The Signal, 1901-3-7, Page 5Tnadna!, karat !, 16%71. W.Acheson& Son two goal. Women The lwln. std. were Flue three epl.nddd otiten sad a "t er," .od then there a..1 a rah to oath's the next oar home. 'home, wary minced to.ojoy t quiet .k.te fur tbi rea.i.desot daylight. Capets and Draperies Our new Carpets for spring are ready for your inspection. Whatever is fres in the different grader we have. (Jur stook is now complete and we will meet every need of either lavish or economical furui.hing. The linnet range we ve ever had and the handsomest pato rue we've eve; shown give great interest to the second floor. We a.k nothing better than to show you the new things we hove ready is New Carpets and Draperies, New Furnishings, Uphoisteries, Curtains and Curtain Poles, Oil Cloths. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. aenrisr.0 Oouoo.l Incr Feaua.) 23 t, moorhen ail be n 111414 tee of p.ev,..u. n1,0 ,..g real and &pp:uv.d. Obrquso Meta u4 the followlsa amounts : Auditor. .on, 19; b.lsuoe duo Huron township for work .,s t• ,uudary, 13 93 ; A. V. Correll, repalr- toy road, oon 2, 23 ; Donald Houdin-on. paper for auditor*, 40.. On motion of B. k or and Stothere this auditor.' report wa..ui.pted. A petition wee presented froel the rat/peyote of 8 8. Nu. 1 Ualon Mk ..4 that the oounotl appoint on arblt,a. +Sot .e required by suo. no. 1, of airmen 43, P S. A O.. motwu of 10.1 .tyre and Hun rr. Isaac Audi son •e. •appoint. a. Byl.• No 6 war net appuruung 1.tbma- tors, (.one yTivorre and pwod km -pate :a- tollown ; John Parks, A KJpalriok, Wm. Mol)rwtroo, T. Molutrre, t), Mollwalo, Joo M.Whtuney, Joe. Trnrt, b. Wali., Thur Simpson, Geo. Burrows. Oso. Johns. ton, N. unham, J. Ur.y. D. Jardine, R. Davidson, W m Stalwart, R Lannon, W. B. Grabam,'Thos. Grum. Jae. MoWSlaty, Wm ltoCsrtky, Joh. Moaarr , Joo. E Sullivan, P. Clair. R. Ranby. R . Langan, Wm. Fuld) W. Matthews, R. Johnston, G. Hall. W. Irwin, John A. Finley, John Madrid., W. H. Reid, Jame. Jas. 1..., D. Quinn, Jno. Campbell, Wm, Tw.mley, Jos. Gardner, Ralph Num), Goo. Middleton, D. G Stied, Jno, Mallow, Jas. Baird, Jae. Clarkno., Jae. McKintoa, D. G MoKmaie,J. R. Webster, R. Campbell, Julia 8. Pwk.rtoa, E. C. Johwtoa, D '1. MoKeast., Jap. Bothwell, Joo K. Mallon. old, D Rem, B. B8okl.Rbsm, A. Loaf/. H. Chambers, F. Monro., R. Hamilton, D. Rose, Jobs Fiala son, Jae. E West, Kenneth McLean. C. Stewart, s. MoNalr, Jolla Murray, H. Mantua', Thu No Kant, James Johnston, Thin Smrlie D Taylor, R. Agar, John C. Baldwin, R. Mo. latwh, Jam.. L Hunter, Wm. t'owell, John Long, John Bowler, R. Kol.htly, Joo. MoDonald, Derld Fairish, Thos. W11.00, 1' tlaCarthy, Alex. Mallwrm►td, John T. O'Rtley, Jae. (:rawford, D. Johnston, W. Johann, H. Finalise, Pat Hogan, A. R. Andersen, James D.videon, W Matto. h, Jobs E S01byu, Jett . Flynn, Jan. Cook, R. A. Oarrlok, F. McC.r.by, A MoMu..by lGO Walsh, Jo.. Welker, Jno Gr fie, 8. F Treleaven W a R ob.,d.00.Jona C.mp 411. Thos. S0aokleton, John D.okao., A E. Malas, T. R,ohard.00, J (itbak4 8 Rnr'r, Peter Sn.rld., Pet Wallace, Juin Wielder, W. J. ktnley. Jas Center. 