HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-11, Page 3npany. t the .ub,toutlal pro r'umpauy'. hlrturr ur"rleve awuu,dlag to Like year aaeeunted b ,rh pt•m111ms eollectsd a 0131,13 for \ 1e9A &.Mover the pntrtous Increade .of 1afLla6.n. Income 1:a7a,Sw.13, so resident 11.=7.6U.71, anti halt• mllllon deilan. lie, an eminently .situ I to 111.900,307.00 on the Isho surplus on Volley radopthyt the Oovs,n JUNKIN. Mamwiag Direotor. i DEC. 31st, 1900. ' ........f IIS -782 or 471.093 al ........ 203.149 11 B7gd,eu 15 sa lis w ...... 19,834 69 ....... IS1,64a 7S ...... 2,0(4 0 x87, at' eJ 8794,62 121 •••••••f 854.1" 37 104.511 53 ...... 918.140 13 ...... 36,94S zS 147,114 09 145.448 91 71.410 37 82,270,268 t'4 ... $ 1,916174 0- .. 36.133 to .. 27. ♦ SSa 1101oo11 t{6 82, 77 B�gQ11 64 In an excellent. , position to congtatnlate I stiambolders and pul!,y aspectJoa. wr oast epees, into Lad our staridint. ter d report of our oosi.alnng ear to that again. I would. uf: c looser period, Ile* r rredh,able to the ulanrge the Com/'•*•*, the a►ant ,e Company ! Net income Groot Ault from aace Pretax a lot. in f ince. $296 468 $ 9•S5S,�00 666.717 1 S,e09, 1O raw. Amount of Instance 'remlua- and Interest ha. 94 to 1314 mWloea -ens Milo, both being Int At." 1t' the-pleodld ew word of Invested a.,eb of expenses Mould gradealy I think that Ir ticks of the rapidly• Its we We &tote in roper- tis )olden and sharebo en a the adoption of the noon. ntirme for loan wit almoa fixppeeare for le•t0, at) s,w t The result 1. tint los bete r own or similar e4:e at' the Iron the old set and largest Te Stork Stark", iIM, par tout nal a1 a, i ' '' it. per own 4 t- 1^ 1 '' �cc. err cwt a s, w t 11 tier C wL. 7 W W J v ppN"1.. I w w 1 , Ired .... 1 _; w t st I. nor owl. . f 71 to t t. t 1t' to ' . 3 an to .1 L ... 2 '!! In 1 :r u Its.. . .. 2W b t w e4e- r.•- y. A _ s) eau u 4 ; 'e .. . 2 (a In 1I A cin 131 10 1 t• each . y :N 4r _.Ire _... per uarT:. - r'I+"" J ie, 31 n tot r,.wt .. `?A w 4 " amt. „,e ret.,.......... o A r een , .. . e nal to II M 1 e* ,o I . .... 4 3, 1+, 1, - . ...: 1111 w -' Hers a Trads..--_- --_ _ _ to cable ndvicl•e rp i" utd floor b,)r" In tet iw Improving, ream - w are firming tip, Meller+ Grand, tit Ltvrrp,•'r, F.lilott, who represent" that sales of _ hra•7 mndP at rr(xn C46 t1' Id 'hlllerers lit f3A: !Marl e and 'bile 11(rnrm were a R(trwt trade ecu a3 Ism classes. _ __-.______ ba W heat 31larketa. III coo ClosingI in tilt, 1,101 tarda Manitoba orhet,t txmt the anmA tit n "'ark and ate. No. 5 tinr�l 711 481 4c, No. 3 ilorth"'II feat. 3 hard A3e, t4ngh S&, all In *torr ,it Phil t or An route. Th^ mer dl and lnnetive tit 6R 1 pa IA•rt.-sums •44pon Y.,WIJ lis .w Apetirma root tion prmirl• ,.tin¢ haw vision dune Yp1• Itlte•r, which ha* been I gnitn mllrl to day ; and •ding will comm(•noe Tiota- e ports tit tenet of l/lmni IrlLra Wheat F"*ply' 1's stork of wheat "A wt twice Am *Inch IA n February. tmlt the net only j,3,410000 bnmllnla. a dere lne of S,:.HO ilf)1 mot byag"inof4.701l. to liucIn , anti the 1Yrt' the net re(fitrtion wai b Australian Ator"' ,rf 1700,000 t,.hels. T,h I'm st,,rk, as retwtrtA,l by nd ruble to Iirmilsi rriot'. 76,000 btlmluelr on ,\pril t 1TM.404.0 0 hush"'. '•n 17L,AHnxtril) hitmhrlt ,•" year aster, anti 134.70'7 on April let, IA99. l:ur• u lamt Hatnrday were th" ce Dec. let, 1996, Ain-, aro tS,00f1.(1(111 hnshid" ►a a year alta blot 26- rgerr than Awl, lwr)D I'll.. Th=an- with thlrt> up C. sixth envalry, -(till rrntrwled at 11tRltibnr. ►" rl Flllpinoe from the !'1111$1' In Cavite provinee. i)11r• mnln/t netµ)" 1R Intur killed nnci two, :1m,rleanN Thr ivanritentil then r'' r+++++++++++hFi++:Ni4 Mii+4rii++iN+4+++++++i'�NNi i t Vrdnd old Dien of To-ddy Lt the hieglnuius ut Islet year au t %ecuuut war pyhllrhed In une of the'l fby R1l;HARD H. TITHERINIi TON IN MUN�EY'S, t 4•++•y+++*+++ h+ii++i+i++iii+++++ii+++++++ri+i+++ +++++ Uuo of III,• many forelgn phlluw)- whu have, Wllh wore (K leer un Zhu earth bt•toru; anti each gru- A') itnll lY ill coast'rabls•ete quite mlr- rH I I e tl 1- Biro our Nuu 1 r 1 (P eht at- tt •vol In tukuu lu Ili belief. Thu naw wuwun, I�ildk,sfl{'hy' I- I / p {J,yF:rin1 [rlbslid it pirtiv lu thit voath of he found at the head whew we fuucy a prvrJurt sof tint lllod•rru -lays, war au old %tory lode tlmrs f4eauir tM loon whom our Important outorpriser. 4f coals aer! the lluN,:n of Nheba. Tito prugrcarlvr young of novel cot wl r, Ie the day• and America T1s Muco whUU),,k'tda tin• truill rued Ill Ia U the lau•1, of the young ma,n. faster sad faster• and the Sunday uutvrpupivr I% were gruuudliug wheucou:pired %itholher trurkl wore _ _--___-^------r-n- yuuog uwu wbuale u•uues It it ea+y' -___ , to rocall. Nalrulw,u, at tw'ruty a ILSs atwa'y* (teen a large nUllludr of I r P' nllas fi atelia t of n Ile c N' plots n rt I r, , aN f ./, muster of Franeo cot thirty, uud of -- \ �r ."' 'I , ,f . �. ;) / \ i ;, a . 