The Signal, 1901-3-21, Page 2fI
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w"a e►t"Wteh•d. There to no tccavl',n, I !n Quel,ec they ilia not feel that tnrj SUflPflISEO THE PIflATES. QUESTION Of TNI SEX.
The S�gnai In lids colinectlon, lu dlsewa the nail wwwltichtoold any isles or Duet DMISHIRS— — -mletakO wldch JurLifled the poo
meth",. by which Mr. Carnegie db*
: pie of (Altariu in deciding not to vote amala tallied the murley which lu is giving �,fur Laurier. it ?tad beau raid that MpYHIRIWTIOT TI3UYD.T YOftlfnt'O away w luvirhly. Ho took advantage he ithe speaker) in former daysDad Italian Cruiser Caught Thenl Is it Determined by the Food
�T W Yes'aLa.3CVDLT. + of votulitilma as he found them, nail been a Cuu+ervath'e. He had been
_ _ -__ ___ gnthrrtpl atrxe wrulth than he re• a l'uurervrtivs for twenty yearn, Attacking a Trader. of the Mother? t
�� uirrd for Ids rwtiwl use. Tartan t but he had improved his ways t
THI'RBDAY, MARCH _1, 1901. q p' (Cheers.) Tho Freitch Canadians had
of Icntitig it for Ids kit -Ira to quarrel limply dune what Ile had dune -lm -
THF. BUUGKT. lover or d►s^Iprtr, he, lr trying to do proved their ways. They had de- New Movement Reported in ALL KILLED AND CAPTJRED. TO TEST DR. SCHENCK'S I HEOHY N
K0041 1 with it In his ufotlme, an' we cldatil to change their political al -
lion. Mr. Fielding had rather so legiauee fur the good ut the coua- � )larch 18.-3Lu11 Y'lenna, Nnrcfi 16; lir. He kew Wok
R to nal k@ow that he could invve hit try. They hail been subjected to Tac,oa, t\'aril.. deravorm to prucs lu bis ucw look S
racily task yorter.lny, when ho r(wm tllux a better plan than Ute nue lie unjust attacks in Ontario. although) the Soudan. oriental adtitr {True d,nuUr of a that the usual sex distribution „t
w peke the financial statement of ►t the nail remained ('unaervatver 1
has chorea. y sharp tight Iwo m nib between no llxl uvular to 1W Irwalw, Ir only llie P
the Dominion. Trade lone been very - ____ they would never have been ccallert Italian cruynu allot a large Junk
good during the last few years. and ■ * disloyal. -Hock. Mr. Tarte at Wel result of normal assiwllatlttl of tort
amQQmile land. landed with tarty plrnttax which mux by women. Famine, war, and Opt- D
the revenue. particularly rte cos• _ ___ TWO CHINESE BEHEADED. °aught ovrrtuculing a small tradieg
towns revenue, has been steadily la• �� I (1 dewle, which hoer uu Iw{x,rlaut In-
Torontu's Cit Half will cwt tit ��I KIN1. SMAIIPDX.'t 1u°k• a Wrhalt a whuwa crew tit°d fluence uu arrangemiIll cause. 1149
creasing. Last
y&kr the treasury 7 l U �_ passengers had frau killed um•1 lu sold, decided changer 1p the uurpinl
roweled $=,1,0219.1,JJi mud the expend- j'=.10(1.966._5, of w•hlelf• tpb city has Jured'betxo the cruWr reached the prolxxUon of mule and female births.
iturm on curreut ru•,vault amounted already paid $_,0.0,901.43. Ir It -- -_ scene, Ur. ScuCuck naeerts that the lotto- C
e•.xtfi the cost? :Utdr4overmortobeDlstul++ed-'toil,. Tho fight took plans on the Dotal N
to $4_.975;!!9. Roving A Surplus -___ . _-_. g enue u' itlk tile
the rex lily eu
Census Eliumerators Must be Peach Students Cruse I'ruuble - er interop near Chekiang. The L1I)r. wftU mother.
j8.064.T15. This year the ewttmat.ed (•nnnda should not relax bon divorce What of Au stave Futgrs Y -(ice- centers opened lire with machine Ur. Kchpack pruvldes A Illm•ral diet 9
revenue is $52',750,000 and the ertt laws, but rhe ■Iwuld sent) her divorce gone na Hoon its silo gat within range of albuminous food and requires that
petal. exp udliuro $16.400.000, cense for trial to the courts, where Vaccinated, iwaey Kal►eeted to AttueA 1'roviu- of the pirate Junk and bore down N, it wool be taken for a period (it tour
slowing en expected sarptu" c,1 deel"luno would be given according to ccs. wereirwkfty that only eleven t the rumor Montmired ail He rays A wmm�n who in
were left allvo when the cruiser mired a male child had rho following
$6.353clO. It this were the w•ho1P the Inw °nil the evWenee. towed the, junk into Ningbo Where ,flat before undergoing file treatment:
ut the ttc,ry. there would be om-CA' FOR, A FAR NORTH ASSIZE. Loudon, March 18.-A epeoiai dam' lila Ilse pl ales were delivered to Breakfast --A cup of coffee, wit"
shm fur w dr mend fur tax reduction. Andrew Carnegie says the lour just patch from Cairo, fi{PyTK. wys a novo cls 0ovara foe punWnm^nt. milk and aligns and a roll.
unlash It were determined to take started to give. " YValt t'n years land Ottawa, Aftrch I&--latavlAl)--Wh:at Dervish movement is reported toll:' vs The Cover o! Ningp, gave the 1.unch-Txvo lightly Dulled egg*.
K w knuwtl Ike "walking smallpox" Is occurrent in the southern part of the hoftland rs nail et of the ontterr a txacou and a tell.
ndcantuge ut the t"coynnt revenue then ,ask fallow much Ihare leen to prevalent in the northern ;curt of hnntlroeae pr tut cattle nod trach lllaner-&luno with balls of til
to piny off Inrltc pllrrR of the public libraries." he says. May lie livelong Dre Soudan. vegetablum. mobut, Many potatoes. green vege-
drbt, and thtw prepare kilo way for and continue to give.__ Ontario. It it described as a wild The Lisboa Itlolees. Six of the pl tee were executed table*, a good quantity of puddlog.
Now the Greeks have discovered the P Luncba, March Il8.-A dcspatoh rs- the next dilly nn filo others were sweets apt (rolls. Llttlr fin -'at wen
very light taxation tit sane future form a.f ewAll ux, and fe cAllwl to be beheaded 1 .the
any. But It fe nut the w htAe story. ocived here ?tom Lisbon says the 200 -_ - permitted ; tea or rwr: t a.ffro wit" l
grave of lillrpxrates. I'rhaw f "walking rwulgwx" teen lice fieri cults could be titkea.
h,�htcx the unuual ex{,pnditurem on Uttn't the Spec. wan only yesterday that the party affected can walk prls:)ners captured recently In the r1 r( r Supper --(:old meat. cake. padding
current account, our country i,. ,iiYouver tie' nem? uI his fret duct- around, although suffering from the conflicts with the autlwritles mit f Y�LS OI AMMONIA and bread. A glans. turd a unit u!
bulges In tery I:irgr expenditures on discolor. For fear the census enum Oporto atO elsewhere wsra removed Fouls . Witter with wine war drunk during
w Itlg game hen? ; �° the day.
dtpltnl ncrount, that W, wo "pend orators might htm,itato In going this morning on board two warships. Ae the Above dict was not found
looney for rallwaya and va"Alr, Pill' It in expected thAt King Edward's among rho people i, doing the[r in onLr to prevent nttewptetlr rem- sufficiently albuminous. Dr. @chenck
Ile ,,holdings, dmp•nlag ILA little
etc., civil list will be fixed at £187.000, work. Dr. Montzambert, medical one them. Disastrous Explosion UIl the ortlereA the folluwtb`:
r. wits asked 7 More Ilerds Us. P Itreakfast-A cup col milk. without
which we ,b not feel bound to buy or,a IittlP over L1W,DOl1 more than MiIIAnhterdofpAgrk'ulturt it) make la Berlin, March IS. -A dNpatdt -e t, �/ sugar. and biscuits'.
for in the year nil Years during which wa„ granted to the late Queen. That report on floc subject. 'Hr lope ,lone litter New York. Lunch-Lesn bum, undertone, sad g
rue ural bit t hunt if lhu pp hit done eeivecl hero from Ywatow say that roll 1
the worts of oonrtructlon nrP truing will pumila him to pay cash for hip on the do 'd aha 0stma» Dull -
tan. Thu* It WAY happen that In a cigurr+. arert O t . the eight days before th,•y out At Swat)w, the Distriot,dovers- - I)Inner-A t, w step• a quantity of
start out, there Ir no (cut of b,fez' or of llsl-uIug will b) dismissed a roasted meat, with potatoes, plans,
year in whish the corral revenue Mrs. Nation ham been oflerwd a g� tkm.
wl.owR a surplus over current ex "clary to inter In "Ten Nights Ina lir. Bloc, tile. Ikauinion (•cusum account of his anti-Christian attf• TWO DIED FROM THE EFFECTS. fruit.
and ch.,euhhtoem. No pu•idlae tin
ludo -and ills dllaturinuar la dealing (vitt, sc nit eh.�eRr, ten w tnllk, ergp
pendittire. there W yet a eon.Idert IAtr-room." l'ntess she has changed commissioner, loam therefore tele• with llermaaInterestsslatino- 1Cew York. March 17. -The clean, evil pecuftm.
