The Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 6+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++i+++++++++++++++++ I'Th it tree also.".
ait le', tloweM. the gaudy (been a
"SJ thick( papa was the orale (away whloh tam w lung been tolled down,
left ; and, now Mit Int tt dead. Ch'trlerl and looked at her sister Fu querulous
reel Elisabeth and I aro the only res oat.-,
Otwayr." Elisauelh's bino eyes were 1(111
" But date," 1 bright with a Tort of lee -bound flre.
1 "Otte! Which Imre? Wit at de you ••\('hat did he ray to you before 1
++++++++++++++4-++++++++++++++++++++++tete+++++++++ mean, Lindley 7 Wifo k the other?"
came, Eleanor t Lid he loll you wily
Eleanor but darn to leer test, and he had comet What reason did he
give f"
"0 Elisabeth, i don't know I don't
Zook at me like that ! He said noth-
ing iu particular. Ile just raid he hull
a secret- Ni; he raid there war
another Mies Ot way, and then you
oawe In. Ile raid no more about it,
"Oh, you had somethiug more In-
teresting to talk about, 1 suppose!"
sneered the tither, coldly. "i uta
afraid you hove nut used your la-
riat/pm over your tulmlrer to the belt
adventage, or he would nut uuw be
occupied In trying to turn us both
out of our home by fulettng hes own
child upon our brother."
"Hie own child! Lindley's child!"
cried Eleanor, in horror.
"Yee. I have long suspected It ; to -
(lay I out sure of It "
'You mean the girl Charles has edu-
cated!' faltered Eleanor.
"les. On the very night when mita
fortune brought the wretched child
here, her likeness to "tout Henriet-
ta's portrait woke my ruspielons. It
war a trick of LlndIey'ee n very
clever trick ; au t It is out surprletng
that he le so triumphant over Its
success. But he is going et little too
fast now, and I fancy I can Im-
pede his Mat all-important step."
"((Tutt do you mean, Elisabeth 7"
"He will try to persuade Charles to
declare this peasant -woman's waif
to be his own legitimate child. The
girl is handentte, they tell rue - in
fact, I hare token care to deo her.
and unluckily her appearance Is In
favor of this infamous plan. Now
that -now that Charles has no heir,
owing to -to oxer last terrible mis-
fortune five years ago, you see po-
lsxly would be Injured by such an
nrrangettteut_leut us: and Chptrles
would snTfl odor his conscience In
thut respect by saytug to himself
that he would take care to provide
for too, and that, when we knew her
better she would le' the light of our
lives, or some macho nonsense" And
then he would shuffle and delay no
usual, until at hie death It would
be found. just out It was when pool
papa died. that we were !eft with
nothing. We should be at the mercy
of tWs vagrant girl, who w.".ald
grudge us the means of living like
tradesmen's widows In apartments
at Yarmouth or Iwrwemtuft. This is
what your favorite li tryink to bring
filmed, Eleanor ; but, in the face of
any accusation, Charles will not dare
to keep steadfast to the 11e."
"0 Elisabeth, all this will kill
nee- I am etre' it will!" (moaned the
ether, falling Into her usual formula
lit titles of excitement. "i suppose
the girl will let me be burled ln,the
Tiwlt nt Ctlliegeton•e f It won't cost
much to have my bxxly.taken there."
But the goeatiun did not interest
her sister, who 1 -ft the, room with no
other answer t tan a glance of con-
tempt at the blllty of the other
to gram) a s:tubtlon so full of danger.
she hesitated in the hall for n few
monieutw, debuting Whether elm
should go up stalls to her rooan and
Thank you," &alit die, muetvtllly• to a thowsuul fn a tout nc nnul tor-
e You Etre relieved tui from n terror , luring tear,
1 cannot describe, 1 Wald not under- Merlon upon the right truck. That
stand. Tht mart frgbtene me be hints very afternoon, within three boor
and stories whle•h seemed to take the 4.1 the thew when the stranger left
very ground from under my (eq. I Geraldine In •('upley Church -yard,
hate not recovered' from thio nnifr'ls: the old servant Johusun-who. new
of them evert now. Forgive, ,m, for that the number of ser%nnts at War-
bning ort *WY. an Ineoh'rent : 1 will Digitate hall was at Inst mewed.
tell you -explain mysieleew)tet I nm ( wee butler, valet, anti footman nil
In one, came to the door of \lies
Her affeetlon haul put her uppre•
He pressed her hind tvnnnly in bas.
sod let h -r go. Then he left t he (-hurtle
card and went hemttly In the illrectlrt
th it lie Iiud ran "Mr. 110warit"
take. 1t was toward lit) at:t.o;
Eleanor Otwny's room not tol•1 Icer
that u gentieutin wished to bee her.
Eleausor was ('0 by thin time. and
more shriveled) mud rliruukeu than
ever; but this mesenge put her into
mud, seeing thvt.tleere wow )l trace it flutter of excitement. and brought
of thet gcntk'ninn clout, and that a :t tinge of orange to her eheoke.
trait hid just started, Ibtginnld cane
lit the conclusion that Mr. Mrmdowi
gentai Dime' was satisfied th tt he had
,brio mischief encash for one dry,
and. remounting hie father's :air, va
which ho heti ridden over o:t the
thence of getting n glimpse of Great -
nine Lindley, he returnee ,to Wa•ine.
ham Vicarage.
But 'Mr. Howard" wn"s to du worse
nttsrhtet than that before 'the day
wax over.
'Geraldine returned home. still in
nut a_atate uI bewjl%erment_and
nervous etcltewent that she did not
know whether the effect tit Mr.
