HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 4Tiiui si AY, March 21, 1901 THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Little lie's V a Ce PR1DE ■A111 beis RealylarlbI AtIe f n s Uulhiug. Nes' i;eutrry Brad. The New Cen tr v Brand Of Ready-made Clothing. L dispelling the prejudioe that is existing in the minds of many in regard to " ready -modes." So much cheap truck has been put ou the market and tiler chants have been talking "price' instead of " quality." A few days' wear canoes them to rip Pend burst, buttons fall off, sleeves shrink up, and there is a hang -dog look about them that shows • futile attempt to save looney by indulging in • cheap suit of clothes.We bought our stock from manu- facturers don't attempt to sell that kind. K with New Century ideas. The goals are got up to look well aud wear well. The out is on actent1fc lines ; the work is done by well trained oeehanitni. ...Just One Price for Today... Royal Oak Serge Suits, splendid wearing artiuk, SOW weight, French fac- ings, well trimmed, pure in- digo dye, stitched with silk and exceptionally a ell -made. 10.00 Price vWv fortunes of the world. Our form of guveromeal le admirably 1 N nation BIG sin tad to our New Century Brand of Boys' Clothing. They make a boy look like • gentleman and feel like a king. They are selected with a view w make both parent and boy our friends in every way The boy wants a suit to look right, the parent, one that coats right am wear+ well The combination I, 4uarantee.t at thi.. etore. W. C. PRIDHAI1, tllsey Iegal.r.t 114 Seater• u p40LIIK EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Neat t Le, & Shepherd's parties ar rasa, o • to l bristeud0m eau bot mune evenly 1 - balanced guverumentel tnslttuttoas (ha0 Canada We are *allowed with absolute treedom and lsglsla0y• ladepeudeooe, and are the heirs of a oouutubtosal system w workable. so skillfully •110.1.d, so demo• °ratio, en I oo thoroughly adapted to our requlrsmente, that we are absolutely dean - tote of any reasonable grimed lot oumpl•lnb. or well founded justitcello0 fur urging any tuodamenbal Menge or •aratio0. Our muulolpal lnstttutions,whlob are the founds' L• now Shovels. tio0uf our politt°al edtboe, for uuulplelenese reJ l Only a few eft at 35 , are uoexoelied, and our d001 s Ual *dean tame are equal to those of •a e•t�o0 u Lewitt prise l the world the priceless treasures ot which we azo the ouewdl.ns ; or are uncu0oerned, indifferent, respecting the all Important trust obs Creator has reposed to us, and tar the (mab- tul and honorable exeeatlon of which we shall be held to strict woo00t. & .. ■ea�illiNg A few 0.mwres ago tn. empire upon the possession of which Canada has entered " - - was liberally an unknown land. and gsaeral OODIIRICH. THURSDAY. HARM 21, ROL ly regarded as of teoowidenble own* g5enos. N hen the French moaarob signed tee treaty wbiub traneferrei Canada to Orme Britain, he ezolalmd, while he dare, ed, "After a11, it's only • few square males of snow ;" and not very many years .go 00 eminent English statesman referred to oar country as "100641 bugs io.-bouod deserts of North America end not very many days ago • gentleman whose standing in the British political world is of the first clan spoke in glowing terms of the extr•ordin- ary reeouroes and striking progress ot the United Sales, but there was no word of pr.l.e for Canada. His language mlght well convey t'.e Impreeto0 to the Ignorant that the republlo to our south oovered tee whole of the North Amerloan oontloent, and tb.t there was no sorb place as ('aaa• de, or 1t it exulted .t all 1t was not of muoli wooant. Statements emelt as thew land they are not .t all infrequent) are harmful, and thou who make them Deed not be sur prised if they are looked upvo u the friends of every oountry but their own. M. G. CAMERON'S SPEECH At the tinr'ne' Anniversary Supper. V elleg5sut we !narrative Address la &reponse So the Tens. "rhe Lama W. live la." No Comedian worthy of the name will so tar forget bemeelt es to express the faintest ggptmar.1 dissent from the eloquent mntl- tiCeM of laudation that ha•e been spoken MY,eveaing of Sootla and her Illustrious MIMI1 er that may yet be uttered 001oer0• be Ms sister oatio0alltim which, with ootutltaee the Brtttsh Ides -those Celebrated, Wow tar famed Ides, whom policy exeroll.s so potent • sway over the decline. of ration', and whew influence 1s ortextene(ve with humanity. We ()seedless re Soho what has beet to forcibly and es appropriately said be the