HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-4-4, Page 1THREE "A'8 "
APRIL 4, 1901.
OOotth0a4 April 3, 1901.
Fall Wnms 9 63 to et
e lune family. per eek..., ...,f 10 to r 10
moor. lean', per cwtf 60 to t SII
Prato V ton.. ....o 13 00 toll 00
Bbort.. 1 too.ne.se... I6 00 lull 00
eicrren loge, per ewt 100 to I NJ
Rye, per buten 0 10 to 50
Huck obese. par book 0 40 to 50
Oats. 0 bask .................._,Yp le to
Yea.. p bush ............. .. ss le 67
harlot, per bulb 37 to 3N
gay, 9 es 60 to 00
Potatoes.. 1111
0 bask . • •r ....r 0000- t) a 36
... •. ..........•-....- 16 to 16
(Obsess. per IM.... ...... ....e10 to 11
Rows, (rub nop.Mkd. f/ As9 to is
Wood .-.......-.._. 00 10 00
111... -.....-.................. 00 to 50
Lion lotlklos .._. 60 to 70
Live Hese 76le 00
Dressed Hap - 60 to 73
10 to 13
H•000. r Ib.. ... ..
M 15 to 15
treed rHMf lingo 4 0 00 b 00
Dressed lister. Ids! 'A 0 00 a W
Cattle, Ordinary
zxport .... 6 75 to 50
I. ry 300 to; 50
s.31tdatlone Vacant.
good girls as 000k, parlor1N
d and
bouern,•Id. Apply
lUdgewood Park. Ooderlch. fftt
Model Tailoring.
general publlo that we have •gala
opened out • tailoring e,1Wishment over
14r*o01' Fair, corner of West street &.d the
South*. We gu•r.0tee ail our work equal to
the beet acs trod.. Strictly cash and one
prioe only. WM. STAPLETON. Nit
Publlo Mottos
Indebted 00 me either by 0000001 or
Dote will pleas, call at my store in the rear of
the Bank of Stoma.ro° as It's my Int/tattoo to
have a settlement ea soon as possible Balsam)
of stook will bo sold cheap. G. N. DAVIS.
Apel 3, 1901.
We have a full Ilse of fruit. on•meotal and
evergreen trees at ,,lowest possible prime.
W , lie to u• at came for catalogue Plena
order early sod ..our. the varietiesou
want. Address l EST. JOU. B rK W AOT,
ben,neltsr, Ont. It - Im
For Rent.
11 hoose os. Anglesey .frost, µ p t 00-
twined by Mr. Bissett. For particulars ply
W Mro LOUISA REID, Lakeview, Elgin ve.
1 south half of lot 00, M0tl•ed eeeeeeglerl
Ooierlok toweehlp, oomprlaing 67 sores. Two
rood orohards on the pr 00,07 w111 be melod-
ist .iso. The pl•oe is well teemed •qd thereim 11
tee ab nedaes enpply of water. Apply to W M
MoMAT1f Ooderioh. P.O., or to CURTIS
9TEvgNg, Clinton. too Im
Uncle UnIrtoke 115 on Doak
Ono. More
• Melly ere toot Friendship. Tbe strange
Ways of thine Oe..i.s and Meat./21-
TO. Army and Navy-• Jot at Oar
Growls( Materialism.
DARTMoCTU, N. 8., Month 30, 1901.
Say, Mr. &Beer, t6•0 w•" right kind of
you h put 0.6.1 little tail to my note sod
ask me to keep on written ; bol 1t Is • pity
that you dt.io't let me know , and
hays saved my mlptoioas. There's • heap
of Trouble caused to this world on •000u01 et
Biondi" forgetting to observe these little bit*
of oenndsr•No0-wrttto& or explaining
whim More get out of year. Few real
friendships are suddenly broken os.. le is
gensr•lly a mato*, of drift and •way afore
limy know It, ted sheathe pergolas 0000uo•
ed are either too proud or too mutt to be
the first to own up sod get things squared
.gain. Yes, ter ; folks don't often plunge
of from their bloods ; It le usually • oaseol
d"h.--drift-drip. The good ship Nrtenn
ship seldom goes down In • storm. She
g eoenlly.dr.fte off le an almost doted palm,
and is now beard of again. As Tom
Moore remark" of sundered frlendsbipe
"Llk. some Bets ship gone down at sea
Wbeo heaven wee all tranquility."
Bot in your cath It '-ter all ,near,. 1 oaoq
you. line afore we got too fat apart, and
you bave made It fiat 04040 ; and I hope to
keep within spe.ktag dietetics for • time
yet. Bless me, I've been prb•obt0t again !
Say, Mr. Edgar, down this *ay It looks
as If Cook has got In the wap. Id' • toot
ChM hen Siloam manor to • w ry all
roam!. We have • sold• Senate rich ..here
e Nov. Soot's. All of them but two' ro
.alta. A few years Kan nearly all of t6•tl\
were Torles,and when the Liberals matelno*
pewee the feeling was so strong 16.t every
sew :levator who was thereafor •ppotored
was pledged to abolish the Semite whim the
Grim got • good round majority Well,
we got the m•jorlty. The Opposition hays
just two left le the Senate, and when the
Tory whip goes on 16e hunt for the relit of
Me party at divteiov time he looks like •
gander looking for • stray g wee among s
filet el tarke ..
Rut the LtbsrslM.n&6ers they hove long
heads. They got two Trio. and • Grit,
the leacher onnetI1.Iiovsl lawyers of 06e
roeiow-tad o
the ()
Opposition M lbs ...nest -to give
epM !n1to Ms Abe, *has as It Is wrong
sod IMEI tlw.*e a please a .00sptloe
♦ Sen•torgb,p ! Aud the poor fellows s e
+soared of pen.tu0t,ary or the Tower d they
carry out their promise to •boltsh the Mon -
ate of Nov• Soot,. ! Some of those P•e-
yioo,sl Seaton tip the beam a 000,1 800
lbs. each, but taken all together they 101 •
pretty "slim" crowd It'. • foot.
The ammo of our S.oator• 1n this mallet
remolds inc all the story they tell of Hume
and Lord Russell.
The noble lord h..ye to Hume at dinner,
"What should be the aim of levitation Y'
The old pb,loaopher he replied, '•The
greatest good to the greatest number.'