Hownrre words land passed ewes-,
whether Reginald's a sue:uteri that
tate man was not to be believed land
or had nit relieved her min.) from
the weight of vague but terrible
givings which the Ieformatien he had
volunteered sod the hints he had
thrown out haul lad upon her. Miss
flretten was in some alarm Irecauee
she had been qui longer than usual;
but Geraldine had self -command
egough to describe In a liver' inan-
ner bow she had been tempted by
- arurea
linger longer then rhe had. Intended,
which enti.fled her old friend, who,
now past seventy. was 1.01 so !yip'.
eyed at detecting a &shifting glrri"e
er a change of color as she hall once
• But. when the girl wait alone- ngatn,
it wee inevitable that she, should
.11scover that it was impnsrlhle for
her to rest until she had seen air
Cbaflea and Tearned troln his_ -awn-'
lips whether there was any particle
of truth in the strange tonings she
had been told, and, If not, what thtr
man's motive could have been for de-
liberately hunting her out to dis-
• tress her with them. -after dinner --
Tor Miss Gretton rernntne.i faithful to
the school -habit of dining in the mid=
die of the day -she made an (,reuse to
go out agntn, 'went -trek, 11 ti}
'rimmed o►f bereetf. t, tlw-ehu,ek-yerd,
rind bunted atxxtt for 'th: etrant;.'r•r
card. Bb? haul not looked at tt when
he had given it to her, and now she
meld nut find It. She pick -t1 up, in-
deed, n little distance from the shot
where she hof at d (luring trey in-
terview with the stranger,, a gentle-
man's card on which was printed th •
it name "Hr. Lln,tley Flel ling," with nn
address, in Lounket, la tit' city, written
below In pencil: 1
--tbrr'-etr tger a !liar with I(ow int
rhe thought at first th•it this card
meat have fallen from his pocketbook
by ncriejt )tee However. ih' •v,uld •find'
no other an•f 11, en, the 1s,- tbUlty of
a man with no character hiving two
names- occurring to h •r. else put the
..nal Into b purse. slip;x.t gulittly
tett of th, church -yard, and walked)
net feat ns eh, could 1. Mr) of a row
of cottages ra little Sletait :c alt. Th
For elle knew that Elizabeth wall
out, nut knew that her vielbor must
Ie tbut family eeapegraee mem
whom. 'nearly thirty years before,
she haul berluwed it pinup hut eon•
stint affection, of which lie had
m;uiy ttmns since, when en pecuniary
difficulties mitre embarrnnstng tbun
metal. taken ativantagi•. 'rhe beet of
therm few family trinkets which hind
fallen to her share. hell one by one
lowed from her bands to his. to.
gether with such small sUuir ns she
roue& int -spare from her meagre al-
lowance of pocket muhey ; and
each of these remittances had been
arcompnnie,l by a copy of some poc-
ket devotional work and n pedant!.
eel's pbreseit letter, punctuated with
pates of exclamation, after tate fash-
ion of Ouse ladies whose education
loon been of the .lip -shod order, in
which n less careless reader than
the ninth to whom they were address-
ed might have detected the ring of
a very pure and simple -hearted af-
fection- He hail -indeed 'sometimes
shed a maudlin tear upon one of these
r)nter over the whiskey -and -water
_ Raaf--etlabis
him to procure ; and he hind basted
of her demotion without letting hie
hearers know that this "good lit-
tle cousin" was plain of feature and
a goats many years older (hail him-
self. But the condescendingly senti-
mental liking le haat for her, on ac-
count of the lift to his own 'self es-
teem which her court tn'_y gave him,
was n poor thing which the blonde -
Handset! object_of it rated much tate
As she enteted the "'.eidom-need
morning room into which she had
directed that he should be shown,
elle wee struck at once by the airy
gayety not rase of his 'manner, and
thought at once that they meet por-
betel some more 'than usually deep
"What le the ruatter, Lindley?" she
asked, her feeble voice shaking with
atexter . -"Wont eau have nappeeed
to bring you here? tenet you know
thnt Elizabeth may .,return at any
moment -she hnr gone only for a
drite-nn.l then--d(t, (chat would elle
may r'
Thaw young girl's wordy, spoken
as they were without the !Peat nf-
fectetion, were oIdly puthetle in
the mouth of the len them( held
old woman -
re - e• ling thought, ps be exaMieed
!ter curionsty In the waning suultght
of the April after -mem. nn excellent
melte for the witch of Ender.
-She nifty any what she chooses
,when 1 have the pleasure of •seelog
her," sold he, bisrynntly. "One of
the objects of my sent is to tense
a littl • Impr.rtaut convereatton with
her; but, of course, my' first care
war De sew yetis, he added, "with g -t1 -
i tepdemsna: ' 'e.Do reel .know . bow
Lott¢ it will be before she returns
he netted. after it penile. in which he
had affectionately led her to a seat.
"I expect her every moment," an
steered Eleanor, nervously. "But do
you think you are wise to fare her,
Lhidley? I know you are very brave;
but clic say's such bitter doings, elle
halt no mercy, elle makes no allow-
ances for the differences between
inert s temptations and womcil a idled
terot position. 1 have often intimat-
ed this to her on your behalf -I
bavr; .-imlee+i-but with -tittle -effect,
I am• afraid."
" Lct Ir -r ttsy • what eh.-• pleases
Elenmor: 1b•ete .uunetheg to sty to
h r wlech will turn• her hard) words
and tltirp bob ht nututher unmeant.
1 tam -y. Is ('heriesr at hem a 7"
" Yes; tut that si0,t't matter. 1
am not afraid of ('hirlet; it is only
F:I Ira beth."
".1nd why be afraid of Elixab3th.
sweet - cousin? Dorn elft ella
u. y and aniih you Troth our she used
to do? '
"O Lindley, you ih,uld not say
(hit ! Iter cbt.racter Is different from
ours -pot eo -easy to understand por-
h ties. lett -much stronger. Sir 1s the
pillar of tit family."
