HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-28, Page 88 TavaaDeT, Maroh 28, 1901 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Spring Millinery ...AND... Costume Display Thursday, March 28, and following days. You are cordially invited to attend the best display we have yet attempted. Our motto is, " We must increase the attractiveness of values and styles every season in our store," Come and look them over. Dress Goods and Silks. New satin Venetian cloths, all the new shade's, ugshrink- able, ready to make up. A special cloth at 1.00 New elk bolton gauze with embroidered gold and silver spots, will not tarnish, the very latent for yokes and trimming•• • 1.50 to 3.00 yd. New fancy silk poplin ;ostumes in the latest pastel shades, very handsome, old rose, nile, bluette, silver grey, at 1.25 New heavy cord costume good, make a very sightly costume in grey, brown, royal blue, red, castor, has the effect of wore expensive goods Spe- cial at -50c Latest satin stripe all wool delaine i, really as rich as silks and twioe the durability, very pretty shades. See these. New Pongee Waist Goode, New Printed Cashmeres. New Embroidered Organdies. Lases, Embroidery and Veiling. Our small wares and trim- mings department never had such a complete range of the latest novelties. New Guipure Lanes and Insertions. New all over Black and White Isa+e. New all over Embroideries. New Neck Ribbons. New L'Aiglon Belts with gold spike ends, at 25c and 50c. New Bow Ties with gold spike ends, at 25c and 50c. New ilosiery. New Gloves. _ lie. Wash Goods. Bit's 1111 a Bargain and RlKht -.-. Up to date styles. _ New colored piques in pink, pale blue, navy, fay n and cream -red colors, worth 20c, Lor 11c. Extra value Giughams at 121c. Lovely colored Dimity' at 20c. New Blouse Goods. New White and Colored Curtains. Muslim, from 5c to 35c per yard. • Dress making department upstairs. Look at our special sale of Gents' Ties in the window at 25c. Spring is with us now. You should ;ring your new spring attire. Smith Bro's & SALTF0115 Wepra:DAT. Maroh 20111. One of the moot Interestingevents of the 1 twentieth watery happenewas day last week when a gallant young kotght ot the shore road bnokled oo his armor and swear- ing wearIng a royal oath laid hold of his buoksaw and started out to break the reoord of thosa mlgbty moo at Loyal and Ilenmiller. Cast log his watohtul eye around he soon spied an unsnspsotiog pile of poles, which ru moue say might bays been sawed with a hammer (1. e., being tender). Spitting 00 both hands and rubbing tallow on his el - hews to keep them from heating be waded In, and the way those sticks flew was mar- vellous. The amount of wood and tuts time he out It In Is 11111 too fresh to be repeated Neighbors say any young man oapable of un• dert.king and a000mpllabin5 such a teat Is really worthy the had of the fairest damsel In Uoderiah township. Yours, KNa xlr l.DM, LEl8URN. MoNDAT, March 25. J. Hamilton, the township assessor, was to oar midst last week. Thos. Lawson, of Loodesboro', who was selling cream .parators,waI the guest of D. McLeod last west. ('guw.ie Nares+. The W M. F. A. So. elety held their monthly meeting on Wed• o eeday ot last week at the r.idenoe of Mrs. Laweo° In Dunlop. The R d Mr. Latina, who is a candidate for the new oharge, preached hen the last two Sundays, Nett Sunday the Rey. Mr. Mash, hem sear Hamilton, will preach here, and also en she following Sunday A number of members of the Christian Endeavor Eoolety eajoyed a pleaant sleigh drive and an even - Ing at H. MsoMams' lately. Tuesday of lest week Joe Mange., who [.'Thea. Sturdy's foreman for the coming w mmer, having moved into the farmhouse on the Priam farm reoently parohss•d by Mr. Sturdy, had a wood bee In whinh a number of standing poplars were out ler heartwood tor the summer. Among the woodmen of ooh that helped to saw them down were ,les. Tompson, A. Morrie, ilaniel McLeod and others. After rapper a scud talk about Mapper feats is the fcg an and some Highland step danoing by J ihn MacN.yin,sr. closed a pleasant day to all. DUNLOP. MovDA'i4. 