HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 8-_ _ _
- --- A BATTLE ROYAL. ISSUE NO lb 1901•
dt'edt when arias at the front fluor ♦♦♦♦O♦N4♦+♦+++N•♦����
bell sande ►ter mart new )usi3. it � - IN BBD THREE YBAflS. —_ --
I cerin>•d to her that It was enols Nmu • HALf A UU1EN l'uw Urtrat+ oras is titrrgtle sur a
CEYLON AND INDIA 11...11000 ' before rhe hrarJ Jububuu'r step ru- I , t''�t' ��
t tunaiug frutu tho trout dour, 'in•1 ` U `7 p • The calf, having outwit saiftelently �e e
Juliebca'r ruiuu raying, lu u soar tu►1 JMUI\ I J I DRIES a The Hippy Ending Ot a Very sod Iretlug ills D►bv lrgr tired utvthe
GREEN O R BLACK. • of rytupathy respect : l , • wrlght tory IInJ taut !rt learned to
"K'In Sou gunge U hero, t af.ln-lu- ♦ SOrtoUs and PalfliUl Case. carry, laid utier i itiou Ui LUIr the �OO�
.... to .Sit Chaelos' btudy l liber Faaanu �•Ne`••f�♦♦•+•♦+++H♦••w cow shitted her yurilluu. tike turned
Trade is confederating the Empire. ons of eir chu bee' sititera, ma'am. Ir ',Why, what's the matter, daugh- halt round and lifted her head high,
r in the druwiug-room." ter Y Deou married but h brief month Mrs. HuRbes Was Very Ito -- B►uated Aw line dol r, a ,sense of peril war
Britain is Canada s best Customer. He turned tilt- t,tudy-dour haiudle; uud weeping bu bitterly 1 Tell me rad in Cuastant Mh,ery, Sh• tluner- buruo hl upon her fine uorlrlld. Sho If Ou haveeleural la, SCOtt�t
Ant kilo �Sw,r w'tw looked. what is Lue trouble. purely you au1 thin
sista- like le Now of uugur ,Nle rulf(ed Rgaut ; Fii ulsion of Cod Liver oil
®r,t11n Caf\nOt buy if she does not Sella A IlarsII: ttnrd roioo.satd-eiowlY Junk haven't gearreleJ *Irsady,have eddd's udnerrp l3eturr •b• C'•ed rwwgnlzeJ ,t lustantly. N'It11 u snort
front within tilt) room: you?" Uodd'e Klduay "tamped a chnlleuge with her fore
ass I L' \ urn+.'tt is a iirais:t got • ty by Itrittsh caltitat. tl bat Ir tt T" "No, muwwu. 1 Wali and Happy. houlr, and Irvelied the laace-lwiats „t will feed the nerve that is cry -
"A young lady wisher to ,speak W "And be baw't gone away and lett �torle Oat., April 11.--1F1peclulJ_ Iter kurus towards the manner. Thu
)) l'eylon Trar are sold !n scaled ' lertl yoou, "lit am. own eomething very y°Ohl u butt)" u ! Juck wuuWuit be Nelson Lefl .r, Ju tics of the Puuc+ west gumewt her eyed, wade keen h)' ing for ftwd-it 1S •hUngC}'�
" ALA A the lame of lure, ile junipe the ho t
S packets only, areae in bulk• ffinow thin yumg Indy loin till gultr wt- mean at- tlwt Of this place• vcR►chee fur the truth uutlluoul uta 1)<vir's bead through the and set your \whole body going
Ulatk, fuzed or t a;uluroJ i eyiaiu druwlmQ ttxtln•" "Then.w•hat In the world cuu have of the Mruwing so,d Hughe story. cuaroo screen of tun juniper. ilinguki again. in a Way to satisfy nerve
lirraldlne In " k oftek at the mound happened to make you rt) miserable Y !+Olid by Mrr. Thwt+ts Hughrr. a rreond's heritutiuu, rhe flung hV
Breen. Samples os appikatio 1. Ad r fie " bALAUA." "Ilrrunlu, of the voice, nn.t the servant will's- Lr Jack In truuble-1 mean, has ue Verification, however, will not Dr tier tuft, gave a abort bellow, On`l and brain from your usual food.
penrif eedpPctfully- wet with any revrrrer'!•• neecosiary to ths4e who know Mrv. ahurgwl.
_ "\won't you git bank, fns'am T lu- Yea. wawmu, that's It ! HIr re- Hughe", ear that 14atty le cuu of the •line moment who m►w herself detect- ghat 1S cure.
♦+++++++++++++♦Ni +i+++ ••♦ ,teed, It to of n.t use. Y•w Lad bottor verbe". When he w•ur courting we most highly ree)Ircted lirsldente "/ al, kilo liens sorb• upon her hind- If yuu are nervous and irri.
+ nut era her; pOtrs lite Chattea weld he never left the house till 12 u'cluck Grey Couuty. Mrs. Hughes rays: ywtrterv, ue,erthelesr, she wee lu r
not wish It.' he after and now he's till ad filet " I war a great sufferer for four measure surprhred by the blind fury table, you may only need Thorn
' f ORTU N ES For Johnsi.n knew Hiss Oeruldine, rule and never tropes home till aWut Iyenrs. I wa/ treated by f til tactors. of the attack. g aty rite some ti a fat to Cushion your nerves-
+ GERALDINE S __ ~� ~ " ��Iht trona °°'t`'' b
snA knew hor history tat. that time." -Richmond Dispatch. pt rvuh! It, almiwg at the ergs time
But the girl, whose seer war whllu. stater. I tried nearly every kind of a stento mini her mighty tore arm, yOu are proba ly thin -Ind
with grief, while her eyeLhW were Au embarrassed minister gave out usedicUe i could ileus ot, but nous which, If It Uwt found ►ts mark, would t'7 ,
t++++++t44 f++iiN�+�♦•��;+++♦++ llenv) with arying, andivvrr.l (niter- the firms line of a uymn : seemed to do me ally good. have /mashed her adversary's neck. cott s Emulsion of Cod Liver
I was to bed for nearly three Oil Will VC ou the fat, to be-
Geraldiue utterod u faint cry. The I reeu eyes, rhe broke off In the mit- Ingly_ "This world le all a frightg "hue," ,ars. I had ice up toy •pial col But at- rUo rt rock out, In the act y
isle of her speech and stood edlenl 1 mast, 1 mart, Jdrpson! It Is my That did not sound right and bo tY�. In my head over my egos, across of tiletlro her hrewou, a ff ti r bal-
wlwle aspect of her visit to Viar- before him. only' cheinea, you know." and tilt- made another attempt : buck. through my left bide, affil of the ground threw her oft e s asp gin Wltfl.
lughuw was rudSeuly ohacgad to Aer ; '•It is for me to iurlat here, well- young voice quavered on the lust •'Thin world is all a stwutlag flee." htY horn. The next lurta.tst ons sharp CUIC, SO far as It goes.
