HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-28, Page 2Il
na Mrk WANTS THh KART11.. - o> = NimThe Si
g. Bruck. of Toronto, Vmudo It
offeserh In Parliawsut Thursday, to Tir• I,ondan Illu"trirtel M;1il of ---
a roauaaas fit(,course 111 Willett hu condemned
MDAT MORNING ,lda.rcll 2 amletalnr a (whichcsimile 411 tin•
flu• prrjerentlul (aril( uu wWloiur, "parlour not 0e With Which Kroger Newspaper Men
f1 U. 11oJ11.t.ICUDDi. '
clnimlllg that It (eiloid refund the pail Itlr llurglwre (kit tilt) day u[ Ills
_.:�-.--. . - -- _chrthlg of tow l'anadiau mlllr ur til++ fUght from Prewrlu. Ifuue
y of thec Canadian
9•HCRI1DAY, MAUCH 28, 111)1. reduelfi.n'r of the op•rathowd' wage", worthless pruuaivem to pay are still
Talk Ahout
_ __
Ie, Upper Canada find fitult wllh -
Cr,nud ray til#)
1t good l'uuadlunt as nu)
tIt Kvud
tial aY PRINCE GEORGEThe Markets
et. :' Lind tut the k'rruch always
(hens duty, uud them
w ur luy'NI to Cnnadr
notmitluuuldaugur affected Lendrum q belt Markets.
m exactly ur it affected the king -IS AT j•'uIIOIALug arc theclosing quutatinum
-'nnadlunlo•1 laid out the F'renell at 4ulrurtaut wheat centres today:
udlati/ stand true he 1775 uud ---- t'ush,
the 1•:mplre? Were Chicago ... ... ... -- ill y7
o Canada for j
rain# roll, under York ... ........ --
y not born on the Now U all 1•t
#time (hair, un -ler tit" rants 60v- Splendid Scene to Valetta Mkiwaukee ... ... ... .. $076 ---
Ign anti why rhuuld they not fecal Mt. lau'tr ............ -- OTt71 ,
ctly tilt) rlllne tar nil outer ('11114- Toludp .. ......... 0T91.2 ONU:4.4
nr? 111+1 not 111rtory, prove till"? Harbor. Uetrolt, red '... ... ... 0793.4 U III T•N
not that Trench-Casadluur'fight Detlo:t, "bite ... . 0798.1) __
e by ride with our fathers In 181_. Duluth. Xu 1 teurUl-
fields nud for the -_ -- --
It on the trnmu ora .. . 0751.8 0771-tt
enueo? Ha(, they not ulwaye I)ul%th, Nu I hand 07716 --
,vn the longue feeling". They RPlll Min11•alalls, No. I
representatives to Mouth Air""' gUICARIANS MASSACRED, northern ... ... ... -- G 75.-11 y
did, anti n French-l'auaJluu
we 'lurunter Faraterr• Market.
emler rent filet'. Thu most ell)-
,a t, brilllnr,t, fruit patriotic .. Wheat -400 btlrhelr of w'h14- m.dd
ever n►ade OD the flour Of lie higher, and 150 bushels "t real
House of (-omnwns were made Ittrk+,if Thclr sold \\ urea -A lirillmll to higher at 69)iu, rated 4041 buoh"It
our French-Canadian premier, to )!rel U.N. 4'0141- of goose sold %o higher at fou to
on Iwhalf of all Cnnadinur, In sierl l'umblue 66%0.
) Interest of Cnn+tda and the I'm- blue \ur"Ny lore DTpurlt■ Barley -100 bushels sold le hlgl"r
ID uppowittuu to the few who Is l'Ialaled our It. at 46c.
called it a brutal measure, :tad In
the (koverunrent of dri%Ing IieW,le
circulatiOn nuwuR tow Ignorant
of the Trtuirl'+tal.
t to
Vi=i lie
T uccure/l
Mr. Fieldlulf'r &aaullucetarnt that it.
wen out of take Country by uJtttNuttt
Thr regular tariff duly 'kit in"
Tho United Stated army offiriut"
Thu Canadian Press Amme)CIAtloa din- din
there will be slo'tariff chassKl'r till"
mvlrti woolens les :ti per cent., mud tiro
filldi"K "lulu ,itffl('ully In get-
ttcr "Is place in McCouiey'r room/. I)jd
year will be received with general I
w lilt tsar -third Off float rnt •, Brills.,
n ruffle•Ient number or re•
for the uulNtrriug
ed, night. Mr. h J. fart 1- rid
milk and IIL Ulu hruJ tnbiu flQl
Thiel, from n mtaunh trop !rad,:
N.nlrOa have "Lill le, PIv 2:41 a filer cruiLr
le, flow
filo %uluutrrrr undue the act'
were rt. Ill
Cut- Imill-Milo
journal like thl' Tirat•r, hm,k4 nrtunirll-
but shut avhAt 91%eY
clout, to tilt. rawt'rkee oil catering out
li aliuub'l, w. S. Diagonal
ltuurge 1'. Gruhaw, M.'1'. 1'., A. til sir
Ing; we preamul-
the Times waA isthato
rti+xtto 11t1OK uluull.ul
tileyouthhnye 'Thu Bigelow
U. F'. Moreduuuld, John A. l'uupur, U. at.
�w( 4. ,,',kill- ill
change ban lit 1he
I la
McGillicuddy and Elbert flubbard.
floss of lighter 1•rutect�uu. It 1N u
wannfneturer tat w'uulcur quit,;
nationstl standpoint: nnl "tie
In order W enable Mr. Marc Jou- "'if
trifle herd oft it paler that I,ar
_-� lav rent.• film( Lar, hu Is enabled to
Ss) Hugh McKinnon {wt. 9000 away
Valle, nue of the guests of lire e%en- R� u
fought through th;ek idyl thin
IIOtt still remains
charge him holm curt.,tnrr $3 for a
t0 b: ('ilei of 1'ollir In l)tiwmoo Pity.
lag, sr catch tin It u'ged train,or- by
free' trade, and
true to Its ,old (hith, to be: compelled
qussutily and quality Of woolens that
Tlr: apix,intnk•nt it y good one. By
the l'rr %Loi u eeare land sed "ken
der of tilt' rluie% uud proposed alt
4t) extract ratlrfartiolor out of roc
run Is. bought In Orent Britain for
turlurAl qualities and by lung expert•
wlthilut curawout ljo0 tunrl of ".\
uupromiwing material. - \1ooJrto ck
$1. lir. Prtek (t millers it brutal to
epee, In p.elloe and detective work. Mr.
l'nitul ('auadu." ►[n SAuvalle's M re,
tI1P l'mmldbtll manufacturers
McKinnon In fitted to premerve ,order
stewch was appropriately l)rtwooded w
•' owl
Perhtlpltl i1 it It "trifle iI71ld," at.
