HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-14, Page 8fi 8 Tuu.wDAT, March 14, 1.101. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. The Eotnt en arbitrator to the dlseelviog of 0.1r see. No 1, W. Wawaooeh, and the •rranga moot of two other U. S. ttwuun'. It was moved by Ater .Roterteoo,seconded by Wd• hum Hill. Was the petition be granted, sad u..t N'. .1. Keruighan t. appointed arbi• • trete.. Pernod. Adjourned to ruses agate New Sore n$e Goods uu Fuu.y, )lar ' 15'1), at 5 o'clock r, MoDyetAiie, Clerk. Are Here in groat profusion. We have made greater Mork than ever before to procure the latest novelties, the best styles, and will sell at the lowest prices. Our values this season are ex- ceptional in Dress Goods, New Wash Goods, Silks, laces and Embroideries, etc. Come and look them over.? No trouble to show goods. , Ladles" Fancy Neckwear New i3prsng Suitings The new fancy silk stock collars with gold spikes, very pretty, at The latest in white collets with 50ci poieted front, at '10c Ladies' Bishop Sleeve Rain Cloaks. The most sensible waterproof ever invented, comfortable and stylish, all '.Int new shades, from .. .3.50 to 10.00 Easter comes early tette year and to have your costumes tea ly you must be looking around and refecting now. We are well prepared with all the nOv'el1jer in costume studs to please you. The New Frenoh DUNGANNON. DK. U..t. NM tt'TUN, DENTIST, HAS dieconllnUed his trips to DuDWIn000. W.11 be pleased to meet any from that neigh borhoo,l who m• require ha servloes at the home °dice. Luokuow, where no will bateau(' evert dal io the week eroep' ThundaT. wbes be cute Hlplel. Speulrl a ,th or paid 14o `1 Midge work, of natural methods crowsof tr•ct- bridre work, etc. Noel "•y" fur. )1urtes.-- The local agency In Uttnttannon 10' 'f it iluNAI u at the oleos of J. U. WAttu ccovs anoer, &o.. a. hu will ro0•Ive or den for ■uirorlixtons. •d+r•rlslug and .01; wore, and is authorised t.: glee reoelpu 100 amound maid for the same Wiper WAN..1100011 LAW NCIL.-'1'b• IOU nlclosl tethers of \Vat Wswan.•sh w11 meet to the township hall on W edneeday the 20th lest: FOR Tilt NORTIIWOST.-Kabert Daunts, eon of ex•truwurer Wm. Dorian, of Welt t1'.wiuoeb. and eoa•'n-law of Mr. Mork tt llsoo, ..f Athh':Id, and E. Wtleoo, hu brother todew, leave here to the near future for the Prairie Proving*, to locate 11 the country suite them SI•arets• PARTY. - -Ila friday evening, Siefert let. • ple..•ut tome was ,pent at the iesldenue of Gorge Harris, Craosford, towwblp of Atbbeld, where • large Dumber of the members and adherent, of the Dun. gannets M.thodlet uburoh, and o:her reed • hhevlota-..• dents of the a wordy arrived at about 8 New Wash Goods will take the lead for early spring Cotton materials have advanced, as wear and they wake up you know, but we have never shown handsomely We have full better value" nor prettier tiesi us sobers, -at than we have on sale this season. Uinghamr in checks and stripes, Some Other Speolal Untf1/ acre extra, at • 125c New black crepe de chine at 2.00 New fancy dimity muslin, at Z0c New heavy .intro (caths to royal, old New blue and white silkettee, rose, red, brown, blue at New tweed *tutle in small checks. The New Belts. The black patent leather 'reit will take the lead in belts this season. We have- a variety of patterns at ....... 