3 r�� 4onrlft• I•r'-lern•k Watts. It. A., the 1,01.rau Eugllsll talintor. Writ in ,'r "I , la 17, t;(wrKt ]fsak,auld Scoltud, Nul•bllnt. u61y tlius, tvh(i are strong and thee,, I Born,ln 1854. ' 0131 k•r•p `tip with It. old tile" may I -_mine tel En --y--_ he I"at In counPit but the juoMrs tlexclllJ Of Nca0c •t -Was twent x. outstrip Ilion by acting w'hlle they flue w'hnn hie Kreutgvklury at Ar- an, Arhbrrnold Amerl(ir r hula b:•la t toe klii,wu wtrld under his 'Ift,•n been told tint their nutlooal tr•0t. Byr,111 war tweuty-ter when cranium hufr coo bump col veneration,' "Childe Ilur- Id war blished. Ila - that thiy core lacklnit In respectbto Id,:u•1, whnv,n Jlte enJc,lu cot thlrty'- hold eminent and Urdu top plaoM to 1, the wurld'r work core a multltUde that (•(Dula suaret- y top numbered• I Ftw Instance. to eho,wu a nume I l tare unit thurs. alutrirt at raud•Yu.'I Secretary ' Hay anti Prcalitleut Lou- I hilt urn 9_; Admiral Dewily uad WiWam Dean Huwellr are 8:t; Jos. 11algetwrhilu us -1 Th01uas Bally AWr4th are 61 ; lieu. Shatter. _➢lurk Twain. Bllslow Potter. and Andrew --- ,i. ---- -,—' -. x ,' 'fe �� :i I �t! $ 'A .,- f, I a..4• 1.` ` e., ' f• .� •� l,eTl p. Mortpn, vice-president cot the Culted states from 1889 to 1893. born to 1953. Carnegie ure 8J rr(.*Went - Ellet, Cardinal Ulbborls and Senator IW pow ure 88; Edmund Clarence St-d- si a 67 ' - •kion �e m Itfl au d Fran k tut ( c. eu \'amtlery, t"e trnceller, Hari 'r /k t•ht. oht•mbit. ure 68: tmbu*ratk,r Choate. betiatur Frye, Dr. Titimage anti 1-Icturleu Hnrduu are 6J. Earl Itobcorte, aged 158, her Jurt rulx:ewl- ,-1 Lord Wolseley aged 67, lu rout Inan(i of the British army Lord Salisbury. who to 71, probably Desire ,tot heavy a burdens of tail and re- r�'1'\ le;fr f� ,f tiny rperlAl formula whatever, Cery ew u[ to m have becu celeblte,. Ti,,y Inve noted flu elixir of life except rum u -,Il *cure anti it rl.-lir cosbelellrr. flat' kilnµ they tk, {mutt--lltnt hard work lend t,,4 be Injorivuu,; to health. lieu (lie 4f overwork, sir they dle ,,[ Inludlcluwt diet, but .n proper re- glmpu of bodily slid meutitl exertiup col prcnervtttiVe, not dertruetive. Alleve vell/rand are 11 en Nhu have a" their Ixrwerr to the full, and with one nr two excepllRiia they !ire ctipablo of do:olt coo mill. e f- 'r raJtt ol l evil not n T,le world g aa• a dwindling build, awl It Ir pue- slble that before iblr reachee the reader *onto of v'leal uluy have drop. pod from the Twofer. Ouu -rho would !lave been numbered tttuon` thsfoee- muat of tilt) con{pang'-Yrrdl-pftimed atony Just before Uivau pager went to press. He war In tele righty-elgbth Lhe lish Arm rtrua Ea rear L orJ K g Irutu,larter, wha find linar,xl nlnet,r, weut fist before 40m x21.1 eau did fix- *-nat4r . Bradbury, cot Nairne, wlhu W -ked only elowliteen months of eowptetlug a full ceutury. Because only men have been' men. tioned btrP, let "Ile Infer stud doubt us to tile. exi"terser of Rruud old wo- men. There tire many (I( them ; oto many tbat they dwerre a mpparate article. F,verybodv will tdhluk tit olt:e of Ebasbetli Cad.o' Stantou, Ju1'R \Yard Howe. Kussin R. Ant -hong, Florosep tilglttln9ate. the Baroness Burdett-Coutts-ttmd the list might be continue! much furth,r. All the five ladles meutyOneQ base Pars- eil their eightieth year -co stcotemout watch in niftily no brinch of the cour- due 1n cob Itive- bids flu t t fur 41 leer 41st 3 1µ•r„ sir to the Precbr nrilhmetlo of ff,mlalDe birthdays• Here, too, dart!! wim lately strlck- en from the roll a tutee that would hate hendPd It -the aalue cot p wo- man who for morn tit In three score years boro the heavy burden of erow'n and sceptre. and su bore+ it that the respect anti regard of t-!te -bole world pnld Its tribute at •f111e gravP 4f th•• atrr•t) WItlrh (ween: SPRING WEATHER, ■ , ODDEST CONTESTS ON RECORD. (Cabsell's Magazine. ) i ewwwwwwwwww•J---W-� --- 1 Lt the hieglnuius ut Islet year au t %ecuuut war pyhllrhed In une of the'l .purthlg papers of u foutLall watch', ,711 bh•yclu. which tuuk Place 11"Ir,. t N'uNc•rhawpWnl. Tile aticntyl to '. } re UtULWulte our grlat.winter gallle - - 1 ouwpletsly failed U"lug t„ Itrwan) _ 1� t Ito -wdbllitieb, but it was' hlher. u Ix ( 'i Y lutere.thlg lir allowing n teudenc) l of certain urderr ul wind. Tottery . ! r . ILSs atwa'y* (teen a large nUllludr of I - It Lcrcallel eportru,en "hu are Ilevur f �outent with revwguixed furwr ,,f i bpurt, They arc perlsetually us, tituI "out fur bl31arru cuute*t.1 : o i l s`a A�'P H'G( tt . , . C look wine li .%a a general rule, the sure ridieuluu% i the cundltluur under wblell Nuc!, colltedtr take• place. the Letter ta0y 'buy uue who carer to ' -. ure plea►od. take the truuble to look through til-, I ; • - }!� fuer ut Usoli'r Life eau rind uWpld eridetice of tWr fur hlmuself. •'Old u'• -the famous Duke of �,�r ,, QueentobNrry-hoot an i xtrourdinar) fer,tilit Iuutgi latiou fur weird anti LOS.