/i41ul atiyailtapto insist S3 ceotr to
even In such It ml%,mt cotunuulity am
to"Tile Laud of Use Maple, ) \
rung by Mr. Adlun Dockray. Tile Oh
our 1.„"tt-n,lor+iry %:tys, for nn cu-
C« 1 :I cental on the dollar. Yet Ila'
taw,( Lu Purse- ata
il,umiast to be e' 104y,t with the rate
lliltrt seme,mtwr it time when tilt'
Argentina And I ruguny have effect-
rosy of cGeew !urge of flee r sour
( cheek. lar* ti
tit prugrPss but the TIw4-o tried the
t'nmtdi,•tu tanker tit WoUlt•ar did a nice
et.! a sanitary treaty, by which these
elamuruurly wcicuu� iLLLrurIJ �
rearch by
IPst1r! n( It Liberal puirty appear
thri%il+g IrWlasar with se prutccllun
C41 11 RgT Pti In l(1 Uperfl ll• (Yr
reply tt
ton lit' w'ar about to essay the tilt-
the hallle l t+nlity 'It r{
le, be using 1 r''ei
oaf UI:I,V 13,pRtr cent. .\ l'unrrrv'ntiv'e
the pre%eation tried suppression of
fleult task of milking It rpo"ch In up
tacler in OVA lug tike atgult al'
tioveremont was then in Office At
dlwrtose tit an rptiCnllC or infectious
a W[tlplw wh1011.wur But bis another �
IuJgiug fr,m his hill un the bud-
Ilttawus And Mr. liro1.k lend m, &terra-
chuntyter, R'hn ante" chdturtlue les
toug,w, uud in the course of !Lia rot- Iml
he a artiest reference
pp•L ie, the House )erterlay, sir 11'il:
list Idpas about dri%hIK ('amtdi,tn
out uJ%atecing" '
markt male Ills
:fJ III# hold l'.ngll wtl.•• Must Uf Ilti
trail Laurier himself w.risid b` %l'ry
workmen away to tilt' 1 llited Statom.
ids: for large rolls.
those will' (lint a
well IpaSr,11/ he l.wlll IIr11K the lad
w p
.\m n metier elf illi'( !lap N'el1dPI1 le,
Daiidli. Hill ttwAds„ole NPN' York:'rr
their French as tit,
tile[” Frrnah war nu wurrd llhl t'u
chariot along A Ker Wt tarter Mill
litlrtry iie in t1 nature INfettmper.tus "UIP
the uthpr night tont tit:? w -at. glad he
Meech %%'ad A stralylht(UIl{/nTti and oil- ti
thurisst¢W ativoxncy of the w0ttouf p
tire road toward free trIoa,r. But
,111ioa In ('ngaJu titan M the ('nitel
ItTeo1 in n n•puWhe Where it I,
the Waft. 11'hl,R he war so. -kindly
4.W tits Conservsttvtw that, if they
. States. And Well It ldt%Y" .e: fur ;the
C•eruld talk about "guy" poples. F:%l
treated. 4t) remarked, he fell that tr
would *rote his htleralrrem GtlriY and
malrrinl Ir chrrtper Gere flr,i
dently Va%id Ions not rteently' counted
ta•tw,eu men of the male laical there Of
would find that the Lib-
tl , whether iwp)rtel or 'of home
the big. bl•= I's 1, a i•rewl,leli it) uses•
wan a language that could be un- tr
rxpe,et to well his products tulles" in
trot of the property, but it was lox-
.nil 1 Ra . it g •
tinily, when, deapltr race nal creed,
I're mtr.r. in ".ply t•r Mr. Jturden'lo
the, country from witch he lonyt p.'
plalned that ('anndlan Pacific in
they had gone to a pirturr/que Quebec
nu had n tariff (",se, ll"
Opt J ll
nnleh mark sU freely?
the uinclPm Was the chenpeeit 5
village and hail i.,tcen its best cithein
I o,( a nail mal
hl the yearn from i47J to iK'J6, "pet"
lir. Drock's solicitude fin the ('anti-
ler cAnt,. atotk going, and wonder
ant made him vtder I
patty. F,'qunlle true war It tint til,•
& protective bads, ytre would Illative
,Linn *orkin mnn might two' very
was cxirrearid flout it hill out been
l;onierantl%e p"o"ly ha:: (!?:D, well In
lire defy i0(tatlnually changed from
touching, if it had not born ptttPrvld
gubbled up before.
ignoring pro%in vial r•omeldisrathni final t
cine year to another, an w•All the cast'
dint till. lowert rate of w'agem pre-
to going to an eastern I'roeiniwt to final
In torose (Myr. You w-wtld hose, its
%nils in tier. mtrvt highly protected
The leader of the Dominion Tories
ri lead •r. Tim • had Justl led file actlOa'
tit`' i'lb'rfela fr,"" u }tarty atatfrvm
we had under tlxl late Government
nhl•trlr., 3lhr AufotY owurr doe/
n tin 1be'reW ntTat--Td7=
ham s P
nationstl standpoint: nnl "tie
an incessant prmessbu air tariff
not poly n .other muro tip Italy' 1.m-
ift, oat lemg and bitterly aatutllenf by
^penkrr"thought that Iltrendy they
tinkerers lrctu tow different eitdes of
k,Vim• in w"AKrr fibers !lir profits run
tin.' organs Of III" party. Ile mays tile'
hati evidruae that the (onmervalivon
Canada to the office of thii Finance
pep into tlao hundrr.Ir of thouNassdr
pimrty "hove naves .m►hl they {fru
lint] chomen Wisely (nr thair party and
the All,] up.rn that pule(
Minhoter. There never War .r year
filters %%lips, they repn•owlit ordinary
plrrart to repeal the preferrtit Uhl
for ruuntry. ,
Mr. Willison tit -rated Ida c••n%tcu 411
ft atm It1T9 fu 1M91t-a,r atie Limas•
interrrt on tilt- twpitnl ii%V"tsd, He
dear, no' They just abutter! it. anti
lh'It in ill-, rlkamin, of A I-ader Ilwy
neer warn pwrilml or (hies year"-
bury labor set tier lowest market rate
dewmrnc4ml the Liberals for gl%ing it
lil,uldd look to the man cath •r than
wlp•u il,e•rr was n -A firmne tinkering
.,t l loo• tariff. One man wtmtd fine,.
ntN o"•IF IAo ,uJ" 6)t. all ht' cud get.
the th:ory tlmiee-
w Ithi"It repulring as n titµd pro quay
to the tucality. 15:10tiII the wentern
provpacett �R lIoopp tW moa teat ILt -*
that "Male IncrntloHt In the C'ulto'd
Twenty` yearn rtgn,
lying lir. Brn•t'w argument had oomP
that t:rc,t Rrltnln return ton {1151-
to tit taste her e. Ilc'" it1U.1.
) g i
for the work ori--milerbhip am Cronaela,
it would tin3 a great "t?p in tilt' Cwl-
states or Great Britain liked low-trmh
is•hescera► in Canndn. iron it gun" fully
dumnge to #nM.t other clans Of the
WAI'tratlon of Canada.
the priced of the pro lucts W . war'
te+rlu'1 Ami found to work itndly. The
It ulna& Cave stat" the Turley in the
lie worse "tut gt,ing to a.rems the
staking. and Inmtend orf oxerch(,ng tits
Ixeoset Coirernmeut works ,on the
Hous3 feel like "snickering" when
trying to sow the reeds of (,Ir-
t i� nud h,Kenuity t') over.
elf erpr
flay -5 loads sold unchanged at
\'hep they' were rlwuklng or writ-
Mull', March 23. -The rleaswr
*14 to $15 per Lott.
