HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 64 THURSDAY, April 11, 1901 THE SIGNAL : (.()I)EItit:H ONTARIn •,� Boys will. be Boys The average boy when at I' v thinks he is doing' his duty when he walks on his knees, slides :down every fence rail he strikes, romps and plays in such a manner that mother is in despair when she surveys his clothes. She longs for a cast iron gar- ment, but the next bent thing is the New Century Brand of Boys' Clothing They ineke a hey look like: a gentle- man and feel• like a king. They are select- ed with a view to make both parents and boy our friends in every • way. The boy wants a suitltolhook right, the parent one that costs right. "f'he com- bination is guaranteed at this store. Colne in and see our " New Cen- tury" brand suit, which we sell for. $1.00. You will ba surprised at so much goodness for so little money. We carry a big stock 'of the " Now Century " brand clothing, be- cause we are the sole agents. W_ co le5===HsreMie Meti o Furnisher .not Hatter. Next,to Iwo A Shephard. gilt , ignal. re ictal masa SPH1iy THURSDAY HORNING gt.an&UV*Mf QODI IUCH TUURSDAY, APRIL ll 901 SNAP SHOTS. -Tea Hamilton editors must bo going to hate • Prise fight, jdging by the way 'they aSparring at each n her in tyles. ' -Nina greatest check, Uncial' hes re- osivad,aiaoe the 'outbreak of hostilities is (Q00 presented to, him r few dY his Hollami admirers, - ` 1iat gif ted and plied Nova Scotian, De. Bnit•Rrs.aLL, M.P., has boon lecturing eat "The 'Roomy Side of Democracy.' The clever little orator must hats just turned - the subject' node out I - I+hie redtinisoent lettere to The Tor Nowt, that gllirious old gossip, Nictlo YL000 DAVIN, Often retort to a "goutleman or "another gent emai." Of course DAVIN refers to himself, Gut he should not assume so heavy a disguise. -HARRY COREY,.pe Tully .11,stiller of West Haetiugs, is room ung his seat in the Cumulous for sure, and it, is again asserted that Hou. Geo, E. Fesran will.uceee,lhim. That will be a whiskey -and -water ,loaf on the constituency. -Urs lilpenon _correspondent furnishes ur with soothe* original 0005, -4 tit?Off "The Maiden with the Mandolin " The E editor al The Toronto Telegram will now doubtless remark that mother Pan:it, his buy LRca, the our of this journal, nor �_I ueany of our c0ntribuurs, ever tow A• maiden od with • ,mandolin. -Tao-vice-president of the Ottawa Press Association, made up u CARitto NArlor',and �tt to the eats, end eagerly hid for ey,•ry or Isle on which the Duke and Dachae had, by their personal use of it, left the odor of arts tuoraoy. A chair which the Dula bad 'broken by sitting on it, thereby manif.•etly oonneotlog It with his person, was an eepsc 1.1 object et 4eslre, but was cruelly with. held.'to Dill those pmple elavl.h would be to wrocg the slave, who grovels n t of his free will but under compubluc. 'he slave bows his heed while perhaps be h a freemen's heart ; the American eyoopban bow their harts. The American poem of the Duobeee, 11 seems, ars going to Ile In England. Such is the general tendency of thea people, wbo oan get Enure Servility for their money in the old oouotrie, and are deeNtuta of attachment to their native land. They sorry .way a mom ot wealth roads by Amerloan Tabor ; happily at the same time they c.rry away themselves. THie ISN'T A WHITE ELEl'IIANT, Baltdmor. Hai: Jame ('shltl, ot Roosy's Point, West t irglnl•, is the only person is West Virgioi., end probably In the United State, wbo bis to regular are open hu firm an elephant whim is used for farm work. With