HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-4, Page 4-� TauluwAr, April 4, 1A/1 a THE SIGNAL: GODERIUH ONTARIO It (i ce Coma early and get H7118W. C. I Neat W Lee a Shepherd areae in the trade of %t Usltmd ycete•, ' whd• fps greatest la the ouustr'e history, al se Q lelliMeSCoMe Inoue -year .l P30,000.000 I. 1900 tbe e s u ave Been Waltio until all our spring good. arrived Wore aBBouoe ing a formal opening In my uew store. Last week the last consignment of olokbisgl artrived, and this week Christy's Hats have been - passed Into stock. Next Saturday, April 6 you are invited to come in and inspect our stock. No one will bother you asking you to buy. We simply want the pleasure of showing you our goods and leave you to lodge as to the styles and the values compared with 'others. Our stock of clothing is all uew, made by one of tliedtent linnets in the trade ; the hoods are weltmado and thor- oughly reliable CHRISTY'S .:a if t _SANTORO Of CO HA"i's,, OLAF-Rif-RS I have the tale agency for Goderich for Christy's cele- brated Hats. These hate are sold by , leading hatters all over the continent. Thi, fact in itself is • sufficient guarantee the: " Christy's are the beet." TAKE A WALK around and ."e our window. Any tie in thew clow, and i fact arty tie ui the shop ,inoluding all'our'uew 50c goods), on Saturday only 250. your . huh -e. aseu. h deo will not Ia„t long at that price. PRI=HAMA M1 ru'n Furnisher and Hatter. Zia cignaI, rt f'PRLISODD ICVVfY THURSDAY MORNING sir T. 1. *LI AleeT BODBRIOa. THURBDAT. APRiL A. MI d v - �t 1 1 G Owl r MATTERS OF MOMENT. Quantum' of the Day Die - numbed. The ti•verswear's Polley Regarding the Niagara Falls Water fewer rs Make It aa Asset et Valise ne the Whole Pre viner, 01 course an Oepeellloo ova afford to be more generous with promisee than • Go•- erDmeol, bemuse an ODpo.ltlen's words bare not the authority of power behind them. Still, it most be admitted that suob promises used In a bye -eleotloo In • close eenstltuenoy are dangerously owl being a bribe to the *Mete . Conseo,-s0t,a, titers war much fora In the taunt that Premier Roes flung •Dross the floor of the House es to Mr. Whitney'..peeoh at Nlegara Falls during the Welland bye -election oamp•iwD, and Mr. Whitney's reply was hue • lame OWL It was en December 11 that Mr. Whitney made Olt speech at Niagara Falb town, In welch he declared that the water power of Niagara Kiser should be M free as sir, be, muse, irrespective of every other considers. don, that prl.olple would be right. The yoeetion ariee, What did Mr. Whitney meant Would he spend the Ontario surplus three or four times ever to develop power ter whoever obese to nee It, without money and without prim! Althengb Mr. Whit- ney's wards were very •ages, It 1s rsa.ua•ble be suppose that Mils is not the meaning he would put open them. Thl. Interpre 061100 szoladed, Mr. Whitney moat have meant that he would permit anyons to develop power there without paying rent to the Province for the privilege. Where would snob • preposition lead Mr. Whitney and the Coturervative petty! Let its look bank a1 the history ot the Niagara Pelle weber power. The franobtw, which was le the nature of a monopoly, eras et first granted on • rental of $25,000 • year. As the oompany were slow to begin opera slow it was tmpeoted that they were bold log oft to prevent oompetIll.n with the nom many en the Amerloao side, which had spent something Ilk. $15,000,000 in de. moping the power. Consequently. two or three years ago the Government abrogated the monopoly climes of the oentra0t and rev arranged the anneal rental on a sliding mole, proportioned to the quantity of power developed. This has led to the formation of another company, whloh u now proper leg to develop power from Welland River. Prem the ewe oomp.nies the Government 4e mllece,d 8205,000, whlob has been ap piled to the acquirement and maintenance M