HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-28, Page 4THURMDAT, March 28, 1901 THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO Clothieri' W. C. PRIDIIAM It Clothing. NC* I Cs, Cathay firm°. P roug V /YL .: dfuvn ,Nti Co cberifivs In buying your Spring Hat remember I au) sole agent for Chi isty's Hata (both stiff and soft). In purchasing one of these haul you will have the cor- rect block, lasting color and most enduring quality. The wrong way to buy ready -wade clothing in to look around for something that is cheap. A cheap mit is all experience suit at any price. In a week el time tLey would wake a Juan feel sick, they are all out of shape, the oottun is showing through, the reams rip, the hattons are oft. We are not going to Ione our trade by selling such truck. 1 hate got a line which commends itself to thoughtful people. People who have seen our ,foods are astonished that ready-mades could be gotteu up so well. The result is that people who paidCO or;f'- for ordered clothing last year are getting a$10or;12 suit from tne. I guarantee a fit. If they need altering they will be altered and made to fit like ordered work. Every suit premed up and sent out in first-class shape. HATS W_ C_ PR==H.‘'1.M Y� t Signal, 15 ?Rel.maaD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■ 111. illeMILLIK1114b1 61o,DRRIOH, THURSDAY. MARCH IS. 1901 SNAP SHOTS -Where was the honorable Ksti uvLI TAYLOR when the Opposition ft- toted a man of jaw power to reply to the Finaaoe )1ni• later ? -It muni be, outs to NICHOLAS FLOOD DAVIN when he looks doe u from the preen gallery at Ottawa on the aggregation of political "antiques' to the left of fir Speaker. -E. i1. Osoa occupying the position of financial critic of the Government 1, fete of the richest tbinge in Canadian politica No better gauge of the dearth of detecting talent on the Tory style could be had. -A000rdiog to The Toronto Te'egram's Ottawa correspondent BILLY Bs'eoETT, of Mellon', is one of the heavyweights of the Opposition It's no wonder that they had to fall bock on E. B. (Mtge to wrestle with the budget speech. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. POOLS 8Ax1'0 MOD•IT DESIRE. Toronto Sar : Uoole Sem gasps with astouuhmeet to learn that the European powers resent his genal scheme of wittier everytbtog end giv,oe ooteine Why o.n not they leave him aloes? All Ise wont@ is the earth. Ml SMITH Is UNIQUE. Toronto Star : On many questions pub- lic opinion In this oountry le divided, on one side being Mr (:uldwlo Smith end aro the other the people. It most be admitted that until the toting takes pith. the dlvls• ton means equal enough. AHtAD Or THE TIMES. ytmooe Reformer : A Presbyterian min- ister In Denver hue r..iroed his charge and e salary 01 $5,000, declaring that he cannot occident. the loiqulties of fashionable .o - suety, and work to . church In whloh the working mw gets the cold shoulder. That preacher is ten tar from the millennium. PIPS'? LISE TO HE SLIGHTED. Hanover Poet : Truly the newspaper man -has a bard time of Ir. While ons man ob• jute to being m•otlooed, the other fellow kicks because he does cot reoelve 'attention. The Times man in Owen Sound was last week called to task by a man who was be- fore the polio* inagletr.a for not having msotiooed him In the polio. ooart Items. e1viI.lya 'EM OE KILL 'SM. lioboe►i•nn Independent : There can be no doubt about it The polltioiaoe say 1t Is our duty 00 carry otviuza ion to the world, and the ohurehee bey it 1s ear luty to oarry Christianity to the people. Let us do our duty. Oh vac. (;e fainly By all s..sus. It the world and Its ignorant population re- fuse to receive oar olrlhrstion rod ( hrtsti- anity we have bayonets, sod repeating rifles, end prim pome. and iyddtta, and men and khaki. and, by jirgo, we've got the money. too. So "onward" we moat make pros roes rR worries 11 PLAYED ot'T. Ttraato Star: Cared& should not en- gage to any policy