—' nihil-01(AL E I'l:VIA N Tk:A hotel ouutertr. Passing a wheel- is without exception the only' alnq- wright'r shop uue day. lie noticed uue cot the workmen trundilua a biK lately pure Cv)Wn tea on the mar• "'heel tutu the yard, The man war ken WJa)'. - running at a good puce, and it Int- ,til other braud" ure Cryluu, au l r . at )IJ • h 1 ceeurrtgl Q • medlnle y . lar d rumetbing Pirie, t e., lmint •J t 1 here wait un upf"twlity fur. it, l'hlqu. the. wurdr 4( the Wutkru {rruay WL•Nkly. un ubrulutely notet vomit•• If your grneer -lone not keep l- - litwu. After sulue cunaefliAtiun wl:t. CII(ill AJUADE TEA, give ,Is Your the whoselwright, Ile IearunJ that t1 ,Ila WI- on it Iru NLal. anti we will tell man could protxibly run furter with ono nhu doer. a whoa[ than without 0110, the wile -d. nu tlubt resting :,s- a court I)f lltLe- -vuu Tits Ilorg _ Tea Cololpany', 11 -1st. maker Having obtained tills valu- I:ront mtreet tart• Toronto The Stgaal u rube -sours tral1Y 'IHCHairAv MUHNINU IIY U. NeGILLItCUOT. , Terms of arbe*rlrwal Ono a,"nth, m aJ vrnoe....................0 TLves ue,util•. •• ............ Ria enntb•• '• .................... ! M Ono) wr. Advertlaing Rate*, 1 ad rent nogV 100. Lem,for �therca.w N per nn, !not nr•t I�I.<rtW •. an 11 dune ser Uro rue eo'. tl.'Ib-aauesit tnwrann. )le*srred by a I. ,oparrtl - alis. 1{• CIP.... Cal'd• of ala liner roti u■dN, lir poll y0ar. ..A4r,,rtt.ow,Put, of Last. Pound. strLytW Nut',inol. x'.e.ut, *llua loss. salted and Rn d-:o1r t'I�ance. waotfd, coot ea-seedlrlr r lie,-. umiVA roti 1, It pAw mouth. I I.m." w, s„Ie and Vann. oa *Lb. ■ot 10 ex:a•d S neer, p fur ant montb. 3x1. Nr r4 rr•lackut vwnth. Isrr.r c,tv,L to profrm^ordeu Aur rpoc6/l anit• e, We objmt of welsh W W pr,un•1r lb« pe„unLary kw0est rt any Indlrld. u•I o: ca„ytouy, t^ be ouanderrd an advelti•. omit- and oharx0d awovitf, y. IA,'al anti, as In nonparotl typo oat) eeut Vel word, no nal I.* tot.. Ibaa W&I. I..,*ip,.tlaw h, •,rdlrary reLdlPa tyV•tw1 e•ntr per wor4, Nu nu2lre for Ise that, aro. \,•tun.. forcburck.• arid other 1dt ' us moll b•ntvolentlruthlutlonl.hotI rate. Rttbroribir. who fail to ree,elro Ta■ Blom% •r„gn'arly by well will oonfor • favor Lr as ♦urtollug,us of The tact u r full a M Im,eo1610:. WT.••n a chasifn of aq,4jdrera Is /Nlrckd. bot) a., ala and rho now addrre* eLssuld be 11116,1 ►ubll•bee's Notlee. J. 4'. I.P emlerl, of freAerleb. ►e* bssn sip 'pointed La•al Tr-Lvellint Asset for t►a Towm al.litr of - Uadtricb. Colburne..Asus6ad acid W awangah. Lneal p',runsriera awe til- dlatrtcl aro a1N einp>uworM to rovelwo ruboahpt 4 a Tub 6luvar- u Au et) m mea let sea meat bk adll Tolopbe6o Call DL TIIUItb;1L\Y. APRIL 1L 11� awe plec:e o[ inforM:etiun. the dude ru.tt'rawf.iNu utUrN. promptly urrauji a match he- -- - - - _ - -._ tween the wheelwright •ruJ n Ver Ptt ctirrie(f. Tau "HPu Lerby" came Ult_lND T1tUN1; RAILWAY. t&lu llewt•fuutlaJ brrbee of Ux[ord off In the barrmeb at Whldiau, awl' _---- tial , ze shed a very The uts was witneddi-4 by nearly the* whole utxtrs, tial prize to the w'lmier. The cue• ditluur tyre tlutt the wheelwright briKnde of. (;unta s. who travelled Vlsred .,.MM a.nL t thn,f rad eller IIet/Ple , cot ` elwuld trundle our of Li's . Lru:k down specialty from London. The if .11 Ahd kxrr'ear. ., ....,.. fila tl.s 6 1 .•van, anti u<lxtrt, Nhu Bled cot ( t Is Your S stem in Sha e to the harbor, of course, vk�uld run arrtut;ed to re peat It In the Au ow- 31trxid 7:M n•m• qt) ltvin Int, it meers ca ran uueueumltereJ. Just i,efure the Ing week• It utlgllt I the follow- 31tat: n -:d L'apraw . tale Vit nci n Y wlleelr of the duke's carria e, white race nnr buck it rucceud / --- ---- thirty -flit-, hntm . tureer■ lzi ax watch %amu oil tun duke* wade the bea,mO 1 r(I,llar fixture�lbty have par.xr R poll v. -*"- � -_ anti a rat'- �3{ta8 end Lap►.+,• ... ....,,,., r.l31w. match. R'ho Ir there to -day, In art, a it.id and Yxvrw» � s4 ' "` literature, warfare. or any other `� .-. �, Carry You Safely Through ? unpleasant discovery tuat his num Ing rlltbk of chi( -kung Dern pddedtu lffxaxl ilbµm' branch of hUwan_-_aeL1vLty__ whose rIj �,' ._ - Ines could only allow her b.trt tura :ile attractions at \\' ndrttr, It Sir - ,� ttchl.•venientt entitle him to be set �, .r _ -__ of speed with It wheel'a lout big"• Julio Artley'r rit►crketl--lled nett .won -1 UaNTISTAT. -- !� - beside tilt Ne prenooio t mnrveM of by- =-tea sir toxo tL.t uI ttlu dltka'a C#r[I r, r)« l urlt _IxCaaion wird! such Cr�nrutn- Reno cruor! •:-•? tj.. -route Buse ass to create n qua ieli,11 NIL IININ1,.f: KogON. file Prwellre of Taking rt lunle W But, "Ula wurs't to Let 'Laffutl P �� uea7er sir �� . `�.- "91� It tot t sur. no -huubt; that 'aducs• y '� t ? Ly au utwtaaJY y[ thlr Itiud Iie-ltlla- • t t hrnl�ty ml Tthui air butll�rac-us tioM tltii� y Lie vu ueilymYrl4i e� ark a / - - --�- )4prlua 1. Ilescruded Frunl Our 1,1'lar u curt cot piatform ur dine u tout tloaul sclpnce hiss aJcanosd wttb the Sir John half a Aectld a 4. u f ly ouulf ialtr. t �� F'oref*then aUA f[aa liUrrd JICdICNI high erected along t"r By t u'whNru 3 6 N' — - - \ the* react) N•:u to lx, vuu. Bj iruudllug ttx•k, "•hu wnY such ter. r wady fur �Yrri Lxpsrloce6. /' kodurarnlrrl- A F'rw �:tr lsgrstlous a wheel flu thu tu) UI /� J - the carrLlg i ilia ribterr. Nu c•umpetlllou clan coo- * - -.