previous speakers, and particularly the words of eooemlum employed respectlsg that distinguished moo to whose memory w. .re now paying a, for, while ,Scotland has been the home of a number of great me0,0helr glory,emtoent as they were. le overshadowed by the traoseendeot lustre of ow Immoral Dame -Robert Burne. Vehement, ardent fondness tor the old Do you know how muoh of the surface of this myth le pours? The vastness of Cow da oan hardly be 0000elved. Eugl•od, Soot land and Wales together form an area of 88,000 square miles. Forty snob arm oould be cat out of l;aoada. New South tt aloe to larger then Franoe, Italy •od Slotly. Caned• would make eleyeo oouo- trles the size of New South Wales. In ex- tent there are three Brttieh ladies to Canada, and there would .t111 be room enough remaining to make • Queens- land and a Victoria. The German Empire oould be carved out of Canada. and 151mors ooaotrtes ot the same size, with Bull room to fill to ooroers el.', Belgium, Denmark, Grimm, larva and inland, and there would still be woommod•tloo for the land of the shamrock -the green Immor- al shamrock -old Ireland, and eves thee there would be • pooh left large enough to tike within the fold the States of Ual.w•re and Conneottoat. N e are the owners of thirty par mot. of the area of the British Empire, and Dover one fifteenth part of the area of the whole acrid. Our do mloloo exanA. about 3,500 m :ee treat set to west, and fourteen hundred miles from north to south. 1t oomprtess the whole of the northern holt of North America, with the exception oo the west of Alaska, and on the east of toe coast nos of L.brador. Toe prat L.ureotlao lakes, the water artery to the west, form with their °omen. let slyer, • oomplete system of navigation from the head of Lake Superior to the At• I.otlo Ocean, • distance of 2,384 miles, and woai0 Dearly one ball of all the fresh water oo the.urf.oe et the ',lobe. le lb tram that tbu vast oouotry is after all only • few square miles of snow, a bags Ice bound desert! Journey with me, If you will, travel with toe la imtglnatioo from °own to orate, Bret down to oar eastern shores, to Prows Edward Island, the gar- den of the Golf of St L.wren06 ; be the maritime proviocu of Nova Soot's and New Hranewiok, with their lov•lu•bls ooal and iron deposits, their fishing and shipping In- dustries, and their b,uotdal ell; thence on te world repo. red Qar•heo, where the mlabty Sr. L•wreow, which cum into the heart of the continent, opens out before as, and the noble outlines of the L•ureotisne d.zsle our •11100-Queb.o with la valuable meadow laud, 1t. peluold streams, fu numerous; powerful, and lovely waterfalls •nd ire eoansiye timber lands, and h cele- brated and br•utiful water amine along whieh the le•iethwm of oommeroe weed their way; tbeooe oo to Ouario, the wealth- iest •04 most populous part of the Do mt0loo, and its chief agriculture' amnion, a thnvlog manufacturing centre, rich 10 minerals, possessing • prwtially bonndlose wealth of woodland, adorned with shimmer- ing lakes and nyen,dower.d with unsorpas sed water oommaolc•tioos,• stupendous ast- e r -sot and numberless °swede. .Il .waiting the oommand of todastiv,and greeter to ex - toot than half a dozen European k inedome ; theooe onward to the great Northwest -- New Canada -the region of bene 01 tram ands of miles of tertile prairies, w tersd by stately rivers and lakes -beyond whose wester• limit' tower In majestic grandeur tits lolty,piotors.que tangos of the Rookies, • nd destined e000er or .Star (o became the home o1 millions ret the homes rem ; end ono• more onward to the Parade Owen, to Britten Columbia, whose giant enew•cepped mountains are filled with undeveloped treasures, and whose genial olim•te and un- earpwed away invite so Industrious population to eultiv0e It elopes and pl•tea0s, oo11w0 the niches of its riven and deep u. 8sherlw, and gather It.s wealth of heal and ether minerals ; and then owe 05615 .t111 further onward and pelewardo M the far northwest of (lenda, to what we now sell an inhospitable region, but whose discomfort will soon reeds before the Pee• ward march of modern oivilizatloo, to the Yukon onnerry -to the lied of gold. Thank Clod we have a ooentry Merely wl- Mr making Mils voyage, and observing by the way the extent and riobeese of our do - mein, the variety and limitless character of our tearooms', we are settled to .dept the tonere rehleb.wlreles the tieottteh thistle, and proolalm- "Wha dans meddle wl' me •" Mnnh 4..e Mon said and