of tariff retall.tloo noon the United memo without felly comprehend- ing the feet that while this enure. may ao- soy the United States it will he at oar own immediate neat. The theory is that ultl merely thle cost would oome book to us is the shape of .ularged Indaatrtee. but let us not ignore the fact that 11 would not come back to the sem* people, nor to the same oleos of people, whom It h. now Emerson's Bicycle Warerooms will ra-open in a few day's with ,the lamest and beat stock of Bicycles and Snndries ever shown ka ( de'rich Watch this :apace for future announcements. EMERSON'S Biayols sod Manic House, West sweet, (o,1erich In the or stand, Dent to Lead Shephard, • proposed to tax. In this 0000totloh we wish to eubmil to the Goveromeot the aug- geseioo that the kind of people who are tax- ed to mdotato prot.otloo ars already taxed oneugh, and hays previously been axed 100 much. We expect, like • great many more, that the Laurier Government shall work Moodily towards itis end that manufactures shall be not • burden bubo prop to Govern- ment. ed him of the ooaeequenoes of such *endear, end aotwlthateudlog which be still per cued w R. taking the view th t be bad &a u.uuh right to spotter ea the publto platform es the oaodidete himself. The truth of the uhergw appeared fully weablished, and no further Investigation was u.ueesorY ; so- ourdengly, the poetmaater was removed from bis position. Mr. Alexander Butoa was appointed to hie plaos uu the meow meudation of Mr. '1olmle, M l'." this is altogether dill from what The Mel and Empire makes Mr. Mulook say. and thus is nothing whatever to 1t to show that 1 was slther a party to or had anything to do with Mr. H.ad.rsoo a removal. There oould not be, for tbs simple reason that I HAD pothole to do`wlth it, directly or In- directly, remote or near. end the first loll- matioo or knowledge I had of It was eon vey.d iia • letter written me by a Lrother of Mr Heodsrseo, AM7 EK the dismissed. Your remarks about Myself, are, there fore. absolutely incorrect. • roept so tar as they relate to my writing .0 Mr Heoder- soo, of Berrie, mrd others, to reply to letters sent ae. I am quite wlllmg to be held reepoosible for my owe outs as a publto moo, but de - alien to take reapoodbtiity for the sots of others, no matter what they relate to. and am oonteot that my friends in the vicinity of tt hlteohuroh will judge ms thereby. But 1 aft as a metier of fairness that they hays the facia bolero tbem, and not a gar- bled report, whloh I have showo is far from a correct statement of what actually took pilo.. Yours truly KOBERT HOLMES. Ottawa, Maroh 12, 1901. THE WORM t S TtRIt1D. Withal'Recorder Mr. Carrie Nation, who has bad fame thrust upon him by his saloon .mashing wife, Ie said to have reaah- d rhe limit of even • patient man's p511511 e, and to have Intimated to Mrs. Carrie that cantata lope -neglected household duties, such se seeming over oold potatoes, darn- ing holes in sock., and providing Olean sheet. Sofa. a year for the family bed*, await her attention. and that he is nom• petsot to i tVo talking for the Nation tensity. Mr. Carrie Nation will now go up eome points to the esteem of the male part of oesatloo. THE Erse;. WOSLD LIEF To RUN THE WAR. Hamilton Spectator : 11 Kitoheoer has teen offering tioth• any such terms ae those reported, we are ec'y glad that Botha h... Mooed to accept, The terms said to have boon offered ars entirely too easy, and • settlement on that basis would not be good for the tutors of loath Afrloa. We think the wise °our.. i. to °ease giving semi..ice. te allow the Boer. to rest, maks amman:• Don and prepare for a continuation of the war ; to push the enemy la.ar than ever, and make the country too bot to boll the De Wet. and Delareya U000ndltlooal surrender should be the only arm.. THE KING'S DECLARATION. Stratford Beaoon : Speaking in the House of Lord. yssterday Lord Salisbury expressed very maoh regret "that