HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-4, Page 7BOERS NOW
Natal Light Horse Having a
Busy Time. •
btcy'n Reported Serlumrly Ili -The
Boers Leet llsavlly the haft Hunt
Salisbury on War 1•lwgotry-1're-
parlug for Wirier - Shellls:g
!turban, Natal, -March 20. -The tkm-
amn) Imperial Light Iturer. which IV
made up of ratallans, la busy In
tew•azlland. The regiment line lar)-
turtd 1,000 heud of Boer cattle.
Sotaa of the was mat a Doer party,
commingling of a cummanduat mud
r.•veral other officers. They ord•'r•
oil Lite Boers to throw up thele haudi.
Tw•o who were .slow In obacylug the
urder were winged, whereupon lbs
party surrendered. Later a number
1 wire ca
to( s@ tis lured.
a i'a p
The regiment then captured a con•
very of 26 Wagons, and a number of
cattle. slavr)nad nor see,
Later -
other cuo3oy of twit wage as was
Millburn Ill.
l.rotlon, March 20.--A despatch
from Pretoria says lien. Methuen Ila
III of raver, but L programming vat-
Bellamy at Jufaname.burg.
Julionurebarg. Mona L'0. - The
Military Tribunal has wntem:ed the
cr uI the C 1 war r.
tea a sat de M
tn'g 7 Ilei
hemmer. to two years' hard Iabur
for attempting to bribe ilio lieaten-
,ut of pollee by promoting u share
a4 the proceeds of buried gold it, re
turn fur nmsi*:uuue to recover that
am 1tN,, -
A Mane was clutrge4 with being
Il It1kxlt a residential r'runit, un"
with bagaiug it pu.Lt,muu. Tit.- court,
to rentencing hue to six nlyath11, aalo
;t was determiurl to put A stop t,•
taw attemptel to Irrit�t officlul*,
n/slob were becoming frequent.
Cave 11.11. Aida the 'Boers.
OnIK- Town. March L'9. -The vii,
-k uou in ib -t tro4o"a triaW tot Lord-
t,•.icht dlschvset tbi fAcv that "Puny'
IA, We'. Who represcatar tkodeln,u*e
In the Asermbly, actel lly u*stotud at
Ilam trLl of mos"ral lyyvtl eolumill na• I
-ttt w wtpon teak piece when the ties"
ThPlai b derail the $")aid train.
s, however, was discovered -is
time► %ad tba, busre were, driven
off. .
Tice pib} train wbloeb preosdes tl►s
"Jai kala eaploJrl a cberCe lit ga
w its on the line near Vhiklt eta.
t'ur%uuatsiy only the fwut truck
ward 611g d. Tits r..... 2r of the
train Jumped the opening made by
the ezl►k►sfoa.
Two hundred anti fifSy Boers uu-
Isr Buys, with wedcor and Cape
'rta. were times to tie in- rtatUne'ss
to take away any food which might
be captured. On the. arrival of
troupe from VIwaingts the, enemy
nude off.
rhe WarFsngalry.
1`o ^
a, March ..9. -In speaking of
�!� ropnred war enquiry, Lurd Sell*-
I+ury nal•1 It was u Wlstake tu•sup-
000e that he had ovar formulated an
�ugnlry. All ho had dune was to
Dolt out that an enquiry had al-
ready been protalmd, and that any-
thing that was to be twnafdered had
amttter bo reserved until that oppor-
Ile thought they were deceiving'
thoomeslcee In title matter. The Uuv-
ernmeut laud never been in favor of
;an engalrv, but In the poosltion they
were they coull not without expos-
ing the army to undue suspicion re-
fumo an snguir,y'�It drmft11duJ. If tin
coyuiry trueddmanded, It meat bo,
Ili -it], but they outset nut Imagine It
t4sould Wil 1411 analyno, lir fut1wrsonal
dbq ul ry.
Thu things is which peopiu were
Interested were precisely that perectn-
nl matters, awl thiy w•felied tit kaOI
fur each disaster and each shorteonl-
lug who scale to blunts. lilt did not
think It %-law e1r11lrablo to know' who
w'ne to blame. Ile w4xsld rutlrrr Irave
that►►rt obscurity. bacurlt but If was
1 Y. 1j
rxftmined Into at all It must be exam -
4x) fully.
Losses o---
f the r;uemy.
Pretoria, c
r ,Mur h 20. -Tho •B(rer k:ss-
(Is for the month of February in kill-
ed awuuuted to 190, while over 1,6110
were tnken prle-merm or onrrende•red.
According to eetlmatev glv(•n by the
enemy in thin field and by prliumerm,
tilt) number of killed and w•o•rnded
together war 560, the nnijorlty of
tho casualties being the result of
r+pnernl French's operations, and
Brrbington'e attack un Pelarey'n
Mr• Rtryn Itepnrted tit,
Blormfot trll
i t !larch t:9. Nr.
13tpyn V "till reported to lin writ
Df the railway In the nelghb,rrh(h,d
of Paardeberg• It Is stated that he
Is suffering ir•wn dysentery.
Hoers Hempling In Cape ('(luny.
Durban, H►hne 79.-Tt Is rumored
that It co nei-teruble tire& 1@ th.,
best of Orange (',.logy, which was
luw•n after Prineloo's surrender, has
ioxv been roarhM by the-Bioerm,
alio will be thus supplied with Ifraiu.
Proportion for Winter.
Lon,t-to. March L9. -The Pot-retury
'or War han received a telegram
'rot%, Lord Kitchener to tile, effect
.Vat any c4tomforta vvlitch pri.ate. fn
tit tiluoilm might al"iru to wend art
,to this lrvxgls In view lit the ap
►roaching winter In Souta Affi :a
vcrm+d he tsuvt nrcw{atitble.. _Uad
olaaold be deafutclle;f toe early :aa
being well attended to.
nefugeesat Pretoria.
I'retrrrla, Marob til. -A eoutwerrabte
number of D,•rr rrluYses, Wea, wu-
me@ and chIIJreu, continuo tm flock
ill( and
city dully from the outlying
districts. They are bAng gout tutlte
detcutiun camp lit Ireuu.
A train fruw Julwunesburg wait
flred upon uvar the Kualfuntelu sites-
tion ata Thuruhty night. Inst vie -pt fur
If w wcxuiding of two epulis, uu dum-
age was duos.
A treatsCuing east was derall-A by
ilio Doers near Balmoral last tight,
cud Rats of, tam trucks ware de•
Merrlafitu's Warning Wordm.
