HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH 'ONTARIO.
W. Acheson &Son
We offer our uew stack of carpets, rugs and wettings at fully 20 per
sent. below fixed market values,
Because we consummated the most favorable purchases known in the
We mean to create • moon' of sales in this department.
We intend to wake this department the first thought of every houw*
keeper or borne furnisher.
Get them Good! Eaoeptilsnal values wilt enable you to do it for very
little money.
Brussels Carpets A large lute, suitable for all rooves. Regularly
worth from 1110 to 11,25 per yard, at 90c and 51.00.
Tapestry Carpets. All styles of patterns and fully 100 patterns to
choose froni. Special value. at, per yard, 40c, 50o 60c,
Wool Carpets. Yard wide, reter,ible anti pure cleat" stock, at, per
yard, 55e, 66c, 85c.
Union Carpets. Yard wide, revertible. Splendid uew deigns and
clean stock, at per yard, 30c, 40c, 50c.
Union and Hemp Carpets. 30 to 36 inches wide. An immense
range of new goods, at per yard, 12JJc, 16c, 20c.
China Mattings. Yard wide and every yard in the store new, at
12ic, 15c, 20c and 30c per yard.
InspOCtiOn Invited.
W. Acheson & Son
Martians (leo. Taylor, of Lltsgetde,
baa Gold hu 200 are farm and moved 1.
Lower W Lagbam.
Blyth : 8. Herriarme ►aa sectored the
services of 1, H Fmk. o1 Stoma, as galea.
man la hie store.
Grey : Jobe dames nae mold bra 100 awe
farm, lot z2, 000. 3, to G.rg• Armstrong
tor tb• sum *113 325.
Ciberu• • I) Molars, of Caborne, has
meed into the prsclt•se rau•ady purchased
and vacated by U•ors• Bawds.
Brame& : Mrs.. Fasole timers and
Mabel H•yoreft have taken p011410a• in the
mollies:department of T Ireton & Co's
. tars. Toroat•.
Morris . Mise della Sharp, daughter of
Jitters Sherp,l bib line, has nese to the
Aimee Wood hospital, St. Tbomaa, to tab*
O mare be • mares
Soatertb : Alter • r.ld•sm in S.forth
of gorse mare, Dr. Olhb. V 9 , bat left for
St. Marys, where he takes the veterinary
practice of his father.
Hallett Christopher T 0.1s, of Hal
lett, near Coneta.o., did early %Vedanta,
•v.nbg of lest weak, alter • very brlet Ill-
n ess, of blood poisoning.
L'•borc• .. Wm. [Mama hu disposed of
hls fifty acro farm ie C.born. to Wm.
Atktwoe, r the eam• towo.hip. Co. -
Chasm : J... MoCkob.ny bas sold o./
ha bakery and ooat•ctleaerv. the new pr.-
prt.tot• bales M.•eer.. McL•y & P.rlmer, of
Laid .int u
Ltol.ebor,.' . Mut Kt.•, daughter of
Jos. Garrett, was married to Breathe, Mae.
es Marsh 20, to Fred Mallet., formerly of
Loode•tero' Messrs. J Beitsaa.,h .a.
ham bare disposed of t6e property known
as the "old Hanger property," which as -
tales on. half an acre and a •h.p ; tb. buy
•r was w R.l.y
El•ter : Mrs Medal received the
✓ ed intelll.•oes M the death of her
daughter In 1.n', Mrs Ale. M•rlcek, *he
died In Detroit oo Fnday, 29th aft
Bra.eia : Joseph Twaddle, of Fergus,
father of F W. Tw• ddls, I, D S , Broads,
and formerly of Seafortb, died oa Frisky,
March 2S.1. a' t it •.• of eighty reoree.
Braawl.: Mre l)a•ls, of tt yoq`p, d•.
Doty organiser for the Lady Maomber•, was
bare remelt', .ad with the id of the leder
o1 Riverside Hi•• initiated ten cow member.
with mor• to follow,
Brawl : Mite Lase Peebles, formerly
of Kraals, ha takes a p elttoe as milliner
b the dor• of Leal, Bre., Morris, Man.,
sad Wan (lam Peebles has charge of the
drarmakly department for the same firm.