the swaying beast bitohed up to a plow he can turn more ground than auv of his neighbors with • team of horse., srad when It Domes to hauling logs the elephant. will walk .way with sue with lugs which the beet teams of bis neighbor, caro.. more. 1 b elephant ens tittle more 'hen • horse, and i4ea many times the wort of one. 1e gentle end docile and I,ttle trouble, od Mr. Cebill le more than please'' wits h experiment. S.yeral mooths ago a ImOII otroas bream op at Marin i. Ferry, •oJ�ita property was sold at suction Mr she was at the ale, btd in • few tho elepbeet and • toot,.and ttok wielding s hstchet, helped to cut the post- prandial speeches iuu fife min re -mow at the annual banquet last week. It wen also s hint that no one was to tell wicked stories, with that little hatchet to remind them of Giotto' W•sulauroN, -Tars young Canadian who goo. to the lone pl•oee of our great North west, and by industry, pluck and perseverance turtle iho deoert.pl►0e into a minion. may opt be greeted with a bras baud, or have s gold watch promoted to him, when he revisits his old Ontario home, but he in considerable of s patriot all the same. WHAT-OTHEiIS ARE SAYING - but -the donor tmeo's which the Nov la undvrtek . ma :now haus heetofor bwu poorly moved sad .•. the growiu; br.00hto whom coat of m1 'Menem* will tor Loreaetnsiy nom. Nor M this all amt. the Aluuu.t Asiuu tion boo to oosvrseulete self opus se the result ot'it. Moore and lis •rauw.•uu, fur the uow buildtug will Daum present Unit's/pity promww to be vioatad, thus greatly IbCN .log Lb. •uuommoditioo which otbet brooches of study eoloy. When mlnorilogy sod geology move out of the biological building the used of biology for more room will be inert. In foot, the now building rrllovo the pressure every- where, and so bot se to funds and toed:ono some the but Moos sows Jtstance toward moetteg ib. mcet premium needs 01 the cue. Has the ()Orel /Talent dlfmLyd tis *Trill" wltlr..• rat.-.. ' are 1 than Yr. and kno• tioa aim Ilvd Indo late repo moe Lk. Oras have mors they mon mea Lure u t the whir Fein ,on, !art ever. uoly ',coy pet ti of th v gm vers) Mose the t dire. uuly, ed le 1 .rs u th r1. ey t•'11 s..e Sera t Otto for se en. seem Letts , S oni Nen f dr op and ( studs toe mint' Stn 1" sot N d u pie n ow 1 $1010 of arc @01001 Err • lcto1 them hs,'.rprotteg re •ratt • small show himself. ,His father, Patrick (shill, • fru• gal Irishm�so, derided that • b...1 of tbo . zs of an Oliphant mull not remain meth. farm and belted unless 1t paid for Its beard with labor, he hemmed N tap and the wheal won lo.yy: t. dbd .s wan thee' rap the tRsTito.'_it/lii R. Sad will keep the elsobaut on the seek I studs. gree i afros* there' edge hlstoe vaatua thus 1 the* fpr LVID THOVQ T. Kingston Freeman : The following is the reale given by a minister In •oolghbor log town for women taking ,heir hats off In his oharoh • "No human beteg 000 an moot good out of • sermon unless he oan me the speaker's Pape end studies 1u ex pr.ssioa. No sermon can inspire a man who Is looking into • lopsided aggregation of dead Lords, stuffed weasels, chameleon skins, ribbons, jets, beads, snot straws, papa flowers, ooro tassels. and thistle down. It makes thorniest. feet lost to the wilderness." - "DON'T rntel1T Tal 00NorMIR. ' Tae Irelventsy r$ai. l -Mise. avers vier. sas Dote for adara1Na -1ka reiveellty sill. Slmooe Reformer ; The Toronto Daily Star heads an editorial with the expression "Don't fowl: the monomer." There Is not • rubieot oonoeoted with our todtutrisI or political polios that deserves more •tt.0tion than the expression Involves. People in all aorta of business ars oontlnu•lly asking for something by way of protmtlon or prlyl, lege from the Government, and, u s rule, whatever Is granted will be to tin Mead vantage of some other slaw In the mman• ity. The consumer is the one .