HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-14, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GOr'H ONTARIO. Tl,otanaT. March 14. 1901. 8 McKENZIE & HOW ELL HAVE THE AGENCY FOR THE MER1CN 6TEE1WOVEN WIRE FENCE Made of Large, 'strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized. Amply provides tor expansion and contrac- tion, Only Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a Strict is put upon it. rts.w Does not muti- late, but does llav efficiently turn tattle, horses. ..•, bogs and pigs. • " e o s - r «--. • awe, rw• r • Ir 741 •a' el ► ' rte p,1 • EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED SSY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money. We have sold wiles of this fencing. This year it is better than ever. It will pay you to size up your requirement •ted give us your order now. McKENZIE & HOWELL The pleas to lee .11 H.,dwar. ohne FARMERS INSTITUTE d Meet Norameel aeries -bums ateed- enee awl Gerd addresem. The rseeot eerie' of reetinge held by the West Mures Y•rmen' lauttote was the moot s000eselal the Institute bis yet held. Tbe montage wee. held at Blyth, oo t'rt day, let last., H.Im«yule, the 2.d net , Ktatell, the 44b, and 8•. Helene, the bob. While all the meetings were l.rgely •b teod.l, the Knt.11 meeting wee • record breaker IS via! of .ttertio0 and eutheel atm. The membenbtp wu locr*wd mon largely tbao duels. soy previous eerie. et meet/og., as tedlo•Neo of 15. freeing re.ecaltloa •1 the usefulness •t the bar- men' heats*, la orb ot the plea when seeaemgs was bad • branch of the Womea's Justness was *granted. Th. deleeatlos, A. McNeill, of Walk.r•tlle, •od bites M.dilo.k, of U..iwb, handled their ssbJeote 1n a eborosgh warmer ted drew terra lively dtsea.son Tb. an. meetingof the owns wee held •t Blyth es Trtday, ereh l.t. James Snell, presides% of the West Tiptoe Termer's [nett tee, prodded, ted T. C. &ford wee to his eassomary place to deontary The eltsrnosO meeting woo opened by the p,,.Meat, wbo made a few rsmarke on N. geed work beton deo• ty tanners' Institutes, and was followed by A. H Jambe, of Blyth, who gage a Macre talk on ' Small Froit... " Mies Maddock, of Guelph, .poke on "Bea nrtolo07," a esbjsot oomparstivsIy new. We should keep oureelr« hearty. Impate milk, bed walls, old bulling*, *te , tee the mums of so malty dle,ases breekio, out is the annul Oar o..lan Should be kept clear of mouldy bred, dooaved flair and •saot.bles, and the latter should not be kept to ear oellare It Is maob miler to keep the germ. of disea.e out e1 ear home, than to get than eat when tb.y enoe get M. 1 boroogbly .leanee sad whitewash the oel lar ; maid all ttoware ted tare It award' toe au ; do not put the dish cloth soar any utensil. Our sleepts, rooms should M well •eottl.ted, the wtodows beteg belt open day 8011 bight. Freak Matadi, of /Myth. 'poke for • few minute& es "Method and System." 11 the boanen mu oonducted be business as the average farmer does his, the result would lov.rtably be fallen. There 1. no profile. Ilion capable .f « maob development es the egnmle:rai profession, To he a .ulo.s.Ial termer, you mad know bb. native of the ...I and seed. Alex. McNeill, of Wslkervllle, was the next speaker. Hie eableot was "Stock Feeding or a 810.11 Farm," but as he was sot feeling well be wow unable to give hie address in full. Mr. MoNeltl bis been In the dairy beanies. for some years and Maimed that hie cows did letter on .Dills, crop and little "rola then oo prase. Lucerne t■ 8 splendid *oiling crop. 1'or relator food• ng Mr M.holll uses roote sod dry fodder ted pr.terrd buying grain