HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 108 MUMMY, April 11, THE SIGNAL: OODEItICH ONTARIO. Oat., awe having • heathy and pigment visit with Mr.. Howard. truth r, Wtlltew th •bout and otherIr1.oJs to the so tourer 0 y til A.b6sid, left for beenn loot week. It b •brut cightesu years sit» thea tot mer unit They wore highly pleased with the , .ate..lvs sad sub.tantlel Impruvemeate I which had been made to this section of country .Ince their last visit, and were loud la their promo .d the beautiful farming country in the. neighborhood Mrs. Stolt, of Ktolougb, was on Moud•y the guest of our popular and esteemed shoe- maker, t W. Little J Tient, prin- cipal of Dungannob public school, left home on Monday to attend the convention of school teachers which is to be held this weak, •t Toronto U. E. Harvey, of Freakford, near the olte of 1'hil•delphls, P.nn.ylvani., left for home on Monday. the 8th, after having spent en .ujoyable visit for • few days with itis uncle, James \Vt yard, our venial Divlelon Court clerk Alex. Walker, sot. t our venerable metres, Jae. tV.lker, left cc Moad.y for hie home et Moosomm, in the Nortbwst, alter having au extended and phrasal visit with his parrots and other retstivee et Ingersoll, Gerrie and other polota. W wish him a safe return to his home 1Vilham Voting, sou of Mattbew Vuuog, of West W•w.noeb, left hen on Monday for Dauphin, Manitoba, to visit relatives. if he Rtes the ooaotry he will probably locate there, Quite a 'number of the young rues in this vlmolty has gone out west to Roue 25c and make homes for tb.meelve., We wish 25c [heal the best of .tomes and would like to hear from them Mn John Stotber., of Woodstock, during last week visited her motherm law, Mn. Seth= Stallion, of Aobeeld, and other friends in this oebgh borhood.. ..The Misses ends and Lamle Milliese, Oollsglate students, also Sams.) Draper, teacher at Essex, and Brown Dui - Me, teaoher, are spending the holidays et their respective homes John Hiles, sr , of Kincardine, was in oar village dur tog last week oo business.. .. Mies Ntery Crosbie, of Benoit, le visiting her aunt, Mr and Mrs. James Walker. We will give away a beautiful suite of five pieces covered with fancy velour plush. For every dollar cash purchase you will have one chance on this hand- some present. It doesn't cost you anything and you may be the lucky one to take it away. Come and see it. SOME SPRING BARGAINS. MILLINERY. Just received • ease if Ladies' black and white and blue anti white new straw esilors, worth 50c, for Also • regular 75c sailor hat for. 35e Lovely trimmed hate with all the latest touches of fashion. New spring coats for ladies, with full box hack, very sightly, in fawns and blacks, from .54.0., to 1+7.00 NEW OINOHArlS HOSIERY. Ladies' fast black heavy cotton hose, extra'at 2 pair. for Fine wide ribbed cashmere hose, at per pair sass.. 25o in latest cheeks and stripes at 12ic New colored piques, worth 20c, for. Ilc New prints, special at 1Oc Ladies' Rain Coats, comfort- able, durable and stylist, from . . $3.50 to $10.00 in fawns, navy, gray and black'.._ New ties for ladies, . 15c, 25c, 50e, $1.00 O(4 MONDAY, APRIL 15th, AND TUESDAY, APRIL 16th Miss Cook, of Toronto, a special demonstrator. will be with us to explain the advantages of a High-grade Corset we have purchased. Many ladies find -a greit difftculty-in-getting a durable and perfect fitting corset and in times past have ordered them. We believe these corsets will, just suit them, they are made in different shapes and Miss Cook will fit them if necessary. She will also have an interesting display of these corsets .partly made, just started and fully finished. Come and inspect them.: CORSETS. The new straight toren corsets, a most correct fitting and easy wear, at 75c and $1.00 A special short corset covered with good jean and nicely trim - wed, regular 75c, for 59c CLOTHING. Boys' Suits, Men's Suits, Boy& Pants, Men's Pants, Siren's Waterproof Coate. