HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 7CRPTURE - ITISH BOER- LARGER, Beer Leaders Conferring and Massing Troops, NO AMNESTY FOR DEWET, ,hire 1'rlsuuerse for Ce1'lua Strath- ,on.'s Pay -Preach Letter), (u Iir►p the (leers - Krlteluger 1'hrea1vus to Sheol lirltlsh 1)I►lrert. ' Lesal-inn, Slarch 13.-.t despatch from Lord Kltrhentor Isrwed title morning Ir w silent upon the subject of the (wtar,• negotbtllous that It lends to the n IwIumiou that nothing hum yet h•en aerompliebed of R sufficiently defeat, rhnrneter to justify lending official stlpi)ort to the view that lite War is ever, nor do G -n. French's kdo% inentio Indicate o cemaatiun of h,alilitivs, althuugri posrlbly, ria no slate Is given, fife captures were made previotea o- the grnuling of the Arnold. t es Lonl hltehetmr'r ("patch. which in wed 'It Pretoria yesterday eaeaing, "spam as follows: ----- ..Ito IYtit It" reached 6inekail (me pis a,orthward Progress, . "Frea:rh, In atlallllon to lite recent /Iada•eexet, reimm•ts 46 bolore killed v•r .....,•d, till ,akin prtwonerr and nlrrend"old, with :.'00 rifles, 3,700 rounds of • nimWaitinn, 2,4110 homer, 2..V0 rattle ain't 400 N'agimse Nook rsrtc-Resides mules tonal trek oleo. "Mathurn has arrived at iVarren too fr,•m Alerkmdorp, twinging In pros. ttnerann.] earth•. "TIIn w•aliver Is wrt, delnyioY the rearm( -atm of Ill. rulumnm." IP -Pre lout Nfres. Cape Town, )larch 11 -The Boers having[ ,rut lite wires• telegraphiv lonmunwntion betweele the Enrtern Prorirlres no I Natal 14 luternlpted. _. How the Chase 1(ors. I-und,.u. )larch I5. -- .t d(apateh from Fr, t„ran, After noting Do %%'et's arrival it Aenek:lt• Change (fiver 1'1A,rny, hays that though he alas (Idly It bnllrl f„Ilowkng, lie Wet fes nehlug it dlrtriet where Its is like. It a, reivive ocnnuieratale refuforce- went", and pnshably inteudir to plrk "p n•, ing batlike of republiraae, who fire # ser present In the 1lornborg - sod horannatrerg distrulats. ern F'reneh, the despatch adds. Itiaa Item detained by swollen drift, In the I'laotretjat district., but i, now at4s to aarw•e atgain. A ,I(vpntch from Cape Tirwn re• r nod M""o," "'" o n)In naso" 1(e•e hnvfe turned foci w amt am mew within forty miles rif a'Ii'••wm,vrq serf that the Br"Gh err f,.' „wattg ttso 7 hat l) marl la /►)T, Lsnsnnne. Switzerland. Mitch 15. a•d t&t- wh" thiol been arramr*f to tike place to -lay between M. Post ie,rosaLstde and If. Andres Buffet. gr(mrl it out or the rantruserm>!user tk* action of the r(ayajists at the list) of tree poop d'etat planned by X. Nruulela and at. Marcel ]ftelrert Is IRW. has been abandsxterl In ,von• m4urmr of the Autlwritler hnving Iwme.1n decree expelling both the wrsltd's) combatants from Switzer- , land, DuN To -morrow. Ire, reh kretie" on Gnant Roul de Castellano and N. berrbtys met this ieftrrnuos ami dereled that the duel should take place aa -morrow ; two shots velli I* "N"I ngerl at "S paces.. M. Perl- vler, one of M. I)erodays' secundm, who is to -manager of the Figaro, in an inturvlew to -ditty deolarel,l that the duel would he abetalutely private. ale Bawl: "I will not telernto the ytes"Ice t,f a stranger. If other. took", 1 will rrtlre from the field. In day op{nhtk It If improper to permit pera.,nh Attracted by ushealthy car. knits, to be prescient at a Joel in whirr, two men are xtakdtrg their rhes." tNottlaeed to death by ties Busrs. witesew Slurdered, Cradock, Mareb 15. -The principal uatlre witness lu the case ugaluvt twenty prbOnrrr from WutrrIlluuf e�u.,rpfd w'Itit high lreunau Ila* bean wurdrred by three lk/urr, ono of whoin lr a lucuI relx.1. solid u relative orf aur of the prlruuer,. Melling Liquor to Troops. Mulmubbury, March 15. -Under martlul law Mr. Jun Smuts, pruprle. lair of the Jubilee hotel, at Moor reesburg, ham been fLued L23, had har. had Ills hotel Cloaked for a month, for selling liquor to men of the westuru 'Wiss without permit. " Free 8t"(le 1'reastary. Cape TOwn, Marcia 15. -New" re- ceived from Pfetersburg, the Boer headquarters, ►how's that the Free State I;eaeury 1's being carried. about In a Cape cart. Renlr11ces ua Hebels. Mnfeking, March 15.-A number Of rPbd,ls who have been convlet*d havo been 'severely dealt with. Home have been menteuced to 4hree yearn' hard labor, others have been heavily [tried for hurlmtring rebels lir being nhaent fruits their fartreyd ITIthuut, perml, len, while issue farmbr has been tined L ;(Il) or two Years, hard htbur for harlwr- Ing rebels and ct,ucculiug infurtna- t lute, Or.-JaXer's %rutence. (!ap/P Town, March 15. -The trial of ho Jager, the mart prominent rebel In Natal, had cu/lcluded with a men. fence of five year" Imprisonment And a fine lit L5,w (SL5,OW). lie .lager war all Boer commandant. Hie (to - fence was that it Tranpo'aal burgher court bad decided that, although lie was evil a naturalised burgher, he owed n0eginitce to the Transvaal. Peace With ({oers Mosoota Far Away. l'at'he 7o n, arcT-.".--The general opinion regarding peace is that there is Very little profkhfct Of it Im•{nl, brought to a favorable Iswuc, an t 4that the una betacled e,untered will probably prove lnearmountnble. The Rorrr have cast the wirer ua the telegraph line •cunnectiag Natal, thud, LrolAting tine i'rO%lnre from the forcer In flit- Tratumvaal. for the time being. Title, taken hl ,,,,,,,,-,,,k,,, with Ile Wet's reported maarela iNatal-wnrd, far regarded, as serous. Ilurr Generale to Sleet. London, March 18.