to feed wltb straw to bruise hay. Mr, MaNelll Wag unwell was forced to retire, alter wblob • very interesting dls- ou.slot Wok plates .o the subjeot introduoed by him. Ab the syaying e.ssfoe the hall was oeowded to the doors, slimy being forma to mend lo the •Isles and re•r rel the hall. Presldeot Snell presided and the meeting opened with a .election from the orob.stra oomporied of Messrs. Thomas Watson, I.amo Brown, Bert Rr.boer and Joho Siapl.s. Mrs. Blford, of Helmeevtlle, president of the Woman's la.tltoe, was the beet speak or end spoke on "Woman's Institutes." Moet women me do one thing welt ; one poor bread -maker may be • good hooakeep er, .ltd •10. versa. There tee three great agseise for the ophftlog of Lb. human tae5 -bout., *oboe' and oburoh. For the latter two, training Is absolute, while for the tint how math training is uvea Neither ►be women nor the obIlcree get their tall value oo the farm. Mr. Thomas Wateoo agog a talo, Mow Maddock gave •n address on "Do• mimetic Solenee." Soienoe simply mesas knowledge applied. It le said that ihs grabest evil Is the tersd.noy to drift away from the bout.. Breton, make horn• life pias.*, ter your brothers. The home ought to he apes to the brother as well as Um enter, and farm education night to l emu to deters es well as brothers. Home MEETINGS. 10 the bean el the nation Women wtll oontleae attain the pleas of men aetl the ratepayers open soboule and earn out garb Iodinated l0 their odea Ila«. A dost, entitled "The Upper Teo ted Lower Five," was snag by ''obomae tfi•bwu and W. E I'amptell. Yr. MuNelll'• evening oddreas wail' ea "To. I:du ration of the Farmer." The feed. ng el cattle we do not 000sider el greater tmportaoos than the education of our mos and dough,ere Our Caoodlao schools have moi ms•1• the advaooem•ot to recs01 years that school systems ret other countries have. Then are too many boy 41•Ohet1 and etrl- Mechars 1n our schools. Things will oda oats whom books will not. Words ere not elw.ys kouwledge. Geology, botalty, or eve obendenr, sbould be taught early by heteging the 'choler into a0nlaat with n ature atoned him. Work on obs farm is booureble Jut to such an orient a anew!. edge is razed Into It. Pus brains lobo your work 1f you want te be respected. A gevb.►ss was seas, by Tars. Wat- tles, Bart Brebeer, W. E. l,.mpbell sod Hugh Semen. note IeYU.LJ. The .semsr 1.1104, or, better. the work*, at the Dora and reel Drop, ultes the par. Holes and the attestation 01 moister* oen- 41aw.. Th. moisture is there for 1115„mag plant. Clover adds to the •alus e4 1.0. S all ; the deep roots pump op rm•r.l matter trout the eaberll welch %hereby b. comes •vallabl.. Clu.*t Mk.e the pique of • submit claw. palestina the soil, �.0 l loaves Its mow, 110., about a lun0n value 4 1• taken oat by bay. Dlsoueetoo brought tea the followtog pulut. .-Sow ooro34f...1.1t Plant early se ae t0 get mature •e puss4We tooter* tru.s. W ould adv* the use of adder In ass of Mover. Orver oluver, plow, ooro,sprtog grata rod adorer again. Mr. MoNeltl treated to know what 5101111 there sou for ralelol timothy, J. D. Burns said that 1t was good to make the lead too bat, fur work- ing. Mr. McNeill veld that It would help to oultnate Uhtl,Wau pattonoe u well Thr duo work. best to °urn stubble ; ,b'. oultivtor pull. out too menu ,talk* Plan. with band pl•utor, about 2,11 Welles dere. 1f venue uorh le frust*, 41 roll ' injured, but will probehly grow atm u t% tole eap and yellow dent are vood vett let. The ubtef wow of enchain •pulpa .round the aloe Or that it Is improperly packed, and 11ttim unevenly. Tbsr. is to. so touch dl