25c 13c Also new gold belts at 215, 40c, 60C. New brosdc!oths Lovely Near Silks. A good name for thew, es they look like silk and come very much cheaper. Nice range of colors at ...Dress Making Department... Tailor Suits our specialty. Our Suits made to order at 5800. 5'0 00 and 512.00 are something extra l: will pay you to look into these as we can save you time, trouble and money on your Sprang Suit. GentsFurnishing's Millinery. New _spring hats, latest blocks Ladies' ready -to near walking in stiff' hats, browns and hats in blacks, rough straw, blacks, regular $2.50, for... 2.00 new ehepe. worth $1.00, for New shirts, special at. 50c OND PRICE - CA813 OR PRODUCE'. Smith Bro's & C• henceforth in loving airtime to our Muter 25c u clout, the .,umber of friends being so great that Mr, Harris's large and beautiful roe.Jeooe wag tined t0 Ile uim0et o•paoity. 11 was • outputs* party, sod the guests Wight with them • large supply of viands u b&.k.s for t1M. Nation. '1'e. evening was pleasantly +pest with 010rolses of memo `Inti other intorseuog •n.usemeats. After .upper Lim mar pleasing part of the even- 'o1'e 00tertetemen1 was toe presentation made to Mr. and Mrs. Harris, *blob In no anal' dogrse sainted the greet eeteem in ehtub they and their family are hill by ,heir large wrote of trteode and soquamt- ♦oose. Among those present were the pas- tor, Rey. 1'. R McNair, end his amiable oompgoion. Mr. Harris hoe been • rest .1 nt of the townablp for about forty six veers and now retiree to Godench. Fol• l owing is 111e address wbioh •000mp•oud l 7e pt oeeutatioos : Nr. and Mn. (krona° Harris. Dkaii kdx,N»o.-We. the members ot the Methodist uburoh of Duoganaoo, having :earned with great regret of your Intended reor.val from our midst, desire to exprese 11 loving regard and our deep f loss c. your removal. Vont many exoelleot qu+ Ities of charm- ' er and your faithful servlois to the church f (,heist for many years during which you ave creditably tilled sane of Its highest ignores• of trust here won for you a high ae l0 our caofidence and esteem,whlle the maty years ot sweet fellowship and the 1,any tender rel.tloosbips to cur Joys and •arrows. our 001111.01• and triumphs in the ..cads of the Ltd Je•us have gives you a oleo, to oar affection whose watnith is bat 1 ow fully disoovered at the ptoopeot of •epatation. We wish you the highest pros. ;enty acid bappineas and the most eminent usefuloeee in your new home, and we would tieure you that should yo:. •ver return to 65c ,said• .mud the •noose et, y..ur ht• loop labors you would be warmly wsloomed by the loviug friends of yore. We beg art you, dear brother Harris, to ecwpt this *say °hair and you, dear "knee Harris. this Lyme book as slight tokens of nor sfloe:ion and es' • in. and may It be your lot and ours to expend all our eo.rgies ASi-IFIELD• SATURDAY, March 9th 'Ibis roads a -e very bed owing te the greet depth of snow. Mr. Tithes. 12th coo., has sold his farm to William Hueter. Mr. 'litho hag bought a farm near Lang - side, Brune Co We aro glad to hear that bus Luse, wbo war seriously 111, Is now tooyslesoeot. PORT ALBERT. 