the Queen Vietori& Niagara Fall. Park, which otherwise would have had to be bought and supported out of the revenue of the Previnoe, So It fhb writing the l'rov Ino is ahead a fine park, which has oc.t the people nothing ; 1t retain@ Its hold of a valuable fraeobl.e ; It has tot op a aampett- Nye oempaoy ; and 1f theee hie hese delay to devsleplog the power the Canadian com- panion will be able to profit by the import e pee of ►5. Amerloan oompaoles on the ether side and prodaoe power at • cheaper g ate. Under Mr. Whitney's policy -at least whatever policy la to be Inferred (nun his spoken word@ -the Prevlsoe would be out that $905,000 and that fine park, and th• people would have been delivered over M a oorpnntlon or tot of oorperatlow who would bays developed power without pay ing •,eel for the privilege, who would be Emerson's Bicycle :Ail Warerooms will re -open in a few days with thalargest, and heat stock of Bicycles and Snndries ever 'shown in Goderiell Watr'h this apace for future announcements. onewerrt 4111;UL'ii1:7 EMERSON'S Rioyol. and Morrie R(oaen, Went street, Rorlwrieh. ' addled oo the country forever, sad who oonld ultimately *barge whatever rate they pleased. Toe polio, of making this water power "ss free its air" would have tighten- ed Into • perpetual, tyrannical monopoly The Implied argument that the town of Niagara Falb ought to exploit this great Prot/Mobil aa.et solely for its own benefit 1. as reasonable u to urge the town to build • high fano* all round the o+tarsot and to charge everybody a quarter to see the greet wonder of nature. Similarly Mr. Whitney might go into the Rainy River dl.trlot and tell the people there to keep Toronto oap holism out of their geld mines ; or he might fir loco British Columbia and preeob the 10.1, ne that Oa:arlo In.nbermeo ought hot to be permitted to bog timber berths In the PaolSo Provisos. It is • selfish sod an• reocn•ble argument, utterly opposed to the principle that nor natural resources, ether ever they may be looated, are to be utilized for the irelf.re of the whole people. This dose mean that the Ross Govern robot will oegleot the 10teresta of the town of Niagara Falls. When the town asked the privilege of developing power for eleotrto lighting It was greeted. Speaking to the electors ca Deoembcr 4, Premier Ross stated that if the men who now held the contracts were not prepared to develop the power when their two year, had expired the Gov- ernment would then get somebody who would not wait forty -sight hoar. to start to The broad prtnotple on which the Koss Gor.royt.ot deals with the water tranohhrto A that they shall be developed within • reasonable parted, that the )• shall may a de. Dint toll to the Provinoe, and that they shall be under Government control to with draw and to re lease. The mealtimes which now govern water power franchisee were Issued under an order -le Council June I, 1898, being lo .oeordance with the Act passed •t the previous session. Up to that time water powers had been granted out right .long with the load on which they were situated. The patentee became the absolute owner, and weld deye'np or not develop the power as h. oh. se. .The new rot/illation'. made redloal changes. i'hey provide that In dealing with w•:er powers they .hall be leased, and lot 8010. The Imam are meds only oo the osedttou of development ; they are forfeitable If the power le not made nee of. The I usually require development witbro one or two years, though the time may be extended where unusually F g dame sod slalom have to be built. furit r the 'mem provide that if the Isse dovv'ope more pewee thea he requires foe his own uses he must dispose of It to others who need 1t ; lo time the parties cannot agree as to terms the Ueutenant.