HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 5,„„so E Idai stock )r the er but arket, prices -ade I , both quote sal at - Dress a from r, both COL- I MCl/ �NSNg�tt • lac Meed curt of s for , COLDH, et.., Pomo Quin dots. treatment, a:, (Pins &Tar oough. ng else "just n. Jet the bet. Liemist. ny le before it may. id cost Las Mot ma Grass mei tie 'IE9 ich. ...w i ILISHI aa Sugar, etc. ?OCERS 'OR 'OVLTORt ind IMPURE 3LE8. ich, Ont. hutz, r you are going ip this year. and best holler used asafeed LI Bee it. They BERTHA. l Whelk wall piper. i to mal shout wall hiltion to our 0111 Amfiraytt to I en d AetlfteaorM+tng able it .tock. The paper What a splendid 3 have such a Targe Ili before. Call and d be in heaven. STORE. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THuNIaDAT, March 21, 1901. W.Acheson&Spn Superb Lines of Dress Goods. We are now showing all our Imports of New Dress Stuffs. The judgment of fushiou has settled upon the following weaves, latest and best of the leaning foreign manufacturers. Black and oolored silk and wool aeoliaus, crepe de ebonies, voile', heunettas, medium weigh' broadcloths, panne cropes, albatross, pupltur, .re the present vogue of matenals and display the ur.weet 'luta, at very malt -rate prions. WASH DRESS FABRICS One of the most attractive departweuts lu our tore with its great as sortment of gingham., dietitian, sateeus, leen., percales, c.mbnce, grrnadines, batistes. 140 higher oleos asaortmoute are shown in Canada. Inspection Invited. W.Acheson& Son s. 3 .AND L L CONVENT ION. 1 mime! were. They should allow teem selves to be instrumento in Ood's bands ot aslpn M 4114 Waal OssVW .s M.ld N doing Rood. The Com tiros of the ks the Ive.Ss lral . Oelb.ree peel y wee also discussed. The following Is a report of the 0a1o0 Coe A 0001111.11.3 Committee tett appointed yentas of the M.385dlet and K heal re deet ',airier'for tee earning year. Th• oharobob held at tM Kvaaaolto5l Church, 0.0.5otloo 1.6.0 adjourned to 11 S1 se 2 •olock r. M. Colborne, March 3rd and 4:h. SUNDAT, MAUCH SOD. APr.tNaiN eaalUN. The morning snit a 1030 • r. was Attar devotional exerotes. 000lacted by coadnoted by the Rev. A M. Clement, who R.r. M J. Wileoo, the report of the Kvsog•lioal, Bethel, Balmlike and Glut) took for bus Lost the words 000teined V soboul• ware received. All the saboolt Jim.. 1 : 21 25 le spite of the tOol•meooy sere repot led te le l0 • prosperous ouod, ,.1 the steam this serve* eras well •ho.4• tion. The report• of Beth. I and Ziuo Leagues •ho were hard oat and proved • blemlat Lo all protest. A E. Allen uelolded e. some length "The The mono for ale service esu turn shed by Difffoulkee in Modern S.bb•tb School the HwmUler Choir. Work " The first difficulty presented Itself Al 2:30 r is. • salon Sabbetb *oboist antler the obildreo w eland the S•b bath school. 'rhos foals lies prt0olp•lly gatheemg Wr 8.181. Tb1. g.t8r1e8 we. with the parent, who are In many oases 1a addreleed by 1b.. J. H McCl.etoo. el different regarding Sabb.th •abool work. WYestSdd, and O. M. Kitten. of (iod.rlch. The great desire for freedom which early " How Ge We Holp the debbs10 8°8001?" all obtldreo possess has .1.o to b. overcome sod " How Oen N . Expect Help from 1t Y' Keeping the oblldree In the 4.bb.lh school were the them.. 01 Mr. MoCllutoos reatter getting th,m there to many instances aorta. while O. M Kihotl spoke on " Seb- proves to b. •dtthoulty. The teacher should ,.I6 School Tells." The Zoo obolf raiders.] r !ar a possible mak. 18. la.00 ialeese►- e• made