HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-14, Page 7__ , SHOOTS3,090-�- _ __ _ I __001 HIFOUH S MOTION A NAfl TO 6DES, D MAN Klll. MiXEO MAflITAI AFFAIRS, NOOSES, _ _ BRITAN S - [NOS PIRMITE, 31 PRISONERS6All Night Session of the Britis Veteran Who Lost Part of His Church Official's Wife Sues and NEO HIPY House of Commons, Skull, Five Ribs . Counter Issue is Raised. _ _ While priest Strives to Pre Pilcher's Gatherings on the Probably Eighty Persons YOUNG CECIL LAUPHED AT. AND HAS A BULLET IN HIM. DID HILL MAKE CONFESSION? On Question of Nay-Paunce- vent the Crime, I,uudoo. Murch 7. -lit ilia House (it New Yuck, Murch 9.-ltugistrate Orange River, Were In the Building.motor t. -day Mr. fJ, 111etbe onus.Lam% New York, March lU.-Uour,a 'grnmer' W'ililamsburg, yesterday. rent tote Treaty. NatnBurns, u oeveuty-yearr,ld ctrl, the cu►c of Mrs. B:IIu Levllu, a Widow, • division of Mayo, asked by who" or- war veteran, who worry a 1611- char ed with assaulting Mrs. 811su __ ___ der" the Ounce entered the I101rse g' ag -- uu \Yedpuwtay tuoru,uK, when a uum- ser skull and it known no u Wur- beth Hill, aIle of Benjamin Hill, n ABREWERY EXPLOSION. pR180NER3 FOR CALCUTTA. RECOVERING THE BODIES. bar Irlol, mrniburr were removed, vet of surgery, it tyicg on a cut in wealthy teu dealer and treasurer of p mad whether it war not a fact that Kurd No. SU In tlellevue hospital. !! Mrthonlhlt church, whu livor ut Nu. DESTRUCTION BY STORMS. uu such cutrugos ►uui o,c( urrtNl Nioo a The u1J man lr just reouvrrlog trues ltS Or Street, Williamsburg, to j 1tl5J, In Crumwelly time. the G)urt of $pavw less noun, Mrs. --- •, The Speaker admitted that the fro- the latest of u varier of tharu ace,- Bovllq furnished a build in the rue► ,,.,k, , fturstu, I(III ing 1%%u \1eu Ilev entered on file ordure, but plead- dents, which have left hits w•,th uuly of Wa. Four Hudlea l'h,,,1uK l:cu. DeW r! 'I'weaty hujured (tat ow �Mauy of ad his InabUlty to reply to the a fraction of, the anotutuleal u t[It Oil leaving the court Afro. Devlin Many lAtes i,oat in 1'eaav red Arkara It,)) Arrested fur Itubbtug IUs ether query las to wbelher such a 4 was Served by Mrs. Hlll'r attorney IlritlshPressuulhr'1'rrrlyu4j,e_ Then, Iludly Burt--fifte Breske with wbkh nature rnJuwaJ bi,u, see, and >Auuk1•ropertyDestroyed thin had occurred since the Lima alth pal,ere la n suit for $5.000 data- 1•',tthcr Nin a Liars Lust by the g l,l,tr ut the r t ole burry v- ug of ager for uUenatug the affectlunr .,t --Kleetr/e Plan* it New York .\ Royal iilrlhdol) '1'ulrranre of Out lit Debris -- Four North u1 l7eowwefl. skulk the tap of fila head ht lugt'uv- Mr. 11111. all". Uuvlfu'r ulhxne uc• o:rr„t Stuns lit file Louth \1-rslerr Klug Rdwurd for All Reiigluwa, t'arullulaws Arretttd fur !,l'ac4• Many incidents In regnrd to ilia ored with u silver plutr. Mr. 1l the p*. De, sii'm a his ulivgt btale-Great Stuck Ilarns lturned ',tales. removal of the Irish Ineurberr on Five ribs guue (runt h'v left ride, "atewoulAIthenotituto a cult fur and %fueh Stock Destro ltloemfoatein, March L.,.-•('uluuel Inga Negro (learged,tVtth Assault Wodnesdity morning arts vroliplog removed by surgeuur. a100,11UU Destroyed ('hiclegu, Ill., Manch 1L'. -Murder filcher'" column hall clearc• the nut. Mr. i'luctn, Nutioualirt mem Yurtluu of right hip gone. ugulgat the ten deafer for broach of ended a boylmb feud last iti ht under (')dcag+o, Ill., unrel, 11.-B the ex- ( promise, Woslrington, March ll. -Ties ua• g cuuutry of tillers between tills Ilyue > tier fur he tiort4 division of hurry, Muth logo fractured ha twopluuve Alre. 1!111 testlrlxd Ilan( she wits tear- ower of the British Government to t the rh:uk,wsoft�it. HtaulslatimUlturch Ip plorloa of a biller In the Uurewum one ut ill!" ejected tit the t1m," and both elbow Joint" wlvsiug. rigid lit Mr. lull twenl three ran , Gild ilia Orange River. The, column strata laundry, to Madison street, wedged him feet in the beach In ileart moved from its orjgorul pit- y' J the Say -1 uunenfute treaty ssa(is W at Jtiubte and Bradley s►revtn. }qt_ front of him anti livid on y. ugu, nail first valor e c led a four bur arrlve(1 INrr, bringbrg la :1tS pal• Shortly otter 8 o'clock this wanting, grim, riUun wTlpg to at/Seu(:u u( ribs on weeks a u, wlieu Shu culhml at lila the Senate esus reoelred tu•rhay by tree y stir old Thoftas Laoskows was Dollars and SAM isomer. the entire building war wrecked. It four im,llcemely went unable to move loft rids, leu store nal asked ubut Mr. HUPa the brili"h AminAwwor and cum- hh et through the 11-trt b • a life- ,- K tine. Three more mtulwart officers ulnesS. • munloate 1 to beeretury Hay. 'Pitt ti J lmlie(1Je(1 In breast bone a bullet. L ug hluymate, Freak 'll'Lnulewdakl. A lie rtuted that about thirty girls and saute to their assistance, mild illy• which cannot be removed owing to " Mrs. Devito culled at illyhum+ it eon(entr or the ducoment h&T^ nut 1'rlwnerr for InAhi, fi"ta•cen aft aR+larut befura the Shouting Father y and rlxty male employ_ 'ally, after it grant effort, egceeod• Its presence neur u wain artery. week ago." contained Mrs. Hill, '•stud ll"Iw,nuskil empled Wisoulowski It, lite Culculta. March (;'.