5_. Waller, Ju. K..o..Ay, R Mow hammy.T. te Websr, Joo, Sullivan, Jlm Tbotbo., hee. Daher. M. Darien, A Drsan.yy. 8. Pee. land, Thor. O'Connor, Ned Flynn, W (%ook, John Griffin, J... Quaid, Jar Wilton, Wm. McCuooeli• Foos viewers- Jan Webster, J.o MoDon.gh, Jos. Hackett, R Finley, M. MrLenno.o, Jeo Bigot, H CI.H A Dream", R. A t.arrtok, T Lanus. N' Powell, Jae. Lace, Wm. 000M.11en, Joo. ..d D McKSoxt.. Sullivan Pound keep .n-JeoMoDooagb,P.olRi.d,Jaa MoDon- ald,John 8hewh.l.,Freok Soott, M. Ferries and 00r.00one tato, or el hemmer.Daogaaaw.. Next 0000011 muting Maroh 23rd. W. 9. STOTHL *, Clerk, 7 11 W. Acheson & Son COUNTY CURRENCY Blyth : Geste* Dea•t.do Oft Iset woos for Wbttewood, Asd.lbola, toad Gene Kraeh• lin* for Elkhorn, Manitoba. Blyth : Mita Ana Moffat, daughter of J uba Me1•t, has ben appointed stenograph• er b the 'Burma .1 Mines at'lereato. ExewK: Jamas Coltiagwood, tows, and MW Anal* Horny, deceits* .f C H. HOU sey, N Uebarme, were married last week. Vital/hem : Mauna' Rem left last week or Uuslph, where he takes • sltaation In (be tusiaa departm.mt et the Bell ;duo factory. Wioghem : Fred Br.dwln, who had been visiting with he panels here for some week., lets teal week for his home to Kam• Imam B C. llmfertk : Beattie Bros„ *tonere, hate perebteed the grocery .red °rookery bast nem of H Robb and have take" poaswloa 13/volt : Juana Hill has bees .warded the osntraet for rho ..edea et • brisk ooboot bow ise 1.1,8 B No. 12, Rule{ and Morris. The omeest prim is 21,310. Exeter : The marrfagc tank plot, as AI vtwton. of 18.0. V.owortb and Mee H.,. are Joplin. the latter being the daughter of J R. Jays's, • formas readmit of Exeter. Tbe smug pimple will taside t■ C.11.ry. Blyth : Hsgh Magee,: re 1460 week r. oetvmd . looter free. his len, Arable, to Mouth Attie*. Th. lett*. Yeas wret•es m Jaanary all and to It Arekts stated that he was oajoytng Reed health and kept buy limbo's. the Bo.r., Etter : Uwe*" Urr, of Exeter North. died oo Tuesday, February 26th, 41 the .Re of seventy-three year., Destined had bee. •'eeldest of Rioter IOC sap tame, sad bad hem Ill ler emend year pet H. leaves a widow and two daaght.r, 10 stunts h m Wmgesm : R A. herr, who has hews ape.dlau the past few moaths with hos fam- ily 10 wire, left Iset week for Seattle, Wath. Mr Ken has p.re0a.ed • stamp m111 la the Yakoa and after •poodlag • •bort time la Seattle, pieroba.lag sap011.., will lo.•• there for the Yuko.. /Deter : W. Hawk•hsw she wf(., also Mist Joan Hawkekaw and Mr, and Mn. W. Hawk.how, fr., arrived In fewn last wont frim 8t. Mary.. and took posem.fos el the Cemmerelal hotel, reomtly punmased of T. W aawkahaw. Mr. H.wk.haw and rosily Imre former mildest. of Exeter. Matte : W• wades from The Bay City Tines that Ed. A, Wettthlagte., Chimes, tan otos Droidest sad treasurer of the Lupton Portree Oemess 0.. ,welch 0ae deotded up m the luetlea of marl lads, the baildinn, ote, of w01e0 will soot la the oelgbb.rbood of 2400,000. Mr. Worthington is I.O. of the tate 1h. Worthtmtooa, of Nwa, sed Daae at me time employed a hoe►teepee at the masa f5etery hos. Seef.rth : Allan 8. MacLean, oldest nos of M. V. MacLean of The Expositor, who Ina bona for • 000.ldenble period on the *diurnal staff of The Condos, Keg , Ewan eel Theme, .rad who wee also for some yule the Landau eorro.po.de.t of The Toronto Globe, has tions 10114ed to girt up his pool. Mon owls. N a compleeia breakdown la - health A *Men of pia lowlier, troubles have terminated In ws.ampttos, and hs has been advised ea leave London p.rmIseutly. At proses/ he le •pesdlag the winter Is SoaM Dees, and imposts to mall for Canada with his 1..liy early fa April. 