HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-4, Page 2I- , - ' ,•[• -res - 1- -• - - - wA ,. y �n i w._.,.:.w,..,,,....,..seem.-ua.,M ,.,.., —1—l.- r,lrw'. w�.w.ra..v.± 1I—�ranr.�nsm,x m,era•..iwrs -^z ii: T - y.. .--olio-: �,...,�..---. t',*•)r.wrlw w,wr::va .-.,•,�,.:+s.«a....r,w.:......-olio--._ .�........__:.-..�--•.:...-.w.-,.......-....�-�.--olio-.........,...---.-.. .._.. ._olio .--_olio__.._ - � olio. - - ► r -- - - - - -_ _��- _- .- - _ - --_ I The Signc3� , �'1 Mr. Dlake-.aro )'ou aw•Aro of +tsex� iron had eler alluded to the natter 1'er, •oast It way drawn put of tat: ^r",c, ' ill, . .. Tti� �� PI1AT offer,' wuher II,dlrectlY Ot dlreotly, to Wm. Hm alw husostre shut C'uiu by -- r rveu/rlsn EM IC ",r ur any.mug'g(wtlou of real,► kind to find it suLde ally rufu:uueu to Q. -At all e%oulr, you left Ilhow W ^�C ��G G�M nlST T!t tiaDai YOR.Yt1%a 1 that effect 7 Anr.-,Nu : the first 1 either ,eCrr%Jew ler letter. Ifie v%hulu thero until OutoWr, IVOU7 A. -Ye•. The M�r C J heard of It was tilt) statement by Mr. thing wwmrd absurd to him, beeutuu Q. -And Samevir .moold anything ubuut e BY I . WOOIL&JQVIDT.:► r *le,, Cook, prior to tau lust guueral rl•o- I twill Camarou yid Cook w,rrt ha%e it 7 A. -No. atoll, knuwu tleat to 1dU0 thvru war Ix, By ►1 r. lalchle-You hoard tills Itich' ,,- BOW .__--. ___-_ --- _ GIv�N TO M R COOK ler. Blake-1'uu were not aware of cleaves, of appuinlweut being turde card Curtwrlght's explicit. doulal ter to °«d," t\ ler „rMr s. ). t-' " _-_ • • It until therhY Ana -No. for look. lite Interview let Ott;awr►. Ill view Of I'ulluwing urs illi clnewg yuu#., "��iy�rT� l %lows Wakr/gwnittu fits huvlttpf ten ('wkesLl.l In%ruganl tulutlw ulapndut wl►tAmeal t du you ruyT .(.-!Is, wur Lrea Lu -Jay: l `''' ' , erg,, o' THURBDAT. APRIL 4. 19(11, rout ►trot ! tluor at Cush. %v it ) N . olio 1st w l -- menatorarlip? Ano. -Nell, Mr. Cook =cut. T Vr0.1,1 nu ten that thb ( _ y Q -You etlll uJhere tsp what you llwy. �. ;'m, f `I' ` itws •• NUT111\l1 1\ 11':0 , h,i.l b/r-n x strr.ng uuJ vigorous sup- call too ua01e Rare. I won't mention multi! A. -Oil, every word I mall 1 Cblaafro...... ..... ...... $-_ u1 Te porter asp the Iiberal Irurty, and tea it till Isee you." Wr lticbnrd knew• had title# ono {uartleular thought ln'New Yort... .:....... -- 'yU2-s tO Nead ¢� Th° wilner•r•r in tree Cook care have • find lir. hook's (anal,)•, 1 war aware iwthacuef +,Ixaaat %cl0►t 'be reason wL[lit my mis,l, and I supporu hr fins multi- wa��••• t•^ •� ••• OT6 1.?. TrI -�- Cartwright Says He Never Men• goat lie had made, cuiwlderableevlStc- Iw. AN to blv cumwaulcation with ludinous, dutiAs used It mlght have 1{t• Ips•'• ••• ...•• -- 0737 ed all mien lv�a Mf, and several of talent , Toledo...... .....olio, o)7fl - rificw In cuunectWu with tfio party lir. l'nmeron w n•gunl to Mr. Cunt, arcnpe�l film. 1 would nut Ilke to SSny U791-3 a IA%r ,lnphale,•nlly d•nled Mr. Cuuk'& In various wuys, tubd they were of 1Sir lticuurd p,,L! Mr. ('uruer'mI Sir Itdchar,l Cartwright deliberately Detroit, red......... 079 _pp1a0.1 atlOn O1 ' rlateweatm. All it",c I« kit cif Ids .'� IOnC�d �A� �eged Demand• Inug rtieending, #laid Ito hull been un- +&liked hint fl S -calor hichard, who told tan untruth ; I put It that wAy, Detroit, white ....,, 079 i_ jumpy' trett/rel by' our politkal up- wore In feeble tar+alth, cuu1J No lnduulxl Q. -You heard lite explicit denial? Duluth, No. '1l , terrible imllctur•set ii* that M. C. folwwti. I thought that after cue to reaciga, could M:. Cook g,t lbo He was o•luphutluY A. -I Route what Northern............ OT4C.Y'bTgt4 'd l'altwt+wa, els) wur his friend. Lai• „(aa% . ...i._ ler tw•o gaattlemaa were appointed, %'acnacy f Cartwright said he thought I wt41 ; my riecuhlecthust Is lurfectly Duluth. No. 1 • :...-r 1 lir. Cook wur rhtltl&d tv r#arlcu a t111N card) Ixl door. elver. �+d... OTg&8. vtood film to Rhow his regard for Neo renatorealp ret'• our. fictaRlm. I suppose Mr. March P Nod afteutho to a (d-WIII you stay squarely that Sir MlnneepoUme Nw 1 REFUSE n NEVER SENT CAMERON TO COOK ! rel to out way a„ xr It maysp- triter.rum air. held c l tsp n Coot. rechaec Cartwright le, owAuR 7, iia NorLbereal olio o�os ad uTllt ��O C ' Liberal {testy by rutkscribing to Its pert& to bel gl%ItW' away what nus senyiug, " 1'uu hod enol* la ,vuur r•'•oulleutlua of #fie etateauutr 7 :t.