HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 44 THURSDAY, April 11, 1901 THE SIGNAL: G1)I)ERIUH ONTARtt► 1• • but the .t.pvim+o'• .blob the Provos nnnl • f 1.f laudvrl:•k ma'Ataio have hentufur TTnnnn be.0 poorly served and e e the growing broochot wietre Poet of pit aleo•no* will be oreastegly heavy. Nor is tb4 all that the Altman Aw:w_etloo bre a oo.gretulato It- wlf 01.10 es the result of ice labors and Ile Argun...., b,r the Pew bull.tud will Paha* pro.,nt L'ulver1t'y promisee to be vented, thus gteoJy ,uereeetur the au000tmodiUoo which uthet to.nehes of study sentry. W hw telueralogy at l g.oluvy move uut of the blologicel huilJtug the oesd of biulogy fur More tuum wit: be met. to Not, the new building • i11 relieve the preseure every- where, and so be' • as to funds end trauhlnv eaten the bill goes some JI•lance toward me•tieg the meet prwoiog needs of the our. Has the Ileverumeet dusotvd la gloms wlesly.? lbw?, a practical age, and people ere mon uuoapisd lit wiatuhlng for a living than with cul un. Even Lord Salisbury, Mr. Ch.ulbe,lein, the Dui. •t Uevowbtre, and•oth.re, lit uoueervet:. England, too• knowledge that rise praytunl side of edema Non must be emphasized. la tmmedioW arm must b3 to enable young men to earn • livelihood toad to develop the uaturel and industrial resources of the country. 1f this. •to telt or etroagly in Eaglaed, sod in Eu• rope, where Germany had France are tile veritable Hurry of teohwu*l educative, now much more does it apply tea new oouetry I'.ke Ontario, att.!. t'..great resource. and pr.ottwllV.urelvvelopedl The Immolates -Latin, Break. pbuowphy rod bond urn- hav• tow place, had nu one recognizes this mon frankly than the Guverhme0t, but they contend, with reason, that Govern- ment old should go enmity to teat depart- ment of the Uatvenity ittk whIb the fu tare of the l'rovinee is so much bouud up. Oa this point oo argument tato Improve on General Hardware 10. world of the Minister of Eduoatten, which be addressed W the Legislature on February'atb. ''Udder the last gener.• tion," he said, "and especially- during theNI.CYf.a ow 14 00 fast decade, mon attentions is being given t'ublio library 100 00 everywb•re to aotenudo studies, and the C. C. and O. esparto 2 28 uufvereities In every oouutry hove been lm• 254 28 proving and .treogth. nlog their solemn de- partmeea. It is equally true that because B•lans. .. $4'13 50 of this feet new strength and power sod The olerk o•reltl•d that. the petitions for v gor and tofiaeno• hays come to the int- .rr1Olithio sidewalka on the south side of vanities. .They have beau brought t11'n 4t.D.ild's street and 1.b. pest .1115 of clover oo01.ot with the eommetolel lite of Kiley" street were suthclently shoed The dhe peopit. set bis 0011 sympathy in new walk oo Keays 'trot is to.n four feet slide directions. For • thousand years or more irum Sritwola road to Raglan street and uulv.rsitiea the world over simply preserv- from Neglect to Thomas three fest. oys wiu be Boys The average boy when at 1'' t' thinks he is doing his duty when he walk -Non his knees, slides ;down every t'euce rail he strikes, romps and plays in such a manner that mother is in despair when she surveys his clothes. She longs for a cast iron gar- ment, but the next best thing k the New Century Brand of Boys' Clothing They utakt: at l'uy look like: agentle.- man and feel like a king' They are select-. :et! with a view to make both parents and boy our friends 'in every way. The boy wants a suit`tojlook right, the parent one that costs right. The Bout• bination is guaranteed at this store. Come in anil see our " New 1'i tury" brand suit, which we sill for SIAIL...Yuu Wid-h;• surprised nt so much goodness for so' little U1onev. We carry a big stock of the " New Century ' brand clothing. be- cause we are the sole agent+;• W. cm 1=5R=I==3weleM. Nezt,to Leo A Shephard. Mcu- l- ,rni•I.r4 All II.tttcr. 1511t Agul, le ttont.tsam EVIKY THURSDAY MORNING • NT •. leeeILLier••lr GIODIRICH. THUiABD1 Y. APRIL 11. 