laoguags of .00h indecent violent,» had ever beets placed to tbs Kiss's anti -Roma" Catholic oath." We commend this open. , by the Prime Minster of great Britain to (:rand Chaplain Walsh of the Orange order. Corel Salisbury will propose m committee to oou o lder the declaration required of the sovereign on his aoce.eion, and whether its Iangnage oould be modified advantageously without diminishing Its eStolenoy u secur- ity for the maintenance of the Protestant . noce.slon. THEY wIE■ NAPE. Owen Sound Advertiser : "The silence of China" is taken as ominous. That re• calls the late Dr. Norman McLeod'. story of a brother preacher during a storm at sea. The minister believed they would all go to the bottom ; bat he was assured that while the sailors kept swearing to the to'o'tle there was no danger Tna they were swearing was made manifest to him. Rut finally he grew anxious again. "I'11 gofor'ard and listen to the sailors," the I)r. said. "Well." queried the frightened min later, ea his fritted came back, "how 1. it?" "They're mworise yet I" was the ,uswer. Whereupon the relieved Damon ,:claimed fervently. "Thank God I" _-- THE WHITECHURCH POSTOFFICE. "WHERF ARE WE IN CHINA To the Editor of Tux SIGNAL. Ooodltluns In China ]hangs slowly, but oertain things are koowo that help us to appreolate the extent of the °elamity, and also a preoiob what the end lx to he. Not less than one hundred and fifty, probably two hundred missionaries have suffers] ma-tyrdom. The number of native Chris tans Bala Is vett' large. Some estimate 40,000, but let us hops that the number is not so great. At the lowest estimate, It is a terrible daughter of Chit's'. best people. It 1. now known that Hao Ching ('hong and Yuen ('hang, two Iotellytent adonis in the Chinese Foreign Officio, refused to trace• mit the awful edict to "Massacre all foreigners" and obanged It Into "Protect e'1 foreigners." Oa a000uo0 of this refusal, tLey lost their heads. 11 is also known that the Viosroys along I e Vanes:. `valley entered into • compact with their Consuls in Shanghai to protect foreign lite and property. Sey.ral other Vioeroys and Governors and many muoor officals hays shown great kindness to foreigners, giving moosy, escort and fac,li ties to •soaps. 10 spite of the Empress Daw►ger'■ oommand and the determination 01 the reaattonuu to have these commends carried one, one half the wandarlos of the empire refused to obey This Is proof that 11.o missionaries had not *totted the host' cy of the mandarins as claimed by fns Cinemas Government and other unfriendly. entice. Indeed, to some oases Chinese are today asking the mlesiooartes to return to thcir field end work. There le oo longer any doubt that the B wore to the em- ploy of the Chinese Government. In T•eotslo oorrespondeo, a fell into the ha ode of the powers showing 000clttsiyely that the Boxers bad sent 01 olatme for their services in sbau hteriog foreigners and native Chris• tiara and that these claims were honored by the Government. The oountry has become so tar quieted that many missionaries bays returned to their fields In the proyiaoes near the coast, and some have even returned to the inland provinces. 1'h• dapper In Ronan le not now so much from Boxers as from iambs. Three uoa>sesive harvests have tailed, and the fourth is osrtaio to tail. The people hare become desperate and the oountry ls infested with bands of robbers seeki.ag loot or In any way to sustain lits. One missionary now is Cities writes "Our Dative Christian. have been sorely trisd,but we have very great cause for grat- Rude to the lxlthtalaes■ they have bean able to maintain. Is it not marvellous that hell are bslog added even in moth times as these! It is tree 1a other plaoes also that men are being converted through the loyalty end nobleoees manifested by the Christiana under per.eoutlon. 