HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-28, Page 1THRL! ,a A's rr Aov'Ta ARM ACTIVE AGENTS WHIN PLACID IN THE SIGNAL lona. TII-] LEADING NEWSPAPER OF IitJRON OOLTITTY_ LOOKIiI'r vouR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR FIFTY -FOU RTII3YE A R. -2823 THE WEEKLY Menne T REPORT Uooatu01. Mar 17. 1901. gall Whe.t 1 03 to 01 Flour, pausal. pMrer art a%... .•.. 1 50 M 1 50 1 10 Hoer. pe ....... 111 (0 1 ,4 00 910 t1 coo...... .. ...........(40010(604 Ooreouloge.' girt 100 to 1 nO 0 to 011 Bye. per bush Ituekwheat, per bosh 0 M N 0 1O P) ion., hash..... .. _. Mo N n 01 Barter. per boob .. .... ......... 0 37 to 0 NO • Pall to 900 Hay, Vw,.....0111 ro O00 Potatoes. IP blab -. •. Butter, ' 0 15 to 0 16 Chose& oar lb..., 10 to 0 11 logs, froth anpsebavi 1 des. .. 9 to 0 10 Wood f 0 to 0 00 Hiles, 01 to 5 s-3) Lmbdklos - Yu to u 70 Live (Hove .r...- 50 to 5 OJ Ionised Hoag 50 to 7 21 110000. I1 to0Ill R•m, par 10 .. ...... ........ A 15 to 0 15 Lard. per lb, 0 I1fto 13 Drowned Heat tore gw105 .. 0 00 to 0 UO ws Droed beef. Mad 0 00 to 0 ot Cattle. 'Copan 11 75 to 4 5' ,. Ordinary 100 to 1 5 MIMULMons Vaoan*. VANT(4D.-BY APRIL I6TN, THREE 7 geed gUls as cook, porter msI4 •.d housemaid Acull to MISS ATTRILL, )tldgewood Park, Uuderlch. SIRE 'Inth WANTED. - FOR DINING 1 ream of Colberoo Hotel. Aeoly to Mn. •BO. BUXT011, POP Bale. FOR SALE. -LOT 26 WIDUER ST., Hutoklam's eur•e , with good house, formerly egged by Mrs. 4711n•-. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. 11 71 FOR SALE -I OMFIR FOR SA LE 141 presort, /s 8o'tford. co ,prldou one qusr'er of en acre or more, good frame n1 u Mort clan fruit ttree.. on 1 '. ground. number Ap NJUIIN MrINT1 MR, oe Ibe prem, or Seitr.o9 P.0 im FOR MALE --ONE OF ('H Y. Itkir term. 1e the Count, or litre•. Owns: boos.,g I'os.e.el. .•oodw 01, 0 1.n Tu5nottrone hour. Irak baro. caul,'. 1 to nos le Clod/Hoch for solo. C. N 1.11.1+. O odr rich. 1114 SNI) FOR SALE 1� TOWN OF J J Litr1,Y.HICL4 -Fir sole 11s memorable tenv. ,he property now. •a The lint/Mier/ labn:o '.ring pari Or b4... 1 it' In the Town of Un'enob, coot&lslrg about 13 scree, with o'.lI 1 og e and water. rtgbte on tho Rher Malt. ler n 'or tonne apply to ()ARROW a GAR• RUM'. solicitors for the vendor. FOR SALE OK TO KENT-1'wKNtY- Ove sod onsh.lt • too of Ised, et the Mouth rnI of 'h' tows. P.r,.•.lon given by April let. Por term, awl parkulare• p1• ve W DUNLOP. West stere'. 301. LOOK SALE OR TO RENT -T\%0 C 01117 brlok OM*. ',oat" Vidor • and Tnfs'wer street.. Godr1.11 APIA W J. PASM0K*. Hit VOR SALE. -LOTS 96. 96. 117. 118 11'i r and 118 in Hceob0at'e . all In Oodenoh. For Dart1a0111.pppl'1PHILIP ttUt.T. Bsrrteter. to.. Node (0'. Marne Int 1900. 'l 11 A(;GOD80 ACRE FARM 'OH 1 ,t 21. 0000sselm N. C Jderlon Town alp. Mutated It miles from Ho mesvllle. 1i mil,. from el •too. Good buildings, Noce.. orchard. well, and Gering creek. A goat held of fall wt,•t. Tonne re&.ona' l.. For panto - Bien apply to THOS. JUNDRY. auctioneer, Uoder ie 1. 10(1 GODERICH, ON NUM). CANADA.: MARCH 28, 1901. D. MOGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. POLITICS IN PARABLES. Unlaoke Gives the Jingo Par eons a NUS Jolt. I e roseate. • Ley sermon --The award for the Crescent mad get for the ores. -Rave They Pant the wrest Rao en the national 1)ARTsoeT11, N. S., Mirob 9 Say, Mr. Editor, 151.1 beg-h•lred Toros to preaoher who n few weeks aro routed about the " baptism of blood " awaiting Canon& beton we ua0 marmot to shuot.,the " sprinkling " of which we have had already (a South Africa, 1. • Presbyterian miol•ter, they 1011 me. Our landlady, who is • hard- shell baptist, was tlokled to death 10100 she read the pre•ohers remarks. \ Says she, "There'.. man who keels. hie Teetsmeee ; and he • Presbyterian. Ton ase that he doaso'1 bole.. 111.0 .prlok- ling to twptbm." Well, mar'.," bays 1. "1 ain't .solos t• drown doctrine gust sow. But that preacher doom t know h0 Testameot, tor If he did he wouldn't mouth about 011. ,word FARM FOR BALK -THAT FIRMT FARM farm knows as the "Cwed.p Pun',- being R. holt les til. oosowlon 1. Beet We.. rnoeb. ('0) acres, Moore. oie•red and to a Knot elate of oultivelloo. 1 sore bush. Then le on the plasma wood two sorer frame dwelling bonito 18x111 with wing 16.10. and • g ood stone cello, $ frame baro 18o50 with stone stables tinder, 1 &eros of good orchord. 2 good never talltns ernes wells. Th. sod le s g ood cls loam, &b tat 70 soros le gram. 8 acres of fall wheat, sed some fall ppt1eethlnn• The fends are good. 1t is oe • lending gravel raid roov•nient to-burohes, school, etc., t mile from the village of Auburn. 5 miles from lilyth, It teflon from the towns of sloteriob and Pluton. This 0 • vert desirable plies - no poor or wain land. Por tall particulars apply to PHILIP II 'LT. soh, nor for the estate of the late Mrs. ('sacs del. Musts. douse mo m0oh for the gospel. The first ilogo pr.acbor was the Apostle Peter, and that war afore he was ' 000verted.' We • loot Don't you remember hew he drew out his sword there In the et den and . wiped off the ear of • chap named Melohue, the servant of the high prat ! Poor Peter just then war hot for blood, just like • lot of those khaki preachers of the p t dies'. Hut the Mater he just saya to h,m, 'PCT Ur T0Cs IWORD INT" TU• naLATH,' • o..1 Peter dldo'1 say • word about . ' sprinkling' or ' baptism ' ot blood atter that.' " But ain't things different now 1" the widow &eked. " 1 ou bet they are,'' osy• 1. Aod then 1 gays her )1st • bit of • •.rmon along the nae 1 begeo oe 1 woo's one •II 1 said, bat it eras to tots effect • These protessioo•1 portions, who love to strut •bout l0 u•od rollers •c.1 military matte. heat any drummer bay for 0)1(04 gone 0a the glory of war. Job's war Pore. Obit scoffed the battle from .tar, .od cored, " Ah