- llortnrl [leets, aaA Produce.. k j funds,• and told Bins that $10,000 wit a to-iol; done at the CJbhaet, but I own bands. %'ole refus:Q to play thein, I du, Iliuutrra,l, 1[aroh 28 -Flour yuula y toot too mach for s rich wan to put ►rns suVPtxting lbok'r akalha fur a +uW ra lust Ile game." 4t -And that lf. T. R. 1'reatoa! A. flans; Pattstt winter, 45JiU to •l t . l w.a;a, „,_.;, - voteeturrulp. Sir Rlclard-L had Ir► laud In the -Oh. Pre.ton swore false all the way tent y } tip at taw sttsew thaw addiLg that .. ., ,x.,.;,..... ,:�• $4•lU to !w teat t e to to lama air chn hat ( air. ltlato-Diet you seer, directly ur, gnme. through. straight roller. $J.BU to $8.30; a•ttir1,, ill, Counsel WblspeTr to Him in hrJ•cty, pace any--sl6iNtfattoue air Richard was uskeed a grant Utility lb-t}u he; 1e, wtovg l0 61e reoollee- none : su rfine. none ; stria tar aloe Nrtattrrstup a[r. eftwerQii Slr N!Ilfrid (liv,•a Fullest Denial to tha Charges fpr Himself asset for His Cof- with nuyooe that he adwulJ �s%e o pur•t:o:w hh r, sunt for a letter of file hoar? A. -Certainly.' $8.80 to�$4 ; Ontario sig �k(�s• a Row—009k s Memo #tad nu authority to,promieethatMr. league>s--Cuo:c's Bon!.•kr-;.cr hoard None of the Interview With Sesentorritip.In cuuslderatluu fbr the it. air. Cook w wfilch Cnr111riKht ll• -eared n? .-W Ir neon(( Ii hl? $1•dNl, bol[ $l.!,U t.. 1 Cauk would ba made a Senator, and payment of a view of, money or any ::old. "I Lupe to clove 1p tGe mutter• reoullcClbn! A.-11'hnt reculicctlun• 11'lksat-Na L' Manitoba team, My About Mr. Cameron, bel !w did not make such a roroire. Sir Prest',jn. Ilut Tells N hat Cook ToIJ Him of ,• the DamneJ ScouOdrel' ronAa lerateon of any kind?..\us.-Cer- now,^ and later sat W. 'I want to rao 1'br•alenr l Sir. hlxgd. floc. (brn, 48 to 5W.: bell,• .T1 t�, ' V fatally nut. you first.•' Tito quextloum wore chiefly ,Pao• mal ) 78c.; rip s, IC3 to slat.; btulsy, iw t, ISlake 1 reposes to Pfov f;teamed Cartwrl ht rel , «)&ted ►le,. Aficr Preston Had /7o a -Sir Richard Htd SuDlart•d Cook's Claims K I1 Mr. Blake-Nuw•• It 1e,sold;that )tin tit,ectmt ai !o ►vhy Iw w•nil to sive " �rrm leu whla•h leu hove ado.: r e,..67 ,tel shite.; btlekwheal, t5 %sellae au f lar[ conlrmallclexl film law. Ther! Room—What DId LF Ulok'd application: but tluPght that for Position. gave a letter to lir. Cased'- Mr.- Cook. them mep are wrong ti,J you eight ? to 6 %oatmeal, 11.80 t(t$1:7U; cote crop-tue letter to lie shown by Mr. Sir Richard Cartwright replied to at ,Wt.td$1• M�. l5oct'r %lola•nt Inuguugr d.cn•nud Qttawa, March ' H. -At She after• ail aIle! it politician and did out know B) tpu ten)', did you offer to shnP the ills t0 ACt P + 1 Caluerun to Mr. ('ao{;-that hu should the r[fect #hut he wailtP 1 to rte llm ork. $19,50 to old etancvst. lie efrnled Iwcing'arlt' moon soaalost of the Caot C'hn (_albth ase snot mar. have u lic•urtturstli) That write, .as ;ll regard to 'the o,,umituu to hid chae•t u! Mr. Bigr;r,lir he.wrnf�utY $20.50; IarJ, 7 to . i teu any much letter ler Mr. (s«)k In nim yeaterda air. Illteld- re�ita � Q -I rem nut aaklStR prole that. 1>id near nk con lxe ntatr;t, In October, appotntmwat, tend lite daugerwuafree- A. -Ho necorted we Out there, , buena, 1S to 1.9e.; lams• 12 to, Oltnw":t, Marr•tt ::8. -Tho S,•u q T Y h: hoot tell yaw t ,C. -H4 did nut. a Cuuk held h oen lo- O.-Dld you or did yon nut offer t lac. ('rwmltLeP Ap pointed to In%entlg wild h,• IaJ flees to lir. ('nwearw's nwined Nr. ('or)k, wile call that Mr, I lei 'reply to Mr. Ritchie, air. Mate• time as near as%1 call recollect ttte du gia� fin which hull Interfered elate &data the cheek of the w•itDi•em brain 1t Cheese• 0 to 10.'.: butter, tnwashjp•, ,•lr&r noir by iia 11. li.,k: handle with Sir Itichard'm r.lgoutura. L'iggs bad hern Ilia solicitor for mail)•" alutwld raid too, w•as Int ill Mr. Ctaolk'x ugly veer ~ here by the colgmlttee? A. -Mr. ,Mo 20 to L.9.., western 15 io 10c.; r the RPB I a opoudenue of any Und 1 the unanimity ler to the mpixduCluent, gIN. , . Mr. Biggs and Mr• Preston contra. yertrd. until tw•o years AQ,,, unit th••y • employ at that tlroo• laud with Mr. Cameron waas as lel lift noolorleJ me, a ul *alit I JW a wren l: to Ito. Ihr clf.•ct that ba could have. fin i (Doted Mr. Cook'• xturies lel tli:•1r a,s- Were nret on srry goml teryty now. fie Mr. Blake ranked wheat bunlarss Mr. I•res'uu Ir Cnilyd. tiling. Toronto VtArm•rs' Market. fleaaturohip If !k paid $10.000 fog 1 "N"'allited Mr. Bigger 0n the sacra•! da,r Mnedspteald,Wne in at thn ilmr, nn,p :�p{►c'utmeot tu-u Lieut.