HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-14, Page 677:171'2 est4+ tGERALDINE'S FORTUNES +++++++++++++++.4.4.+++++++.11.41)+4.41.1444444.14 , These were uot whody cheerful ones. hail &weed ber to neuntrft whet, The explauadun be had eo king (trend- teinakieg oa subjecte ateett which ish, ed, so long shuffled out 4. could be. had thought much. pat off tto longer. lieralAjne must 'put surely you don't lead a soh - learn the% slit. had lived °011ie; that 1 tary life, young a* you are! You tre WAN a myrtery about her birth; tire poe quite in the wilderners itere. that elm wee penniless; that he had 1 two inst_eit who disliked ker. lie toegliburheue is not very enlivening though 1 dare may the society of thi countiel upon their aversion melting -there are so few young people oi like snow before the sun under the /Olaf own ails in Ike famine)) about.' influenoe of her sweetneas and charm; tiertilMne was rattier surprisol, but ettll it trout(' not do for her to cagey one looked upon tine gentle - come Into tleir presence le Ignurauce awl as a rtranger. • of any cIrcurastanco in her own lea "I alwaye find out vim thing about tqry. to reel Ito h Ing told to licr leen the Inhabitant's of any piece I ma) kInfely than by hie own lips. silo had be in. ei well as tabsout the scenery,' libel ge a daughter to him, Iiii we a he added in explauution, " awl 1 father to her, for eighteen yeti's; lie make a 'unlit of seeing all the oh. would adopt her frankly now ; and the 'enters and churchee. Ohl buildiuge fleet of Imo sisters receiving her under are el )(Input t I me." the same rout with them -for the) "Well, the Inlutieututa 4.11 &amide) • Iii receite ber-he had resolved are tut eld nit their. houses, I think u 1 that -would silence the tattle tied have aboit as 11111011 to say fin the neighborhood. and make peo- plerereive the meagre eccount. which theineelves." "Yoe are seeere. Bat I don't coil was all he had to give them. as indeed fine myself to- teneley. I go furthei thy truth. Yee, oil the very next day , arid], and limit lieekleton and Tot let would reit over te Cupslry ; eittl bmo, and waringnmne. , brvitervi of sitting as tonal, allied "The church at Tollwaelt Is pretty Inotooftyllahleally lietenIng to th. prat- but tJtere Le not much to see ie. fleck tie which was always ch erne for him. Wien.. All 1 Waringliam-why. War be would take hie out for a walk with leghten. iii a korg way off ; it IA ne kw and make tb- strange and (1If• ili ;introit at nil." fruit ortifetwokei as nest hs might.. "No, it is juat within the borieri But kiii decision hairleset ntade tela of Oiorfolt. I know." said the Baran late. and h m comdernion was to be fore. iserabd. ger.. watching her. "But it Is one seven miles off. nearer titan Toi On tbe mornhig after Sir Chet -lea' beach." cosveroatIon we'll th • vieer. Geraldine "Only seven miles off t Indeed, I - was walking' thayugh a Lute a littl. think you must he mistaken. I liae 'fray from Copeiey, with a basket In Ilvel here all my tire, and I -Oh. In bet hand containing swot j•liv and •See 1. I ant stare l• is a great. deal far- brutil 1`4. a akek W".71311. Sii4 "'al' tiler off than that." alone. for Mlas Gretton (11.1 not feel well etnemb to acrompeny her. Itatiee• "No; 1 assure you you knee Mie ealculatoi the dist:trim. Yon know glad to be abb. to ch-xoe her own Where the riara branches off Just al pace. eh• Wax trIpping eloeg as fast the beet .1 the hill whielt goes up 1, as her feet could carry tier. the %pre Air oal k ning k T yoine t keel I ri h.• Warbigham Park gates?" el have never been to Warilighain" ruing b e soft orown eyes. mei bring . ere a gkyw of rich color to li .r eh ek- ' "Never been to Waringliam I"' hi echoed. in a tone the aurpriae o whew. turning oelckly into a grzoie °covered eartway wh ch ted to tlie nee which it suddenly evecurred to Ger of outtages whkei v • Am tit! end of 1101 Wine to think Waa feigned. 'The! tourney, tie. came face to Lica with Out nercounts 'fee you thinking il two genttemen ; Onn ir./.. th • curet, eo tench further off than It is. You tie, otter a stranger whom eh. ha,' 'eight te know Sir Charley; °twee several tines' lately. met la hia oat. on.1 his t we weird old sisters." pany. SbY lind hoard a good 1Iual of Geraldine started; but her celnpas gossip lately as to wile thie Mratig em did nat. seem Co notice this Hi awaken/in evuld le whe had fur elle torilinocvl- lent few days come aver im frequeutly "Mt -Charles himself le a charming (nom Cok hotter. where It waa uit e.etlentan-he is an old friend oi deretoud th it Ife mtur staying mine Indeed, a eon nect ion • of my apioarently for no ratio motive thee, 'antler ; but hit slaters are the very to enjoy the euciety of the curate, Air. royeree of him in an things -at least Meadows, Iv home acquaintance he had :he yeunger is, and the eider follows, made ou the previous Stnute- after tee sister's lend. I3ut yen renily eervioie and w.htr. 1 hougb a good. llith eitoitteltee-know Sir Charles." ' fellow enough and (mite a favorite everywhere out in the pulpit, was not • '1 'ilo -know Sir Charles," ,answered Ow sort of eotnpanion potpie would the girl, quietly, but in u Constrain have expected •ucti a well-dreteed itni el vo:ce. "He is my guardian." wee -bred looking man an the stranger "Indeed! TO tell yeti the truth, I to (Ind very. interesting. lel heard ro; but your sayieg that Geraldine h id taken a dislike to the .ou had never been to Waringham Mill erer tenor the first moment when made me 'doubt whether I linq heard• she had met hie critical stare of ap- -,orreclij." provnJ In liturch; and she kit very "quite cerreckly. lie was a Com - witch atmoyed when the curate, after -ede of -my father's,' who left me in a few low %yards from Las completion_ __tert eare,.._He le tie Med of not as It I amid, in the hurried. nervoue manner were his own child." peculiar to hen when not preaching- "Yet feu have never been Oa War - In the pulpit vigorous denunciation tigliam 1" Ile let the (pestles: slip Was hie forte- . nit so naturally that it did not seem "Miss Lindley, will you allow mo fo -Ineroduewollirentr my frlena Mr. How- snisort inosve • " S.