" Well. t ba ia hard oncxtgh : How
ever, 1 here cone to pill th, p fiar
" Leidley
" Yee. telt, has dlonq hnr Islet to turn
every member o! the family against
me, end all for on natter 'extern' thin
.hit 1 preform! hnr more moituset and
retiring sister Ov h •r (wer!naroyg
sit.' fetid hi. fatu•xuroly.
" But th it to all over nota, Lind-
ley," returned Eleanor. rath r 'pleased,
in :rite of It'ns•IL " We aro all get -
brig old n,W, and tihonld forgot saris
h:ngs. Why, do you know, it le
nearly twenty years since esu 1" tee
sc.'n ovuch other!"
"Is it, indesel7 It teens merely n
few eno!ethe to me," ie r epnted,
qufekly. Ile d11 not mere for remind-
ers of this sort; and, em for her sug-
Seetbn Hiatt it ars time to "forget
such things," why, he had never telt
hinrts'lf to be go rligihle an ob;ect
for the tender pixrlua as he was
now nt tlx•Ilow-•well. .forty. Rut of
coo se. _tt. was very different with
there o11 needs, and one must make
answers for Neem.
"Yore will think her rather pesm
MIT, 1 dare may. Lindley -Diet Is, If
you kart npn nleetlog her. But .he
is very hamirnrxe sill -at tenet we
think owe: you know rhe hos always
been the beauty of the fatuity."
"Well, elle will have to give up that
pinee now : and on thewhole I dl.n't
think elle rout oi,tnpinln thnt skin has
been hurried out of it. We will see If
we rare( give the enmity another
inot}i^r Of tura re'lwT IWttT
a bolas Iryed there; but, though
wVIne made tit exrew) of railing to
. ;bolus• whether Eth=a'I sough woe nvy
letter, etre hardly iisaI'd lllrs. B„gget r
it newer.
" You used W lire In Norfolk coke,
1Jt< Bogget, didn't. yon 7" eh • asked.
after it few remark., nlAout th. baby,
" Yes, mins : } was kit hen -mal 1
two years In Mr. Fawcett's family itt
Thrtrpe. I was Married from there.
" Thorpe 7 Ob, tees, that is nen*
tl-eringh'm, Ion t It?"
"Waringlinm I plexus ye, no, miss 1
Thorpe's nailer and miles from War-
Itgham. it takes nigh upon two
hours by the railway ti get to
Thorpe "
"It -It doesn't take nearly s•, long
to get to Waringhnm, doe's It P' ask-
ed the girl. with hands which trem-
bled eu much that the ..stoniefted
mite 011 her lap turned and feebly
tried to step her.
"Bless year heart, oil Why, it's
only a walk from here to Waring -
ham l"
"Oh. yes. yrs. of e•ourse! How far
do you rail it r
"Well, it's a matter of throe to
four mile, i should sny."
"Oh, it must be more titan that!"
broke out the girl, with sudden ve-
1 "Well. mnyhnp It Ix" I'm not much
Of a dab at guessing Mach things,
Ind 1 don't know ne i've i,ver heard
tell the length of it rightly."
'How hong does tt take to walk
Pre 1 )k, yon know•, Mrs. lkiggetr'
• "Well, John can do It inn little over
two hours; but then he's n good
Walker Is John. But you wasn't think-
ing of walking oyer to Waringham
-was ye, miser
no 1" answered Garnishee, who
Indeed had no sueh Intention.
:>fir hoot only taken the simplest
'mane of finding out from the Ignor-
not woman how far her guardian's
home really wax front here.
(the wee entlxfusel now : and after
-alerting "(krxl-day" 1.. Mrw hl gget,
who guessed, fr.nn the young lady's
ebseut manner, that something was
amiss, she returned home. and, un -
Able to face the old Indy j,wt yet,
went .trsight to her own room to
pflvn way to no agony of memo -nee
LOsi misery. It was not tont this
itltle discovery was by itmelf eery
terrible ; but this evidence that the
stranger had told the truth on one
(mint opener) the possibility of his
I rving done so Concerning other
matters. His strange statement., lite
meeterioie hints, could be explained
away only by Fir Charles ; he was
etre to call before the afternoon was
over, as he had not been to Oorp.ley
for two day..
like listened, on fire with irn-
patbence, for the .smaxl of tote, hell,
or of tete tlor.e's hues upon the drive ;
and at last she •tole into Mies (iret-
tee's bedroom. which wan In front
of the home, anti watched with
•t,epentng anxiety for his lung-de-
iayel arrivet. flirt the afternoon
wore on Into the evening end Air
chariot( never same. iering the CR
.rears since her return from I'ark
he bed never before allowed an Irng
n tine as three slays to elnpee with-
out teaming to step hie relented eh114;
fad even Mies liretten oxe-
g%n to be "melons', and to wonder
whether Sir Charles had Ind ,mother
of there etteeka like the nee lie had
hid twelve years before when he
had begat threetewed with porelgdh.
A awMlen mitgiving that she mew
singes of bIomen who had •llsturh
ed her own peace that morning had
heel ...teething to do with the net.
Neel* of her tutored guarelan filled
f:'eral.11ne with einem. an I chase('
was leaning upon h,r slaver Iteadksl
taper crutch atiek, with h •r black
Byer staring itt him out of the home'
wrinkled face, like a sorer( fright•
ental hv. some app•trltlu eh o has hew
self euis.jureti up.
." lar, wh► la the other 7 I too should
like to know th tt !" stru dk In a heard.
clen r toll the seemed t, cut
th. airand. turning -even Lind-
ley more startled than he dross
appear -they both raw that EIIY•
leUt bad entered the room, awl war
standing, looking as comn:afdlslf in
ben brown stiff gown as EIi'an,r look-
ed Insignifitwnt In herr. with her
kung. slink, white fingers'•411upoon
the handle o! the door, 7 dignified,
very go'et, very read.