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Special [lowing end ties, worth 50c, for 25c Extra value sox st 2 pairs for 25c New colored print shirts at50o New black and brown stiff bat $ 2.00 Every want in the dry goads liue has been anticipate) for spring as far as possible. We can not mention all lines we have here, nor display there all in our windows, but come in and look around Clothe out in the morning if possible, we can give'you better attention. Smith Bro'&Co DUNGANNON. DR. 0. A NEWTON. DENTIST, HAS dlecontintted his tripe to Dungannon. Will be pleased to meet ant from that neigh- borhood who may require his service' at the home emoe. Luokeow. when he will be found every day 10 the week exoept Thursday, when he visits Ripley. dpoclal attention paid to C7rrvetion of natural teeth, crown and dge work, etc. Easy methods of extract - Ing Norw..- The local agency 1p Dungannon for Tea ttluoAt. V at the affoe of J. O. WAAD, J.1'., cooveyyanoer, to.. who will receive or den for eubecriptlons, sdvertistng and Job work, and is •nthortxed to give receipts for amoante paid for tis' same TreenAY, April 9th. PARTNr.twuIP.-Mr. Walkom, of Klrkton, Ont., w• have been Informed, hae entered into pertnerehlp with John Hue., and well 000doot the branch of =More to i)ungan• , coo, he having purchased • two-thirds in Direst In the Dungannon branch. CHURCH Nobs. -Enter Sunday wee very appropriately observed In our churches that Sabbath Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Nile olronit, and Rev. T. R, McNair. of Dungannon, are 10 exchange pulpits next Sabbath, when servless to .Id of religious education lin be oonduoted The members of St. P.al'r church (Episcopalian) here heve during lest week made improve- ment" 10 the Interior part' by renniet:an and by putting to • new pulpit. The ohnroh was beautifully decorated with ever greens. etc., for heater Sunday. Norms. -.John Nevins, jr., 'Vest Wows nosh, has purchased the right of W ertm.n s fence from Andrew Ktrk sod le prepared to takth oral -r. this season All who have put Wsrtm•n's fence on their farms are highly pleased with 1t ....Our p000lar V. 8 , .1. Medd, during the latter pert of Ire week sold his bleak driving mare to Henry Kerr for • hsod.ome .nm Dr, Ma('rse has recently sold hie business endimedio.l peach doe to Dr Rrlos, of Logien. 1)r. Ortoe bee been in the medioal profession for upwards ul thirty years during wbloh time he has had lenge experience. Dr. Moen..Intends about the first of May next to take up • pest graduate course Dame Rumor pate 1t that another V, S. sod oleo • watch - anther have arranged to =mambos business to their respective lines In the near future, probably this week. We welcome them. David Kell is emoting . drlying shed and stable on his premises. SrHeRt,r PARTY. -1b view 0i .Andrew llreaney, of Ashfield, who for many years has resided on the farm whloh be recently sold to Robert Duroln. west W.wsoosh, retiring from tee farm,' lugs number of his friends and acquaintances resembled at his re.ldeaoes 5th concession, Ashdsld, E ll , on Friday evening o1 Ire week re • sar- prleo puny. A very enjoyable time was spent In amusement and music '!'tie most tntereitlog feature of the pleasant evenmg'y entertainment wee • beautiful address er- pres.lva of the high esteem in whwh the ble couple' were hold as worthy oltiuns and obliging and kind neighbors, accompanied with a presentation to each of them tf a valuable and beautiful easy Chair. The venerable couple have resided on the premises reoeotly sold for nearly fifty yens, at least forty-seven years. They will be much missed to the community in that nelgb- borhood. We, along with their numerous friends, wish them true bipploess and msoy years of health and contentment to enjoy their retirement and rest wherever they may boost* COMING AND (IOINn.