HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-18, Page 1THREE �•A•ar• ADV' Ta ANS AOTIVE AGENTS WHEN PLAOEO 1N THE SIGNAL FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. 2826 ionat. THE IAMADIN'CI ND W BPAPDR OF HURON UNT-3r. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ... 1901 GODERICH, ON TABIC). CANADA : APRIL 18, 1901. THE WEEKL Y Gower sow April 17, 1601. Fa"Wheat 9 m to 64 glow. family. per ewe•...._ 1 10 to 110 Vloaf. peewit. par owl ........ 2 60 W 1 00 Ren. P ton .. .. 11111 1c 00 u0 ,Panni. • toe .. L; 00 tote (10 Soreening•, ger cwt ... , ....... 1 00 to 1 00 Kin, per bush 010 to 0 til Buckwhoat per bush 0 10 to 050 Oats.•bawl sass sass m to 010 Peas, is host. fro to 4 d1pmPorter, pbush 03710036 Hay, • too a 50 to 600 Potatoes. • bask ._ ..... ... 0 30 to 0 91 Butler, -. .... .,... 0 13 to 0 I1 Cheese. ear (h.......... 0 10 to 0 1( amts, froth oaekM. V des.0 9 u to 10 WoodotyAW toal.i Hales. ••••••••••�� sass. 50'1 10 5 I Lomb -Ulna . 0 ea too -J Here L1.. Ho MAK.AL T .REPORT I RESULTS OF BANK 6(1 to 015 Dressed Hop 700 to 7 1 Boom. ... .....- 0101.0611 Ham. per Ib.......... •. . 0 I5 toe 15 Lard. per Ili. 0 Alto 13 (Drowsed 410.0, M{u qtr IVO, 000 to 0 I I Deemed (0M(• klkd 0 00 to 0 1 I Cattle, Expert • 3 75 to 1 : •' Ordle•,y 300 to 33.1 Situations Vacant. VYAN TED. -BY APRIL 15TH, THREE good girl" ss cook, parlor maid and bnowmald. Apply to lei ATTR(LL, tune.• wood Part. Goderlah. hitt Pubilo Nottoe PEW AI. NO TICK 1'O twATKR A7 TAKIK8IN AKKEARB,-P wit towing water rs's. for the y a.r 1910 must pmt. up with- out fail 4tb- outfall by Slay let or wits,, will be turns l GR. W. L HOKTU70. oolleotor. '!f -It DKNL1LLO.K NURSERIES- LREK$, 1) HEALTHY TREES. We hare • full line of holt, 010atoe0111 and ever.reeo tree. at lowest possible prow. Write to no at 0.1* for Catalogue Place orders Duly and mown 1h. •.,Cedes oa want. Address: LOT. JNt). nrSWART. Reorlller, One 24 lm POP Kent. HO11SK TO LET -A F1R4. CL .as hour* on Aaglow& *wet. at per ono oo- cuppled b Mr Klemmtr .r per t'U urs tpply to Mrs. by RIQO. Loke.tow, login ave. FOR SALE UR TO BEN -NEW brick house. otener ,.f ftrlr•nnl• road and Waterloo street for p.rticul•re apply to W. J. MORROW. Ham 'ten •fust. 16 2t H(xfiR AND LOT lU RKNT.-THK preterit cos the owner o' Riolan ant McDonald streets late() award and - .coupled by Leyte M.B en. Ir. H .a., p ..otioaily D.W. large orw oar. anti ,flood fruit (rte. oa the promisee. Porawlun at now. Apply te MdrTHlW POLICY. Darin P. 0.. or W IL LIAM TIOHIt, Uoderlob. 1'120 REN!' FOR UK OZING -THK 1 mouth bell' of tot 50. tent/and co0o•riun, Ooderleh township, ow , _ rising 07 soros. Two goot oretard• n th• propert, still be lo.lnd ed ■les The otos ie *•ll ?wood and titers 1• an abundant •upoly of weft,. Apply to W.r MoMaTH uderioh. P.O. or 1* t'U,tTtd 8TR VLLNlt, Chaos. It lm rP0 RENr - OTORK TO RIM IN .1 thriving western town, suitable for dry - woods. E-nt'1 far Aeolus.. r .ocere•, I .oto and .hoes or ...frit! .tore ouslnes* not ore, eona. An A 1 stool, n.wIy ,netted, opoodoo •ding forme ' hotel and market, two dome hos past °moa. Town •apported by Indite trots term/mat. dairying. fruit and stack rale Ina. !,haul.* amassing, • regular Map for the right man. Writes tf ton mean b. goose. R. IL "MALL Ott Meg 44, Lime Dei. For Sols. jjtOtit RALE -I OFFER TOR SA LK .I 1.' unitary In Batiford. oo nprl6oy unc quarter of *o a r♦ or more. with goal frame house and ontbu11db,se'- There ate • bomber of 'brit -claw fruit trees on the ,round,. Apply to JOHN MOINTVRC oo the previw.. or letittterd P.U. 11 lm LAND FOR SALE IN TOWN OF OODBRICH. ?or rale on raason&bie torte. the propert• known as toe Distillery lands, being part of Nook 'p' In the Town of Goderiob, malalnleg •bout 33 sorrawith baldioga and water righto on the Moor Malt. lard. For tarme apply to °ARRO W k OAK. ROW. solicitors for the vendor. UNOR SA 1.K. --LOTS 96. 96, 117. 118. 114 } .z.4 its 4a Hutcbleo.'s gravely. alt In ltd For paruoul►ru appDly to PHILIP H01,T, Rsrrlttter, ke., Oedoebh. Mara 14a.1904. lair AGOOD 110 ACRE FARM FOR SALK Lot 11, ooaoee.len It. C Aerial Town 0119. ',Homed 14 miles from Ho mesvllle, 34 miles .rom Clinton. Good bnlldieg., renes., orchard, wells, and spring creek. Aon1 field of fall wheal. Terme reasons' le. For pp•rtfo Wae* apply to THO4. UUNLRY, auctioneer, °oder bh. let FARM POR SALE -THAT FiRST oleos farm known 81 the "Oassed.y Farm.- Ming R. half lien 0000.15100 1, Rai Wawanmh, Ir0 acres, Meows cleared and 'o a good state of ooltivatloo. 1 acre bush. There la on the place soon) two storey frame dwelling house 10195 with wing 16210, and a R od atone cellar. a frame horn Sleet with Mono stables under, 1 acres of goal orchard. 2 good never.lall4no spring walla The soil 1a a good etas loam. about 70 acres In Erse.. 0 acres or fall wheat, and moms fall pDtoo*hlOg• rho forswears good It l• on • leading grsv.l road mnrenlent 10 iburek.o, school etc., i mile from tho village of Auburn, 5 miles from Blyth 12 miles from the Mims of tl*AerIch and Clinton.tThta Ls a ver/ desirable plea/t- n0 poor or waste land. Ror fell particulars apply to PHILIP 11 i1.T, solicitor for the estate of the late Mn. yaws day. Muato. W GLENN CAMPBELL. Organut end mnsloal director of North et. - Molhedl•1 enure*, end 1010011 of 014*00 rte. Pips o,gao and theory, *111 be pleased to r• oars pupil.. IwtrUoIlon given either at studio or at pupil's home, as desired. tudlo at 4wers0n'• MOsi, More, Weetet. 71tt Medleal. [ARS SHANNON k GALLON, I'HY lJ mil JABS and Surgeons (Nfim In A•bk of ('ommerne b;'1+ Ing, west side of house,. Night nails at resldenoes Dr. Shan on, Ile. Odlow old rw4dence, Nagler et. K,411" 4'• w, 'Phone 41. 