HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 2'•-diIITwidplav6:.61":ilii.Fea'ZF':.•aaw. :n..m... ...... ..-_.. va,.-n:: `•4xt:' •> x,
. .v fpr) W.,.,. -..M .•rrrlr'TVT. iT7== AR3EA' _"--._--- -. ___7777__... .IW%M aM O"IO'vr.,•ws,,.,,,n,. _ - aka 5ls i.ts,.var,i.F,3xWu.. .T:z, .'XF74.w .
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The S nai Tl» National Club at Toronto Iart - 1
4r, r eaalrrams night uuveusd the portraits of &r Tlfo lrtislatur■ will slow fir•tso !-_ Ij t Tlie M rri ts R
Jloha afoaald and Cllr Ailcrr yurr r,t, their lrtwbiing, Int slur Aldormnulc I *'
• miTIRRY THL'(as!►aY ronjesl>w0 , ,r,.:.tP.., NOW f REE t,
t I
e " 5 ► - I,o1.dt.fa N kart Mal leets.
nggrruprlate S[nesrl►er btehlg anile b)• .tuner. know ts reel., A. Step-mother in Jail on a'Go A. Winton Planned Exten• ; 1 }ullow•i.w aro th, Sheila[ y,,,,. ,
Sn u. rr IurcvLLt. _1 1'rhoelpal Grant, Mayor Iluwluull, - -' P-
- l(ev. Jacob Selllsg#•I, ;dew• York.
a, --__ . ----- - Yrarf. C'14rk atof 11R J. N \Ytllim n► ,a tullunr t Iwpurtaut silent ern. {
who tins married 8,000 couples, d,• ,vfi0us Char e1 ;4 , ^r blve Swindles. . ' y-.; . „,:._. fres In -dl j
TB{711 WAY, APRIL 18. 1901. Fruai Sir Oliver Most ul the follow• g, "' l (:isle t ,
A ft is onsi stlo atatrltt "iu aortae ii • tae a 41 L
.. -,-_-_ Ing iutereeting letter war read : — Ohicugv ... ......... $--• $0 7u 3.8
1'ULI' ICAL BISNVICito. "I regret extremely that III= not Sir Oliver Reads the Soeech New York ... , ---- u7t13-1
able Ito ace t the kind luvitatwu ('"til w borne a one`nluot, bac to.be WEDLED A SIX WEEKS WIDOWER BUT HE WAS CHECKMATED. atliwatekM .....:,7•,.073
It is anuouneaad from London lhut the Nntionni Club to their dtafier Ire mantled It one can." Pressed for an Jt. IAAd1I .....`... 069 1-1 U i
King I -Award Is opp„sel to Ching Thurr,L0y, the 11th, ,•:i the occearlleu explannUon Ike Said: "Tile girls here, New York, April 16. -Ore. the W Temente, Aprft 16. -The s-nergle tit {, €
1l the nnrrrllln of Ihr xutrultrw'hk,f lhu hent d•rtuuUve de[Kaelweut urn Front tale .Thr011lid Tuleelu ... 073 Ula 1-
peerage. fur purely pvllticAl sal g 1 the ,slung ti►Jtoe, 1 dd not like them. gest Wart of two New Jrrrpy roue- tela cmcentrned ,oil tilt rubb^ries t Duteolt, red • .» ... O74 1-4 07i !•. "1
W U t t w t ... O7 _
u r Ll • 4 1.4
R ill ,
u :: ,,. - ..« i
• , r es Flt J I n >,
h( a tub has Im 1 ►tit I ,>( t '
t a • Julfn 'u t -
t cr till sl t e liNeu of 1 r►
W ch. er f Ill 1 uLk
vin eo mu u t e B
• • rc 11 lariat u n tin uLl Y vv i f urs tit h
The v I g h ct rc cd
f tit No. 1 s .
v , o I[ e•ouil s PO . lint h
to t rP r feta. Pcrl a s t
r r
l i
v - f •ire fair -
. tic I ma,ld Pn m •rel .
U d ! Y ti
prove msttpre fur hint to refrain aurae. n9ueluullr. I( .avewld Iwve 11 their hsirlwt►dr sato $lU n week Halurr' death Ir uuravelaug half wr1'W and tli:o lwdoerLd lhuik wo Nurtkermi 071 0711f) w
from apgx,fnting any slew !'Pers der given me much pie`nsure it Inriend I they will hero a hired girl." like n'dark thread, S,alurday, and there Ir nkat - grustial Duluth, No. 1 -
ia the rruialuler of hirreign. The. caul, tiara .ens au uce:pluuPu of filo Muth the prusecutlu9 iatlaroey t foe holm, that tt awlixltrr will w AT PROROGATION TO -DAY, acrd ... 079 _ -
[ ' imitatLln tool had the pleavere tit, Those journal• fiat - aro Tallies Burllrgton count •, Samuel Alikeua graplimrwer A uuAmlwr eQ phulu- Himiseapolb,'Ito. 1, r4
,gFanlierthip of the Hoare of I,o,rlS f/ ) p gruyhr wrrw yertrrdu, sbuwp til^ _ __.. Northern ... 77_77 --- 0701-4
exlu•crrlug In person wy sy,[Y•awiatluu over the so-called ."acral► -Iron toe- ape! trio former prvrecutor, Eckerd l'. laulk ,.(ficl:llr who suet Wintuu, unit ..-=-----
large enough to admit of rain dlw- oil the humor Willrh the club lr dulfog
irutfou affiant ehoaage to the coon- me In ,,lacing on It■ anlb wy per eewmeut" of corporation property Budd, wLo V the ouunael for tiro Jar ► rth►1 klensLLulluu war ublulu,ai l.herpeul Itecslpb .,I
Liver A ru .-Zn
a 16 e l r :
I w n f t P m t
• •r lu lt! v llsaSarsa u l+dx+l, r
►o - et i u 8oaa Po r of
[w t a u aur rma Steer t
'f •n n 6 It
lent with the K,rirulls tot nth^r and clarglug t►e Ouvgrument with frpco o[ \Ira al:►y limine., tliu child•. h m "
try ur lila I mniro, sat m* nuWe tans- t I w, tL:• tau inethntlunv uupcvl eri.hroty wtuutt Istu Lher[Klarl loaf wart wore
p:owfnent polltb•L•uts, xu that the suWerviency to lire muney power Yteptuuther, were ataeeut )estunlay lanned tols:lud,•oeveralutho.rbanka ticralon-TescopeulugutibeNortb 90,5W quarters from Atlautlepurta,
kUea have a famhh•n of remdng nut, luemWrx and vlsitu:r ,f the clubmay [rum Mount Huil where etre. llaineN Y
the Satiation of A iutments w•nUld u[ compaauium, take good caro nut to ). lu Lis wltcwua a►ud the tint that ►w t'rrrlq'-Vnlvunity AetAmesd- 1,000 trues Poelrlo la►rts, and 81,000 •ro
1)W Ila• Ix tlrr returmbpr we atter I here le . jolt chargfe with Lh. T sutural
soup bw egnivaleat. to a reduction lu gr,rard Wren). print toe Actual measure. quo or C.[m n: (1 uccouuta !na a Igh! 1►upkr.hoar ' meets - Illab and Tubllo'90: oolr, from uthnr porta
her „rtepL►ugher'r derlth. 7 he lou fleets Ire cam . to th r city well Supp'Lv1 The Imports off ours from Atlanto
the Membership. Soma tit the titled . "I xhrwhl have bn+n glad io nluet two mentenees are enough to show IUN;verY were rn;faged i,, kiln tuna to with wau•,r:•1n the veru art tau, Llw Nac. Je"`4
itbe many perxwuil friends of Will their duplicity oil Ignorance of the whecu all that part tit Now Jersey yrs trot wok wee* 8d,:i0U gust- "',`
x'nglivttmpn owe their titter •til, tear I::uak of Ottawa unit tine Bunk ur
Wu•tipr wla. are to b.r prerenl, alai subject. Mr. Itow' bill provides that bas tu,eigued ltrelf-the effort to ills- Mo ntreal, the arrangement of the Ttoronto. April 15: Tlw Ontario Teroato Rrrmera' Market.