Loudon, March 3I.-Juhn Xavier
Merriruau, wie of tine Cape Colony
11tatelrmen whom the bal'abury Uuv-
crWuuul has deuled u hearing befure
the lfoume of Commune relative to the
South African situation, granted tin
extended interviuw yesterday after-
•N -hen Ow. Botha made Will great
cone,vstun, uttering to negotiate up -
tat n ba*tn of anslifltd ludepiudence
for the late Republic. Britain had her
oppurtnntty. it should have been aeia-
al with avidity. Completu melt-gov-
urument should hnvu been eagerly
grained huitu:td of tine self-guvern-
wont wti'i h we offered. The Crown
'cololty administration Ir u must odl-
uus form of denpotaius. \gninst title
tho huurm will fight Indefinitely. They
will never subwlt to It any more than
the Itrituu would submit to It if the
I. on, tion were reversed. a
"sly culleaguom its l wI,st:lf rec..w-
meal, now that Gen. Both& has lutl-
mntof file wihlnznens for ilm Ili,ere
la- relln luirh ab,e,luto Indppculetire,
ftr,uth Afrl,-:t wh•,ald Iwtuculat,•ly
tour federated afl,•r the manuer ut ('au-
titlq find Auvtralia. That whulo couu-
try Iw In the inviting -put. It t,h,•uIJ lee
into n self ,t1` ulu •., -
r t m
u w 1 Ki
m n cAltt . v other wt rrhu p r , um -
imai Ihr fa,atest hope of prase.
'Tills Boer tear le one of till- sad-
deort tragedies In hislury. Its deviv-
tatlon and misery beggar deverip-
tion. In the Tranrvaal and OrnnKe
Colney it line dtrtruyed nil
but hair.
''Three yrwre ngo these countries
were proo1wr,u., an t seer' rapidly to-
eoaa ng Anrllerzc•'. They w'ersl setnl-
,ng.thelr wend to our univcrltirs ar.I
glvinK tie nil their tru,le, int unless
Britain mends her w•laym time wl'1
h, -ver Im•e.tiont condition agnhi. 4liar
Emplrty will die in fiimt)n Africa. tier -
m -in t• will fo (liar heir. .1lrradY
natsRnrn d i•IiY rotated there. nil,]
they ouly await an ol,portoae m' ,
impost to holwt• their flat; from 7ambect
to th(v Capri" -
Several of tis, men woors ern r mi i
top to, stat, but tliey w„re raved by ---
the timely arrival of tt►n BriN.Aa. Lit Shoots Boers. ra,KtOn, 1: ,rd Msty,.r of liui:!hl : NI r.
Wait W fur rt•+a.tlmn out tiro failluhiR William II.It, .an- mlirr,.f Parlilln••nt
general. Havre. Merril 2-o.-Tlw 11"rruchpr0li0e firs thnHt. Valtriek'* diti•im of DA)
Ota-: lir the EnglLmh rebels wus fined hate nrr,-*t,vl n b,tteli of Ind,vnhp'l+ lin, all. Mr. John .f. Clatscy, m.mb•r
003. Tiro evld.-mea reveals the corn wt,mr:u2 til•• ISo•r rnrtom:•, nail U•v1u': for tlo^ North hut.tin runuty, toil .w cd
stn mympttthy of tiro b••N ra. with to imltate thw
tilt Iauguage, lul.• , (;e1`' the hr:,r.e ce:"
:•: rvp-.e..ntiv4 (o! the
Ante Emblilogi --; {w'eale. lit nay- pric;: mintage ' t+uan11AL ParIi- I.1AZt -.
reTr1> Th tet ttr t fit It- sire d v- Y- #:tr-L3'..---
tuned slepler"m, the Felll,an, lutrrrt it
Willa Itonor.
Dubila, Mar, b 31. -Thu fnarral of
Ur. James St, Ilia, nim, leaden I,f tau -
1' 11'an u:( -u to tit of Dole;, %v:1., 4T -d
wre lai.t Fri -lay, tty,k p:ac • t) -tiny',
he r( mains Is, floor interred thin at 1, or
oon in I:Iart.rvin t', -no -tory. fit the
rrcten:;c of a -greet at•metniriago ,•f
a•opa.• inclu!ing il.'leg.:t,•la fl'•I,a the
ari(mr+ w,tional urgsnizati•-n4.
Mr. Uicloa.•I J)a%Rt waw amine the
will bear.rm. The Collin w.e, drawn
,y rix h(rrorn, with aioul ler., :tad (tai:
red tar ben:itiful w•renths Irvin pul:t
ral prw•I•Al•s.An 1'1.h flat; fl "'t -A
over it. At til r(apuA (!f Nr. J,•hn
Ifdmuuel, N%ti, llall�t l nder , H !1a-•
fitting turd Vt(laces Expire Suddenly'
Within a Few W.ure.
Dralitford, Mareb 111. -Three suddia
deathm have Won rucurded In the city
within a few hours.
William Tristrul@, ul;hlw•alollm•tu
at talc Waterous engine worts, return-
ed from file work early yesterday
corning, and after d,,lug la(m't work
about the houer, went to bot. in
labour tin flour he cualplolue,l of feel.
Ing cold, and sed uwuy Iro•fure
nlcdic•nl told IV, J b, rumm•motd.
lltart disease was ilia- cauru,
Isaac Sloan. a bx,tituhur, of Went
Brantford, got up early an.t wl It sum -
wood. Teen he out lilt th-i suffi nil
culloti to late wlru R,r :t huw!kert•hicf.
In about, five tuhlutcs Who returue,l
.11141 found film dead, fr.,m hcoort dls
Un Friday eveJdn:j MI!tl Durbaa, an-
other remittent of that silty, was ehut-
ting to the family doetor, who had
been called lit to atlen 1 a tick ulster.
She ha -t a slight psln In her head,
nail told the medlcal Joan that rhe
thought It wns neQralg:a, tit th•-same
time ral-drIg tier hand tit ia.11:utu that
shirt. .ill she dill a•.t slo: utterod n
,udden rxelam+attun, IOaJ fell dead.
l+caaorrhm:ge of the Ural-) w'atl the
truuWe. _-_ --
- - -
lietoltlnR Cruolitei Pracllred Upon
the Exiled Freuell I'rloonrri.
Paris, March 31.-Parls is Inter-
esti.l In uticer thing.4 than the hur-
rure of the Frearh c:,uvict wysttu,
which lost Its terrible famclnuliuu
avium taplain DrQfli was reh•aval
fruits film living toWb. Otherwise•
th-jro w'oahl surely 11`• a fierce revolt
ft ,1i 1 1
u_t tl:e Irl 1111'•' !{ • 1`a v
g atI-sell b
Ku •'e r• v , • .
u begrave. c the w,i v vu v+
F: r r 1 r of tw
br,,tlters , 1 orbpue," c ,n le•mbeJ to
davttit for a mord, r (.f which they
were Innocent, air! re -it ted by I're,i
dent Carnot. Their rap,tiences la-
penal erv'ituJe prat given its "Le
ItnEn •," which limit recently been pull-
I-alol In Prance land is biiug trunw
Intel fur puh:ieatl.m la- England.
