HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 3r -
uteroperrEil with branches Uf - em-
_- --
_ •
Uf tilliN country trial Iw m,(r,-
browered wheat -,Ars. The whale
�DRFSS IN 1799 AND 1901 �
— - �
IrNrr wag rfeganlly ornamented with
Idrnura Prrrz, daulfl-.ter of tilt -«.!sit
cts.4;' leu tu.en tIu! I're•uch-
n 1
t,iepreseuted by Seuatur Dan -
wreaths sit old laurel• drawn a In
K p
; Hutt they all- am
Similar fal.hlon, an 1 there. wni a
u variety of feetoona across ilia cunt,
ulack s tin, with Parma vi,)Ieu also
duraud at Toronto•
London and Washington
Styles as Worn by Queen Charlotte, Queen
!tis) a chis' sir stay
Alexandra and • " Empress " PicKiniey.
the,WtLutn; the pocket -holes were
fir..... ARrt►a11r1Aiti. -
'. .• -,
Till@ is part sit the Lond.)a 'Co—
is taken from The Lady's Magazine:
high lace stock. Tho girdle of pourl
demerlptlisn of til r dreNN Of
Her Majeaty, Ah Is usual leu her uwn
embroidery was high In tine back,
the (luit•n and Peerorrur sit this
birthday• wur plainly attired iu a
uarruwing Into a stuall band of
Sud Set an Example to Barrow
opening of 1 arliameut, Feb. 1 Ith,
crape petticoat, ornamented
with perireudlcular 11tripem of yelluw
icaver in front. Tho mow(+ elaborate
design sit oluprcddery War carried u(Il
3901 :
riblx)n. eaged with black lace, &tail u
iu Lha trinuuing of this Sleeves.
cn1,ario TorJ3s,
iter ti10-i"ty this Queen turd the
bluek taco flounce; the pocket -holes
Mrs. MclQuley wore dlntond
F.I.,Obres with their butter were
ornumenle,f with yelluw curd tarmolr,
Lruuehem fastened In the lace of the
ettireil la dixlert mfxl
�' Lr Majc►ty'r body and train wall u
y+.Ilnw %elvat nn 1 white satin *tri x+,
stork, with be;tuUful welh!fl eWe
1. Jll
Alc1undre'a dies' wail lutle-d d
trlmruerl with black Ince. .
eunabr h( her roti.
Slay. Th(sxluro lassie\'ell, welt. of silo
HE 1861,13�i IH 0410,
Crge. it war a digul(Led-I(x,kiug
The Prinepsis of Wales wall maguilt-
Cently attired, In a %cry rich eel-
Clcu Prl'eidouL w•um radiant 111 a beau-
At tht• mato l txanquel sit the To-
ndw sit thaw fubrlc, wuwil le to( I,p, g
bruldery bn white wttlfi, sit gold,
tiful creation of whllo silk and duch-
Youn Liberals lnrl ni ht, Sen-
g g
It -It macufacture. Th! htKflon W444 high
pearl, lin l epaouglo, tut ial,
, aso hice. Tale lung Lrniued skirt war
trininwd witlt a fluuuce, uod
utpr' Dnuduraud re(-lwsided to the
t„ this ni•ek, and the rlervell long to
Iler SIaJlmty ware it veil
gree11 atilt purple full stuuer, repre-
m('ntlug benatiful peacock feat1wrm.
the badhut w•its�veiled with thn rrltlle.
►unit of "Cntmda." Hr quoted troika
t . ,vllmt
lel crap', talllng,ttow•n un the tratiued
in striper sir wreaths• front that ]sat-
A cluster ur 1 firma tfoleti feat a
loci( Uf slid the J•WPIN woe 11
lite Toronto NowN tot March 0th:
aitrt dol fi{E strew. It wear rrILU•rd
*` k
tom (if the rlRht to like tto of the
wrrr diuhwuds.
;Tito yuestiwt which what lie Inside
p❑ a IxNat'Ia trout, anS over It (ling
trft-Ni'IP;.the cunt, tau! hends, or Ups
}till. Uta t wit- of the 81•cretury of
(rur by the loyal people Ot Cal1R(I,I
a ,mall Crown tot dinmuu,lr. The
I, wore mup!rb prarlm, atilt ltloyal
of the fel(tlhrrs, faltrrnntely druophiR
each way, with plata gold spsugling
the! Treasury, wur•! u gown of white
W whether the ulsJority of the
lrnlrrs, iixlutlhyt thaw of CIrw,Lt
INAw-ea the wreaths :and feathers;
hrucadtd satin, Lite skirt trhuu-d
%!til a dee border of glint lace,
Frets)1►-Canndlaas rve;, nice old
and .Miert, till- 11uya1 Victorinu• ,Slid
til(• boltum Of til(! Coat wits richly
IKtileted in gold• the bodice Ornament
rr Me UN the ete'rna mother of
t4ut'dtgnity to whielr tile, l„u •ea Ir
lady admitted in rho urn
UrnnlUXated with It platted gold lace
flounce, hended with gold Venellnn
''d with gurnituro sir luca atilt fin•
thi•Ir thought(+• all .LiN Deltas P>; -
tau• mecoad
to the 'lost Nohle Orp4-r of the
trltarwrig, Studded wills lilac foil; the
iilred with a corsage bouquet un the
prerrem it. if they du Lt Ir plain.
locket -Unica wrrr. alio uranmente;p
left shatalder of green leaver.
that there cull b- neither unit )• nor
The Irnehebs (rt Cornwall and York
with rich gold ]neo, gold rope, and
Mra. hoot, wife of the S3.cretary of
p,t•acr. N/ tjac Uuw►nlun until Ne force
w:tr uttlri d in a dretr of trlcotrill
u new mutt 11ad 4:eitutifu,
full drvatt trigger*. The \chole dress
for ncl On- of the m,Rt nnconnn,)n
War. wore a gown of white ratan.
vL•IIrS with print d'Alencros. A �tia•
thou Uo ado t u differpul view of
tabuc. Tito skirt w -w trulnod rind
an I magnificent embruiderler we ever
mond aigrette and clusters of Jewels
their destiny. or until they convert
ttlmmpd with erne^ nearly half ,way
realember to have seen at court.
finished thlr pffPative• coxtum,,•
aN by conqu2rt Into a French depen-
to the wa4■t. Tar+ b„d,ee wur ele-
nn l was unlverwally admired. Her
Mrs. Gitiggi, wifn sir the Atturnny-
dctrcv, There is not *arta 11 C.austala.
Kandy urrn ed In auu Millet will•
lits g
(t0)all nighliesm, Muly nrld train was
of itch wapiti satin, rlrgnntly trim•
General, warp a cfrrtume sit w•hlte
bar cA•Md rutin. tlrldy ornnmeutrd
Nlde Au it Is, for a loyal Difillmh pis-'
loidr, Kehlug narrower all they
1,.!" the wnl"t. It slim flulwlpxp
rim,] with gold lace unit fringe, gold
with M•-clltln lace• set off with !N•arla
pidatiou an,l a Frear-li one which
with a yoke of flucly•Luck,d Mack
1'rnptlnu belt, nod rich tneriels bL
anI dlntmm,14.
gice+l its nllesialkae los uW France,
el L mualiu, bdrdared by olid:! ll- mill
Mrs. Charles Emory Smith• wife of
and la vvalting aur til.• ojlpurtunily
cd crupo. The vleevew were tun lied
1'rtticesn .tutnletn wns dreawrd Ina
white ern f tticoat, all rhly Put-
PP p' P'
t h • P.stm utrr.t;• n mal, woe! whit
I)roended Ritlin, with bands sit white
los throw toll( the eaA.% yoke of lila
Nen• nl•o fl{tlrh'd watt dere IJ )y -t-
r:aaged fxande sit grape. Ilrr IL yeti
brotlterwl w:'h pp)Id elurn_Ir+, nail
Inc • InwertUkn ani diamond necklace
pec«cut wasters."