excusable renrcur tLan (N,•Itical Srr- t(. have talked over with than In file oofer a•uelher a baby girl war dome
eters, ar Baron Thurk w retgiMlo.! tLo Wortbau spirit file struggler 11 the "ihe property mhsll b'e aalnerl oS a cagem wud_r th.> rurrerrful r,1x•rntlusl Leg(Wlulure awe prorogwd tot thrcu Ttrapnto, A U 16. -TM neoel
to sleuth Willi cruel abase and polrun , tie nn Im oealblp. Tho vile ueS Pr ptS Oi r #i
link* of Gretton when'be,tmiled the I'"►t, rocalling llaeW wl(IIWt the whole, or a■ aq Integral part of the or whether jealous rchatiaes ure 1i1 p 9 o'aluck tilts afternoon by Sir 011avr
Npnxr of hleatiltl, which luocaflad whole.' \I'bnt could be fairer tbami pruSrutigg an Iuhoceut wouruu fur AN ala y aero naarkrd were lauded grain or tar syreot mnrltet Iwre to t ;€
latter'n0111e bat "an Accident of an rvhre they ostil place.- directly from the ledgerkeeper u, the Mowat, the Liout.-Governor, who day word fair; prloee atYrC generally
the Sake of a detail nue whom the) p; urtua• w•ur recolved by a lfalard, of laxer tit +K+mi17•
tb►t T euxiller, and \\'hllon tied m, e
accident." Tet there have been lawful "I rhoul.l have liked to talk over _ _- loved; it • to time his aclde end ralde the Whoat-was, steady, 3W buahulo of
rtateemen among Charles If'r. left tot•., tit#• ndvantagvr w WPh the cuun- 'CI,R Cenrlu Department line been The flrrt thread of the myiitery In ! 1l)(1 men (row lira 48th lilghhintlerv, N
flgnrer, red ruitl whits solllp9 at 6tl 1-;:c, and
try haat derived from each of the ab- picked up in Ilnddonffeld, N. J., where• rad the, ; 80J bumbels of Y,rexro, which war itrul
hotrie.t ,Ipsrendnnts. The first Kep• tlgonistic pnrtllad of the prat. I very bruel toward the Tory scandal- U;nulo Fraukt utml Unv 1'cutwi At the ['aka flank the algllanne (rt
r nbl Rpntlucka in a leu,! .vera 1 p tau 10 uchoul t theelerkS dud the/windler's booed. Speech brunt Ike Plaruue. er. at 661.3 to 67o. 1 •
pal K, S:,dud l hucp Ilted to cull to m s -I with mongers, Th^ calr!1 dud enslaved u on g ogether uu1 were fart roil Darlay( -Was stoudy, ons load wood "'Mt
Ho load n cheque marke11 and ons W, Sprain. mud Gentlemen u[ . the r
,mere pervonul lavuried of K1)tg \\'f - t trm how the Cudrtlrrativn of the a Pirctdnr lustructing Seams* enumer- (ra peke w their young girlho«f• Icaaviug the building when hp .wits reeielv*d and tae pricer wire uurtYlu,a
d rovincee find been In A twlwWerable Toru file romance tuuchpr u x,u I.Pgishativo Asrewbly : *d at 46 W 46 i•2o. "
m ", who fullowe.l him over Irum mmslerp the work u[ both pnrtlw. flues to rPgleter as tit Frena h ea- f enticed And railed hack. llu mud*
Ilaslf, y r.ittipr could harp ucaimpllshed It ht Pe ! ; k BlaPkwwd. N. J., wLero Miuulp
el momlrrrr of buts thaws tructlnao .Sona of Fri urh r kraals •• nu objection to curLin lila chre tie lit dismissing you Crow tiro arduumm ltye-Waa ■ta wy, caw loud selling
lifer hate doer re of ut ,'!t to Uramkv, aftwr rhe met Wollduufield, K 1 of bl 1-':e.
v W thank
slo 1 r
v du i o r tare seer n. ha
f ( I ntiof a s u ur W 4abur tit
wme lint. r
e .. l AVP An 'I-
ia rho time, nor spry r:,un, wlthuut the even tboxigh they w gnat h K art ani married 18uwanl IMisleot rxruS• fr•atMm ale to leuv,, Onte-Were eterady, 800 bwl►rld r,•II
l' W the
the rftfdiTiiplr(•.TheMArtborouKha help of the other, nor without the chert their ham•. mod might Rla'ak After the birth of her daughter, P 4: yen fur the utientbn Ro em long at at I -:S W 351-t:a 1
io v: rial Wank ,
.\t a le'ntu•h of it les
roafidence u[ Iwtla luartlrs In their Gwru.tuhn, atlanto F'rnuke Hautes f puWlC dunce Imgrored ulwu you, toad Itulter--Tae. offesimige were fair, i
ant a RelliuL'tleur rnrlle,l their (tdy Etlglleh. \t'hal n eltancp for a 1\'0" n' furgut to Nrlto tbP tiuurea t f
Ipmrrrr, who coultrocwl ale accvmplieh distil, ugrl lila Sauey g(ue.rlx,ck to Hafl fur slip vuhetW<+ la irtutiou wLlch 1 Th.•ro war a gaxxl IIemM111J for .111411 a,
tiro h n by mHitary eers4re, wbl'e file work. Inlrrnb i At r,txp the a:nkrw to treat ,domftrld, where HY wcelua otter tib "'U" the daily of lila cllrque, mud torr *t [yeah mseie date .olio, and n"
YLaC Ulla Ilan sal
ntt, Th low, RI^augll4m• JenkinS,n. ••Thu• constitution then, deviated and Iho tum -toms Aaal true uV the party first wifo'a ddt►tln Howard ."nine* ke !t war 1Klth!d atte ttiu ledges l J
1 fildraelf wou thele ►spurs now d mtxxlted in the Brdtl/lo North. Wrae-nddted we,,t forth, •cud fruits marrle, d her old chuw, Mity Fenlon, figures cngp flu Latter a•ruty the 1 rconnelty n 11-he.d l ay meanie.. fila auarket was fair at p to lar, (,y
tAnmlrg a Aroprlca act M1e the .brut which fa •neem In. Tlda erns• on \1'lutun'o fur a•unnerung Lia! rnljway ry11Lrm of 1-t[ge•--\1'wea+ to tale rulr[Ily mud y',a,
t -• ana. r tit 1J W 1 1•..0.
Lu h rent • le i 't •ir
n• hr air fsc [ t r r fat n t i' 11, t
r d -r n t R I r• tit t ss uW n
9 t tc :ill a 1 Em d v IX ! t ' , t slaw us Ire ]La
• t 1 M. M filet+ rr
lett ec 1 , u
!mi tie .poll cal f1eN1, yet lite pall Raves! the the eros Iwr, f r !
, , ba• wee u to a ti
n red i n t •+ l'otutoos r 1 n Cul
cull at the time U etre uu a lit a •r Inner an•f
C Rr m ale N irblin H. un 9 Pf
W esu witti tau
f SIP, ! slit
&\wh n
• " • Frs-urL 1 Y.
o •: al er fila cr ( r 1 acv hr vier •. In well u
Inst co ver)' fnrurabiy with kilo rrpreSsnlutice+ of the I'rovfnece r„a w t up ) tied gone to Ince with hvr Krentuncle, the fit 1 t b! t ► R tale market w easier at du to ilia.
t e forme*. 1 this nR in nlher'nret- whleh were to Irpecnfglernted. Tilers dumiuuton." \obaly tunas shat Aq.trrtc ibughty, tit l'ullw ewrx,d, N, till figurer eog1J awl fxr vastly uWft- s.ttkvl dtrtrictr lying W Cls, *cart !'unite-The otf of lash 4,e
b g sealed by R'lmtlta. - tit Lake Su(wrlr,r, tlw effect tit whish ll eringa
ter•, Krsg F•A rrI will probably be finvo Mace brew ditfoireneoa u[ upinluu they would have ,a alP fit It had they J. After life aea:ond marriage Howard • greatly W kUkxf eldclraros and to -try. weer lain 'Ar, :
about the wiek,m, and cyto jurticc► U• Il the rnar of the mist of Nncn 1 trlrt will b+ W aAd
lNltleYl Id the eR by hie reee{oneiblr got time, batt the. Cetlru* 17rpartltsent HuitleB took up ilia trslarlw a is Ue!- S will LhO 1'Agrrkreper marked the• taw (rrottscthe area of n intn•rtu tui- thrru war a marelefats uotnmad -[ure
of ao me of the drtalb u[ the net, but duct), N, if„ n town Some twelve miles ctutice birds anti taw market ww
sd7lspts. the act has mo ins baro Italie Am• ^fx,llert thole churn by calally tin- lY1uk'x ArcepsnnP•• directly torp. flu• ucct►ylmd fart u[ tlw public .lum•tln.