Wu ,iddlti.n to the public debt. graphed all coueur cuwurtselonerr to Supper -Fresh rxhet meat, ohwseP,
muoh the boor -nem would be a liard tamtrurt the entanwrtturs to be vele- Two Chinos) participant, in the ship New 1'rxfik rpechK(f her dock at a litt�l,• brand and an apple. Three
Lnxt Year tilt. surples wad greater sight tier to the tenth night war auti-Warman riots have been be- 10 o'clock to -night, after to lslrmngc lasses t4 water taken daily With n
than the cap►tal ezpew,llture. hence th,utal In tato vvuy suggcvled by Dr. R
reached llontitnmbert. The ewitlgwx w lie. tbeaded at Hod -Ping. In which an explealo@ of an ammonia little wine.
t w'nx p,dwnlble to rtducE thr'dpnt bJ' hrribed by Dr. Muutizambert :til of students Caaee Trouble tank and a broken shaft caused lows Ag„!n, the dlet has to, b• varies, for
$779.639. This. year , notwfthrtund 7I1e 1rooutatioo of Italy 10 1881 "rap a very mild type' BudA 1196th. March IS-8,rbws dos- of life ana much dumagu to thc.vell - nith:xtgh the borelatter prescrl t wIt ntn-
lurtRencea Utve ocearrod he»betweet As a result of the explosion fifto-til linnet much more ed. Ttie It was twL
Ing the surplus, an addAtitin vtt $I,FO�r YtRtcA ea -8.160.000: the {rrrlim'n Pu Itotd Court Mwr !tortb. sufflc.lently dissolved. Tl:e eln°minon�
1100 to till. public debt is anticipated. my tePwrt or the census jwt cum 3A. ice L'icharda, of Manitoba, ham the university yfficials sad tel ste wen erre orercomp by the fumes of roils, therefore, were Ineronrel and
fir grant public works nrr In Pruces" foretell places, it at 35,000,UJJ, nu in Iso•° nppuiuted W proceed to Nor- dents in consequence (of orders bq•sd
crease of about _3 per cent. In luny House, 6cc.w.atln., to try Filen by tis Minister of Inmtrllutbs for ammonia on Thursday morning letltt, dhetom ithdrawhnhf r tell days. Thin
,.f rnehpletion, and more of them nrr r'rugg for tfie murder u! her hue- the removal of all crones from the anti so seriously prostrated that two
projected for the'lmprovement ,d our twenty yeara 1#hen tha.large emi- band, in that district. At the same. lecture tatm of the ■niverrity. Ila sews ootltLiao Inter, Lite tile
woman ,dlatlal followed. -Built erre lurlhxl SwtlsflPei the doctor nail taw woman
transportation rout"m 811'1 the devel grntion from Italy 1/ taken into ac- arrlato Alcx. Thumur will be tried on :,p.te of this prohibaiun• wh ru the at sea. d,veral others Were coufinal altprwnnl was allowed to choose her
,proent of our foreign trttdp: lS'?n" canal this to n remarkable showing, a cjcurgo of rc•,hicing hlr two "telt- rams were opined this morning the to the ship's hospital for Pont.- time. own diet. The result was ntlrel3
we shall surely get to the end dAughters. both under 16 Dears of prolesaurs discovered that the totu• and ()tie wad still to the hospital when Rnttrfnetory.
time t%ge, Judge Richards Will be au- (lento bad gained entrance anJ -balled tilt- ship docked, and will ba Iran.,- tar. Sch•'pek m^ntlonm _9 Snell camp\
utlLI,l,r class of outlays, anti be nil,• 8� Gen. Delarey has been shooting tthorizrJ to proceed to Norway Houxe crosser to the walls. The offici.hls ferrel to a hoe,{dtal In this illy. In add PI'm to th" flfteven mentioned
to buckle down to the extinction of priponere too. Ile probably counts on as x,n,n after tile opening of hall- costimenced to remove the religlour The dead are: John Kent. a steward In him first work. HA eanaliers that
and were ort the vessel, who died of pneumw,nla any wmmnn might adopt join method
our debt, following the eerlou, of try ., able to al sou from t1,P coag' persons allot n its unnyuoti erhpersonsLwho suite(] the students. • Slats of the with tile all of her family doctor.
lesion nil 7thirty-six h(xbrr' After th:� ncrident.
Olen? Britain niter Yjer try at the final rox,nd•up. If Klluh- J' .be charged with having wm- latter, however, supported the oft?- and ('art Fragkvi"t, nn Amerl^an Citi American %Vuulreh to Test Iheory'.
Tu -
(if the United States after Apix)mAt rrpr,eala with nlurlerr�R lite Ue Wet itltied any ladlcta Ile offence with- elall, and violent scan -a oniged. Tur Zen , a steerage p:axscnger, w1ume
tn1. Many of our people do °till a°til Delnrey as horlcxaMe gPuenJ" in the district.
lectures were soap--rWeti The matter athiress vias °nubtainnbl! last °ht•ht. Parts. March. 16. -Dr. Schenck iv
lsell6•cP ill int light tnxntbA la n Jiro- Kitchener will cave :v stain upon Itis Mrs. Eduard Miall, wife of E.twnrd se01 be dlsonared In Parliament. F. ('(oIrt(on, n cabin steward, Iw atilt quest t Part eanext wept at the to
)}lull. lleputy Minister of Inland Itev- Au+car's Future, .affP'rine from Inflammation of the men of flour wealthy American mo-
motor of nntlonnl hnppine'". own reputation. enue• died wddenly tit Aylmer this fu s. n•1 iris taken to a hospital. �a who are amoexpng
t'P children,!06t
Mr. Fielding'@ nnnouncem^nt that morning. rb Ileeo r March 1Generrlis on W r - A They °grebe among t riptioyii ?moo
Justice Roberts, who held the in• According to tl statement made by tdlow ills ds usorlptbns Reru-
thern wait tis' no tartft changes tills olrt:w relate that General on Wer Superintendent James A. Wright, of ^tory pr
�(r the negro Henderson, turn^d A Sentemee Cuuuuuted. der, who was recently rent on a errs P-arlean line. the pul'xi41y in order to glow a thorough
Fear will M received wNh g�Pn*1rill by a Texas cuoU.;eayr lois Lord Minto approved of nn under- clat auimslcn to kit. Petersburg, tab eecathe Am[ mmortlA occ,rre'dD ndtohalf- feet tie) fila tivPory as to Spx APter-
araltsfeetloa. nil (oily merited and in ('uancfl•to cloy cum°roting the time met with a cleft recrptlon nt P� min 11 +n. Two womPa are Plr iict►rot•
lasers and oatmeal millers finJeutfi elnlence {oAmsed upon l;eo. St. that Icus�lna capital. ami that ties pas' mix n clod on Thursoluy morning. Inc to beget boys, the third n girl.
far mere protn Oon, tie ef,flamend. abl.�." A i$tAte where A, 14'w Cyr, .yP Uausun L'lly, Tukup Terri- private with which Emperor r:fr berati of the condenser on the
Asking officer makes "itch an uffictal finding tory , to lmprivaonwent for life. St. Cyr Wi:llism entrustel him. and which refrigerating apparatus wax furca,I
(Drier on til^ para that the prrtxr In approval of mon Inw t"er.Is wirslon- un I Jnmer Uritis were both wood- was Intended to Pzplau6 away all in pump manner. The nppurntuv b RF RIVtKIi S)t► Nil'KF.1,.
ential tart(! one stimulating import arlot,. It l: w g,o)d place w keep P oliper. . killed frlum the shot uta ivt�elyi practico�lly (alta which tit ie ad have cf ckan lrmar�P ster arntrtrd side-.ortion (or nNear if A Pr•tltlrn Presented to Ibr ()"to" 10
tloos of woolen gouda from
Britain -
1t wall intended t„ -.k, away frrim. glia which wow In the hnndr of fell Minis tont count n Affairs.
a Russian time ating apparatus at the /:oveteel A I h
- the of Th • Ifnmottoa Steal t [ton ( wupauy.
-- ----- __------.-- 1'vr. Fl. V' 6r Aftorwtar.l@ gave hlmsdl Minister of Foreign Aflnity, else Iwep time and seven ntewnrcb, Rtper-
-and the latter ten the plea that the n *tatln that lie din, not Into
ly gnestlonea Gen. Yvon Warder re all° and emMn, and flltewn re{)I+•epnt�+d by senator Nvrrd, 1'reel-
IIUN..1, I. 7'Ati'rf: P• K t rse Prs. When the Am -
duty ren onto, b higher titan the duty _, to "hoot Italia; the run went orf Ly garaing the c; thp nplia Agiion tation Ave In moningl Tn lig (idem, And C. K. W'il,•ox, Manager ; the
Ma t•almPAl. M'e notice in a commas Nuuld Wks- to be a t'rndlAute lw for l funml gullty�T etried
Jur1t (irmao speaking Protvinoes. Awtrla9 partm nt twhies chxis an tthe same deck Nick
Steel CunqutnJ•. by John I'+►t-
cial report that the Toronto JobhOr" Toronto. aye n rreommendntiun to mercy. A L•,"t'eth View. N the mnM dining xa p. there was tin -,-z- ,ern.•an.t ay (;cor•.- Iron Fur•
_-_. r a mad rush for e. conn. tlrrme epee nn::• Company, by /«:ung•' F. Drum -
deny that the Rs cit wGich rom^ from Tfie #Whiter 11aAtthat the tiingwrs nu i the trial Judge sent to OttAWA The Landon correspondent e• theMore
Rrltaln under the preferential tariff peninsula Imd bean nobly rpprpofst- n report invertible to commutation. lleral l cables an Interview with a Up the
f K) the fnmee arra dropped newt, foarto Govirrseed A memorial to
to directt$ illly gentleman who known very 'stl- G, the liar. OtherR were aloin 'to filo Ontarh, GovernloPnt, for a
Are the kind that comp^ y ed by Its fruit at tart Exposition, and there bring In sling wasd doubt ibnal mately the doings And sayings of 1al- get dont (if the room. and efforts bounty on "Whorl wu•rl. Tfley�%ay In
with C'ana,ftan p-.tAuets. In any case, ap a result of this there war un Im- or Whether otherwise, nn I g was Intentional
the matesAurtrt omit. Said be : " f tee were At once made to open up the Part-
the cwtenmer lone a right to ohuMe mgaxp an.l mAgnitlrrnt mark/•t wldch prisoner wax givenithe henent of the the death of the present emperor wmpnrtment and let the ammonia Ruth the Div also null Ontario
clothing can hold the Austrian em- ��' Governments gave cons
Of Ire boo-
mnrtets, Red K til• Canadian mann- a,ltld be opened in France.. Within a doubt. The dlinirtrr of .ia4tlre there- pure together. The German pro Tharp were fifteen trended by the ItSps! for til•:' manufacture of iron and
fore made a recommendation for cum- physician -4 no n repult of the nm- Steel. Tllr met Important form, low•
(nctarer wantp hip coelom Int hila cu(opth a (int. of stenmrrx haJ been mut:atop, which has Dow been uI* winces w111,without any kind M doubt, muslin
deserve It by Supplying the best goody started between Muutreal and u r)roved. St- Cyr Wile to hale tA'ca Insist, as they have already Ax- excpp thumps namebo-Ing inlinitvl, but all tumever, In winch !( it is now mamdae-
At the lowelrt Twice . Thi" French Pitt, AHJ tteT could soon I..Ked or. June 71h. presmeclsthetr desires, on golag over exetpt lieu named aro now doing tII-. 1, and which 14 an alloy
by far
well - til-• Idgtacset price. 11 an alloy with
Ottawa for power to romp'l tile send their apples and peaches direct. To Lltstlt Preference. to Germany. The Czechs will be for ni k. -I, known Ike nickel -steel. Plants
unwllling caatomwr i" playlet out. Tar ly to France. lie supponed they would Presblent Merrill, sof the Boart) of Independence, but under Russian co,•t,u,g many miulunot of dollars have
have nn ob -coon to taking French Trade; D. J. Mcl,nuglaun, J. H. Thom- protection. The Hungarians wlU NEW PROPHET IN AFRICA. I,tm•n erected In the United Station
Was who buys in a free citizen am 1 son, Gen. McKeen, .old. Mcltne nml seek independence slid ask for more for till. manufactur., of this 4pPciAlty,
well as the man who PellP toady. Ile vias glad to hear the new Jar A Likely. of St. John. Arrived sea coast in addition to the port
wnrrrc vtive lruarr r.Pri1.,ilLcx fur. \'latera Ly un Angel and 1'h„email W'hik• Y'aneda tw,pplh•s the nicks to
Tile one Introit chnge ecshshats in here today. They are a delegation of Flume. The Itallaa provlw*e With a Ntw '111sslon. opopraW• these \tiieriian phnte, which
has -
putting DPet sugar mnclouery on the rruu(laluua utterances which had tows the Government to Pupport of will go over to Italy.” @Ph1 their product at from law* hon•.