-(luvrraur- eerallal featwrr. From the e%idence I I• \C. T. 1i. I'rawtun ►sue thru culler) Q•-[•1,1 you offer to vinp hl" efiePm?. \\beat-Deliverf�e, 11 f burh,l.. /art rot I1 deltwk to day. Tlw re, l res he haat his first Interview with Mr•. , he re,• lied #lint Ile wur a gent for lhP A. -I don't know that It would take 1 ti al r. Bluto--111:1 jou gi►o ('umeron ay aha• columittcr an.f exnw:nr,l ly Whit" Ilcold y to Uhig auIli 1. let in wWeh t{to mw#tlug w'as hull t 1[ apyrearr tial lar. Cwt uuJ air. (;amernA, anti t01d him what had, Munt•he«ter Insuranre CuuilNany, and -any letter, Instructing film to &flow Aa. Ritchie, So maid that when hr atee srry lOstg to do It. white •dd 1:s, bltfirr wt e1:►1-�•. t:amarork were tite only, turn alto tranispired. Mr. iligga snrigerfud that I tluat he derived an ineowe of AIX00 it, but nut to gl%o it to air. Cuuk• met COua cit couk)Boffice he uddrume- (L -Baca• �ou forgotten%what y' u ani am of at BTe. R -,I wad failedL^L Mr. CSirrlt war talked about money. lir• C:oak taking he too taken soloing when Mr. Co(A land ler •l,SOO n year frust alis, budaexr. rMuhus to the t3ouaturship 7 .liar - of h.m.' Ucxxl wurea,pf, lir. yrqutur, a rsalJ lel film . A. Nu, I hu o sec t f r quoted at 09c., and /twlag ret TO t„ Wad ia. twri 1 lion, Slr Ynckensl r fib next Interview-, a4 ho thonKUt he ! Hw wee stiff awaking *LCIX) u year •W far n+ I hacu leay recollection, Ile uul:l Iw told Cuuk he h:ad been gr,tt•n lt. �, ;• LUe lend. lie wur at►t at tree time elf voulA persando Mr. ('Amerou flint he from, tfie Manchester. the only oa►rre Swtell that xu"red (d -\Yell, you did anis ou would 7 .V T + - «ell p.rarlsfor th,vo S. Il. insks, I i; i (enamel by anything thirst war multi, hull a Haim t. the a iulm?ut on sl't 1 w Ottawa. ioroviuuriy hr met l'ewk -1 wild t. fie gave me. nay of Ids In- Berl• wan (ogler; IO] bne.rrlf aeld /ppcan»I fur ttr)r, aZalurt tel Pix' ix•twcco lir. camerwh 'and m)oelf twice an I dimeth,cmed the Senatorship 1'' to I 1 L'0. lower at 43 1.2 I•, but when electbo time camd round aexrwnt of /t services. With rP arJ as ho \\'.Il t'aU (�lfirr \tltorases7 aculevru 1 would. til+ rburge* were made. Mr. J. ` PB K w•ns wnut 1 Uu%e mcntlunel. l St,u'( matter ant t'uuk find aykad him to 481'rc. i ) i le, cul lo)ar and did all the pulscfiief to air. Preston• Mr. Crook mall Iw rills- Thio, Mr. IUtr•hlo weld, war all tier b•lie%r !hers Ir any much letter lel try to flu 1 o01 `what life chuncon Q. -Yoe► Ili bigger man 7 .t.-1 woad Oat•-iteadY : 100 bushels /OL) at ]utclu••• A. C'., frit the! Ojpooltlun, Ire leould. No porou0i r-•putattut) hies posted. flint genllcnaun Bail Influlucn P,I.jeare Iw had Lu produce.. Mr. ezlrtence. %vure. ,:Ile u• tidal the ctla%ersatiml a► It; t) a m'UI not mualc rm.'t I 3i 1.2c.1 yr, A. H. Marsh Kl C., prW&to ca with the d)overnul •tit ar Itc wouha n% t p reetun and lir. 1liggr were here Mr Ulake-Asst. one that Mr. Clam- 1, ra.ilug. " What, about your er than yew $arc. ! o I flay area Straw--Tweuly lun+ll n( *-I lel: ylr. Cuuk. Mr. -Cuuk w.ar been Injured b • lite C'wk disclosures, lu,,P let then intera^nt which 1!s, Y , fieur n guns dal f to k, R ISP, If IL wait desired by elther of tile- Pro" war to allow lel Cook, but not to vhamL\-V? Start st rel proesit'led aro Vr haY t+liid bOc. to $1 unrlrr let Ml t b. nicd by lux sua•lu-w%, Str 7 with the+ p"wraiWo exception iIt Mr. cow held. M.r. (',-)it s;ua ho lir.t road• uth6r counwel to call theaW, Tist-r• goeup? Aar. -Nu. uircucs the , enaturrfilpe. lie told butt! necpr herd of your doing it. $15.50 a tun. Three lotedd of darer Maeus'Nctbl. p l'oot's uwyt. film caw Tory frieu4s will the facts Pualte w•fi• n 11 l w uN a attacked w -as One other w itneed va u sp eciul lir. Blake -You oro quite oure of t'u:,k that l," the li! Cook w-uuld Wt Sir Mackenzie [Sowell -It Is a x00d sola ret 80.50 to $10 n sur.. pxecur+liugs Wt' .Diet ctM n)utiDi• b U:. HurnPy, w I: , stat •.I that his a ecwhtcxslh stun: low INit not thing the at%mt1liati(o is ending. ,, a havSe eau further uw- fur him. 7 µ,Int !lint 7 ins. -1 um quite sure of that. p Toronto Llrm Stock llarkety. Altair. 1 eheucr hhloceH tu:u letter tens t.+Nur,► r.:;c;auNn the I:a►cppren• Mr. Wake ubjrctcd to having wit- Mr. Blake -!t he raid tlast y,xa Imwai;pately, The watklugstn'ni[fh Ilwaugbler). _-___- meat re, fuses] to giro lite A xruatnr- news," cufleA alter he bred lir x•ucJ his %sellae a loiter III {rI11C11'IL waN stat- r: air. Illake-•!Rome of the w•itnel,l/l•r Vis"„ cauN•e►•ion. errowrt. $1 w► td t , rtfi•ur • Ix! taY. n by the cuauu!it ell ► That tan* wlwt nue rex rhhin yl 1 of the party In the senate' needed roe ems n w ten enure. lltenew sol Kz�i uIs liakt psrowt. ' a w w 1 TTnr flrist wltl&P" CA1.erl wad 11. + THk VRI It' Ot%#NF.S�t. [ 1 raise. Ile diet not think it fair to put e,'1 ".Surely aur friend Voi)k lu.isa d,. W , bel &trensithened. and law told J d K lis ,,, i -, Wnklt4.....