• Then Lord Austell he says, "But win•►
do you meso by the greatest mutineer
Hume he laughed slyly, and says, "Why,
Number Uo., of course "
'1'61, here tslueooee Senate is just now
look1.4 Our Number Ooe
Soy,Mr Editor, 1 Doe that Major Det,
the British military •Met, a over nerew
aorta buying horses 1 oleos theold
country fellows will soon get on to the foot
that this le the land to grow beady hones,
and •Iso hardy men. The British army
ohope have got over regarding u1 as x lot of
Johnny Rows. it's • tut Our mounted
men, sod their heroes, did just • little mon
than the ,tint given them, and so the
gallant Major is back oxalo.
Hu presages reminds me of • little yarn
about • fellow who was anxious to make •
little money out of hors -baying wbeo the
war excitement was on some time ago
Die chap ins didn't kat'', much about
'Arline., but he had • good sized wad, and
wanted to maks OO bigger by dultog In
A farmer over at West Chezz.tcook
palmed off on him an old skate ss an ant
nisi that the British buyer would jump .t
sod give • fancy figure for. The amateur
buyer he brought the old plug book. and he
g ays to the farmer, "The ol8oer he refused
.vee to look at this animal The horse
Isn't fit for lbs army.''
Tt., ohtld 04 the soil he looked as 10000.ct
as • lamb, and he say., "Is that so
Toon, why didn't you try the navy Y'
Sy, Mr. Editor, 1 •m setting • little
tired of bearinp so much in Parliament,
from the pulpit, tend through the prey
shout the materiel prosperity of the
.povutry It is all : "Look •t nor trade.''
"ceaot our •ou." '•Mark the growing
wealth of our country.` "We're so many
mitl•o\s ahead of whet we had a oaptt.l
years ape," Well, let ut look around and
he grauf3h but not bosetful But what
.re we I''YtoM.! Are we growing fairer to
our deelmgo, more jolt in our judgments,
wider In oar loth/fulness! 1 tell you, l am
just m lone with Einenoo-out the man who
licked H.ok Powell .tat Westmoreland last
Noyember, but the old '•000rd philosopher
-when he says : "Tbe 1. s lest of dyhl.
Wiest is not Lathe fangos, er the sial of
one est Mom
For Salo.
Huteklses's sonny with ad
foonert owood by Mn. Olins. Alfg& M
progerty h Saltie 4. oowpei.lag onto
quarter of "'nacre or more, with good frame
house and outbuilding's. Then eve • number
of first Maas fruit trees on the ground.. Apply
I/J011N M•INTVRE. oo the premises. or
hluord P.O. n 1m
000/2 011. -For w1e on reasonable
memo the proper.y known as the Distillery
lends, being part of block "I" In the Town of
Uoderlon, containing about b acres, with
buildings and water rights on the River Min-
ialard. For terms apply to OARROW ft OAR.
ROW. .01101tors fee the voider.
FOR SALE. -LOTS 96. 96, 117, 118, 119
and Its In Hotobleoa'e survey. •11 In
Oodertoh. Poe p.rtleuW • •pppI7 to
Barrister. to,. Oodortrh.
M•roh 1(18.1900. 1414
Lot n. eowoeesiaa It- Ciderton Town
"Ho situated 11 miles from Ifo mesvlUe. H
00:111 from Clinton. Good buildings. recces.
orchard. wells, and spring creek. A ood 5.0
of f•11 wheat. Terms reasonable. For pertle-
nl•n apply to THOS. tUNDRY, auctioneer.
Ood rich. lett
1 cls farm knows as the "Ceased*,
Farm. ' thing Z. welts 1w, oonoxwioa 1. Nast
Wswt ooh, 100Nacres cleared and 'n
• good state of oultivation. 1 acre bosh.
There is on the plass • good two .tore7 frame
dwelling Armee 14z20 with wing 10e34, and •
rod stone cellar. • frame barn 161.70 with
stone enables tondos, ( thereof good orchard. 2
Rood never falling spring wells. The soil Is •
g ood clay loam, about 70 sores In grass. Booth
of fall wheat, and some f•11 ploughing. The
fares are good. It ie on a leading gravel road
convenient to ^.burehe., school, eo., i mile
ronl the village of Auburn. 6 miles from
AI)rh, 12 miles from the towns of Godench
and o lonton. This is a very dss'rable Platel-
et) poor or waste lead.
t or toll particulars apply to PHILIP HOLT.
solicitor for the rate of the late Mrs. Cane
Musfo. -
0rzanut .o4 mwloal dlrooeor of North st.
Methodist rhuroh• and teacher of pianoforte.
pipe organ and theory, w111 be ple•eed to re
0.1000 pupils. Instruction (Ivan either •t
S tudio or at pupil's home, as desired. °tudlo
at Omenn'. Music Store. Weett. 72-tt
BICIANBand sorgsooe. Oar in Hank
of (•ommeroe band,,(, west side of Agnate.
N' ght tills at residences.
Shan"on. Dr.Gallow,
old reeldenoe- Nattier .t. Ebel', at, w,
'Phone M. 'Phone ft.
InsUrwles9 oto.
ANCE and real estate agent. Offbia• on.
door east of P. 0., (loderloh. Agent for th-
IMAInt mntnal fire Insurance oompantei and
Imhoff et et eomp•nine
Mercantile a.d manufacturing risks at
bw''tt rates. Call at ofnee.
• Accountant and In.nnnoe Agent.
nooksamounts made rap
Fire Ineenrgnne In British .04 Canadian
CUmdeoj o
.tree OodwohndfoM L Hato' otSnl4440
RURANOW and Raul taste agent.
s, 1ife, Acoic%,t•nd Plate Glass Ineur&sal
l tM mutual or eplan at wine
English sad Contain esecee me fiP
ko 184 len her ' 46..ilio(. ear.iki , len - Ole 1 lid
00 MLN the oouotry tarns oa
Thu looking so mooh at the ma . aide
of things moiled. me of • story I • d of
so old fellow east of here who was a m•
Publlls Node,.
of tins sbenhabien of the Goderioh
Curlier' sad Misting Association wllt be held
a w
the not ho e- on Monday evening, the &6
lost , at R o'oloo for the election of direotor
and .cher business
Qedenoh. Matob Ist1. It
QM the oousoll et the town el Ged will
undertake the ooaotrootfon of outdo*. Moue
e ipewalks on the following streets know 11 :
CR: was f' :
•>gsxxyrwx ;A
o S;Sro rvne°+ay
Ir n o . p.0
erg. ,tee. rrw.