W Pena made utter'AgAinda uu, Preach- u°- Mr.'rLt>Lrran's resolution to coafnr _-- — Loddon, March 1d.-Advieii reach. droll W mix handred dollars per ton,
(row list for a year, with power to auLtua by mrtuaers u1 that lharty. the British preference to touch good"I (� Ing here from Meng) I'ghnda "ny albw M•redt ltns t10 nil h Intiu4try, nail
eztsad the t me._
Tile ltomini4xi Par- -rite Fr,-nrh-t anu,d6aas cuunituveti is nrrivo at i'anndian xealm,rts• MISSER 1 CNiCKIN lhprr la' eonmlder6lrlP eveitement In tow, Unified States. whil:' wholly de•
. t\r:rrinllttotrs not 1-1,ym-. w(xv ked silo the rt- MISS R d� nickel
liniment dr9e, rA prbpal , to logy a 'slot', also-tlrtt-frrtva'r*rrg d►PI+v that it (f .Irriea owl6itIlly1lll*`ac- pt•tPdeut upon Canada nnA Irc.linq
deslrc to go from the country, anti meet of Public Works ntxolat dredg• 1 all Jur nirkpl from ('auruht In a cauda
bounty for tithe prdmluctinn of hart ah :y wr,ial,d DOL be mad! go. Tile two fug tie ntrtnre to the hnrlyx, Anil __ thin of the kinnrnmAalan MPhtil, (or
Pr,Vfiet, a-hn hex pr.oelmfinPa hitnsrlp form of matte•, talon ref:nwxl n., ked
sugar if lbw Provincial l.Pafela- hunli..nadtice were bxound u, live. tile, Drphrlm^nt of dlarinP respect- lhprv• nm the Ipntk•r of n new tie- ant alloy• of nickel at $120 twr ton
tarty rhrxse M do that, thpy run. here, nota the bort thing way 4, live Ing the gnemtbn of dock loading. v when itntortixl from Canada or nay
T, "v v,ach lirwlnty "fimulatiou Ip bail friendly. Th:y woYxhipped at dlfferrtit - Shot by Man ill Whose COOP trine. The new prophet'p name ix Mu- collator country.
allure, bat notional; mum mora cure Indzl t'gandn. lip in 4nldtlie-ag.rl• „Am mimes. smelters, refiners And
Tat any Industry, and ruinoam to than that the name (;Of watched A DUCK FAKIR Four Were Found. wears n long tenet, nnrl h of imhrex- nlanufactnrera of Ontario and Ind(
sicc prrxPneP. He wn" the prineiPiil vlduale Interested in such enterprises.
the tRxpwyers. Indeed, we fury that over them, vet for t em t 1. M n Who W (sited to Advertise Ills Social- - _ Islam teacher of the former C'gnn-
Mr. Firlding Is somewhat alarmed at Oil mnaon heaven fur them all. Major King.that t amt pmol thee, Government
Th,mp"on had reminded them xf top toile Ylewr. tin Jlnl)nmm known T kmltp who wn4 n tf (; tun pwll**t nt thn (ioveor Pr t
the prospect rot a henvy drnln oil the fifteen English•sp •alcing n,"minis Ottawa. Starch 16.-A rew art)" ago LYNCHING NARROWLY AVERTED. widely rcvi"Inmltr. The new of (ahpada, whethPt Dominion or Pro
trPaaary by means of the ,roe anti from Quebec, ana it wax only ..•cent• there Appeared In the 1'eopip'n Voice, prophet recalls ►pent ten tlapx In vin,-Wl, mhwuld bo flrst Canadian
1 ttuht Sir. )facto was created n molltede In A forp"t, nn -1 declares DP
stcAl bnnnticn. He wa°tip "to trent Senator, nitlwnlgn lie lived In an sic- a ponce pnMlmhal at W'Innippg, a Chirngvi, Ill., March 18.-U • soguel was ctnited by an angel wit,) phnrg- In ill„ inn react of taw Province ppail
them ns railway suMktlrx and not mnh4fe.mto by (me dk,djan4ki, regard- to n chick^n th- ft Charles ghat was Pd hill, with A mission. The prophet n lila luinniniun, we ask tJuit tilos (k,v•
torn) dlclslun which wan ill) jr. r cent. lag the articn of the Uoukhobour net- ernnv-nt at onto• enforce the pro -
An refunilm of duty," that in. to French. lip might have prevented tiers In the Northwest Territorlpa in shot and kHled by tlasbl- Paters. new ilea letup tm mainly nn df)hn8 Ore visrinnm am' rxPry•Ine tilauthority
that. for wan ha not mantes ct Che titan lineP, but Sfuludsi'x to owerR are
chnrgo them Y) capital accotant And
declining to obey the dpmaudd of the Wathln•ten minutes atter the shoot• nllcw•rd three new viepx In place ,r ITI`'' , umber til*: pmvfewnm M the
Adminlstratl,u, ant) (IIA h., Out hold Uovermm�t respecting the laktutt lip Ing n large crowd gathered al le uuin,r act, nR nmProtrrl, or any otter
little Rpread the pncwent over n much men no air Wiltril Laurier and of hompxtp,Ad,r nod other matter@. ters' home and threatened to lynch thomr preclonmly percnllteti- IPgal authority, and collect the tax
term of ypnrx after the •buuntles Sir Richard Cartwright in the loud With regard to this the I)Ppartment him, but the arrival of- the patrol ant)w,rizaf In fitrng•rt►ph seven of
shall have been earned. low of ham hand? lLaughter.) simply think" that It b the Outcome wagon with policemen preventedapy LEADERS OF RIOTS EXECUTED til"' -luau act• whish reale as luL
Thern wap pr, Consprvntive ex- Frpnch-t'anadlans, said the speaker. orf a desire on the pert of Idaljanmtl, mob violence. _ - lows- (a► For lyrdw of nickel $10, or
Mlslster of Finance In the House yes- could nRver thank their English a titan of extremely pmisllxtte pro- The endsi of the quarrel was the due$60 per ton If partly treated or n••
teed. it Charles Tupper and Iron. brethren enough for the hnndr which clivities, to advertime hlmsplf, and hp theft of fifteen chickens from Rlack'r The shah .tnnnunees Ali II.Ieutloe dared ; (b) For orep .•f copper and
y, PP
F. Fnater having both hen they had conferred on Sir Wilfrid has no doubt attempted to cause file- hen roost. Four of the miselo hen:, n!t'nntlnufng lirfortnm. nickel comMml $7 per ton or ; ,O
dPtpnted tit the general election, Lnnrier, for It ,howpd that with the slatiafactto,n betwoom the Depart- it ds ■aid, were found to eters' Vionna. March 17. -According to per ton tit party treatt.l ur re-
heaasr the duty of replying to Mr. Liberal party there wan no racial Ment of the Interiyr and the peopie. chicken coop. Rinck Started out to the. Neue Frele Parents the reforming (tut -e'4
Fick ung fell to Mr. F,. it. Osipr n,1d feeling. In Ouehee they did not divide it M further etntprl by tone ret the get it' warrant for Peters' street seek awakened In the £,halo of Perna "Tho revpouA thus collected to be
Mr. Jauxs Clnney, neither of whom om lila loner of t'rrnch nail BuRll"h, officlnlm of the Department (of the when he met liters' near the latter's during life recent Europann tour ,In11 as l Iminooteel *upon Pig iron and un-
made any very serionR impreamion. An lisp, socias of the Liberals In Interior that the information In the house, Anti accused him of stealing null since pill into practice In his con niekcYourl petitioners
el In that
Air ltich.ard Crartwr{ght fins the floor. (Aueber wax due ,Imply to hard work Department In that many t the vll- tnrlo, Your pPtltbnerm believe that
y the chickens. own tdnrotnlonm. lone Ind to n merlon:
but It it Dot probable that the, hu4- oil the. part of English an I French la eR have Already rP urllmtwl B"d- each aetob on tile part „f tie Gov-
. R P Wttnrsrn, may Peters drew his re- rising to Teheran. where. It Is maid, ernm6 .it would at once give nn lhn-
be 1 n drawn out Alike, jrtnxki, and are willing tt, make home- volver .and, fired four shots at Black, devout MolwmmcLanm resented Iris
f star
stet dpDnte will o R
\ - _____ __!!