1 CHEESE AND BUTTER. Illemorandeme to reetetrymea Mem the CITILIeg 01 The Montreal Butter sad (Ames AM1100i5- 1000 donne o•11 the speotal attention el Famorymers Lo the pottered **edition of moot of the chess* miming to Mostresl. ft has become the entities of Faotoryinee to send their shams ao atomic's"' before they ere mffiolestly oared, and If we are to hold the amid roputatioa wo bar* gained this bad praotios mast be stopped, and ohms* moat be held la the (eateries at least mei week,' for fast oaring ohms., and looser for *le* otrIng 6401411, or in all oases until the 'beim are oared. Factories should he so provided Ohat the Meeperatcre of the oaring mom ma be mainteinod et or near 60 de, greet Fahrenheit, otherwise cheese are hy haat la summer and *old in 4PYlialANCII OF 011114198. large number et the Ammo striving in Mitatreal have at Meat one rough aid. mid emu bay* two rough ends, giving the ohne* very bad appearaties and afferent, .thrtir value All anus might easily have • 1100d 199.4itswies If the maker would t•k• his obsess eat id tbe hoops early In De morn Wu of tee day fellowleg da'o of menu - lecture, trim off say uneveunees, pat hie shame back te prose with the sods reversed. sod leave them them until the afternoon. mist, press nage to keep the ohms' from 811Inefso hotgrese Ie. beep and Dm follow. names 11021111. The °hems horse ofeeerelly la see are die sist epos beteg supplied with a letter hot la haters. In 40.1 bon that Is at tirafesi biting supplied, the sides are too this, whloh moms them to break, aed the hind and bottom me frequently made of too many trot. IfItielk cause them to fail nut, and Went saIllea of these is • monolog Itamplalot. We ask the Faateryntea to MAN epee gettino bowie with sides from en• 8510 to am courier of as inob is thlok *me, with sot mere thee two lames in the Ilsw or Motown. tad web the top awl bottom ILINNuarfrarly nailed. These plows should of well dried material, ito that an will mit shriek away from the beads ea* 'makes the hes. trim Another ehleedesiabis pesottor awns te b• growing ta nem, distriom of the ottentry, atel Mat the wadies el wry's/ who, bane trent the Wiwi is the term to min woes 'MA gives ts the ease heA INB011. sod fah fe toe Meet estanittninated to the on. sad dem a great deal to tense bad laver the Awes.. Whore the terser do dem te make re lide share of the *bet, IS ill Me* reasetasseded Aim las *wry with him 1. 01. waggon • barrel or other can* than his milk oatns to convey the whey re the farm. Coder no otroamsnocee should whey b. ooaveyed V milk os... BUTT a8 Canada meal (o mon largely into the manufacture of fancy butter, Enos to Is .o. dent that we are now mails* ae many .0.en se ins be ooneamed la one seaeen a. probt•ble prime. Tette L abundant room for ex loo In batter making, provided only the beet quality is made. All hope of doing an export trade of any imports*** la dairy butter must M .baadoned. Nothing but the best orum.ry butler will sell fr.. y and profitably. There is proof h that faaoy butter oats be made to C..ada, but mnob progress must yet be made two our average quality will stud as blab se that of Denmark or Australia. We are aspomall) hailed those oo.nterlm to regard to pack ages. Only the beet obtainable should h. bougbt,uallorm In style and efts, and where boxes are used, no more and no lees hotter should be packed than will test 56 Ila. when delivered la Montreal. Montauk, February 19th, 1901. HOCKEY A r THE COAST. • fes... L Main. servitor It.I4..te of Gedrrfele Dia seed. The following ar$i.ls is from The Daily Colombian of New Westminster, B. C., of the 1110 Wee British I'olumbtaaa seem M take their sport gory comfortably, ludas" from the description of the skating scene. ni A peal of the Isamu of the hooky ply ere will bring be remembr.nos our awn "Std" M•Ioom•o. ud .leo • former member of the Beak .4 Commerce staff koro wee Dad to help wla