HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-14, Page 1THREE s •A.Elr o ADV' r8 mew AOT/VE AGENTS WHIM ILA010 IN THE SIGNAL be -arw THD LEADINGI- NI7WE3P.iik-PDR OF HURON OOVNTY. iouaL FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR, 2821 THE GODFItIUH, ON I'ARIO, CANADA: MARCH.814, 1901. WEEKLY MArtwe T REPOR T boos tem. Mar 13, 1101 Fal Wheat 061 to 63 glom, family. per cwt.... 7 10 to 7 10 Flour, patent, par owl .. .. 1 50 17 M 1011 tet o 160 Bien, •ton. - .' - - l5 ao tole o0 Short •. • toe ... &rondos•. per owl ... .. 100 to 100 Rye, Isar bush010 to 050 Burkwb0at, per boob 0 60 to 0 10 to 0 50 le (o,$bosh ....•• Nb057 P13 eso. Dante. _ 033 to u J7 tt.rlry%oar M0 H 150 to 600 o al. p t •'.'.-.......• 6 1b '0 0 It Potatohgah -•' * 16 to 0 17 YVoter.,, ('Gose•. per 10.... _... • • • 0 lO to 0 11 trash ..peeked. it deo. 0 17 to 0 14 WO07 .... ....... ... .., 7 00 to 4 00 fides, ............ .... • 5 01 W 550 Lamb-SkW 0 6n to 0 70 Live Hors 6501.675 Droned BOAS 600 10 7.50 Hewn,. .., ....-... - 0 11 to 0 l6 Barn. der 10 .. ...... .. .0 Irl o 0 I5 15 Loot, per k I oremod 14es1 tore quartos` 000 to 0 0 Dressed Beef. hod 0 H to 0 0) Cottle. .... 11 76 to 4 .y) ,. II O• to 331 estimations Vacant. WANTKD.- A HUUSRMALD. AT s.c. Good wawa, Apply t0 Yn. OAPROW, 0t Por 8a1s. FOR SALE OR TO RKNr - 1'wKNTY Ove ••d o•.btll • fen of lead, at the south enI of th. town. P..ewlnn elven br April 1st /or terms oat por•leulon •)ply to 11. DUNLOP. West •toe 70110 LICK SALK OR 10 RENT -TWO L story oder •hog. Weiler Vinton• and 'Mf•WIgsarr •trwl• U eriob Apply` W W. J. PAHMOIIE. I,FU R S A l.E. -LOTS 96. 96, 117, 118, 119 rsod 146 a Hutohleopp'ppel1 survey. Ml In Ooderlob. Per portico*.&pelPHILIf HOLT. B'•r1•ir, 0d., Oodericb. Marek 1l(. 1100. f0tf . o001) 80 ACRK FARM FOR SALE Lj Lot s. oonoes•I* it. Owte-110 Tow, room •Ituad 11 ru 1.- from Ho meevllle. f1 miles from CI atm O 'rd 00)004ngs- (1.00ee. orchard.. • 11e• and ,..Ina 'utak. A good field of fs'1 wheal. T.•rme r*•ono u. For pont° Ulan apply to T044..4('VURY, •not on.er, (loderl oh. 1610 BURNS' ANNIVERSARY. A •pleadld Uasberla0 an4 • gwaaber et Used addr.am•. The annual supper In oomwtlon with the oelebr•tioa of the aaolrereary of it ,bort Borns ander the •ueploee of ramp lover - sew, No. b4, wbiob had been post - Pooled owlag to the mourning 000ufooed by the death of Qumn Victoria, was held to the 0440.11..6' 11411 Thursday ereolog of lest weak. The attoadaoos woe large, and a most enjoyable time woo had. A. Mol) Allan we. to•et master, and, 11 1. 0eedlees 1. say, pertormed the onerous FAR y1 !OR Y.tLK - rust' FIRST ot•ss farm known .. the "COaadey Farm.' betas IL hair toe fit omoe..loo 1. heat W.wanoeh. Ito agree, Macros cleared and 'o e good .site of o.ltitai .'n, 1 sore bosh. There l o0 t he plate •toot two eter07 frame dwelllrg boom 111z3; with wind 16130, and e g cot 'ton- coils,. • frame barn 70156 with stone stab's. soder. 4 son • of soot orob.rd. 7 good aver -:.Iliad soling wdl. The owl le • good cloy lose, shoo TO bore.d moms boll Ina. 6 acres to fall whoa!, mugged It la an • loading grovel read oOnvellient to fences •re osilk from 00. village o.,burro, d6 ranee ROM birth, I7 miles from tit, towns Of 'tot"rtsb .od Cliertoa. Tole is a rent de.lnb!M pla..- a poor or .ase le -.1. ex tall p.rtical*n apply to P 111.IP If 'LT, solicitor for rho este* of tha late Mn. Ce.es dsy. ambitious b•rrnter to the eminent and digoi- (1-d K. l'., they di.ouseed sod settled the affairs of the nation from • uivtl, reiIgi0us. eout.I, loduetrul sir polltio•l rtandpor,t, wbiob 1Ner•Ily brought them W the hour of noon. TO. meatier wished to say here uO his own be0all as well as oo that of his Writhes olhuiets,wubuut 01064100. cqutrsoa- tloo or mental reeervatioo of soy kind, that whatever Moment of ti utb then mlghl be to any of these ruppcetlfoo., ., to t0. afore said topios of dt•euawu, then 0•rtaloly uuuld be Done u so pollens. All that was now loduljld In since that dreadful uk•m had gone forth In regard to transgreesur* is thio re.psot was morely W Indulge to sweet memortea of the glories and traditions of the put, and 10.. only In the privacy and .•octity of the home, sad think that every pr..pool plewtb sod that only man is tile. What just ground there win tor there mistaken ideas he could not undmteid any more thou that he bad been told they existed in oertatn gn•rure Ou the non leery, toe oouoty officials were • hero - working, patostakloa sod 000scieotioue olw of public servants. Lot any of the unsophiatJo•ted deli," to get • mortgage registered, • will probated, • tez doted drawn 00, a m•rrj.ge koro.. tuned, • °rimiest Indicted, or an .1000(4011 attended to with (atoon and despaech, and they would always be food at their poets of duty, at the reosi0t of 00.toms, reedy and willing to ettwd toe glad hand or the ou.tom.ry sod regulation tee, or W accept the hoepiultty ofoy kind friend who felt dt.pord to inviTs them over to any of the summer motto armed our beauti- ful Square. Thus did their publlo .otto0s speak -louder than words. In prorino to the unthinking that the oou01y olfoiale were not the Idles et the field they were u- rontosly supposed W be. '10• spooks wound op his remarks by 'raying that within the rano' of the ooupty off;ui,le of Haroa were men of learotug, wit •Od wisdom and of .ocomphehments varied sod sundry, and proceeded to give • graphic pep•piot0re of h.s fellow. ,&,0.l., from toe Wards°, soh ,m he said was their new oomm.oder lo•chief, to the registrar pro tem., rrblob brought ylb of laughter and uproarloaa mirth from the andteaoe its each member was pieosd on the •DU. Tbe solemn expression cf the sheriffs 'ace during toe delivery of hs witty ad - drew would have bow • fortune to an ii undertaker. Warden Holt *ad 000nty clerk Ione .Iso r..podded in able 'addresses. Oar Suter National:Lim-Song, "The Good Old