Ptraw-Firmer. with light rt..•
on !1110 Subject, ('ill. Dents)n went
Ids, twnrin the Duke auto Duchrrr
Op R
celptr; 2 Iodates sold 50.) higher at
%vhy mhould they out bring up the
Of (•or"wnll nn their tour ,of the
*9.110 to $10 per ton.
things the Freueb had .lune? hl-
w.,rld, arrived here this nlorufug. Thr
Butter -Market quiet, with light
or spenkingof tire few Wen wil(,
or harmony with the Mal.
w"arrllllso In file harbor were outlined
demand. Pricer' are eamier at Itll
to LOU per pound rolls and 16c to
iD1U11 ui idle nnliUll, why IIUt lhllnk
iltlll drrrsrJ. In 1'nl�llu great 1•ruw'lY
ids: for large rolls.
Jfr Wilfrll lAturler'r waguifhcent
filled the terraces Md the rautlaarts
EggO-Price war weakrnet, and
eech In Perls, ter of the {lour fellows
c„nunntuting the hurbor. Tho Olahlr
major lut%u leen made tit 14c for
rte+a In South Africa? In their. die-
ter in the Hbume three French -Can-
our mart eighteen w11rr tut by a
new laid. Market runive triton, 18:
to 15C.
lana Iona, taken the one view, stood
flutilln of ten turledo bout destroy-
Poultry -Dull uud unchaingod. !w•
7onst them all fire other French-
crs, an.l entered Lite hurbur Amid
mand to "mall dull reoelotr Lire light.
nadlanr and all the F.uglieshd'ana-
malvos of artillery fru” St. AgAo, tiro
I)refortl liugr-Murket steady al
lint) Tote( togeLler. Let EnK-
think 04 the great
Otadel, the forty aul till wvtrrbllw.
*7.73 to SN.25 per cot.
Whert Alarkets.
am or the French-Canadian mem-
After recelvind the offh;btiv, the
•tyle market for Mnnitnlrt wh^nt 10
re wile Toted with them, find not
the few m^n who tried to make
Duke an.l that I)uclurr handed nod
drovd' to Porto It :•al:, waA thence to
still very-rowmnn ted, iced. B remaining
"mall and detmnti Easltrd. Buyers lump
Tl -, ' le file
been Tery ararco and whent uumal.-
full) t14ry a t.4. _ �
• orals bad never promised 1p adopt pro"htetb,n, the policy Irf the \tilted segs, derrtuod by all. C%uoadu'a resources the pwllat to wa a Q
free trails Immediately am It IN in atateu Im•ing to fit'- alt^ w,sd a .At - "ere great -Ler people "lust On rattle were failed with chleerluag Npie ole holders
[lo welts lowered. liar
- Thr statement current 1n U. S.
titan( each utter. They. moot make toilers. The rntir: di+tante from the holder+ hale nut spur Jit yea( ads rt.
Elyllnnl. Rut what et. hn%0 said '.tin nils wo,idenoi. UISCUSSINS Jura paeew. Tn•+ spurt I l ye•rll,r,L,; ,
again and again; t \e Illi) nJ,1Pd• )it.. Itnxk acflf not help lir Terry papers that Mrr. Botha Ir u grand- of Can'tdu a mbtlierlaml-a'llrte free Eluding place le, til relief
w7tY Atuerlu+tu umrkot l has t r:rC• I u
Then Mr. S.iuvnlle sp.Ye let liar frac brightly dernrrtUJ anti Ilu.,d wllh
"it. shat Willie We belfe%4• in tree c:lmor in ('rinaJd by making extrnv,t- daughter of Robert 6nuuet, the Irish ,k.v1 of (•friend&, telling of certain nn firmer h'elif,tt Lul sufficientwpthis hIto
trial, it n Illtlr fivhy, oral ho (rob- tno{w and Wur jackets. trot clnpseml/lo allow a pru•tic.rl Is
tend.• nw a theory, Wt, know tions, we glint demands on behalf',of tit(' w(I"I" Pa 1 plenr11nt experiences of ills n scor•i lir! arl4,ao ,llteomerred.
ably fertile for effect. Emmet was let ycard ago in the Republic of MONic", INOEMNITIS g fluence, s. till ponces Writ ni•uilurl,
are Imlund to rnisu a re veuu0 by tl turn, or nely Other rot- of mauufne- which went to show that rrpubitc+ ('onwtnnikete a , March Macedonia
us ard, a, els: N.P. 1 hnrl, Mpc..:\o.
cu;t.rmN tariff, awml it will lake many to"w"s, •Tale Cnraulla'1 tnrmer..lnwlier- ue%'cr marrlorl, and left neither ''+`,° at..• cot invariably tree c ntrie". Cres ing to pot !lute riticicrr fn)w Jgucctiuufa ;: hand, 704•.: !ie,• J hard, 6Mc•.; N•,.::
yr.Arm before we ca,uhl have free trade m,rq• fiwhcrmnu, nliuer, rte... has to nur slaughter, coinsequently hors. falsely It would not iree cre ltabl.' __ a trust of Turks msrracred three lint- warthern, 6x3.1 2t•.; trugh \(t. .1 hard,
fw It Ir in F.we Cq,u. Bol apart fratro Bu Ula caaltaet be life grand -daughter. tore any man Ito time that ample treat g triau families, Ill.,,, wow •u ita.l 1.1111 684•.; tough No. K northern, 5th-.. ,dl
Ire IN this rlinridera t f to wll,hl: products At a price fixed by _ _— Lowe of Canad•t to try tle {mu'pne {rats (Ire", in the TGlage of Aghauanhulleb, tit store Fort William car rn route. 5,..
this, there lilt. wortTo supply' nud drmatd-a King Edward VIII. rupl)Ing to n tlo.l of the p,oplo Ilg:tlnmt aa0lher. Committee of Allies Wrestling tear S•res, a town fortyaeveu miler I hard clo"A at 840., un•1 N,. tat
Ire borne In mind: There Ilan never ,Iu1L•Ir'r worth for a d.,llur. The Wrlff oft'le•gatfun tut Qualserm prayed his lie vanc:tlaluu, )Ir. Souvallu itsourel nita'theast rel Sth.ahxt. Detatia of the: 4181-4c. to store Fort Willhuu. 141Ni.
I been ,a period of time In the hlrtory' rli,lbles flue weolcu mnuitfaclurer to outrage hate not been tool senor The aces Ir Bary dull and Inactive.
_-, l --
. Canada when lite tuanufActurinp "sign wualal witness the N'IdwprCmJ his back" that (tire n ti .L nbcwn;; I With the Question. new. "resiled n tore,fuNte.l s•uranettor peg trumretercbtl. March 16.
chnrgt.thr (armee, tun;lwrwnn, timber- but iRlck%Tnrd in oho natiwtal more
Is•luetrirr Of Canada were ni safe ntrrplatlre tit their principles -the Witt. __ _ it W rpprxtttl (loot n %tllagt uenr Ilurnr Wool llirlerts
rota ami miner *1..5 for toll worth, estahlhohmegt tit peace among uu- Monastic. in Mncedunin, with uluivo'd
mind recWre an flay are n' PnrenL•. 1.6yally to ('a"rtfr. mlullun of )lumnkllnaus nod Itul Willie the dtwltl t, le, tor• l`mtood
yrt till. mart flu iovoreiiis n't cuss- tt -7tir, Willison. In /leaking to-,tl+t' FORD SALISBURY'S ILLNESS ga Slates anti la Great Britain t+ Int
tions Ixlo EltHrenl hrtw a higher uwu- KurtatiN, hn0 barn burned.
