HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-28, Page 5THF SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
TatimoAT, March 38, 1901. 6
W. Acheson & Son
We offer our new .tock of oarpeti, rugs and matting* at fully 20 per
went below fixed market alalic..
Beoaure we consummated tin most favorable purchaser known in the
We mean to create • record of rales in this department.
We intend to wake this department the first thought of every house-
keeper or borne furnisher.
Get them Good 1 Exceptional values will enable you to do it for very
little money.
Brussels Carpets A large line, suitable for all rooms. Regularly
worth from $1.10 to $1.25 per yard, at 90o sod St.00.
Tapestry Carpets. All styles of patterns and fully 100 pattern* to
choose front. Hpn. fol velum at, per yard, 40c, 5013.60o•
Wool Carpets. Y'trd wide, reversible and pure clean sio k, et, per
yard, 65e, 85e, 85c
Union Carpets. Yard wide, reversible. Splendid now designs and
clean stock. at pur yard, 30c, 40o, 50c.
Union and Hemp Carpets. 30 to 36 inches wide. An immense
r.tlage of new geode, at per yard, 12io, 18c, 20c.
China •Mattings- Yard wide and every yard in the afore new, et
12ic, 16c, 20c and 30c per yard.
Inspection invited.
W. Acheson & Son
8rusl S1 : Maes Lillie '1.vlor has been
appointed orvsolst for the Preebytrnan
Ethel : Mr. beetle, wpm purch.s.d Robt
bloKelvey's Ban farm, moved nerd hest week
from Brantford.
Hruo•Beld : M r Morrow, 1 eros' o, b.t
moved tote the D toe Hous.. hwvieg rested
It for • number of years.
tyestbeld : Mr. sod Mr., Chas. Arm,
strong sod family left last week for their
future home In 8helboane.
t zster . Duosld Malone, has wirehaired
the residepoe of Geo. B.wden on Mame et ,
payout tbst.for the sum of $900.
Grey : Archibald Hlelop, hi P,P., bee
been appended a men,bin of the Agrlophure
Committee In the L.wl Legislature.
Jamestown : 4 w 4 b.. wee held at
Geo. bdul)ooald's remedy. .pbe. ftk:y hand.
sawed and split between 36 sad 10 porde.
S..forth : Wm. Frescoes bad the mister.
lune to get se of hie finite's 6.dly out
while working, to 8 wdF,ut h Hot's furni-
ture taetory
Egmoudei11.: Ilia C. R. V.,.hot ntund
has sold her tum ie E.tneadvtl e, to Tows.
Colbert for $3,000. The ler it coutaum
50 sores
S.eforeb : D. lkomss I. Ky•n, too to
few of Jobe MoMwe, ret this toren, hu
been appointed .esie.attt tool'of6:er of
the city of 8tg.maw.
H.osell : The manager. 01 Cermet uurah
have .sleeted D Bwttord, of Stiletto, as
rwntor for LIMY c.,urob, •t • eatery of
$2,00 per year.
S.afortb : Fehr Tt.ompeee did et tiro
residence of buel.ter. Yn. W.
an Ortday mora o. :p, aged "sweaty
years and art soeatbo.
Exeter : Mrs. Wilcox, an old sod blgbly
repeated resident. dud at bear home on Moo
Any altet000n of last reek it the advanced
ago of .nveoty nine years.
Morn.: Albert McC.ld has rented Joe
McCails farm at, Holyrood. Brum comity,
sod the Liter's two ohiI4ren will make their
prs.ot d welhop plaoe at ' he n1.1 home
tread, 7.0 I se,
94 veers old when the dud while the her.
self laved for ninety years. With her bus
bond she own. to North Caroll.a from
Soothed about, the year 1846. and' •hey
lived there e year., during whlob time
Cr. Shaw. Mu. T 8. Stsoley and Dr. Alex.
Shaw, formerly of Bow:role were bore.
Hrr husband died then. Afterwards they
removed to Ontario. near Uoderlab, and
!mei there until fifteen years ago, when the
(amt to reside wale bar daughter, Mn.
S•soley to Monica.
