HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-7, Page 88 Thumps', March 7, 1301
The Greatest...
Mark rtiown
We Ever Made
We mean to made our MARCH SALE the best we
ever had. A mild Fall and Winter has left us with
quite a number of Winter lines still on hand, and to
clear out to make room for our New Spring Stock we
are prepared to make a good sacrifice, starting
DON'T 111S5 IT.
No old shop-worn goods.
All clean, new stock.
Nice heavy !Frieze Overcoats,
regular $5.00, for....... , . 3.50
Special Boys' Frieze Overcoats,
sizes 30 to 34, to clear .... 2.50
Extra value in Mens tweed
working pants, worth
to clear at .85
Ladies' and Children's
One lot good sizes and colors,
worth $4.00 to $6 00, to
clear 1.50
Rowe very nice black hest cloth
rgbeaver jackets, worth $8.00
to $10.00, to clear at 5.00
Good Stock Heavy Shawls
And fancy plaid shawls at reduced
The (int subject ot this session was "The
Modal Sunday School." Thu subject was
divided lrto lour parts and the dtvietooe
ermined as follows : The Superintendent,
Wm. Hiles ; The Te.oher, Mre. Sickle ;
The Seoretmry•Trereurer and Libraries. R.
91e1Iwain ;The Chow and Sobolare, N .1% at•
The eup.rlateodeot ehouid be the best
that te available. He should be an e•oest
Christian felly endowed with Holy Ghost
power lie should be a second pastor to
reenem .1 rabk•th wettest Workers et 1.
lbs twenty ssouud suoual union 000veo-
tton of the Nile and Duogaoeoo Sunday
schools was held 00 Friday, bob. 22nd, 1901.
The attendance wee not so large as oo former
oourdone, but this 1s se0ouoted tor by the
bed .1.te of the roads. There were (11111
.e.toae. Rev, T. K. kluNatr presided lis
the morulog, Ker. hi. J. W Ilse. it.
the •tteruuou and N m. Bailie io the
eveotor. Th. Dungannon Sunday sobool
choir led the emgtog lu the mooing and
afternoon ao 1 the church ubolr supplied the
music in the evening.
d t rd Diva* Sashes!' Ublldrea dost!
%toted divine a rviee when yvuog Imams
her minds are thea Loader sod wore se+lav
dueoued then wbea they are older. 1t le
the nine U, spiel that le presents! at the
Sabbath sobool and presobiog ser Hoe, but
there 1s • differentia In the way it 111 pis
vented The Sabbath school ttaoher is
not generally so well prepared as the pee
tar He may no' have the same eduostion
e1 .dvsnt•ues How to get eohotars to at-
tend distends oo the child, the parent and
the prosoher The perinea st• supposed to
haul( them there till they •re old enough to
come th.meivee. The pastor should preach
to the ublldem' and pray for them. He
should prowh w that the ohddrsa urn ow
deutsnd. The hebit of mtteedlag uhurob
should be loaned while yowls', as bsblts
learned to childhood have • great influent's
on the individual lo after If, 11 Hill ire*
arc u•'. tekeu to the house of Hod they m.y
be fouud lu mischief or to place. where they
should not be. Cblldr.0 should, In early
lift, be taught loyally to the oburoh nl
John McLean's object was, "1'b. lower
of RISOOn$IU hey." Some reeponeibllltles
are hooey, others ars lighter Some people
feel their responsibility ; uthsls do out ap-
pear to do ea. 1f w• du not feel our re•
euoulbUtty es are rpt to make sionista and
'hitt our work oe others. The worker who
'eels his respoosibilny wilt resift, the value
at toe precious jewels be bis left to his
charge to Haub .o exteut that It will briog
him to hie knees to his oloeet. There be so -
trusts these jewels to the Heavenly father's
oars. Some teal their respooslblllty but do
not go to the proper place to rewire power
to perform their duty. We must rely on
lied, who has promised power 1t Suudsv
reboot wor kers feel their responsibility ea they
should they will be regular and punctual to
attendance sod have their lemons well pre
pared. 1t is only the man that feels his tt
'possibility that has God for bb helper at
all times slid that will hear the "Well done"
when his work is oompl.ted.