-, - I. D.D,l. LDs.-Df.NTAL �G N• r 10 - _ K/•grrdlug Ileallh., this. dlur lvbll i he "luseif run uu time t6 exist when victory Ir tit- 'JJs wntg.••ir-I&I-st ►no appearednatb•4 �;'n;' , { - the ground lrreltle it. the wllcul- w•avalt certainty for the Name cols- toralldentaloptrlUent d1lwPrrade• rf the The practice, ut taklgg k tuate •lar weal ht waw nu loo lir uundk:alrlied, sat ural teeth • •pertah r. oLren een wane R,fatrll Mage. who W probably the g g petl Wf, and thus ft err• Sir ,Jolla or`acia PQuarw Ins rtalry gau66co o•waN tag the Inclement weather cot early rad sun the ruco easily. T"e win- ,tatlry'r grN-it chicken rtwm vale to \ _/ n Oldest and Rlebest ?tan In \Tall int!„ rl . l IN, Redn.•+A.v nhernounr. rt aria' r • ; street. born In 1818. spring I- ons that has tieen tteywenth- aer, by tlw wa), must hove Lat'1' flu end. I r. rn • fr •m >fa, ,u uv . 1„ 1n -i„ �: , - -- ttI not by our furefatherr. whdd,,, wttnetLing of uu werub4t I- wrllur Tuleplluni,No.0. ". c iutrr to hove balanced Ula n h••el \ a tit C -- �: t ` / sporlathdit, not any IlvihK marl• t Iq da r "'hon a sturdy a,netltnt-it, u spot 1i t.Nl i•. C t !'t l'A' 1 _ a.\ I �� ) yq n uurruN• dotfurm willtu tray'el- __ , ' ,s, t tcaAlrrg member cot ora laWnat, t"e I __ VIjL Din.. I.TA-bes- r " ,v',' �A Duke of I)crwwhlre, le 87. On the and rigorous health meant even more tug cot fall els•r,l. :t W:arsu•nt 1•.ciul,111111 I'ruxrt r•, Je x 1 PurRrsgNa: [htAl b amvo,u" .nJ _ - :� "t`i * hencll ut the Cnitat Rtnt7. 0, tin thantheyflu t,rdrl)-. The• customham tit true Kulferr toint have r•st,d et.11,lld) ,cool:•u.•t•r-N. I/r. [Nx m.of M'r•lteoal.l O.W Lod puroelAin. _-� Court are Thief Justice Culler, 6T; the hightest medilat en,k,rsemest,ttud lliw Is,iu un accu:wt oI the dist It tN ajway.M.ALgJtSJYtl1t_t-1 h.• :,1,1,, li tyctel`t.cia.u�nilonglieo -Aim" Me. Justicus Brewer and Peckman. 63; ardly° attempt which w:terunsde ' i%u - ""to" tit tr.r natnra! Ie"I" owe Sxtw I Harlan. 8T: Brrnvn, 01: t4ltlram. 8f3: the healtlOpal piop:u are thcFe tell° 3ears ago to tamper a�ith the,rs•�rOd to revio-ov uic i.twuawl r:atrw cot u. i,�an•w Wuxi. - Tlr Rr,. Hubert Colly'et, cot �.w .�` ono tit • nnr l;wa•4nu. uretlwri•,u. atld Untlarlan ! and Gray 7". .Trp thew, men to he fallow It. Thouranda, nut really 111, Knli,c•, In a must reprelienrl- _ - T:Irk, ntfi6r ` p rnliwl olA? ntrdatotllr tit thin neryl"u. (boom• bl• spirit fit levity `4o%-' aUIYI!f11Kr{lDlstabliily nn.lm+rutte... _�Is4•Aft, .tPfttyma bora-Jn-183L r r' \` w.r .dts.l +. ._'_ 1,t ihree•toore and ton fherp tiro n,rdiltetncuL_.1n_ Indll--_ �@U4iylted bn,lfrrs, in 'July, IeUN, acr,ulgPt] n 3.�, l,ulllh,t r• it t t1f ih, • yJt►bLLho {t'_a ' - nit •10\, ty.ct. IfA1tR1y'IYtt, a _---__-_ --- I / �? P,xtlrlo MHz anA I'rrinx Jose) -two hooses, offkrt,' shops and, b heel m:rtett or Tihich IL11 COUdItimn "'Prot n:rr1'N l,uo, Imb/i:he.t in lo-da,t'r Is: r tot al'rf tot. t)m- proPle think, that one, lir th,m ,should go rouu,l A..; , U• aeric h. tih•rr n Ilea a rot of their buccess. men of whom. moot ,.,. d I not w, a their enwrgier the links %'till the onlllutry [tall ruJ tura bl our .n, -of a,or-N Nuri t:um1N- Tlu•. _!• tlrprnd the ssfgt sad the penlre cot n,c:nts during the* wlntl:r monttl e' tcoku btP NI j{I{I! of ic, n•f u, w:uu-µ1- \ 1/ ___-' J(LINa7l1."I" allltll.1'Ktl, SOLI• tbn ,•;, a„utim0 rJ rultlneN fur the• two Rrpnti atntTrlm- at TI. King fillik dlrery:etcetdrpreriredtlRa *rrlK i•Tiills, wtrttrr rite rrttter N"t�Wrtte m qt. Fouiu,nrl wittl a .1lirit cot pr..- ltnn. L d'•!p. TftP M.uler may have • Dr. Rudolf Virohow, t h • fnm"cot Gef OmeAr (a %werlelt, Senator Allmon, uf-sut•tw." .Nature lout Lp ,tsylett .• a ..• .r. , ,•,nrr•A, t , hi r • nlun•1 -witlt tot buw e!i l err K!'I:.ir` dill- lx,liry hubJ,rr d, a :,rt• to 2^• •'. u- 1 ••. ', tln:uutun a/-ff St, Atmk"* lad well. b t they a AI -ave rRndy main I'1lysaologLtt, I.,ru In IN's. un -1 Ccorl Schurz: at 7'2.`Tohet•ri, Ib• ui t11r.,wing orf the Is,i r,tl that hu" superior drlair,K IN,werN of tilt bow tqe ear, ra tu.utr I, :u,.l th.,r• pr, p •t•+ u, a•.,e:, a.t. - DD{ :t _ _ _.__---- _ - 11tcuuuuaN•4inttlue sysU•m, else Irtt Atsl arn,w sun tilt' day. .\" a lrui• w.r�� to foikow n new tihe, can Wt - - - - . --- -- In,: tot t,•1- it, it n. I,! at) :"!,atI a--1 R„r c?. ntlier scirsesw, mt.J that In u p>lveu - — tae fall ail va-y prey U, di ins,• :uud ire rite Is,w prated it rr,utVmptbly yjN' PRe,I'USUOT t ILaurt UAltl[117TRR1 fII `�� gnar.:tll1't`, l Awl I L, ,, ur11 „ ,: „ I,, wlb I n •: "Wer co tobGr, Im-f re in the K,,,r. If :111 this Aa bra .and If It bot p,'na l .•t rlv, or nine, sir twelve years / uro,sui j,rt Lu .W:'qy •li�cowturtN from iuoffrrtice Implmrut, but tt comply 1.:. N'r« proton-: 1. yt•rluri. :.rt a,. Ufn••r ♦:,n:, I .tat Tiols [ruth,'tt b RIn1j, Ab;- rte ttaNtrre Ifiedr11g(rgtle atau tuts uLLI Luar, cruptl.,ur, us 1 Nlmi,ar tr„ubii.. m,U4WU0lttiod role its inferlorily Ly itlr la u y.ra/ col ul.ti It • &UfW1Lla d1r4",v, .ori •r. 1':avrir VonA• to len.! tit -_--- -- _ , n pupil hetlpr ••ympPt•,1 nnr the trntt':s i Ur. \ti:llaln •' 1',nk P13- fur !'