*, I have tieverbeen le Waring- aed '.'" • inlet," Geraldine tinewere,1 in a low Sue bowed rather coldly, and •x- voice. changer! a few remarks witirber nee• • Suddenly Mr. !low:anew manner *Opt detente In a bard. smileless, al meat remelleot mintier white' eh' !intuited ; and. betiding a little I twee. yy that he ceild leek into her (nee, celled airtime when she was not Mena eel. rAie ttiottglit Mr. Meadows had ae mei impressively - taken it liberty In forcing upon her ."And 1/0 you know why ?" thie introduction to a Mtn whoene _ The girl raised her head quickly theugh hie manner vita that of a tor- rotrt-oottily. tatin dim of gentlemen, wee, somein "If Ito had widest me to know, Sir intact told her. an undesirable nc- (liar:err, would have told tne.•' quaint intvelfr.Howard was not of th. "And do you not .wish to know 7 type of men wh y are pettily eaueb:el Of oeurae. you do. Some curweity and le. took care not to let 11.r pee an the matter, one that I have un - co tante!, by an adoeit remark. ht had wittingly let out two thinge (het at hot drawn an unw eine mule, from pen die not know before, ia only hir. Bhe then erettimiesi her walk natural.'" (Willed Ito errand. pael tee, or thee The girl ruse. and clung to the visite to cottages nenr. nol returnee headstone of the grave next to Hu toward Copeley. On thy way hack ale itootetorte on which she had been cohered a. bartketful of prletrosee •Ating. and, turning Inei thl chitreheari1.41 "'WTiretever eilliC6Ite l'''. May Ilft.e gee down on one of th. tones:eels* to know whether thle thing* yon and been to put then togetker • and have tied mi are true or (elm I must laden thnh. to place on the grave 0. ,tifie. I-1 have no right to -to pry a little girl, way het! been (me df he .nto nny seceet which my guardian ectrylare In the Sunday 'who!. and elvewes to keep front me.' Who had been carried off by, consent). She was trembang and cold; the Lion just before the ePriag flowers pretty color had left her cheets. began to bloseusn. tnii her eye* seemed suddenly to Rho wail orcup!ed with her flowers nave lost their lastre.. with the utter eheorptent natural te Mr. Howard -wan overwhelined on bar in any work, however trifdeg -whet thY coke of the unwelcome M. Howard adilrowel bin% He hi,' a p prom h ei from Lehind bee. acme th VIM and thy gramme ay softly the. elay had not hyard a *Mind until b. "Pak 0. AnOth.T errand of mercy or knd nom, I 0.11T1 gave, Mae Liattleye• see he, with n ensile mut tatetannt man ner wh cli 'wore diffietet to resist and Mr. Howard strolled aroilad 111 Last tonitatene whet] overate! hlo. frost her. ante reatiag ble hand nu thi c.riewbeara of a crud te merle' 00*. kedged down upon 11•Ir With 11 klmilitteas whiei cumpelled leo to loot sp. Anil then Rh) wars forced; against her will, to inlay back agela. Mr. Howard. Wa4 Uot ft eory yowls mate He was ratho eli wt. ratho eto.t, und koked year or two lee thin forty. It reality' 111 mut older but he WAM no carefully deeesed. no garnet of manner. Abe 11107 hairs le him dark modetate and hair were so well dyed. e carried' his years very lightly. , Geraldine shook her head elowly and sorrowtolly an she nnewered TIM; 'No one can 14110W either kindness or mercy to the donit These flowery are tey pot o.I a grave." "Tben why do you dy 1 have had Oupreseed upo3 lin most etcongly by everyo.ie I have met abott hero that pre are a young iney et triter cendent learning awl aecomplot inente. not at all Ilkely to -do nt.y• thing without a reason, an 1 a good eilly Mr. Weaker,' has lyeen totting yoe that. Ile thinks me lenrn- ed become. I know wliOrn ill Ma hack• newel gout:teem orene from. lint even le II wore learned, I dare may I should here humnn weitknowee. I impose putting fiewers on n grave la pilly. erAt 1 Should not like to think there woeld be no rem artily enough to put theta CM Mine." -Not slily at nil. Don't let us tilk *bent graves," said Mr. Ilownel, with unripmenetable imatinese "Why ch.., s • the' saddest of nil sinhlorts Hindi a lamely morning a.s thin 7" "00, but think thou. tire ninny estrider than t h " paid Gereldine, for whom. In the bloom of her terreand-twenty yenrm, the tomb hrici floteination which a tweeter of • century'. nearer rippronett t., it had very much deerrinseil in her com- panion. ''fieparation--life-long nep- nrsttlm from -from people IV core about"--aue her voice enddenly wee. ere& "tie see good people unhtippy, and not tn style to comfort them:. .tO have friend* it Peng way off In tenable and anfferIng, ant to be nn• able to gr. to t hem -why. to elle ireema away comparei with n lot of t renters I know not then I tielle•0 people im-he live ver• miltnry ilven neleein teeing the effect of his rash die- dosuron. Ile made profuse apologia. vn41 dieted. tut ha withdrew lila hand :rum the crow on which it had 1/.1.440 rooting and prepared to take leave - "Yon must a:low rue. llies 1.1ndiey, no a man nearly old enough tO be your father" --he wan quite old enough, but "nearly" soundea bet• ter -"to exposit my atimitation of your eel( control, wonderful, in one ern young, In meeting the ternota tion lenrn a xecret wilat- ever you may way. must be -is of vital interest to you." Ire raised his hat, and was letiv• ing her. when, turtling eudilenly to - word With trembling lipe anti .liaking sh.