sat ho, In w torr a voice ab, words. Driven W desperation by the smiler I�carionally In my right aide. bora caaght her slnntingly to the
it Lad bewuw shad:iwed with un• pini y g of his congregation he charged at the " F or three Bights at a time t would flank, ripping Its way upward, while Full Cure IS gettlfllt the fit,
kouwo terser/. ever, but with uuthorlty which sub• Itery reluctant) hs UJ the lel Bever close my eyes in deep. I was the mad Impact threw her upon her at-
oQ n Bamber, du you know &fly. dued rveu her. "�l,d 1 tpust insist up- through tho dark halls, when the top of bit, votes: torribi bloated. so that Icuuld not Ou need from esu food, and
"This world le all a sheetlbg flow." 1 back• ,
thing I' Can you toll me anything f tis your making a, atient's ddoor ; f4cker 1 grimllntilerdim lampliglht� sit a walk. I[y age wu huty
1 am wall[IBg K :ylludly ; Basi to have txiuco ,atrtrl+ie my P TD of he sat down ezhatuNd, walla uP Uraand w , rhe and her areal d her COtt S mU SIUn Wl alp you
one of the deaoona read : acs wave 1 woo mall slur. and aic shoulders Ina trap. aad her t0 that.
to meet that man• whom I fear and otherwlve 1 will not aurwee to the solemnit upon hertuuttOf tl eirlhea%y " I have taken In all [ourLssn butes i antic claws rut through tAe flesh
almost late, atteady trlgAtewa err!" i cousequoucies.' "This world is all s fleetlnR saow," g g 2t- yea►.r•.a «led u, +aad h,r tree saw
of Dodd'r Kldnsy Pill►. and now 1 am las sa sees lr t. „e wnl w,yn.e .ou
"I kuuw uut6lBg," hu replied; "but Elitubetn could just see, behind the frames, to the urawing-ro,+w : aad, g4ich was LhP correct version. btr and able to da a good cLay'r pe 1 lfuew' adv knt ge ;out r the der-
hyrleUtn's fl e, the bed with her at- ho ushered ler Into the long. c,ld Clergymeu are particularly sub)ect ware I tate ever b, su. Tha duc smote ld Inflict Do ut der g blow. otos r a suwivs list m.lria,
D gt►r rt P.l n rartment, idwre one Inm at' the aha could tntthe oto dlsa Dung bough Torvaao
you way learn romettiiug w night. Druther rlttlBg tip to it, rupl!O ) D to the pranks of tag Ilttle word Imp
not from Lindley Fielding -otic. by by. pillows, and with Lindley by hie other end made a Ilttle circle of 1191 but are nut always conscious of it ton said I Dad Rcould be . They The caw, on the other hand, though wcawJ,w..dd,uulsia
tho-by, was the cause of Sir Charles' ugtll the omission or evasion has sold (hat uitlldng could ba duos sur toutllatewi nasi streaming with blood,
sick'. she could see too that the writ- in Liao vault -like Jarkner;s, the count k T undln • with her whole ger
illness -but from 7uur guardltlm ing-table watch usually' stOe"I Rt the of an old .woman rubbing was the produced a sensation. Oue dellWrata wte. e. W 4
himself." gr t spanker alluded on a Sunday so u ,. I war not able to eat anf 001\, eve weight, and with Wort• tremen- RUSKIN A OENUfNE CELT.
Ttie park gates were Sow to sight ftot of ttte bell war Bot nL the ride eetln which met her rurr. only corn starch and soup of toms hour shocks crushing the breath from ..�
Re hep laud to the led e. of it, argil that the Inkstand was CHAPTER IA, church supper which was to be glgeB klt.J MJ welgl.t had lgcrrased [roan aur foe's ribs.
lin g open, \with the Impulsive activity of tl'lr•:i tUu \,car ur tuirm4l.nlu It. ! to the future, of which "due notice« 11:' to 147 pounds. I am now down Presently, wrenching herself tree, Ancestors of tieistamOusCriticMore
'•That is the Ilail," he said, 10 a at- girl, rile Instantly nttemPted to the• Hell. after hi+ vials to world be given. That was. what he tom normal mel he ain. I ran
Mw voice. but he ut u n° Chnrlos, and her futile attempt to IBtewdcri to ray, but the "Imp" sub Y K aR the cow dreg off for another 6rttrr Mamsd Y'Calwsan.
ss Dr. Cadbury : D D never SRy enough for Dodd's Klduey In charge; and air rhe did so tar
A mull war standing by the gates; arm like Iron to bar her entrance, ,,,uucc artists Eltzubclll Olu'dy to :.c stdtuted "new doughnuts." and the Pitts. far I atm satiefled that the g tor. Alezander (aemklty gore the
belt he gluBk A+vny at- the little cart and sold, to a whisper that absolute. unfortunate man war the recipient y trile hurlad hermit vherfee down oveninw Rwtin tlof him tar other
utile to lu•r dyiu� br�therr wirhe+t, saved my ate." the #lope, na I gained Der teat behind evrWn LDe enrols of ills luvertl
dense up quietly. ly awed her by a resolution superior of a donation sty on filertreugih Tbare are many g a dPBw• thicr(•t of Iwy scrub. Tlr I g gn
to her owe- ,ur w:lhkrJ thn,ul;ll the park uiJ Pa ladles sufferlo a/ rico" luto the family tame of Res-
"Jumt the same, sir, by the last ac• a.iwrg tar i neadow•path w•u:cU led to of the supposed holt. These /tortes. Mrs. Hu her did, although but [rw
counts," said the lodge -keeper• lu "I must request you to retire." till. vlearage. u good dcul J.sturbrd recall to mind that of the Eng g cow, with uie eye bile, th glared in trr►y. un weotrnlLand f Lor e,
Ebe faltereu, met his cruel eyes. Itch curate• who drawled out: "Herr may ire +at- hKi ns /he woe- arouwd for her til valor, tarn, b a In mule, under t In tar Land ut o Vru-
anrwrr to ]:eginrld r Inquiry, a• hs In uuu Liullcy 1''clulittK ln•ad• tai begtnneth the ntt6 rhapter of has Deranged KWgt ys are rPsp,wniblP !,Hale of ytiothPr terror, plugged bark
opened the Rates. and struck by a sudden fear of,hlm_ tce,l. as lit. coUAn E11z1lh,all :,ad ft) ulmoet all the trouble that cum••" to her calf. --C. O, D. Roberts. to ,►lmunt under the shadow of Ben Cru -
cud they dro:a wt test toward Lhel steppprr.I back. The dour was instant- griteeseiL ruggasLrJ .ill fur nota to Door• of Bouterunumy." He tried it to women In mlaldle Ilse, and wu w•,' frank Lawlir's. ►cltaB• \here aero at ane time sev-
house, whlclt d a.ax1ing square und , ly closed and lotted. several other ways but was unable __ I •sal tnWas tib earned on, umuug
,/r. L'umArt cerLulyd queeltand cuu• m:ln caw afford to bo careless, when whlOh our h foppery. To tills' tau -
gray to the rvrning ruhst,,with only!' Excited to something stronger _thiat file yougt lady under___Mum to get It right! Iwr kidneys alis in anyi. WAY threat. rT•TsnFOHIO,C 'Totateu. Am. urry Urrk, of twur/r, And 4, tx
owe dim light here and there show'- I \ban syptotoa, she Ntt the dossing• Urttlou's care ; and the Aligns u`nJ ane+ LI•Cam COC1rrr.