Tile guemt.on that they should ask stead Pntrle" nn (t, (other settlers,
themselves wan nm to whether tom and dpalrP now that they are in Can-
-= -
i'4 "'
country wne n nation. it it wall, n bt to conform to Canadian cuRtomx.
there wns no tension why they should
The Department rk>r•s that clynvfder
__ - --.------
— _ = '—�
w"a e►t"Wteh•d. There to no tccavl',n, I !n Quel,ec they ilia not feel that tnrj SUflPflISEO THE PIflATES. QUESTION Of TNI SEX.
The S�gnai In lids colinectlon, lu dlsewa the nail wwwltichtoold any isles or Duet DMISHIRS— — -mletakO wldch JurLifled the poo
meth",. by which Mr. Carnegie db*
: pie of (Altariu in deciding not to vote amala tallied the murley which lu is giving �,fur Laurier. it ?tad beau raid that MpYHIRIWTIOT TI3UYD.T YOftlfnt'O away w luvirhly. Ho took advantage he ithe speaker) in former daysDad Italian Cruiser Caught Thenl Is it Determined by the Food
�T W Yes'aLa.3CVDLT. + of votulitilma as he found them, nail been a Cuu+ervath'e. He had been
_ _ -__ ___ gnthrrtpl atrxe wrulth than he re• a l'uurervrtivs for twenty yearn, Attacking a Trader. of the Mother? t
�� uirrd for Ids rwtiwl use. Tartan t but he had improved his ways t
THI'RBDAY, MARCH _1, 1901. q p' (Cheers.) Tho Freitch Canadians had
of Icntitig it for Ids kit -Ira to quarrel limply dune what Ile had dune -lm -
THF. BUUGKT. lover or d►s^Iprtr, he, lr trying to do proved their ways. They had de- New Movement Reported in ALL KILLED AND CAPTJRED. TO TEST DR. SCHENCK'S I HEOHY N
K0041 1 with it In his ufotlme, an' we cldatil to change their political al -
lion. Mr. Fielding had rather so legiauee fur the good ut the coua- � )larch 18.-3Lu11 Y'lenna, Nnrcfi 16; lir. He kew Wok
R to nal k@ow that he could invve hit try. They hail been subjected to Tac,oa, t\'aril.. deravorm to prucs lu bis ucw look S
racily task yorter.lny, when ho r(wm tllux a better plan than Ute nue lie unjust attacks in Ontario. although) the Soudan. oriental adtitr {True d,nuUr of a that the usual sex distribution „t
w peke the financial statement of ►t the nail remained ('unaervatver 1
has chorea. y sharp tight Iwo m nib between no llxl uvular to 1W Irwalw, Ir only llie P
the Dominion. Trade lone been very - ____ they would never have been ccallert Italian cruynu allot a large Junk
good during the last few years. and ■ * disloyal. -Hock. Mr. Tarte at Wel result of normal assiwllatlttl of tort
amQQmile land. landed with tarty plrnttax which mux by women. Famine, war, and Opt- D
the revenue. particularly rte cos• _ ___ TWO CHINESE BEHEADED. °aught ovrrtuculing a small tradieg
towns revenue, has been steadily la• �� I (1 dewle, which hoer uu Iw{x,rlaut In-
Torontu's Cit Half will cwt tit ��I KIN1. SMAIIPDX.'t 1u°k• a Wrhalt a whuwa crew tit°d fluence uu arrangemiIll cause. 1149
creasing. Last
y&kr the treasury 7 l U �_ passengers had frau killed um•1 lu sold, decided changer 1p the uurpinl
roweled $=,1,0219.1,JJi mud the expend- j'=.10(1.966._5, of w•hlelf• tpb city has Jured'betxo the cruWr reached the prolxxUon of mule and female births.
iturm on curreut ru•,vault amounted already paid $_,0.0,901.43. Ir It -- -_ scene, Ur. ScuCuck naeerts that the lotto- C
e•.xtfi the cost? :Utdr4overmortobeDlstul++ed-'toil,. Tho fight took plans on the Dotal N
to $4_.975;!!9. Roving A Surplus -___ . _-_. g enue u' itlk tile
the rex lily eu
Census Eliumerators Must be Peach Students Cruse I'ruuble - er interop near Chekiang. The L1I)r. wftU mother.
j8.064.T15. This year the ewttmat.ed (•nnnda should not relax bon divorce What of Au stave Futgrs Y -(ice- centers opened lire with machine Ur. Kchpack pruvldes A Illm•ral diet 9
revenue is $52',750,000 and the ertt laws, but rhe ■Iwuld sent) her divorce gone na Hoon its silo gat within range of albuminous food and requires that
petal. exp udliuro $16.400.000, cense for trial to the courts, where Vaccinated, iwaey Kal►eeted to AttueA 1'roviu- of the pirate Junk and bore down N, it wool be taken for a period (it tour
slowing en expected sarptu" c,1 deel"luno would be given according to ccs. wereirwkfty that only eleven t the rumor Montmired ail He rays A wmm�n who in
were left allvo when the cruiser mired a male child had rho following
$6.353clO. It this were the w•ho1P the Inw °nil the evWenee. towed the, junk into Ningbo Where ,flat before undergoing file treatment:
ut the ttc,ry. there would be om-CA' FOR, A FAR NORTH ASSIZE. Loudon, March 18.-A epeoiai dam' lila Ilse pl ales were delivered to Breakfast --A cup of coffee, wit"
shm fur w dr mend fur tax reduction. Andrew Carnegie says the lour just patch from Cairo, fi{PyTK. wys a novo cls 0ovara foe punWnm^nt. milk and aligns and a roll.
unlash It were determined to take started to give. " YValt t'n years land Ottawa, Aftrch I&--latavlAl)--Wh:at Dervish movement is reported toll:' vs The Cover o! Ningp, gave the 1.unch-Txvo lightly Dulled egg*.
K w knuwtl Ike "walking smallpox" Is occurrent in the southern part of the hoftland rs nail et of the ontterr a txacou and a tell.
ndcantuge ut the t"coynnt revenue then ,ask fallow much Ihare leen to prevalent in the northern ;curt of hnntlroeae pr tut cattle nod trach lllaner-&luno with balls of til
to piny off Inrltc pllrrR of the public libraries." he says. May lie livelong Dre Soudan. vegetablum. mobut, Many potatoes. green vege-
drbt, and thtw prepare kilo way for and continue to give.__ Ontario. It it described as a wild The Lisboa Itlolees. Six of the pl tee were executed table*, a good quantity of puddlog.
Now the Greeks have discovered the P Luncba, March Il8.-A dcspatoh rs- the next dilly nn filo others were sweets apt (rolls. Llttlr fin -'at wen
very light taxation tit sane future form a.f ewAll ux, and fe cAllwl to be beheaded 1 .the
any. But It fe nut the w htAe story. ocived here ?tom Lisbon says the 200 -_ - permitted ; tea or rwr: t a.ffro wit" l
grave of lillrpxrates. I'rhaw f "walking rwulgwx" teen lice fieri cults could be titkea.
h,�htcx the unuual ex{,pnditurem on Uttn't the Spec. wan only yesterday that the party affected can walk prls:)ners captured recently In the r1 r( r Supper --(:old meat. cake. padding
current account, our country i,. ,iiYouver tie' nem? uI his fret duct- around, although suffering from the conflicts with the autlwritles mit f Y�LS OI AMMONIA and bread. A glans. turd a unit u!
bulges In tery I:irgr expenditures on discolor. For fear the census enum Oporto atO elsewhere wsra removed Fouls . Witter with wine war drunk during
w Itlg game hen? ; �° the day.
dtpltnl ncrount, that W, wo "pend orators might htm,itato In going this morning on board two warships. Ae the Above dict was not found
looney for rallwaya and va"Alr, Pill' It in expected thAt King Edward's among rho people i, doing the[r in onLr to prevent nttewptetlr rem- sufficiently albuminous. Dr. @chenck
Ile ,,holdings, dmp•nlag ILA little
etc., civil list will be fixed at £187.000, work. Dr. Montzambert, medical one them. Disastrous Explosion UIl the ortlereA the folluwtb`:
r. wits asked 7 More Ilerds Us. P Itreakfast-A cup col milk. without
which we ,b not feel bound to buy or,a IittlP over L1W,DOl1 more than MiIIAnhterdofpAgrk'ulturt it) make la Berlin, March IS. -A dNpatdt -e t, �/ sugar. and biscuits'.
for in the year nil Years during which wa„ granted to the late Queen. That report on floc subject. 'Hr lope ,lone litter New York. Lunch-Lesn bum, undertone, sad g
rue ural bit t hunt if lhu pp hit done eeivecl hero from Ywatow say that roll 1
the worts of oonrtructlon nrP truing will pumila him to pay cash for hip on the do 'd aha 0stma» Dull -
tan. Thu* It WAY happen that In a cigurr+. arert O t . the eight days before th,•y out At Swat)w, the Distriot,dovers- - I)Inner-A t, w step• a quantity of
start out, there Ir no (cut of b,fez' or of llsl-uIug will b) dismissed a roasted meat, with potatoes, plans,
year in whish the corral revenue Mrs. Nation ham been oflerwd a g� tkm.
wl.owR a surplus over current ex "clary to inter In "Ten Nights Ina lir. Bloc, tile. Ikauinion (•cusum account of his anti-Christian attf• TWO DIED FROM THE EFFECTS. fruit.
and ch.,euhhtoem. No pu•idlae tin
ludo -and ills dllaturinuar la dealing (vitt, sc nit eh.�eRr, ten w tnllk, ergp
pendittire. there W yet a eon.Idert IAtr-room." l'ntess she has changed commissioner, loam therefore tele• with llermaaInterestsslatino- 1Cew York. March 17. -The clean, evil pecuftm.