en t►M.00utuo. lag sad au* difiio0lty would to • oerLain .1 R•v. K.A. Shaw oeeduoted lb. .u. oiog..r- tent b. orertm.. Keary thing oosstbl. ire .17 r. r. Sim r.m.r►• w. re bled 00'be should be t'ooit to mok• the Nuod.y school words found is Jobs 4 : 4 Th • eel'10• wee attractive to the clod. A H.idls and H ..II atteed.l and proved Lriptul to .1 . Th• Sovder further duo0esed 101.1091. I•...ogdLrl choir roadster iI•s meel0 les R... It N 6ttug, H. A., til Mith.11. inti •setae. thee ousel meted the "qu..tle° drawer " MONDAY, 0A11t'a 4T111. ler. Wee e0 lateral tug Ieatur• o1 chi• es. - 1 i e morr lag eeestoo was Gelled to order sten. Th. questions ..ked woo oumerous. 9 45 A.M by the acts .r preslde■t. H.Soy• rb.y were ably handled and answered to after 11 blab ins opwt0g •10rotses war• the retisfeetlon of •Il ooasero.d. dolt' oonducId by Key Mr. Shaw. Alter the '• Model Sabbath Sheol Close" wag the i coning ex.roisle A.Il.ddle tetroduo.d the subject .sergosd to R... M. L. Wino, of .01 j•oi, „ Reletloc of Parents to the Sato- Berke The followlug pointers regarding • .th label " A. • rule parent■ .r. very Otto subject were suggested • Se punctual cod.ffereot as de bebbetb school work. Keep • r.gutry of your claw. Teacher and 1 nay should attend the Sabbath .sisal .s who w should ba.. Bibles In hand. fh• ohm ae possible ted aloe see that their roadie, ot the lemon may b. omitted, 1f enildren are regular 1a atteed.uoe Parent rad •1 the opoato■ of the *obool. H.•. rould •esu' their oblldren by reading the the ooe1wtio0 1:ti t6• ptrvious lemon It hie with them dally sod help them in ih• taken op. The preparation of the lesson .•u{y of tis. Sande! school Iemoo. Rtes. should be thorough. K.ub pupil might be t1 .1 N ikon, h. A. Sh.w and otb.r• took assigned certain point• to prepare for the earl in • thorough di.oOesto0 tis this sob- following Sunday. 7 be 1w.00 should be divided. In r d to he dtytsiee ..f the lesson the follosiog yule lone sboa:a be assed: Where! When! Who! Wh.• !'L'ee m.p (7 0.oeas1•7 in every `t.bbath scbo,) should b. need. Miss A. M Ferguson reed a helpful neper on " Union of Old .ad Young to the League Benefits '' •l'he Epworth L -ague of the present day is best ortlou•d .a being moldy • young people's meeting and the prayer mating as being • plaoe of rt rug• for the old. There Is oo r.aaoo why the twe should not ..udwtorlls unite. The lofi0ence of the older 01101 11 gives • higher tons to the league to many ways The oosIraet between the .c•mplee a1 be- fore the young of the lives of oln Doti. C:rutians and old Chnsti.0s t. an 100.05151 to younger member. to 11•. Dare end godly Ilves. The older people •re able to give the nger people the benefit nt •lperlecoe Trab. Dramas of tb• older people In the L.asce bait a tendency to add Tb• energy of the ►Doer om bleed with the more wu,ht) prayers of the old, with • perfect unison of spirit and ooawerviog trust in God, mane make • League helpful sod prognut•e. Rove. R Whiting and M. J. Wilson took put Ib farther discuss, leg the stablest. "Use of `.064Lth School Help." was the seat subject ander discussion. This took the form of • didotue between Mears Boddie and Butt. Leeson helps are .d 55nt0geo01 In the prevention o1 the lesson, but they should Cot be taken Into tbe,S.b beth school The lesson should be taught 'rollout referring to help. ID env way. she report et the nominating Committee was received. The following otiirn were elated for the .5.at05 year : President, C. Treble ; The president, W. Steams ; esoretery. F. Dant ; tre•eonr, T. Tabb ; oreoative ommletee, 1. MoClarty, A Heddle, J. Sohwanl, W. Dann sod R Miwhell, Tee committee decided that the Celt oon- ,..tion be held at the Zion appointment h• on•entten then adjourned to meet •t 7.30 r... slat for the ensuing year, C. Table, eftl• see elate Care Ter To.Asaeae. Mated as ub.lrm•u, Th. tint oemMr a Not wily tor toothache, bol soy nerve i8. program was • quartette by members of the Bsmtller ohulr. Rev. M L Wise d• livered a yery able address ou "1'ho Child." This was 1.11owed by • quartette by moon bon of the Evaogst o•I obeli:. A helpful and int.rosting .ddrw by Rev. R Who tae, IS A., .a "Vision. and Burdens" was listened to with muub appreciator. Mem ban of the Zion oboar favored the audience with • quartette, after which • vote of blanks wee I adored Revs. M. L Wag and R Whiting for the very able meaner la whioh they .seleted to Ibe ouoy.utlon. A meet .uooemetul ouuveuuua was then brought to • Clow by the stogies of the "ecology. DUNGANNON. DR. 0. A. NEWTON. DENTIST. HAB dl.ionttnued his tripe t0 Dungannon. Will be pleeeed to meet *Or from that aehrh- borhoudl who mayy r.uulre h4 servloes at the home omoe, Luokaow, when no wlll be found ever) day Intim week except 'Thursday. when he delta Ripley. Special 011.0000 paid to preenrration of natural teeth, urowo end bridge work. *to. Ley methods of extract- Ranch- The toast mgescr In Llunaaaeen for Tug SIsN.L Oat the o roe of J. G. eau, 000v. seer, to.. who will resolve or n detee suptlons. •dv.rtlalog and job - work. arid Js autborked to Ove receipts for amounts odd fur the same 1'ulsuoY, Mar. 121b. Hxaa AND 'rasa•, -Mn. 8 J. Craw- ford is et -Frying her via. to relatives at the Soppy Village. She has been nertlst some matt or ton days and expects to reluro home In theater tutus D MoN.ytee, ere, 1s oo a 'roma, tour to friends at Blyth, Seelorth, Kx1t.r and other potato. W• wish the bl• gentleman • pleawst time during hu visit and • safe retnr0 U. MoNeylns, jr , th• popular proprietor of Ubagannon livery stables, r.oelved the sad laullIISaoe o0 Saturday lase that til. broth- er Alexander, of Sealortb, had sustained an irreparable lose. but lode having deprived this Ids oa Seturd•y morning in Ilia prms of life and vigor Her ere was about 32 year*. Mr. Mol'uevlas and hse wite left bare ter Se•forth en Saturday afternoon lost sod retureed home on Sunday. The remains were Interred in W ungh.m oeme- tory on Monday. The bereaved basbeed and an Infant Child heys universal syw- betby to their trouble . .. Mn. A. Wat- son, of Forest, who, with her two abildreo, has bio for some time 51.11101 bar mother and other relatives, left here oo Friday last, via Loekoow, for W lagham, Lo tote her buvb•od, who Intends to locate there with his tacitly to the event of getting a suitable position. Mn. Waaoe was brought op to Dungannon and Is much esteemed by the oltlte0. her Re.. M. Turnbull, of (iodation, and Rev. M, M. (ioldl, -r,, of Duagan000, eiobaoged pal pate last Sabbath Henry Fowler, who hes had Isis ^farm, part of lot 15, ooh 7, West Wawaor►,leesed for • term of years. lakeside to remove on to It 1n the span. of • few day. ted resume farming uperatiou. We wish him eaoo.es.. ...Mrs. Wm. Fow- ler, formerly of N.wbndgs, and now of MSr•tb000., Alberta, after havlog been o0 • e eltriode" •luttag tour Lo relatives here end other point, left tor home reoectly.... Intimas Fowler, o1 Newbridge, after vett- log relatives In this v.utotty lett dation last week tor Str.rhooa, Alberta, where, if it suits, he