-.. a'•a w a (i,,k, wit„ was *%,"rat nn,1 ••xuau, to him by ler. Tueker. As A m•ittnr l'uok that that entleuean find not laughter). Belob•r,-c«►th. !r lir. I.itrfue. lir. Crx.lt m:li•l t f is bill of fart, tx•f"ro tlilr was m+u1• Nd,lia tau leu his drfauur until the whuie t,•auethhig.".' UW yaou ucet writs st g SutJaor�,ALLId•r,issew, at. i• a;. y -#es,: ill. iylbesillrult-.j(,_-. 1 cane ugntn.t Wan was presented. Ittter, ler JW silly correspondence ehown ad u simatker waken lel Lh! 1'hr /'ran Cload. 11rMh•n'catile syi tr s:, IN• sm+ n rlataanat floe a lmn.tint fir f •id h. ir[t�rr en attics, rt seas, i RhouW not be •palled by eicepllonr lea atTatnyt The l'halrm+►n ens i that the Pndr bMnsaen lir. - C'.rweru}u and (:a,mmonr. C.ruk r/•prtivJ. that Pr!r- air. lblalu•-.I usedrrrtand the c%{. do uwl.+triesiti nJsst �.,• .. s.r! ao :f t. tW.:vu:,tu ler far lxzck uN ]tidU. filo A, lel ballon and had &.•are 1 to ) tun hall not Iteard him lately, and %tenet, W Hens nil In, nnA'II It would R f and eiemDlbtM 11• falealfen I/ to 40p Irrnctrco of a comwltice env cit 1u )'txcsulf. Or un cue vide, such uN (�e(a•ksn .aon•rw t;*M.-:. Yvr+r sw, 1 ,. d mupyxrt tem. lie would not hut'o (vnefJrr a cur! rludeJ until tlw Inst W Ntutad? Aur. �,•%cr. ! Ir.export.beAvy.PerewL. tars ate ,.., eustms,t rrt+l.w lel« count, u ant s etoD to the p tents a is to mn,#e 1t- ems. ( i Jf Jc: d d leu t. ave that if Prr"lon hail heard hint ht the nut Ix• pra+sumptkm 1 wuu l way w kill Baa+.°ttaert. lidb L. our OWL.....iM to 1 r. Fir Outer Aluwa t e nrlsnatttwl. w� ands wmas called• r air. Dlikke-Ur auythiuR to the nke ;$$ammo elect) ren lie would have Rre•Rt .iefs,rrlwa 1 Jeel laUw very yeeuer...hoettiewe _ s ;: a s z: cul that In Idid Is. find vo otei masse• ali the best apples lel rise to attacker. and IwTTny):r uu,ticem rang y g %LnageJ hie mtnd. Ile exld that he (:.Irl t)te oommlttew hear dgnit tall �, la a sari f that hA lend aur t dfect 7 ,Arte. -No, nor an thio to y dnnratLis..... a t!a m- res; t)i,w %%lth allm"cerr of the Cr, I• the tuD bf the barrel, ua►d cruwJs ill Belted artniust h:m, aLa w.wLl'n"t ,IerNturnn thug Ila ltiggn cul Mr. till, like Mfrct. %uuld paauU.l K delight.. syt_-tom_.;.i,._ hacu roads, It PuMk yet ff It luulttrrt `lr MarGenzle Rowell tbruu h this matter. and herr evl- iamck,•n..ri)wtWlba. .�' sM w :.: W nKu�d (u QrtWlg vile n{yxr that dwayed peaches'to lire bottom ►,ern ire tw charas, that tau •war •t(x- 1'remton Wert- u, be heard lel support air, Llama`—file menning Attaach' anyhow. tLaughter.) I'n•Nton eablbe dently 'they Calver desired in ever)- •irecitiv. osad"Iten;......... h 7.i 1., �!•rt. Till' lariat, euoverrattua ..-t, • of Mr: Cook',# statement. rel to it wank that he ulaxald gt%P r,# go to way in their µrwrr to utt:aici the u„ting bulli .. .. ..... Leta to JSs Ind war .dl tiM �Lmt of August• . of Dir basket. We. are Qwte willing gratified. _- ggtY'LeJ .the! ('cxok efhspubf , j - Mr-liltarh/e said Haut Ire h,aJ not *10,000 for tlw Fenau,roehip. UiJ you the hye�electbnw tO Mian hl/ truth In the natter. be.axt buil, Pdr awt....... 176 to r z: yl r. Frank F:. Macdonald, sllispa wnaed these, entlrmen SIR wit- c)cr Ivo rale IudtruCtlood to Ur. :ser to I%.., ter U„• J,'ath of yam I►u%iJ aiucl'1 to brhvt(- what ao lucre been mu _ l4 cmwa.,eaoa... uftwn told-tont th,t+u thi tr^ tot R K Y strength. - Mr. ItitrWe-1 wivelt t+► jolty air. lai.w, (,dela a_r �_---y- -2sw w low test. ileo then rule stir Uhser `fly' figs 4Jr. frank F:. Mac,l:rnnld, Tuiont S,-uesrcr W he rxum,n/d by h►ne.Tbeir t':wa.!rtxh to foal rt'fea•L,'t.AM.-Ment ' Ynm•Pexll,g. 1'restia►o ma1J thrtt when Rlsek•• In exprnst+ing mY appreda. ybeeN.*Ipun *ill"vrrew�... lip N ic, ::I fir- %►lhfrA L:auriea: -send- the fault ni ihr h,.u'•nt farmer, bel! names were. mentioned, and, as JIrllgetlY out. Nothing let the kind lei Ottawa lie waw Cartwn ht aw.t team:, do•b'butw” ' •"••-••-•••-• !SO w sn' y umb,rman, n ron•In-Inn „r Mr. ('ort, errunsel fur the .Scuatc. Ile thou ht ever u:uwal K eb.ay. buteberwr'.OWL...........s01r to to l:ehard ('urtwnghl. TUo ar.eh%c that thn rnrr'all) parker LN wholly walk, !)Ciel,! tea ala! ,fund by Mr. R I rq sually m^ntlnnnl ('ook anis. fir fila• ilsekenzb, 14~11-1 Aro rurr• Urntea.gra,n-fed.prr ewt...... FYo ren .,1• enrol math ♦11.w•uL link look, %#•ry p,•� 9 LhPy sfi<)u1J bel herr. air. Blake -1)W 'yuu ever Vla l4 ato►rlal c'mitt e. Nis rerolitetiun tilt- com!u!ttee will be %ere movie d., Ixtru►ard. eerr•.st......., 7 71 to a ed, lir-Oic s sold [fiat hr save r to blame fur tfirni. ]hat tl.,,t m!ttd u! iatrede. He swr►tr that h! tool n 13enntor Lymnu Jspneif tout the ala Catn.rxt t•► gel ►os, stern Y Ilo,Ir.