Friend.," by J. J. Doyle. Re - spouses by K. Campion, K. C.,and A. Sean. duties In ole usual able manoor. A 1'. Ye1.No was * partlauIrly aoopt•ble Vice ob•trmso. Atter an ezoeloot repast had boon par• tak.0 o(, and the honors had been duos to the 00,1(1., the ob.lrmau put the toast 10.t Woe* the mothering, u tattoos : The King --The N•ttonal Aatbem. Tb. Load Ws Left -Song, Soots Who' Hs'e, K C. Belabor. Hoa. J.'1 harrow, la remoulding. mid he did not know why he had been solenoid to speak to 104. toast, u 0e was • .sate of Canada. However, his lather woos Social - mon, and he blmmlf bad made two flints to •uld S:od•,lor which 0e hod u warm an al 4.014,. as any native Yootchman oonld have It was • grand old land,wltb. grand history Dao•. year It win riven to a Sootohm*n to boast. (Ltughter. ) 'There win no mob land as $ eOan'I, It was only as largo as byte roof Condi* township', yet It had given to Eoglsed kings, oh•noellore and premiere, and men of renown W the United States and Canada. la the trade, oomm.rO end 0. MOO of the world' • 0ootchman woo usually .t the bead or near It. There were i em'sna Kogllshmeo and lrlebmeo, but Sootl•od could none two to one with the other I.Nortlities. What win the reason! Phy,ieally, tbey were • strong, hardy people, It win good material to vert with. Then the Sootoh were mod to fight- ing bard battles yin net bard oonditloos io the old 1,.d, where the land was on the sterile side and Nature not too kind. The race woo • mtxtare of Celt, Norsemen and Soma. lo these respeute C.aad► much re- sembled Sootlud. It was in the northern holt ; it sou peopled with mlzd moos ; 14 het the °llmati° 000ditioos to bring forth • lirong and sturdy people. the speaker then d.•, a brief but interesting deocnp tlo. of • trip to Scotland and Ind before his bearers • panorama of hill and dale, and or. and fen, mtngltne therewith many pi.... of Metall) interest, and Mooed an able .dares. amidst loud applause from alto large end enthusiastic ptheriog. Robbie Raroe---Soni, "The Hieleodman'• Tow," Jae. Thomson. Malcolm M.cdoo aid, who at the last moment had be -n ..ked to take tb• phi* of Surrogate Clerk Mo reepooded to titre knot. He dealt with the life history of the poet sod .1t0 (he impress the genius of Burs 0•d made soh the Soottish tongue was .pubn. fa elonoenl and Impressive petiole the tones orator dw°rlbed the poor surround- ' it. .d 000dluos of Bursa In his day, .rd oeatr..td them with the world-wide h image that sou now paid t his memory. Tbe Lead We L vein -SOIL "Tbe Mail" L of Forayer," E U. Becher. M. G. Cameros, of 00dwiob, responded to thj. toe** en Melo .44,ee of forty minutes' duration. W. hope in a future Issue to be .ole te prdUo• the epe.oh to full. TN Army and Navy -Song, "The Red, W bit" and Hine," by R. 0. Reynolds, C.M. Grant ano l'to. Mo(Iilbiouddy re .p odd. Judtmal .od Civil L..U'atone-Soca, ►en 1 Wu • L.I," by J.•. Thomson Mr. Sheriff Reynolds said, in i..pondbng to the tout of the judlolal sod ot•il'mitt 'Mose, that he would of ooare oonfir m hi. remarks to that o0rtlowl.r hra•oh of he genesl0rloal tree of mall tnetituttO0o knows u theoouoIv offim•ls,is thee* gentle moo, Irks (Imre Washington, were now re- sngelgd by lhi best au • horh ire to be always hs Ont in war. the first in pesos, and tb. riot Io tb• heart• of their oon, trymen. It was * pl t though somewhat diff, tali t.k whlob °narronrd him, diffiaolt in the lent that the county otSotale of the county of Horton were seob • superior craw of be. tags and .. sear to the angels to perteotloo •hw1 •sythlnq hs might my of • oompllmen tartoat rs mast of otroeo• It7 fail short They wore,be mid,* sort ot Ilmlt04 liability .netitutioe known nailer the awe io•otri0g name of officialdom, whlob, however, h.• ort0's in oommo0 with tweedledes or twe.Aldam,.od, whet twilit not bege°eral- ,y known to th, onlnite0ed, were bound to r.tbar by imolai and gruesome 0.105 of fbce to do 'he'r doty their whole ditty .nd nothing hot 'heir duty, without leer, f .tor or •1.0(Iw or hope of reward. Under hese di•tresiar olroema10noee was it any *Dater there were so few (odl•Iduel* to be t,ued .ilii0g to join their ranks and hmome use of Mom, by applying for or sem ptor Rios when any 1000007 *carrel in 007 of the several departments of officialdom, wbiob. Irk. ones' vett., were few and far 'otween, and uphold the oneros an I re •posthle duties *Molt devolved op in them in m0otaieoq the I ilty Ideals which +neo se obaraeteristlo of the brothsrhod of minty officials! Moltnm to parvo,• plorlbs *an, non w► nom.taha' in swamp°, se traodaled Into English from the original G.tllo, as first .piked lo the garden of Eden, • ell capriole tool the feelings of the 000n'j' rfL,ial.of Huron, "Wo mato oar 0 41.4 mutton with not Dopers, and don't were les horse r.dlab oven when we can get beet " A wise Prevideooe, however, of d oo behalf of too tow conreg•no, and .tel wart individuals who, In moments of week• nor, or from feelings 01 frenzied mottos, enthusiasm or patriotism, were found wilt lag, ae 1t wwo,to odor themselves.. s amort. 4 t• on the altar of t hear **try by .00ept ing any of the said *canoes when they n000nd. The musty offlolel seldom died, ,0d never realigned. Outelde their oh.rmed rola tot th°a.h6 they wore • very maob misunderstood sod misrepresented com- munity. They knew fall well their boors of labor were IMg, and the lees sod emol- .men's of erne* *orb, and yet they bore with meek Monthly and reelgdatton the strove sod arrows aimed at them by 0o 00- tm11+R pablln, who glossed them .. Sole- nt* dM the1111es of the field. In that they tolled not, neither did Om spin. The r* •Ito tfilo* seemlier then pietnrd the p • .1 the labors of the county °fhnlate any day 1a the gooey months of July or August. As the eau rem In th• heavens In the morn Ingo tbwy were tampered fb.m• *Ives te the northern uoeet on the oeort bee.