.III- I', „ vertnillly tvlilt tvhlrh Il "cul lir coot .sir+ curt k.r, n 1':.• col, .n, r.V.-.tel N'. Pfau::,l our. It. t'. IiSStl f IIj1• tl4,.q ,*err the .r•Ilolur.r of tLnt i .- iris, nrp ti... i.•.t tons, u,ptheior ku,,"”' r,,,a ,,,:,rinse r,tir leuaker". 14r .,1 ,,mz-n eel ,ung- - � . --- ! ' ITMT4f rlltinfC'41rkill4as'--,f -: ` - -. -tile. art, 1 W3u--ili,e�-.t,fii)i. l yukr laNn- tPnhill-:00col-r" -flare 11,1 - �'1J ,•tyW_,,.,_.' ttiiiRN►Y. BAItit197kit�. .. -\< ,tit. It rlt--r-r'1+Po01'A -4, •rrf-r•t-'trot; tri^ 11 . a . e't file affgurlan y4nto 4(=1:'cul". 141, /`a ,,,p.•- i riill, rel Ii •1 :W1 'str-,u¢ n, a ,Ir„ N1V•11 :, n-ritin -ailph .l t1n , ,`•,! ti_ t •a -Iter•. ,�;ii,-irw. ai-.1.1rIt. J \ itlre•.ih4r t•ilul. wtrlt•at-r1.•ugth,•s(tl \ X4.1 •' Thr„! L thttir u•.r.w Innlr,un-'. IGr-. It IN only Vt, `b^ expo trtl t� _.11 ll!___. u• t.lwstw,,lJ1 U riot I• '1 \ 11 IK l Ko ,.j, t lL,•i.. W{,:,a+u.. 1, ,1 ,"sir \ ! I Iw jsrppnratory p?4tuL -Wal-o , 1, -.I;er i,. ) I, - - ea r Jaaald, iit4•cot..--a:u_11y_,-_lirca.__ulc.u. ltlrit lawfl.:cUU{N rttuuld Nurf,r " 1„ r,' •sK tip to Ile* flu-+k'.+/-,-tattalor•1 Nur IIUILIp �IrtLT. l�. r .. RRlo:os a R. sea 1 tN )'r' �o SollPgr tit flftt-en, aoJ �. \ / w'emrn an t children corp mndr' bet ht, erea golf c:lnusot escape. Tlic w'ri t- L Nnii,it , .rotary Pukhi. +i trdicr If o. g tilt- Itirge prup.,rtl„n ..f ut/•r col I"•r, ¢,t- � iplu til,• Iearnpd pit,felrlone tit e1Kh' _..w� � [,, uitlae uud straug. Etl T1ruce "f the' rnmem b,•rN Bering suet' tau year.: alto -ioa°ralrr of i„k re�tuae. ldduy w hila u .F -II (:ort• f I teen. not onr'grc►ndtathere diJ. Vu11 If tlI x nrinl r"Otea.t IN•twprn a must di”- lent. col flu• upphe:uwur rrroivr.l. `-- - - -_ l r'l, _ • .) iMa kuuwledire is too for rppelalifed, wwt.lerfu! health rcbtur t virtu•• o► 1'h,• totrll tu:uuir (Pf Iru-aur,r flu” vel ` 1 t 1 e letat much not it, root that. the►e pais le glaea by Mrs. J. Lang• Iinguirot'tl I>Irh__luwn tenni. er r- tLo..i'l us LT_I)uuk_, ,a coax- 'lar ICIII .jkkaW t HOItformi - RARE 3i3i r 't I ! tf•r r � ` luta. Go,9-Luft,ntala street Montreal. otxl an ( iltont to wihout a"der lir• n fty,tol lime, htita..LT Publk', ere. %� At the other rnI of life, too, there ' pix' YAJem U, o style till• *aril ft* iRN• (rota ic. L. D rKi Uf. I)VI)tre [. ,. hell n cert:lln punt of change, ; whreaya: '!tt-lurc t ►rg+tn'u:+.ug Dr. dnorin c(r(kidd. on t i'$ etnald Rlin i,rrmntlnnl unit IntrriNt hicr Iw reu"rd a, L DICCIX9U!i. DC'DLt HULTdL>! / h q J\i,halu-+ J'ink fills I war under tilt- ensoruo,tw (NLIr. WI tldr uccnrtou in fratu >--16.464 in In:II, t t;l;•-;717 -- --- Iql utas C Atatiati thaw thatT{the 1 care of two ttr,ctorr, who told We my' lieu of the I"cial tahL• he undertook ,NN1, 1,11r' 1K the year tilt- Toru- /CIiAn.. 61CAU1CR - BARRISTkIt, SOG ._..-.. _ N.. -_.. - . - _ -. .. _ _. _ . _ ...._ .. # td a slwin-walrr Ir4t- l� leiter, not•rr sad eearyaaoer. t oe tt 1- //�� pp -.. 1 e'T• _.- , _'-_:. ._- icer �,' i + � ,4 Keller t aey11na11tAfIPe ill tle aw / ` ellml)tfeif. I wits very pule Illd tlr InilPat e a tt• a enI(#n'mPtltM, datld-•uds, surrwlJ le llotel•Yirdrrlrh. lrrlea tntl6tld o• p/ \\ -J' of hen h. have {en,thpnt. t"e aver- ,-I pl Vr g In,16.4t, flus Amts rinim•, I'll.• N11. marto,&Ah rt 4 ver Na4 IaterNR rarmwr' r\ age mn 'w PTINtpnc Hud the anttx f teelru ; laid u, a )Vtiu• un,l t ,cold uc,td infinitely more excitin to - - - eun*pa m t hoer rurrpr{igndlnRl7 _ a hntthy "Utq•14n-my kN•tS 1.%vl" very look cot than it npprar- (An_1 ) r- Nt:ullnil-purr of :-1_7.61:';, ad,li i ", row%•"had.. `_ lJ I muh dlscourtiKat. nndtlumKutdeath T'h:• ncrltfnr+r's11 tIW wielder of the tnfe f,.,4.rt•• (nitI I: n• „ ,.root,:; "f s added to ht working plower duringhlr 1 era+ Pt:,rin i mk in the la,e. I Lad "stn "'nt)•r M,!tle wam eomothing et- a c. 10 ARn.t`OfitLTANC6 4 re,•A7rr Ir.trr 7-:, w. Tharp A{P to dnyl ZIIIV K {4Jry n4ld -H :1:_e*. 1!/,. til . r,, :,-I I .)• not N,t.o sof If ler floing art rNalriae ,,fteu rent , f Ur. 1111ii.-nte'1',nk 1'itl,, trnunliotfry, r,1i-hiu til:• enJ h.• won cot the Nnne t llrr I,- P11:1, I r,7- re,tira •AI.—' of b,lt. nfxJr.11. s. .�1aaa _ I __ ___-__ •__.. ._ _ .. .._..: `J-IInu1.1 11+ :�I J-1-1_LQ2, Jll'AI. � Fnlrlr rarity. TYt« exttrrimt•nt w :r - - _ _ _ -, _- ll••Ie. d: toot. ,.ear or rnUwln Aew--6ie*. is m .. -.._, : D.:"' t.ina..Lul ear rresesdlet W n- Wr 1 ha'! asf,I three hl,x.•aoly tippy now T-hTf•f:*t7TP�-wrflleFitMW'the"tm• .l tarr"fn-Mt1mit -,"rt,. • tuL ,.ioj N ,Iic.ihr_tN_' f� � •' N Ih0'Illrh -.ekiri tit Jnrder.t o(ickrt of lot► .2 h It N i1,0inemm, Poor L-, 7LIII_, Ilan lilt, wit- islw•h bettrr.nnl I felt n lit- tmwodbilfty tit h:in, 11rappinic 71 ,Play- I,,IP:II-'.N I"t, t -'I,' {I,IMt Ml\ \/':I C� ,:I. ter Ilr;{rrf0, not IN a..y l•nil6IF d' DI•-iw off'*.;, r W,ninimon. (aprmnll Ilii, t- I . 1810. 'tie Ntroager. l`iri111JnnPd the 11",• (If er 4f the hIKM•Nl { I:iws 74n:t n tlflh- 111:1'.