-Accurdiug to r. drrpm,tch to the. Timer dated !larch 15th from KanlagrruJt It Is reopnrtala there that Generalke Botha, l)clarey nn 1 ire Wet will lu•et on March 18th to dlrenrs the situation, r Will Land No More Troop". Lim -Inks. alnreh 75. -Tile War raffled. :•titin;; ton advices from Cape Town. %ill not Ian,l nhy m•,re troopw there ""(it the 1 Plague Sall auhwld . The trnnttlaorts havo boost ardored to tilm•inlwrk the troops titF.tast Lon- don. I\,rt Elizabeth unit vlsewhere The I I"911e In South Africa is calx Ing nnenesineas In South Africa,, sld]r plaix circle* here. , - - -- Total Camualllrm of the War.. London. March 1b -The ,,tear Of. (ice tart night Ib coma the monthly rp turn of casualties of the British force The luta) .-A.c trt --tome throng on tile lon-ato 155 officer" maid men, it. tub kows: . o a I cath Inall - Ru 1 + Africa -661, off) I corm► 1:1;187 m^n; aflw,ing send prisoners -17 offivern. 70:1 miles; dome or the latterhilTe-roll 1 giu,lTde_ aenl bonito?. wlfa-imp 4 offlcere.. ;:H7 men. Tltrattot sent hOnrr. wfmt have left the strtlre as unfit -1,70117 men. The total rasualticdt during Felten- ary were 83:; ufficere an 1 mets. Dr1Vel's Nephew. Berlin, March 15. -Young Chriftian Tic Wet. the nephew of the Boval gen. Prof of thnt name, and uthor Boor of- flevrok %Impel the Relchrtag to -Jay, flea 1 Jratt.tatersiasvnsitld.tt-Um.her of prominent notomberrof that i Af. French Pro -Haters. The Hngnlee, March 15.-7a[. flenrl INw Nelort ant (other Pnrisinn pro- ftOrrs are here tv,nferring with the multim)rleres at the 1l.Inth African Re- pubhc*. They will %14tt air. Kroger at 1'tra,cht. 14 OeWet Crazy?. _-_ Btormtontria, Orange R(Ver Colony-, March I o.-Prismnerw who) have ]rale• ly Men cele:awed by Gen. Ile lt-i•t say they think be IA I madman. 'they aver that the trrrtbte fatigues Indlw's 1'opulatlun• he has ondergdvie, his nnxietlPf, 11041 the 111tpnmity of Ilia rectangle have un• Calt"ttn, March 13. -Complete cen blared 11116 mind. Apart from 'this eon returns glie the population tit vlerr of (lets. Da Wvt's mental estate, lndlit au P94,000.OW, an Ince ase In the JA"t det;•tde r,( 7,00.(10(]. Ceduet. somn of file pecuRnritlef nre that hp rarely f)erps within the lartnds of LOX the' Polaulattnn of tilt Bnlu(•hls. hlf eusep. IiI seeks r( -mL odtolde. Um, Shnamt:tka, i111n IIIIIat send Siklm with n tow traatel frAlowerx. Thea, ternt,.ry, enumerated for the !treat llme, the orderllew of him mulordinate rom- a slot Incre,un" to fh(/wA of manderx are frealuently unable to "04 1.4 per rent.• which to due to Qrsd him to recrtcp ordrrf. Iiia acermy Impratt•.1 "pulls methods. 'rhila, lite If rxtremi. He nbam)lutely Impart" P(Tulnth,n In, fur the time. etnliou• file plane to no one. lie repndlate" cry. Owing to the mrrtnlity front that pearl negotiations which -are dlrraaie need a eat decline In the Seeing on, lir had dcclnret) nprrtly to hhtls rate, the native atntps .how tho men under hie rommand that n9 s1colooivot declined. These results term. Pxcept Independence will sat- +vere ynite unexpected. leafy him. 1iolendtng 'rre,ity Protocolo. K'•Irldnittne, A recent utterance nttrilmted to him ld thnt nftcr the Britimh hp hntcs March 15.-I'rolo,cole were M bled nt the late Department tt,,Tny by Lor,f the TrnnxTnalers. Iilf whrrpnlesslta during tX9 last two or three dnym Paancefote and Aecre- Lary BAY, extending the time, of rail. ficnth,n of four nre unknown, nor Ike it known whe- ther President hteyn is with trim, of'the Britlfil Welost lifflen rrelprocity transition, �- astutely, Jnatalra, hermuda, (;a)naa, and t'al- Collided With Armored Trttln. , cos lmiaa ds, The *SAO044 a hoer, year from to -morrow, Cnpme Town, ltnrch 13.-.1n nrm•,r-d h•nin from Ktmbrrl" rnHhled yP4ter Army AlTatess to the ieords. ards.Hous day with n regulnr train near the I^'n`lont, starch 1& -The of L,r 1m wells unusually fhnngo 111%er bridge. One moldhrr wan kllle(U and four wrrr Injured. Tree crowds(, to /lay 1n Anllripxntkan tlan rolling t,toik was, c mmi,lerably dam eat "Fele of Lord W'"eley, tin forester onfmm�atder In Ages]. I egret, to tho rritlelsm of the former Wet? Rerretary. Lord T,nn"downe, ---1. lSeauts ,llurdrred. non' Recretary for Foreign tffalra. h'r0 WMnskey. Collar Town, March 1S,-Krittinger'tt hl In Ids opening rem• weeks, sail he rryftetted bring ram• a mnnnnndo In working northward (n1% lolony nes] nae eluded ,lire^ rellnl to dfsrltsm n ermonal matter. Bat P - Rriti+h volumnm, A Boor patrol ,•ne- Ike eo teld not the! sero r (oaf nnchlRrnges] r xttmentf of Lord Jane. *`v'1 tarr41 h.nr native trouts yrmtrnlay anal mhot three of them. The Bo,rm _ o. on the mann-r in which he. Ilnd �FT('rmad the (fall" of coimm�nrler hnve cnrritdl off nit the horpe i In the 1,11xtny dtgtriet f -w wlalWf._na-_tjy,y- la chief, were rrglhtrrM, Orrnt Britain will Town, bare to lay L10,000 ($W,000). C"<w March 14.-A party of er hn•ndrrse which was evidently -`+- Cela Town. March 17.