Morris : Solidity •vatag, Marob 310,
Jobs Clark, who was in bat eighty ninth
year, died at the boo.• of hu ban, Alex.
Clark. at Aan•bte.. H• wt" bora in Ber
skk.hire, Soo►lasd, and ..me to Omuta
In 1804.
Lesd.boro' : We Mars teat a former
resident of Oda pease has loaned the ranks
of the headlong at the reeideam of the
bride's parents, at Marlboro, North Dakota,
when Al... W. Webster was mond te
Mise F. Bertha, daughter .1 A. Brinier.
Ud.rtob Womble : Jas. (,'burobllt, V.
8., formerly et G•d•rlob township, and
sow of Reels•, babe married on the 20th et
Maroc to • lady from North CbroLba, at
Moonier, N. W T.
Brumfield : Reba M.Lortae , who has
meet 0111 waster at tits home of hie ',tether,
H. M.C•rtso7,r.rsrnd te Mao.. aw, Mao .
Iasi week. Gen Hatt lied family returned to
Seattle, Wasblegtr territory.
Hallett : A very oeetty affair was the
wedding which took plea at Sprtebtrak,
the home of the bride's o.r.t., Mr. god
Mrs N. T. Adams, ea Wednesday of last
week. It wan that of their daughter, Mise
Mand, to U. Rem, a prosperous young man
of Hallett,
Heneall : Master ,lamas fiwdenaa
Troyer, youngest goo of Janet K Troyer,
of the plum, had the mldortune. whet
slighting from the Zurich and Reseal' .tare
wagon, on which he was enjoying • ride, te
fall and break Ills Hr's hotness the wrist
and elbow.
Hrasnsls A few of the frksde of Robert
MoCetobeon pat their heads together and
decided to mate him a partiug token on the
eve •f Ms departure to the Northwest.
The gift 000.1.ted of a nicely abased elver
pitcher. A few of I6• good Qualities of Mr.
Mae. ens ateellos.d la oe.woM.n "nab ►he
presentation of the valeabl. gift.
Walton . A eery pretty weddlr.R wag
mbbrsted at the re.ldrgo of UM.rre
l'hrl•toph•r os W.4o•gday .foresee,
March 271h, when Min Trr.t:e, only
daughter of Mr. and Mn. Chn.iuph•r, wse
clod le matrlmoeI.I hoods to Thomas
Iger, a popular yooag humor .1 this
W Iegbam : Is • few bawls t6e thrtviss
befalls. of John Ken, general m•robaet,
will receive fr.b impala by the addition
of . partner is the bulimic Jam. R. Kerr,
Mother of the treeeet proprietor, The
geetl•.aa referred to formerly Meeh'
sobool Is Middlesex en"ty, but for the pat
el,bt..e years bag been manaror of one of
the largest Ramon' steres In North Dalton'.
S.alorth • ,tem.• Archibald has nee of
the haad•nmsst and beet prnpn•tlened
heat draught mare in his stables here that
have Mee '■ S.alorth for a long erne She
has ire, quality and weight, and it would
b• d,Aeelt to pick • fault In her. See was
coronal by George Toro hull, near Or.oe.
vale, Heti he old her to Mr. Aroh,held.
She wee bought for shipment to the 044
.retry, although It le • pity such an gni.
mal should lea*. tale (mantel.
St Joseph • A earl .44dest b•pp.d
at Rd ward Rte.'. nem., whoa his three
year old me ..t his death is a very painful
masses R Idle the father wt" pr.partM'f
f•ad his pip ha left some hotline water le a
Imp pall r n the floor, sad the eiblld happen
ed to fall In,•ed before "altos net caw elmeet
. 014.4 to death. A elector caw quickly
aammoe.d, bet 114. Olean b restore the
nhl1d preyed fruitless. Mae two My'
ea/hay of the leasegee• &cony the little
4.11.w sawed away.
Hulas, April 8th
J.I. wawa,. t' , bee rented Mate. K.
Hut.'. farm, Idea osama to
Mr. Bower's .ill, 12.11 -nowise, tat
testate est .he lumbar wed ablation Mese
Sager masts& Ie 1a tell bier. Ta treaty
men* and 'aa•b4ny day. hart greatly im-
proved tee ran
Trntip•y, April e:b.
Needle( hag not yet oosi.esosd.