(iovernor•in Council may tie them, end hie decision 1e binding. If then is more power in the tall than 1Jsyelop.d by the lessee, and if there la a bona lids demand for the power. be is obliged to go ahead and develop 1t to ifs full mpaolty. The Isom are mad. tor ten yeast, rensw- • b1e for another term of ten years, if the conditions are complied with-preot.oelly a twenty years lease. At the end of the wooed period of ten years theca leasee are ag•lo reoew.bis en terms and 000dillons then agreed upon. The rental charged by Gm Governments under the lease 1s nominal inr the first year or two, or until the power le developed. After that time the practloe co far hie been to ohar,o on a basis of 25 Dente per horse power per annum for the amount of power developed. The idea is rather to enoourage the ut'lization of the water powers than to exact the highest ren- tal they are capable of yielding. However, If a water power (ranohles granted ander them 000dltleo. turns ..01 after develop• moot to be highly valuable, the Govern - mint after the recend term of ten years has the power of mooring a proportion of the •alae in the public Interest. Altogether, these thrifty regulations for the public good would mem to be wiser and more profitable to the Provseoe than Mr. A hitoey's "free as alt" pointy, whioh he Imes in bye elections Vaaax. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. %TILL RIRLED. April Smart Het : "Tour medioio• hat helped me wonderfully," she wrote to the patent medicine house. "Three weeks ago 1 could not spank the baby, and now 1 am •bio to thrash my husband. (Sod blew you!" TIMELY. Montreal Herald. 1e the spriog the 7o0Dg alma fancy, Lightly, io • modest way, Turns to thoughts of rummer verment O0 the pot bright, balmy day ; But, 11 he 1. long on wisdom, He will not at on0e get gay,,±p, Bat will flaog on to his 4anoela Till the latter part of May. rfs MATTER OF FACT. Portland Oregonian : The .uperint.nd- set el ashes!. of Spokane, Wash., de. W oos ot Glenne the pnwcr, of pomp"anion In a ele*m, of eight year olds, requested that three senteoom be written each to °obtain one of the three words, "bees," "boy." and "beef.'And a small girl Iaberloosly 000 o0eted the following 'toluene. : "B tys bees hare when they go In swimming." aa1T1'sM TRAD1 Hot.Ul rye OWN. Toronto Stow A few days 140 an Rog• Il.h journalist p•.I.g thrnarh Toronto said he eras a I'm lye In British polities, bat th.e he felt sure Reiland was more thoroughly free ti gels In prinnipl• than she met was This is not what oertain perwme and newspapers In 1 :nada wonid have es believe. if this chantry a to eat real Eng. 11.5 opinion .n patois, events we most have an A'tenth. sable that will oats? to Canada, and not dilate everything to snit the palate of Unca Sam. Many t anadlane ha,. prob- ably been filled ap with the notion that the subtle men •1 Great 11e1061n ars shiver ipg with dread bemuse of the great growth of United States trade, jest se sober mled. % tarns Ie Oarpany arc 'apposed tit he delay. But Emden/ la all rem In 5510 reep.ot The agoras *hewing the grad• o1 1900 give HrIli.hare so ease* of alarm 1e 1900aGreet Rrltate s total foroMode ade wee a .•,400,000,000, aa Isefenw ever tit* pm - was only $232,000,00. or Dearly sae bus- y within/ dollw less of au Increase thee that 'boon hy Greet Britain. With are. salt of this hied oo tee boots 1t is net improbable that ED.hsbmen •re still wile lied with free trade PIOTIUTION'S NVOIUTa7. Toronto Weekly Sun : A. the prloe for his interest is the Carmelo Iron and Steel Comp.oy Mr. Carnegie reoelves from the greet trust that hes w1 been orgaalz•d toed., amounting to $00,000,000 As the bond. uo0stitute • fin. obarge or mortgage upon the entire newts of Ibeoumpaoy, which is mpitahzed at about • billion dollar., Mr. Uarnegle is tolerably well ,*oared. The hoods bear lutersst at 5 per omit per annum. so than IDdeneOdeo►ly of his returoe from other tu•stmeote, wbloh are reported to be considerable, he b . ured the snug [neem., of $10.000 000 . ) ear. Whitacre