mg faintly and fllerrring Wroughthet room. Lot rinnitir.l in the corri or U(irts to e)nC:ir which .-lir (1tarmo, Intervlewer-Alderman Swelhad. I N -lint cured Mrs. u hes of the r part erofth gi mofF.J.lbt acMlsCO.. brought fur dyeing t. byxna. Uue
bILnM, made inn Impresskta ecru I IlrKcning, wok aing ; m L after Ir have come to get your views on the g for partner 0h Ike mem of F. f Toledo" 'o u'ty 'ualmt . tar to ha t, by lame em
rlinds, r ad� I:eginnlJ h:w predict- low murmur of voiced In thy ►l"k•rooru Uat. moils Ih Rn,wer bet lu a tttxyt{ very and case will care any case. aoia,g ate C Pm In til• Clt) of Toledo. County
n light cyoh the puletion a -tAe Proposed change IB tlr currloulum Do(1d's Kidney Ptllr are the only andSutewta'.ituxlt�tmwidnra,wthwr atlmaa, reeve W kava applied thrm-
a oa jrttP ifta Re i girl. Lindley cnine out, went w th • h:,nd Irl and torr baruuet r ion o with of the grammar school. rnmrdy that ever cared Bright's Db• the .um of ONE IICND liD IX)LLARS for ael,ea W the peeling of the bark and
'•K•+ey op pine twtrrugr," wltlaprred I of tb^ rtalrrese, an,l. kxnklrtg down g Alderman Nwelhad - Cltrrlcblum ! eaih and every came of e'rraARa nkat caw 1,ri luK it w the tannery. Nuw,
d to her. ole was aery mDyu( ease, Diabetes, or Dropsy, aqd they gut be oared Dy (De we of Rati■ CaTaaaif
he, ax, sifter rlurlag tine bell, he into tb, dim hall below, tapp^d Deftly art What's that ? I'm ag'ln it, what• tLe tk ut u tree le called hY Oxen,•
larlped her er ri ting the cart. "Ark oft til! carved oar balueterr ::nJ beck intea+fcrru•sr lu his capacity art dpir• laTe never failed. CCsa FRANK J. CHENtY.
itual wi,iWer; but• whah the tell' over It Is' Sworn robehore me and subscribed in m' "ruck." ruuq,yot "rousak" uud LLr
div to more 61r Charles ; don't. tf caps: J( b:✓son came up and was let sal IuterPete ut uu umuiWd, ac oiu• Alderman swelhed, .reading the re (;old fa Sea Bawd. presence, thlmGin day of December. A.D., teed men wbo followed this ucx upatluu
ou can help tt. flet) anyortr else first. !nto th. ruom, the door of wh,,•h tit,] W port of the Interviewer next morn• R� A. K'.UI,LNOZ;• +vera called rushkers," nqd LaL
know Jehnsuts, lair Charles' old boen locked th) moment Mr. F!eldIrw D,bhrd. bnl;ht tacel girl veto i i` Ing: "Our dlstlnngui/hed towwsmsn, UB the Borthern cost,\ of CaUfor- { r} Notary Fulfills
o{t cacao out: tbsa, before fullgw(rug til .01%et, the vicar felt unea#y wt- to cognomen rtotck to the Mcl'almau
/errant, don't YOU ta' whether, w u mei ltur nr vrml a„ kir. M. T. Swedhed, was found 1B his ala, Bear (;old blaff, gold bearing g,ul Gip CVro tm sorsa loursanr. aad family. +
,'Oil, yM' I Bute -servant, Lindley turned toward g charming home• surrounded by &bund• beach wBJr are still profitably op- aah d1roc:ly om the blood asd mueoue wrraua Thor ttrurR 1s u( tar Mrt'ahoan tem
Johlison lad often .brought hart tD • J:uk corner where hl+ rottsia hsd lhrat,nu, ruiuu oci,olL :xpirt :roar amt indu:r►twu of rlpo whul~rship stated. The panning surfs of the of tb.ytem., `end far te•tlmonlaL (shah lip lr Nse nasi from wt►tUJ1 Ruekiu
q dulre fur air C'hi:r:ee' rplraual F.J. 1'IiF.NEY a e', •.. 'f.Aafo, u
sager end !cult and flowers to the beL.•vrrl herwif to Ire hidden: end sturdy commoB moose. Io reply oceaw net nr giguatic awn. entrotarr. 1,)n Uruxdeta •6c. ora descended. one mrmlier of It
ladles an Heathcote Hoose• having) " I um itvey to b'•wP tO k ep putt wA`anhew uuf hlrujlw"teOf llins. to our reporter's question he raid : There are t,wo kinds. the •'straight Halrsyramuy Plll.ace he bo•t_ I mtgrateil at- Perthshire and took
Leen gel tPd for that In addition to in tb! dark. Elisabeth•" raid be• 1 do not denten to force my !o •ctrl•' nasi file oi-digary paauhag 1 - ate uug•t mews wlti, Ulm. Thrrr we
Dig many rtlwr dtltlu+. LLP N 0pr,•I&I euavelp : "Lot it wont bF for every nor /ua l:egluald, jars returned from opl horn Upon the public, but this I sur(. The "stiralght in" Is oecu- lie at h, Willing. know independcntty that Itudkln•a
litark u! h m,wter's [tv:x: rt) Utat.I 10119 now. Before tatI e+efing huv,•r •t drive auto GoldburuugU . the .will ray, that I have given to this sktuewd by the western wind accu-I Intber war afterward tarn. and the
when tR opined thha..drn,rr GeralliB t ,hill 4.tve flnish+,l the Iwrformnacl- vicar'+ Norfolk cart. ,A weaver. tlrrd and weary• wind ulWr Mowry Ir ptil.lic property !t
question long nasi studious atteo- mutating tae rand upow the sea/hon. Wt Dos way slowly bJ lar hent/
thankfully greeted atm win n Orkin of u sucred duty. sold jet.stice will lie `Hallu: is tt true -yon have been ttow, incidentally examining Intothe The pe.notag surf comes with a' art tar Fc,rth and (lysin Cawi to- it lnterertlng to learn that even
in Lille gli»m•braented hQuow. whose eatlsftrd." to the Hull, father , DW you xce •'It curricula of Institutions of learn- northwest or southwest wind, ex- w far bark the krem appreclutlon
wards St. Mungo, hailed the /teem
oPpuI� hrnleaPpert had already ndded "Not nnt!I yiru air III {situp. Llh,{ 1-7larlr/ T'• Ing bolA at Dome and IIe ex tlug mulaing 8 roctlhg motion Ow tar ttr man of a pnrwing harge mind askrrl tet blur en traceable. the family
terror to thr grief In her heart. But ley, sur your rhtre In as Iidamour+ "Yen, Com•• iota the, "ttxly n ar,m although 1 find In the ezbtiug mulatnve sant heaps, panning them haclgg barn rwtPd for flair ix,;urloR
even Johtssort (•aosei{ Lar another oonvilli cy." autwerirf ebr•. maddenni eat ; I want to speak to you•" of lin not a sew matters (boa sod r rin Nie material for flim U he wvasld "tak' lig° on to
of to - r. w.• + . D g Glascp i^ "Ou. a7; . rPpl6t1 the of the Utrtxn and other hom,••mad.,
alarm. toe a starts a A R Y Y for- coo ema on, e . `the 4410, PUDY appliances if tine bomb ••Kin e'll work per pas- 1 ck,stdttg -. _
her, arxl whlepPred, "Pott. Mfrs Ger• bis t(NiP. " Yom sh111 haat Leftrtrt by the Jualgmertt of kir son, who was n whole„ I canwot ray that 1 rhottld mlasr. a " A'll bin answ"sdi'thr
Aldine." In a tone which enured her t1tiN Jay's work. If I hnvr W t*, for Suit dark, handsome man, with ell advise aqy radical change untU 1 --- - enL ' i CatarrlsozOym- h4ieusa
for n m.mrnt t.o I(wr the pnwrr of til'+ m(`nnv (tf t.r'ng1nR vtAt to Jsleli•r." crack nat>nal dignity of mwaeer tient have further time to examine w ---_.. weaves, with joy 1 eerarnan. "Thrrr,
for it II U,uot h but others, wtw -wit :Iia very silence war Impressivo, even the subject tlxq," crlwt the Ateerrmxw, nt tar
"Take till# Young lady to QAr ( hrtt"fit by my exortionA. F,liza4elb." when It prose from tine fact of IJN same tlmP catrting w rope's end 1 NWI-+it) shell :-1 eh T How did you
(hfirlo�; lisp's IPI ons air frighten add h•. with lufurLlthisc g ntlonraiof, .paving nothing to say• while ills "By George flat teller's got my arbore, •'tale' that an' pil'" find outT Seth -1 nsitPd her. "You
rax"r am 1 auurtroue nttcnti ut W nay exact language. word for word I I war cured of lame back. atter suf- - .k.n't mean W ray "los t yon?I .