-Thu lluveru 6,01 were burled in the ruins, whiela Mt in ejecting the trial, member. When the old wan core from Ws R yet been made public, but It pruuahly hallway In the act of loadingu re- Input Is preparing for the immediately took fire. TwPha girls One selsed one of kir lar, the sec• cog y au,body Would have baud' to furca . n -ay into toy fiva- K lmA,.lble K tt yesterday btrat'r bbdrti.om. ! revrnlod Lrr,nnd reflect" the atruert u•Irber of the tulrer. arrival of 5,(1X) Boer were dragged from the wreckage ire• and grasped file other leg, the third suspected the detects lit illi suit(- site struck m:'. I called fur tole po!Ice Hriturit (ioverntuaot to have the hiu- prlw,nerr, who tore the fire broke out. They were it fourth licit] Ilia arms, I. fifth om Ila is tall unit ruddy mud nail Mrr. DerCq'r urr:rt tri lowed.'• aragvan waterway international In ••r!top," cried the prfrrt, "stop, 1 y y'• rewfoad yea" will he located fu b;tchw ill a tilu badly hurt. It Is feared that the his bew1, and the sixth mud seventh wears a lung white beard. lie IN Mrs. Leilln, Who war clad In n if ni, eharncter, Iprtead of eunflned to the RYIIIN the priest 1n his tlowttllf World' others, caught in the crush of fnlllug supported thele brotber officer" fit blind In his left eye, dlthough title fitting felor-made gown, wits then United Slater. r re'Im•( ran tcNwrtrd W'irnlowshl 1161 lar- I I walls ant flying debris, were klAed, his melt, and lit this' Katy Mr. Flavin fatter fact cannot be detected b D y called. Straightening Wal lerrrel/ In the ,t Dignitled ttetwworr. tag s.lih uplifted hauls far peace, DeN'etra Nanuerr, A general nturip Kao mounded lit, was finally {Nit nut. the cnsuml Observer. witness Chale, rho raid: Later—The brltirh answer Is u dig I1,,, 1., firevl. ( London. March 13.-A dlerlwnteh nn I hundrpds of firemen attacked the .mother Irlsh member wvIto was "I never complain of an)thing," left • It was In 1894 that 1 thrift met licit but ooinpkte rej--ction or the halt n hundred bi,} s awl girls also from Oen. Kitchener, dutfml sllareh bite• in a desperate effort to druK the curried out In a sia,iiar mapper said yesterday, with a laugh. "Ant )Jr. Hill, I (vas ael,arnteil from illy Senate amendrnento, and it leaves; op- "ted ss. 1 the trngrdr, unit saw the 12th. says Gpu. 11eW'et Ir north ell upfortunatco from certain death fn struggl,+d me violently tint film trou- 1 never worry, uu matter what the hu•►stnd lit the tiro •. Mr. 11111 ,std me ern the United Statpa tiuvorameat tits- wardrrcr he fru, dl . u t w by Both. s/rt, Civil. Jo Nicer ('til lity. the fire. The building war n two.- mere were slAlt up In Nu -•h a way no doctor" say dray will have to cut out he wait divare,if. At hl+ re ue"t i "tory brick. Tile boilers which ex- to dl"piuy his underclothing. of we." Bulla" sit 9 rerpunNltrllity fur arty further uta• r,"IM.h Ilg his rmuWnit plrtol freely. Continuous ruins have Interfered plotrti were located sit tits IiaWmont. r Yr he entered the went to ('hh•ng,) IIs 1897 to institute flirt that may bra doerned expedient. alsl k••,y,ing the crowd at bay. with the muvementr of the troops The Debate. navy in 18.x1, after serving ab)ut dhor)oe proceedings aguln"t mr hue Tin crime ut+carred et ilia clpse ut !4 ('a r Th"it wPro- b•tareu rocenty-Ilve and Tornado lit the \Year. W (colony. Two boade of iluers In anticipation of a lively de{rate thirty j -cars, and 'afterward becawe bund, Mr. If,ll defraying ilia expeore. ninety men nail wunren em lof3ed Iu n w•rtlag ut the Yulanle 1'rslltade, are nslag hunted unsung the hillitby tiles IauaJr and the hsA lust Wal pd,ailbly exciting sc••ues arising a member of two Arctic expeditions, While.,thr• proceedings were pending of Louts, AGI., Mandy e: Up to Imy l .r M„,her of Poland- Society, of tits troow under GorNu Uct,islo, y' J 1 goOe from the simpenston tit 1A.It Nation- one of which sturtod oat to search Mr. Hill vlAted m! Several times. I Tram Dallas Zlszar, rays: Up to last y to work. r night eight death• were reported whh•h the boys of At. Stanlrhaur l%rrnfeN and Uennllµ'r. allyls and life. Iitilfair's punishment for the Jeapoctte, obtained Lilo Ah'urcc, nnJ Mr. 11111 t:rtilr (Int the 'Ilvilms. from too Rills Point tornado. Tho Ionic h lrabcb. Lorufuu. Mnn'h 1_,; 4.50 p.m. -.A ru- g proposals, there was a Brent attend I ru•hrd In )iarhtuerl'• aecowpnnle:l, me and my youngest It -every Cooker Explode”. purt fN currenc thnt the OnverUment About n flown dead ,old Inj,sred once Jr. til^ House of 0imur,ngolu-day. daughter cnot. II,) lull me utter I property Ioau in Wills Point In ertl- T "I was In a steamboat wreck rill n'rtniuctl fila dlvotra lhnt L war biid 'natal at ys75,000 and in Yanseandl Pitt•'"tog, 1'a., March 1L'.