Dame all this wealth! Mr. Caret rte 1e • shrewd business man, and until recent years has devorei himself aottrlogly to the build• log up of • greet Irma and steel luduetry. Hut with all his sbrewdoo.s and ell his energy he could not have made all this money Mansell. Hb fortune and the (metros* of 51e associates are largely the result of the protwuve system. By tutus of this .y.tem they we., able to keep up prices .rid make targe profits. The wurkiuvmeu, for whose bMoeflt it is to often pro_lalmed that protective systems ere Imposed, are still at work, and 1t is not uoobarltable to predlot that before long their wages will be scaled down la order that the new com- pany may pay dividends ou It. enormous oapltallzation, ono half of wblob is water. OF LOCAL INTEREST. , Whet emelt I It is reported that • lady died in England •od 1n her w111 left her entire fortune, amounting to $50,000, to the local news- paper, the, perusal of ',blob bad given her many happy hours. We hope the people around hers will not tak• it 1oto their heeds to mak• • fablon of Ieevlog their p-operty to the newspaper men. We shouldn't know what to do with more than one bequest like that. falaaa's Minima fern mid Wart Ex- lr.e1.r ('.,meld no •olds or other injurious oaem6 et' compounds ; Is neither oaastio, corrosive .Lr irritating ; but soothes sod eases from thn first •pplieatioo, and cote quickly. If yad want au Irritating and 8esh•eattng remedy do not ark for Putnam's, it sots just the other way. For sale at all druggists. New Baseball sola, The new baseball playing rube adopted may be summarized ea follows : "Hit by pitcher" w111 000nl merely as a boli-oo hate will be given. All fouls are strikes, unless there are already two on the batter. Uvoher must stay behind the bat for the attire game when his side Is io the field. Pi'chers mast deliver the ball to batsman in' de of twenty seconds after the latter h.. taken hie position. Should the pitcher throw the ball to any other Alam than Um plate It will ooant • ball for each delivery. Cat tame lute No need of that now. That sort of paf o can be knocked out in short order, for Poison's Nervillne, whish is five times stronger tam any other, penetrates •' once through the listen.., reaches the norm of suffering, drives It out sod thus gives relief almost Instantly. hot magio, but etrengtn that glees Poles:Ws Morvhans tilt. power, you will .51.-5 it magic however If you try 1t, pain g- es to quickly sold by dealers everywhere, an largo 25 neat bottles. ■ finer, B11.1'lab, The Militia Department hes arranged to classify rifle clubs who apply for rifles and ammanitton from the Oovsram.nt tato two Mame.. The first of these w111 oondst of regularly enlisted members of the m;lltie, and ,eon member w111 receive 200 rounds of manna ion per season. The other oleos will consist of olab. with private member., and thew wall get 100 rounds of ammunition per man. The private olubs will be plan.! ander military metre', and the memivrs will be swore 1n for three year.' service Four hundred applimtlons for n9es and ammunition hays been filed at tee depart, men[ The ammunition whloh the Govern meat ■oophes. amt. $29 per thousand. The rifle club which is being formed in God.- rioh will be of the second clam mentioned above. Baseball In Brussel.. This Irom The Bromide Post seems to ib• Moat, that the baseball club of that town le g oing heavily Into the import business this year Toe beseb.11 club organized lest Friday night for 1901, when the following officers wore *looted : Hon. [president, J. N. Gordon ; president, D. U. Roes ; m•a•• ger, H. Hamilton ; oeptein, Jm. 