If .
The above sidewalks an to be cotter rooted
noose the provisions of the Mnnlolpal Art
and the Local Improvement Hrltw No. 7 of
IMAM this municipality. and unless • petition
against each *operate improremmt or work
signed by • m.ioritY In number of the owner
repreaaotln0 •t feet one h.if of the real prop-
erty to be ass emeel be promo/vied to the scorch
within one month from the Iasi publication of
thls notice the proposed improvements or
work' will be undertaken .04 spooled a.ee.t
moots therefor will be made by 000 domicil.
J. C. MARTIN Town Clerk.
Chairman Hoard of Work'.
Goderioh, April 006, 1001. 21 ft
next 4001 to dam HamDtos areatlasrew t s.rww, fdtr
EapheadaL.IdAssaal WNW
Fnr • r'*resl ty„ only le • ppmltivc ,rare for
spinal diorama. hip Morse. Inflammatory oohed
'''ns. bent, IvmAag eerelook throe'
am son loraphealon.. sprains MIRl
1e1nt., moors sed MI.kl,Are1 Ales..•.
It hag oleo boon toned .core for throat of
6000o,. ee
In hues* Nene g0nlo* without
R the trade mark os. labels •n! wrap
tom • 0
ni1 K. A. MoloesG
s•a Liniment. ods
intstamped on w as mai on mea bottle.
Mlanufaeinrwl e11y by E111'HaMIA A. Me
11,121eNant, e ine gg 1ewtet RM rt
prepotar, thew
stout. WY stot. seskllah Osd 1sd1
11 Twine will h. cold at the Eleg,an Pon.
Nentl•r1 to farmer, In •unh quantities*. mor
be desired, for cast on deliver), at the follow
mg Pilo"
He•ver fit rens per pound.
Niel .,. 0 .. ..
New Zealand -
Pero Manila, O10 Not to
pnandi .. I1 •.
Address all rmmmunlestlone. with remltan-
.he,te.l. M. PLAT f, Warden Penttonti•ry,
Kln,Hon Ont.
Papers PapeInserting thee entire without .nlh0r
IIx from the King* printer will not he paid
Iseoen. Marsh t t 190E
time and • usurer. He was always I,oklttg
out for the dollar. He visited the piaci* of
• friend 00os, who has s tine flower and
vegetable garden. The plant* were to
bloom, and the bright/tem and the 'rowan*.
were just glorious, sod everyone who 11.d
been there was fall of proles, of the flowers.
The miserable old oodper he went into the
garden, and he locked around, and rubbed
his hands, and he pay., "Them poo*to.e
will bring yea • right smart figure."
The owner be got rtled, and he .y.,
"When mon or women oome here they go
Into raptures over my flowers ; hat when •
hug •relyle boom' **soothing but potato's."
I hope my readers will ate waning.
U.R. A. Palen.
1 "biota' end Dominion Govesomool. lost
o ok in the lstere.ts alt Lb. Manitoulin and
• North Sloth Railway, Premier Roth was
u :ervle w*d at 'Toronto ou Wrduo.d•y •uJ
16*. 9l'lllr d L,urter at U.lawo oho following.
Any The deputation was reo..yed very
ourdtelly to both crew sod their repr.wu'.e
tion• mat wife an enoeofaglnx response
from.•on of the Premier.. O. A. Mrgsw
joined the deput.tLw los welting wow Hun.
Mr. Roos Mr l'.mpbelt rsturoed home
Friday night and Mr. Williams went on to
Montreal ou other business, returning home
I this week.
IT Poor To DIAL AT Hons.-A business
firm In G.d.rlob who had rotten, ly planed so
order for some oommsroo.l stationery with
an outside firm made Lhe discovery the other
day that the same goons could be got .t the
offioe and at • much lower Gum the was
paid to the outside firm. The dlaoovery
eau somewhat of • surpnfs, .od the firm
will not in future give an order for printing
outside wit bout asking for prices from a local
Io.. This la only one iaaooe of m.uy In
whlob It might be shown 'bat ,,ding
•w.y for goods that could be got at
home was not the sovoomiwl oo0rss ; and,
besides, 1n helping the home dealer yea help
yourself' Oar business men will find THE
SIGNAL ',moored Moray, to meet legitimate
onmp.II110n, and th.t In moat oases better
value eau be hod •0 the home odic,.
A '1 Misr. -At the Moss of the regular
meeting of the C.O. h. on Tweelay everting
the members, no the vary kind l0yttat100 of
Bro. Thos. Burrow., m•roh.d in • body,
twenty in number, to Bro. Blaak.tene's
restaurant, where • sumptuous supper was
provided for the brethren. After supper .
vote of 'basks to Mr. Burrows for his k'od
noes wee carried unanimously on motion of
A Saunders and Peer Rod. Mr Burrows
made • thimble response and Bros.. We.
Edward and Ed. Mucro, who were new
members, were nailed upon and gave
speeches. Bro. H. Bisokstone on request
recited,"1 Leave Tomorrow," and music was
furnished by the orob.str• during supper.
After the singing of "H.'" • Jolly Good
Follow" the jovial gathering brought their
evening to • aloes with toe national anthem.
HURON COUNTY', Portl.ATio,.-t.ounty
Clerk Lane has made up from the assess
moot returns of the various ma0iolp•Iltiss a
table ,bowing the population of the county
of Huron In 1900, u follows :
Goderlot 2.413 Osborne 2 326
I:rey 3,387 Wawanoeh E. 1,933
Hoy 3,452 W&wanoeb W. 2,055
Howlok 3 781 Brussels 1,228
Hallett 2,838 Birth 880
MoKlllop 2.653 Clinton 2,433
Morris 2,485 Exeter 1,846
Saoley 2,146 Goderioh 4,054
Stephen 4,098 Henri!' 893
Tuck.rsmlth 2,467 Wingh•m 2 183
Turoberrry 2,161 Rayfield 570
Colborne L802 Se•lortb 2,426
Ashfield 3,166 'W,ozewr 483
A BuI1gL6•('Its4os.-N m. Barrow., the
well•known ssedsman, hes token into part
oer.htp hie too, Thomas, who hen been
aesooiaad with him in the bo.toese for many
years and In fact 6.e grown up with It.