ioulty to the round silo as 114 the aquas. At Lb* 45.0104 meet'og the president to hie opening Address evoke of the Pan - Amerman mzpositton at Buffalo find the *Hort the Canadians were going to Intake to keep up their record, Mn. C, Camp tell spoke on "The Importuoe of toe Homo " Hoo(e le the sweetest weed in the Saxon tolls LIS. The hornets tb.eleguard tet the psi ion, but It is often left «shape It wile rhot b.ppns« of the home d.p.nds oleo° whet you term Into It. It Is the duty and privilege of *very woman to make • home. A well kept, neat boos has an offset upon the men ; there 4 something 10 every man that responds to the ,caeca« of hem.. The ohlldreo ef the Dome today 4111 he the MOO and women, oouoallors and m.mbsrs el Parllamsot, .Lo., of tomorrow. Eduo•te the boys and girls that right la right and wrong is wrong. U.. the Petiole house for the family, not merely for oompany. B- nlimat• with your oblldreo, make oouti dente of them. Ido. Maddock spoke en " Do11ea110 Soieoo.." lo her opening remarks abs said that • br•oob moiety had tee°.t.rted here Tb.y met l0 the efter0000, •ppuioted tb uszb date of meet100 and allotted •uhje.•u. A. McNeill *pok. for • while op the sub not of "Tr•o.port.tlo0." Tbs railroads. he maid, aro eking just all they o.n out of the farmer and leaving lust .Dough to hoop the termer alive. 'there Is no such thin{ ea c'-opetition In ranee The rates are made by ' h. ir•ffio amooutloo, not by the .aper ate cowpaOte'. Toe only limit is the hitt leg of the enterprise ; the expense of *op saying does 004 enter Into the macer noire was a discrimination •galast ss a °aoadiae'. W • hove boilt all the roads to ()suede, and still they ebarga the donors sore than natation. W. have been the (rely people who have been foolish enough bo glum moos to r.:lros,ls. To *hip from Windsor to Meanest mete 260 per bush. el mon ; frost Detroit t% t. 15e, simply be- ware It le In the United Statestr.n Is emend as ebmply from Cbioavo *e from Windsor. Other immune. of n.gr.a%de- orlmin,stlon mem quoted. What a the re drewAre we going to allow thew people so dominate ss! Them people are eoloto mg something for *boob they here never paid. The 'elution Is to Day• a oommt.- u o0, not of pohtiolaa, but 10.d houor•ble moo hound eo bather party. Tory will D ave • hard time of it, bat we o•a pay tb.m well ler their servie .. We mast owe three read., but we will not soy their price. We are the asters, we must 4solde it. During the evening a modest program was given by Miss J Or.velle, Meters. 1, and P. Uravall, 'Jobbat% and ropier. '1 ho meeting opeoel with a short addling by the president. Mies Maddeek gave ao addre9•a en "IAtrytug." le the teat, one said. we have been oarryleg ee delrying t0 a moat haphazard manner. As a b0terio5l etabieot, we read of milk almost as soon u we do of malt. 1e regard to Its prodeoe, butter end shame, thumb we reed of them in aides time* we know very tittle about the mode of their maoufaotar.. lo have good boner and oboes* we must start at the oemmeo«meot, .1.blm and our. Keep ►h• stables ol550, well ventilated, 0,4 brushed sod udder wiped with deme cab,,., and mated dry with cream hands. Whey should not iso nal to 0800. 