-bn,x, per oat ......... ssn w , +.e:trersatlna with Mr. al. ('. C'Am•n,n a:u that ('artwrlghs ally peerr.kr' RrvNifl„1 to hoar She arasurunue of ,.Islam fn's alowut hm corwuul ez lnuaCon doer not memo nor wore jaamt:ov flint air. Ritchleshoued eaft yeas nod lir. Caispk7 Arte. -Na.- 1 all favurabto to Cuok. bill, tlat,the ttis two cc ns!I, and I hn%e leu d., a here' w.!b ...:...•.... la, w a"' rt `b,m.. yrs ►:his co t'. V in On(ierieh sabo ut ties, payment of y ref 'Beg.• %:a, �sr ewe ........... a m to s r., upR q a reressble thrrzreriplxe or the coo unY perounm who could throw any ra%or did; trim I rem^colter did- det-atln rRren h oef the ►arwtatr 4pwbt tJw .tfilyd wilt cin lel It• am. h am to -are. wrWt I"W rectited oar. Cu,A % R I a1QfiW h a oeuuturrhip lir ape. K gt J lcsR.11sA6kll o�...,,,41,,,._ C.r.t. Thlx- waw lel A I,gilf un the care. tiuetlY air..C'uwewn cctnUnK to m•! heel tel, b• inrrrarelJ. Ito war n tt lel tin+ actino spf the mmwillr.••. 1 auws, pere%rt................ _:, -1-ex. to . ., " Rumer, who a)N fur al fruit and pril. 1597, nnJ ire to u " titrhr; ;cul veld that ate was teal { f CI Mr. Blake uaid that he did net Jrr let air. Cooks 114-11 1f. ihr crime to sure, that he saw mts leu,! Plate i"i lint sure the geutiruaeu u( the cum' jus” ' best to tak., what he tau get. The tfie et>ncersptlou tuck place in Mr. mire to vary the twanuer of conduct- rend mentioned lir. Cuuk'r'adme y •,..' %n .o y, to h,w. a„t for #At, 1 thn sub ;•let. air. Preston latimateaf stilet! find but arae desire -to lir- !feeds. ('nmeron's hoose after tea Ili the c,,n to j %senhu), but sur the ssr,md. ' Tf t gTievauce is aano)lug enough lel' this -er% atory.' He was raying that the Ino er tunas,; tet Sir had thought but he `ler nr%ep employed by me #hut Cook. during the iter Kview, twrtAln the truth and to mainfutu The ftaLwe let LI+e marbt heron nes another Iko•utltnan wails hrcality where fruit cheap. What iteform hxtrty h.wf usa;d Air. Coot I I call, IlTrt Coir IticilarJ ('art- to e:/ -le,. C'uok. stall FenatorahLim had Leen bought tine dignity ler tire r4•nate. These• the strength of red clover, the dr- pm-dt•ijee over me, ttwt Lair 1; 1 i , aright, then the Premier, and to fill air. Binkc-Then !t it said In tho And guild• and rneatkone.l voume per sturi-ad gn:ug About ore derogatory 'mane aur whlrA is activask u wk. ,rel ,.red tkat .Ise wowW ret t wort it be in Oreat Bri(itU atld t"Adly- IA- not APPi"Uug 1hLs- ML i1, 1-heeas! with any other wifwesstes, t+aa-let. IIIIA .lir. Uuuk. WEnt to four pe p,r p�aclnr pall sur $'seat ie,' to t'It+• cfinrnctPr of rcerY `%eluates. ore &wall. {T• quota for 7.b lute fen til• next %ncallcy wfiu Na' ! Cnrwr ran replied : ' Or cuurme, yon _ Manitoba where, with fro h! charges lir. Ritchie, as a reason fur not Office and wnW, when ho ten- $beat ell re. Peestuu re, rrC r :t - Tu A[xt te,A to to the ►w/Hretaee sof iota,-_Alsake, $1170 ty qm•-_ tT1 n,wn, A« ,+costar FPi -e kWw all aborut Il. You know i! ht• - t P -T---- jure $l 4o___R"r. added, the fruit 1s dont? The leff"o- 11101 ,Id that $10,000 he would hove. cnMo. air. Biggw tend air. 1'rr;ton, to leave, flint t'utuotrou had' +lo- gl%e Ihw- named aur was nut pre,.,e• un Im oertant cart of til.• ixxf iu:i- tweball; real clover. 0173 tij $7 No p V f 7 1 per mNr wna dy+ng, cud Mr. Cux uaJ ' talion DroplNhnl by Mr. Fir ere Ir In- :r•t Ibr ntySolntw, let. Ili- rlectl ,n "old he was infurm 2d that they were manded $10.000 fi,r the position. tJ to do No. 1'rr,+t rte rued lie wares d til- of thid country, and tin! dixon•tr bashwl ; tlm )tby, $«i0 to $^..J3 per wool., R'. td Use• yru:uP a.,geth nut liketly to give their..evidelice in Aism.