HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 88 TaoltulDAT, Mae $1, 1001. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. The laters.Nag talk of the pioneer days of taw tb i .l'og • imolai to the °beech on the 26tb township. Stone thou Mr. Morris has psis lost. ed away, and uow Mre. Ferguson oleo heal Moo M Bailie bee re. Thursday of Int wee11 (' gathering gone Loused to Goderlobl.fter k (here was • snis .&.filo !monde to this of reduivs at the residenee of vicinity. Mrs Ju. Jewel to bid farewell to herThe many Irloud. of NewSpring St. lion tou+r l \1n Thomas Mo has t �Aypin were :it. lDk North Dit I who Lir ben plureed to ase him out .ain after bis r•oeat ,u,tlog here during this whiter. The Lineae., ti•thenog woe lutended 10 he as largo u the Th. Bible Satiety ooll.o.or. made (Deft one held • year ago to hid James ,l swel Are Dere aouuet round ou Saturdry with Mrs. J. goodbye but the recent stormy wsatbes and Hertheringto„ a. uhapewoo They report a the gr1V prevented its bring bald. Mrs ler a teethes, of oostrlbutloos. Morrish lett on Saturday for her D•lotr The program at the League "fues11sy sight home • took chi form of • young moue literary, stud Ma.. U1m.r(•NAar's llsATtt.-1Vah the we thlak If it did not °snows the young in great profusion. We have made greater ettorts than ever deepest regret the announcement of flee mohair/ which good- w61oks was held last Thereof re nurrielluh arI. 5g U was before to procure the latest novelties, the befit styles, andiitheormerlyduck \liesMU Roo U , oursetWiorecoldpso day fust •C- 'rill[ Stt.NAL last week by friends here. The BLUkVALE. i O05led when she lived In (;odertob osteo MuNuaY. Mar. 18 Mia Nellie Burgess was 111 with plower, lest week will sell at the lowest prices. Our values this season ale l• ceptional in Dress Goods, New Wash ( foods, Silks, Laces and Embroideries, etc. Come and look them over. No trouble to show goods. Ladles' Fancy Neak wear. The new fancy silk stock cellar, with gold spikes, very pretty, 50C at The latest in white collars with pointt-d front, at 1 OC Ladles' Bishop Sleeve Raln Cloaks. The most sensible waterproof ever invented, comfortable and stylish, all the new shades, from ....3.50 to 10.00 New Wash Goode Oottou materials have advanced, as you know, but we have never shown better values nor prettier designs than we have on sale this season. t#inghaws in checks and stripes, extra, at f 24C New fancy dimity wuslins, at 20c New blue and white silkettes, at 15c The New Belts. The black patent leather Heli will take the lead in belt* this season. Ws bave s variety of patterns •t ... «-. 25c Also new gold belts at 250,40c, 60c. New Spring Suiting,. Beater conte+ early this year and to hate your costumes ready you utast: be lookiut: around and selecting now. We are well prepared with all the novelties in costume ,tutib to please you. The New French Cheviots. will take the lead for early bpriug we and they make up 'e hsve full range colors, at 1.00 and 1.25 Some Other Speolal Lines are New black crepe ile chine at 2,00 New heavy satin sloths iu royal, olii rose, 'red, brown, blue. New tweed stuffs in shall checks. New broadcloths. Lovely Near Mika. A good name for them, as they .109k like silk And come very much cheaper. Nioe range of colon at handsomely. 25c ...Dress Making Department... Tailor, Suits our specialty. Our Suits made to order at $8 00. $10 00 and S12 00 are something extra It will pay you to look into these as we can save you time, trouble and money on your Spring Suit. Gents' Furnishings. launnsry New spring hat*, latest hlockb Ladies' ready to-we><r__waibin" -. joined to the ..clal sethrr'ngs of the young temple bare, end .Ir Doug, ,„e has scattered her young oomp.otooe of into* bygone days ammoehe has not been forgotten, Your a• pondeot joins with others here to mend• log deepest av mmp.thy to for. and Mrs. Uur• rhe to their los.. WKDNI+D.At, Meroh 