Tia firm name Is Wm. Burrows & Son, sod
or• wish them continued and increased pro,-
'%lt■ Cs,Nro.-The census takers are on
theiryounde armed with • large number of
I•terregatlon marks. This enumerators for
the verieue sub dl•tetoos of the town are :
No. 1, Jos. f3reokenridge ; No 2, .1 H.
E award ; Wo 3, John Knox ; No. 4, S.
Alexander; 11o. 5, E. R. 1Vatsno ; Na. 6,
(Jo. Frear ; We. 7, John Crary*, jr.
-M H Unlmago, formerly of toe staff of
Tim Ourmi., was one of the spanker. In •
debate at Guelph Iamb week• under the Aus-
pices of the Epworth Leagues of the pity,
on the subject, "Resolved, that 10 is to tth
iotereeu of British Coluwtbla to ezolude the
Chinese." Mr. 1)ulm.go supported this
negative, to whom* favor t decision was
Digo 1' CAI.Irn0NIA -18. Irisod. of
James Edmonutoo., of Riverside,(.i.ldornl•,
formerly of lioderloh township, will learn
. 1 h smooth hof the death of Mb
ynanreat moo, Hugh Allao,whioh 0000rtpd at
R verside on the 26'b of F.bruary, of hart
(allure. The young man wail twenty Eli
year* of •R.. Mr. Edmoo.tooe wrot. 10.6
no was soodlno a Rivenida paper oontalolog'
• reference to the sad 0000rr.uoe, hot ft bail
not come to nand. (lar deepest sympathy
Ie tendered to the bereaved.
Lt•o.Now ULFIATLD.-Tor SIONAt, said
tut week Gast the skating rink was closed.
So It was ; but it opened again with the
ohaog* to cold we•tber,and on /today night
• heokey m*teh wee played aro the toe, th.
Lurknow team returning the slide which
the (iodonoh juniors made to the Sepoy
town • few, weeks ago. The Lacknow play
ars were much heavier than the lioderloh
boys anti It Is said that two Listowel moo
wore on their team, but helot. the
wars defew'ed by the more of 8 to 4 to an
.toltth4 game.
THLiK I,AYT Marrivo.-The Voting Mee'.
Llh.rsry and Debating ('lob broke rap tut
Thursday livening alter a series of meetings
continuing through the winter month'.
The principal featates:of the olodng meet-
ing were a brief ,tech of tho I11• of the
poet Loy by Stuart 1'rho6.rd sod • *pieo-
cld address from Malcolm Macdonald upon
Soctlano's pe•.•0t hard, his Ili., his works
sod hie ob•noter. Proylsioo was made for
t6e reorgantztilos of tbs club nowt tall
should there be aaalboleotnumber of young
men desirous of joining tO guarantee its
MARI,k NOTLO -• Capt. James Inkster
h•0 boon •pot inted first otfiner on the Geo,
moment fisheries patrol boat petrel. This
appoint mom has brnorht about some oh•og-
ss In mho tairier. of the God.rloh fiehin■
fi•tt, Capt. Dan. MnKy teklnq Capt. int.
sta.'s place In chores of tis* tog Mu King
Rad Robert McKay taking his father'* plan.
ae captain of the Sea Gull Orlando Grif-
fin, son of Joseph Griffin, gaoler, has been
appointed M • position ea tho geveenmenl
e arthy boat Bayfield. Capt. McGreger 1.11
Iwo w.ek for Owen Sound to take oharga of
the Itsyfl*Id for another gnomon. Th. boat
has hem lying of Owen Sonnet threagb the
winter and has boon thoroughly repaired
and raneyaeed
1NTMvItw'IN0 01111 GGv
Williams, pr•ldene, and Wm. Campbell
repr.a*aad th. (ied•1ob Board 01 trade es
eke depereee welch w0Mrl epos Ike Pro•
Total 60,1
SCHOOL BOARD MzrriNo.-Tbe regular
meeting of the psblio sohool hoard was held49
Yip Moody evening There were present
R.MaLean (ohairalan) sod Mess,.. Aohoeoo,
Colbllrne, Nicholson, Ball, Cralgis sad
Reid. 'sa'he prinolpel's monthly report
showed ito oumtar of boys on the roll was
259 and of girls 268 -total, 527 The average
•tteodanoe of boys was 227 and of girls 220
-total, 447. TOM le a percentage of 85
The editors' repolt was received and filed.
The following account" were ordered to Lo
paid : The Sar, prlilt1ng, $1 50 ; C. A.
Humber & Sno, clock Mt St. II►vid's ward
school, 11 26 ; Peter MoEwar. , 13 40
An order was pawed for the p.ynuut g.4 A.
Goldthorpe for 74 cords of wood, at the con-
tract prloe Mr, Roll gave notloe that he
would move at the next meetlop to hand
over tbe books in the library vet 0004 by
the teachers to the ,ubllc library board:
AMATII•R HYP'OTIme.-Tbe Stratto,d,
Herold states that the pr•o"os of hypnotism
among the children of the ofty has naohed
such alarming proportion, as to o•n11 the
publlo .ohnol board to take action for Its
suppression, The craze is paid to be th•
result ot the visit of s profeeslonal hypnotist
to the oily recently, and eosin small children
attending the publlo schools hays been
copying his methods to the extent even of
o0t0toq their oomp•ntoos le • cataleptic
state and sucking nine In them. The
Herald quotes • emotion of the onmmal node
which It thinks will apply to .00h pr otioes,
and warns the amateur hypnotba to beware
of piecing themselves within the power et
the law. W e have hoard of similar doings
among the sohrc.l boys In Ucderlch, and al-
though so tar as we know no harm hes been
dons it would perhaps be just as well If
such arta were nob ottltlya6W among chil-
A Foomzo GUI/MUCH ROY. -Hamilton
Speeator : "('he morebana and .hippere
w111, no doubt, be plumed to learn that
Fred R. Porter, who has been chis( clerk
10 the division freight agent's office of the
I.r.ed Trunk railway system at Hamilton
for the past couple of years, has been .eleot
ed to repro.nt the oomp•ny as olty freight
agent In H•molton to soothed Andrew ('ow•
an. who has resigned to •ooept • more lo-
or•tivs position with the Northern Navies.