Westfield : Mn. Ellen Hoover. .Doom•
panted by her daughter. Mrs. T Fowler, of
Newbridge, and Ws Nellie Auld, of Oils
plem, telt last week tot their future home
In E tmmtos, Alberta
Grey • Joha and Nn Doig left on Toes•
day of lest week for Solomon City. Kaoste•
where Mr. Doig expects to take a poeltloo
on the railway. Mn, Dolg is the youngest
daughter of Rive Turnbull.
Knifes' : A very happy event took place
at the residence of Daniel Follicle. of Hem
sail, me Worneday *Teolog of last week,
when his mooed daughter, Mies dilly, was
witted la marries* to Wm. Vale, of Ex -
*ter North.
Wombat!' : Oa Feb 16 Hooey H. Apsley
died at Yoker, sear Klogston, agod
sighty.tw. years. H. was a brother to
Jto Ansley, of Wingh•m, and (his 1e the
tint break Ina family of ween tees and two
F.xet.r : Remedy 'Hes. Oe.aikb, of
Woodham, while In heater, lost a puree eon
Miming some $90. The money was found
by .loan Somerville, 000tnotor, of Kirktoe,
who, lemming the ewnar, prompte Ie'.utned
the purse and °mitoses to Mr. Cornish.
Lyth : Mase Alimd• Putland, daughter
of John Petland, o1 Blyth, was married o0
the 9th tostamt at Chatham to W tifrld Bra
ms. Rev. Dr. Hannon performed the
o.r.mony. Mr. and Mn. HramM' w111 cop
tome to reside in Cbatham.
s.uood year allow two oases 10 grow from
seer the top of this *hoot and ler ehe till
tbsy ebuuld be peened gave f•ee 1t.to he
root t1 they hove wade a out (rruw,b ; t1
see, prime book •0d eiye snotbw year so em
to Dave good eu41011 wood. Aon set posts
boll way betwwu votes, put a
wire so ten unities frum toe gruuud 1
tits more a'wve thv brat, teelve, thirteen
and fourteen umbos apart, make the usual
eatlsfsutory trollis fur uarryong grape 10000.
The two mom ere Ned horizontally to the
lower wire. These Danes ate now to de-
velop Iwo what to called parent wood, that
!e. they are nut allowed to get any logger,
and toe fruit Danes tbst grow up from wnb
poet every year are pruned off to one bud
from old wood. This sy.km always Imp.
the (lusters of fruit Muse to the grimed,
wbtub 1 of vow Wipertano", aes It le
well known the nearer the .round the
grape mature 1h• sweeter the fruit will be,
and whoa the ground is well worked It I
still tumor, (00 theta 1. always More
radlauoy risme from • dean, well worked
bed than from a gran plot. Zhu sovelup
moat to • radioot beet 1* • oa•.ural nuulre-
memt of the grape, and to 0010 001 our-
selves of this fact we have only to tete
eamples grown a ooneiderable height to the
air and oomp.rie them with those grown
near the vruuod to be perf.olly satisfied of
the superior quality of the lowgrownfruit.
le my expense,* the system 1 have de.orlb-
ted 1. the most.0000mlual and s.tu(aotory
way of °.nog for the vine. It makes the
ermine Bader and Ibis le a Isrge amount of
the work given them fur the best results,
se only one cans co the joint is allowed to
grow, .11 others rubbed off when starting to
grow, and as soon .s the bloom le o8 Dip the
mines off three Neves above the upper Was-
larter and keep all the laterals nipped off.
For the 910100tion and future vttahty of the
vle., 1 leave one of the weahset 00050 op
snob arm without fruit and allow them to
run wlthoat any pruning over the upper
wire, eo as to make and ripen all the laves
pestble to m.k• up for the heavy de•
toltatlon of the fruit canes, and 10 this way
be a moans of giving some reouperataoo te
the root. Now as to the best varieties. I
thrill name only two .sob of the three
oolor., red, white and blank They .re
Agawam and Vlrgennse for r.d, W iid.r and
Morden for black, and Ureen Mountain .ad
Moores Diamond for white. This would
be my oboloe tt 1 oould hav• only six vms,
but then area great many varieties that do
well here, and everyone who hu space wad
time should try • few more, .u4 they will
find their cultivtloe . .ours of pleasure
s well u profit. Trained the way I re-
commend, they mn be lid down and rover -
ed with ear h for winter protection, whioh
is a greet help In th..uooeestul cultivation
of toe 1em bandy varieties By following
this ,;stem of cuittvattog the grape, we
mature as fins samples of fruit as bav been
men in Amertow. In evideuoe of 1hie loot
we beem had on •xblbltton at oar Gods/lob
tall show °lusters of several varieties of
out door grown grapes time leave walgbed
tbirty•two ounces.