1 i-xot.ay, Mar. 12. J. B. Hswkloe is how. for • seek with Ills family. Will ('r•.eford and n...,. ,r, .tools. re- turned on Saturday from a visit to friends 111 Bluev.le. The .orlal o hick eau to be hold to the Presbyterian church tomorrow .venins le postponed owing to the bad condition of the roads. Jobe MOMlllae left tor Austin, Man., yesterday. He was accompanied by his Mteoe, Mfrs Mc.eoz e, who will remain in the Prairie Provfooe till next fall AUBURN. WKDNkaDAT, March 6th. W. E►mlogtoo 1s Improving. Large attsodano. at J. Koox's 114 today. `±. L Taube is looking iii r- the 0011011 wand of Auburn. J. L. ktelt hu last arrived home from hie sister's funeral at Crediton. Rev. Mr. Hamlltoo, formerly of Leebors, is supplying the Presbyterian pulpit William Wilson, eldest see of W..1 Wit. too, formerly of Auburo, died at Denver, Col , no February Sch. Weigh scale mee'mg March 1110, rhes books will be •edited and a net d:vid^ud of 9 per mot. will be paid. Mise Annie Sturdy is visiting friend. •t Climate, after whloh ebe will call on h, r Ooderich acg0uoa0ce.. Tbe Home Gaol* of Auburn eoi.erutoed W. D. Wilma art lits goad lade. In suti°t• patina o1 his e.r.y departure from our midst. )tn. Demmer 1s improv ne under the Dare of her daughter, who Is a professional nurse, and her daughter in 1+ r, wile of Prot. Axel Genr.msr, of Rochester. Edward Jong, tenant on the John Hick• ingbottom farm,'will have an extenete *ale oo March 19th. He has purchased Harry's interest In the bnmsetead and will shortly move into Col roroe, SPECALIS1 BEATEN The ease sr a wantrea: Gentleman, to Wb.. the •;reateet rol.lrlem• •mild 3t. Bring Health, Cured by Mode'. kidney P111.. Mootrenl•Que., Mar. 11. -At 1398 St. Denim street, this ofty, dyes Mr.('. Ltplerre. Mr. Lapterre h.e been very i11 with kidney trouble. He tried the load pbysfoteos, but M no purpose. He summoned from New York City an eminent specialist. He fail- e d even to relieve Mr. Lapterre. At last. when very much run down, and en 111 that he ooald oo; turn to his bed, he wed Dodd'e Kidney Pills. He Ix better. He %aye "For yearn 1 suffered excruciating pains. I was treated by le.diing physicians and epeci•list., one from New York City. All failed to cure me. A. feet, 1 oould not tern from one side lo the other in bed. "1 read a paper of 1)odd's Kidnsy Pills. The first box helped me, and 1 kept on. Now my kidney. don't trouble me at .U.' MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. cul.noliN 1. CARLow, March 4th. 1'olhorne nounoll met In the township hail. An the members were present except the Reeve. N.jor Young in the ohait. Tee minute, o1 h. previous meeting wife read and adot s, The following accounts were pu), tv 011+,41 printing, $10 50 ; :'1L•q prim toy. $17 50. H. Pentland presented a pal 1' 100 .• h... cnnuuti praying them to sp Cleary ig Alarch Salefvfo;;;;-&-c-.---;--- BELL TELEPHONE CO. While 010 " dwarf Bead 1+ using your Telephone you may lie luting a valuable order Ilefer him to the PJhlic Tele- phone office, where the charge is T'c. a can DEO. PORTER, -Local Matuger 14 Pltntte N. 100 Porter's Book Store. Several dinner seta yid to cleiir, Why not .elurc nnn at about half price? Regular 8I2.60, $13.00, $20.00. Selo price, e7 50, $9.50, 012.110 Cups and saucers, odd pieces of chine, jardinieres and photo frames, one-third oft'. Have you ROOD the Medallions in our show wirdow, 25c. They are going fast. Copyright hooks, paper editions, publishers' price, 75c. Sale price, 35e or 3 for 11.00. (loth editions (coyynght), publishers' price, $1.25 and $I.lill. Sale price, 90e and $1 10 A large line of paper novels, fain price Mr and 15c, cloth eli tions, lbc and 20o •soh. These prices are strictly Cash. and humanity and to renew the hallowed triendebipe of earth in the great f Sized la behalf of the oengregatloo of the Methodist ohorob, Dungannon. Ross AN