tion ('nmp•ny Mr. Porter's previous import.
enoe in freight matters, and his thorough
knowledge of trolght rotes and requirements
of shippers, fits him thoroughly for the poet.
ting wbich be 10 to 000upe. Hie rep0tetion
as a height man w111 soon win for him the
oonfid.' oe th.t his predeoresor enjoyed. and
the ottichs of the tithed Trunk railway eye.
tom ore tribe onopr.tnlaod on their appolot•
ewes6. Mr.\Porter's offing; will he in the
division fret t agent's office, Hamilton
Provident and .Loan building, Hugheoo et.
south." Mr. Porbyr is a former Goderioh boy,
• nephew of Coodootor R. 8. McKnight,
oow of Stratford, lie has worked his way
op by Ability and faithful work to hie pros
e at po11t1oo, and we expect to see him
olimb still higher in the U. T. It. surto* 0s
time g oes on.
A 1'Itt1LNTATiioo,-0n Mhpdy emoting,
•hoof 8 o'clock • Dumber of t members of
.I. H. Million'a ol.es to Vldton• street
Methodist ohnroh took p ton of his
home, being anrt0u0 to show their mppreola-
tion of his servioea to a tangible foto. .1.
Shoobon was o•Ilsd to read the folf6wlnp
address :
John H. M1111an, Rao..(loderlcb)Ont.
DEAR RRr'T11*K MII.I.IAN,--W., Lhe Meir.
here of your clue in Viotnrla-at Methodist
ohuroh, upon th s the coca/Ooze of your Moo.
mg up the Iwd.r■hlp of our class, desire to
were+ to von oar coop feeling of brotherly
love and attention which we hove for you
You tithe been • faithful worker for o. and
with as, always poo0towl and always to
your plane, On malar hew Inclement the
weather or nnsnlahle the day, and 'storm,.
ready with words of ot1lort, lots .ted
ohe,r to .Id anti tulip 0s when out down
Or In trouble. 57 e need not say that wo re
Fret losing you as our loader, lint we sin
oenly trust the' the •cry cordial rehttons
whish have always routed between us as
elan loader and 01.1. mares may 61 long
enntlnn.d, nttwlthetandinr your eeveranoe
Irnm m. We beg of yon to •coop+ the 00
oomp•symg choir, as a slight token of oaf
love and .*teem for you, sod we pray God
Ih. F•th.r that in Me Infinite wisdom yea
may be long spared to work rte Hie vineyard
hors. Sloss/ nn helloed of the claws, Ganw,t
Gaut., Lorna R. Doran, JOHN Kut•
9•111110It, J. !It•wwow, D. Boo.AgArr.
Mr. (:run presentee the ob•lr with • few
happy mud •ppropn•te rom.rks. Mr
Mohan made s very suitable rept), ref r
✓ ag to ;he pl .0 cant rel•tlouelop chat . 11.t
ed betw.eu t".m during the yeare he had
Moo their leader. Mr l;•ren trolog ep
punted chairman nailed oo several fur un
to en.ptu •pesohee, which were inter.pened
otih elogi0g by Mears. 1looloher.Sbaru 1, 100d
t ruers. After lura • on all jolsed, to slog
leg "God be wnh till we meet again,"
after *Lien the paewr othred prayer and
pronounced the benedlotloo. 1'by friends
lupereed to them+ homes attar 'pendlog •
very happy evening.
Duro tai JAMas A. WHITILY. -Y.eter•
day •fter0000 the remains of James A.
Whitely, son of Apdrew Wbltely, Nowg•te
street, nets deposited in their lost resting
Matte to Mal land cemetery. The deuewd,
who bad been living at Fort Willlem, ohms
home • few weeks .go on account of Impair-
ed health and afterwards, on medtoal ad -
vies, went to Calgary, N. W. T., lu the
hope of finding the climate there beoetlmal.
The change, however, did not bring about
he dewed rsouper•t!on, and death ensued
on 'Thursday last. The deoeaeed was a
10110, highly respected yyoaoq man, Aud his
wife (formerly Mies Hennings) and his
parent" and brothers have the sympathy of
the whole community in their great sorrow
to, bis early deal.. The remains strived
Imre yesterday morning, and tie funeral
took place in the alt.rn000. Rh• Jasper
W,bou, pastor t t North street Methodist
rhuroh, oonduot.d the ,,rain,+ and (01 ou
het, which was strewn with lovely tinware,
was borne by M•. or Wilson, W C. Goods,
W. 0 Whitely, F. J Pridham, A. D. Mo -
Lean an l .7 M. Progdtoot
A MILTING of Two GRLAT P12tm0se -
Durmg t::• recent exhibition at Parti, •
Indy antlered the Canadian section (Broom
pooled only by • single attendant) and ask-
ed the gentleman in charge • few questione
concerning the articles displayed. She
spoke the purest English, and the affable
gentleman not only pave her the alorm•-
tton dutred, inn^ courteously showed her
the beautiful an. cot.yinoing evideooes of
C•o•da's natural weals and Industrial prog-
ress and pro.penty, Alter spending coo•
orderable time in.p.otIng our exhibit and
expressing her admiration thereof, the lady
and her escort withdrew, the Canadlan
ohoisl being too muob of • gentleman to
ask who the yultor was But when be
learned later th.' it was no leu a dutln-
imbibed member of the Royal family than
Her Highness the Primates of Wales -now
the bonored Queen of the oountry-sod he
hod •oteraloed so noble a woman without
knowing her identity, his feelings o•n be
Imagined. The Canadian ohotal was oar
esteemed friend, A. Moll. Allan, Esq., of
lioderloh, and ebb Information le given to
The New Era, not by the hero of the inci-
dent, wbo will now gee It 1n print tor the
first time, but by a gentleman wbo was •t
Par(", and youob.. tor lb.eat.-Clln-
'no New Era.