Lindley mored toward her in a
asuntarhtg, airs manner, in which her
rlutrp gaze detected something more
than his old bravado- -
"You shall ktpw In goal time, my
dear eosin,' said he, genially. "But
I think. ht comnxon fairness, It to the
Bead of the family who rhotdd have
the privilege of !earning the interest•
big ret'ret fink",
"Ansi It/4 for all practical purposes,
Lhxlley, I am the head of the funnily,
as pet very well know, lit ettinnrow
faunas you will intrust the inter -
eating secret to me," she urged. with
carelessness au adniiritbly feigned
that, if it lint been possible for her
to to even as dell net this to him,
wltleret s very strong native. Lind•
ley worth! have thought It real.
"I am afralet I must steel myself to
resist even peer all-eortquering faset•
nation," said Lindley, showing hos
handsome teeth, curdy one of whish
was fa4re. In a smile which was still
admired by some women, though to
hill couuin Elizabeth at this moment
it seemed a ghastly caricature of ma-
ture (nomination at which she did not
st, upbe to shuhler. _ _-____ _..-
"1 suppose you know' that to bear
legally the name ut Otway the per
e lm in benrlivg it must be the child
of a gentleman of that name who
luta been legally married to that
neither ."'
':So 1 have been tul;t, my fair"
".Uel f suppose you know thnt the
rally living gentleman of the fondly
bearing the name of Otway to mp
brother Charles'?"
"My cowln Charles. i have beard
something of the kind."
"And that he is the only person
who mull,' possibly be the father of
eueh a child
Tide w•ae putt In exactly the- 'same
tone; but something in the glance
of the cold bine e7PN told that title
was moxa of n quentloni than the otb
ore had been.
"Ithlnk..l tnay etett go with you as
far an that," raid Lindley, very
✓ awly and impressively.
Her Pe er showed that she .lid not
believe hlni" However, she went or.
"You have come. then. •to Inform SW
Charles, my brother, of the ex-
kstence of a legitimate child of hilt 7"
she nskel. with it sneer.
"four conjecture, ow might b-• ex -
'led Fran ou, show Considerable
pone on.
"Of whose legitimacy he was -Ig
liorant ?" -
"Wnnderful, wondlerful:•"
"Otherwise, you new, your tutorial
ton would not be of sufficient v-:1ne
to encourage you to swngg•'r in
the home, where you form erly
"Epigrammatically put, though ee•
%ere, and stip wonderful In its -Ise-
cernment, like ell- Yotir o(Iier „ye.
mirky." --.----
Elizabeth made no *bow of Move.
tlenee. 'the afoot confronting him
Ilte mer1ie, except for the steely
glitter of her cold blue eyes. After
a pewee elle muted. turning nightly
toward him, and, with a stelden smile
which any like the (Inch .d flint nod
steel, said, In a lower, softer volte-".
Lai with it look of Inquiring tenor
cense- t
"Doerr it often happen that a mac
merrier' anti becomes the father; of
a child without knot irlj it ?
"Not often, i (elietr," answered
the nnnhashed Lindley, in suave
mimicry of her own true,
'•:n ouch n rare no doubt he wound
elbow deep gratitude to the person,
who, put him in pwesshm of auelt
4.• O
Dodd Kidney Pills Have LAW
Claim to Tills Title.
They beem to be eubstantiatiug tees
Claim by the Evidence of )nilly
Trustwortby and Nell 'kilo esu
Lusher'* Bight•, Little Bay Irli&id,
Green Bay, Newfoundland, March 14.
-{ptpeclnl)-holder Kidney Pine. a1Id
the wonderful healing work they are
accompealeng lu NewbutitlIund, 1r
the subject of much favorable com-
ment among our people. Mauy cases
are reported, where they have raved
tl►e lives a men and women rut tering
with Bright's 1)iaeare, 1)1e betels,
Itheutnnttrni and Female Trembles.
The local druggists are reh'lug a
great deal of tier remedy. Big tit here
there occurred 11 care which is of
more than ordinary lotereet. Mrr-
Elizabeth Brooks war for yer.rr . it
sufferer with Kidney Dteease. bite le
n lady w•ell•knowrl and highly e'eiteem-
ed, and her story of recovery hoe
caused general r tlstactleo. tine
"1 wish to make k ern to all wbat
goof I have obtained through the
use of I1odd's Kidney Pills. The, are
a very valuable remedy. I have been
a sufferer for over two years with
Kidney Disease. 1 employed a dor.
tor, but did not succeed lu gutting
any better, I heard of the wonderful
cures Dodd'■ Kidney Pill* were week -
tag in the Island. and bought a but
of them. After using the first box,
I felt that i war getting better, w►
I bought more. Nowt I ran truly ray
that I am a well women. L tkluk
every auffertng woman should- know
of the remedy that will cure her, and
11. I nm giving my expar(enee for pub-
Mem. Brooks' 'statement tr only one
of many equally strong cases tures)
by texture Kidney files in the reelgb•
[torte red.
Was still wenring.- or kii sek at the
thew of the library to distort) her
brother and ceusin In the concoction
of their *cheese.. But she decided t hat
a bold neeesation when the plot was
ripe would be mere effective; and mite
ria,1 walked toward the etalrense.
which was in an inner hall in the
centre of the 'tease, wheu nolo+
from the library caused her to atop
short. It was tlie unmietakable
duutel of heavy fail. tette terned
back, and wan at the library door in
ground inside but the sharp resale of
priper-ne voice, no tread. She teep-
ee' the handle quickly, anti called
"Clinrles I"
"I may eay believe that too."
a beweriering piece of information?"
"I think you antay ray. Lindley
Flinding, that eseu reckoned upon it.