13, A LANDMARK (.urs -Tbe big gale o0 Sunday last divided the well knows rob Free which has loop beim • lauds ars ou the Luoderetou Farm, the west parr of the tree being blowu down by the .irons east wind.. For over bait • watery many an animist has stood under it. shade to summer time and many ot the le.dlog pioneers of Huron, past and present, bay. rested under 11 also. 1T WENT Cr. -Io Spite of the severs sharp wind o Tumidity and N edoerday of last week. abi,tee by Jaok Frost. the wind mill lately p cured by the Tobin brothers was put 1n position over the artesian] well wbloh they sank three months ago to supply water. Heao.fortb dares. will not blow tor nothing, but will have to pump water no Sundays fwd •reekd.ys for cattle and o0 weekdays mod groin and oat straw for them to eat. while our ambition will also rive him some work to do. LEtBURN. Tl'stDAY, March 19 Windier and Jacob Mosler would like .o outings a wood sawing and hutting 000 te.t, for. stake of from bye to twenty-five dollars, with the moil who cut the five cords t num hours Deer Loyal, or with the Ben Godshall township. 8.1. to commeooe .t0 ,eller led.. during the somans fortnight. 11 o'clock sharp. Lunch 'served at 000. : i.y ah.11eove soy local pair of woodmen ROBERT Oita, administrator. TuurAs Grstint, auctioneer. Missgan Lillie Hov sited relatives la Rel- ator. last west. Miss Mary Mollwain spent Sunday wttb relative. in Wiogbam. Mr. sod Mn. George McDonaldtatted st Ur. Toole'. In Brunel. this wok. Miss Bella Burge.. isvisiting Mr.. James Robertson on the wooed line of Morro. Mtrr Joists Robert 40o, of 1Vrexeter, visit•. 5d heJoistsu.ter, Mr.. Robert Blank, last wort. MI6. Mary Jane Casemurs, of Wroxeter, visited her suot, Mrs. U. R. Brinker, last week. Miss Lao:lids ('001tes, who has been at her home for the past three months, returned to Buffalo 00 Saturday. Mr. and Mn. Weir and eon Cecil and Mt.. Pude Pugh, of Clinton, visited at Joseph Pubs this week. lir Goon, of Cltoto0, wi.t.d by Dr. Chisholm, of Wligbsm, pertormsd an opera- tion on Cb.rles Turney, of Morris, remolds(' eight,pieuss of boas from his heed. AUCTION SALES• All pert(.," getting their sale Dille prlutod a1 this oleos will have • hes notice inserted las this list tip to the time of .ales. WEDNILSDAY, March 27th. -Auction Bel. of farm stook, implements, houssbold furniture sod effects belonging to the estate of the late David Orr, at Lt.20, coo 3, ...idler!in the township. _. ¥.m. FulforJ her decide] not to go to DakotaMe year. Hie brother Arthur, h iwever, has gone there for the summer. Mos Mary 1dacManu.l•lso has gone on • ,.d1 to her ricer, Mrs. Robs. Morris, at Galesburg. CARLOW MunliaY, March 18 Albert end Miss Agree Fergusou were TUrMDAY, April 2od.-Sale ot term stark and Implemeota4 the property of Samuel Eobbees o, st lot 9, 0000too 1, E. 1). Ash- field, oommeocfog •1 1 o'olook sharp. No reserve, as Mr. 0ohho bas rented his farm Taos GrIDLT. auctioneer. MATraOAY, April 6th.-Auouon sale of 4)i scree of •ood lend o0 whioh there is a good dwelling and stable, a good orchard well Wooed, also .a easily worked stone c.11ed home from the Northwest on acoouot goarry that will make somebody a lot of , 1 the death of their mother, the late Mrs.moos, Iwo,. long. Terms will be made 1.-tgosun known at time of sale. June HT*LOr, pro - Rev. Mr. Leoo•o, of the Northwest, praetor. TNow.► oe GCIDitT, anotlooe. i earthed here "0 Sabbath last to a lame .ngregstiou. He will also fill the pulpit h: re on the next ,yrbb.tb. A large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of the late .1. Rynaen from h1s residos at Nile on Sabbath last. It was one of the largest funerals ever seen from this plsoe, numbering o►. 209 Tw• in stiff hate, browse and hats in blacks rough stow, 'I tag LATE \1st+ FEacrsox.