(2. Uirvm intr.duoed the subject, "T'ea-
peranoe •ed the Sabbath :School." The
hops of the land nes to the youth of today.
so they should be trained to be strictly tem-
perate. le order to impress this on the
members of the *lase the teacher must him
self be temperate. Parente should eaglet
the te•ober to this great work. 'I h +saloons
ere not Deeded. W. should .l1 y,te for
prohibition at .very opportunity. All the
members of ewh olio should have signed •
pledge. The 9, 9 , being • strop' power
against liquor, should instil • hatred of
liquor In the oiled' of the children.
During the time devoted to the open
pstitameut questions of Interest were asked
and replies riven.
The subject assigned to Mn. Dustew,
who sddreesed the Milldam, was "Little
Foxes." .She explaleed now the little tozse
did muoh ham to the yines,as they were so
food of grapes. The stns of wnloh children
are guilty were compered to little foxes.
Some sinful hsblte were spoken of, such as
wotoiso oes4IUN.
Alter devotional exerciser' A. P. Sheppard
rood • weer on "Hone Department of the
Suoday Sohool." This paper rave the
trtglo, objeut and reaultsof the department,
alio the hematite and adrantagea of the
institution to tee mamba. . .lis sohool and
the pastor. 'the method to organ zing was
explained and the membere,plod&u ass reed.
Geo. Stothers gave an address on "Soul
Winning, or the End We Keep in View."
We live Io an age of improvement and
development in science, lc art, in literature
and manufactures. We are t•dvapoiog In
spiritual work, but are we doing all we nae'
Slut -saving to (:ud'a work, but soul winding
to the work of men. Everyone should have
an object to life o, that 111• will be s fail
ure. We have not adv•noed in soul -win•
onto u we should bays done, because
worldly prosperity is generally the great eb•
toot of lite. Sob must be woo while the
individuals ass young. lo order to ae•
oomplish this the parents and older people
should themselves be oonyerted. Parents
are not relieved from their spiritual ration -
abilities' by coding their children to toe
Sabbath school and other means of ar•os.
All work in the Sabbath school should be
000dueted having soul -winning as the greet
objsot in view. Each teaober should try to
win his whole alai, for Christ. To ao0onl-
pheb this their lives must be oleon.
Reports' of Nile, Dungannon and Sb.p-
pardton shoots were then silvan.
S. E. Saadersoo save an address of wed
oome to the convention. Hs spoke of the
b.oeam armies from meeting together 10
oon.eotlon ar.d olosed with a nloreuoe to
the welcome that faithful workers will get
to the heavenly home when their life work
u 6otebed.
Big range Men's and Boys' Sat our factory cotton. .ftp 5C
Suits reduced- 7c, for ....
Boys' aid Men's Underwear.
Assorted sizes boys' wool shirt..
and drawers, worth 35c and
40c, to clear at
Men's Underwear, regular 50c.
Special line men's shirts and
%drawers at
Special heavy cottoned., regu-
M„lar 25o, for 17c
Best heavy shirting, worth 15e, 12c
Ladies' and Children's
A" at reduced prices.
Ladies' fine wool mitts, regular
50c, for
Full size white blanket•, worth
$1.00, for 75C
Extra value heavy grey flannel,
regular 25c, for 20c
Balance of our furs at cost
Riving, se 11 meet be taught tothe Sebbatk
sbo.l and the lame. Parents
as -
*outage the obitdren io glyleg, lot them
beadle the oolleettun evil put 11 oat the
plate Superinteodeate can help by an
souaolog for the oolleutlone whet es retie,
iar or special. T•achere should moba.wledas
Lha receipt o1 mousy no matter of how little
value and should eta good exempts.
Ker. 1'. K. M cN•n'e •tidiess 0011 to
"Respone.bdit.y if P•roou to the Sunday
Sobool." The Suoday eohaol has s000m-
plisbed very muob, but there ere gloriosa
poe.billitte before rot y.t lac many in -
statutes the parent is this misfits& Iluk be
tw110 the cburob sod the Sunday Nheol
The panel* should briog out ot the Sunday
school all that there u 1a 11. The Seeley
school is often 'trellised by the lodideittooe
of parents. P.reu s should attend the 8ua-
d.y a.hool ea often as possible, d I,r os
other reason to ere what is going es and
b.)w It le worked. 7 hey should help the
school by studying the Isogon theunsalves
and seeing to It that their ubildr.o study 11
also. They should attend to give Inspire-
tioo mod oocoararemeot to the school sod
alto to other parents They should prat
for the Sunday sobool end ICs workfare. If
parents would only use their powers sed
Privileges the Suoday school would be •
gnat power for rood. The church. the
Eoodsy reboot and the home should be
three to ooe 1a working for the promotion
of the cause of God In the earth.