'lhom- e co ; **votary, F. Rooke ; treasurer, R. G MoOraok•o ; oommlttc., Hamilton, Roche, 'thermal. Downing and Ardell. They twill pot the best team In the field this year that has been here ter some time, r. all the old platers are In town and they have mined Ardell • ,Reber of Great speed, also meoond baseman Holmes, IW of Park hill and Blenheim nines, and have bright prospe, I s of /enuring Meto•II, of Toronto, one of the fastest pitchers In the bunnies Gilpin, now playing left field for the Dental College of Chimes, will be hoe in time to start the season. Thee* with • law other stare of the diamond should make 11 inter esting for all the local club* In these parte. They have already oommeoced indoor train - 1o, and will be In good shape whet the ,•Moo opens. '1 he ueoretary will be plead ed to near frons any of the olobe around. Catarrh Bully and Qatekly Caren, Poor remedies have given catarrh the re potation of being !pourable. But It is °arable, easily and quickly, 1f the right method 1. employed. Snuffing an Irritating powder or ointment up the noes won't ours h, neither will tablets, domohlo, or stomach medicines ours. Thew treat- ments fall heowea they are not far reaohing enough. They only •fico[ Iecel oontlltiene, 5.0 do not remove the tame, which unmet life evtabll.hed deep down In the long`.. branch's' tubos &l.4 nasal passages. Or- dinary remedies do riot reach thew remote parts, but ('at•rrhozeno does, for It 1s breathed through the Inhaler Into every air sell to the lanes, into every air presage In the heed and throat. No matter where the catarrh le, Geterrhozons wi11 reaoh 1t. It kills the farms, heels sore spots, elm. the nose and throat Instantly. Universally used ; pleaeant and Olean g teed tc* mare or money refunded. Try Catarrh - ozone, 25 Dente and $1.00 Druggist*, or Pelson & Co., Kingston, Oot, Aerll Weather. Rev, Irl Hioks, the weather man, has is sued the billowier foremast of weather oon• dittoes for April :- Owing to three .rtra °aoeeo befog onmbiesd, weather disturb armee will not only be more 1 and but the storm periods will be prolong- ed so se to overlap each other at times The first storm period from Mardi 31st to April lath, has three mases besides piano 1.17 ceases. Rain, bailaed thunder may be mewed to or next to the itt. S•ormineee with Aprllraloe matinee up to aboot the 4M Tornadoes t0 enme pert., and IM storm god may eleim some flattens (fool weather will follow the first storm, with probably now and frost from 4th to 755. About 8th and 9th, change to warmer, heavy April relies, hall and thunder from e at to west. nowt 120 to 18th • regular storm psrind,,plth oriels •bone Lyth, wham leek for vieleie elsotrinal Monne *teaseled hy rain, hail sad daerorno. winds ; lee barometer, high temperature, dally pare:• yams of wind and downpours of rain. Aa tither duh of mold winds and frost w111 follow. The last. week of April le covered with • storm period From 25th to SRth 1.00051.• look nes for merino el .,serge, with meek rale and hall Apetl will brleg many .T. trams of rosy wags end Wee meal wesohne, IIII9• and we have a great many articles that will make work easy for you. SITYNOL i, the hest window cleaner on the market. FURNITURE OIL. -Lemon Polishing Oil is the best polisher for varnished surfaces. Try it. It will make old furniture look new. GRANITINE FLOOR FINISH is especially adapted for hardwood Hoon, oil cloths and linoleums, and is the very best floor finish to he had in (lod'eric r. Putz' Pomade Putz' Cream Whiting Brass Polish 7�VV7= 1,. �1 =1 elm .�•� ' ell ,..,., 'itfff111111TlrliI.E 111 NEW! STORE IN TtIE OLD STAND HAVE started store in my old stand and am ready to do business with a complete new stock • I'f Stitpl(t and Fancy .Dry Goods, suitable for the coming season's trade. I have nothing to offer but new, fresh goods, bought in the beat market, which 1 am prepared to offer at rock bottom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of your trade I do so with.confidence that I can satisfy you, both in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote prices just now, but I wish to call your special at- tention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from 25c. -to $3.00 a yard. Silks in great variety, both in colors and black. Remember the place, COL- BORNE'S old stand. Telephone 86. Furniture Varnish Electro Silicon Bicycle Enamels Carriage Varnish Tacks -all sizes Coach Enamels • Household Enam'Is Tack Lifters Picture Neti14 Bath Enamels Teck Hammen Picture Wire and wavy other useful household article Robertson's Ready=Mixed Paints are the best. They go the farthest, last the longest and look the Twat A.' MSD.