-Twn it( (li)mites n precJy nnrwuncrmrnt haveN far been taken from t!,- ruins The Spakpr, Afr. Gully, ni(Kineetl abl eUrrouulUn Dowd! districts tit „f the surrender lit Gen. Buthn, the and the r,•o •uers are working wit;i lltal he hu,l received n letlrr from the ('nnndlau ailuro on January 18, aftl,u,ced. My Imrlrand latter dI rd Jn 161,01 ,(1.10. Th" Storm traction extradr rn.•ir were k he,i and the buildingthe Boer Cont uander•In-Ci del. J( aPrtte tatertty in the ht ie of snv- Mr. Jordan to tho.eff"t that ho hall flour years ago, when I was crushed Ikoitun." 1Q wn•.•kdst by the expkrlton of the __ WI not detl,ml the authority of the chair In the machinery. Thirty-a2ven Mrs. 1'evlln exhibited a diamond Into Arkanwls. Louhviann, and up the ».k.er" at the Ila., about brew. The Trer1 Ing W tiler of the uric. T eez-tes (when a number e( I'1rh member" of pleces of bone were taken from aly ring and a watch, w•hicii she Paid Air. Minfilan!ppl callry ndetrly to MPm- „+. yhKOwpa,rt, 1'n., utioiut 9o'ehslk Y Ctsmw. i/isae•1 down by Ilie_iJehrim The ex Parliament wtre "-moved from the body. I have been fu lull pltle, in regions almost without Ii,., morning, Tete dead-Wlllinm I,ondun, ]larch 1';.Z'Vjj Morring Mniloh ierrwtred shortly after the uta t health, In lie (f her in like She nnlJ he told wire or rail. Tel r) ,h oom glt*L ,.,, kte, night watelimun. and Mat- popere es rear a 0m do aro House by Lorca on Ture4ac/, nail on Waite of alt, until about' two years her hr. did not oke tltP nn me benJA- °g >N Da Ig s p{rea,ral a -latrrd I X JtnJ Roue to Work, cwt] its the motion of Mr. Dillon. Mr. Jo:dtw/ - go, when a slight parting occurred m.n, anA asked her to call him'•t'Ifrf • are finding It difficult to gather de tis••,. Marr, brewer. lan*Jorrnr•'r rP``,Jy to rho amendment Ism, literally tare tine bulldinK to name was removed from the it+t Of h two of the plates In my skull. I He gnwc her IfILM on January Cad talks of they ntorm. but enough slit , Tuft cats, of Ilia ex{dtailon In nut ('f tha ['nited Ntatew deeat" to the traKulPatr. Oao wall wnv blown surpel,ded members. Mr. Balt 'r had r,veral epileptic attacks." Inst, rbc asserted. known en which to Irtrme the ,s 1 known. The buudUng was a large HRy-Panncefote treaty. Alt repodi- through the window and then at brick structure. obit Was nlrrrwt ate ally' feeling save a friendly dealre least a ►eocmlrod feet. filch mor p(1 fila lyes^ailment to le The witness Bald that about a ItlalW ut property luster upproxl• rule govern, the sus nslon of re !treat to the when I had one Any month ago the Per. Ile. It. ti. I'ard- mating $1,000.000, tie tier south cougd,)lcI wreck The roue of the to ernes tit nn amicable amt] governing Ix to lt4 t Illy mall, when I LIIId another J aqui(- Nuralyd to Derlh. enlcftrnnt members epileptic ( inglon, twister of the church of which eastern farming ad other Interests, )ADI g, of William off. Sit the Rd- able settlement.{ p Ic nttnck and fell to the side- and at levtat n rmre of persons dead. The 'ruins nhnast dmmallntely !a eupprctlpg the motion, Mr. Bill• walk. I didn't know nn thing uxore Air. Hill to trtvtruror, cislttrl hest He M e j,fnhlg, was blown oft, test the rmlu- A Royal Birthda t y Was accompanied by Police Captain Tho Mayor of Pinney las irfur+(I u Birthday. caulk on fir-, and, despite the sharp Kir tall !t was Oecesaary, to provide until I Kure up lit r my""e teed found Short. They told her slie averred, dRsternetlt nu the wills Point mitpn• ebilw were not injured. Thr los Is Mwilch. !larch 1_.-!'wp+crur I'rou- work of ttyu firemen, the /lamer adpgrmto summary pnnirhm•at felt I'd fractured one of my""knee cups." that Ur. Hill wail mar set ilea. IIO mays Want one t Minn. esum;it,rt at ;jOO.UJU. cal Joseph arrived here thin morninK spread rapidly, and It Is feared,d uite sue 11 physical roslstanca to the. Burns onyy that he ex era 1, tend ad- y iY Ituhhed NU bather. to participate In the celebration of a tluwbrr of pm 1 Spepkrr's orders as occurred onTurs- Wtct■ to be Timed iter to have nolhlug further to persons are destitute and are Awing 1"hi•'nRti, Nat+ck 1:l._"Irtep4yMr_ tine 88th, anniversary of the Mirth c+ pluy'o•es, Injured and (lay, lie ,trusted til:+ House would out of the lion tut and tit work agate du ullh Atm. It way to inrtstlgole pared for by the Ieeal authorities. 1,1 I rt•lerlck Wizidbief, the sun of Prance Lult Id, !tr 1 helptest iu th;r ruins, were burned to umolwanl agree In a couple of weeks. pit Kent of Bavaria• death. }'hint cries for ht] p were y R e to tis^`amPndmrpt. their etatsment" that she VI ea \lr. A relief a)mmittou tins been foruavl. f'rt.•r Wintffilel, is aakron-keepwn line fiance I.nitpold welcomed the low- 1 Bir henry Uampb�11•Bnnn-rmao tit- ----- --- - --- 1!111'16 home. 