* step, wh.r•, bine joined by y.ri0a• and semidry membsre of tbo Inial orolsssion .q.ally hard worked, from th• budding hot Mtllsto. W. MINS . CAMPKKLL. mad d00b .r of Noribla. Monodist cb thee, of pianoforte, Ornate' wirpip, eves sad will he pleased to r, o.)•• p0741 . 1051r0eate. gqifv.. .hoer a1 studio or .t posit'. home, e• deelred. -tudln at I7mereee'0 160.1• Sire• W est 51 Till Mthdt. L )RS. MBANNON & (ALIM.V. PITY 8101A118 mid eareeaas. Odle* 1. Bask of Commie* WWlaa, west aide of Square. Nskt eine at wideness IJe. 60...+za. Dr. hello., eM LMT. bopter •t Lem at W. N. 'Phone N. Insurance, .t4 CHAS. R SHAW, OKNKKA!, IN'UR AMC% mid real estate 1gen'. Dao., tae door east of P. 0.. Oodor lob. Agent for th lecdog mutual fin llen-moo oo1 Janie, and leading st et eomt•o4N. Mermatl.e and manufacturing risks .t lowest n'es. Call .t ono.. WB. R. ROBKRTSON. Aeooa01ot and (uureone Agent. Pand s000aate made up. iu Wigg• rested and root. collected. Ire Insurance la Rrea1M end Canadian Commutes. ul1..-. la Prole/root $ Rye' olio North •streetCClods**.l 1 FT. T. NAFTEL, (IRNKRAL IN , 9URANUE and Rotel )(mote woo lin, Lite Aeo(deetsad P0.'e OWI 'neuronal *Rectal on wawa or soh Mon •t lowest rat.. pomade. Fleet Kajltsb and 0*0.41*e e..mp.0loa rep regaled. t,mce next 4 er to barrow 4 ()arrow, Hue Astro. Hamilton 'armee Notion to Olrsdltors look part. the judges, Me..,.. Mout% Field and (rout, of the 00.00106 staff, gay• their deoldeo l0 favor of the negative AD other hood 'lumber of the U.U.I. Journal win read by Etitor Williams, Mlu K.... Tye gays an loetrumeatal seleoUuo, Mies MaLp.o • reeding and Jnho S. Carrie a voeel solo. Mies Gladys Whitely readwe.l • violin solo, a000mpanied by her sister, tela Vera, oo the piaoo, out 111. Thirst Lewitt roomed very cleverly. THs LO0esalssN.--J. K Grimm, son of Peter Uteeu, Sh•pperdton, who u now publlo school prmolpal at V•aoouver, B, C. 000trlbuterd to The Carberry (Mau ) Nowe an ezoel!ent etetu0 of • British Columbia logglug cramp. It is iotreattnr re•dtog. and oe regret time the limits of our epao. will not allow us to reproduoo it. 1'h' 000010dtu r words of the contribution may be quoted t "And now I.rewell, • long farewell. to our n.wly•made friends. Wt hays found t0e.r mountain Mr Lure sod lovlgor•ting, their food well cooked and nourishing, their boopilatity unbounded, tholr wit spicy in the matrons, and their profaulty, well-. We shall remember with pleasure and profit oar Bret ezpertenaee to a logg'•g °amp and always have a good word for the fjee hardy fellows without whom aid our Bleat luster industry could not be carried on." Hs Doiss'T WANT Mu,'H -At thr last mating of the town council • letter from A. U. Cornell, 01 Brantford, oat read, embody log • prop, mal fur the est .bhabmeat to ',lode - non of • faotory for the manufacture of special brand of tloware. TO. proposal Is that the town give a tree etre sod erect • building put to mooted $1,000 in coat and grant exemption from tams sod free water I the building to be p•iJ for by deducting mob year from the price on amount equal to iso Dor mot. of the wag.. paid by the company durlog the year, this to be continued urtll the whole is I quldated and the bolding become' the property ot the oompany. Beside. those coalitions, lt.ore Is o farther one that mob soriptions for $25,000 of stook be secured Io town, "to show . practical desire for a first alms industry." The oommaol0*l10n was referred to the special oommltt•e. The PMn-R. W. Ball. One of *be most enjoyable and suoowful Boni •aoiveruriee bell o Uederlah for many ye.rs was brought to • clog* by the noglag of Anil Lang Bye*. AROUND TOWN• No1.iNATt4 1014 BINCHgli.-.AL a Meld mg of the County of Huron Law A..ocl• H*, 0e14 last week, Hoo. J. T. harrow, K. C , woo- unanimously nominated for the position of benober of the Low Society of 0000,10 in view of tee •ppro00bog el* tion. PAM TH■ BYLAW. -The tOwo 00ono11 neat meet tomorrow evening, when It is 10 be hoped '0. bylaw prohibiting the running at loge of rho wows .111 be but through the Goal .tea... Tbe first reaping woo carried •1 the last meeting atter • good deal of o0 warrant.bls obstruction. The ratepayers 0.m gfyo their voice In the matter. and the duty of the council is to carry oat the .z' pr ,o.d wish of the people. `XECUTORR' NOTICK TO CRIWIT• lj OHa. 1. rhe matter of Ow rotate o' Ike late John (loner. of floe tntrneAtp of Ntdletl. 1w the roosts o/ Home. yeoman. de rased. Nollee la bandit gives, pursuant to the Re- ' Ld Ht*tot e of Oelarto, 1307 oh. MmHg and amendment& thereto. Meat elol l creditors and other having Maims against the estate of the mid late John Gooier, who did os or shoot the Ind dayof February lost_ are rennirrd on or Wore ' teeth day of April, A. D 151.10 seed 07 poet prepaid. or to dell•er to R'ob*rd A. Oovier or Mere MoRri.n, of the tow*hip of Hulett *formes d, Auburn P O., the e1eo0 tore of the last' will of the said decease', their ('hrletl•s and surnames, ddrrwee and ds .orlptltm• the roll particulars of their claims, the .t•le.r.at of (heir wormed un 1 the nature of the securities I1 any) hold by them. Aad dasibr Intra ao11m 1000 after anob I ret - mw 4.t• tho e01d eseonton will pro- ceed 0S s151rlboth the assets of the decimated among 1M partite entitled tbenetr, having re mrd sty to the Malone of .01oh they shall thea kayo tootlss. and tb.t the said executor' w111 net be Bahl. ft.r 1M std aw'(O or Y7 01'1 10frsat to swoos sos w pen . , a of whom cloths10410. *WMY not have Wen . eoevd by thorn .t eke thee of such dletrtontlo i.1.d Ih0 h t30 RICHARD A. OOVI1. Rtt sed HKNRY MC. BAIRN, executor, of t0.l.te John Gooier, by 0 A RR(SW & ..ARROW, Meir estleltore. E(1/re ig L Ild.eumm'$ Wisest For e.ter*1 ate wily. le a p041 Ire cure for spinal dies.., hip 44..•se, inn .mm•tory rnea m.tlem, 1•m* book, lumbago. sottiro.' weak sen y d solas, bootee., sprains 5tirf mints, rapture and MI k1,Ard d sear)4. 