Hiriulrwa wore a lusts veil sit craps+,
white, satin rings los wary stripes
Across ; thp• ix,ttorli oruawrntwi with
rtni hair orntuu-nts•
Ma•x. Lang, wife of thin SPcrptnry of
'•It weemr to we," �rttalor Dan-
dun(nd raid, '•that a re ilwndible
dl•p'udlnp gracefully carer the back
of her dress, whila in front It ramp
n rich gotlt flounce, hended with em-
th:! Navy, wore a gown of white aa•
ed,tur, cunNchntN of his rt•N ouriuil-
t a point, 1111d war Urruuged In folds,
broldrrrd bink velvet And purply
tin. brocaded to into blue and ypl•
sty ulad of ilia duty tis Itis ren-lers, a
t, tag behind is wdJr•r11 t,tr:a ,R +lilt-
satin in Viinlyke; over each ddb or
low, with ro+e Int lice and
pttr;utic drw•rpapar nista, n patrw-
t,"NIt]M and pearls. Thn I11Mhf•r.y lei
the coat Ho,'ed, doubly, drnpxrirtl:
(.lubroldered %illi gold spttangfoil
Sara, IUtchrn wife of :.:u, BeerP•
site- 3cwetthro , -edtu .e Maur.!
re thrnw•l;tg wectkt Of
turnwah and York sure Ante
w'hltP sato rintlw, nail Kuhl foil
lnrr ohtlr Interlon w•urr, n drerN of
dirrtord or slat( 4,!11,11 thruush-
disc 1
two Immuom- what-,•nr i•rntUni,At•
- - in rJtataofitlt, en ti hiuj Lit+. i Jif 44 jk.•r
striper, ornamented with very rich
manvP path, with it gnrnitnro of
out Cllr tonal. Thr. lei
d, erg, lea wlticli _littered the
Irusaleri of *pdtastG+dLlarat velvc3.aud
p•InL lace, with aahrtbyrts nal dila•
ategl"fr e
tunralknl intim taw ]rum hire
—^-Mt1Rt•t,7ve-knjat iir(irT+►.-•--.--•---_--
_ rpin_.eat In _\'nm R ; thomc boll-
•—e Tl
wPFe drnpilR}'fed N' til p*I•raL a
tem g. _ _ _
IXa tla,n.--Gita4hter bt t11P�e•
�t�talrJntl.-.11 _ituL.JI ri,nrl,lf•r_.
Peyer Phew of the It1•aa till. with th0'+l'
feet-, by d slsangltag between of par-
rntnry of :lgrlrutture wore n Pnrts-
it file taut tbAt alk' wall IS-ilU
Lhir 'country 0C)" Icl contain pL•O-
uf their i ear relatltr" who 1,&d tier-
lie b were astir"1
iulalman to be d- attIee.
lou stain stars, gold. pearl unit
tall gown of white .rrrtn de Chin••.
pl- of gax4-will strati gat their (►rid
tnbrtcn. In l.If
los dull i
rpmnglew. Tltp draperies were addle
L'onall) ornausioted with wreaths (It
lir• ,kart trfmmrt with Innnmrrnhl^
r •w•m of col,] brnli, -Hirt] with sable.
,�Imtitut•• ;tit Inquiry to till,] If there
is anythh{g serious in thlr charge.
all Jet waa fa I Wna Intl Tit"
ludirer were low ttn•1 wleetr:
.,1.1 Inure! in frstouns; pocket -(toles
TFL^ ivOirp was 01,1 h^d with Inc^
If file Jr,ve L11u Newm Hens, it repre-
alu)rt, all fur a drawing roum. nitI
•rntlrt -w
or-namenteI with rich Rind Ince, card
,,p I dew•+ tiksreis t the imrdy wtxt-trflin
npn'I•,ii •I over bold. with rpverm of
ontbr,0•Iproo I pink comes nnd'R tlnlwh
to Qnehee to Ilip would
aka! l'I.INY(,N illi[ tIP twlstlPR hP w'OLLlll
th(! a
plumo-t- nn,f trfl,; wer+! Urn
wills tot riell ptgple ilia i Kohl thr"IIe.
ar anhiP.
v"pry racily lint out that there Ir
but always black. Thaw being un)Jer
ot,od, It will tie. tfore,taary only to
irlwwed with mild lace find fringe.
1'r(ncesr Miza Wth w•.th auperbf)
In Illuek Vrlvct.
to more contented, nu more s(ttim-
Ir.l rte the malertal• au1 rlyk+ of
lecurated with n while crape petlL
.-:a ria Azl,irvz, *lie of Li � Anlbuw
]led „u6att(m 1 sir t , Ir iu C,ti1-
4thmd tea Fren u-caua,hunm.
the drerseP. The Ducherm of fort-
land we& attired in a ping ltraaeful
Gout• v(r) richly embroidered viLh
roll s tau ler, Anil )earl lel vrrina.
f S I
,aa,r iruw AL.Ilicu. uppearrd los 'u
,Ire.: lel balek %elvrL, `.crnh.u�e
-cV t4tuR,r:) I ve,rature to affirm that
.a�irm.ef .lull ■Ili IIontad It warellshl.
•.o,- .:- ...-:..... -u ...,..-
.- .._........... ..
Its. tc(fuld ca:ue b:(ck tt, rut-
.. ...
worn bcarIng Weir (:oureryutivoI ThC Signal
rrleudr growl, and wilily ust"tss0
they weir Losing uttice by tliat colossi-
uvpNatttiun. Of Use lusts rlrugglr, n ►C■tusae
with Its taW sit bteu11 gruwto sit 9VItRY TUVRSDAY MOHNINO
this Lltlerul tote ill lilt-Ttioli after s* U. not1ILLIcvvl)i. _J
ch•(:t►,'u. Mr. Dauduraud told, illu t-
trating the point by this story Pf —
the election of Vercueror, when the T.ru.s et /mbserly-11 ,
Cour(ervatvem bet heathy upon car- One month, los advanoe..................•.I W
rying what wall regarded all strafe ?lore' °'."the• ...... ..........• p
Literal moat, because they hall the � on moatlu. .
tlswiatt(nce of two IAshupw. Tilm Uuel•ar, 101
(non who It id uWadliy fuught agetinait AdvartMtsi Irate•:
such Coercion were not the teen to
xtawp)txle tall a loader lxw ultsu lie I ywl led .spar e'as't adrerthamawb, ItkL
��. per sac for n -.t ta-rr110 1. lel 1 s wale per line
happened W come from Quebtc. Thr f.r aa+h au h,a, unatlawrua•1. M*e red by
p et,ple sit Quebec were reading murt, f - \,, �r gstndu &ala
stmt more. find as the ' aid ;u Wle Bn•toerS .'tile of •tz ua(w and osda. M ges
Liberal party guisied btrellgth. Ile Advertisement' of 1.ost. Fouad, ntrwred.
itdmitted thtt this war u nlort .... situ•Upa. Vao+ut wttua.tsea w.t•trd and
uuh,tLuDalc Ktnt! of affairs (or ] Bu,luoo. Cbance+ It e■lood, cwt cxa•rdlua t
tie Tory party siutl this Urultgeluen tins nonpw rill• pee mouth
lel Outurl ). Tho cuuclumhola was that I + ox.oar•.lwe l wM ll Tor (lift �.sta ��eieroasM
the Turier of UDlarlu, w4oti that •„fuent month. f ae� radvta. to proportion.
i'rvtluco Watt heavily Liberal. had roarteLbg nett•lalloeobleotofmy ,hIeW
t promo' tLe yerunl,tp boNeat of r•rindlvld-
mtayed, had held rw uy through the �j ual or eoanl,ony. t•, ba onii% tiered an wdvsrLMa
actL)u of the Church of ltunle. 1 Y mnnt and euarral aew,r li ,`1l-
.� Local Vett- (:+ inn p.,re(I (y pe un• •ens pd
• Frtuch liumhwtlua. ^ woad. 1,o w,tlrw In." � .. T5,.