• no le the greatest and Real .offerer. T Year bas ✓ peoial referencia in it. •rtlai ..e request of the woolee manufacturer. : 'r more pro. rotation. The 0easumers conittato bbl great as.. of the people, but It is • rare thing to find anybody taking 'pedal oars to guard their interests. Nobody, not eyen • 1h. lToivortJoy so• charities, ever delred serioush• to remo the University of Toronto from 1; rvern- moot oo0trol. to tee!, • measure along that lino which Premier Roos prepared a couple of years ago was never brought up In the Legisl•turo because t he fri.ods of the University -some td whom had been rather clamorous that way -did not like the Ides so well when it was set Iwo In black .n'1 whit, At t5• prevent time there hes boon no effort Io upset Premier Koen argument that the Government mutt retain • measure of 000trol so long as the 1.orerament 1e re- sponsible to Inc people for eo.lowment fonds and other university m.tten. The real question i., Has the Government done enough fur the University'. le the financial •'d .4,g0ate 1 1. It wisely direct- ed'? 1st the last ten years the Government has riven to the University $450,000, or %bat represents that •mount oapttahzsd st fear pet coat. This moans .1ootrihutton of 545,0(10. Now on top of it Dawes another rift of $20,000 i year -the maintenance of the moot expensive department of uu,v.r sity ioatsootiee, and • $200,000 building. Snob • record osu hardly be called niggard- ly. Under Mamie olronm.tanoes public opin Ion will be with the Government It helping the University just enough to help itself. there are many legitimate uals on the pub- lic treasury, and though education is not the least •f them the University is not t exacty the whole idudatkye 0al otem. 6,000 public schools, 130 high school,, a large camber of Model schools. Normal schools, • Normal College, besides taoholna schools and sgrloultura and dairying schools. wbloh must have • share In thea giving,. The University is, perhaps, the most Important (actor in the eduoatton•I e ohomm, hot even that could not condone the Government In Inning sight of propor- tion to distributing the public money. As • mater of foot the Government has not only kept Ode In mind, but has actually given the University dl It risked, though some pernickety people do pot ohoos to use it 1n that light. When the Alnmal Antonin ion wand ea the Government their request was that fonds be provided toward throe ends : (1) that the rmurreaoe ofdMkt tomight lie avoui- od ; (2) that the department of miner•Ingy and geology u ight be adequately equipped ; (3) thst th. •arson, d.partmenta of the not. Trinity might be more liberally maintained. The bill before the Legt•lature Mese • lone dlsIsooe toward meeting the three points - whtoh mky he proved this way. Arnines the deNolt of $14,683 last year there is the $20,000 now to be spent by the Preview ; that should more than lover the (teflott of the year. With regard to the monad rogeeet, that the department of mineralogy and geology should he adequate- ly provided for. the remount proves to he that the Proving nasomes the mate man• taints, t.h..