Discos, Soar IL TSBLIAVIN, Ottoaoa Sl'o'rowal, Jos. A. itati000n. - - LEtBURN. TrisDAy, Mu. ling. Hugh Chisholm and David Stirling, both of them in the neighborhood of seventy Veers of age, ere prepared to enter • 000• test with the choppers of Dunlop who cut, spilt and piled live cords to nine boon on the 15th of Februtry, as noted In Tim Mlu- 14A1. • couple of weeks .go. They say they can pot that record out of business. Tuesday evening of last week, Katherine Maud, second daughter ot James Kirk- patrick, was married to David Cowan, of Dakota. The neptt.l knot war tied by Rev. M. J. Wilson, of Nile. she seremeby taking pl.a;.t the Point Farm in the press ecce of the parents, relative, and friends of the contr.ctieg parties. 0a Thoredey morning the bridal pair left for their new home, Leede, North Dakota. AUCTION SALES. • An parties Neale& tkelr sale Dille printed a1 tele canoe win hove • trove none" taserled In this 11st up to the time of melee. TMLtuUAt, Moroi 14th. Extensive ams dogmal. of farm stag,. Implement., a 0., b•loago0.of thl.te J•mse Uavlaoo,ing aste 10t1e 4,11 00001.••11001 3e, towoshtp o1 Colborne, at 1 o'phok r r. sharp 'rhe list laoludee a large unrulier of good .nomad" ; sgnoultural tmplemeate, IouluJlog Moder, mowers, harrows. pleas, 'drill, oultiv.tor, farming mill, etc. ; buggy, outer, sleighs. wagons, Inmates, oto., also a lot el house - bold furniture. R S. WILLIAre, adminb Wetter. Tao*. OUIIDItY, suotlioeer. FWDae,Maroh 15th.-Auouoo isle of farm stook and lmptsmeals, property of Jous Smoot., 000 3, Uoderlub tuwnehip kvet thing to be bold without reserve. ail Mr. Sproul Is gtvmg op taunter. THOMAS 6l a DRY, la0ti00eet. WelkkDAv, March 20.-AuutloO sale of term swot, iotplimeota, •lo , the property of George May, at lot 11, concession 1, Ashfield (Dear Nate P. 0.) Evervtblig will be sold without reaeroe, as Mr. May has sold the farm. ':auras (IvNDRY, emotion ser. WRDNgsDAY, Marob Vat. -Auction sale of farm stook, Implemeete, boueebold furniture and effeete belonging to the estate of the late David Orr, at lot 20, con. 3, lloderiob townehip. Sale to oomme001 at 11 o'oluok sharp. Lunch served at noon. RUDIRT ORR, administrator. TMOMAO UI•1 PUY, auctioneer. 0iuuao, Marok 29.-Auotloo sale of farm stook, implement., household furniture and e ffect. : also a valuable farm of 146 corse jest two melee from liodericb, on Bayfield road. Good bundlers, good water sod fence" ; also a new dwelling and four 10,0 lots in Uod•nob, with good cellar and baro. Sale to take place at the property in Gods - doh, corner of Raglan mid McDonald streets (neer Agricultural grounds), at 1 o'ulook sharp. Everytb.ng to be sold, as the proprietor Ie leaving fu Dakota havtp M1'11KDIN, !R , prOprl.1W. Tulle. GIN DRY, atm Ioniser. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. MSTIIUI.IOT MAUAZI1'II ANL/ RS% IRO ?OR MARC/I.-The Methedut Magazine and re- y,ew for March is a epeotal memorial u umber of the game'. death It bag six articles on some sopa t of the house.'s life, many poems, twenty portraits of the Royal Family, and many other Illustrations of the Quorn'a Reign. Other Illustrated ornate" e re "The Log of a Missionary Deputation in Dominica.' "Hymnology of the Church," "Lord Ro.bery'e Napoleon." and World's Progress, "Remoras of tb• Poet Officio," an illustrated story, "By Western Watch - fires," dedicated to the Woman' Missionary Sooiely, by Mise Mende Peiitt, and other articles of