[row ('aroden. 771e flmily Ihed inn 1 have uxrenled with mItWh Plet►rure steady tit (roc W al, the latter fur
-- - - on fell, 7atwd It Is plerasant to know id,unrtag that the vircul•Ir wait gen- Imweat CuttA amo+lut In the ixxiy of til^ Chee[ne,
pp ge 1,11.1 aermed caul n,hl thus skim bank Para 1 to the Act reMWctktR Cha Cn- strictlyfrcrh killed young stoPk, and
11ONNK.'!S IN'l'HUitt'll. that un the whelp Ic IR rrcoRnizel by ulne,'nnI that n alndlmr circular Islet Astable, rn contented, indeed, that \fjflt-►n hrol n car o(l! in t11 Outaal r Icerrlty of Toeusto. 1Yae eLunger turkey. wars gartea at 1: ter 4e. _
ilei. Yr. hunter, tit CI1nsSlr. nn(, file lieoplp tot Cmnvin ti hmvb,K irPpn the brought little ow•endolin from P tiny and Straw -The rmrlf s were
t► civet gAln to nhaAn. 14 tnttr may tMtn sent 0tnt fnrtrucliug enumer y Rank, tort dill om.t draw on it. Thlm made W Ube orgasliwtlou vt Chu Pt
I[r c. ulurm tv' re fete. as ,o[ Iirltieh her,uucle's household to sfiaie their inttttntion olwtMy each 1 b venae ttahrrsll), and the ur*Istaucc rant- pitullt, the domanll war fair and %!r ez
Hunter. contributed the fONowing to t►e correctrt ns thry mcy he ahuw•n R
t11e Chatham iianner-News: by experiteI and diwclwsfon to nil- estraclion all those who torr v' Brit- happinew, lu y• Sltnrd;i ed for the' maintpnlance amt eexteu- aiurrkrt war steady, ten Ioadr o[ lily
Uwendolin dial tell March 31. Rha• 11,futon ohm t"u Iw• on w
, y' elJWrtc Wt ala to $1S, and two l nds-
"It would grently oontributc to Zile tot 0r rwlnlre atnPnitnetrt: Tbtp Isle 'dtpecent, Peril ttoough they mil, wAS then two years rind toffs montile 1Ye Nerr-e uF eke Mau.
rlon of the departments whicU nr
uyuu tLc Iudurtrll;r d the Prov ace /t raw at $ll 60 . w
iateept, Vletaruro toad profit of Nntianal Club was tasttoblleh. to pec- old. Tti' phyeleLars'wlM vcum called rr- T.Ilrr Kplly, lei til Wank „f Cints I)rPSAevI tLugs-TM rwerlptd wore
now speck no F•ngtlsh rind may have micl-ii-►pLr(rRflotdut add matulaly qa
church earviae, if the ladies w•Pre to mote Cnntulinn mentiment ntirl C'atas- fused to give a burial pe-rinit ber.tume mrreP. Praid ycrttrrdn tfuit It-'vrlts( sit t of a ualrsrmit) ilghr thorv+ was a sonrFdtmwraAmmA---;e--
Ilnn Intrntkx. Very mach tin* sdncp Ga111cIzrJ Meir nnrtaeo. Azul file Tory qr fawn+l It Innl W Irol pcp ticat the slrtolutpl Incl xrNslhlr ur the mums to rho ure(uWl-es tlS• murkpt wee *Coady at fFH.(10 to a
remove their hate during the deliver,' T t amll to its chel►uS upon the contiviieii s
of the eertmort. 'FTr,im N n Puminon hpon neromplitelied in furtheranep of mnrh ends in st rhrlek. bruLdea and cute un tiff chitd'a b,d)' acute toiler to desert the change• $9.50.
three ot>Jrcts, ami 1 I congfrptnlwte stir -'----- r:am.r .rom inRm, tar sire. Ilatr►'a rM- that hp,t been Pffrc M hes tile' twafideslce o[ lbw [►Septa.
outtom In many churches iu lite Unit- club ua the muceese it hall haat in the A Tc.rooto World dee tch from (Phe acts also for sememodlug and 1'uroulo LIw btowk Markel•. -
rat States, and we ure inform ed; shoat Pat cLlrrd. trurinl lrermlt was fiwtlly cl► qwp on ,tile•!. hunk. It WAIA ne cutlsellidatiu9 We 1Aws ry/peCtfug Export Cha Ue. Choice-rerswL ft in (1
go,nl work." Ottawn says, that "an Increase In (obtained from CoruM•r \Velli.. of Bur- elean mild Immaruirlts- w the day 1t public aril Ill doemoAhnn............ ... 1 M to a w s?.
ladles remuvr their hats lu theatres gh Sclo(xolr huvo w),
w ! tg Ie a :. •p
i a •err t w s+l
Ib, ton CdnmLr I he L 1 d was _
_ _ .nal t C 11 v 'i w n
-_ -_, _ R a•aw mint. 1 lino .►rill ilia It r rk
- -- ( w Ir o lv nor
fi- A RPRak+nal inalemal r m 100(1 al
• Ctlnrr 9 Aar A r
"taint h pp l
Cer autchcrv' tattle +k/d..... .. 1 L4 .fpr i
ennui. ) um
own -
uur )
to r
iNl le 1 Ilett C 1 T it ''t -
r a cures t!►e 111 i C m p o *+
ro n 7t If'. , ae a of Wtiat n
1 t th t TI r R
l r - tai t 1 res
Pt a tm tr facflltat* rn r v r. of le chlmlw. . o
goingt purple IAxadd conwlArr file Pon- N \HKINI: UR tNl'tT PACKA(.ES. in $I,S00 tine bean definitely da- T Tr:ur ( r ttrhn hut_,e t
Tenied,rw uf•othereo aN lunch sr tlax.p (yde11 u xm. Nr siatiunR were- be- elen (ivnuty, w -mm ndmlruldy Illuxtratel Icy cu :,c-
Thc bill ovilln for marklst fruit 1 gv 4 tattoo tumnghuut ihw i'rnvulcC by has. icer; -wute ,. as W 1 it e
whir audie the tLratres• in R K
Rudy Aron**it l;uspleloult. rbknt wtitc•h /N•eurrwl when h0 Vault- Mmpin( f the tbnehinery fur the do ",ud,uur, ml:af . 3ru to xlr
k unlch better 1'"t'kagev le iNIP intended lu pnrcrnt g(vdi x0me days ugal bcla•ren the re- TII: ' I if ' abulam,n of tulle, :arms b 9nanlb, Na4.b n: ,.nnrnw,, twr .art...• s.iY b s -.m r ;
"An audirpce lou • gmntuaclr•N, Audrew -anJ' \I'll. wI ihw IfS,.100 slaw nr nt .e f:nnk Y K nu{L.,dxnura.teeA,
r. per erL. l w ao a :,
wlwr,n tin hal* err• off• na torn+t .a4 fraud yn (rsyan and by ru Juipg to presentativea u[ the two parties lLim haughty, nn 1 their brother, tit. ter Colamprrp• `cecerll ctutouu'ral g1,o0UdluO for the improvement tit lvau.. cwn.II,(hI. per ewL... a Y u I etc
ads anJ faces torr• n full t r Stl n rP outatlnn Tor the with ontletactory reaulte. Da•pr,• tens" owpndre.a's funprmf. Vicy were• standing tot air. Ketiy'r wicket ,mobile llighwayq rare. I b,devr, in lila Faedrr ,dwc-kr• p ...... ....+r t e► W of vt rte
u tar,m .im ng r R a m W c l e ch 1 if t r- Mow b^ air but .when \\ inion went to /rpt Lt^ moru'Y. public ialerpoot. It is of great import- 1O1 t" l "'"'(""" s M tw a vt _
c u:ality ref Canadian rat nS we :ave , ment mtplort, in-tttM-to 1rP do IAIM. z is ie s .+a 4
t 1 TP to • tptr tlfw- n ttfC
bonnets. Moreover, ft fr a prart iClal 1 when they Saw the tittle glr d t iTTi i ante TS IIie ronin be t filo rea a en. Aatu ....; .
ora,• of cnrrring out til^ vGulden
now secured abrnnd roe oar ohppur. plewlge(1 to the inereaee, toad only llr^y brtCallM lrO, aai wl Saturday nf. etre. When eLa into rami ahp tell• that they Mwnn111 be able to ranch at ower.' bull. ., ........ sex a t im x
xla the clow tit The ser nppltae* to All cies.^d psckie eS, two or three on the Oppomltlon aide u•rrrcx,n on tl►e cmu(rinlnt of 11'illie,n rr enontwl the twenty alto# nnf••lulO• ail ravuups of the year the mmrkets Ih14•Iw•r.' hslb .. .., • w to "u
Mute,' by nut bim1. R qq Ikon ht a(ra Hatrnw Naas atrertiJ dtrl.totter WIW uvrr aarefcflly a RM• tot whtP:r the dl of their rfr { akr .sees 4"u•yessvi •. '- t T, u tis
uthw7s by bi_ hntd and feathers. aitch aN crater, brxee, barrels, P C., nt the Hsune will oppose It. A Liberal R y 3' P U19=1 os.a oafs, ... !su r e L,w
by 1'ulicenian Anderwtn4naltin, tot Bur- ontl times, milli to nuke sure that ten Auce, with ira oma a comfort an,l ass 9l, rep. cwod yes eK:. .. aw to sal '
vs Sr ob-
dao r: u t , 4
e a aur s Ir u br'held oq .: Tues in • 7777.. ! Jr w
whn ar Ips .rad P v d ba,;a............ . .
Indi*v., ,ccs rntd of which canrvt ) r h c net a It a u.
"Tho Ile. tot or • f the ch u .kPa Iv toe mrSiWc. Tfi I a m
, N•as eat lr n cd K
Ib axe sad ulk.a tpature Jrwrtice c t e9
e 1+37 K P . t
n '.teaPlt....... ..