• brooches, and this tot ice grate• flies the third rainiest, s. It relieve, the en dnwment fonds of the Unlveretty and It, ordinary revenue of • drain apo. it, and on helps more liberally to resistant all the other 4.yartment. Not only dors the Province wase ae ex• p.ndlturs of $25),000 In behalf of physlnt, o h.rnlstry, mineralogy end geology, which theta rel.aae $9)1,010 of endewm.at for the beeedt.f Maar breaohes of the University, saga , major What (flab! Ween the U. • t•I'ly depar • •S. elute, tat.0m Whin Carly. self would take. time.' Mr. lad usi there in eve ad e irfir •175 to l'on f.oe grin 0 s. reng Toron' Moos great 1 is nap' metal) nature to aqui io tl hover; .000rd pl.. renal a1 provre Hob 's wnr l inyerr +0d et only n It rtes f cai vs. 00 twenty TRUE, or 0oreesx, Toronto Globo : An Ingenious Ohio man, 1.. F. Hoon, has disooversd • new and high- ly prentloel use for hypnotism. Being la Denver and short of fonds, Mr. Hoon.onght for some means by which he eonld emote • free paeans at teal as far as Kansas ('lay on his way home it occurred to him to base himself hypootlred and shipped to that point in • box by express, omino s/A to • friend, Mr. J. W. Hannam, whom lie deity insetted to expect an express paokage on • pertain day. The plan eae snlo.eetally mooted out Hoon awakened at the time flood by the hypnotist and broke his way sat of the box just before re•ohtng harries Oily. Subsequently he walked In to See h1. friend Hannam, whoa the totter mm. Walesa that the box hen arrived, bat the eonbenW hart evidently been stolen Hoon had no hesitation In going with him and maklog a Stals for namagoa from the Wells, fart. Express (1., , but on Investigation the real foots of the "raw" were dl.mvered. Ilsaawhlle, however. the mbemer had ✓ eached 5l, hose. •MRRIi'AN 5TG1r111N0r. A µ'•.lander, to Toronto `tan Ther. was Mot other day a ale by •nntlon In an Amo1ego - of • house In h as Ratlleh Duke, oof the testator* of the highest char m Mir. had bees residing with an American iwlren, wham he had rearrled. The fashion rale se•USy N ata atq, we are bald, Soaked r*ws 1 T. ,. sent at C-'nnol hot oro for Hut merino! lag of ngitalt law o•t so .t 1 antmait Tee h&tol t. 11. qano_r1oqning ti 11UUUU UIUUllIu� tJllllu uuu vuuaulse/ and we have a great many articles that will make work easy for you. 8RYNOL is the best window cleaner on the Market. FURNITURZ OIL. -Lemon Polishing Oil is the best polisher for varuk.hell surfaces. Try it. It will make old furniture look new. GRANITINE FLOOR FINISH is especially adapted ., m •rttm“Mtlii;: tltt II3W STORE IN THE OLD STAND IHAVE started store in my old stand and am ready to do business with a complete new stock of Mairt ple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the PI N.N nn 4..0•411.41.1.'f• -upplcntien# to "lie (*ignal.,, t.i)DERlt'H, ONTARIO. APRIL 11Tt1, 1901. . !itf tttltf ttf tlf ttf Itttttttf fait?ttf tttmmmmmmmmlttttf tilt! Moe - dr dOP- T., \octs agoglee f- •tF oleo dleor f deo- awe- •IIi'- e>r r- Me- GODERICH, CRESCENT, HYSLOP, TRIBUNE, r Get Acquainted ait). our line of Bicycles. It's worth your while and the acquaintance will sate you money. ►- deo- 01- RA CYCLE. The ltrcest .Inow of Bicycles evt r seen in Goderich. All fully guaranteed. Our line for 1901 gives you a generous choice of styles and prices. They comb'ne all the latest features. Dunlop,, G. &.1., M. & W., Samson, Goodrich Tires. We alio have • utluibor of .e&nd-hand wheels at btrgaine ltepntre exec tied *r'-fuily end promptly by a first -claim r.•pair ratan. We have been gel:irig bi.ycles ever since a bicycle was a bicycle dud are known as reliable dealers.. Telephone 9 0EO.:W. TtHOMSON & ' SON 111111111111111111111111111111 I l l l l l l l l i� DUNLOP. T. r'ii•e, April 9 Chas H5045100 has rawroal to Ills fes n ear iey, to Grey couoty. Thera was • wood boo a1 K. Vaa.d'. Wedoe.day of last week Ju L. 