written about our nllmste, the orsv.11lnl view being, 11 would mem, that perpetual winter relies The 16ot le that we have •II the ehm•0es.f Korona, from the Mediterranean Res te the gentle (mean ; a04 this b.nw•w (Amid• 51• Hes. (lel •el AlhIen Inc • nester,, tends from the l.tllnAc of Remo, in ialy, warred te (het n1 North ('ape, In Norway, and le o1 almost trona' area. The row in whinh nor tet Mom le marked by men severe era lines than the •thlb'ted In lower 1.11 tides, and within more wewardetretehing ofimss, bet the North hes ever been eta home from wht0h have leaned the conquer• lag nes--the ram *birth have hitherto rearmed me powerful aa lame epee the We have juet Started stock-takiug and have already found ulauy articles we wish to tura into C.1S11, and in or'd••r to do w we •re going to SLAUGHTER !'RICKS right au 1 left. We are going to offer you bargains that lievn never been offered here ieifore. Call and get our pricer. Especially low Furnace Scoops. Espec y prices in... 5125 Yours : 'Ibis l000mpar•ble leherttan°e of 'throb Only a few airings left .e the result of unremitting ting w.t rod urc 01. et:greatly mimed prime motor , the : for the p., . or of our ao• Sue our long string+ of their • lrrr,the dente, as 00.. or Peg •viand brass belle at 51.90. strew n thoroughfare, was n along orduret., A few half strings strewn y of sweat n bur upon • corduroy which usually dell at 75c ro►dw6y of genera and toll. and 85c Your choice 60,. This generation Dora ora know The toils they had to undergo, While laying the great forest low. Sleigh Bells. we are the proud proprietors comes to un Shaft Bells. Contemplate what hea been a000mplished Only r few kit at to this land. Could Cabot or J•oquee pricer to out all ()artier revisit the weer* upon wbtoh cheer Only one pair of Shaft. e pee rested some four 000turles ago, what a m.vsdloUs tr•oelormauuu they would Wittiest ! The discovery ot Caned. revese4 to the wend/ring gaze of oteilized humanity a people in the rudest and most primitive n onditiou. The Algot-quint; and the Hurons, a bold and warlike race, debased by superstition, and cruet and uorelnotbng in warfare, held, supreme and undisputed oozier.' within its ooafines. Forests et - bonded In an 01mw0 uobrekeo ensue from the Atlantic Ocean to the heed of Lake Superior. F ane, 2.000 031111 of forest - then beteg but • patch cleared hen and there by the waited efforts of • tribe or oleo, the towel population of Canada area being at the outside some 50,000 souls, scattered over the vest area extending from Gaspe to this town ot Goderloh where we are thle night (secure from the tomahawks of savages) poring tribute to • poet,pw• ant tore who hem found ev.rleating lodg want within the heart. of men. But • few generations have since paseed w rap, and magnificent cities, prosperous towns and villages, and tens of thousands tit happy and oonteoted people oouupy 'tom portions of the oouotry where obs Indian chased the deer, and trapped the 'mayor to the deep reoeeme. of the tranquil forests. We no longer hear the howl of the soli or the wild, weird war -whoop 'of the Algonquin or the Huron, the only human cry that then broke the st111ow in t las land ; but in their stead the ohurob- bell now swells out In tweet wicau un the vesper breeze, and the profouod Lowe of the wtldernees hu given plane to the matin song of the milkmaid, the merry whistle of oho ploughman, or the hiss and thooder el the mighty engine as It rushes acrose the Continent. A poor and sparsely .e'tled community el proud and indolent aware has been $uc- oieded by a 1•w•abtding, hardworking and eoterprleteg people, who hays by almost . uperbwman exertions effected a most re m•rk•ble change in the face of nature, have cleared and developed the oouotry, hive tilled its fields, haus built up ite industries, b.vejtr•loed up 1a children, have ratified its noble water oommootatio0s, lime con. rareotsd • net -work of railways w,tbtsits bouods, h.vc engaged In the unfolding of re minaret reso0rose. hays made merged progress in literature, and l0 the lis and IaIenom, 0676 devoted themselves unoess tngly and vigorously to the upbraiding of • powerful and united Dation, and still there u muoh and Important work to be perform• ed -labor that demands the physial and mental effotte of the strongest and moat dauntless of our raw, Ponder upon • few, • very few, u time will not admit of my enlarging upon this, of the result. of the wbisyemsots of past years. Lees then sixty Team ago there were but