interest Twenty oasts a tone, 82.00 a year, $1.00 for six mouths. Totooto William Brims. Montreal . C. W. Costes HsLfax: S. F, Hgteetla. A MrMoaut. lases. -The Marob Casa duo M.g•zine is a memorial mime with e I new pimiento of the Quseo, Mind some plates of the new King and tee new Queen, and other portrute and photographs of hlotorioel end premise value. Ur. Perk- in, C. M,u . writes of "Victoria and the Vlotortan Ase." Tee Hon. G. W. Roes, Premise of Ontario. summarises to • abort article the "Growth of the British Empire " Prof. Clark. D. C. L, writes of "The Dmth of the Quests," Arthur H. A. Oolgohoun of "The Queen'. Primo Ministers" and Rich •rd T. Emmetidd of ''Tbe Prince of Wales' Vlg:t to ('anada." E. J. Token, of the oeows staff of 1891, ghee some Interesting ✓ emmisoences under tb• fids "How a Cerus is Taken." Among the lighter articles an ''A Honeymoon to a Rolling Digby" and short stories by W. A. Fraser. Esther '1 abbot Kingsmill and Harold .1 Temple Hill. Every •rtlole, story and poem in 1 hs camber i■ written by a Cana- dian. The cover to bleak and purple 1• imitable to the ooceelen end 1e perhaps the only cover of • ('enadleo perlodioal to be printed In the royal mourning oolors. The whole twos Is worthy of the oatlosal pabil- oation of Cenade. Coes Mw1•g L a process exulted by vaatty• booked "n Ly rood tight boon -you may look the ..uy but you have the good tight boots- , 00 may wear any Mae boots you plan' c e•. M tales Mate toe moll, if you ma Po ,an.. Palsies, (lora and Wart gismos,. Draa$te 111111 Ilickillsp lutral Fire L.siruce Cs. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP- ERTY INSURED. Value of Property Insures up to Jasary, 1901 e3.Ma•N1.M Or►IeIRS AND DIR1CTOK". J. H McLain. pros ; T. Fraser, vine -prem. : .tae Connolly. 0. 10.1. W. O. Hroidtoct, J. Watt, Jae. is ens, J. O. Orleve. J. Been1we11, directors; W O. Remelt°it. 8eafo-th. inspec- tor of losses : T. E. Hays, 8eaforth, nec»ary- reasarer. ADw.rrl, J. W. 40. .Holmes (' esvflle ; Jamie R.rnon dQ lfalie ; 1 . McMillan, Seeforth ; R. Smithk. Policyholders can pay a1.elmments and get their oards rec•loted at Mr. Coats'. Clinton. or at Mourn Botta' Pel.oe C'lotbisg Store. God.- rlo h. 1 Coiner of Wtot St. and ,quare. Sour Stomach Cituee* headache, anti hoetlac►w OOutlee 0110 to feel as though he didn't care whether eohuol kept or not. A good hoalaehe powder will melte you teal like yourself again. Our Headache Wafers are sure, wife and easy, W taku. They will tune up your stomach anti clear up your heal F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B., DRUGGIST. t 1 INtrrImmrtmrtmmtrmttrntltmr2 U There are few women.... 1 waamss Capt. E 1. Kobtrteeo, of the Beatify lima steamer Mooaroh, has tangned sad 01s p'aoi will probably be tilled by the trans- fer of Doe of the C:olltogwood oepreioe. Capt. Kobert.o• had served the o0mp1ny tor twenty yeas and was ere of the most popular, ar well u Doe art the mist 119111• Booed, *Nabil oa t0• yak w. W. Acheson & Son Superb Lines of Dress Goods. We arc now showing all our imports of New Dress Stuffs. • 0 w►tWhoa +10 nut uw wuteLbiiig of ilio phouotilemul popularity Of the / 1 e'er A General Favorite. Sag THAT TINS 15 BRANDED ON avaNT att01. CJbo KM. Medium Hide Low Had. te* Y Rismo•tiCrlOS 0r rw,. *vets MSO[. Shoe for Women, THE MANNISH FAD. Women's Shoes made oar laeta 'shaped Uks moo's ere toe the fashionable thing, and there is muvh comfort, 00.1.100 eellee and ser% toe 111 them They also look up-to-date anti have lots of "go' in them. Always Perfect Fitting. Price is always $3.75 P. T. HALLS, Sole Agent for Queen Quality. Repairing. 