-\Ir. Crook hull mall • inLer%u•w•r ,+ 1 \ tebde•A to assure that the a who must have rO%t him us r,r'rigat tl:•a0 n "tralghtfurward wanner with step about aha! seuaturedt r. Ile t1ile�letterkswhlcchkl'ru.a,T wrate to trent can bP put r ■t•rp to ihu lint ��.Naelatable Wheat 3t-i-krt-. rel J:rharA Hid nut uItt sur u, efTao%, hat ('auk raid treat Is -nMt skid"irn, and et,•n i! lc o i oto# Se•natur Baker sal l fix thought air. u, ter made any rush &tut ment. (•(sett fur tho'abuile meotiag, L-• raid It write then arranged that argn' There es, prrecticreldy ter) change Is Ira tr: aUeauL, Payr n goon price shall t the ill It awhe lua%e barn only fur fsntr B[arkw'wut,) ctioa-war+ reasonable, and tl;,,I, Mr. Vama•rc,n t:ad hnrnt.xk�l l tvurth ni h`•w mtmey, and not lino hie• yr%srN, whrreno If he Aad {«siA the! fur that reas,uu he mou•d #hut the• y] ) to hi re#' nn othr'r num. • Lrt ani kIN%w Ad .r.,.0 :.a )leu r..ich mwT oltaNtld 14• heard uta tints to tttb• h•crel m,rart rill. e u w.•• . .am” lir. l:,tu,ne oxkad what era, r«II q.0 cictlm uI s nwtntlle for ¢10.000 IC Wswhl IIu%e luatevl for IItll 0,00# w y the citx in• urr+treg„1 utter til,- rea,en;-na Ainat AL the b-giuniug of tae wr.•it, wa : tour kN=inrd guar fe,r prelerrhtg o tie wpm ser fd h v nut to r ihr Pommittrr Adjourn until to-m:)rrow. fpr. Boake -DW ho,refer In any way lir. i'r(•"tun explaiurd tW, lorry by u! tlrw a!•aumittre after . the Easter tho aJvuu •u to the uutsdo nork,•t-. rotas t r tits f+n•t apyxoutn0.0t w-hrh the responsibility cannot J Jan• l+enatnr Mille naked whether the to rho settee of which I bee! s keu'I 1+10000." W +#tyloR ate• rzpe.-ted to leave Torun,•# lolkiayn. there arume A-tr)ngcr feeling, aal Mr. 0- krapl t:r,at tai• ota�rR et - i f located. Ontarl0 fruit ZromrIsr _i -a_ rt ,f,., ,. ti In•Ygtrr .ass_ ram- difficulty would occur atgaln to- Arks, -No. Noor d. -I )It-. Caioaron have in a rigor! t:m,. :ren 1 tens un -A ,11y to -- — yrlecr erre uuminLlly 1•A' ►uglt"r we rend hw.r• ttrtrni chs vivo Hw tl nese. sesp•Ct tea-tba_ mar " abeet _1L ' et- with the -r. -Be•t •soli -.. t ttlthuut cauNiuK nay Int slaw• in ti,r kW . ! t m me in the r•he•vtl �: a rJiaace to dualarguand%ery pen- Bl+tke. Yr. MncJetlaW adseultted that u[ Wltaat•oea. �m'�' -- ��, CL.RMTI - 1'' ) fitablo burlatown, both ib the Old eWarin the rm )e d i4p r!om c. m U;B Ices, basing ani' irtter�of ct.uluting hl" rtlJ:nce he vr•luptrwr a rujunt of bu-nueeae. 'Piety hes f+rn, W-r•aer'w:att ++► U06 OI q Pit • tSa+S. air Nactenstr Bowlld r iPri #kat u ria that h • e••%er trafficked 1!,/t rinse. Holler- arc firm, nut Cher vas air. l:,,k x Im(Mci«i•ntaAr a! wT#TcTf ]ire: Cmt it Prrwtllrnt. And Pi[ber of tow retinae$ Andconfldertcs - -- -- - n drrlarat, 11 Country most In tit,• North%svwl, but tilt loved lel ihr en me house WIUI him. lar. I11ate-711hen did you first hear In er tried to Sall Uuveraineu•t lo)ieF 'lents, ser Tialas• Have it« eed yrrs ass-ss:rarce. in their witnewilie the committee PIS& I er demand cud til stir "M4 Va. It u ak_ imp )t sena (rely s,xca-eel nu a bogie# of of nov settee o[ f I t until 1 in a lads tiemr+xne! Is, dettled til• ep,e,rt t ad .-_ __� lbe'Ilrltlea S;uwiwoue. r Ttieru Ir fucrrariur( cauNost ay rete est -m. Vicar g r. Il w/rtiM be lie•. Jie uuld not r.ty tlla►t he had red wuu► a cull them and compel thee& at- -I ur%er lemrd of It untU tab ufflala� his w%Ideric : la- ArnIM tau re t that honesty. It w to be lo• nl that the (xis Marilr 4iugfi wheeat. 1 sleety wt til P h •on askaed by Mr. Crwrk .tel loot ,up tenaaltce. 11r. Ritchie maid that fie Yr. U'1)ostvcll'r alt• Iwpt to Adduromr 1°-1*l a lacbr• %it watt pal W by Cook. ;o h d or A near til • c •rouult• o ekasR yesterday weer suclly the Ie;r MarSPshu Wwell maid t tat f atsts,faloer/ of Ute Flrher hell will not Mr. l' Irrun In l,cxlerfgh, wfilthce br hxd o0 obJectlon to the witae,res til! Hrwoe of C.,mmuns Iw Ir1sA• petal find . Mr, Blooms, det '1Cke Aon a of the ex,aa door And tried to G) lir ilia• same um n week Ago : Nat 1 hard• M.•. sntyrNt• n, before a pnrdnmenr Do devRroyrd 1n Comtnittuu lei the g't n In w,noner. n with aIle Pur- 1 ng nip1 and Biggs beteg cnlleA a0 oentroeat JP red u n any coo- nem resew the cur0,rltlew of l'ar• t-• wrr•' u••t &u re•,tricte!, wbolw thaw, r och+caner. There ane no long lir ho had t►he rel ht to crone -ex- p 1e# ul ectrlolue Y!"tPrtlny. R \u. _ IurJ, 7f1, : 1;,. S lanb d n ; N,'. Li sten r• ____ opo Prem^ t when the) were talking. R rkle•ratiun front also C.wt7 AaM.-No ; lu:roeotncy erratury. Tu�'r. ha%• ix en g no,rtha•rn, 0a I -;!o ; to h Nn.' 0 alae e. osier- Mhal lies, wowed v amine them. 11 r. Iltrkr(s Tertillrr, aaR ) ! Tile conve wition took 6e? in to ` Che whUln!-llnewllaia between my/elf Kg . % years Boron ►iralagr mp•echrm til Ixrlh Hoawrs hard, $:k; Lough No. 8 wurth•ros&Yc; are (arid. _: M Cook's KI air S. C, RJ + who sum How would It du to allow the paw- Rhteoys Cull \\'oris. sad cullnatnlest Wna ns to alt. Cook's u wax C-ok d to 1 l,o:, nam the next ice [,mer. 