, • -"', ].oval "W"',l la ttl,wary reading tyir tole
Then Penator t'andurand deull w ith ��, . rents per worl. . notice for I--+ than 9k,.
N frtacer for chs-ftm and other telldleus ea.1
e eh Juwilwtiuu. Khris
thcceywlrn �rit
they attlered Cunleuerttiun they b•aeruleata•eta►et,oaa.taaKnte.
know tout they would bo -would ul-
%t a.i o tae-ia a hulwienr 'mitturity In rlubwrtbers who fall to recnlve Tat laaxtt
tau 1 oollnu)ti. 'Ibe had confided ht regnl.arly by or t,h sift .anter •favor br &t••
y 0nwu,1 fur w of sloe fart &t wa wily •date J
this ►p.rit, tot Justice, sit fair play. sit piss+thle.
their i-ugli%i--peaking fellow'-.utut- M'hrnachana* of addre,w L dwired.bots
u4lnss^ )hey' hod hod cunt Wencc ht the old and the new addr,•w abould bo glvoA
their ula Al.les of Ontario, anti the)
11n,1 ",-f twet1 (leeei\�ed. la tsamlWC, the P■Lush wr'a Netlee.
`Jenalur fur tier raid, the French- I J. C. Le Tour,l of Ond•rtch has here ap
•tan..alunr uud,lt majority, gild tile) {pointed Loral Tra, dnnK Asosf sur cite Town.
caul t atm; tont til- tN• treated in the Teats without flavor are like flow, sh,lia of Uodsnch, oa,born•. Aeh@eld and
. V►'awano.h.
I,ow.uou um tho English-speaking err without perfume, NO GOOD, I„ctt n+.ectan+(e,•1,over ilia diatrictarealee
u)ltioeity were treutc,l la tjlletnev. 110R&' 131011-URADF, (TYLON TEA em p.wered to recall• .ub•crl c•uooe W Ttta
slay an) cumplatut !w to their treat- Bu.wu_
meat l,tar,1 (rum that uWwrlt). •, ham that rxqul,►le flavor \clticll ba@ Alleommualo►t1). om01 .Lif VDDY.
l:(g.it 1_ngabh wetuburm of I'ur.inlui•ut mane C'cylon fuwouit Tm■ awe.tzr,
were returne•I Trow. canelilueliclem (art ill(• 25 craft pncknge ; you, gru- Tolephon•Call30. Oodenoh,0a.
.n whicit tun Freucu-Cauadi.1,,m were cell seta Lt. -_.
sit a tact matwity. ]11031-c hart
twelily-four nu!wtierr iu the &-little ; THCRhD%Y. APRIL 18, 11)01.
ttte propvrtu,n of lingiitdl-speak-ug - _ ---. -
&rnaturr wuulo be tour; its a waiter _.__ TRAVKLLINO GVIDK.
lel tact Helen of the quet►ec &enittorm Nlohlr, t•ays Parts. --
were Lnghmlt, an I three of these gess- aR.tND TRV\Yt: R�ILt►AT.
trltirn repreNeuteJ esc.tasitrty IteturoiuR ulo,ltwtrN tall talharx from
1•run:n districts. What would err- Parim are ttlting•talrm tit taAmIr and .
lain people Ito Ontario way If Turuuto t• -011eiluently th!'lr custuiuer•s sir•+ Aaal�
were entitled to two 0enatorm, unit ordering uwhlhr gowns. filed.......t...............•,..,.-••..Ii.1!ILM.
tu(,dct-'ted 1'trnch,duminutupt iw It !a n crry r.•nNlbla farhlnq, tart;a1sM11:Dr•a•••.................11 Fla
ptovet nr toe ippreseutatlte of To- for Once, for h^r, Ls the Wa it Ir led......*., ...............•......•. f.N0,M•
• Y r. ]tallsML:Deer..•.••••.•••••-•'••..1lls►.a
route los the tietiate flit lrleh Catholle bein made u .: •
tins a Fretlell Cntholle'! Iia thought Tia mollnlr]gown sir decreed by lh. ]fall andRlprow..0 •�..........1.11asa
that there would ire edge noise i'arirlrttt.nathtwitlew I+f usioderlifad teal Mtll and Kill . ..............i...... I?A p. .
uruun 1 town. (Lnughtpr.) But In uande an lite urtt-!rm of tlu! linen st weal Staterd . .. . ts
Montreal. the Pilot en.l, In 'which Tile tki ker roltyrm are prel(• -0 ...h.
1611,11111.) out of 119.Ot1U people were dark• blue IN first chide,. The gown bitNTUTalr.
.1''rench-Npenting, hall" been ri pre•rseht- is II Immed simply wall 801,01rd lrluil.i ---- -
tri-t"-t!leRestor Ogilvie, who-look-ittttl. ase-4welet.-nrtd -tv quite w-stntpte-tittir M. NICHOLRON. L.P.&. -. -. ..
Won bijeceivled by air. Robt. Muckay. affair+ the style, (rf eourre, bele ht eexTAt. tl'RONDn.
K R,,,yme opPr►,Ito the Peat 0000.
In tilt- Legiwlntive Counrll, out of _4 the c•ut. ' Gold 1'llitag. ] row■ nod lirldse work s
mrntbers b1.x were Engllrh-speaking• Itut tH it not a ear% -r Iden? It siren 81 1.1Itr.,
Tho Speaker did atilt know• how• m:uty a littie more warmth than MINI. and i)lf=s Czp•rienes_
Fr"nrh Judgi(s there were In 'Cur- tine often wantm that even In bummf•r T M, MAHILE. D.D.S. L D.l.-DKNTAL
(into; In-Nluntr(•nl five Judgem out It dorm not nerd to Mr If undered, And JJe Surgeon-iwt"t amt approved ■1•thods
n( eleven .we're Eughmil-speaking. of it dorm nut get mu,ts.,tl or stslllg,r. for alldaltalOtterminne. Pro- "At I•- of tLa
the MI(mlrual CuAtow House enq,loy- tits tin lilt- wants dre•svem. Il shedm rlumt, natural teeth a Special' . 011ier' ('sir. WWI
-Ps. fyOO were.FletwIt'speaking! ,7_ ratkil A" n resldt We hate nl11rlwt all et.&pdsquar• 4upetarr.j KX'jmaeaWaw
,err F:ngiimlrmpeaking. In Nl.Jutln'r. ideal summer frock. (Knee cl,atd on R1ducSdar''afternoons. at
w•her- ntNrnt nae -tenth tot.. the lino- Luite a vargue for h IR alrerii�y pro. 1 r• tit.. frog, Niat to tort_ LnrlilAve.