Morris : On Wednesday, March 1310.
two phydma0s performed an operation on
('hes. Turvey, rimes ing from the head eight
bones and • very large slot of blood from
a nerve centre of the brain. Shoe that
time the wont has been @ulterior very
little pain and is new •bis to move his left
arm, wbtoh •p to the ume of the opentloa
woe completely paralysed.
Clinton : Thetpleaswnt oelebratlon of the
1 i1.tl•th birthday of Mrs. H. Doberty o0
inured on Wednesday. March 13tb, at her
rwldeaoe in Clinton, This iawreetloq per
son wee born near Glasgow, Sootlsod, fg the
year 1811 and bee thus lived to the reigns of
lye sovereign, • (Morrie Ill., George 1V.,
Wdlism IV,, !urea Vlct,n• and .Edward
Walton : The marriage of Mies Violette
Victoria t'.mpbell, of Chicago. (formerly of
Walton, 1)0tarto, (7anada) and Wm. F No-
Nsarhtoo. of Chicago, took place 'Ibur.day
mecum Fob 14, 1301, at the tenth Presby
tenon church. 46th street and Emerald
seethe, Chlome°, I11. The RM. Daniel E
Lois performed the o.remcoy Mr. and
Nu McN.nghtoo will be to. home at 5700
Morgan heist, Chio•g". II'.
McKdlop : Wm. Hogg, fourth . eon of
James Ifo
pry serious and painful •midget •,here
time ago. Mr. Hogg was O01154 d In toed•
004 a straw nutter. He bad • glove 05 his
Mad .ad was pushing the straw In with
the side of has bawd. The glove got mueht
by the rollers *1 the machine sad before ha
o0ald help himself his hand was draws fo-
to the kitty, s and hie dog• -:s and hand were
shoed off to the wrist.
torvlag mad outdo' berry. ft Is • Ism
f rowing lrwibup l.leuk betty. 1 t e xmad
gaehty a squall soy of the tel grown g
mot. The plant is poltee'ly heady, hoal.by
sad r.matreb:y produottre, wits torso
showy Bowen. The float, wbtub ripens
early,u often one x005 and • ball long. aloft,
sweet and luso quo tbroogbout,wltb no bare
Gore, and Mime beton respberns are gone.
Should be planted in good rub soil l0 rows
Mgbe foot apart aud dos feet apart In the
rows. The amend year drive small pout'
ten feet swat In the tows sed out them pat
about two feet from the groaod. Strtog ■
wire along the top, and one half way b.•
twee( ground and upper wire. l0 the fall
all the old wood should be cut out, sod maw'
growth alter 1 are off pruned book to
rape wood, sod all pruuings taken away, pod
to the spriug the canes or vices ,bout! t.e
tied evenly to th• two wires, and like the
raspberry they require the best of realties
tion. There er. e.yerol varieties of dew
berries. The best m my esperl.00s a the
Lucretia ; this is the nowt of Realms. The
fruit a handsome, and has euocesded whet
o yer 1, has been triad. It is a strong grow•
o r and .so..diugly produotive. Tee Luo
mu• ripen, at least tan days before any
other blas berry sad is propagated from
Nps yery wanly.
We. Wermeek's raper et the oederlrb
estleelterel Society.