'Poe Gamulls /p!ecU of the all do •Lure Fort. William. sp of or ell plc lttutr_'I1'uat 1s, mii abet we v�tyl _pfter tea. Th! were claims for services rendered. and had rw Duke U( Welli •t :n inn be recatied. I - pie of Manitoba to vote on that ralf- smoking riga s ai thc'tlroo.3�o %cRe ,41t-- W. wIIw4w, 1[- rAW U,i,11z toiJ.Waw Crew• a!' J rout♦• t, lk acrd ore F rt Nie mad plate vl e e4./i t traal nay restrict ,'• I cramp to hila sad /cid, ' N'aaC eiu ate �ot?t"ut to der �whL►►- ' ; Hrre W a vrrr -I- report t►[ !t: "lfy Nu. x at 8'Ju lel stWn Furt tvl;lisa# Ma l'',_k-1 sad to C�artwrf wa or deal . They would get Ito» to And the ware here fpr ten• but Mre- y Mr. Blake -Did • you support halm . Tw-ii'BI!"Yrtt7tT:e t "in tfUt� "t1r•. - ) MaulunoW shad rotirexi. Tha con- thank of rant damueJ ecouadrel, pets .( ritx• to ihr pxartY fundi, nnJ dnTII[f6g''tT"Tltr da11'-m:nd iwerla•+*'-- - become acgtaaln with iii terms sod Ape. -'I am no! quite sort- tthat 1 aStJ learus.,f hrJ read Bull that I aon't 1 r,•rslffoa at ret voce to the welter Preston 7 He wooled me tO 1xiY .Iw.taglrt Cwk ro+•atlulaerl $IU.IXJW n• Tho oouaLrY wheat market Ir dull rust tell me,, relxl 1 kn ,w runt thea arkswPr . _ or nR 1 /aOutd arwwor flint, bell I .- will Lst:! nmuotot: H,• know that tele lSrua- air)r.rr,tatnl th4 bill. \fall, 'my Iwdr• The Lal► price y,loted to hrmere h l+n,l A -,.0d ),.0 with ro.,uey. 'I . t f E y' deet wit lust fortg, lout two or throe $10.:00 fcx A srnatnrrhlp!" Mt Cuuk atrelcll u pont utxl 'ra) that I dW all i can as Is that I read the Intl 8,c l rem, a'ttltAg to withdraw. Thm F wan ver an r .torelai) m:tttcr Wien under'cunrlrJuraa• per Mlshel for bel Rndrr t.( minutes. 7 [ 7• always xupp frt film. There! were no aiO:t leu ('spok'w a rvi claws. thnt rr•'►al It twice• that 1 when t, n b from that , r The Minn(rs„ta sea tAx,n•anrefur H,r%e did est In xluca the sub- air. Hancoca to lir. Illake-T Raw %acancilr ttuat Ar euuW p lciug irlxoht the prl:es rang, all that t.a,.m pimre' betareen u" y t!I at lir lOcufad lila aim" fi ills bre%• get in 1lit18 J l e, p ritfon. !ti read It tie"- tI'me*, Lod If after Licit dowel to 5lk-, according tit gtiallt ) x46• tires h:,d locen upeul(vl otter if e'( t" noted air. Itlak I ih(nk. Uhl y rex M 1897. Mr. Milt and Mr. CoA mune• r o so gg-o meal I be I don't utwterstrtnd til^ bat, why. til •n, M►, Creole w.•no of W tiny to at nrnr no I eon rotate, hat i /reed I stag LnaceJ from.tlw w,wxti In Nu%rtn were to be a '-tterl before air, rcriltnl o;r tis• law unit toll lin It Icrdw, aN ! ItaN to ten is that "1 grain and roto of freight. tl'Inm sea ns' fourguw,n Ji. 1 Ic! ret n rite yen are - triol. It o%P,t'L'S be tier, which' WAN a little before thl+. PPo'- wuold lir criminal to May a Senator• y per (Y)mmeretal. I+ermwlfib 4LZIU* fur A senator, thought Mr.CoOIE Ila(] n brr•n trent- Cook• anti be tied not object to that, i must bre a drtmned "tupnd fellow.' f a pru;lft ewrcr of frau, Aid fnll.sl There wLR leo unusual Ilnly! In ihr. chip, nod pointed split til+• . mat Il"ffalte Markel. Mr told en triter%6sw with the fn its T V-51- rrls," Mr. llnealr► old replied• a tfiee when Mt. 1'rerlon called. i think. Mr. Cook was tolyl more than Tho la/t time n foreign tuogue ems tiiajeisTTo # %cu once Wtat thine gwnttenlen would lie •lifferrnoe between ttocit' scud heard In the Ilona" ,,f Comronnd, If R;,ee atrxf Lamle--OtfrrinR+. ►" 11 ('. Cnnnnnu, w►&r ngwcRrt tj nlUlt liltrt? 'TfiIii-P cater Th -E case-Tti)r-Xe,..-WMIjlc! Is ritau:at, µarty wbmeriptlonR. l -n, xro the our IuaM; active Armatxl ; Moics to ere Beet Nurun, unlit ufterw'ardN ,f )rule-tlreA vebk•i/w. for Dirt having,appinted It to the Stppoi,td before 81m. res rare mit r Mr.k 1:•e11, "" _ and !rex Mr. alnrrIl. He W,vw an+h•r alio! Imprayl*eon rrtnt of ileo! N. it'. T. hi - 11enatbrsdiP•" Harsh ('rmss-F:)istelder. that title wake Wfura thn inlervk-%r refined to M Mr, tAAmnad ha JUV^- era iamb, $5.9(1 . ge: newst_.to-- tzlJac intFrTTewiritii Canteron Y �Slr \\'Iifr1A Teatllle., fic•nll+w of hlR ur.mpntrlspl'r lnuucn ateliee, 3.75 to;. 5.90; PommnL to a Vow will Mr. liChltr►e mor rel• Q -In wish tern)o did y t lied Y R air. Marsh then rruvn-;-xnmim!d Wt tr±lwery Couu•ruL cal himw•If ntul tum. But Mr.. IteJm .red Wad wr,,a fair, 5.'f. to ,INI. til o, Pho1r!e U, aim, doyens b.r 1.+01 a•Ith t+ir Idch fault t .\.