ba, .h h..' would be eau mild • obarger o day for some of than fighting gospeller.. I remember that when the sword wielding Apostle had domed bar Lord, and when the Muter stood alone before Pilots, and was ob.11sdgsd by the Romeo g0v.roor oe to 110 ktogdem and Ito mums, he simply rel lied "My kingdom 0 not of trite world ; for If my kingdom was of tine world then would my wervente fight " You too he jest there soot out all thus propagation of the g0epel with the .word, the rifle and the Iyddtte shell. M•homet came along .b1 nondred years atter, and he mode the ,word and the orea0mt 50 ognher. Some of Wow khaki pr.5oben mase have been 1o5d1o5 up on Mabomet's teachings, and got taogled up in Ws mon poseabio merge of the °roes. The widow looked at m. halt soared Ilk., and she says, "011 my 1 I m afraid If you talk like that at the sable the boarders will hlok you are not toys' I" "Bay, .arm,"'.y• 1 after I got through laughing, and hod got real serious 05040. "loyalty 1. • o.ioh•word that has knocked t 115 nooerlty, orltloal thought, and courage not o1 a lot of folks. That word is • real bogey nowadays. There I. only one true 'set of loyalty, and that is to be true to the right •od the truth. The man who will mond by the fair and just thaw, who loves God, and who will put olmeelf into the plow of his neighbor or opponent when he has to lodge him, is just In the &ttitudo where you will find a fellow truly loyal. He will love hog flog and his king, and shout for ahem whim th.y are opholdlnv the right ; but h• will got blind himself to wrong lfor;,his country's ..k.. "Whew the Prince el Peace °nae to judge the world M rlgb0oou.osss 15aees It will take • legion of angels with mloro.copes to mint out these khaki preachers who are now yelling for blood and revenge, they will fool u awful .mall. lt'• • foot." The widow looked • serf of •wry -like, mo I let up on the subject. S.y, Mr. Editor, 08'1 my (rimmed Billy M.oleao dotes • lot of alkiog at Ottawa lust now ! II you hadn't the wore mord in your bond when you were watching the vome you would think that he wa the rap caro 01 the Opposition team instead of our mea K. L Borden. It's a foot. S.y, we Nova Sootlans.re • modeot lot, and I guess that Borden wool' loose much deep over the ..y that Billy tries o r0u the party auto- mobile. although soon folks in hie place might wonder u1 • mistake had not been made to oamir' the leader. In tot, I'm monocled of • story • tr$VeIer for • h•rdwa• • store in the west told mm 1i,e other day over Is the oily -lint'. H•ld•x. A m.o goiu4 by the Dight train from To- ronto to Hrockylis wet mighty anxious not to miss getting off, so he save to the oolored porter, who was • new hand oo that route, awfully hard to wake up, bud may went to deep longer • but you lot me off at Itrookyilfe, sure. I'll give you fifty cents if you do the job well, but you'll get the boots it you mime ma." Th.. darkey he joss grinned. and nye, "I'll see the Dolor of your coin, 511 right,' and swo soporous mores were beard above the rattle of the railway oarrtage. Just before Brookyil0 was reached the porter waked op Ms am. god the chap he may., "Wher:. thOS? The coon he sty%, salljylfle." 'lb. pwenger be says, "Biome you,bb me go to 'limp Salo.' The porter h. got the .loopy mw out and g ently waited in dreoplug him, and the fel- low In storied to swear, .0d *eked to be let atone. But the darks) he found the train W11 •Iowtor up, au be rushed his man to ton rear or 1h• oar and heaved him out 1n great .'ylr, but out be/ors the powogar had blackened woe of the mu1.1(0's ye* and torn his ooller. The noun bang out the m.a'e grip and 01.10051. but did out 01.11 for the fifty oan1e, and the time spud aro Its w.y 5g5(0 Tbilisi the porter be went into the dioing- oar and got some porterboaes ete5& to Hx up his eye, and h. ways, "And 1 never saw the ostler of his ool0." Before Montreal was reached .n angry man sprang from • berth, half-dreesed,wlth • watch to his bond and fire to be els W hen this nigger saw him he tamed white. It lice the original nun fur BrouKvllle "Why didn't you pot me off at Brook valla" he yells&, •od he jomp.d for the poor porter Say, that o00o tb. ught he was to for e . 0000d Dotting, sure; but the pan - engin kept himself to cheek samew0•t after the porter expl.ioed h1. a hooks, and bow he get the byrths mixed up "How do you think 1 (ml, here to Mont- real!' he eked of the .h.kiog porter. "Mighty bad, 1 owns, air," says the poor 0000 ; "bat, say. mister, you don't fool half as bad as the fallow I put off on the platform at Hrouk0/11m " When Billy M.o1.00 get. ■prsadt*9 him• sell oa the railway, lraneport•IIoD, and la- du.trlal questions, leading off obits Borden k..ps in the bmckvround, 1 wonder if Soy of the rank and file of the Conservative party wonder if they didn't boot the wrong man out of his berth whoa they placed their present loader on the platform! it's 1. fast. U. R A. Paton. W, GLENN CAMPBELL. Organist and mimics! dlreotor of North st. Methodist chureh, and teacher of planofort0, pipe organ and theory. will be plowed to re o.Ive pupils. Instruction given either at studio o. at pupil's homese Ae.lred. 'todlo at [maroon'. Mode Stowe. W.ot-et- 71st fl sdloal• DRS. SHANNON & GALLON, 1'HY NIC(ANH and Bergson,. ()Moe in Hoek of Commerce bntldl0g, sweet side of Square. Night nails at rosldeno.s Dr. rlhao on. Dr. Gellow, Old resrde0oe. hap'er et. Loin et. w. 'Phoee K, 'Phone 07. Insurosioo, ea (IHA`t. E. SHAW, GENERAL INiUR• V ANCB and real estate agent. Olgne.. ne door oast of P. 0.. Uoderloh. Agent for th- Wding mutual Ore loon -secs o0m outs. and le•.ling stock eomtaolos. Mercantile and manufacturing tints t Want ratite. Cell at office. W. R. ROBF;RTSON. Accountant and Insur.noo Awont. Books and wc.oun0s made UP. Buildings rent, d sad rents oolloote.l Fire 'winsome la IIAtOh sod Canadian Companies. (Moe- to Proudfowt a Hays' omn. N tnh street 0odsrieh. 