1 1 -1i �J111111111111111111111111111U1111111111ui111111� emnant Days Friday and Saturday arch 15 and 16. We are going to wind up this great sale with two days of special bargain giving. We call them remnant days because we are going to devote them to clearing i e stock of all remnants, small lots and odd lines that are the natural result u the past six weeks' extraordinary selling. Pormer price or value has not been considered in making the prices we have marked thecae lines at for Remnant Days. They must be out of the way to make room for the new and up-to-date stock that is already crowding in on us. Price is the motive we will use to clear them quickly, and when Saturday night comes there should not be a single article in this list left in the store. Here's a lila t of what we are going to sell. Read it carefully, then come, Friday if you Pin. if not, why then Saturday. The judgment of fashion has settled upon the following weaves, latest end beat of the leading foreign manufacturers. Black and colored silk and wool Aeolians, crepe de cbenes, voiles, hennettas, mother' weighs broadcloth., panne crepes, albatross, poplins, ire the present vogue of materials and display the ne.wtvt tints, at very moderate prices. WASH DRESS FABRICS. One of the most attractive departments in our •tore with its great as- ttortment of ginghams, dimities, matrons, 1 twna, percales, cambncs, grenadines, 1 betiats• No higher chis assortments are shown In Canada. inspection Invited. REMNANTS OF DRESS GOODS. Over 100 reinhants of plain and fancy black and colored dress goods, ends of 4 to 4 yards of almost all kinds tweeds, serge, plaids, fancies, eta. that have accumulated during the past six weeks. To clear them out quickly we place them on the centre table at the front of the store for remnant days, marked at about HALF PRICE. REMNANTS OF CARPETS. If you have a small room you want 10 carpet this Spring you'll wait a long time' fore you get a better chance than this. There aro about '_'o short ends of carpet in stock. I Lengths of from 5 to 10 yards, all good quay- ' ity. We place the entire lot on sale remnant days at your choice for about HALF PRICE. REPINANTS OF OTHER THINGS. Everything in the store that is short enough to call a remnant will be measured up and placed on the centre table for remnant days. You'll find this table a money saver, f, 1r everything on it will be sold at or about Half Price. DRESS GOODS Broken lots and odd FOR REMNANT DAYS. lines that have had " quick march prices put on for remnant days. 100 yards tweed effect drew goods, dark ebacee. mostly plain Dolor•, some seat, smell checks, they t old at 35c and 40o. To oa.r the last of them, your oheioe ✓ emnant days 12.5 yards oolorsd drew goods, (an- on*, dark shades, es glee, brown, o to , the Robins,• price was 500, during the 5.11 they were 39 , now to Maar the balance ot lot, your obotee remnant days . ... 4 skirt ends, black homespun', til yards wide, • oeptal thing for spring skirts, told et 84.00. Chole of the last 4 on remoost days 1 end only, 2.5 verde. tano7 bitch drew goods, cwt patterns, suit- able for skirts, Rohinsoo pries was 50o, sale pride. 35o. Lse: end going remnant day 11 .. . 