'Phew N. 'nearsneo, oto. AMALGAMATION. The Oanadian Bank of Com merce Oompletee the Pur chase of the Assets of the Bank Lf British Oolumbia THE RANK'S CAPITAL NOW EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS AND ASSETS OVER SIXTY-THREE 0IL- LIONS. The negotiations jar toe partible(' el the .wits of the Bank of British Colombia by t►. C.,dlan Bank of Oommer01, an •0• noanoement respecting whloh was made some mouth. ago, have beep ourled to • meow .ful oonolosloa. A thorough •x.m• 'nation of the affairs of the link of 10114.18 ()elute b • was mud• by the eft n.1• of the Canadian Bank of Commeroe, and this provina e•itnly .atiefaoury, the amalga- mation was 6o.11y completed on the 2od of Jasa•ry. A staMmeot of the affairs of the Canadian Bank of Uommeroe stew the •mitt - 'emotion has new tees 'mead, and discloses a very strong posltloo. In point of (..pft•1 arid lie erre tb• Book *ow rooks Fourth among banking institutions oo the Coo- loeat of Americo. It has •11(7-tw0 trenches throughout 0.44.d.: five brooches .o the United States, oamely,•t New Vora, San Fraoolcoo, !Seattle, Portland (Or stool, 9kagu.y (Alaska), aid one In London. Kogland : 68 establishments In all. The °oquontloo of the Loodon Ofb01 le art lm- poreant sup to the program of the Beek,, the Rank's traosaotioue In sterling ex• 0bang• L the (jolted Stat.. and Conal& each year amount to many milllone of pound•, and the •Mllty to handl* the, bust saesthrough the Bank's own Louden Oboe w114 result to an .mportaot addluoh ta the minium power of tn. Beek. la many other dino4e.• 1Lo the interests of the twit Basks will be Immensely boosted by Lb* amalgamation. Tb* following Is • 000deau•tion of the' •taWm.nt !retied by the Rook at the close of business on the 31st of Marob : - Awts. Cash, Geld Bouton, Batik • era' B.lenoes and Balsam Du* hy Leaden 000.. .,$7.345.421 04 Gov*rnment, Manlotpel, R.11 - way sad Other flood. aid Sleeks 10,308,790.64 117,654,201.68 l.o.n• and D1•oeuob. ... 46,530,388 63 All Other Asses. 1,609,074.61 Uapltal Reserve. Cireelatlen Depoti r All Other 864.693,664 92 Liabilities. 2,000,000 00 - -110.000.000 00 5,588.438 00 .46,423.528 64 2,681,698 29 164,693.664 92 Owen Bound Advertiser : The new tag helog built by Abbey Bros. Is about rea4v :o launob, and as Lim darer is now clear of lee all that delay. her Ming pl.oed Ie her oath. elemest 1. the nen arrival of the m.ebloery. The engineer, Mr, Fred Lave, and his assistant, of (ioderloh, .re ready to place the machinery. They have jaw sem pleted the work el placing a oompound engine la Mr. D. Motoo.ld'. tug, *he He.eher Belle. Model Tailoring. JUST RECEIVED - THE LiNE OF t spring .airings that our 0netomers were wafting for, which we Admit or- repatatloOoo, tot/other with oth,r linen suitable for ep..no and Summer, woolly a, good. eh r"y r t. dor work at moderate primes. W M, STA PI,K•yyly Oy. r I'aeson'. Fa' •, To 'armor.. rpO FD ARM ERA. - SREPEAS - I t have • carload of R'ed Peso ooml• r to every week from the north. from near Owen eonnd ; they metal, no bugs. 1 .hall .cep • supply on hint 11)2111 tb, Pith of May et that men be emptied. also • lot of hoed Birley. it 1. common ..nes that if *ll would sow these peas there would not be el many tin re In the years crop and let the farmer. ohop np and sell their hnrRy peat. To banish the An- almust cult *owing their old pew. 11 .pare,. 1 wilt am that the npmety and township eeee- Mls t*Y• the manor Into onnslderetlnn Rooth sr year and hero the people Molt sowing for two years and will also ries that the main les of Perth and Middlesex sot In the matter. It Is no nae If half or two -third. sop .owing all mutt quit for one or two year. and I know the farmers are mad, to do en in another year for they understand the Import .no. of 4 0..--p t wan. o them. Ire. O. PaRRIN, 011 CRAM. R SHAW, GENERAI, 1NEW1. ANCh and real ease &went. ()e0ea, tee door rad of P. O., Oo,erteh. Agent ler Ili• leading mutual fin l,wtfanoe mmnanis and leading stook enmp.nle•. Mereantle and manaf.terfeg risks at lowest rarer. C.41 •t nano. W. R. RORkRTROil. Amount's, and 101nnnee Agaot. rooks and aomunw made oo. ented Fin narented n Banana In !Walsh .srt mote A clan.dl.n Companies 011ie.- to 91- 5dymt & Hass' euros, North stew Ood.riok. 41-tf F1. T. fATTIL, •ORRERAL . IN 9URAN11= and RAM haute agent. PIA Life, A0nldeet.nel Plate °las. fnlnr.nr' - - 1 on mutual or melt plan at lowest Tp�rlblA t !lith anA It,nadl&n sem p.wlAs rop oe rioters net' doer to harrow k (Sorrow, War .,nlltea mese(, Situations Vassal. WANTED. - A f.4 GAR?, ROlraMr /sang m7{awa�wsi1w4.�1. he. e• sed 4 g le a90TOW1 M soldoaf II Apes' M ND MUR(C It Put U• Norio. LOCAL tMrR0v11 1ENr. TOWN OF 1;0UKRII H TAKE NOTICE that the council of the town of (loderinh w111 undertake the o0altruotion of ••t n.0.1 .roue Sidewalk. on the following ,meet*, known a, St. II•ven'. street and Relays •'rest. name', let. Frorp Alb ro ttree! in Kingston attest, On he *math W4101;11 1)0r4dL *twat, to be 8 fest In width. 2.01114 fest In Ienita. to nest shout 111 011. fid. From Thomas street, atoeg Koala Wrest M Britannia road on the west side. to boatmen foot from Thomas to Raglan street and font feet from Itajlo wrest to Britannia rood, a total length of LIM f00t to reit &boot pelt The .bov. tido walk* ars to be mutrnntM moor the, orovlslon. M the Mnn(rlpal Art and th0 facial Improvement H,law No. 7 of Igt•I.of this municipality. and nnl1se a peel/ion ag0m11 oath ••paste f mprol em Int or *trie amoral by • m.lorlty In number of the °wear. rApresmnbntr al 1*0at one 0610 of the nal prep sty to h, awaesed,M p .4 to the oonholl within ono month from Malmo gobs .tion of this ocelots the proposed tmprorenionr or works will he nedoetakan and ,peoul &,awes meows thereon w111 ha made hy the oeunell, W. MITCHELL. Tows flak. 0.der4A. Ages 16411. Int. tg * AROUND TOWN. AnoTHaM APt11. WiDDuoo.