-!t. D.vlson, wife, laughter, Mies Etta, of Goderich, and son, Welllogton,wbo has a position in Woodstock, were the Roosts et Mr. and Mn. R J. Crawford on Good Friday, and returned home In the evening with the exception of Wellington, who Is extending his visit wltn William Crawford •o4 renewing former acquaintaooes.... Master William `Mothers, eon of )i'ephen Stothen, of Uoderloh, ar• rived here on flood Friday to ylsit relatives and renew former ra)nelnteooes I) MoNevlus 'set week returned home after an extended visit to relatives south and east of here. He reports having bed an enjoyable visit of about ten days, W• are pleased to see the venerable gentleman looking so well . ...Wm Howard and wife, of H•ger.vilie, county of Hal iimainl, BLUEVALE. TO'9DAY, April 9. Mrs. Daniel Lomas visited io Rraeeele on Sloodey. Edgar Coolies, of R.pley, le ependtaa Lie holiday" at home. Mrs. Hiatt*, of Hamilton, 1a visiting her mother, Mrs. Rutherford. Mn. Ray, of Lletowel, visited bar daughter, Mn James Aodersoo, in Tent- h' try this week. Rev. D. Rogers was 111 on Suo.l.y. John Kerr, of Wutghem, preached Io toe pleoe o0 Sunday evening. Rev. K. Paul, of Brunelle, preached In the Presbyterian ohurch lot Sunday, owing to Mr. West's absence et Wooistuoa PORT ALBERT. Trs'DAy, April 9. Sucker -fishing has begun. Mn. Millar. of Stella, is hen ma a visit to her deter, Mrs. Jr. Oleer, Mr. Burden, of Port Bowes, lett for his home today..afl. a epe•diag • !stubs' with friend. hers. Mrs. K. Duthie, of Dungannon, 1. staying . tea days with her parent., Mr. and Mn. Jr, Crawford. Among the visitors for Eater ore Mies ('onoingbem, twoher, Grand Rend. W. T. Celluw, of I:oderlob, and Walter Hawkins, teacher, M.feking. CHURCH NOTES. The Hooter anthem, "Christ is Riser," was sung by the choir of Vlotorla street Methodist church oo Suodev morning. At Knox churoh also the services were appro• prate to the great anniversary. The tubiect of iustruotion next Sunday et t. reuses •t mar w111 be " Liberty to break .11 the laws or any law of the churoh of whiob one remains • member Is religions anarchy, nor religions freedom ;'' et ves- pere,"The Old and the New Testament are the ben and word of Ood." At the meeting of the Epworth League of North street Methodist obnroh next Toes - day evening • paper will he given on "Orr Country's Problems," after which the sub- ject will be thrown open tor g I du.ous- stoo. A hearty Invitation Is extended to all to be present and coke parer the diens- glom. lwrge enegregettom at'end.d ail the esu- vier .t Sr. Pewee Eater Sunday. The )I instruction et high mw was on the •ttrl• butes of Christ's risen body. At vespers Rev. Father Heolou, of St, AugmNoe, de livered • well.orepered diseuseboo oo the object of Infallibility. The •Iters and .anotuary were covered with flowers and 'tropical plants and the sanctuary and gal - tory were tastefully decorated with booties I'ne church looked beautiful, espeolally at bro.diation. The choir and orchestra sea• dvred all their selections exc.dleotly. 1'hs services In St. Oeorge's church last Sunday were of • festive character appropri- ate to the season, and the florid decorations were very prettily arranged. Io the lo• strumental part of the msec the organ was added to by flute, clarinet and baritone horn, played by H. Hleckstooe, H. Cuff •n4 W. W. MaVicer. The @elootion played I. during the offertory in the evening was from Hendeb's "Messiah," and was espri.11y fine, 'lb. "legion throughout was yespeed. la the morning the anthem was "Ohrlet beteg sired from the dead," and Woodward's Te D um sod Hrowe's oeu mouton service were also wog lu the •0i1 0K'Tours' Mageiti st and Nano limitus were sung end the re spoors used wore those arranged by T.IIis. kb. °rob I e000mpenlmwt to the singles was eery elso iv.. Two able dieooursw were delivered by the rector on subjoin.