HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-7, Page 4▪ THURSDAY, March 7, 19111
Link Sea's
Clothier aid
Faris r.
Has Removed
1teu'sLeady-made POLITICS IN PARABLES.
Clothing. Nen
Century Brand. pee.lh ampulla" a ' Nomina
tlort for the tteht_te•
into the store lately occupied l,y SI,vill (iron, and has A‘l.lodtkien o he stock of
Men's Furnishings a good stock of Ready made Olothing,
gnh These were
goods, cut on most modernscientifc lines,d guaranteed to fit and give
good satisfaction.
will form an imprtant part in buy business. 1 think I can say without ex-
aggeration that 1 have secured the nicest and nohhiest stock of Boys' Cloth-
ing that has ever been shown here.
The New Certltury Brand
of boys' school clothing will be very popular. Made in colors, brown and
grey, all wool tweed, got up with a view to wear and so cheap that no mother
will buy cloth and wake them up after once seeing these. Inspection invited.
Clothier and Furnisher. N t+xt to Lee & Shephard
■ e. NeatUJtRNe1
190131tRIOH. THURSDAY. ILLttCH 7, Met
IN another column will 1.e found an
article on binder twine, which will Nell
repay perusal. Care hoe been taken in
producing the article to get the moat re-
liable data poeeible. and •w a result the
particulars given can be relied on.
It stands to reason that if there was the
bonanza in the twine business that factory
promoters claim there would 'be an easier
way of getting capital than by soliciting
shares from two or three thousand rude
The abnormal profit+ of the Farmer's
Company, of Brantford, during the past
three misses not safe figures to batik on
in the future, aod partioahrly if a large
number of other factories get into the game.
Competition and other features will soon
bring profits down, and then we 5ha11 have
the formation af...' twine trust where the
perch will put the polawags out of sight.
-February wee not a short month on
Winter weather.
- Col. Sam Hrot(ss, M. P., has made his
speech against Oen. Hewett, asd the cur-
urtain may now be rung down on the con.
- The difference between soorrespondent
who knows what he writes about and the
one who doesn't is that the former will sign
his name to his article and the other chap
-Our esteemed correspondent "U. K. A.
PRacs" is rather shaking up us Imperialists
this week. We don't know whether to re
sign from the British Empire League •a•
pluck a Pawn.
-The -brigadier" of 1 he Hamilton Spec
tater is beginning to get gubby again. He
did keep quiet for some time after Thr
Toronto Telegram furnished that bit of his-
tory about him, in effect that in the Red
River expedition.Geoeral Woutatsx'a horse
nearly ate him, as the beset preferred green
etulf to baled hay.
Tug OougRICH Siwia'. nays that "she
war fever has taken a bog slump " Dail
is overjoyed that the time ie (-Inning when
be can again safely slander and black-
guard the Canadian militia.
Nonnative : Tot Nw'AL haft never slan-
dered the Carnelian militia, but it and ito
editor have alws.y, laughed at a JOHOIri
Raw like the Spectator man posing as a
war expert, on the ground that "Buck"
OAMltsoti groomed Gen. Vuu:ll.xy's horse
during the Red River campaign. 11 was
a tree of a horse and an ass.
Rana (sastjs Three Redo' aepreseeta
eves M Ottawa.
The county of Huron o•n mate s trout
gaooii Inv Its three representatives to Perlis -
meet which cannot be egnslld by any other
eeanty In the Dominion. Then are people
Who think then Is no virtue or honor lo the
boast, while then are others who ars proud
of it. Is 1. this, riot nn ober 1)r. McDonald
Mr. MoFweo or Mr. Holmes either smokes
or drinks ; they are total ahetaMers In this
rsspeot. There are other r•preeentanos who
do not touch spirituous Minors, bet not an
other county In the whole Dor. ..on has
representatives who go ae lar !" n respect
as the men named. The sa, ..ting held
good to the last Parltsmen'
In title no.neoNeo It mlgh,, re stated bhst
there l • eotlosahle Moreau In the cumber
•f total abetaloers in the Heats, and these
ars but ►h• represeetatl•ss of a growing
sentimentthronahntt the (*entrylake
the return made by the Provincial tripper,
Mt of Llgaoe Limoges, whleh show that
while then was an mouse of 46 oommltals
for drunkenness throughout the Province
during the year 1200, as oompard with
that preosdtog It, at the Game time 11 shows
that More has bees m marked general de -
area.* during the hat twenty-four years.