1t tee Mao bees fossa a rare for throat .f footles le horses Nome rownin0 without awing the trade mark o' i.'O's and vast, pen and p. A. Y/IMa•s'e Ur,lnteot. (1041 riots, OK. ek•s1 .s w new 5101 on N At betel•. Mu aat7 by HIJI'HaMlA A. Me 1.11,41 0, g•h. gntoat a and prorletr, New Rata e0N, Qe'tm6ah. OM Nat Tut CLAM Pat•sb.-Tbe oarreot cam- ber of The Municipal World *Wake • reply to p question sated by "J. A. R."1. ralenoo. to the vote at the January session of 10. ooau.y council 00 the ooupty grant of 0670 to the voluotoere. There was some diep0te at the time as to the legality of the Warden's ruling, the ouoteation being put forward that as the vote woo a to the grant was lost. The World upholds the War- den's view that se the motion on which the i to vote was takes was one to etrlka out the grant that motion win negatived and thw grant rem0ioed to the report .blob was adopted -by the oounoll, winch, say. The World,' eons that toe no0noil authorized o groat 'of $600 to the volunteers " The opponent* of the grant might ham g.loed their point by demanding • vote on the motion to adept the whole report, which would have been Med on the mom vote ; but they mooed their opportunity. rttrI/MIt/P1/“MMrtr, LOOK 'AT YOUR LABEL I fes•. IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR . . .1901 " eNNNK 1N D. 111°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR, sear the Huron rood "Jon" doom's be- lieveto being bound by preoedeue, e• io• steed ot the or 6odox mum of towline, with wiodlor , roller, and all that sort of .001d, he ' •ted • new *Nino. Ha had t0• Molding mounted op long timbers, to sone .• runner., and It was thou drawn by a oumber of hones, as many as tea tea'n+ be tog hitched on •1 one time. The working of *0• now plan u,o.'ed • teat •mount of lt1ere.t and "J..' ha the bene8' (or other,.ier) of a great variety of &dela.. Tuesday morning the big "Nosh's ork" was hauled to the Squy, where it stook for .o bour or so 10 trout of Bu.1.re store. There was to be • Mose rats on the Square to the •I'ernono, and to prevent • blockade an ad y,sery c,mmittee of sport' was formed to •folies means to get the building on the move. After • greet number of 0*id.0ts of one sort or another, and another halt to front of the Bedford, the0quers w000le.rd shortly before novo. The race, which was on • bet, oars a off to the afternoon, situ s road maobiue had been word to forage some of the snow off the rood. Norton's "Maybird" and Jonathan te'ller's " Wood. kern " were toe moors, the former wioOiog to three straight heat*. A great many people thought it woo going altogether too far to make • rano oourse of the Square in this manner, and Wednesday morning Wm. Murray and Jobo Dixon, who drove the borate, were brought up in the Police Court. folio* Magistrate Seeger *id be was not *Mous to interfere with those who bleed sport and hod • fondness for het hones, put too thing had got beyond bounds. There was * law .galo.t 000duot of this sort, sod it was • proper taw and must be observed in future. He let the men off without • dos oo the understanding that the offeooe would not be repeated, Tres MARINA Bast, BuNtriT.-The man- Ag•mait are looking forward with oonfi- doors to baying * large audlenoe tomorrow (Friday) mooing to ase the comedy "Eo• gaged" presented by tbe Ooderloh dramatic club. The ploy is a good one, the plot being intricate, exalting, and extremely amusing. A good poste of characters has boon mode and it promisee to be one of the best playa ever prod.oed by a 'oral company. Program. now to oirOal•ttno give ware and •yoop., of t lay DnxasloN ten TH■ Warm HURON CAol.- .ludgment in the West Huron cam was elv- en by the Court of Appeal at Toronto on 1'uemd.y, Mr. barrow's appeal being die mined. The judge. were Armour, M•oleo• at the M*oMahoo can, Moa, Lister and Y held "that the findings of foot as to '+nbery and spool, were amply justified by the evident', and that, baying d 'o the nature of the ace peeved and the ,mai, m*. jortty (45), the saying '•Ian.., ..o. 172 of the Ontario •Ieotioo int, uoold not be MMooted to uphold the election." The *ppsllant payr the costs. Public Hotlsl/. NOTICE 18 IIII lINST OtIVKN TO THS 4%4 9of The Gore 1)4tr4e0Mal e& Ya& Ploy-loofiseo I0Nr.aee (bmpsal that H W declared another ..sot refund twenty rppeVIp1II. ss y premium mid N the Imem go", arNfa MO rte Nr and t on Ore. IL Moe rotund for Onmo0 t ton yaMO Y bay tM mond"' tpe pa.ae11 (70 (6S0rV doing 0.1.1..01 In OwaM* ORARLtt R 1HA W, (homers! Areal, ones GSA , erW, it im YU BLIC WARM - 11'R014 T HIM OATH q g emery hwl.urs will be Mr Oaadlat0 a thathtrb A•y: - 7, hash, and I ant 11. Valle. from Nd and N W Maw. Ctis•e sown sever w. r• AO 7r m t.mg • hoes All All eg ego n LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. m111., north of London, 1or mono yowre. He was married to Modernele in 1851 to Milo lo. maul, who predeowod blm, He leaver • family of seven °blldrest. The only surviving oro her le N•tb•u Jobw, reeve of 0.100 oe, Chen are three sisters, one at Dungannon, one at tine Klan, and 000 to England. Moo. Jaunit hitrtotOLL.-On Sunday moroteg, the 3rd leaf , Helen Fiorenos Mit• obeli, wall of James Muubell, o1 The Star, passed from this life. The mom of death woo an afloat on of the heart, from which she had suffered for some years. Mrs. MiWbell was tbe fourth daughter et the late Cop talo Bluest, of the Royal Mariam, and was bore to Uoderloh, Her sorrowing husband and three now motherles boys hal. the sympathy of the entire oommuotty In the irreparable tom wbloh they have sustained. The lunual win held on Tuesday afternoon of loot week and btu prtvato. Rev. Mark Turnbull, rooter of St. Ueorge'e, woo ot oi•tiog olergyman and the pallbearers were Motor Joe. Beck, Jam.. Stewart, A. M Todd, R. C. Hays, J. T. Goldthorpe anti Oswald Carey. Let's talk Mooring ! When Is toe best time to get spring tailoring I No time like the pre. eot. Whore le the Net place to get It 1 No place lik0 Pridoam's, 8atld*otiou guaran- teed. Sunday will be S. Pogrlok'. Tbe Uoderioh Organ CO, will have on ex- hlblt.t the Glasgow .zhtottloo. Prinobp•1 Strang is &solo *t hie work at tbe Collegiate lostttute attar two weeks' Moose. E. L Williams it supplying at St. Ao• 4rew'. ward *oboe! for Mies W'*sou, who u unwell. D. MoGilliouddy has been suffering from • 0.d oold the put week and u 000fi0ed to the house. The Huron uollorm promotion uzathtn.