Lille great gulf, Clint lilts Ueeo rumm.10, teat. tut opts ,up Mr. Brock to plead intron than the cultivation of an cm- toast, said the best ser%ice they c'm1.1 touchedving and puntorices n{: and to I: too
of tnxnl{on 'lo Mert l'. S. Combine. touched the bottom, and tlwen• u
apart from the lowering for more. He aiui+t kssow that the lire founded on force. 1 render to Canada +and the empire we,,
IJ 1-8 preference to British goats, ptritimrlr wmkinguinn• canlrot continue
to. keep lite country unilM, tI pr:: No%% York, March 25.--Aprupur of sssru lushness G•Ing dune, pria•m ars
alms the enlargement Of Lill, general serve good retotione between their Un) -list u.rlun of the ori mnutact tit lbractitainlycally Are higher. Thur Is rt-"
nes Ilern tit 4, boy nn l ronmr,tuoo U."ladinn wheat, A twat in Canadian I'uciflo stork 1'oel' GOHe nt Duty 0t.. o oro
Erre dirt, IN tint a atop h p IRwf cul cheer•. unlc�r hr eau thlJ n 1'rucitteps anti tie caHolu elewe0ts of a cut tire -at
tit steel w11uufaclur- fainly arerre irtnrinurr bring ekweP, but
un the New Tor market yeslor4lay ) 1 ala dy t)1!• the �eN l hr Vs nes- err tit urPat BritalD 'far reshot the acn.rding to Toronto doalprm it Im tin
to tariff tinkering, and p119rim,lK^" ht Ihr pri>tntlatlon, nn:f le, acro -. le, nity . rat!ous of til � U111ted 'Stat •r Sl: et
market for Brilim:t pro4tot,m slid"• started n rumor short,!fill a1rl Vor- t(oJ,Ilnnda Lire floret find but t-st •'t orHlea Ktrlke Mluutfull l a.•I1mn--. 't )tsP result ,of Ilnhdrrs accepting tit.- ma
tit manufacturers to., Ottwwa ars n" wil"""l nal w'lu•n ollaunld the !triton gni were trying to acquire Cm,n Cnnndinn citizenship. Tile Libor�l4 uorporat", vurhtuostatomente have utti.m and making prim+ rlrnet-rsw,it
.1 u) 1 word for l'nnnPubte WorleuJ.rrn•t 1'reutler Is nt:ll been publito4e•d during the least few' which ha%e resalte.t in indw-ing 1 tit'
longer in fnshlon. If, multi tilt,
rxpe,et to well his products tulles" in
trot of the property, but it was lox-
.nil 1 Ra . it g •
tinily, when, deapltr race nal creed,
I're mtr.r. in ".ply t•r Mr. Jturden'lo
the, country from witch he lonyt p.'
plalned that ('anndlan Pacific in
they had gone to a pirturr/que Quebec
nu had n tariff (",se, ll"
Opt J ll
nnleh mark sU freely?
the uinclPm Was the chenpeeit 5
village and hail i.,tcen its best cithein
I o,( a nail mal
hl the yearn from i47J to iK'J6, "pet"
lir. Drock's solicitude fin the ('anti-
ler cAnt,. atotk going, and wonder
ant made him vtder I
patty. F,'qunlle true war It tint til,•
& protective bads, ytre would Illative
,Linn *orkin mnn might two' very
was cxirrearid flout it hill out been
l;onierantl%e p"o"ly ha:: (!?:D, well In
lire defy i0(tatlnually changed from
touching, if it had not born ptttPrvld
gubbled up before.
ignoring pro%in vial r•omeldisrathni final t
cine year to another, an w•All the cast'
dint till. lowert rate of w'agem pre-
to going to an eastern I'roeiniwt to final
In torose (Myr. You w-wtld hose, its
%nils in tier. mtrvt highly protected
The leader of the Dominion Tories
ri lead •r. Tim • had Justl led file actlOa'
tit`' i'lb'rfela fr,"" u }tarty atatfrvm
we had under tlxl late Government
nhl•trlr., 3lhr AufotY owurr doe/
n tin 1be'reW ntTat--Td7=
ham s P
nationstl standpoint: nnl "tie
an incessant prmessbu air tariff
not poly n .other muro tip Italy' 1.m-
ift, oat lemg and bitterly aatutllenf by
^penkrr"thought that Iltrendy they
tinkerers lrctu tow different eitdes of
k,Vim• in w"AKrr fibers !lir profits run
tin.' organs Of III" party. Ile mays tile'
hati evidruae that the (onmervalivon
Canada to the office of thii Finance
pep into tlao hundrr.Ir of thouNassdr
pimrty "hove naves .m►hl they {fru
lint] chomen Wisely (nr thair party and
the All,] up.rn that pule(
Minhoter. There never War .r year
filters %%lips, they repn•owlit ordinary
plrrart to repeal the preferrtit Uhl
for ruuntry. ,
Mr. Willison tit -rated Ida c••n%tcu 411
ft atm It1T9 fu 1M91t-a,r atie Limas•
interrrt on tilt- twpitnl ii%V"tsd, He
dear, no' They just abutter! it. anti
lh'It in ill-, rlkamin, of A I-ader Ilwy
neer warn pwrilml or (hies year"-
bury labor set tier lowest market rate
dewmrnc4ml the Liberals for gl%ing it
lil,uldd look to the man cath •r than
wlp•u il,e•rr was n -A firmne tinkering
.,t l loo• tariff. One man wtmtd fine,.
ntN o"•IF IAo ,uJ" 6)t. all ht' cud get.
the th:ory tlmiee-
w Ithi"It repulring as n titµd pro quay
to the tucality. 15:10tiII the wentern
provpacett �R lIoopp tW moa teat ILt -*
that "Male IncrntloHt In the C'ulto'd
Twenty` yearn rtgn,
lying lir. Brn•t'w argument had oomP
that t:rc,t Rrltnln return ton {1151-
to tit taste her e. Ilc'" it1U.1.
) g i
for the work ori--milerbhip am Cronaela,
it would tin3 a great "t?p in tilt' Cwl-
states or Great Britain liked low-trmh
is•hescera► in Canndn. iron it gun" fully
dumnge to #nM.t other clans Of the
WAI'tratlon of Canada.
the priced of the pro lucts W . war'
te+rlu'1 Ami found to work itndly. The
It ulna& Cave stat" the Turley in the
lie worse "tut gt,ing to a.rems the
staking. and Inmtend orf oxerch(,ng tits
Ixeoset Coirernmeut works ,on the
Hous3 feel like "snickering" when
measure of r ibllity for the lire
the whole mlooehievouse and so me-
t i� nud h,Kenuity t') over.
elf erpr
hl(wi► that till' best way to help the
Mr. Borden, their pro tem. lead^r, be-
cemetery race nerd creed crier, Dir.
cvmc• then Jiffirultc, in"trail of fort-
m,assufneture•r it to gtv'e.hi•t rurtom-
Karn to dilat, (me this) vl:tue Of slit -k-
Willison n,ntinuel. He hoped that
ling m.ero mrmpy into his Iwmiau•en, 114•
,. illi hiv iter
chance; when they Are thri%Ing
Ing to a• projected principle even at
before many year• there would be an
ramp tlr Finance- ami 11fi
ah 1 obis to bay, he will have nu tllffl
tire czpinsa of party ticlenl. The
cast to that. They would not be able
nim a lxeofola to give proper attention
tein•a,.oimo, mirU.leation of til• tariff
car hl erhing him Ktwtde,at a fair
nuduelty of nteletiouing much n thin It
to the great fimsnclab tried economic
Tlwu what haPtlenedt It worn thea
Pruflt. The welfare of the country
rhm%s that lir. lioret,n has at loam(
prm,Wems which clnhmal ss.lutton toil
(awnti tint flat man, %clto gun" IReDe-
- fited by the cl1 ►njGe-iR-t11T
erns,.•nt* mtPp4 lu'an•i ne4rrlp iso all lilt
- Xh=ACterlat .• _1mmulpe
they gut rld of, these miseblevoum,
iherr 11lteTRRt it•I,pten. the put the re-
nn article Which writ' the
"ball b• protected into nuhlea and
rpl)nrlbillty for theso unhappy dim'
raw material of salt. Other industry.
enormous wealth.
shoes apgirome•hing such a Subject
ensntaing up,n the press and the pol-
tau? Ap-
Ttiemp (ttlrar tnfinuhlcfurrro cam^.M
ufactur ,4 cal
EQUA1. R14;H714,
without laughingoolrlght!
iticlxrsY, not upon public.