Then, changing back to her old, hard
tone, she went on slowly, fixing upon
him /steady gaze which. in spite
of hint/self. nuole his full brown eYes
shift their auelacious glance from her
faro to the carpet : " You have a
verY legenioue plan, Lindley, for 'in-
ducing- Sir Charles to nelopt openly
and preelaim ne his legitimate child
the family, to whom, not you know, -
for you keep yourself well Informed
of mu- affairs -he Ilan become fteadly
and foollehly attached. Yon know
that he le no abeurdly infatuated
theut title girl that he would willingle
seize upon any plan for openly adopt-
ing her as hie daughter, and remov-
Mg the prejudice which naturally
reeds open the foundling. You know
that he Ito readY to do this, even to
the prejudice of his legitimate rela•
tits*, to the annoyanee and (men in•
welt of his unattractive obi sinters.
You therefore not unnaturally reckon
course without mich difficulty ; and.
in return for your suggestion. and
for your untlertaking to provide the
necemeary story and the necessary
witnenses to the-han "-the truth of
it, you also nee unnaturally, reckon
upon -his gratitude."
"Really, Elizabeth, In the arz of
making &tory. I yield to Yoe
-overwhelmed by Toile eloquence -
the more Ws nil this fawinating fic-
tion of your* has not hail the as.
violence of the leant basin of truth.
But It would be idle to Monet on
would Mill len,u1 you to forego the
front your preettnee to meditate on
your gentile &one. or perhape to
join in admiration of with my
cousin. yolir brother. the head of
the family - im fact. with Sir
He bowed. an•I airily nnul "swiftly
went out by the 'second and lore
mord actor. which led into the dining
morn, Giro et -eluting any perwinel
contusion with hie ulignified ceueln.
who had dretern herself up Where
iushe @toad in n rather menacing maw
ner. n•the turned 'sharply ; but it nem
too tete Ise vrtut gone.
Fieenor bed mink. trembling
like n leaf. acorn upon the refl. (hir-
ing this' Irene. which she had wit-
neweel terror, titrnIng her bend.
like hiaek eyes from the MIR to the
other sot thrust eneceseled hoist In
the /overt detentes-. awl t oring
from time to time a faint peetiona-
floe of proteat. of which neither
took the eilgliteeit Isere She now
'Alerted up ove Ds detain 1,1miley;
hilt, res he hid Already 1st t the
room he the time Imo seem on her
feet . she wow actin on to the
(-hint" coverwi emollients. wit tlwir
beautiful Mies Otevny, and nine. tAx).
Wittlho title to loveliness it will he
"What ukt you mean. Lindley WP
are the only Mien Otwnye left."
"Are yom snre 7"
mire, 1111114111. 111)111,1 upetnrte
of the 'unmet name nre trying to pass
of mire,' maid Ow, drnwing her/tell
"Oh, no. The Inuly I Worn le In the
diesel line."
' "Bet thnt impoemible--you knew
ee ineemettee, Lindley," :the re
treated onernismody, looking up loot hi.
curie 11tirreoml,,,n of tritimpitint
"me Tether and ht. Mato., vele
mother. were the only two rower
And then, when Aunt Henrietto.
ranr 11101 her. tnearelmed Ile. Fielding.
veer fnth why. Gem elm reassel to
her to lie a es ear that night a prey he ant ()teeny !"
There wax nu answer ; but the
sound inside ceased.
"Charlet'!" she culled again.
Again no answer ; but she heart
very total. footstep In the room. else
did not scyuple to put her eye to
wax n part of the table and some
books( on it.
"Charles!" she repeated, in a loud-
er tone. "Open the door. or 1 shall
think fornethIng has happened to
ou, rind I shall send Johnson to get
In by the window."
This threat brought Lindley to the
door, which lie unhcked and opened,
with a face of well -expressed horror
anrt distress.
"Come In !Call the servants! Where
141 the bell ?" he criel, stepping back
int() the room, and holding open the
door for Elisabeth to enter. 'Come
and help me to raise poor Charles.
Ellsebeth crooned the room, pulled
aside the heavy screen which shut
In her brother's favorite corner near
the fire, and saw nim l'ing on hie
face on the floor, close by the large
bureau which stood opposite to the
firepleee, ant a few feet from it.
She touched the bell, and woos on her
knee@ beelde him in a moment, try-
ing to rain' him, without a word to
the effusive Lindley, who fidgeted'
officloaely about the room. lint re-
frntned from again offering to join
gerytoes to hers, weirned by the
hnop-like manner in which her well -
cut mouth was closed. As soon al
site had diecovered that her brother
wax not dead, she looked up and said
"Wee,- did youl Met ring at once 7"
"I lost my heed for moment. 1
the/tight-I thought soasethlug had
leippened to him ; I threw myself
down Weide him Reel begged lam to
-Styling° that I heard illtu fall but
del not hear your voice! Why del you
not let me In at once?"
• I did let you in nos noon aa 1 heard
yob ; but I wile co much occupied with
poor Ch rlell-"
efeo," sill she, wietrply, "not with
poor theries, but wIth pow Charles'
He winced ever so slightle, then
turned nwny rut if this woman's
wearisome auopicions were beneath
'1 really cannot condescend to en -
ewer any more of your ridiculone nnui
heartier, sicerheee said Me with dig-
nit7. ''At each a moment res this,
vrite..n your brother's ilfe may be In
danger, I really should have thought
yon wonld be oecupted with rime -
thing more serious than my iningin-
nry crimes."
At Diet moment they were inter -
who, with Linulley's help, rained the
beronet from the floor. and Orwell
him, still nneonselona, upon the worn.
Then Ells ihrth gave her emote n hint
thnt he might retire, which P•eli Ile
woo fain to take. anti he left the
nIril3 promising the butler, who
knew' qulte Waal. trail gentip-
min's wee Ilkely to be. that
he would return to m -its. inquires.
(Th be corthated.)
11 su, send a letter or postal card
folluwing questions:
Where are yon going ?