• ceded him !melt. ''Mr. Howard, 010 ruoment, pleasel t here io 000 411104t4011 1 101101. aak-1 mayettair there cell he no harm in t hat. l'erh a pe"- - ehe stopped. hesitating. In mete of herself, the poor girl was unable entirely to retest the temptatioolo earn peturthing more, If only a lit• tie; and eke Wile trying to think of .1.11 1411/1.04.11 question. Mr. Howard came to the resew. "Do not torture youreelf needless- ly,". said be, kinilly. "There le cloth- ing much nom terrible In What you have not heard 01313 In what y ou have heard. The answer to ono of " What mysteries ? I know of no ieysteriee. I don't tinders% lud you." wild the girl, *barley. her lace Walther red under this new alai Wire alarming form ol attack. "044 it leiter etwurred to you to trik youtmelf, if not to ask thaw Lemuel you, why you lead a life so intermit from that of other girls - why you have been brought up as those girls tire who are intende 1 to ;Wile society. and you aro kept /diet ip hero with two old schoolmistresses Ike a Hun, with tio compautons of your .wn aim. none of the usual mauve - acute mud gayeties of a young lady DO you never wonder wog you are mover down any portraits of ,your parents, why you are never told any• thing about them except vaguely in insweir to questions from yourself?" "What do you mean 7" gusto! e'er- ilalue, in a Yore, low kok- lig at him steadile., but clinging to the worn skate by witieh war itandins. as if rho felt that she had tearrely strength to tear the shock • what might bo coming. "Wiwi would you say to -some one oho. having heard your story 'lid being struck with deep pity for your position. and deep admirntiou • or the way in which you filled it, :tad taken t lie trouble to bunt out eve Ware which would remove you from it, would expose the cruelty which has et your bright young life Ile under t eliadow ew hem, and force chow who nee keeping you Out of , I to •Ield it it to vou '7' "I don't understand you:" "'If this were true that 1 am titli- ng you. you would be grateful to tech a pereon. would you not, ? 1 am eine you would, for you are very .enderitearted. if Wm person .vere to prove to be a -a relative of vour own, who had been as 111 treated it the !Linde of the resit of lea family as you lied been yourself by the aame ;mesons, yeti woUld in gratitude tretch out a kindly and to blin. how him sympathy in hie treas. give tim ledp in hie etrugglea with unmer- , tid intefortune." "All this ben Oder, me I dou't know ehat you moan. I begin to feel that 1 night never to have listened." "Ah, that is whit people always ogin to feel when you mentein to hem that eou expect a ettle help in eturn for a great service!" inter- epted Mr. Howard, the pittironate ones to wince he htel workee himself tp during lei last erred' clettiging a ittle. "Dut that is nqt like you, Mtee inif"Y. Toe are generous -hearted. 'Wait, wait ! Let me thlak. You are e stranger 40 me, and you come town We With With a tong nceount of tome mystery ethic!, you make more 'nye- 'erioue by- eour way of telling it. ewe I 'tear enother word frotu you I taunt ow my guardien, must tel. him what you hese told me -or part of it lentil -there le no help fur It now- ind must mit eine if I am to believe -what I en) to believe" "Ask Sir .Charlee. I I'M- will get no eelp there. Ile will stammer and, ex. *nee hltostelf. tell you that 1 am"not '0 be believed. that what,,I have :old you is a tissuy et nozuse "If iny guardian tells me the that * the voodoo 1 atoll have.to a pt. dr. llownni." -Yon will try to ill see perh -tut mow day human nature will gat the better of yon in far as to lea ,ceil to ask. not Sir Clutries, but notne oclifferent person. how far ref War - 't le jute. seven melee from here, some ether day TOG will not be able to -eget the temptatlon to walk theme oven miles; and, when yin find ont Ovate besides felr Charlea, two old oullee; lea sisters. llre ill It. yoe will begin to wonder if there wee net ome truth in those other suggestions the stranger offered yon, and to -be tormented with a burning wish to know what that last and molt Ine portant. piece of Inforin..tion wart which you were ton proud, or too timid: to let him tell." e l-ou are mistaken. Whntever my 'guardian tells Ine will tottery me." el think not. But It in possible Rome. thing I have to tell him nuty satisfy him. For. though you have not et. - ..revert the disintereeted services of n eomplete etrenger very tinily. I nm magnanimous, enough to reeolve to serve yoe against your Will. Then. when pee have experieneed my gen. ^lenity in spIte of yourself. it will Ile with yori whether you /thew me a coereeponelng generomity in return or-ilite• most of your nex- ferget It. I will give you my addrere; when- ( do not ray •Ite hut 'whore -you wstit rov hcip to clime up the mien of daft - settles fled rontrnillictions you will On' (venter when you put your questioes to Sir Charlet., a note, a telegram wil! elmtnon tne to your service • He put Into her hand a card, which The allowed to drop unrend to the ground. H. was not deunted by this show of dietlala knowing well Holt 410 would pick it tip end rend It as -eon an hp PO out of eight, and that. If ehe were to tear it In piece! and •hrow It to the winkle the next mo- ment, the metros would rem tin indel- ibly graven ots her mind. Rhe 1,..t him go with the coldest of Mews In rosswer to hie elnborately et:Melton ettinte, and in her nervoue eXcitement utterel a phort lore- in tin fleginnl I mberet sweet I oice, graver end r e'er faster than usual, addries• .1•Shefiser. wiint hem that man been preying to you ? 