"The Teeober'e blaster hey" was Ike
subjeot assigned 10 Rev. 11 J. Wides, of
Nile. Teachers should be endowed with
the Spirit of God iso as to •i1rwl others to
Christ. The jewel of a 1'bnatltk• splrit la
the master toy for nnlookleg tee barns
soul and life to the lnfluenoes of the Spirit of
lied. Tambora are working es that wbtob
will endure for geoeratI001. It 1. • [rite
the children and should love them to be bad company, *elfishness, fault-finding, at.
able te draw them to him. H. should be
obedience, Co. To kill these little (ores we
humble but tilled with the love of Ood sod must baso our souls washed in the blood of
be so inspiration to his assistants. He
Christ, which olNnsse from all sin.
should endeavor W make the Sabbath Mrs (Rev) T R McNeer addressed the
obtldreo to the.nbjeot, "What a r v or
Girl Can Do to Mobe their Sunday aul,wl a
Simeon." Children oro help their school
by being obedient, oheerful, truthful, .gree.
able and laterit.. if oblldren love the
Saylor they wi11 love to do His work. Jane
loves children ea tuuoh now es he did who*
he was on the earth, when he look the tittle
ohildrso in his arms, p'1 hie heads npoa
them and blamed them. Take Christ as au
.sample ea a worker. Al the age of twelve
ywre be was about els father's badness.
school exmrots,s bright and progressive.
He should exacta patience with the chid
drew with the teachers and also with the
parents who ars remiss in their dura.
The Teacher : As the greet aim of the
teacher is toe conversion of his clew, ne
should be a converted man bimseil. He
should prawn each lemon in sucb • way as
to bring Christ into it. He should be root
lar and punctual in attendance, He must
lie abreast of the times .ad a tborolish Bible
student. He should be the pastor's' right -
BM stock of new and right sty Les in Dress Goods and Silks all
reduced. It will be to your interest to buy now.
Smith Bro's & Co
bend man as tar el the olio 1. concerned. Help the school by singing, learning verses,
He should bean every day Christian and bringing ot6•n,yonog and eld,te the wheel
shoal! Deuce he seen banging round betels The boat way to help the eohool le by giving
or smoking. He should attend prayer meet•
loge and other means ot grace. He must
hays tart.
The esoretory treasurer should be the beet
• moo for the buetneee that can be found He
ebould be punctual and keep the books io .
'bwioese•like way. He rhonld give • re-
port of the Sunday aobool at the *loos .t
e•oh Suodat's servtoe.
The ttbrrri.o sbouln bate *barge of the
Bibles, hymn boob and library.
The subject Introdeoed by John I)netow
Gold Mining Co.
Owning Big Horn Mountain Tunnel and Veneta Vein, 200 acres
situated on the Western Slope of Pike's Peek, in the famous
Cripple Creek Ooid Mining District.
100,000 Shares Preferred Stock at 25c. Der Share.
It is print, don each t'ertiffaati that subscrlb we to above Preferred Shard will be entitled
to receive in
signed dividendsby 1 1 fell smcont
of the of
invested, before cthor stockholders reoalvs
Tbis District Produced More gold le 1906 than soy other io the UQited States.
Thie property con•let, of 3100 by 30'n feet, or 20O acres, of gold land. The mine ha. bean
worked. The fealties of this mine Is he Vena• Vein, 30 to 13 tt. In width. and le certainly one
of the strongest volatile title famous district There are some fifteen openings on this vein. the ,
ore from whioh assays to gold from (Ale M WISPS per tee. The property 1e advantageously
located for development by tunnel, shich will maks It posetble to produce an enormous
c nneingf ore 1. ibmaily. moost ,he
econorn(011 andyedvsuWteousfrom 100 oway tons
working Der day,
his property.
development by
At • dietanee of Soo feet the tunnel will intersect the Veneta Velo ata depth of about 0310
feet, and will also intersect several (Wis. veins. The tunnel will cut the Big Horn Mountain
2100 feet neap, red will give this Oompanv over 1.000.000 coos of 010. worth 0101 1190 • too.
The new railroad, now practidlly completed from Colorado Springs, called the Colorado
Spr1 t Cripple Creek road_ passes within 2,0) feet of this tunnel.