intends toat..... Quite a n umber of the young H eat n are boom lag settlers of the Prs rk .Province and N. W. '1errlteryIb. Miles Kv• and Pearl Mallough, deurhere of mine hoisting of the Mn sllougb Douse, . sway on • visit I written, about change of climate, and its io r.d.tive. at Blyth, Clinton, Seafortb, influence on the patient "Stick to low Stratford and other point Oa Mom- -tsy of lase week Henry Fowler belt hen to ahead the funeral of his niece Mu. Agues Jackass. the second daughter of Samuel laokrb two 2 tolerable of Huron. The Mies H.ly.r thee rad a v.i y 'sterretisg end helpful paper ea ' Douse std Upper toont.s o1 Sestet Committee 1■ tem Lame ' The motel oommlttee meet to the tint place promote • postal feeling throatiest every Lague meeker/ and also to .,.r5 mbar make' of the ober.* No church .r League lookion 18. .pir'lt .f sociability sae •rer grow or be prosper'sa. The greaten are should b. token In *Itemise the social Journalise te have thew who really desire to awaken I. the hearts of .11 a spirts of brotherly 'Oedema. The m5mb.re of tisk committee .heeld ever be reedy with • hearty bud -slop w all, but espselally a the oasoal Oates( to tbi league .ad to strangers. iI is tie duty of this potassium to arrange "at bsmee,"whioh should be bold regularly Is the League room. In those motel gal se lags all the leffu.eem should be morally and .plrltselly uplifting. Besides mowing the tree spirit of oeotebdity the members of the sed•l ooamittee should 'o deayor to win seals for the Mater. A sptrftd dlseuai'o en au, 'object followed. Z. Mltobeil lstrod.osd the eubj.:t "The 5,bbeth Reboil Trobsr outside the Soh - bath Behoof." It is e1 greet Import"" that ilia reacher should set •a example for the obildres to fo1Nw. He should show, at all tame, the spirit .f s elabillty to the Children. Towbars should maks It • rale to •ielt their oblides. se often sie possible In order that they may boeome better so - ionised with them. This subject was turtle( duoosmed by Rev. M. Omens, J. lahw.,, and A. Riddle. Rev. M. J. Whose, B. A., of Nils, de. livered a very able address en "The Twb er'. Muter Key." The Jewel of • Christ - lite spirit k the master key ler ueloking the ham.. soul. Twben should pitmen n Ihle key le order that they may be able to taloa the seal of the obtld to Od's le- taooe. The k• sst fit the look The teacher mast thoroughly understand the o611d he Ie drliss with. It rout b. • genuine key. Tisk key should oleo be an •1peot.0t key. Tam Noche, should always he expeoNsg remota frees the work done In the Ueda, wheel It mast be • modest key. Teachers should always give the Lord Jesse 0,1401 the heat plane le all Sabbath Wln Oared .Imeet lealselly by Neu villa,. O.e drop rquels lu pato .ubdulu3 purer ll•. Atop. of any other ,.,...dv "rnou..ode ay 50 Powerful, ps•tr►tteg, p•10 sub. Maine N.rvrlins. Muy.11uw la .u1100 for iu1tu.l and ex tercel use The world unattended for Its equ.1. llruVItISI. Sell It Your mousy book if n is 1101 Su BAND -MADE DAIRY TINWARE..... Our own haud-made Dairy Tinware made out of your grand- mothers' of I -fashioned hand -dip- ped block tin, is the cheapest and cleanest tinware to buy. All goods marked in plain figures ; the smallest child can get the same bargains as the older ones as we have only one price and that is the cheapest. No overcharging in the shop. J. H. Worsell, rise .3..i,. o,.•i ,„,n 0. man, trot , r.01J A 11OME CURE. T,.d0. Cense, biro euro,, owns al all kinds removed with- out Win or eon spots by Putnam . Paulette Coro and Nati. Extractor. 