• tions will be held on Thursday and Friday, M*rob 28th and 29th. - Isaao Coats, Wolfe strmt, boo been laid up for several week. with • lung *ffmlloa, but 1s now on the mend. THs WINOHA4 $HottlNG ('Aye. -AO' thew Cruioksh.a, e>_Wmgham, wan before Judge Magoon Friday morning on a senou• charge The previous Monday evening, on the street to Wlogham, 0. shot with • revol- ver at • ',minx man mimed George S*oburo, but luckily the bullet pond harmlessly borough the latter', ovarooat and coat. 1•. i, said that jealousy was the mass of the trouble. Uratckahaok bad I ten paying some attention to a Mile Currie, • re.pectablr' young lody of Winphum, but hie advances were not well removed On Sunday evening Sanborn was walking home with Wee Cur vie and some other Indies, and when they resoled the voting lady's home Cruickshank was et.odma nom the gate. He opened era oo Sanborn, with the result as stated above, and then went home, where he was shortly *fterw.rd• arrowed. The Deer' was heard by Mayor Clegg and Ileo. McKenzie, J. P., who petit him to Godertoh for tri I. Before Jon* Masson he ..leaded guilty to the oharie of ebootl01 with iote0tto maim, and we. re• mended for a week for eon tome. Philip Holt, K. t- , appeared for the prisoner at the rlqueet of has counsel, R. V*a.tooe, of W inghem. THs WowiN'e INvrtrrTl -A meeting of the West Huron Women's Institute was held .1 the home of Mrs 1, Salkeld, jr., Hayfield road, on Thursday last and w., fairly well attended. Papers end addressee were glen by Min Mary Salkeld, th• seam tory and otters, and theam wen followed by discussion. At the atom ot the meeting refreshment, were woad A Dummy of names were added to the membership roll, which is 'rowing to large ornportlona An excellent program has boon arranged for the nett meeting, which will bre hold at the home of Mrs. Collo Campbell, Gadyroh, the Ont Thursday 1. April. O C. 1 TRrwrui fioARo.-The organlza• tion meeting of the Colleglote institute troll* boron was held on Thanes, last There were present. Rey. Dr. Ure, Judge Doyle, Sheriff Reynolds and Messrs. Jordan, Aoheeon *00 Shephard. The moretery re- ported 10.t be had be* notified of the op- poiOtment °t ,fudge D.tyl•, lodge Masson .od Mr ,lordan by the separate school beard, the public sohool hoard and the °mintyoonion, reopentivsly, and that he had received no noNffo•tieo of any apooint• meet by the town °eanai0 Mr. Jordan was unanimously Gloated chairman for the you, *nd the onmmlt.'eos wore formal of the same members as lost year. A report no etten4anoe and examinations promoted by Prlenipal Strang was reoei.ed sod • *mbar of moments wore patted Owe d Thanks CARD OF THANKS. -AT THR RMI maetlR e tort Rod.lett. rh No. 7t. ' f r A. • nA nn*rel moved, tM y„it==•MesrMA Mom tMo of than' erato ie. who *Mood is prop* *Nth* 075100 .uppor, to 1t. who r.n400e moth 0m- ee„w, wry id me Rev J. A. An4et7mi. B. and reel Irbil task port. Mimed oa he hoar et T T. Plot ittan NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAN. 14 Pagel Wall Paper-Ktdd'e Bookstore 4 H°raoe Uabraaobmuttersobat z - 1... & Shephard 4 Keadymade Clotbtnr-W C Prothsco 4 Sour Stomach- F. M Duobam 8 Sylko ms -W. A. McKim h MoKillop Mutual Fire lnsursuoe Co 8 Aououuoemwt-W. J. Morrow 1 New Spring Goode-Smitb Bros. & Co... 8 Aououooement- bla Duoogb.... ..... 1 Housemaid Wanted- lire. Darrow .. ... 1 Remnant Days-- Hodgson Bros 8 Sprlog Mtlltpery-Mia Gamer* 8 Card of Town -Couto Uodenob, C.O.B1 NONoe-Ueorge Stooge' 1 Dre..11oods-W. Aobmos & Son $ Queen Q.ality-P. T. Hal!. 8 Jaxzs BAST•.., JR. -After an MONO of several years James Baiter died on W edam - day, February 27th, of that dread desalts, 000sumptloo. TM, young man was the 70nog- eat son of Capt. Jam.. Baler and was in Me thirty-first year. He was able to be about until loot tall, but moos then had been con - tined to bed. gradually stoking until the end owns. Although hu friends knew that room oovery was impossible, the news of biz death was [.00hed with heartfelt morrow, and with sympathy for hie father and other relatives. The funeral took plies on the following Fri- day afternoon to M.itl00d cemetery. Mr. Jas. A. Audertoo oonduot.d the 'er71011, and the pallbearers were Joho Bedford, Wm. MoCarthy, Riobenl Saunders, Allan M.a.ulay, Usorge Johnston and Norman Macaulay. MKS U144uu*ItT, WINNIrxa.-The nitre of the (loath of Mrs. Urquhart, of Winnipeg, formerly Mi.. Rom Currie, will bo received with sincere regret by many (roods of the d.oeooed and of the family among our read - me. Mr.. Urquhart died o0 the evening of March 4th. 'I he W looipeq Free Press says to releMOce to the sad event : "The many friends of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Currie sym- pathize with them In their sorrow on neo• oouol of the death of thou daughter, Hoeg, wits of the late Harry Urquhart. Mrs. Urquhart wits well known before her mor- tis* as one of the moot suooiu'fu1 and oom• potent of the city teachers, and • large camber of pupils whom hoe. have been Io- fin000ed by her teaching .0mre in the grief of her family at her doth, She Jeeves • little eon to mourn the lo.. ot • loving and wig* mother." Of oouree you are "Eogeged" for to morrow *ening to go and ear the dr•matto pm format* In beoetit of the Marine Band. J. D. U'C000ell, 0otor 0000ty registrar, who has been on the took lot for a ooaple of weeks, expecte to be at work In • day or two. D. hereunto hsa had printed • manual of Maple L.