When aro you going ? •
Where do you start from"
How many arr in your party?
Will you take your household
ripecial low rate settlers' tickets
on sale during Idaych and Aewil to
pointe In ILanitoba. Brithel Colum-
bia, Oregon. California and all West-
ern States. Fon particulars from B.
If. Bennett, General Agent, Chloago
street east. Toroato, Ont.
Heroic Pbysh:lams Have interlaced
Their Lives for Others.
Minsrd's Liniteent Cures Gorget in
A young girl who lit%I to It lit
tilt village pear Durk, Ireland, broke
an artery In her chart mud kat u1•
most every drop of blood In bur lxnly.
The doctor who wow called had only
Weil qualified a year and uveas rot
out of her lwenttr. lie Injected
malt into hits'patient's veins to bring
her aruud, then, turning to her
naturally arielotlr ptreate. he taid-
"I eau rave her life if anyone will
alk)w me to inject a quart of their
blood into her oyrlem."
Although there were two strung
roar 1n the root'. uelther raid a wor•I,
but their "pother, a delicate w•umuu,
volunteered to give the required
quuutlty. Thu doctor raw at once
that rite required every drop elm
had lit her body, and without uu•
other word, he bared his arm, cut a
vowel and allowed the bludxl to run
Into the , vele* of hie 'entbnt. He
saved the young lady's life, but he
wee never (able to wake good the
blood Iter had lust. and about rix
mouthed later he died.
Another care soluvwhat rlmllar oc-
curred hit Salem, Maw. A wealthy
met chaat, as a result ut nit accident.,
lust it largo quantity of blood. and.
when 1 hi. doctor arrived, he was ly-
ing 111 bid, white and apparently dead.
The uufortuuate man had only just
been married, and his wife prayed to
11e doctor to save her burbuud'r lite.
The doctor felt sure that 1f he gate
his. own bled to bring look the pa-
tient's Ilfe 1t would take Mut weeks
to make good the lora. and that pose
'Ably he might never make 1t good at
all. Ho would nut allow the wife tri
make the eaorlflce, but gave Hearty
a quart of hie own bout. The mer-
chant recovered, but the doctor who
gave him b,o•k his strength and life
Is it feeble, pole -faced man. unable no
work or follow his profession. Ile
liver with the tnerchnut allot Ills wile,
who look after him tie If he were their
own brother.
. A country (lector diet of typhus'
(dryer early in the year. Ile war ealleii
to attend a young Hurn who was in-
fected with the direare, and he went
Into the rout where the patient lay
and carefully cxnmlued the body. At
the time the doctor was in a low
state of health, nlltl Ito caught the
dreaded fever and diel within a fort-
A young French doctor eoanre time
ago inorulntea himself with rholent
germs and suffered many week's of
elerluue Miners In order W experiment
with u mise nistlklnsl discovery whtclt
was Ieloevoel to cure all germ dr
ease. Cnfortunntely, th3 medicine re
fused to art, and th. plueky dkx•tor
died of the fever be, had given himself.
When Korh's fluid was tint direov•
erect hall a dozen (format' 'student.'
were the tint pereour to'brise 1t Itt-
ieetesl Into them. eloowe knew whether
thv fluid was not. deadly a revision
ns a skew of mtyehnlne, and the men
who allowed the drug to be injected
!nu. their mysteries are worthy of the
highest Prete. The dere given to them
was far too powerful, and two of the
number were nearly killed outright.
Just a Word.
We swallow pleasure at a gulp. Igor -
row sip by sip, which punctuates our
kept, owls, to paying material sent
in attCh quantities leY men.
The man your wife tuiglit have
wedded. or the woman your lord
might have mated. were parapet...
If it es not good for man tes abide
alone, how much worse it in, for wo-
matt niche the spinster.
Cntlf ehe is hated let ne woman
tance, socially.
A men in love le more intereeting
than a woman'. because he Is sso cer-
ISSUE NO 12 1901.
is all right, if you are too fat;
and all wrong, if too thin already.
Fat, enough for your habit, is
healthy; a little filOre, or less, is
no great harm. Too fat, consult
a doctor; too thin, persistently
thin, no matter what cause, take
Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver
There are many causes of get.
ting too thin; they all come
under these two heads: 0% er..
work and under -digestion.
Stop over -work, if you caul
but, whether you can or not,
take Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil, to balance yourself
with your work. You can't live
can. There's a limit, howeveri
youll pay for it.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod 1.iver
Oil is the readiest cure for
"can't eat," unless it eanitroi
your doing no work -you can't
long be well and strong, v.ithout
some sort of activity.
Made to Cure.
To cure what ? Catarrh, .tethano.
Hay Fever and Bronehitis. Its name
is Catarrhosone. If you breathe it,
it cures you. There'. lots of eatiefac-
ter you've use" it a ilatie While
you'll wonder you ever lived
without It. Two sizes, Inc and• vitt
at ail drugglicte or by mail. C.
and Hartford. Conn.
Feminine Spendthrifts.
About eight out of every ten la-
dies in society find it a difficult mat-
ter to make both end' tueet, even
when in receipt of liberal allow/mere
from hiteihanulm or parents. stye Tit
Bit* Draws nInne mete woman
la good circle" am much ros would
keep three or four middle-elawe fam-
an expenee which cannot he evaded.
And there are numerour other ea -
petters proportionately lnrge to be
pege unseated le better than fl
volume buret Air lend Meerinla..
Met, do frail t ban Oro- might eniees
111.4/111,1‘. 1110 iimfort Is that h. keep.i
his nt he omme time -Sir Ift
know MIN MD'S
cure Diphtheria.
10111N D.
F'reneh Village.
cure Crimp.
Cape Island.
best remedy on enrth.