` ALLAN General Hardware Garden Tools Paints, and (]Iris • war with northerly sed euuthsrly currents. Rain. w111 be sufficient, with cloud ben its in some looslitts-too wet for law land, ONTARIO LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Programs .t Om Mettles rest Week In To reere. Tbs first meeting of the Ontario Library Association will be held on Monday and Tuesday, April 8 and 9, •, the E location Department, Toronto. '1'b. p is m follows : MONDAY, APRIL 8.-Arraasous sesalon. 2 p. M. Haeinss_org•oir•tion. Ap peiatment of Committees. Discussion of Coottttattoo. Papers-" Moder, Library Methods and Appliances for Small Lluraries "-R. T. Laouefield, Esq , Hamilton. " Cbaraoter of Boots for • Smell Libra •y. " -N. H Keller, Esq., Uxbridge. EVCgNu 0E9alo N. 8-10 P. M. Chairmen's Address -Jan Bala. Jr., Esq„ Toronto. Address -Hoo. R, Harcourt, M. A , M P. P., Minister of Eaooatton. Papers- "Cm adan Llteretare. " "Canadian History" -H 11 Langtos, Egg , K A., Univentty ot'lorooto 'Canadian F.cttoo '-(S uanu,) 51 . 9 'canoes Harrison, Torcuto. ' Canadian Poetry" -C. C. James, E14., M A. Deputy Mitigator of Aerioalter., Ti cont.. Tt•whD*', •PRIL 9-MOR'INosggle$. 9.30-12 A. M. Elexton of Ottioers. P.per.-'•Tr.vell.ng Llhrarles,"-Pel. A A M•d...num, ( anadtao Institute. 'An Outlto• Program of the Work of Out trio Lahnry As.omatlec,"-E A. Hardy, Esq , H. A.. L.adeay. 'T he Library and the Yahoo[," -A. 11. Oib- bard, lisq , H. A , yt'hl'by P•p.rs to occupy fitte.e minutes and ad- dresses teenty fits no notes All Dao+r. and .ddraeses Opel] for d oe *Dept at evening meeting, ONTARIO . FRUI r AT THE PAN• AML RICAN the allotment of specie at the P.o- Amerinan hes finally taken place, and the Ontario Department of Agriculture him been tortuoate In se ario4 1,000 egaar. feet. When it 1111 .tend that Ontario's *blbla will he planed between thew of Cal 1 ena and Florida it will be seem at none t • an portant it le to have on •i 'sr'1'. .:Misr[ of Ontario (,unto. It is mu. • 1, desired that every put of Oatario r... 1 he repre- sented, so that we Dao show to the orowde of visitors that our fruit area is net limited to one or two small motions. Cenedian@ will be se 0,0oh Interested as Amerloam, and will be looking for • got -clam display. A oompr.henely• series of awards is sew being gad• and it is hoped that Vit- torio will do folly ea well .t Buffalo to 1901 as at Chloego In 1893. fee Deportees, has appointed W. H. Basting. of St. Gotha. rimes, eaperinteodent, and preparations aro now going forward Fruit -growers who bete, or expect to bays, trail suitable to exhibit should at ono* plan* themselves In oommonloatton with him. The credit of our Provtooe 1e •t Maks, sed everyone who oan help to advertise the hoe ebonite sod productive soil of Oaterio should lend a willing band. The exhibit most be In pleas by May lel, when apples from oold storage, traits and vegetable. la glass, and avaperat awl traps will be placed oo the tables. Al- ter that fresh Irate will he cent forward every week. BIG HEARTED BEM A l'. P. IL Engineer WY. never Lee so epp.rtasley to U.lps ',Newness In Mare Lark. Haywood, Man„ Apr. 1.