(• Yry t7tlf. ttr. .I:rmr:e ,\fill:. In miff Allt'an.aotleuarrefullyand rnnrLB L, n, H rota in 1817. I t"p p.Cs fur Lila'•• to mlhs when 1 felt rite iierforun•r But thouKll this N hieli hr NUewe 1 that. whily, in 1 �U t 0%.. cot• t. R,rdetlw aAd Y. O. ddfo6s�i•w ---- -- -- -- - - - .�E", - . er n, Listed Pnuneef4te, and ! auR ]i htl:y Vurr•I. R'hen 1 hrgtin nA1nR til, match had mrrmt lhinR be rvat'l No''n'1 ("? : TPNPPlre..! W. w 1.., I'j -uui. wh,•-1 1(•,•uo•o. t -- _ -- n-:1villart- . �""�--yam; heart. rf Saitiny. Sir William Vernon pills, 1 only wrigbr,l t)= p,un,IN, nod It, the spino enhlu,t Lr "ni,l t,f n to :-N:1.:._I. lhry a^.ry into r,•:rrLl-1 sifMant Th • tealpnars f R I til,• t:trgr f,gnrry of '.2111-070- -1, to+\r Asa t7seCtAlfCla - - tb coot. :If wt thrmsrlrrA t1r err rap"!• ^ '`U Finrewlrt, the C:nKI'ah ibrrnl Irad- N h/ n I ia•,a,utluu • 1 thI I a my -I.1 ht lit th , vsi lay dnyo, wlLnwn t t rt ILL e I n in,llmtl•,n .,j their , \In•:bdll rhar- %-hrye "nrit•ty ' 1 r.';`: -� d ear. int 7a;,`;.•nnt-or Il:rar/i" 71. ll,re, had iwrr:tse•,t to 11:1 Pntn1+. t nl•to it,.til;• party .tnyr or Inwn trnn!- cot I7 krr, t, -n in'Inn lot ►' It ' tint^ to drntr the !inn, gate the p111N 4r my MhY, wlu, ern" lSripZltton. In tiller mntrh In„- of til,• not.. r only ,, •,n. n:,U:l ..i at •r,lu•• col_ `fONRY TO hFND-A LAI(6>0 AIdOUt!f7 U nld rand eMrint l"1 mitre Itotrnt ; t \ Nlirpiy, 1m to {'Aosta ro o o for Inroetm eat •t dew•• lltyfrrs Arlt' a play which war shod r'. roti rrxittrd ua the atst" trrr emh••r Tbrw(• hide anti h/nrty vrtprai,m {N, Ir :wJ Niekly, arid -illy ulna hi -n„ P set rwte*anAexptckaeon arefrdaN morteasaa and if the yming man rule■ America ;)t / with lenther sh-N•a for th,• ocen"Iun, .q bass-lu+ luny be rx ted. cR rt1lA i \ may riot adlait that tlu•y the sold. brlRht, . n,ry, fleshy x1111,1. I think i,. I, ndr•- : of -the N ilei:• .rt tilt%t 'fF.e ArVb W narrow R •naw. pec - of''ttlP: Pr(sb11bly liar. thl•rr fa uu_wrzk_ ur Nfhkly' lw'r.,ln nod Is lulld to have np{w•nrnd tso tnkr int 1•n•r•P Inv s.torll ,-•IgM p,Nl lute the w'.rtd, to -morrow. 'pile-el4-veeei - -_ p-�- .. _ ... nf1Q.1r a--;ttrimMal_ SD_tito trt tin affair, _. '.. .• y -•arm of work rtt ea iI1M: Wtr•rvritt--n.,b-filli�-1 nrfrl--If f+r. ---• ++li.eat--+1--prw.Jtatl.iJ.�r:.:..r� i ..1: t; .}Ica,;:-FY-uJC.,1.K1t.►7. lV3t•R -__ 1)) - Rat "hof err Pnwa T:a thrrp Vnntt`at \til ams' ]'alk !'ill," . w1111v lilt r,pp,n.nt. a 11 i•-KtUlnlNtnnn, {p M) the I W,irnlln s,alel Ili:ti Iii• It• It.I,116•rteand Motesr'Iwrwuln7 ,,f ern" orrnyt+t In the.fNll paMgoly soot t ent- •rnlrxr,t-utprwwv.Ow-"1"0.al«,. �, �• ' well he lin further prot,wt nK:unrt 16 i" it paste of nw,rlpy t4 expert- rlltbi of t•clnviv,- ":-" itl.art 11 {d'r ► t.,lrudnnw,al i \ ifl�ntl"n: nnJ none not the meant with otn•r rn r+•ullp,l tunipl the nnlform of Ilu►t corp•. In hPoiy rent. lie Own it Nan two y..0 r" aiv,, rve,f nbtl..rn.,u,be 111 Lbt /.' ihu el:vw ntarriling,onlrr. They played rho ,,a•,tlaa,c•tsvtn.f.fn eco vrwy t• nIh ,A• / y •( min l/ieturwl in thpmf• oxlip kin" whirhroreatlehra t iulit"tl)Amof ile• IN•"t cot fir, Arts, and the uu,unted to r•trty Ingnutt:wt parUrnia r, not hulrulror_ lotp�, •. Re tbrd 3;,er Proal ,sywn 1 L � tNlllnated the mrripturul limit (Pf Ill"I--ante !'ink I'lllA. Inlilst ulrrin u,yrr Kon by thP/1P sets to tee, I lot 1""ntrJ Ont Lt 3tr. t, L 1'nit-rP ro. Nrutitrra,Cudenrh. bald \ I three wore and ten by tit leuwt sic getting the Onnlne, tin 1 if they P• ' it it shutcn that n, til.• pact },err .yseaa 1\�. 1 err not an -I by yo"r dealer send 4p{wno•nt tit tfie pond bring nlw(Plate- m:,rkr1 n-Itnnt•r. wire mull.. in ,ill AcrT10Ni=leftse. .y,� yeays. ly pxhalinterl. tnosr'peaprothtl, tchYt•I, t1•n,l to":Ir,1 . i° t Th rrmngr«t „f them, (leer,- )Inv 'Iver- to . the ,Irv. \I'1!Ilnm-.' 11^dl' A tnntcit which ewitwl n rt.nmid••r- the tnllMin¢ u r .If , n ,.nnul nn,{ rjtB011lJlanO�'A`�RT.UALLd� �N�lit A�J�T6e ' :: ', (I'mnl. nil Lett k' .I„rt,•u. %%,.To• lr,rn rap• ('o., I:rurktl.l Out., an 1 the i,blr alu4unt,of Int- rest tt't-fI•• turn• t 7i-.' t the ear In whirl- 1,.t,rl ,Q"la,•y {,ills will tie malled Ix,aL pnM, at he'll -„y ,nst,tuti •u. 'I h'• r:, h un nu, London•ndtancaehirsFtrola&00.,Meaers, ., tel "lin Ir ern•, p!rryed r.,rty' you r.t nK” h•Lwpen invrv:%.,•,1 hl' „\r!' rMrrf MIN. I' Ul.�rirt Yntnal ln.,r o. *•Ie* Ltte6ded W V e _� . i 4dmirnl s r Inury Kept .h.lin llobertA, fath •r "t til • ,reNr•nt any pert of the e*unty• qb +i •t t rw•t, ty , ,., : 14.rJNip: the p l ' n t , (�,),,, FITthrr "i, it"• Rritlah Nary,'' lo,wo f'nitme(m1 AtstcstcTh" I,ddc t ItA(f ulrfnl ',Q! n late, lir sit orales for �=•:101, Wlilnnl chnnl )f(Ppt, nn'{ :t,1 riwnfl•nr w"moi- 1. l fit IROrJ. 'ire tilt life In the year In h.Ul'/'A'l't\t: .LV A.N"f. 1 "''" tt.v a,rr �:s_ll.INNI: nutplu„ a 'Tr)iiN KN07C OLtiLRAL AUCT10NLt); i - KPp1"•I. whir pinypd rt a,ry ItITr�l�IUni•.'Q, iwrtA INrltry ti4Llerw oer4unt ht ,.,ear a) and flood d•luatm. Uedwi,b. On4. )aa.