HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ' ONTARIO. TBuMnAT, April 11, 1901. 6 W. Acheson & Son EXHIBITION AND BALE OF NEW CARPETS AND RUGS. We offer our new stock of carpets, rugs and wettings at fully 2U per ti,•ut. below fined market values. Because we consummated the must favorable purchases known in the business. We mean to create a record of sales in this department. We intend to make this department the first thought of every house keeper or haute furnisher. CENSUS PARAGRAPHS. Hamilton Herald : This ouuntry may ,o. oesiooally stray from the path ut wisdom ; but ones la every tea years st lout It comae w lis • Hamtlwo Pest : Do not ask him to put to the length tel the three hairs on baby's bead, or the pbeoomeually early ear at whloh 11 began to orow. There le nu eohe- dole for these things. Torouto Star : The sou of Erin'. Green hie have suob a happy time ea they wander throng* lite that many of them ezperl.uue muob difficulty In remembering how old they are, even approximately, muob lees the day of the month on which they were born. "Aoh, begorrah, an' Gt couldn't tell ye that," said one whim appealed to. "Now. WEST HURON License District. The Board of License Cowmiaatouen will matt a: the Inspector's Office, Clinton, TUMSDIY, APRIL 16th, 1901, al a airlock, p w . to oon.ldnr th" applioe' tone for the 11 I•'aio • r.r "t 100 1142 Th. promotlsa ezamlaattooe have bora dame away with to the Dundas publto + uhuole sod the muutttly rsoorda and the i+tragi etttutwoy of the pupil made to take the place of the midsummer saamtw• Ideas The Dundee bauu.r soya that after • Mx years trial the plan has worked a►u• taotorlly. Dodd's Kidney are the ody mediates that will ears Dia- betes. Like Bn1ht's Dis- ease ireau this the- e..• wan le- i • s It ors.. \.— teas -f. awe e, -\ teepee- :rotary ptar x.tary iealth. cines e best at are ie al - re, po- ment s and AN ,e Co. 'ROP sonar. 11 s1 ex• a R. B. Rain"34 cII !/I 9 C Reld's Old Store [ 1 [ ,1 `J Stand set a or e, cies oats desk is the look. boost Style in Millinery The " Hat'' is the keynote of spring fashions, and as to style no one can have another like the one you choose—no two alike. If you have au "idea" or saw a picture that takes your fancy, Miss 'Duffus will materialize it for you and the price will be your way, as all the new millinery was "j tit in when we got the stock at a low price. Newness in Shirt Waists. Mr. Andrews had just put Into stook, a low days before we purohased 1t ata low rete ou the dollar, about 20 dozen of the uuweet shirt testate made. They are la the n., vest 00101 age, white tad bleak, made tel n.uroenrd goods, atsens, lawns, oham- brays and wash goods, made In the latest • tyle of bishop sleeve and oollar, either P lata, tucked, pleated, edged with doe val. la,:e and trimmed with Isoie embroidery and msorttuw, and then they uombiue low prime as well. Mr Andrews had them marked very clow, but we o.rve these clow P rloes thus Waists, oloae prime, 75o, (tarred price, boo- " „ 100 .. " 750. .. ,. .. 1 25 .. 90o. N N N 1.50 sod 1.65, oarred pries, 1.25 " 200 led '1.25, starved pries, 1.00 Would you like to buy the material sad aim your own hat or hays It trimmed? Ostriuh tips, black, white and oolord, at halt price. Ostrich tips, were 1.50 for 75o. 1.00"600. " 0.75 " 37o. " 0.60 " 250. " C.30 " 15o. 6 boxes Flowers .1 just half prtoe ted loos. Kerlin and other wools, 3o. '_There is yet s lot of these yarns. A mixed lot Berlin, and other, the re's. lar prior is 8o, for 3c. Clothlog jest to hand In the Ksldletore. Our new spring clothing for men and boys. 1t.u's urge suite from $3. b0 up to 510.00 wad all between,. linty are ail up to data tailored good, and at very close prices. .j Mao'. trousers from 60o up. boys' kmok.r. or short psalm, 68o 600 Remnants of Print about half price. 'VST_ A Mcg=1\2_ .t50. e w wr•k. •e carry tall on ✓ prices Mabey tt their 0 1 no d to .