--A colonial v^^rrhlryt with the tateNltlon (sof raid- Ink ill" rrm,mnt divitlon,' under Cel. Crewe, engaged fA town alrpr,t tit Rowker'* Pork, ('s(". (•oknny was m -t by thea the Doers near PrtrnAherg not far from the border of Vatre COI- r1lnnlnl (llmtrict forcen, And drlvrn IMPk. any sand the Orange Rarer ('Chery). ()ri" Rritimh foidler wan dnn Cor,9lml•y 'wouneiMl Tho British rnptuted line ftocro'con- A "moll pnrty of Boors in the Tork- sstnd TO That burgher!, under Commnndnnt. di*trlrt met three cnlnnlnl The Rocrm h"id up their ilnml", Kritiinger, with one loom -pone, who nem" within 14•� mitre of Fnrt i pIt"fort, An"tf• "rid miaowed n white flag, tout viten the mco have been cutting the King WMIRnt'k t nppronehP(l the largherm fired tort tlman. Town telegraph line. They nre bring and"r asflea of the ecnwtx w^x Perrrely clrigriky prpmaM by tile. British wMln(ted, ham hwrn reepirotl horn sf the fact relonal Oorrlhgf. Florae of thin ilalr Invader* have that fie" men have ilo.!n strrated Ontxhle a rently Abandoned their Intontloh hats of lirnlsllrgns M &"f iia liplongl))q of 4nrakng death, find pftfwd through AMlAldw. to nalaroy'x Ibn. The n.wt b( LhG m �, noftheaft Tie eommanAo whish rpr*ntly nr- Ptr th)m was taken to KloorkinArpp by Mrs. I 11ar],aehlnn, enpled Maralsburm Is reported to wtreree NusiMnd, father 4'1 brother -In-law har* AItIiM into *mall pnrtlrmwith again. wpm* among the 1`tetfrnm 71,1`x0 other men hnve been tit" Iden of enncentrating Some of them panted through Xmin- territory. A Brithtl force routed film force, a,,d took Iris chief city, and he carrying Chrirtmur rturer an well no door. If tt h^ i, -ver Keta Inim heLbe aftuno On Fielday. Colonel Woald's i __­_ Is yurrWng there. -_ and evicted his wlls and family [rum tit, thew• ----_ . - -_ -lwluaap he declared Alkali Erasmus find lnstl- Thr .dal that Mersdltb. w•Y the first � All HAPPY Aurtrahaas going to juin Clement, Avalmache H11.slan IS antro, AN N EUTI AIN-) Erasmus must not be confused ON Gen. Lrarruur' Capture. they Lad a"dd"s LO Darn N tis Cape Cduny. It V rs- danger. Captain Arbuthnot, of •'.1" London, ]larch 1'J. -item" of the nt- well-known Boer general lit built the Itattery, was In comutand, and had In ternorro papers may the Tien-Tsin'lit- ware (of 1881 an'1 1900. all about 400 men, uud but two gone ficulty line tleen arrapged. ---- British Captu e a ,suer Larger. Thr, term "uwho had :nU14d t0 Atmtl Erarmlu, who head bwu captor- r,l by the Wit,1W1, her been earnod Ifably reported that Commandantdtoo Krltrtaggurr has threatened to "bout any Br team uIllra+rrs captured by lair AT TIEN-1S1N/ HICOGNIZE01 lite Chinese grantink the same ron- in u teespatch to the War Office, dat- up with the rear•part of the convoy, ceaylons to two nations. ed at Pretoria on Marolt 13t1►, re- which the Boers were Pt Hi striving by il1m. 11 the re(x,rtr ut Bretlrle .I- men • might ami main to take. The wag- Bntu4i to Prtucal with the cunrtnlc- "Yeeterday a column under Llout,- onto were Imageral l In a kind of tion of the railroad mW1119, lout 1f ttua- Cbl. Turk, of Lite 1►e%onrlaire Regi- witlare formation, nu,f u stiff fight Britlah "ek)minlons. and by an Over. Ilcets ter an Yours punt are to Yesterday and today ten new mist's concession prover to Ile earlier prlse•l And captured u Boer Iuager at thea at once embtrke.t. Under a ju- than tint of (treat Britain the (utter Krugeropost, One Boer w•ar killed, nior gunner the two gunak with that it to acknowledge the ctalm4 of Rus - rive were -wounded, 3l' were tatken be bellovod. At thu tiuto lit with Lite aativets under SeUCAA luguo elated were reported, factual. lag throe Europeans.1878, prlooneirr, an 1 a quantltyrof live stock a taw kopje, and with eighteen mets ifl,:.. Lord (then stir Garout►es- IeY "puke in public of Erasmustie a 1 fiend Tito Treaatw Ousart at Dordrecht facie concluded its sittings. Th. ssn- tenc(w, French Government Nears of Important But Informal P In human form." The camlts"811 aypinet Secoarenl 14 falai to !titre beep carried ua wItis la. Impawed Included floes aaslotaot• Ing to a total Of L5W,000, the heavl- east yet' Inflicted. No Incidents. Action of U. S. describable brutality, but Secocoenl defeated the burghers more than Uarlua Gunnere- --- tie fort the gunners and a few rot- stated. Capt. von K-lilickmanu, a torus- Loa.lon cable,says: Bennett Bur - Ieigu wires the Gally Telegraph: Here .__ `- emblem, war first engaged to luted to bans' of a walk mercenaries ugnd E Seoo i cuenl. IIs war killed, heal Ernrmus lot unotlrer story about the during of aur gnuuerr worthy of the beet Bthe iris 'IUuugb late In the FORCES TO BE REDUCED AS TO AFRICAN REPUBLICS. took lite place. arms annals. Boer" are, madding at the rtstloats on vehicle+. Tile enemy had a Later Ott decdocoenl, who lead made day, It merits being chronicled. When this Boers caught, looted and burned L(►9a bullocks% but they copal tilt Fr,tner Ilrwrs lit No IneWenta. Peace wfta the Boers, raided British about 150 waguntr of the blg cuo%uy, - ist has A11111 aldu at I'tel�rmlmt tranrplrrtt lute as territory. A Brithtl force routed film force, a,,d took Iris chief city, and he carrying Chrirtmur rturer an well no door. If tt h^ i, -ver Keta Inim heLbe trurrelidered. After he had done iso, ordinary saturant, last December, to Iturteuberg, they ,flit not get half of Carlos, of Portugal, Is a Liberal .