N ood ban ore In full bleat new
Johnny Fun spent Sunday b the •.lkp.
Maas Sadie Maisy •pent 9Mcday in our
Bicycle rider* bre falai*, *Hatay for the
roads to dry up.
Fred Johnston has retureed to his home
from Trate, Mloh.
Mies Agnes O'Keefe has neared home
for her Easter holidays
Beware of the boot A big black bear
has been eon surreal times lately.
MoN. T, April 8.
Major Young has reo„vend from an at-
tack of quart
Gordon 1-„un,t, jr., Is taking ►o• mores
le tide sub•dlrlelob.
Mai 'I'so• Jasmines, of ,h• liodencb
Colle.l.te Iu.n,ute, Ie bore ler the Easter
holiday -
1 her• caw • great rub of muob sap last
week The tint put of the week broke
the record for years past,
Row. Yr. Thomson. el Tammito, .111
seoopy the palplt el the Presbyterian
oh1roh the reit two S.bb•tb.,
Idle' Mabel Varese* 1st .rill very poorly
.cd is nut Imprey109 as her friends would
wish W. hope that with the warm
weather she will renewer her tooted health
•0.1 streotgth
Moaner, Akre eth.
Miss Mai tpraoo spent B.teelay M As'
M W Jeboatou, of Goderlob, •pro Sunday
at Nale.
Mies Anal* Grommets la visiting friends
la Gilead).
Mw Jeanie Ryan. of Loader, has been
renewing old ecgaant.Bcee-
Rev. T. R McNair, of Dungannon, .111
preach hon next Sbud•y •venng.
(dw.geCnrrlo'e (w le beaming this week.
wl:y' Het/ t11e owner of • bright b•r,y
At the Epworth League meeting on Tues-
day sight the election of officers will Irk•
Mir Edith and Master. H and Cecil
Treleaven spent Sunday at George Shep-
The Women's Missionary Antill•ry held
their monthly meting at the borne of Mn.
George Carrie, or.
the numerous triad. .f Mle Mary Ryas'
end of John Lln8eld will be pleased t• hear
of their improvement In health.
The ser•toss on Sabbath were largely •L
teod.d. At the moraine wriest an Ulne•
mated armor' to toe ablldr•e on the filth
oommudmest was given by Rev. if .1.
Wilson, and ,n the .rentor be gays an gas.
ter talk on the Bible with numerous Rthle-
`.Hail. KevoiT.-The following .bows
the eta:Mine of the pupil' of 9. N No. 1,
for the month of March Sr. \ -Mamie
4,4rvfa ; sr. IV -_L elle Fisher, If oriole
Steth.n, Cecil Feblle, Joel' Yoaeg,
Arthur Elliott, Gordon Young, Ells Ryan,
Roes Taylor, Koy Gavin, Luoy Elliott .r
1Ii-Hattie Ryan, Myrtle Ruts, Gladys
Pentland, Bette Kirk, Robbie Fisher,
Lizzie Nivins, Data Ry.., Ad• Campbell,
Ada Elliott, !Aura Kirk ; tr. III -Willie
('ampboa, Resets Ryan, Un Bobbins ; jr.
IIi-Medford Ellle►t, George Ryan, Nellie
Ryan Roth Roblin, Willi. Glrvte, Everett
Elliott ; sr 1I -Melvin Cony, halms Gtr
Celia Malaita, Lulu Smithey'. Harvey
Pentland, David Nivins, Pearl Halchlns,
David Wlfeoo ; jr. Ii -Lola Dnukeld,
Stella Kirk, Wilfrid Elliott, Rey Karr,
Willie Waste. Willie `I•tne ; part II-
C.ppba goblin, Ernest Mnllwals, Mabel
Wlleeo, Leonard Mollw.fe, Loosed Due
kohl -T. A. Sprung and S. McKnight,
(From another correspondent)
On Tue.d•v, M•roh 260h, quite • dl.•
%urbane baa• o•u.ed at the Ntle Methodist
aharoh by the unseemly 000doot of tea
tonne mea A motel wt" in program under
the asepIeee of the Woman'. Missionary
Reality when the disturbance occurred
which resulted to a broken windowrh.