-Os Wed- ue•day wooing, 10th 40.4., at the borne of the brldi. father. Bruoe street, !dory daughter tit Thema. Cousins, and Jame. Bertram Orr, of Goderioh towwhlp, were united In the bonds of matrlmouy, Key. Jasper Wilson pertorming the oerema0y We coder Mr. and Mn. Orr our 000gr•tu• lotions and beat washes. A Rl'N1w4Y.-A bores belonging to John Hunter, of Colborue Iowushlp, whlub was Med In (root of U. M. K111ott's store uu Frl• day, managed to get Ise bridle off, sod bod- ing itself fres mud. a belt. to Ito outer it smashed the baggy badly and • plane of • brok•o s0oft *stored its leg and 40540 ed • revere injury, oeoees)tatlog $ visit to th. veterinary. The animal ie a young one and it made tillage lively while It was ou the run. 014740 or ALIYANDE0 KIp.LIL - A former resident of Uoderiub, Alsz*oder Kedah*, eldest son of the late Francis Kul - elle, died oo Monday tas1 •0 Holatem, Grey county. The Meowed was forty -t4 • yearn of age and eras unmarried. Toe remains wan onnv.y.4 ta Uoderlob by 0. T.R. on 'Tuesday, and the tonere' will take plain from the borne of deceased's sister, Mrs. John Dunlop, Huron road, this afternoon at 2:30 O'olook A Cheri rug TH1 332.0 R10IYENT.-The Matti. Deportment has authorized the odop• 1400 of the following badge and motto by the 33 rd Huron Regimes% : A triangular shield bearing the In.oriptloo, "Hare° 33rd Regiment." Title ,Meld surrounded, ekmpt on tap, by • wreath of maple leaves end surmounted by a man's arm gra"pinn en •z., Obe crest of the county of Huron. Beneath the shield and wreath • soros with motto "Spew 5000/5/04 •Ili" 111. whole above the word "Canada' aoderneatb sorol1. Tun ANOLIN'S CALINDA2..-Now whop men are thlnkln. of *clog a-fi.bt,g 4 • good time W glv the data for the aloes season lot the vartous @peoles of th• finny tribe. The following k10ds of fish shall not b. °aught, sold or had to posse.siot to Ontario during the period lndloat.d below : Baas, from April 15 to June 15; maski000ge, from April 15 to Juno 15 : ;actions!, from April 15 to May 15 ; epeokl•d trout, from Sep (ember 15 to May 1 ; salmon trout, from November 1 to November 30; whitefish, from November 1 to hoyember 30. Tao CaNnoo Tag.t,. Names L Grant, menus oommlseto0.r for Watt Huron, was to town oo Tuesday sod met the enamors, ton for Go • erlob and vicinity. H• found the work hers almost oompLud, and •z nomad that the enumerator. would be able to finish up in • day or two. The general opinion among those who are oonoern.d In the mous-taking is that the job to • more arduous oo• than it was elpeoud to be. Mr Grant rem•rk.d joeulorly the other day that he was gray now, bat would 4.• bald ielora he got through with the consul, UDiNo AHEAD. -Tb. (;od.noh Knitting Co., Llmlt•d, has In 000templattoo an 51t.. - 54o0 e( ten operations and to fhb end has a. - oared authority from th. Provincial Gov• ,,onset for the toore.e. of Its newest weak from 420,000 to 460.000. 410.000 of new stook will be placed on the market forth- with. The plans of th. company are not yet oompletsd, but It h.a boon decided to *alarms the lsotory to tem* 114.06 eo that the output of las manufactures may b. Is. oroaaed. This is now one of our meet sob- .4.n(Il loJoi4I., and oar citizens are gratified to observe Its steady program. 110. 0•11 h lolly ENTIRTA I, r.'. T. -A good program of moving and stationary pictures, lntereporeed with Rraohophoae seleolloos, was glyeo at the ()pea House last Monday evs0400 by the (7oz Hros' 20th Century Concert Co. Thm program included • wide range of humorous, p.• thetlo and tragic piotures, the r•produottoo of the funeral prmeesioo of.our lite gown of Norte forming the o.ntrol feature. Uo fortunately • number of the Motors. were somewhat indistinct. The sotertalnmeot was given under the auspices of the younf people's organizations of St. George's ohuroh, and the attendanm wee very goal. A Nome FAL.,..-Ae 10olden0 which might have resulted very esnon•ly occurred last Thrneday night to Gas. W. Forrest. es• pram m.s..nger en th. G. 'r. R. Jnet es the late trop was leaving Mitchell be was. Rothe from one oar to another, and, m(atak• big the lay of the platform, ho fell down the steps and off the oar. landing on hos hip and shoulder. Fortunately the tram had not got up mooh speed, or he would probably have been very ,evenly Injured. His ab- sence from the train was not noticed until Seaforth eau r.50hso, when they went back for him. Though somewhat ear. as the re . alt of the fall, he took his run again the next morning. OTUIR (.411040.. AwAITIN,i Mr -Wing ham Advise°.: A rather tough spwimeo of the tramp fraternity reached town on Saturday. It was supposed that he had neon Implicated In • robbery to Born' and Chief Vannorm.o was on the lookout. He tried to diepose of some ko17.. and • reyol, vrr, but *as •,rated anti with bm.-.en.- tan*, handcuffed and plumed In th. lookup. He ,nems to have Moa endowed with more hm ordinary strength, and twisted • oou plc of brw looks off the oell with bat little A ffioultv. H. was brought Wore Magle- trateo Clegg .od MoK.erle on Monday and charged wilds oar,►tag 0000oa4ed weapons h. pleaded guilty and was mmmltt.d to Gmlerioh for a short term. It 1. thought other oherges may be *waiting Palm. Go.