* ap- propriate to the Erre (estival. The •venins same* at North stress Methodist church ou Hater Sunday was of • spootal ohereotsr, appropriate to the day. rhe mutual eerv,oe Inoludsd the anthems, "Life tem the Dead," •ad "Ohrls. our I'eswv.,," which were effsotiv.ly rendered by the choir. A gueratte, Misses Pilo" pod N. Koos and Merv, Hrydges end Adair, snug "Christ is Kiser," and solos were rendered by Miss Krowo,"The P.Ime," sod Mr. Hrydg.e, "Tb. Muter Is Came." The sermon. which wee given by the pastor, wee an interesting dbcuuroe on the rogue. recelee, Beautiful Bowers surrounded the pulpit. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Wanted, 1000 bush. timothy and clover ✓ ead, 100 turkey*, oleo dried apples and butter. U. E. Kion, WIN/tem. James Heals, Wellesley siren, will pay oash for 5,000 or more sound empty bottles, 4 end 6 ou., ouch as ars used for shoe dress- ing, oto. A. J. (:Doper, the oesdsman, Ina =so dies log • rushing trade the pest weak eupplyiog farmers end others with their spring reds. Saturday particularly wee • very good day. and he did • rewrd•brea►io0 business. He hes • full stock of field and garden seeds, of the omit quality sod at the fright prior l'sll and re biro. Qunnere FUNEIyL PIM)t:sssIOR IN Morin) PR-I'rttrn -Don't fail to ere the grandest event of the age, the toners' of oar late beloved sovereign, Queen Vlotorie. taken et Hyde 1'ark corner by 1bes. A. Edifice, .bowing all of the male portion of tete magottioent pageant, from Field Mar- sh.l Earl Roberta to the end, together with • large number of other scenes of • humor ono, pathetic and torero character. toter o pened with music and song. Viotorle Opera Home, Uoderloh, Moodey eves tog, April 1506. Auspices St. Gecrge's Young People's ()olid. Prior : reserved 35c ; en mission 260. ohildrea 15o. Plan et Porter's book store, AUCTION SALES. All parolee gettingtheir sale bills printed al of floe ooe willve • tree notice ineerssd in this list up to the time of Wee. .'SATURDAY, April 13th -Attrition sale of born'., cattle, harness, etc., at Gandry s mut, oomm000ing et 1:30 p.m THoe. Or.r DOT, Cilc ioorr. Winx3511AT. April 17•b.-Ilorsrre.d amnion sale of farm stook and Implements a' lot 4, c000wtoo 9, W. D. (,elb•rno. oomn sooing at 1 o'clock. Tare. CAM r esu., proprietor. Tithe Gt.., nay, euotioo ser. '1'iOMADAY, April 25th.- (`tearing amnion sale of Bret -clam farm stock and Implement., including good draft brood mere iu ' I sod good cults sired by Ltncole, 2 and 3 years old ; 1 thoroughbred registered Durhsm bull,weighe close to 1900 Ibs.,and otherood young cattle ; 7 miloh cows ; poi bred sheep end pin. The Implements, .to. all In good shape. Sale et lot 9, 000. 9, W D. Colborne, near Loyal poet office, 4j miler from lioderlob. Everything to be std without the slightest revery* as the faro bee been lewd. TROIKAS Ot•.NDiy, •uotios- ..t. Mrs. JAMS@ C1.Aalc, proprletren. ( REPAIRING LIVERY he wees•eees011010ee i?oyal Horse and Cattle Spice One 601 lite lest etiolation powders on the market for horeee and tittle Especially Lonetieiel when used at this twtwou of the year. 3 pound package for 25c. For sale only by F. t DUNHAM, Phm. B., The libels family of,David 0. MoRobes s, London townehlp, Eve In number. be. been billeted with smallpox. The oldest girl to In Chuton at tpe home of Peter l'eotoles, suffering with the disease. 15 appears theft one of the bays while going with the hey• premiere oontrsoted the nee, .e, and slime then one atter another he. biro taken lli with what was supposed to bet hiokeopox. The young man who bad recovered hoe been .11 over, even to Greaten 10 get shaved, se that 1t is diffoult to say when 11 will end INTRODU `ING "WALK OVER" SHOES We have secured the exclusive agency for this famous and incomparable shoe, which is known throughout the United States and is the acknowledged standard of excel. Ince in 1•len's Footwear. We want every Ulan in Goderich to make their acquaint. \ ance. You'll like them. They are an advanced idea in shoe making—the combination of all good 'points that make satis. factory footwear. We desired the best shoe made for our customers and could not get a shoe made in Canada that suited our ideas of fine footwear, consequently we took the agency for Geo. E Keith's famous Amer'can make, the •• Walk Over." They are made in all the new leathers, ideal patent kid fetal will not crack. Ruwisn and vet calf and the finest of vier kid, all widths au style.. You can get from us as good shoes as the world produce.. Famous Queen Quality for women Famous Walk Over for men. P. T. [-DILLS THREE ..A'19- Aov•re Aorlve AGENT WHIN PLACID THE SIGN FIFTY-FOURTH THE WEEKLY IN e1Nwe T 000W011. Ai Vs" Wisest .lour. tawW• ter cwt....._, ►lour, patent. per owl Been, p ton .. . Short•a ton Mooning., per Owl .. sass . . Rye, per bush Buckwheat. per bosh l>aa H buan .... ..... Pee,, 5 bn. n. Berber. pee buib.. Hsi. 5 too Porter e• bear ..... nutter. — llttee.e. Der lb.... sass gage, fresh oasts/al. 5 QwL wood ....... ..............» ll.des. ..,.-.........-� sass, lamb-ltkI.. Liv. Hon .� Dressed Holy. Baer.. ... ..........— _ Ham. per Ib lard. Per l\ Dressed wafter Rear, ow Cattle, Expert • Odlna/ Goderich. The Cash Shoe Dealer A big display of White Underwear w $ltuatiOOa Vaal AN rKD.-BY APRIL l6' trued girls as cook, p. rte )nudge wood Pork, DeI'1 derick. to Commencing Saturday, April I3th, and continuing throughout the fol. lowing week we are going to make a special display of ladies' white cotton underwear. The whole of the large upper flat of the store will be given up to white 1r(r : for that time. There has been no such showing of fine underwear made hors: before. You are invited to come and see it whenever and as often as you wish. Our object in making this special display is not so much to make present sales but to get you acquainted with the new underwear stock. We want you to feel free to come and go as you please. There will not be even a hint of buying unless you wish it. .A Few Words About the Underwear. The ladies' underwear we have gathered together for this special display is the prod- uct of the best and largest factories in the Dominion. It is made in bright, clean work- rooms' by skilled operators who do nothing but make underwear from one year's end to another. It is good in any way you like to take it. Tho materials are all thoroughly reli- able, every garment is well and carefully• made, sizes are all full, in no case is there a skim, ing of material in order to get a low price. Most of the goods we show are made from high,gr•ade English cotton and are handsomely trimmed with neat and stron? embroideries, laces and insertions. We print here a few descriptive items, they'll do to gtwe you a slight idea of-: the styles and prices, but the best way to find out just how good this underwear is is to .see it at the store. The ffoilghtly McBarney=BPii i� To Fee them Is to rummy them. .__To try them is to buy them Gowns Publle Novo' J i• 't C1 A I. NO (ICE 1'0 1.3 T.%KCBS 1N ARIIRA119.-I w ater n'r for the year I910 most out fail by May 1st or w•.er will t t). 1.. HOKTON. oolteotor. I)KN41LL,K NURSEKIE )) HZALTHY TRIES. W. taro • full line of fruit. or evergreen trees •t lowest pot 14 rite 10 no at oats for tato orders .arty one ..ours the want. Address : EST. JNU. Beooalllor, (NIL 14 I CORSET COVERINGS. Mode from the finest English J.' ton and oambrlo, handsomely trim mad with fine .•mbrotdery, leer and Insertion. . ..... 75o, 1.00 and 1.21 Skirts For Rant. HOOSE TO LET -A FI house on Angles= streel. s =pied byMr tilee.u. fir per to Mrs. CttlA /MID. Ink..R L'OR SALE OR TO Rh .1 brick bear. oornsr and N merleo street a or p List to W. J. MORROW. nam •least HOUdR AND LOT 10 R prapertt Oa the Wirier o' MODoo.ld .treat. 