The table to the lespeoter'e report showing
the average yearly oommltmuM Inc soon
period of five years from 18'16 to 1200 toms
be afford a very decided proof that the
drinking habits el the nommuntty are de.
erea.Ing The table is • fair Indication of
Wirt It shows that the average yearly com-
mbmeete were am fellows : -
Fram 1876 to 18H9 Imitative ..3812
" 188I to I886 . 4 016
" 1886 to 1890 " 4.311
" 1891 te 1896 . 2 702
" 1896 to 1900 ..1.920
u t� retie is kept tip shore w111 *eon be
elf ygrgl4bme5M ter this Aimee. 01 enures
It would met be absolute reef that there
was se drlaklag, het 1e peeves enselamlvely
was ID. oomraaslty M b.eemtae mere tem
Parliamentary oreepend*sos et
fgs erNew Rrs.
lame friday wart the anniversary of Lady.
math Day,eke.esmesenelN*melte sashes.
sells eabbsng .1 wariest' Joy t►at wag sow
erltobnid Is QQdmelsb.
After Ike Northers Navigation lbmp•al •
Fleet of ateaner.
-Toronto, Feb. 27.-A report from Cd•
Iingwood states that s very Important Jeal
1s scout to take place to upper lets msrioe
olroles. It is stated that negotiations have
been In progress for some time looking to
the sale of the Northern Navigation Com.
pony's fleet o1 steamers, eight to number,
to the ('lergue eradicate, of Sault Ste.
Marl., Ont. It is known that Mr. Clerges,
throush his reproreotablyee, has Woo so
tire tor some time In securing vessels It
run to various upper lake ports in dile 1
cooneotloo with the extensive totereste 1,
the Soo, end the ooatrol of such an impor-
reot lee of vessels as those of the Northern
N•viiatloo lomp.oy would be a strong
link to the Clergue Company's upper lake
operations. Stroh a transfer would also
have Ire effect on the Northwest Tran•por-
tatioo Cumpsny's line from Detroit and
Sarnia. A vcirago there war an exohsnge
of stook, whlob praotiostly placed the Sar-
nia and Collingwood lines soder one man -
.gement. James Scott. presldeot of the
Northern Navtgstios Company, when
spoken to on the subieot, said that his la
formation was to the effect that the t'lergue
Company, proposed establishing lines to
c..mpet• with the Northern Navigation
(',mpaoy between Collisgwod, Midland,
Perry Sound and Sault Ste Marie.
Nares Farsers Might Take • Mist tress
Mater bead's Reveasers.
Motor Dot of the Logiisb army, •%ho
was in Canada lest year purchasing m.1,
tory remouotr, makes the following sag -
Amnion In a letter to 1)r. MoEachran,
O. -minion Veterinarian :-"1 was pleased
•Itosether with the ciao. of bores welch
was brought before me, but 1 think gnat
Improvement• oa0 be male by using the
English thoroughbred s.allioo as a sire ori
drno( away with the Aucnoen trotting
sire, which, In my opinion. has : no • great
dost of harm to C.nadlao Loreee, I attrl
bete long bask and weakness of beck rite
sod bones, also smallness of bones bd.,*
the knee, to the Americas trotter. I wish
W urge oo Canadian farmers and young
men in Canada to take to ridlog Ineteed of
a ways driving. They would add meetly
to their health and happiness by en doing.
and enhance the value of 'tale heroes bC
Per coot. It Is diaoult tr find in the
ooeutry districts • horse that has ever had
• man oo its bank."