• - ---------- - - -- -- w'hlah Jlffcf left the White• HP)n,s,•; - !:Iayl,l with an (Pitt i ndff•elin, ;a-to-wi -,1:111.1 M,(1: nn•I the 111,"I ;,aer 2t, f, 1 r,. Ing had ooncklderable e2potioude In Lbe a . J I ` r ,csiplcnoux DlNtancP" or ph)2,ionl art _ -- _-y--__ _--.--_ _ i:vm:u•kuhlr Feat liromtAleLe 1 Lh a or n ear, his " omwilit ) -In ef ui , r•td th.,Ite o, Irv' -n, he h it, • portion to al• - .. -. IM K i 11 Iw ucrr FI,Ir1fP0 dJ. '1'11,',•.• lir.• Iril� �' ehrr a wt:.h thomnth e*tl„dtt tin aL esm- + menta! . 11tm4'r` Prpserved. Into „ d Jesuit Naturalist. h, the arrrmllI hlmhion. To appitel At,. ...itrol Such enaet are lRuhably n lit- lame ins marla nn i---p,,:i f 1vt ,,I:u., - p4eZ9. A •otal. or P to ►lm. VMng t dr N Tuutln{t un tint w(rtt1A mrlpm to Ise fully lila dlrikulty tit It ,b•rt.r' ln•,k !}' (f the m:,n:IKrrf:-I o •alcor- .If till• RckxV,n'• Botal, or Mit by mall tP ilia addr6re % �� tie- more frr-lut•rit nets• than at toffy L,t rtnv ,on, try tit, v%lo-rimpiet fir rnmrrt.nv,v itfiout•r b;. \Ir 1 1'. .Ino- U�UX b Is. O., e*rvwuy attended w JJoitlt.f _,-_-._ _ _ An nl!ffo.Nt ltllirtadblr ftrt.t. •nyslife CountyAretlo6Nr. 1D1 L " riNl"crni:--117,Tr7't:-•t<-•jw-•tr"k-.,ulte. _._.._..,_.._.._. _ w,i7l-.�►.•_,�walLlc...it._b.._a:.tu _. Neta• fork JTer.,LJ hoi7{Till- 1ila:j Mtn ,tt1•�i.' Itrn:h,- imrarrrN it ••4Pw4 ko --..__._ certain that they nrp nit n -s num A mak.• the• hall truvil t'i'es nlglrov !•p,r• im,ortnnt Irtri U,krn h. tllr -- ero nal tied rpml,rkabl.. aN the fs- 1N•en nrr'un{diAlletl by t1,P .1-•aolt ! I ♦ I[AlalalAOR LtCI sRa father \Camm.tru,, WIN, !A, after tilt II:UIl y it, til• -liriotlnn -x113,h h•' 1L,nurnrtnrerl: ,uI1.Tile '('(m11u1.uu', . Atnnow Irr n4tnhl, nrlueremrnt lu 'Q" . v: Er,t:limh hntnrnhtt I-uhiwN•k, tilt• tutee 1r, tld Rotrrrt"; will,, by til.• nn I r,„•octal. W 1tpi,Ij ILK til o,.it, LANL, IS*ULR Orr Y 0 to early life. ,,” form I ntnn w•ho know" matt nlrint theta' %'ny, lett the unlh:rll,t ra, vuu mnU tt ih.•Ir ihtrrr•.t is ,•u.• N 1deIt tet I. un- Wa .ea.N UsdsrW. qa\ U lir., .j n ^• _ I •ol rt lint t.ur'y f or.Nimilnr ,\I-' rot lo'Mite,jlt, t. n,l t„ •e•rffrr •v%un _•._.- itrrh rt �p,nrr•r, Eagllah Phllosllpher, �- " a Aflamntin L•ptlw many different 1n 1 t o n .. tt . r. r �,�,� trll/rw id -aur» k 4 m'•t n v. r,r Inferh,r pl:,y ear hr w"al'I nn l •runrrnlffrnti u c ;oil .,t 1.•ue11tN ' ev y V uppr R6TII 1112E3O. 1 "" I - stt_t_L►1 utste. T4 kid in ti, it` t;f r,, 'yak thlxe I" can rctr,l a fi•r,linK tube tibInrr tri" eel,• iitt.,pPthrr' surf ritsy fo 1,fie jNilfi tlo,ld- r r , r E ivi-e juwt uiy folk d, ,ra \ with film nr*Ip. the thol•ou6tU In%votivatl I. Ina,lr i,y „! ,.,I., n, 1, (crinmvd tilt• girl in til, bra} hast) to migrtite to ![are err the �, terminntinR n n K%t bulb rinse,! \N rill Invents- "r nl"snr-I r4ntr•sta swr,n , _ � by n cork. inti this intro, Ile re• the In•IrpenAont ,nithyrlty into the I,',n, ), Irv" t ^h'oM 1'aP Bern alrnd= toy rL vt nnr of the iutvott •lame ear- the• Intr- .Sir .14hn A.t:^r wits nlue'"i orfairr of t►,th 0, m•rnnie:. It Jt V•.1' fax e)% ,.t,•ckinita w, t1 • ktlr nwl tak- t%•''-'t way b,.doubtt,A Ir the for- n I as distin{r"Isln•,t :t+ til• MOT,' „r filpntly tN•futo'I Ill'A -•ten crruater elan ,.zy ' - giolso, - Is' wr►r easily to recognizV grtt•„rtrrTlrhrv. 4,?M 'ATve4� fvxl.• w•t" rlsr wHt M^ m•( I • I/y tin• et"11- tic IL.. Frr.,tr•t prhlr L It far %pots phih.,N.phrr'«(rbsprt'ntlonm nrp a --'„ .' / _ it to Ix• nlways life sanP•, n,s 1t pt't,I hot A m',er did ,i►e n aril cot good full nlNI rnlr statement of the case. nrrnnKlnir rarer Ir•twrrn nohnnit hn,•t r"mpnpir•r. In tin• fntar-• tI1.I,1 a_,v , o ; tvn" j)Artlrol:lr:y, 01114Ml an.' #,ill( . whl,•h nntnre hall ,1 mrutitly tnn'Ir �- n., . ,ter ,itifak ut,t.n fell a love Same n,lt.:n. nftr•r All, tarlre but {K h:,* l"un mr„lr'h} eilhrr Inst ituti"n moi; 1 r. "ire tjlflVrpnt frnm its rom{nm t:1 til• Ireia,tlful Atitchcs, bcenume i `_ mast unmutttihlP root til•• pare„ear•. in the lest' hr n' t• r Paw theta. Itnt on ('hrlstmn” .:4 . a J # s 4y j. The crenturr. 1lckpd UP 4he honey or \\-hon gnnrt,•rpd tit \S'In11w,r hr Into ni !rt :,f t- r N., r r w'i tvvrr till I t __ --- .` '; -.. ' i - tnTr•I the ,r ttrldekr•nmh:�l•hIN erruli: r / y t" "n 1r land In tie• bn!b,_ and. hnv• I p" P i y "" ^ _,. I l `� . \ ��� ink Rnrheral n mnpply. rrturne,l to C Ltr1,L. fol.."g... ,n ' r 11., •, „u,I soinvbody' pro -fed. 1• /? _-.' mlirsre It wlth VA rem Ini,dle to this e.on•e tPtltr ! ,,;,, t':, 1- p r,'" II. -y" til-, Mood , LJ9 _ --- - newt.- - p e.Nttoa \ � til sc.al"t,ttt initltr f,1 llFri t10 it,,, A to., 1`;r�; -� i'r n"i nu, T1s ,« �!iih•'1 l i ,. \' , -- - alrletifia 11, Kingg o D4`nmarl,"lNra `WMntnnn li rt�ptvs'R the nrar bird'«.r: nth I !. a ilia r❑n. oft ri T T.ti.'fT �,tit't `II"''rq""1i \ � ! 1c In •1818. upon wlurh {ha h"ec-'%sale out and rt!T ,Toho nu'.Ir•rd h•)w rnpt•lly ti -e And rprr"Its ",err- 18111.3 haat' Kn,wit h!oml', ram n1 -c ntly'. i ,,, i ,.