her." .nld Reginal -1, In e,ft, mrasisr• renur:,rtnur•e. d And he didn't take uo notem. neither' terinR l:r years by MLrARD's LIN[- Te Cure a Cold In One Day "YA; I asked her at, .tint age til,
ed tone. Then he took' her hand " Sh: wlll nut•, relieve fit-. lou IwT' :uatter u)win Mttica ills apto 14 war+ By Geor what a memory that MINT. Take Lstrtive promo Qainlno Tabhrta Al tlwmght a girl should ma r
and praaaad it TewwurinRlY• "1'wlfl Ysasd-of 'undut iulluence•' )x.rhlp(T' .irked, gave double rales to lits deal- teller court total"-TltJ3lt/. y
cosi P haak too--1zQ 1n.._=_hso= __ -..' Yes, I have beard of it. and. w r. 4oiL... _ _ -.. ,-. - Two- Rheas. 1Q. B. RO�RT ROItB. drur[lats refund 4 money ,f o so to caM. -- — - - - -
Ins re -t.: Z.."Te Reels h a-w�--... ,ai&e.r. trio, 1L. W.urove•stsnatrr+leweaenaas. -
\w0." sold hr, k►m.11y,"':end take pot ► curate u north, ma s rumor, hn• 1 was cared of y MINerls` _ -
to my mother. Mlw Lindley will imm utgetcee years g prevent qtr ugh\ r. of thongs uy at alio Half wow;' int• furnished another example of the ,it)( err felled, by MINARD'9 L1N1- rhe F'uur Georges. I
.. - tae rtRRh�t nt the vb"I'll9ti .lohnsuu.- 1iDJu.acknvevlcdging ala daughter, also cwt the xienr, satemnly. Hn bad ,eeudo a to ut his own expense. MAuT i `
he nd,]etl to fbo-it'd turwr.-wtttr N even is attemp'ing to dlYnade almost lost him votco a couple of f W g! lgtlgoalsh. JOHV A. FOREY. ( Leath came to tl.• tour lieurtee ill \
year. batyre, axn,l had ein.P teen Con- H,tv lag Preached o very clever ear- I was cured of oontractlon of mus different ovv, .-d fent• a/ ectic
fait Injunetlor6: "t•tke earn cnf her him [mom "JueutlwR her in n uaanarr l►P.I to ce up alt stare lu the moa ua the Btmday, be called u10"o rlee by MTNARD's LINiUF-%T. t>roP!u kuuw, JI.J of un apoplectic
Geraldlue w,sAe a gesture nr If to l :uittible to her station." pe a crrtalq colon 1 un the Muuday rtroite, wtnku saint hi,II while lu ale"
call him bur, aw she saw him, her lwith tills ImPreuivn tirodr, Lint - services of els lttlP ::hunch. sepeclally to ask hIN opinion. MRS• RACHEL BACNDIiIi:1.
last friend of the living out -side ley tapped at the door and was re-. "Indeed'" eadJ I: teriu v • How did I lite the sermon t" raid DalbOusi� oarrtage ata tae way w Osnabruck. _ . 4
"Yqp, very m3etrrluus. Nub(riy m Hanover.
world, step tato the Ilttle Na folk admitted to Nie Wak rcx:m. seems to know wli:, is who Lindley Nle colowel. "very much indeed It's While out wA1t1nR un Oct. 5, lTt1o. '� b
cart, raisin hia hat, und drive away. F.iizaboth swept down -stairs with Flel.iiog, Mat good-for-nothing ccu- one of my favuritee." the second suddenly stopped short. _ _ 11
leaving her aline. stricken with A erect head and flashing eyes anal aim of theirs th,•y ha,I always bush n "One of your favorites I" stammered exclaimed. "My God I" awd tell on
hundred fears, on the threshold of shut herself Inta tiro library. tale lm,t the curate, slightly puxalyd. "I do not - the ground-dond. Heart (LiAmase had _ �
liffieudty In getting rid ot, ane In
the hoiue millet she \tad r, IongPd bre brothels k+rye still )n. her )+usreP andentand." RmueH Bags w u Wit. kUled hl m.
aped "himself tlierP ns triegd ut the i ; J
to ser. tt•hltln -now, spewe+f tv lane 4e �oiou - sy1d:-01100g flows. ,nm y : E1itaiwn ' im-ly.-Frraffl-Ty The ootonsl regarded him with. a Vow Grurge til.. miler ane ugeJ. � y�
De hauntr►1 by terrors worse thew burene. rhe unlocked It with an= twinkle at the back of his eyes". "O( iisrasell tlageiTaaker ngce/try re blind and haul long Wnoe Lost hi. rea. T?.