'Lhare t'Irtl,ns of the etiorin. heard from two do three players under luded to the ( Mrr. Ilevlin then toll of the pa- , •i",•n nrrwtetl. charil"tl with rob- ),Pour at the stating, nail )ret•Ke Lha piles of brick nod bnokea timlterx, grossly disorderly can- Paragould, Ark.. Mun'h 11. -[out Ione w" father of over [11,011(1. Thr (•rowdy lined the nwtp to ill# {onhrcr duct of certain ..members, and maid fl01AlTY CUT ',w+ counter with Mrs. Hill. Bhp sold \Irv. urds * storm killed three pe.rarwly In l.,y. :,nut, .Agof fyir(nrlw, Is also but them.) "easel bef ire tis •y could he, hull tart a ward of exruee to as __ f,0 y an heart cheered the royailles as y , hill relied llpn nni lir. Iffll, who war thin city forren county)and wrought ba reach"J in thtlr ;atl:icatlon or in 110.1, shouted to his wife: mueli hoop to un•ar nrrPdrt, and rite tors ev,nfPrai(1 lbPc {rwfred. The litwtiem of thrice gids were taken ho sugratted a mtmlitililatluutt lof Mr. ' Atamma, let her R•(,'" Proii('*tJ• At Bock Iiia Hutt she and her harband Induced M.dward Yolrranl. ant mil Irlghtfully mn1lglPd tfrat tit- ilnlf(xtr'r amendment. Tlie witness Bald list Hili had all- Mrs. \Lillie Davis rind a IR-year-oW tht• Ir,y to take the tw,ney from New York, March 1'l.-A'uww,• I boy named Orgter Rrobertr Aver" sting (treat, laid to remove them in Isty• Mr. John Bedprond said wfint had ranged to marry her next Feptemtnwr, hi" G,thpr. Beforti rhA vow ArrPrtOd ire, the• posdtlon taken by Mr. Itnlf,"mr ketr. Yukon Miners Make a Paint crushed notice the timbers of n (occurred wax a natural ebillitiun of tin l engaged a drfs"mnker to make wrdmlkal building. At Jackson's U(lut- .Mr.. rpronle'a husband flr,l to Ger- in the IG,ust, of (',minoas on the form Twenty injun•d nlrr•ady have iM•wa ferllrq( against an unjaNt vi(wur�. Ile tier wedding gown. miliary lE mUe" west of son'sPara(aid, I- the German ant hila licca rT_,Ir,"" oath which the 61rsg naw tAk,M taken t.t til' hoxpilrsly. Thi firemen dented premeditation, and unit that at Ottawa. It wan asceriwineJ In"t u1Khl that ('laurlee Ilowie, n . aell•ku(r.vn twrL I- the oerairw nnZhrXttles�-----a Parliament for the first estimate• that nit kilo than L5 per. the moral r•rponsibi.lty fr,r what had _ durinir it critical per!o:l of hl r Illness, 4l gyp, wan kHt . outright by the Navy Lives Lust. ip. tllP m, )n hr til- ruins, prn'wbly occurred wax whioUr on Mr. Balfour, __ - ant tarliprin►r !hilt lie could not 'em' Trtbmte ma n flint the Kin • cover, Ir. Hill snmmotlwl the, Item, roof of his house falling is. Severoll Little It.m k, Ark., Match h.- 7 I, taker all tori-. nae of lila ten, now w•am extravag:ult NEW COMMISSIONER 'NAMED) ,\I r'. ParllnKtun, nod to film, nail In personm nor rP{sprtdl ippfr(xl Mack p",rtv front over JIIO State allow tnv to rlauw w Jay that hr tiller idrnUti d n" ito I, I+itienbe. nlyil unnevelnary. damage to hrel"i-te anti fpnreta Mach the Ktnrn of Saturday and Sunll revery ((wm of reclevhastied I A ikad man, ntnmrrPulty idlogit 35 Against Iwtprisountent, the present, of Mrly. Villi told of hit U for he rrc'frOR at St. Jnnu•"' 011uwn, March 1 f. -.An order- n- relation" with �1M. L'evlin, pleading fruit tre(+ IR rolawteod. wag far greater than yertrnfey, yearA old, mupp„+1 to flava been Lord 1tn h C'eell, ('onserrallvc, rp{s•rt. imth;ate(1 Thies far tlalnrr dPlrgnti,nr of the two am• w(,rking in the NOUP&p»rtm�•nt, nlsu movc,l :�,n atu'•odment prorldlnfi that Council %rn9 lammed at yerlerday's for Pnd receiving the forgiveneen,of pantile ttepurtrd. +ire watePn deaths rex,rt,•(1, aatiolIN of the Frtnbllrhr,l ('hunch. wvis lnkrn rlul. Hi was frightfully Ilia wife. In the hope of preventlW it t'ur,-at City. Ark., March 11. -Three I Air till Preshyterinna, Weml,•ynn", Qnnk• fanned. g y recnlcitrnul mrmlm•n should lie iia- ('udJlet mcetiag, reducing royally on scamia! the clergyman consulted with perwain were killed and inuay Inj,lred tall. ua nor, liar Rule.ra Hammett' ere anti ix,a-rolm(orarlatie of uA shade" laiiune•d. Tbiv wam uppone•d by Air. gild from 5 to IU per cert. lillrp (•aptnin Short, p .Iffrlong frimd (if In ,him vlclnity SILnn1IIY evrnlag, by Jahn Turner, !`ins 1'nilrfe ; Jl A. .d b.liwf and forms or -.= � ArrrvleA Balkair, will,• m,lutril cul that IL ilia hakes gold ticldr were, t gcoye en1 lir. Hill, tin-] the "felt to Airs. llr•vlln 41s,b•y, \ewcnrLto; I'uekry \\•niton. goTPrumeaL _. ._ 1 ; n tornado,. F:nch holly it special audience•. 1%hNr A F. Bomius., owner of the loon- wwrief irMEe t,"' tn,eeh realm,n litirity u hl b royalty wax the onte0la _ *,f Intent, Culutsdo ; Becks !,Imes, LIR tend phiyr ootei,k+ anti til- Yew dry, w•Ar nrr,eted short) tiefore upon the Governw,•nL and hard Hourly K )' Y war nee: eiruTy Til -meet ltatst IlsPt la 17e>dr, lihtlur 11n11N O"mur 'Roberts, ugeA Y Cccll u,,h-d to withdraw the amend- the heavy ex ,euditti,o fax rrererT- It(m7hrmter, N. Y., Murch 11.