fourteen miles of ratits7 in operation In the oouorry How many are there one? You will think it •Imoet moredible when 1 in- form you that then .re no Ice than seventeen thousand, live hundred miles In o penttoo and this slalom v e of 'lieu trio rail w•y.. Felty years ago toe industries of obl•fi t o homespun. Canada were 0006ned Y P to 1891,wheo the last want eae akeo, 350 millions of dollars were lovested in mann- features, and tbeir output •mouoad to the enormous total of 475 millions of dollars. to 1968 the number of lettere posted was 18 million, in 1899 there were 150 million, 1.e , 5 letters per heed in 1868 as against 28 per head In 1899. The produot el the forest 100 years see were ell. lu 1891 their value amounted to 80 millions of dollars. To' value of the foresee themselves, and they are our greatest heritage, has not thus far been asmrt.loed, but It 1. asserted that it will reach Into the billions. is 1869 the fisheries of Coda brought 4 millions of dollen. to 1898 their value rewhed 19 millions. A century ago our minerals yielded nothing, In 1899 they brought 481 millions. 100 year. .go the area of im• ptoved land was Infioiteslmsl. Io 1891 there were 281 millions of snob mores. In 1800 our population w.• les than half • million, today we bare between live and a half sod six millions of souls. 100 years ego the population of the United Sates was five millions. What will oars be rebus this century clow ? I believe 10 will at least equal the present population of the United Seam, 76 millions. to 1868 our total trade amounted to 131 millions. In 1900 It turn- ed the wales at 381 trillions, or an l0oreme of 250 millions in 32 years. Bus why pro- ceed? Although figures. like delle, speak louder en4 more elognsoNy than words, they are tiresome, and so 1 will not weary you with any more of them, but teem the few 1 have given you must nrwrve that then la room for senora reflection, and abundant reason for wonder and dsirght. It is a matter ter oo.gr•tulatan that no one thinks our task oompletd, for we have only reanbed the vestibule of oar national career. W• are surrounded by every stem. ales te exertion. The struggles of the pioneers to make the owner, hantllob. to hew out for themselves and their deswed- ante a home In Canaria, teed to foster • pride. In whet 1s the oommoo •ppvo•ge of the en - the asthma chs record of •aloroui moons web as h.v• been performed on our owe soil, of worthy 11.•• each se we can paint to, of salted thought.. such a anlmeted the bottoms of these. your ooeotrymen, who have, up to this period of time, d. voted themselves to the development and elevation of oar native land, 1. . potent le• motlye to courage, intrepidity and vIroroes ends•••. Although we have vet, to • large extent, to map • history and name for Canada, and traditions gather about • young oo0ntry u she dv.00ee from adolaece0ae to maturity, our soil 1s ant entirely destitute ot interest Ing historical temlniseenoes, whieh might be said, though without justification, to fringe the border land et romanm. The first wta.1 settlement by Eonpeaae within the boued•ne• of the present Do- minion of Canada was mads In 1606, nearly three mutinies ago, at !'ort Royal (new An n.polis !torsi), to Nova Soots There the first field of wheat ever grows by the hand of white man In Cand• was sewn, and there began the bitter sails between the French sed English nations whinh disturbed the poem of the oontloent for 160 years, sad made, during its 000tina.00e, fore Royal Dumas u the most aeoulted spot so the wntloef. Yat o'er the. Iny.ly snot, first ohne hem. fly Asher rare Iw wind the Atlantic team, lead, It Ineradicable. Then is In mu an almost 0neoneoleue etretobior forth of t,1.• der abteohmeut to the tatbertande, • silken ..rd of love draws us tmp.roepttbly with la the meshes of affectionate nerd for the glorious heritage of whiob we are the bone- Yetartes, for the heroic deeds our anoestore hare bequeathed to as, lar the noble tradi- tions of the put, for tee .pleodid sword of ohlvalr, displayed by our progenitors, and for lee h000rabls example transmitted to us, their poseerfty, for our admiration, ea- esurar1menl sad emulation. We unite with you In oompllmentary .1 - lindens to thew historic lands. we rejoice with you to the luminous pares of history whloh describe the share their000mpant hays taken In Weser' of honesty and jostle*, and which depict te grsphlo language what they have woempllshd In .w0ring for as, may we not hops forever end forever,tbe losstim .01e, the lealoolabls bee of otvtl and re aglow liberty. We olalm eo be sharers, par- Holpente,in their Imperishable remora. Ws demand as an inalienable right, an Ind.