'Tobin, of the Free frees staff, London, spent Easter Sunday here with relative 1'h• first plowing to the now cantor? was dons by Frank 1- 'nog, of Loyal, and A A esrrlsd off • prise fee Trutt at its W Yen at Cbie•go sad aa•,e otos to • to oempttttNoa i• eke french Capital LLL BURN, Ti t.o,, Aprtl N'm. (;Ilddoo bis moved to the tum, which he bis rented. Mrs. Ju. ('bisholor with her smolt Eaetor at Si;.tford, with hes Yrs. N haling. A Sao mg bee to Cut sons., Williams, of this place. Monday of this wood took place at James (oahvla, wok. day ot last week Our popular towosmao, Norman McLeod, I Ths 6nt sowing 01 0.4 4 the se bis returned from Lochalsh and will be tory in L..haro wee done t, Jamb again fort mso for A Allen for his third „o Monday of this week• rear to our midst. I Mlles I.. Horton dlscbup,d the d ('bas M, -Nodi bis boon drawing lumber organist at the oberet less for b'. houee Hs intend. hunldtry In she , Thompson will bo the nett tesd.,w oeuree of the Deming summer, John this charge. He will preset here ea Morris, of I:„derioh, will be the budder. day. Mr. ('ummlog, of Dunlop, so 'N oensu• ,n our moist lest week. 5 • alloletd p., haps to tell modem the some of h, moot baoh.lore io I,n,'uts yet may 55 15155100 of getting a eek Monday of last week our toweemaa. 1). Cummieg. oommeno-d iia duties .e ,vn•us enam•.'nr, s'srring at R W Own.' Herbert Morris on- hes rounds starred .t J. - Barker's. GODERIGH PUBLIC SCHOOL J g. •e l't of tM Biers Tees esaslasll.••.1 Ja .:s sorra G. Yule • ' Woold Too oars to .t.rry 00 a . my • ter 111 --(irade 1. M,ss9'•war•,leacber. d.try bard toot daring 001 In eon lnna leo tba YcCtymont, Zabel Slut) said, with datrvmoo in ditlwreot parte ot Canada 'i h - e'' .e moo w o, John n � �-isle 'sonic do � R.tt and us her TI o el !poen would be • I• .Ili, to mg u the rrp.rc art the }:utas te.t hs els y, 1 . � y v ixawtbattolla tela in the "t;edetTclt Yee f nd41. tibetimes for wavarete IA* nine. Mt'.. Sobool. Namea ars ed in order ell (lark, John MacAulay, Rnbt. Corey. (:esti. wculd furnish you with Narks mob morn t, tioebel, M.mie l'non pens, Abigail !Mink- for keeping the record, 1t Canadian d.trr • sei.le sad 4404-14-0-aemsu +,t-tboa akn}+eleert (,trek, Hello Hewre, )t.vtd men ars to ranee the ',vertigo yield e1 their bay. made 50 pew omit, or odor oaths whole ; Aitkeos, A I is Marwick, Ciae'l$od Rloh• birds and m. k. • pool: it must M by Err 1 ands. Fred 1 rig, lions' t McDonald., Neil Ending out what their nndiv,iu.l oows ear, ez.,minitioo appear. .The asterisks node seta leaure in one or more subjoins : ' MacAulay, Ali, Fraser.t5,'1.. Ripley. doing. 1f the cow 1e not Pavlov her keen Mist Fronk.,$ach.r.-Ora Bow. Uoa.ld marl leav'nv • rood profit for the dairtm.o Ninon IV.(Entr•noe O'asw)-May K,seetl, tticbol•oa, Emelt Hell, A lei. R ,hinsoo, either tn. cow l• no goo -1 or 15e d.tsvmso Choler Bisset t, J•1bo Welker ; (uses nthel Vane! one, Sruo.• ft•it, Ol,v. Smith, to not feeding bar properly 1f you am Roo use and All.. Aud.rson,' ual ; Emma John Murray, John McNsvios, • N'.1 :s really interested In cho dairy business. and Vouog, Jean Tom, I•obel l'rouatoot•; 1'art ('-.,g E. 1)avieon, Willi* Johnet.ou, Dare t0 gra Iwo • on np0r;t'Ive teat as Won • Evens.nd Mood Tilt end ttdeertCraigia, Elmer Wells, Vella. 