1 end oleok or.pon, doh tloish,oest pattern, will make a handsome skirt. It sold for 81.50, the bal spot for remnant d•ys at W. Acheson & Son. Spring All the latest and best designs in trimmed and untrimmed Millinery and 1 ready to wear Hats. CAII and inspect before purchasing. PORTER'S BOOK STORE,!►'I CA YIERON pee Qiiaphosa M No. 100 R. Pourl 11 ... V inerw, Godertnh 1: ow.. Apprsntloiso Wanted. Hamilton Street. r 19c 25c 1.90 25c 2 skirt sod., bleas orepnr l feet blank, regular skirt pwoers, sold at 81.00 per yard, The last two sods os remnant days pep yard Very heavy navy 11110. wide twit, bard finish, .11 pore wool, will .tend no end of bard wear, ene- ma priors, 75o. R•laso. 0o rem emit days, per yard 1 end nary 1110. onrded dress goo•l•, bright Moise, will wear well, sold at 860. Te clear the end, rem• pant days .... . . 50 Iaoh tweed offsets, dark shades, will make styling end "meloesble teilormad. suite. Sports' for remnant days 65c 45c 45c 39c French Flannel, 38c. The balsam, of the Freoob flannels advertised last week, regular 60e sod 60o roods, good range of pat - 95c tern., °leering at 38c Dress Trimmings, 3c. Wo are going to snake short work of about 500 yard, of black and colored dress trim- mings. 500 yard" silk and bead drew trimmings, black sad oo1ar1, they sold 50 from loo b 25e. Choles of 3c lot on remnant days Silks for Remnant Days. Three lots of silks that must be cleared to the last yard on remnant days. These prices ought to do it. 125 yards plata silk, the b.lanel el Rase that cold at 26o and 30015C To Meer remnant days 75 yards fancy waist sed trim• mSe silks, of some Users M sooagb fey a trams, they cold al 60o and 60o. Cholas of 1e rebnaat day. 25c 160 yyards teaoy silts, stripes and brat.des, meltable for waste god Mmmings, they are meetly all short leegtha of lines that sold at 75o and 90o. MOW remnant per days, pyard 35c Hats 8c. We would rather take this little price than keep them, Iodise' tem crown hate, plaid mown, trimmed with band, bookie act] quill. Photon Fancy Collars, 15c. 11 teeny silk •nd muslin Belle-• for ladles, sported colors, regular 253 Choloe, remnant days 1 Se 8c Lustre Waists, $1.25. 5 bleak lustre estate, good olellty, newest .tyle, fltr, miffs, velvet sellar., the Robinson prow wee 11 85 To time, remnant days 1 .25 $1.50 Shawls, 90c. 3 only fine woolen shawls, t.noy plaid, Ili+ Robinson ovine was 81 50 The last 3, remnant day., .soh... .... 90c The Last of the Shirts. 19 fanoy oolnred shirt*, neat, small designs, nearly •11 the famnns "W, (1. & R " Ronde The Robinson prices were $1 I)0 end 81 i,. To nlesr, remaanl days, °Ammo. ..,. 75c Golf Cape, 55.75. 1 only 1011 nape, latest out, dark green ground. The Kob'aroa pries was 119.25, on remnant day. 5.75 Mantles, 52.00. Jest 5 of them left. neat stylish short ewe, wart V.50;to E8 50, now m11105 a0 Skirting, 15c. 1 tied fanny mermen skirting, full yard wide_, win wear well. regular price 400. Teatime, remeaet days Skirting, 25c 1 and n.•y enereen with red border, 36 inches wide, regular 661. Clear- : 110,00nt day 2.00 • 25c Eiderdown Quilts, 52.50. 1 only eld.rdoes comforter, real down filling, gond quality ••ama onvmine, the Rnbiseeo pries was 86 00 Mor remoter dye, mu ked 2.50 50c Caps, 35c. 3 dozen men'. eons, asserted checks, this Roh!nsee ftOc gs.d1 (learlag, r.be.al days, welt 35c Table Damask, 15c. 48 -look cream able damask. good weight, regular 200, 35 yard" te sell remnant day., a1 per yard .... 