• street/11e p>seewton, a. Invaluable 1010511- teem, the 0110(10ge of revering the memories of thew old lands. end of glory- ing in what is oonspitroous to their history, end will ever gladly end heartily auool.a Sanely« in • tribute of admiration end re - epees epees for the sublime weak performed, the gallantry mantfa.ted,and the uosedfi.h swrlfi • OM ',adored throughout many ages by their demoss eons for the gapers' welfare of the human rate. Deepest re•erenoe, tenderest and most loving regard on the part of th• C.nadl•n der thermometry of his father t. oompattble wttb Intense devotion to the highest lo breste of h1s own oouotry, does not detract, even by the breadth of the most thinly woven skein, from his adoration of hie own beloved land. Our lov• for t;enada, oor native land, Nature's fairest handiwork, her purest, brightest, most valuable gem, u eternal. It is the land where our fathers and our mothers deep, the land beneath who.• •ehereal dome npose, to a noiseless bed of gest, the remain' of the who were nearest and /wrest to n0 on earth, the lead whose .o11 Is precious, Inexprwlbly precious' to us. for with It there has boon oommingld the dost o1 the aril loved, the land where err Ide'• work 1s to be performed, and where, when perferm.A. we oor . .ves shall Ile, the land where our vin' • ries or de- tests are to he rsoordr ' .here our lateen labored l0 It Mai ..1 raison* 00 make it beautiful to the eye and v•loable to Its people, who nnnvertd It from • wtl4srooe, Into an alluring garden, from • traceless Direst into fertile field., end who left the lmprose of their Inoessent, their assiduous tell. not only epee Ite w11, but upon 10. pelitinal history as well, the land whew renown 1t 1' our object be secure. whose moral and material •dvasoemaat we tither for, whose rapid onward march to fame we are anxious to witness, whose civil and religions freedom It shall be our rare te gaud end preserve, whees place in his ler) end ultimate glory we long 00 see fixed and award, and whose national honor and repnatlee it ehoald be, and ever shell be, our paramount Amir' and determine - bleu a protect, smelt and maintain. The S ummit of ear ambition, the culmination of ear sedate hope wad expsotatiee, the Al pia sad the Omega of oar aelloltade, ws e xpress whoa we say : Cand. Flnt,(:an.d• It waver. Where's the coward that would not elan To fight for wob a land 1. then set ample jesMfin.tiee Inc ear levet .f nor .we lend ? What a magelflunt �1ssgl le caro ! l)e we knew. do we sea Ilse, what as 112.610011e permeates has Wee eesealbt.d M oar ear./ Are we aware that N.Mro, with I.vl.11 hoe&, has mattered her gifts awned ea, has supplied as, beyond Mu dream of avarice, with .Il the isle 51.1. d tier ewes 1 rtlefy the haw►. O..11 haters's here= surely blast. the sett el Ow.ad 10 may he that .sm. .4 e. do not r.r.0 10 a5usrlate erbe0 has tweet eae- NHe/ p00 tae •• ora ge..gsaleted with Chime+ niekle plate.. ueeual prioe $1.75, at $1.25 BELLM OF ALL KINDS Ar LOW 1 Only 2left, usual ppries at 100. Mitts. Axes X rut Saws Hand Saws Buck Saws Curry Combs Cattle Ciente Horse Brusher Cow Chains Hockey Sticks Hockey Skates Hockey Pucks Whips Cutlery and Sil verware. Several different kinds of lined' mita that usu- ally *el at 50', 60.: and 7be, selling now at 40c, 50e and boa Razors! Razors! 7 only Henry Baker's beet hollow -ground ras- ors, retail pries $1.40. Your choice at 51 00. 22 razors of different kinds and differ., t retakes, usual prow 75e and $1. Your choice 50c. A gaol strung razor for 25c, wine' price 500. Remember awed big stupe are to CASH customers only. A. i '1 cD. ALLAN, General .half awl heavy hardware. Honest goods at honest prices. It bee boon truly said that no part Oar sag•liosab Inland lakes and riven, of Brrtate's werla wide oolooW domain our lofty moaatato peek., oar miles of tree bee been the theatre of w many or les prairies, oar eatokly-wooded lowland,, our ooageatal tomato, the enormous length and breadth and the oar pawing ierUllty of oar mil, the locator' table wealth of our forest, our 6eherfes the laraees and most valuable in the world, our mineral fields rebate extent •ad nohow are almost m0000elvable, our eoobantlng wee dry. for Italy ow boast no fairer skies then ours. ho wets more beautiful. •zoite urn versed admirable° A11,611 ot the ere ours. The