There les an Intereetug meeting of the
Uodench Hortaoult ars! Society on
Friday, the 15th Instant, when Willem
Warnock gave s paper on the
cultivation of s number of 'onetime of
small fruits. Mr. Warnock drew epeeist
•emotion to the grape, whioh he said o..old
be had for eight months of the yew of borne
growth. as b. bad .uoosded in preeery,
mg the fruit In Its natural sate through the
winter. This he dad by packing It In saw
duet, and bee described the method of pack-
ing sod storing which he used. Oa the
table were buoobs of grepes whioh be had
kept in this way from lent (all, and a being
tested they were found to have retained the
delightful natural flavor of the fru11 and to
be well worth the trouble of keeping
through the winter. Mr. Wernook's paper
was as follows
We have met tonight to disoas and give
oar experieooe in 'rowing eome of the
malaise' sm•Il frons, sods i have Ibe
honor of leading the discussion I shell nom
memo with the grape. It is the beet
known. butorimlly, of all fauna, tor ere all
remember learning .boat It In our early
Bible reading u Mlog of more value to the
tiller of the sal than all other fruits, .n1
all who have watched Its progress •11
throogb the past ages will me that it has
Imo given first piece s the favorite fruit,
sod In our own de, and time we find 11 ns
equalled. la its culture there iso eooroe of
pt•sure that iso other work gives, for It
thrives under s many different method• of
culture. pruning and enticing. always gult-
ing itself to the tuts of its caretaker and
giving Its fruit In due mesion, o0 cos
dltloe only that this culture, praetor and
training in all the varied Chows must be
done in the rtghe se•.en. Now this to what
we want to learn more about, so that we
osn get t0• beet remits from this meet
beautiful belt, whioh we ora Mete on our
tables hereto Uoderlch eight mnn•h• In the
year from homegrown fruit. i have pro-
longed ths season to nine months with suoh
good keepers as Vlr.enns and Mille,
samples of obis► yea me here on the table
The grop. 1. the moat beautiful of all
fruits, and the most highly esteemed for Re
many uses, sad it osn he secured by any
nos who has s garden, yard or wall. II oro
be oonflned to • stake, hound to s trellis,
trained over an arhor, or extended until II
covin a large tree or building, end still
yield to praoefnl hanohes and luscious oto.
ten. The grape 1. ospable of most sites -
Pastry, Oyster Paltles,Tarts, Snort
Bread and CrEam Rolls,�ilace
Pies and Lady Fiofers, Kisses,
lacartions, Mliranines,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
The strawberry is the fisc of the small
fruits. In the month of June comes the
tem:ltui, wholesome and appetteing straw-
berry. 1'h. profit. which may re.olt from
its culti•etion when properly 000duoted are
enough to satisfy the highest expeotattooe.
They mo be planted either t0 the eprtog or
fall, but spring is the best time in this lati-
tude. Plant In good, rich ground [bet hse
been well meowed the year before and well
worked tor garden Drop, see plana In three
toot rows and twelve moires in the rows,
and let them form malted Bowe the Brat
year fittee0 inches .wide, the second and
third yews twenty to 1Sxa1I tilt inches.
vs clean cultivation and • good dressing
of wood ashes eyery fall and mulch after
the groaod has frozen. U000yer arow0e
early to spring. remoys mulch after irWUog
and cultivate. Tree beet varieties, in my
esnmatlen, for home use are %%Warns sad
Sharples., both large berries. Tb* Sharp
less is the largest and sweetest table berry
we have, and the William' is • good table
berry and te a floe shipper.. groat Dropper
on all !and, and the very beet for light Led.
This Nutt should be grown by .eery real
slat. owner. It s000seds +g • mode Maly
rich mestere soli, should be planted to rows
six feet apart for Cuthbert, and fists for
M.rlporo,' and them ere the two varieties
that 1 tea mmend. The Marlboro' is the
largest early raspberry wei have, and
the I;utbbert is the queen of both
table and market berries. Allow them
to grow about a loot .part In the rows and
give Wean oultivsttoo. All old cans should
0. removed as sone se the bearing season 1s
over ; allow no cans to arrow exoept those
that are wanted for trotting, and pinch the
tops o8 them when •bout three teat high.
and tide arms should be shortened just be
fors the end o1 the growing seetoo. Outti•
vat+oe should be thorough. es 55 to keep
down all weeds.
Cel t .firs.