-w e Macke, regular $2.50, for... 2.00 new shape. worth $1.00, to have to tbrotIole the death of Mr.. w for 65c L. Fergu.on, which occurred on Moodsy�. New shirts, special at. 50c 11th cost , from the grip, after • week's ill- ness. The deoea.ed was highly reepeoted In this community and Brest sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband and family, who Ere left to mourn a good wife sod faithful, lovlos mother. Mrs. Ferguson was bore May 19th, 1`(39, m the township of Darling. too, beim/ tbs third daughter of the law Oeorpe Boyd, who sf•.rw•rds moved to tits township. She warn marrled on May 1911h. btd no the hope of another lies invitation to 1%4, to Mr. Ferguson end le•yes three was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, but we sod two dsurhtere, •11 of whom have been wish for them °ontinued prosperity, long lite sod pleasure. To Mr. and Mn. Grigg we heartily tender the beet wishes of the gaibertog for many years of blissful enjoy- ment to wedlock'" bonds. 00 ! Cupid, How little did we think That thou, 10 •11 thine artful 000010g, Hades drawn tby bow, chose from y quiver, and deftly shot an arrow, OZ�TIt] PRIDE - OABE3 OR PRODUCE!. f. COLBORNE.\ wEDD1No ('HIMRS.-1t is not often that we are granted the pleasure of participation In so moob of "octal happiness and festive joy se it wee our prtvtleue to snare on the evesiog of Moron 13 at the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs lobo Slovens, of the Maitland 0000eesion. where in the presence of .boil 120 r.lattves and frteuds their only daughter, Mies Reath& Grace, become the happy wife of Reuben Grigg, • well known end prosper one former of Goderloh township. The (Areaway was performed to the parlor, where the happy pair took their stood be- n eath • pretty .ysrgreeo arob and be11 at 4 o'olook r M , Rev. E. A Shaw, of Ke.• miller, officiating The bride appeared noon the arm of her father. who gave her . way, while the accompaniment of "Brown's Jubilee March,' by Mus Rosa Pronto, add- ed gladness to the 000ssloo. Miss Fannie Allan, of Z1o0, filled the important position of bridesmaid, whsle Olt,sr Grigg. brother of the groom, filled that of first groom - man, the oomplemeot of mud ot 'boner being very outely supplied in little Mies Orle Seoddert, of Goderloh. Followlog the usual' oe0('r0talauoos, the happy party were lo. yited to the dais° room, where a splendid repast was in readsoe*s, to whioh ample johns' was 11005 during the early hours of the evening Alter thin. with the custom- ary pastimm of vocal sod tn.irumenal music, mooted that, orokioule sod other diversions (Including luooheon), Happily sued the hours sway, late the early down of day The bride is • very vomiter and pretty young lady. and we are sorry to lose bet trom our citrates. She wee exquisitely at- tired, and stood the ordeal with 'he grape of • Colborne lasso, whioh we haus no doubt will '•break the toe" for more of the "Meltlend's' pretty girls. She was th• recipient ot many useful and valuable pres- ent*, whioh .peak well for the esteem In wbiob she is held. Mr nod Mrs. Grigg will enter at floe upon the realities of farm life, and will he at home to their friends 0• the ninth cnore5•ien at an early date. The gasherlag was noeol the moat enjoyable as. ture,.nd we are wiry Ih•tolrcumeta0oru for - DUNLOP. TrrsoAY, Mar. 19. Miss E. Petoock, formerly of the Hayfield rose;, God.rtch township, but now ot tow, Michigan, and Miss Blanche Vldean, of Uedertoh, .re the guests ot Mrs. Allen thb. week. AN AcciDEVT.-fn the thew of Thured sy afternoon Percival Moors was slum" on a load of wood whioh b.d been drawn to h!5 residenoe by the junior foreman of the Hamliuk farm, when the .now gave way and over went the load into the ditch. The teamster moaned by • jump of eight feet, but Percy was not so quick sod was nought under the load. He was rescued from hie predlo•ment in .bout Leu minute.' time. SawltR't, Armin -toe !