4itt F. J. T. NAFTKL. GENERAL iN BURAN.'s anti Heat Pietas. .geot. Firs,144, Anolde t and Plate Olean Insur•noe effected on matoal or Pooh pian at lowest roto. oomlblr. Itnet 'Coolish and O.n.df sn oompaniet rep rewnteA. (Moe nett door to °arrow & )(•r. ow, Dor Motors. Nominee retreat. EWpiesia 1. rcLana.'s Liaimat J. Celwlll on 11511.adds. death of h0 e.tim .hle w1f. Mn. Colwtll had beep 111 for some Hum wild • covers all•uk of 1• grlep•, but n0 ons had any Idea that It .u.ld 1ar- m1oe1. fatally. The d.oesoed lady was the daughter of the late Mr. Robert Maar. 10 •ddlnvo to bin sorrowing busbeul, .M leaelO two brother. mud three snoop to mourn bar departure She w.e a memo •r et 1n. Ftnt Pushy tenant ohuroh and • sorest Christian lady." Women' CorrteoIoNLae. -A meeting of the Board of Looms Uommtosieners was held •t UUstoo 00 Tuesday, M•roh 26th. wbeo the licence of Patrick Cummings, of W bighorn, was transfss,nd to Lionel Elea - 500 . 1t eau deold.d to hold the 0eu meet ler for 1ho oonstderallon of liminess 0o Tae. - day, April 16th next. Tan Cosecs -The penes of C5oa1• will be taken at midnight on Huoday next--tba, is, stymy person living to the DooInWo at that hour will be oou0wd by toe •iumer% tore, who will titan out oo their rounds 00 Mo.day. Jamie L. Ur.ot, woo 0 eoperlo teoding the aeosuivt•kt.sg m tins riding, was In town on Tuesday sod met the en. umer•tors for the towns of Uoderloh and Chotoo and the township of Goderlcb 10 prepare toe latter for the performance 01 their work These enumerators will meet here agaru tomorrow. Fon 701 I'AN AMZRI,,.ie,-Ooderiob will be well •dyertleed tit Lb* Pan Amarloan •1. Whitton by a ooll0otioo 01 high -oleos photo, graphs from the studio of R. R. Sallows, side we feel fe to saying will be among the beet exhibited at Buffalo. The oolleo too oomprtw two dozen large prone, in- °Iodaoe some of Mr. Saltows' beet news of the river and lake and also • number cameo at Beom .ter .od Hayfield and in the country. Mr. Sallow. will have these pro tares on sxhibttioO at hie studio •II next week, and the pubIia a mvitod to o011 and we them 1 hey ere epics lid spool:ens of pbotogr•phia art sinuous who likes beautiful picture make 11a pehat to see them. Nu SMALLrol 19 0ODgalo1. - Mayor Nilson ha amt the following letter to some of the Torooto paper. " A short time ago there was published in the onlumna of your paper • elatemeo1 of smallpox oases to this Pronto., •od the town of Godiertob was mentioned as h•viog woe ow. I wish to soca that this town to .otUsly free ot the dismiss. Last Deoembei a ynaog man cams to town with symptoms of smallpox ; he wa promptly mutated and 'he utmost ware was triton to ureve01 000- 104100. The our war • very light one, the young man g0totly recovered, and the pre - (motions whtoh were wed oon60ed the dis- ease to thus owe o&ea ; eo that the town of Goderloh hu so smallpox wl1hio (te borders. 1 trap yon will rive 1h0 ■15temen0 pnb- Itcay. Yours truly, "JA%g Wti..oft, Myer of Uoderloh." rnaA�ipp.a, Arau.3RD.-Updoubtedly remit throws Jeley. _. DARTMOCTH, N. 8„ Morob 23, 1901.' Say. Mr. Editor, 1 guess I moot have bit you between wind and avatar with that last hot 1 fired at you Imp.rialu o. 11 .sem• you have got so mad .t me that you Aasssnt print soy thing mor.. 1 have looked tar my letter on the Jingoes for the last two weeks, •nt lo, It hu not appeared. Well,. if you don't want to print my let tors you oe.dn't. I guru there ore other print shops would be willing enough to se' them, sod •o here goes. I'm oil. Aod I h ave no hard feelings, either. But it I o1u't speak out my mind, whether it pirate* you or rh•t there lorooto Telegram man. and if ootbang Rtes noises It is the bowllog"for • pinchbeck Imperialism that make. Canada• water -boy in the Empire's parade, then you wen anon me out. I thought your residers of the old Lib.rel school wanted te *1111. •traight talk along the lines of Mack.otie. Brown and Blake. I'v* got to give yon that klud ot stuff or nothing. But u you haven't let my last pito. •ppe•r I enema it's • shut column to on. Well, •5 I said be ton, no hard feelings. But I'm no "Little Cansdi" man, 1,51• your dusky friend .t The Toronto Telegram, and 1 must pat my 01 land Ent tle[7!__Nme. Adieu, food sir ' Farewell 1 U R. A PERCH [We have boss etpeottng• bre.zt from Uno'e Uoi.ok• for not publishing that loot letter of his beto: a this ; and we must con. fess the• he has let us down easy Teat letter was mislaid or lost or something and didn't turn op until yesterday morning, w hen we Immediately rushed at into type. We hops he will woept the explanation. Oar readers look for his latter every week, Keep on writing, Mr. Pooch : we'll print every tut word ot IL -ED. NwNAL For es- trait] nee only. 0 • 1,014 1 r aura for .pinal dnmo.. hip dtee•*., Infemmaterl rneu- mSrlem, lame back, lambast.. eon thenar weak and sore lung*, brats..., sprains stiff Joints• rupture sod .11 11 ,Arid 401 •a•& It hat also Does found •cure for throat at- feotlrme in hnree. Nooe weanlee without having the trade mark oe Mhels and wrap Der, and 5. A. McLennan* Liniment, 001. rich out stomped on was teat on main bent". Mennl.etared poly by LUPHiMIA A. Mo LKN N AN, sole palmate* and prop'l.tor, vew- 55te.beet Gederteh. Ont (695 r11w1� Itoffo.. Mkt HINDBIFI. =177 JN$1. UNTIL FURTHER No iCE. KINDER Twine will ha sold at the RInstal on (Nen Itentlary to farmer*, In sash quantities e. may he desired, for 0*ok ors delivery. at than f ,low lag ,rises (15.1 ............... nests rev panda renal New 7llee1 • l'nrrpotYt *off•, gt011d. h t. 10 th nom I tan - nae, to JJ.V! PLATT Wardencoill see, �p,e 50eOary. K learn., (M t. Papers lasert�1+.Ig this aeikr without • Inr ttrwgl tmaio tory p aur will sat hot= aMLsea Ikea N. RR. Sf1 Publlo Notion TUI H'K-A BARGAIN IN NURSERY 1\ IFT x;6. A limited somber of chow plum and apple trees will be sold . hoop for moth. Moa le "Boomed of o mate room ter LaAND, TCome rafalgar street. et win`. WM. liUt, NOTICE -- 41'I'LI(' o.1 IONS FOR 'PH E po•ttion of menit+r)J Inspector for the Town of (11der10h w 11 bo ria.1Ve w vein lye Ifolm0•, mollo•1 health °Meer, give any saodrd psrtioalarel0 regard to the datlee of the posbUoe. AAtpp 1 551 es with CRC. Ir reoelved until April Int. W ,y, Board of Health. 