A resident of town who takes • time
dui of Interest In the breeding of hones
called our at:entioo to the above paragraPt
in The Globe lad week, and regnesd us to
pool ib It In the interests of the hone
trade in this county. 11e says there to not
a tingle thoroughbred stallion m the county
of Huron at the pre• mt time.
Ilse 1111l.1 al seises,' (.Ives Ru Opis1N of the
1 peer Loa': 11'e Ur aW Cbaag"d -Re
Alai, hes. ter the 1'aaadla• Io
Owlet oorreepooleaoe of Tan Bi.NAL.)
DAoTMor rn, N. S., Macula 2, 1901.
Say, Mr. Editor, 1 had the Bemis's's es•
eap• from setting apymated Senator in
place of Mr. Almo0- • mighty close
equal. I tell you. A feast that, what
the folks to the boarding -"-use totals.
The widow was at the • rem of it. She
mime to me and says, "Mr. Pooch, the
boarders have been tnloking toot • man of
your wide experience, large poltblesl know(
sloe, dignitied and attractive bowleg
-(blame her oouipltme01.)-aid oomtort-
able circumstances, would adore a out In
the Dominion Senate. 1 &eked our palter
too. and hs said you were just the man
ttould you take it 1( we could get it for
•'Say, warm," flays 1, "you do me proud,
and 1 am unworthy tel all them otos triage
you sly, but I'm cot out as • oaodldats for
the red ohamber, or whatever the oolor may
be. I'm not • lover of Senate" of any s rt,"
says I, "wakes the people shot there. T.k•
that ptuuhbeck Seoete of our own Preview.
Then are only two Tories In the whole
oeboo.e. Where's the talc play to that T
Most of the Grim in that 1'rovinoial How
were sppotnted on the oondiuuo that when
they got a b g enough majority they would
vote ths, old concern into Lyutdstloo. lt'.
• t&et. But they hold on to their seats and
their salaries like limpets, We enough to
make every Bluenose blush -that l thia
cheeks of the B;oesosee."
'Theo the boarding-house mlesus the gays,
"But if we oould get • strong d.putatlos
for you at Ottawa, wouldn't it be almost
certain to get you the vacancy ?"
"Say, alarm,' 1 Gaye, "deputation, don't
oouat as much as folks think. 1 heard •
.tool saying by Gladstone on this very
point, Toe Grand Old Man he dshued •
deputation as 'a norm of numbers, signify
iog Ma'.r but not signifying ern !' If the
railway tares and etceteras of the dspata-
tiona to Ottawa were balanced against all
that the said deoutettons have really got
over and •boys what would have come •rev•
way, 1 guess the fares would tote up the
biggest figures in the @test. Its • fact."
The widow went off hulled
No ; I'm not in the Senate bosoms. 1
would rather end that concern than mend
11, if I had my own way. But it's retain,
mended good aod (as'. 1 remember a few
years ago, whoo there were so few Liberals
in the Damlu'00 Senave that you would
have them p.h, ed out to you as legislative
ounce. Now toe Moe of Mugs t. very
mach abased.
It reminds me of • story I heard et • Sr.
John. N. B., amp oh.edler who gut rich•
aod "Nuked to sat up • (acedy portrait
gallery. &, Lo deu.J,.., «Let ne ould start
with his grandfather'. v'itu e. . • meat to
• young arms abau that had at ap lbs
Province I y painting a wooderlul l e s.z•1
picture of Moses. lie fixed ea Its pries.
size of caueu, 0,0 , and the artist tie sked
to sae the old gentleman, to pout h; up
The seep wan he •ay•, "Ob,Gr.sdpa len
forty yeses ago, and he oast bit for you.
"Well, lifetime get me a photo or tee. of
him," Gaye the painter.
"He never go any took," *,ye the emit/
c handler.