! iS . tw t r
-, [til .wtam.w
v rc o
t l• iu to
IiL^Ing, ars beAr i • ilr• Inopectat.. Tha principAl Sec•thme aezt, when dPtaW will bre settled. tl: • I'waor 7.lrgla•r, of R1vPrSlde, who turn anwte,t thein n Lhlyd that. wh:Pu thew measnrre pf(onl wNl, 1 In+Y ,S•wou tail, pvr cwt I M to s L »,
practice; but t4 modemetY tl 1 heal- A menrure authorizing the increase a.mmitt.ed her U, tho Mount Holly Thba Irritnto,I Winton. aMf hp rr,otfy trot• prove antafa►etory. do h+rnsnrd. Wrest . _.. . I sA le t S ' '
provide Haat roll. ntt►arkpd tn,lr. 1CPIly. "\leu'Ifhave The mcantre fur Use etic•0urmg••- d^ tonnes, ."it . tM to r•w•
the. request Is Tonle to remove their E,o ry tri rmon who, by hihallelf nr ttrtrorl+actxl during the pre- The towly of the- hotby airs a•: an ex there• bill+ woru out b:dore' 1 get none" ef- . see eo • .0 _
hats vo that the\rola-.pay ba gen- titrougla t,te agency of another per- sent areselon, and will declare the heated ems the swear- clay. acrd the phy- them " on air. Krlty and the ledger• r,m,t bugar P~r%Pi(,rpulehc favor. H• r,, II&Mee res rate.......
ermlly Parried out, It fa certainly .wr mickm fruit fn n ch-imeed weka Hod..,lleh:.,rr cwt 6T/ ams
1 1 R $1,:,(q Indemnity in four, from the olcinrw. :►Iter tui nut ilMr' ilprinr•t4 k, l-1m•r PLminriasr not PR, it w•am Tho ratlabhshmenl of A slow tnduatrr w„ ,, e.i. xr ow. st. n ,•'•t , '
appropriate Ihnt• rAtF earl• in the iale•nd•a+ fox out,•, .hall .cause, the Ir- main of file new 1'arllamept.” that the child hold dint tit' cerebral foam! tlatat is weld nut Lave barn su c•Ixely awunecteat wltit advaooccvl tiow..plrewt.. ......... sen to a•w -
With century lute practice Should be 1xu'kasto to h• mirk -d In, a plain nod g R v mrningit►p, eaum,A by extern=ti in- more flan 13 taluutrw from the mcUw,do of agriculture rn•1 with the "Isr' •/'w cn • "w -
nnrally aok, oted in toll (air chureher. imii•litil^ manner. before it le Ink,•p A m(nrure of that load will pro oke ~force 1 3r to ^ •r :i6i
a' 1 juri••w. Thr c eC rww +►walls the re tlmp tile• rhr,pn• war markr-t anal activitiPa u[ rural Ilse ensnot fail lveeAe. '
lire practice many be Ipeililmtwl by from til^ pr. miser where it is pack, d- epalere criticlom In some parte o[ ga,rt of the rhpmist, who M Pxamin• it w•ax raehtwt: It would t►P,•m that i., Ia:pro,vs Ll+y daondith►a of that Isr
the Amluirter being rurdi ily request- Ant_t\ Ith the Initials rd tine Christian tile country, but it is nevertheless x_ h la_nt claw of the_ le o[ %Its Petr• TIarM is n t►od demand and pot". I
lraR the st(mach Iur [iu1S>a. -. _ .lira mrwlVtilatluu.. uf.-the_.i`bs3t1!_ _ .. - -'e-°r a-tttAf r quest jotrbinfr 1
and W make a kind Siggestion faun timmem, aril the full Surnami and true that nervi-whn would make ex- ,Ieanw•hlle airs. 1InInPa• who -if "lit tike set i tmtxt hhvp tipple dune very vlaox who depemt ur their-SubaTetr
. tha_.p t thlt-tbe•-ledlayr___Tomu' -t4W -_ ctllent represpntativew of the Pers- by iwr tY•iglibrx+ in 1pr•lanro to have pear the tu►nkufriep. in lordh PaNem ell" tilwn flu, pmlltal to tee ,,,mile Isere to the traale for recleaned nail
their hats. eb) With, the name of the varlet -at *lord to app Sol five or "ten -awl nb»Mw1 G:Iwv rhrltl► ialio to le I,t tui-lsncl't!s eestore from the cultivation pf - thr /oil, Kra.:cr1 .tock, sa follows: Als:k_w, tyf
"Thew vony be sumo few,riople who, 7 ale —atfls at Ottawa fur $1.0(10. tile• ver time of her death, ocr es ye. y
two ur anrl*1 es toad_.-_-______ _ __-____ y VIi1 flu ghwr whkvh wax -iext ro 1 b t dN,tu•n with m-xrti smllsfacthrr the in pfS. a toil O?over: a *3 to ' ft.
ora S, far bubincl the limps. and - -- — - a, r;lT iif the murtWrer'o-raw est, she the acV4 til the paper. it' teas robb-1 rmogntttnn, Sowell doeserved whiph la and tI thy ae:.L':. Lu $1.t0.
it•3 With a Jrmipiatlarn of the grade Canadlau !harden. aro and Metal, u swa
inapoeklP ate of the ooanfott o other ,d Ihr fruit Murrill Holly Jnll sift► trot own .Lill• sifts a ldece lei mathPr of pearl. gtrrn to the coL,nteers whn served F7nRlldk titre Sleek atwrkpfm. (Vit
pimple nil to think thle idea :► un- trade juurnal, which is generally op- Howard Hainoom, jm,.. wiar frill reach Preeustloaary Me"ourea, in !tenth .tfrira, ur well ns W filo Lnmhu. .\(rr►f 12.-Am^r►r:an (+m
tra+essar Iuntrvatiom ; but wo be Pve Til person thtellevil or offs r, expose oPed to the ilicy of the Laurier his first birthday this ammth: vohusteer mllltin of Ontario whn tit- herr until at Llverp-ml ,ry mtra ty
y 1 W In bol and franking rlrclrs the tot 11 1.4 to 1;1't•W rr ib., r
flaw thea t nmd settee wIII n, -.r have In plea dxneesalon for vole, 1'he Itomaner, pCw rr;rvud un We frontier in 1!f6i and 1_ ,1 ee,l.1
w fruit eked in n rhpxeal rncknR-r Oc,rernment, rr(erring k, Ihr matter bar cnulN•d wideadorpud din
Oe gebetally recehe(I and adopt d. : Y psi 1 7t le Ain (oId,,vld Ialfldtn kilo all, 1(i7(l. Thp RrnnL of 160 acre/ of we ht. /hecto sell at la to tic ;,er
R• b coumbn, an-% thero IN every woman ter yf
stmt intender+ Gor sate Illllpnn catch giving u[ the tontrac•t .tor .tart Inn11 L, ta►cti tot flap vohmtruTO amt Ib,; mail Iamtsa At l:h: pir Ib.; r,• l
Irot ms hasten and Iratl file tiny." t►ot at all repellant, covPrrd with be'►eve tilAt it will Imr ineetrumentnl "
1wn kngn Is mnrknl Ar required by the rnllw fur the luterculoniul l:nilwn to their families In, I bellev0, a wbe fri(ttrntrrr bps[ V tower tot 9 1 - to
\.tint about axle told friend, tit P,u'1 next oro in nor eed as r• y ivy, otmny and surrounded by attrab; in bringing Ailment n radical change do e
the Saault. lite. Marie Com many, Bayo: Rr pr the 1►oIfPy reppecting 9 ,thin, rbetloL from the public do- 9 3.{c r !b. •. r ,
"Raft every woman that pr:ayplh or• I firs ourala•' R'hen the con and mt= Phe ilea. In main, mn,t svlll, 1 as rare, fro ulrprA i+e -_ _-_
T1s• net xprr•lflrs the requirements Mr. Clergue, on hellish of the cum. tie of a baby's talk oumer down the is cum: of the 1mVeriut, the rtawp -1
}rephpsieth wits► 1 am issaaL ua►cure=' CnttfAor, fv+IksweraF --4py ill•, awl,her c fate d by thottee to wdwtp it ja giver, rYetr._._
gt ire tolatI igr. -XI—fret"IfaaQ l:ib3"1fidC-TiVifiRiflfg rtleh do lndu& tilr haat war pascal un erear.raer and wt tllw vaow tiro« the regardeQ ►allula-l:ral.,1 __ ".