11:0I fright- ened you." "Oh. no. not at nII. in a strew:Pr here -a friend of Mr. llendowe. only-" She gave way. and burst tete' pawky,' of tears. Tenting' blindl openpe, elle ran against it grav awl Reginald n gentle. trig hand on her arm the merit. . "Have yoi hurt vo asked, very softly. • "No -oh, no. Let n go, please. Niles Orettoa vvnitin for me. I -- "Yen meet let nak yogi tete sinew tlose Mine Lindley. 1.,ei knew %ere well it la noilinpertinent curioeity which prompt! me. I know the man witty was topenking to you hint now -at lenete I knew him onee. I know him ate worthkete, insinuating 4enmp, who will make any naimehief In order to profit by it. Ile would tell nny lie, annoy anybody. to any ex- tent-" "Whet, what! Are yoe mire 7" ire terrepted eernidine, ongerly seleng hie hand In her beret/Ilene nnxiete, ma robe looked up with glintening. In- tent eyes. Into hie face. elle ikee not tett the truth, you any ? fin ie unworthy of any belief ?'' "Qiete I Ile wined mete nny story eltreett ter the bere plenomre of exereining hie Invention, I really believe." "Thank Henvene Ow whispered, ns her Minch fen betiesaly down at her stile... and for tee moment Reginald thought she lorail fainting. But mho reetyvered even tut he put him arm *tont her, not freeeng her self gently. levered np nt him with grstefel, mobtt eyes, itot she hell mit her hand. (To be rontInnecl t lin 404a4 i011111 which puttee(' you I have ulready glven you ; It le Sir :harlot' misters, or rnher lan whiter Elisabeth, who iv the obstacle to your going to Waringliam. What- ever her broth r hate, mho torte ; whatever -whoever he toren elm hate*. A. Sir Chariee-your guard- ian. I think you called him 7 --in fond youe will norwer for It that, in elisabet Wit • eyea. poison would not be bad enough fee r pi," "Is that so?" asked the girl. her ram suddenly clearing. ' Then cif course Sir Chitties, could not, tette me to see Wnringliam, becalms 1114 sta. tern would not reeeire me , in.I we In order to avoid telling me nett, for fear it might pain me, he never mentioned them to me, anti let me think Witringham Was a long way off. That just Min him - 1111.1 mid emmitiorate! That evplains everythino. ()le I am ao glad!" she cried. es the natural 044101. Mean to flow back to her cheeks, and 'the gate a deep aigh of relief. "I-1 be• gen to be quite frtghtened. It 1.1111/0 vo muldenly. and 1 have nlways lived eo quietly, that anything that e ontele nt all introits* impreeive 1110 rleellie• I-1 Meet kuow yv hat 1 thonght at fleet." "Nothing half so strange as the tenth. Miss Lindley, I ntn Imre of that. What would you say to a pew - eon who wotlid Hen r iip the mysteries concerning you and the people about tow., strain- xt. ince if r he etralay. • "Ovittere nee sesta= now, aren't they, Mr. Beff 7" • Ahoit now. I think. Wel rime. There W some doubt abtrit it, von ewer. bet there ix nitre Ally dellkIht fear death," ehe added, in n mnral- Jolt 7hieh must ewer Wive pots ad dote 1.2. Comm aide W ton Whiten et" - Gas Reeson fbr Marriage. - JO th of Hugland, where, 6 inNE HosT,f tab is a great sport, swift, Weed dugs often win _ large sums in prises; emolument*, the owuerr of there element bestow much attention on thaw Au old 1 re outlier, well known for Mil Turkel i success la the coursing nen!. recent- ly eurprised all him friend• by marry- ing a very unprepomeesiug women. "Why hain thou gut spliced, hue et thy age f" one of hie friend* &sled hint. "Oh, tentes . not much of a tule," mimeses] the old man. "1 ugree we ye 'at Betsy yonder la no beauty; if mhe had beep I shouldn't bare wed her. But that there dog o' mine he was simply pining* for some one to look afterrehink while 1 wim away at the pit. 1 couldn't Wear to leave him le the house by lessen. so I hit on the kiwi, uf marrying Betsy. She'd not handsotue, but she'll mighty good company for the dog." Good Tee wed How to Make. 1 Good tea tut the beginnieg of good liquor. when it le drawn from the leaveo. Tee making of good teu la impoesible. from tour leaver,. then the making of pioor tea from good leaves -Rom bIgh-grade teeylun leaves -le hard. If all that were neveasary In giving good tea to the public were to put leave:1ln a packet. or sell it in wino. other form. our years of experience would go for naught. and we would peter have heard the tem isbout Rosa' High-Orade Ilea that illiVet been met. We want to tell yeu ell about goisi tea. so you can judge between how' IligteGrade awl oommetit teas. We use nothing but the finest Cey- lon teas, and inoat people know that the beat team lu the world came from tho beautiful Leland of Ceylon.. Noes' High•Grade Ceylon Ls not beet. t simply beeauest .It looks beat -tea! lan't grown for looks -but for drink- eng purposes. it le the finest to be had. The sell of Ceylon is peculiarly , adapted for the growing of tea. It gives a flavor aud lusciousness to the leaver which le not got from any other moll in the world. As we saki before. the Rees Iligh•Graile l'eylon Tea Ls the best growth of Hee wonderful tea•producing coun- try. and one pound will go um far 'as one and a half peen& of any Ot her tea. ' , All tea that goes into the packets tho Roan Tea Company is care- fully tested. the production of any , particular garden counts for noth- ' ing, 11 the standard in high. though we buy tea only from the best tea lands In the world, nod most of them are not good enough. We re- Jeet more than we ere. What we nee t he beet in every par- ticular. When the tea is satisfactory then the work of the peckers begin. These pnekere are most skilful at. *heir work ; they have so many year,' 'of experience to guide them. They have the latest development* of modern r machinery to help them. Every particle of dust is rentored be - /ore the tea enters the packet. and She utmoet cleanliness in preserved through the wiele process of pre- paring theme team for the market. • It. is iniportant that tne direettene side the packet be observed. an ten tea is as bad na when it is not made 6tr peewee as the delicious flavor ,y(N1 et when it 1. made Not right Is toe To get the bast results, pour the lie or off the leaves After It lino rit awn t neeen minute. Into an- other w teapot. If left dunce ing on th leaves for any length of time after geven ruinutee the Ilketer gets bitter raid rank. (Try this ntethod; yon will never make tea any dire. way.) 