%It he declared Alkali Erasmus find lnstl- the good# acid wagons, Sime Wutll Through !1uldlrrs Killed by ua gated film to resin to tfie last. Erur- Aurtrahaas going to juin Clement, Avalmache H11.slan IS antro, mus war thereulwn urrested, but eco caped pualrhmeut. were oraered out from Rietfuntetn Troubles vaintint)r. AIN-) Erasmus must not be confused when the report arrived that the convoy -the capturt"1 part -was In Imalried for the furtuuatc %vurdiuy of the medsaga to the Kutuaa LeIg %,Itn Commaa.lant Huns Eras '"Us, a danger. Captain Arbuthnot, of •'.1" London, ]larch 1'J. -item" of the nt- well-known Boer general lit built the Itattery, was In comutand, and had In ternorro papers may the Tien-Tsin'lit- ware (of 1881 an'1 1900. all about 400 men, uud but two gone ficulty line tleen arrapged. ---- British Captu e a ,suer Larger. t,.I thlak. "I"' Bsittvey, About eigh- teen.or twenty Jailed out, At Duffels The mloundrrdtanding was due to London, March 19. -Lord Kitchener, hock, the same afternoon, they came lite Chinese grantink the same ron- in u teespatch to the War Office, dat- up with the rear•part of the convoy, ceaylons to two nations. ed at Pretoria on Marolt 13t1►, re- which the Boers were Pt Hi striving Tjte Arrangement enables Grent ports as follows: might ami main to take. The wag- Bntu4i to Prtucal with the cunrtnlc- "Yeeterday a column under Llout,- onto were Imageral l In a kind of tion of the railroad mW1119, lout 1f ttua- Cbl. Turk, of Lite 1►e%onrlaire Regi- witlare formation, nu,f u stiff fight Britlah "ek)minlons. and by an Over. Went, Operating from Lydenberg, sur was going forward, into which mist's concession prover to Ile earlier prlse•l And captured u Boer Iuager at thea at once embtrke.t. Under a ju- than tint of (treat Britain the (utter Krugeropost, One Boer w•ar killed, nior gunner the two gunak with that it to acknowledge the ctalm4 of Rus - rive were -wounded, 3l' were tatken part of the convoy hail been run up prlooneirr, an 1 a quantltyrof live stock a taw kopje, and with eighteen mets aura• ' au 1 grain cone captured. Our casual- tie ila(] built it low rampart of stones The Forelgo +frivol, ,however, lines no life were one killed and four and placed a gun In each .tingle, the Information tending to confirm tilt- he wounded. wounded, plecese back W track-•. From this lit- arutouncemente Of tilt arrattgelt►ent --- tie fort the gunners and a few rot- havinr been made, and the officiule Doers are Massing. ,!term had beaten Toff the Boers agitlo ere ilither Inclined 4o eMuibt , that London. Murch 17.-A opcelal de• and again, defying them W rc•loore hatch all nrraauarment hav been ar- ff)atcit trtnu Rtun(lorton ea a tier, y s wagon or u box of btores from the 'ptured rived At. Tfiey' aty the urigiattl con- Boer" are, madding at the rtstloats on vehicle+. Tile enemy had a klea,41on was given up by Rummia. the Delugtsa line, uh•I the leaders ere L(►9a bullocks% but they copal tilt Fr,tner Ilrwrs lit No IneWenta. each "spurs a wagon.at They find charged W within thirty pared of the little Ivarlo, March 11), 1.30 p: m. -At a ist has A11111 aldu at I'tel�rmlmt tranrplrrtt lute as fort, nttd the stung garrison had Catn,,et'Cuuecil today the Minister FurellKo Affalrr, M. DelCamep, re- except thatburg tileNot tits (,norm vole have surrendered is fixed anyone e, while the gunners cease Of toted the the hence OeKo- one of the oubjeets of the dldeumsiun. the ""Versed and shrapnel roto the liners who attacked, Had t VeloiR+H[ He tlespatc lite The leader" are in communication dw Iiroa(iwoaa mored up lila brlgude• ed made. f despatched made no mention lit the mention with a view of n general surrender eery probably the enemy would Incidents occurring at Tien-Tatlra. with the liner e„mmittee lit .tan eierdam. It la stated their the man• have been made to suffer even mute , l lehon to"t'unae !fume. ufac,turn of ammu,,ltlon is proceeding P 6 thnia they dl 1. All tiny long. though hotly assailed agahe an 1 again those Purim, ?Larch 19.-A dr match to. the Itavan agency from Pekin &nye that v Igr,rwsly. .._ _ , eighteen men with two, Rune lead M. 1•Je.hem, Freyich ldlnleter to chine, "�� held tate fort. The enemy were around will fear! Pekin tire- bfgtntftng of Looted the 1 iHr*r• them oil every little, and it ,vats al- APrll• t • Litton• Cape ('dOuy, March lb.- .-most-calrtAlri woufi8ing of; death to - ---Tw R¢dtare_Frexti•h_i o!aao. The Boers paused through there yes• point their guns, but they fired them: Purim, Me'rch 19.-A tiempatch from terday morning. TIIPy looted tilt- burning the faces of the Muer with Pekin to the Wivas Agency day" the ,tfiree. felted forage and burned the flaettl cif the cannon. Iso core a.at! of the Chinese nrgoti:allous what wheat they would not carry +traits trip gunners hail to use • eir will !o(an Is•rmit the reddactlOn of Off. carbinea, hilt ever the Roar Mat - the_..Fretmeh toa•cer .by abunt jo,0(N) No Amnarsty for hrWrl. London, MArt•h 1T. -Whatever the res, It u ed the .cru F• , pe ave tl+tlufi lie ,wren GPuernl Kitchener and General Botha. It Is tolerably certain that ala- rumors lit lite Inrfumion of (:en. Do Wet In any farm (of auuneakty nre not hatred on fact. General Kitt•ito n eros personal views of tree Boer leuvd- er are not known in Pall Mull, but K the Warr Office Is consulted the offf- claim there would rather see De Wet killed in act" than taken. allfe. One of.the officials responsible for direction o r t6 reset un f the affairs of Liss army Bald yeetenlay: che,ked altd beaten hack, and the ale,,, who will ba re-parwteil. remainder a( the convoy was Raved. Pewrra almost be M Inn. toKother ,with two guns and the eighteen gunners by the timely or- honolon„ Mah•h IO.