hockey matches la God. rich : A. mediated, the good skating o. Bur• salty Lake attracted • large number of plea sure seekers on Saturday. Even during the morning a coo•Iderable number of skaters arrived, hat to the afternoon five special tree from Vu000ver ware kept busy, and the hourly oar from here discharged I.I. loads at the Doubts road crossing, from whlo0 polat several experts wages. did • land o%oo bosinue "forryler" pa.a..g.r• to Us* lake. Almost the first this* to attract attention on arrival was the way the (aunt bre gibes of Win forest giants were deooret- ad with overcoat@ and ether outer wrap• wbwb wars 001 required by Asters for an boar or two. Clue by, oolamoa of smoke rislarr str•bbt In the still air showed where Parties were toads/ tbslr toes before obeer. fel fires, while enterprising motion of bot teaanff d osse, blsoulte, etc., were re- partee to meet the demand which Daae sure to be made later oa In the afternoon. As for the Lske itself, 11 has seldom bees Dower- ed with such • good sheet of toe of Irk• thloknw. Far aoro.., sear the opposite side, It w5. a smooth as glees, sod there was pinrosly any portion of to 00pl.aeut w skate on. Consegceotly 05. crowd wee pretty well scattered, sad 10 was hard 00 se ',mate the number protect, but several wee "Wed up the number of epootat-,rs 004 skaters agreed that then were telly 2,000 people, a good proportion Wire youngsters, woo .post their Setarday holiday then. Shortly after four o'elook, however, the bulk of the people (sobered armed the .Dace betimes tae goal., to be need by the hockey players near the landing. The los berm wits pretty well o.009 with Aimee bas that did not prevent the spectators being foral.6ed with gilts an interesting matoh between teams repreeenttng New West. mis.ler and Vanooaver. The latter, ha.. lag been defeated by three goals be two le he former matob, bad Immo determined to return the oomplime.l, sod had made sever. al ebeagee In their team. All the players had originally cense from the &latero Prov nom, aa the following list shows, but the "native bone" are opt popols and, mold a week or Iwo of skating he os1a01ated upon each winter. the West would coatis* the olatm of the K..t for ohamplonsblp honors. By mutual agreement, Mr. A. E. Mao - Naughton was chosen referee, ted Messrs. Barter and W. Gifford umpires. The turns Hand up as fellows • Now Wastmloater-0o1, Cheyne, Moot - mel ; point, M.loolmeoo, Ooderloh ; Enver pant, Lynpb. P.lerboro ; forwards, Ryall. Paris ; Southoe, Morden, M. ; Barden, Winnipeg ; Tar.boll, Paris. Vanesv.r-Owl, Dann, L'. C. Coll.., Toronto ; point, Elwood, Oo.eriob ; oover- point, Bailey, Winnipeg Motorise; for- ward., Marriott, Berrie and Winnipeg ; Merrltt,Toronto ; Cowen, Montreal ; Parr, Omen, C.Dttets. '4OISS names. in many lenience', retail many a weltfoneet dght between the .ante of a Isorome field, hat subsequent .vents showed they 000ld all handle tea pook des terooely, the game being really .o1e06Mo "sDl.0t." Some exoetlwt play w5. ppm on both Ades, and, though the snore does n ot bear oat the Idea, the boys from the Terminal 010y ...mod to have the beet of the play. At least they were 000linuously or.ming Westminster's d.lenee, but .his was baud, se to laorow, on ('horns le tool, and. when the opportunity 0000rred, Taro hall •t al made very effective rushee to the other sad. In the epeeists game. M.lo.lm- soo made one exceptionally rood stop. sad thea Tarebell, Southall and harden, by ex• miles% team play. worked the pook to the Reit, ane the latter .o.rod oleos 10, amid Prost 505.11.