'Thousands tally that. It u u•rtal0, potatoes mod prompt. Beware of substitutes offered for the genuine •'Putnam'." Katr.utor. :tat •• sate, harmless. At .11 druggists or seat by all upuo rooe,pt of twenty fir. woo. N C,'Pol.o. A Co.. K,taistee, Oat. 131, ti Dintitn Consumptives Need not Leave Their Own Homes to be Cured. The Slocum -System W Tr..tmest 1. Offered pea Ab- solutely Free. are simply kidney dttsorders. The kidneys filter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. if the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can ren In flu circulation longer than that t...., Therefore if your Wood is out of order your kidneys have failed in their work. They are in need of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do 0U three, the finest and most imitated Mood medicine there A consideration not to be overlooked in the treatment of consumptives is the expense in quest of health. Some of ow medical men are now advising then patients to go long distances in the hope that change of air will do them good A lot of solemn nonsense is being said, and altitudes", says one. "Go the mountains", says another. How is a poor perplexed sonerer with sore lungs, to decide among these different authorities ? The fact is, people die of consumption in all climates deceased was to the vigor and prime .11ife, iThey recover from it too, in all climates. befog 23 years, 6 months and 22 days .t the 'if they are treated properly. The only time 01 her death, whioh was (mused by ' positive cure for the disease is to kill the consumption. The bereaved parent., germs that produce it. This 13 accOw brothers and sisters end other rel.ttyee plish. d under the Slocsm system 01 h... •h. .3.0.51 eymns'hy of ti,e Com treatment The disease mast have nods moody, to the severe •tflt" on. The re- ing to feed on. That is the principle malas were Interred In ('105 R.ver cemetery underlying the Slocum system. You can oo Tuesday. 6th 'net. The deceased was • try it at your horse. resident of Dungannon for some time and POSITIVELY FREE. was o 3h1y respected. MON DAV March 18th. T•O.r roof �a fyt.deer hese• Fanee.... sf T,.•t.•„t. •f.pir writ [log T A. 11.051.0 WbfleO AND Gotno. -Mr.. Jobe H.mleo, LYanra i -n. LI.nM, to xmg et. w..i, r•ns'- uf l.ederloh, was visiting at the homeetad 35,31.10. post oars aid rams. pair•..i ,.5, and hs • last week, returning home on FnA.y a. hes . 11,Le (Te, /Moum t chi he BCrreturnedur at .. Mn J. Crawford returned laspr e week w.pa 0e041.5 tee v.5 eiore Snow ter •Iter a pleasant visit •t Lookoo*/.... Mrs. paper. Ker ie, f{.rbeur rot tuned home on Thursday born A5.atas pepw. w�oinoereg lle.amy free go, plow.54 ser eete • lengthy ylelt with trends at Forest ....It. W To.+sre u.baetesf.e, Molts, of Oedertob, Wu in Duogansoa .o Friday, Tug I.ATIJACO. RYAN -On Sabbath lug; March 17ab, the remains of the late J.00b Ryan, who died .t his residence on th. day previous, at the •gs of 61 years and seven months, after an Illsem of about two weeks' dor0tioo from lung trouble, esu• ln• tarred in Dungannon cemetery, belog .e oorred there from hie late restdenoe near Dooiannon by a large o0rtea5 ot sorrowing rdetrves and sympathising friends, then being upwards of two hundred vehicles in •Mondano.. Rev, Wm. Nelson, of Nile, oonduoted the oh. oles and the pall bear- ers were R. Kirk, John Elliott, Robert Mo - Dwain, Samuel Kerr, Chu. Glnin and Chu. Stewart. Besides the bereaved widow there are two loos, Henry at d George, and lour daughters, Mise.. Mary, M Ellen and Daley 1'he dsc.u.d was an Industrious and Intelligent farmer, much respected by all his ouphbon, and was nn. o1 the pioneer' of Ashfield town ship. - - MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. Dodd's Kidney Pills ■vxN1NO 011151011 Alter devotional egeroltoe the acting Drool. dent, H. Snyder, retired. The president ABIQ PURCHASE EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING OF BLACK AND WIIITE GOODS ..AT THE ARCADE... WHITE GOODS. 