1.1017 owned by Davie MoB en. Ir. H 'u• new, lane orw ears and ,toed the premises. Perwlun at n1 MATTHEW POLICY. Darin F LUNE TIOHR, Uoderloa. p0 RKN1' FOK IIB 12 1 south heir of lot 10. N. a Qu Oodeeleh township, eco.. rocas 1 goof orttards it the propertf ed also The pl•o. Is wall fence an abundant supply or water. MoM ATH oderioh. P.0- or erE V aNg. Cllotoa. TI) RRN r — 'TORR TO lhrivina western town. snit g oods, r ot'e tut Junto... r .'User shoesor general store Qualm a0na An A t 'tan1, newly reel leading farms ' hotel sad mirk from poet omoa Town eapport tries tanning. dalrrlog. fruit it, Ina. /lrettlaw opening. • reg, the right roan. Write (f Jou me N. tilt He 1901 MODELS l'rettier and better than ever. We have other wheels at a lesser price. For Ra DOS SALE -I OFFER TO' quiriar acre or more, wit hour and 0,1E1n:tidings.' There of first-clase fruit ire= oa the orr toJOHN HIL on the Kitten' P.O. T AND FOR SALE IN .11-4 GODBRICH.- Poe sele terms. the propert• knows as binds, being part or Nook "I' buildings sad water righta on t lard. For terms apply to GAR ROW. solicitors for the vendor. Bicycle and Music Are You Building &eat Ow WALL PAPER.... The great Wall Paper Trust is broken, and we propose to give the public the benefit We're here to sell Wall Paper. We don't care whether you want it for your kitehen or your whir, we havepatterns that will please you and the price will just whet vou want to pay for that particular room. our paper's are all carried in stock ; we leave already received over oce Oar Load, and etill more tO follow. It will be a clear ease of our city corflpotitore bumping up against a itona wall this time. Prices Commence : New papers at 4.e and 5c .901.191L. Pretty colorings and tante at be, 7c, 8c And 10e per roll. Von can buy a 50c paper this year for 35c Our Telophose is No. 100 R BELL TELEPHONE CO. While the ." dead head " le using your Telephone von may he looting a volatile order Refer him to the Public Tele phone office, where the charge is 5c. a call. GEO. PORTER, owl'hotte No. 100. A House or Barn, or anything else this year ? People are coming from far and near to buy their hardware of McKim We buy for cash. We buy in large quantitien. We buy in the best markets. We buy the beet. Our experience in buying saves money for our :customers. It will pay you to order your twine and American yie Id:Fencing. We have the AGENCY FOR THE AMERICAN .=-,WOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large. Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides for expausion.and contra, - hen. Only Best Bessemer steel wires .,,„,.. used. Always ef uniform quality. . MOO Never goes wrong no matter how great a Stall HI ..t. is put upen Does net muti- late, hut does efficiently turn cattle, horses. hogs and pigs. 10,101. • SOMA or tr re 111 EVERY ROO OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED EIV THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See tt_ Can show you how it will SreVe• you money We have mold milee of N. fencing. Thin year 0 IS lietter 'h.te ewer. Mad• of good stiong cotton, petit yoke, linen buttoos, nook. Ord and oufis trimmed with narrow °dying, "rola' eel= 45c Made of fine ootton, yoke of •Iler• n ide rows of openwork inurtionsi and olosters of fine took., t,e.k and sleeves trimmed with 1; irch cam• brie trillion, each 4- • 75c Mode of fine English oo.ton, bright cambric finish, 4 wide °lusters of fine tucks down front, pearl hu. tone, neck, hoot and cuffs trimmed with 2i inch embroidery and feather stitch braid, each Made of hoe English moon. earn• brio finieh, yoke of fine leoe and em- broidery insertion, yoke and neck and cuffs trimmed with floe muslin frill. leg and inch yelenmennes Isom e sth M•de nt strong col ton. 4 roes at line woke mid 1 lath ottaibri• ME. Made of fine end strong Esglish ootton, 5 rows of narrow took., 35 inch cambric frill, per peir . Made of fine If.orleh oottoonambrio finish, 4 Darrow tucks, frill et 3 Inch fine embroidery, r pair Vtry floe F.oglish motion, cambric finish. 