AdJoining this property le the Colorado Springs Tunnel Company. In this property a1 •
depth of 400 feet. the Tenets Vein was cat. At this point the vein was fully 20 feet In width,
and its value from $20 to {1000 • ton
There are already in operation mills and smelters sufficient to treat the output of this prop
sett'• whi, h gives at once cash returns
Capital Stoct, $1,000,000 Par Value. $1.00 per Share.
100,000 Shares Preferred Stock at 25c. per Share.
In buying this Stock the purchaser owns o direct title In the Company's property. Thin
peey otters you no watered Ptcok. but • legitimate Nigh -grade gold m!niog Investment in
be pia Creek district.
' ch nary I offer tin Pret.this prod rty Dividendsis arnin di• deed alof mast equal b Its Capital Stook.
ly attune. After additional
machinery Is erooted.thispropertp R
Make all Checks anal Money ()niers payable to
ourselves N Jesse and being trim Cbrutlane.
Atter devotional exercises the minutes of
the mooing and afternoon sessions were
reed, when Mr. Hetherington addressed the
000v.otloo oo "The Necessity of Training
the Soholas to Christian (living." '1b•
youth should ire trained to support the
Bible Society, the Mtssioaary Soo/sty and
all the other fund. in ouoneoUon with the
oberoh with which they are Identifies.
wee, "Should Not Sunday 9obool Sohol•rs Secular education !etches mating about
Not Profit But Cash
This is not a cane of selling to make a profit.
It tneans we must have MONEY AND ROOM.
lu certain lines we find our stock is too large
at this season of the year. To make room for the
new apriu;i goods we wast turn our earplug stock
into cash.
If such values as there are any inducement u,
Sou to buy COW, we will be pleased to see you.
60 pairs of men's, women's and children's
Shoes., regular prices from $1 W to $1.75.
Your choice for, per pair .•
These ab tet are all right its every way, but as we have only a pear
two of each kind left, we decided to Meer thew to make room.
50 pairs of girls' school shore, our regular $1.15 and $1.25
lines, but as we have too many, offer, them for the nett two weeks .88
only at, per pair ..
Never mind how or why we
do these extraordinary things
occasionally - that we uo them
and that you benefit thereby is
Sole Agent for Q.esa Quality.
Just 8 daysmore
And this Great Sale
Will be over,'
The Aritos Gold lining Co,
411 Cooper Building, Denver, 0010.
Clea rr zig
Sale ...a,...
W hi le the " dead head" ill'
using our Telephone you may.
he losing a valuable order.
Refer him to the P iblic Tele-
phone office, where the charge is
5c. a all
larval Manager.
.4(1 t,er N.,. 100
Porter's Book Store.
In eight days this special clearing sale of the Robinson Stock will come to
an end and the store will swing into line for spring business with stocks of
brand m. . goods in all departments. The sale has been a success, greater far
than w lad hoped for, and to keep up the interest right to the end and make
brisk business for the next eight days serooffer the lowest extra
possible notch to makeis
week's shoppers. Stocks must be go
room for bright, fresh, new goods that are beginning to arrive already. These
lines will be ready first thing Friday morning. Read the list carefully, then
come as soon as you can for first and best choice.
Lately carried on by Messrs, BECKER & MYERS has been
purchased by
They are the last of the skirt and suit stocks and must be out of the way before the
sale is over, five people fwtil get a bargain.
1l•d1. tutormad.suit, dark MSC 12 ealy tweed skirts, all pare wool,
hard b -,,shod serge, a very stylish, Used throughout with beet Imes
cos,eme that will give' uo•Ilewk este here., velvet facto& A
wear, ..0 36 1. said •t 21000 `' capital stir, for sp•tag wear.
bis' eco revs marked t dnw• so 4.35 TM7 .01,1 •• $3 26 1,1wa
t • ked
the I..1 ewe, each
who will continue it in all its branches.
Mr. Cornell has had a long experience in the business, and
the new firm will put forth every effort to give 6r.t.class goods
and service at reasonable rates. Special attention will be given
to Undertaking. All female cases will be attetded to by Mrs.
Cornell, who polresees a diploma from the Sullivan School of
Embalming, Toronto. No charge for embalming. You will
net be burdenevl with extortionate chargee.