0091810n TOWNSHIP MONDAY, Mar. 4, 1901 Connell met today. Minutes of last meet ie, reed and paced. Moved by John Middleton, seconded by Jas Jobostoo, that council intends passing a bylaw at nest meet - log of ounoll to add Into 46 and 74, Matt. on., to No 4 union school section, God.• rioh and Hallett townships, and that olerk n otify all Cordes lot•reeted Mooed by John Woods, eeond•d by Jae. Cox, that the following changes be made- 1n pathm•a en: John Gibson In oleos of A. Carson, John Harrlsoe,er.,(o place of1Wm.Harrkon. George Hays 1n plane of F. Mollymo, John Wiggloton in place of R Frioh Byla.e Noe. 3 sod 4 were read and reseed. Aeons Smith, 01 Stratford, was appointed township engineer. L. A. Anderson was • polntd wistant •ere••or 1e me. Mr. Thompson is unable to :ittnue his dirties se assessor, through geese, his services M be pdd by Mr. Thompson. No path maser is allowed to speed money for sboyel Ina gravel unless authorised by oomn.iesloo- er : se nommleslouer has power te spend mote than 11.5 In any road division. The following soonest' were ordered ped : Jae. MOMllleo, gravel,$1 74: News-Reoord,prini lus.32 70 : eudltere, 710. Council adjourned to meet on the mooned Monday In April, NIxor' STCIDY, Clerk. 2000 people of town and adjacent to it to visit the Arcade any day this week and inspect the White Wear Hale now in full swing. Not a piece of old stock shown. Everything the very latest. Embroideries, insertions, i.awns, Dors and Blouse Muslims, Laces, Cambric., White Cottons, Front- ing*, linen*, Stamped Goods, Blouses, Infants' Wear and all kind. of White Under wear. BLACK GOODS. IA ?whet Physicists 1. somethteg unique. To he had In a C•kerrbos.a5 Inhaler. Tnls wonderful, oosvwlent little Instrument Is very verse - ills, H actually kills those nasty olds In the heed (n half em hoar, and relieves .ere l.hreet le about five minutes. Patients n - .05.1l55 from pe.0moela had C.tarrhoroee • valuable .Id, as It strengthen. and Im- proves the Innis For the rune nettle, its hall .n gond. and great singers, ratio speaker. use C.earrhswue and say they would net be without It heroism It prevents Anemones. and readers the volt nap:ble of g reeter endurant. As for *earth, asthma and hrenohltb, Caterrhnvoee alone le the only positive mare for them apnea 10. Ladies affirm that for siok headache and tired i .11.3 waves the eyes ..thin to es helpful ee Oerrrbe►ti. which aloe restores unveiled beerr.g that w sassed by tern. (l.Wanbsos.S presser sea Is guaranteed to man e11 dktoss1s el nb5 respiratory amiss, and are w get It from say draggle,, tarn .Ise, 71.00: mall eke, 2M, A trial seat fee 100. b N. C. Passe Z 0e., Ksapsese, (Imes* ss Helrt'd 0..r. U. 8. Black Semple, Oheviota, Black Leitrim, all t'.. leading weaves in Bleak Weft Matesi•I fee Spring, an 1 upwards of 70 please of R; 41'weed to be sold at hies th*s oo.t of pr'odaotion. 