immortal Moore buret Into 'reimports •1 delight when the sooner, slung the hooka of the st. Lawrecoe esu 41.010 4 w,:bls view, and be gave expreseloa to hu emot'uo 1 a rbymteg epistle to. lady friend to:the exquisite lines : such turbulent stages of mzletooge as l atna- d•. Nowbere within the dominion of the ('rowo have pesos and war, union and 410- ualon, loyalty and rebellion, followed each other lo such rapid saomesioa. The con- tests between ebaroh and state, between party and party. have been relentless, and nowhere have the areae political revolts time which thews ooate0tto0e loduood boon more sudden or more sweeping, and 0o when have the loyalty of the people and the prestige of the nation been more vie tently tried, and nowhere have trey been mon nobly defended or more heroloally supported than In Canada. We eau point w11h petrtotlo pride los triumphs as glorious u bho0 of Waterloo te the Eogllshman, or Austerlitz to the Freook• man. When our land was attaoked by the United States to the war of 1812, although we had Ice than 6,000 troops to defied 1,600 miles of frontier, end • popul.tloo of ander 300,000 to match Heel( eg•Inet the a mil hone of the United States, the O.oadleas molted as one man- It defence of their home and country (Sad that 1s the attitude they most ever and .Iweye w0ms if they are be sooceed), acted with pooh bero:o bravery ittroughou• • two years' .tra5gi• that at its dos. the .dv.0tage was ole.ely with them, and the viorortee '.1 Qr.wus1a Hogbt and Chateauguay proved the ob0r- acter of the mitts o1 which our oouotrymen •re male, sod will never be forgotten as long as the uaronel life ot ('.nada shall en- dure Oh, lady 1 bluets .n miracles wake mu, lewd In the bounds of Europe's pigmy Plan. Can soaroely dream of : whiob let. eye mass w To ko .w how twtutdol this world own be! We have m.'o marked and rapid ad• vocement hon the position of • Crown colony to tis. what to pr•otially so lo• depebdentnatlonality (ine oor politlotl to stations and our untrammelled personal bberty •re aorivelle4),.od from the condi ti .0 of • stripling, clinging to the .k n. o1 Enplre for support -from th• iu else stage -we hay• attained maturity, are now rs,larded as the strong right arm of ill. Emptn, and 11... b.00me lmpor10t f•o'.ors la the mewgsweot and dnw'ton of 000 tarns oo-ex engine with lmtmon rol.; wbJ. from Of .1117 promontory mu whrvb tete torso Quebec reel, o:.os lent .1 4 by • bouedlesi expense of grimo v.l forest sad • desolation of barbarism, item now spreads out ea every side to the hortxoo • radian • ly ptoturoq is display of rural prosperity end grandeur ; sod oar polities! soyerelgn ty, at see mute extending but a .10..'. throw from the ramparts ot the oitedel, sow embraoe• within it ample fold. • terrl- Cory bousded by two ocean.. We poses all the element aewmary 1. e the attainment el national arum. re Our future prospects and peep rit7 depend up- on the degree ot pettlotlem and divot o -i with whiob we apply our eosrgtee in our several stations to 100 material, In rel end polittml development of this young 0001 moowealtb ; and I offer the prediction that, if we are but faithful to ourselves •nd our .000try, it we talfill the port of prat late, d we wt as our fathers would have expected us to wt, ('ooads, our Carloads, will wimpy, s It ser tea ere .ver this watery haa nom1 p Quit end wtng'd It way tato the realms e1 history, • oommandteg pceltio1 among the Dations of the earth, end perohaow, as the abed• of politicos' power will ere long he In the west, wows will be the c to of pope tattoo, the .eat of Empire may he •,1.blieb- ed l0 this portion of the wellborn ramie - Otero, and some .pot la this fair end free land booms the metropolis of the mightiest kingdom In the world. Awake. my oonatry-tbe hour of dreams is done ! Doubt not, oor dread the (raison e1 sty 1.1w_- Wee. Tho' faint souls dada the s&, aafr..tl5e mita, And fain would bid the morn of .pleader wait ; ilio' dreamers, rapt l0 Share violate, dry "Le, you thy ratan, you thy Islth, thy fame I" And wlnteh vas hand. to .tars, thy toms 1. nigh, Hen in Gaselier' hearth, end home, and rimes This name whloh yo/ .hall grow Till all the nations know U. for a patriot people, heart sad hand Loyal to our native earth -our own Oita. alis lead I rrtrmnttnttttttt` � I d �r NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND i HAVE started store in my old stand and am ` ready to do business with a complete new stock Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the C.