1 tee' that as sure as God 1a in His Heaven there is going to be a marvellous ingathermg into the oburrh of Christ whop these troubles are over. I oanoot understand soy men who has a true faith in God giving may to dsipondanoy beoauss of the things which bave happened. They hay. been dreadful soough--far more dreadful than you at home will ever know -but had many more been slate it would only make me more oar tato of the ultimate triumph of Christ in this land. The Russians around Tientsin claim that the fond upon which the blood of their fellow oounlrymeo has been shed has been made sacred by them. Christ's peace• tut claim upon this lend where Hue saint. have died for Him 1s far more certain of realization. The obarob of Christ most Lot end cannot go back on this undertak• log " 1 here ls the right ring about these words. Satan makes despot -6th strusgles against the ]usolotloo of bis kingdom. but Jesus shall relge. R. P. MAc,KAy. Big Drop in Nails In taking stock we found a large quantity ot'UUT NAILS, in different sizes, that are a little rusty, and we have decided to clear them out at 1 CENT PER POUND, CASH. Barb and Plain Wire We have ordered this season's wire direct front the man- ufacturer, and everyone wishing to purchase Barb Wite, Twist Wire, Black Wire or plain Galvanized Wire should wait till we give you prices. Wagon and Buggie Paint We have the (lest \1':tg,o1 uit'l Boggis Paints that are sold in Huron Count , 111111 Mt' tt 111 -;(`11 them right. Use our Paints and get imperial Measure. a •else.• M. le. Mad gesblag 1. De With our. Meader.es's teeseva1. The Dame of R. Holmes, M. P., has been dragged into the discussion of the removal of H. I). Henderson from the position of postmaster at W htteohur.•h The Klooar• diet Review was one of the capers whloh were led as/ray In this direottnn, but i1 has been manly s000gh to eoknowledge Its mis- take. The following appsnrod In The Re- view last week We have reoeteed the Nubianed letter from Mr. Robert Holmes, M. 1' for West Huron, to connection with the .rtiole in last week's Review based open the recent dis- missal of Mr. H. 1). Henderson from the Whlteohuroh pee1Bioe. It seems evident that the reply of the 1' M 1: to Mr Brook as given in Hansard, which ls the offioial report. b not broad enough to warrant the statement made by The Mail and Empire), which we coated, that Mr. Holmes was ons of the instruments to es- ourlog Mr. Henderson's deoapitmtloo. We haven* desire to be unjust to any public mac ard therefore aooept Mr Holmes' denial .f the relerenoee made to him and with pleasure publish hie letter, which I. se 1 ollows : Te ties Editor of The Kincardine Review. Dawn Sia : -in your issue n1 Maroh Ath to an article referring to the dismissal of My. Henderson from the position of poet - roaster at Whiteohorob, wherein Too quote the following from The Mail and Empire, as the reply of Mr. Mulook to Mr. Brook's question for lofermatioe thereon. "Mr. Brock was told by Mr Mulook that H. 1). Henderson, whn for 25 years was post - meat's, at Wbiteohurnh, had been removed for taking an active part In the last eleotlon. RIs removal had been recommended by the members for West Broom, Nest Huron and East Horne, and Alexander Beaton had been appointed in his plane on she reonm- menelation of Mr. Tolmle (luring the oam• paigo Mr Heodereon had been warned by Mr. Tolmle of the oenSegoenose of his eon - duet, but had replied that h• hal as maoh right to sit on the politloal platform as the candidate had.' A. a matter of faot Mr. unlock did not reply as above, but on the strength of Mils alleged reply yea hue an attack open my• .elf. You are not wholly In blame, bemuse yen are misled by an untrue report of Mr. Mutant's remarks. What the Postmaster - General did say 1. reported In Hansard, of Feb. 27, whish, as you knew, 1■ a literal report o1 eaewere gives on the floor el the Renee, and I. u follows " The POSTMASTER GENERAL (Hon. Wm. Molookl• Mr. R 1). Rte dsrenn, postmaster at W hltenhoreh, was re- moved from ethos booaoss, tiering the 1.t1 Itominlon election, ha book an witty p. lits. nal part In the eleellnn of West times, West Fianna and Fut Hums. Donna the campaign, .mo of the Liberal easdllates, the present evember for We'll Howe, wars A. MCD. ALLAN. l:etteral hardware. .Paints, oils and varnishes. Honest goods at honest prices. great oars and aoourasy la the work and re port the result, of the teat ea eooe as pot. d ole after harvest should select It. acme experimalt deemed and apply at an early date The material will bo for- warded in the order nu which the applies. 