-Tlee after+r.,/emu rival t f Captain Arbuthtiot's little W ems wt-lrume the lAtoat uew'm con force. - ccs rag Wait- awkward rltuation of _ - __�_ __- fin! t Tien col : ndie ti 1 thv of iwn 11 nT n mal n a Iro1)) Illy lit lhPttorcee of RuesLt I e:re t 1lrltnln being saved by the SING EDW�flD VERY SOflflY intfrrent of n non•fntrrewled ,That.- the-_Ih'ord-_ II.Loyalt� I Should be Addremsed can poveilrly :wcept D. ,Wet'x durren- door. If tt h^ i, -ver Keta Inim heLbe TO iHE'KANSAS LEGISLATORS. i.td tel tem, temhit lir rte s•f f r LI - R y qIrg,•,f murder a( prisoners, I nR T,•Pekl, Kaftans, MArch 18.-A let- donbt tint ll,e Verdket of ea it5lttttlTy .rw-.tr'rirtt c+vnr4 w ter, cons rv•ceh'dd here test airs,, from _ adeallh.and if wurh a Terdlrt w•Ais car• Juseph Chotte. Uaaltir.l stat:." amb(i:s. -moP6ltl be s, -horrwbWe aadar-1.o Briwift. In which th:e re - howl on (lie cuntinent and In .\mer Jcs. Anil, Intletrt, one would be -sorry grets of King Elwar,l loll. ata ex- ' to fee movie R brave figistrr ,,noel Imalried for the furtuuatc %vurdiuy of the medsaga to the Kutuaa LeIg much nn end. Therefore, we ran only lature .after tit:' death tai Queen Vic. Mqa De Wet will either W let out toria. Tho Legimlature rent a letter .4 the country lir Phut In battle.," of condulouce, to Ki,,g E,Iwnrd letter --- 'Ceylon. tlk- death of Queen Victoria, :laid In Prisoners in hie letter of Rckmowledgineut the Colombo. Ceylon, March 17. -The King expressed thnnka for the • tuy- south lr,•arty of Baer prlslaw-ra,n'xiled salty' Of tato Knll"ans. Ono of lite til Coylun line nrriv,•el here un the oil legislators ohjcrted ' to the word 4-uarn�rel liner Catatonia, now known "loyalty," and his motion to [lure :u Trnaisp;rf Co; .w ' ' .., ___ -. flat), ward_strlekea_from the recurdx Thu party numbers 19 otticrre unit prevailed. Mr. C'hoote's letter rnytt it 632 arca. In all, IA(1 officers and 4,- wait a common word from the way It 929 token era now prisoners In Cey- w -ns rimed in all letters a,( me - 'persons fon, • knowlcdgmpnt to In the Among the nincteen-offiepra nre Britlah "ek)minlons. and by an Over. four f;rrinan*-Lieutroseptr Tall I)P_ dight the wording was not changed rltt, of the Potsdam GuarcU; Captain In writing to the Kimono ].,•glAnture. vent Trotha. and ('nptafn Molder, env- Mr. Choate, Writing to Lison Lrgie- alr•v affierre, trod Captain Yerttele. 1ntive.Commltte,•, Rays: • I hAVP learned that th- King was much Thr me /t important of tit [1Vol of- paltaeil when he learned Lite hien• ftrers _.� It ie calculnt eft that Ono ItnrtilreFl - ___- ___ And firly of the prisoners are genu Ine Howre, t)(1 are forrkgnerm, And the A MODERN NOAH'S ARK. remainder are Floe Staters, or peer - -- pee who bernme burghers. Oleo prb W114 Animals lirstlared for ebe Pan. finer ,lied w•hiln the Catalonia wan American iSxpoesttluu.• at Durban, laud was burled ashore, New York,' \remit 18. -Two hundred anti two otherm died of renenmonla on nwinnlq ronrigne•1 to it mcnagerle anti the long Voyago up, destinednitimati•ly for the 11nn-Ant-w. --- Ann Exprrmltlon have reached Riltl• Strathronms' I'ay, morel, necording to a ap,•cbal to the Mu'ntrenl, March ]7. -To enchtronp- World. Thfy entail on two steamer+, er of the �trathronaa Horst there U aml are vnlnedl At sloo,OW. if any of $174.28."dpferrrd" or "differential" them nre well trntard. while other► pay coming, Anti the corpxrnts'Rm( •rgrauntm are nbfolutrly wild They )nelude two Indian eL-phanta, two Atrjvan s get their pity hl Proportion. lir. F. W. Taylor, of the Inn of uelrrnm, face Abymed anfnn hy'enn+, two Montreal, Is nuthoritodl to putt' It, and Fast Indian jaguarn, five Enet Indian to film tall thos- who have not drawn Ir(>trol a, ,herr Royal% Bengal tiger+, their Tray Janet apply.' -,,I mix polar Years, lw,l llhnnlnyA muuu- When the reg.lmpnt went to Routh into sloth beard. two Indian eam+n- w-nriem, two African Pinata, no Indian Africa they were Pall on¢ tfhtti-Ing ynir, tf1 Ar•Aeln rsrtrich, thrro mile nml twapence per day from tit¢ time , African lionm, three African liunesrcr, they reached Cape Town. Lord Streatheuna deel•lorl to give the men two Nnhinn ]loan sins] lionesses, one' the highest Canadian merti,"e pay, African glrntfe, thr,r South American panflierx, one case of East Indian namely 7:) rents for n, troollrr, 111111 neinkesi, pyiiiiAir, nnnenndnx, boa rein-' PorrPoponlingly for the othrr rank". strietors, Ptr.: ono itutwlred birds and Thin •'deferred" lacy fa the difference monkeys of vierioua drPCriptiona from between the ]nlp•rinl pay anti 75 Africa, India, Gibrnttar find Ceylon, e"nta n day, and that tilt n trooper it"vintse two !617.1.2:1. Library for Windsor. --- Mout. Morrison Windsor, tint., March 17.-WindsmrI #laid Him Letters. is tit¢ -intelat Vnnndlan city Rpuu Conlon. Met role 18. -Tate Chronicle which Andrew Cnrn"gle has offero,l pobliPhex n rommunlcation from to Lerida film Irtunty. Yesterdito, the LIPot. Mntrlann, of Otlnwn, rnmment- mrcretary of the Wlodsor Llbrary Ing upon the garbling of his now Poard rerrlved rt cnmmvintrat!:)n fres fmm�ns Aouth African letter. Lirnt. Mr. Carneatie to the effect that lie Morrimon tr,lntx out that Cnnaoll•tnm will donate .1;;0.