-Uuriti- mPn of the rimed light di till- state• on F It is saki flat fin WAS wvirned Y i 1 t'01.. sl'k.Kf,E iIVNUItED, n I•^.,.h.mkk iGlf s Charles Dowling, near I thnn0 room with fondant ut culur. on Prlila b ilea cit boiler Ins a mint, lout til,+ Irish ro.vruhsi Initiated It. Ing I:nv nail artier ba that mining or►e of the worst electric storms In 1'nrnK')-old : lyry0u miners. all Hunt- y J y y pc • g — hiKt;,n. reps,rtwl to have 1weri na,igia -- -- ter ►lilt to tine the Boller In tits (•stab- OjiOn continuing the dlsrusel.)n M It, ramp. LveryonP, udmitot that tldsduty May Now Write ll.\',l/. Atter Ills till#) oeetlon in March, since 1890, anti lislnnent. 8nveral passionate Npeoches .wrre wns splendidly dimehar ed by the Ot• the honvi«st over mean' In Charlotte. ue tietilwl Mine; John Flta vro.ek "little, and the scene was orate of Brent taw•n Government. Thea tilIv wIdell rams' the hilt at ,ck barns of ex-eaa Ps,n Grol0, dn,wpM lit ldiall(. A FEUO By THE SEAt Arrertrd for Lynchlnl[' R i y London, March 8 -Sir Tbomas LI fR°'~ excitement. Finally, bnylr furrrnl rho Government pursued w-ar that p- man tlulbprt fit <rreeuleaf, of lU tr ,razed. y a dozen bwldfi'K" t'urthagp, N. V., Manly II.—I.. J. n division by showrifug '.Aye," when the Yukon should a for thn Yukon. tom llndtleen trat"lted a Knight Cum- « pay nay's Bluff, jest wart tit lllylnrlu arm rasr•t1. Urrut. dlamngP war Juutn• Ar. 31. E. Htrret, Irpv1d An- the akar put the mender Of the \'hcturinn order. -a-iee tit n•celn, YI `•1P(' P is res nn, the It has dots" this, nail ,elf something the Beach, wits struck by I,ghtuing late Piggott nu l yarn- drawn nail \1'illi uu Harding, nasung Irish u)eiuberr julnaf the rest of the to the dxal. That being lila care the Lieut.-( ill. Steele, of Strslhconi," R R last night and cumpleiuly Jertruy(!1. K"°'''i. the moist prominent cltfsellm of Hn"n to the "Nu" lobby, lh" result Uov-ergmrnt, cit Nie recommendation Horse, ham 1x(•n alrlr,fnted lit the Forty-three head of Jersey caths, — five Nova Scotians III Fight Eastern Ncrth ('aroiion, veru ar- br,lnit that no one voted for the of the Minister of the Interior, hall itwrrth elarim of flip Victorian Order• twenty -ono Mulled horses, toguthor A 1110 UMIAK[ CNU BCH . r(v,terl Saturday night and plavetl to amendment rat Lord Ifugh ('ecll, anti reduced the rt,yally try one-half. _ -- ___- with 14111 tan" of .tiny nett IOU teas Near Shubenaeadie• Jetll, cba(rlfnl with hetnx royerpoortbl, four liondri tt rfa,l twe"y-six v(tsrlL' the rehice'd royalty falls In pro- of straw were burned. Loss *25,000. for the horrible death of Silas Mar- ,igairst it. during sufficient reVenuo to tueet tltrl I - Covered by Innernucu. tindAlp ThMAIN) 'lit t r, (k t _ Preacher Resigns Because Poor are Frozen Out. -------- . THREE ARE BADLY WOUNDED. Halifax, N. 8., March IU. -Lawless- nen to not completely absent from Nora t�tin. A wlrtleyale Nhuot)ng alleles occurred In broad,daylight tit• dry trans Bhulrnaea.ity.-,tU. molal Froin tMa cit vu the Ilna of Lha lit. 7• e u re run y at Curtlinge had been broken into during trip (lay by a mob of fifty men. whit had accured MartindA!", conflnAl on it charge of nenauft, and hanged film to a tree. Nlerllud"le was' '!talked to death, nnd it les said the lynebern ntHed anti lowered film assay times in (w• .fes to yxtcxl _u. ivpfgxgtun__frum � hue. Martindale Was PnUI to hale ,An h)clh•nt which had raWNI mach bad blood ended mold penis of laugh- ter. Several Ineffectual attempts were then made to adjrwrro the Ile_ tinte. Air. Balfour appealed to the Houma to arrive at a decision bi- fere m4urnment and the oft -bate went on., At 4.:5(1 nen., he nenre(1 n eh+euro (in the notion for adjourn- Waal -hot 1ha.matlou.lYns rej ct•r1 DolnlnJua expemfiture, then other etmnnelr can l,1 f xin•1 for raking addi• tionni fertile. The contention of the all....r and the Ntaker IIAm been that high tax was not; only retarding the- velopnr•nt• hilt tluat a fort royalty wen 14 lwinR its much revenue, became tie temptntioa t, ,•code the law' wonhl not be err great. At arty rate the tom^ had arrived xben thR Gr»• Geiv. ernnie" corwblers that a 5 { ) 1. w STflU66lE J I COLUMBIA r ---- Revolutionary Leader Tells of J GAVE UP lgstrut SA` W. lata leek. Moirch 1::.-.A mjweial to tereo.oalal Railway. attacked Mrv. Brewer• n tsch(Nol by 281 to 119 cotes, and the dchnto we Mounted. the royalty will Ile Nufffel^It til m'.•nf - Several Battles. Ibe l\,.odd from Denver nnnounev+ 1hAl {:,!T. There Ins been nn old quarrvl tat• (wren the tants hr tiu•rx on Lha one teacher, lhil near L'nrthage. Mrx. BrPWer infor ed tier biwebantl (If the , l.ndcr closure an ampndmpnt by lfr. ex tenditure In connection with flip I o n(iminlstraticm Its .