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Easter Millinery
You are cordially invited to attend the best display we
have yet attempted. Our motto is, " We must increase the
attractiveness of values and styles every season iu our store."
Come and look them over.
Dress Goods and Silks.
New satin Venetian cloths, all
the new shade•, un*hriuk•
able, ready to make up. A
special cloth at 1 00
New silk bolton gauze with
embroidered gold and silver f
spate, will not tarnish, the •
very latest for yokes and
trimmings.. 1.50 to 3.00 yd.
New fancy silk poplin costumes
m the latest pastel shades,
very handsome, old ruse, nine,
bluette, silver grey, at ..... 1.25
New heavy oord costume goods,
snake • very sightly costume
in grey, brown, royal blue,
`red, castor, has the effect of
more expensive goods. Spe-
cial at
SOC New colored piques iu pink, pale blue,
Laces, Embroidery and
Our small wares and trim-
mings department never had
such a complete range of the
latest novelties.
New Guipure [.noes and 1-uertiona,
New all over .Black and White
New all ever Embroideries.
New Neck Ribbons.
New L'Atglou Belts with gold
spike ends, at 25c and 50o.
New Bow Ties with gold spike
ends, at 25e and 50,:: -
New Hosiery. New ()loves. PS
New Wash Good*.
1 Hers 1s a Bargaln and Right
Up to date restyles.
Latest satin stripe all wool delaines,
really as rich as silks and twice the
durability, very pretty -shades. See
New Pongee Waist Goods.
New Pnnted Gshmdres.
New Embroidered (jrgandies.
navy, fawn rod cream -red colors,
worth 2 for 11c.
Extra value (3iughams at 12ic.
Lovely colored Dimity§ at 20c.
New Blouse Goods.
New White and -Colored Curtains.
• Muslin from Se to 35c per yard.
Dress making department upstairs.
Look at our special sale of dents' Ties
in the window at 25c.
Spring is with us now. You should
be choosing your new spring attire.
Smith Bro's & Co.
TvssDAY, April 2.
KW Ores Rbbardseo is hot from
Mr. Leigh arrived horne from deal. Ste.
Mans loos ahebi.
J. B. Hawaii's lent yesterday ler Wisd-
om' aid ether potato.
Mr. sad Mrs, George F. Clark. of loyal,
were m the village on Sunday last.
flare will be 1 brutes is the ESatfib
'Web a Geed Fstday •tarsen at 3
Mr. Pelisse, mama enumerator for poll.
I.gdlyielea N.. 4, started on kis work yee•
bard*, morale,.
Hoary Otway, ea old midget of them
para, pureed over a the plat majority o0
Wednesday lest a1 the home of his slater,
Mrs. Hayden, when he bad lived for the
cfive years. His death was mused by
polooitat, sad, theagb everytbiw
that medical aid could do was dope, death
Issued. 'lbs dewed was a serohant in
Port Albert tor over twenty years, bot roe
tired from Mousses a the death of his wile
is 1894. He wee the wings$ eon of Ibis
Wm Cantata Otway, as *Moor 1n the E.g.
1116 Geer, and leaves behind Olt two mis-
ters, Yrs. Richardson, of 'lormto, and Mrs.
Hayden, of 3b.ppardooi.
MONDAY, April 1.
Andrew Bassett moved lists week to his
OHM farm at Carlow.
Mia Mary Maw I spending a shot time
la Goe.rioh this wok.
Mies 11.11• Green visited friends la the
Oral, Csty Imo week.
(11111nhast n, Charles Corey, who hbeyews
111 for Dome time, is qutokly rsooverlag now.
Rev. H. J. Wilson purposes rtvtag aa il-
lustrated Nester address to the children
seat Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Graham .tt odd the
humeal of the lass Mrs. Johrtoa la Gds.
rleh�awaaNip on Sunday.
Ther. pitseid away ea N.dsodsy, March
27tb. et the residence of isle Meier. Mrs
Hayden. • ptouor of Aehfl.ld towo.bip, lar
the person of Henry Emmanuel Otway. The
deoeeed wm bore at Avranob.., Normandy,
Frees, on May 5th, 1829. He lived in Ply-
mouth several years and 010.-, to Canada
with his parents when .boat t valve year*
of ay and settled In Toronto, where ho
lived t111 he wm •boon twaty years of age.