11 le Im- possible te mak• good theme If whey in oma. theme ripen best at 66 degree The condition of milk mid oream have • g reat deal to do with the product. Ceres:. not of oar* of milk mak• often Geo bo thirty per mot o difference in richness. Never pat warm *ream to oold ; o'eau came before ado, them again. Do not out warm went into cream M warm 1t, poo :be Oream o•0 tate • mon el warm water (ream should remain at churning tempera !tire ter ell or eight hours Leave oat new steam ter twenty tour hours before charm leg. Mr. Lobb said ha would hale test ae mesb butter If he lee out the cream from the lea% mllklnt. if you oma ohms only osoe a week, keep like 'ream at a low temperature, or first maid, then oeol. The opioloo was that with oat, one now we bad better maks Devonshire cream. Ie the d1.ou.s1oc Mr. Lobb wasted to knew tl butter was not of too spoiled with too much washing Two Whinge ware gleety for packing or for home cm. There ought not to be more dlffer.am than two or ease degree between bettor and washing water. When sslunt la Moro, 1 s., per Ib. t. asoagh ; when o0 worker f or a plenty. ()ol.rteg Is nut t.jurloo. A McNeill gave an add,... on "('ern and Clover." iloo't grow too ebiok One man mid he mould prodoos boner at b0 per Ib. by ming the silo. To get the best results from oor0 1n Mlle, oilttest both ways. Object e get ao abundant)* of gran. Corn Is not • balaooed ration. i)oo't teed 11 alone. Bran erne well, pease very good, ooro and bran, .hes add some mixed Amin --pease, barley and eate-this makes • splendid retton ooro fed alone to defective In boa' and Bah forming material. Clover is a bal aced name, oao be led to all stook and Is very good tor hops. Cut doe and mix with teed. Hons alio will etc It ; int to pot ad poor boiling water o0 It and Dover for several hoar*. Mr. McNeill asked for • show e1 hands to to how m.oy had difficulty la getting oatoh, Moet hada went 0p. N• then verve the expelleooss of many farmer. who bad seldom failed. tle a good summer fallow sow wheal ad clover, though the Is riot oeoeseary. It you mw wheat, Dew on Stubble Mooed, If you don't sow wheat loam till spring, also and pot plover to with oat*. It will not fall. The main muse of clover failure Is drying tint In Summer (live It a drink ; proper. ler It the preosllot'luly and Augoet. The fall or spring plowing breaks the capillary sttntalion, hence the moisture from the subsoil does not come rep to the surface ABIG PURCFIASE BLACK AND OODS ...AT THE ARCADE... WHITE GOODS. 2000 people of town and adjacent to it to visit the Arcane any day this week and inspect the White Wear Sale now in full swing. Not a piece of old stock shown. Everything the very latest. Embroideries. insertions, Lwna, Tyres. and Blouse Muslin., faces, Oambrics, White Cottons, Front- ing*, Unties, Stamped Goods, Blouses, Infants' Wear and .11 kinds of White Underwea r. BLACK GOODS. Blank %ems, Oh.,4ota, Blank !Astro., all the leading weaves in Black Dress Material far 0priag, and upwards of 70 vireos of 11'4 Tweed to be sold at less than watt of bre1.etion There is no necessity of haying the (!'Teat Dejected eo Ioud'y sdvtertised. Come to the Arcade while this roost Bieck and White Goods Sale is on if it's only to see how mach hotter It is to hay strictly Sp•todate Goods at from 10 to 15 per oast less than regular prices THE ARCADE, WO 0, W. ANDR< • LisTAII.. After the preeldebt'e 00eeing mantra Mir Maddock spoke o0 Woman's Involve, sod Dairying. Why take so 'cog to ohar0! (,Juahly of Dream not riot, enough. Have a Hancock tester ; test the dream, the milk, he skim milk, the batter milk If using Hat pane advisable to put them on slat. 