()(1!1 for the erection prPeent at the Incidents which lie of a ssdtnble bu Haling• to bbl nard nmI narrated rntirply mncurrrd in the a free public library. The gift In color (Instruction of the jloumps In StAl- tingent upon the city governmetit pmort Valley, an the•pteopla lend Ireton ngrlsHng to turnlfh the title tenet to warnrol and had neglected the warn- Apprul,nRte not Iran than i2,GW An - imp I nasally for ito mnintonaelce. -- 'Min City Counrll will gtve the mat- t ettery to Alit RoPrm. ttlr Uvirrteb Conn lolerittIon! - Parlm. March IT. -If. Henri Roche,- reart, wlitor of file IntraAsigeant, An- Dnndma C'onnty Liberals have nom- nounces jOusit he will organize a lot- hated Mr. W. 0. Smith, of Matikln, to oppose lir. Whitney for the Logiw- tery for tieP relief of the lk,er women latlre A"sembly. nn t ct,tldren. Fie aims to secure 2 i,- (X)0,O:N1 francs, of which amaunt 7,- No mark know" anyone except him - (11)(1,000 frames will tae ]Liven as moo -If, whom he judge* fit to set free prltek, 8,f11)O,OW frnnes nx 1•elalrm to from the onerrlon of paws and to Ile' smob"cribere, nn I the. re,mninder to tier alsandonevd entirety to pill own RoPrk. age wiH stet nuthorltuthrn to choice,-Jobnwm. t lormm�te flip lottery from Illi 1'nrlin- N"ver Insinlro Into another man.ty . wants of France„ Auxtrin. 1'rummin, serrvt, but concent tint which is ptl- BavmrlR, Biva'n. Itweden, Ttnly ani the, t,,..ted to yin, thowgh prwrsed bit Glllted Sinless. 1t. Rochrfort la now both wine and singer to reveal it. -- at The Halton of conferring with the Wraele. , doer rpprementativem there. He pili) John Gardner, of Listowel, was BshN dally artloles In pIn paper nog- given a verdict for $1 and owls Ing reerulting In Wit of the Roes. Rpfoft A. r. llfttldnhed, of Lork4con Ont., for slander, at the Stratford $rltlsh Opleprk Will ism 1llbtif. AMWSSG. reps Town, March 17. -The invad- Mrs. Gaatblear anti flee children pro of the Graeff Rehtet district were burned to death at.LAtlle eat. harp tmtrv*d a farm-hou.m 1,pinnging eapsdla. Qoes as the resold of a to a Ifrhish moist fated Meredith, heal -011 IttOve esploeion. px,w•er.' \ belt. Ilotltltlna, of Lite Brltl+h murrum. exprPamem tile .opinion that there IN only Nn"e way to, stop ltum- flan� 'I;reebion In China, and that In r for ''t to Ihre v meiot Intioreateld stators America. F:nitlan:t n`ipl .Inpau-lo r(qu little in first% rembdtt•ik•P.- inguen vaeyau'.,. Tien Trin, Ylnrc 1 , 'nfte ft" no.n.- rP r i ol P t 1 an. tem fie R Tltr (•tem t m n . eau to the O(almlldv dPTPlapmP 'tie of Eire Anglo ltnshinn "Iding dfyattirtdo not Otis tr. A co tipany of Brit L41 , troops iuA n t-;am(tnny 41'lbrostatr 4`rMF,.ra awataia encamp A on eithrr est W"i tit,- treticil, Ar,king nt reach tllhrr. The Iiudeiniis have (ardor- to fire tin an}• - one rommi,nelfrtg work. � lien. Wogne-k intyii trip trrmfole wRm cartaed dart the itnw3rrnnlnbl.• Inter- frrenc;• of lite British In the n(faird of the Miamian vonemalon. amp hr atida that the mhlinK will not b:i run ti mold and -•cos ba rcrelrPs rrders fr-ym him own superiors. Field Marxhni Vons Waldermfe Is ry peeled here today. B-rth sldps coli( n nl to film, but they both entudder tfrP wiatIP-P tie la?'beyond his awiNt+r . Ity, anti w ill nwalt orders front Europm•. I Carlos In Liberal. L!nbon, Starch 19. -King Carlos, re- plying to a (winmittreg from Oparta, w)Arh ws h altedl saleie .Majebty to de - tetanal a separation of religion vend the state, maid: "Oporto can count upon me in their serious times. The Ireedona of--tetiglon need the state un--igrWrunfPgrenitird for thr w4atIoUtme- (or pttkTt•nt menanrem anti the-appll- enlion of lawx which Phtwld b:! wet by good coudart. I am n Iitternl by (rrm"fal.a tradition, etfucpilon and the tnaehing of my tether. I will re -- commend thin subject to the Govern- ment and will follow it with empiral att-attiun. Yes, can Pasant on tilt- IfoVernment." !rutdlrrs K111'ed I)1• Arnlanr or. Loudon,March 19.-A sl)ccbal de- spatch front ,tome mays eight mol - 41 11 clod caxlunts offic�rm have been killed by :un uvalata(rae factor Lake 0 -two. Russian Students' Tresublem. St. I'e•termlourg• Sunday. Marcia I7. -- Many lit the pstrtielpunta to tit(- denranstration !n rind around the miluare of the Cathe.drnl 4f Our Lady w Kazan tO-tiny, un tit' annivermnry of tit:; mulclle (d tit! girl V trora- in tilt- padtical prl+ua of tit-* fortrraa tri ' Rt. Peter anti St. P aal vvere factory wnrkerm. Th- notlairltirm turd mada prep.iratlimet fur-th- outbreak., an l th., rioterm were v{goruualy Im.t.i it mnj,rily o! tlr•m being prevented from entering the oulnetre. For it ,lute. Itowever, they h:orkad,A tie#- NPbmkol proaprkt. 1tnring the diaturlanoo ..n,t sat the mtstd:rntm rond n pr(wimmntion by tlof- Stulentes' ('nmmitte,, demanding ttre nbAltlon of the military mer%Ir rr- gulnllonm and a jury trial ins Knrprn rich• wh•, shot Ind fntnilc wunodrs] tit' JPinlater of i'ublic Inxtrartl(an In 0t tnnnth.- • A rurinum crowd rrmalnedl In ur, vicinity of the mere,+ of the dintarb am. until into In tar• rveninK needs prrsi"tr•ntl,v soplemil rrprrta of hor- rors In Morlrow. It IN Imkert•d1, themigh without demonstrable toren datiran, that tho'Chle( of Police. w•aa 1tl40. Will Il ecelvP Cath -Ale Prer. Tnrmlon, Mnrrh 17. --The King will gars an and1P1Ma next Thursday to Lord Hnrrle t, n Itnman ('(at Wall • i) re who will mnvpi An loolairy In if-- Itonan of Lords Into the w•ortiln,t of the nereearon oath rix to wheth"r the King's 11rotrmti,ntlsin cannot b• R+ "cried sofflefentir 4lthout hnrting the feelings of him ('nth„hr P sheet" it If the greirrnl belief that the (low arnmr,nt link ogreeof to grant the rfqutlt. The report of Lnrd linrrion'rerpp- lion, which Is stand" pnblle at the Kinor'n exproas wish, Is taken AN nn tnrlleatlon Af thin King's fe"Rng" In regard to the lhdlitry. Andres Carnegie has been nig gested for Mayor of Greater New York, by Abranl Grahsr. Rppnbll- con Naber of the twenty-first Am - notably district, Declared to be Now British Colualet -The Wareellle* Iltrike-Truupi Protect Wurkers -German Flt -r( in China -C. S. Clllzrnes 1n sitting. hat head a Prestrst. New York, Maroh 18.