1Moates, l:rerk My-, lioned atom.1 should' be pled to send - _.equal ; Herry Habb.1yand Willis Pruudlo. t,' yyy,,,,,,r���+[. Eddie YoLe•o, K.' Yellrtle, Vienne pleased tis• hoe par: r. the *etre. lis equal ; 11. I' '-nine: Jeuali MOGase otbsra•, Slay Wilma, owe -I- n any Ila•:, I should I in Io hear from you o0 }net,' equal ; Lillian MaDenald.' Ivy New- tmoher.-Fn.k Doty, Oui tCard. .1 mud 1 tortru. Morrow' anY d_.egls Proud ,Jointer 1I1. tirade 1I. -- Mie m Freaks, 1 the 'foremen, onlo•e. -"ph yours yet truly, tea ; Irene S.ults' end M.ggie SathorlanA' *stew, Allies McDonald, Arthur Runc'msn, i .1. 11 t;,,u.i„ t. and Frame*. 1% ,gems',' Nun ; Oweo Mo t.M, , Sat.vlood, •Nona Hh.rman, Maggie K talltoud ly' end Lydia Heck ' *owl ; G so 111 , Lawn, E lith Algia, Crs• ts C.mpbrll, lq.. 10 unit. ., ,Jurdau'-eod Annie Stoddart". equal. Uar.tey B. -.t le, Ffeal4 k_Craig, .gr_e.+s• - The replier' elicits,/ br this Iw!ter were of T...,f Muer tog ere the names 01 its pupils tell, Gordon Aliso, J'•he Pr, tui foot, Redd,. '-wb s charm -ter r w to t0dteae the *drove in the entrance isles. wbo took the" highest Jen..ton, John llarw.ok, Albert Knee - awaiting in the t►rt.ue subjects, with the .k.w, Eve I'koter, M.y Cornett, Hugh permittege ; McGuire. .\memo McDonald, Malcolm Mc- E1,gtnatJrammar. M.y llissett, •e8 • Weald , Ern.nno Einem. Roth th Literature, May Ft watt, r19. (,r'mpeettlon, (;nater Bw,ett, 83 Spelling, Si .y Hassett, 100. Ret 5,1 Kir 1111 M. Ms MIN. Stewart, teacher, -Stanley Maroon. Nollts G..ham,Ph, .-he $ono. -le, Cora (nese, Krems Rreken, Floreooa Molt meld, M..n4• Drawing. Rob. ('ramie, 7t , 1)11110p. Reams Methene, Lour. Carey, Wetting, Arthur McLean, 80. M H,II, Hagh Dodson, John Moleor, Rodin', frena Sauna, Maud Tip, Owia Susie Beettts, lRefyCraig, Arthur McGill', 'tllty of oe1u,g the m.tt.r more poM)• N'ttn such an end In vow, the foregmeg u given for publication. It .i hoped that many of our dairy ter- mer* may see 15. import&. a sal neowe.rty of keep', g such records as are suggested, and 'fiat ihwy may think 1t a4vtsi,h'e to ; ions in this o0 operative dairy nerd r•oord or test. Any farmer ietereated may obtain fall MoG,ltinsddy, .lea. Walker,•toba Galt. onddy_ D•rucular s by addressing --Toe ne Agra A. 31. Faith,ewh 9J --__._.---- eol'urbt, Erp•rirparat Farm, O;t.w.," Arbmat .tio, May B mot, 82 DOMINION EXPERIMEN I AL FARMS. I Al? leaser so •ddrewd are earned pest it Wee. Geography, John W• ker. 86. tenors re overall%e awry Herd Teri gee History. May Hlmat%, 85. ord. \Physiology, May Hamm 87. .Ipolor IV.-E.m Bean and K'.nohe Kent, The attention of Canadian farmers ,o. aqua ; Arden Aitken ;' Magg.e Met solo wrested in the development of ono of Coo - and Walter Saunders, equal ; Andrew sda's greatest Indu.trial honors, the dairy Mair lend •lobo Woreei., ,gaol : Harry herd, le drawn to the following letter, re t'ashington and Agnes NIolver,' equal ; Ren. Muth' rltad ; Prestos Si rano' sea I, lv pends °Sot out u • few (armee Io 05001 Yoylcar,• equal ; Ma.tl•od Donn : Jennie Province of the Domlotoo t'ro.dtoot' and ('lana Stotbers,' rgod ; ".l.otr$1 Erporlmental Farm, Isla Smith,'Myrtle Howell.' Mary - (Ottawa. Talley' • Joshes Toomse and Eton Allan' - eyelet ; ; Kvs Carheroo.' Senior 111. -lila Ruek teacher. - D. House, (:. Yartln, McDonald, U. Reeves, It. Aodenoo, V Dwell, G. Nevins, M. "Vools., 8 Noble. Robertson, P. Wil son, C. Mci)onald. G. snlok, R Leopard, M Pard, E Plat, B. Wreath, B H•rrf- eon,' W. Armstrong, Horton,' F SrcG.wt R. McDonald t Names 11L -bels PIECESUL SLEEM, He pot a .tisk of dynamite beide • stove to hart, He dole t dn'sm at all that night, His sleep was oaim and sweet. Some of him dept upon the hill. Some of him to the vele, And some beside the tr., It ng rill That babble through the dale. N'm. I'ampbell, ot (.oAerioh, flea beim in our midst f.,r the ps' fortnight do:ng laeide printing in ..verd1 m.n.inn•. For the prat few ye.'