'loos ars received until the limited supply u exhausted. It might be web for each appl,oant to make . wend ohotos for Petr the first oould not be grunted. C. A. ZAN',ra, Agri .hit Iral Collage, Guelph, Ont. t:uslpb, March 16tb, 1901. TAX THE FARMER• Mr. Ltsoelles Carr, from Cardiff, Wales, e leading newspaper man of that oountry, was at the Roeelo House last Dight, oo 111. way back to Ottawa after a trip to the coast. Mr. Carr was dined by Mr. 0. F. Bork, of Port Arthur, and afterwards, la one of the emoklog rooms, Mr. Cert. who b s tboroughgotog tree trader, Indulged in some satirical remart. upon rhe system of protection as fol:owed un Canada and the Lowed Sates. Hie little knot of hearers did not oatob oo fur some time, "Ooe thing the', impresses me," said Mr. Parr, "as 1 blotto trained tater t o oountry. n the fact that you don't half !al the 1. - mere Tbey ought to be m:d: to pay r ,ugk the nose They est the r land f ar nothing ; shy Ghoul In't they pay the taloa! Here'. a young ooantry, and you're jost butldtrg your cines up, and yet you doe . half tax the farmer', whloh keeps the tattle. hook There are too many bog.'tes and woe houses to the oountry-it @bowe the farmers are no: axed halt as maoh as they oan stood Somebody bas got to pay the revenues, and in all countries there's a ohms that's got to do the work." Somebody remarked that the farmers are already axed by the arriff. "Taxed 1 They are not half taxed You're on the right traok-I'll admit 'hat - but you ought to soak itaatm ; that's what you ostbt to do. You've got to build up the oountry, haven't Fee? They Geo stood far more than they do, and It lost makes me angry to think how maoh more you could 'goatee, out of them It you went right at it. Wont good ars farmers, anyway? In an egrloultural oountry like this, are sure to bays all yon went of thateta pile It on to them What's the use of half doing a thing! Find rut bow muoh they can pay It they're pat to it, and th.r sake 'em pay It." Those who demurred ' - '>- As views tumbled to the fact that k rr was is dalging to tittles, but be din t. so well that all were for a time deoslved. He is a thoroughgoing fres trader. end regards protection as a .pooh calamitous to the farming interests. It is to be regretted that Mr. Carr did not reach 'Toronto a day soow- er to attend the meeting of the L'lnadlan Pre..A.soobatloO - Toronto Star. by each richer/ assoc.a' The central offio• is malotaloed by eob- sorlptions obtained from 'needs of the party throughout the Provinos. Their chief Idea Is to maintain a oentral -olhos well stored with info onation oo that oo mit 7 whether meows abides or failure overtakes the Perll- ameotary oonttngeot there will be a plata where Liberals to every riding may be sup cited with toformatloo to enable them to o utious the work in the Liberal cause. Members of the Looal Legislature and of the Homo of Commons are represented oa Ihs oouooil of the Aesodattoo, and Premles Ross, the members of h1. Cebiuet and the Ooarlo members of the Government ot Sir Wilfrid Laurier ere alto members of the oonnoil. Thoogb the mistral Ars>olatioh furnishes the o.oeseary iostruotione, the work is now, mad will be, as In the past, dote by the good men Is each riding. 