'able, not skimmed with skimmer. loose. Me oreau, from sides, allow • little skim milk to go into cream can, then with a knife pat oream Into cream nu. Dtsousion--B.boouk teeter mote from 56 to 84. With tittle praoilue any totelhoon% person can manage one. Gamy milk Is mused by a germ Extra o8re must be taken as 4, oleabhoess. Separator w•11 make nearly 110* quarter better value over old system. A 4 per mut. mak will make both better and more cheese than • 3 per moot. The d'germos ot milking with wasb*d,aod unwashed bands Is very marked 'o the results. U.e separator immediately atter milking, but don't **para:• to stable ; nave at lout a parlit1oo between. "The Batton Hog"-Introduoed by A Mc. Neill, W elkervill.. We ought to know the history of our produo0. The reuoo we get more for our hogs than on the other tide is bemuse we deal In the klod that has the ereater number of high orloed cute. Would noommeod farmer to breed more from the bacon type, Tam and York. Fesdtog-A 501ture of grains seems to give teat results always. Corn makes good feed with skim milk or buttermilk and shorts, three of ooro to one of shorts. This mix lure can be foil from the start. Pee° moo ed with barley, caro, oats sod bran make. a good mixture. Though pork is pretty bleb noir, I would not *dune guise Into It too heavily. The prioes will probably re main high for several months, but I pre ,fob a 1.11 before the year is out. Too many are lo5diog up for the November or December marker. it would be well be dlebrlbabe our product mon evenly ever the year,.spe dally the first eight or ten months of *soh year. Must make a change, have warmer buildings, feed more roots and plover hay diming the winter menthe. Disoasston-D°o'c thick It I. pro4t.b'e te put bog off a0 n1 months w.igbl04 200 lbs. Mr. MoNetll advised all to take In the fat stook show at Oaapb, '1 he lessons (earned then would more than repay one for bis minnows. Concrete good for pie floors, fleetly level anti kept otmn. Cut clover ,bort as possible for leading In winter. '411.4. Is good a part ra1o0. Mr. McNeill gave ao address on "The Feeding et rattle upo• Small Farms " DtouseIon - Under the sublime of root• Nr. MoNall spoke et the nesloln.ss at the wheel hos. brew on the flab. The farmer must come to the .Ifo. Orem the lamer variety of o0re that will mature. Orem le hills to regard to.11o. Mr. McNeill advocated oo0orete, 511 shied_ Mr. Tap►or adyoesiM • stone wall 2 ft..t ham and 18 In. at top with a prink wall t0 side allowing an Mob space between. Budd 0000refs early In ,luno so as to glee plenty of time to set helot* haled tilled. The *ventre meeting was opened by ssleestons on the bagpipes from Mr. Mo. Kay. The preeldest's .Advent was followed by a doer by Mann. Doan and Knnotle. Addree-"Importenoe of the Home" -M,. Campbell, Oderi"h, Duet -Mimes Mo Mumble. Miss Maddock .poke • few words on the Wemao'5 I4stltee and thea gave h« address nn "Domsstto 8olehos." A. MnN.ill--"Transoortstiab"-see report of R.Imssvtlle 0»etlai. P.T. 45Lav's. President 10.11 h,5 a .bort op°bhlg Ad- ores.. Mr. MnNeill spoke on "111*. Weis Water Tapply." It le *heel Mine last we should 'peak of the /rattly of the amply .f water. Ws Mame Previa/mow for eareyteg off Der frlwn4s when It 1s our own Itrootenoe or willfulness l0 hawing a *ally weer e insply. Two aeorws tt/ tmperltfes (o waft. -vegetable or meant renew, r/ mineral. The former 10 Interims to health 1 ohlet «are« of genre water are epetegs err deep well*, but es mee•eaON.. of ►M sere laden go water from wells ere 4111 dwell upon the waft prinnipally Wells, eve deep, situated In a depression are liable be u.Mmlaatle.. Pat It where 11 will set get drainage el swpool or barnyard Build be top as feet with beak 1.14 to oemeat sad arab over top with 22 mob sewer pry. tis, tu.abole. 16 will keep both water and ai.