1'ooTAt. MArTrRs.-Un Apnl 1N a sew
wale of rotation poeoIoe money orders was
Introduced. The new rates areeonnder•bly
loner o0 orders payable In Canada, and
there is • Isere redeottoo to the oommfeslons
on orders payable to the United States.
The new Goals 1. as follow" . P•yble In
Canada sod the United 8aas :-
On orders 0p to 86 3o
Over f.5 and up to $10 15o
16 C
' 1 " " '' 130 IDo
" 875 ' " 1100 30o
Pyb;o in the united Kingdom, British
po.sue'ons abroad and all distant ooaotri.s
upon whlohmoney orders may be obtained t-
un orders up to 110 10o
Over 110 and op to 820 20o
., 450,1 ., .. 175
" 130 " " " 140 40o
140 " " " 1.70. ... 50,
The week mohair March 23rd oat
enumeration week for the postodoss •11 over
the Dommum. Every year • wok le set
•part Hering wbloh • record r. kept of the
different kinds of matter mailed •t ',soh
postofbce, 110 the amount for this week is
taken as the average for the year. The re.
cord for the Goderlch poetrffioe this year
was ; Number of letters. 5 647 ; pustoude,
752 ; printed matte*, 390 ; photos, 167 ;
tome o tot the United S'•tw, 39. The
value of posisge on •those was 1133 86.
Number of registered isttdz,,33 ; free letters,
H,-II.ono,I OPERATIUN0 Co. Loo'LD. -
With the °psalm / up of spring b Idtog op-
eratioth have been oommonoed, • In •
t me builders •
Dd carpenters I
right loto their buy •ea.00. Quite • rilimt
her of new residences are going up this yeas,
Buohen•n,A Lawton bay. the following con•
Omits on hand : For William Coo, • two-
story brisk veneer sofas, at the corner of
h.lgio avenue sod Kingston street ; for Mrs.
Adanson, • two-story veneer house 00
l'huroh street ; for A. Rougvis, • two..tory
frame haus. at corner o1 Lighthouse and
Essex strums ; for W't111am Green, a two-
story frame cottage on Trafalgar street.
They are also doing the factory work for •
iwo story veneer 0011.01 I • Walls
on Esst street. Last we. i. • rd
blty•loot ,ilah for .1. W. t.0 i rad
they the also potting up veraod.i., '
('.pt. Donley and las. Stewart, Aru,u.
street. John Morris also reports good
prospects for • bitty ".•sora. He has ono•
tracts for • two-story house and office coma
blood, briok vehoar, for Jas. Yates, on West
street ; • two story veneer dwelling for
Wm. MoV tt
1 le, of Nils, on Elgin avenue ; •
bwe•etery velour image fnr thaw. McNeill, of
Colborne, and • story and • half frame resi-
dence for Colin Buchanan, of Colborne.
Among his smaller work Is the building of a
new kitchen for George Perko, Newgate
w rest, and • mineral ovorhanling of his
house. Altogether, the building trade In
Unclench bide to continue in a fairly pros
perous oondltion throughout 1901.
Ithe ladies, and toe lovely goods which were
0o view boors brought forth many erpres-
Mons of admiration. Mrs Couper also was
fortunate to pleasing Oboes who tilled to sae
her exhibit, wbtch included maul heudwm•
sod .:ylish hate Moes Common, though
one of our leading mdliuer., dues not follow
the ouetom of bolding au opening, but .s the
publw bre Morey. welcome to mspeot her
stock the •rmt.nuu•l tour of the mi1110.0)
houses is not oousld.red oomplete without •
visit to her eeablabmsnt hetes Cameron
0•s all the newest and bort features which
are employed to this 0eeso0'1 millinery sod
toe met fastidious may be muted from her
.10e11eot oolleotton of deigns and Mow
WAY, -A oil! hes been lotroduoed to the
Legl.lature by Premier Ross for the auto
edit ug of the Manitoulin & North Shore
Railway, a project to which th. lioderloh
Beard of Trade has take° • sympathetic m-
erest. The following ..16e mato f..turee
of toe bill : lo return for • inapt by the
Provino. of Ontario of 2,642,000 sores of
land, and no oath, the Manitoulin & North
Shore Rahway Company, one of the 'Mete -
prise' of the nitrous .7041 a6, uodero*kes
to build • railway oommeoutog at Meeford,
running through Owen Sound, .1 carton and
the Woos Peninsula, thence by oar ferry to
Manitoulin Island, Crossing the island the
railway will run northerly for some distanoe,
seodlug a spur to Sudbury and thou heed
west for 106 mile.. Tho company will
grant running privileges to any other roll
way and the Government reties control of
the tight of way and alt rates. Tbe oom-
ponv will ereot • 300 too publlo @molter to
the Sudbury mining region,aod will lowtl,•
000 sett len per year for ten years on i t• lands.
Th. timber and minerals are to be manafse-
'ured to Canada Another important gap
io development to the •snoveeemeet of •
grant for the building of the "St. Joe" line,
running from Port Arthur toward Lake
Tor. MIl.t.INERy tioxoryo• -A feast of
nolo colors, artistic deigns sod dainty of
forts was provided during the pest week by
ilio industrious sod eoreronising milliners,
and the publlo appreciation of the effort■
made to please them was shown by the
large numbs,* who &trimmed the openings
at the •arlous millinery emporiums. While
many new and striking effects were shown,
there woe nMer•ahlo especially the prom-
inence of thine' suitable for the period of
mourning, for our 1.04 lamented Queen.
Black sed white hats were shown In many
styles, and violets In shades of Lurple were
employed largely In trimming. The ladle*
to charge of the dIsplsyswere kept busy
many sightseers and pro*p.ohv• onalnm.re,
and we are glad to know that menu sales
wore effected. One of the most elabor.te
e nhlhlt■ oust W. A. MoKtm'i, when the
sp0etous millinery parlor was very Usu.
fully "rrsngad Considering th.dteorder ono'
srtlnsnt upon rhe recent change to the prn-
pnotershlp of the establishment, the splondtd
display 0t millinery art and the boeutlfol
and &nisei° aerronnellners rsflsted groat
orellt open Mies i)nffn., whom Mr. McKim
le fett0nai. 1n having In oh•rg* of the de.
p•rtment. Al. Smth 8...' 11 ss 011 h pre•
coded over an s1gulslte oell.etlon of hand
some deafen. and rioh ,Roots. The beaotl
Ifni dregs hate shown here were nroatfons of
wonderful beauty, •n31 nonenmmo, art war
displayed In tho harmonising of design Bed
motoring. Miss Itweegh's mlli*ery parlors
. ea KJe etee Newt were a faveelte meet el
1f you need anything In the tailoring Zine to
complete yourIprin,r outfit 4o to F. J. Prld-
ham, the people. clothier. Quality and wor k-
manehlp the be.q, andsatisfaction guaranteed.