8 1t AROUND TOWN. AT 7115 MAI'I.L LKAP (;HoCLRY -Ws hove taken into stock this week a full oar of Red - path's best sugar. 'lin many customers that bought from us early last year saved money. W. would Dow .ug0ost that. now 1. the time to buy the beet sugar at the low est price. G. M. Ei.urrrr, Hamilton et. TH1 (TREAT NORTHwtsT*RN.-Hnr0n'e greatest Mir w111 be held this tear on Tine - 'lay and W adoeady, October 1 and 2. The dates were fixed at • meeting of the inhi- bition board nu Saturday. The board eat all •fter0000, revlrod the rales and • port- ioo ot the prize list, and adjourned for • week. several year., sad twee no reams to sake • °bong., u he believe. It ain't be beat. Mr. Emerson Is mitt n4 a full Ilse of Moroi. •undra.. and viii again run • livery this year •od ell, employ • repair u,•n. lo answer ,o the SIoNAL man's Ing.lry, li W. Thom•oo & Dou stated that they rein span &rear.. Lr the Ooderioh bicycles and toed also the Or .cent, Tnbu,. and Hytl.p wbsels. To another ioterrog•tloo tbe re- ply wan : "No, here's no p•rtIoul.r Phnom. io wheels this year ; but if there • aoyth og new we h... it."_ And then the mortis of the new Hussey h.0dl.b.r were demoribed. We haven't spasm to t•11 .11 •bout it here ; the (01004(01. purchaser ono go sod see for blmeeli N D. Rougvie,too, has the sate Hoe* se last year, oou'pnnog the Stearns, the E & D., the White and the Sootem.a-a quartette from which • man- or • worn he, either --should be able to choose one to snit. Over on Kingston •Crook John Yule, the "old reliable" livery man. is .011 log the KagI• bicycle, and report good bu•laess already this year. The trade will not he hampered this apron a it war • year •gn by the oonditlon of the road around the Squsn, and • few days more of •prtog weather will bring out many whole. las LITERARY SooILTY.- Another good program was promoted on Friosy 'tooling at the mastic, of the (.oilerute lento u•• Li wary 8001) 1y, The opening Dumber wee so in trumeotal solo by Miss Claire Rey colds. which was followed by • reading by Miss Quenon Roborteen. A recltatmo by Miss Mand Wilson woo heartily removed .od the wa. oompelled to r*.pond to the s000rrs. The next order of the evening woe Impromptu speeches., tive or six of ice Marisa's braying the 'errors of the platform and ..king oredltsbl. sp.eohes. K L M Ilh•m., editor of the O. U. I Jo0r0&I, presented another issue of that °rorty pub Iloailoo. A voo.l sola by Mies Yiool° Mc Vitae war much appreciated. and she was rot•Iled to give another .00g. A reading by labs L.ur. Jeokell followed, and Mr. (irlutgave the last number, • reu-ratloo from Mark Tw•to. The meeting closed with the eloping 1 the national anthem. 1'hH wee the last regu'u meeting of the Moiety for rho term the ethois.t prose• dent, James 11 Mason and his band of zealous oo workers on the. executive nom motes deserve oredit for the lareresting area of meetings which ha been bald an der their direction, The Society 1. an ex- 0.11eot feature of Collegl•'• life and Is doing good work to brlogtng out the thought and the (.1-ot of the student r. U the monad Omit of the 'woo w111 he the lleodel.ubnMalo Quartette, which the local manor/ moot have *stewed tor the toren, tog of April 3,11. This talented orea*'zs• tom stands in the foremost sok of the rnusioal world and 0 too well known to the mono loving pebIlo to termite f55ea11eada- tlea The crowded hoose and repeet.d en °ores which greeted thou' hoot eppeor0oc0 Ia Moony Hall are a good estimate of the sao• cess whioh those vocalists .r• mooting with on their (a0.dlan lour. Their program i0 varied, uoosisting of many Sootok selections and oa000t fail to please all lovers of mini: Those wishing to take •dvaouge of this treat should ,wure their ti 1.'. rorty, as, lodging from the large advance ,.., , there will be few empty seats. Plan opens to eubsorthers only March 29ih and 30141, to the public April let. A NATIVE tri' GUDLRICH.-A dosp.toh from 1'etrolc• states that Anthony Aylmer Lefrey, manager of the B•ok of Toronto there, died on Saturday, the 16th Inst., of pneumonia after an illuess of scarcely three days. He had apparently returned to his duties .t the bank before baviog fully re- sovered from a recant attack of grip Mr. Lsfroy was a native of Oodench, •od was only (biro( eight years of age, He began his as olers in 111. Bank of Lon", which was alietwards absorbed by the bink of Toronto, la whlob he had for many years been an effrol.at and esteemed of iolal. Three yearn ago he was moved to I'etrolea from Port Hope, where h• had been station. id for some tom., and where he was well known to a wld• whole of sportsmen as 1. oricketer and teoolrplayer. His wits. the eldest daughter of Arohlb.ld Wood, of Mill- brook, and two sons, seven and three years, survive him 1.0 111. CoCRTy.-The local court calendar makes the following appointments for next week : Division Court, April 1 ; County Court and Surrogate gnarlarly sittings for motions, etc., April 1 to 6 ; County Court *Minos for trials without jury, April 2. Criminal justice accounts will he audited on the 3rd of April. ANo'rHhR GIFT TO TM PUMA,' LIBRARY. -The thanks of the public library po.rd are due to Yrs. D, MODoo•Id, W.Ihrgron stre51, for her very uwpable gilt of books to the library. Several .re comparatively late and others will be eztnmely opportune as dupli cote* of muoh read books. We hope others will follow this lady's example. A SUo'sBNrot. U. C. 1. 