Isle were Iaiglteh mpeakhtg, lite Mayor tattled un this rlde, for till lite women Telephone No. le.
graduated bill •)I till,, moumn-tine ue
uteroperrEil with branches Uf - em-
wort• all algr,+Lt! auJ brunchell dt lei v •
_ •
Uf tilliN country trial Iw m,(r,-
).lie, Wrdered Pach with n h-a►y 0111.
browered wheat -,Ars. The whale
mterewtr.l Lt uuuut:uuiug the prr.-
Fle G1lreatl. Tne trxlWe war oil .lel
IrNrr wag rfeganlly ornamented with
Idrnura Prrrz, daulfl-.ter of tilt -«.!sit
cts.4;' leu tu.en tIu! I're•uch-
frills of dlken mtlallu. fimmhed IA"
wreaths sit old laurel• drawn a In
K p
Ml. i,lrrn AmUunsuaor, w'orr culla ace -r (:-tlyadL•anm
; Hutt they all- am
Similar fal.hlon, an 1 there. wni a
u variety of feetoona across ilia cunt,
ulack s tin, with Parma vi,)Ieu also
nal, ai xLtrLOtie C,LD&tllaU; as
g I
drep belt of dell black milk, with u
witty a rich gold Ince flounce round
p,:arlr, in
!tis) a chis' sir stay
tory large bow• tied sit the left
the,WtLutn; the pocket -holes were
T4ae Climate" CA"al, daughter Ot U`IIli
efit try.
rA) til that. el
mile. Tito- trills were caught dt)wll
ornamentr:l the same a•, Prinecs-s
the Itumolian AwWNmad,w, wUri+ U
ill 3; We
The r:ntua l+ obvl•:u.y; vcu
ut Intervalt with dinniou,l uud Llear,
tugurta's. bd(ly nml train of rich
t •,:vn bt lianiton Lica cert n white
,„ , ,1.1- -'11 .mi: illau hiil,.nt� tit Can
wall wvru. The Ducheem "f Ucvun Bold lace nod 'friftge.
shire was attired hu dull milk. The Prince" Story ,-4411 dressed exactly
I",.itte wag el-serly draped in - Soft like I'rhncear -Augusta, fn %hate null
fold., and it was fin,.ited with dill: ',gold.
embroi,lrry, llpr firacu wore a high - I•rincesx Rophin, the runup, Ln while
crown -shaped tiara Of dl(tmunds ALMS ant sil%r n with tilt, difference sit
iniperb yraris, t4Wet,hor w" suatc Avis. awl yellow 1'aadyke lKwders.
fine diamuad ornametatg. The uste@d of block and purple ; ts,dy find
I)sultesw of N?wcap%tic'r dross was train of rlrh yellow atilt silver tl„aue,
of ctapa tie Clilae- Tha ektrA was Ith crduina ap attr. trimmest .11-"
fimrltell with a drills, fl„unc•e of dull gol,l Inst! ,,nil fringe.
geipure lace. and t1wrs wags ulnas ...-titc.priaucasws wars never dremsed
insertion• sit thlm herr. Tho bodice with more taste, elegn&ca atilt rieh-
WAR til„) finirhe.l With btCe iron -r- nep” thus on this,s jar)tnl occumton. atilt
tiotis still] silk Applique. Beautiful their cuibruiderletl 1(l- particular were.
dinwondm awl peariv were warn. Tilt: dtiivertally ndmired.
Ilurhesm of Uarlix,ruugh'w gown lel Princems Sophia , of Cloucester.-
'dull, aleft, Orb p1Pau de• a'1� wean ter) iChltp crape petticoat, richly '•m-
Fimplt and stylishly made. Tile skirt broWcred with slater spanglre In
w a” trained, anal Ilke the Ixrdle'. wavre a b order in points, with raised
wno trunme4 with lnllp and walk mile •ulbrulof•rrd flowers• the dralery
her Her ,Grace wore a small .crLt1Yp . rosp vitt et„r)chh rya ij. gl,"1. loord ri d
Ntap!:I diamond tiara, tipped wilil wide COFtdy nrilden, nn 1 tir,I sip with
liar-,haperl pxnarls. Isopto nail elegant corse And tarsetm; the trnin
Strings (if pearl” ware worn. no.l ,a I leautifail atripel,tiver tissue, tiler
%cry deep pearl twilur, with rohr mP,s with n rich silver fringe, the
tonanificent dininowl ,lades. ('iron",tan aleeven white crap,•, vm-
The 1f&rl hianlrae%)f Orm,-tile wur nl brol,irred In T ayes with silver
. tir(vl In chiffon. over which n Rupert .Npangletl to nnewer ilia lartticont ;
ihawl of dull Mack f.'hnntllly Ines- nen,;-drew, ostrich fpatlipre nod lel&
WAN arranged in pephlm htmbion mon:Is. -
Her drew was high -4y special per The puchpa" or York. -it mly still
mlMlon-and the al"vrN lung. Tho:ee, train of brown %Plvet, p•lticont of
_Ltalle- ■nperhly-.mmanlen2:.•Si..
inc . They marclaiunlw+ i,< llunUy wall wtM etripen of lwarMPr, which might
wearing n role Of peau de bili", with w•.•II %1.• with nature, and t-rmhated
lore Insertion, and charmingly fin• sit Imittom with a rich rtnbrot�lrry of
board with iute near the hem. Tilt• stun,-+, b idirumhi,s nn l m-m-we".1 ; t11's
b dlep was ht Ltwyt X%*- style, uud Iremi, from Its bpduty unit nou-
wnm deftly lusertrd with haodw,me veaute, nttracte(l Kenrral admiration
Fimignr tot dull live. Tito M arehiow. at arnurt. .
,New'CiamdPn'* drj' ff -sir ,,all atr'wu _ is 0"'.11 .sit--.4raage,-whits-...erAiar_
ruvitrd with ImAt silk. The bodice petliroAt richly rmbruilrrd with
wasp trhnmed with doll silk p;twse_ -Tv)id, tody find train id purple Palin.
nienterte lin,l with hambsrma Jet richly embroid-red with gold spinglrw
hackles. Tarn SSnrchlonetlr of Lon• and binck shpnrl.
tow,liles. 's dull *rope de ('hie" til- Duchom • of Gordniv- lin Plegnnt
lire wns most eleg,lnt. Her Indyshlp., ire's of wldtn nodi sold; train of
kiar;t waa of autx!rb dlauwodm. Tolte %Suits rntln ; hrnrl-Qropm. thrtr• n�tlrh
whale trains of lila txnllrr waanblurc fenthers isprornted with dinninndR.
with dinmon+lie, and two Inrg:, din- Thr yocra cattalos( t. very tast-
mund bruawli w were worn near the, \ white rprapu lrctU(•oat, T(•ry tassr-
mhouldrre. � pully drrnrnted %•Ich fi•btonnt of
The (ounttse of 11'nrwick wore n white ben -in and brown satin starve
vTil tOunte s die's of crcpoe etc between Pneh bead, forming perpreetl-
___1T(!, ilia 1 [h Torii(' 7t:ttnpKgire 'tlo)Iltir nlrlpc+, with R large gOlcllltar
tmt clOss!I �clfn Ins "tohln of the toil to fasten gulch wreath or fintton ;
y g n e o trip,' coat
cc tlrr rl ht c rn.r f
n r
tAlark. There tr•:u n nosh of "hiffult flowe.l a crape rlrnptery, very' richly
livid chiffon I ht frills on the mklrl.
bit r,mbroldcrrS with Kold R(tnnslr+,
1.hdy Warwick'" ornamentio were fiat white satin an,l brown velvet spots,
aliamoWls- .& bad clunk of sable, RMrmcninted with e{anRP cohered (e4
with frills of chiffon nll down tilt ctonex, ornnmentI 111th n superb
front, wags a very imposing garment bnr+tpr of bullrushest sold spangle
worn while watting. The. Vowutefs of lenven, (mbrol lered white vatln,
UndlPy's drops wns (if net, with sip- brown vcivet, anti creReent foil
plaque of late on true skirt, taking atones. edged with a wrer.th Df gold
--fisc ltlrifr-IT% II'111jpht ref-wie""inw..-
Tile net fxxlles. arranged In folds.