1 h Aeeectaltoe, however, desires to alp, all as * tetanal possible to the riding aeeoolatloss and local workers, and endeavors to do this through tie seers' sig, Alexander Smith, 34 't iotoria *'rear, 'r .'onto, and Jamas Vanos, Toren' o, Du a Ma .hall, Tborubury, and W. A. Sowatt, Martooteme. depa,y Litt oral organisers. If to addition to tie wo k ab .ve el:ul. d to either Governne..t or tits Petite. ootaty °oatJogen% of Sithe• 11 liege .tire a y e peolsl line of actlylty, they can have the sa,ie atter ed to be sauuuug lbs roto to do it end providing the heocs.ary funds TI e o.tarso L beret Assoolst:on dos oot nadir. aka to do more than ito mesas eoabi• P. EXPERIMENTS IN AGRICULTURE• The •atarls Experimental L ales I Lid of Teets Per 15111. The members of the Ontario Agrioultural and Experimental Union are pleased to sate that for 1901 they are again prepared todiatribote into every township of Ootarlo material for experiments with fertihzere, fodder crops, roots, grains, grates. and Movers. Upwards of three thousand Oo• tanto farmers conducted the co operative ',pertinent' upon their own farms last year. LINT OF EXPERIMENTS Fast 1901. 1. Three varieties of oats. 2. Three varieties of six -rowed barley. 3. Two varieties of halloos barley. 4 Spelt and two varieties of opting wheat. 5. Two varieties of buok wheat. 6. Three varieties of field peas for north ern Ontario. 7. Two varieties of bug proof Sold pets. Cow peas and two varieties of Sete or Japanese beans. 9. Three varieties of husking corn. 10. Three varieties of mangold.. 11, Two varieties of .]gar heels for stook feeding. 12. Three verbatim, of Swedish turnips. 13. Kohl rabl and two variebise of fall turnip.. 14. Parsnips and two varieties of carrots. 15. Three varieties of fodder or silage s• 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. so, 29. Three vaitstlaUef millet. Three varieties of sorghum. Grim peas and two varieties of vetches. Dwarf Eases rape and too varieties of kala. Three varieties of clove. Salnfoie. Lucerne and Barnet. Flye earteties of grasses Three varieties of field beans. Ince. varieties o1 sweet nova. Fort tizere with enrn. Fertilizers with marigolds (lrowtng potaboee no the level and In hills. Planting potatoes the same day and five days after heug oat. Planting out pot.tose whloh have and whloh have not been coated over with lend plaster. 30. Planting torn in rows and In equates (an erc.11.nt variety s1 early sora will be need.( Mabet'lal for either Number ewesty-et'* er nomtter tweety els experiment will be lett by'epeese. and for each of the °then 11 will be t.ww.rded hy maul. Raoh ps tone 1n t lnarte who wishes M seediest so sxpeeleteet rod le welling M use PAIN rERS AND PAPER HANGERS• Mere b a Meese e Prows • Tradeomas ta fab renew Werkssea all •ver (amala. Plates, Oa t., Mar. 25.-Rlobard Kelly, of }'lean, 4. s well-known painter and paper- hanger. Mr. Kelly requests the publlca• tion ot the following - "i wish this to °etch the eye of every peiear aad paper hangar in Canada. We all of as suffer t: om kidoey disease. There seems to be something about our work whloh brings it on. I have found a Dare. Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure the wont oath of kidoey trouble that any of to have ever had. I suffered for three years. My book was dreadful. "Infi.mmstloo of the kidneys followed, and i went to had. The Bret hoz of Dodd's Kidney Pills helped me Four bores eared me. They are the oatoter's and the paper- hanger's best friend. Everybody in Ihotoo knows me, and the people ciao youth for what I say of my own thee." SPEAK NO ILL. Oh ! breathe no all of others tree, Or ,o Bath oosveree bear a pert ; Words can rive sorer wounds than halve. And sadly lacerate the bears. Judge not, 0 mac, thy fellow mac, Leave that to Him who reads the mind ; But search for all the good you ma, of they who seek shall surely Sod. Be under to your epeeoh of all, Aod - let your vo,on be heard Caedemaug others for their 1a11, Ur slanderiog them by deed or word To others' failings clow poor eyes Awl tarnish Doc soother'• Dame ; For who than