871tu1NT -We are ple.•od to learn that Mtlroo A. B*oh.n• an, of Zarloh, who ba been pursuing an honor coarsens modern languages in Toron. to University with marked success for the Inst four years, has hoot appointed to • fellowship to romeow languages in Chicago University. W• understood that the award was given on a therm dealing with a pwage to D•ote's Divine Comody, 'affording which Mr. ! Mebane° has suggested an eotlraly new ,e1*.pr5te'ien. CANADIAN PRESS AWwtr'1ATtr.N. - '165 offtoer. *looted at the annual meetlo, of the Canadian Props Assoc .tion wt week tin President, Copt Maodoo•Id, Allston drab; first neo president, D. Mo0111r ooddy, Goderlab; second vtw president, H. J. Pet tywoe, M. P. P.. Forret: monitory, John A O1opor, Toronto; assistant score tory, A W. Low (.00lam&t100); execatt7• oomenittee, A MoNee, .1 T Clerk, A H. U. Colquhnuo, .l. W. Kdy .ed Smeestoo Whits (Mootreai Gazette); auditors, L. d. J •ckaoo and O. F,. GOA:ord. Model Tailoring. Wilt N18H TO ANNOUNCE. TO THE genera! public that we have again linut a (5 1 •rine e•t•hlInhmeet over p Felt, corner of West •trent and the gMf�� 11'5 ottersntee.'l mfr wore equal to the SS nit, el STAPI.KT')\'ash end oat prim arty. Nod Grain for Sale. ‘zKKI) GRAIN FOK SALE -2 CARS (7 .sod Mes inn bags) h em Itwee Honed. 1 nd goose winter. thong 1 nen~ll 7 of f00.11e5 oan, torn, •re .0 .31 Woes 1 sell for rah ran ..rl'•nlrnmfor 5. tiled of grate In onm0 ra•.s ffrr ro 1 ight 011? hrrdmeee. nlbo$y masonn two had If (1r -N H. MIRRIN. ae■oe, March 0. (001. aft Mbar ire th* oolghborbood of $9,000, •ud to - tends going to British Columbia on • pros- pecting tour. J. H Woroell's many Meads aro greatly' planted at his gradual return to health and atreagth •ter bar L.og and eevor0 1 0511. W.i0x50,1 to see him 450155vrry bustuw11. at the old eland moo. For the Emitor holidays the Grand Trunk Rstlway will les.. 'enure ninon at single tare 5u'og April 4th :o Btb tooluelve,retnro- tug up to and tuoludlng April 9th. The twohere' trod students' fare will be • fan and 005 third, going Marob 2910 to April 6th loolusl•e, and returning Aural 16th. St. Thoau Journal: A MoD. Allan, of Godsrloh, is a guest at the Grand Central Hotel. His ',Mit to St. Thome Is to the In tweet of the new Chisholm propose of mana- t.oturiog Iilummatlog gar, whlub is being lotroduosd in Outarlo. The town of Bramp too te about to put l0 a plant, and Colling- wood, it 1• said. will probity follow suit. Two young lady graduate. of Ooderlob Colisgisto lo•tbuta have been selentad M odious of the Women.' Literary Society of lorooto University. Miss M. Liaison. daughter of John 1' Dolmen, of Tooker south, lormaly of (ioderloh, hu been sp- potated trouurer of the 'moiety, mod bor aba- ter, Mise J. O. Diukwo, bar been appo00Nd third year representative on the editorial b feral of 'Varsity. Jame* MoMarohie, Blyth, has boon •p• pointed clerk of the twelfth Dly1.1o0 Court of Huron (at Blyth) Wm. Campbell, the late olsrk, resigned ae the result of some • Drought against him by the publish- er of The Standard, who wound him of collecting and appropriating to hie own use moneys paid o0 &000uo1 of Division Court • pita woo by the oomplato&ot and alter wards denying to the complainant List h. ha 1 collected the mooeye. CENSUS iNroaMATION UONrIDLNTIAI_ -lo view of the foot that come hesitation may be displayed in •wwertng the quse1io05 ,.f wen sun enumerators touching confidential mat- ters, arten, the following instruction will be found interesting :-Eyery otliwr or other person employed in any capacity o0 census wink us required to keep fo7tofate L51• secrecy of the information gathered by the enumerators •od entered on the sohoduleo or toms. An enumerator is not expected to show his ..htdaliss to any other per.on,nor to make or troop • copy of them,0or to answer setpoints. time yquee- tioee respecting their 000ten',, dlrully or lodtrsolly ; and the same obligation ot secrecy is Imposed upon commissioners and other oHioere or employe*. of the outside sarvioe, as well as on every of ser, clerk or other employee of the census nfftoe at WWI win. The facts and statistic's of the °ensue may not be used exu.ot for etathstlail 0010 pilstIo ,. std positive •esoranoe sbuuld be given . 1 , s point it • fear le .01ert5iced by o ) person that they may be used for texa•too cr soy other o11jeot. No result of the enu ',• rs .o may be Riven to the publlo In advance o1 the printed hulletlo■ or reports, exoept Ly the head offloer of the oepan., .oting ander the authority •od direction of the Minister of Agriuul,ure. It Is not per mitred to • comm &stoner, enumerator or employee of the oensue to eog5ge • 'when, tuta or farm oat his work to another, The position to which be is •ppoloted mast be filled by himself end Ito duties mast be per- formed by himself. Prompt and .xpedl clone ..,.loe is required from the time that the work is commenced till It is fioi•hod. AT 7HL HARBOR. -Though things seem guilt to the harbor, • good deet of work of one kind and another Is going on and • few works more will make • great differ000e Pretest Indications are that navigation will open somewhat earlier than usual, and the hosts lo the harbor are being repaired and put to shoos for the seaoo'i work ....Capt ot Kloenton, will oommand the err Mylee this year and le here superintending the fittlo5 out of his vessel It Is Wing caulked and will be rep•iot.d In Its present oolors. black and white.... Alex. Mol,eto hes gone to Kioveton to 8t out and take charge of • tug for the Domloioo Fish (:o., and will Hen oe Lake Ontario this (en.... W • understand there will be no change from last year In the captains of the Ooderlah togs and ech000ers....There are about 100,000 bushru of wheat still lo the big elev•or....On the island the two turn under oonstructloo by Marlton are making progress gradually. MARRIAng Or WILLIAM HOWELL .