8J1 SNAP SHOTS e • :-17HL.Hemilton editors nnuetbe-giShig to have • prize fight, judging by the way they are .periling at-esch other 18 1.,l pe. -Tae greatest check Karusa has re- ceived since the outbreak of hostilities is that for $400.000 pie.entsed to him a, few days ago by his Holland admirer,. • -leer gifted ami jlenial Noya Scotian, 1)r. Batt. Krw red., M.P., has deem lecturing on "The Seamy Bide of lkmocracy." The clever little orator must hate just turned the *object iiwide out 1 -In hie reminieneat lettere to Thr Toronto News, that glorious old gossip, 14110161.AP Fwon Davis, often rehire to a "gentleman" or "another gentleman." - Of course Uavi refers to himself, but he should not useumu so heavy a disguise. -Hatay Coast. the jolly distiller of west Ha.uago, to renigging his twat In the (0mmous for sure. and it is ag1lll asserted that Hutt. leo. E. Fo'rrse'will eucisx..l him. That will be a whiekeyand-water deal on the twuetitueucy. --Ortt Bluenose correspondent furnishes us .with aru3Worigin kg . al soD6t.. entitled "The Maideu with the Mandolin " The editor of The Toronto Telegr,-eR11--mow doubtless remark that iie.ther Psg•:H, file buy Ixcu, the editor of thie journal, nor any of our contributors, ever sew a mait:eii with • mandolin. -- - - -Tas•vice•president of the Ottawa Press Association, made up es Caned' NAnos.al1 1, wielding a hatchet. t441j d %S cut th st- prandial speeches Into five minute lengths at the annuli banquet last week. It wee also a hint that no one was to fell wicked stories, with that little hatchet to remind them of Geotws WAetttuuros. -Tut young Cana.ban who goes t.. 11143 loos places of our great Northwest, and by industry, pluck and perseverance turtle the desert -plate lute a - garden; may--not--be greeted with a brass baud, or have a gold watch presentee) to him, when he revisits his old Ontario home, but Be to considerable of a patriot all the tame. to tae este, and eagerly bid for er ry or tele oo whit* the Duke rid Declines hd, by their psreaasl use of it, Iefr the odor of arts 1uor.1y. A chair which Oa Duke . bad broken by diner on it, thereby Manifestly o*Dresting It with bb person, wee 1w eepw- 1a1 object 01 desire, but was 'cruelly with- held. '1e call them rota* slavish wield be tri wrong rut s1..., who gravid. not u( 016 free .will bat under oompul•loo. The *leve bows ids bed while perhaps he has a freemen's beer' ; the American aynphsots bow their hearts. The America? parents 1 LI1U 1111i1U uuu VNii1Vssss and we have a great many articles that will make work easy for you. SITYNOL is the best window cleaner on the market. FURNITURE OIL. -Lemon Polishing Oil is the hest ' , •ts't I polisher for varnished .surfaces. Try t , t will make old furniture look new. GRANITINE FLOOR FINISH is especially for hardwood flout s, oil cloths and linoleums, and is beat Hour finish to be had in Goderich. Putz' Pomade Putz' Crew Whiting Breda Polish 'CV= sEzz adapted the very Furniture V'aroi•h Electro Silicon Bicycle Knowelr Carriage Varui.h Tacks -all sizes Cosoh ISnswelm Household Ensw'Is Tack Lifters Plenary) Nails Bath Enamels Tack Hammen Picture Wire and many other useful household articles. Robertson's Ready=Mixed Paints are the best. They gu Lite fa. (110.1., last the longest and look the beet. • CD. ALLAN Darden Tools Pointe, 0116 and Giese of the 1)000**., It pea, are going tailor ed learning 'They were storehouses of the A circular from the Mayor and oorpora- In Eoglend. -.Stich 1. the general leitleztlY 11 .rem*. culture and erudition of the pest. clot! nuo•*I ot Toronto, .uolostn• •form of es people, of ;bepple, roto oangatmere servility Iu thus ors.eramv learning they made the •fi n to the Ooverument 0011 1'arllament v crld tha:r debtor. Ant er held"�as askleg that the Hell Telephone Co. 'La not opened to them in recent years, and the.1• allowed to Iooresee Ito rats., was relined r natal, I repot, wbiob they are papa& to the special committee. s. 