}f"Melm of that (nature never came tip
ure Minister u( tied
lir. Kemp, M. 1'., ed Turoulo, dl't
Or. JewNup, M. P. P. for hotmlun'
from the p•nple; they game
from the p,flticia.m. He was bund
again. Ther" wait m•.re tinkering.
the at Inrg • un
not like Rlr Wttfrt i Uteri •r'S remark-
says the momry spent by the (our-
to any, too), that Uro Orton the cor-
not wit," public
tlereland that flus have nothing to
nlN.ut the mnnufaeturers no lorg•tr
ernment In eradleating the than
ruptiom they all tippltrel came
ft. )
the sup rather than fruro the b)t-
fear, w•Ir•o they know that the beim
Maki gen to ntk
Ing pllKrimn
Jcnte scale ho m,om•y lust,
the It guns rust an the Cr -
(d ties-. tariff 1" emit Lb pietist till$
for inriff rhnuKes. Ire Wnul•t like
the people Ot tine province were ou-
dian elector who wished to sell his
a.nw Or that one., hilt to raid:,- tilt•
to know If lite binnuhacture-ras hall not
fMlently Intelligent to hook titter
vote. It wan too often the politl-
revenue, they nre aware that are Ion9
an good In riRhl to romoo is) thin Gov-
their own freer." We don't blink
clan will) Wlahed to Italy it.
thought till, Cnnadlan proper should
as the finflncial couditionor remain nw
eel nn nes any Gurernmenl' anti
pn 4 )
',flat- people of the province" will
oto it great droll more bhan it ever had
they are there -is to b) no change
point ono the dlfflcultL•r under which
agree with Dr. Jemmols. Perhaps that
pe, put down theme practices and give
In the tariff wbnteter, and Inmtend
thev'tire lahoring, ander lire tnri f, nm
worthy will in a similar WAY se-
snore decency and dignity fn public
"'I'm,"" 1,, cap. :.'1): "If any Mr•
Crrtaiol% oil
unce the ex ndlture on prevent.
of hooking forward -1tU dread to tilt:
orf tin tm'Ipfrt sjicec11, aN
any weaker colhSea m. •- ..
unit 314 \\'part dtt met dimpmtr
thv npr('ar! of proom"POz. if trot,
treed to b� th, came fn foermrr yearn.
theft right. lip tor -rely pm.inted nut
why' not ?
they know tiler.• will be no changp
flout the mnnuLtelurers of CrInAdit
Thr rnnleuncement lit the Caused',
nnJ nn ren son to ltmlr. They know
asp d,.irlK NO much Ir iter now than
O,,artt0 of Saturday that certain
that there will b: n•) rh'u,Ke in flat-
they did in till 01,11 tot. 1'. ll:iyN that cnpltteCetm
tire of npinlon that the
tariff except wlwit n general rel(•
lltey do not s,Pd to moon frefPl.•n/ ,41:mxl
Itcrati/ movement" till" Knlher-
Ion _d( It becomes necemenry. This im
apiwnls to tlf". (it)%eminent to Rn%�
rd saffictent ((tree to Jentify that• p*
tnbllv!l'"Pnt of a "Garp Itondr Mach
the feotipy which we prtprnw- to wnnln-
thorns from Ince or bankruptcy. They
C'ompany," %%!tit coosiderntile•
tela, end opsin which w,: talk(- t"0tte
know that the main Idea tept In mina ri.apital,
Is a gratifybig mign of the
with tom• h.onearalolo gentlemen oppo'
ly the prrsent Finance Minister le,
broom. A few yen.rm nuns marl) arom-
levying customs dutirs Is to obtain
Iglity would practically have been
revrnn•, send therefore iuslnesm 14 1101,
nag -Ottawa Free Press.
,lisnrr41nged by frequent tariff
And with what warn anti ,Mr!slun
% R. I. who has
Elwin Austin Abbey,
rl.nugen Which, rand, to benefit one
w -n/ the ('six)(] ittxlds n+m'nnlput ppo-
been commissioned by King FAward
o.lanti, fire nlm'mtt eprtain to do
ken of by the Oppneltiva atrKanw only
_-. 1to-paint the coronation su•ene tit
dumnge to #nM.t other clans Of the
n few years ago! Tea. the world do
`- otminmtpr Abbey,_ wait born at
Iadelphla, April Lt, 1M5_, solid
All Canadians have equal rights. A
was a ppll of the Penns) Iversin Aca-
Orrin wants n certain co mm:xRly. and
Dr. lihpard, of Toronto, would "top
demy of Fine Arte. In 187! he be-
he norertnln" that It can to, Obtained
tbo s{xpnd of tuberculated" by mnk-
Kfn drawing for t11e psl/flentieao'"of
`felafn i11,11111",'tar fife"'tott-1--6talps
tag •aawlmiaalones" "as.lt
Ifnrller A Brothers, New Yak. In
for $1. (le ham n natural right to
in in New York." Yet In New York
1876 hp became a mpmher tit the
sen.1 him dollar and g•t In exchange
the orMUlknrP Against RAtting I's
Amerienn Water Collor f+,)ciely. In
f.rr it lir axe, the ynnd of cloth. the
Lhe rubjoct of ridicule anti In treat -
107R he remnyed to England, where
rnlwr, or %rhntsover the d0litr'm worth
wl net n great j4)ke. Better gn slow -
he hie reaiekol fair nearly twenty-
may be which h^ wnnl". Hilt (I'� Gov-
ly east edurntn people to guard
mReinmt the seputun, of con"umptivrm
three yens oonsturttly gaining in re-
erns,.•nt* mtPp4 lu'an•i ne4rrlp iso all lilt
sad to t►Vuld fou:Ing the mldew'niks,
prtntlon. He• bltaslratoml "Helectloom
to imp too A runlnms drily of .'Ocento
car floorm ani other places whrre
from til^ Hesperides and Nimble Sam-
,in tlint d.rllar's worth of Imported
people leove to trend. send nrrt nlnkr
hlrrs of Robert Herrick." "142; "She
g%„tit. Along comp” Mr. Kemp and
a (ores u( the whole thing by Pat-
Htteope ter Conquer," 1M87; "Old
mays that he ran prOoluee a similar
tang ePltting nn n pinnn with high
mango," 1MM9, and "The quirt i,ife,"
ePmmndity and melt it tit a profit
tireasoll anti horme RLealing.