Traps are tat I for pr i-• tn'rs to esenp•
bt I'lid4i tO dt'n01111Ce till Irl : metl Are
••mean 1 with mn4ut i; and tied la-
tra•r near anthills; far a monsviltiry
lomi of temper a prim ,n •r is undo l„
,tag Ids grave and I. theca @,hut over
it. ':hest• ,nrr, n(rmw of the Iniquities
efinr I r. R t P , v
r. Leet .lav --F o" h ct u lot
1`•t e
t m n , worm! aro h'I r:
n tis. r 1It 1 tot. It
1`7 "range•that I'ftrim retention nil.
movc►i by- Ole agltation w•l:lelo made
VrryA w n eycloni0 centre.
%udde•(t for.ath of a Well-known
Druver rat Nuu,l.turk..
Woodrtrw•k, Ont., March 3I. -Mr.
Conradb Soltzer . one of ,- the best
known drovers in th- rounty.,, drop -
prod dead on the nutrket rguare Inwl,
n:gbt at 0 o ttlock. Mr. Hrlts:•r had
h' -en to the best cif health up to
ytvte'rdny, when lie rompLtined n
little. Ytrterday' aftertioun he brenwe
iavuhod lu n dlapute over some hcgo.
In the I:oyltl hotel, with John Llnd-
say, a farmer. which greatly excited
him. Two hours after, hP wins walking
on tit,- sgnare•, when he fell laud ex-
pired In five-mluutiu.
111-1 1('avem n wife nand several
rh.Hren. [)Path is mupposed to bei due
�i- - _-
.1„luso, 11. Nuule and Rrutllrr llrunk
. . Sul rerilatluu Record.
--- k
shelled Seven Hoar.. through
, n my - t1`+ t ---�1T.'$trirhrr-
iwgwintwu id Iles cerwalry t 1;,
whic'1 they pw:nmlA was t
...." -
Wifr in t1 mart r1`' lot. Tir•ra wit r1`
J t
Ph•niw• m trot um yunr p:tpor from the
'•Lnn•iort, Isf reb 1'V.-Fr+,iu Tarka- _00
Doers linin wlzod. tw,) ltritl.fl •
IIO •pe-Ctirk ur d,•me,rlmtr;ttl.,u4,
. ._ -- - ---_
prsi:•t,t tilu_ until D•e.81of til.: year
teal Rentertelegripae tt[att-on tine- too
srrlr, thAMay ws h ui tuii5p; tic just
a1` lS+'..��:) ui at once fur falai
+ h Yiult
day C'ummnWaut Krltzingr•r was of
the earg4wr tit, Franc,!' to sell. ani
11`a�mth wait dne to heart falhtrio. Mr.
satwF�ortw.ref-rria�+}►t." uiu
raugbt to the fork formal by the that
they Intended to return to the
' ---tho-
tip• urptart mf 44 Lvttrn
r rcc.tly-nrit.
Malpls and Vla4p-xrrt river" by Cul- `Tran;vnnl
with the p. -to: V414. In IIIL,Ir:
Quern of 1'urfu:;•0 N'tth 1.10111an
tea to taw publlelt,�r of tit;!(;re,ne
.eel De L!ete, who had made a rapid they
colfered what they aille�l n'tulte
Cut;aulli Church Ai;alua Ilam,
%aierican. a I„enl nrtvnpu{ire, h
Jxln • II. )[rinse
march from camp. The enemy were
man fur tuuthache. Tb •y wore nil
Nntal'" rJnlm" to till, territorial vs.
i *nil lata brut ter.
shelled for seven hours, and, had Col• nations
of a IVIugc near R -men.
Lon fin, `tarda lit. -When the King
W'ill"on, 1L llut)re, tlt:, ttota•d trin:t
opal Uorrioge Arrived stoner to sup-
of lourtugnl cnmu to 1-•nlun f•,r the
unikere. :tonin -time ago the Moores
fourt Coldtsel Du Lille, they would
.Sir Alfred Mllnce rra%eltiug.
tluex•n'a funeral he rrceivei a depatit-
d_cided that they could do much
probably bare tneu obl;est lu sur-
held districts will eventnnBy fav'
tlon of 1'rut(•t,t:u,t,, to' whom he
g,►,d try intro-lucing n ltutrl philan
1. it eT r, la
Itlo:•mrontt•in, March --t4.-8ir Alfre,l
uutdo u ,Lech, orgnlim:ug•n r•(ntlim-
tR i
lbrua and the record,brealking
1 J•
larsJederiv r, and
rneriog the Elaut/ rhes, and thus
uilnar, escorted by all arla6RTU trnt:l;
to )rranernal Colony.
emits otZtle rrrttgtttrrrllrt-pPhcJ^df sir)+--+:wsrtw,pat:..�uhaulrlplJurt-ls.iJr_
Ti>da7, •y
raa4lu good their eacepe.
gtoun toleratlun ht 1,14 douinlaipa. The
til rec•,lvod u re•rctpt, the
C"luuel De L:ele's column, eay11 a
apevell was its laity and vouraZvoo:m.
price for _10 years, being nearly
itrutcr's special wensi gee mails a
London, Maro 31.-A drlpaltch to
nn 1 war wlilely reported. It wan'
rnaguiflcewt march, amid a terrific this
\\'ar Office from Gro. hitcheuer,
vomuarnled onion its Portognl, nud
---4=-- ----I -
stirrm, the men ologing am they rode. dated
Preterm. March 30, snys that
ithilto It rllelte-1 tlw ,nlhm4aii,le. :,top•
w, dark waits the night that the force ,t
train wnw deralled by a little^ near•
provrel of ttho,Liberal•1`. it s,•rsr.l
First hoot 1)ow'n.
hoof to depend on htning flashes to
ep uC
P•ul. Two) hur"InA Il lers wit.) were
nrrentnatr tilt- fit.n 1 b, -tweeze the
11"1.14 Clilr i.avv Must he
shuw the road.
advancing t( loot the trail wtim
I:Inti tint the rrliglinsorderm,which
RTrfftlmli are sweeping .lhlo pnptern
Th" rivers find become lmphmanhle,
driven off with a 14wt4 tot mix klllod.
Ii nm (16ir'nlill camel by the nlla':Pol
___aaliJ[sw_--- nils of M:e rrwamlbprg
TI:" Itrilir:t nestaiuc,l iso hroc*,
interfer•ure of the JemA;t: In the "re•
nlrhr uifalrw of t,u. »crnment of
;lonlreal, Qne•., lhlrch. .^,0,-,iwttr
\rch.ttnIA r.•nlured nil elaturtt.-
[in 1'sie allow t -lie enemy must" oo coat
-A-to.II,. .f wr-0dt.