ad dishonoreth her head: fur shoat Ie ;11K em or pears shall be marked grade trial revuhutk,n at tiault tate. '.Mari • tender rempon/em, It Is difficult' to of torr chegne. Ordure wore gtern r Alreaid • a little seedin Is being Y ,
1 one aas If she were shriven. (fit.. came to the Government with n fancy th'•it the building it not of an- sps day that ho hltur , the rtnmp 1•y Lhn (t, -tris of the tiihulo t rovinpat } R GG
n i-
P Itrinll[ a
le t fn Irl
iia no oa fila del r dist. o
itwlo t 1
e a 4r art
a iarL
ea al 1
Ov ..., each fret I
\ - u. 1 Cnnndtian' inlets ,t,, ,mltlun to ewtabhah a nickel -etre) other chnrticter. _ of the bank uowL bo placed uvor eLe or the, men wIM rlSkcd their tires in tuba, nal with a ootitlruatlasa erf a,
Irbr If the woman be Met covered, rv.o,,ml a of hall -grown Npeciment tit 1 1x
Isdi her alto br slur:, : but tf It 1►e n rail industry. \\'last hes wanted, of PrlRouer IR ':cOnpd t.noklug, amuuat.\\ - Lhw lutereats r,t ttie impire and the Mowont vrenlher seetdlmg will M gen• ,
a►e a'a Icty, Nnund. of nearly uniform vouree, wait m,mP encxouragement In the., nit of Commerce a choquu arul in Manitoba by the end of next
MA, Mar,' itsw-m- is n rth br, rc- I'rurltice
d 1 tI1C
gdhame fur p wcsma,rt tis ise shorn or : . .,tort cntur fur lila vpricly, .from the (lucerautent. Asld Isr gut oq the• Sar'iugs department i u ;
fined M,oking wuuanr. wltb hrowa Tho amen•Impntr madr'tu lhp muni- wd,ek. 1'Iwe local market hu exldbit-
raiAcen,',Iet tier be mcereil. Judges hf „( nnrmra stints nail Act Ira• thin tho encouragement in the shape of natairo of it, rtaptM to the bnhk. PI al nrrj narireRtment meta for Ito- ed n:r Inereasa to activity and In• m
c)pa Wad brown ildr, rusher attrsc- such acros to , are rgaaily . psbt P
vovrc lcps, is H cosprlY lh t u war nlslrty t ant, free from scab worm un orJur fur Su,O(N1 tun11 of roils tot Lire looking than otherwise. i lrrovla and rrnd0ring mnrp effPetivR flueut•ell by kilo cuursa of wtaldF
` P a :c8 .85, delivered ab the pointN natup11 by the eller ,,of that departmpnt, tho government and worm of mnnl- in arkete .lens have declined here
.pilo hrax ars d t ee toad yet h palm but In the rase bt large Rmnuntfi con 1+
man frray,to God uncovavuaff' hulas, Ixulwc sail other de(fa;ts, pro- b,' the (k,n•rnmrnt. It war crrininly' etprrv.eiun nod there is an Indefln_ cf1n+ Corporallnnea tosyl to otlw0r from L• to ac {ear bushel, noconlinR 7
it may ba, that Lire warasPn art Cut. 1wrly gockp,l tot marked fn a plain with the iron and steel market In the able Stmeth'_mg in her manner that '1-IrTAIA rum% mmr Aar beau Vrrmot- i'jim le_lawe uL1LE_pror i .mi naso,.11rs Jnrj[cai ilcclSas.beill It*- I
(x•n11ltlon It wtv In St fntl, nut the te11, an rlrtk,eeeri aao TsavP tbett mow. to 1 ing the sAt.id orls fr+ -Ci
inch diet nest wear fir mrlm r *tyles :ane Yndrlibie tonne. with the minL fb not Incxonsimtent with her having m1+rr+ til"6lilghpst grader. Prices are amfof
any nn ordinary bve11nemr crrrflota- dtaepteo re,shp•1 by the current ac- or jbptler. will ba of matoorinl silvan- lows: No. 1 hard. Slo; No. 2 hard, I't
of Silts Aral nuns which torr fast'- Amuse mise of th .fruit in Inches (or been n Rch/xrl ma'am' count teller. Yesterday, illewpvor, the to to toll ejwsm(•s of ihw eowtnsnit at
tion would have placed a nimliar err- Not once minen ahp line bees In pri- fC^ Y• era. Nu. t huh . 3 ort a oath•
krrAwe in one age and country. S,•Ptem was,MininRptl, And, In future, [ M•tleB that the+ hate Iwglmin•
rnaPtioa thrrcofa Press tier cure of der, Bub th0 Government ams dr- S,p ilea Nhc tN•en sero to shed n.t4Ar, pr Pro. 61c: tough No. 3 tuxthero, bTe; it
A het -t Mr. Huai*, says about 11iR tin Cllr, fault." The t e, " No. 1 plrolu of giving some aesi"Ance to nn savings che(gres. atter beeing -marked tlon of time spalon Indleatea. as
Read Elie .Pada M1Td w elle• n groat deal• all In stairs Fort Willlnm, start ur en
and feutirers hU ing the view orf ;aliadian," must be ound, tit fairly Indtutry whichaeo have practically and pinym with the baby for exer- "mmplNpd^ wilt not taste the o(" people alp me amulnR wags a tour
route. Wheat eWa A weak sad yc
thox whn Rave sit *thio.! them-: . A ; pever had but which we been fur a fie, Pike.hr permitted the freedom of rlciale' bands, Whiclo. Th Pao merrAnk , stomp of lower for No. 3 hurl. at 68yc, Fort ,
—___.______—. role filar -a IRla13 pttop tws a trvtnl[ til tar t: Thcte- -- - wblch ars at A vert. [mpnrtdnt Char• r=
im quite cf.rr• t, bu tharp nre tan fine eorrTdbr;lsidi iib tiitTrR ankles -- + Wltlfam: No. 1 hard ss down to TUl/e
I . to cent,_ free from Arca we ran• holex, Is not an indu4ry fu thin counrtry of It, slthmexsgb slim to the only prison- KIUNAPPEb (iiRt:S. Stets.. brat 0r4lenc•p tot haring re '
fills peen to tlmt gelp"t.on. Re brut w nfuh ntLPe Jet is, cru n rl that haS pat, either dlrrctly from the ml-a•,T enrieftit C(onalArratlon. i to f4gr, Fbrt WIIILam.
midem n n to l:t ty en- nut lung Ingo t l Y ter it', tho row at prement. x Oats an► In gv,a1 demand still for
1Ylckri! toad marked la lflain tout Dominion Treamary or through► a pre• Stir aGtyw always ion hpr little cell, afoorish Plrutem 1ior.rd Private thunk yon for tine I1hoeral mpproprin-
tlnt tehc en}ry^-1 n cp Lain Rrntle tr-tivr tariff, received (kivernmentnl with tax one beitvll barred window, flans which yrnt made [or the fatb• S,arl purpose*. er n ..,•vett ref tbN
y Stpm,,,er--IlwnprR ItI11Pd• Tf mcare about AlLerta ants, Cha prtop ap
u,dPlibl., mann'. Sikh rho miniunat+ nrPiotnncP. inti filo (iIffOrrnce In Inc 1PrvIrP, wp anp(Lllws whick.yoo
ttwn'm singing much b•t wlr m stir /mm wTllnlr ails can See the "trestles" I'oMs Ap;11 1•L -The French Gov- have Iterantp-il will be ex tins den 111, the rasp of the mar• s,'
size tot the troll In irrchro Ins rnetton mnrkeL prlrP o[ *tee! rnilm when the ,,,dog file mfprlio$ planting In the }Ili lic 1 i with
d111 nr.t sr'•^ Ids tnoe, nn,l r ho known ornmeut has jtaet deapatchetl n gun- tet naw wing 4ao per bushel ins nnro
ller-Po0 ^dross the cure of Ihr, 'Tutt. C•'i,A)Ou 4)n,r in quentlon are clpii•erwd kitchesn garden. ec nrnay nod In the public Interest. un traek. The range is from 410 t^
bort Unit remark cony a if tae , tint the% pt ire which the (4overnment yptp she went to her prison nn baht lu Tangier, to demand *par rt` _ ___._.