He Mon ioloed hie elder brother, the late
Robt. Otwar, and took op land 1n the
Heron trot, about one sod s -halt 011!.0
north of Sb.ppardtou, where he lived for
sot Nm.. Later oo he boughs a form in
Colborne township, which he sold to mart
storekeeping In Belfast sad afterwards In
Port Albert. On Ootober 23rd, 1162, he
married Margaret Hynde, mister of Mrs.
Oso. Bswklos, Port Albert. Ia 1894, after
his 'wife's death. he retired from business.
Always of • very cheer! al dleooeitloo, he
made rode many friends, who were sorry
to hoar of his 111oew sad subsequently isle
death. He oontrsoted blood pinnacle,. cle,, and
! although everything was done that was
possible It resulted In doth In lapse than
four weeks. Tare t.maias were followed to
Maitland cemetery m0 brldsy by • Mere
number of friends. The servlom were oon•
duotd at the boom en 1 grave by Rev. M.
Y. Goldberg, of Du.gmaoo, and the pale
warms were Jac Gordon, Ales. Young,
Thos. Dougherty, N‘zou Dougherty, John
Graham and E. Maw. The decreased laves
two sisters, Mrs. Rtohardson, Tornow, nod
Mrs. Hayden. Shepp.rdtoa, who have the
heartfelt sympathy of the oosma0lty la
thee, bereavement.
rc.ad:o..M CAHLOW.
Trooper. April god.
Rev. 11r. Marsh will 000upy the pulpit
hers oa Sabbath noxi.
Mise Mary L Orem bee returned from
Dairy College, Guelph, otter tsktng
mother titres months' Durso in that de-
Rev. Mr. Mush, from near Hamilton,
preached here era Sabbath last to • tarn
oengregatloa bad wee =snob •ppreolatd by
all. There was no Christian Endeavor
Great Drop in....
The great Well Paper
Trust is broken, ar,d we propene to give
the public the benefit
We're here to sell Nail Paper. We
don't care whether you want it for your
kitchen or your parlor, we have patterns
that will pieaae you and the prism will be
just what you want to pay for that particular Loom.
Our papea are all carried in stock ; we have itlreedy received over orae
Oar LOad, and still more to follow.
It will be a clear came of our city osmpotitors bumping by against a stone
well this time.
Prices Commence :
New papers at 4e and be per roll.
Pretty colorings and tints at 6c, 7c,
! and 10c pet toll.
Yoe eau bay a *Oe paper this yens
for Aha
441, oar Teleptteee is No. 100 B.
Easter Cards.
Artistic Easter Carts,
"For The Rmplre " series
Prion range from 3e. to 36r.
Porter's Book Store
Cann Hones Motors - - Andrelch,
Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store
Goan House Square, God rich. •
prayer meeting in our ohuroh on !jabbed,.
evening o0 assemble of the roads Wog at
most impassable.
K. J ohs Volum bas retiera.d to Handl.
too. H. was' called hen to attend th.
tumoral of his sister, Mr.. J. J.rdtae, u! D..
hot• This la bls third trip to Cotbone
within the last six weeks throng► death.
Boz Social. AND DASICI -Mader the
00.010m of the U 0. F , a tax molal and
dance will be given to Mo1Ha.td's hall we
Olt ovooten of Nater Monday. AdmWt.o,
25ote. Lade. briustog boxes .dmttied
fro. Ail aro welcome. aatertaismat Se
commune, at a o'clock
Conned set Marob 23rd, all the mem•
ben present. Miaow' of prevision misetuvr
read and ooatirmed. Co. •� ,s were issued
for the (downs, amount.. Donald Ron,
Arrive!, 82 ; Wm. B iel's, work su E. B.,
$3 ; James Webster, work sea h B., $;
James Alton, work 0d E. B., $4 50 ; Go
W. Fonder, .xpeoses is aklnr (leerge
Oliver (an toa..e person) to Loudon asylum,
$19 77 ; Wm. Rtobardsoo, building oulvsrt,
oma 2, $4.b0 ; James Cornelius, (mince tee
at Oreasi.rd, g3 ; E.oeb Bowers, plank,
*15. Couooll adjourned to mot &gala oa
the 25th • ay of thy. Court of Radium to
to mea( at 2 o'eiob r. r. W. SToTasits,
There will be unto at 11 o'clock to.
morrow moroun (Good Friday) 11 81.