'ROSS' HIGH ADH CEYLON TEA chentost bscau it goo, farthest. as well as trying be . Ask for the 25 rent paekage for g ateat economy. It is packed in one ire (le only. Three kinds, black. mixed a d uncoiered green Ceylon. Japan a drinkers ehould try the green C eon. Your name on a postal ard will bring you a sample. The Rose Tea Corapa.n 1 1-13 Front street east, Toronto. BAKE Relates His Experience for the Benefit of Others, Preprietor of the Doke House, St. Thomas*, Loses Au Euensy That Had troubled for Over el v e Years mud Is Glad. St. Thomas, Martel 7.--(Special)--17e. Dake. of the Duke Humor, le thie elkY. be proud mall for he has at lad forever dimpueed of a foe, white& hag ghee him a great deal of pain and auneynnee during the last five er yeare That foe wtis Kidney Trouble and Lame Beek. Dodd'. Kid- ney Pine drove it out, never tu re- turn. and now eir. Duke iv happy. This ir whet lie *aye: "1 have been troubled wIth "my Kidneys aitil pants in my back for over five years. Nothing 1 could get helped uie the least. Filially. i 1 WM6 tolti by a friend whit had tried them. that Dodder Kidney Pills would cure ;meanie I decided te try. They relieved me from the first and even- tually rune' ne. cumpletely. They Iare a wonderful medicine." There are teeny people la at. Thomas and vicinity who have very I kind thinge to say of Dothrs Kid- ney Palle. The local druggists re- port u very large ovate. and this is not to be wondered at, tot many very renuirkable curer are reported In the city and county. Dues Cooking epull freed? Ising tone that (regnant solitiele you ? in a glean ? -Cleveterrt Plain Dealer 1erof. B. Tyler, of Iedlanapolie rayr that huttion life would average thee, or four times knecer than It dies if people would reject th• lielikieleas prate I tier. of cooking their fool, Aulnutie fowl Ilve tuteh tenger lu proportioi the period of full development than man. Seye Tyler-" Man, fer Janine UnkilOWli reastee ante dead cell.; (cooked cells) to replace the (land cello that have been reparated from the body. Itt meting food all ills made nue gamed so heels:try for the VOW w ervation and prowirvatkei of td..111 etwape with t he straw and the food retains greater money of tole lime atul oth yr such atitioatimee than nature millirem for the iimount food taken htto thy system." THE LATH KINO MILAN. - Setae Causes That Led to His letter The producti"; uur"ntioLward circum- stance* anti tbe victim or his UW11 Illel ul stublilly, ex-aleg Mewl may le. cutupared with the -hooligans" 1 hitt represent the failures of a hum - leer social grade. llu war luteillgunt (obi energetic, but lacked self-control and the ordinary moral tilltilit1116 II kWh Dude up ellarecter. From the very. first he wee an "outrider." He went to Paris in ltele to be educated. Hie ectioul was the Louie -le -Orate* Lyeee, &toe he Wedded at the house of hie private tutur, Profeesor Heel. Ile was a sullen, *tarty. buy, very ttmehe, an i apt to look down 011 110U - peewee fellowetudeute His class - fellows for the+ reason were glad to unnoy him by imitating the grunt' awl other noires of a pig. , life Waal Dot born in the purple and ha certainly had not been fitted by his education or training fur the tole he 4r41111 culled upon tu fill uuder the most theictilt c:rettiustaucke when a youth of lose than fourteen y.eare. Hut in justice to him It must be U11- hult.te,1 that everything wee against him. It seemed almost as If fete map- ped out his wretched career from the very first. He certainey felt this was the ease. "It Le yuu who had the care of my bringing up," Ile Onee retorted iltion M. Risties, wheu that Servian ' stateenian had remonstrated with hint upon one of his exhibitions of ex- travagance and duplicity. "I am Just u hat you have made me." lie vette werneti against the mar- ringe with Natalie by an oel ow- vaut of the future Queen, who said to him, "Sir, your.; iii au Imperious nature, and no Is Natalie's; neither or you can bend. Uteri' to an old 1 woman a eilvice, and abandon this utarriagee"The einusel was not 'te- mpted, but being communicated to the eoung Queen 'yy her husband. lel to tbe dienaseal of her faithful at- tendant, who is said to linve died bruken-heartiel In Runde not long af- terwards. Everything conspired to make him unhappy. After the Serv Ian war of 11455 he threatened, in n epeeela be- fore the Armidice Coremiselon. to ab- dicate. He and hie son lunched to- gether with a few mentions uf the royal entouritge after the ceremony was over. A painful restraint pre- vailed, and there wee little con- y...rotation. Suddenly the young King. looking up nt hle father, mid to him, elemn, 'when 4o you leave r' King Milan -was evidently much taken aback by hie son's apparent lut- patienee. for hie eleparture. A more uneociable man never lived. Ile resided In the AVer1118 du Dols Bouloente and had there a eervlan. who wag hie per•onal attendant and bodyguard. illis eervent was a giant. The late Lord Lytton enlled hint "the chucker-out." Everything points te the fact that the ex -King wore him - melt out by hie style of living. lie was suffering from a eihronlc dimense of the heart, fuel nothing could ag- gravate that sto much an earreplaying for high dates, and hopes, contin- ually deferred, of remittances from Beigrade.