Norway. Me.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
By 104%1 application.. as they cannot mach the
diwared portion of the ear. There 5. only one
way to cure deafne.o. and that hi lir roman u•
throat remedie-. Deafness to mussed by an in
named condition of t lie noncom lining of the
k:u•itachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
hare • rumbling sound or imps erect hear.
taken out and t uhe re-tored to its Dermal
cendition, bearing In ill be de-troyad forever:
nine ewe ont of ten etre canoed by Catarrh.
which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of
Mucou• surfaces.
we witless One Hundred D•dlars for any
Mae of Inane.. waned by catarrhs tar C...a•
11101, Ouirewt by Hales Catarrh Cure. "Lend for
circular., free.
Mold by drumlins.. 75e.
TerayeMears the best.
Across the Baltic Isi Balloon.
A Berlin bulloon hart made the
first cropping or tho Battle Sea. Ilr.
Benson and Lieut. Hildebrandt nue
vended recently to take obeerva•
tains eimultaneously vt•Ith other
aeronauts in other parte et Europe.
The wind took them over (Stralsund.
when they decided to risk the IM/1
atilre arrow the we*. They were
blown aereme to Telleborg„ on the
ot quarter and came down straight
in a village of the Proviowe of K17111,11
111111, in the interior of Sweden.
Deadly Sheik of To -day.
The (fedi nn ry shell whlch wee
reannfactu.ed thirty years ago only
broke into from twenty to twenty.
five Meese when it heist. At the
present time tt bursts into 240.
while a shrapnel 'shell, which only
need to scatter 37 mliseLles. now
trotters .140. A prementeiny bomb.
when charged with peroxyleme
tweaks" up into 1,200 plasm, and it
ie estimated that it would effeet.
Ively kill anyone Mantling within 2:20
yank: of the explosion.
Catarrhosone Cures Asthma.
Swedish Telephones.
aweden Is maid to hare the hest
telephone syetem In the world, There
are now 77,600 milee nf telephone
wiles and 52,501 apparatite in nee.
The amount of 51,000,000 IR to Ise
expended OM year alone upon the ex-
tention of the State telephone.
Where He Pitied.
Iligivee-I saw an old maid Mae n
itnar oil a Overt ear this morning
HIghte-WalM't Hie, though ?
Digisee-Oh. wee thinking of the
dog.-Ohlo State Journal
She 011.,17)-KOW le It -et -Josef,
that you have never thought Peri-
ouely of getting married ?
ously of It -that's why I'm 'cache-
,, Man •ed the Milerobe.
At this point In the fable the man
marveled greatly in that he had not
met the microbe long since.
"In what guise have you travelled.
pray?' asked the man.
"Why, for the moat part, In tha
guys . who didn't boll tlielr drinking
waiver' replied the microbe. can -
Orly a Widow Left.
man rims wrote to weetern
lawyer fnr informatien in regard to
erable mini of money for ri lens time.
What preperty hoot he which 1
could attach?" he naked.
The Interpret reply wan brief and
to the point :
" The man died mix month'. ego. Ile
linos left nothing subject to attach
The Prlee No Object.
The *wart rortuair conducted hie
beautiful captive aft.
"Tide the quarte.r-deck." said ke.
The child of luxury contemplated
the rude appeintmente in dismay.
"Is there no fifty -cent deck?" 'Mot
Rent thought they saw team In the
outlaw s eye"; not he turned brusque-
ly awny.-Detrult Journal.
As for the woman, Ph. tonna the
wondero of erratum, not in the
eitiminating vertebrate, Mit in the
Wawa. 1,01.11Pen 44 life
claimed the Woman. "Hoar MIN it
eter got to jell wo brantlfully 7"
how the other (I ght they mule
underetand her awe. nithough none
of them, am It tratiepired. had ever
put up any peewee's*.
MInarors Liniment Cures Colds. eto.
The genuine has
this picture on it,
take nO other.
If you have not
tried it, send for
free sample, its a-
greeable taste will
surprise you.
60c. and $1.00; ail druggiete.
of speech.
A City COliticil Chamber 1,13,
where men nmemble wire tille
axes to grim!.
t Circulation Manager -A man I,
'swears to the truth RINI eerie%
hut the truth..
writew articles leveled. Concerning
Scoops and who neeer drinks tree
thing 'stronger than eater., •
rd Trade -An usrgnitizetse
the meet nee
by thousands' of people.
A Political Party -The ammo
palter of there whom no men
put nenteder.
.A Pot nto-Tite germ of (watery
A Police Inv oestigatien-Ne :Feu,
matter is nib judiete-Vaneener
Almost Unnerved.
"Del you feel vary nervous the flout
time ;von appeared In tight., Mien
ehnipleten 1"
"Yee. terribly remember it oell
1 almost forgot my lines for a min-
or. or two It wes in the mftreli of
the Amnions. and Met as I *topped
before the audience I eertild tell by
the way it felt that my helmet wasn't
on streight "-Chicago Timee-Hereld
Boer Leaders Conferring and
Massing Troops.
Mere Prisusere for Ceylloa-Stratia-
,,or's Pay-Vreiselit Lottery to
Help the Boers Keit/Auger
tie•e•tesse to Shoot liritish
Leaden, March 13.-A derpittch (rem
Lora Kitchener Wined this meriting 1,4
au 'silent upon the rubjeet of the
puttee negotiallotir that it Imola to
the 1.,111011$1.0111 Ott t nothing hue yet
&▪ finite- charncter to )(testify lending
tench,' reimport to the view that the
ear Is oVer, tIO Gen. Frenches
hos▪ tilities. although porstley, as no
date ir given, hie captures were made
prtitione•to the granting of the armis-
Lord Kitchener's' despatch, which ir
visted at Pretoria yesterday etenitag,
rep -W. -rot as follows:
Do Wet has reached Sonek41 on In addition to Ids reeent
saceseer, esparto 48 Boers killed cr
wontided, in taken and
surrendered. witlt 200 rifles, 3,700
roan.l. 111 amatunition. 2,400 home.",
art:I.-beside. mules end trek plea.