'1'o get the bet result from .amens. they
should be planter! In good, deep, glob soil in
• cool lomtloo. Plant six feet apart soh
way. Keep the soil well wnrked until they
commons to Mar, and then the soil .hoe.d
n ever be worked till the tapir is gathered
Muloh around sob bath with straw to keep
down weeds. Remove the straw after the
fruit has been gathered, and work the son
well, but shallow, sod manure every third
year, and the other years give a dressing of
wood ashes. Trimmlog °nnsuts both in
black and red varieties in keeping a well
1 .honed top, thinning cot each year .11 the
young shoos from the bottom to .boa: four
or Bee of the strongest, and after the bashes
are four years old then out out an equal
number of the oldest Danes earth season, In
this w,.y they will oontmue produotive for
Iweot y years and under favorable conditions
mooh longer. Cornmeal are very hardy and
eery to start from outtinge. Every garden
should oo.taln ourr•rr bushes enough to i
supply the family with jelly and jam for the
season •t Iea•t. The enemies of the °arrant
are 1.w, the only one of 000sequenos below
the operant worm, whioh hatches about the
middle of May ' o the Bret of ,lune and eats
the Nevem .11 off If left elope. A sprinkling
with hellebore, oitber in solution or dusted
on dry, will soon rid the bushes of them. A.
to the best varieties, 1 would rs0ommend for
bask Lee's ProIifio, and for red Fay's
Prolifl°. lees Prollfio u enormously pro•
decisive, the fruit 1s large and of superior
quality, sod the bush is a vigorous grower,
making it very profitable Fey's Frontlet is
the largess red currant yet lctrnduced, 0e -
Ing the great wit for site and product Menem
oombl o od.
nonmess Rtwm.
Blyth : James Inland, s former well-
knowe Blyth bashes& man, who went late
Ike general .ton business at Derham one year
-510,0s,dupoeed ot kis Interests in that town
to his partner, W. Leldlaw. The Durham
papers speak wall of Mr Ireland and hope he
will go into bt.luew (here .gain.
CO Ingham : Mn. Wm. Armour end Aaron
Rw.et, of this awe, wore at Myth Wend-
ing the funerals of their father and mo her.
John Bennett died os. Saturday, Marob 9,0,
of bronchitis, and on Wednesday morning.
13th Inst. Mn , Bennett died of pneumonia.
Sealortb : .1. Tysrman, who is a yery
ouooeasfol poultry breeder, had the mho
fortune to lose a pair of Ole ohlokes re
meetly for whioh he had paid $11 Ons
was killed by an oh.tru''Ln 1n the throat,
and the other died from l.fismm•t.on.
Morrie : Samuel Walker, 6 h line, has
thirty-five 11111• Welton. hacked out al.
medal. Hs perobwd an Incubator and four
brooders and le going Into the bookie's In •
rather wholeoale style. TO... voting mr
obinob►ehed chickens may well say "Who
cares for mother!"
Tre Zunub Herald, relerriag to Obismato-
Ombete for the shutting up el Om oows,
eey. ; "VsiI . the ovuo,y torp a loathing
to tis. from. Our up w•date town has bees
rid of the maw ruustug 00 5.001 tor • num•
ter of years, and we are glad to see the mil -
swig of (iodinate w•kiug up There a some
hope fur (ioderlob yet." Yes, we •hall •000
00•eW be • butt fur the ridicule of out
arts am gotol M the [wet made in any
city in Canada.
(antelon Levis the trade iu
01 fancy doom/long ono ornament
ing anti alt.)oud ionng.
(live him an order and your sat
isfaction will be assured.
a( Dodd'. Kidney Pills are
legion. "The box la Imitated,
the outside c !ting and shape of the
pills are imit._ted and the oauo-Dodd'.
Kidney Pill to Imitated. Imitations are
dale true The original 1• safe. Dodd'.
Kidney Pills have • reputation. Imitr
Lora have now or they wouldn't Imitate.
So they trade on reputation of Dodd's
dived. Th
- - Kidney Pills. Do not M ece
Rresesb : Will sod nolle Rawtlnhetmer,
son and daughter of A Rewtlnhsimer, of
Brussels, died me Saturday owning, 9,h
iso , within an hour of *oh ether. Roth
had been stiffeners for some time from Dom
eumptlen. They were aged twenty sight
and tersely two years respeotivle.