'owrtaers nim nothing of th0 find. a ars to his face• fi re• w h
+teeth ; for milli could Bot realize steady fingers. and turned over the He and Sir Clhartes bush *ecru to cousin. I won't any a .olid," he /old Dix tfu PPeO Iaon. parxrd pewee tulip sway witlwut _ e
that rho wcwld tial her guardian, I pnperm in pnsrionate hast" unlit Wit' ,grc•c Chat kilo pretty, good Ilttle "but I know very well that you stole and thought. Once, when Manh•at• 1 utt,,ring u syllable; he seemed mere- ' t
the gentle, smiling gnariti-in hP. had fount thuxe relating to her brother's ul"s Gernldlnr 7.indley 1. sfr UIarlra' it, and also where you stole tt from." tan elevated rtctck was below par. 1 ly ..t(, Mve monk LnW protonwd Wum 1� i� l
always born to tier, there. i adopted child and the�extruvagUat legitimate daughter, white ENsn• "Sir ." said the carate, and he spoke someone asked him his age. He smil• ber.'c i� '� -is ; ' «'
"1 want tome him, Johnson ; wi7 a;papers IoW ahlcl4_Lhe +report of .atAr _ from out the whirlwind of lite right- ed• answered, and ndded : "But, like George IV. wan sitting upon his bmi
pat ,taro Fat) to him T rhe asked, her lived IPJ him. Ake rewT theutov •r rHiw iPRitimatP dat•ghter?' •br •k • °Ons Indignation. "I wm cwt to the ttN Flevated. 1 propose to gu above ocy Ule nytht of ills cLlath. warn n "Steck on ale inner"
lute rt chJd. "Ile hail relit, fur ur•• aKx1n +with gre:•jy r:igernerPc ev,r3 In Crginalil. '•Theft why iru+n t !:• hatill dr, of mtrallnR wY /er°R,os. I u huan Imp bloo(1 weasel soddenly brute In ills h yin,. kam•rll.cmy°..J I. t., boo
"I Can't. )Ilan ocraidtue. There's o Item of ex nditure xeprop:l to eat ,. fear you are laboring under a mis Tu an impertlnrat frleaA. who auk• Asad la no, 1, oag I;Fi ce `ea n n Ike p,..
Ptrsn u doctor, a greet Ila or frog ackra:.l(,iRa•J her IwOyrr . tate and-er-forgetting yourself, sir. ed what wan the most philanthrnptc ••lly Grid : i nm ch iter !" he Pit- it rt Tf'• rase hm°• ,e . "" a sur o.■
+, ,reel e•a end
r„ I n.de M
r rem. , ee .,.. r
1 Inch- , , p• lin' 'a
r warn ter el •e u Ifs Natll a e• mt„r,u,<m . v
u 1P stip. B.t hnt'ir kite in t r a h r . o,l.a ts.ed.
t Int 1 r be T ) ) I must oak Yon to apologize." wny O( using n large fortuw claimed, ttuvn rela)red into It cow's- iwic<u a,o t
London vrlth hltn und Mr. .,.Y. to ,etl leeth.:hs hlased-out thr- Pam* hr dhlu-t know It, uud r,:.::•,•J for U, bili. .r. n,,he anI°... +".,+Ira ye.r.
his cousin ; they wc,n't lot anybixl`j and pnhi to tar, Hlrsee Gretton for ),lnllry. L'ut thin Ltn(lley iN bulla a The colonel wen silent n moment. pli'd : t re COnditlrNl. Prewentlr, however. r• v^` y
into ibis Charlet wont her fuel), her educa ons her drPor l nr"-- tiles hr said: "It may ire that I have Keep It constantly active• iit ,•r- tti„re About him heard him murmur : Thi PAGE WIC FENCE CO. (Ltd,)
Oh, but they will I+t me rPv+ idm, hero her tet -m •pry. Fork•t= "But, f(•r too glrl'N PakP, It i" incrat main n mistake. Wait a moment, I der ter give employment to tar "This to my drath" : nqd he closed WALAENVIL t OST. '
I tldnk ! Tell him 1 nm hen' Cant P� .ill mate sure." ?largewt number of human bPla hU Pyr/ for the last time.-Irnnr)nq
cru tell him, JOtirI a 7 UU, du, O money T This greedy vagrant fund find Important that shirt, bhoulJ tic etear• (;otng to his booker", hr took down When he gave Hage HRII to the Ez rest-. t -- __--_. - -- - -..
Y u t 1 1 know you torr; he 1" No tdtprnee a week tc waste bcforo she ed np. Where IN I.In-Pry? At the lrnll a massive tome nt arrmonm-a rare Troy Female Heminary. someone I p CLOIRS WISHER
D wvl. ten, while she and her sist,•r had Ptt:l ?" APkrfl Reginald, hie tune decp� and almost forgotten work. He amid :
iond of you." been albwPd only holt that aum when ening iia a grave Interest, w 4ich Vervetfne CureP Seat on Trlel
IIIdtBf. 1 can't, lltss GernlRee ;you tnrne(i to a certain page and an I R"hy didw't yon presPgt Lt to I
kgow well can't, 1'd help yin If 1 they evNrei-twelveI But the Tat'•" wmt thr• f"I'T""t--"Fl` otrh--4ry:-vitr apologrtle, humble took came upon his siy� men's edtegeT' ! Rheamwttsm T1ae remarkable stwuutm.+leprife.
detnllm votwernlug Geraldine's school lent excitement hs ismialllr slaw!,I. face as he glanced up at the curate.I Mr. 9nRP responded quickly: !! strength and mnrvrllonn soothing -, if not.a,•rertnrrly
xrulrt." I rxpen:Pe rind Ilii nmuunt allowed her "\',sir: but w:,IL a minute-ther^ i, "I beg your ),ar]un." he said. "i apol- � "rhe women nearled It the mrmlt."' pyepertp of Nrr villas --nerve pain muhry rrf„oA,d.
•'But I must sae him; if you wont fur dress were more. n 'alling Pt111. sami-thiug I want to nak you. :sir o Ise. Ton did not steal It. after all, etirP—rendrrx It almost Infallible Ili .mt. (luarant!M torus
Take tae to him. I'll bunt abut fee pD' 6 -Frank Iw+Nfe's Pgwlar Monthly. easier rnd do
his room o llm. I', uh, yr)11 mart Th. -re was aum" excuw+ for Uta hit Charily. w•itshes to nee the kirl; 1;11• fur I find 1t is still here. ltw mistake, Rheumatlam. F'iv'e times Ptronger
tvrn(tis with whl•h this lady• tchaaae rabeth won't Int tier be rent for• sir; my 'mintake!"-!Modern Flociety. (•atarrhoxone, cares Lunt Trou- than any other. Ito netratin a,yer wort Ikas
know Ile wants to see me "' --- Pe g a' them rket. A
"'deed. I know that well enough, vrhtlo 1!fe 1►ad !own nein IunK xtrugKlr Nut it wr•rwe Ur ere List In such a T„lest i power ennd d It to rrnc6 the source oo havilrket. A
but 1 don't /m - 11'ell, I'll try.' I with th'i wants ,af h pt.b w'cmaan and mve am thim. it a rick 11101.1 .rel:\- A story In London Spare Momenta of pain Basi drive out the doting, mood maabtne for •anon to kuod:r RIs
lh • pure of a Arr uric• wham witnrr thrr don't +ft) their duty, uis friewlia rune that a ciren/ aid a flyin visit Nervlllna U more penetretlag, amoney male. Tkoaaand. lm use. For terms
Geraldine advanced from the cold• 1 p P B A Trausgryou're. and NDAR \drum
storm paved entrance hall tai the flrsL knit spade cxLrnvngnnt and circum oURht to /tap ill uul tb it for til+m• t0 a small northern town Dot icing stronger, ant mora hlRhln p edicin mTA�nARn merrl r CO., Ramu,om. Oma
ago, and the price of admission was Links tthen stere, you're br tem of hvin In its nrtlon than any elief Of
of Low Iw1er bolls• which w•uPrrnrcely stn°car tiyertn. mew snood t1�at, wh'Ie Yo1i kuuw hour 1 hate iulerferinr' one ref the most Im slant ruler of g _- --
eb� awd lure• Wotrr• bol WN1. ,wr+htrin.T and It would h^ eta uneful to irtraelt siz nee, children under ten years of hrrrtotorr Jrvfxed for the relief t)1 ��pp
warmer, scan Ply lighten ,► lA,!d hien o:,l LoouPty retriutm+d and' ,w•ae Chrintinn charity tc thr, chnirs •',� aR half rice. It wax EA1th's tenth ttx gamy. every here. ltieP. Urugglst/ sell It D�Ori7Y0
start crorreal her wind ; there wa/ 1 P Brnxbey-\Yhnt's that ? everywhere.
hailttc sur it but IwtldoPs" u0w. I uredo alt by th•Ir own Ra'aI.L til � 1st- to Ellzabeth Otw. but.. at til,: birthday, and her brother Tom, aged LInkR-In addre.Nning thr ball you Treated Free.