--lo ea hour sod fifteen minutes Windier Mosler, of Iseetturo, sawed with • wood's", • oord of well swooned se000d•growth rook elm in front of the Exchange stables here F rlday afternoon, potting *soh stick on the sawhorse hlmeelt. If any amara wood -sawyer of Goderloh nen beet LDLs record let him Dome forth and put op a stake for s contest ; and perhaps other owing and chopping intone of the district could be got together for • big toaroement. We extend our sincere sympathy to Wm. Ferguson, ot ('.rlow, in the doth of his estimable wife. Your correspondent is re, minded of • ple•e.ot afternoon spent as the resideoee of the las George Morris la Jane nary, 1896, when • number, too1011am Ws. Ferguson. met there Wei Kathleen Liz,re, the well known author. who was then pre- paring tor the (tubtioatton of "lo the Dsys of the Usoadatompeay,•' sod joined 1. an living at home except Albert and Agnes, who reside at Morden, Men. The fevered took plow um '1'huredav to Colborne ceme- tery, the services being oonducted by Rey. James Hamilton. The ouket was borne by two sous of the deceased. Oeorgs and Albert. and two nephews, William and James Ferguson. Clear ig March Sa 1e;,. BELL TELEPHONE CO. While the "dead head" is ustng tour Telephone you may be basing a valuable order Refer hum to the Public Tele- phone office, whore the charge is ba. a call GEO. PORTER. Loot Manager. 'Thiene No 100. Porter's Book Store. Several dinner seta yet to clear, Why not price 1 Regular 312.50, 315.00, 320.00. Cups and mincers, odd pieces of chin frames, one-third oft. Have you seen the Medallions its our show window, 25c. They are going fast. OopyriRht hooks, paper editions, puhliehen' price, 750. Sale price. 35c or 3 for 31.00. Cloth editions (ooyyright), publishers price, 31.25 and 31.50. Rale price, 90c and 31 10, A large line of paper novels, sale price 10c and 150, cloth edi- tions, 15c and 20c each. NILE. M(i. DAY. March 11th. Mise Aonie Grummett is hoiden friends is Godertob. (� Mite Hillier, of Bethel, spent Sunday .t W E D lJ I NG W EDNaoDAY, APRIL 10rt -Auto u tole of farm stook and implements. to be held .t Fellow's farm, lot 1, coo, 3, 8. 1). Aehbeld. Everything to he disposed of without re serve u the term has been told. TKOS GtISDaT, auctioneer. l KIDAY, Mersin B9.-Aueton sal. of farm stock, imptemente, household furniture and offsets : also o valuable farm of 146 acres, j..: two mils' from Goderloh, oo Bayfield ro.d. Good building', good water and teen's : also s new dwelling and four town Iota in Godertab, with good foliar sad barn. Disgusted with your tooth brush? 1)o the bristles tome out 1 Is its shape iuoonveitient 1 Some... timeline hs.e 10 excuse for being used by auyu to end per- haps you have fret U111 dry enough forret one of that kind. Our Tooth brushes ere of the best selected stuck, convenient shape, stiff brist- les, all sizes, ell prion.. IF. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B., DRUGGIST. Corner of West SL and Square. Rale to take place at the property io (lode. ,lob, oorose of /tsetse and McDonald streets (near Aarioultural grounds), at 1 o'olook sharp. F.v.rytbmg to be sold, se the proprietor a leasing for Dakota. DAvID Mc Rama, JR , proprietor. THOS. OUNDRY, a00elooeet. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Mnce Pies and Lady Fishers, Kiz. Macaroons, lanai -0o Brandy Snaps, Etc. "KO.ekle down" is sew the cry. wrImmntmmm�rt� mtrmini � are few women....Thre who tlo not know something est the phenomenal popularity „1 the --4111 U A General Favorite. e1[ Shoe for Women. w ` ! TAT THIS E ,y THE MANNISH FAD. :: /'�u Women's Shoes suede on last. E �` " shaped like mea'° are tow the T �� faeheonable thing, soil there to �� - 111 BRAN D[0 much comfort, common Immo anti ON Evif(Y armee is them. They also look E ,, �� [tog, up to date and have lots of "go" �� in them. - IAlw.▪ ays • Medium Perfect Sol• Heave. • Fitting. 1 all"- Low Hest. $ole. pap wswwee.ro.,e. a...'