. he hs. hewn • oiler on thief/top n'oe w•twea of our 1'.nanisn I.kws and In the evening by the social fire•.dwri he g'v.a us many stories ot the waters that he tee •ailed en. Hour A..,,ts -Ase• Rom. week• •pent lal.o'.rtcb, Mr and Sera A.0 Marliosiol returned as Monday of Int week Mr MsonnnalI whom. haelth h., not be• n good 1.,.!,, is .om.whar batter, and with t'.o advse' of summer we hon. he will even be tip to his raid s'ann.r4. R'. slog e.nor.tn. Lu 5110 on 'waiving • diploma for ifs trait • b0wn at 'he r•r.at /tarts K,no•ttton ler M.oruaald, we might reminn our roofers, Rhee. Meta, teat of God/midi, eta bought our the busies. of 11-e. b St, Augustine, has beoo'1 p.::•al ter there. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes mast be ..•ft 11 UtTtce not later thou `, noon. The Copy for e mast be left not later ihat ties noon. Caanal Ad'm acoeptewf no t* noon yy,•jn„ s each week. Goderich... Seed Ernporiui DEAR 11th, Engllsb school ohildren bavtng h e1 sup Your name hu been handed to me as plied with Information about Coad• have that of • farmer who is particularly inter- hero Invited to write competitive noisy• He We have the largest and best selected stock seeds in town. Our clovers and grasses have been bought f the best importers in the Dominion and any: nounced by our numerous Customers jir'.t-i; stock. We are leaders in mangel seed. We haw stock one-half ton of tine selected mangel seed ail varieties,• As the corn season comes on you will find ui usual with some of the best kinds for cultivate We have given our customers the very satisfaction in this line and will earnestly end vor to do so in the future. All kin's-ot-ffefd--and garden seeds tept hand and sold at reasonable prices. We sell the best brands of Flour, Nerbages and Meals of all kinds. Your patronage is respectfully solicited on t merits of the goods we sell. anted In the production of milk. it to• about the o linty Some of the youthful mlltont•st" productions are very good. 1) her.. accord• Ing to • review .lamas Johnson has merle of them, tell some ,iocer stories. One ohlld, • however, oerta,n that this need not be the twelve-yerol4, futr"shss this rowel mules • Mill•ow if mf} stent Dare end ,0tdllveope •rs m.Noo " M•eltnea le weer of the Knckytwoifsd ic entcareand l.'ding the onwe motion""t:mn peg Is ootrd fur kyiatepdaA ler milk produpersYe, u oed.r •aea«.y '. v "Menareel N .sod Jnr tieawn to be able to wort mors eelwethely toward mitis " " Uttaws 11 Situated on the ,1'r. • prii--g well•known foot that the greet m.jlrity of dairy beta., if we may jodge by ua.h re turns alone, are loons, investments. it b, Wm. Burrows cSc So -L Lak,t. its Star ; M. Montt and A Nairn, e.(ua ; (; 1 111 @rerouteFarr, W. KIHott, C. Lewis, D Nairo,t N. Improvsmen. along this line, I •m delrove Lawrenoe. Another, after contrasting lh. Pollock, 1) MoKay, 9. MoKlaoon, R, of meurintr Some eosin information as to the inhabitance of Canada today with those of µMott,. 