- A pathetic hard -look •tory, but with • very hapey .main', to being told la this neighborhood. The .uhjoot of th. ,tory is Peter Levforioe, • wood chopper. and the hero le Hen Rat forty, the well known- C. P. R. engineer A. told by Mr. Lavigne hlmeelf, It Mamie thug Ilk. that "I have • family ot five. It takes me all my time to keep the wolf from the door. IVben i am well and able to work bard every day, wit m0 gat alone, but for fpm lass few years my bask has been falling m.. WH "At last U gags oat altogether, and I had te salt week. 1 tet d day al or day to do • little obopplog ba' hid to .top and Deme home again. I was le .lob deepen for my poor family that i would 5... .hot myself, had 1 not met Mr. Ben Rafferty. "He bought m• two boxes of Dcad's Kid toy P111.. 1 commenced on three pill. • dry. Is two week. i was working es bud ea .ver, and have not had say trouble d one." **hoed, wee ill 1.. a fe • d.y. : h . we. k John King taught 1e his plan& Albert Denman hes ,soured • situation la Halstead & Co'. book In Mount Forest. He will bogie his work on the let of AMU. Quito a Dumber of the young people of Hlaeyale attended a party •t Rem I.beet. se's oe Friday eveolag. Ul•yto0 Duff, who bas been laid up for the past five weeks with • sore foot, returned to his situation In John Kerr's More la Wingbain this wook. GODERICH SATURDAY, SATURDAY, Mar. 30. The following eyes the relative et►ol eg of the pepiis of 8 s. No. 2 for the moat) of Maroh, bawd ea puootaallty, good 4.9011• most and general proficiency : Jas. 1. -Howard Clark Baa. 1. - Davld Proust', Wesley Mnok, Yemeni Chambers and Garfield Mc- Cully/b. Pt. IL -(lord's White, Rattle Thompson, J y Yell! Jas. I1-Myrtl, Proses, Jennie `it'll!, Mani. ' 1 ,..ton. 8w. 11 -flu th Clark, Ione Hick, Al. mei Bodges. - Jan. III. -Arthur h iLws, awns Weedy, R,y Chambers. Sen 111 -Mabel Proust, Alto' H ok, 11.r ry Chamber. and Menge Yeill Seo IP. -P•. t{'.q,on, Minnie Rc•II, Net- tle .t11. S.urdy. !u.. leaving Pt 1 -Matto Jotas'c.o. Ltod• Sturdy Agneas ler th. moult. 39. -- FRIO J. LAwaaNCR, Twoh.r. "GET BETTER" SAYS DR. SLOW" Get Rid of the Cough, thy Hacking, the Spitting, the Wheezing. a Special Advantages Are Offered by Or. Seem toe ti Those who Desire a Positive sad Permanent Come el CMghlltP• dos la any r. . - Beal advise 75. aw. beg hew eau we M Swim am repay atter ..,.flier Ma ►.n tress wear Ifalteevspeat et. bogs et • earn Quite ear Scores of sneerer' ben an Made er log weablee have been • mart for onerep.le*' awatsN me- t ss[u. who meow tstwY0 M can lea. Dr. amain jgee mad. the d was e eOeapll..wt Less Troubles me stagy d tie are. W thwarts et pen aa@ women in all parts et C1.Ya ars reedy 1. to•nf7 to tae aar•el•s earn.. p eewaos d the Morns .saw. Dr. mecca Y reedy W toll qty to pre.o too e.c.c7 of Ida treatment. .ad W we h.0LWe la eawtsa H to yes ee rear east Mends weoouuvsuv ,Ass. Thea `eeew IW roe mar 1.t W a.een mann end Judge tot 7e0reelf resenting r peer. FREE TREATMENT Teo or rear alak hewn•mbar•. TW...,.0 er Trost/met are,ey wan. le Tan T. A. MASON C. micas. CO, Limited, ma Mae Ill West, Twos• te, gtring ems[ °Mesas, ozprs.ofaaMresa am. the from mallets. ('be me..a Pare) will be promptly Dont wow writhive kir fir Wong, imago t0M Meewer 9.rv.n. In t asses. seeing el...p'a 0..e new Is Ateerk •o papers oral ploy, mad roe Dapples 4 DA tomtit* laimestay LORD Mui .�fLt 1701tacv, MINTO•... Uses... Deering Machinery and J. W. Mann Cultivators and Drills on his farm. WEST WAWANOSH. %i'gDrINo BaLla.-A very pretty but quiet wending took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Robe inokhert, of S. half lot 26, Doe. 10, West W •w•noeh, when their fourth daughter, Maod, was united in the holy bond. of matrlmee 10 Wm l' aallck, of Maaitoba The �v. S. M. Whaley. R. A , performed the ooemoy. Mrs (.e.hok will be greatly missed by her many friends In that elololty and they ali with her a prosperous and happy future The loon/ maple left on Menday,26th for their Fater. home 1e the Northwest. BLUEVALE. WEnlewnAy, Mar. 27. Mlles A,gla Smiths hes ,soared a wheel sear Grand Valley. Fred MoCrackes and ohlldren, of Rrassels spent Sunday at John Gardiner'. R, N Def and R J. I .