IrTtnnnTr -
sir. gmen-TTriITa'Ct1Ct!`t-onrt-ttrtw
te•ti•; 1`.1
V y Janhmal in. Thr fume ex-
kit tot Olifautatfonlcio. No-
laiii nl •
landed from toyer to silver, a distance
btxly' writ hurt.
Thr. first nglmhppy, rpanit of thin
m•,nn(/! In the ,,egdt enrr•. ),laminin
.1f "`gbt miles. That Irlrh Ycomnnry,
Fifteen huttelrrd horses and other
waw LT(Ilb!P In the Roy;11
hmlireh.,ld itself. tin (;toren t;.kine
tiro clivi! law in marriage nt•)ve le.
na(1er CApta'ts Moore, detest at fight-
stuck from til" Ornngu River C'ulo ly
el•le4 with the 1'hnr h. lccor.IlnK to,
rbwinat(cr l law, nn 1 �Ir. DPI pit vs.
Ing un Ht. Patrick's ehty, took n kopje
hnvo been brought In recently. Thr
a lc:re:+ jot rrceivrd from Lietw-to,
have to xnk a higher court to give cf-
in dash! tK style. Lona Fhlg:ill had
k shot tender him.
toup,m making the captures kilh.l
•.veal wounded d nine, and calx
ill's. Igrnch bas wl,lenrd, and there
fret t g
q the rceleertarlical Jud $rut
ren+lere-I In the cam, which cant
ClHurtuantely IW lit the defence
tireml seventy'.
fit r,tl•I t" lav• it rooleto Ility 1`.r. a %.-p-
r r).,lavers"
❑t•tif,ran o7 %ilii riipnl c"npte.
The dodge stated that
fnret, who. were ordered to hold lbs
G(•n. French rppw+rls (rola \'t y_
the !ante' land no right to
e•ttrcruv Ic1t near the book of the IL•Id
tint between 1inr••h Ili anti C7with
interfere w' r
til. internal At-
rnirm bat
IrInnis tutor, ualntook their order, Ilia
runimand has killid or w,aulJed
aif a church of nny er(r-l.
long wondered In another dln'ctlon•
17 Mwrs and oaken 51 prhonrrm.
l,.artitir Ili thio church haat a prrh•et
Tim error them cau*ed mons Irrojmr-
Iiinety-thrrn hnrghere rurr,•nder;M.
killed) atm Three 4laildrrvt aunt 1'ben
sigh: U, o tunny le hllsi•l nnthnrity'
g g'
ahlp. Tau• river lorgan to fat!, nud in
The Itrith"h nix.) enptup-I 1411 rifles.
to t nw•
g, rarritml if they laut,d to.
Ills,ahsreoe of lite defence force tilt-
., �,: O remndso of ammunitiou. 473
bevil'e Lak-•, N. D., Milrea _9.-
- -
enrnip muccepdr(I In getllug nI1rt*l1.
horeas, and match other stuck.
Fiend Salrerlin. A well -tial(,. termer,
t'ok,nel De I'lole, pnya n ('radurk
Ii%inK right silos northeast of town.
L -_
mmarllge, is returning to I(roonsta'd•
A Reuter's spectral telegram from
Chaetng Krltainger.
killed title three children and atnbb,•,I
Chnmberlaln N"kes all Iou aorlant
t;tv,nif Fteinrt states that *'youth
C'npw+ Tuwn, March 31. -The cul•
ti tit(-milf ha d.1tilh ompun. Ifs went
to the barn, nc•a,mpnniwl by twai
namud Likard, it pupll of the iueal col-
units@ of Cubs. G,orringu,- Crnbha andllit!r
danghterr, nged 7 noel 5. Am
lmmlon. April 1.-Yr,4i a "talrment
- II 1, who had jolnvd Krltzinger r
Uc Lisle nre still actively pit ; ed In
he d1.1 nut come to dinner, ielia-eM„ot tmt•le
bys M,. Cba4tolotorl:tian, Lire Lolm-
rommando, was thramhed in pirenrnce patralting
-1 all the buys, and expelled.
G,mmandrinf Krltzirtg-v1`. tt
ert-11-www- w, n - ttl +rtnl
S,,-y.-1-t-1Iw 11attAr_of-cuut
raid that thin Doer commander line
film. it la tho:aght that im•f!•re ,.hr
11n,nm to -,lay, it appear" that %h,
dray,ilred ,of being able to croam flat!
reached the b:.rn tier fnth,•r bad
8,104 Afrlran w-ar lana rrli •vc(1 the
Boer Train Werrkers.
OrianKas river. .
killal the others, nut] Iminedintpgy
British Chart,r-•of Rath Afrlran C,.
Lonbn, Marsh 0. -The Cucrr
The trrgrAln%lona fur "Rate" between
I,.,r. Itoth tilt- other,childreli woe,- err
It,. finrtnrial 11•nblaty fn regard to
W0111.1 seem ire oo@Cent rllln tot
ford Kltrhener anal General Botha
killed with a knife. Nagerl{n wn. til"
Jrrtnrann raft, tfl•• Cnfrot-d l�
smvernt points ata the Detagoa► Itn,1
hnre e•vrrely hnnnp:•rel lion. French
will. to the nt•y-Ium nlswt 10 yonrm
r,tary admittla; that til" plaimm .d
way, tnelr ubj•ct being t" wreck n@ •Irnnmranl.
it film olw•ratiolts the EaoItertl
W'Idl•- thf- iwootintlons
n+rii, hitt wit, Rowan aliuwe•tl to return Ills-
heave, apparently fully r•1`„verr,I.