-A speclu from Washington , to the herald Gaye. "The United Stater have gnv•}t Official, although Indirect, roeugnl tion toGrvat Britaln's annexation o the two republics with which rhe flat war in youth Afrlcu. This rVCogul titin Is accioded in the state depart Jaenl's annual renew -of the unto rimae" ak of the United States with for elites countries just leaned. In this publication it to explained that tilt former Republics havo oeen annexe( to Great Britain and that they tan now sill• lwfoniee of no empiro. Tito United Stetre'are the firm, power to n+cughiso the annexation ell other powers having Luken the rtnnd that reoognitkmn to not In or tk7 until they have had the funnn notice which Oreat Britain ha, not yet given. Door symp:athlsere are conrklernbly wrought up over the fact that tilt United States should b9 lite first tc offer recognition." Tile alarsrllles Strike. MarprMes• Marcie 10. -The docks lhle morning ere guarded by troops atm] udmittanee to them It deviled, except lin the cure of ,w, rkers. Thu "M scent strrety era p otected by trevup", used cavalry &oil Infantry nre heli tit the (lock-yar(1s, ready for any ntnt--rgency. One hundred and fifty em p101•od men stepped yesterday on board of' reatrIm -)fere; AndrnniI,"") ea work t -day without -being inter- ruptell. r, . Gertoan Yleet to China. Berlin, March 18.-I1 It epannd rpeecit In the I:elchstag yesterday referring to taw Orrmnn fleet In ('Lina, Count Yun Bueklw, after re. penting that Germany hart pprsut-d no annexationist policy in China, maid the (iermare fleet had remained in Chinn (owing to Ito mural effect In rendering the Chinese lbore tractable in the p:•nce negotiations, anal further because the protection and support of the fleet wars highly neereeessry for lite German troops. Moreover, the prea-enec of tike fleet had largely con- tributed to maintain s quiet attitude among the Tarious viceroye. Americans Protest. New York, March 18. -Tia Execu- tive Committee of tike American As- aurlation has transmhtted,to Proof. t dPn McKinley t y, the protest of Lite American Aflectle Ahsocietlon of Shanghai agalnrt tho Rause-Chlnese, agreement received dome time ago. The ouvumittro accompanied the Pro - text with revnlutiond, which, fiecord- init to the preamble, are+ framed "on the authoritative. announcoment that there bran process of ncgotlatlon,' aaad at a point of ratification B con- ventiom between fludsla and China providing for the military and nd- nt{udntrative eeintrol of Manchurin uv the former powers. THAT NOX I LYNCHIN . 6 Three of the Murderers of a Canadien Held for Trial. EIGHT OTHERS WERE DISMISSED. alobil," ,Ila.. March 1(3. -Orn Trolls, Ind Del,nty Hheriffs Ashcroft and tievalour, three of the elevea-in-an on prellutinary trial at Rorantdn. Mln., for the lynching of John Knox, the Canadian who killed his step -son, were commit tPol yesterdny to the cir- cuit court, which meets In April, Ashcroft anti tieeymour without bund, anal Rolls oh bond for $10,(M, which lib frleitils gave. The Judge reheard to nisproveof Realte' bonus, and he was sent to the Waynnaporo, Mints.. )all. The others were dismlesed. A VENTRILOQUIST'S DEED -sItrrerdt•d In Ubtadning a Fortune of de20p,I)(m. Thenen, March 11+.-A sensational arrest was rondo hnrn yesterday. I14-rr Vogl, the proprietor of the );it. 94-4t exchange office on the Crabon, wall taken lilt.) custa.ly on thn charge of having poisoned In April, 1900: a rich Rusilan names! Taubin, who was supposed to have verbally begnenth. and his properly to Voeil, who leas Mitre enjioyaod It. Tne. circumstances (at the oafa are as follows: Taubin, who was a Jew mixer and drunksnf, lived In a ■quttlkl manner. One night u pdireman tookfrom fiction drunk and hiverlinit. A doctor who was xntonwatowl, told Taubin's old chnr- w-,onan to bring his friends an he watt dyJnw. Kilo brosghl Vogl, whom she know was nn ncgnetinlaa^a of Tnubin. Vogl took a lawyer and clerk with hhn to lire "aisle's houesr. ITIvin arriving At the lmidsid,l the ily'Ing.tnnn, It Is rotated, recovered sufficiently to Play that all. lits 1sm- s-•smlon should go to Vogl, n: tmr which he died Alarmist Immediately. The be. quest them oatenefbly made In liar prrsanco of wilnexmen was legally re. gulnr, and Vogl inherited property to the TATl hie le"UM,1100. Timtntt'G firmly w'nm cremated, }IIs Bnsrian relatives suh.a•quently represented to the pro - It(", thnt Vogl p illson"d film, anal they also tkclart) that Voll Is a vpntril(r quirt, nod himself apnka the words b^quonthinir the property to hlntsllK whrn Taubin was already dead. Quren'm Grwndean Left s2o"* Tw,n,l,.n, MArrh"17.