2 Poly extra ped gsaltty tweed
skirts. the aMrfal aloes M worth
{1.00 a yard. Used vita rood
hammed* lasing, vetra, Isoing,
dark gray lead fawn desk. Tbmy
add at M 75. Bitbmr el 16e Iawt
two for
There are not many of the Robinson mantles left, but what are here you can buy ft it
a fractn of th'sir original price and value.
int order to clear out a portion of the stock, a great bargain
gale will lie held for thirty dayr, commencing today, Thurs-
day, March, 7th.
All goods marked down to Dost or under cost
ot-date goods; everything new and modern.
This special sale will continue only thirty days.
and make the best choice.
This Season's I'lantles
No old, out -
Come early
Bedford Hotel Block, Goderich.
ling for $2.00.
There ere fast 10 othem left and when
Ih. sal- is over we w Id rather have the
5'!0.00 ihan the .*antler. That's why we
bane mai be I them 22.00.
Several dinner sets yet to clear. Why not vecuro one at about half
pricct Regular $12.50, $15.00, 320.0(1. Sale price, 87.50, 30.50, $12.00
Cups and saucers, odd pieces of china, jardinieres and photo
frames, one-third off.
Have you seen the Medallions in our show window, '15c. They
are going fast.
Oopynght hooks, paper editions, publishers' price, 75c. Hale
price, 31Sc or 3 kir 31.00.
Cloth editions (eoyynght), publishers' pries, $1.25 and $1.50.
Hale price, 90c and 81 10.
A large lime of paper novels, sale prism I0c. and 15c, cloth erdi-
tiooey 1 Se and 20e each.
These prices are strictly Cash.
Uv T.Iephns• is No. 100 R. ()part House Square, Ooderich.
Made of Large, When& Wires. Heavily Galvanized.
Amply provides for expansion tiiRa crm�rac=
tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires
used. Always .f uniform quality. N .
Never goes wrong no matter how
great a strath
is put upon it.
Does not' muti-
late, hilt does
efficiently turn
cattle. horses.
bogs and pigs.,
ern sits
4,11 *aro
MI 411k
ziay`rNI ���ffmIlliglt
sal v �1= �111110114110 14
11 toll-sola-111111-11•11101111a•11111111•11rf?(irr
• rtiys t� t • sac... lfaM t� tt• gr. •a n
10 on'v beater mentors. 2 la 2
red, 6 Week, stylish firm
mat of them (toed The Robs
son prise. were 17 00 'o $8 50
Your choice nos
15 Mantles at 25c Each.
This 11 the last lot of the olel Returnees
meatless ; we want to .art r e'. 'amen,
withost • Haile mantle carried over, It •t'e
why we are ee•rly giving them away
lb tweed sad .Iggerhead orient
leo. 30 te 36 lochs. long, lags
sleeves They are • ample of
years old but would be good fee
rough weer (-holes of the lot at
Children's Eiderdown Coate
Now Belling at *1.00
3 (rely 0b,ldr.ee elderdewe twee,
1.11 gsaInv, trimmed w1•b.bite
for sad heed with geed setoes,
they veld at $275 awl $L00 mop
Banes. they see .lightly dem
awed we have marked thio dews
.e 1.00
Dr...1ng wsquee 31.00
Awn are .sly three et them left,
Lbs osiers are pink, bias. rod.
seeds of geed .lderdewo. Used
with saws, trimmed with I•.e.
They said •t tit 00. Year sblee
Cell end Seo Pt Can *how you hnw it will save you money.
We have sold miles of this fencing.
1r-aTbis year it in hotter than ever.
it will pay you to silos .p your retluiremena anti give on your nwder now
The pleas to bey all Hardware ob.•p
Two lines of America
up-to-date patterns
Yard -wide Percales, 1
&Lira rood i.allty Amerio•n percales, fall yard isle,
fine mete cloth, all tee named colorings In •etertd la
stripes. • big f pattern. and Hort tssgihe
wash stuffs just i-'ceive(i this week, brand new goods and
American Ginghams, 6c.
200 yards mill gads, American gtagh.ot•, email obooke Is
Woe sod white, brows and white, gram and white, era
strong clothe that will wash well •oil stand se god of
hard wear. The satin let goes as sale Friday, pee yd
\Vitl'n they are gone, you'll not be I le to get more at any such prices.
$5.00 Caperines $2.90.0
85c Underwear at 45c.
$14.00 Robe fok $8.25.
Men • flame I ned shirts sod draw -
Sere, eters Rood ge•Ioy, all sire
The Robinson rhea were 76o
mod fibs Now w'ling at
R60c•Carpet, 40c.