board of truster of the (March .re treating
the offenders very leniently, prosecution
benne stayed 1e tb. Gage of all whe will SUM
M. form of apology drawn op by the beard.
Nese net of the tea hews denied the'pategy
reale Relertels h• romp•L 111 All the
Ti.,. A sal rase with a sappy Riad
Napalms, Oat„ AprII 8.-"1 have bem
troehl.d her neer Ott years with kidney
disease. The pain was so great 1 cool/ sot
*tidier* It 1 e .4514 ,in' entertain any ohm•
pasty. Ow eight I was feeling parueoler
ly'neenble, 1 oh.aodest (hoe 10 hear
of Dodd'. Kidney Pills )' doelded to try
them 1 did so, and am eompt•taly rooter
d to good health "
Tole semllof'ort statement Is from M.•
Jobe C. flaftman, of M• N.s, s well•
kerma lady it was made In May, 1556
Nn Hellman old, -Before using 11ed4'.
Kidney Pills, my arise was om.th1MI
teedbl., and et dere very dlseera.bie te
Tndav she bays, -"l., 1 mag entirety
oared In .96 i have set ism her
orsehleA, aye." seas *Meld knew of
this seedlgtam"
H•mlltoh Herald This uouotry may uo-
caslonelly stray from lbs pet* of wisdom
but ones la every tea years at least It comae
to Its www.
Reclaim', Poet : Do not at him to p',►
b the length of the three helve on baby's
bead, or the pbeoum•ually early ase all
which 1► began to ore,. There Is no sone -
dale for these things.
Tueooto Star : 'Ilse wan of Erin's Ureas
Ids 1.•• snob g happy tam. as they wander
thromso lite that (nasty of them @sp•rl.sa,
must) di/Beatty In remembering bow old
they are, •••o approximately, much Ice the
day of the month on whlob they were born.
"Aon, be orrah, ea' ()t amide's tell ye
that," mid when appealed to. "Now,
last let m• think a ennui- 0. was stein
teen years owld when me Haat brother
died. God bleat hire. That wan Pet four
teen years to the month before UI left avid
()Ireland, and Ul left Oireland twelve y.n
sitar ib. Crimean war Now, how owld
em O. '' Luckily the enumerator was •
ekil.ed sritbm•uelae, and be worked It out
that ►u treed was just sixty tot years old.
O:n•rs have set bmd.ni in their lire oast
sated with great event* a bttmetely, .ad
• reedit' rear .low baa Ile be •06.144,1.4
georalgfa A1.ee4 Mise Weyers .ash
()Lily them who he.. suffered 1► knew of
abs dailaa9, dtlfacU , pals, .ad whew
n euralgia 1a8:.te. Ordu.ry remedies deal
eyes relieve. It moires an ettreerduartly
Mang. 0wiratln4 liniment to dries oat
tan puc. T. get relief rub Polse',7 Nervn
:n• Ince to spot. Pain eon 1 roust NUT'
len., which has awe Warne tb• etreogth tit
•zy other Ilolme►. Decal eat wuralgta
is tall ea hoes. Never falls : Never arms '
Always saeo etaL Try • large 25o bottle.
Tea a1T,k7 Out .•Tr_CIL
1 .at • gest .aa cud to um
"Tbe eremites. pray, stow.
Why de yea always wag voar ebb""
Qse1b 1., " B.aaw I ea..
Pokiest -Lector, I doe's keel. what is
line atter with me. I can't sleep, bare no
•enoung, an !•terse' a hue ease -
s«. ter -hell, baba dot you prep.t•
Mr. Nlmfullo.-Wbut do you %Uuk is
see proper are for "iris ss marry f•
Me. Lusa-O, sheet 19.
"Indeed ' And bow old are yes 7"
"U, •beet 11."
Mamma (eterelyl-Don't you knew that
tbe gram h.4.r S.Iwmoe aid : "Spare the
rod and spoil acre Gadd P'
Bet. y -Bab ' Bat 01 dida'► say that as.
114 es 0n' greased op.
Pau.aeRw(rttsaty to the barn.rl--C..-
doctor, hove 1 time to say need -bee to my
l'oodaotor-I dust Ieow, dr. How keg
you been marled !
Little Ebel bad never tees . toad be
ton, an4 battier by obaom discovered one
m her doer wrist) Nome running to the
Dorm, bet fate Bushed with etmtemeot,
oryfsg : "Mamma, mamma, come quick '
Tbere's a pocketbook hopping around out
here with tour 1•p on it.'