say that you would rips A bettor men :f tried the lame Theo lenient be to others' fault., Aa you would have them be to von, And take no part in their amanita That taint the oobb sad the trust ; 'hoe God alone can judge the mac, And we moot all before him Band ; Theo ever speak the best you man And reach to all • helping hand. ��ifi111t11i1111111111, , 1rr NEW STORL IN THE OLD STAND I HAVE started store in my old stand and am ` ready to do business with a complete new stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the coming season's trade. I have nothing to offer but new, fresh goods, bought in the best market, which 1 um prepared to offer at rock bottom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of your trade I do so with confidence that I can satisfy you, both in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote litieprices just now, but 1 wish to call your special at- tention to my stack of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from 25c. to $3.00 a yard. Silks in great variety, both in colors and black. Remember the place, COL- BORNE'S old stand. Telephone 86. J. H. COLBORNE, TIMMS: Strictly Cash or Produce. UODERICH wwu1uiiu4uwuuuu►ui Do You Use Well Water ? If so it is likely to be impure at this time of the year more than any other. Hence this special:offer : For one month from MAitcH 27 we will make an approxi mate uialysis of your drinking water free of all charge. Quite ,ulhoient to show whether It is safe or not. The usual t herge fur this to $1 00. Fres until Ara11.27 only. W.C. GQODE -�QHEM/ST ns.e.0 lfiiiofg. Build up the Lungs with our own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and tlypophos- phites. Warranted equal to any in the. market ,and the cheapest. Your money back if not satiatied.,-- _-__Yesitilresettittkie patronage is respectfully solicited. Remember we claw to have Me tem ansogements for testing the purity and strength of drugs „ ;I„e count/. The !yelper Treattaeat fcr catarrh le a remedy that rsaobes all the affected parts That remedy Is Catarrbeuooe, whloh is foliated along with the sir you breath and permeates the moot minute air oslle la the longs, throat, soul pa.eaees sad br000hlsl tubes, cleanaag as 11 by fire, It U the pleasant, volatile effect of pare, healing, essential ods, and by virtue of it. antlasptto properties 1111. the germs that Dease the dlsees., allays any irritation or competition of the muooae membra]., heals raw, sore .pots, and Dever fails to effect spe rfsot ours. 1t II clean, 000yeelent and element to rise, sod contains no Injurious 1oer.diente that could harm even the weakest Infant. The complete outhl, pito. SI 00, b rums teed to ours, or your mosey back. Small size, 25o., at droqute or by mall. A trial seat for 10o. by h. C. Polson t Co., Kings. bee, Canada, or Hartford. Conn., U. 8. ONTARIO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. Shortly after the Liberal vietory of 1896 the Liberals, with the view of leavening the work of their o.ntral organization offios for tbs Provioos in 'Toronto, divided the Pro• vInoe into section., with an Eastern Associa- tion having an office and headquarters to Ottawa for the east, and subeeg000tly a Western Association with a bureau to Lon- don was established. This division of labor for ordinary inter -election purposes has been dispsosed with rod the work for all the i'rovlooe is directed from the control and head body, the Ontario Liberal Asooia- tino. Of this Association, Alex. Smith, 34 VIotorla street, Toronto. Is secretary, and he has at nue direction a number of theist - into who attend to tbs °reanimation 1a the ridings esslgoed to them. At a rent meeting of the Federated Liberal Clubs 11 we. felt that the work of the Ontario Liberal As.00lation ooald he largely ang- meoted by eneeareging young Liberals to ornoize °labs, and as • result of this feel. ing the Federated Clubs were .1,.n ropes eeotatlon on the (monad of