� _ - -- Pl,brrt F. Coyle. tIM hPw y lrart.R• of the Ccntrnf Presbyterian sl ke Anil Duaid Finack rlml llelnwp attack and he moat gathered a mob. Lnbonchere lit make the term of ens- of affairs Lilo Yukon =1 ``� I'hnrrh, K sobatlttAd hiN mai Ettinger un the „tiler. Emack lust] K This is the llrmt tlnto in flit yPare y ttension two Iadmthw, wits re -eted by j At a meetly of 1h� l'alll-t «st•r ft y �_ THE COUNTRY BEING RUINED. yentrrday IliOrh!C{; nt the elnaP of ve of ,,,an it Nthe that thrr evnnAl get even with the I,Antx brotherly :it the that a white ban ttipt (1Palh n Tote d)( 334 to 117. Mr. IdnlDunr n,ovetl that the tiny nn Or(ler-In Coupcu was lrtis:•d �• Is fie„ ), rk, March S).-(ieneral t(u- him pPrnral HP I.dd kill ev, mina dint h,• flat opportunity. They una•,1 them- for nt the hnwM of n 11Kib is Porth VitM13'a. main geiachee be This was f>S fd n{ryoiutlrtg .Il H. Innen wleo hnr just of r,"F�ief d (g. (riithe ���`I >. rn.•i 1 ntsl-tribe, leader of theCol- •Icrilli"I tf) l)• placed lit flip position 1 1 selves and carried their we pills o. Sunday, As well Ian (in Ant Is Jnyly. To. An-Krioperor'I fee House id it cheers nix, aprons, mingled with g with Iris!% (•ripe fir "(;ag." NonRr"blp pulrllc works, fur the N. W. T., till ua,biaa revolutionist", now In thlm city, i,sual a etaterueut last night „1 c wntPnancing the, inlqultlps of b"'Anhlo Nil\ while ile 10110d that (Jay the three bnithpre went to New York, March LL -.A special to ThrKilenkpr then rend the neve bP Commissioner of tho Yukon. ill place of Commuls'ituner C)Xilvl, w -ho with rP)wLlnq LO Lile prest!pL "tela tf tlih l0w,wing mon and women not church, attending thn AnKlfeaa Rpr. the Thnes front Burton, gnotem Pres1_ rule and the I(onw, divided. Air. Bal- nakpd to ba relleve.l of the position. COL. STEELE. of affair* la Volombla. Ile said that .lid ••(,me In rhnrrh Irs•nnno windy of him cioe. Franck and Ettinger knew this, their dent Arthur T. Radley, rot Ynl,, Unl- fear's new rule was ntko)ted by n votp Mr. 12r•vs Pxfr^cta to lenre for Dawenn In (iemmnnd of the ffonne-coming the rpvolutiou In C 4otabla was mlltl clemreli members were cold to the Gal waylaid them on road tu,ni e. At 1-'.50 ties srtive mot (" voIr"ity, as 0ny"ing: "We Rhrill ,ince (of :501 to 51• The Houve (lit In n few day". y Stratheonnm. going on. though the Government hart several tinlen thoilght of drawl In this f1rMR u( w ng 1011111', nrot draw anti the frncan began by nn cngteror fn WnOhingtcmn within ttcent)-fie yearn rnafexn wit (*nil ndjrwtrnwd At 3.10 a.m. Tile. Irish members of 1'nrllmm�nt Tile ren"sit divisions h.nve. been or- ranged. DlvlRlon No. 2 (or Ontario, - -- Tito Kin of Greece rid the Crown announced that till was yule(, fin tromrnned: ' 1\" have nsldo their okirts tr++ro any sura ii;nfiltt. Fmnek striking tri• ynungeat Lnnts with n Stick. Thlx wits clnirkl} fol- wi with,( create a politic mentiment which, re- me greatly plensnd with the cabled of which 3i,niah Jan's Bell, Toronto, Prime of IIto ark have p recelvptl Ill... rrcdve I rellRble Hews of at least four In IrnwlnR Denver, Dr. Carle gfaeP h the drawing t'f n rernlapr t tt: rates+ of legislation, will regut»t" den rlchpe received fl Mr. John Red- Pi y in chief coinxun offfenr. ix its follows: lonornry f:rnnd ('ruly0 of lila \{c. "rionr engagements In which the revolutionist" have IInJ the rill n snlarf'ot `3,000. by heats. The other two brothers the true m." President Hadley ut- tcral thr!si word" at the all Wxath mend• their Chairman. from Irish- mon In Duston nail Chicago. flrnnt South, Toronto i•;nst, •Brace North, TorOpto Went, Cardwell, W'n- torian fir( It. --- ail - axog In I'll Ilia ea wham , t21UT1.V IN SPAlN, were not title while title way; going On. nor was kittia r. Exec body tool( y to ehcoting, dad It drill not cense nn- ('hnrrh Inat night, the report ex- plaint, bpror(+ a peagregAtkil, tar el 11 K ) -- - - BEN. HAflRISON terloo North, Grp F«nst, Waterloo y Sondra North; Wotlw'I. play Thr, of Cil \'lvtorinn Order ii fila y filth Intelyt of the Brltivh ord"ra of knI t Colonge-one Colonel Norlegp lIP(PQLCd Lha (lovorrunpnt troupe. taking 1(x1 on; rules _ Poll" -Ire tif Emack tell wounded, shut with madit up of the richest church VERY !ll We tiuuth,' wclltnRtwl ('entry, Valli. hir"I InAtltllted• and dntem and from Y nail ummu- nits e s rdtioo ; the second dip thn F om the Nob slid An - thee" ballets, one of them In left stomarh. Etttn r plan was shot, In New England, white delivering n Lenten address on "The Development ' r mend nail Nonrk, We North, Ifnfton, Wellincton LSrnlh. Hamilton, April ::1"t, 1891{. The designation of lila /earth clneT Is "MOmh�r It:oynl nryprr Mn dalen(,pp rh•en wtiere the Ilio- ern chief, Marla, tools the Port Mn'dr ,l. March L". -There lava, uw) so was the youngret (wants, who received a bd10t In the hilt. of n Public Conscience." - • --. + � LHft Lunp Gaol{ Afft'cted b wentwertli North, Llnmin and Nin- gnra, Wentworth South, I'ePI, York Victorian Order, fourth claam," fend the nhhrevintloti 1" JL V. O. TIIP artier of 11'.uda, with its whole gammon, 400 rl(les, 160,000 ri"ts r,vtterdn nt Ttl I. L number y ftol With the two nRPnllnnts wonndpd, 1014,61, TO BTOVM: PA\'M:HKNT. O J 1 Enst• Slmcon