Walton : Tuesday, 12th net , Rev
Solomon (,Ieayar performed the morisee
esnmeay to Gras °beroh, Winnipeg, of
whioh he I. [the pastor. between Andrew
Malt MoNsbb, of Thornhill, Man , sod
Miss Allis, youngest daughter of John H
Swallow, • well known resident n1 this lo-
S.aforth : A western exchange ,.7,
"R. J. Osmph.11, editor and proprleenr of
The Pilot Mowed Sentinel, 1. only Bataan
years et es.' This youthful Idler Is •
nephew of D. Gramme/t, el Harl.arhey,
and son of the late RnMrt Campbell, who
was foreman of The Rrpoeier oiftee for
enemy mere,
ordinary result" ender good management.
Other fruits may be had from plants that
know no oars, but good grapes ere only to
M had through attention sod forethought.
They ono be brought to the grimiest perfeo
tion on various sails, some varieties do,ng
bates' on right land and Where on heave
cloy. Tbs wit most be well drained and
then should bee Irma erposaro to the sen
e nd air, Crop grams moderately 1( you
would have doe, wsll-rlp•oed fruit. A vacs
1. capable of bringing only • certain &meant
el fruit to perfection proportioned to Its
oleo and streegth, and it usually esu mon
trait than 11 ca0 mitten'. Redox. th. Drop
e arly In the se.0n to s moderate number of
good oleeterr, and oat off the small, Interior
hranobee. The remainder will he worth
mon than the whole would have been, for a
very heavy mental arnp fe dlesIveee te the
vitality of the wipe, massa by the maturing
el so mash •nors seed then when th. orop Is
titillated early In the season. Anneal awl
ameb)1 lumina Is .00nllal to the ermine
Nen .f gond grapes. If the enols are nailed
upon to support ono muoh they mnnnt bring
to maturity a flee orop of fruit. The pros
lee Omelet he dome In NOymber or Deem
Mr, when the vines ars entirely dormant.
Vlees.hould bo planted ten fest apart In
the row In 'tell worked, rloh land, anti 0h•
first twoears devoted to teeming two
shoots The Bret a teyore M* greuldhoot should M tieout
a Woe'
is only one DODDg. Dodd's ie the
original_ Dodd's 1e the ammo to M oars-
ful about-
Reld's Old
McKIM Smith's Old Stand
o -o -n -o -s
with your health.
Don't nee Drugs and Medicines
of questionable quality. (,tet the best
there is at the same prices that aro
charged for inferior goods.
sb a very low rate on the dollar, and en FRIDAY. MAROS 29th,
will be ready to turn it over to you at a .mall advance for evil* No
goods charged o1 on approbation, but your money back if you want
Remember this is no commou old Bankrupt Stock. Mr. An-
drews hal all the old goons removed to Hamilton street, which we did
not, buy. Our. is the new, clean, up -to date stock in the R. B. Smith
store. More than half of it was bought since January, and $1200.00
was put into .tock iu March and moue of it sold. The stook was well
bought from the beat houses in the trade and carefully selected for
(iodericlt trade. It is the best stock in town.
We have not time to make out a list of pricer. Get here on Friday.
The Bargains will be here for you, We hsye no old goods (which you
do uoc want) to offer at quarter price, but strictly up -to date goods,
which you want now at substantial reductions.
Miss Duffus and a good rise' of artistes are bury getting the Millin-
ery into shape We will tell you more about it soon, and advise you
to wait for your bat if you wsut the latest confection. Miss Duffers
visited the Americau and Toronto openings, and there personally
selected the correct good.. About her ability to make you the hat you
waut there is no question, and for the prices -well, you will be the
Remember the place -R. B. SMITH'S STORE.
Remember the date -FRIDAY, MARCH 29th.
W. A Mcg
At our Drug Store the stock is al- _
ways fresh, and each article pure, p0 -
tent and satisfactory.
• ,1°1011111I' .!11.1111,1.
Men and boys
(young men) work-
ing outdoors,
knocking about, -- --
freed good strong boots to stand the racket..