150 yards .lupe Brussels carpet, 3
handsome pan terns to *sleet from
The Robinson price was 600, nnw
1 end heavy h. mo carnet, fancy
e•,ipe, will give oao0llent wear.
Very special value o.
1 only biro* goat tithe, tbi•leobs
soft skin, large size, well held.
45c The Robinson pries was 514.00
New marked .. sass 8.25
5 Skeins Wash Silk Sea
40c 150 skein. wash milk shgkil, tin
perfect. pot op 5 smarted shades
In a paok•re Cboles per peok•
7c i egg ........
2 sal oap.0..., dark fur edged
with ligat, reeed shape. Tho
R.6Wea pew was $6,00 ('bels
Crash Toweling 5c.
Heavy mash toweling, pare Ibsen,
18 lades wide. Special per yard
Nadi els. Twnliig
20-i.ob elute towdleg, vary deo
quality, beavy weight, • *loth
Werth 200 Special at ...... . 121c
French Flannels, 38c.
We want all our fancy waist flannels out
of the way before the sale is over. That's
why we will sell them this way.
Silk Remnants, 25c.
The hig silk selling of the past few week,.
has l('ft us with a lot of rtsmnants. We group
them into one lot for quick and easy selling.
160 yard. fin. needs &.evila, seeer'ed p•V erne. regular 75 t n le nl si k, lengths sl a to 1{ yesrrde, plain' eiders
b0e sad 60, l.boioe to clear 38c and fenny pat torus, *ads of geed haw. Mete el les, sash 25C
Robinson's Old Stand, Oodenoh.
thing to Rave • soot at any age but It le .
&roster thing to Rave • seal wheno'er.
It will ray the ts•nb.r to Hedy third(*
position of the scholars In order to know all
about than sed thea knew the best way of
visaing them. Pmreenal effort mast be
need In Sunday .+bale and churches cad
meet be •nmmpanied with faith and eta ea-
p*otet.lea of wise'sg sesta. Tesob.re
should IN themselves be the 1eetr.inenta
to Nodi heads of delay good,tatting (led
week 'breech them. The Bibles bewmo
mere Ietereetleg mad 60'41061 to as ea we
lave God more Mr. Wilsons clewed Me an
Armes with an earnest appeal that all weal!
•Raw( la esleohlag t(• dente and doing
more ter Christ.
Before dlmalRaleg the fellewleg re.dsidece
wore peered
1 Reeelved that the last Wedmoed•y .f
Jeno.ry.1902. be the date fired fee the neat
annual °nevenito. of the Nil. sad Irsagas.
nen S.uday whorl.
2. Reeolyed that this etveatlea deckes
that ted .1 the two Neosho eadeay.r lie gen
rho harm d.p•rtmsal tate pesatieal wdrkiag
shims before Om memtieg .f the semi Ho-
3. Relief red that Is Is the teem .1 tithe**
vine.. that the parents le ear ees.rgrtloa
abed!, where possible, be 1a the Sabbath
*oboe] as .N4ema of God'e weed, sued that
we pledge seamless to abreast feats In
ree thew to heenM and.
A. P. Snerrann, d.e. of C.nventi•s.
Toanwro, Feb. tt-Yamaday amen. tor
Ielsa5M.n were mob bee. Sir William
M.Md1ih Obt.f Jemslw of the (leaann
Pleas Dieleien of tee High (watt, en hotel?
.t Mini"R M
twinpm y, pemMs•re of the
Eerie► .opyrlrbt Is ' Aa Eyylbbwenten''
1wvslettsrs,' M reetrdw Robert Dula."
& Oesseay east .1 6rmlwmmd R 0.,.psnv.
.f Hamfle.s, hem 1 ate °mod•
teem the (Jetted Rtatos asd s/eriag lmr sats
Mgres�l�� of ties west. Tb ..seal •• he
the dd.odanM &posited bed .d
SOMA (bat they b.4 latehtesd Meese, d
s mgprirbt. hat .2.10.4 Mat
sed i w.. without wllhl ie
weer .f Meg Mercy A (l.mpse)r s
rtehse jedpmsut wee 1111•11011110101 pet
from roma, reen2.2.g tie iwe Raswlltee Rams
from jm rwtrat ar lis hie few rl. 1Ae re
prime, sed dlrs2MaR then sleek! pay
Mines s *atopy?. sato .1 Moe withera.