North, York North, 8tra- halt Its arorpinted anniverapcy on tflo\ ally cartridges and JI)00,• lxxl ; a third find n fourth, to the In - "t "f Kr('lilw IrarsiPd the town, with the battle was over. The torn ).Ants the Disease. con F -Off, York /tint. Toronto Cen- •Tunr,"(Itff, tit 121ItreR Vie - t(xln'r accenlon. Tit, d coratlon+ are tprior of lluyoca, where General" I'linnerly. Inlr•r irPL ' "J 111,• "(;►at•,uy$reaA boys who were unlnJnrril wont to Shutrenarndle Juxtice of thft prPacw, LlndOny Hoy utTen YrRra In x Dyltim In x.f inti., Mnn 11. -The tea. the bndge, star and ribbon. (.pmnchrr and Nrtrn d«festal the tile• apt] apt] Work." nod k." Th,• windows of where they offered to give them- l'onAlt.lun. condition condflar of (n a Iien}n- ('of. f3teele will it the first Cavin twtoral trot". Thr, (%ovwrnmont rnyN �lint the dPpnrtmentm Cauca, several stores nail I"""re -Pre ohatterpd with ntm s, srlvea tip anti Awalt trial. Tile magiff- Lindany, March 9.-A frlghtfol acct• Jt. Serious. alas Harriw)n in serious. Ur. Jamrsua NN:W :PAI'Kft F tl(F: illnn to Iso drrooraled with thte pecu• llarly dlrllactive-order. of An - tipoqula, aril Santador are eom leta- the ",flee w•prP I greeted with "boa- ell" "1 mlRolles trot" deelinpd to nccP t them lye P Prisoners• allying h0 knew n"thing of dent hnppenPd herr this mcxnllK to the Stated to-dny trust the tipper {Iter pint of neat Harrison's Ire, lung Kao In- —' Poterboro Exationer Went t' p in - yet It Iran to rupp(WIL large armlPs every anti a "lint wan filed. The {n,llce flrw,l a few "11(rtx hl the flip affair. third mon of Mr. A. B. Tera con- f, trertloner� it n{oteArm the tray, 10 flamed. Tharp l+ Impme dung0r of til" F Laine" Tu -day, , „ . 111,111)1) Itlil"I BRI110M ivKNA w'lrerft In order In defend the territory nKRinsit the air nn.l turn cline U{ arra Kest nn11 il MMPd f. F.m"rk9 (nJ(iridw now exrrPAingl► serious, and the doctors (one 11 will yearn of ng•• wan with hilt brother on con stinn rttrodin to the rest of g« K the lung anti toAlle right lung. I'Merlrnrn', March D. -The P"lab• �� IINIINn VkIMOit,e"aeetPdentt YPIIOw wr-cnllwl rottelm. The r•euiutlnnl„to el.l of the rioters. But na "torr, cram{morel umean, not recover. F:ttingow'e wonnil was tlip rcx,f o his tather'a miner, w two' -U"ill 8 o'clock yrnlrrdny afternoon Ifphment of the Examiner Printing g l;olor. are employing .tae tips simliar to AI#Sve of thA Boor". - of mon nail Wtneiptl them d wratPl A Isu,n >wa{ not war detinnr, nor wne the Injury story bnUdlnK, shocfttlitlK the trash scow off, when, by 0nme unknow^un, tion. wnR rrRtnK ramify, tmlt ('c'mpnny, of which lion. .1. It. Ntrat- Itome• Marrh LO. -The ph0nomenon All the trado has come to a rum- y. ir'ns "flat Apnd nail thr0ft other" wore in to young hunts cnntddsred pnrticulnr ty dnpgwroae. mennR, he fell headlong to the mtone R Clinttime wt too,ll D -I ,ann a r,AdJ lar worse, and Dr, .Inm',Ron wan rn11Pd Pmvinelnr Seerntary, In Pr""i• dPnl, wan ed)mpl0trly Aestroyed h] known As n "WOod rain" occurred to- pMtP ttandmttl, the whole pxrputntinn nrwL J A IfStltrrirtnt Ansi a IxolWe ^reel pnc0mrnt tit ills fnthrr'0 feat, wvho Ile raid that he wan certain rkothlnR fora earl y tufR morning. TIIP PRtab- day In RI011y nail snwtnnrn or(1 cwn- trot Italy. In In mournlnK, and the Clovalnaseut were wO1,Mled. Tile Outbreak RTRI'('K BY A'Clt:\I�. wait nt the tim- Ptandiry( ein thr tilde- walk. Tito lad telt thirty fort was IS, App {►rrhrrmlA11 far lhP next linhment, which InclixlPd the npwn- It wan accompanied trtnipti by n rinlPntRlrocro, whieh'brou Kht ncrost halt confiscated their t The property. n0 dc";weve eansal no muob nine r m filet /IPTPtaI mnnnfni•torPra "ft ft —' Rection Nan Killed W WII, Iletoovilhg and 0wxinlpaA n fracture of Lha skull oaf 49 hrors, lot the ago of the patient renders all ca)rolntkns uncertain. At ,Far Pial "Dally "nil \\'wpkly Examiner," JrAt printing, b)ok binding And ix)x ter liral{t0rraneven Phowern of dost from tie i)exert a that every. hrxl m n yl tial a nnxknts to are n rohitfon nn the town. with their in.mlllre, f/MPr fiAR Wow town r0etorMl. 191low• jaw, And hath Grins weep he"kpn. ,At the tlmr of writs hR Is still alive, 8 o'clock ln0t eveninK O,n. Ilarrinon was enftnrinit Prnn, making Indnintrdpr, wax on" ill file IrePt equlppedl In the t of tllilnrre ThP at - moRphere In Rome wats Rntfcwatlnla ntn ly, Whitt It may ho. This OHM, ofln pair of shows in +F70, w chlaJtdm --- Pbrt f-ninn. Ont.. March 9 - .\. )I,rw- Mat little hOlte Of ree"T"T can bP petty. but was trig t nmtsi ----- r"t rittirriv Pr)vIne0. Rya ln+t w1f1 be over X80,0110, an.I flip elty was coveted h 7 tel• ipye c►oe•ls of and,_ A [ tg $7, n liound of Irwat S4, and so on." I . TRU(iOLINO WITH TNE: WOLR Ing. A. T. R. m0ctlwn man, of Plckrr. anter a Ise l DO Indianapolis, Ind., Mwrf h 11.-1 or• arch I -` mor s_n_a ra g WAR s0en. In N Napier �sft iKnorsO--- - -- --- _.