The artist he got bol,sai h. says, "How,
then, can I paint the portrait of • man I
Dever taw 1'
"Didn't jou paint Moses' piotan, and
you Dever saw him y' says the soap man.
Sty, the portrait man he got it in the
Deck there, .rod he says, • 'Tio.o you will
desoribs the subject.'
Th• soap moo he gave al the old man's
110101., oodur of eyes, Lue and cut of whisk •
en, elo., and so on, and tb. plater* Was
painted and delivered.
When the soap chandler ass•;; upon the
portrait of hie esteemed anoes'..r. be says,
"God L]rJ, now HI HAe THA:.'.
And .o, when an old time T 1 , one of
the arrogant set who *ix yeare`.. , us.0 t,.
Gay. "Ab, thire's the good ' mistvetito
S•net* to keep the Grit. to Air, "-
when use of these get, • peep a' 'lie present
%smote at Ottewa, he .ay., ' 1104 it has
okesgd !" It's a fact,
Bay, Mr. Editor, I me that you have be
come • semi -gram& pee jaodrom to tI
Potted Empire Luaus, or words to th..
effect. I'm not with you there. Confound
you Imperialists, anyway Yon talk h g
.od shoat load about the glory o.f the Em-
pire, and, perhaps without meaning k, v, a
help to crush all the true pstriotivm and
tore of native country eat of she hurts at
our Uaoadlan born boys. With you chaps,
the Empire is a kite, to fly as high as the
clouds, and each of the Colonies is • piece
of piper oo the string forming the NII.
It's a teat. 1 never knew • Canadian lin•
eerlalla that wasn't off on the real point of
pabr.otlem, which Is to give the higher,
oleos to this yo004 giant of the Nest, our
own Canada. They are a pack of "Little
Causda" mw (hey wait th• Dominlen tr
he a page In European Court ; having no
voice, but ever reedy to do the chores for
the big nobs. It's a f•ot. Tb• Imperialist
Io this errantry never glorlffss our own
laud ; he 1e rapt In •dontton of that beyond
the sea. To him the muddy, sewage fed
rheum It lovelier than all the water; of the
Fruiter and the S►. Lawranoa. Blame 'rim,
such Canadians mak• me siok. I'm no
"Little Canada' man. I'm for Canada first,
and Canada all through. ADA I've got a
boy that is growler op uncaught with all
ibis Imperlalistlo guff. I .peat • few years
of my life on the hooks ret the grandest
rivet of earth. My boy Inch wall raised
there, and he is eometbing of a poet, or
tries to be, and this 1• what he wrote about
that noble stream -on jingoism. no old flag,
0o mighty .empire talk. but good. homely
'andtaoum. Please print this 11111e 0s0a
dlan song :
11 H.R1 ins 1'1.1'1 ST. i.AWR.M, R Rnt.IN 10
wARn'7111 CIA.
To the old familiar home, now far away,
And the happy bones of childhood that I
Hew often will my memory fondly .tray,
And bring ee
again those ple.ol scenes 'to
And once more the leafy forest path 111
Or alt bweath the spreading maple tree,
And hear the song-hird• carol ovulate 4,
While the blue St. Lawrence roll, 1 oward
the see.
Chorus --Roll, flyer, roll, te thy (*eae
Emhtem of our onaotry-broad er ,I heel
Oh, what happy hours I've had
'M'd those .noes se bright and glad,
When the bio. Se Lawnoos rolls to
ward the sea.
a7 M. rani *escheat Reface. fe Allen
the betters re redeems an operation
Re I. Weil new.
Hay St. I'aus, Que., Mar. 411.-Uar neo•
oral storekeeper Mr. Arthur Fortin, is •
married man, aged about torty-two. Life
is very dear to him, yet, when the doctors,
tour or five of them, wanted him to submit
to an operation, and all declared that it war
the only way hie life could be saved, he re
fused point blank and dismissed them. He
had tried everything for sue kidney (llama
and was muoh disheartened.