'entitle rancho has brought new etreogtb A. COmaluaioatio0 from the Mall Job and usefulness and vigor` to them. Even Printing Comport', of Toronto, ooateined Oxford, the growl home of 'belies lettere' an offer to Inert a0 0rtiule upon Guierloh for centur ee; uow grants a degree in as • watering plan to • book the company sc eon. At Oxford there are• six different is setting out for the purpose of Indocile" avenues for a degree besides Greek and vl.ltore to tis• Pac•Amerioao exposition Lai". At Glasgow the degree of M. A. is during the Deming summer to visit Toronto oh.ained for taking Greek. Harvard, cif 1od other remora i0 Ootarlo. The condi. tten years ago, allowed Greek and LOW to Goo is that 1M nuocll give to sum of 115 disp lo' the uadergradusa course. C,roell or en order for en* hundred mom of tis. and Columbia afterwards alooieOnd the.* book at 25.: ooh. The sp'rolsl committee studies, Por. cost Jens. I am interned. no gismo poser to arqqt In tb0 matter. tee leaf . mused University will 00 A request hornE5g'to.5r Kelly tor •c .1.e[ mid for en', ranee students who had Payer maculae malt*. was aa., to the waw, and .tutted either Loth,. Greek. 1: does i,htcommtet.e. Dot tollow tea: Latta and Greek should be Ao0oe Smith, of Strafford, offered his di.p'.ec•d. Their Won't.' are o• IrrPoItOOt or One to the town as civil eogtowr. Toe new ass they tette vela u'Ir. a:o. .1' u'• Monk was in.trootsd to ,writ* Mr. Smith and Mr. Cahill w m •n than a rase erne rtes* tt n troei H•• foe r great "Iv ala ampenmeur several month. ego . ea the rues r it net w need ot such an et. �-af_cnr etadet,re th0 rower ela•bes, the ficer. for their money to the old countries, and are destitute of attachment to their native land. They. carry away • mw of wealth made by Amerman labor ; happily •t the same time they carry away themesives, THI0 ISN'T • WHITE ELEPHANT. Raltimor. Sue : James Cobill, of Roney's Polus. West \ :rgtnfa. is the only person io %Vest Virgioi., sod probably to the United States, .who ifle to regular nes upon his term an elephant whims n toed fee ferry work: With the ew•ayt.g beast bitched Dn to* plow he o.e tura more ground than env of tele neighbor* with • team of horse•, oil when It comes to hauling logs the lepton•. will walk away with sure with legs wrhit:h the best teams of hie Detghbos c.unur move. the 01ep0•ot este little more than•' bores, had loo many times the work rat one• is, gentle and docile and little trouble, 1 • wlt0 'r-pTMEv1S ARE SAYING. Ale SA1Rxa 1140000?. Kingston Freemen : The following is the reason Osten by • minister in anetghlar 11114 town for women Dikter their hats off to his ohutoh • "No human beteg ono get mach good out of • sermon uol•su he 0851 sea the speaker's fan and studio 1a ex prseslo0. No sermon can inspire a mw who Is looking into a lopsided aggregation of dead birds, stuffed waybills, ch•meleoo skins, ribbons, jet., betide, stick "trews, paper flowers,, cors tassels, and thistle down. 1t makes the sinner feel lost In the tendereses." "DON'T rOlu41T Titir rI,1orMRR. email circus broke up at Iffar.n s itrrry, 001001.OP •toAfee, may hadl demand then 4Jm• u.uob atm!. from the Ooderleb Or. arI its pn.perly was sold at anot:eb Mr 6n at'eu'we. TbI.w true d the oulbv. gnu t .had the ' Cahill, •r bo was •: the sale, bid u1. a few 1. to have :req or 00 iu*(w•ct of their 'Wel' rate, dnnkeyet tby - • • '' the *indent. No thoughtful man would were referred to 1.h• carter and fight nm chem home, espeo:erro 5101' a small .hop .. ,k to minimize the .mportaoce of the old camascamashtnuelf. Hb tether,, P•trlek Cahill, •Ica• 'Indies such r. Grek and Latfo. Our n• (•sthuii. MoDnvld, through Messrs. gal Irtehmto, decided 'heti bast of 1.M /rat is that le. few of our stu4eea are so yngdtoot & Heys, notified the council that s ze of an elephant mu rot re or 1.b• circumstanced a to be :tele to pursue them on the 15th of M.rob last she bad f.11eo no term and be fed uolea it 901.4 for he board thoroughly and owfally. Weteed • brow{• the sidewalk on Mooted street and broken .with labor, mo he borne aaed it rep toad the edge elf -the �.� of the m oieho..f their bur arm. toad rust, she claimed damages animal weaned olosly. He did so well that hi5,nry. 1 brit art, their philosophy. 