•f Lodge, No. 27, A 0. U. WV., and hu prented oopt* to the members of the 1044)..se A rrirettable occident oocurred Saturday night, %ben R Radcliffe fell on the toe in trot t ot the Brrouh Kxoi&oge hotel and broke his arm. Chet Swaoso0 hu bought out Wdlaoe'e barber shop in the Hertford block and Is now In possession. Mr. Wallace remains with bon as assistant. The iooerpor*t,o0,under Provincial ohrt- .m, of the lake Huron and Manitoba Millie& Company, Limned, of Gderioh, hes time 7.settd The share *Ertel is $400.000. Corsa-HANNA.-S. 9. Oooper,the well known o°otr.otor of Clinton, h.. taken • Partner -not 1e hop businw, bot is hle home. He Was married on Wednesday, :no 27 h ult., .t M+noon House Leland, Deer MIl- •ertoo, the home of the bride's parents, to Mee Maggs; third daophter of Mr. mad Mrs. Robert Hanna Tbe oerrmooy was perform .4 4.7 Ray. T. B. Howard, of the Anglican church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Snowdon, of the Methodist church. The bride wes charmingly attired in 00500nie of white organdie, with bridal veil. and oar tied • bouqutt of white oarnati0ne. 4h• was attended by her sisters, Min Kerma on bridesmala sod MIs. Louie 0 maid of honor, both being attired in white organdie and parrying carnations. The groom tool nay. ported by hie brother, A. J., of (;oderiah. Atter the prinmp.l part of the proceedings Was over, and coogratalarloos had h..o ex tended, • sumptuous wedding repast was d. and the evening was spent to game*, oto , by the large number who war. m,itd, there being Mout 260 present. Very few brides bare the priapie of reoei•og *ooh an array of promote oo woo even at the "Mention Hoare," whlo0 .howl the esteem in which the bods and groom are held by their numerous fronds. Mr. and Mrs, Cooper hays return* to their future home, "Glebe View," on Orange street, Clinton. THE 910NAI, desires to joih In oongratuletleg the groom and wl.hiag blot and his bride muob happieem. Tor l.tn:Al. H'N 4117 CHAMrIONNHIP.- Tbe Elites and the G. 4.'. I, hockey team had It out at the rink again lost Friday *wooing, and the Flit* name out one polo) ohm•1. To. team. wore : Elites -goal, H. 1). Stratton ; point, J. Nicholson cover point, I., Parson. ; forwards, H. Mo- 0*w, H. Stnrdv, W. W . Given, K. Stewart. O. 0. i --goal, 1' Kiely ; &nine, C Lone ; Dover point, 0 Pritchard ; for• wards. R Hamilton, W. Heyde**, .1. P. Brown, Wilt. Williams. De* Thompson was rotor*, and the unwires were D. D ! WIlnwand Dao. Wiggins. There woe • big orowd present to one the porno. The more 0t the end of the Rret half was 2 to (t in favor of the Elites. The Uolleglans did better In the .coned half, the total mom Wog : Khios 3, (; U. I. 2 The Elites n • 1 .hi of the the hook* h m en now ol•Im D o D y town. They base their elalm upon the followlnr reoord of games played this sea son : The furniture faotory defeated the organ f*etery l b 0 ; th. (0. C. 1. beet the furniture faot.ry 7 to 2 ; the Elrtte beet the G. 0 i 4 to 1, the H.rmmy Club i to 0, the furniture /unary 2 to 1, the Her, stony Cleh again 5 to 1, and the O. (J. i , Friday evenlne. 3 to 2. la them five gamin played by the Elites only five goals won* eesrd against than. I0. organ 1110,091 droppd out alter the fine game The Kilts. were op agmIaH the real thing Ti.. day wooing whorl they teokld ihs flak "torpors " E.nh teem mord sae real 9 lniton woo bit is the ye Airing the game got t • bad rat. • R Mtoo Kava, Et.o'TTIoNIAT. - One of the very best enlertalnmma' ot the mason will be given In the Doers House nest Monday evening ander the minims of th. I..d's' Aid Soolety of North street Methodist ohuroh. Mies Kays, of Chteogn, who o001es with reoommend•'ton, u an Moontlonlmt of the •w1 highest mark will R i•o.rr t(•I tram her splendid reportnimR.• N R Will norhbv, 11.1) , of Forost, say. of Min Keys. " The quality of her e.l..tion., the grace and ability with whleh rift were renAered, the n.i nr*Iness with which ehe Impermoated the comic or th• pathetic+, the grave or gay, souther snot wnta(Ina' demsaeor, naptivatd alllletenere." Inaddition to Idles Kayo' read - Ing., • somber of mules) ..lsetlenl will he given by premeent meal talent. AAmtr- tine, 26 mei; rem/rood seate,35 seats. Plan •1 i'ortet'• hook *tete 'Toe l.rr.aaay Awl oter.stlog Literary terar the ('sllr oto [estltate . msetlaR of g 1 Seelety was Wel 1 on Friday eyeaog, with larva •tte,Aanto of station* and ethers The epeeist feature of the earl* wee • de• hate on the enhi.el, "Resolved, Omit daily newq• d° more harm teas geed' J B. ( W 10o afbrlmoblv.. and W. J. Irwin the .01.04".. sol • wb6 M sacs CHURCH NOTES. Rev. John Mohan, of Dorob..ter, prsaoh• ed miselu0•ry sermons 1, Viotorl. street Methodist uburuh on Suuday. Rev. Dr. Daniels, ot Sarnie,nu intimated his eooept.woe of the invitation •xtendd to him by t0. ofii, .l board of North street Methodist o0urp0. R -v. Farber McCabe, of S..forth, woo ojored by • tali on the Ice a few days ago and LID thin 0000001 sou unable to take put in the seryt,ed at Si. Peter's ohuroh this week. We h.y• rooe,ved a report of the union Suu.t.y .,;hoot and Epworth League cooron- 1)044 o1 the Methodist and Evangelioal *wooed to Colborne on Much 3rd and 410, and regr.t that we hove not *0000 to gab tub to this weak. A "Goepel Spsl1 ng Maloh" will be he1.1 in the Selvettoa Army barrseks ea J.turd.y night Deco. 0a Saud*, night "Ghosts' *:11 le ih' subject of Erman Crawford• oddrws. Bo h these moot logs cowmen* at 8o'clook .0d 011 are invited. 