"1 hole been troubled with kidney
trouble 5Il my lits," Gaya Mr. Fordo. "I
bad trod all the medlotoe. 1 had Seen ad
•ertlssd, but none helped me. I had coo
lu ted lour or five darters. and they all
..Td to perform an operation. They
sold 11 war the only way my life could b.
saved. I would not submit to it.
"Just then 1 saw an edyertbemenb of
Dodl's Kidney rills, and determined, 61
though dteoouraged to make one more try,
and this would be the last. They cured me
The members of the Goderloh Hordeola
tarsi `ootety will hold their winter
meettage Inc disowning various subjects eon
neater) with hotticoltare to the seoretery's
effete, commencing at 7:30 ,ash eyenlnp oe
time letbwia* dates
March Hth. -How be grow artiohokes.-
A..1. Fowi.ea.
Much lh.-Rest vane's* of grape",
raspberries, strawberries, outran*, goose-
berries and dewberries. W. WARNOCK.
Maroh 22nd.-Hortioulture in school. -
13. 1). GRANT.
W. i.ANS, T. O. havoc.,
Seoretary. Presides«.
ReJ[ItI. Netual 11re eumraaee Oe apes/.
At the annual mooting of the MoKlllep
Mutual Fire losoranos Oempany, held at
Reaforbh, the dlr.*tors' repent showed the
•Satre of the company to hs M e very
favorable nnodlblon During the year 730
new pollolss were booed, (levering property
to the amount of 11,092,426. The pre
miom antes for the year emonoted (0.37,-
894. The gram amount of premium cotes
held ny the company at the end et the year
was 11106.321.68. At the elms of the Tsar
Ib•re were 2,10b pellelee le fon*, covering
properly M the amount of 113,048.975. The
losses for the year were very light, and bad
all been settled, exoepb ens claim, 'bleb the
hoard had agreed to settle for $175, bat
whtnh had not as yet been aooapted The
flickers and directors of the company
are President, 3. B. McLean, Klppos
sloe -president, 'Thee. Fraser, Rraesfleld
s«+nter, treasurer, T. It, Hays. gsalorth ;
In•pweter, W. 0. Beaulieu. M.tfeetri
1 renters - George Dale, Hallett, Ciliate*
P 0, .1 (she Watt, Ne11.11, Hsrlenk P. O,
Jae Connelly, tindertoh, Porter's Hill P. O.,
.4 0 Orley., MoKdlop, Winthrop P. 0.,
,15e Evans, MnK!Ilnp, Beech email P 0.,
.lobs H.enow.t., Leese, Rredhaees P. 0.,
it's •front time to get an eeble, on • hit •t
shasrook moles4 the oomleg .f Irelead's
rat day.
Mock -taking Sale
We have just started stock -taking and have already found
nuuy articles we wish to turn intc CASH, and ill order to
do so we ere going to SL:11.:UHI'Elt PRICES right cad
left. Wo are going to offer you bargains that have never
been offered here before. Call and get our prices.
Snow Shovels.
Only a few left at 35,,
usual price 45c,
Sleigh Bells.
Only a few strings left
at greatly reduced prime
See our lung strings of
bells at $1.90.
A few hall strings
which uswaUy sell at 7bc
and rbc Your choice 60c
Shaft Bells.
only a few left at
prices to suit all.
truly one pair,of Shaft.
Chimes, 11 e plated,
ussual prim 111.75, at $1.25
Especially low
prices in...
X -out Saws
Hand Saws
Buck Saws
Curry Combs
Cattle Cards
Horse Brushes
Cow Chains
Hockey Sticks
Hockey Skates
Hockey Pucks
Cutlery and
Remember these big snaps are to CASH
1 Furnace Scoops.
Only 2left, usual prier
$1 25. Yours at $1.00.