1.t e d a from the corporation, the accident beteg Aim hays g(voe., ua 111.0 t Klee Hlmoos Reformer ; The Toronto Gaily Stu heads an editorial with the expression "Don't forget the oonsnmer." There I. hot a subject concerted with our lodustr,al or polletoal policy that desires' more attention then the expression tovolvee. People In all sorts of business are t ooth:l olly asking for semmtht by wtoy or protection or paler 1.lesat el ibam the Untverelty is not exactly n, r:'� carnet •Hord to dlew.rd Snob .$Ud 5•. anu drone, •ed »ti% ti 6 l'Intraut ^rt rte- 1 dila teem g00umulstler of anew had k• 00 tam. t',0a to mike applie.hle to our carrion um 'the walk. Tbs was referred totae pub!io tivewordr-'wisdom by one «.tragus-4ulta-.�orke committee.MATTERS OF --- -- - - _ _ - _ - 1t1tui asr.- aSr tke eeme timate flue --g•••4- if . •ers. Pr oudfegt t EW+ will egWsA majority of oiiretadeote, having regard to attention to the dumping of refuse on who a to be their life work, can more pro- We ro- Wright strut and urging that h be disco bt•bly nitre their 'me to other wadies tinned. They else referred to the discharge W .- must: strengthen the so 0031(8.3 sale o1 from the dr•lo 01.014 C.yley •1re.t, whb t'in Universe y, and in -dente s. we will ter• they eared bad ereat5d • very tart* r^.''do telnly render good ger trios to (M every otbir and was dome • great dee! et dame- •.. the department book. had been received, wit recommended The report was adopted and the o0 Me was authorized to oarry out the m.odattoos oontaloed thereto. Oa motion of Mors Martin and Knox, Dr. Taylor was re -appointed to the Uoll.gl• ate institute trusts. board for the year. 19012 3. As Sir Jordan hos refused to mot on the board of health, It. Molitllleuldy was •p - pointed in his plan. Mr, Marne moved, 'wended by Mr. Murrey, that the cow bylaw be read a ewond had third time. Mr. Knox oppos.d the motion on the ground of the ribose. of moms of the mem- bers. A vote was taken, end Mr. Knox was alone, Mr. Knox rationed to the at trek, eating that those who were opposed to the bylaw might have held It up at the previous meson', when Mr. Muruay was absent, had they wished to do so, end It was unfair to take advantage of the abeson of Moan Hpmher and Canteloo. His W'oreh:p .1se 1:►rnzl.1 it would ue better to hive a full nine.\,, but It was pointed out by some of ` •.bon that the reason the bylaw was nu .ken up at the previous meeting was that the pirates agale•111. had been referred to committee ler con- sideratlou Finally the bylaw etas .put *rough •11 Ito stage., signed and sealed with thecorpora:e sot - Tn. byl.u' state, :itis it sh0'1 not. be law- ful for soy ouw, os, boll, horse, ,heap, pig ur soy tither animal. wit n the m.1pt014 of the statute coder which the bylaw w Dego- ed, t-1. tun la be at large to 500 highways. street*, lane', parts or et l.•? open *paha* within the limits of the town, toles" suob salami be In the Home Ilam r per.'to I: persons .oap•bls of caring b.r sod controlling the. same. The penalty for vtolatoo e a tine not to excs.d the sum ot $5 and poste, or In default of paymett 1.m prteonment Ito jell for a period cot exceed• tag tea days. Another astute stave that it .hall be the duty of the Street Inspector and of the ether pesos Oliosrs of the town to initiate and carry on all pro1outiors tic• der the bylaw .0d otherwise to sea to the die enforcement of Its yroy -tone. Mr. Knee moved that the service, of Wu. Evans se caretaker ot the •grlcultur•1 -*Tommie he dtepensad with sad that Mr. Kyee be so notified The matter was re feared to the public works onmmit'•e, there befog some doubt as to whether the turf olob had agreed to look .f1r the grounds. 11 was decided to advertise for spelt tuitions for the position of caretaker of the park and the Square, and to hays th• waterlog cart got ready for the r00•oo. Tbe Mayor Stated that Mrs. Alex. Mc• Lean had $25 on the battling berme aeee001 and wanted to know to whom she should pay It. The matter was rel .red to the special oommlttee and the mauled then ad• jaunted. Ten Ought to anew ibis : •nrmmnmmmmtmmmmn► -rnmmm ri INI3W STORE IN THE OLD STAND i HAVE started store in my old stand and am ( ready to do business with a complete new stock Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; suitable for the coming season's trade. I have nothing to offer but new, fresh goods, bought in the best