4 row, of ninthly fucks. hill of looti embroidery, per paw Fin• y English =arm, fibli of 3 Inoh fine embroidery, "penis' per pair . Very fioe oambrio English =Don, &tithed with fine tering sod handsome embro:dery. per pole 1.00 65c 85c Medi of fine Fnelish °often. em plre style, yoke of cluster of narrow tucks, embroidery sod baby ribbon ,rimmed, =liar of Ironton and wide embroidery, neck :and sleeves em tinting made front the finest cram net° finish English cotton, h•rl to tell from lords!, oambrio, hand - rally trimmed with floe insertions, siateetariss sae tacking, mei, 2.25 and 2 50 CORSET COVERS. Marie from strong EneLsit =Mon @ h• aven neck, 2 rows of 1 inch fine ea• sily wor th 36o 25c Mad* horn ti,e English cotton, Pesti hut•one. V "tape front and hoar, 2 rr. , • 1 inch embroidery each hr gra. oleeil e•mbrio finish, "guars yoke. peed button*, row of 1 Inch °Pen ion I 1.,,n and II Inch fine em broidery • or front, 1 inch embroid- ery neck sad brae, opecnal Made of strong Eoglitb ootton, 6 loch frill, e,»ol.l vela., eaob 4 Made of good quality, stro.a not too, hill site, 7 rows of Darrow tucks, 2 Inch tem Made of fine English ootton, trim mod with olostiers of floe Indio and frill of 4 inch embroidery, spegel value each 7 Made of fine Enelish =Don, trim mod with two rows of fine tucking, inch frill, edged with boob eni. broldery, special *soh.... 7 Made of fine English =non, °lust ere of fine tucks. In= frill with mit inch open work insertion and 2 Inch hem ana DA in Hutchision's PHIL at Mime A 0001)90 ACRE FARM ca. Lot 11. poorest= 14. ship. ensued la miles from 1 miles irom Clinton. Good bo orchard, wells, and spring oree of fall wheat. Terme ressone,, Dods:lett. lett klARM tOR MALE -TI oleos farm known ss Fano," being It. half :rot rt. oon Wswanosh. Ion acres, Nacres a good state of noltivation. There is on the place &wool tw dwelling house 1111.3.1 with win g od stone cellar. • frame hi None "tables under. t acres of s good never leering walla good ola,- loam about 70 acres of fon whet., •nti imm• fall p More are good It it on a emit 00nrenient I) lb IVO hdle, =hot from the vitriol of •nburn, Itlyth,111 miles from the towi and teint on. This is a very de no poor or elude land. /roe full particulars apply to I solicitor for the aerate of the I 100 Made of floe English cotton, wide frill of handsome opeowork embroid- ery 125 IliMerle of very fine English ootten tucks, 12 Inch, full finished with 6oe openwork embroidery 1.45 Made of very fine English cotton, eambrie finish, wide frills of hand values at 1.90 and 2.50 The New Erect Form Corset. amain end musical direm pip. memo and theorl, 11111 1,11 retire pupil.. Instrootion p studio or at Poen'. Nita& lut a' at Itmarson'e Music More, We Medical E▪ ARS SHANNON k GA of commas= buggine, weet Night colts at reeldetines IN Shan on. IN 014 rendes= Napier st. •Phows 44. This'ais the popular corset today and is rapidly superseding other styles. It grows in favor because it is stylish, perfect fitting and comfortable. Erre form =reefs, made from tarring Freinob "WM filled. vide side stogie, stay beet, lours waist, ire and baby ribbon trimmed, per pair .. 1.00 Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store The plus to bay all ROA 060 alma, We fill telephone orders fromptly. Our number is 25. Hodgens Bros. .1gents for Standard Patterns. GODERICH. (111,44 sF1AW, • ANCR and real estate door east of P. 0.. rootterieb. Leading mutual tire 1,imirsace leading stook serni,anlite lowest rater at &Boa Iv R. KORIORTRO X . Accountant and fossil 111 oinks and accounts made Buildings rented and lento ,Ilrire Inemenos in British stow Goderick. I.. !HIRANO' anti Rao Firs, 1.1fro, Accident and Plate siTertel on mistrial or orb rasa. sow hin. mat lgrerlish anti Oalledles rsaeis tad. rioters H..olltoe Mow, Situation* Vs T rostra ars with • It plied alc.0411 h. Rla 110