1h+ gator of Vtotoritet. ahuroh will preach nett S.bba*h and oontioue his series of talk* os the lite of Joseph. Morning subject : "God Proepenng and Keeping Joseph to Egypt." Evening eabjoat "Cords and Cart R'pee," • sermon to young men. All are welcome. Mise Brook•, one of ton ('.median mission - arms who were compelled to leave their work in Cnlo* at the outbreak of the Boxer troubles, addressed • meeting to North street Methodist church on Monday evening. Miss Brooks t an ldteresttdg talker and le evidently eoth0st0Otto in the work to which •ho boo devoted herself. The 01151100 station to which e0• was attached woo In ihe coy of Chen -to, province of So' Chuen. The.Forty Hours at St. Potter's, notwith- standing the tint big_ weather. sou • rre.Ywsor1L A1Tthe serwlese were well attended. The sermons of the Rev. Fathers McCormack sed MoMeoemin made • good ,mpreeeion upon ihe congregation. Nezt Wednesday and Mri lay •y.nloge the subjects soli be re•peourely "Protons language is unpentleni.nly and unchristian," ,Why all men, irrespective of room, Dolor or creed, should hoe to pram and b.rmony " Thane day evenings (Heathers from the question box ars .nswer d. Rev. ROBERT HINozR6oN.-Tbe letepas- tor of Manchester and Smith's Hull Pr..by• terlan congregations, Key. Robert Header eoo,ol Auburn, passed to bre reward on Tome day eveolog,Febraary 2610. He had been In poor health for some yearo and tonally, • f.w weeks ago, win oompelld 10 relmquleh his pastoral work. Alter tits reslgoetion he seemed to be in • fair way to re*very and appeared to be particularly oheertul, and for several days immsdlataly ureoedtog h1. death bre seemed guise wall. On Saturday, the 23rd ult., be went to HeomlL where he .upolted the next day for Rev. .1. S. Hen- derson, letnroing home en Monday, about 12 o'clock. He was to good write; and re• markd to Mrs Henderson that he had en• joyd the ervices vet y moot. and Intended to be In H,ns.11 the next Sunday. Vehtle talking to Mrs. Rwdereon and uo0ltohog his horse he telt a violent pain 1n his stomach. Mre. Hwde..o0 helped him torn the house and a physlolao was celled in who believed it to be an ordinary nue of inflam- mation of the bowel*. The next day It win notlord that he was etoktng rapidly sod • ooneul'etlnn was Immedt00e1y arranged tor, hot before It was held the end deme, at 6:35 r M. The medical attendant's returo gave the *use of death u parforatto0 of dye •tomaoh or bowels. The fuoer•I took pia* on Friday, March let, to Colborne 0001tery, and was vitro largely attended. The service all the church was 000daotd by Ron. A. Mclean. of Blyth, eseteud by Rev. Moser.. Whaley, of 90 Helene, Sewers, of Bra*held, and Hamilton, of Gnderron, while Rev. J. A. Anderson, of Ood•rlob, conducted the *rime at the grave Tbe (Mowed taught school for . number of yea •s. and sou for • time prin• olpal of Blyth 6.u01ic school. Feeling him• .eIf oalhed to ester the ministry, he oradu wed from Mo.tr.'•l Preebyteriso College, wheys he Wok • high standings • *oboist. He accepted cue ted a cool to Bayfi.ld nod Bethany aooprepetloo, and eras In charge of tilt work for two tee.., after which he wits celled to the a odor -tato of f Mln thehlo tel .red Smith'. Hill oongregw ge km labored Inv writs rows and • half, re- signing ID Janna: y loot le nde c'0O• $ n0 of he ill health. (n 183 fie of Alex, maul* Anon., yon num yowlers (bmer ..'hum Yonne, er., of Colborne township, M the sympathy of all .•ho know her row„ net In her sudden hwravmrnl. The .0w•iv ing brothers are W Meat. of Ripley. and Hugh 1)., ot Whiteoha,ch. general mere chants ; Thome., of Toronto, hook keeper ; R.y. Andrew Henderson, olio Mud .1 M.g• netew.o, end Rev. John Hrndereoo, of MoKeosie & Howell last week received 0 very large **iv of Amoroso wire Natoli. There were 3,850 rod• in the lot. Tbe boys and girls can figure out how many tot.es that to. Kvety Scotohman **Id else the play "Ecg•ged" tomorrow •veomg at Vittoria Ouer House. Ther. are three Soot* characters that will rejoice As boort of soy Sootchman. A young man from Belgrave who had been committed to jail on the ground ot lunacy was ' examined by by physicians and hu nue .. u prowouooed epilepsy. The unfortunate win taken back home by his father. Tbe Wingham baseball club was reor• 4arized I..1 ell -k and ofoors were Meted tor the year. Tn• .more,. 77 wee instrnated to write Braeoeis, tiode,wb. Clinton, Pel. meretoo, Walkerton sod Hsrrutoo regard• ing the formation of s learn•. Mrs McLagan, rrl.nt of the late John Mclayan, of Stratford, whom death wait reonrdsd to them oolumos only • few weeks ago, died on Friday night last, at the age of eighty one years. -Both Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lagan were formerly readmits of Goderich. Wilbert Prouse, of Godes-to' tnwnehip, won • prize of $5 to the mrd a( iso tion oondooted under the direol of I'rnf. Robertson, of the Dominion n,lr•o'!'i: al (o►..bat (. South Corollas. Department. The prize money i. by ,Mir William C. Mand*ald. of :Nootreal. A 0 Stewart, of llodrloh, foremen for Clark & Co., oon. motors for the Pelee dock, was In Windsor recently, and mad* ar- rangements with M . Piper and Pony for immediate outn0q of timber for tomdock. Th. prion paid was $1,150.et Lieut. Col Holmes, 1). () (', No. 1 milt - tory district, Lo.4e., has r•oyed w ora from Ottawa that he Is to seam. n000rol of the British Columbia detriot es April let Oexr. Col. Holmes Ie quit. weeded with the ohange. He lived in Victoria for leo year' and hie eons are now there sed when ell re tet.. be will oontloaw to woke ht, home t here. COMING AND GOING. Nam. Curran has returnedreturnede, from Sault St M ars.. hire Kevoold. and !Gose Hays have r.