1890. Amonfe his water-eeMtr- frla-•
for 411.33, wherefore he exercises his
_- _
teres are "Thr RtaKe Office." 1876;
right to go to that Government flood
When lawyer" g•o tU Inv% With one•
"The Evil Eye;' 1877; "Tin Hinter*;'
mlk tint nils duty tin the Imported
aoofMt. Inpmrn hnvo n rllnure to
litil ; "The Widower," 18+11: "Tito
article shall be, Igerennf'd from 20
learn something tb�y a,b1 lint know
Bible Reading," lAR1; "Viestorm,"
rental to 90 centra, with the uhJPet
bef,re. Up In i,00ulon, Rnrrlmter ltnrt-
19tio. ills "Mayday Morning,"AF110•
aIt competing tile. ceYMumer to buy
ram boas limpid Famtmd Moorodlth, K.
he an nil picture. dip received mPtlnts
firm him at $1.23. The entianmpr
mtay, It he happens to hoar of what
C„ before fir, roller Maglmtratt. (tn
n chxtrga 14 wilfully nttemptlng to
tit the Munich nw1 Paris ExpeOpdfhwtp,
M piing on, also proceed to Ottawa
prevolnt nail olwtruct the roarer of
and sines of his latest and greatest
awl may that the per way falx Mr.
Is to sell
h tails". lir. Bnrtrnm'n rhargol In laid
pictures nre now on eYlllbiton In the
KPrp fn Recurs b a custom
the -Article tar- *lata. The O..%Pra-
unalsor tiro rode, but lie Alto quotes
iyrN Milton. The "elolcth"m of Mr.
mP"t ,any Ingnlro whpro It" rum•
;Is ,lallmrity a Rtntlit•• pc►amed In A.
Abbey- for the t'oron,ttinu picture is
ton" rrymon In to (mane from if lir
to. L"73, In F.(,wi%rd 1., numbered
retarded AS a complimpnt to tilt,
Krell, find hlm wny. It In right that
all lhpoo conflicting interrml* Nhnll
"'I'm,"" 1,, cap. :.'1): "If any Mr•
l;tilted states. Can oar htanpt+ne the
b4- fully arml fmlrly rapremente.l no
9pnnl, pdrfeubr tons (Alter -it) Any man-
pOe.ttbluty d reelprocit) In tint
(,ItnwA. Rpforr (ht' change of GOT
over orf Jrceit or collusion In tilt,
rrnment to IMM, thpro s►Am f1se,*
King's e,)Ilrt, rr ontl/atlt to It, In do-
pirl o that Onr Interest hold thingm
malt r ( the roust, or to hegullol the
dr -hp ilothme nPg"tlntlo n" fair Prnr"
rather iron ranch Ito own wily, nnit
1hAt the were not nutflripntly
",,tri or the ir%rty, hr. *boll bT Im-
having fallen through thorp IR noth-
to dslaf tlle d011T,wry rot Rlr
rrgar.lel. it in pleapant tit learn from
pwi"..ned for a year and a day."
lits Hat
NielitM Naach'a bldre"t nprrrh
Mr. Kpmp that the Interest which
hr reforpwrntm now require* nothing
Ion'( tint glsolwr 7 t\'hnt aro Iawyprp
t0 WKIlife liar
ilOsPellatoxs In on9nr "111 b, g1nr1
bol "quality of rights, snit wt' brtfor
for. nny"ny, "Trend
sobpw the appvwsy to over.
hr menses what h^ *my/.
Cul. ucillsun's speech.
Introduced by the President as one
tit the beat frlenalm of C+utl4he living
n the country, Cul. Denison war
warmly wclomoneol a& ho romue to de-
lver the re(/xal rpply' to the Intuit.
Itecaltrng the gn1%sly nwmentnos
ohnnge" which have of Int" swept
over Untutda, remarking that Cun-
nds hn't jurat taken otni more great
step on her national progre.s, Cul.
UeltLsm mp)ke first of the manner
in which the Canadian pelp:e had,
after a gotxl deal of pblloi.ophlcal and
academlral dlscusakm, decided the
injure tit Canada. The film of seu-
timont, of traditk)A, of loyalty, had
held If or to the princip!e
of the unity of ihp em-
plrp. The Month African wnr had
mettlrl Lilly ortmsthsn.' for Cnnada
Iwul pent, her young mon to, fight for
the Iffilwrhll (-an*:-, and thome who
lie Mlrirrl tinder the veldt nre imp
many plpdgem f -r Imty vial connec
th+a.. As that was tlac) Intcutlon Of
til• CnilnJlnn pmople It war the slut
of all to Insure that Cnnstdn rlaoul.
Ir• title revolt important, momt Popu
hum, intent Influenthd tortlon o
the empdre. Thin could only h? nc
compolothpd by t,e united effort" (t
nil tier tme:Tte. titter referee^e to lir
Mau%«11 s exo`jj'nt mentinernts C_1
linnle„n referred to th- pirtlznn
ithip which wentollmew 'pin"If part
till -ore country. lie west n Cnnnd
first man, anti (wowed himxPlf rend
to change hip party every year. O
every month, err every tiny, %•hrn(- m
tow? Intrrootm tot the cnmtry denutno
ed'It. He. oo'-lrrasttel spry much tha
n few men on both sidism anti of tot
rintlonnlitIoR were trying to crept
dive -nal m. Thim wap moat unir%tr.
lir. .\ few in Lower C%nnna,n laeemr
dismatiofie'1. Mil why (411•411I the
be? Had t ltey not , the mstme coapt
tutl(onl freedom that nil l',tna41
pnprypd? Why mlrould they feel ill
forently from lite rest of till Cattle
dlan pe„q,le? Wheat pnlltienl ellen
remild psmatihl,r give our Fretich Cits
adlan frliow e,wntrymen greater pe
Illloal frertlom or greater Indpppnt
some? Rap Leone• garter were a loo
tkm n( tilt, Rrpletelie of France, Rn
J+rt to the ,•rrntic ellingrm of til
prnmt.ntr fr"luent revolutions nn
Ilahle to wormy etoerription. Won
their lln"ltnn his Improved? til
Qn,hrr were, nn Indrp•ndant ronsitr
with All the reset of rstnarla no
horolgn% nation on nor slag of IM
and time tfnit.•,I Rtntes nnnthpr to
plgn nnti in nn tit- ntl'er, wnnlrl pl
hr lou frp• ew no Indrp-oadont as .1
1" tunny"
On the other hand, why should an
.Dice. (,style relating to the ncyul•Itiun of arm too cowman Ino/ til market, Th,•r,-
exter elve iron Ore deposits in Norway Is w• demand fax Canadian fl..•.•,w
Berlin, Marcia 23.--.\ dOrprtch frola an I tit(, effect which the working of far ex(rort. and prloos are unrh:waG•d. -
•etln to t'ap Cologne Gazette, dateel welt tleprrnits fly Edlora's new crush- Fk,m--Tate market to dull .ttl.l
sa %s that at ing anti magnetic rxtrnctlon pro- forlorn are wmminal At 14 to ICw far
unday. Mar1.11 24th, sal eeases may halve on the English aqd ('nnAda 1900 clf{t..Therw Is n hill --
lit- firmt forted mprting of the core- :molrtran iron markets. Tlee Chmlr- more mov'emonl In unwashed and, tile
of un Indemnify, held In Pekin man of Ute tAb-.,u ore milling ryndi- prices err ate•ady at R to 9•..