'hero is no necessity of buying the great rejected no load'y adversion& home t1 the Aro•de while this great Black and Whlre Goads Rale is on if it's only to lee how m00h better it is to hey strictly up-tnd•tm Goals at from 10 to 15 per cent less than regular prices. THE ARCAD0. W. E.RtWe J BROPBEY & SON -- 5111 LIADINII - Vt NN.tru\ v‘T414t0'Ctt O31.3 Y.+MO Q\deer B . larder. enr.rally wooded to a' ■11 hoer., algal ie. day. blucher harper. DON'T TAMPER... Reld's Old ...Stand L �1 L / 1 %�/� M cII '5 poderlch. S YLKI3SSE" •1. A new material made by W. Grandame k Co., Limited, Hrsutfurd, Zug - lend. Imitation of black silk in appearance, feel and rustle, absolutely tart color and • good wearer for drawer, skirt., waittte or lining. Good /5C^ value at 35c. Our special prtoe w, per yard (33 itches wide) 14W •lar with your health. Don't are Drugs and Medicines of tlue,tiunalrle quality. flet the beet there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is al. way. fresh, and ee h article pure, po tent and •ati•factorv, Our Prescription Department hos a reputation for promptness and accuracy. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. MUSLINS-Black and white .tripe, an apo 5, tot. w"or•, othing asset of 0. 50 ler wwets, at per yd 180 F. JORDAN NI rxitcal Hsll . HOMESPUN - To laud, tut 591108 .took til he Barrie Homespun. pure we 1, to the utal wale. .1 bruwu., grove., blues, t r y and 1 Ie, gram, In ied,vudu.l e,.1 Woo be. BpioIal. BLACK 1)RICS8 11001)4 -Our apsolels are .erg15 at 2bo an.471 35 with .11 paces be- tween, At boo, bbu tea 75o we hey• better valee than ever. LAI.1-. t. CRTAINS-B«tdem oar regular •sock we hoot • lot of Slagle pales soil 41031• Curtains as stent had price. 1f you want • .1081. enrelo or pmts 11 will My you to ase them. Men's heavy serge suite frons 13.30 up. Mou's tweed trousers from 69c up. Boys' short pouts from 28e up. Men's wool sox from 12;c up. Men's heavy cashmere sox, were 35e a pair, for 25u. Men's overalls for 35c. New colored shirts at 43c and 50c. See them. Winter goods now at any old:price. Jackets, half price ;]boys' over- coats as low as 41.00. It would pay you to buy for next winter.: McKillop Mutual Fire IEssr'ssce Co• FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- - RRTYINSURED Value of Pro?•r'y I ..are 1 up to Jannsr Ila' .. .. $3,04x.015 55 orrtCgrt 450 DIHLCTri 117. .JALYe'Io,'3. 11.1.TW. (rr 3aBro•dfott. Jell • .J. Wal Ja f vans. J. U. Gr eve, J Hensewe a, the c e s: 1V ' 1 Bro taro a, desfo -the teepee- torei les '• : T. It. Hays. Seefortb. secretary - trNod, or 8015711. J. W. leo. Holm.svllle; James Cummtod. Rgmood rtes; H. MCMIII o, aeafo-th: H- �mitb. H•rloek Pali( yd olden can pay aeeeesmente and not Ihetr cards rete', red v Mr. Coati Clinton. or at McLean Bios.' Pala. a Clothes store (Oo"t - rich. Sr1ll sulis, overc011ls 777_ .- avec =iz_ 1 he m.0 dee. ed Is s matt nee.'. at out •,tin •(s. a 1-. -Ito trim, as It • 11,5 am" -,ou el .7 •ry •.1.n .•Lt.ste to look. A I• ge rsp'e of ulotlu to chaos. Iron. If re are cnstem3Ia1iDg getting a 11461 i".;0O1. Ior fall wear. 3l ,' tea chance o a 1,e y"u. Praia right H. DUNLOP WSW Hlree.t A Great Snap The 7 ove is cut into stove wood len;th arirl will be delivered to any part of the town the tame day as ordermd. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. T (lorderich. November 21st, 1899. 53-3m ijard i )Veer Shoe.). Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, ed go0.1 strong boots; to stand the racket. V!'te got be ver kind you want ---stout, thick !es ( .1.4 lCa,her, iniad )'Oil), good strong insteps, •.'. ''!I t'':_ kn- Ocdgc that they Itlu$t be • t'r, t'-a'a1:11 i FROM $1.25 UP. WI'1. SHARMAN, Jr. _ our (linger Soap. at .50. s pound, o1 which we sella barrel • week. Thu 1s11'5 nor only Sap, as 0. 