Pula..'• torn 91ireet.r
Demo'. Isy • man up for • woes but quietly
and surely errs o° doing its work,a 4 Both
ug •e knows of the operation till the core
.s *belled Plenty of substitutes do this,
Some of them .n d•rrerou., B. danger _
from Pnteam'a_axsept to linemen At tin -
draggle t,
Public Notloa
TOIVIK•Or 60ugR(t'H
that the council of the town of God erten will
undertake the rooetrnetlon of ar 1110esl moors
sidewalks on the fol:owing streets known u :
jj it:
License District,
The Board of Libenw. l'owmi.tohers
will me. t n the
InsPector's Office, Clinton,
T11NDAY, APRIL Nth, 1901,
at a o'clock. 9 .
to 000elder the appheetwa• for the 1.•
4 ear of IONIA/
All petitions or •ppllc•tlo . to be seat to t. ,
J Palley. Inspector. t'Onto°.
The Dumber of ',canoes for the year USW
Ball was 30 hotels •ad t .hope Toe bomber of
applications for 1101 a IJ hotels and J anJp-
N«w epplloarloe. -- Michael rat.. hotel,
tioderlcb, R Pike, Railway Hnel, tainton ;
l'bariee amnions, hotel, ,ialtford Win,
Proudfoot if z Marti° Ipt*t.l.hotal eialtr ird
ktes. 8aulta, Fiat -way House. Oud•rloh,
N'..1, PAISI.SY,
Apra 4-0 laapwwr, (Clinton.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, ,snort
Bread and Cream Rolls, NEC
Pies and Lady gasses,
Macaroons, Marna,
Brazil Saag, Etc.
are ea good es the out toads to any
city in Canals.
Coniston lett- the trade in
to fanCv dceiznirtg awl ornament
the and alowol 1,'ng-
Gtve tum an order and your eat:
i.lactton wall ,e soured,
T.Uaseay, April 11, 1901.
The pesessa'os exambatlrs have bees
dose away with lo the dablto
caanmKIM S
hoots d the uutbm
ly r•nan9 Reid'sosiers') elbof
d Lim R. B. Rmith's ` Old
osiers') o! ►6• pupil
made to
'.aka the place of Ise mldeummer esamiaa•
Ilea•. Th. Unndae Karma. says teat after
a ds yeaee' trial the plan bat worked GW.
ars the Only
medials that
will cure Dia-
betes. like
Br'gkt'. De-
ere the dm -
sue was Is -
l�curable until
d'• Ktdne) Pills
cured It. De tor*
themselves maims
that without Dodd.
Kidney P,Us they are
powerless against 1)11.
bete•. Dodds Kidney
Pills are the first medicine
Mat ever cured Diabetes,
Imitatio box, name aad
pilLare a,.. ertiood to do so,
but the ensedicine that ice
le Dodd's IGdn.y Pi1L-
Dodd'o Kidney Pills .re
My cents • boa at .11
with your health.
Don't use Drugs and Medicines
of que.tionable quality. Get the best
there is at the same prices that are
Icharged for inferior goods.
At our Drug Store the stock is al-
i 1 ways fresh, and mil article pure, po-
IIRt,,...it-OktUanrdP"re'scacripit°rio% i but a reputation for promptutrw end
Our own hand -made Dairy.
Tinaake made out of your grand-
mothers' of 1 -fashioned hand -dip-
ped blo(lk tin, i, the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All` g(iods• marked in plain
figures. rf tlalalle�tt child ��--•
get the name- bargains as the
older ones lis we have only one
rice and that is the cheaper;.
. o overcharging in the shop.
Medical Hall.
■c►illap ilataal Fire Iasaraace Co.
-Talktraflhopenr fr•a-ei up M Jeort•e
Orr CERA 040 aleeCTtlftil.
J B. Mclean. pre. : T. Pro'er. yloe.•re., :
Jot Connolly, J. 1.1•. W. (i Brodrott. J.
Watt !roar.A. LLC/nitre. L-almawt•v,
dir c . -P '3 Broa'JO d, dsaro Ih lnepec-
arr' .Hes ; T. X. Hays. deaf oil% •tretery•
tree t •,eat.