(horde'. ohuroh.
Divas seryso will be held in North
street Methodist oburob on Good Friday
,mototog as 10:30 o'olook.
'The servings to Knox oburcb next aabbetb
will be o1 a oh.reoter appropriate to Easter.
The oheir will reader Easter made.
Se. Peter's will be door•td fee Easter
Sudday. At vespers, which will be at 7
r.m., Rev. Fattier Hanlon, of 81. Aagu•dn.,
will preeob, sad the choir will be wilted
by the BI•oke•ooe orohretre.
Oa Easter Day at 8t. George's ohuroh the
early olebratloe of holy oommuuten *111 be
• : 8 A.H. There will alto be • celebration
•t the 11 o'olock sorrier. The mushy will
be appropriate to the day sad the evening
errvice will be choral.
The mission band of North street Moth. -
.11 .t cherish will bare an open matusg on
1••e afternoon of Good Friday, at which, •
▪ progrsin will be given by the mea -
,•re. All ars Invited. The meeting will
u mms0ce at 3 o'clock.
An Easter service w111 be held 10 Vla
torla-st. oheroh next Sabbath moraine.
The pastor well preach. Subject, "A visit
by faith to the empty sepalcbr.." Evening
e nbjot, "Joseph making himself koowo
e nd loreivlag his brethren.' All aro eel
o may
la Koos oAaroh last Sunday evening the
pater, Rev. J. A. Aiderma, {pr.sobd the
animal sermon to milers anden hermen, of
w hom there were • large number present.
Mr. Aod.rson delivered • helpful dlsosurm
from the text, "The Lord woo my stay,"
to aattlaa their elle WO printed as
tbla wtUtieve a t!M aeries mneMd
to this Itsn as te the time of sales.
SATV(DAT. A wed 6tb.-Asouoa sale o1
41 aoree of rood lead on wbtob there la •
good dweWag sad stable, • geed orchard
well booed, also as wanly worked gibes
quarry that will make e.esb.d • lee of
money Were long. Terms will be grade
kaewo at time of sale. Joax Hulk', pro
prlsbr. Tuoteu GUNDsr. a0odonser.
WIDNMDAT, A .i'. lora.-Auollo. sats
of farm Nook and Im-
pl.meet.. b be held at iyf.
Pelew'e farm, les 1,
•00. 3, B. D. As/field.
ksryihtag to be Me-
owed of without reserve, u the lent has
bees sold. Taos. GUND.T, auotlosieer.
'1Hos/DAT,Aprtl26tb.-Ct.arlag auOLoa
sale of first•olaos farm stook sod imptemwta.
including good draft brood man no fed sod
good cults aired by Linoln, 2 and 3 years
.Id ; 1 tkorosgbbtd registered Durham
bull,wesghs dose to 1900 Ibs.,and other good
7011011 cattle ; 7 mlloh cows ; pen hied
shop and pins. Tho Implem.ote, she.,
all to good chaps. Sale .t lot 9 o.a., 9 W.
D. Colborne, mem Loyal pot affirm, 41
anise from Ood.rloh. Everytblag to be
gold without the slightest teeters it the farm
ba been lamed. l'aoHAa OcxDIT, eaotloa-
eer. Mrs. Jamas CLAIM, proprietress.
WILLIAMS,-At Loral. Colborne township,.
o. the 77th of M&roh. the wife of J. M.
N UUams, of • son.
BAEOHLER-Oa the 7744 of March, 1s Lee-
woburn, the wife of X. Beechler, 011 eon.
LINKLATER-la Stratford, on Wednesday,
Marob 27th, Phoebe Joao Llaal•ter. be•
loved wtfeot John Llstiater, Is her Wtb
OTWAY.-At Skepptrdton. qa Wedneeada ,
March 1711, I hoary Emtsaauel ea-
wa7. hem at Avrancbee, Normandy, May
WHITELY -As Calgary. N. W. T.. on Thurs-
day March lath, James A. Whitely. a of
Andrew Whitely, Ood•rioh.
ELMONSTONE,- On the ,etb of February,
Hugh Allan Edmoneton., et 'Rlveretde.