We've ort the very kind you want -stout, thick
soles ('-.,t:•! I:a'.'.it:r, mind you), good strong
rut t,, - : knc'.vledge th:tt
Our Prescription Department-
has s reputation for promptness and
Our own hand -made Dairy
Tinware made out of your grand-
mothers' of I -fashioned hand-dip-
pctl block tin, its' the cheapest
and cleanest tinware to buy.
All goods .narked in splrtin
figures ; the 'mustiest child can
get the same bargains as the
older ones as we have only one
price and that k the cheapest.
No overcharging in the shop.
J. H. Worsell,
The obeap stove and femme mac,
Rrmeesl.: The Marriott (Mlob.) ( !lipper.
of Mersa B. hem ehle to my et the late Mn.
.Joh. ilium, mother of Align, sheer, o1 Grey
awnsblp, and John Shaw, formerly of
Brussels, she died there e• Marob Lt
(latkaM•. Darrsob (hire Shawl wee torn
en t0. Mead of .lura, Argyle.hlre, Sone
land, Ie the year 1811. Sb* muse e1 a long
limes family. Her father tiled at the •as
el 104 years la Dales. Hee setter was
This trait, so popular, larva, handsome
and delleirma an Europe, 1s 0eglnoing tore-
ceive • little of the attention In Americo
that It well deserves. Like the currant,
the gooseberry te a greet feeder and de-
lights a a deep rioh soil ler greatest
enemy Is mildew, rerpeoially with the fine
English varieties. To prevent mildew
@prey huahee ss soon as teams appear and
I tiwt00 daring the eammer with
potassium uulphMs. .van onnoe to four
gallons et wt.' sr. They eboold M aaltiyat
rod, oared for and pruned like the Durrant.
only It is more tatel t,n the. orno 11 the moil
le worked while they ere bloom exceedingly'rr
some time after. 1 May can
hardy In winter and aro -mem easily Props -
isnot from outdnrs. The beet English
variety sod freest from mild ow lo the In-
dn'.try The berries are of the largest els,
steeliest flavor, pleasant and doh, dark
red soot when felly ripe, tees nee upright
growers. an immense oroppor, lees : Ite Jet
to mildew then all other foretyri
le Ihe best known and meet. eaaee.efnl Rog
Ilh sort. The host Amsrleen variety. all
things noeeidermd, Is Downing, line of the
oldest sorts, terve, hands'.. welt green,
o1 splendid ga•h.y terboth110416111.0..l mosesQro grower
table ore In arty way, both
and gn,t.a free from mdd•w, the veru Mot
ter home as and marksts
Tw■ rUWm1r0Ry
116. dewberry (a the nett most walnabla
.f the small ft alto, and to my (arena pr.•
- THIS I.IAUt'n -
'l %%WAY0.\ DVreetory OA\sJ,
Vs.NUOQ\t oats,
Order. rarefully ■Tended
hours. nlakt or day.
Q.rber Merl.
to at •II
Fe JORDAN" ----
Medical Hall.
rckillop Mutual Fire loon= Co.
Valu. ot Peeper.). insure 1 op to Januar,.
S31''ByIffQ i y� ((//t��,,__rr l�•
e.T,Nr.1R. N liftyl�J •
(moot KIM Aru utH.cfotre. (,
J.11 McLean. pees ; T. Fraser. vice -ores. file
Jar '" . roily. O. Dale- W. O Broaitmt, J. Hca
they lutist Ile
FROM $1.25 UP.
Mill Wood
Ws., n is-. Koons, J. U. Or eve, .1. Beo0ewe:5.
dlr . 0 e; W tt Broadfo)t. Beare'tb• Inspec-
tor in toe ; T. E. Heys. fieatorth, seoreterl-
J. W. leo. Holmeevllle; James Cumming.
Rgmonuvllle ; It. McMillin, deeforth ;
smith, Harlock
Polley -bolder. can pay aeaesments and get
their Dards receioted 0: Mr. Coots' Clinton, or
at Mol.ean Bros.' Palate Clothing Store, (lode -
Sjllll1 siffls, ovefCo1S
The A 000 is cat into stove wood
length and will be delivered to any
port of the town the same day as
Orders received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Gotlerich, November 214, 1899. 53-3m
The man tlresed 1e a .utt made .t
our .tore always looks trim, as It Is the
ambition of every man of taste to look.