'' Methuen has arrived at Warren
toe (rein Klerksiorye bringing in furls.
wore end eat t le.
•'Tlin we ether is wet, delayins the
sneemente of the rolumnise•
'tiers Cut et tees.
Cape, Town. 13. -The Doerr
having ,eut the wires, telegraphic
tommunication between the Enstern
Hew the Chase. gistra.
✓ u
i▪ t
arrival henekel. Orange elver
easy, onyx tlint though he has
• "sly it emelt renewing, De Wet is
searing a (nett -let where Ile is like-
ly to twelve rernaiderattle reinforce)
sena nue prebahly intend., to piek
ep go% in it/1114e of republoana who
are ever preeent In the Durnborg
&ad Korannalierg diet runs.
Gen. French, the •Ieepatch nubile
hae been detained hy swollen drifts
in the Pletretjaf district,. bat Is now
ere te mace again.
reclean tees have turnwritouthward
anul are new within forty mile, of
w000rmore. awl that the British
ere feeewing them.
1% here 'bison ers
Composed of t he most powerful
'subduing TV1111. lie, knew, euir.
rheum's Ism. neuralgia. cramp..
Dein in the beck rind wele, and the
lest of painful affections. internee
or exterual, arieling from inflaters -
tory action. hate- ef Nerviline
perinea? over every known remedy.
cents. Druggist.' sell it.
He Vowed It.
It was a Dutch royal marrov-
that ef III. le the Pee .01
'eeriest (laughter -that led nettle
-porringer." to write:
The fluke ef York a daughter line.
He gave the Prince or Oranitc her;
And now, my lord, claim the priUll
l'or making rhyme to porringer
Sent on Trial
if not oatiofo. i•iry
money refis-'•d•
batter work hen
sr.) cohering, hoof
rand machine for mirentm 10 hitiirt.e 110
111.110Y made Thrinimailv in isme. For 'ere.
rind prices
%TAN OA It II el 111'1.1 CM. Illenallion. Oat
kara how to wake IN 11.LAR•ft. Our Vehicle,/
weight, twice the strength, end three awn the '0,1
lag moan*, Wardle.", win remain.
1119$1111111 runt C11.1.44, 0",
Treated Free.
we have meile ilrortmy tonna
es -implications a specialty htr
Aettros cor STV ,o
Me* lowelintatimehmee. sine ri
Ponwesion at °nee, J. G. Freeman, Itot
As rent Mee end bowie In Markham Mei,
"that Duel le Off.
Lensianna Switzerland, Morel' 15.
0-sellueetual-which lad been omit/Wei
to tnko pines torloy between M.
Past Bert:elate and M. Andre Buffet.
Wectralit out of the controLerry over
the action of the royaliatr at the
Hoe of the poop d'etat 'Winner{ by
Dersolede and If. Marcel Hebert
in kr.). Itna been "'handseled in eon-
inhtiol a decree expelling both the
would he eembatants from Switzer -
Is tel.
141OR AA 1.1i: 01,1) EMT A 11 1.1dHED
num taws in outwits; preen'. twereee *
1M planta pont red for $1.ta. Rend for
1o:dotty pea. i hoe. Will he sold le one Pare,'
rftwts:daM..17:1h..beintillrhdt:71...surdabcrorers,:eCtillrhhiellygirehLmsn" IrTriet.,Prrnpun.ht14.1n0:11:761hInd,r1)(101::, 11,1e:
Gana Boni de Castellano and M.
lierusleys met this afternoon and
decelen that the duel should take
piste tuemorrow ;• two 'thole will
he aorta/aged at 25 paces.. Peri -
tier, one Of U. IhrrOdaYa.
tiro I# co -manager of the Figaro. in
Ili. mei: "I will not telernte th(
presence t,r stranger• If 011,"
wise, will retire from the fiehl.
persons nttracted by sehersithy cur
to be present at a duel 11
wheor two emu are staktng the:
Indle's Population.
Celtettn. Starch 13. -Complete
roe returne trite the popuiation
India no 294,000,00W Inerenee
the Dud decade of 7,000,000. Dedite,
the population of the Baluelii,
tun, Shniestelue Chin Hille and Sikh
territory, enumerated fur the fir"
llate, ft net increase Is shown 1
allir 1.4 per cent., which is due t
Improved census methods,. Time, ti
Population le, for the time. 'Utility
dirase nnd a great decline in ti
Noll tette, the native attars (she
"timenve declinee. These retell'
Wrrn quite unexpected.
were etened nt the State Depart me
teeny by Lord Pnuneetote anti Sect
tory Hey, extending the time of ra
fiention of four of tbe Britlieh We
1111101 reciprocity trestle'', name
inmelea, Iternaudo, Guano, awl (.1
eoli beam Is. nu ekteasiou ir tine ye
from to -morrow.
Army Affair* 1tt the horde.
Lfalllots. March 15. -The Home
Lordx wan unusually crowded to (I
ha anticipntion of tin reply of 1st
Wohneley, the former commander
thief. tho eriticiam of the fern
hem' Reerets.ry for Foreign Arial
hord Wolseley, In Ike openine
the :levers omments of Lord La
*mole an the manner in which he
11 chief.
rnPa Town, March 14.-A perlY
int: the remount depot nt 1101110
Park. Cape Collyny, was met lw
isult. One Ilrilleh soldier wan 11
mo,eittly *wounded.
atind district mot three colo
"""'Ito.. Tee Boer. hell their
;Pc reente npproncheri the Mogi
,1 there One of the re
ef Ills feet nett five mon have I
Root', briongime to (telt *Oa'
sommAndo The neves et
tien wart taken in Klerkederp
eat brother-In-1nm were mincing
""init. Three other men have