Wu ,iddlti.n to the public debt. graphed all coueur cuwurtselonerr to Supper -Fresh rxhet meat, ohwseP,
muoh the boor -nem would be a liard tamtrurt the entanwrtturs to be vele- Two Chinos) participant, in the ship New 1'rxfik rpechK(f her dock at a litt�l,• brand and an apple. Three
Lnxt Year tilt. surples wad greater sight tier to the tenth night war auti-Warman riots have been be- 10 o'clock to -night, after to lslrmngc lasses t4 water taken daily With n
than the cap►tal ezpew,llture. hence th,utal In tato vvuy suggcvled by Dr. R
reached llontitnmbert. The ewitlgwx w lie. tbeaded at Hod -Ping. In which an explealo@ of an ammonia little wine.
t w'nx p,dwnlble to rtducE thr'dpnt bJ' hrribed by Dr. Muutizambert :til of students Caaee Trouble tank and a broken shaft caused lows Ag„!n, the dlet has to, b• varies, for
$779.639. This. year , notwfthrtund 7I1e 1rooutatioo of Italy 10 1881 "rap a very mild type' BudA 1196th. March IS-8,rbws dos- of life ana much dumagu to thc.vell - nith:xtgh the borelatter prescrl t wIt ntn-
lurtRencea Utve ocearrod he»betweet As a result of the explosion fifto-til linnet much more ed. Ttie It was twL
Ing the surplus, an addAtitin vtt $I,FO�r YtRtcA ea -8.160.000: the {rrrlim'n Pu Itotd Court Mwr !tortb. sufflc.lently dissolved. Tl:e eln°minon�
1100 to till. public debt is anticipated. my tePwrt or the census jwt cum 3A. ice L'icharda, of Manitoba, ham the university yfficials sad tel ste wen erre orercomp by the fumes of roils, therefore, were Ineronrel and
fir grant public works nrr In Pruces" foretell places, it at 35,000,UJJ, nu in Iso•° nppuiuted W proceed to Nor- dents in consequence (of orders bq•sd
crease of about _3 per cent. In luny House, 6cc.w.atln., to try Filen by tis Minister of Inmtrllutbs for ammonia on Thursday morning letltt, dhetom ithdrawhnhf r tell days. Thin
,.f rnehpletion, and more of them nrr r'rugg for tfie murder u! her hue- the removal of all crones from the anti so seriously prostrated that two
projected for the'lmprovement ,d our twenty yeara 1#hen tha.large emi- band, in that district. At the same. lecture tatm of the ■niverrity. Ila sews ootltLiao Inter, Lite tile
woman ,dlatlal followed. -Built erre lurlhxl SwtlsflPei the doctor nail taw woman
transportation rout"m 811'1 the devel grntion from Italy 1/ taken into ac- arrlato Alcx. Thumur will be tried on :,p.te of this prohibaiun• wh ru the at sea. d,veral others Were coufinal altprwnnl was allowed to choose her
,proent of our foreign trttdp: lS'?n" canal this to n remarkable showing, a cjcurgo of rc•,hicing hlr two "telt- rams were opined this morning the to the ship's hospital for Pont.- time. own diet. The result was ntlrel3
we shall surely get to the end dAughters. both under 16 Dears of prolesaurs discovered that the totu• and ()tie wad still to the hospital when Rnttrfnetory.
time t%ge, Judge Richards Will be au- (lento bad gained entrance anJ -balled tilt- ship docked, and will ba Iran.,- tar. Sch•'pek m^ntlonm _9 Snell camp\
utlLI,l,r class of outlays, anti be nil,• 8� Gen. Delarey has been shooting tthorizrJ to proceed to Norway Houxe crosser to the walls. The offici.hls ferrel to a hoe,{dtal In this illy. In add PI'm to th" flfteven mentioned
to buckle down to the extinction of priponere too. Ile probably counts on as x,n,n after tile opening of hall- costimenced to remove the religlour The dead are: John Kent. a steward In him first work. HA eanaliers that
and were ort the vessel, who died of pneumw,nla any wmmnn might adopt join method
our debt, following the eerlou, of try ., able to al sou from t1,P coag' persons allot n its unnyuoti erhpersonsLwho suite(] the students. • Slats of the with tile all of her family doctor.
lesion nil 7thirty-six h(xbrr' After th:� ncrident.
Olen? Britain niter Yjer try at the final rox,nd•up. If Klluh- J' .be charged with having wm- latter, however, supported the oft?- and ('art Fragkvi"t, nn Amerl^an Citi American %Vuulreh to Test Iheory'.
Tu -
(if the United States after Apix)mAt rrpr,eala with nlurlerr�R lite Ue Wet itltied any ladlcta Ile offence with- elall, and violent scan -a oniged. Tur Zen , a steerage p:axscnger, w1ume
tn1. Many of our people do °till a°til Delnrey as horlcxaMe gPuenJ" in the district.
lectures were soap--rWeti The matter athiress vias °nubtainnbl! last °ht•ht. Parts. March. 16. -Dr. Schenck iv
lsell6•cP ill int light tnxntbA la n Jiro- Kitchener will cave :v stain upon Itis Mrs. Eduard Miall, wife of E.twnrd se01 be dlsonared In Parliament. F. ('(oIrt(on, n cabin steward, Iw atilt quest t Part eanext wept at the to
)}lull. lleputy Minister of Inland Itev- Au+car's Future, .affP'rine from Inflammation of the men of flour wealthy American mo-
motor of nntlonnl hnppine'". own reputation. enue• died wddenly tit Aylmer this fu s. n•1 iris taken to a hospital. �a who are amoexpng
t'P children,!06t
Mr. Fielding'@ nnnouncem^nt that morning. rb Ileeo r March 1Generrlis on W r - A They °grebe among t riptioyii ?moo
Justice Roberts, who held the in• According to tl statement made by tdlow ills ds usorlptbns Reru-
thern wait tis' no tartft changes tills olrt:w relate that General on Wer Superintendent James A. Wright, of ^tory pr
�(r the negro Henderson, turn^d A Sentemee Cuuuuuted. der, who was recently rent on a errs P-arlean line. the pul'xi41y in order to glow a thorough
Fear will M received wNh g�Pn*1rill by a Texas cuoU.;eayr lois Lord Minto approved of nn under- clat auimslcn to kit. Petersburg, tab eecathe Am[ mmortlA occ,rre'dD ndtohalf- feet tie) fila tivPory as to Spx APter-
araltsfeetloa. nil (oily merited and in ('uancfl•to cloy cum°roting the time met with a cleft recrptlon nt P� min 11 +n. Two womPa are Plr iict►rot•
lasers and oatmeal millers finJeutfi elnlence {oAmsed upon l;eo. St. that Icus�lna capital. ami that ties pas' mix n clod on Thursoluy morning. Inc to beget boys, the third n girl.
far mere protn Oon, tie ef,flamend. abl.�." A i$tAte where A, 14'w Cyr, .yP Uausun L'lly, Tukup Terri- private with which Emperor r:fr berati of the condenser on the
Asking officer makes "itch an uffictal finding tory , to lmprivaonwent for life. St. Cyr Wi:llism entrustel him. and which refrigerating apparatus wax furca,I
(Drier on til^ para that the prrtxr In approval of mon Inw t"er.Is wirslon- un I Jnmer Uritis were both wood- was Intended to Pzplau6 away all in pump manner. The nppurntuv b RF RIVtKIi S)t► Nil'KF.1,.
ential tart(! one stimulating import arlot,. It l: w g,o)d place w keep P oliper. . killed frlum the shot uta ivt�elyi practico�lly (alta which tit ie ad have cf ckan lrmar�P ster arntrtrd side-.ortion (or nNear if A Pr•tltlrn Presented to Ibr ()"to" 10
tloos of woolen gouda from
Britain -
1t wall intended t„ -.k, away frrim. glia which wow In the hnndr of fell Minis tont count n Affairs.
a Russian time ating apparatus at the /:oveteel A I h
- the of Th • Ifnmottoa Steal t [ton ( wupauy.