\ ; -1:_ - _�-__ 11(wlfht aroun,l f- fotrp. lilt- tit r•Uirkeua ascot to mcurrr to t heir -i,ro hue Ir•nrtn4 tot -t 4. •. R, nrr.,l is -kite "1:'- : tr.Ic:vnt." n-jofnlNl rho Other: `l��t\� i I I \ n .Iron de* rrcld appronrhed it wit til -vita tiler when t-,nd war thrown loll, r fnrl ,lilt i Ivr:6;%'i or.,rt{t,- role tills "I I,:rl •tit buy- new Plippera with the 1;q* 1 "." niA In whlell T Ir r gmtW) rlt ntnlle dipp•,1 in portly. The not :it f Jose hlne nnrl crnsbe I .4 nerd- ehrank IKI,•k, ns If frlacbtpnP l: 11- r • %as til • 1^ rm of u , i,l••n t"r w InU•r lot rvlwrLrd to r.r nhont 1!)00,- .111'1 1: ,11 jreekles, you know, Hud the* ). a ,a� P,NNI m1N,►4iest l/utih. cools al w em)0 hnv'•.. f.4.1 w1il h,• Iwir, • m from n- 7 n.:U, in tin r,s,nl final Jant raid .. xr' \ \\nRPrr.m. They err Ilaing Ilnks. Ile.. then RruJnnliy Krnty npnrpt, feellag r C• - twepn til^ twcntleth rentory scroll it nhuut with lint nnten',r, till tit 111mt few nitrite •iftrrwordr ,,fir John \-i next y'rnr. 'i9"•re tis' no tirr,ngo .glia! ,•'I riot• r Iuin,l want he .a{d, they r 1,} exsopindvost to hie brother r,ffi, r 1t) tilt• F'II:n,In on-nK,;.ln fLtcor '.ail pr,.{„•r: this Krlme, nnJ b•forp 1 i, L \ fN•rinl w'Idrh to til,• rlaln¢ RrnerA►toe ft %•time a to the nutN11P kind lickad { d^IIrIfAlnnr• s so lint :/ cmmn+n'Iw n kn, ., ,. t!I• y I :rl 4n^ -.f my slippers. t' Ar.m. (.intuit tie arm Inc :,it til- MOO! e p him pians fo: th••-grVrtt rhi(; irn rn, 1 r ylrll2ter off the honrlr. Later Its nt'ruett.tA• .Ile h.tfl Iroilght frl"u n f.rrm,•r :I ¢(wNl pori•,. CLi+ %rnr's rfnP till) hrin n 1:1.t ,n r ,c nI,th t f, li t"tti wh,l, 1 �i . rel envy to draw from thin e -I It to .tl,kr the, Irmry ,hrec•tly hon nri'i Ixo•i err lhickAae. Each tt 1. Irl!^sir!, alwnit +1.7', :5. !r,c. In kin•: t x'3-11 conn h"st,tllrk,•d flu• Frltnresco(rimPl, tele• Prlm tiger. It 1 "`1! t " rrnflt ro y tA• n* mnrh of Italy, ►s'ro In 1119.' It I r dpr n,p. 1'lnnlly i Inst the. alai-mt man " narAmlr nit^ (•f vr•ternn" tiny .hotels{ f I(`m1 tl(AI I twhr p ie* rpnRiPmlr•T rIl t Offiver %;to to ,•h,m.iie a uhirkrn anti r i - ti",rk 11 wits - rihttcm, alt Ihnt its tie 111 10l):t-I, toil^ri rM engr ,\;.iii t" n tie- m:i{rllcr for wt•, and not >> an e1hID1L. varve that In mrslern Ir"e(P, t., th„er who ,a1w/cllllnmm+,ny the hart ffnusaal alar lir lhm mlfK t• . , 1 elwtl r IzP lt. ThprblTkrus AOf111.0'(i Lov, - ('nlllornl:t otvulK(s ;nitll he tea, putthlK it on did 1 spot - - -wnw-. .their J•ailiev14_ They', 4pwalr-l.u:._ tie-1'Lu.W:a_ats:aaw,__!r _ .. " - days. ns fur i�ly`v.!e'iI1T1T M� wrrn t•FTi^ !t mel n -11 y ytlrr "ell nnr hath ,art bis IanJA-in aur own, north. mnIll lilli- Its T(petap'r4,P,IK'.istrrrl din oto IV1 - y {e sort"A•rn'ttttt--lI 1r --in'th- fm•-nf mot rir,nK life, nn it fnnn tllrlf msothrr, nlld which- let r. ,\reor,lln¢ I4 ON, irnll•,Itle 1'Trly rmbn'ndrn•II mt(xklnR• Just M / )Ian might "Pmt ht ('tinadn, BritAln, ,y tit- of :onto nr%1 dr!tre them either tis ('trnrl^r-.Tnnrlln! th • FMrI'i�, o"Ins"' wi- )v,.r• .Kr•ttu,lt son ,q) well, sod J hrttwr anti hs tail." . rt'.,r ,.t them n••,rhpd her first it, nn-' tf have 1"•en li'A co to the r:dl. it !A Dromnrk, italy,'(Wicon• Thy t' to m t- r t ,bps rklr when fo,N) tvfiA H, the rptxrn ..f frnitA I'Onre dP I.r m Itad t"I�l hrlr i (tilt fill n,y ciwa mea ,• to sea tYllttTy trhrn r1 -t ,,,Any callings. ills^ arro,Mefll�tm,1n I,a`Il\ti..mn"ni,surlcoeNrtT"LllnatAming A.ytrrh,l t!.e is,ofl,ITuII, orrr r!tr the Inv,. not toy _U think" rnlrrA. Pearn 1 fnhl^l f(rint lin ..f ,"nth "lthnat sa- eIP+ hr.Illna. TI -P 1.-y (If "~"Till nr,rnl of lhlm," bsRso the h1A t1RPa veteran: "nMler, a mn11Or. r m^fntln t Vl:flmob. Inst It ((IIulttPfl thmittnll) Immprtlnte. Lftr wlnnprhr hw'hYvtfffrrr pal lotrlrn rrmh.bnC.n sifPr► m n nrNtht hnr.•.rrn hlnndr Rltl 66Wtr / the man of Lwi((. R 1 R rnntrnt w'Ith the 'ir',t nrnnlr aper,(• In Pmlth, CAnnrllRn puhllcist, at forty. IIP I,wtbl forward to *ler. ineI01Lt In lK K Thr Iro{Ihs l.radnr, nothing r"r m(t "it to hay a rk,s^n Pale And wsar rnsms as Ktrw1 RA tiny JrM mloalPly, k 14 safe to any N,at ly til, reek -nm rrm.,ard, coma In wtvrrr! ti l' the ,rlcllr r o r•n- ik,rq In 1tt13E. twenty IelUrp y he is n'r -harp arP Men who AavP made tem• noW of the honey nn him finger. ter{nR n r cld t fur this f the r Ain 4!Plfrnt0. oto T. frrwhlnR, Air hl^.aming to n nl•ry on,• rvrr) n1Rht, whlnh T nm - - --- - - - tint hnt'r Ilagaed: at a the (,eMtP usA of the grtod things of life, RIM At the ronrhuion of the- repeat, n►y race, nittf the whole of the pn- th^ ryvti los Aidnetivo to the nrritrlim «-ring ft) do•" Interrupted the other, tall through the tvRhrMs a1ldf6ver wilt more Tend to Rn deo They have trot. M a class. iters Lee• wlthout Any Attp'nPt nt r1lsNtalloce trtinee motlep w'aa to >tfo to lhP ref- Tina so tna4hiug to the taste,` at) she f thio. I from the room. Il'• "rrkl. liacA glraeratloo bsWTN sI11w rnnmintetl I�t. The t• ells, or /MTotew or tl►iNt, altmvel: itself to bs Nfted filler whose colAes the wlsnlag ehleb• - 11at seething ills It wase a,ef aeso lira-'• than thew aeore Jrtrare who tolsllen, or aoaemok k -7 6 J -- -- - - -- - ____ ....r.. _...