market, which 1 aim prepared to offer at rock bottom prices for Cash. Iu soliciting a portion of your trade I do so with confidence that I can satisfy you, both in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote prices just now, but 1 wish to call your special at- tention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from 25c. to $3.00 a yard.' Silks in great variety, both in colors and black. Remember th'b place, COL- BORNE'S old stand. - Telephone 86. t J. N. COLBORNE, OODERiCH I uuuuuuiuiuuu� THRMS: Strictly Cash or.. Produce. meat See \Ntglaitlyr-SAM$ rte ,Per visite '4 cope fee education -lb Fervently 5111. Nobody, not $ 1.SU - the.Untverti(y au- thorities, ever desired serioupy to remove the University of Toronto from Govern- ment contra). lo fact;\ • measure %loon that line i lel-PieraWt Roos pii{Rre't a ver-brouTht up friend. of the ban rather ke the Ides cuaple of palm age was in the Legislature bea.055 1 University -some of whom b clamorous that way -did not so well when It was set down Id bleak and. white. At the pr••sent time therI has been no effort to upset Premier Koss' argument that the Government \oust retain a measure o1 control so long se the Government 1. re- spoostble to the ',triple for enl"wment tuods and other university matters. 'I'M red question is, Has the llovernmeok done enough for the Untversnv'. 1. the finanotal aid .dequat• :' Is it wifely direct- ed ! irect- ed' to the last ten years the government has elven to the Unlvereity $450,000, or what represents tbat amount capitalized at four per cent. The teamsecootribnt3oo of 145.000. Now on top of It comes another rift of 120,000 a year -the malotenanoe of the most expensive department of univer- sity instIU011on, and • $200,000 building. Such a 'worn 0.1 lordly be called niggard- ly. Under these etroumetencea puhltc .pin- ion will be wl.h 1.06 Government a helping the Uoiversit.y plat enough :o help itself. Thera are many levittmate cells on the pub- lic treasury, and though education to not the eq lege from the Government, and, as a rule, I the whole educational system 7T1•r`Re 6,000 public schools, 130 high sobonls, • large number ot Mo.LI schools. Normal schools, a Normal Colleve, besides technical schools anA avrloulturel and dairying eobools, which must have a share In these ei•ings. The Uolvorelty te, perhaps, the most important (actor in the educational w hams, bat even that could not condone the Government in noting etehl of propor- tion to distributing the pgblic money. As • matter o1 fact the Government has not only kept tide In mind, but ha •otnally given the I;nlvereity all It ache/. though some pernickety people do not choose to see It In that tight. • When the Alumni A•enolatlon waited on the Government their remora was that Nods he provided toward three ends: (1) whatever be vented will 1.x to the diead- vantage of some other claw to the mmon• ity. The consumer is the one v no Is the gres'eet end final sufferer. T Star has speotal reference In Ile eruct .,e request of the woolen m•rulwturere :.r more pro- tection. The consumers ..ontttote the great mase of the people, but It is a rue Miles to find auybody Wittig special can to guard their Interest. Tera, or Coast. Toronto Globe : An logenlnus Otto man, 1. F. Hoon, has dl.00vered • new and high- ly preotieel no lea hypoottsm. Being Is Denver and short of fonds, Mr. Hoop sougbt for some means by which b• contd secure • free passage at least as far se Karim City on his way home it incurred to him rtestthe tenurrenoeoldo8rits might beavotd- te have himself hypnotized and shipped to I +A : (2, that 1.h5 eap•rteetiett of mineralogy that point io • box byexpress, nomalgneA t..1 .1; geology rt Ight bs OAiilu•tsly equipped • friend, lir. J. W. l anegm, whom he duly ip 1ist the Tenon depettmepa of (h• out• owaffled to elp5ot an express mane on s I 1y•n.lty might be more hbonily maintained. The boll hider* the L•atslsture gees • one dlet•0oe tower/ meeting the three points - which may 10 proved thl. way Agamsr the detiolt of 414,683 10.1 year then is the $20,000 now to he spent by the Province ; that should more then clover the dellen of the