15C 66 -inch Damask, 35c. 66 looh half hleae►ed table damask, extra good quality, 26 yard" for reesant day, selling at per yard.. 35C Wrapperette, 7c. 1 end Daly black and white obeak wrtN__ea s. h .old at 19}e, es --- IC dMpk isS .t d.y. .. THREE a'd At Ac WHEN t LI THE Si FIFTY -FOU Ti# WEEKII.r M gas ran Wb.N 1loor. 1.mlll. per cwt• ►lour, Wtenq par Oat Fina. 1011...._. chorus. a let..o r •wt .. 10croe0lugDe • Itye• per bull........ . Ilookwbe.par bask. Osis. F 0150 Harlot. per busk H. 5100 Potstow. bssO Rat1Or. -•• (7� beak lan/w0.A. 1Arnb8k/ma Lin Hog1 I lrewd Hot/ Ha000•. . . 11.10, per 14.... •..... . rinser.wd ..'.d°e lied ton eel uBeer, 01.4 Tattle, gropoomr lhdlnary elltuatlon NrKD.-BY d W AN ▪ girls se oc housemaid. Sooty Ridgewood Park. god, I *IRL WANTED II room of eolhorn1 usu. BUXTON. Model 1 WK Lt INH TO A genera. paelh Opened out a 1111nr11 Pareoss' Fair. earner 1,101re We guaranis the best city t, ds. MAY. pekoe ll•ETA need Oral `t F.gD GRAIN 11 o Hod peat taco bee kinds choice treed wriest. A rituality limas. 1 .e11 for cos kind of grain. In t uneaten time fan M right to oar warebot It. PERRIN. Chefs( For Link SALE. -F( Iota on Mouth tete Apply to .1•14 h W. L'0R SALE --D1 r forma In the 1' retiring Possession house. bask bare, n nouee. 1 h0^see l• I.N W I8, Roderick. IF AND FUR S, 34 0002RICH.- terms. the property land.. being part 0 Uederleb, roe t&Iola bulidiye and water lard. For terms apt ROW, Gelb -Roes for FOR SALE. UR T gee end onebt eolith end of the toe April 1.L For I sant IL DUNLOP. West FOK ,ALN Of story brick sus Trafalgar streets. Oo PANMORK. FOR SALE. -LO end 148 In 1 uodertob. For part March 1110.150. A Goon eo AC1 Lot 01, comae Mla situated Ili se mites from (Minton orchard. wens, and of tall wheat. Tern tilers apply to THO Underfelt. Tbe Last of the Nbli1M Curti& • 15 pairs of geed Mee on 1 alma, firm, strong net, aped edges, all that are left of the Rabis.se The sad 86s limo 00elor fee reggae/ days S5C 2 paha ably very gee Nettlegbam lis oarlarma. .Mae. nee, sloe laity patters, the Keblo.es peas was 85.50 per salt. Os sale 1emaaat days Art fluslin, C. - 100 yard" art .siI , geeml Gad est Deities.. O. ova rabeer/ days alt 5C Hodgens Bros. Agents for Standard Patterns. 'April Designers now in. Uoderich. FARM MOR Mass farm Farm." Was Z. ha W awanoek. 100 we a good cab of o TheLs on the pier `weilis1 lessee Utz: eal etgl� odur- NM ander 'mever-falltng 1 slay gam, oho wbeat. and Gra (rood. 11 nt to ^ha Ife�l toe YULE* Blyth It ranee fro end (Imam. Tole s0 poor or waste Is For tall particals 501101tor for the e. thy. W. OI.ENN organist and m Methodist church, pipe organ and tbi delve pupil,. 11 studio or et pap Iii at Rmsrnon's Meal DRS BBANN 81cL4n8 a1 of Comtnee0. bel Night galls at ma Dr. Shan eon. old residanoe. la 'Phase M. Inst (VHAt. R. SH V ANCE and door east of P. 0 Issding mutual ft leading stook sot Mercantile ae lowest rates. Ce W• R. R(1 Aea:vatt Hooks and as Buildings rent Fir. Inennno 1'ompenlInes. OM1•- Pro' atr.et (10der10h ', ITN ft:9(11IAN h ire, life, Aseld ofrenaei on mut rates postal hie. Rest English a 11011104. Onto* next So' N edra, Itamuto For ex,ernll u. spinal 4Yeaae, h madsm, lame weak sad tors Joints, rapture t 11 tree also h footings In hd having the Ire. pan Yd 1. A. doh, Oat...tarn Maonrass*.tered I.ANNAN seta rata street, led GMT. 1.11(4 a. Iheriet Motu that It lien dent twenty let ammemwlls M Re 155. T • On attest toast) 1 es4 Or aims. OrsamIa. ASIA tlledswl