--,MIly Exprew. Bronchitte Asthma Cured. Kingeton, Ont. -For ten years I have been a terrible sufferer from Bronehitic Asthma, oftentimes so bail that for nights at a time I email not rest. r apept hundrede of donates on dieting and "quark.," but one dollar's worth of Celan-110 eine cured me.' Captain McDonald. Four months later Captain Me - Donald wrote, tittering: ''l am still perfectly well. and have no more bother Imm nye nh, trouble." Few marine men are better known on the great lakes than Capt Mr• Doneld. of ilangdon, and hie teeth nyony will be convincing to all who know him. Ask your aruggists to slow you' catarrhozone. It is the (int,. sere cdre. Com ete outfit 1- . it sent or I by N. C. Potion & Co.. Kingtiton.'Cnn• ada, or Hartford, Conn., U. S. Gold mid Gray. Some time. sweetheart, thin gold Ver. Ale then! will fond eye* Foeat se lovingly ? wonder then. If looking at the light Of other heads' no like thine own, These bursting stars may mingle with your night, And lisping lipe foe early yearn atone . If then this rounding. gray will be MA dear as ebe Who once wore brighter coronala fOr thee? -.7. A. Sinclair. Catarrhosone curea Catarrh. The Exhauition of Monotony. A man kept continually at the name kind of whrk during the day woukl show n anialh.r tivernge of 11- tallty at its en than a man whom tasks had been varied and 'chrome in- termit hari therefore been kept up in- ritend of being allowed to languish because ce the sameness of the work at whIeb ht. tout been employed. Thia certainly point., a moral for whool work. Spiders for Wine Cellars • livery man who Itas a wine cellar haa an equal kindness for spiders. Tide is cm the authority of a connoisseur. Cobwebs add dignity to wine and make it seem older than it really le. Moreover, if the epiders refuse to weave their webs about the bottles ine the 1100 10,111 riche. there mama spider's may be purchased at to much n dozen and Imprinened in the vaults. where their natural industry must aimert Itself in cobwebs: There is an Frenchman living in oue of Philn- (I hia's stamirbe who make" a Med- i and a YPTY goet one. it IR claim- ed, eultesting guiders for wine cellikeepurpovers. in this way It tot • vift Ordieutire inny In a few, weeks take on ell the appearanee of aged mellown An Agnostic's Definition of • Chime]. A place in which, week by week. ser- vioes should be devoted, not to the iteration of abetrart propositions in theology, but to the setting before menet minde of an ideal of true, nett and pure living ; a place in which Hese who are weary of the burden of daily cares should find a moment's rest In the contemplation of the higher life which pasmible for all, theugh attained by so few ; place which the Man of strife end Intel• should have time to think how 11011111, after rtil, are the reward. he eolrets, compared with pence eharity.-Prof. Huxley. ARK 'f 011 GOING WKtiTe If so, aend a letter or postal card to the undereigned. aninvering the following question', : .Where are you going? When are yen going ? I IWIhere do you start from ? How mnny arn In your party? WIII rot tnke your household 'goods? Morita low rote /*there' tleketa ort *ale during March and April to pointe Mnniteba, British Colette bia, Oregon, Cielifernia and all %Vera - ern State*. Full porticulare from TI. II. Bennett, Genteel Agent, Chit -ago & Northwestern Railway, 2 King street east, Toronto, Ont. Very !strange. Brooke-Harthrime nays he took a ntranger for you el esterdaY. Rivers -That'. hinny. Now te-day he took me for stra.nger. "Bowe that 7" "He wanted to borrow VD from Me." -March Smart Set. Catarrhotone cures Catarrh. Catarrh cures Catarrh. A Lost pportunity. Maud -Ole hubb ! to -day was bar- gain -day at some rdware etore nnd I didn't even nee it dvertised in th.y /Wiper& 0 r - Heavens ! ere eilie ha rile iIrt, etores beginning It . afnud-Well. 1 hoard Mr. Budge, this afternoon, pay to a gententan Triune, "Come along. Ned ; let's gek a ten - cent stove." Minird's Liniment Cures Garg I 00W14 Is Prospect. Mr. WWI -Johnny, Is there any hot water In the house 1 I've manage.] to upset a jar of frnit on the tnble- rloth. Johnny 13111us-No, bnt there'll he plenty It when mounts oomes back from downtown. -Chicago Tribune. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Fixing a Key. "I writ for you to fix a key my diinghter's piano," said thee man of the honee. "But, my denr Mr, I don't 'Mow nnything tilemt pianon. I'm it lock - meth," replied the workman. "Exertly. I went yon to make it poesible fr,r me to lock the blamed thing up."-Philndelphia Prepe. • - - - - Minn erre Linlment Cures Inetemper. king EdWard's I •u rlost• Property. King Edwerd VII. Is proprietor of the bole nf n11 British tidn1 rivers. such ail the Thome'', the Mersey, the Ty he, and others. He also owns that pert of the shore all round the coed lino which Iles between high eked low- water Mirk. Inture•te Avails's Ortifinslity. That there nee wimp. strong lines In Lanreate Alfred Austin'', dirge will he eheerfnlly admitted -by Mr. A1111- , tin. That there nre others not so , streng mCPMN to go without saying. in the letter clew may be includol the elequent line: "Dry your reeve lend t n weep." It is fine and I impressive line. Rome poet* armed have said: "Dry your eyen" and let it en at that. ()thee poets might enbatItute "Cense to Weep," add Mt the moistened optics dry by the nat- ural promote Not so Laureate Met- tle. He Arlo. the *yea first and then direct, Dint the folieet be tensed off. -Moreland row/ neater. Caterrhosone cares Catarrh. Dyspepsia Pains. adding front