•tom0r• •re shine to Hallbarton le leek et some motor. Wm, Haney, of Torenke, amine 5.m• 1 1 week. H• Intends .p .41.4 the .a rower h ate Mathew Rlnhardmon and James H.rgec•, of Rre.eels, •1.10.4 at John Bargees' tide MOOR. *Imre yon 40 widthll real nno 11ta. for • Wer. m. the int Y? Because they a best machines In the world. None can beat them. .A. W. WISE moll. Mena. A. MoKlnnon's old stood. Hamilton street. ooderioh HELLO ! THE OLD yiti RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF OAC ALWAYS ON HAND Trig HIteT ScralII011 Bard Coal IS TBI1 4AItKRT Mr and Mn. R G Omegeore, of F.N. ',lob. Visited •t George Oae5 .,.'e lase *sok. Males, WM. LEE. Orden left se LIB • 41. Miasma, pvtadpal of the paMr SW Al1D'g �a there promptly •ts.ed.d to w< .mrargm' _ - J H. COLBORNE, Ta0MS Strictly nano or OODER/CH Produce. se..e..wNNreeeeeee e9ee9e C Do You Use Well Water ?rf If so it is likely to be impure at this time of the year more than any other. Hence this special offer: For one month from Malu'H 27 we will; make an apprnzi mate analyse of your drinking water free of all chart. Quite sufficient to show whether it is safe or not. The usual charge for this '451 00. Free until APRIL 27 only. W.C. GOODE - CHEMIST Ba5F*BB B1Al'B. Build up the Lung, with our own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos- phites. Warranted equal to any in the market and the cheapest. Your money back if not satisfied. ;.vtln Your prescription patronage is reepocttully solicited. Remember we claim to he,r the best errant/emeriti' for tooting the purity and strength of drugs In this county 1 Ott 4. • 4. • iT True Paint Economy lies in using paint a little before ft becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait till the old coat him entirely worn away. THE - ____w SHERWIN-WILLIAMS �r,l WASON AND INPLEIEN7' PUNT keeps the farm awl strong. It's easy to use. Red, Yellow, � Orem and Black. Every farm should have a can for ready as. I1� N. D. ROUGVIE r''''° The Cash Hardware Store, Goderich. 11 A LPSSON IN ENGL!SH "coon t ffm An adjective signiping sound, palatable, pleasant, etc. "CROCERIES II Goods such es sugar, se tea, spices, etc. "C00D CROCERIES The kind we sell. STURDY ca CO.. If P - t • GROCERS Telephone No. 91 - Market Square. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. QLJESTION... �;� How mach painting have I to dot ">' Where will I get the Wet paints and oils[ Where will I get the best value for my money t All who have dealt with L'o k Shephard formerly and used their Ark Brand of Ready -mixed Paints, also their White Lead, Oils, Var- nishes, Brushes, etc., do not have to ask this question, but oome and ark for thn name as they got ;sat spring. We have just received a large consignment of the Improved Daisy Churns, and during the winter we made up • large number of pies f Dairy Tinware. Call and examine and see the great valves we have bit' purch'Ming elnt•where. LEE & 3EEP. RD. W e ' ..at N y,Agatloo to learn lia1Aitk.rg WALL PAPER... Inst week's advertisement brought a numtaer in to ace our simplest of American Wall Papers, and every person pro- nounomt them the prettiest design[ ever shown in Oodench. Remember we don't have to carry those expensive papers in +tock and can •fiord to sell them at prices to enable you to put the heat paper on your kitchen. limbos/Ned, Gilt Reds and Blues at I9e a troll. Gilt Paper's at Os a roil Rememb.r it will pay you to Newt our samples anti prices before haying. You are not at the mercy of one man this year for your good papers. Moo oar samples Varnished Tiles, washable papers, for lath and kitehltn. ingrains -- all shade., with horv'ers and ceilings to match. We will consider it a compliment if you look at our paper. -hay or not We are only out for advertising this year. Samples taken to your house if desired. Paper hung 10o a roll. KIDD el 00. H 0