-- ----- __------.-- 1'vr. Fl. V' 6r Aftorwtar.l@ gave hlmsdl Minister of Foreign Aflnity, else Iwep time and seven ntewnrcb, Rtper-
-and the latter ten the plea that the n *tatln that lie din, not Into
ly gnestlonea Gen. Yvon Warder re all° and emMn, and flltewn re{)I+•epnt�+d by senator Nvrrd, 1'reel-
IIUN..1, I. 7'Ati'rf: P• K t rse Prs. When the Am -
duty ren onto, b higher titan the duty _, to "hoot Italia; the run went orf Ly garaing the c; thp nplia Agiion tation Ave In moningl Tn lig (idem, And C. K. W'il,•ox, Manager ; the
Ma t•almPAl. M'e notice in a commas Nuuld Wks- to be a t'rndlAute lw for l funml gullty�T etried
Jur1t (irmao speaking Protvinoes. Awtrla9 partm nt twhies chxis an tthe same deck Nick
Steel CunqutnJ•. by John I'+►t-
cial report that the Toronto JobhOr" Toronto. aye n rreommendntiun to mercy. A L•,"t'eth View. N the mnM dining xa p. there was tin -,-z- ,ern.•an.t ay (;cor•.- Iron Fur•
_-_. r a mad rush for e. conn. tlrrme epee nn::• Company, by /«:ung•' F. Drum -
deny that the Rs cit wGich rom^ from Tfie #Whiter 11aAtthat the tiingwrs nu i the trial Judge sent to OttAWA The Landon correspondent e• theMore
Rrltaln under the preferential tariff peninsula Imd bean nobly rpprpofst- n report invertible to commutation. lleral l cables an Interview with a Up the
f K) the fnmee arra dropped newt, foarto Govirrseed A memorial to
to directt$ illly gentleman who known very 'stl- G, the liar. OtherR were aloin 'to filo Ontarh, GovernloPnt, for a
Are the kind that comp^ y ed by Its fruit at tart Exposition, and there bring In sling wasd doubt ibnal mately the doings And sayings of 1al- get dont (if the room. and efforts bounty on "Whorl wu•rl. Tfley�%ay In
with C'ana,ftan p-.tAuets. In any case, ap a result of this there war un Im- or Whether otherwise, nn I g was Intentional
the matesAurtrt omit. Said be : " f tee were At once made to open up the Part-
the cwtenmer lone a right to ohuMe mgaxp an.l mAgnitlrrnt mark/•t wldch prisoner wax givenithe henent of the the death of the present emperor wmpnrtment and let the ammonia Ruth the Div also null Ontario
clothing can hold the Austrian em- ��' Governments gave cons
Of Ire boo-
mnrtets, Red K til• Canadian mann- a,ltld be opened in France.. Within a doubt. The dlinirtrr of .ia4tlre there- pure together. The German pro Tharp were fifteen trended by the ItSps! for til•:' manufacture of iron and
fore made a recommendation for cum- physician -4 no n repult of the nm- Steel. Tllr met Important form, low•
(nctarer wantp hip coelom Int hila cu(opth a (int. of stenmrrx haJ been mut:atop, which has Dow been uI* winces w111,without any kind M doubt, muslin
deserve It by Supplying the best goody started between Muutreal and u r)roved. St- Cyr Wile to hale tA'ca Insist, as they have already Ax- excpp thumps namebo-Ing inlinitvl, but all tumever, In winch !( it is now mamdae-
At the lowelrt Twice . Thi" French Pitt, AHJ tteT could soon I..Ked or. June 71h. presmeclsthetr desires, on golag over exetpt lieu named aro now doing tII-. 1, and which 14 an alloy
by far
well - til-• Idgtacset price. 11 an alloy with
Ottawa for power to romp'l tile send their apples and peaches direct. To Lltstlt Preference. to Germany. The Czechs will be for ni k. -I, known Ike nickel -steel. Plants
unwllling caatomwr i" playlet out. Tar ly to France. lie supponed they would Presblent Merrill, sof the Boart) of Independence, but under Russian co,•t,u,g many miulunot of dollars have
have nn ob -coon to taking French Trade; D. J. Mcl,nuglaun, J. H. Thom- protection. The Hungarians wlU NEW PROPHET IN AFRICA. I,tm•n erected In the United Station
Was who buys in a free citizen am 1 son, Gen. McKeen, .old. Mcltne nml seek independence slid ask for more for till. manufactur., of this 4pPciAlty,
well as the man who PellP toady. Ile vias glad to hear the new Jar A Likely. of St. John. Arrived sea coast in addition to the port
wnrrrc vtive lruarr r.Pri1.,ilLcx fur. \'latera Ly un Angel and 1'h„email W'hik• Y'aneda tw,pplh•s the nicks to
Tile one Introit chnge ecshshats in here today. They are a delegation of Flume. The Itallaa provlw*e With a Ntw '111sslon. opopraW• these \tiieriian phnte, which
has -
putting DPet sugar mnclouery on the rruu(laluua utterances which had tows the Government to Pupport of will go over to Italy.” @Ph1 their product at from law* hon•.
W Pena made utter'AgAinda uu, Preach- u°- Mr.'rLt>Lrran's resolution to coafnr _-- — Loddon, March 1d.-Advieii reach. droll W mix handred dollars per ton,
(row list for a year, with power to auLtua by mrtuaers u1 that lharty. the British preference to touch good"I (� Ing here from Meng) I'ghnda "ny albw M•redt ltns t10 nil h Intiu4try, nail
eztsad the t me._
Tile ltomini4xi Par- -rite Fr,-nrh-t anu,d6aas cuunituveti is nrrivo at i'anndian xealm,rts• MISSER 1 CNiCKIN lhprr la' eonmlder6lrlP eveitement In tow, Unified States. whil:' wholly de•
. t\r:rrinllttotrs not 1-1,ym-. w(xv ked silo the rt- MISS R d� nickel
liniment dr9e, rA prbpal , to logy a 'slot', also-tlrtt-frrtva'r*rrg d►PI+v that it (f .Irriea owl6itIlly1lll*`ac- pt•tPdeut upon Canada nnA Irc.linq
deslrc to go from the country, anti meet of Public Works ntxolat dredg• 1 all Jur nirkpl from ('auruht In a cauda
bounty for tithe prdmluctinn of hart ah :y wr,ial,d DOL be mad! go. Tile two fug tie ntrtnre to the hnrlyx, Anil __ thin of the kinnrnmAalan MPhtil, (or
Pr,Vfiet, a-hn hex pr.oelmfinPa hitnsrlp form of matte•, talon ref:nwxl n., ked
sugar if lbw Provincial l.Pafela- hunli..nadtice were bxound u, live. tile, Drphrlm^nt of dlarinP respect- lhprv• nm the Ipntk•r of n new tie- ant alloy• of nickel at $120 twr ton
tarty rhrxse M do that, thpy run. here, nota the bort thing way 4, live Ing the gnemtbn of dock loading. v when itntortixl from Canada or nay
T, "v v,ach lirwlnty "fimulatiou Ip bail friendly. Th:y woYxhipped at dlfferrtit - Shot by Man ill Whose COOP trine. The new prophet'p name ix Mu- collator country.
allure, bat notional; mum mora cure Indzl t'gandn. lip in 4nldtlie-ag.rl• „Am mimes. smelters, refiners And
Tat any Industry, and ruinoam to than that the name (;Of watched A DUCK FAKIR Four Were Found. wears n long tenet, nnrl h of imhrex- nlanufactnrera of Ontario and Ind(
sicc prrxPneP. He wn" the prineiPiil vlduale Interested in such enterprises.
the tRxpwyers. Indeed, we fury that over them, vet for t em t 1. M n Who W (sited to Advertise Ills Social- - _ Islam teacher of the former C'gnn-
Mr. Firlding Is somewhat alarmed at Oil mnaon heaven fur them all. Major King.that t amt pmol thee, Government
Th,mp"on had reminded them xf top toile Ylewr. tin Jlnl)nmm known T kmltp who wn4 n tf (; tun pwll**t nt thn (ioveor Pr t
the prospect rot a henvy drnln oil the fifteen English•sp •alcing n,"minis Ottawa. Starch 16.-A rew art)" ago LYNCHING NARROWLY AVERTED. widely rcvi"Inmltr. The new of (ahpada, whethPt Dominion or Pro
trPaaary by means of the ,roe anti from Quebec, ana it wax only ..•cent• there Appeared In the 1'eopip'n Voice, prophet recalls ►pent ten tlapx In vin,-Wl, mhwuld bo flrst Canadian
1 ttuht Sir. )facto was created n molltede In A forp"t, nn -1 declares DP
stcAl bnnnticn. He wa°tip "to trent Senator, nitlwnlgn lie lived In an sic- a ponce pnMlmhal at W'Innippg, a Chirngvi, Ill., March 18.-U • soguel was ctnited by an angel wit,) phnrg- In ill„ inn react of taw Province ppail
them ns railway suMktlrx and not mnh4fe.mto by (me dk,djan4ki, regard- to n chick^n th- ft Charles ghat was Pd hill, with A mission. The prophet n lila luinniniun, we ask tJuit tilos (k,v•
torn) dlclslun which wan ill) jr. r cent. lag the articn of the Uoukhobour net- ernnv-nt at onto• enforce the pro -
An refunilm of duty," that in. to French. lip might have prevented tiers In the Northwest Territorlpa in shot and kHled by tlasbl- Paters. new ilea letup tm mainly nn df)hn8 Ore visrinnm am' rxPry•Ine tilauthority
that. for wan ha not mantes ct Che titan lineP, but Sfuludsi'x to owerR are
chnrgo them Y) capital accotant And
declining to obey the dpmaudd of the Wathln•ten minutes atter the shoot• nllcw•rd three new viepx In place ,r ITI`'' , umber til*: pmvfewnm M the
Adminlstratl,u, ant) (IIA h., Out hold Uovermm�t respecting the laktutt lip Ing n large crowd gathered al le uuin,r act, nR nmProtrrl, or any otter
little Rpread the pncwent over n much men no air Wiltril Laurier and of hompxtp,Ad,r nod other matter@. ters' home and threatened to lynch thomr preclonmly percnllteti- IPgal authority, and collect the tax
term of ypnrx after the •buuntles Sir Richard Cartwright in the loud With regard to this the I)Ppartment him, but the arrival of- the patrol ant)w,rizaf In fitrng•rt►ph seven of
shall have been earned. low of ham hand? lLaughter.) simply think" that It b the Outcome wagon with policemen preventedapy LEADERS OF RIOTS EXECUTED til"' -luau act• whish reale as luL
Thern wap pr, Consprvntive ex- Frpnch-t'anadlans, said the speaker. orf a desire on the pert of Idaljanmtl, mob violence. _ - lows- (a► For lyrdw of nickel $10, or
Mlslster of Finance In the House yes- could nRver thank their English a titan of extremely pmisllxtte pro- The endsi of the quarrel was the due$60 per ton If partly treated or n••
teed. it Charles Tupper and Iron. brethren enough for the hnndr which clivities, to advertime hlmsplf, and hp theft of fifteen chickens from Rlack'r The shah .tnnnunees Ali II.Ieutloe dared ; (b) For orep .•f copper and
y, PP
F. Fnater having both hen they had conferred on Sir Wilfrid has no doubt attempted to cause file- hen roost. Four of the miselo hen:, n!t'nntlnufng lirfortnm. nickel comMml $7 per ton or ; ,O
dPtpnted tit the general election, Lnnrier, for It ,howpd that with the slatiafactto,n betwoom the Depart- it ds ■aid, were found to eters' Vionna. March 17. -According to per ton tit party treatt.l ur re-
heaasr the duty of replying to Mr. Liberal party there wan no racial Ment of the Interiyr and the peopie. chicken coop. Rinck Started out to the. Neue Frele Parents the reforming (tut -e'4
Fick ung fell to Mr. F,. it. Osipr n,1d feeling. In Ouehee they did not divide it M further etntprl by tone ret the get it' warrant for Peters' street seek awakened In the £,halo of Perna "Tho revpouA thus collected to be
Mr. Jauxs Clnney, neither of whom om lila loner of t'rrnch nail BuRll"h, officlnlm of the Department (of the when he met liters' near the latter's during life recent Europann tour ,In11 as l Iminooteel *upon Pig iron and un-
made any very serionR impreamion. An lisp, socias of the Liberals In Interior that the information In the house, Anti accused him of stealing null since pill into practice In his con niekcYourl petitioners
el In that
Air ltich.ard Crartwr{ght fins the floor. (Aueber wax due ,Imply to hard work Department In that many t the vll- tnrlo, Your pPtltbnerm believe that
y the chickens. own tdnrotnlonm. lone Ind to n merlon:
but It it Dot probable that the, hu4- oil the. part of English an I French la eR have Already rP urllmtwl B"d- each aetob on tile part „f tie Gov-
. R P Wttnrsrn, may Peters drew his re- rising to Teheran. where. It Is maid, ernm6 .it would at once give nn lhn-
be 1 n drawn out Alike, jrtnxki, and are willing tt, make home- volver .and, fired four shots at Black, devout MolwmmcLanm resented Iris
f star
stet dpDnte will o R
\ - _____ __!!