B wknowtedW-d waif bid f,srsep alhim'41l Pemr thls0 "-- '18, toot her In the afternoon to mea We havema,tedroDs and r
"Whew+ ars Sir Charles' midterm, a supply of ilio awl (creeks gn'te "I71 go over to l'opeley my"elf nt the ehOw. Arrived at.the dotty he put ettoald alt) so In Innguar9e fit for pub
lolitlsun she prised, as a Iw)' stakrl III sup for n abrin d firs wnrJrob^. once ago fetch bar," iley lymelf at litation.-lar r'n azar. Belts or the Cosgo. oomphwears, nick sol
down ulne-pence and asked for two twenty yuan. os, rel
fur tor• master who has promised to f3A^ wnR naturally not !ncIIWII to re:cly rxeite,: now -"Bub eon t itnvn The postal nuttscxlties at Brut- gowm rsteaess. Boot
rano film• I sidmit th•tt Iter brobhir hail a.+ marls !vfeu unharrtemmr•, yet. \Chether •rhe front seats. Cstarraozoaf r lin K.torlent Remedy gels hnvo lately hedtd that the ostme t pa ►ad to n1y/
Huw old Is the Ilttle girl r' asked for Asthma. mall hags dfwpatched to tar (mango trwwement ►ass
"o. Miss Geraldine, Sou , an't neo i rtgpt to spend Isla money on that sop- til Mw, daughter ur riot, we know 110 DR. H. H.ORnNPrSBO M
tbem "' cried ttw butler. In alaroi. 1 p„rt of An alruuk,ni�1 ch'.IJ ri.r auto is dr+dtr,uy toad of her, and hia +ii• the money -tater.' donbtfrlly. Innerklp, Oht.- '• Cntarrhozone le wPrP naR helms duly rrturneal, nnJ -
Well," re lied Master Tom, "this after• a list of trouble the dlis")v b _ �= O 'er
'•1 must•. I court ! Which must I of bLv w ighlows, llttl? ri her th ul hr, Ing wh,li ought to be rripecteJ. ' P certainly a very Pfflctent remedy for 7 _. - __- - - . _..-"--__-- ___ -
/ea?" heml I., k.w)r yachLv nut h.andde and "But th[Hk what we nre doing, Rr- Is her tenth birthday, but she was Asthma. It afforded me great relief erect the (l posrt. It aaypears that
"Oh, it will ire Hirs F:;Izaheth: but Lt indugc In still trstrn ex{nenslvu ginuld. ThrAng9 bIP unfurtunatc+ re• not born until rather late in the af- from the fleet appllrntloII, nqd nisi. ooiurrd puvtmen in fila (bngn THIS IS NO APRIL (=--
tion'\. 1 bag t)1 par. Mln Geraldine lra,unva. sTs• w ,r even IirP rea \)' to tlrr•tuve tar, ternoon.'' motel carpo me. I rrOw of BPIAbbor/ Free Ntntr mnkr presents of the
p girl herself ri,e/n't too.. y
•-I.•t+eifrvC.rhe.rrbe.µ, W&,,,Vw.l',..-.. 't"-y�.w,r. The mune,y-taker acrrpttl the who lave been ixnelited to a slmlltir mall h.�w to thrlr wives or flaneees.
"I can't help that-: i must Paw host." gt•necouv wDlin. Shp roWl r•• nothing houmehold at the IiRII. Ellzahrlls.in ■tntpmrnt andiion(Twl him bile tint- askant Hrx. Fal. Callan." T'Ti+wr iAMm Pt.Ttlpty PtM iyot t1rPtlrft- _
tohnswt ndvunont reluctantly tnthP tri t6 r step of n(iulitlrt{L Lh • (hUd, with eta But it war a cb/e shave. Nu reater boon has been Pztended tons, and by drawing what le left
not -Likely to recolve. tier kludly, and, ___ g mPr their hro,im, and with the aP-
etu(iy-alcor, which he found locked ; it•, t w,ornitant c,irrw awl exfxxiers, sh+eek after short will coma u)wn the to Asthmrttic" 1 hon CatarrhournP, FROST FEN( K slid Ga(r.. arm t hr n,irmt mer•
and Minn F.Ifzwhi,th's own hitrl voice { ut a lour t.d .- of tr?nth,r.y tuul et• Apropos of the jury's verdict In tha which IP as rPrtnln to corp AO any- Pietana++ of rt piece of artring• they vicemblm. Thry err a,.o the rhralwilt. ron.ider
told him to ehrnv Lae plain IaJ,y Into) pu,+r child at once."
R a ten wagoner: but D!ng ht\ file iMp-'lin •Thry have once. Ln come nlrraihy. Marble Bay accident case. rendered thing In thhb world ran bee uertaln. hnvo nn hhtr(t maiern ready-made Inequality and wet1,ht M matertsl nse,L Or
the drawing -room. befor- h.•r bub thi r; is t a rri,no: recently. to ahlch til+• pinlBtlff surd Its effaot le ImmedlatP, and its o- ctrstump. Thi, fact that the wnokm nafOs^t.l Oa ee and Farcy Panm1 Lawn F'I
Tywmbling tram hind tet tont, brL rather; Lire w.ioner Par knows the Dr THTC RO WfRXrlaNCF, o.I.ImItOd-
ondll'rsg Ic the girl Ir,r:<•„ It d u1. inners sue lsettsie for Ler. IllgtLayy for only &3,00:1 and wM awarded e4.- lunged tine results Ina rnaifcal cora. air fnrnWlrsl with nn Pna moA THE FRUST vwiRt F=NCF. Co. LlmlteA.
straryf up by thrl roved of tell tier gcrowt, n filial ewemy t.) ' •rikn11 000, t/ a story told by the Into ('Diet Breathe It for ten minutes four tlm••s I black masil Tearing the legend "Bras `_ welland.0
muragr, ..f :011 her untried nl(x prase Fleldlnk himlelf began the work yes- and It It falls to care we will opla Centre• does not disconcert
1 ti•nnl, tM(entrd +usd (ra h J. 1 ' iJ1,y m Justice Davie In his life-tlrrrP. Ha d• a day.