%taw trif"ted with dull Lice, ,+hnd
tnnde at soft trnckgrnAind for fine
diamond ornaments. I'he C'UUnle$A lel
Yarl,oratgik wit" attired., in t 6f.
fyn• Her dregs waw trinr
u:cd with king tue til, . on which
u oro quite flat feetouned nppllcatit nN
sit Ince, Countess Carrington's attire
"not all crepe de Chine. •She skirt wns
finaly tacked Nml trimmed sit the h, in
lightly with tullp. Thn Short sleevell
wore tucked, nod the tnekpd low
bRrdleo wns caught in with n wide
belt of Crepe de C'hins._Lady Catring-
ton Wore fine diamond ornnmeutn, n
rome apray In theme stonra nlmnnt
covering the front of the Ix,dice. Thr
('.utters of Rnnfarly'e drew" had a
sunray plented chiffon skirt, finlshpd
with many tittle stitcher] flounce,
Mbar thn Lam. The Ixrdice wax draped
- from une•ahlP In long pleats, nhd waa
finiaheal with a 1wroming chiffon
fichn. The countess of Glnsgow halt a
drema or drift ppnu de ('hint-, lite skirt
, tucked, and the pdrdiest very' artistle-
■lly draped,
Countrom rte Grpv wore n drese of
rich, Soft, doll, pevtu do "ole, rel►Pved
with tulle and silken mnalln, her ilia-
nmtfd and pearl ornnmpntm worn moat
effeetit". tarty Nlnrjorin (Sor,lan'R
w'A@ a picture dress of crepe da Chine
ani chiffon, arrnnsrer In Krndnnted
tnokR and (Allo, and fit the bodice n
large. chiffon flet,,,, with penrl orna-
mente. were worn.
711P following description of ihn
1,411111"• DrPNSPR at the let#- on floc
l(nJ-eety'a Birthday, Jai. 18th, 1769,
leensontrd with Cold laurels, In 1e,' -
j •wON were roper.or pearls closets ling
w tit'; waist ling, dial, wore twt) pink
n,s:•s In her hale.
The Rar-nese von Hengplmulter,
wilt of the• Anmtr,-Hungaarian Alin•
latrr, wora'rt PariHlatu gown of little
pink velvelt, trimmed with Itenah-
��tfAnce lace. She wore strands of pearls
la her hair, a tug collar of diuolondr
edit a a.,rltlaod s,t-4warfe.
.__ Jt$o-L�wutess da-Lichterveldc. -wife
of- tb-t Heigian Minister, wore
white tor,roaded Nntin, with garniture
of yelluw panne %elvet and Brim-
sel" lace. A tiara of diamonds and a
nockllLee ai pearl; nod dinmundH were
naw) worn.
The VIw-onntpsm de Santo Thyrso,
%-Ito of the Mlnixter from Portugal.
wore A w,wn sit pale green batin,
oiled with wdllte chifftoia, the. wklrt
f Ini"J+c A_W-AU_ioosrti- hast& ox_ sit -4
ll(•r Jewel" were diamonds find emer-
a ide.
Sara. N"ipon A. 'tiles„wife of tike
Lieut -mint -General in n,mmand of
til • Army, wort• white satin , trimme d
with flounerN, and a bodice of duch-
"Ile lace.
Mrs. Marcum A. lintona'm gv:wn wont
a North Preathm of the rlchpet'
white matin, emlwit"ed with heavy
pt„ Id emhroiderr, the lighter tracery
all fait 0iTt"rn being" nutlln"ed wtth
chenJlie. Emtx'ftdt,l in the embroidery
were two roneg tof the p:rlevt silver
gra) velvet. The skirt npentvl uvrr
u petticoat edged with' a ruffle of
chiffon trimmed with rhrnlllp. The
tipcollete bodies, wns RufteneJ with
.rhiffon about the edge and down the
front. On elth••r hide an,] An the
Rhnntd•-r” wrrr effective ,•prays of
rhineetonet, and un the. left Hide n
huge whltn rrn-p. Thr. lack of the
bodic- wnm trimmed with folds of
cloth of gold, Inelid back atilt front
d(ywn the rentre. Thr court train wan
fini:ih'Pd with wild elnhroldery. MrR.
Hnrnd wor- a lionrl Aigrette, strnnda
sit penrlR atilt n Itirgr cli"ler of din-
Costume" of the MlpRrs 11111111".
11ilnm lath llnnnn wore white tulle,
FMj- iflt trtxh 'rifft,, edged with
titre^ row' of gold ribbon ,)f grndn-
utcd wIItt+. Till t'(01 -P wit" hotshot(
with n ierthn, with til • 14:1111, f•rf"ct
nN the ruffl,n, with a larsp pink tome
sit --ilia Jrtt Aw.!-,lite long stuns. anti
folingr rxtt-ndFnz to the wide girdle
at cloth of paold, with long sn"It Pull"
,(of tulle edged with gold.
Mtxm Maher flannn'" golan wast of
wale Nur efwd^d "ilk, mlinded Into
toons, and a Coll fanrel firm".. rewnd.1
this• hotto.m; body and train of white
satin. richly ornnmented with gold.
This wait one of the rlchpst anti most
elegant dresses at court.
One hundrp(l yenrs Ago Ihr Indl,en
of tile. United Rtntes drenied with re-
pihllcnn shnpllcity. Thlm In the
wny they were dresgpd sit the innug-
urathan hatll los Wanhington, un ]larch
4th. 11x)1
Sirs. tlfrKInl,,y wns the, cynoRurr of
011 a}r*-AVtTie-ian-n-�fAT of . ISIM
wore a rcAi.ume of the richest white
wilin, which schltillnted with cuunl-
Itai rhinrstonew And pnnrb. Tinge
jew•ple writ wro4gll: ht tin effective
t],slsn sit grnpeR And rinmtr,rR of
leaven, "xtending from the thrfAt to
the hein or the skirt, the PmbrrA,Ipry
effort bring outllnwl on etthpr Sidp
by Insorlion of exquisite r("P faint
Ina,. Tho ronrt train w -not finlith-A
w itil n fl•.)ltn^n of th- Name Inc e, In n
Irnrinnd tkslsn, caught wit" little
rriaux of satin, til^ edite of tilt, train
being sortwl4vl by h ruche of tuck^d
Ifer high nneeked bodice, with Its
oirrned fen4her etitrhed metimn, hnd n
drrp collar of polnt hire. which, rrOsR-
Int( the @hOuklera from the hick find
extending hill way down the front
ole both aArs, outlined a Test Of
white plant,d chlrfon, Overlltld with
pearl@, carrying tett the dotign of
the ekirt. aomN of the ie-Iroo and tcn-
drlle eeemhag t0 bare straye(1 On the
alta: Ir.• h.1%P ehrp.rrrto Ix till#
ountry ; wt- it,ttµ iso Angle tie with
aur,p.! ; this b+ Our hcni •. wh'n wt•
1.ay.• It tar g, to n furAgn laud we
.0 rxrt a:ay titit'w• • ore wAng Imam -
until we err r:•turmng to Canada.
Now, ilt.• c:mlrg.• gat •w furtlur. It saym
,hit w,! would d•..Unt to 1.111 hack un:
Irr the Fr, nrh flag. Thio im an In.
. UIL tp�our_lutcllll;cucr,- Why elsould
vr, ftr!'ilmt .