Tile guemt.on that they should ask stead Pntrle" nn (t, (other settlers,
themselves wan nm to whether tom and dpalrP now that they are in Can-
all luting effect__ -
linjewty'e progressive tendencies.
The ls were united, Shear Isar.
mus^ Impalas to the mann n. r .
of steel in
and ase
country wne n nation. it it wall, n bt to conform to Canadian cuRtomx.
there wns no tension why they should
The Department rk>r•s that clynvfder
ars, Including eg set•e•nl coo -toed fnvof•
ltam, were executed or exiled; nail
Latin, nail that these who now buy
in, t w
the crude form
Mr. Cnrnegie's coffer t., d„nntA
hot hate n French-Canadian refire- the, article worth Any rerionx con-
order rrst(orw1.
fit matte would be compelled totally
fit matte oald a
j5,_(If1000 far lila erprtlon of 115
trranch library buOdl s In %Pw York
mentallve In 'R,runto and nil pliglital,
mCmhpr far Montreal. It would be
Notorious of OnoA Rubbed
nR an,
The Shnh fe Intention
It in the form of pig iron or mlerl,
anti would in melt-(Irtncr Ike also
;;ity, "to trench the maRmrs ..r line
grpnt iplulAntlon if hr wprp ankel
Capital •nA folios.
his rpng ills to continue
fife rrfrrrmm.
p„mpPllood to take (town their pres-
t• enpJa
to Ile n Ann•bolatr In the heart op
London, ?larch 17.-G1nrw O:Icicrt,
ane tory tariff wall”
TvPopIR in .vary, rllmtrlct,'•
tonnl ration the "item Innil
•inr (nrnimhrrl
Ontnrin. In the City (of T,tronto. Ile Londl,:n, March 17. :Mr, John iturna,
thought If lip tvraw linked he would %I. To.. and Mr. Thomas Burt, dl. i'.,
the Qnren
loinda'a nPml-mond
rlrxrrx far the free l avid
open of
mina of LnPMP Alloys ut steel nnA
by till, tnTpaters, and also that
go there, flml IC nut, lint] believed nn I other labor IPaderi. are confer-
was kills l Int 3loMlay nail h^r ■any
or roAy turn lip In Now Ytrk In tfip
matinfaclory nrrangem•ntp mil -ill be
thnt he Sinop win. HP wished that ring In rPgnryl to the feARIhlllly or
coarse of a Any or two.
ltuneter Funlllers Lny Celtic Crosp
"Yohr p)rtftbner@ respectfully oak
made for the maintenance of the 111)
more ontnrlo mtntrwmpn would romp the prnpnsPd federation of the Pm
to Quphrr, riot they would tin stir- ployer6i nn I employers' oniyn", to b^
The wmm�n, who was about ^3
of Sbamroeka mrd L111*%;
that the, Government exercise til
granted In this act for the
ranee, That probably Implinm nn.ont-
prl"'I 1(o know that ulna out of every known as the National Federation or
yeast of age, wns notorloun tnrmagh
flat tom illy fro• her wnrahaIth and the
Windsor. Engs M¢rob IT.—With
impot aI taxes upon olokel ore
JAY of much more than five million
ten Frpnrhmen understood F.ngldah. Master AAsolitUtIonR^ anti
kw"Ivy mile wtxp, nasi that nolo.•
King Edward's special Tterm:alon,
n nil nPxtn nMtel and copper ores An
and upon
dollars by the ptopl^_ to be benrfilrl,
It wnp n rip to pone that during the 1'ninne, the object loping to pronnntr
sty cost her her life. she was nt-
deputation of the Royal Munster
their partially treated products
Dot Now York Is rlrh enough to font
lest enmt"vign he mAdp Appeals to co-operation of the two in respect
rnMnl rPJn•Rrr, in (arber. -- Mr. the explanation of British trade, and
tnpkrxl in her to In
lR gs, and oil8flaln•
Fnslllmrs, Including Oeneral Laurle
ani Col. Johnorton, visited the mans•.-
whether the sump he smpltehlrwnd r
fined In C'anarta or not, anti that the
the bill without feeling the bard^n.
j R
Tnrtr'm mppech tit Wrlinml. to dPVIM• means to meet foreign rom-
epi no (meas than eighteen dagger
hours at Frogmore this afternoon and
in,( thio colle•te,l tie pal I an n I"onli
Mr. CarneglP'n idea roof inducing lit.'
petition. Mr. John Lockle, late Conn-
rnaklatm for Devonport.
Ncvne ref theme, sora " to ma
Imld a ItPautlrul Celtic crCo of Sham•
1)hon the mnnfwrturb, of nk•kpl-RIPn
people to read In worthy of All rom
TIIK PI•:Urif,x UK t Flntrc mervativP
Q who b the lea da lila mnrPrtMnt,
wool, hmTa been rttortnl, but In or-
rocks awl Iillps npon the tnmb of
Qrteen Vlrtorin, In memory of Mt. Pet-
In Ontnrlo, and they further n"
that, In order that tiv for
rtlesdatirxa. One her only to "lip Into
Changed Their Politlerfor the Public ham opened hpndgnartsrp In Imadon.
der to ehmrRpe froom tier annaaliant
Win Jnmp)e,l froom a high windrn►. And
rink mhJ of Queen Vlctorin's row.
the• mnnnfneture of nickel Iron ono
1De Hamilton Public l.ibtnry build
/load. -- - —r
the fall killed her. The. murder
man l n year Ago to the Irish soldiers
nlr•kel Rtrpl mn.v 1)r aur•rr4nhilly Car
•, Ing. any Afternoon or evosi@s, to see
Nr. Ilodle Mel3bousail Mpeake.
The Ih,n. dor. Tarty upon T,PinR In-
h awn with
Je y $IO,OIhI wrath of
to wear shamrocks.
tied pill In ('A/pati/►, A1"1 that CMtm►i
hill- greatly the noon of a free librarydfly
Vankle: k Hill. March IN. -Mr. Sfr,
MAY have Rnch a monopoly of til
MnAing room ill apprec•lated Ivy
trtdt"I wnx received With great Dro+tRnll ham plated that CAtnrtfinx•me
T;usplrion has fallen apnea the ells
Took w �tronm tape,
raw materiel of tad" metal, lila
lila men Atwl women, the buys null the
clamoring. Ile organ by rongrat°- did film more insting g ,till then any
luting the Liberals upon their mplen- other medicine h^ evdr uppl. it. nbioo
nolnto arkorl of nn" of tltrt moot re
Rp•cted fnmllipx In (ipnon, who atm
Of tit wn, March 16 Nnpodpon Tren)�
bbay. of Nleholoe mtrept, drnnk atm„
the 0overnment eonvey no further
Inda or any title to Or Interest 1
gIrIS of the city, rMl'r At whom
did work In the last election. lip lotely cured film of anal ratnrrh,
nproparpl tit the time of the master.
enrlw0le nell Initial night ns the wlnol
nny i•tnl• containing nickel ores to
would almost certainly by In n worts
Ilk,1 tit an"t people who fought to a.nr1 he rnnfidently stnlem that, al-
Thr pollee nil tenon nr, certain that
ills of n pptP,,. It, will reenter. al-
tiny Individnal or Individual:, rom
it they wvrr Clot In the Illw•nry
win, be said, And he wished there th nigh others may prnlme their ptD
('alarrhnzone Is
the murderer gilt away wl one of
though ht suffered greatly.
Pnnipi or corporations who will not
1fiP feel.
were more p.nptp In Ontario AkP the p/aratlonx, Yet n
two atPAmrra tnnnd respectively for
reflne and now the nickel •lmrivw
reading mown. Nor nil
Lltxrnh nil Vl'etlnnd. The LO"rels equalled an a enrp cure few ratarrh•
Netw Y(wk nail Ruennm Ayres.
The international Natlgatlnn C'o,
from sn^h urge In lion mnnnfnrtur
llbtarier Nljarlaus to the
Inqul►las (on afloat 4111)
weer in newer nt Ottawa, nil from
of flew he perhAPn The Army aP corps whish the
W'lll Abandon Water Tang
backed by Naw York and Brooklyn
eApltau"t", hag swcdrld the Nln•
of this metal And its various Alloy
fin Outset h"
trade. pros@
A party point ilii de
Mlnlatrr of Militia ter rirtl IPiI to es
gars River Pvenraknn doctn In 11nf-
J►,t• we hove been convinepd (list 1111^
howl mt right to complain lor andko, talluell will ronst:t of fnwr enmpanien
Merlin, MArrh 17 -The G^rl"nn
into , and thA dneka an the Canadian
Mr. T R. RIARht. oil Rlmerr. fin
"An ,d ,fin free library one o11r,hg,'•
Mnk bailing. and taw, turnover In the
herregrettedAto)t*00' Int'atsd respPetlaPly At London. To.
ont,arM on the one si iP And Quebec rr*rnto. Ottnwn ani Montreal.
roost Is the tax that conselenee
neavy, Itke file Rrltivh title rondsmnel
the RCIIPviIIP I"v'IsrR int nil@ on war
ships. Anti 1124 decided to rabsndnn
Raw] AmerlAAn sliolMof the, rlv@e At
NlaRarn F'nlls. Thin company pro-
hewn appointed Crwtnty Crown Attn
rwy of Noortolk. to fill the vaAaar.
brooch etnrPm of Hraminton U greater
,tin *he other. lie lamented ?bat
pose4 pottlhg on a of steel"-
ratwmrl by the Math of the Ist3 J.