• amble Vaennrman took the prisoner to the matte by the lake ,hors by the afternoon vol n. Uncoil LW1NRa.' GRANTED. --The Hoene* oommiwloners for Wow Huron met at the office of Inspector Paisley, Clinton, o. Tues- day, when the following boons** were grant- ed : Clinton -Joe. Rattenhory, .T. 3. Mo C+aghey, R.ob.n Graham, Charles Mellon, l.5. McGuire, Thos. Bell (•h011 lines) Wineham-Alfred Roe, Mn. Mary lhmh y, John Carr. John Swartz, Lionel Henson. Blyth -Henry James, Mn. Franoea Mason. Hallott-Thos Hill, Lnodeeborce ; Alex. RebL.en, Auburn. Ashfield --Wm. J. Moaoratn and Mn. 1. Malleogh, Dungan- non ; Jae, McDonald sod Alez. Yonne, Kaft•11 ; R. H [Hoag, Port Alpert. Colborne -N. G. Boggs, Carlow; Wm Glaser, Donlon. Goderioh -Thee. Tilt, .1. Miller, (leo. Button, Wm. Craig, 9,1 wart a, Mlohrnl Farr, Walter Sautes (shop l,oeoes/. The application" of Ch•e.Symomda •od ,4.h. Hamilton, Raltford, were not .r.ot.d. Th. •pplloations of Wm. Bibb and R .1. Sante, Goderl0h, were laid over, as *se also that of John Melton.ld, Whits ohuroh. Th. &dicta n.d meeting will he 0.44 .t (7lrnton nn Wednesday, April 841.11, whom the applio•tlonn laid over will be ono .idered. NTCnrED LAW IP UonEatelt -A Brandi dsspateh tells of the madden death 4,10.1 city of Alas. D. O.meron, barrister, who studied law in tho n00o. of Messrs Cameron A Gar row In thl. sown thirty yeah sae Hie home was le the sewoahip of Stanley, and E ft* leaving (Jndsrloh he went, to London 8.4 afterwards prsotteed In Hamilton, whore hie brother, the fat• Rosh D Comer - em, was monger of the Hamilton Provident Leas On. H. D. (;.moron was at nne tire* prlmolpal .f the porde wheel her.. TO. dwp6oh tram Bra.4en 4 dotal Apel! 13 D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. Med i• as follow.: The my was @emtled this worolag by the news of the terribly sudden death of Mr. A. D. Cameron of the legal firm of Philp & Cameron. Dummied enjoyed toe usual strength, but during the Dight wits6aizal with a sudden einem and died beton • doctor oould roach atm. Ue owed was tlfty-one years 01 ego, and Ioayea • wife and tlye obildren, three girls and two boys. He Dame to H•eadoo from Toronto about twelve mars ago to become . number of the firm of Yllton A Pbtlp, Simon wblob time he has done all toe 000rt work for that firm. Mr. Cameron was • prominent mem. o w of the Presbyterian ohuroh. He was• candidate for alderman •t the liar 0..10 floc Lino but was defeated. He was • member of the Sons of Scotland and Foresjm, and to addition teethed 000•rderable lasuraooe The remain. will protahly be take° oast tor interment D.oesiaed was a great personal Mead of tb. Minister of the Interior, his former partner. AN ULD R1 41)1NT Gut: it Ed woad Hop per, •o old rseida.1 of Uoderlob, died on Monday at bb home o0 %Voider 'treat, at, the age of Nyenly-.i1 years and eight mooth. The deceased was born at Cron - brook, 000017 of Kent, England, and whim a yo0og lei wilnt«i to the army. He made be drat 50gnalotau01 with Coned• when he was dr•ft•d to Quebec. Later ba was soot to Niagara, when he joloed the Royal Celled Ian lti0.., and be served •Iso at Toronto and St. John's, Quebec, reoeloiug his dlr- charge at the latter plane •fter • period of twenty fiy. years In the army. Immediate- ly thereafur he Dame with his wife to Goderiob, arriving hers just thirty-four years ago today, and he had llv.d here ever stow. He leaves a widow, to whom he was married fifty-two yeses ago,- and five children : John and Edward, of Buffalo ; Mr. Anderson. of Ludington, Mich ; Mrs, Alex. MoLe•o and Mrs. Eryioe, of Gods- Hob. Code,lob. '1'h. d.eased was an Orangeman, and the funeral, which took plane yeeter• day afternoon, was conducted by the order, Rev. M. Turnbull was the ofolottog clergy mats. DM, AT CANNINDTUN.--The death o0 - carred at l'aOotngtoD, on Thursday tut, of Mrs. Grant, widow of the Iota George Grant, at the age of wxty.lhree yeah. Mrs. Groot a short time Igo had • tall, from which at first no serious 000saluenoes were elpeoted, but wblob lad to severe and persistent hemorrhage This wen followed by • paralytlo strobe, from w` lin she did not recover. The remains were brought to Goderioh on Saturday, .000mpanted by de. cowmen's eons, John and Francis, end d.ugh ter, Mile Jena. The interment took place in kl.itl.od oemet.ry on Saturday after- moo. ltermnoo. Rev Mark Turnbull, reolor of St. George's, conducted the formal a.ryum and the pallbser.r. •ors H W. Ball, Hugh Dunlop, ,tae Buchanan, M. Niobolson, D C. MoKy and 1) 0'. Str.ohan, Mrs. Grant was • daughter *t the late Thomas Kooeshaw, her parents being itno0g the ,.,hest settlers to God.rtcb. A. Kole ,haw, of Goderlah, is a brother, and Mr.. W,Im•r Sm'th, of town, and Mn. C R Cooper, of Toronto, are enters of the ds- oeas•d. Her busband, On late Georre Grant, was a well-koowo m.rcbant (o Gods rich, his death taking plsos soma fiftt*s years .go. Mrs. Grant continued to reside here for some years •fest thu event, and of fate years had Men living at Cano4Ogtob. She leaves two eons and two doughtier. : John. of Chioago ; Francis, biro. Woudw.nl and Mies Jeo., of Caooinguo, all of whom have the sympathy of many old (needs to Gorierich in the low of their m Watiair - THorsoN.