1 camltirs arc provYlr,rl icer arm d in 1 parntlun for an outrage perpetrnt.vl 43a fur these exits. i[unitlrbn grwdeP
prladting ns veli ear to nginR? crntractr11 to laity will rpprespnt the Saturdny not a friend not a role- by aloroeenn WrntM upon Nome tear- OI PERS BACK$ BIG STRIKE. nm amrth 8So to 4(!c rm track. iI Id
narking, altpring Sonet", or mr Ing, meaxure of that amxistance. If the Uve, with the exception cc her Ito* , from Oran, Algeria --- ere of Ontario teats ate nskln 4f1e
Tlwn whe". Is n lady KoinR Put etre fur fniudn ba Inspection, b tkoerrnmpnt IR to br condemnPrl on )Mad, fine call. on Mrs. Ilalnem. Ppr- r [
tare Yat or tm,nnfR l( mil^ take It l ail I'outet, a wenitt . pl&ger of labor ,der !(told to be Working par bushel for them here.-winnlPPg
Mtructial Ins dors nihil flor oth. that• more. then meant tile. vglaAr Nye- m(ofla protesstonnilp lnt.ereat •In the the Afgerltrg colon,•, aa:c,m 1nit4l b,• Cemmerelul.
f' In tM ttraatre she has n til• [ til tom of otoutlon to home [ndustrleY p inrotlnllo.
rlolatluns o[ the ads f►r enRe finvR sail. tm number ,bot ihw his tw(o daughlprs, aged eightrpa a(mf ___ ar
l to (tin but sit stilt and hold h r bre condemned. m(RrIAI amA family clretrw ref Mr. and tweak' years rP pstcttrety, ani tire ('h7Cfio'-[T4i; ,;- 1r;, A-r;'_'fT1e - . _. ' _ - _-_ _._-,-__-_.- r
w pP llradmtrsats' es Teadr
fm d drpeS oa Ir.r lop; iNtt In linea a I Mrx. }lamps have not anon been re- hunbalnl of the elder daughter, went none,iI of a southern Cotton t
Nis' Edward Willlnns Watkin, BAs. Ontort0r sob"b. premenlpd save by themselves. on a slwoting expedition on :t amnll Wholesale trade tot Moutieml gen 61
1 dU N /1 P ' m a/
n hu,k r nn rR A Sec Lfoa Is Attaala 1► e. til
std bold rk,
to RtapA a ,n i t till. w
wM+ a ar tlnlrter p r the rocket [ remit Iris been uh,
n l I art u( tl 1 w M nr Intl to /11 Oen the tp mer nla'M1
IO n n on rl r. ITnto h l tera,tl s n 9
r. t M Y .tint T
fret wh r0 dent a• W
h at an std naval
ing s alpging pn 1 kneel (x. lr,w to tot' '(incatlnn far 19(/11 tins been keened• oiibJ,rt of her imprfeonment. She itlfr, Morocco. N&the plrnt0v tp,anlyd town Wimtlxpne(t hie sixty days, pad nnoPasnrtabip wrathpr Willa bat
r+ is ansloonrrJ. ass at nue slm0, The elatblice refer -til ISjr.s.. ,and
Deal• eaa --alae_-` iili•nt ur tLc t(T-antT'' rnoit lCaSl shrinks lulu herself at tbo mere the reset dnrlag tbp night, killed the tLpre is .Samoa Ns irelMve nkat the roiltYr taring S reed to .,tine k ,_ lh" w
may M atttnmarised as foillewd: mention of It, and will talk freely two ownpTs tit ttae steamer, and unp mna-PmPnt In a Kle«I lwon,v fon a
proper tttmtion to her devotion" wa of ('ana.la, and we think he ]um r rd I'irbllc wclrrmli, fi.ofi4, nn threat of n Pprrwl St Ito* wtMrn mill
wittiest n ectnR hpr precious tut? to nto one b t hot attorney' amid bar of lh(• crew, ltelltai the rrRrt. and kid- a r fC IInaS. Thp dulness. however, Iw r^
was `.tChe first elan to euggent the inrrrnsr. r•f 67 ; Homan Catholic Pep- hush and, nappal the two s•1rlm, wit," w•hoire- uperativP11 In tile wiuth wan n factor sisanied an temporary. ,I
Tho. idea til t Sime woman only tie butl+dlttg n( n rallwmy through Cnn nrntp d0, "1m, 8SJ, Increws- o[ 7: abnuts Is now unknown. In ennr•1ng Nle change .*( alae*. Wholtwale trade At Toronto time
to church -,t Ihplr own bon• \\ Prntrxtnn( Rr rate Pchlxrlm, 8: klm- BANKS'MANSLAUdIiTER.CASE "hie erims fs caneeing Rrrnt excite- t prominent, mill owner who tKa:Pd tNPn a Itttlr more mrtho thin wept
mato :inti to Ad ro or criticise lhuRe, lou les•[ re. Confederation• and Mir Total ex x'twditure nn PuWlc mctiroolm. - _- _—-t''i'1"11ir1ir- "hb a-4e}e-•saeee=
R 1 :, The.lury Acquit the 111owr PrlSemivre of r. allow the,,frw Of him name *old tao(Ily In fiasado the peat spot. TPacPI
of twit nei0talw !s not worthy Of K-Iweird's waS ter attend thh 94.0'LOOIB. r%sl,t •roil [nip 1., t' •+; , CAME MUST DIT- _ _ - that President Oomperee of the F -I term ordwte cam to the jobbing
A,nmiderns. . ltrt tow can n gnat `7 1' g tot the Ilrorkvillr Asstse.. Spent mpveral Onyx trade are very antletactorY. `Ihlll-
Grund Tronk, tuiug n liar• south u( a tlrcr:;aae tot ,:,0(1 ; ave n p illlrnd• Prat' p or fent.,.,
woman ion mare flint Ie has t {Wer ince, 4.1,325. i drcrpase rot 4,453, L'ruckvtile, April 12. -In the vane or Court (fiver [ler Tlil ittvealegto Aklp Iq charlotte thio week, incognito, to mpatw tore Increasing, and inward ,
tlO Lnttn Rulwrie Lw ldf,l, b6 under• Pnpllso In R. (. mPparatP Mh-xdll. 11PHrct an ,orRnnization nmong the the Pbd of the prpment month nap
last on stratght for wo homeward took a,privet roixmion to Canada, 41,796, IncreaAs 129. Lila Crown vo. GitrKed Dep,linnnnn ltuo.
and NeN-man, chnrgr•11 with Imran- Kamm e Clt Irx•nl mill (gx•rntvte, with a a•fcisr to likely to h,rRPly tneresnwe. \•plops of
I tgrtlS In i no petnnt m nrnte y, Jin., April lb. -Mem. QacIz_Qovpt s,Um.la ase6eral Scutt,- Staple goods contuse tine. F.I *onedd
jnarnwy, it ah* Gakrs tl dautLll .4400 .tales the INaI►e -.f-- -1►ew- elaaaghter tw woawePik+u -atilt ..taae Nation, nRpatrtl
ichex,lR, 44f, doer:•. i or -S7: T f+rTt Prn nlltl +rtrike the wit Ire or,L red
amd ham to put it hank wlthont a Paatle, till-,, Src Lary of State for 11up11s In kindprgnrtrrm, II 263, In• death of Leinvelot Hanks at Knmpt• chnrge(I with tsbratructing the street, "r . lmt. t j what olhrngx►ur wt to of the .onto- ,
mirror T I' the anti-1'null tclea Of the Colonies., wit the object elf vilip Poorly In March, the eviden,n for g jobbing txwin"f tot
erpane (it 174 ; pupils f night Schools, ane arrlag o rt before Pod $ Maanti ikips film re eMmand pnythln ter rnn11N, Thn 't
hringing lila firs ritMh 1 rovincpe LhP rlefrnrr stow clmplrtetl Inst Mc.\alr this renin
tare Ihr. Hsgtrr Ir In peer 1. mlr- 1,0.6, AOrrrnR. ref 478. y gn g, lin _d $ iUJ toad fnrthr•s uwM1n rtidactbn In hourN of Cl'tnnf la Ilnff, ihp rrttatlerm bp -
Into union, and llir tabllRhmpnt'of , nlghL. and Slr John lkoyd tpserve(I forest until 6 o. lock title evenin to ilPR [ ,
eon mut ire sided In t ews t prerntage of nverAgO to total at R D R Ipfxrr ?" he waw nmk.. Ing wllhn now to take Ilbor&1 poen-
pro P n mnnarlt0n Ilr,twe ('matin anal tendn@ee In 1'ub1iC seism m. fr7. ills ahnrge till t(eels/,'. The 11utxrtnncp Ipave tM city, The ),trigs wnrnrd i
oe IR the vektlbule. lq the fo er the ACantle, by ah Independent 'Tenehcrme men 2,612, wo pn 5,957. of the defen^0 w•nr that W►nk•elwae' Wrm. Nation If she was [round In the "Yex; him principal demand Ixthat ties of g( odl for Rorting In the pa-
sse, tasy world be sure to s- railway mymtelm, r Mr. Wi►tkin wax total 14,569. Average awl y, mode a man (of ungovernable tpmpternnd city nttot that 1Mur she.wnaW bP his anh,n inn recognized and tJat(iIt- pertatlon of InerwlRed bmineOf the r
llsat-. alsateA til jar t la:lYS7 that wheni.lse altaeked. OarretLwlt fprMlt+rs beLwPPTo employer and eel• coming son n_. Business conAlttone
frac( atttention front Uil WciW6W;- firma'. EUt.`rem+rtsr- SM; m>YpRlwFerMpt".4lri 4t:-atp+ga'pp1 r ,'r oueast aiiiw- Iilf(1 lire ---x
ile, waw creat. n baron to ISAO. $ a arMllf, the latter tried to ward off ' poy( be ie,Med through hfs agent tot ilia racer
flip latter, the woman silo t fn ( tTlgh scha,lw toad pulleglal IntttI- to !ware town, and fifteen minutest the manufacturer re 11.. minim centra are getting MOTs
Ifh His name was prmnlnpntl coancc tntea, 110: tra111.1 th;r,-' , 50M ; the blow with another mtake, and Inter bcx►MM w street car for, Kan- P [
"R'P will never tx►n*enf to thle. We sntUfactory. Trade At Ottawa con-
front of the mirror firmt would hold i'w•lth n anheme fora tun .I under 1ol,ItR 224611, n decrenap it( 41 : Banks rP-ehed the Mow from his Pas City, Kan, S, ion Arrange differences with tlnnan ver fair for this sos@OD- s
µ tb" fart until her vrAiting Rimtrrm t . Channel to ca►nneert gland tolnt Px nditurr on h1 h Shu r. Own atalte, from which be (Ileal. The __ fiv+ii+) Y
vert a F'ramw, and he a1So ro tem- n R Jlal a charged .Lied I aRainmt ear help direct or Individually, and •191ero to a good demand [rom the ra-
I beniamp crv,mo an11 hnngrc. Thr nitf- >)<7v:. A(► [ R y MAR91AGE EXAMINATIONS. the Ronthprn msnntnrturerm will not tnilero In Wee connte for sorting , Iii
pint I is tunnel ifrom .Scotlan to Tot&1 srhad M btral{oa, x71,02• the prfsunpr11 The Jur? aper astunly y fly
m^tp wrfrnt elf til#• proprm,P(I new tie Irolso L R a We Ix►nrm and brought In a verdlel ---- agree on•any Sart of Intermediation. f►nrePls, ,•yin
p&rtnrP would protwahl, Irp that Gtr _ __ and average attendance :.69,093, peirm tit t alit " Two IlMIIo'bpwit With, One of Which (rompers' demands will be Ignored." to 1, vi
paced with 471,194 and :711,451 re- •.AO R y- la Ki11pA. No,e*. s:
ta lathra would go to church with mcarfm air. N of lnrke Ww11am has a Iso ++Pertively In 1598. •iso A Ikover euratc, refused t0 Ont
or hn,mts tm their hca4m. nP man) of bnaKne nn,t tole regard for the mensl- While the total rrepiptm have grown bt. Paul, Mlnn., (pelt 12.-A bill rP- 1ma TTw .lurirpltan P:[xlrinbie whmat
I hr rxrrtNtltnn+ ham wl"n Irarpnm tl, ItrrrA for Irvine. gririaR a pbyehxl mind mental Px- IrorS in the Irimhop (tot conflrmntlo" mir{dus IR retimned nnw tot 2Q,(M l
t kwm go to the th(vltro. in the In- f London. A aril 13. -Thr uRnal eeen*R unless tb••y confessed. The feetonavel (,011 blr+helm,
hlhtipm „f frHow members. and on n''((ww l the rnrh pp,r pupil In th,• llitNle f aminntl0n of all applicant* for mar- great indignation, and n prowdrd mKnlnat ". an-I,f e. r n .