-W11. Dom H Lander Hewell, B A., of Ch10.go Uelversity, Hoo of R,.. J. K Howell, • for met pastor of North•st. Methodist church, was married on Friday last to Mtn E1t'h L. L'vinestote, sewed daughter of the lata Dodge Lrf logs'owe, of Hamooe. Th. wremon7 took plsoe in S. Pool'. ebarob, Stemma. We.odorstsnd Mr. and Mrs. Howell will reside .t Ohlo•ve. This announcement will 01 of interest to than who knew Yr, Howell when his home was In Uo,lerloh, sod his friends here will join 1n sendeeing 000gretol•tione1sod good wishes. 1)5ATH or 1lRn (Carr ( C.L't ILL. _- W m regret to loan. o1 the d.ath of Mrs. (ol- whl, wife of t;•pt. W. .1. (Jolwtll, 000 is well known here se tho caption of the snhonner Katandin. Her death took plan se Port Hope ea S•torday. 'rh. fooer.l seek plans Monday aft.rnoon and war very largely abandon. 511 the yowl men and millers of Pert Hope being prwne to show thele .vrp•thy with the (.prate. The flogs on .11 rhe vessels in the harbor wore plaited •t hall mast no soon'int of the ted 'vest. The Pert Hone Outdo mak.. abs fellew4se referee..: "All h0 Mitred' Is and amend Pert Reps. and they are van) erste- mom. damply .ymps/hW wit& (Jap& VYelsr COMING AND GOING Mu. M•51el%!! Is v0ltlo4 trlend. •c Se. J. E Davie, of Wingham, wa last week. 1) S. Clue, of Woodetook, war this week. H. J. D Cooke, of Heosall, was on Tue•d•y. Jame. Armstrong, of Varna, was In town 0o S•turd•v. J. S Killoran, barrister, of Sealorlh, was In town on Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. Craig left Tuopd•y morning on a visit to Pott lluroo. Mies Lazio Aoh.soo swot Sunday to Stratford with her friend, MIs. Broom. Miss Eva Acheson hoe returned home after • visit of oeyeral weeks in Toronto. Geoffrey Holt, of Trinity University, lorooto, le borne (rr the Hastier holidays. Mrs Holt hu returned bome.•tter • visit of several weeks .t points to the Province. Cha. Lhryetal and W. Weller, of London, are doing some repslrlo, work at the harbor. Patrick Lyon, jr., left Tuesday nlornio5 for Detrol', after spending several months In town Mies Jenkins. of Utmoo, .pent • few dayit vi.iting friends in town during the Post wprk. P. M.loolmson, ot Luoknow, over Saodey, h,vine driven 11.y. Mr. Owen. J. C. 141. sur, of Owen Sound, mos In town the week and was the guest of H. Sloan., Hamilton street. W. H. ("Herb") Robertson has nturoed home from Ottawa for • period of recupera- tion after his seems illness, to town (n town to town DIED IN 1)A907A -O0 .1'oosd.7 •tiernoeo the moral remains of Jennie Young, wife of John Jardine, ot Fargo, North Dakota, and daughter of the late Alexander Yount, of the eighth oonceisluo of Colborne, were laid at rest In the Colborne cemetery. Mn. Jardine'. death oocurr.d of Frryo oo Fri- day last at the age of fifty 71015. The de oeued was the eldest of • !molly of eight tone and three daughters, of whom the fol lowiog survive : Ex -reeve Alai. Yoaoq, of Colborne ; Rev John Young, Hamilton Major Wm. Young and Rod. M, ).Omit, Colbrrae ; Rev. C G. Y0no5, Piioos Al- bert ; Mrs. Johnston, Colborne, and Mrs, Henderedn. widow of the late Rev. R. Hen. demon. Mrs - Jardloe w•. married about twenty one years ago and after Ilying for two years to K'non-dine omit with her husband who is a bridge 000/rantor and builder, to Fargo, N. D. Their only child is Alex Jardine, eighteen years old, wbo is e'udylog engineering in 50 usoonsin. Mrs ,Icrdtne was • member of the Presbyterian church and was firm in her faith. The re maim arrival to Ooderioh ha '' 7 40 It M. teem on Mond.v, soot m, t y Mr. Jardtre and his a •o. It had to, .. r' oft to have the funeral glom the old hem .. •.r In Colborne. but the oonditlon of the Poo .. made this Impossible, and the funeral took plan from the re.ition°. of William Green, is atarlo0 onset The eervloes were ono ducted by Rey. Jones Hamilton and Rim. .I. A. Anderson, and the pall-b.•nrs were four brothera of the (fsoem.ed, Alex a John. 14dh•m and R. M., her brother in law, Andrew ,lohnstoo, •od nephew. Alex. Johnston. The be d husband and son and Ilse oth.r relatives of the dammed have the sympathy of all who koow them to their lose. TR■ LATS MRs. JOHN MIT.'llt,.l..- -There paved away on Friday morning I.e', at Toronto, one who for over forty year. was • respected re*id.nt of thio town Mrs. Mit 'hell, widow of the late John Mitchell and mother of William Mltohell, town clerk of (lonertoh The Aeos•e0d was • wetly. o1 Northumherlandshiro, Kogland, and with her husband crossed the notion far' y seven )sere .go, settling at Cleveland, Ohto After spending • few years there Mr and Mrs. Michell came to Uod.rlob, about the year 18.58, and made t.beir home here Mr Mlt,h.11'• death occurred fe 1880 Stone last fall the decwued bad home living with her daughter In Toronto. Her health had boon failing for some time, end about two weeks 5ge she visa 'Olken with paralysis, Ism which death resulted at the age of seventy-eight years. She is survived by three eons and ono danght.r : William, town clerk of Go/oriels ; James A. and John 1)., ot Cleveland, Ohio, and Mn. Wm Rothwell, of lorooto. These were all prop eat .t tho funeral, which toot plan on Monday afternoon from the rsatdenw of Wm. Mltohell, South street. Rev. ,las. A. Andersson nonAnoted the servicer and .1. l; Martin, Wm les, Jamieson Roll, Areh. Elliott, Abraham Smith and I) C. Htranh•o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAR. 28. Ng* I'rop.rty for Sole -John Molotyro 1 House and Lot for Salo --Philip Holt1 Aououooemeote-Goo. Stewart 8 Auuoun0em.al-Jas Heals 8 Binder Twins -J. Y. elan, Wvds Penitentiary. Kingston 8 C. W. Andrews' Stook --W A. McKim 6 AOoouowmeote- W A. MoKlm 8 B g drop In N&Ile-A. MoD Allan 4 Do You Ue. Will Water 7-W. C. Goode 4 The Wrong Way W. C. Prldhsm 4 New C.rpeu •od Rags -W. Acheson & was In town down with 6 Great Drop to Wall Paper -Fonar. Book Store a EIeg.Ot New Canaan. -Badmen' Bros8 Meodelemho Male Qaart.lts-V1otorla Opera House 8 A000unoament-MuKenzis & Howell8 Millinery and Costume Duplay -Smith Bros. Jt Co 8 Aonouooement-Mrs. Ooopor 8 Bioycle.