-At 1'':0U P. Sr. yeaterdy the home of Mr. and Mn. Geo. W. Thomson, corner of Toronto street and !triennia road, was the soon. of • pleasant event, the wedding of the yoaoger daughter of the household, Mies Agnes, to Frank Wright, of the G.T. R., Stratford, a former Goderioh boy. Toe oer1mooy was per formed by Rev. Jae A. Aoder,00, B A , in the presence of immediate friends of the bride and groom. The bride won a travel Gag drew of brow. silk rep with won bands and white taffeta "ilk, with hat of brown and blue Mus Eitth Wiggins was bridesmaid end was dressed la p•!e green and white detain. and black picture hat The bride carried • beautiful bouquet of °nam bridal roses, and rho bridesmaid pink •*d ;este aarnat.toos. The groom was as - stifled by Wm Chldley, el Stratford. The ronmt were p4011117 decorated with roses, carnations and smilax The ceremony and oongratulations over, the party set down to an .ecell.ot wedding repast, after whloh Mr: and Mr. Wright lett by the 2.30 train for. trip to Montreal, previous to *intim, down In their home at Stratford Among the many beautiful wedding prese015 was • handsome silver tea servioe presented by the congregation and ohr.ir of Victoria ...not Methodist ohuroh, where the bride for the ons: two plan hitd very acceptably discharged the duties of organist. The bride's gift. from ter father was • bleuttlul- ly-fi0).h.d White •ewtng machine Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright oo.ot many blends in Goderlch, who all wish them the fullest measure of happiness in their future lite, NUT MONDAY KvlNtnn.-Th. Lyceum Opera Company, which will appear at the Opera Hon.• nett Monday evening, April 22od, includes the 1olloweog Attlee well. known In the theatrical and operetta world: Mise Mabel (hover (prima -donna), Mime Maude Hamilton (contralto), Edmund F. Mo('romi,h (tenor), Frank J. Smith (bari- tone), barstone), Meson Edgar Flavell• and Freddie La F1.mme (comedians), Mus M•b.l Glover, the prtma•doon,. before iol*ing this 0reanizetton was ooeneoted with the Castle Square Open Co., at St. L0040, Mimeourl, at welch Dleoe Rhe 3581 • prime favorite. Mees Mande Hamilton, formerly of the " Prisoner of 7,.od. 0o., le oleo a prime favorite and well deenving of the posit •oo she holds in the estimation of theatre going Raoul. Mr. Kd. F. MoCrnmleb, the tenor, lase of New York and of the Andrews. Wakefield and l'.ekard Opera Companies, will not rngune further meotioe. u he ihi too well known in the profession, and we will let Ale rspot.'Inn and work speak for ltlelf. Frank .l. Smith, thebariton. of the onm• pony, po•wse0• a ooh barite,, volea Monti, ful to quality .n4 a treat long to be remem- bered. M...r., Flavell. and La Fiamm6, the former of London, Eneland, where h• has met with great suooees, as has press tee Unionist* will .tate.,, area foam of corned. lane rarely to he mot with. The remainder of ths cute and 40mpa07 are In strict keep Inc both •rtletlnally and modally, with the members above mentioned. The pro dilation will he • trait lone to be remain bored li Oloderloh, and those who mW we leg It Dan consider It a lees to I hemeolyes whloh will be • worms of r•gr*l Plan open today to enbsortber. •1 Porter's. Prime. 255 , 36. .ed 50o. NAVIrtATIN1 THE MA1T1.AND --The Mait- land River 41.vigatton Cub, Ltd , made their first trip down i h• Hoar from Man oheat.r on W .daesday of last ..•*k The party oo°deW': ot ten 'timbers of the Nevi - patios ('Inb oadir command of the veteran commodore, Sohn N Platt, and tnolnded In tho party were eov.r•1 new members who with m.oh taw and trembling were to take their Initl.tu. Into the .oras and my@ canes of the dark 40rrene of ti.. 0apriO4.0. and ',ratio Maitland. The fleet, &insisting el titre* boat., specially ball( for over aavl4Gee by the otah, etarled fee Mon - obese., per dray .boa: 7:30 A r rather later than usual owlig ta come of lb. mom• here' ovorslesp ,v themaelre•, sod he rear - admiral's forcecting his lunch. Tho dray was eeoorlsl nut of to. ru by the iu.�u,1»re 0 0 loot, though for some n ewu a put of the esoart well seen stragalup •ioog a mile In the rear. After brief halts at the v .,lona potato of Intermit slog the route the prooessioo fee d Manchester and the ls000hmg and chri ultra tit the three vee.el was proo*edod with amid muob ezolt•meo1, but with oo Serlotu result wire the 'rotting of the oommodore's fest, senesliatlog • ohang, of suudry apparel before the voyage boron. A slight misunderstanding w•. !mused by the remark of a whsabman the 054(0er tb• faith nor loot of the oommudure was sutlioleot to suable him to walk on the swiftly 8owlog waren of the Maitland. Th. louroey was slower than usual owing to a strong head wind, hot the party ar Mod .t (Jodertoh about 730 r. M.-tu,d h.1 trtompbent. The members have no 0..o able to talk mural slam returning, bo by next week we hope to have . fall and detailed .000uot of th. trip. The boats' grows were as follows : The gag ship -Commodore PLIC, Geo. Allo,, J. C Maser!°, 0. Cooper. Boat N. 2-H. Rut moa, 0. MoGew, F. Shepherd. Bmf No. 3 -B. 1). Grant, F. Shennoo, H Jordan. DLaru u7 W. T. KiaL1.-Oa Sunday there pared away at his borne on Nelson street a well-koowo resident of Uod•riob, a man well known, lodes!, throughout Wett- er, (Anzio, In the peno0 of W Ilham T. Maly. The d000seed, who wee born to Mootnal 1701117 w1 yeas ago, was one 01 ib. Keely brothers who la the treaty 50'., before the advent of the locomotive, coon ducted the stave linos from London to Gode ooh, St Thomas, Sarnia end other point* oow served by the railway.. Inter, he and his brother, George W., were the sole own- ers of the Toronto street railway. Teo years oro he Deme from Toronto to make his home In Uoderich. Though not engag- ed L tele actin management of any bu.l new, be still retained an intermit In • 0001. her of thiaooia: .n4 Industrial 0ono•ro•, making friqueot visite t0 Toronto in mo• neotlea therewith. Has mnsutution, rehloh previously had been very rugged, some two year. ago @hawed algal of falling, •od b• sank gradually until the and came. He leave. • wife (• daughter of the late Dr Msodoutall, of Godertah), and four woe, Phlllp, Geoffrey, Mounm and John. The Wittiest took plum 00 1'••6day morning, tbo remains being 0onv.y•d from the born@ ot deceased to St. Peter's •boron, where the