the Ontario Liberal Association. sad 1)unoan Marshall, Thornbury, (trey county, and W. A. Stew. art. Martlotnwn. Glengarry creamy, will tweeting Liberal oleo - hrougboub the Pro - .1.05 Every ',thirst who desires to aid In help - 1.. along the good cause, whether as a spssker, oreaeirer rel elutes. nrgenizer et s riding, mnaloipality of polling divalent or e ngage In the very s.eeatlal work of revis- ing the voters' 11.,s,non reostve inattention., directions and literature from the aline of the O.arle 'Abend A.seolation. Tho number of guides, pamphlets, books and other useful oempllaNens Issued by this Aesoot.tloe totals In the millions and now, with an lnnreeeed sad .Solent staff, all this . pleedld material ant be used with felling mesu TolM Ontario Liberal AsseolatImt, se every one who has takee s pro psr interest Is the party knows, was formed hy the Premise o1 the Provisos anti Sir Itiohard Cartwright wiling representative Wank from sseh noestltnency M meet le Toronto. The ✓ at her,ng wss •sussed of these whn ware the I'revlaelal sail Demlelee seadtdabes In dna prsoseleo fir, the shied allows el the riding alasalallsas sad delegates sleeted His Lordship Bishop Baldwin will visit SI. George's choroh on May 5th to adminis- ter the rite of 0006rmebioo, ALBERT W. WISE 1RA1.Em IN f Farm Implements and Machinery. Deering Binders, Mowers. takes and Twine Also J. W. Mann good' Ploughs. Pnlpers, eta Walkertl a Vv agong • specialty, Everything made of the very boot material. Repairs of all kinds kept on hand. Would he pleaoad to have you call and ' erect goods before parchastog olsewhere. ('1.09 CARD PRIt'EP. Will open sip 1a the old Ansae Mr if 'too Mond about • .t r ard. A. W. WISE, Hamilton Airiest. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TR a RUT ScrallIOli Hard Coal IN TPE MAHkWI All Coal weigh ad on the Market Analog. where yea get sonnies. fora tom. True Paint Economy lies in using paint a little before It becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait till the old coat has entirely worn away. THE SHERWIN-WHIMS WASON AND iUP EJEIIIT P111liIT keeps the farm wagons, implements, and tools, yews sad strong. It's easy to use. Red, Yellow, Bine, Green and Black. livery farm should have a can for ready via. N. D. ROUG\-IE, The Cash Hardware Store, Ooderich.\ LESSON IN ENGLISH, CODE An adjective .iguiying sound, palatable, pleasant, etc. "GROCERIES "C000 GROCERIES" !)an Goods such as sugar, tea, spices, etc. Tho kind we sell. STURDY c CO., • GROCERS Telephone Ni. 91 - Market Square. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVLTOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. Horace Gabrauchmusterschutz, Benmlller:- DEAR UNCLE : - I lave you considered how you are going to gather and boil your sap for maple syrup this year. Lee & Shephard have got the latest and best boiler on the market, and in the Fall it can he used as a feed boiler. Have you seen it ? If not call and see it. They have also a large number of sap pails and spiles. I will write you again in a couple of weel. WM. LEE. Grd. r. lett a, Ls>a at asus.&71.D'II Stere prompt II at'esdad M. Your Niece, BERTHA. Wall Paper it may be a little too early in the season to begin to LSIk wall par,' All our stock in not in but we expect to have so much t) nal •boos Wall paper thin Spring we begin to talk early. In addition to oa- s, xk we have made arrangements with two larg n American toms 11) handle their gondn on commission. We oan show yon the largest line of Wall Pwper'e ever shown in Huron, and have the advantage of being able to show samples equal to a twerty five thousand dollar stook. The paper will he delivered 48 hours after your order is placed. What a splendid opportunity for the Goderich citizens and others to have such a large range of choice. Stich was never known in Goderich before. Call and ane for yourself. 11 we oan't suit you then yon should be in heaven. KIDD'8 BOOK STORE.