California. of hears failure, aged st years.
to call and insect our
large stock of new
Palm evils., 18. en Saturday afternoon and
The meetings at the Salvation Army der. evening,
tog 151. week will be of a epeoial nature.
On Saturday night • "soup' meeting w111 be
held and on Sabbath erector( the subjset
will be "The attraeuos off- Income.'
tiitir, . di sestet with their meek; at
all ma.' nr•. Services* ommeoce at eight
o'.nook mesh eyeotng.
There will be nv special Raster service in
North•se. Methodist chetah oust 'Sabbath
ermine. The order of service will be m
lnyocatlon. sol'
Anthem "Life from the Dead"-.bolr. •
First lessee.
Soto, selected -Mr. Brydgee.
Seined lemon.
Qu•rtett.,••Chrlst 1. Rtaon"-Mieses Prim
and lino: and Men. lfrydg. and Adair.
Easter addrs.s-Rev Jasper Wilms. M.
A., pastor,
Solo, "The Palms" -Mdse Kmtanb Brows.
Anthem, " I hrtsl oar Paseover"-obofr.
Clain bytes.
Poetlude--organ-W. Glens t.amphell_
l'be L,amtogton Pot le doubtful of the
wisdom of the Itinerary system of the
Methodist oharob, the reams being that
the Leamington Methodist ohuroh has
Snob •ood pastor, to the perms
of Key. 1. B. Wallas, that it oa-
e iders a ohag. undesirable. After speak -
log in very warm terms of Mr. Watlwla's
work m pastor and presobor, The Pot says :
"His removal, if a ohaogs Is made at the
next onfereho, will be • Douro of arrow
to may who ere not member of the Meth-
odist oheroh, m well es to them of tits own
charge. Mrs. Wallwla, tee, has always
takes a vary prominent pert 1b ohuroh
work, and has endeared herself to the mem-
bers by aoc.e.ing oars Is the promotion of
W. C. T. U. work and kindred enokeles.
Socially Murdered the obmoh and the tows
will suffer by their removal. Mr. Walken)
Is only a young man, but his ability will
place him fa the foremost !oaks wbsrsver
be may go."
Only a Cold 65
is au affliction Dot to to no-
glsoted. 11 may develop nit*
something more anew.
When U Begin
To Sneeze
or et any time hereafter. take
two or tome quinine wp.ulea
and a 60t40 of White hitt.
Compound with Tar read you
will be surprised al Ufa vaults.
This will break up a cold in •
very short time.
when we will be pleased to
show the new. ideas iu
1901 construction. .
Bicycle and.Mualc
RNs ar4UT
Wednesday, 11.
First Canadian -Tour of the (creat Original
Pecl's Bad Boy
:un. the
Imperial Khaki
Band and Orchestra,
11 - Great Specialties - 11
20 PEOPLE 20
S fetid Prices : 15, 25, 35, 50c.
Reserved seats now on ale at
Porter's Book Mom.
Are You Building
A liouse or Barn, or anything else this year?
People are owning from far and near to buy their hardware of MoKee-
ait & Howoi.L'.s
We buy for cash.
We buy in large quantities.
We buy in the best markets.
We buy the beat.
Our experience iu bbyieg saves money for our elastomerm
vatafnaltrtnniO1L-Zt61Re t4liana
Ii will pay you to order your twine andAmerican F ield Fencing.
We have the
AIG E N CY. FOR THE 0,it.kroqui
Made of Large, Strong wires, Heavily Galvanized.
Amplyrovides for expansion and contrat-
tisn: Only Best Bes,rrner steel wires
used. Always of Uniform quality.
Never goes wrong no matter how "0001
great a s1 'ai 'ill""
is put upon it. wt en
Does net mutt
late, •hut does 1. r �'
efficiently turn a
cattle, horses. l ,,
begs ase pigs. ,
0 r
r ►
1 r w r
I r
Call end S.e ft Can show you how it will save you money.
We have mild mile. of this fencing e
This year it is better than ever. 1ve1a '°'^"'vr•
The plane te bey all Bardw.m Amp.
'Itmmmmmmmmrrtmmr;iff, .. ,.lie
i Thre are few womenNee 1 •
IE vvvrwho do Trot know something of
Ij C: Lbs phenomenal popularity of
F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B.,
Corner of West St. and Square.