• Ir • riot "•h. i and Wear Shoe. Men and boys (young men) work- in ork- in g outdoors, knocking about, need good strong boots to staid the racket. We've got the very kind you want, --stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, put together with the knowledge that they must be strong to stand the'strain. - .These hoots are not extensive, though they do Wear i;t .. .. FROM $1.25 UP. WII. SHARMAN, Jr. Oil Spraying In Winter with the 1P,11 t '��' it �r�t n �f. 44-411g1 1011114M - ' ±',.41f! . 7-,sio •i. 7') it Ibillillif r tt Tke--beet Lase to exter- minate orchard pests 1. before the ore hatched. "ria .,o•in orst et w xulre ter oar end water and on in the wimler will present au_ kind of lerg, Y wo,m or Lrreinle eve,; arcing ase ligh-Z� Noma An A certain este for Ran E. scale its I • 1.1i4t • fine hoot Vann winter spraying 01111 y other hind or ,¢,•eying wb,ch we 1..11 k'.vy melt free ton.l- tt o•.r writing fun It. THE SFRAMOTOO CO. Lontron, Oat. ,jell Shapes trgd Styles. "King Quality" ladies' shoes are made in enough shapes to fit all kinds of ladies' feet, and have an elegant appearance. Greater variety, better selection, more style, more comfort, better wear than any other Canadian ladies' shoe. Gold medalist at Paris Exposition. —__ ___ See that, they are branded— "KING QUALITY.' Made by The J. D. K1m6 Co., Limited, Toronto. Our Agent In floderloh to St. (1 • IA IIt•rn Pries. For Ladies' Fine Shoes TRY THE King Quality Nothing matin in the United States to beat them. Every pair guaranteed. • has alt., quality and weloht, and It would I,0 difboolt to pIok • fault in her. Bee wee onrohasd by Georg* Turnbull, near Orange- ville, end he enld her to Mr. Arobibdd. Mho was bought for shipment to the oil °pantry, although It 1s a pity 'ooh an ant• teal should leave this noont.ry Bt. J.esph • A pad stie4Aent h.ppend at Itidward Rtna's nom., whim hie thrum year old sem mot hie death in a very painful m . R hale the father was pr.p.rtns 10 food Ms pt . he left some baiting easter In 0 large pall 1 n the floor, pod the ohlid happen - 04 to fall In,and Munro taigas net was almost melded to death. A doctor war gntekly summoned, bet ble effort' bo restore tba nhild peeved fruitless. Anew two days' eefl ring el the IsN.owt agony Mo little 1 fellow oared away. ii...._ troubled for over sit years with kidney disease. The pale saes an great 1 oo01d not 'odors It 1 °mid ant nntertalu any nem• paay. Gee eight 1 eau }police particular- ly articularly miserable. 1 oh+need just then to hoar of ilodd's Kidney Pills i decided to try them 1 did so, and am completely rector ed to good health " This an•nlloltd ststrment le from Mrs John O, Huffman, of Mt loon, s well. known lady. 11 war meds In May. 1896 Mrs Hoffman sold. "Rider* tieing l l"dd's Kidney Pills, my urine was something tnrrihle, and at tlmrs very dl.arresable to Toda• oho ay., -"Vac, 1 was entirely nur.A In 'art i have net since boon troubled, hoary woman should knew e1 this medielae." intending to purchase anything in our line ,hound inspect our grads b►fnrr placing their oder. We always carry on howl a full stock of repair.. We hove the hest make of Cream Separators on the market. Yon ran got the moot np-to date Carriage or Buggy made in aim- ed* ata reasonable price from es. • Massey -Harris Bicycles --New 1901 models—elegant mounts. (gall li and are them. B81RT. PA.RRONR, AORNT 1':mhalmirg, Toronto. No charge for embalming not t,e burdened with ex'nrtlf °tet cltarg •a, THIRTY DAYS' SALE ss, and goods o gtten 'v Mis. hoot of You will in order to clear out a portion of (11, stock, m great bargain main is being held for ihirty days. All goods marked dawn to cost or under coot. No old, out ret -date gocda ; everything new awl modern. This apt ciel mile will continue only thirty days. Oome early and make the best ohoine. cORNEZ L dr. SON, Redford Hotel Block, Goderioh. ...THE... ...King Quality Shoes... FOR MEN ort• tory ni " and up iodate. We carry a lurge ran g". Our spring stock of goods is on our shelves. Make your selection early Trunks and valises at close prices. Our lines of staples are complete. ST. GEORGE PRICE Bole Agent for J. D. King Oo's Goode 1 1-