the formatinet .4 gam owing to improper digestion is the lat_lahari. A very prompt and efficient remely for this trouble le howl in Nertiline. It reliever the detention instantly. and by Miumetting /tenon on the atom. eel( nide iltfeetime ter.] nem for Colic, jtheninatieue Neuralgia Ana tteolinelle. In medietunl power Nerve line Mut a vaine five time. greater than any other. Tort it and see if it not so. Druggista sell it. . Their Tarte Goes Wrong. Even the beet Judges of tobacce ean't always. be depended on enme- timee their tattle goes bark on there, se to /PIMA k, and remains blunted for a week at a atretch. Proles- sienal minwiers. tobfteco take Wrrk off every few moans and never look at the weed until they return to duty. In that way they keep In condition. Deafness Cannot be Cured ftielecol application• aa they canoe! reach the dimmed portion of the nor' There 1. only nne riayslorpcumn,:idteenfneire.atitid named c,inwittl:M of the meows Manger the En-tachien Tube When diastole, is inflamed you have a rumbling synod or imis erect hear IOW. and st hen 11 1. entirely eleted. Ileafnew 1. Ow resole mid ionise. Innaintuation eon he taken on; and thie tube rmiored to 11A 000041 condititio. hearing will be de.troyed forei nine cases, out of ten are canoed by Catarrh. %inch i. nothing Ma infianied condition of the mucous Auden... We will site Ouu Hundred Dollars for dud; mole of fleafneoe (canoed by catarrh) that OM- lt he mind try litalt Catarrh 4 lire. Send for circulare, free., le t HEN KY & CO . Teel°, 0. soki by drumlin.. 7.1c. Hall Family PUP are the bei.t. A New 'track. "Pay ?" sald the tranyp, lightly, af- ter he had mellowed the drink. ' I moos :tot. DO yoll know who I eh), young feller I'm the third cousin o' Men. Carrie Nation." • e Help r. yelled t lie ba rt ender. ' Here. old man, h6/60 another, just NfoorrtfirileAnnidephrlipe'nen; sake."-Pliiiiiiiel ph la ISSUE NO 11 191it hoodoo DOI SHOOTS PLAYMATE, Nobody knows all about i4 and nothing, now known, win always cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emu!. sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is caused by ht. perfect digestion of food. You can do the same. It may or may not be caused by the failure of stomach and bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will dc• no harm. The way. to cure a disease is to stop its cause, and help the body get back to its habit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does th.it, it cures; when it don't, It don't cure. It never does harm. The genuine • hes this picture on it. take no other. If you have tot tried it, send fie free sample, its agreeable, taste will surprisi yote SCOTT 8t T)\ 50c. and $Loo ; ‘Amja While Priest Strives to Pre- vent the Crime. BREWERY EXPLOSION. The Key to the Situation. Field Detective -Hew eel yoi etes. nge iiiscoviir the Pentidal in their family clone*? Second Detectil'is -Well, ynu 400, had a skeleton key.-elarch *insert Set. To.Care • Cold in Oar they Take [rotative hrnmn oninine Table,. 11 drugaien refund the meter 0 it fees te .1e. E. 14'. G rove signature la on race lot Some nineteen te- twear Itral-11 cites own and eterate tame railirly syneiteruk. and of th• true nilleng, In ertsit !telt/kilt eicr ulle- tigrii owned es th., imbue Praise undeserved la Petite in ills - 1140 ouker iturstil„ Killing Teo :lien Huy Arrested for Iltubbhmg 111s Nether Many laves Lost by the ticrat St0f10 11.1 Z4011 la W IlflItitilitiget5.1, Ill., March 1 2. -Murder 1thnededidiAndlb°rWYlibillOr tHettld. 8144:41.14111.1144‘01111t(.:1111:1140711.1 414 NOW and Ileadiey streets. Fif- teen year old Thulium Lacskowtt W11.8 ehlt thrOUgh the IleieIllorottiln1)gr ,11:1‘ ltlhfeer- hitt playmate, Frank IVirniewekl. A aullisieleihresniatelitTreurewpiedthPIVittniewski in the beltway In ttio uct Of loading it re- "lettfertop.," cried the priest, " stop, I r"tttriliviidtheti."prient in his tlewing robes ran toward Wieniesolki Iniplor- W1011 uplifted hands fur penee, The tory fired. Ilalf a hundred boys and girls elm, e messed the tragedy, and saw the nooderer mope, wheel; he did by 11, ng hls erooking Ogee freely end kooing the crowd at bay. • The crime occurred at the cleave of meeting of the leolautie Prsykaelle, r %atter of l'oland- Society, of which the boys of St. !Manistee,' baie tt branch. linewery Cooker lemplodese eittoeurg, l'a., March 12.-Twn melt' were killed and t be building «reeked by the explosion of the ••.seoker" at the McKeesport brew- . ry, 3dt•Kenspurt. l'a.„ about U Waal t lint morning. The (bike, night watchman. and Mat - I Tievivw X011,11turior., .b,rf explosion ix hot \town. T110 building was a large brick stroetare, aud wits almost (seeeletely wrecked. The roof of the residence of William Ppetwee nti• kilning. was blown off, but the mete prate were not injured. The lows Is utintietiohnhtelln001.eteJOrh.r her. thirch 12.