'Its,' TnttyrKMlj. (our ub..tolUie VORt MI
of unr own affalrw. to return to-
w•hat? To tit:, #tutus of it french
ro:uny, w•hirlt h'L+ but th.• empty
lioror of a rr[)res>ntntive in the 1'A
rl"inn Parlinment ? We hate here a
itelf•gove+rning rolony ; W:v (,fret our
own memtx•re of Parliament, (do Ofir
ow•n Intilnexx a" w•P It]:vtsr. .hnd wee
arm oxp:•ctpd to throw that to til
wknife. obundon It, And r: turn to it
control of our town nffalra, would b.
governpd by a non rexpounibie Gov-
crkR%Put, nn tit. French co:onb•m fare.
it Lr alao:ntely preposterous. Let
tiny n"w"plpr•r man go lhrongh tar.
I'ru.L•u:, anti Ira will n -A Mul a mingh•
French-Vitnadlnn atm ftw,llah am t,
tMnk of ever clanging our nlleglance
full eve ]save It today., (.lpphimll.)
•ihe Frenrle Las-gulaar
" I might, p rUupw, hurt f he,feeling"
•)f lite grntlem •n of the 11LamHlun
Sprrlator-(langhter) -wha are Indig
cant sit the ill a thth wee WVI CMllillnl'
to speak French in tile. I'rovinve lel
4iiebrc, whin I telt them that out Of
n0'1 municiprllltle" h• lhnt Proviuer
there are 60J in wick!► rot it word of
i�,agliwi+ IK "iu,kutar-1 AIJi-lhbsse treppe-.
men sir., w.,kcrm(e, Lf thet'wasit to try,
to fro Irl land ,tilemiA ti trach the
children to b.enli EnKliwh, because
wn d.vire that they bit.tll'Ue the waP
ler (,f til^ awn Im tf vag:•". fife will
(•e Wtinue to bp::(k Frew -h. to Odtillro
I•'rrneh litirattm• find irenlux, bill it
dues nut follow flat a diverolty of
Inu_luage is im•uutpalild ! WILis it eum
nsm atonal hentlnl.•nt." ]Laud sip
pla ti pe. )
Cuutinninr, the 8 nater Hall thnt
when trnttlling hl HwPzrrlawl la -t
wtimmer fir footind a strong. patriotic
Iw!upl,•, speaking three, Ix-rh aps four,
1.'tnga'tg(•"• Lh1l hr (till not hear fn the
Grrninn, It:al.nu sir Frrm-Il Sill: -r
rev ".• hi+ sit 1 � h xrr
+ .T ng -71 1
I (III rah%' i I
I: g
sit' lv•inX n traitor 1) rats! 1(l- Fp.,ke n
turn! I nr,., lu '
1.Ihrralimtn In 1luehee.
i'rocending, Its referre I l t lire
charge, wlurll, hr, "aid. wait" nm injur-
i,AIR to the wclfar+! of O'nun,ln nN it
and mklrt Loring rovrrrd with embrol-
sory of gakl rind iscarl bads. Talc
twlet wlln(h! wean repr(Oured in a
mednlllonlikn cmbroide•ry of purple
alters, with pink viatr-a, fOrmhlg a
striking desixil among til! gold nail
penrI beads.
Airm. Fredrrlek Drift Ornnt w,rrn
tale• blur "titin, til, fr(rnt being of
hlnrk urt, acintlllntln,z with JA nml
hl tezr ant ,pongl •m and ,wIlli it gnrnl
turn of til • p:tm' nn the bodive. Iter
ornnniente %ycrp n ttnrn, a nrciclar:!
of pearls Anti (Jlamopoote.
MInR Grant, diutghter of air. a
tri.--1'--Sion-ISL;-lir t ,!i iit,STR1:I
white rhiff(u, garinndwl with pink'
SllnR Ildv, dnnghtex of the Sacro•.
tory of Stair, ward real! sl'rrn panne
vflv(•t, fal';rttrl will) NUtrr. flrr for-
nnmr'sita were penrlt.
Mrw. Davi l J. 11111, wifn Of til^ First
Arshotant Kerretnr,y of tltntr, worP
pink nnf) white "trlp^-1 Silk, trimnrd
with .RPAlllmmnnee IAen land rtaintw)w•
"(dared .chiffon.. She wore diamond
Jcwf Is
One Ihr fib Noddy•
The magimtrnts hnd some numpinlon
that thn young couple that prraent.
ext themdelves were nut of marringe-
&bin lige. - .
'•ffow old are, you?" he Ingn:rod.
"i'm 15," said tho bride.
"Fifteen, too " sold the groom.
1,Atxt n wit�r, four," @boated the
marstrats, thni pro%ing that he hhn-
@pl wan nut long past the crib age.
-Newark Adrsrtlllw, t
w -n" a g,sxl scotchman: Ur. Duncan who hnte hrnrd sit it are Pnlhunta,im,
NleD tinld. and Iefure ills hod been +anti hate ordered al least ,ani, of theme
ytr. •Ilam •.Y lT lloU sir. 111 1 rtllle Lll'+fe
w•Pn• )if y two) Enghod txasking ell-
izear, land line of them had be^n
ducted M ayor. .Ind in Chateauguay
rot only welts an English -Canadian
Lite repremeutatite of the county lA
1'arhamt-nt, bill the Wardrn was n
t'4•utcbman, who c.1u1d hardly nutkP
h,nittelf mvivrsto(x1 by him fellow•
r o f a•
1m n NfimPnn of the stand oaken
In tile. affairs Of the Province by til"
Liberatm of llul-bee. Seantor Dundu-
rnnd, til eitwing idm remarks. in-
etattle-I the coutr).crsy its to cre-
mation which iN al prew,ent in pr')
gena". The• "Whop sit him uwn ditreeR,,
Iw.l oprfoibrvl the rtaethorizatiou tot
the pr ctive, Anil the bail which had
Pat-,,, tkrnttgft_-.ille�_:._ i..•Kiuln
t'uuucil hull been pallocd iy til(-
totcw of the English weml,rrm laud
of the Frruch LibernlN:-The Hennlur
ekaw,l with a reference tit the tact
tlpat Juxt as, In times IMMI, Ilia lib.
crral friends Of OLtItWIL half been held
In oppo-(Holl by taw vote of Qu'!•
bn. fit, ,,tort' their Tory anti Orange
friendm of Ontario had been defent-
c.l by (JUPlx•t•. WhAL Qualm! asked
of Gutarlo w'a+ thatt all "pool' prde-
An �enatOr Duadtirand regamrd
his Font the entire n■memtilage rove
find clf-creed Wm hearti-y itud lung.
wl. TlwusPaull leu tae jAheral Iharty.
Mr. Thotian 31tihcy. Secr,tary u -
,I,,• I•itrru,:i+r, INvrpk),.,d ilte Lo.t#t. ti
1'll- hits-ral Party," to which Lt.-
, to,. Atulrew Thungsoun, M. P., w•aw
,It • Brat tf) re-+p.,a.l. It-, recalled him
aarlie•r connection with the Young
Ml_nn Liberal Cit►b. o: Toronto, whien
.11.! (Its"tion of teem we" u wertou.,
problem fur hitnowif ant[ o0wr lilt
,m�clD.luua y„uag "lardtntm, cantina
,ng h.! tienit brirtiy with the princl;
them of the Lib-ral party, Illnmtrating
b.! p ol:tttm he (IoNlred t() impremm upon
_filo #wArers by a- numbar of witty
+-tiirTf,,x. Tho ff>t-jiflficipif Of t1h
fmtrty W ant nut, it■ Unit ,b�cn stated
oy a grnllemnn r plving to nn Inter-
rupter in !t poiittaal mall ting :'tu
keep the! Tories out." If the dny rnmr
avh,rn love of wenith and lower wns
,ha gelding mtar of tht- Irarty. Ir,-
is.p•d flit, ,young m:,ll would hvnr It.