•uliug season's trade. I have nothing to offer but now, fresh goods, bought in the best market, which 1 am prepared to offer at rock bottom prices for Cash. In soliciting a portion of your trade I do so with confidence that I can satisfy you, both in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote prices just now, but I wish to call your special at- tention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from 23c. to 53.00 a yard. Silks in great variety, both in colors and black. Remember the place, COL- BORNE'S old stand. Telephone 86. J. H. COLBORNE, T&RMB: Strictly Cash or Produce. CIODERICH About Prescriptions Our past and our name military emplane 611 us no er,th offensive pride, but 'cowl • knowledge, • meet useful and 0eoeesary knowledge, of our strength. give power to therm, detumioatleo to the will, and a firm and lndeatructible reeolouoe to .bate 00 tot or tittle of our right. We have more than none protested the soil of l..awd& from the tread of foreign toe. What we have done before, we nen do again. Come of • right good stork to start with. Beet of the world's bbae in each vela ; Lords of ourselves, sod ele•es to no one, For us or from as, you'll find we're men It le not our poverty of land, or Sea, or forest, or mine, that shall ever indigos ns to be 1.1.e to oar oouotry. A ooaoery's fetors, however, depends not ea I10 materiel re. sourom, but en the moray and oboracOer of its people. Are we equal for the task of guidtng the descants of thea exuberant 1 tie We are. le It not the foot that e I _ring from the loins of a www that o. paver kaowo to cringe before • 1 ,r •yes y1.ld' ed to dieooutoremeot, o. kaowledged defeat, when liberty, loyotty, and Its country's noblest a.pintlone were the Iesa' t L,,. of ooa0try 'priers from the trues) and most healthful pert of man -hie affeo- elope It is the propelling force which prompt to magnanimous senors and cheer- ful *elf denial. It creates • deities to rival and sxoel the brilliant wbtsvemente of our aooesters. It unites together Indissolubly the nation or empire, and It *lupe Into tte bosom the whole family of mulcted. Tb• source of tine love Is be (wad In the al- feotlons of the family, Is developed 1■ as .ver•wideoing oomper of s►swhmsob, .ad quickly embraoes in lte generous fervor all who Inhabit our land, speak our language. Inherit our traditions, and share with us ceogenlal hopes sod ambitions. We have anpreodented opport0albles and advantages before us. Oar p06dbtllbles are beyond measurement. W. are the owners of halt •000tlor►-of • land o1 ie• finite promise and prdeeeined renown. Moab of our past territory stall lies open be settlement, whale. that of oar neighbor. the great R+publlo, 1e fully 000upid. Social and voveromenal problem• are awaiting Solution. Our. Is that great thanes to mould a nation We have th• shaping of this Dominion to our own hands What an inspiration ! We ho.e made en aus- picious ptpicious herniating, and although we o.d not expect axemptloo from She ylola,ltndes of torten. I believe there will be no re- trogression. Sammie( up the anhisvemeot o1 the put we may, without alarm, wllh perfect tracy:alley, look forward to the futon. Onward and upward leo us unfal- teringly dv►0oe. Victory is warred if we epprwlate the rapens.bditlee we bays undertaken, realize She obligation, involved to the exSoutine el thes noble work, pommies a defiant relhrsll- bom, w0 10 unity, bury all raw sod aced •.Imeeittes, maintain our proemial position of Ind•Modenoe,00mbat for a fair distal button of wealth, frown upon oorr0ptlou of every dwrlptlnu,lndst upon parity In legislation, strive for the comfort and the dignity of the oommoo 111e of the people, ban all our tyliona upon eh•t righteousness whinh ex- •Iteth • nation, groan/ our expeoatlone of advancement and th• ultimate realisation of oor desires upon those prl0oiplee whiob e mmend themselveo. not only to our own o.awlenoes, hut which •000rd with the (.whinge et • higher pewter -that Celestiel antherlty, that omnipotent King. *poo who•. appreyal we mu.t rely (and all le de pendent upon that), and to whom benign and unerrtne rale .11 witless mast, It humble dorsblon, how. Why should we fail in dor self Imposed and arduous, Jet gloriosa and numerics un- dertaking ? We have the men. Oar past shows this. W have • population hardy, thrifty, tndcetrtoae, Intelligent and (id fearing, and • vast lit(ent of territory. re- plete with a4rinullural and mineral rs sourest, so that 10 may with truth be