.ere .A .west- Price is always $3 75 P. T. HALLS, a Sole Agent for Queen Quality. E Repairing. U1111 U1 UI ll1 las lel 111111 lel lli lel lUulU 11110 -� Ready With New Spring Goods. We've left our big six weeks' sale behind and this store now swings into line for Spring business with full and complete stocks in all departments. Thousall'' • of dollars' worth of the newest, the brightest, the best, the most up-to-d.:le Spring merchandise that we could find has been gathered toget her and is now ready for your inspection. One thing we want to emphasize is the GOODNESS of these new stocks. What you buy here you can depend on as being absolutely reliable in every way. Trash and low grade qualities that have no recommendation but their cheap- ness,�nd are as unsatisfactory as they are cheap, will have no place in this store. What you get here will be, always, the best for the price that money can buy. We will be always ready to make right anything that goes wrong, and any purchase that you are for any reason dissatisfied with you may return and get your money back. Here is some news of the new Spring stocks. It will serve to give you an idea of what we are showing, but the best thing to :i ) is to see them in the store. You will find us ready to show them whether you wish to look or to buy. aro as good as the beet made is any city in Canada. Cantelon le•ode the trade in the p5010015 . Mise Etta Hall, of l'Itatoo,u a visiting friend..- Nile. Mr. end Mrs. C. Girvlo .lilted friend. in Auburn on Saturday. Mn. end Mn. Hillier, of Clinton, spent Sunday at J. O ammett's. itev. M, ,1 Wilson is bolding special Wer Bice+ at the Ebeneoer appointment. The Woman's Missionary Society intend CAKES in fancy drowning and ornament ing end almond icing. Give him an order and your sat- isfaction will be assured. D. CANTELON, WEIT-e T. McKENZIE di HOWELL HAVE AGENCY FOR THE MERCAN STEELWOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. woo Nus ���1��C+�'t Amply provides tor expansion and wires c- + ■■.■'.I tion. Only Bost Bessemer steel wires used. Always uniform quality. 1. . -..■.■�i� Never goes w,ong no matter how We ���I( I Brest a strati is put upon tt. wows 1111111101111111111111111.14141 Does not muti- ' Ifftilfii alai ����MOMMEN 3T1 last•, but does ton=OMS SOfI=j�MIfll)♦I ID efficiently turn 5alI fa�fs ==fa■I(1lmf��lrttl Esme ssociel cattle, horses. :cr.,:.............. � =�,�gl s,1ei bogs and pigs., EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money. We have *old miles of Lhia fencing. This year it, is better 'hen ever. Tt. will pay yon to sirs up your requirement asci give us your order now. SAL rw •- t. - pr ins Handsome New Dress Materials Wt' would like to have you Colne in and( get acquainted with this dress goods stock. It is a good stock through and through and in it you will find nearly all of Fashion's favored fabrics for spring wear in all the opular shadings. Whether it be Pow, medium or the high priced materials you want, we have variety enough of each to suit almost every taste. Our range of costume cloths is particularly good, they are the most fashionable fabrics and no Iwo are exactly alike. •lIerp are a few of the lines we are selling : All wool serge, 36 Whim wide, hard and soft fioieh, in 25c black, navy sod colors - 44 -loop .II wool Henrietta, bright silk finish, very 0.P - alar for waists, cardinal, old roes, blue, blaok 50c All wool granite cloth, make. stylish sod eervloeahle skirts and ooetumes, bard finish, will not hold the dust, 50c blaca only Plain mitered dresm erode, newest weaves, 36 to 40 Inches, for sults or drawee, shades of row. fawn, blue, grey, brown and blank, per yard 800 AND 600 Bright finished 00.100,5 olotha, all pore wool. 46 Inane. wide, very fasniooahle and make" handsome snits, colors and blahs 780 AND 850 McKENZIE & HOWELL The pl., ro I ny all Hrrdw.re cheap. .°cure one at about half • Sale price, 37.50. 