28. Thos, Sturdy, of Latium, parskened a team of horses from Mr lilt aft a Rossi Oruro. • Our former popular townsman, Nerves. MoL(od, ot Loohaleb, made a v1I1 hers Tuesday of last week. Robert Henderson. of the sixth conces- sion of Goderich township, was a transient visitor here last week. !Daring bb,brlef visit he took a peep at the lake bound to toe, for the first time in his life. The last ot the series of woodman_• frau was performed by John Cummings and D. Corbett. who out oboe oords of wood inside of two days,slartlog wheo the chimes of the i:oderioh town clock etruck at7 In the morn and stopping at 6 r. tr. They took only sixty mloatm at mesa• ASi'iFIEt.D. The following Is taken i,um the auditors' report of the A.htiela (tetter and Cheese Ott. for the year 1900 :-Total las milk re mated. 521,615 : total 1M. cheese mannfsn• tuned, 45.969 ; sv _rage 1be. milk for one Ib cheese. 11 34 ; average prime per Ib. 9.8o Karat, for 1900: Halanos en hand, $18.22 ; netetvu,i from eel. of cheese. $4534 91. from whey, 1137.91 • ,all on stock, 5126 90 ; Inc cheese, 15, : trom U'Coonor(borrow.d).$16.00 ;tot.1.$4834.09, Expenditures lar 1900; Paid shareholders ter milk. $3592 55 ; Inc whey, ,$137.91 healing milk. 5445 - manufaotonng cheese, 5,344.77 ; sal tee, 540 ; 1 , $40.70 •hipoiep expenses, 516 ; rent, 51 ; su Irtr g, $4 - L-Ruh's uot. and in•erest, $106.06 collecting e'.ok. 52 ; mi.o.11sneou., 188 7R ; total 54818 76.\\BsIanw oo hand, 515 33. Great Drop in.... WALL PAPER.... WESTFIELD. THctuivaY, March 21st. Tim people of tins community were sur- prised to hoer of the sad death of Mu. John Mul'Uutuu, er., which event took pleats st her home m0 friday, throb 15h, after a week's Illness, Irom pneumonia, Deoreatted leaves a devoted husband, ace e on and nine daughters --John H. MoChu• too, tdrs. tl m. McDowell, of Dakota, Mn. J. Help.. ot Colorado, Mew. limey Morrish, 1 Gude:lob, and Mrs, R)tert Harry, Mrs. Jaoksoo Wlgotmao, Mrs. John Molow.il, Mrs. Robe. bloUawell, Mrs. James Armour and Mn. John Armour, the latter all living 1n this ylotolty. The funeral servlue• were held in the uhuruh here. which wee crowd- ed to its utmost o.Wutty, Rey. J. Kennedy pr(aubtog s very appropriate sermon, after witch the remains were laid to rest to %%oilfield uemrtay. The relatives and trioxide have the aware sympathy of the mJmmuntty int their sad bete'yement, NILE. MottuAY, March 25th. Miss McVlttte is vleitlog friends in Geduld). Miss Tea Sprung spat Saturday in Uodrricb. Mus Freak McLean sant Sunday et her hams la lluuganuon. Was Aunts t;tummett has returned Iron) visiting friends in GoJenao. Mr. SoyJer, of Meomdler, has baso stay• ice at Nile for the poet weak. Gwlne to the storm last Tumidity night there was no League meeting. Miss Mary Hran, we are sorry to etas, is ill with an attack of pneumotna. Rev. M. J. Witton is still holding meet• foes at the Ebenezer appointment. On aocuunt of the reit) on Sunday the ear. Yiam were out so largely attended as cruel. The many friends of J. Llntield, of Pup. lar Row, will be sorry to hear that he is laid up with an attaok of pburLsy and peso monist AUCTION SALES- . An parties getting their sale bills printed at this •aloe w111 have a free notice inserted to Wallet iso to the time of sales. ft YIDAY, Matruh 29. -Auction sale of farm stook, implements, household furniture and effects ; also a valuable farm of 146 scree, just two miles from Godertob, on Hayfield road. Good buildings, good water and lenges; also a new dwelling and four Lown lane it) Goderioh, with good Dollar and barn. A•le to take pilaw at the property in Gods - ✓ ich, oorner of ltaglen and McDonald @ boats (near Agricultural grounds), at 1 o'.d"ok sharp. Everything to be sold. ea the proprietor in leaving for Dakota DAVID McSaf.i, Ja , proprietor. Tao., oeNDUY, auctioneer. 7 umbel', April 2nd. -Sale of tbrm perk and Implements, the property of Samuel Ectiro, at lot 9, concession 1, E. D. Ash - del I, oommeaoiog at 1 o'olook sharp. No reserve. as Mr. Echlin bas rented his farm. Thos. (Jv.DBY, auctioneer. SATCUDAY, April 6:h. -Auction sale of 44 sires of rood land on whiob there is a Rood dwelling and stable. a good orchard well tweed, also es easily worked stone quarry that will make somebody a lot of money betore long. Terme .1I1 be made known at time of sale. JOHN HYnt.or, pro prietor. Trorae UUi.Dar. anottoaeer. SATURDAY, April 6th.