mid that Canada is Iasonhd upon her o•bineal life raider se favorable nonditlnw as way state whose hark has been committed to the stormy end tempestuous sea of t.lme. We have atowleto freedom of melon In the management of our own affairs. the fullest liberty within the limit of the law, have . Seeped the disabilities whieh ether lad■ seller end yet vain ; and the way la open to ',stymie, no matter how humble or oh . care, be the loftiest and most distingouhed positions In the gilt of the people, ter i:mre It 1e the .rteteeraly of nature, not e1 birth, that is regarded, and merit le the measure of the mw. Ren. fro the lana of lakes .ed plea Or whieh tho awn of freedom 'Mew, Remotes we name ea .11 nor lines The men who rose from 0sthbn . We have just a few word. to say -and here they are : 1t you need medicine you are looking tor a euro It you want a mire you must have the lest medicines that @canoe tats provide Then you shouke patronize • store where the purest tested and assayed drugs aro used We itook we can give you just such a sen,ioe, and claim to have the best pro- vision for leeti0g and assay in the (booty. Better give its a trial, 110 matter what physi7iut you hive W. C. GOODE lear 111 Iliad that guaranteed carr t,1 ours for LA GRIPPE, COLDS, et.., Laxative Bromo Quin Tablets. • constitutional tteitment, 0,.. Syr. White Pine & Tar for the cough. There is nothing else "just goad." Um the hoot. BEDFOf10aSLOOK. Chemist. As pledge el Kapie*, vlo(ory'• reward. Ne other spot in all obi' western weelA 4n oft hark sons the tattle flag eefurled Mn 01tee Men the hattering naawe's barge Mn oft the 1061 of hurl] .rig Mirtl.nbare. 44, of ton hewed the InAun war whew Mud, Or bows by speller'. ruthless head bested ; Se often borne In war's allerwte Munroe Tee Ile 01 *sisal sad tastes .1 frames, ALBERT W. WISE, 100(.110 (0 r Farm Implements and Machinery. Deering Renders, Mowers, fakes and Twine. Also!. W. Mann goods Plenghs, Pinyon', .to. Walkeril e Wagons •,peetlty, True Paint Economy lies in using paint a little before it becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait till the old coat hes entirely worn away. THE WADON AND Imparvir Ar beeps the farm wagons, implements, and tools. yaw sod strong. It's easy to use. Red, Yellow, Bine, Onus sod Black. Every Loa should have a can for rlm4y am. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store, Qoderich. A LESSON IN ENGLISHI C000ii _ An adjective signiying sound, palatable, pleasant, etc. "CROCEAIES ° "COOU GROCERIES" TI e kind we sell Goods such as sager, tea, spices, etc. STURDY & CO., - GROCERS Telephone No. 91 • Market Naar.. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR 141EOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOVLTORI A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. Kverything made of the very heat material. Repairs of all kinds kept on hand. sp: l RIS; beio� otb living s, aw1herQ In- I Horace (fabrauchmusterschutz, CLOS CAST! PRICIir. Benmiller: -- Will open nit In the old Angus sad ahont 00(eM, *rd. McKinnon A. W. WISE, Hamilton Street. HELLO THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF DEAR UNCLE : - Have you considered how you are going to gather and boil your sap for maple syrup this year. Lee & Shephard have got the latest and best hoilt'r on the market, and in the Fall it can be used as a feed boiler. Have you seen it ? If not call and see it. 1 hi't. have also a largo number of sap pails and spiles. I will write you again in a couple of wee.. Your Niece, BERTHA. COAL Wall Paper ALWAYS ON HAND Ts3R nen Scraiiton ilaril Col IN TRg MARKW1' All coal erieUhai ne the Marne Malo., when rod get Map the. fen a toe. WM. LEX Orders fah et LES • BMWS" Stare promptly atteal.d be. • it may he it little too early in the season to begin 1'n talk wall paper All our stook ie not in but we expect to have so muoh to ser/ shoat wall paper this Spring we begsn to talk early. In addition to our 01'1 ■.ock we have made srrangmeents with two large Afirm" (0 handle their goods on nommiwidn. We an show you the line of Wall Papers ever shown in Unroll, and have the advantage beitiff able to show samples final to a twenty-five thousand dollar stook. The pap`r will be delivered 45 hours after your order is planed. What a splendid opportnnity for the Goderich citisons and others to have such a Targe range of choice. Such was never known in Goderich Worn. Call and salt for yourself. if we nan't suit you thon you should be in heaven. 1(1008 BOOK STORE.