39.50, 312•« iMilliner a, jardinieres and photo Sriii ..tai. • a9. e g p These prices are strictly Cash. All the latest and beet designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and ready-to-wear Hats. Call and inspect before purchasing. MIS CAMERON, PORTER'S BOOK STORE, ♦pp�ntlo(+H Wanted. naw h Na 100 0. (;inert Hour, Square, Oadetl,h. Our Telepsi Hamilton Street. Floe obevlot serge, all pure wool, makes s stylish and serviceable costume, 48 lathes weds, blanc and navy only Fine Quality all wool broadoloth, if shrunk before mak log will not spot, makes handsome "nit" It's Priestly's make, that's o N of the Dolor sod wearing qualities 90c A range of haodome centime (sloths 1r Velocities' s, broadcloths and homespun', all the fashionable shade. and black, single eo,tumes only, on t w , alike, the end *5.00 TO 66.50 Eters fine cheviot serge, every thread tore wool, rich, deep black, will not hold the dust, spot or *brink, make' • very stylish street onetime and oaneot he ernelln, for wear, toll yard end • half wide, per y.ril $1.50 ..NEW WASH GOODS... Unless you see them you can have no idea of the beauty of the wash stuffs we bave gathered together for this spring's selling: -- It's a collection that's well worth seeing even if you don't want to buy a single yard. Choice productions of the leading British and Am- erican makes in the newest and most popular designs for spring wear. We are as ready to show lookers as buyer's and will be glad to have you come in and look at them any time. These items to give you an idea of what we - are ,mowing. Amerloan Gingham', 10e Nothing to beet them for wear and they'll keep their oolor u long se there le . thread lett, nest little obecks le pink sod welts, blue .od white, green and white, also fanny oomhmatlona, very pretty patterns, absolutely fast colon 1 OC Better Gingham., 15e Heeler geslitlur In American 'Ingham*, very fine thread. will Blood no end of hard wear, . food range of patterns 1 5c Fine Sootch Gingham.. Some eery Pretty pattens In these ever popular wash staffs. the goods are slmeet u tine se silk sod the designs the "very latest Unequalled for thus wearierquelltles, suitable for waist.* or dresses ...............20c and 26c 75c Ons of to. toil yard red sod Patterns much of Amerloan Percales. meet fashionable wash materials savour the Imes, wide, fancy stripes for blouses in blue and white, white, black and white, Ievender and white. that you'll see nowhere elm 1a town tad not soy one here. Per yard 18c Randy Muslin'. Colored muslin" In stripes and fancy declgas, all the meet fashionable shadows and a big variety to *sleet from, not moeh of soy one pattern 10c and I5c Fine Muslin*. • Very 6*. dimity and organdie mooting, the ssaeee's oholoest fabrics, dainty sod delicate dodges 10 the finest e1 qu.11• 28c and 36c Three T3wel Bargains -These towels are what are called " manufacturers' seconds." There is some slight imperfection in the weave or finish. It dons not affect the wearing qualities at all hut is enough to prevent their being sold as perfect goods. We bought the lot, several hundred pairs, at a Iiberat dt:df�bjfnt and pltssS them on to you the same way. heady Saturday morning. 1 - 300 linen heck towel., gond weight, 18t 100 linen towel., fide, street" sad heavy 100 linea hook towels, firm ..d heavy. 30 monis, brmme 1 end., ,ed borders. 1. sok look, meet of them h.mstitoMd large slew, plata or altered borders, ei Oa PIN, oom,e.oring Moiirday, at • toe taw sale, oommeseing 9iterd. capital wearing end drying towel. a 3 POR 250 •e Neh 150 *ale Saturday.b...,2 FOR 260 Our telephone nutnber is 25. ('all us up any time you want anything in a hurry, even if only a spool of thread. We'll send it at once and if not satisfactory you may return it. Hodgens Bros. Agents for Standard Patterns. April Designers now In. Uoderich. THREE "A'8' ADv'Tfi ACT/VII AGENT WHIN PLACID THE SIGI\ FIFTY -FOU RTII; THE WEEKLY MANI e 000111Y011. M Fail Wbeet ous.... . .lour, family. oar s ... Flour, oxime, pe awe ... .. Brae. 11 ton...... .. Shorts. • ton •..... Screenings,Itye mg bus r ewt ..... Buckwheat, per hush PPeeaarr. 