-Anotion sale of a {nod, comfortable dwelltog house and 44 sone of land at the premiere jut east of the grand Trunk station, oommenoin1 at 2 r U. JOHN HYstur. proprietor. THotAu I,t'NDay, auotleneer. • WILDNLVDAY, April 1071.-Auotion sale of farm (rook and implements, to be held .t f'ellow's farm, Int 1, coo. 3, E. U. Ashfield. Everything to be disposed of without re- serve, as toe farm has been sold. Tito, f it.NbitY, auctioneer. lHca oan,Apn12.540.-Clearing suctto0 sale of tirst.class farm stook and Implements, including good draft brood mare no foal and good cults sired by Lowell), 2 and 3 years old ; 1 thoroughbred regt.tered Durham bull,wetghs elan to 1900 Ibs.,and other good young oattle ; 7 mach oows ; pure bred sheep and pir.. The tmpleweote, etc., all In good shape. Yale at lot 9 Doe., 9 W. D. Colborne. Dear Loyal post offioe, 44 miles from God.rioh. Everything to be wild without the slightest rsa.rye as the farm hes been leseed. Tiaras Gus vex, sootlon• eer. Mrs. JAarmCLARK, proprietress. The great tt n.I Pope'r Tru.t. in broken, el,d we propose to give the public tie' nefit We're 1 ere 'o tell Wall Pap r. We don't care whether, you want it fur your kitchen or your parlor, we have patterns. that will please you iadihs peioe wiji bi PM wblt you want to pay for that particular room. Our papers are all carried in stock ; we have already received over ate par Load, and still more to follow. It will be a clear cane of our city competitors bumping up against • stone IMO this time. Prices Commence : New papers at 4c and 5c per roll. Pretty colorings and tints at 6c, 7c. 8e and l0c per roll. Yon can buy a 50c paper this yettt' for R5c. Our T.lephows is No. 100 H Easter Cards. RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS' Artistic Faster (lards, ALSO HILL It (01'14 "For The Empire " aerie. Prima rang. from Es 1.36c. Porter's Book Store t'nnrt Holes Hgnere • gnd.rleh- Porter's Book and Wall Paper Store Court Hones Squats, ltndertrh T1s alae W Cora Caro. It l'utoam's Painters Ours Kstraotor, .'tad byyears of ssoome, renal beaus* ..approacaa ed and uoapproaohabl., holding ewey lo tub meeuneut owlog to Ito mu psttonty, esteem's Panties. Coru and Wart Extractor. Mold by all drugs/tots, or seat by mail by N. C. Polson & Co., Kinr• sees, net., ea receipt of 25 ovate. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Original M*ad etesohu M•le guar tate, April 3rd, Leave your order early for Faster flowers at SrEwA*T'e Hear the ureal Meodel.ohn Male Qwr- tette, April 3rd. Bergales -- Evaporat ed peat hes a1 10o a ib., worth 15j, at STs. AUT''. Rana berW A Me• Kia . millinery open mg, Saturday, Ma. 30th Don't forget Mise D000eh'a mdGaery op.nlag tonight, Friday tied Saturday. Don't forint to Iras your order for groceries at STEWAOT., sad get a fres palm or fern. Wanted, 1000 bub. iiwutby sad clover seed, 100 turkeys, shoo dried apples and butter. U. E. Kisu, Wingbam. James Hale, Wellesley street, will pay Dash fur 6,000 or more sound empty bottles, 4 and 6 ore., .uob as are weed for oboe dress- ing, o10. W. A. MoKlm as bought C. W. An- drews' stook of dry goods sr a very low rate on the dollar and w111 start to sell Friday, Mar. 29th. Millinery opening, Friday and Saturday, Maroh 29th rand 30th. The public) are out dally invited to oall and moprct our pat tern hale and bonnets. Mas. Course, MoLeuo'o new block. Oysters. Get them at the Victoria Rea taurant, West street. They revive them regularly -always fresh, foe Dream, now lectionary, fruits and cigars. l' BLACK, nose, proprietor. T.lephooe 70. MILLINaIY GrinIN .. - W. have darted to bave our millinery °peeing. S.t•, March 30th. W. will not hay. things 10 as oloe order as we would like. But its ence has you want. Well, we bay• them, and re- spectfully Invite your lupeotton. W. A. M Kies • The Woman's Foreign Missionary Soolety of boot cburoh will hold s social eotertain- meot In the