*y 105.0(5 test et the well Tw11 to tall U water le de fur drnuktuu : 'lea* s Ir5it jar well awned, till over half tall for furry olgbt hoes ; of It smell, *neatly it is put tit for use ; it duuuw:al It tee out good. Tbia waey edv.ut.gee of soft wooer lar amuse purposes make it almost imperative to hay. • outwit . A good ammo le mads of uoourete arubsd smut as well wIthi�Inlet 1-_ *ere renal betbetween...And bo•eaewith .heir •tte,,la05 dee tete way be Speedily averted and ,*mediad by ' he um of Nervlllue. Kneel lent to omen wt:h-.a ,tutee bettor Ih.. • inuetald plea ter ao.f mon uoaveuleut lar the ou' elde and speedily •Ileya b d•mm•uuo Nero aline Nene Onomare• hems.. It Is bre sin11ro0grr ao other r.medies penetrates the 1155.155 lis 10•1111y, soothes the pato, sod owes simply heoeu.e that's whet 11 Is made for. Drug g eta 55111t. and outlet ; Inlet should hare filter Duda of buz with layer of gravel and obaroeaL Don't think 18 more Iwparlaut to have. supply of water •t the baro theca at alas home*. Fob the hour*, then the ,tiro. Hove wetter supply in the stables, o fry the nowt all the time, to trough, et u,N oups, 11 payll te have • supply Isidore them all the tun , spectslly for dairy It Is better to Introit before Loom then to water %.1•• 111055 • u•'y lin.rsr eel 15.71 t "u{Da upon ; have a 0"vw that ' by es 11 .0 opOO 'hemNly .4, '1''s' a *re 10•.11 out fy *.ter if out ohne +u,•trjb ht te..'t ..,er. liras• ur any veve .'.Ie *See •'r h•• J • „ rake up ireari 015 ma toe. Tie pa. •ty 48101 01 osesolo wetter tures air through, * Mob is the vas n that ruan'nM ►tre.ms sty pure. Mae Madduuk spoke en Sew 1571010{y and the Woman's 1Ntib.e. 811 report of Blyth meotlog "Mletakes in Sheep Breeding" was the subjeot of an addrees by prestasst &nett, who ,.v• a praoNoal talk Instancing tome gave taeekee, that sbsep.bre.der• have been guilty sf : 1. Frequently uhaagtoe the breed of the sue. 2. Us ng Immature stook for brooders. 3. Selling or the beet of the nook and bronchia, from tefertor e tuok. 4. Trying to eve ntoaey by t.eytog an Inferior antral t0 am se etrH great mistake. 6. Berne a fat or overfed lamb oe use as etre. 6 Paying more •tteutleo to t ahoy points than to strength sod vigor 7 1•eedlog preemaal •w.* tee heavy with 100 nolle ezcrutee, caes(o{ puny, weak Iambs. Do net laid s.,. more *ban one feed of 10011 per day, but let the lamp. hove all they Dao eat It is vood to sow rye and when the lambs eat it oli plow and sow rape ; good to let them rue tato orchard during the day. D,ousslon-Pea straw good for feodm4. vlu,t give care and sttenttou to the d•'ok Mr Gault always led his shop whole our nips 05 ohm grnuud u"t 1 Iota,., the . pule tae roots. Sheep +asp w• .r B•: • r .0 "mimed Mau hog.. Sheep are 4I0 1 *sera la.troyers ; they w,ll ere trout b.eo'y W bitty varieties tb.t matt!. roll net t. mob D p Iaumbe right atter shearing sheep. Lode dap Is good. It you have a weave, Maori clip earlier. The bettor yon teed the Muer the wool Mr. Snell bad Iw18 num bee of lamb* is ib. spriest ted when cab t)ueIpb teemed that old puts» was preb ably the mum. Keep on new pasture la sang. If lousy the lembe will bib@ ted get wool to the stomas. sad die. A d» that is • two will get lamlle the ewe of wh+ob will so.rally pr0d0m meta lambs. Ifr. (Jaunt reels• few ultimte.' talk. He said %het Institute seekers sometimes were n et *option e0oogh, and gave men instenee where • speaker advisel Ma hearers to awe sheep • good run ; the next day one farmer . et his dog on the 4-ock and they hod a rte. • A men to make mom•7 meat take the o.re II that he would gtve the otb.r animals on '. bb@ term. At the evening meeting an bastrameael i selection was cocoa by Miss Murray ; Mn. 1 Campbell gave en midtown, end