-Prince 'Christ - Inn Vtrt(ar, the Question' 0 granrMon. who tiled of enteric raver In Pretaria, left a porsamlalty valu"d at only 16COS. He had only 1113,500 allowance muteld" of his army pay, hilt by great prudence kept out of debt. I "all"h Flrrna Being to Namesle. I,endon, ltnrch 17. -TIO Iratnmong or annonnrom that two Sheffield firmft ark nhotat to extahllah faetnr• Ii, In Juanita. where twill make flless a j)r•y d high-grade steel tests. NAS RUSSIA RECEDED? Said to Have Made Important Concessions. BULGARIANS TORTURED 1'u "recur" Coares.luus-I'hey \uv% Dray t'bnrars- YisllfuX Ituyattiex at Uat.lsh Court Cadbury'. Girt to N urkil'Anaru of Iilrralwlti sem. Lunduu. Marelt 18.- Ur. Morrison, wiring to the Tkkkk.ee from lookla. mays . " Uldneae ulficlaw ray th(ty I have been Infuriated fream lit. Peters- burg that ltusela absenelund bar olalm I to exelubivo ritgght• in Mongolia cwt Turkestan: and consent" to modify the dtriatgency of her control of the ' cult ndmtnlslratiou of Mauoleutia. I agreeing that the ctllivfntion shall be publuthod ax roman as It is signed lit tot. Peterealturg, fortnight hence. "Thin in the tirea t check 1.111111-404 . upon 111,16bian diplomacy In Chlsal► since Lord BalLrbury war oaj.ded inty the withdrawal of the British tro,spte I from fort Arthur lit 1888: and It I cannot fall profoundly to modify the I situathm by convincing the Chiousr that there stili exist Intergq,nnttottat rotabinatlons copnhle of ma Valaileag the equilibrium of the far sant" Tortured Into Contreston. Constantinople. March 1S. -At the first day of the trial of the uiuetaen Bulgarians .accuiod of belonging to the revolutlnncry committee at hurl&, unit of fomenting disorder In haleankca, 14,nastir au'1 Kossovo, ro- cently, begun at Sallokka, a eeaeai- Llan wan uccamianed lay a declaration by two of the ataxused that the outs- ffssiona previously inside by them were e%tortaedt by the use lit the bnvtleande and by other ill-treat- ment to w'hirh they were sabjeetexf while in pri^nn. They now deny the chargo brought tagainm t the. Ituyal Visitturs nl ,►.nista Court. Copenhttgen, Maroh 1h. -Dowager Empress Mario of Rumsin will arrive herr to -morrow and will remain no - til after the celebration of the 83rd annivermary or the birth of her fath- er. King Christh►n IX. The King used the Qtao.en of Eng.and were expect - e,) tit be prement at lite celebration, but have, postponed their vivit until later In the year. Klug Christian will go to R-14whanden in April. Queen Wilholistaliss of the Netherlands ab Isar eolNort are expected here shortly. A Munificent Girt. London. March 18. -Mr. Oen. Cad- bury. eh000lnte manitfacturer, has prosecuted to the City of Birming- ham an rotate of 4,18 acres, vatlard at 180.000 pmwnde, upon which to build houses for the working cloaxem. R9110 RDW TIENIN TS11, British and- Russians Will Both Withdraw FROM DISPUTED GROUND, Itueslan /tavenaaheut lu t heck Ilse (herd of Ire Itpreeeutath•es - Opening of at Itediwoy, and a itr- vlvw--French Rioters Arrested, TiPta-Trin, NarcR 18, t P. m. -The Anglo-ltvisslnn dlapute situation 1■ unchanged. 7110 French troops, aro quieter. Over forty arrests have been made. An Exaggerated larhlruf. TA711don Mr"hi-58:-fTltere its a rile - Intention hero to think too much long been made or the Angk)-Itus..lan Iucl- dent at Tien -Twin, and to more hopa- lul view of the atruir If taken'tu-day. Tills IN tattled by the stntement con- teUned In the Pekin despatch to the lwnklon Timpmt which in taken to mean tint the combfste,f efforts ,it the into.reeted powprm are having the effect of ranking mt. PrtersburK to check tiny tendency to undue aggrek- edvennaa on the port of the ltneslaln reprewnlntivem In ('bran. The Pom- mentf of thF` afternoon ItPvc-opapPrk here repent this vinwk of that major lty (of the forelgilairs lit Pekin, nntaot ly, that dlplomac will innooth the pxointe of frlotloa. llpveseld .w away. Pekin, March ILIL-Tho rnllr,,,,4 bal. twPen Pekin and Chen Fling (ria wum Const on Saturda„ y' In thV.prrmPnr of the F'rPrih-end iiia- Tae inn hills ihlerx. ThPre• wan a /review of lilt) troops rix n trnturn of the eelt-lra tlnn. Both Will Withdraw. London, March 1R. -On the highest offk•Inl authority the Ammocloted 11rems is nnthnrludl to nnnounce. that tWI e Alffhvalty at Tl•n Tmin trwenn - the het u"innx null the Br7tIth over ills e(no.tructlon elf a ralfroad sitting Iso -- territory clalmeol by both, proluWjr. "Vb will be e(I y the withdrawal of Firth %be Britimh send the Rtotslfn - \ trnoPa from the ground In dlmpeato, REDMONDON IRELAND'S WOES Say" Her 1't)pulwtlnst IleeseastA 4,0f)/i,(r(i(i in t'Ieterla's Relga. I onaton, ainrch 17. --John 1tedm)ud, leader Of the Trials Party in the Hasp of Consist Ilia, made a kprreh on Home - Rdr at Erndford Inset !tight, In which he referrred t1m the tmp(nertshment nr -- _- ' Irelnn.l. it. fall the p,aPtUstio, of Trr. t, land hall dlminlahrd oyer 4,(1(M,Ot1O during th.rrtgn of Queen Vtctorla, npd In rerpoit yrnrm atntintlre atlowM that there had bktn an increase In emlgral lock. k In the year 1900, he said. 48,000 p"e"ak," bad Mit Irelmarail, of thin I nnmhPr 40000 went to America and ' they took with them the deadly has. M Englama, whleb, If Ireland f did not nbteela justleks, woalit sonaw day be felt by the English Govern• meat, I nralmh Armv ISstlmatps. `1 T-ndnfrom M;r'Ralfwast 1rch ^ r e fie FIaterdtsyfit. f ting, the Rotime eat nntll half -poet on" thfa morning and adopted that i chief hese of the Rrmy patlmat", theoo amountx being nrgwntly npsd- Pd by the (Invorpossat W,sr, the obse 01 the tifflowtal year.