Severalti.8erent kinds
of lined mitts that usu-
ally sell at bOe', 60c and
75e, selling now at 40c,
60u and boo,
Razors! Razors!
7 only Hoary lioker's
beet hollow -ground raze
un, retail prim 11.40.
Your choioe at =1.00.
22 razors of different
kinds and different
makes, usual prioes 760
and $1. Your choice 50c.
A good strung reser
fur 260. nasal prim, 600.
customers only,
General dud) and heavy hardware. Honest goods al honest prices.
I've drifted by the lovely Thousand 1.)..
'Teas Paradise and 6ahlog-ground to me
When aoobored 'Death some overhaogtng
01, happy days, forever past and goon,
Where the blue St. Leereaoe rolled ie.
ward the sea.
Chorus-Ro11, river, roll, eta.
There mey aot be much to semi in that
Piece ; but that boy's dad 1s proud of blm,
mon especially because he can knock off
Caaadiao verse where this broad Dominate
1.5'1 lagged on to soy other country Thal,
h.y loch is a uanedian, every Mob of hiss.
He takes atter his pa. It's a tact
The following lines are from tha pan of S.
T. Church, of Toronto, whoa. tribute to ebe
eons and daughters of old Hiroo was read
at the recent Old Boys' gatberty laTorou•
to and was published In Ttts SIGNAL lull
week. Mr. Church was reared le Staalsy
aod at One time was • resident of U.desloh :
The Qnsen is deed
With bated breath the nations halt their
maddened pan',
With.tGadfut gaze, in nyr.atial awe, be
An Empire vast. eegulfed In gr.et•• eyes,
Reveal ne love, Its deep affection apd de-
la patieut, calm, and silent lamentation.
Blessed be 'be memory of that sainted soul
Who, throu:h • lite of los• and sacrifice.
rho heart,trings of humanity bath me deep -
,y t ,u.hd.
flu saddened Mule in muted tones •ibrats
The •nournful melody of morrow and regret
Our • 0,0 s hushed, we whisper low
Oar ko:dlls•t tributes to our Robb
AbBRT W. wise.
Fars Implements asd Mach�ery.
Doering Hinders. Mowers, «tat.. sad Telae.
Alen J. W. *eon gouda
Ploughs, Putnam. etc.
Walkers(( e Wagons a specialty.
• Rver)thing made of the very best material.
Repairs of all kinds kept OD Gant.
Would be pleseed to have you Ball and 1 -
gent goods before purobaeing • leewberr,
rCLOtt CAll11 PRICE,'.
Will open op le Ithe old .1ugn• McKloaoo
stand about October Ord.
Hamlltoo S•ree'
The Queen 1e dead t
In copious showers an Empire's tour• fall
Upon an Empire's b:esdlo.t heart, whose
tine* wig pules
Keeps time in broken accente to the sad
funereal dirt•
1%• e.oaro, but mearaiog do not -1e m ;oat
A legacy to wbteh parllolpatloo we a!,.. e
should joie :
For why? in rare exarnple, and precept co•
Has she -"whom we have 1 ve I .e' 'boil
•whtla'-not beep
Mother, daughter, wile and Qui, t. 10 .ch,
to all
in every Iaod, io ti,
From first to oldm* art that 51.1.1101 1 fe
In I hongbt, to deed, ID cel, .e oharity
Acd love for all mankind, her lair oases
e tawls
Geo soaked, surpas.Mg fart : best In ages
E'en David,
W Lou wisdom gilds, the pored page,
Needs yield ed• sceptre of true goodness
To Britain's much lamented Queen,
Whose virt au pore sud mdebled,
Have triaoapbed o'er the baser sort.
1 tan see the old rd sohoolhows
And hear again the to haler ,
Gr 1 linger near the noel and shoe
And wstoh the tweak treat gb
the stones.
And the nrnbards, with they bio
and white,
Come hank seals In IMAM sotto
Ab, them were hours of beyhe.d
When rhe Moe Rt. l,wroet*a
ward them*.