- turned from Toronto. Mules J.00MoKeosle lel' Tuesday morn- ing for Mdireyor, Mau. N R 'Smith at, ended the ml,ltnery open• opo 10 'Toronto loot week. Malcolm Nicholson returned 1..,.oe from Detroit Tuesday morning. Alta. Why has returoed to tato ohm* of Smote Brox' millinery department. S. 14 Cooper, of Clinton, and hu bride limned relatives o town on Tuesday. Mon C•maron has been •tteodog the wholesale millinery opeotoge in Toronto. u Mise Hate 1 homeoo returned last week from • two months' visit to Lioo's Head. Mrs. Archibald, of ('li1t0o, was the roost of Mnin.e . ('b. Le last Friday and Satur- day. Mees J. A. Henderson, of Saltlord, has gone to W ingh.m to cake • poet Ion u Mite milliner. M' Duff*has returned to town and is in charge of the millinery deportment at the Arcade... M. Eva MoM*thu hrot.roed to Toron- to aft*• two mouth.' visit •0 her home la Uoder(oh township. J. P. Brown nese up from Stratford for two or three days the past week. He Is dotog-well in his new location. Copt. %%m. Mon McLean, of Detroit, have b Capt. J. C. McLean. of Port Huron, and ^°eodo.g trio past work in the old town. Ors. ()relit, of ieaforth, hu boon yitdt- iog OM*OM*the neat tea dot,* at the home of her p.6euto, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Acheson. 'l'eetwaer, o • sister, Mr, Hen y t oma. Ons brother, vv. 3M. A Aedenon a in Montreal lam". is dsce.sed. Mn. Sharpe, °I this .v.ab.tteodt05 • mooting of the Board dor of Frnmob, E IMotion of the Presby. son was • faithful minister of the torten t`aO011- U.epel and held endeared himself by he Stuart Stray... Au gon6 to UMww* W klodlloem and atmpsthetio *tare rot only to the members ot his own ooneregetj°o, take • pool** sorter the MoLsughlln 1..r - hut to threw who did not come ander hie ri•ui Co.. rte which Ire N. been well fitted rotators! nitro. Ho endeavored always to by **rollyeah' 'sport** as finisher •1 maintain cordial Interden°min•tlout m the I;od.r.oh org0o'f&otor) .ad in th. An- lotionsand also took an •otive interest in demon faronhra 1.01017 •t Woodetnok. 4.hhath wt. 01 work. p.rtleal0rly ell an Mn. Elbow Sallow. hes W014 10 Listowel ..Ri-er rf he union Sabbath e°haew l •e 10 visit her ., Fronk Sallow., who is l0 me Moon A. Roe. Mr Mclean said In ANNOUNCEMENTS. some furniture and undertaking h.'i... 6kt }anent whitens, "HI. memory is .04.01 " there. Mn. 0.40... tnw tids to be away •01 weeks, u0 1, going ng to W,eghem eeto tot her daughter, is oi ... l.nnr, tiptoe. remising. Al the regular mtlop ret the Hoe -Mout -W& 1000 hath. timothy and olover Dr. J. R. LI inured, alter .peading a lural Smiley tomorrow (Friday) ev•wie4) awramod, 100 ta*s rko.., •Ito ole-od apple. and ple'nt variation o1 three month, .isltlaR Mr War on. k will give • paper on "Kest I bather. U. 0 . K1"o, Woo gi m, Me home and s14 Mende aryl eryn*intaneee, varieties of propos, rupherrtM, strawberries, teff line weak for the Bermuda i+LnAr. oarrium, goomberries and dewberries Oysters, (4M Mom at the Violorla Rev Hs stay Mime will le short, as he In sod. Mr. Warnock will qty, • demonstration °1 t0nr.ot, West strati. They r.o.ty• them l eeUlm q In the Am1(00 •+ H+looters ot S how Rapes may he preserved in their nat- ural state all through the win tor months, and it is safe to prdtot that hie whole paper will b0 in'ermupg and oetrantive. The meettog will he held In Mr, 1....'. nfS.. at tho oourt boors, ommmrneldg at 7.30. FON OR TAR Mgttons,- -le..ph .Tanto• a.d • stag of no. have hoes engaged for ton 'lays er met. amiss • frame Nem Prem lb. bled el 1Iottbo w airs.. to s plana 013ITUARV. PDMrxb Hone N -Piero died at i.caden Wednesday, Horeb •rah 6.h et ( • on age of sorority Tour yawn, 1(dmaert Hogan, •for• mor realties?, of Carlow. He had bon 111 sad in hospital at London for swine mont0e. He leave% four danghton, two of whom live .t London ami two 10 Detroit. The re- mains were brought, to Iindorleh and Lha f 1 service win held in St. Peter'5 nh.rnh on Naterday morning. Tbe Inter most was lead* la the Roma o.Mtbollo cemetery In Colborne. ngalrly-slwayo freak, los dream, non - real lottery, fruits and cigars. 4'. Bi.A1 g• aroxg. proprietor. Telephone 70. beim 1)nnogh has returned after atteodtng Ib. mi!lo.ry openings, In Amwlmn and Canadian attire, whole .he mewed a lull lino of rho nrwmb and beret In millinery. She wt11 .hotly %D0000m the date of her spring opening. Joon .lotv - YaeA•Meh 3rA John Johns Med .t the, home of hisd•nghter Mn. Foster. Whlah.m, In lib ..•wry tooth ro.r. M•. ,loin% n ntmen et hie career as • mill* In the old Piper's well hon.. From llsdsrlob he went to 1 b.m•s(n,d, where be was in she milling betas..a loo over ewwty• 4e yeag•, Woe be apumksd tba Yedw•y For bargains Is greovnoa, oVOdksry, we emotion* and tea sets, t nb•, pol.,hrooms. wadi hoard. and p0tat055 M 10 W. J. Mownow, Hamilton .t., few Mae nett thirty day. Everything marked down to sell to • fteleh. Striotly oath, or bettor so4 oge' (Milan •s outs Hansenhor tab .rah .ton, H•mlltou et., Uodort°h. Every person who paroh0ase grooeries, few cools, to the amount of 1170, $15 or $10, .111 reoelvs • palm, fern of nth w glant .. denim'denim'The amount to bo parotta.eA within the following darn : - Maroh 11th to Saturday night, April 77 tit. •t 8 30, who. &oleo ..111 nesse to be errant sit. Th* worsen pun 0as(y k0• $200 •swat .x111 get ten largest p'.anl ; ethers 1. pnportow et (.ha *no** ea •Nye. GROWN SW* WIT. Oroes,. Wont 454. Nom.. A s51rto.. We real et s t. ,tl.. Touted boa Moe seen his w07 01ewr to remain in Canada ; ho b*Heves that this 00°n'ry ,!woe not hold nett 0ts best pr°opeole for advanesmeol 1. his Imo f eol0e. ---, John Silk et Rost W•wanosh, was Id !Utmost* :eat week . BORN. (ILIDDON.-loo Colborne, ea rrbru*ry 79, t wif. of 1,1 ma, nitrite,. of • d•nght.r. ROYNOLDS.-10 (loderinh. on M•meh 7th. the wits of H. RwyDnInE(Dd•,• of awe. BROMLEY. In Colborne. en You th fish, h, th. H 1wi0f0e of0.I/.Iro11m5 RrAlntllart, PMora•.d.r.n.gwtYeer.eie r1OR0U0ON. in 4'nlhnrnte0 .,oneMfOe4•r j.M. ore run ThgIufmnwlw•1d.117e(.. pees from her late 1,th. et 7 .. YOeoh m Th se'eA .r p raaAen' e on .Y4'elt'nrnr remet.iry g100A0 In 14nd.'. M Wednesday, Yar;h doh. jtdmnnd Hogan. fnrmerly of Marlow. taQ(LOIART. - to W4.nl w musten evesing ch 4ltk*.A> U ine .1 J c• . • YU{g/ N Foote 1.013060