terwRts of {"are religion and the nu,rr than tone ewenRion nothing beat ar11nolo ,rnR $9,214 In 1899, f!umpared nttCtNlinR the rv:opening of the r1nRe has paned broth honsen of the elm pr 10,00 PRtlmneR, anJ m rnnR
Irvin ing seaman wprs w(if the mama mretlrgt w,la helA ter bring flip
rllllinvey traclp (tbp latter of stilet, hlv with $9.19 In 18". nn+t $3.67 In 1887. g' T T,pRimfntearp and will probably be- from 1(1,(10(In r int, ti- U. nnthing
lrhylt^ill Alwnidflty tin. *mvd.t nye tl*- Aeoltr_rft_ the t, carate to book.
tires file moat. ad•Prtldng) wr oh_ K1 1larrourt mgrs the emtnbilah- Tim Com(A ins. Thr Ina la nhnrd to per- far Pap•rt in rpr#nt years.
fl•om the rreentmrnt of thnme whom Tlrpatre to -da An eatl toe 7 orient the marrlaRs- of Death carried off two of Toronto's 1x,rte of whra►t and flan. from
Jars to Mr. iivaK6r'n now h,nglrr, meat tnthnMpl aehrxol*. 7• 7 lmronnR af- olrlret rofemaMraral nr n yrolrrAny. }:v
hr has inmtilt•1 Lnmt night hr waw \\ - --- (clock In tine tnoraing mol anti wo- ftieled wllh Incntuhte dimpAor* or of P lmprlra thlm spot pquntletl 6,401,000
` woUtssa. 11111,14 r , t•n4pr of ttr rsppARt- men collected, armed with ramp Imbeciles. rine, was Rev. Wm. White, Anti the Muheim, std again RL 2M97,000 toumh-
prr,tn•tr11 h}- fellow• mrmhrrwAgniott tier". U rfPrtly mpllarled with the mt(scr : nfvools; Onndicieho!oamlflnxk*. other Dr. Clues. M. Covernton, F. A mrenreftng week of Isms
tip bj ilnAtson, Wlm., A II 1^_. -Tho Sr+n- pIS rho porrP
Mny n )1Pue.limt min,Ptrr mnr••k,• the wrath elf Mr. Tattled. 11e1lechnRRp, r,•1x.rtR elf the, (infirinn and Dnuiihohnt The croweit Steadily Inerpamrol, un ate by a vote of s veneen to mlx C. R Roth were well known nnil hnd ypnr. Corn Pxlwortw thin wf,Pk 2• G?
toliwarot Ir the tupwtion with whlrlt mm lnst wht•rn hr had uttrrpd m„m•• Immigrants iven Isr Vnrlhwrmt mem• til n epeeist pollen fnteA wa# tpgalr torn k111rd the \Ynndwnrd marriage ronRlAwrnbiy nutllvrA the allntteA A 8,000 Muhpls n+ agalnmt 2,7A9,(100
ihw (7ourt of rlgmal .,t kilo Church iR innnrndo Tharp U mush nerd far Imre whn Is w' thorn. Nut til^ Tie- ed to kpPp Otto first nl0tore In lino. bill jPwttor/Ll). It had been ampn11- Ppan of thrpp atenre years and ten. MaohAw the n•rrpRpnn Ilsg week ^f
rtrnggllnR tot T,rrtigl0 now. Il An inntrtictnr In lien dpernripet tot do- sunt•, Wterld tefnmra to t^ll Its id to rrgalr,• a phyntelan'm rrrtlfl- Two Chinpap PtrelUe•rm earns- little last year, s
rr;n L•M err rtM to gh0 til! tint.•• The foflmi!I tton o[ A new regiment of rale of frnP-Mm from IrMa nity nnA rnlllefon 1letwrpn ('wntnn wnA Wu- EnRllah fnrmpr wheat (Iellrp rlrm
da,weR ep rqq appeal from Rfltbh o'ol. 1m,tr d...•n tot (vtewa. whrnu,er LhP moats so favors 0 to them. it *uv- Infante Nle E4th Kent, with holo- pertain diRwnwem twforp a marries a eJtarw &all Seventy (Tinea were the tat week 10.90(1 q+Iwrt*M Pt A” °`"'
rwMa, T,rtoe torr• In 01 itk,n pp"aftep thew I quarte" at Cheatham, IS doothrortotd. liepnee should be granted. R drowned. r Averogo prion of 2411 Fite xv
k,y, -Y r r 1 , ,
), '
(.. ori` t a•,,
.le ..,, A :4h•. . .
°;'b tf'l, "' ti,."'fr..,e ..A'bls.,,Y'+:..:a:.,t'I-,Sb
r•,•rww .-_ ___-------------
> t ; Y t ; 'i`rlii r •,-~ rltit(., `:, ~
London and Washington St
..... .,, ,a am Alexandra 1
Ut 1 u1 ' i'
Thld lx port of tl►o I. ► I w C I it take,
giaph'r deweriptl8n of Etta dress of tier y
the Qu,wn and p*erearoo tit the white a
opr,,fag of Parliament, Feb, 14th, wit, e
2WI : ribbon.
tier Majesty that Queen and the black h
prineerrell with their sulted were ornump
ur SIN
uu ht u I .
atllrwl lu dco[wrt m en 9 Q )ullmv
Alexandra's dress - way, indeed, W trlmwe
cralx'. !t w'am A dlg111(Led-tix,k;u9 centl 1
.rax+ tit title, fealtrle. wiml, Ir of fyu9- bruhler,
Ihh manufacture. Til r bodice war high pearl, a
to Clio neck. and %he vieeved 10119 to green r
the. wrist. 1ISr MajrNty wurw a Tell xrntinlr
yt craps, tailinR•.dow•n un tho truiued in strll.