-U F. Emerson 4 Sugar -U. M. Elliott............. 1 Nursery Stook -Wm. Helfand... 1 An You Building! -McKenzie & Howell 8 Aeoounosmeot.--Mule Deposits...... . 8 A meet -Knox Church W. F. Y, Mice Altos Bates arrived home lost week Irmo Bootee, Masi . She has been In poor health lately, but is now reooTering nloaly. Albert Str•ughao left Monday morning on his return to Colorado, •(ter spending the winter to town. The health hu hero mach beo.6tted by the retie LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. 8 8 io welcoming the new members. Darin the pat pine months there hay. been Mks. Into the membership of this church. by profeselon of Earth, 60 ; by lector, 14 , oate- °bunnns. 18. As 111. pastor staled, If this rote of Worms*. were kept up they would hive to knock rhe mod out of the ohuroh bulldlog to proytde •000mmodaUoo for the rrowlpg membership. Rev. U. H. P. Owen, looumbent as Luok• now, and Rev. M. Turnbull, of S0. Uoorge's ohuroh, Ooderloh, exob&nged polplN on auod&y last, Rev. Mr. Owen's sermons . ere much appreciated by S0. tioorge'. oo0greg&11en At the 0(0..105 servios he wok Si hie ten the words, "Am 1 my brother's keeper !" and made them the buns o f .n appeal oo behalf of the Northwest Indi■, 5mo0g whom he labored for some 0110..an Phe London Froe Prose makes the follow. m5 nd.reoos to • (armor Uoderloh pastor 1 - "Rey. S. J. Allis. pastor of the H1malto0 road Methodist ohuroh, though a oompara. 'lvely new owner among the pulpit epeskete of this oily, hu been heard gladly wherever he ha orewbed. His nano people think very highly of him. and he Is deserving of their golden opinions, biting zealous In the cause to whtob he has devoted his life'. work." The Synod of Hamlltoo and London will o ptic at Koos ohurob,Strstford, on Monday, April 29.11, at 7:30 r r., and will oenttaus '.0 Tuesday and Wsdoesday, oo0oludlne wrath an evening session Wedoosdsy from 7:30 to 10 Heretofore this Important oo*. foremost was held only In Hamilton or Londen. but this year • change has bow mad. 1a bringing the meeting to Stratford. There will be betw000 300 and 400 delegates In attendance. Next Sunday, Marob 31, will 6e review to Vloton&•et. Sabbath reboot and all the friends of the school are cordially invited to be eremitic and enjoy the service. The feathere and otfioers bay goo* to uselder- able trouble to maks It a .actlees, the fol. lowing twang the order of 111. program : Singing by the school, hymn No. 372 ; ur.yer b► euperlolendent ; responsive read - Ing, Isaiah. 53; lesson 1. tuperintendent ; lemon 2, A. B. D.yldsoo ; lesson 3. Yoe Emma M4llM0; solo by Miss Vida boll ; lemon 4, Thoma Wootton ; lion 5, Mae Jamie Milligan : lemon 6, O. M. Kllloot ; singing by the school, hymn No- 114 ; lesion 7, Mots Minnie 0111101 ; lemma 8, Abraham Haan ; lesson 9, Mise Hifi. Wyatt I solo by E. C. 10eluber ; lion 10. A. 11. Davidson ; lemon 11, John Shoos.. ; Imam 12, superintendent ; singing by primary de. partment ; distribution of papers ; Gotten. tion ; slotting by eohool, hymn No. 194 ; dismissal. Brussels Post : .J00. Dowding loft tow* for Toronto on Monday morning Tho family will move In the oouree of a month or so, Mr. Dowding will be greatly oilseed In St. John's ohuroh 0hotr, l0 which he war leader. CHURCH NOTES - The devotloes of holy week will be ob- served at St Peter's next week. The annual eervloe lo Knox oboroh for sailors and 6.hermeo will be held next 8.b bath evening. The Prism cote will •gain be beard 50 the oourt of appeal of the Methodist oharoh, which will be held in Toronto on April 12th. We are pleased to learn that Rev. Father McCabe, of 9e.forth, is monitoring nicely from the injuries he rewlved reoently from a tall on 11.e slippery sidewalk. Tho review ..elan In North Street Meth- odist Hsbb•th school nett Sunday afternoon will be epeeist!, interesting, and •11 are In Sited. The ser•los wmme0w..1. 3 o'olook. A me.tiog of the exeoutivo of the Heron Christian Endeavor and Sabbath School Association will be held to Dittos on flood F ridsy to for the 000veotlo0 to be ,.l4 to .lune. The mild weather .t the beginning of the week was • warning that winter nohout gone, and you will want eomething neat and trim for spring wear. (io to Prl'h.m s for the hest In tailoring, The sk.'.,ng rink i. alined. Gnod Friday • week from tomorrow. Look out for the pokers next. Monday. How "POMP&/NS" GROW IN UANADA.- The fame of the Oedertoh squash has spread to California. A recent Issue of the *an Franoleoo Call has a nprodootion of the ploture of Mr. Warwick's las year's squab, with little Iris Womack Inside It, and toe lollowlog under the heading, "The Girl to the Pumpkin : " "There are pumpkins and pumpkins. The one In the picture is a pumpkin. [That's where The (Jell Is wroog-it's a eguash.] It grew In Ontario, Copula, which 1. embarrassing 00 CsIlfor- ntt, but we might as well wwpl rho foot that It is • big one. C&o.d. Is a good placo for the pumpkin plant : the oold ollmate n ems to .gra. with It and It, flourishes there like • preen bay tree. William W.t. nook raised the monitor shown in the photo- graph. It started not to life after the mom o er of others ; it wa grown out of doors and had no more oars than any thrifty far. mer tive., to his entire field. During the early part of its life It 0u not over stood, but it begot on growing after the others had sopped, It kept on and oo, "Honor out it," one of the family suggested, "It'll maks enough pie. now for the whole meson, and there's oo nee waiting for It to grow blamer than we want." Bat War000k saw that It bade fair to be. freak. and he didn't oare to °hook Its mutter. Ho he left Is alone. 