oelebratt00 of mar was 000dooted by Rev. Father West in the trounce of • large 000- 40reg.tlo0, The pall bearers were Hoe. J. T. Carrow, K C . hu Honor Judge Doyle, Fromm. Jordan, E Campion, K C., Phtllp Holt, K.C., end Wlllbm Proudloot Atwood 'he mourners were deose&ed's brother, Frank Moly, of Toronto ; his a0pb.w, P. J. Smyth, of Toronto ; Pupae Magistrate I.e. O'Loone, of Stratford ; J. A. Mecdoag- .11, of Detroit ; A. J. Maodoat 44, of Chi Dago, and Joseph Kidd, of town, brothers to law ; and Thos. Long, of ('olhogwood, At the 0000luetoo of the oburoh service, the funeral procomioO promeded to the Roma, Catholic oemetery to Colborne, where the tenement was mule, W.0 T U. -Vi • have been •.k.i to pub. lash • statement of M. stood taken by the W.O. T. H. oa the question of the sale of token with inference particularly to • MOO.. 0.16 in town the seoretery wrl4,e : "0% o might say the option of fettling this part'ool.' case did not rest with the Union, • Ithou,h they b•artdy endorse Ib. *talon of • mother to •taad'ov op for her boy. Repeatedly the memb•re are met with questions like this : You koow that very young boy. ce0 buy olgaret tee or tobaroo in any form, *ad you Dao even no boys the worse of liquor on the sorest -why do you not as a Union t.k• these oases eo wort?- whae good are Too doing If you oa0not help proteoe our boys! This i. whet we Intend t.o do for the future, (Cod helping us. We have boon much averse to appealing to the law and be•• been warning in various way., whtob seems to h.ve had yery little offset. Hut we would like to plead Doo• more with those who have these ar'loles for sale end ask them, not bemuse at Is the law, but b•- osu.e it is right, not to sell to boys under eighif.eo. They may think 11 dose not matter very mooh, they will gee It then, but in the majority of oases they will not. They will out h•v the tate formed ; and there 1. another and worse side to the goes tion : Does anyone Unseals that when • boy boa mgar.ttee he takes them home and . mak•e them there! No, he does It on the .ly, and so takes the lint step In deoalving his mother and oo the downward road, and God help the man or woman who helps the hoy to take that .tap. We have Hilt own wdrd (or It. it were belle, for that man If he had not been bore." The enactment of the I'rovlroial Le1asleture on the subject Is appended : "1 Any person who slther dlreorly or indirectly sells or Oriel. or fur n i"hea to a minor under elghtoo0 years nt ave, cigarettes., cigars, or tob.000 In any form, shall on summary convintion th•re0f before a justice of the pe. •' loot to a penalty of net lees Ow, • than 45(,, with or without owes or to Imprisonment, with or with,,,, 0,1.4 labor, for any term not mewling tot. days, or to both fine with or without oo5te and Imprieenment to the said amount and to the said term, In the dbor•tloo of the onnylotln4 meson' rate. And In nate el a fine, or a fine and omits Ming awarded, and of the same not Wog upon oonrlotfon forthwith paid, the 40.tloe may commit the off,nder to the common gaol, there to be Imprisoned for any term not ezoesding thirty days, unless the fine and notate ars @ eons, paid. " ANNOUNCEMENTS. Sallowi ann•el Baby Day, Monday, May 6th, Eyery child get • photo frost. Age limit 18 months. Wanted, - One too butter weekly. Kees, 12o We have 600 bushels home 1r0wn timothy and plover for sale. G. K Ki,i ,, W lo4ham. Bring poor biovol• repair work to (Sao. W. THorente & Sot.. They have the hest repair man and the fastest rider In Ontario, In the person of Alex. Molvor. Remember the clearing sale of dr..m good, and g 1 dry goods at the sign of I0• "red flea," HsmIPon et., for ono week anti too April 24th Gao BLACK, manages, TOMOS SWAM -- M''KrNLt1 A Howir,l, are oat of wheels as soon as they 1011 what they have on hand. They have two b.aatl• Int ladles' wheel. which are • bargoln a1 430 ; they are closing them out a1 425 smith, Alen • meet'. at • low figure. Huy your railway alnkste from F. F. I.Awaelte, for the Canadian Military Tour- n ament and Hone Show •1 Toronto. Tie. lime good gnleg April 23rd seri 24,h, good to retire on or before' April 29 Fare 44.56, which !naiades Idm1e6108 mnpee t. •hew. Reedy rolled points •n nnny,nlent sad toed to oast, hat Otero le • dIR•reene le paint.. Ya. that Toe rot the best. It le n eedle•s a gay the largest (7anadlan paint mnoern I. the Canada Point Ce., who maim- Of*oter. the Priem ready mired paints as sold by MAKe$rra A Hnweet.. 1. IS ales needless to say the larger the hneines@ the grouter the ?emeriti*. to Male. Thus Moho wake palet sad reputation ora merit. PARABLES IN POLITICS. The Tory Party 111 a Recum- bent Position. 4Hra.ge Faarins Cane W he• .a Ester $.,k What Ile Sew 58 the Wall Paper -The rewash Woman • Mhtsake-a Splen- did {hew far the Lt0er*[a DARrr:UTu, N. 8., April 13, 1901. Soy, Mr. Editor, 1 hope you ore 651(104 on your legs mato. Thls lying on one book, making loons and things out of the wall paper pattern, to a dull business. was siok now, and 1 mentally traced an old Indian's mug out of the wall piper oombls• • (too, and first of all he teemed like cum pony. There he was, a plain as If he was the main figura of the pattern, and I go just a little oomfort In looktog at ,b• clear, half'soowbiog face. By and by I grow a rather tared, and tried to dl.ml.s the Ad °bap, and get the wall paper to assume Its real potter°. Well. It would look • sort of natural for • while, and Men, es sure as "lo, that °fuel looking fern would start out again on the w*ll,and 10,1 look me through and through Say, 1 was soared. I got my boy Loon, then • kid about ten, to be Melds me, and 1 asked him what he saw on the wall. He says, " Why lust peps,, p0.