-ThIrteen-year- vet Frisierick Weidbiel. the tem of Windbiel, ankeetekeeper, has hoe are -viol. charged with rob him; his hither a ever $1,001) The bey s annt, Annie tepreule. la aleo under emelt. nnd 'Me ham ...lammed that Wet and her huohand teamed bey to take the meney front, Ms either. Before rim W1116 arrepted Mr.. epronlee husband fled to 11er-1 ewes° A calgegram haw been iient 40 the German /nutmeats. Mauy Lives bust. fettle 'tuck, Ark., March -- front OV'ef 41110 State iihnw tlint the Aorta of Saturday and Sun.lay was far greeter thnn yerterdfty's reports indleated, Thee far tliere 110f 1414t1.011 ilomtbir reported. as feeewoo_. lies. Uwe 'lure. Ilawiniette. Jotta„Turner. Ptee Drairie; .11. A. -44eitey. Ninveastle • Pinkey Wittlion, an.I infant, Colorado; Becks Slakes, *Mir Dav is. temper eltoberts, aged le.guelt 11111; Cheries lOwlitig. near Parniteuld; seven miners. all Hunt- ,innittete„n., tret,iimmirteinel;to jiouthtne lieFeitnasercauagw.lit Rootlet i Ile, drowned in eweelen event. it (ireenway a dosen buildings «eri• ranee. Herat, damege was doe. lit Cisceln. Piggott an•I Para - •,1 . • "WPM& We have we'll As *envy num wise bas nominated Pegs "'anon* haosr• belies the beat Fence oe the market. What we hey' nt we're efette" sad if you we in Ow nark*/ tee Iowa' we tested 'the to love you 'c.o.d.s taw awns of Ow .Pata" Frare. Coiled Wire. mode ia owe Wirt Wit, novas tr ourselves. Shipped al,eedy jowl M1,, The PAGE WIRE FENCE CO. (Lid. WALeitaelle.e, osiy. ATOOMMONARECHURCH Preadier Resigns Because Poor are Frozen Out. ClOTHES ILO Sent on Trial 4'1 wbolesal. once. If sot ast,sfaonry money refunded °innate...1 to ran sesuw r d• better work lhaa 111-yether machine .nt then net A geed seeds* fer write to buiogis sees, neete. Tkeeseade is see. For t NITS sad prices addrma OTANDARD surrLy co_ 0.• -- NO USE TALKING. .444 IMO OM 41011M. mow 4.444 MOO .0 .1 r!"- = 11 le" 2?" 'LE ..1:== =_- __ • A small Os wire win not lee 1111 Ione as s Ire lateral wire fly badeliage how earetaiseog Ail heavy wires, you et jeer tess owe sew efts o,r Itestammabie. 06%1* Tat ROOT MK Mitt CO tit ,Ithillesd, 0.1. DROPSY d GAVE UP $5,000 SALARY. \ew leek, Meech le. -1 sjecial te the Weal from Denver nnnouree Het Robert r. Coyle, the nee pastor et the Ccnient Preithyterini ehmeh. inbuilt toil his reitignnt (14 Yeeteriay morn'eg nt the o eernsat H. told teingreonthet that hi declined to by placed in the positioi of oeintenancing the iniquities o faehiminble Wee while he found the thi• laboring tam rind womei did no cone to ehereli beentine mane of hi chureli members were told to Hi drawing irk this elites t Void-, end draw nside their skirt teen tine inieb'eatirnet. In lone ing Denver, Dr. Coyle gi% e np oinInrrof $5,000. Treated Free. oleo. made dropsy end Ile complications •spealaity for twenty years Quick Cures wont caws. Book of TillT114(01141.4 end Itt nve trnstinent rase Dien.111.0Rgileesone. Mx Avedere.a& MG FOR SAITJE. Fontein' snd Metallic Roofing and Sidlag Business and Plant. newton for itellIng, not euffleleill capital tn push hiteinetis THE LOCKED WIRE FENCE CO., Limited, LONDON ONT. • RTY ACRRA FOR &tit -ON Le %ore -went of Port lialhousle; tenter/0 plant to font Irma; large portion bearer Addresebox SW, St. atharines, Ont. Ms Alm All Right. "Ton ought to have seen Bagley out shooting with hie revolver the other day. Ile mulen't hit it barn -door." eilow diii that happen ? I thought Bagley was a good allot." "Well. eo he in. bat, you. see, thorn wasn't a harn-itooe to bit." Minerde Liniment curse Diphtheria. -moo A page Mgeeted le better than a volume hurriedly rend -Maesterty. Men In Iota than they ought finless they de all that they ean -Carlyle. If a prend mon makes m. keep ray (listener,. tie. comfort 111 that he keepe his at the same there -Swift. If rank In wale of imperiling,. of n.ny, material is ileterinined hy its elt- lenitive continued influence for good. to tearnat he cahefelfel •ery ele- vated officio among tlinfie agencies which lave contributed to mates hap- pinote and well-beine. non. High - tirade Ceylon Tea Is n•Ithout exeep- lion the only absolutely pure Ceylon ten on the mnrket ; nli others are Ceylon Jana momething Moue vls painted teas of Chinn end Jnpan Oet thp 25 -cent package for greet - tot iverelomy. yonr groeor does not keep lt, giro ne roue name and rice dream on prwteard, and WP fiend you t he name of ono who does • Tho Row Ton Company, 1 1-1 3 Front Motet mutt, Toronto, Von s A felt. HA lin w ARE 141.01111:. WORK• I shop Anil dwelling. tin line of railway. with stork and kola- new end ed. en. et rso no *ha dollarzretre ehanne; Inspection solicited. John flitter, Newlyn. Ont. ..B10 STRAWBERRIES.. ID plants poet pair' for lea fiend for lie Pl. a. MALLOWT, lehretwhih 0"'" tRI'lT ARM FOR SALE-QNIC OF Tell fineet 1n the Niagara Till111116111, it Inhale, 10 miles from ifiunlitott on two rail- ways 1St Reeve In ell, It of h Is in fruit timetly pew. hos. Will he sold in one pareel disitte4 Info lots of hi to IP arm to nit toe ohasers Thia le s deleted barratry. 4,4"... Jpr'4,116" (orreetw. e 0 box tol. Mon& Ontario. _ - Mrs. trie4ew's Soothing amp should way. he wise fer rendre(' Teseither. the child, melees the Am aims - Syosset a and 16 the lirotretty for MOW, • , RIOTIN IN SPAIN. Pollee Fire on the Mob rad riiMdlooutryletteMotaaryehat 0 groups minuted the town, wit keener*. innertbeel. 7 "Juotice I'i AITI,t,",.ik:iiindo"tiwifaelleofillfsetenvertli 1125.poi-T11.1eAre humwhim 111.1,77,1wiveverewearhea tett eereeti le ii wainttidlihrWnetilierno:::, .rsermortr )niii(liwe Itherimain;111 itfewshostiwtw ennmen bewiperlp iinf .0tultkiew.de 1.0t e re Bit 1 n nonekee them denperately t M. tram Nhot &nil ana three (ot tiers e e injured. A lieetenent end a pole :"Infirt71 nir and Hien elutreed 11041 11100PrW other, cnimswed of 131P11 nue wenic einem that enrolee menufacturt 10T1thethoenttbro*ean.k wei.nutineetiheiter) fame::: Orlin' Ikea how been restored. STRUGGLING WITH THE WOI u Woe of 1141iseoin'a ftecr•tary Poole *1 Pollee Station. N. Y , Mere,' 1 I. -Mrs J. Jeikins, wkiew of the first privr cee ry of the into President I. e in. e *demo lodging tit Iwo. n r t ere KA (army night. 1. vio. city heiley for Herne 1111c, nod le nn her wfty Sprit her former 110411P. OV0T0 ef the Poor Dne101 Ifnekey fitrn1 0,1 her with a ticket to ifortiolisni Mee. Jenkins nrrivel in this e Into entnrday afternonn. She col en rrrrrrr of the Poor. Haekee, lett him Me story. Milt ..1enil eel t she left Wriehicnwttall 59" 'lees *emend told It GUM struggle to earn a betel.