9n, on It went. One hundred pounds then two, then sl,wly It crept on to three. People gasped at that, and mid that the end hod oome ; hat the end hod not. Twenty- two pounds more that pumpkin gained ho, fore It stopped, and reg0t.rea Itself •1 322 pounds. People gathered to look at the ,'.auim"• h. For • long time it was on ex- a,Mtlnn, and when t0e end wog at hand the farmer scooped out the Inside and put his daughter in the shell. She was only five years old, bot she was • pretty big fl... year-old to get inside • Cinderella coach, 1'eterPeter•Pompk'o Ester tried the Immo triuk long ago upon his wit.." Which makes • ver, interost(ng story even 11 11 1. rather apocryphal The Woman's Aaxihar7 klls.tooary As- sociation rsociation of the diocese of Huron is mooting to Loodoe ibis week. Mrs. (Rev ) Turnbull and Mu. M.ry V. Le Touz•I, the de1e0.'ot from Ht. George's ohuroh, lett Tuesday morning to attend the meeting. Rev. J. Orman, of Holmesyille, has born through • trying Illneet, bat le now re covering. The reverend gentlemen ha, far' • low period of aortic* In the ministry and •• :.e le nearing hie seventieth year he w'll probably 00o'pt superannuation before long. There woe . large stt.nd&noe of sailor. and 6.bermeo at North street Methodist ohorch last Sunday .•.Dios, the service bdo. ..p.cully In their intone s. The pastor, Rev. Jasper Wilson, preached an appropriate sermon sod the music also was suitable to the owaloo. Don'.. forget Mendelsohn Male Quartette, April 3rd Th. publlo eohnol board will moot next Monday contains. Opera House, April 3rd, Mendelsohn Male Qnart•tte. Don't forgot Miss 1)onngh's mlllh vary opening tonight, Friday and Sotsrdsy. The millinery openings •rs •a this week and femininity ..,II have IM spring gala days. N. It. Kougvl• has boon laid op with an cook of pleurisy, hot le now, we are pima - ed to know. able to walk not. sated as panto* !lorry F4wards 1e around again alar an Tot Bicycle TRADt hit 1901 -The I Miaow nl typhoid pe.mmool0 The boys dialers are brlg,neine M display the 1,101 ars glad to too !VT up town again bicycles, and the other day • Sloe.. tic Yrhswrn t HnwaLl, ern elt00i00 rp • potter made them b.4s to gib. what eau M large tush In'. of Pruni re*Ay m't.1 paint.. '011.hared ►hl e..a.. to the man .h0 wants Those gond, are the host mads and .altble to hey • wheel A number et Arne that for atth•r bond• or nolaids one The Mises. Eva and Minnie Jones, color ed tongs rs and morticians, w111 he at the Hal •atlon Army h.rrwks mor Saint4oy, MUD. d►y .od Monday mixt, M•r.h 30,h and 31st and April 1.t. A spatial modo.l moot Mr w111 ho hold nn the Mnnday night, when • good program. ooedsting of vno•I Lod In seromeneil mu•'0. reola/too., oto„ will be given. All ore Invited. A .00d time is et, piloted An inspiring •eryloe was held of Victoria strew Met h.8.1 ohuroh net Sabbath ensu- ing, when about fifty new members were re - mooed tot* the church. Hnm• of thesis won slrn,ltwA by monitor from nth*? engrams tinny, bot the greater number war* throe who professed shalt faith as i remelt of the revival •0rv,os5 whlnh were ronently held In tho nhnrnh and which have been the ,nose. Of • ares' )ngathertng of soul.. 1'he pottn', Nov .1 W. ROhlo.on, preaoh.d from tab words la Revelation 2 r 10, "Si thee faith - fel onto death, and w111 rive shoo • mown Blyth Standard : On Tuesday afternoon a young man went Into Mr. T. W. Soott's store and puroh•eed a pair of legging, asylum he was employed with Mr Robert Marshall. of Kut W.w•nn.h, an 1 would be to Stine• day Dight to pay for ''nem, Mt Soots asked him several gnestlons, all Of *bosh rocol►ed satisfactory miswrite The young man wee elven the legging and took his dmp•rtar.. Moon after Mr. and Mrs. Marshall arrived at the store and Mine asked If they had • new hired man answered In the negative. Mr. Soott then knew that he had boon vlatlml,od and in o.mp.oy with Chief Homers set oat In potent% el the thief, whom they forted at I,ominboro' railway etallon. He was arrest. ed and brought hook to Myth. Tbe log- gias won returned to Mr. Boom, and after rwwivlog • good, send texture the thiol wee all'w0d to 50. Ten Soars Is Kinite's would hats boon the proper punishment for this slick ynung man, who was • @transor le this nalghborhood. DIED. YOUNG. -In Wargo, North Dakota. on Frldey, March 12nd, 11101, Jena'. Venng. beloved of I,fe," enjnialnl open three litho were wife or John Jardlno. awed 151 rests. mid wheels last you aro not doing en the MITCHRLL In Tmnntn. 00 Irrids)) mornlnw, swoon ; they say then le nothing In the 1 Another dlotieetlnn for • former Uodorlrh shout te dealers thou. faith ►he nhserv•nw M.rnh Hod. le*hwll. Mltnh. 1, rallrw of beelines, tor them. As for the blayyela ' 007 R. S H•75• o0 (455(01th, ha h"" 50- and fclbllmoet et tMir Christian doll*.. the lard John Micnhell, of GnAorleh, 5554 theexeelvos, th. Innel• Ashow 0„,,,,0„,,,,,lime I pointed (heed Muter of the Veils by lbs The rorrpelml wfemeny eau weAnntoel 74 yrvn ammo, from .us net's G. F. menen (lmnd Pr'notp.l Z of Royal Aroh Maonry. 11 by, the pastor, who wee atelmo4 by the COt,WRI,I. At Port Boew es- flat y Y.rnh etr4, 0001 Yaewatet bh•r Al�gg, apl..8•,s t►e Y,Barsey-R10We wheel N I Jobs Townson. .f Hay, 00001 ooueo,l elan -lender., Habit. Tseng, (000 Greed, wile of (1.p4. *0.11*, 3. (lelwoll epd 11 hie ea.Mmere. He bee eel& this wheel for low, W sold h1m him. the riot, Is 1e sold. ;O. Y. (4111.051, J. B. Y1111a. sod J. Mosses ywgrh