year. With regard to the .eared request, that the department of mineralogy and geology should his ad•ynat,- ly prnvtded for. the response proses re he that the Pre% lona smaria the non of main taintrg these branches, and this se,.ee grail. Hes the third request. a• It rel,ere• the en deement funds of the University sad Its ordinary femme n1 a drain open tr, and en helps more Ilhsrally to maintain all 1.h• other department.. Not only dee. the Previno•0Snme as es. pendltore ret 420.000 in behalf of physic', eheml,try, ml0.ralegy and swingy, welch the* ralr.asa $20.010 of endewmeet for the benefit e1 writer Mambas et the Ua1,.,sity. rtmrnt. Mr. Lewis who o.-ne0h-• ..1,ob• "Scientific studies require expensive jsoted to lbw being 0010(001 :,• Lewis equipmror, and Mr I.horaturies vines 'large silo olleotett to the drain wL ., empties .t liMMI. lflarrdsd:-'VDr tme:rotie0e will 10! the fndt of Elgin arenas. The em e+maaie•- htrd 1.f we do net Droyuie 1•L..ratorls. tion wc' as referred to the public works oom- •riyle esid that • gond Iibrsry was m It mates. If • university ; leq ipped s ..f today A later communication trom Si wars. cold 1,o 1.•! a well equipped I•b rstnry Proudfnt & Heys i0 rood to the gub.ae Writs the piece of the library u1 ('.)rlyle's quotation stated that if anyone started to time." dump garbage at the place provided for by ier. Harcourt teuaneed the tremendous the tow., they would apply far an lojoaotiso todust.rtol development ie Germany, where to restrain the oorporatlou hum notlnulog there ere technical sod oommerciel schools the nuisance. in every elites. He pointed oat that Eng The report of the boiler Inspector, reoem- lend last year 1n technical education 'went y mending came repairs in 1.h• boiler at t • u pwards of four million dollars, and the power house, was sent to the water and United Storm 'during the lest ....ion of light roommate*. (.•nogrem voted twice that Ram. io I". Thomas Tilt applied for a renewal of his face of these facts and teedi eles the Oat blLLiud license. '1'h..pplleatlon was vrant- •rlo Ooyentment thought twlf justified to .d. strengthening the tembieg of 1olenoe a The followingonsgh oommuoio•tlotoisrldgefromonTdon- Toronto University. As the Minison, Minister of 0.s/, McI)t C, of L 1lduosticaiadicated. our reeoa►oes areas was „Ad : "Our cliea.. hemi. W. J. great, s. those of Germano, "'hat we seed Connors A. Bro.., deeirlog to .tabllsb a G captains of IDdos, ry, ehemtetr 00.7150*, f foundry for the manufectar• of Stoves, u4u1uluuuuuuuu4u1 ow about Horse Medicines: Spring is • time when many born!.. have to work hard, halides. they es well as hum.n'beings are subject w climatic induewee. They will be benoStteei'h7 such a touit as Our Condition Powder (26c, 6 for $1.) It •itli,rep•r Macy' times Ile nest. Give eachjhorse a 1)1.000 0, Did yo0 ever try our " English Healing Oil?" It u the greatest healer to all Bute sores ever known. Your money lank if it 't do 1M k. 85c • bottle, _ sD 5 for $1.00. \ W. O.'GOODE -CHEMIST e0Orel0 BUNK Orli you haven't already dune so, brine Wand some of that well water for a ha• approximate analysis. Our c rer *:reeds to ri0. Our Own Emulsion, 350-3 for $1.00. Warranted equal to any. Our Sassafras blood and stomach lettere, 50c-6 for 2.50. An ideal spring medicine. Climax Furniture Polish. Garden Seeds. T P W. A We offer out wilt. below fixed Because we business. We mean to We intend 1 keeper or home fu met•Ilurgl•t., to make the moat of our 0atar•1 resources, and a strong university to *gulp them montes of industry In the bill now before the Legislature the Government mitt acoordlog to its cloth, and e000rdtog to the best Interests of the pee- ,ple. The objects toward witch the 6ean- niel aid Is directed ind:oete the alert sod prt.gree•lye spin. of the Ro. Admini.tra- slob. AS far et education le concerned, It as worth while remembering that Ostarto tft)yeyomeute hive always hese spin -date, and span heyen4 it. A. pront of this, It le only neoeeeary to remark that 10* United (totes is new largely adopting the modern d ooaety Mode, sohnols• wbinh eyetem ma contrived and instituter' In Oeterlo'ju.t twenty -lour }tears age. Vsaax. sr - PASSED THE BYLAW. pertain day. The plan was suneplolly parried out, Hoon •wakened at the time Axed by the hypnotist and broke his way out of the box jest before running Kanto Ott,. Subsequently he walked In to see his friend Hannum, when the tetter oom- pWned that the box hall arrived, but the 00nee055 haA evidently been stolen. Hoop hind no hs.lat.lon In gning with him and making • claim for miners from the Wells, P.rgo Express (1o., but 0e Investleatlon the reel feats of *0. "caw" were duoov•rsd. Ywnwh115, however. the sobemer het' reached his Moms. • ii it.1CAR .?pnnu OOr. A HVel•. 