(. In the next gams. *0 Vestment" p.► their best toot foremost t ad played ag/reesIvely. "Offa.IA*' be - name a rather common pry sed necessitated many face-off.. Ch•yes stepped • Reed shot, and sena after Barden nearly tottered at the ether end. The play waxed warm a0tll a Rood shot by Manton, Merritt 1n11ewled/ .p well, soared the first Seal for Vancouver, shortly begot* h.lf-teme w5. called. Reversing ends they west at It amain, with received mercy. Weetmineter sew again pat ea oho 4.fenne, but played .f.bb.r.ly,soh of the wenn doing vallan0y. A/*or several minntwa' play, Bertha m.de a (110 ran anti then ps.e.A N Turnbull, who "het. 11 was well stopped by hone, bet "Aiwa." osnght the rebound and seat ter pink through amid renewed (throwing. Play being resumed, Mtage harems mon swell Ing and is soma instaeoes •.th.lrh.l rough. bet the Royal 01/1 War kept Meir *gyps. 1181111 2Nn 011•14114 •a•l•. ere/ Met wee by Putnam's awn bttrawe, Doe n't Icy o man up for • week bat quiet- ly and surely guts 011 doing its work, and nothing Is known of the ooeratton till the onto is shelled. Plenty of substitutes de 'Me Some of them are dangerous, no da. ger from Totem's eaoept to the ooro. At al/ deletion. CENSUS ENUMERAl0R5. Names et the appslstaer I.r 4110 4ei►dtvte• 144 of Meet ■.re.. The folks%los 111s the ptnoos ..0 wbuu, VI di devolve ths wok of teklug t,e, u.nso. W . W. von"... ninon% sub dist. • o. named Is the W.•• Rel u. of Huron • ANarI4LD- N . 1, 1, B, AUjU.L.ne • No. 2, J e 1' I. ; N 3.K•'no.thId. h. x"; N• 4 W. 'l' a..w; No 5, I h•.. 8u1.,v.o ; N . b, 1' ,,.. FuJ ; No. 7, J Jain ..ow jr ('ol.ac.N.- Nr. 1,W. H 11 t Nu. 2, Herb. jr. Morn. ; No. 3, G..rdon Yuuag ; No. 4, D. Cumming. ('UNION --No. 1, E. J Ceariio. ; No. 2, Walter Coen ; No. 3, N : Ne, 4. D. D.okineos. UoDealuu TOWNSHIP -Nu. 1, Joseph 1. 8s11.ld t No. 2. Goo. Gux ; No 3. Jobs Torrance ; Na. 4 John W.ggtntoe ; No. 6, J W. Ye,.; No b. Weary U..gars, I.Ongucu--N. 1.J. 1 B• 1.rdr; N • 2 I. H E i..,,t ; No 3 J .nu Ku,•r ; No 4, S. Alersud.r ; Nu 5, E.R W..eo. ; N 6 lieu Fr..e, ; N•. 7, J..0 Cr. tile, F, Eon Wewarosn-No 1, R. B. Mo G..40 ; No. 2. W . Huai; No, 3, W Salter ; No. 4. Dayld Clow. Wast Wawallosi-No 1, Thoma Mo. Otos; No. 2, A. C J.ok.on ; No 3, D B. Murry ; No. 4, John H. Taylor ; No 6, Waiter A. W llwo. rata in I. Mack Maine life miserable for many. Can It be oared! Yep, In • eight. Nervtline give. • complete ksockout to pain in the back, be - tonne it M stronger, more ppw►r•ttoq, more h1*ety pain -subduing rho• any other remedy •:fast. (.Me drop of Noryllme has more power over pain then fire drops of any other retnady, and It is true etrwrth yon want when you've Rot • Dais Your money book if It 1e sot so. Druggists sell Nervilto.. SeMtklmg may happen sense of than days if while awnings cm the . quare are not raised a oousideranle 'wooer of mopes. that. in • Intro below Itoverotng the matter Reld's Old ...Stand frIcKIM'S °alma& "ERECT FORM, STRAIGHT FRONT" DON'T TAMPE4... • with your health. Don't nee Drugs and Medicines of que.tion.ble quality. Get the hest there is at the same priced that are charged for inferior goal,. At our Drug Store the stock is al- ways fn+.h, and each article pure, po- tent and satisfactory. Our Prescription Department hos a reputation for pron;ptnoes and accuracy. ywd F. JORDAN Modica' 1fe11. is the correct corset. It is the only model for the new straight front cos- tumes. It gives a long, low and full effect front shoulder to bust. It inflicts no pain or strain upon bust or abdomen. It throws the shoulders back into a fine mili- tary poise. The only strictly hygienic cor- We have them in white and broche. New Dress Goods. HOMESPUNS.