- "Can't 0. '"C.o't you ern an Indian then 1" says 1. The boy he says, "No, tis ; I o.o't see no lojuu nohow." Say, 1 got more scared still ; for I thought 1 had som.tblog that is never 'unpaired M attack • prohibitionist like myself. So 1 gave him the exact locality on the wall, and dosoribed the face and heed -gear of the red solo ; and sun enough the lad he saw btm as clearly as I did, and I tell you It took all the soars out of me, and I was mirhty oom forted. It was a sort of •ooul.osel puzzle picture. t don't think the designs of the wallpaper meant It. And perhaps every- body might not M this to see IO for him- self, riven if he tried. Well that's jest like soon of our Tory (moods --'ITy 0.0 000jore up • 1'rsoobman every time they look Into the maze of Do- minion polities, No matter what the bill, or how Lir .,..J equable the legl.Luoo, cosy eon so (onus their tmaglo.tion se to nee • Freooh C.naoi.o with a knife In his mouth and • revolver In Pals band, threataolog the pe•°e of the ooaotry and the glory of the Empire. It's • 4501. Of Dour. I was a sick man when 1 sew that Ladun oo the wall ; and the sicker 1 was the mum dlatlnna and terrible he sa.m- ed to be. And I have uome to the eon-' oludoo that when The Hamilton Ypectalur .ad The Toronto hews see • Fr.00h U.na• Alan domuanoy looming In nearly •very polltio•l move -even In the taking of the demnel•I oealu.-1 gases tb• browdey•red editors must he grotty wok, politically • p••k ng. In 4101, the whole Tory party Is last now • little low to modltloo. When 1 oompare Mat aggregation today with the proud and assertive party Chet •'aggered about In the eighties and the tint half of the Dinettes, I'm ramrod, 1 of a oa•s that happened over in 1'ugw•ah, L Cum', eland outoty, ,lir Charles' old riding. A man h, was pretty wok ; so bad, Indeed, that the dsotor said that his medioloe would hays to be given to • recumbent position for tbs next twenty four hours. After the pbydotao left, the sok man's wits she fixed h.,sell 'Op a bit. and ran somas to the new neighbor's, and asked if she could lend a "recumbent post tion" for John to take lib medloioe in. Th• neighbor she looked very .ympathello, and said she felt so sorry, but that although they bud • very nest one of their own when they lived In Cape Breton it had got broken to the moving; It's a foot. Well, tb. Tory party Is pretty badly broke ; they are still to a roonmbent position, and are likely to td, SO loop ea waterloo firebrands try to set neighbors and Wends by the threat. 00 the other hand, the Liberal party In toe Dominion never were stronger. They have taken hold 11 almost every oppor- unity to •dvanoe the Interests of the ooaotr7. Aoart from the was altogether, they nave drawn flim attention and d of the mother country to this land, and have nosed Caned• to be something more than • name In the Empire, and even In the world. They have opened up the profit North west to Immigration In a way that would startle the old fogey agents of th. Interior Department had they atilt the handling of the 1rafo of human beings and g 1 freight now pouring into that 0184001Hm01 • retch of country between Lake 'luporlor and the Rookies. They haye administered our lands cootaioIng gold and oth-r preotoun area In • way to oommaod the admiration of our netvhbors and of the nation, In psnaral. Of oourse mistakes have been made, but tne.e have not been merinos, and they have hon only errors of judgment I and sometimes not even as had ss that, b,iog • failure through some minor oflioer having been unable to grasp his .h.r• of the general plan. Rut taken altogether, the Alminlstratdoo has made • wonderful sooner of It to the, tour years or so tb,y have Men 0anaoing things, leek aI Moir. There'rie . done more than any moo who has t to Parliament to ,how the people th the railways don't •w0 this muoery, The T. ro pspere shriek : "Touch the interests of the C.P.R., and you loj'nn the fnuntry." i■ •h.1 so' Well, If the C. P. R., or any other railway, le svaooymous with the o0a0try, 1 guess the ooaotry, had better tak.It Over •114 ran It : and 0ert•lnly they had batter oontrol it in tome measure' whether 00. v take (1 over or not. T'hem's my sentlmsnt., Mr. Editor, whether they are yours or not. Theo ..e how Billy Fiddleo is hno.11log ohe tariff question, Not • /fowl heard ; nary • equal. Th. oommerelal maohlnery le running as smoothly as It every wheel had ball hs.rlog.. Was there •ter a see. • inn where there was leu talk •bent the tariff ' in tact, an lar ea the Hon.. le we - owned, moot of the legislators appear to hate forgotten that Were Is • tariff. And • tariff la jolt like a Ilyer If you dolt know you h•.. one then It's all right. 'I his pros.,% m0diti0n of the Dominion 1)nvernmrnt makes in, th:nk of a ,tory I heard •tout old Phloem" T. hernom. A preacher tried to d* his daty towards fns greatIhnwmae, and he says to hem, "1M y00 hope to get to heaven, Mr Barnum'" Hernnm he grinned, and h, said, •'Well. I don't think there'. a man on earth has • Muer show than i hay.'" And 1 think ne Unv,rnmont Byer had • hotter show for stran{th.ning las held upon the ooaotry than that now so well handled I.y 5er %Vole(' Innrler a. Ottawa. 10'1 a hot. U. R. A Paten, The County Coen has again been ad. Innre'd W. understand the parties em Oho mem before We Court ars trying be mai a setl0ment, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - APRIL 18 aa* The Lyceum Opera Co.