111' Nle Toronto*notion etl vela 0e reAwee the ether dap 1 es S glleh Doke,or notwhich sea oily of tbe the highest (Meese lee, had hese residing with en American ert a Wm. where he had marriedire The fashTheold, aeoled eM• on etW ey of Ile days Mw. Nest sot el Allowed to Item e■ the r.bIlr 111 as Ilereetter. Two members of Me cou.oliwere not pre• sent .t the metier last Tburedsy *venlig- C 'mentor Csntelol. who was buoy hiking not urou-0005 for the millions, and Council- lor Humber, who was sway to Buffalo. The meeting was tful esnpt In the pees Ing of the anti•oo0 bylaw, the result of an agitation of many years' duration. The by• law creme into torte on the passing thereof, so 1t behooves owners of cows and otbet animals to keep them within hounds. The trse.sres'e saoemeet fur M•reh was f-'•tlow.t it•Ienos from February $695 47 Rx. mein. Resident fetes $273 01 Water tat. 244 40 Eleetrie h,h: rates... 342 55 Hills paysble, 1128 35 Market rent .... 10 00 M•,tlsod cemetery . 44 (10 furnaces and agricultural Implements, here instructed us to write to you to a.oertaln what, or if soy, inducement' your town will give in the way of bonas or loan, stte,exemp- tion from axes, etc., for the esabli*hm•et of each .n industry within the Ilmite of your town, to employ say from tweoty 1..o twenty- five bands on an ayraes, eleven months In the veer.' This waa referred to the epeeist oommlttee Messrs. Proudfoot & Heys agent drew the attenttoo of the nonoil to Mr. Hood's oom• plaint regarding the outlet of the mala sewer. The oommun,oatioo wit referred 10 the oubllc works committee. A petition from ratepayers of St. George's ward, asking for some attention to their Attests and sidewalks 10 the way of grading and levelling, was referred to the pabllo works oommlttee. A petitfoo for the •zten.ion of the water mato done Brune street, between Victoria .11.11 and Camber road, was refund totter water and light committee The following sonans were referred to the finance oommlttee : '1'r• Star, printing and -advertising. $25.70 ; Lee & Shephard, sapplbes, $35 88 ; Uoited Eleotrlo CA., To- ront0, armature nils, eco , $18 t Wm. Sutton 0omp0004 (;o., Toronto, oil, $23.21 ; County of Huron, in connection with small pox v.00lnatiou, $3 ; expenses l0 tonne Eton with trip to H•m,ltoo re wear power queetloo. $7.75 ; Canadian (:.Dual Elio trtc Uo , Torooa, lamps, $21 ; To. Stoo•t., prier', and •d•ertlsing, $50,25. The pabllo works oommlttee recommend ed that no astlor be taken at present in the matter of the proposed graootlthlo wall en tn. Huron road to the railway oroesing ; that 300 @hide trees he mortared for spring planting and that the nommltte• have power to tamely tenders and purchase lame ; Met • new root Os pat on the town hall, to he maw Iron or wood shine's, that the outmost (b•mber be removed to the present armory on the first floor and eared end farobhed, and that the olerk's office be removed to the room convect by the fire men and the firemen gine 1 . present nlerk'5 ethos for a meeting room ; •Iw that • water service and furnishings be pot In on the first floor. The potable Gnat of the new roof was estimat*A at 4200 sad of the other ollanges $300. With refiwenoe le the letter received from Messrs Preedleot A Hays, regarding the earl. •g. dumping /roan& the committee reported that the (Maumee and Mr. Rod had Irmo over the ground and given the matter their consideration and toned treat the present damping ground wss the most imitable that *sold he had. They room mended that 0 fence three feet high he teelt. aeras Wight oleo and that all carn- age b. thrown over the hank. The ose• e ttuotl.n of grenollthln walks on Keays mid St. David's streets, let whleh petitions 2042 31 $2737 78 I, 1'1 nt•R*KMR1Tv, Salaries $269 55 Printing and advertir log . 