lecture room of the ohuroh this everting at 8 o'clock r, r A good maeioal program will be pruvidied and refreshments will be s.rved during the evening. All are isyitsd. Admiemoo, 15_ts ('rarp. ask. Burglars. Come just when they are not expected and ere least welcome, One minute ours for orampe 1. what you want. Ner,tlia simply seta instantaneously. Its soodyoe power Is Mendelssoh n Male Quartette.... AT THF: ...VICTORIA... OTpera louse Wednesday, April, 3. Disgusted with your tooth bru.h IAi the bristles uuwo out! 1. it... nllape inconvenient! Some... brushes have 00 excuse for being used by anyone and pees hapa you have been unlucky enough toot rune of that kind Our Tooth brushes aro ot the best soler•tetl .lock, oipuvetueut shape, .till brist- le., all sires, all prices F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B., ORUGGl87 . Corner of Wort St uu.d S,1uarr. unique -tor Ile oomposltwolfezpreeees the highest medical program or the age. N.r- valiue u • true comfort to the tamhy, fordo .1l derangements of the etumsob and bowels It is an absolute speoleo Five times greater msdlolnal valve thee any other praparanoo sold, Is Nerv.liue. Your druggist sells It or can get 1t. attnttlmmmtrtmntrr9Ittrttrtfl U Th ire are few women.... E who flu nut know eomelloog of the pheuommiol popularity of the. .... A General Favorite. lea THAT THIS 13 BRANDED ON EVERT ar10I. Clbo Rid. M.dlwn Heavy Low Hest. (SACT 111•0004.1611.1119. T..9 BTT tl RIM. Repairing. Shoe for Woolen. THE MANNISH FAD. Womeu's Shoes mad. on last. shaped like men's ars no. the fashionable thing, and there is much rwmfort, twmmun miaow and mortice HI them. They also look up to date and have lots of "go" in them. !Always Perfect Fitting. Price is always $3,75 P. T. HALLS, Sole Agent for Queen Quality. 1 1 a a a a 1 -- JUI UIUlululuUllUu1111U11uU lUltlfi ELEGANT NEW CURTAINS DIRECT FROM T11E MAKERS. We have just received this week a big shipment'ot handsome lace cur- tains. Every pair in the lot came to us direct from the makers in Nottingham and St. ball, the centres of the lace curtain industry of England and Switzer- land. 13u ing them direct from the manufacturers we saved every penny of the middleman's profit and are able to turn them over to you at prices that are a great deal lower than they would be if we bought them in the ordinary way. There are some particularly handsome designs in meeium and fine goods while the qualities are thoroughly reliable in every way. They will be opened up and ready for inspection any day after Friday. We cordially invite you to come and see them any time that is convenient for you. You will be just as welcome to look as though you were going to buy. A FEW LACE CURTAIN HINT$. - - The Musical Emit of the Sealy. Don't miss it. - Ilan open at Porter's to stub •,eau ; .lamb 29th and 30th ; to the petit it let. Seats - 25c, 35c and 50c. Are You Buliding A House or Barn, or anything else this year? People are coming from far and near to buy their hardware of MoB155- ii & How t.m'.s We buy for cash. We buy in large quantities. We buy in the best markets. We buy the best. Our experience in buying saves money for our customers. A car of nails has just conic to hand. It will pay you to order your twine and American Field Fencing. We have the AGENCY FOR THE MERICAN s:t:.WOYEN WIRE FENCE Made of tarps, Strong Wires, Heavily galvanized. rAm' 1y provides for exp`ansic)n and contrac- tion. Only Best Besserler steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter hoW "'" great a Strain is put upon it. Does not muti- late, hilt does effkkntly turn cattle. horses. bogs and pigs., rs .• aomno 4-. 7.1 iiiau;. IN. sig •tr 9' r ri+4 )ea EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Ca11 and See R. Can show you how it will save you money. We have +told nide* of ..his fencing. . This year it is better then ever. McKENZIE d . 