- Vlo1orl• 0p• era House 1 Wall l'oper--- Kidd'. Book Store 4 Hous. for Yale or to Rent -W. J. Mor- row 1 The Ernprese, the Slater -Wm. Sharman 5 4 Want • Stsp•ladder 1 -Sturdy 4 Oe Special No11o• to Water Taken -W. L. H.rton . More Wail Paper-Porser's Bop* 8tore.. A000uooemeat-U, 14, King, W1.gham., Do You Kaow1-W. C, Prldbam Two Busy Store -W. A. MaKlm 6 Drew Goods- W . Acheson & Soo 6 MoBurn.y-Beael• Bloyolo-E. B. & M 1 9 1 4 H... 4 Mao Wanted -E. H. & M. H 1 If You Are Looking for Trash -Les k Shepherd 6 House and Lot to Rent -Matthew Fol . 1 'tour Deneytist WIlI Tell'i ou-T. M. Dm ham 8 Do You Keep Cktokeos?-A. MOD,A11*n 4 `bore to Rent -S. B. Small*, Listowel. , 1 A000uommeoN-Moh.e.ld. A Howell. 1 English Spada and Shovels-MoK*azI & Howell 8 Sfen's:W•terieroot Cote --Hodgen. Bree 8 Bank Amalgam.tloo-Uanadlen Beek of Comm.roe 1 A000unoem•ot,-F. F. I.•wrwm 1 A000uooem*ot-R. R. Sallow... .. 1 A0000noemeot-Goo. 4V, Thomsons k Soo . , 1 To Farmers -W. G. Perrin, Gunton1 To Rent -Mrs, Reid.... 1 LIBERAL CONVENT ION. THE annual meeting of the West uro•t Liberal Association for the election of officers and other business will be held at Dungannon on Tuesday, April 23rd, at 1 o'clock P.M. In addition to the ordinary business of the convention, a oaodidate for the approaching( bye -election to the Local House wi14 be solocted. A full represents, • tion is requested. The Liberals of Goderioh will moat In the rooms in Horton'. block, 0* Thursday even • iug, 18th inst., at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of appointing delegates to Use riding oon• vention. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIE#• Perhaps you feel the nesi of a spring tools Why not try • new suit at Prldb.m'ef 11 you have never s werMoo.d the stimulus that (ionise from being dreesel 1n wall !!tide clothes go to Ptldham's and roe WI leo IWMr• er doubt the paten.; of the rotted). The town oououtl w;11 owlet tomorrow e Tln1g Thu so. boob' reopened on Monday MM. lop after the Kest**. vacation, Then i, talk of the ereitloa of a h000ta1 in Loderuh In Hollow, future. It is • Lad• abs scheme. Mrs. Lamb Franklloe, of Buffalo, N Y., ooann of C. A. Humber, was married oo the 6th lost. to Mr. Byres D. Amnia of Southport, Pa., U.M. The Liberals of (iodarfe& will ma L the usual meeting plain this ('Thursday) even. tog to appoint delegate. 10 the ouoyentlea to be held at Dungannon next Tuesday. !(.sloerto of spooled tmportan,e will be dlz. cussed at the neat regular roosting of Maple Leaf Lodge No 27. A. 0. U. W., whloh *111 be held on the 22nd inst. at 8 r, r. A tall •tt0adenoe to regowted, Th. Daughters of the Empire will hold • meeting to Ilio library of the court home at 4.30 r. M, on April 19th, for oomph/log rhe organizatloo and appointing •ddlrloaal nth ers, All ladles are oordlally Invited to attend James :0, Manphenoo, ez-mayor of 0ln• o•vinne, has see one of th. beet Samples of ohuroh going we have y.6 hoard of. During the lamb fifty Teem Mr. Macpherson has only mused 38 Sundays from ohuroh. Mr. Macpherson la a lawyer. " Pock's Bad Hoy" was presented at Victoria Opera House W edneed•y 1vaing of lest week to • large house. There was lots of fun In the .how and the bad bey's adventures were the cause of muob went. mint. Th* oompaoy has "loos dubaoded, the member, Irnvug tor their homes after playing In Stratford Saturday night. A deputation from Huron and Brno" waited upon Mr. Dickson, general pose. anger agent of the G. T R., last work and °ompletad arrangements with him for the June ,:onion. to 0h• Mod.l Farm at Guelph. The deputation mo5isted of Jae. A. Lamb, Walkerton : R. J. N.4o°, P•IsIsy ; J. Douglas, 1'.ra ; Wm. Robert- son, Mayhem ; W. H. Ken, Brunel.l R P: I,ittl:, T.wwater. Seaforth Expositor t We undeened that Mr. John Torrance, who remotly,ysold his fine farm to tho township of Hay, I. negotiating for the lease or ptir00..o of she Seaforth flea mill, and If hes0000ed* be will run It thio year and come to Seaforth to re. side. We hop. Mr. Torraoos will 50meed. He is a first.ol•.. mut In .very reop.ot, and besides the hen.fi8 to the sewn from haying this enteron. In operation .sato, we .hall M planed G1 welcome Mr. 'Corroon as a °Hiroo. 1 AUCTION BALES. All partici getting their sale bills printed •1 flit* omde 00111 aye a free notla, insene4 '"'• l0 this net no so the time of Mlw. W mos MOAT, April 24th. -The household furniture. Ito., of Hugh Murray. who 1s leaving town, will be .old at his resideno•, East street, on.hove date, oemm*sol,g at 1 o'olook sharp. Terme oasb. Thomas Greg OBy, enottoneor. ln0R.DAY,April 25th -Clearing "notion sale of first•ol.as farm stook and Implem.o0., Inolueing good draft brood mare in foal and good colts sired by Lincoln, 2 and 3 years old ; I thoroughbred reg1tared Durham hull,weigh. 01010 to 1900 Ib..,*n4-other Rood young oaltle ; 7 mllob cows ; pars bred sheep and pts, The lmplementa, Ito., all In good shape. Salo •1 let 9, oon. 9, W. 1). Colborne, near Loyal pest °Mo•, 4; Tile. from (ioderloh. Everything II be sold without the slightest P.eerye as the fermi hes Ines (lased. T'tt0MA, GI'NDar, aneNo.. ser. Mn. JAME*CIras, p109141trw, BORN. AN1)RRWM, - In Go4arioh nn SateMay. Apr(! Ism the wife of K r', Andrews. of • eon, MARRIED. OWEN -AMUNN 1'I'sl-.Attheresidenceofthe bride's father rnf&lgwr et . Oodanoh, oa Tne.day. Apr111eth. 1601, h Hay. Jae A. Andeeoe, NRA LeonardOwenb( Ingot Stoll, to Anna 11(., daughter of II.•nlamin Mn.nlnp. DIED• it It1,Y.- in Oedanoh, on Itunday, April ILIb William T. Kiely. GRANT. At('nnington, en Thnreday,AMI Ilth, Ann Kron(, roller of the late �oe wt Orme and tnrmorly of Ooderleth. •f year.. Kitt/stilt . At Helm,ln, Ont. Aletandee Kedah., eon of the late Prawn" Ire4alfs formerly of Oon.Aeh, aged 15 years, The fnna*al will (eke phew this ofesm.sea from th, ramdenoe of he saws. M.a Jets Dunlop, Runes Read. a16M0 A eta.