--The genuine Harris all wool, good colors, Henrietta, black and good colors, all wool, at per yard. 50c. Sergea, all wool, .t per yard 25c. and all between prices up to .... 11,.35 Our specials are Sergea. 20\th Century Bargain Sale of Stoves. Duran* the month of February we commence our business year with a great Beletia Hale of Wood Cooking Stoves Heating Stoves and second hand Coal and Wood Stoves. DR. SLOCUM'S In Girls' corset waists . . .40e, and 50c. A lot of 50c. Corsets, white, black, pink, blue and gold, for..... ,380. Hoye Knickers, or short pants, well matte of serge, and lined, at per pair 480. Men's Tweed Trousers at 69c. anti a to .112.50 Man's serge Suit 43.30 W. A. M°KIM. SUCCESSI Numbers of People in Canada Who are Being Cured of Consumption Is Positive Evidence_ Of tea Mmrrefiot- , Status. M *h* Slocum S .tem for ail Lung Fjard reg Wear Shoes. This is a chance to secure.a good stove .t your own price as they must go. Liberal discounts on tin and granite ware. Remember this sale will be for February month only. J.11. Worsell, Stone, Furnaces, Omelte and Tinware, dodenob. , Ail 1900 4.-oo0o1e ntc.t he settled at once TWENTIETH - ANNUAL 5TATEt1ENT -Or T111>i- North American Life ASSURANCE COMPANY Head Office : -1 12 - 118 King Street West, Toronto. For the Year Ended Deoember 31.1, 1900 Dec 30, 1899. 'f„ net Ledger Asxte RECEIPTS " To Caah Income on Itivestinonte. 183,041 55 14 342,680 76 53,336 710 21 NO MORE BIG DOCTORS FEES; 810 MORE LANG SUFFERING ! Dr. e14 -■.,1 eecre.. to wefts all Marrows of the toss. sad brot,rlllat Wawa le bossed quaver... Soar.s of am and wa_ei w.o bad Mile, at their °perigee. Oopel.r he.* been rumored to D,Y,4 Wr.Ogh the Slocum system f trseameert. led et We three preP.raher eeaopr,0ng the l,o14 tfeetm•wt sot Wee(41 0101 petro boon 0 r'.nslta 64 If )o0 suffer from eat fora os .sig trouble Dab.4 ever, you should not lame. m0e1. 1n applying las a trial of the Slocum gena or treatme.a You ars sot oohed b pay a ,sac .All you bars bIle le to errhS the T. a. Stew cm ('. a. MAL W. Lrrr*Ttn. iia cine St. Week Toronto, grow name 1. IOD. with post ogles sod express Imes adds." sad FREE TREATMENT will M riot too promptly es needle of y.sys quant. TA01 te the moot tserous offer e•er mads by 147 004011141 man In rpm co0otry. Dr. Slocum I. se po4nve or what Ate treatment will do that be goatee Na enpreveieutN eget, fully owdd.ot of what tb• reselm wan en b .n Woes Wee wast es ate wdl Whew writhe for teem always aemt;cs W1. senor. recces in emWs, maw e1ope,.• free offw to II•PW's will Meese the To' t�A yherated.m t•e. te/ twaap,a. t. Men and boys (young men) work. ing outdoors/ knocking about, need good strong boots to stand the racket. We've'gct the very kind you want -stout, thick soles (solid leather, mind you), good strong insteps, pit tot;,.: }t.:r with tlic know ledge that they must be stro tU ...d :hc t.iiaTn, . e I La.tt.t _ e. Cat re ins, expensive, though tet FROM $1.25 UP. WI`I. SHARMAN, Jr. 1 BROPHEY & SON - DISBURSEMENTS Der 31, NCO. By Payment for Death Claim., Proem. . ..304 679 33 By all other Paymenta 2611,493 36 569.172 68 $3,773,508 08 By Mortgagee, etc ....S1,282 .389 92 " Stocks and Bonds (market value el 031,6011 001 .... • 1,013 TI9 96 z,FA 751 79 239.719 38 \III 680 00 " Real Rotate. including Company's building " Loans on polictee, etc 03 773 08 " Premium' outatendifig,-W Mae ' Internet