1YOW E1 The piece to hey all Narieste obese. Lace Curtains at 90c. Nottlogham Inco curtains, full 3 yards long. shoos net, line edge, nice laws pattern, 1001 width. Spemal per pair . Spring Millinery.....,... All the latest and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ready-to-wear Hats. Call and inspect before purchasing. MIS CAMERON, - Apprentioelt Wanted. Hamilton Street. LINO Curtains at $1.00. Nselasskmtao(eartalas, made from liar, stress net, firm Ay, full 50 Inches wide, good range of palatal 1.00 Lace Curtains at $1.25. Nottlogh.m lace curates, tine not. handsome laity patt.rn., battet)bole edge. fall3% yards long. A good curtain at s medium prior. 1.25 Lace Curtains at $1.45. This is one of our .peoiale and we think that you will not duplloat.e it Inc ,aloe in town M.de of crepe net with firm edge, a good pattern, 34 yds and 60 laches wide. Speoal 1.45 Lace Curtains at $1.75. --airy fine quality Nottingham law aureoles, hasollsese. effects In the newest tine, Larry possess, etyma net, harm hole edge, full 34 yards; lona Spsetal pea pair 1.75 Lace Curtains at $2.25. Steg.nt 3.'a! Beale.. oo •trneg ben set, buttes Jai* edge., fall 34 yard. Ione, a attain fit for any Mala ... 2.25 Lace Curtains at $2.75. This le a artists ilia would beegood vales as 53 50. Very tine bet strong set o haadmi ae floral cargo. batt.n hole edge, 34 yards long. Seated, per pair. ... 2.75 Extra Good Curtains. Many Pref .y -15510se in floral and est patterns w very 1'i ie . All hay• batt.• holo edges wad are 34 yards loan Extra good 'aloes at 113.80, 94.50, 05.00 Swiss Curtains. A good assortoteet of paruoularly kande ms des signs In these popular ourssin, Jest a few ale 01 'soh pattern, sod yea are not likely to hod goy to road them either for style or .aloe in to.. ,.. 96.00 to 117.50 Bobinette Curtains. aruw,og men popular sash season. 1'0.r are the Heal nurtaln ler bedrooms and wear and wash welt W'e have come very pretty deslgas with r.ffiss and lace amyl 'casettes trimming,. at ..... 112 00 to 116 00 KID GLOVES FOR EASTER. You'll be wanting new gloves for Easter. Almost every- body has a new pair then. We sell good kid gloves only, nothing but reliable qualities will find a place in this stock and every pair that goes over the counters carries with it our guarantee. Our new gloves are in, the shales are the new- est, the qualities good, and you can make no mistake buying your kid gloves here. Our 75c Glove 'e the blot n p,is.l glove we haw of, is made from soli skins, bradawl Iastener., and now., in . go. 1 ranee of colones, Our Dollar Gloves are made of .ol , uhabl. .kin., have t Iwo or throe Aom• ta•ten.r, and n.w. a' .titehlnr•. In, w.artng 9a..111“.• th•y are tlr (otl of n s y 11 25 liner. All a •,e in blank, tar., brown., 1.at... . Our Dollar and a Quarter Gloves are made from ohmic. ..loofa .It rm. vete at 11, plabl. and parte,. littler. No bt'•r glove i. sold for tM same pv,ee any. a --ere. I),vm. (e i.o.,s. e•.esr ' Welling, black and all leading .hales in all • s s ..... .. Our Dollar and a Half Glove. 1'.ople who wear this elnvs nnoo will ■51., .0, h t •• -r y , t •, mak., they a•• u thoroughly satisfactory In every way. Dome fastener., newest spring calor loge and black 75c 1.00 1.25 1.50 Those Towels we told you about last week are sell- ing fast. It's no wonder, for they are mark- ed away under value. How- ever, we can't sell three or four hundred in a few clays, so remind you of them again. Liven hook bale, rood weight, . 18,30 moue., hemmed arida, red border., sellinv at 3 for .. • - 25c L tnweis, tin,, strong and hotey buokahaok, hammed ends, large sizes, plain or colored bord- ers. Our sprmal 2 for . • • Darla t.rw.•!., ett•a gond nali- Ote., nearly all hem.titebod, fine sod strong huokabaok, each . . 25c I5c One Thousand Yards of Print to sell at 6 cents per Yard. Not ordinate a oeat print by any means. Take the best you can get for t')c any place else and it will not be much better, if any, than this. Every yard branch new this week. One tbe.sa.d .. yards new prints, dark and light onion• good pnit.t.s, (.tflatele tat wia5aWean d Mil `- dress's war. . sale commencing Saturday, at per ?art .. .. 6C Telephone, No. 25 any time you want anything in a hurry ; we will send it at once and if not satisfactory you may return it. llodgens Bros. Agents for Standard Patterns. April Designers now in. Cioderich.