1'. Muir ; i, Thome". and M. method. of feeding foltnwed in d R+rent the early days, says "1iot. ,. oioe different 1 ate,, roust; I•, Roos, K lileatt, 0 pats of ('.0.da. 1 should, therefore, he are the lives of Canadians now. The Andrews, A Hanlon,' K MoOillioaddy ' mush indebted to you if you would write majority of them, the farmere, 11,e , uiet, Middle 111. -MI . Han, basher. . E me nn- fly upon the lollowiag pointe , - simple ho.', full of fon, and .Iw+y. ready Sparks, T Thom.., W. Book, K. Rubdown, A. (:raigle ; M Morrow and W. Wyet•t, equal; N 1 nlboro., F. i)e•rloh, H spark.,' S. Andrews.' M Wylie, C. Copp, t• .1. Welsh,1 M. McV,o•r 1 Middle IIi --Mies Itu.k, teacher (' '1 urohull, l'. young, 0 Whitely, 10 Nu. del, H. Reid, C. Haskell, A Walker, F. I'uff, A McGillivray. J. Wiggin.,' R. Hawk too, t tt. Reld,'f C. Swartr,t G. Platt, t $2737 78 oio,rMIM sort, ?(alartas $269145 Prtnting and st,ertir Ing . I man gimme Fire department . lineal Improemmeate. Interest.. Pnhlle works Charity Rank totems% Waterworks apltl maintenances Rlmerin light Pohl' a enhnnis .. 8pmla grants Heard of Health Sapatats fishes! 24 00 82 66 1460 218 65 34 20 9 00 170 95 25 52 666 43) 101 62 429 85 41 00 50 00 100 00 1 hind sod quantity of roughage ration led to your mdkmg c" ens In winter. 2. Kind end quantity of grain fed your mllkme ones in (a) summer, , nl winter. 3 Quantity of mark yielded per oow year 0 Do yea use purrbr•d halls' what 8, (whey. to help pooh other Perhaps they were Deoo poor orphan oh !leen sent trnm a school to earn their oleo living " 0.. jnv•nttoeseay Mt declares that cricket to oto of oar pnpu lar winter .pore, and that (;aaedtaae are red. Still an.'her soya Canadian, lent mivwabl, in summer, but 1. 'later ae de• uta aureole.' to .ports IyvidMtlx cN .t See di 7.0 Iki.T 5'. prodoo' ,p.em) of information •boas --''Mad$ M s. ), if yea nava melt sealed. .n.N, op'eu ray 100 rare men andes the firemen given the present Mark • othoo for • meeting room • oleo that • water eerv,ce and furnishing, be pot le on th• ant floor. The probable octet of iho now roof was sUm•ted et $200 and o1 the other olangse $300. With ra.r.nns to the letter retort wed from Meer* Prondfoot A Hays, regarding the Marl' age dumplog ground, tiro roommate. reported that rho nh.,rman and Mr. Reid had gene over the ground and given th• mater their eon.lderatlan nod found tn•t the present dampish wooed was the mal .eltahle 11.t mull be bad. They rmem mended that • fent* three feet high he built eoeue. Wright street and that all garb. ag. be thrown neer the bank. The ma- . tuetten ot etaeellthlt walks on Kam* sad 8t. David's street*, for wtleh patlttSY V V 1/ il>• ALWAYS ON HAND THK HRMT Scrautou Hard Coal IN THK MAHRRT All tion) weighed on the M.rk•t Brat a. where soak,* MO the. fora ton. WM. LEE. Oder. left at LIB s RIB?>iAAD'a Stage promptly attended to. All the latest and best designs trimmed and untrimmed Millinery 8I ready-to-wear Hats. Call and inspect before purchasing. MISS CAMERON, Apprentices Wanted. Hamilton Street. Last week's atyntt.isement brought a number in to .eo our samples of American Wall Papers, and every person pro nonnced them the prettiest designs ever shown in Goderich. Remember we don't have to carry those expensive papen in stook and can afford to sell them at prices to enable you tet put the best paper on your kitchen. Embossed. Gilt Reda and Blues at 1110 a ells Gilt Papers at Boa roll Remember it will pay you to see our sampler and prism before buying. Yon are not at the mercy of one man 11.ts your for your good papers tee oar sample, Varnished Idea, washable paper,, for hath and kitchen. Ingrains - all shades, with borders and ceilings to match We will consider it a complement if you look at our papas -buy or not We ant only out for advertising this year. Ramelee taken to your house it desired. Paper hung ilk a roll. KI DD 00.