Mi.s M►d- dosk spoke on "Domestlo Ssosoos," s r5 port of soh-oti woe Koren in 000nsouoo with the Holmesvills meet'ag. A reading 4.0 given by Mr T.bbutt •cad an tas,ramest.l pisoe by the same gentleman "Yoolary" wee discussed by A. yf5)tsill In order to develop .or foreign trade is droved poultry we must mod • mattering totality. Hays brood. It Is not adHs- able for a termer be tirees hie tows fowl .id pack tots ewe then ; will Is a 1•tk *1 uni- formity 1. obs O.r.rnrmit Iodise o1•. tion, the feed and .hipploA is pareae*d, a',* o,14 .teraee. The Kentish market will 'eke all kfots of fowl, *bloke from fern to six lbs. -moat 0. well fatted DON'T T AMPER..e with your health. Don't nae Drugs and Medicines of questionable quality. Get the hest there is at the same prices that are charged for inferior goods. At our Drug Store the stock is a1 - ways fresh, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department hie a reputation for promptness and *,ecu racy. The next meeting of obs Huron Yr.& y• ' tory will be held in Willie oburob, Mines, on April 6th, at 10:30 1. w 20th Century Bargain Sale of Stoves. ( During the month of, February we comment* 11 our business year with a weer, 1 l Bargain Bale oi- _.--" Wood Cooking Stoves Heating Stoves and second hand Coal and Wood Stoves. Thio is a chance to well re a good stove at your own price as they mast go. Liberal discounts on tin *lid granite ware. R,mrmter tbte eon will be for Fehru•ty month only. J. H. Worsell, 'too., Furoaome, (Iran''* Tinware, ')odern•h F. JORDAN Medical Hall. BACK- ACHE If you (saws Backache yea bawl Kidney Disease. If yo5 neglect Backache it will develop into e omethi worse--Brigiit • Dis- ease irease or Diabetes. Then I5 n• w robbing and doctoring yona• back. Cure the kidney* Thou is only one kidney medicine bet i1 terse Backache every timrr- Dodd's Sidney Pills Reld's Old M cKI l 1 � S Uoderlch. ...Stand "S YLKESSE" A new material made by W. Grand•ge .k Co., Limited, Brantford, Eng- land. Imttetion of black silk in appearance, feel and rustle, abeo'utely fast color and a good wearer for drewes, ekirta, waists or lining. Good V value at 35c. Our special price is, per yard (33 inches wide) MUSLIMS -8 oil and manta straws ,.ted' moo., /.•t r•.lun, ow) lug ww,ru. r.ieettor walos,atpiryd f80 N(IMMF.SPUN - Tu I and. our spring stook ut 'b. H.rrls ilou,sspuu, pure wo I, lis oho latest •La its id WOOLS, vera., blues, 41.7 and Ise plats, 15 itdivtiles% suit fee gilts. Sp.r:ial. BLACK DRKSS GOODS -Our operant* are 0/4551111. 250 .red 11 35 with all prime be totem. At boo, b5.. •tea 76u we have better velure than %ver. LACE CURTAINS -Hendee our regular stook we bey* a lot of angle palm and single ourtalw at about hell prlo*, 11 you waot • angle curtain or pair it will pay you to see them. Men's heavy serge suits from 53.30 up. Men's tweed trousers' from 69e up. Boys' short pause from 2841 up. Men'ti wool sox from 12;c up. Man's heavy cashmere sox, were 35c a pair, for 25c. Men's overalls tor 35c. New colored shirts at 43c and 50c. See them. Winter goods now at any old price. Jackets, half prioe ; boys' over- coats ea low as 11.00. It would pay you to buy for next winter.; Mc=1\.C_ 1jard Wear Shoe.). Men and boys (young men) work- ing outdoors, knocking about, Deed good strong boots to stand the racket. We've got the very kind you want -stout, thick stoles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, lout tog'`. 