In this drnnded martin (Frquencs '� t(r.lay ; I found Mire Lindley In t/Arm verdict y, gR ARMtR"NND ONg DOLLAR
R. 114rPnit•;a,ly forRakcn thllrl to Ix lar ten remartPA skint n Jury' refund the more Dru Isis or by thi,m h1 fila 1Paat. a(trarkhclm Hvrn }'�R
followed, Jfi*f1Pon through the creak atalhN: aim mist ass nt \1'itri i�l -i . nal grrat dutreo; after a conversrt was the unpardonable sin -no one mail, price $1.00; small else, 3bo. A I Oka iTeghlad. F new motel Orae Pesder• Nave. bale the
Ing slit Into the R',om)'. rhillt►tg n,+ L!ndlry himmoir was c(xI dill,, U(m w-1th film. To console her f told roam what It wu. tl Iwo Perot for lOc. by N C. Polon labor: NujdOa,Uos rgumarPota•A; Liberal tmrmm
vastness of the drawing roxnn. at tWs moment ! If Ur. i.^+I, , hrr that i knew him t:. h+ nn un When he was first called to the bar • Co., Kingetoa, Canada, or hart- CatisrrhozogP corps ('old In NIP to Apnta N. Mcl'ksrwn. Nllvartlwle 8trhon
••yrs• Kymes!" Lindley'n voice hero were twenty phyet^Ilam to tPstlfy rerupulous liar; but it it pnPslble he he practiced In Cassiar and had A ford, Conn., V. St Heart. Oat
may hnTe round Pome scrn of trnth
cAIMd aft from tort iretlevxtnl. Ito (!`.r ('harlem' munndtxre of mind D fiery cane at an aeslse hold up there. --- R ML1G-FRt1(T FARMa iN THE
"Yes, sir,^ Rhe nniwort-4. tatteringi.,) VII -41 AntktyW Ms welt -ahs i ne" �+ Ino P 4 � Ian =amu`- After a trial InPttng several days. Very MaPA RMleeed. rh bels
BrolhPr soh Riw/et-. tuaewNlnpndchant, Wapro
"(;omP here u, the Anal i want toy wb'et wnA til:• 1.1g1n•exe going ever, whatever lie t.)1,1 her. It inns with witneaPPa from ell over the 8altatt-T ilnve rnma to ass y0* for I otcanadw-elm cr n:chenme. nr produ..of
Weak to yam." on upstairs -Ph+ would fired nr^-►ns Pcmething which dlstrrnvi,1 bar very country, the cams eventually went to your daugditerw harm]. t He :aur Vrrrlonl .f ark mals he'P MwnorcltyDmpmrly. Olvefui3d«rWa 10"
The old hulssrkcr r Ianre l at I of flghlln 1.Ind10y, of breaking down much." swcuretl a ition ntuffing monkP s "mr praprty few etrhAnme, and -:v wh►t fou
ts- R R the Jury, They were out threw or Father -Well, the fact Is we are. D^" Y wast- Cstalor,IPfreeonapppl1ication. McNeil
£lisnbeth, who, antioas to hear t film story fat"hood by fnlnehou 1, and "It wot11.1 notdrnlly, coming up•tn four hours and eventually the twelve pretty crowded here nm It in, and 1- ! of nt the MnwPum of \at ural IIfs to ry• A Moedsm, broken, 8t Calb____.Ont-• Can
what Lindley bn,l W Pny, P1K»01 U) t,f pruv rtt% Clint her brother had never her a.n unexpectedly. Rnt, remrm' od men and true filed Into the Holten-AAA, 1 Intend to take her ' Is that so .
her to obey. tint no sosswr hell Mrs. � been mwrricrT. bering lire rlgne Sir CharfP.y made to t0 tike. f)h, Jnck ie Pnr•h n joker. HP j�AROAINB Itf AtLTiNO ANU BO°t
14 mem guttae clroe W.the hid -room -door' Only a momentary doubt un thin me yesterday when 1 talked to him court room. awwy from h. w If i merry ban I weirPly wru prncticlOK nn yon.--Hnr- Yo Oaeet,Ta'ewt6opsrroot. V.Smltk.lY
y , Hsve pun Yunr verdlot, gentle- Father -Oh, well, In that cane -Dat ' IPm l,lfe. Yerk Ptrrst, Tmm�an_ _ _ -
and mald, inn lo'w V01M "t nm here. lfu•t point tronbled her, though the upon Chid very snbject, I ran not help men f" asked the Judge. you did give me an awful start• my I ___ ANTRA-AOtTFTl1TOS __ Hn__
ryor••' titan the ►.y was I iftl,v turn• pnlncr,+ rt•,w bef„ro her showed that tiltnkinz Lindley's assertion may "Yes," said the foreman, and It was bOy-BOston Transcript. bald arurl. used In avers family u e
ed. ttiw door , MP,1, and rho was i.:• n saki tr+ mon snooped than sh • prP litrly b? tray. !1 I fancy theca "gnllty " - -- - Mlgard'/ LInimentlCures Distemper. Went, can make from tL to set per do rend
drawn. gnlrkly alta+ the INtslroom by n ; hrid believed : but she had strnnR+,r ' can b.^ no hwrin to fetching her, An•t Ton are unanimous, of coarse r' Hlasrd's Llolment Cares (iarpt le — - m far .ample w,rtk site. st In quint rnd ms
hand Ink] ,,poll low 4rm. rennins than him own word fur her Plie can spend the night here it nett!+- they were again asked. coma Herbed 1n TimP. min rti e. aao, of Ike Arnie asont., ro-e d
U Falsa•
beth, ern the alert, Pr.rw.1 tha Itrxm -- "M1In PlLfOhg;' he began• "will you IAmodamlele. w. H. Oilbrrt, 9 Mamosie fsmDia
rrt'anL•M oft -tire- fret filet h* orad At- /FA**: _1fiNt--iNeP-t:tPC{ww am wlFti T- "yeA, air � rPp11eA lit. ml4yreman, be Inc ? That 1s to •ny. Pr—o f,ordea. Ont
to follow, Ne dour war cioPPl unit the +vnyo hems a INaohefor. Although lie�will apent to your mrther ahont It." A Placa Thing• W -
key again h:rnPd. She knocked 1t on••e' I 1 Dren.Matloned with his regiment , Au,l, dPlir(htod to b.• relieved of the "Unwnlmaylu, nine to Larne." BIP hn I knitted her fair brows In n
"Ran is It °" nekri LInAIPy'P mlcw. And the Judge eollapeed. Mlm Johnson How kin I win Jim 1, ALIT FRAM FOR AAt.t Ort OF TEE
Ahroail ns well as is dlffereat parts I active pert of fila affair, tan vienr tn,we. 1 Aei.c In the Nt rw Pmninetalati a
'•it Is 1. I Insist uprst yourlPtting, of BrltRln.'he had never b?aa Out of hnrrled hls-win eff, and rvtnrn,I to
u In ; H Mrs. Mynip" ran rte nrlmlttdt. family ►urvcfllAnce, through th+ fact I the mee,talion,4 in toy! shsdr, wh{eh
war man reit 1 T RT,nt trMt IP tale. skint M/ colonel vvas nn u1r1 friend accupMd the greater hart of�hk tom.•.
to keep hi■ lienrewt And drnrr"t f•ela- ' nasi maim col n el V of tar ld �Ir PPO let Continued.)
t.i+(e from my p,w,r bather'/ bell• I ----- .--_.-- .
siAP •- Ivr. Lafbory, i Inalist -'• James, his father. The por4ibility - - -
NaAdrnly the d(x,r was opened, aad ' that tl,e girl ought still be (ler bro. I Mr. Anpheddr--t think LhatP arra
tar d riot hlmaPlf apprwrrd wt It. ` ther's old ohm admitted . Ant aha your ince before somewhere.