0 noshsh... Barite. tour bush .. .,,, Bal, a to , . . Polt0re, • bash Dotter. -" Cheese. our 1h..,... .. Hem. freaks unseat.''I dna Wood.... ,.... HI les ... 1.awbdhtae •- Live Ilovr - loomed Hoes Woos., .-,.._....�...� WA, per 10.• Pressed fleet fore awsrM1 Dreamed Ntef. hied Cattle. Lx !Situations Vas WANrKD.-BY APRIL 15 geed sista as coot. parh nesld. AMA, to Hi awe Park. Uodrtch. '`11RL WANT"D. - FO' 7 ns. r� Oolborne Hotel. • X10. BVXI'ON. For Sale. ti.iR MALS.-LOr 26 ti Hutohlnn'5 sun.. with fo'mn rrey owed by talus. ti PHILIP HOLT. FOR SALE -1 OFFER FU protertl la fleeterd, co quarter Of en etre or more, nen boss and eutbulldfo,P. Thera of n -et class troll trews 00 t'• gt aIIP•0 'p 181'4 ILL. oe the MM. -4 IVOR BALE --ONE OF ✓ farms t0 the County of 1 retiring Possession •Oor lo bboom, beak tern. •ood wrist rouse. 1 he sea 1. Uoderirh LERIS. Uoderich. Tt•2 1 AND TOR SALE IN I UIIULRiCH -F, r ..te terser. ,be property know... land.. befog part of bl., k 't tlo.tenob. root•lelrg about 1 oulld.oss and waterrlgba on I las d For terms apply to O A N ItuW, solicitors for the vendor FsALE OR, TO KENT' eve and oo.h.lt a Tem south rn1 of 'h, town. Pam. Apr11 111. Par term• and per, li B . DUNLOP, Welt elrae• DOH. SALE OR TO R [' et ry brick ■ r.. our Trafs'v.r .eeU + ss. ,lob A PAsMORL. POR MALE. -LOTS 96.96. ✓ and 1M In Ha.ehi.0. Uodertoh. For partiaalataIP11p: 1 Barrister. a March 11th, 1900. Goon 80 ACRE FARM 11. 1 it It, 0000ss.ton 14. C ship situated Ij mile, from mite from el Moo Good be orchard. wine. and .trin( oto of fax wheat. Trema r.a.OaS' Nus apply to THOM. GURU! (tonere... lett FARM FOR BALE -T FARM farm knows as Fermi. beteg It. half lee St. nom W.. Anoeb. De sores, 90 acres w g,ail Wale of outtivtloo. Thane Is on eh' pleas • good t, dwells(' hoose lea with eels cod stone cellar. • frame t . tone stables under, 1 sores of good never "Mlles epr4w0 will Coed c1.7 loam, abysm 70 acres of fall wheat. sod some fall 1 fences are good. It to oar • lead c0rSlnient t0 -hurohes, 'oho from the village of Auburn Nyth,ll tulles from the tow sod ( simian. This 1a a very d no poor or ware land. For fall particular, apply to solo icor for the estate of the day. Music 1�1 . GLENN CAMPBKI Organist and musical dlrat Methodist rhumb. and teach/ pipe organ and theory• will t nose nubile. Instruction studio ". at puttil's home. se t at Emerson's Moho Stere. W. DRS. SHANNON & (J! 81 C' A N tl and Surgeon Of C•emmeroe bulldl.., west Night falls at resld000se Dr. Shan on. 01d realdeaoe, Moine et. 'Phase N. Ineuranos, g. MHA W, (18? lJ ANCS and real estate c door east of P. 0.. Mode, loh leading mutual fire Ioannina lea.ing stook oomtaoles. Mercantile .•+d m•nufu beret rate.. Call at oleos. WH. H. K0BIS14TS( Accouolaal and Ins 'looke and actuante mad 11,ildingW rent. el sod res Imre Insur•nos Is Beth Coneppaatiles ()MOO- In Proaroet It i street Oodsrlsb. 11 F • J. T. NATTRL, SURAN.:le and It Tire, 1Af., Anolde tand ala 5170.101 nn mutual or cast rates toi.iblr. Nen English and Ganadly resented. (Mice next door to Darrow Hoer., Hamilton "treat. Elolleaia L. Masi For es ernal nes only. b ■ spinal dress, hip do -ow, I mailmen, lame book. hunt weak and sore Ionge, bre joint•, rupture sod .11 kI ,1 It nus .Iso Oren cooed s fwnlnM in hnrwee. Nobs basing the tr5de mark oa per+ and E. A. MoIasoaa nth 1101_ eampwden w.o Manuf•otneed Daly by it I.KNNAN, sols WIO.t.e es Orate mesh, Ooderleh. Ont Put lie llfl EINDHrr 7 UNTII. FURTHRR F Twine .111 ha 5014 • Ite,,tlar, to lanae,.• 1. sot rash oe 4.4 Int MMe, NI•.I Nsw Zeelsn 1 11.55,... .. Pore Manljo, ponndl A Ar.m 011 nomya•lcat 510.bJ, ly, Pl. TI'• w hInapsew aaMart�twt� Itis eo Urn ftym tN [Poe Klatt site f. r Elan ra �, NO