it ]Yard Ir. t -n ittid tlutt non • of the
plankm of (he Liberal pintfnrm hail
oast,,, curried alt. on thlm point Ln
.lvalt with the efforts tri bring about
freer trade rPlationm with the Uni-
ted ►Ltltt-r, nisi til• failure tovol t4•
til(• demanda of th, AmericanN rr-
Knrding.the Alnwkn boumistry, to til"
ate )t to wi x• otiL
nnrueerRnfwl n uq 1
:los• gvrrymnnit•r. and the pl:•blpritc
oa tau• que-Woti of prohibition. On rill
lhepr (Itrationm the LIIN,ral Irarty
Ilnd dein^ their b--mt to carr)
nut thrlr protnlm-4, mit hail
Ir•rn lik,cked by c:ulm•a ff:r
which fury wrrr In Ito way re"ixin-
wlble. iteferring to the men wha had
Inx, nnm!Iy, that th- peoplo or til(•
province were stampeded under the
Libertal ting oul,kg t ) and •.only for
the holm of fleeetba,T rafJ'r•pchC:in:i-
dinn 1'rcml,r. It• thiel prmvede.l r.•,
dcnl In (I -till w ith Ihr f tragglt-N of
than Ljh•ral p•Irty in (;,tu,b,:❑,rota the
yenr IRIO. fir dealt p'trtlrnlurl) with
lilt- rift-�ptI of the sit ire ndvancod Lih
rrnIR tO )Iii tt", party[(ormrd pn•1 IPt]
try cnrtipr niter Lnn%etln. These lend-
f•rm, lie "nhl. nlnttt this yealr 1N:,4.
Imrmunded the Citth, is cler y tictt
the prim 1;t]'R or til • advanced'LlberaIn
wrrr dnnffernn", "OvIally nnll rpho
sign j: --Fir -flint- 4mia l.r ihr- tyre--
ment Ihr Lllt•rtl+ (9 k,anbwi hail coon
trndr,t nsalnmt rxtraordlnnrr dlfft
ri!tiee, lint hall nhways rpmnin nd.trn,-
LI ev, rye rrnrinh, K nator DnnduPand
ilevInred, til- rnry roam nn irlh'r
rlrotlotlerrin� ntMnt• for ihr Con+rr
vntiveo. Lib,ral nnwlopipern were Pitt
under the hnib1.ib,rnl Ip ulera were
rxroinmunlrnt(R�, -l'r" could Ianrill,y
move In til^ I'rnineo. in tbORe ,inya
they Piill l hardly cogge and more than
flftern err lw•rnty r,tantle", ntnl theme
were Frrnmh efNlntes, for In •n Inrgr
numb er of rotnti ve In Qn^her the Fang
041i ti.apervntlt.ea wcre�tble Lr pals
the lalnnen of powrr. ' Tilt- •pecker
save 111amtrritlons of thin pron.n"s,
ehowlnK h --w even pvrc•inl omtrnclam
was levrllel ngnintt the Liblerals.
The Conmilvativpm of Ontarin, In
whom were c,•mpr►Ned thm Urn nit*
kxlgpm, hall bpnrflted for forty years
by thin rlprfcnl e-nerelon. it wan
jn.t at the prrmrnt moment, wrhen
the French elrrtorn were gettlog
free from that ooerclen, that they
r,w thr•Ir wummer .w•ardrolr,
-___ _..�
ctly Sick, but Nei
Are You Well.
f'toae Cunliueulrut During Ilie Whiter
.111012th• ling Left You W cask, 1..asill •
- •-Hepretted and +'slut of :•nrf0."
The words, "weak fault deprrwmed"
express ilae condltlonN of tholu(nnds
o4 ptv,plo in titl wpring tone. It IN
one of nature's signs that ittluuullty
cfannot untlerpry) sagmth9 sit indole:
life In � hadly %eatlLkt.,d buildings
with impunity. &umetlnaw you have
a heudach.•, slight exercho- fatlguesi
Iter da)m. lie Npoke only of Wm. Lyon
)Ockeliste solid Gn)rge Brawn, and
hold same guild Ntorlem of tllpir enm-
p•tiCning dayn. Ile briefly NkPtchrll
the per"otulel sir Ihr present lla(rll:t-
m(mt, ifnd tont. ,weamlon In till" ron-
nrrllon In drnofinnr the "FrPnrit
!nm'nntlon" and AintInr cril•�. Ili,
geld a glowing tribnie io the brond-
iniudodnfeRn of lilt- French-cAnntil tilp
In 11t,riliminnl :tilt] thrinlghnill the,
Provilree of Quebpe, and toinlsvd to'
the sn11nn1t 1111,1 Ntx'repllfad Rtlnd sit
Ihr people of that Province ht the
American rrvolutlonnry wear and the
wns t)f W42: -44rn •wirt"mt,as' they
then mnde, hr anld, mecured Vatnndn
for lllp Hritiah crown. Ili referred
in ronelanifin to the coming elretlon
In Ontarlo, and expreomrd the hope
:an,l bili^f that .the Onlark, (Jovern-
ment would ' ngAln tri! rpWrned to
pnvpr. .
Mr. T. C. Robinette mnde ihr Inst
Xpo,rrlk or ihr evening, nn Pi(XI"Pnl
retlrw of the hlalory sir lite Llhernl
party, %indication of the splendid
fir1ttclp pR by which It had bepa tlin-
ttnKttlg`tal, and torempt of IM work
In the rentury to oomr.
Little) ipnne-Dot man come In f„r
a atrnw fiat, fail Te didn't hnv, i,.t
he vented.
Mr. lnnnrn-DSR vy and^r henten
lldn't ymi Sell him nn ofercont? I'm
nfralt yaw Till td!ffer maiq n gent
tnlemmnn ! Never )
trent Rrilain's revprtnrm from the
Chinese (•pitim triol, nntnunt to
are earelly Irritated or deprerred ; per-
halw there are pimples sir -Hight er-
upt4onm that Indicate tax) Mood need -i
attention. Whiatever Litt+. Nj•mptoul
nary be It Xlmruld ba.nttended to sit
once, ear,! you will inn tut rnwy prey
to grrnter doina "P. IM nut lime n
purgat[ve,in tlu• Ik,lre that it will
total you right. Any ductor ,will tell
yolk tlutt purgati,rs weakest, that
ilwy Impair till- action tot the liver
and create chruuio conwtipttion. A
tunic lm wluat is neefled to Ilrlp ria
Lure fight your bottle fur hVilith,
.full Micro is rully.una always reliable
arTer-fntitnC- ttxlic.- -and taint tw syr.
t Wiams' Pink IldIN: Thrwp•pills haw►'
.o purgative Action. Troy Intille
rich, red blood, NLrvngthen the tired
.&jilt Jaded nerve". awl miake weak, de
prw4wA, #.•family tired p,rrple, whet er
ofd sir young, bright, acCvp land
etru:tg. lmuug tliu.+:r w is) hnv(• pruv.