Trnnsvanl had not lutionctl to
Orent Britain ntl the result of can
many train* am to, T1icy wr(•rk
sec in prc►gremm t;1`. Boers @,-•Izrd the Ilir,
wnm it hardwnrkniu mail, v, -It
g npmt. •
another on the fullowlilg day. I'hes:t
tmhtrnte have not been offlclnlly r1`
pnttnl by Lord Kitchener, nithongh
in nue insolence the Pnglne drher
was Iajored, one soldier killed, and
tive ntncrs captured. Since the Brit -
Mb occupation of K(wnligvwlt, •'1
have either been wreeke.l lir dr-
Lamt Snndia.r a train containing ho•
pitnl comfort$, etc., wan evreck••d by
a rrwnmandn of Roars between ilelfaml
mail lfiddletwtrg. Thr driver wits in
Jured, and- the Barn fired, killing n
ZDate. The remaining fire Purrerr
rPd. The Bravrm enrrie d nrr r\ gn:ul
tity (d food stnffa. Tlley also wrrrke•d
an tot grata, In which were a number
of BnPr frmaln rein ren. Tito enrmy
tried to detnll a train from Witru er-
lostela, which went to rendPr nmmtst
as". . (Mn the following day an ithrr
train was derailed. The earrnt "f twv
"(ficrra and tdenty-two men kept til,•
11(wrs off jor eom•S tioshm ; finally two
laffleern and neve@ men were taken
pr onpr
e m ,
ihrt r o• r
soba i• 1 I n c l
t nl r r
An r tRli^ find effet two a'111idrelf
were nn the tram. They hid In the
I'Milloarfly cQ ttloo while till firingwit
grin n, The iM-
rm Imt-A lhntrnin
A nuttier of Boer wom^n trnvpllln,t
br rule of the tralne were roughly
A aa�+at hf the wreckers,
Mallon made announa orcelefalrs with a Cnttrnipt
to wrMk a train b,twsen Katf4vi rust
and vinklassu
The "rob train to Paso istollg was
4a ein
some 909. 7flo wtrbe@tit Managed
I'lon-1.,u,..-r . , . _ -.,,. .. --- •
,rail French's lines In emill parties
1.11".9,". a aur -
rirll condition. There In no donl,t
lolyd in I I% ew,
and Rtrnt to this rlorthwarti
tflat t hr wns ineenn when he cum.
Hrtrriar', (ros April . l. -Alexander
It Is believed that Gena.
and \'lljrwn prnrtlenlly agreed Lev toe-
miltmi the crime.
- --__- -------
It.sm, n r aprrti�l reel -lent, tiled end -
rept film BrItUah termor of murrend,•r'
ll,•nly ytiou-niny nflrrnunn, In him
•w In the I'reshytmrlan Church.
tori wh^n the Item commanilantm met
they were motrJnrttw,uoly rejected.
11`a�mth wait dne to heart falhtrio. Mr.
the malslger of Lite Idedienl Fix•
LAlte Mining ('ummm�y ti,
RrMm reolaMd In the township (f (trey
Ntotst'a /'Imlme.
up to two yenrm ago, when Ile rptlrotd
from flair I dntis. and took up lila
Capt Town, Xkreh 81.-Thn N[nlnl
Toronto, April 1. -Tho Pad of nn-
other ill-otnrrrd mining rntvitpri:r In
rrodrtw•a in I;.1rrie. lin wnm in ills
prams In anxn)1tm to lemrn wlhnt the
In right. Nr. H. N. Nitt,ol], of flamN-
Rath yPnr, nal leaves it widow and
rk,vermm000nt is (fiing to rrprement
ton, this morning Applirl to Mr. Jna-
Nntal'" rJnlm" to till, territorial vs.
tit.(- Slprrdith for a winding -top or-lor
-- - -_ - --
Imgpiun when thn tam, ro)nem tn'rean-
for the Slaw Rill I.nke Mining ('„m-
1'f(h:111F;1114 ILL. •
Miller tho p,ettTemnitt 3f ttm war 11 FR
tinny, rit-alw-els rt a•irlrtftY taf Hatmot.,w
lanth u..April_l.:-,AItf►ougb no .but
tion it 1.1 balleved there is n good
otnckluAders, the company having
kingq has ls-on Immuetl'It In anld that
pwompprt tint til. Utrecht .,old
tlwe,Ignril to C. S. Heott. Thy order
Lor,f FLlllmhnry in pr(tgrraminjt ant•
held districts will eventnnBy fav'
wino granted, bit At the regnept of lorfnet(►rily
towards reiovcry from
given to Nath.
Air X Millar. K. r., who npprci&r d for
him Ilhhe"m.
PiRht Toronln men w -ho cinuu to lul;e
Parlor. April ,1. -The Premier, M.
1lw4pn•Powell At umpooTuwn.
nhtufnesi rightmoover lite prellaerty ran
1\aldeek, Rarwt"en'tu, to staggering from
nn Ili this thrnit.
('top, Town,' .March 3I. -mien. Bit-
titre Pass, Bill Rert Mining st rpllcntr,
-Mnlrow'ell has nrrived here.
IL ivnn farther providrold that the
weight. in nlaru lin r(natnalted namer-
winding up earlier shall not lmsue till
Itllry tot Denali.
Prlmaluo Captured'.
Thnr,alny. The Haw 11111 nhnrrs tit
Torotllo. April f.-Ovorlte Riley, of
Lnerinn, Unroll 'dl. -A- apeCi:al dim•
i• I m
n time commanded n il mu
tint. t m1
tout the rroporty was faunal to be
W'e•vf oll' tiled this s g tot I.
ptnteh from Stnnderl( In "rya the tm
C"I. W'nl
very low grade and p)ckrty as depth
IifwN+wl'" Huapltal, an n -ramuli of. Ili•
Jnrire nnmininvll 'nn Friday. while
prrinl light ilrir"r, nndrr
Imre, have enptaare l C(sominnnrinnt
von" reachal.
jnmpinq from a train at Worffwd
Prinal(il, and n r nvov of 21 wmgnnt.
First hoot 1)ow'n.
Ills left IpK orae badly rruahpd tin(]
Commnndnnt I nglehr cit, th I don
Tenor amputated at at. Mlehttef's line-
pateh snym, has mutren,leml The
Colchester, April I. -The steamer
pntnl yreterdAy. Rllny had not
RTrfftlmli are sweeping .lhlo pnptern
City of tletrolt loft Dist rot t this
and arrlv(wl off Iters At
strength to withstand the shock.
Tfanevaal clear tont ev.trything nseinl
to lbot f -r1`. All ptandin` eropm h:ivo
1.15 b• n1. on her way to Cleveland.
In Ir'm M,s ,mfr pat
R .
Mein dr.atrnysd, taut the want^n nal
!lits secoutite "'I elms lee Bte miles
N&Wlia. idnreh Lf).--C,rtab W'lleoa,
ehlldree era h.,dnR cared few. Vivo
vroort r i thin place, Willett Impp:IPd 11.1\[
II., nntl Not brother, .1„hn Wilson,
hundred tot thrm have been nnllrprwlpregrew
enmewhat, Ant etre einlp
hAve prevented this town with n alt"
for a library hnlldlttt. •
to Ctreeht, where their wants are
throe., It all right.
Japan Serves . Notice on
Russian Government,
%'Weruys R'uuld !11`1112 l 1411410b E13-
perur to t'eltln Lunde" seleuul
Board's'iechnlcul•7'rntnlntj Plan
blurred - -Earthquake la- turkey.
Suez. April 1.-I lie eteanwhip Ophir,
hearing the Duke anti Duchlow of
Cornwall uud Turk on their tour (f
till wurlal, arrived here at 10 o'elock
till$ morning, after haritJt, beau do•
tlailiod through the blocking of the
cautl by a dredger.