___ _ hig, was I s+g(A In rlrr�rinR tlw "naw ttMn lMF track at RonrMnk thio 1S11AIKLMINA IN DANOYR. (per F'rPMdPpt I3nrrloon'W ennrltllnn at 9 A. m. WAR unrhangerf The Pollee 1'004 Rwords. . people were nInt"ed hyo the taMa sky 1)erw,awm Hooted the KISS. 11fit.,va. of LlnPudn'O lRecrwtrry I,o49" marning, when he wall struck by No. -� phyxf- eIAnR anpoarieeJ that hill tom Lintron, MArch 10.-.\s n rpoult of nni blood -tike rain and rnehert to the G,togne, Mwrrh tO.-- W'IrPn King RI Pollee Rtatlon. 4, the rant Oyer frown lhn west, anti 7 Ifouiw"nlan "I've to WA10h Ru0 Orta P tnrb was the Ram" wt arra y00terdny. mnnlfPOtntlan ngAlnmt the Je0ult0 by rhnrebRa, Thw wlp,1 felt like air from It (arnarm. AN the Ann was setting FwlwArl )'II. of England rO(vrntly Iramed through hoiolnrrg an him way 1 i'"ill" N. 11. -Ilan. J. A. fnstAnl)y.k1110d. it In as eel hr (1111 ant henr tin• aI ,IN"Rr-. :flalrTly 1nm)ting TroeAfr, ('GOR the atnientS of th" 1 olyt"ehnle Pclwol, the police entered till Inatl the reddened nteosgrhere causal It to le(vmtwtrg n crowd whWh lint] na- k)WofMarc), 'I'"'hien, widow of thR that rlrate P " '' "Lnry T'Txr' trnln coming. rind he could not xnr T,nnilnn, MnmW 11.-T1t" lit. JnmrA OAsetle thin aflerromm mays that, 3 Town, March 10.-TFaA ,official ri, )ortm regnrdin the ro rern of Ihn 1 R D 4 tntl,n and strark many with swords. to look like a ball of silver. 'RIP lonfwrinrP derinrP that the pMeO rPm1Ae11 on Lha rhttform hooted nna p 1 at fi1rn. v4 the into Prral.IPnt i.In- a Itg ew krrlgllrR at {silica t'P►art lar On account of bring on (I Bilary' curve. Novel"ttA lancer w wld"w nn'r ActnR on repro,"entatlons rorived fr,m The iingnr. the Rrnemnnlnn bulm,nle plague in('apRTown,anythe nnLbrfR►k rhnw" inial (rnarra Ihn wounded are Pomp lnfnh- try And cavalry ca(Mtm. Tfie n((Air Pilon pm,rtrrt1R n till take. Hunnl t Vyinuvlus In Incirlr�lr from Naples grtlevi lamed the anile(+ of the King. Th" Prwkdent ng. Tito t " FAtarrday night. She (, five mall chlklt'en. pre- hnvP 1rPPn IlMtrlteled to n of �'2 APnths lulx en noted HTMy Irrllgnatl r^ an the nes- Ing to tiles nt the Rhine i'revlRru•we lvhu noeom it (!Its Mty en-dny for i(A�PBa- -_`-------- Iicp watch and 10,: cares. 0 assPmblPd 0tude its have passed re. drama trddlRh and yellow- {rtnlM film, expressed ills regret wt eg iilte, and If on liar way to Mitring- fu•hl Walking (`oal Mines. certain peraonly wt aA•ny In 3fnldmvla nth) are ae/w{pvcfelt of bMllg concern- The MAlnys gnth«rw1 tr,gplMr to- any to oppose the rem oval -Imb stlutfonn nddrpanPrl to the Houele of ukaadr ___ tho occurrence. King F(Iwsed Kam ptflelally 111" fisc former home. Ov-vO+Pr m "?(f the Pepe Dorm MAPke. furnish- (ape Town, Afarch 111. --Tie ennt Is befnor rot In n ro-notrArsey Against the iivpx Wlltr•M.aina her hn*- of n Malay who had been attacked by the Pcwrn and ('itnmher of BPpntlea dr. roinring the bratallty of the police: The promrrtereof the pro""d PIPs- notified yesterday that the mtntlommnstor at timb►rg had been the wltk a tnfl-I Hotneurnish-lle. market of the ('ape Colony of QaPen and dim"". and Of several tweanns - __. trip rnr fine between Windanr anti ilpprrndpl In rank and Went to a Mri. Jenlllos Arrive(1 hr this ritY watched here. Thp Nntat mineR are harlot, who had roma Into aOntr►ct with lb0 MIA* Btnrhlnd-nh, yes; we can Leamington tit** asking this right to amrRer station. I'tln RntnMAy A/terprxn. llhR rAlli+tl (,n ovpraapr Ming rApldIv dAvrlopP,d, and there Is ntreagr roadAPrnMp trRdlnor a Ith - -- ---- -- Smith- Pity. Rappy, what'( the victim. The pollee worm Ovorpolwitr- ad, anti thR persons wile had mine IrReP our nnrosatOM bwrkover w lbnn onnA yrAM. Mr. Rmsrt�l ran trapP °iterate on Snrelayn, and tho Lord'm any Atlinnre fe OprpwwRing the rs- OmPrnmaat n(f1raM of the Poor, ck0y, tend t"k1 film Iter strcy. MA_t JtRkInO Q&R #LPs Colony. An nmalgmm�tnn trotiNe between yon and Bragg 7 lie sAys lhft next 11mP he cess he'll into rontowt with the Malay mndp thplr mine bark onvoral tit usanil yvAr' rle"t• ypwlenlG7 Rr rPtatP 1 final Kn01rt, e'rwldnnt n( the "•lid that she Ipff W'nshingW4 ,rpreritl 'I"ys mfrfill, of the aGMng mlpss In enntrmpinldld !(� the AIA of Rrltlsll eapltal (itl0r yon knock some arnoe Intn that head of prPapte. in the Pvent of G rope- tltlnn or this PTp0rlp11nil It will he I hilt then I'm Ptnmpoid. 1 Pont" then to (hp p)lnt where they dId' const of ltovornl ilwngariAll Tillages have b"n InnlntPd by the Dnnnbe fl•veds. rlr,rfield \Inntrrartnring ('o., Nn. 14H tor"rh,rn street, Clelnngn, In and told w Ft pry of vp hard sir11KgIc to nilvlsR Are being Inaprrted teS n Rrlt ooarR 9sphMd- Fhlh : Nn can't It. romesaary to employ an armed forre. thplr I rwselllag SMOng the tri -tope, W01 -00 liar" kit1RA twelve ppopfe connote ton with the robbory of tho Inter 0nrn n living ieh engineer. r (IO More trouble Is antlelDato& n"d didn't leave aty! trlkeem. daring the last four weeks, nni revenue office In peons, Ili. 4 J —