A large ranee of olotbs to ohoo.e
If yen .are oontcmpl•11ag getting .
light overcoat for Option wmr, give ns s
oh..i:oe 0 to rye you Prlos right.
West Street
A Great Snap
is our Grover Soap, at Ss.. •
pound, of wh:ch we sett a barrel a week.
isn't our only .asp. s tee carry
everything that o.n be found Ib an 01
to die etneery store, and our priors
care right. The formers know that they
mon sheave wet from as • -- p for their
produce. We mise ' st no
legitimate trade - every.,,.. a 40r11:
(11.s.ware or potatoes, gard..e. , ;. - •'r
uhnuert table Chum. We deal W
el them.
Ito (ford Moot. Urderioh
Seem• hurednble Chet farm.,. .orad' use
old me.hlds, when they can Its* bah rotate
Itrght and Stalk Saw.- +fent..0 -tete mac
et th a SP.tAM/UlUR c..n Spay xe acres u
a 1 h•• SPRAMOTOR drives wt a perfect
mist .prey, theroughy covering the plains,
.od desuuying every vestige of lanai and
.act Ile, It's the only way to pow pounce.
profitably, and will doable the lope at a
tritium cost. -•
Send u• your name an 1 we'll mall yes -•. -'
an el page Illustrated free fTreatise on Spraytrg,
and 0•,11 particulars of is. 5PRANU 1 OH,
.hires is sten -the ftreven el E.aa+-
thousand. „f dailan an ( :y. It win apt.v e
a other thiwp too.
The Sprarnotor Co., London. Ont
Jo s ot
Spraying with the crRAMo I oft will .Ii1 •-• 1�� ..y,•e,t
merely rnni�.te >luuart Mull poo- •a -tl iSf:
Casten in o.0 I.o- k on ental. req.
Lately carried on by Messrs. BECKER dr MYERS has been
purcnsged by
King Quality Rubbers ate so light,
A FINE RUBBER so Elastic and Easy to wear, BECAUSE
There is more PURE GUM used in
their manufacture than in any Rubber ever made.
King Quality Rubbers arc essentially a Fine Rubber.
A Fine Rubber should be worn with a Fine Shoe, and should be a
perfect fit.
They are not intended for old shoes that have Lost their shape, have
Cracked, and have not been fitted for the Rubber.
Try KING QUALITY Rubbers. More pairs of KING QUALITY
RUBBERS have given perfect satisfaction than of all other kinds.
11ur Agent In 11o.1r•1 h le 80. $;merge l'noe
who will continue it in all its branches.
Mr. Cornell has had • long experience in the business, and
the new firm will put forth every effort to give first -clam goo Iii'
and cervico at res.nnable rates. Special attention will be given
to Undertaking. All female cases will be sttetdeet to by Mrs.
Cornell, who pommies s diploma from the Sullivan School of
Embalming, Toronto. No charge for embalming. You will
not be burdened with extortionate charge.. •
In order to clear out a portion of the atoctr, s great 'Bargain
aisle is being held for thirty days.
All good. marked down to coat or under tont. No old, out-
nt•date gocds ; everything new and modern.
This special sale will continue only thirty days. Come early
and make the halt ahoii'e.
c�RNEz z t SON,
Bedford Hotel Block, Goderioh.
Before stocktaking we find we have too many LONG BOOTS,
and bays decided to run them of at V EitY LOW PRIMO, 80
suit everyone.
We invite you to come in and ootnpare our $a° gummy
SNOBS, for iadies and Gents., with other tnakes, and you will
decide that they are more up-to-date in style, comfort and dunbil
ity than other makes which cost you more money.
W heu buying ruhhere why not buy the beat ; they are cheap-
est in tree end. Sniff PROOF are the beet, and nothing i. Stub
Proof unless it is etsu,pr•.l on every sole.
You should call and gee our LADI*ft' BARGAIN Taffies AT
98e. They are genuine maps.
Trunks and drips.
113•Reparina Neatly Done
Kole Agent for .1. D. King Oo's Goats