax Furniture Garden Seeds. True Paint Economy lies in using paint it little before it becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait till the old coat has entirely worn away. THE SIERWM-WILIJAMS WADON AND IMPLEMENT PAINT the farm wagons, implements, and too, yoting and . It s easy to use. Red, Yellow, Blue, Green and \11\lac.k. Every farm should have • can for ready usic N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash ardware Store, Goderich. WANT A STEP -LADDER ? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Raking Powder pinch*, 1from us. 50c a lb. The step -ladder alone 6 worth the price. Try a pactage of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially pmarad Hops Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full assortment. ST7.71S.7= dz CC. Telephone No THE OR( WEBS. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR• A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont - Spring Millinery.... All the latest and best designs In trrieadmmy_edto_waearn and untrimmed Millinery and Call and inspect before purchasing. 2/II&, CAMERON, Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street. Wall Paper Just as we expected -every person that looked at our wall paper bought. How happy it makes a merchant feel when he has it cinch ail line. iotwiciehamptp:mhode emraep stkesfiehi:. customers feel when he give,. th•q vodalrii irlatelyd toneewohnarmt . he hWo Don't buy with your eyes shut. Look at the other fellow's OW -1 hte kthno8wh aYitnearesketa note of his prireo- - Then entenrnteivand KIDD'S BOOK STORE, W. A Dr AT AN.. Exti FOR... IMMMItttrtrItIl _with our Itne o acquaintance QODERICH,CF The larcest show of I Our line for 1901 gives you a -- Dunlop, 0-.41i. We &leo have a number of se Repairs exec ited carefully al We have been sePing bi. ye &leers . Telephone 92. -• DUNLOP Sig 10110, April 16 " thee. TiebbIrne I., eat •ying • werk's relatives sod frier:ids in (Oostende ISPIEPPARDTON. TFICISSDA11,, April 11. TIlUtid•7 O•Olitap Miss L. Campbell se &Odic se in tin Methodist church on j "Spriest." 111. scItt•olo. hOticht out ann 0 .11 very ably who Wore present would 1. yea y Itt hear Mute Conripoell oil soother oc- that .1. I' ,Wr -The follow ng t.h• ite.teonsful ouiole at the tenant dal StK felt Opt 004 stb Pt01" tha 10 fe woo e ye leo re11*d r. - Y. a X ezemlnottona. Out of fifteso oho wrote, twelve passer. snior III. to junior I Y. -total pase, 48.4002- Adche MuLood k,.. .4abo,:y364 ,gr 111: re Dogleg- I I.- -Poisl to pose 363 - Lvrais Grohtm ono liie eErty, hile May,. 373. Ed• , solor tto jailor Ili.- total 1; rased, 335. Era tl eNee 405, k'."en 377. Anon Vouo, 340. Vora uo 37 pghertyt uli to jor IL -John Vette- :1 ' ehlldbrie.nel lifty.stertIng to whe0111 pi.... see that they .tart 5? oin NILE. IdiaNDSV, April 11'h, A,. 1,4 T. - Mt. filbert Pout lane ipt of • lir t .tr informing him of a mad 'soh the • heed the earthly career of his !No , 1.a. Angels*, t'sabfornia 5.01 0010 in W•wanoah,near lode, evert his primary education at the eati!io sohool. He qualified for • , and after passing the Model shoo' lit for come time in • school at , south of liont.. In 101114 he taught Islet 'chord, and when his term tbirs he went for • while to Bolti Maryland, and theme to !Manitoba, 'alarmed for • tinw. n. then mov• Lts Aurae., California, whore in re till the time of hi. demise. Fr, yiere he weii engaged ae teseher,hut 11.10*1151 somewhing be 'sib the pro• 51.1 want mining. On March 16th sod a companion had prepared tour to be 'gutted He told his oompanion Metier and h• would fire the shots. rade cotnplied and non beard • ro- t not heating a seooad •xplosion he le the tunnel slime Mr. Pentland had orkinioand when the smoke and dint away he fond his mangled b gly me distance from where the steins red, 11.01(1 was instentaneon I rtion of the rook had @trunk ins . menet hie throat, anti • third bad steam from hie body. Ills body eyed to Lot Ang•lee and interred emenety beside th• remtine of I». Gta.,whe died there some ,.or. ago galas' PM, while here, • member Methodist church and when he went Angels he identified himeelf with& Solite F.piseepal ohorob FI• *AO IY rropttoted Au anloare• • *if° lwep0o i si atTh th e ot .fh•P ordo 11001 Fr Af e ra alA. 110 ad ch 11UriI]i., l sim children, four brother. and moil ) Pt° 105 050 "mama W,,. keno op this riveter try te have imp se by the doses Winghasi • A ver, Pies a* the netel000 Primate toroitt, •• last "rook. *ben his lona M. MeDonagh, R Altoona, of bone Braasela Last I betai ref *moo* to 11.4 Smith. formerly of I Rtprese ',ea the li Wm sad sweet - Th Smith's death was hi as natardai nooralls. *Week, loot ..at • ookibbsehottod. WA