License District.
The Board of Lioenae Commissioners
will meet at the
Inspector's Office, Clinton,
MAY, APRIL 16th, 1901,
at f o'clock pea.,
to wander the appliaWone far the Howie
year of 11011151.
Alt poialoqanse or appllo•tlose to be eat to W.
J. Paisley, lnspeotor. 011atoa.
The •umber of Ilosusm for the year IW.IO•
1104 wee f0 hotels wad 1 sheltie . The Dumber of
appaoatlg.. for 11011•113 hotel. sad l.ssops.
New &pplicstlo.s Michael Farr. • bo lel.
Ooderich • 0. Pike. Railway Hotel. Chafes ;
Charles 4Immon, bolsi, daltterd ; Wm,
Prominent Ifor Martie Iotate).bote, Sanford ;
Bea. ••alts. laLway Boma Godorloh.
lssssoaor, Olsten.
April e-1
A General
ON av1ET
Elbe 1CkL
Low Hai
Shoe for Women. j
Women's Shoes made on late
shaped like men'■ aro now the
fashionable thing, and them ,s •'
much comfort, oommou some and
servioe nu them They also look
up•Wdate and have lols of "go"
in tb.w.1
Perfect ttI t
Fitting. a
Price is always $3,75
Was 1111116111111141111.11111 er TI41S STYLI mesa.
6�9 Pe T. HALLS, -gip a
ERepairing. Bole Agent for Queen Quality.
Temper, Aprll2.
Oar soldier boy, LahoreCastdag, is up
from Leedom on • short forlomgh.
D. Commies sed H. Morns, corms mat -
*raters, were la Godeelob nut wsdk gettlag
their lastrst:dims from 1►e Weet Heron
omens oamiesks ter and are new tie their
John Comslag ism boa osgmged for the
Ridgewood Farm staff kr the meat wren
moths. David emboss leu smeg•aed with
the W limos broths*, of GederW Iowanhlp,
for the same dna.
Daring last week Cha. Faller, whom we
spoke el several weeks ago a the naw fore-
man sad msaogor of the Hamtlak form for
the remit* roomer, will bees equal oheee%,
W. H. Whitely sad D. escheat. who leave
bees M sharp tet the pet sehral seethe,
haediae ever the wreak sod the keys Thurs-
day et let west.
Mates : A great tear e1 her /dads
were gathered at she depot ss Tuesday
serWg, 96.5 .11., te see Mess Joel* Fair
(doter of W. D. Fair) away, sad wish bee
We journey ea her trip M the Wes. 11
wm • ad p•rtlag fee her, ssssdally who
she bade good-bye to her brother, ea they fell
the lass /molly el. had bees braes. bite
wens M Maniple, whir. epos •rrITsl es
Thursday she bosom the br14e of a farmer
Clldoaw, WW1 Fex, ea old •mp1•v.•.4
The Mew F,r., hes ler sots Yrs s midst
of the tows of ?lord's, Yes.
A pod nay have take to wbeellag this
New Gloves
'For Easter Sunday.....
There are more kid gloves sold Easter week than in any othersingle
week in t e year, for nearly everybody wants a new pair for Easter Sunday.
You a not likely to find a better kid glove stock than this anywhere near
here. The q lities are absolutely reliable, the assortment is large and almost
every wanted s ade is to be found in it. Values are good, too. No better glovt;
are sold for the me money or as good ,for any less money anywhere that we
know ot. You wit nd any of these satisfactory in every way.
At 75c.
W. are .ening a god medium ',
pried •leve, made from soft
Ales, w deme fat ners, all '
clam la tam bed browns
\\If. At $ 1.00 •
Wo art salsa a glove that ts yg
Ibis equal of easy $1.26 make*.
lea made from soft, pliable skim
heed's* fmssssrs, wrest otitob-
lalgs, all dies la black ead soba 1.00
These are all guantnteed g Qves and money
Glovine cleans Sid
At $ 1.25
We sella glees that motet tkiu
to please show who war l$,
tads frac abodes, ealmeed skies,
pafeot MOW, hoe two es three
dose bse-eere, Sleeks and .0
Median abides to all dare. .
't ill be refunded if any do not prove
loves perfectly without injury to the
lied Price 26c per bo e.