`tutxiny, it was decided to hnite Sir c,Ltr. now admits that the Stlndrrlaud PuIIPa, Wcorelm:-Thr demand from flail
k.•bert Hart, director of till, ChUb- fgon ore drpoodtel In Nur%%ny 11avP homy, manufacturers Iv slow ;trail fie
Mme imperial Maritleno ('ustunm ; born argoirp 1, but hp ndda that as it runrket M Ball. Prises are rtr,qely 4f,_-
\larmg:r Favler, Ticar Apesttolic At in eightrru mnnthm mince they g.,t the 19 to 77c her retailers and _0: f
,,kin, nim] eltier experts, financial option It millet Ire obviation that the ex�Tas.
nfeel ,otherwiPse, to submit. proposals neilutrttiun of the property cannot . Toretralu Indra dad N'not-
)W thu bfwt mvtll m,ds for ra,sirag the Ir regarded std a Comnterbinat it, the }iI•les, gram, 6 to 71-2r. ht•t.•-
antrmnt of llmll•mnily to be dc'a,111(1- eem`aring M the princip l North ,tined- cure.l, 7 1 -ter ; calfmkiur- No. 1. N I''
ext from Chian. icon -Iron tiep Cor be the United
Stntrw (teen Corporation. It is 9c: Nu. " 7 L) tic; tteaav,us.(lnirl••-.
Rrli.bury's Health. - cluimw! by the ryndleate that they each. 3U t•r {0c; rheepikinm, fresh, tell -
_IA*d,n, ]It1r1•� 25. -Tho report that uuw t'8 ble t to tilke two tons ur to) 111 : tallow, rendered, ,5 to 5 1-1
1_"d tttatLltwr�y.la-Ttfb sotnewhaf cam= iK gyatir• ptitt-bio.owir ore. anti Ly _tie f� i4'`: nnwAr ---"
agger,ttel. He suffered from a "light comhn"1 Edbon processes produce S W 9c; peollorl. sup:•r.. 1T 4) IW
or:d in the head yeplerin), but Ir fr6ral at over one toll of high grade pulled, extra. 2U t) 21r.
better ttrday. IU%u's,mer ore averaging i] per cent. -'
Somewhat Improbable, of Ift"alfie--f-rae._It a► the Intention =pAgts (lire 4Me1l;IMarkel•.
Liyer}rrtti, March ^3. -Tho Daily of t to eonileate to erect work -4 nod ICI part as Ala.cbelee,plerOWL fl M1 to 1 ,0 -
0111p till- ore exclusively to Brlllmh Kt,no t as Ala.
per OWL.. 4 01 Iw 1 ''
Post ilown that oho failuro of the Iron maptoers, there lasing already " Foo-r,rt '"'w" 311 1" el „
pctIre rleg,otlati,wdm In South Afrlcn market forJt at superior prlcee. Hairbers*CaLth pslard....... If" 4, I I.
les enudiveg the Chnn•eilrr cd the E>z -- - --- ----- M"t:h'l- LAttro,cbowa. ...,.. x 6t) 1.) , ;:
chequer. Sir Mielurel Hk'km-Beneh,'to hut,, the outtle rood......"" ti inti in :
An med.um. m 'ed .. of all w a h,
t*meider the e•xp•dieucy %.f Itbeaud- "I trbe" nommow, oar owl.... r •r) to ' v,
ur►Sng nils, suggrttf,m of n shilling AMENDED 100 ONE -SIDE nulla.emort. hracy. per out.. I•Ir, to. I t'
re•Klettrntko duty (d1 corn In fnior , Buaorm .h orLAel.i..... ..... ±m to 3:•
of a two shililrW dirpet dtaty. Feeder^,mlweLta•p ..... .. s .I to 1 !;
-- do malhun ......... 3I,1 'n I
rs-morted) of the lir". Anlhr'rt .: ;t';;1.-}J)../u-1�
Kiel, \inrch 25. -The overdue I;er• I 3torkcav,3rrtuRolia, !f$ to 7
Britain's Reason f r Attitude oKc' "nA lot's"....... 1,) to
ruin etramer Brutus, from Scotland Q F411ag bull• ., ... ! to to 7 •'
for Kiel, lines been lust with all (,it 1 Wirht rtoyr bull, per ewU...... 1 9/ to 23'
Guar.(. �n Canal Treaty, Vlicn,�4rs,emb... .......... sew to s%'••
t •"I ria• per bond ................ 3 In to 1" m,
1'he Marseilles Mrlkr, 8heen.axport owel,polrawa.. opt to i '
lfferw•Illpm, March 234- TG0 it rike -- do. b buLV ,w,r-% .,-..,,,, . ... t Yt w
'n".•p, bn M.n.r+.tar#......:... ! im to .m
aaeeatlon It"undergone little rhangc. i L 1.4.Krnin roost• per out o =+ l.r .�"I
There rinse been no further disorders. LORD LANSDOWNE S ARGUMENT, d„ Irvr,tyard, per cwt...... . x a in t
More etrrrl cars are running to -clay, _,I..Hooroiling.lloo. torr cwt......... a It ,to "•o'
R'grhinKlo,tn, !Larch 25, -Tit' ,• m h. ::prior. adch t 1 q to ,an
protected by.pollpe. The strikers are Hes., at• ;ler ata . to 's' __
-- Howlelaaiiutr tka.-tirlttatt U.uveru- ---
(lnl my-c)-inK Tit innuraee workers floo..ltab). r•tr r.n. i It y a
to p)In them, anti many fnrturier are metal hi tier- reanunr wily that J.,ww,r,crcwt.... .... _..... yin to "•r
clan l o%ting to want Of Pn9lneprr• Omerument drelined to rie•rrpt tit., a•. """ """
vlolrnce Itelrorte.l• H.•nnta, nm'?ndmenln to lien llay- Seeds. ,
yul ohisma. March 23:--HPINlying to 1'4,ut+r•rioto treat war turf% public Tile crop of muds in the f roe at" oo
n que"tlon in the Hoose Ot 1 +err t4r J has b -on marketed amt the trAd•c n"N
day. the Minister (it Foreign Affairs to' tiny- Is of :t jibbing nature. Denlert h, -r,,
rat.! Japan had not cOmwtunk.-ated lard - Lansdowne prints out 111,11, tare a:lh•rR InrteAd of buyerm. Tito
with Itwrmin In regard to the !fain- '•low 1"4710:1 Btalwer trnnty Ir an In- following p orlece are (ranted by -t! I
chnrinc ngroorment. ternationai c, ntlinct,of utgn:"tloli=tbl' for s.wita here: Alrit", per Mtmh^l. ''
'rit-n-,room, ]larch ::3.-111 nn affray validity." and Uctt If the treaty' were *6,30 to $8.SU; red elove.r. 1110I.: t..
t•• '
yesterdt,3 evening two memberm or "holly nbrognlyd, ,Rath Powers,. ex- *7.M0; tim,)thy. $2.25 to *3.2-,.
tile. Wow, ruslllers Regiment and re Prpt in th? vicinity nor the canal, %w compared with n week AR", tt,.
metates 1.f the Y►ctoHrtn rnulinKPrrl world re -over entire fre"loul if vintWn ailpdy of wheat to Cnnada and
who (cert• acting its p)licem•n Were ui•tina in Central Alll•rtwt. Thtt lire (•nllyd Stilts has dern•nsf•d
pabrel Iona bayoneted. it IN Alleged cl-Ouge, lip Cbinka, wiwld cmrtalnly be i6o,Of10 1RtelIP10; that of'oorn Iran ill.
that nerminse were the prigrireal call- of n,lTaningr to tlrc I'nitcd Hktl •m, credited 1.884,(110 basllple. nal plat
pritr. - and might be of mulmolnntttl Im of onto limit Increased ;;3,1100 Imlmhrb,.