rd cls• hcnith bringing gautlitew of
Or. 11'UlLuufi 1'{nk Patin is Sliww Emma
,luipul, of Little Tul(ut Ont., who
.enym; "I cannot thank you enansh
-or til(' g.m,.J 1 lave derived through
tax+ law) sir Dr. Wiltianin' Pink-I'iliw. I
'Ilonently bonliece that but fur them
I would row ire It my grave. any
1(' l wilt)' /( p owill
t til h rum I �) br )k ri d
1 y S
My fast! wits nN Whitt• UN chalk, nn(I
i.f 1 rnndr llhn Ivnnt effort to dm any
�Ixxltw•work 1- WObl,l etliiN,Rt fsl,t44i•Om
flip ezertlou, and my' hurt trots 11
Ixnl %to.' ntly, wo tli:it i f^nerd I
"'onid dr)p whore 1 mood. I -wnm n
great Nufflnrer from hpadacbpw and
lizzinraa aN well, wand my appetite
all. 1 tried m,veral mrdicho,w, Inst
they flirt ,Sit isle Mr. anti then i do:
,•Iltrer to a-nol far comp of Tor. it'll•
!room' Pink 11111m. i sort blx boxes and
betore i nest] them all 1 wax ns well
ns i land ever b,wn, with :t' (fond
hialthy calor, a goad appe.tltp anti
nn entire freeform frtnn the nilmrntm
tlat held mad,, mo ten miserahlo, Yon
may tie marn tli•it 1 vgill nlwnym have
n warm rrgnrl k)r your lnvalnnblp
ili) not experiment with fitMr so-
eall"d jonlrw-you aro Rpt to find It
n .wnpte of morMey tinct yont, health
w4irse than U --fore. Ton wi-R not -ire
^vp+•rinr-ntina when you use Dr. W11.
linntw' 111nk Plum. Th -y here prov-A
til^tr valty- till world liver, nnfl yon
ran rely urd,n It that what they hnve
,!ow for utltpras tarry will ran for ye„t
if yon rnnnot set this wnnlnp Idllnl
front ,roar dr,40-•r m,nd direct to thr
Dr. W1111Amoi Nierlirinn (b., Brork
villa, Ont., And til -y will ly, mnllpd
jpxxyrsl pmtd sit 50 center n box or Six
hoxpm for 8'..50.
(,nern'g 1-att Maun•ly 'I hands)'•
441m roinlrls of 1901 ,vmRfi nllTpt
pieces known nm Manndy honey, hAN
been romplPtP(I, Atilt will be dletrl-
hited on Maundy Thuroldny, April 4,
RN tiomnI, mnya lite TA,n(k)n Dnil,v Mail.
Th- ro'nN hear her tilt- Majenty''a
head, and no lhloo will he the Innt
smut Of the Qurmn'R Maundy monoy
there will bo, n great demand for the
limited onpply.
Next v(mr the (Rome will honr King
Fifward's head fnr the first time.
s td SneT1+(+ tJs1Ay ota,"I•d wl,b
Dr. rot r.n, of t1,,ntrewl 1 O.)Id and porwlwla•
all1tLI testh woa„ted on'old or alun-inum
be -w. Spe,•ial attention Riv,:a to
Ili• ]wan
ration of tc• natural leech. 'Jmce
IA"'s taw block.
R CAMPION, y,O--lIAltttV” 1xl
Ie cltor. Notary. Q.O. O,Rce Livor
11Je flits, I:Olamia-loll* , Misner to
ben. Om w. t'wr. llxmmUt a f" St.. Andrew
streets.Oodericia.Out gg,, till
PRot'UFOOT R n A uSl. nT$
sollestom. notarl , to the
Marltlnto const, ac. O81ee! ort et., nett%
door Ntedat OMOIL Prliaw Funds to lend a1
h44��we"t raI- of •itter"L
1Y. TItoVL)VOOT- IL c. IIA 'B•
Altnrneys, tlotl(dtom, ✓ e.. Ooderlch. J.
T. Oorrow, illi:., chart" Darrow. LL IL
ttollcltor, Notary f'ubllc, etc. OMw Last
madeCounhome Square. Monty to luau et
low *■tet of interpt-
fere solicitors, hotarme Public. ate.
Monertolown• OIRco, WmL-trc@L
Icltor, notarr and eeitvwjmmum Omee
on Hamilton street *so It ods to to d r"
Hese), Ooderich. Prlvabb osq
wortgagw wt l Par cent futoreot. Farmed
now oa•hed. __ _ - _-_
.) s coaaiti6sio"er for taking and r"ylae
mcedwami,ee of bill, atgda.-fte ell &alma'-
tl^ne, dol , ]Lions Or •Memo d•ai0111to we la Oa
comysntini■&ny fiction, suit or preseedlas In
the High (Jourt et Justlee, Lie Court of APPOM
for (Altarle, sir In any County or Division
CourL All tansaodairl earefully and ►ren tr
@voruted. Jtwiden.e and Y. O.Oddrew-'uw
Kennon, Doo smelt
of PrivateFundetor Inveatmentat
eat rate•&foil•tpeaSeon erof,eaas morfp/aw
Apply to Oarrow a O&new,
_r _-
i) H tlifcb JV1VX "NXRAp,- tpe841-R•
\ a wneo. Itmi ttstwle and tI-41* Leaatals • -- �
Agent. Onlr @rst-el&r dmpomi,w repreaesleel.
NSnaer to lend on eLrefght leans, at the lowest
rata Ittntf:.c.trtnilla.in any way to emit the
born,w•r. Oalrn:.9eoond doer from Syy+tar•
want street. Ouderleb. ;rdr
ll Insnrnnee Agent ertat, (los. A ey
I.oadon and Inca+hire Ire tau. Oe . the Oorw
Ule'nct Mutual Ina. I o. I,lalorauo.da to Ia
my part et the county. qtr
and Land L/Ouster. Dudart, b. Dat Hen
bl ell fl- ,fo • ace•
Ing had .,tads,, • u•rt•n to
tlufo.ertng trade. ba 4 ■ • pe.nitr■ to dna
sharre with thorough owed-fartl„n all sees•
Isotone entrusted Lo loam. (hdwn left M
■atnn'o Ronal. or sent by nail io lone •Oldre�
adertey Y. O., eararnlly attended to )Ort+1
'NOE. only A■eUen•or. &m IN
e .a.ee Mm10p .••
New• Linn to •f3owlhern Callfurnlw.
A new add Inlerpoling. feature In
connection with the Chicago North-
webti rn an ti Union Pacl.lr rnutu to
Cialiforhin, I” tits announclemrut that,
with the new mehedulp erf the S)ttth-
oru I'nrlflr ftnllwny, cffpctive Murch
:flet, the new (:(want Lina betw,-n
&tin Frnnelaco and Iwos Angel !s wam
(liN-eed. This now fine, ,whirl{ Is "urn
l0 lafrem'e very p oroulnr with tour -
Int travel, rnnn nlrmg tho Pnclff
Cast, vin Sin Jo"e, MntA C_ rug,
_ __ ._
AaiinilX,-Fan 3iisnri, Iyita+►7E(iT�Tii. bran
LoIR Ghlnrry nml Sintn Barbara,
whrre the ftneml neenery In Cnllrnrnin
may ie witnrR"od. it U ronUdently
expreted that the rim t" dIshm eel of
title now route will •r"wit Is a grentor
part ,4 flue 9ntllhern California travel
-it poll pen"sins of the year, giving vin
the Xr,rlhwrptPrn Unlen 1'nelfb, nail
tilt- urs kncific Cunt I.In:, of the
."ithern llneitle Rnllwny. Epivorth
L11ngtirro grAng to trip Sin FrrtnMmco
('on%retlon In 1y�r and who drairp
to TLNlt SOnthrrn T•nlifnrnla will hnvo
the privilege cif onhlg thla now Pneifle
Almost as Satisfactory.
Mr. Dykerlteolghts (aft returning
INrnv• from ImuNoenn, hopefully) --You
sir, a) ch•Prfttl i tnke It you hate gat
n IY•w conk, H•trrlpt.
Mrw. Dykerhalght" (snyly)-?to; td)
mach Irick. Rut i J•oat h' Ard that cur
n-Igh", S(ra ft-n.rrnhnrnt. has Just
levet h(ers.-iEltebaft% . ' i I