And renta due and SOSIIIIICI 40 684 NeUralgig is Rbeumatism of the face. Uric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidneys" lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to Um side of the nose. The cause I. the same as in all Rheumatism- disordered Kidneys. The cure 1a like- wise tits saM- Dodd's Kidney Pills -- THa !AUDIS° - 1� 6.u(t.1 IY‘reetoet om.a. Orders rarrhlly ettwded te U all inure. slab& se dry, amebae Street. A Bicyclic fitted with Dunlop Tires la hobi in biglier oritimation b. Cull... You e -an have Dunlop 'fite-a with "the thickened treed" on any wheel yeet buy -no extra charge. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The a ove ia cut into stove wood length and will he delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at rtsidence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Gotiorieh. Noveinhor Aid, 1899. 53-3m I iec 31. 1900, LIABILITIES $3,977,263 83 Fall Suits & Overcoats To Ovarantee Fund " Aseurance and Annuity Reserve Fund " Death Loosen awaiting proofs, etc 3 477,671 44 Net Sorp1118 192 39 Audited and fcmtiel entreat,. The financial pueition of the Company io unexcelled -ita percentage el not surplus to linbilitice exceed'. that of any other home company. Exopedin/ ch., beet previous year Trioel'iiivintr-rhe- Inetustica in force at end of 1900 (net) 911.883 061 00 raastetter 111411111111111,4 HON. SENATOR GOWAN, ca.. LLD.. O.N.O. Me1.711A4 Bp Gag* 111•11M1111011" Statscr•R (MANZI. Keel. J.1 061110ANN, Esq. Why if Won. A shoe that has won the highest award at the Paris World's Fair ought to be good enough for a lady to wear. Beauty, comfort, style, ap- pearance and durability are the points that won the gold medal. Its price and value make it the choice of thoueands of ladies who know how to dress taste- fully and comfortably. $3.00 and 64.00 per pair. Limited, Toronto The MO dratted in a mit made at our store always looks trim, as it to the ambitlon,ol nery elan of taste to look. A Neon eons of nloths to choose 44-111114 • ftrh ....lot,. tor fall wear, 1,1111111111 4.1... Ivo you Prins riohi Weet Street pound. of whioh we soli • barrel • week. This isn't our only sup. am we oarrr everything that oan be found in an rite tio-datie grout), store, and oar prime are right. The farmers know that they can alw•yo get from ne • sloop tor their nroduce. We drew th• line ab (thrower* or potathea, earden stuff or ohniurt table China. We deal in all of them. Bedford bleak. Otoderfob. (TEARING SALE LOtG BOOTS Tho report rontaining the proceedings °I the Aniiiiel *.t,esiing, held on Juitutry 30tIli lard showing merited proofs of tho oontinned roomette and wilt.' petition of the Company, will he trent to policy holders Promphleta explenatory of the ettreotive investment proition. will he furniithed on implication to the Howl (Are or uty of tho Company's agencies. Oar Agent la Godoeloh /36,, (Merge Prue Before stock taking wi• find we luive too many LONO BOOTS, and hove decided to run them off at VERY LOW PltICEE, to auit everyone. We invite you to come in and compare our KING QUAL= SHOWS, for ',tubes and Gents, with other makes, and you will deride that they ere more up-to-date in style, comfort and durabil ity than other make.; which cost you more money. • When buymg rubber* why not buy the beat ; they are cheap- PR1 in the end. STug pRoog are ,the best, and nothing is Stab Proof unite," it in stamped on ever y solo. 980. They are genuine snaps. Trunks and Grips. ST. CEORCE PRICE, dole Agent for J. L). Kim 04 Gab tilrimMtring Nista' Dew