A Daae of smallpox has developed la Cho -
The bloyole and engine works Is now run•
Mom In the eremitism
The town council will meet this evening,
tomorrow befog Good Friday.
A SNAP. -Three braes -lined barrel spray
pumps at 1.4 00 *soh at MCKvooz. &
Re.. Wm. Godwin has been Invited to
remain for the third year as pastor of lino•
church, St. Thomas.
Fortner' .bould nes blaestooe to prevent
oats smutting. Tbe but quality kept at
McKim/ix & Howie. r.
(leo. M, M•cSwwo. tailor, has removed
to the store to MoLsan's now blook lately
000upied by F. M. Dunham.
It looks as if the anneal w•roloq to
bicycle ride,. to keep off the sidewalks
would need to be .,.in repeated.
it Is reported that cows will be herded
this rummer oo the river fiat. for • nominal
oonelderatloo. Thio has some bearing o0
the bylaw question.
Tbere was oo'y o0r o•.e te oome before
the County Cout, this week, and on the re.
4051 of coo eel the Court was adjourned
to Friday, April 12.8.
The (.od.rloh Organ Co. le .hloplog It.
exhibit for the Glasgow exhibition this
week. The exhibit oompruee organs. stools
and bathroom woodwork.
Re•mw•tion@ have tweet going on thls
week of the Collegiate Instituto and publlo
school. All the schools clow today for the
Easter holidays and will reopen on Moody,
April 15th.
The house and lot of i1•vid Matirfee, jr.,
opposite the •grloultunl grounds were sold
tt •uotio0 loot Friday to Matthew Foley, of
Colborne, for 1675. Mr. MoHrleo'e farm
was not sold.
J. 1). Pennington, • former resident of
Gndenob, tee acquired the sole proprietor
•hip of the Valley City Seating Co 's works
in Dundas. We are pleased to bear of our
former townsman's prosperity
Robt. McLean shipped • carload of cattle
to Toronto on Friday ; Hen Alien made •
similar .h5Dment to Sault Ste. Marie o0
Saturday. and Aodrews Bros. shipyard a ear
of hog" to Torouto on Monday
We are sorry to barn of the Illness of
chew. Cooper, formerly 01 Ondertch, who 1"
ni+.w trsv•Iling in the West. He was taken
ill with epueudlmtls while neer Vancouver
but at fast 00000015 was Improving.
Chas. Mon, 'who Ie leaving town to onm•
month eteolkkeeptng a1 St. Augustine, has
sold his midterms In St. 1)av14'a ward to Mr.
Jardine. of Atb6eld. Peter Bissett, of
wwo, has rental tbe property and .111 re.
o lds upon it.
The latest example o foderloh's progre.•
alyssums and la tsovlty of pottier, new Ideas
to pr.etlgol use is to be found to the fool
that Ohs town tresanrar new has the oleotrlo
NOW awl water rate 'lotlo . delivered by •
boy on roller skates. Swift and noiseless (3)
In W. C. Prldh.m's advertisement last
wool' s mutoke made the types frame the
witless sentence : "A cheap sett Is an th.
"writhes molt .* soy petite " It Is hierdiy
neoe.*ory to say that it should hove reed :
"A cheap suit is an e1p•o•i00• suit at Ary
An our new •dvsrtl.ors this weer are
(leo. W. 'I'hon,on & Son and Wm. Borrows
& Son. Thole •nn0sncementb will be found
in the out pl,men' published with this Issue
Our reader. will also find .oma lnteresting
correspondents In the .upol.ment. Be sure
0s. read It.
Mrs Robt, Henderson went out to Fargo.
North Dakota, to moo her meter, the lat.
Mn. Judie*, but tutored osly about
twe.tt-feet been baler0 hot plater died,
Aud ..'she Telt unable to make the return
journey at once she decided to roman for •
while at Fargo.
Mr. Moot;IIIIooddy, fnr whom thee, have
boon many kind .egolrleg at the Mho*, Is
*t111 onnfin.d to turf Ho had bun suffering
from pne,m"nl• previous to his reoent •1.11
to 'I nrnntn and •ubeequ.ntly had • relapse,
which has loft him very w •
w k, though he is
new t•tnlnq trodo•lly in etrength,
Fountain Naylor commenced work at the
Union fan'n'y at Winghorn • how day" son
and twinge the 4.v was near had four fingers
of hie Ielt hen 1 taken off in a planer. Tho
llama young man some time .In while wnrk-
1., In th, nrgan foolery Geth rsealv,d an In-
jory whlnh resulted In the Ines of "gilt In
one eye. lie is story anfnrtnn•te.
Very many of nor reader" w111 be Int,rest.
ad In eh. •nnnonnom.nt of the w.ddiag of
Woe Jessie Alew•nd,r, the 0.11 known eln
oetlonis0, who on Tuesday 6.0.00. the wife
of Charles Roberts, M A., i.L. R„ of the
Union Thso1na10a1 Seminary, New
The maniacs O.r•mmoy was pegteneed by
the Rev Armstrong Blank. the bride'. pato
ter, at 8.r hems ss Brunswick avenue,
Lord Miot° Uses Tkom-A. W. WW .. 4
W•11 P.p.r-Iktdd'e Book stare 4
Healthy 'frees -Resit John Stewart1
o Rout for Grazing-Wlo. MOMooh 1
King Qualliy-St. George Price 5
The Spnug Question -Leo & 8h.pbard., 4
House Cleaning -A. MoD. Allam 4
Spring Goods W. C. Prldh.m 4
New laovee-Hods.ms Bro• . 1
Oat Acquainted -G. W. Thomson & Som
Anneal Meetlog-Oodertob Curling mod
Sk•tlnq Automation 1
A met -(0. W. Thomsen & Som 1
Goderioh seed Emporium --Wm. Bur-
row. & Son -Supplement.