Japau i:n EArneYl.
LutRlun. April 1. --Japan has made
direct repreventutione to Mt. Pet•
er►burg aguinat the Naneliurban rou-
ve11tloll." analyst u deelaateIt to the
Timev from Tukiu, dated Saturd ty,
"but the r4vult Lsritul yet ktwtwt.
Juptaucsiu puLl:c (11-11" hl very
strung un the subj.ct. •
i prudent and la•
"The Cabinet !r
e 1•e national
cit[:•. but Imprt+etl d by t . w
.uthe h : which Is a rt
aim o. to ttsAt u w•
'twee uncontrollable If there oliall
bm any undue yielding."
To Itescue the I:naprcr"r.
1.untlon. April 1. -The 'corrrpund-
enl of the eHube at Fllnaguhal, in a
despatch dated Saturday. Mar:h
t:0ih, imys Ito undeiswnds that that
Yuog Vievroys and Putin old-Kx4
the m�se dtary tiwcruur lit Shan tum;,
arc Irl r I
r c w ed to des watrli 100 ,
tr,o4w to hams fu to red,:uo the, Vm
p•r„r front tho han,ld of the reae-
tioil t••4 and e•rcmt film tO Pekin,
If t � Lit!(- i esvura allot scut
1 I rt+t
mourul etipport-,is forthcoming frolm
iii• pwowera Interested in the ope:t
)r N.
Tllu corrtspondemt adds that the
satgggested expedition woul.l prove po-
pular its Ceotrnl and Soutberu China,
would rcmalt in the destruction of
anti -foreign elements, land would
1 •:ul to the rstnbllshmrnt of to, pro-
gr)eslvo g(vernmeut lit Pekin.
1441"I" MAY :tel.
Washington, Ap.-U 1.-Infurmnlior
has r:ncllal hero to the effect that
tilt- RussLO( (;uvernment, being ser
i ously disturbed by the cNiourse of
China In nut signing the Nanchnr
ian Agreement, hiorgely Lecaume of
the• ,protests m,uloo by the several
powers. has evnvpytwJ a ditiliuct and
uumi„taLible indication to China'
that It this a,urde ie persisted in
tlierc' may be tutcrrapxton (f the
dipl(mat:e relatlone hPtwe,•n than
sin and Chita and terlaittatlou of
the garment wten•Ialrve with thus.
Thlm Ly little short of nn ulthna".
that C'htrl:a muwt vigil lir take llom
rohw4inviove of la tcrniantion of tier
friendly relntiune with. ituwsia.
R,•ttu/•e and -Art Ifarrrd.
London, -fpr l t. -Thi Appeal Court
has uphel•1 thn de•ciai.,u of thu Dlvis-
wiml Court declaring the achoul
btrerttttttlerwt+fird ioff►re•v1.11ag.selene.
anal tort clas4:v out of the school
board rates, rand that the nudilor
was justified In disallowing payments
therelur. _ .
Ihdn't Scare the .hallunti . _
C'urutaatiuuple, April 1.-Yeetpr.
duy as o,erthguake was felt in taw Del-
niubugta••h.r Palace at Ute element
lit the Dearman ceremutly, when the
b Kit officials were passing before the
sultan's throne. A paur resultal.
particul:arl.Y nmong the diVlomntlats
ts tho Callery, mttay lit whom iu-
>:1`i+ 1A altoly- alibi-4how'-I l -C . T.ht_11a1L1
eeasal prnyi,lg', and the 1111110147101111
rushed to the deore. Pieces of plaster
fell from the ceiling, and portions of
the chunlphers were br(+kcn, adding
to tho'general alarm.
Thu Z•ultila rosin from Ills throne
anti took a fete *teVs, upparoutly in-
tond.sig to leave the chambor, but
lite prepvrved Kre•at m1niavall antipre-
":ence of nl.n.l, w•hilph trid n go,sl eft
feet. After a mument's hesitation,
II'rr-fa"17 rr>wrntrt hiwse+f alto"
she thrum calif ordertYl tine cerenluny
to pruc,"I. A reception followed
wttuut further ittci4lraot.
lllatliHti•.tlh"vv t)vvr 3,UUU L1►es and
W-akhlugWAi, April 1.-Ilorn'sflat
stoat to the 1•n{tel Ftit.•s of the
war ht tart Philippl"es, frutu ilia of
t4 Ltl intercom, In 11.e4 un 1 nnnt.-y
Army officers kille:for dkid front
wousiam... :.. ...
Ilr;%,otos killal lir tiled fronto 11
wounds ... ... ... ...... ...... ...... rah
N:ny officers, killal lir dle(i of
vv oula dm ......... ..................... 2
Eidi,itel men in n ivy, killed lir .
rt[, -rt of wouatls... ... ... ... ... PI
lawrrtita .feesn►-4hInsA4 .. 4)1ficuta_ _. l5
Iounth.4 from disahse. ealfatr•d
wen ... . ......... ... ... ...... .:....'..072
Tt)lal roost la- liv.•a.. .. .. ...8,0�h
of n.",:Itilry nn -1 navel'
udr,•rati• an:r... .. . ... .. `17a•.ii3O (")(I
1'..4 it Spite wider treaty
W ParlI.. ... .., ... ... V0flier, 1.ow)
AIR] `tiblitrl...-TUj3,TrW
intercet oil war Intoe
•litsi JanA .10. 19....... 11,423-001
l'Iltllpn,ine cooumlaelfonerm
nail miscellaneous ... n. *00000
Taint coot In mnney,$-O' •73,0:(
Itiother land !items Found gloried In
gtt)"Ins nl ,lersry ('fly.
Jerer•y Clty, N. J., March 30. -Thr
Igirtirm of -nil ahlrr!y_ cn_n1vin tinmpd
Menrle, sit Pre Trwtnd In their rriorirno
nt-No 152" Virginia avtnnP yrwt••r.
tiny'. Both wrre badly da•omptned
-'nil had lit,• npprarttnse (f bring
entre by rnlm. 791rir dloapprnrcincr
sevrrnl works ago rauxed mueple{nn,
tint] the police were ntrtifled toutl:►y.
Forcing nn rntrnnee ter the hou•.R
lit„ wcmna was limn• sitting In a
ehnir ono Lice buly of film brother
In tlipii.
Tliw t5ttnvra Aonaelirill--R(iiliOre
Atownclatlon, consisting of 1010 do
mrsties. In organizing roar the poor -
prows, of rec'ering b•ttrr play Itnl
shorter hours, particularw on Ann -
Th•• rUrpalll sarmit eSflvelltdill nt
this Provtnrl,tl lsmelntloa of ro!lnol
Trtstoom tot Ontari•i will b^Cin At
Ill. Polneatinn Polarlm--,tit. Torcntn.
nn Aptll 0th, ant will enntlnea f,,r
three do To.