24 00 Innlrence 82 66 Fin deportment 14 60 Local Improvements, Internet 218 65 l'nhlln works 34 20 ch•rlty 9 00 Bank Interest 170 95 \Vaterworke raped . 25 52 rnalnNDanoe 51.6 40 F.Iontrin 11th' 101 62 Pubis , •nhn,ta... 429 1S5 Special grana 41 00 Beard of Health 60 00 **scow iNwl 100 00 Broocbttta unfurls nn 1.e oared by !ohs!. log Caarrhozoue Bo say. Captain Mo - Donald. ot Kingston, Ont., who wee post• needy cured, afar years of suffering, by ().tarrheenne. Mn. Dinsmore, Shabenuadl•, N. S., says 1 "O•terrhozone cured me perfectly of brouohles sod catarrh of the nose and throat." Mr. Wm. Pollock, Blyth, Oot, mays: "Catsrrhozone positively oared me of been- ohltw." (,Larrbovone relieves )uiokly, nares etre• ly. is safe, pleasant, and guaranteed to Dere. Two sires, 26 Dent* and $1 00. Druggists or N C Polson a Co., Hartford, (:non. 1 Hes in tering paint Wake k absoIntSy • Don't wait till the 44 C s$ l+llla entirely worn away. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS \ WAGON AND IMPLEMENT PAI --. -' keeps the farm wagon.., implements, and tools, yrmng and strong. It's easy to use. Red, Yellow, Blue, Orem and Black. Every farm should have a can for ready UM \ �. D. ROUGV1'-, The Cash Hardware Store, Goderfch. A L!SSON IN ENGLISH. "CON "- " GROCERIES "- "COOD GROCERIES" An adjective signiying sound, palatable, pleasant, etc. Goode such as sugar, tea, .[)Ice., etc. The kind we sell. STURDY ce CO., - GROCERS LORD MINTO..ea uses... Deering Machinery and J. W. Mann Cultivators and Drills on his farm. WHY ? Because they are the best machines in the world. None can beat them. A.. W. WISE ne11s Ilea. A. Moginnon'. old . Bch, ltamntao street o HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Tile; It4*HT ScruIoii Hard Coal IN THK MARKRT Alt (bel wetghM nn tha tiarket Peale.. 1.14.1, yon(gst 5101)0.. roe a ten. WM. LEE. Order. left at Lai a SUplunreS Bore promptly attended a. Telephone No. 91 Market. Square. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M LEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. THE SPRING QUESTION... How much painting have f to do 1 Where will 1 get the best psinta and oils? Where will I get the beet value for my money 1 All who have dealt with Lee Jr Shephard formerly and used their Ark Brand of Ready -mixed Paints, %leo their White Lead, Oils, Var- nishes, Brushes, etc., do not have to ask this ynestion, but Dome and nett for the name les they gob last spnog. We h%ve just received a large consignment of the Improved Daisy Churns, and during the winter we m%de up a large number of pieces t I Dairy Tinwua Call and examine and see the great velues we tears befort' purchasing eTsnwhere LEE & SHEP IBD • We v ail ... opt:weath er re learn hnsrn.'hing - WALL PAPER... Lest week's advertisement brought a number in to lore our samples of American Wall Papers and syery person pro nonnced them the prettiest designs ever shown in U.x erich. Remember we don't have to carry those expensive papers in stock awl can afford to sell them at prices to enable you to put the best paper on 7011 r kitchen. Embossed, 0111 Reds and Blues at 12o a oil. Gilt Papers at So a roll. Remember it will pay you to Roe our sampler and prices before buying. You are not et the mercy of one man this year fir your good paper. Mee our samples Varnished Tiles, washable papers, for hath and kitchen. ingrains - ell Aeries, with borders and ceilings to match We will consider it a compliment if you look at our pipers -buy or not We are only out for advertising this year. Ramples taken to your house if &aired Paper hung 10c a mil. K/ DD a 00. .h� has etre, quality Le 4140011 to pie onrohas•d by O. villa, and he eel She wit nought °pantry, 6111100g real should 15.04 St.Je.ph e t /Edward Rae' 71r old son met manus,. la 0lls t feed his pip he hires pall 1 n She 04 to fall lean/ 50.ld•A 10 deaf e nmmone(, but nhlld preyed ft o ffering el the tallow Dared se