-That ho had dewier• i the Cr,erk. At this Interview fill :lull Pix~ 4 R $ is ; 5 ; g to p'o)icr, (Itll -life req .1ugu.t air. l'nnn qr Inge that Col. Dsvt'e miMNioil to n- air. Illake thea called ou Sir n"11- Rirhard. To Mr. )lurch, Sr Richard bt ren in t oat lir. Aternham mild^ extra, $5 to nPlx,lrtmrnl ; that ha Ind w ted frd LArhrier. The ;t'renler, on hay. said thnt ns no un ns tine Minicit-•rit (-Alneron J:uwt diex,moed tl,e Senator. a )ea•ch In Welsh. It was col as $5; cU ed 85 to $5.:i... - rlttrn h#m. Mr. jok-ld :' tarlo to buy borate" for the Brlt h lin for the Sq y. $J.T3 to pppp ht' P:Irty', RM► Iliad nut illy' iltg loon sworn, ra41 tltaL IIs wur wen! eWorn In In ltl9d Mr. l'uok wvas oitip togMher. ('nanwnrn "Hill l;cx)k the 9pr•nker volt, n pxarl of hfN Npr•ech. Pugs-fSu ly debt, 14 loraatm; prises Mrin�.l h •m Ila! lir. Cumrrou army. nix! to. e•tabli.h the. remotin worked belt onapot aosaWeralAo nloI y Premier in July, 11x90, mood w•am I'rr-. t►th finud.nnJ let In his al•plfcatluo {ler find nut dons ns uiuuh tea ho rialuosf PD Iry Mtt,•rm returned tram Mr. ( 1 +twpots for which lion. %fr It„as, has for thein. P The oclamlon was til, nppuinttn•nt 5c to Ilk holCheir, under recti%,• dr NM alit oiler tai -Jiffy. - A wriatormhip. Mr. Corok batt awaety Irta 1114 f1:riter � tire party. On his of a judge fur a Wrieh euunly covert, tasmod. Hoary, 46.23 to 10.;10; 1'ork- wltech k Ir. l'.r,k fired krpL c♦ Q.-\tsliut ill he may lel yowl in re- tvar(a.ei i.► t ifs, teem negotiating, Is So result of Rome, Mr. Ll,ku real ra and otvitt that su bject. N mail S:r .Sir d ullon ae- Ilifggr► r mnn"trnllnK ('dmenm rinid: %vile ronld not m{$volt Che native inn' ere. $6:10 t0 $6 15 �fgs, $li W1 to p+q P f A. -Ti.! eahe 'Of cuurae, yriea Ir N'Ufrid Laurie^ and other mum- xnbject. .As Baru rt* sir Uu%id Ono- "Well. 1.!t film allow hi” loynhty %%'nY gunge. The W# lab mrmlwrs were lo• $3.95 ; roamoe. $3.40 !W $5.70 ; sttags. k ill-yx{'T'fiat it sliOuld l ylank /talon from the Tory pl,tformT kn tv all nbmt It." •re, of tire caulnet fuel ullered Mr. phernun died• Mr. Cook presented hi" d,tem he lot allow It by nubocribing r' dignant, anTfought the matter uut etatp. 44:5 to 44.T.. Clurcd term shown thnt. An effort w•an n ' -- - Q. %Yhrtt did he mann by taint ! A.- ut a Leon'-)rolup sub• the pu)- (Ilaem•. Them! elalmd worn that ha heel Ile (lliggv) asilled what guarantee in dr!tritr. Tiw AlGrrnry General, lnaedon Wow$ Sales. ametr•, tit- orieftnet. If they t+ ,'o• C The Nest' Yurek b01 to prsp%ble lhnt Tbat nam %hat i_ w•nnt+,l to fleet ml- t of " 0,000. oer%ej the party faithfully and b,nK, they wuold hu%a flint Cook would a;et who has now become Lord ('hint Jas• During the wtaxxitl series 211iiall" � ''[• � hen til,• n,pkw teiighi . u"xolio printed let the )Hato be cif nut ani. that du you any t,) that "toter nada• %:arias rx{x!udilurem on hHotif the. f?PlI.Iturship i! the nxoney w•as tie, of England. def^aided the alq„dset- looking WP�,• 1►%allablP, lit whlrh IN* Thi " th •r• w-tr till' ren. Q.—I)I you know anything about went it it tree :' asked lir. iahike. (.f the Re-form µarty Mull that Ilia "ubscribwl. Caroerun "aid tlwy would ment, terpruIng that tate judge'm ignoe: 0.1 were entail ueJ. Tho ,smttnws "Poe Il hall Au: brn RhOwn lege" t i,nn n cx•rtnln vise cif ty{w, ihu it t A.- did nut know :uhy mora :,Ir 'tlfrld Laurier -It in utxruiute- Tamil lad stone s), and rticularl �t 'g p►• (nnlernn w:ele +a11 n ! ! po Y sinew li tato chaitcea. $ostler fie had aitc(- ,.f \\rrt,. ten/ nut a prnetical 1+h,uRht BY,lXJO tin hs, the bums era t Mr. Ritchie %n« nntadbef that ulojeal Twlseg fu oprtre ihu ryes of than lhnt r. Cook heal b.•un ao air ly out e. that he haul dar#w Ila bat fur Mr. slat that n Nubrtrl tlron wt.l•f Im- Inrans•niPnrt,, it W:en an uUlnet7 94AM. Amerwn 4;1(X1 and iALIN", ttoMsle,m o -et t the renders undue! strain, has been Vllcit"t fur at that time. Mr. 6 e-Dfd you directly or In- Mackenzie when fie ra•tirml. Jie woo 1M h a !„ ) Pro%•o •:Ihr rhnnr,w o getting the poo_ rrannrk for Bee ltichnnl VI'eb.+ter, aur wars entrlarl utero I•'dlowing aro t•' P+r"rl R.•nPy noel hs• !r')' killed. The Q• -Yule no t hentd of nnJ off+!& dlrec•tly v re, for glee him r listawlor- picraccuted by Sir Johan Macdonald In itiun. On Coot being called rep Iligl(R It brought up "Masterson- and 1,,ord ,tel s Rules: gt'111g I'll In #fie- w;ay publlshcra spf prsyeeued of $10.0001 A I olo nut think so. nhtp lel eo ideratlon fur the a a matter roncerning a t,mbnr limit, maid Fo, three eat them fmA prolm&bly confers how booth Walar, 5.100 1,111"! nert;d. {� other religious broke mustered til! W l ptraett- Airentotiw world Mr, 1bMtrrwlid_ Wo uld I1 n,A I Q:=