.. - - ---. ----- ---ft- -
IThe Favurlte Teat of Britain and hur (Monies
Annuming to site foreign Tins adverti fed as clean. .
Is It not filth that colors them f '
' Teas a lls! slma"SALADApackets only wfter to Milk,
Black, nixed or Uncolored Ceylow
Ureena Samp!es o:l appli:atlan, Address -I SALADA," Toronto.
hciadi x Fiance its '•Tt c Wrung 11 r, Wright" Crs.trd the floor.
New York' March 30.-Itulund !teed. i Scheme to Establish Railway
Actor, died la- this city of 10I
lock %tile morning at the Iwwe of Reading Room.
Id's IIWther•In-law. Mrs. flush. At Lim
Lwlride there were Itis two dough- I -
terll,'1iLs, Fiorunce Recd an.l Mrs.I
Itut•h. Ilia wif" wile In Philadelphia I THE YUKON ROYALTY .CHARGE
but,hud heeir stent for and le uuw' un
tier way ttu this city. Tile actor's Ottawa. April 1. -(Special+. -J. r.
death was caused by rhnror of the I Moore. of Now York, Secrytary w
stinaarh. from Which mare ho had - the Itailway Young lieu's Otoriotlau
lm,vit ruffi-ring fur a-(liie tint,-. nail I Awstu•iativn ; C. Upham, Secretary of
for the anleli:,ratlon of which he hold the Railway Departmeat, Y. M. C.
wllh11dttal to several opa•rnllune. The i A.. Rlchuarud ; N. S. Framer, U. Mur-
------- - . - - - . . -r j *hall. Sourutary' of the Y. M. C. A.,
Ilallfux, and Rubt. Wilson, Truro.
I were la- We city on Saturday. They
l were here to lace Ile. Blair with a
N I , flew W (organizing oat the intercol-
: oulal hallway, u branch of the Hall-
; ., wit) Y. M. C. A.. of lite fatted
It t car.
�� A 110 .4U. C. F' 1 e I
( I n r a e1` aaJ lion.
r ` Mr. Enuuermun accompanied the
•'s del(gation to see the Minister of
Ila l vl s.
They asked ilk 1 Mr. Blair to be Iluwel
4? y In r a
�, ` to go uvrr the In►pnrolunhal with a
bw to
1 nee! what the w to
ng to 7 anted
I a
du. A113 they wuuld Wako report
. 11�! I to him for his comilderation.
R�' The Mirii A,er gave themrmlooluo
`� - Itotdu till@,. What they want to do
u j.•' to I nAto At different pointy real-
: ,o, _w Ing rm,Jnat. gyruna►lutur, etc, for the
benefit oe
f the employees, elmltar to
:. I that which the organization has In
• i the United .%later
/ �'
I�� %"" ' '%t j
ROLAND I11:1iD. ,
Actor for the Isom at 21 huurs w•as'la
a state of mina.
From lite Infancy Rldaud Reed wait
brought up in this atmospheru of the
footi:ghts. Ile waw lila uffspring of
A len,Ang Amerlean'theatrleml fam-
ily, un I when' only Nix week.4 old
tua,lo lots debut, toeing curried on
riw stage of the Walnut Theatre.
I'hila'lellihia. In u baby part, Later
(n hu Imam( nn umhoor In the Art -it
.ktri-ct Theatre. Phili delphla, and his
nnllntlon anti clone study secured
leim a place, beld" the curtain as
u member of Mrs. Jchn Drew's stock
.s,ntpeeny. This was the school In
w•hi,'11 he rvct icd hill mLoam 'Z
tlon.- - motor this Ile drlfte l Into
IrgitimAtm comedy parts. and wits
tho first "Kuku" In the Aaaerienn
pf„doction or Gilbert and ,tollt-
aau's runic upwera, "Tim Mikado." flim,
latestpiny was "Tilt, Wrong Mr. '
VVriol t" til. which him, woe starring
when ha be(:ntne si Iii Lfint--Jin` had,
U, M• rl'naeoed to St. Luke•.# Hospital.
witere srvrral otkrnNons were per-
foraue.l upon him its trite hope or wav-
ing his Itfe. tie was bore in Philaudel-
pblit, in 1852.
1 Tho reduction In the Trillion gold
royalty front 10 to per cent. on
the os* output at tut • 1
w I l %Aka fleat on
g s
tine 17 i Instant. toe anti It will 1 t
a o
nil vitiation apply
I t m from that n'
h date. no matter
w P
Ile the leases A
W be Illade Ont,
1 Y
1 Plot alreugth Is IncrraelsR'and Ile
May Go !mouth.
Lun(kon, April 1. -The following bud•
letla reguruing tiw cimdit/un ut the
Premier was Issued Inst evening:"
"ford baliabury was attackrd
with Influeam March LJ. The Moscow
has run the normal courso and has
been attended by the imntrl prostrs
tion. The temperature, lu►wever, IMm
t^A-11 Almoit nurntl for the ]ant tort)
clays, and I11a Lwdmlup'm strength l*
iulprove:L with inerenming power of
laklrt food. It Is hupeld that he will
be ab o aarut to g.•t a cltruagq to Nin
mirth. which he land been ct)ntem•
piloting tot the time- of tl:., attack.
Duugiam 114itro 1. ti. R• Wa1kQri"
Intlutrlrs In the afternoon at the
rewidenoo of Lord 8Allabary elicited
the Infortrutti,n that hot w'it
malWe and nma• a latrotllfe,r,' One of
the prlvatn lk,cretarles uud no other
p rsoa In authority was acetrerlble.
Inst tll+ forestil ng atutement led
loosen prepared for eallerm.
lir. Arthur J. ltalfuur went to
Windsor yesterday to visit King Ed•
} *Arid, xltlaa,igh IVA liaj,aty only lett'
Iatnd,on Ktturday afterra(aan. TIM
visit In PUPINnied to have iniad mon10
1`011nerllnn with Lord fill -ill ,wbary's ill.
news.Lirnl Uranhorne, the Premier's
wtm, ,mmu-•m, however, a denial of title
alnrnainb ouggelatlon_-- --
Decaliter Ilusband Supplied NothlwR
Rut Sw Pellnents and Flowers.
Josey Pity, Marcie 29.--e3preclal
Master In Chuucery William A. Lewis,
Shoots at His Majesty.
I a decrm of divorce W granted tu 1i�.:
I Frederick Tlonme
- _
Itnrad, ata the
! ground of desertion and non.suprpurt.