05111, every' 8103 111.1 oan be found In so nu to de's grocery •tore, and our priors .re right. 1 he lermen know that they Oen gins.)• net from •. T. tor their prodot.- :Va sit.. r .t DO I.gttlutaie trade - a.,.) .. , .0al.: Gl area are or potato'', Pard.., oil er dhnloest t.b10 Chula. We dna to _d of them. G. TIPLING & CO., 1{e I ford block., 0 Mater ich. THE FUNITURE AND UNDERTAKING BUSINESS lately carried on by Messrs. BECK Eli k MYERS hal been purchased by CORNELL di SON who will continue 14 k_$11 it. branches. M1, Oo!1t I bleu g experience in the humidors, and the new firm will put for very effort to give first-clw goods and service at reasonable ate.. Special attention will be given to iUndertaking. All fo ale cast's will be att,tded to by Mrs. Cornell, who pose sees • diploma from the Sullivan Sohoel of Embalming, Toronto. No charge for embalming. You will not be burdened with extortionate charges. S;lraying Potatoes ►�,,}��•� vi iia the✓ lee.ss iu.redible th.t tern.. . snoind use 1 rt. do els, when they u• t, 1 both Potato 1o. -1a sed duga t• ere o,,e,aw., 00e ata. e JPKAMOl Oit don .pray ...mes in a dry. "I n. SPRAMOTOR dn... out . pear, mat .pray, thon,ughiy. covering the picot. d destroying every vestige of rowand en to sect lite, 1 • the only way to grow petatat pr"At.biy, a.. 1 leu, double the crops at s udlmg •nae Sent , your acre and we'll . you free an iN Mgr Illustrated) til Tread.. en Spraying. and (eel par...In of a SPRAMOIOH,}� whish Is sawing the fa.men d Caa•e• thoounda of dollen annually. It volt spray •I- oth•r,,htupo to. �! ' The Sprsrnofa Co., London. Ont illi._ 'SI 20.. CRI t,A1L'1' 1 Spraying with the SPRAMOTOR weft rerueiy ..Air.. Mustard roll par- ncitte. to our look on .pay.u$. THIRTY DAYS' SALE in order to clear out a portion of the stock, a great bargain rale is being held for thirty days. All good. marked down to oo.t or under coat. No old, out nt date Roods ; everything naw and modern. This special .ole will oontinue only thirty days. Come early and make the beet dtoine. CORNEI.I. St SON, KING QUALITY RUBBERS A FINE RUBBERh' "g Quality Easy are solight,so Elastic and to wear, BECAUSE FOR A FINE SHOE they are ALL RUBBER. There is more PURE GUM used in their manufacture than in any Rubber ever'iadc- King Quellrly Rubbers are essentially a Fine Rubber. A Fine Rubber should be worn with a Fine Shoe, and should be a perfect fit. They are not intended for old shoes that have lost their shape, have tracked, and have not been fitted for the Rubber. Try KING QUALITY Rubbers. More pairs of KING QUALITY RUBBERS have given perfect satisfaction than of all other kinds Our Agent In (ioderloh 1. fat. (jeorgs Pries. OLEARING SALE LUNG BOOT Bedford Ilotel Block, Ooderioh. Before stock taking we find we have too many LONG BOOT and have derided to run them off at VEiRY LOW PRICES, cult everyone. Wet invite you to oome in and compare our KING QUALII Snug, fur Lcrlies and Gents, with other make., and you w decide that they are more up to -date in style, comfort and ducal ity than other snakes which cost yo more money. When buying rubbers why not t'uy the bast; they ore oho' este in the end. STUB PRQpg are the best, and nothing is 8t Proof unless it is stamped on every role. You should call and Nee our LADINO' BARGAIN TAXI I 98c. They are genuine snaps. Trunks and Grips. ST. CEORCE PRICE, Sole Agent for J. I). King Co's Oo ETRe'oaring Neatly Done " THE SIGNAL" aao. x.