__ naw then It w -n4 hnfrvro the library
flirt, aPpsrially ail R Frech-Canaddn. pays to guilt.-BswNl.
Pra this sums", . I
t AnNey.
i '. . I,
I 1. , r .
� � . . ,, �, 1� �4 _ '10- - I � I- - __ - v I ��,`
�r\raM•,.rr"%*"w.,,r, ,x,yA
The Markets
Leading N'be0l alarket.,
Thm fullowiug a" the cio.wg quit.
a Litt'+ at Impurtaut wiwat Destroy
to :
Oaab. Lal
ca gu... ... ......
.. IN 1
1, 75,5 .s
ow Yofll... ...... ... 0110 11797I,
ilwaulc,e ... ,... ... 075 U W
t. Luoula... ... ... ... 000 U 78 ;,.1
T„leldu... ... .. ... ... 07884 a oU I'S Astrult, red ..... ... 07V 1 t 0 tl1 1.4
lelnAt, white ... ... U791 4 000
lhduth, No. 1 ,
Northern ... ... ... ... 07$ 1 8 0Tj1.4
uluoi, No. 1
hard .. .. .. ... 07518 000
Mluneapulb, No, 1
Nurthurn... ... ... 000 U741.4
OSah. Ls Y.
bloagvo ... ... .,...- j--- $077 I -if
ow York ... _. _.... --- U81 1•6
Mllwaukes ... ...... 077 __
t. "to ... .,, ... --- U 75 1.4
4bletdo .. _. ... 080 0 t4 I
Ustrolt, red ... „. 0801-4 UNI? 1-4
Detroit, white ... 080 1-4 -_-
Duluth, No. 1
hard ............... 077 1-2 -
tallith. No. 1
Northern ... _. _. 075 1-8 U771 -a
Mltmea{wlls No. 1
Northern ... _. 07.18 4
l'uruulu M artmera' Illarket.
Wheat --Stead to firmer; i0J bit,
ul W W to and 800 bu. of red quid all.
haugvd at 681-:'. to 69c, and lip
w. of goose sold 1.2 to 10 hlglwr, at
63 1 _ to 66 1-2c.
Barley -Market easier, 60;1 bu. @Call
I lower at 45 to 4tle.
Oats-Dellvertos large amt prices
steady, 1,000 bu. sWa unchanged at
81 to $•l 1-20.
Hay -15 kinds said unchanged at
j14 to $15 per tom.
Straw -Market ux rs active• will,
prices weaker ; 5 kinds soi 1 3o_ tie
jl lower at $9 to $0.30 per uoll .
Butter -Plenty of fremlh 1x,,m l soli
were offered by farmers, r n l i her.
was u g„ol demand. Prlyd•0 rale,,
atoady at 19' to 'LAD, and in ,•.,cue in
atAneee a cont or tea eu,-r,• mss
asked. Larges rolls were gwet un,1
I at 17 to 19c.
Eggs -&!ling stock was pl'nt,lul.
ani lt'sold freely to a steady ,If lnund
at 15 to 17c, some ,holders Raking tae,
and this prim was nccaslouallr ib
trained for small lots.
P,.ultry-The offerings inclatal sen.
Pral large, lots of ir,•sh chirkpns,
vgJdch stvl•1 ratttdly at 50 to 41- per
lr. Turkrys also mold wen tit 11
to lbc, but g,eeso And duw ks were
Apples --More than a ilex •n ,,t.Is
were ,offered and trade wn. hr'sk.
Prices are mteAdy : the ch•Hr • lots
model At $3 to $3.50 per I,rirrrl ung
some fine attplPa were hell at lilt fa
Single tsrrel lots. Culls ?Ten• in rwr
demA°d and ware Inactive )it 4•' t.
Vegetmblre-D•mnnd wits et,ady
And supplies errs larger thorn nwmAl.
Trade was ■olive and prices hold
Dlremsea Args-Mmrkot netll,• Kul
prices steady at $7.75 to �p'r3 per
Toronto tildes and Wool.
Hide:, green, Tc; hides, esre4
71-2; calfakfns. No. 1, Be ' oautiahkab
No. _, 7 to 8c draoons (dalrlat. stew,
60 to 60c ; shcekpskirit. f--voh, 00e tot
$1 . tallow, rendered. 5 to 5 1-4c , .
wool, fleece, lie ; wool. unwasnnl
fleece, A to 9c word, pulled, a 1per,
17 to 18c ; wool, pulled, extra; _Ota
Pork Pecking.
Thera has been n decideri shr;nkags
in the package of lx,gs, the number
killed lu the west during the past
week amvwntiliR to 3hb,om, cook.
paired wit" AOt),000 the preceding
week, 4(1(1,000 during the cxre4ptp-
ding week a year ugly, 866.000 awn
years ago. The total amount othog@ '
handled dace March Into fe 6.15,000,
against 685,(110 daring ilia rant•
time a year ago, showing a re-
duction of 60,000. The quality of the
hog+ received N about the mune es
Inst week, generally fairly [or d
The pries of bogs continuer strong.
the average for western markets at
the cities being about 10c pPr IW
Ibe. higher than a week Ag•, oat
nearly TSe higher tbnn a year ogre.
Turouto Live (Stuck )larked+.
s:iyort catUS, Chelan, pen ewL TI ,n to 1 i 0
Lxa.wt cattle, fish(, Per ewL.. .I is to 1 @,
RaPort saws ... . 3 :J h, 3:a
ah6trhen,'enttle p•ked . � / e) w 1 M
aut'her, cn tui, enoa-a.. 391 w I ,ill
hkowher* nettle food ... a 33 w 3 Ti
do 6004.01", Ito awl 3 X to 11e
IfutChcr+ ,•ommoe, wr emit... 3 'Ir to t n
,,,I; to,
Cxt-rt, hraty. per ewL. 3 '. 04 1 -.
bull.. rawrt. light. p0r owl.. . 3 ,p to a 7e
reed er..'tort-resp .. . , a 73 n ton
�0 6nd.1i"1".......... . ... Slip
do light.... 3 33 to 3 M
dtocker.. M to Nal Him. ........ 116 60 36
aKoolonendbeafers..... 17; ill 3r,
Vending bull, . .. 3 30 W 331
lJ[wt aloes call. per OWL..... • • I 4 u, 3 L'
Mdaa cows, Dein... . s, do to a a
(.alvee, per head... . 3 em a l i [6
tlheep. export ewes, per OWL lot ll of W A w
do. boles. ...... 3 ,e w
Mbtm•p. outchurp'. sus.......... 3 W w I H
Iwtn lr. [ratn•ted, per cwt. 1 tot W 416
do hat„cud. per amt...... .. J 73 fin 1 0
I�nitw, rain ...... .......... Ile to 41a
Illobw oholoa, per cwt.......... m lig-u, "a,
tfo[4, fat, ;or cwt 6 a21/ n 01111,
Hoa', Ilmha. I-ar cel............ i W s,0 010
durr..twrowt......... .......... '„ o R«”
yang .... ... ...
Bradstreet's o■ rrade.
Trade prospect@ at Montreal era
very bright. Winter stocks have beau
all cleared ftp and the rotailern Are
well prepared to make prepnrst.on@
for the o omiing season. (hero u e
gr,pl demnnd for funds silt rAtea nrr
WhClcanle trade at Toront this
woek ham b•pn ltxxlerately urtivA
for thin Reason. Shipments far that
spring and summer se&we are Is
cranial ng. but n CcoJ many nrerA pilo'
hang held bikok till The first of 31L
month for mummer rates dh the' ►mho
ways. The J ,bbisg trade at IernLIOS
this week line b,rtp -lint& ooctlrtf. Snow
has InterfArpd Somewhat with tre'llt
Time Ilam been Some improvement b
the Jobbing trade At Winning the
pRat week. The fine weather be@ ccs'
trlbuted to the movement in Spring
gods, retallern throughout alit rru
,ince showing tome dlntrtnitinn to
mnkp pr PpAretlrmo for t,a rumina
snamisn. Wholeanlern tAkm A morn
lonIbeful crow of the outlook fnr triads
^ at Vancouver. Vl,!torin rand ether
tr>rint cities. it Is hopPa that the
s KkrndrkA trade and the dernnild from
A railway operaticma will help to 1 -0 -
creation thn trade or thn large snail
P- markets In the neer fnt,nre. Hahlilba
e whhnlwanlw trade elrNem report gtrlte
R m rash of or,era for the, Spring And
Stammer trade. The PIA elA*Order# for
k thin cominor memsrm here ft" Ilb"Tal,
r hilt largo motion will yet h,, made when
thin hvnrting trade gets nN,T" AAvel
ripest i,nhor In well employed and re
) tall Masirwom In thv city An 1 tie lie
s rnedlitn •rads epntrpm In bond- eleld
t wvnflni" to M firmly hold.
TIverw Ms been nrminplAPrwblo so
n ttvlty In Ottawas tow pent wok,
, NMP..
`Government ewf immfn: 24 rki .(111<)
bnahPle wheat In farmers' h4n'1" IA
I Minnesota an(I Tmtrntrs. Taklmar Mt
e 17I'M ,r") fnr RPP•l An I 't''rt (""an for
s enontr3 mille. D12vsr 2,M)ff.06n to t9
bnslness for five months nal fnr r"
" To Livsrpnol, hard. ernarlesn r#Ml@d.
r lu poodle, strnwg. Mil 9A ; trials west
era, In tlerese, firm. 4 OA flutter.
gv.od rafted 1ltatesl, 41111a. fees, ap
adtal. be 71-4d,.