Wurtenrbur Premier Allier. port iace
9 Lord Lontidowne olntroo Ids otij c. Idradstreet's on Trade.
Stwttgnrt. Wcortembariz, Mnrch "_5• tions to the amoondmrnls which ^triko Montrpall trade re•iR)rtm okra, r:a,.
--Tlirrc v no truth In the report that out urtb•lo 3 of alae r invention, under ormble. They Indicate a fair ill •`•
Bnron von.Neltoltprlstelu, the 71'111'- which the high rionlructing {rnrtlp0 paean (nes tgla period of ti,e spri"9
temturg Prrmirr, who recewth w1tR enflaig";Tmrnedhttely up a the e.in%ell Shipments on motoring and "ltiiifil°►
drew from the Caliirlet Owing to his tion being rntffeL t:) brie= It t a lir orders are targe.
lovIn;t Implicated in a pending trial, notice of oth-e pow: re, anal to In%ite Bsvranrps at T,orrteto hall br4-ti lair
hat committed suicide at Ulm. their n(,hr•rrnce, as hollows: ly active this week. Priem r, ntimu•
"If that adhereuc, were gi%en, alto? firm for all ataplo lines. London Ntb-
NORTN BRUCE: ELECTION. neutrality (of lh, anal would h? s4-.- blain firms have ex{lerlr.nce't is %Pry
cured by tivo wit a of the idhpriag fair movement tblm week. ilumin4-mm lit
powers: without that ndh'renee, It the Olmat ham im rlrveol n llttl.• this
ll r, IIatllAsy, ('oaseryrll%r, limo 24 w.o 4ild drfoena, only upon tit, "truer. week. CorenlrlPrahlr .ihlpmrnt" '•
1lujortly• looter td the two contracting partb•",' goods from the cast are 114-1119 ro,
v Wharton, Morreh' 21.--Fnll return" Thr, arnpn•lmpnt, ht• thinks, not only eplv,rl by Jobbrorn set Ynrlr•tt,%,•r :u"i
{ from Nort4r Brace give Mr. Halliday, rem,)irs all pr)mpw4-t of the Witter Victoria, At Hnnlijuen there IIo%barn
the Cormserrntive candidate, a maj- gtearentep, Imlt plaeew lirpnl Britain ronidelprnblo netivity In wholemalr
t 4,rlty of 2t, the figures are, the ma} in n porltion of mnrkel dlmadvaulage, trade. circles thlm week. Numeroum , r
airily in rnch di%isltwl only tieing compnrP.t with other pnwrriw. dc•rm are morning to hand from mor,
I given : it IL'e Mnjmtjt*o (;o%ernmpnl were Otto prints In the I)Ominlon ;111-1 til"
Cnmp- ][,lilt- to ngrpr to each nn agreement, while Jobbers nre imm,v Krttinrf (alt P'nlm
bell. day. the United Stale" would hate n for phlpment. Travellers ern Nendlnr
. Elelermlie TnwlttltlP ... :1 treaty right to Interfere with the In etlpering neenrints at( the Imm""
y PAholey' Trrwtr ............... 45 -- ranter In time of war or npprchrn'hp'1 late oulinnk for bwminerw. Militate g'1..1^
L (Shepley .....................1(10 w•nr, nn I w'hilo other pow•erm could mnllnurl firm.
y Titr:v ... ... ... ...... ... ...-- I with A clear eon*rdolntte disregard tiny `Mv retail trndm at the %rari•,m
r Arran T•)wnNhip ... -- 19.. of the rPatriellunm Impo od by the cenlrom In )tanitoten 1% o1pudlnK In
r ,w,nt,hnmph,n Town ...1190 --- convention, (treat Britain atone, In morP rhnerrul accounts of the Out'
1. Amahlo Townehimr 44 -- llpltw of tier rnmrre )ud pnesemlons on I,s,k for trnde the coming Renslm.
t N•lartml _ To orp ... .-- IS the American continent, and In Rprltoo Ihaainpme In wholesale rirPlPs At oft.
h Alhemnrle Township .-- oTlief Afiwt�t4tiwjan coiividp's: nn,T T,rr tnwa ham horn dPVPlerys4tl� it �r
e Fantror T,mrsaphip .. -- 71. Int"Pets In the mot, Would fee nl'w'- nmtrnnt of netlilty thio wppk. At
kr• Lttrtdny and Mt. Fdmu"-- 5 lately preclude'} from resorting to Quebo•c dilrinR the prat woe( .h(•^
it -- -- any much section, or from taking mar►- pabbrrm pinerml meveral InrRp ordpro for
Totnl* .. ... '281 no:) sirs to perform hear interests In anti hhe fall, Anil the trmiIroleed art!rity
I )fr. lfaflhlny'a orajn0tp, 24. i toerlr tlu• conal. i In "hoe frnnufncturing circles im :'m -
rt Chnrlottetown, March 21.x -Com- With regnrs to the PATIM AMPlld- surn,i. , . I '
f Islets. rotarna Rhos" Mr. McKinnon went, which remer'pv to the United Notes.
e. elected by .1515. Mr. )feKlnni,n secured "hater the rlRht n� looking any men-
a- 2,424 Tr -tem, nand Mr. Martin, 2,039. mums which It worry flood necessary to %reording t'a A. (f. Dun tit Co., Ih0
I- ow-enro by ltm own forcer the defence number of tmalnese rallurrm In l•n'i'
). of the enwil• iAir l Iw►nolowne 11ohle ndn for the week tended Mnrctl 21 t"
I" BOERS ----W— CAPE COI.ONV. that wittier reach ome... a , eat this i'ntt- tallest 115, signified 8t the preeehng
r. - e,l Ptntra would be within their week and -7 the oenrrraprndlnK w''''t
b• Qreaon%to%%n guards (testing on Their rights if set any mentnpat, when I1 of I"). fly pnvinvis the fnii0reo
T. Arnie, me•me• l to them that their safety re- this week were: Ontarlo 1_. (Ple""•
d "alral It. they rolpnrtood to acts clear- 14, Nova Keratin and New itruri,awl'k
Id (;nrrn�t wn, Cmph Colony, Mnrrh 25. ly ineonwlettennt with the nenlrni each t, i'rinrr Fwlward i*I"nal fill-
" -T1we flown .morel"lean beta nalled plhar*rtor whinh It teas "Iwsys lwpn Nsnitolia 4, British C,OlamblA :I.
y (flat nwtng to reports that afore^ of mntaght to give the emnnl and which
a Pers In near the town. would deny thn (role time of It to the Rotation Vacbl Ashore.
T. Roominess has lip@% *halt down in oommeror and aovipc of the world.
r. Order to allow the. employees to man -- — Flannel Marrh 24 .-The Itrit"11
dol the trenches and the torte day and \'nlentinow Rnft, of RnRAIn, who land software yacht Catworine, ownp,l 111. 11rr
,,, night. The Bora, said to be twenty been hllrel free twpnt77 viglht yrarm 1\'t A. JorhnntonP, with a part)'
mile" off, arm alleged to have Dro4ced from the olffeots of *mal 1pnv, 1111,41 film toorrl*ts on treard, U fe"harm In a K1.1
s- the railroad time Drfmmorld slight restored by an operation. position at Hors, S*a Of ltnrmerA
ftP - r