Local Improvement -Town of Cl.derieb 1
A000unoemento-McKenzie 8 Howell., 1
Only a Cold -F. M. Dunham .... . ... 8
Hoa.. to Let -Mn, Lomi.m Reid 1
You are Indeed -G. F. Emerson fl
Meeting of Liming* Commlsstomere--W,
J. Pat.1.y, Cllntoo 111
Peat'. Bad Boy-Vioteri• °pero Haase B
Amoouaoem.ot-Jas. Wilma 1
Noclo.-G. N. Davis 1
Ameet.-Ge. Stewart 1
Early lettuo*, radish, onion, rhubarb,
mint, parsley, etc., at STaw0RT', grocery.
W•oted, 1000 bush. timothy and clover
seed, 100 turkeys, also dried •pulpa sod
butter. 0. E. KING, W'Ingh•m.
Bloyole repelling a speol•Ity, done In good
Itylm by a 6nt-olw rrnrkman, at 1030. W.
TMOMep8 & Soo's Mueto Depot.
Don't forget to order your Easter flower.
early. Easter, lilies, oarnatlone, daffodil*,
valleys, Romans, violets and ml les et
It you h.•. time drop In sod ase the sew
mat patterns and the *nodal met hooks we
received today, also • oomplea lin. of Dta-
mo0d Dyes. J. WILSON, I'neorlpttoa Drug
Store. I
James Hutto Wellesley street, will pay
Dash for 5,000 or more wound empty bottler,
4 and 6 ore., such as are used for shoe drw-
log, neo.
McKINu1 & How.Lt. have had . fine abaft
oo ready mixed paint. Prism brand is well
Blued, beo.uee It works well, It 'Linda well
and the awn do not have to pay ea ezorbt.
ant prloe.
MCKENZIE & HowLLL .,peof two oars
more goods this week. One • oar e( ealomed
plait*, fresh from the mines In New Brune.
wick, the other a oar of wire from Cleve-
land, looluding barb, plain twist, plata gal.
vomited, 9, 12 and 13, and soft win for
building roll fences. This w111 maks five
oars of goods for this .,.son s far. Mote
to follow.
MoKlm'e change of .dver%leemeot was tee
lea tor this week. He la .dvertbbg C.
W. Andrew'' new stook of Idle' and ohlld.
ren'. whit. -wear •t big reduouons. Tbe
goods .re perfectely new, wen marked
aloes, and these prloe mutilated. Lose,
embroideries and allover' at rednotlooe.
Corsa .0 prices whloh are like found money
to the buyers. R. B. Sml(8'e store.
C. AItr1Il has returned from a visit M
J. E. Best returned yesterday to his home
06 Clloteo.
H. rdJ. aHansa,D. Cooke, of Hans, was In tows
Miss Pearl Pennington la visiting hes
brother in lioelph.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Best, of SWlorth,
visited to town over Sunday.
Mies Margie Balt, left Moody merpar
to resume her work 1n Chlo•g..
Kobe, W bluely, of Chlooro, 1e hems to
attend the funeral of his brother.
Coral Vlvls. returned to London on, Tow•
day after • visit of some weeks at her boom
Miss Bowls, of Brockville, was visiting
the past week .t the residenoe of Hon. J.
T (farrow,
Miss Constaoo.
Holt has r'W
toed home
afar a visit of some weeks at various points
to the Provinoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson and family
hove returned from Lion's Head, where
they .pent the winter.
Mn. Maloomem returoed last week afar
• •felt et 1 menthe with her son, Sid.
ney, at New Westminster, B. C.
Jame L Mtddtston, formerly of F. Jog.•
don's drug store, and lately of Clinton,
I this week for Carberry, Man., when
he has 'soured a good situation.
Miss Adelaide Jwk.11, ot Usbnrne, • for-
mer student. of liodenah Colleted* Inael•
tote, has been engaged se school aaober
near Oxbow, N. W. T., and left lest wee k
to take the position.
A. Kgener was In Hamilton Mast week •t -
tending the Grand Counoil of the. ('an•dlaa
Order of Chown Friends, Mr, Egener goys
there were nearly four hundred delegates in
anon -limos and the meeting was • moth
sot bustastic one.
Ur. Marlon Oliver, who has spent. the
past six years ls lodore, Coimbra! ladle,
laboring to behalf of the Canada Presbyter.
Ian Hoyle*, aailed for home on Sonde,
March 9. S6• will spend 000sldenble time
en route, as It 1" her intention to tour Italy
and other Enrop.•n on1otriesbefore rseorn-
iog to Canada. She will 'peed the remain-
der of her furlough at her former home near
Avoohank. It ie Miss Oliver's Intention to
return to her work In the far RW after •
brie( rest among her Ontario friends. -8e.
Mary's Argue Dr. Oliver la • Mister of Mrs,
(Rev.) Jas, Hamilton, town.
AN KAOTER Nrttertz A handsome, Sea-
sonable mover In are, ., .nd gold ,nolo*. the
Kanter number of The Oan•dlan Marazie.,
Professor Clark writes of "The Yigniflnanr
of Koster," and there le • 'imolai East*,
story. Otherwise the m•gmzleo is as
general as usual, the ohlef features bele( an
Illustrated article on "Manual Training,"
and an Illastr•t.d de.orlptlen of "A Visit
to Corsa.' The style and value of this
perinnloal lmprova with la the. 1'h* pres-
ent number le ozoeedingly nredle•hle to the
publisher" •nn to our Canadian wrier,.
The ,lone Magazine will Om the hundredth
tome, and tho pontlehers will mark Ws uo.
precedented oven, In the lit+ of • ('•n•dlan
literary pariodio•1 by • epe0lal ''0eeteseW
Number." The publlo will •wolf this with
• 5.Iden 0eatb,
(Morrie, One April 1. - Alezoneler Row,
a nsp.oted r..ldent, dud snddeely ywtr•
day afternoon in his pew in oho Presbyter-
ian oharoh heath was dee to heartfallsre.
Mr. Roth rewled In the township of Grey
no to two years ago, when he retired froth
term deities and took rap hie resin see la
(ionic He was In 6Y azly•a1s9h yew std
Isere • wlMw sed 61thtly.