'r tt'th the knowledge that they nlust be • ron ; t' ' ac SIC:I:i1. M ♦' :j'. iii 1 ►Yi'.,'i',Itr, I�: )ugll t' J.) IFROM $1.25 UP. W11. SHARMAN, Jr. Sited Style. When you weer a " King Qual- ity" shoe you get all the style, the fit and neigh found in the best American shoes. The "King Quality" factory 1. the only one in Canada that makes Ladies Shoes better than the American article, which comes Into Canada with a 25% day taken out of its quality. The "King Quality " brand is worn by the best dressed Canadian ladies p it is a true or• • or @boo fashion, of corm' .. 27 styles, 4 widths, Branded "King Quality. Gold medal *warded at the Pat.. Exposition, igen. Mae* lay The J. 0. Kls.g; Ow., LiewIted, To,wnee, All 1`100 er 000'3 most. be settled e', rare Oar Av.., 1 t• , .r IH• frig.. THE FURNITU.RE ANO UNDERTAKING BUSINESS A ricyele fatted with Duril,p '1'i• le h. ll in higher fortknallul b eaIra Lie meter pu: u p.'rferit tutt.41 o.l Et. Yon ono have Dun/op Tires wttlt "the Lickened tread" on S wheel you buy -no extra charge. • PIIEY & SON - Tile 1.1111100 - V tt t?o� 'Wert tor* o & VamoQNlMQtrs. Orators carefully emended to ar an Moors, sleet er day. O.eb.. suet. MILL WOOD FOR SALE, The ove ig cut into move w000l len.th and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McRWAN. (loderich, November 21st, 1899. 63-30 Fad fits & Overcots Lately carried on by Yours. Bll"i'CBIiCR is MIMES has been perchs.ed by CORNELL & SON who will conttntie it In all its branches. Mr. Cornell has had a long eoperienrn in ten businese, end the new firm will pat, forth every effort tr, give first-class goads and ser,iee at reasonable raffia. Nproial attention will be given to Undertaking. All fomnle ra'v-s will bo'ottprdrd to ht- Mrs. Cornell, who poetesses a diploma from the Sullivan School of Embalming, Toronto. No charge for embalming. You will not be burdened with extortionate charges. THIi4TY DAYS' SALE in order to clear oat a peed** elf the stock, is great bargain aide is being heli for thirty day.. All Roods 1,.4rked down to coot, or ender tett. No old, nut of -date goods ; evcrylhing new and modern This epeeist sale wail eentleee only thirty days. Come early and make the beat iltelett. CORINTEz =tet at SON, Bedford Hotel %Block, Clod: rich. The math dressed is a Bunt made at our store alwev. looks (rim, as it is the am`„tion oft tory men of tate to look. A large ranee of olotbs to chooes from. If you are ooulemplatlog getting a tight overoo.t for fall weer, give ere a ohet.ce 'o s rye yon. ' Prices right. H. DUNLOP West (hast A Great Snap• le our (linos Snap, at 6o. • pound, of which we sella barrel a week. This Isn't our only soap. u we carry everything that o•n be found in an 004 40.1.1. 'roomy eters, and our prime are right. The homers know that they can slimy. get from us a snap tor the,, produos. W. drew the Iloe at w legitimate trade - everytbtug goes : (il.mwer. or potatoes, garden sniff off (Moioset table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Retford blank, (lderioh. CLEARING SALE LUNG BOOTS Before stocktaking we find we have ton many LONG BOOTS, tool have decided to run them off at VERY LOW PRICES, to suit everyone. We invite you to coma in and compare our HMO QUALITY SHOSB, for Lathes and Gents, with other make,, and you will decide that they are more up-to-date in style, comfort and dursbtl ity than other makes which oast you more money. When buying rubbers why not buy the hest; they are cheap- est. in the sod. STUB ?amp are the best, and nothing is Stub Proof unless it ie stamped on every sole. You should call and foe our LADIES' Be#aeiz T&BLI AT get, They are genuine snaps. Trunks and Grips. ST. CEORCE 'PRICE, [7' Reoaring Neatly Done !tole Agent for J. D. King Oo's hoods "THE SIGNAL" $1.00 A YEAR. •