4. W, l -n, Hol.wvllle:•James Ca..!
J. fila Worrell R Ith.li.li: >I.,rtIIM. *tato
3m1mA• Itarloet
9 Policy -hoiden can pay srreemeat' and at
t- ear cards rr•iptdd at Mr. Coate Clinton or
Th. wpeove ronor, mac, •a1 McLean Bros' PalaceClaahlasflame.Go1•-
hand kronor,rich. ,
sv ii%ii -
St7trS^n':zR7 21
;5-sspsff'll ;
EF: a Vi
>g=-xs-wzw` 8
8n' o•
o r+o moo......o
888E8E 6E888E8 :4E,
Tag eases sidewalk* are to be meet rooted
wider the provisions of it... Municipal Act
and the Looa1 Improvement Bylaw No, 7 of
IMM of this municipality. and .01.i • petition
against each separate improvement or wart
.,geed by a m•iont7 In number of the owner*
represent n1 at least one Hatt of the nal prop-
erty to bs..e..eed be presented to therouneil
within one month from the las publication of
this no ice the proposer! •mrrorsmeat* ar
wort. VIII be nnde taken and epeeist aces.
mesa .bare(.. will h, made by the rouse'.
J. C. MARTIN, Tows Clerk,
Chairman Board of Works-
(4odeNen. April Ith. 11101,
M it
- T1-1 it 1t1WWI -
utxttrDwe.ctovt wand
Sprit sails, oyercoa(s
The man dressed in • tut. made al
, our .tor. always to k. trim. as le is rho
stm0 4100 of every man •f tart' to I••ok,
krse of clots• to choose
n r.er. ear.hlly *needed M V all
a .era, ■1.111 e1 Ay,
*settee street.
iI 0 u at• ooeteu.pl.ting As: :•g •
-Jlaht *renal for eprieg wear, Or, se a
Ames • serve yoe. Prime rash'
V. set S. rest
Mill Wood A Great Snap
'110.• t,.ive is cat into stove whorl
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orders received by, telephone or
left at rteidence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention,
'Phone, 98,
(;oderich, November 21st, 1899. 55-3m
le oar Gisler Soap, at iia e
pnurel, el whieb Ire to beers! it wet:
Um; isn't ear oaty *•p. he we *erre
lverytbieg that we 1t1\foetid Ie so op.
to date gro0ey atom, sed oar prime
are right. T he I .ri.ers Ebner that they
aria sleep' get irom '.r their
motions Ws dr.. it e.
Irg4umate trade - it") . -s :
•a.sew•r• or potetue•, gat-
obmc..r :able China. We deal b .:
of them.
H• ford blo,•k, Gad..: cit.
T'• same stands ter all that 1.
rentable In farmitt me.ninerv,
.e.FERS.. •
intending to $irchsae anything in our
line shard.lnap.'rt nor c"ct'I. hefnre I
placing thAr orl.'r.
We stwaye carry nn han•f a full
stock of repairs.
We have the heat make of Cream
Separators on the market.
Yon ran get tho moat np-to date
Carriage or Buggy made in Go.. -
ado at • reasonable prim. from us
Massey -Harris Bicycles --New
1901 models --elegant mount". Coll
and see them.
Lately carried on by Mews.. Bli;CKEft tit MYERS has been
purchased by
Store C Stand
Style in . Millinery
The " Hat' is the keynote of spring fashions, and ea to style no one can
have another like the one you choose -no two alike. If you have au "idea "
or saw a picture that takes your fancy, Miss Ductus will materialize it for
you and the price will be your way, as all the new millinery was tat in ''
when we got the stock at a low price.
Newness in Shirt Waists. tat mould you like to bay the material ..e
your own bat er hale It trtaoedt
Mr. Andrews bad just put Into •mck, • Urtriob tape, black, white gad mimed, as
few days before we purchaed It •t a Lew half aloe.
rant• on the dollar, about 20 doom of the
.owe shirt w•I.1. made. They aro in the
1, 10.4 oolurtoyta, whim Had black, made of
'Lerner -zed go,.dr, sateen', lase., oham-
br•ve .ad stab good., made 1n the latest
.tyle of blebop .leave and oollar, either
pleb, tucked, pleated, edged with die •el.
lace and trimmed bait', Ito. embroidery and
iusertl000, and then 1o•y uombt.• low
pricer ae well. Mr Andrews had taint
m.rkd vary Wore, but we Dene thew clow
price• that.:
Oetnob tips, were 1.50 for 751.