Mrr. Rand, "mvlo is taw daughtw of
I Ili•. ti4•org,i IT. Wells,
lit thila"city. de.
clmrea that Mitt' cannot Ilya
Javtrlon, April 1.- A dewpatch to liar
(n candy
a and Ikrwers And that ti►eee are tliw
NurninF lw•nder fr„m Kiefr suym It is
,xaly tldnga her husband bought for
' Ivor.
rrp,,rte,i that :in ,officer (f the firmer-
Itan 1, win lives in Fast Orange, was
attempteil to noonasminate the
the malslger of Lite Idedienl Fix•
CZat. Tie Vred nt fits %tnjpwty. twit
nmllwr, of whlett i►r. Well* Is the
m:w..-1, Ile thin shot nn,l kill •d him -j
ow -11 b,•fury he cou:d be arredte1.
owner. lin was re,,elving a lary of
1 ;e30
lat.tnred %% Ionic Party.
a week []lilt courted ilem
player's (lnuprbler. ..(tits Ile wns a1`•
Letnep:n. April 1.--A dr•apatch la- the
I cretly to hiss Grantlna
111111.10 Telegraph frim Ht. Peterwburr
bates W44111 film
a 4111 film salary tuns reduced
w.a.vm tint the liendguarters lir the
; gradually ,to f59, and finally lie was
Corawiltee or ilio Revolutloailrytit+phnrgPd.
Thom th, hrtda revealed
Nov, m' nt line twen raided, nod the
her secret And the netlon for ditoree
will -IP 'goody, cunwg
bltinof a:venly_
s ltn
wait begun. Itand wan tliecretary
two wa•tntr.•rw, cnptured. The po!:cr
or the Orani n Athletic Club.
rurprlrP.t the columittne cat night.
They -made. a detnierate drienyp. flrI
-" --:-- --- -
In:,' tot !tin pully••, but wrrr tinnily
dvercomr. Thp padicn faun I quantities
I Initiation irarmer's Itrneerkslrte ('nee
lir procianinlion@.
It-trrep,mtr!wl that Mevere riots or-
�Iyellnrm the Physicians.1
curred during flat, Inst fed• ditys lit
W'nhnooh, Ind., April 1.-Frnnk Hetp-
Fiprf, blot were quelled by lite mill-
finger. of Union luwlurliip, Wells
tory authorltiris. No further parUeu-
county, IM puzzling the physrelans. Mr.
Inrs tore nvailnlabo.
Keplinger to a farmer, anti up tit two
___ - .- -
yens ng( w:til of flair complexion
tont In complete hrnith. He then lay.
firrit that his oktn, from crown to
oe)lc•,. wan b•gtnnlug to turn dark. His
In Ill* AA,-)Iiy',, the 1'(ruthrul Sufferer
npp:-tltr fettled, it" lnwt half Ilia
ileutyed to he %hot.
weight. in nlaru lin r(natnalted namer-
tShnmokin, PA., JTnr"cfl 31.=1~r5rn•
onw ,ni
prvirhleetn. Nan; _rrndips ware
unroll wlthnot effect, ain't this coollor
Ing at the mouth and Lurking liliv
deciR.ned until hr is now almost me
it dug, ten year-oM Ge„rgu Ilo(ver
1 dairk its a Negro.
lied rtrly this morning, rafter lawplvr
hoorm lit awful agony trails hyd4o^
..I..-I.L.. Ml --#I- I..,1`•._.. 6,.. .e.. -.I.
Pelnllale have rallied to ding•
I nOOP the crate land hnvu'Wren him up
.. _ -- -
;rrpw rntliinnl for a few pninut(w. to walk, ane const era his hopti
atoll lwWge(1--1,► b, shot Int tint ho I~. Thr case Is anl,l M, the phyal-
(sadd b, font cwt air lots m!werY. Mom't chine to he withont precedent.
of the prominent d,avtorn in town -. _
wrrr prement, Alit C"all!d do nothing JUMPED HIS BAIL.
rxeupt to lni,•ct m•orphinn Into him.
The mad ,I sig c:ldrh hit him nice
weeks ngo,nleo lilt his ml4ter Kritn, Tereato Rasing t"lerk Palled to AI►.
nine ypnr old Pottennlln Barton ain't Prior la (',start. '
Ihirteeu•yenr-oM D:tMrl (kAtohnlll
,Im•fore it wile oltot b Its owner, Torjfric April 1.-('harlar Iwrre, the
J (I'rlwt{,(free clerk charged wttb roM
1'hnrlrw rtrbitte The d o y shra e'n i bin cull malls by abstracting letters
who wrrr bitten have no yet ahnwn cntalnlnK tnvnw
eY while paing
nn symptrwata of lite disnnoe, but the Iothrritsith the 14ret-office here, has
nelghbowli"I In excited otter that dlsnppe"Pd, and Ls prnhnhrj well on
rAww. and 9wratty- fear this rrtMr} htm- way to lyrnth Amrrten " thh
virtlms of ttte dog will nlmn hr opirril I time Be was lot .out un ig.000 ball
with rnblmlr. 1 nn1 when the c4Lm, '*its called this
- -- ---.- -- morning Love filled to answer. ISIS
THE SUN DO MOVE MAN DEAD. I lawyer admitted that he knew no-
thlog of the whereallcouts of nccassd,
( rlrhrnlyd 41,44 --red 1•rrmrh►r 1'tvrd j twit orild he feared ha rwm4 the victim
of drtgw. If Ile (frmm not etp favor by
v the Age of nu, t(.mnrrow• hall will be mistreated.
Richmond, Vt., ' March 30.-Res,
p its m Professional Thief.
Jahn Jumper, the fn= ram colored old•
vacate of "The Ston 11`, \taro" the I IxAtt 1,000 wew
f til of fan amid. hit
sissy tiled tit h
i hor=n hi.dn):, i stilEi gild other RrtIdiN wan lrrewlCbt
ngr,l 00 years, lin had for many I Into the Toronto 1'olti+e Court on
y,rare laren etor of the !+lith RdtnrlAy for the purpv(tee or mentl-
Movint 7.Inn Church And woo held In I (Icatlon- They were the gronds which
high enter= by the ppnplm of hiswere seised at tits boom of Mrs,
rnrt•. He wits onestAlakon on it torr I Alllcw E(nmmere, nn Arthur street,
ret the mwth dt."Ierila hie "Ilan Dol !hot Nty, New Autwwere, it will be
Mnve" 1petnra or enr=on. I rpmptnbprM, (IOMmitted wlfolds In
the J•111 nn ,nnday week, while under
111:11.1nt Ao"oft'o Wnrk. Win rton, I torrent area at charge (of stealln`` me
was totally deetroyevl M fire Jwlter. I embroMory from the W. A. Nerray,
day afternoon. Company. .