Startled by hie wtrxpsctrd presence had little to fear expopt from the re- I Miss Itnbllelty-WPll, 1 Plr.nl•1 h..P,
wt the or"ancP, ov ,rawi I by the In• I tablbhment of the girl's legitimacy. so!, Flimmer's Ilver r•gulntur palmi
dttsent solemnity of his manner, Red she was still Pouring over the Pill- my life : my plutograph line baPn In
ty tM fnAglWtle power of his sold, leasee of her brother's treachery an -1 all the ni,vir" ars. .
Mlnwrd's Linlmeet noes m DtpAtheria.
Already Inforyabd.
Disapp:rinted Admirer -?o' Illn tell
Dlnsh flat It shA wants dat chumpp.
fMm Johnson• Phe kin limb him. See f"
Mutual Friend -He done tole her
flat hlsself.-Harper's Briar.
10f&ard's Lial�eet Cores cold/, eco.
Jackson'/ tote?
soothsayer -Why, Pir'ry tlose be'
calla yo' mast go out aad get a
pplteher of beer end pat w Ilttle o' sits
lovepowder In It, and den tell him
to AP beP more
to help hlmwlf t, De
hw drbske, de more he'll love yo' ; It's
(simply lefal11Ne1-Pttrk.
Gtarrbosone cure• Cougbs aid
"for -that Iw, may 1 hw Yours T"
"yes," she /old, with a sa11P.- (a-
dlAnapolle Susn.
cntnrrhoson , cut" Bronchitis.
Winenw, 10 miles frmm Hamilton im ton r.i
ways, Ito nre•. In Il m6 of will, h b In (rail.
ma•Jy ,tea• baa �lil lie sold In nom pacml et-
AI.Med Into tests trf 16 to 10 nares tc molt per
£haven. This is a decided ty.main W�Im,P,•
Jonathan Carpenter. . O. bat 4010.
Ontario. _ _
"Iv Ceres the Roddese of hnsbanAry f" Mrs. win•low's aeotbint asap s Key
ways be aired far ChU lima % \soot
Assets ('holly. Hn1A ear "No, /t*pldl ails mbild. scheme the mutes caning •►(qt r
The dotty bol )Ing that )tb, you see, ossa badge. �yrouted, for n
L a ssasculiw god called Cuodi,
But Many Small
'l u l n,vh out All oVD'J
..ad Hulf1A Meel-C.
I,,ul Charge -When
it -Nure Train Wi
Itutha to Yield.
Loudon, April L. --t
(inn. Kitclicuer Lo lit
Jate+d Pretoria, to-do
1',,I. I'Imurr occupieJ 1
yuit, 1lU ruilo's from I
cot Clyrovitlou.
u, a. french Isar cal:
I,,,;u-l)ous and continuo
I-ocr,s at Vryheld. Thi
ell the enemy's gone 1
the w,utbeastere dist
:,lOo Laken a consider:
pria„nere, wagons at-
porttua of the Boer ba.
orange Rorer. moving
Palled to Get
L'rthulie, orange
April �.-A force of 1't-,+
urauler Krlts,nger
recross Ina, tau Ulrai
cup to the iv;ewt of It
rreperiuR fyr \lint.
L�udon, April 9.--T
rorrompondent of the
Thio -ley, ray# that
ora Iwilgt generally
hfitlrIt forces fur win
llurre hisift tier& of
L-tndon, April G. -Ac
Pretoria Wartegrendri
Tiargraph, the ilOere
their neat of governn
terabiarg to a point S
Tu Skip florets for
- Portland, Me., April
frailer. of 1AMIua, A (
Wr I!,,. I.ugilsh Goveri
.1Nital so"rul Americ
Iw•t ohs Irvin which t
aduin hdtses ortlered
chn ee•ry Ice• wJwhere
ter uo•pecting the 1',
,-ardt and steamship
ci•!Pd to recomwend t
mt irping point. The
,rent byre over the I
Iota of bW, the first
rising hyre on April C
1 urlsous Old Phrrt.,
. ' cue Tau
Paris. April 3.=I'•,ul
hl .n flu Matin rw I'd
"I thank laud that
i:rrnt Rritnin with
Ian f4mit-isoubtor tisu
how to release her
"G cont Britain'* sli
wbill which eke bar
,to•fencclesr women a
the veldt, will Ue her
ilio mItnesr of tie F
lu apeaking of the p
in Houth Africa and
general. Mr. Kruger
"The Rrittsh (10vc
telegraph, and the 1
ways try to mate I
`Jvo measured film littl
1 this muc•h," A'
M. h arm/. "1 am p
chi U going n,'11
limnobe our eucuniell
simulAW and trava•s
• We iful nut fight r
wr nre nbt congwrro
I;eneral Botha listrnc
pr,poaale be never u
P,hli riaPA Nan lite
pr•ndruce. Ind rade
tr sure we ell i
lu mauriflce all other,
Omni Independenc&
'It to for that res
f„rsuot their farm,
their lives, And our
dr(•11 now -suffer t
tn+- in the enemy's
And " added the
Ihr English were n
oonrilderwi their ow
I hey would rrrogu
dencr wn demand, be
.d xrl guarding it w
to mnkt- many rune
rifiem and mor"%el
peace forever kn to
1 hnvo myst-lf," hN
tar brutality wtth f
have waged war fill
Bale neted like mays
own confession herr
Pasragen whom thry
ens roue horst wMlate,
Isetwern civilized na
outraged Ilhcrty wl
the fives of min col
f,nve pillaged and be
I%-rty. Thry have i
np•n w int were kn•ty
of n hclhireront r,,n
slavishly Imitatr,l 1
►,ave excited nnhl
grnernl, find for v
rreally punished. Ev-
liern Fold rrspectin
w'nr nn wngPd by th
iv far below the trul
hlst.ry will bear n
Nielsen to ba falsifier
shudder wluin they
of nil the ntruettirs
ferod. Tho &loth
been, rips kiln part
perp•tanl defiance (
1•rrtorl Apr l A
tOM ri tris eoun-try
Innnt of the enem;
atPrrted that any
nr ►Reeesdef t
taw mer to ater.
nllnAnce may non
will 1*) w number
wan must be+ InrPPs
harassed until thr
m ne rematB,
Tnke, es nR exon
operation• In the 1
'In which Ernst 1•.
l^nw'i. "1141rlove
Only In lathe cnpt
prilvilern, but ale
of " t+rrrlf (IT the
th„11er1nya strong,
rnnatitnted a trip,
hnrg Rod Pretoria
i'n'verrr, thne n1Ri
Ktnanfly free� ft-
the Pnrtlty, a.fM at
'•ny ,inns still Oae
lneneat 'rasettA th
"-, unve to he