eslrt a►( the drew• It war itrrusiC, tum I,f
lit it lw:at lu frout, nus over It -'a il•ft'mid,
a $.Mail crown of dinniondr. The of the
(;Oe,•u worn• aup+rb pearly. anti Ruyui recta w-
-ordera, including t,lturr of YlciurL► betwee
mild Alliert, the Boynl Yteturiau, stud Ulrqu lila
that•dignityt to which tale 1 ,u,a•s IN on alum
the secutld ads iathuitted ht til-, wn. trinwlf
tory, the Moet Noble, Or11,•r of the
batter. pocket -
'Che linehres tit Cornwali and fork with rl
full dre
•sit h
i lease d tau, r 1
nam uttlrual In a foruor i
l,i,,tx;-cloth, a new tuft u11A lwuutitui
s .1
, mi mu
4, ilii.. Phu skirt w.►u train^d mad romeml
ttimlupd with crap- Mrarly hnafaway nal ml
to tyle wmisi. Tla-v lwd.ee war els• Ito,nl 1
l!aatly arranged In long .haat wit• It rich
1flidr, gettlug narrower tic they Of r w•1
y.•t►red til:• wntst. It, wa■ flulwi,d Venetia
1 •L r ,'d black
e a,r rfnm m k
to a y
wl t >
ata• wuslio. btirdared by wide tuands hint.
yr crape. Thu rlaeved were lung, and i'rine
were also, flujalt d with eleverly•ar- white ,
ranged bund. of v:rap . 11r•r jlyy I broiler
lliglserNR wise a long volt or crupe, shoo
dept•uding gracefully over the back acrich
nr her dress, w'hila In (runt It mare a rleh
t., n point. arml w•se arruuged In fulihi, broidrr
rlhlag b•hln-t a ralr•rb tiara ref .hit- -awttn h
ptaxufm and peariN. The 1►anc sa of tLe rot
turnwall and York wore lwnrl.t Wn,, res tt.
two Imsldrome wheat-enr r,rutttuent- ^'hike
--hrAinnaorirM. Pat.hinit "Ale, tela*..fla.•r atrlleco,
often$, on or It glittered the t►ad1,"re bairille
---r•Y to. to.. M ^ymi tMirrw--_ — urpin_.
Peereseem of the Realm. with thovc rc
Of their near relativem who had r- fret, b,
fpxe ;rho tut
rufseio,, W be pr(•sent, were n111r,•il s,wngh
lit dull black Ltbries. Ilnmuch-•Wde^ t;onuh:
as jet was worn It wits dull jet. The `. 1.1 la
( •1 w eevp:
e e eat I,w <►u 1
t„her 'ser
rn m
&lurrb M1a fur u drawing .tome nn ,,11 I stn
court plutm•r and eirilr weer. worn sum ill
best always black. Thin Lenny un►ler trlmwe
stood, It will be. attaxersary (only to fertile
inacate the material• and styles of Iecuru'
the drewS•p. Tito Uuchrrm of fort- coat, t
land was attired in It long Itroeefill fold a,
rtirt•ut-tit d 1 milk. Round It ware ll ht, y
graduates r •, a munow- c c uterap
mile, hordcred each with n heavy Sn. brofat•r
g)e tlarveat. Tae hodw war aU . of beer e
fritla of ,liken mueltu. finielliett ill' w•reatl
anw►lar fat.luon, an 1 there+ war a a vnrle
wit u
a bl slit 4
a i (d dl ark
.lac iota u wit a
very large Low• tient at Mile left the, W
tide. Th^ fritld were caught down urnalue
at latervalt with dhamoud and peer tusturt
was wurn• Tho IZ"I” r of Uevun doll In
&hire was attired ht dull milk. Tile Trine
bodice was cleverly draped -In soft like Pr
folds, and it wa■ Cinitherl with .fill: Zold.
embrof,lery. Her tirary wore a high • Prlrw
crown -shaped Lara M dlpmonde nitd :ant oil
Superb penris, tog,iat wr Not" auaw Waeek a
fine diamond ornameratm. The nsteac
I)ucllpw of N,-we&mtic'a drp,Im wits train u
tit crepe do Cklue_ Thn Stir% . wa1 .E1th t
fimphed with a drop fluunc•e o[ dull gohl In
gsipure Isce. sad, there wati AIL"o- -.The,]
insertions to( this leer. Tho bodice with n
WAS nlxu tlnidhel with lace ins r neper Ili
tions And milk appllgaa. Beautiful their c
dlnmundw anti pearls were worn. The 4nivpr'
Duchesm of Uarlburuugh'r gown ill !'rine
'dull, volt, rich posts de S,lr was ver) White
mimply and NtylhhlY .nada. The skirt broWri
watt trained. ane, like the i (Wic" w&vrS
was trtmme,l with ttslle anti silk mus •nlbrul
Iia, Iter Arace wore a-Amall.Cr(wa. rosP v,
►ha Ml diamond tiara. topped with Alt]' e
W•ar-r•hapmJ pleatl*. Ttoptm milli eiegan
strings tit reparlr were worn. nal it I I.--
very deep pearl aollur, with four atpd
►uaRnMeent dinmond olides. Cirons.
Thr• Mar -JoWnearaUf Orm-inde woI, at IrrolaP
. tired In ebitfune over w•hk:h n autwrh .GPIAMV
'Shawl of dull black i,•hnatllly Ina-,• hemi -d
was arranged in pepium fadllton Mandel
Her draw. ,tan high -by special per• Tbp
mklolon-and til(• ph,pvra lung. These. trill"
-K!, -t a ,'t'a7nR+rr- -.,tato- wa _
lac•. The Manhiunl•me of huntty Willi alit I
wearing n roLeof pray de moil-, Witt, well r
lace insertion. and charmingly fin• At hot
fa hrid with l ace. near the hem. The- atunr%
I ems
bodice was In l.uufs Xi'. rtyfe. mud r
waw deftly iusert , with hundoumc veant
dowigne art dull Iraae. The Marchion.. at Cot
wlr cumden's ' diepm- f- C111tt0tr' 4 a
ruchrd with soft silk. The taxlice Ixttle
w'aY trbnmed with dpll silk pamie_ trill,
Menterfe and with handsome jet richly
buckles. The lilarchionesr of Lon• and bl
rk,wmterry'n -lull trope Ile Milne ill- Burl
tire. war motet eleg,lnt. Her Indy"hip's Jrram
LIar,M1 was of . sullerb dianaumlm. Tile wine
whole front of the Uldive wam nbills(- tenth#
with diamon s. and two Ins dire Thr
K'• \ a•hl
sailed brouchos were worn near they fully
Phouldero. w b i e
Thu Countama (R \Marwick wore n t►etae
very beautiful drew o[ crepe de uvula
i9ithei, draipwl in 1611;;-7tTturneo ra- ten fa.
info el(=!Iy clinging (aldol of the Ro(t over
1 f C uffoii
sal r o mnmh n 1
Ice Tlure win n
Rk rt.
and P ll sell the I
hltron Ilght fr b rmhrc
Lady Warwtek'n ornaments were fine wlolte
dfamonile, A I- clank tit sable, mttrtttr
t( c
with irUls of chi fon toll down til Ptonc,
(runt, wag a very imposing garment horde
worn while waiting. Thn C'ouutee+ u( Iravr,
Undlpy's dress was (1f net, with op' brow,
ptlqur+ of ►ace oil the Skirt, taking Rtone
- Tho net bodlce. narrtanged In folder herr
was tmisertett with dull Ince, .and ten11m
made a soft background for fine t11r• h
diamond ornaanents. rhe C'uunteesoil Satin,
Tarboro►gh wit* attired : in l-hif- TM*
fqa, Her draw wild trim- elegn
-...Wed..glib- lung . tucka, oil wilt I
were quite flat feetouned nf;pllcatfemm Onr
Or Inep, Cunntean C arrington's attire o[ tilt
a-toa nil crepe de Chiap. Thr mkert wnm
fael cocked and trimmed nt the h, in {Kohl,,
Ilghtty with tatiP. Thn short R10eves way
were tucked, and the lurked low ural!
bodice was caught in with n wide 4th• :
belt_ of 4repe de Cfiine,. Lady. C01T1a9r firs
o rure fine diamond oranmeute, a aTT c:
coop spray In thea* atonrx nlm,,Rt wore
Oorerlag the front of the bodice. Thr Satin
Cuuntprm of Ranfurly'S (irons hall a Iris I
sunray p1pated chiffon Rklrt, finlehpd jrwel
with many little mtitChed flounce# dr rill
holt` the item. The beidlce was draped tonvc
from unrmlde in long plenty, nett w•ms the h
finlmhood with a becoming chiffon effee
fichn. The Countese of Glto*grow had A b)• tt
dress of drill ppna de ('l,In,. the skirt IAier.
, tnCbPd, and the bodice very artiste- with
ally draped, 1rnTit
COuntems rte (7rpy wore a drpsr of Chou
.tich, tuft, dull, peAw de solei relier,ed b•M/
WMI tefie and silken muslin, her dia- ehlff
1001111 and pearl ornampnto w•rro moat lip
prfecttve. Lady Marjorin (lordon's
w&m A picture dress of crepe de Chia@ of'rn
Pal chiffon, arts►ngemd to gradanted derre
tuck" and frills, And ox1 the bodice a Ing (
large chiffon Hohn, with pearl orna- Ott"
Mats• were worn. on b
The followtag Aesotiptfon or the prmr
l.adiAt' Droaem at the fete on 11er the I
:11a,lesty's Birthday, JoLe. 19th, 17M della
' o h k04 •
't,.:lseirrtl ' Artli-war