New Dress foods and Silks.
This dress goods stock i9 getti
kinds are rapidly taking the place of' t
These new goods are good in every way,
to cross the threshold of this stole. Th
decreed shall be worn this season and are s
with stylish dressers. Come and look this st
goods buying. You'll be as welcome to look as to buy. Just
we are showing.
more to our liking. New goods of all
e stock that was here when we came.
no unworthy qualities are allowed
fabrics are those that fashion has
own in the shades most in favor
over before you do any dress
few of the many godd lines
Black Dress Stuffs.
Black merge, every thread pare wool,
bard worsted 5.1mb, read weight,
will not c•tob she dust, makes
good skirts or ala 25c
Plena lustre, 36 to 38 Mohan wide,
will set tum rusty, ries, slain
black, will wear well
axle* gunny all woof surge, 42 lashes
wide, firm weave, will alit pll,herd
er soft 5aieb, suitable for skirts or
sails, extra good value 50C
Ormolu *lath, • fabric that makes •
very stylish drew, medium weight,
ised•/etsbrowem-tkeeed-pse. mesa jAQ
Peds er figured lustros, 44 IMoha
wide, rtes, glossy black, will see
tern rust), makes stylish .ad ear• SOC
yieable skin
A good range of she new soft fabrics,
tall pare wool, light •sed sadism
weights, 40 to 44 sob.. wtdo
50. Ind 00o.
Handsome tared geode, sew sad
Mynah skirting desist,, made tram
the perms of wool. 75o and 85o.
All woI broadcloth, 60 taches wide,
makes a Tory stylish sad ,T•II0•
able safe The well mown Priest
ey make
All wool ;seder serge, 66 Mabee
wide, heavy weighs for suite or
skirts, hard dnstsh,'peolal value1.00
All wool oheviet serge, esa of the
sees fmblw.•ble materials shows
this messes, made fres the paras
Amtraliss wools, full 66 Iodise
wide, pee yard SSSS ... SSSS. , 1.50
Colored _press Stuffs.
All wool argot', 36 Ischia wide, good
weight, firm sad good to weer, •
spial material for obtldreU'e
drama, Nowa, myrtle, navy, red, 2
*to 5C
Oost nee olotb b dark oolorl.ge, yard
sad • gabrtoe wide, medium 'prism
weight 39c
Wks wage hom.sps. else•. *ver,
thread pare wool, 36 to 38 lactim
very t•ehlea•ble, osiers el blse,eld SOC
rook laws, oto
Colored •Igeremz, pare wool, ole
..Jaohen. eater abada d iesp. Meer _. .
fawn. oto.. 60o sod 800
Wide, emeetb 5uf.hed dela, firm
amd •tang, made from the best of
wools, makes bamboos wina5C
(awes, browns, bingo, eta
Small shooks, suitable for .511dn.'
wear and w•is, • ala mage et SOC
petters'' .
New spring 00511 Vats/Jab, delales
amid hearlsttee Is • gond •swtmwt
of fumy dtdsm. Iaoludiag the new
P•bl.y "Recta, bl•ok, new bine,
bevy. Alma sad plot tress%% ...
604 and 760
All wool settees cloths, dolma',
Tendinis mid tesespu 1, the
1s•biobebl..hides of grey, ties.
b..., brows. Se 8aft lenglbe....
•76, !A6 00, boo
Heseep.e for saint er Odds, browse
*sal ,rays. *Tory thread wool Per SOC
yard .
The Silks. "' v"ittA
By : the greatest portion
of our 81 : s are imported by
us direct. We opened up a
big shipmen • the other day,
all the wanted ades in plaint
silks and some v handsome
designs in waist st , no two
of which are alike. It will
> y >o t� your -
ing here.
Heavy asls, tit is.kss wtds, geld
5.1.5, dans •11.5.4.. la stook .. IOC
211-Isek puss silk, a/1 dodge for M.
work, she Meek 30c
Sot. trhlmlag .Ilk, Hoed wdgbl,
makes (teed wallet., oleo shales el
sale, totgselse and bevy 'Ate, ear-
elsal, whim. eras, p'rk, brews
sad bieek 60c
Wife bed heavy MIS&'alike, ell pan
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April Designers now in.