1.00 ' 60o.
0.760 •' 860370.
"C 30 " 16c.
6 boxes Flowers at 10. 1 half prlm.ad leve.
Berlin and other wools, 3o, --There 1. yet
a tot of these yarns.
A mlad lot B..11..nd others, the regn-
lu aloe 1. llo, for 3c-
Waut., Diose prim, 75r, mr•.d prim, 5°°'I
Oa Clothing 1wt to band in the R•Id!.t•re.
100. 75o Our new spring clothing for man and boys.
" 1 75 .t poo, !fen's serge safe from 13.30 up to 1110.00
1.50 and 1.6a, and all between. 1bey u*pito s all ep dose
oarv.d prier, 1.25 tailored goods and at very el.m prises w';
" 2 00 and 2.25, Mee'. mousier, from 660 up.
cerved prim, 1.00 boys' katokers or abort pante, 2841s9.1._
600 Remnants of Print about half price.
3?�` .•1' ,,'!! Men and boys
k 41.'4;1
'f* (young men) work-
_`. . ir,g outdoors,
knocking about,
need good strong boots to stand the racket.
We've got the very kind you want -stout, thick
soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps,
put together with the knowledge that they must be
strong to stand the strain, •
••These hoots are not expensive, though they do
FROM $1.25 UP.
Oil est
with the
4 4t►� flA4Vill4'v
in _ �,-
,► ' •f 7+,
t '
The Le.t time to enter -
4.4 pea. u
-b▪ efore they are hatched.
uWiie,.r.ai to
t.danave rJ WI end
water pet oaf. the wiute•
will prevent a m kin,i of
Lug. jiserws merp• parasite
r.rr•ree . Mtie *EMI
�► eerier tart for I•s■
Lee smile
grin 144.1 • Rue book
A11100.4 winter sprayla
rat:. r`• -•7r.. other ed d
which we .11
mall free teat-)•
• w ttrtFi g i L
loneloe, Oat
J971 Shapes aqd Stylus.
" King Quality" ladies'• shoes are made in enough shapes
to fit all kinds of ladies' feet, and have an elegant appearance.
Greater variety, better selection, more style, more comfort,
better wear than any other Canadian ladies' *hoe.
Gold medalist at Paris Exposition.
Se. that they are branded-
" K11110 QUALITY."
Mad. by Th. J. D. King Co., Limited, Torrents.
Our Vert to .oderlch to St. Gapes Prima,
who. will .cont lune it in It• hMtlSji t'� --«
Mr. Cornell has had a Ing .xperi•n.t.' in the 1,osinese, and
the now firm win'. put forth every effort t., gage fir.t.c'nar goods
and cervix nt reaa•,nahle tat-.. Sp- j•1 attention, wt!) Ira g•tert
in i'nrlertal4in4. All female ear, will ter. atter'4erl to 1'v 0f r•
Cornell, who pow awe a dtpbrr: t from the 8u'l;vert *1_ho,.l f
Emholmirg,. Tnrontp. No charge for emio11tnii.4 You s
not he nt,r mart with .stnrti.n,.t', chug a.
1,. nrier to ,'Isar out N I•rlrt t .• nl,,, . " tirev, bargain
sale i. M'inu h. Id for lllr) ..•,e
MI good.. marko,t ,I,.w n to . oat nr under coat
of -date go r1. , everything new awl ❑,aieru.
Thu epcial Bel. will continue only thirty days.
and make the beat *twice
13i11RT. PA.RBONB, f
No old, out -
Come early
For Ladies' Fine Shoes
THfi King Quality
Nothing marls in th.• t ,ut,.,l Stat,.to heat them
Every pair guaranty'.'•)
...King Quality Shoes...
etre , Pry hi 0 Anel up todate. We oarrt •
Ier,:e rsr Vie,
Our spring stock of goods
is on our shelves.
hake your selection early
Trunks and valises at close prices.
Our lines of staples are complete.
Redford Hotel Block, (iodench. holo Agent for JD King Go. Gooda