Cherie -Roll, river. rel(, ore
On the bs.em of thee rn er, weed/ and deep,
I'•• •+added In my sail heat test •1 folies
Or gently, these when Nalene seemed
en the hill,
Iy rill,
de among
seem* pink
Leet 1e mw
'• deep da
rolled Ht.
after God's own heir', sad
The Queen lsdeal
Ask of os b.+arte 11 title be true :
Our souks ie rapture answer, "No '
She l.ve• today a realism In our Ikea
More grandly f•,r than when our oommoo
Was made her earthly habitation ,
Tho..e re ey (alt armed with the
bltk1.raessu of mgrief,
Thoughfall heobi obbtog arts perchance may
To solve rhe meaning of this sad bereave.
Through anabiding faith In Him whose
all to sweetest benedictions we yet shall
The aegaanoe 40 this bitter draught
How great iodised our lamentation ;
Bat what of joy that it be •veiled In gloom's
oblivtoo ?
With heart and voles In thanklulnsse re -
That inch a life hse .been oar fortune to b. -
The loflueeoe of a art 1 so pare, •0 mellow•
Calt.red aod refiod 1,1 otroamstaoee sad
Grown Ir•grsns three gh oommaaloe with
Makes jay to u• a duty aad a privtlege.
LIM,scd Bowerman.
To what extent has thy 'omit soul
Aad blr,melese life been •.4smded Into OUTS ?
A query this which He ave• nen hut reveal.
Is ',hy frail hand how eft the balance haat
•'tion held
Wh,ob Bald the good er 111 of human fats?
How oft hut, thy oaten eptnt beild In
Tae heated blood of etateemsa, R
pobentaa 1
Rnw oft
thygentle words yet firm &eerie
Have held ab bay the bloodhounds
Of thy time and day -who with meattabte
Have sought N nromble to the dust
The Rmplre's high and holy aim --the
liberty of man !
The Queen l dead '.
We dug the sombre emblems sI our love
Out on the wintry air, while sobbing wheels
Sigh oat their last cad requiem.
Rot lo ! the King of Kings and Lord of
Hee placed the °rows of glory ne File eer-
yant's howl ;
A royal anthem by eh' •a/elle shelf pro•
The coronation lost : right loyally they
welcome to their midst
The hiring, kind, the noble, pan Vleberla
Long may she riga, not as • meaaroh
On an earthly three*, but 1• our hearts,
Our homes, our lives, we•n still she wears
The erews e1 honor and of Mee.
The (0 e*sa 1s dead -Md fate tea K lag !
Re. T R Halals wM gnmea d • 4w
evealnp age with • bder.Na eebtee by
Me mambo* et hie eatigeaoseisa at Crowe
A. address whish •MaMaaisd the gift
15501 weed In warm MIS e1 appreciating'
the *smack *forte d Oa psstss in the
sp41Ina1 1atsnete .f Ms task.
tit tIlltrfffttfttltfltflftll
I HAVE started store in my old stand and ant
ready to do business with a complete new stock
of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, suitable for the
cooling season's trade. I have nothing to offer but
new, fresh goods, bought in the bust market,
which 1 am prepared to offer at rock bottom prices
for Cash. In soliciting a portion of your trade I
do so with confidence that I can satisfy you, both
in quality and price. It is not necessary to quote
prices just now, but I wish to call your special at-
tention to my stock of Black and Colored Dress
Goods (Blacks in particular) ranging in prices from
25c. to $3.00 a yard. Silks in great variety, both
in colors and black. Remember the place, COL-
BORNE'S old stand.
TI M MS : Strictly Ca•h or
ww4444444444444444+ tiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiii444414444111
About Prescriptions
We have just a few word.. to eay-amt here they
are : If you need medicine you are looking for a
euro. II you want a euro you must have the teat
medicines that science can pros pie Then you
ahoulo patronize a store where the purest tested and
assayed drug. are areal We think we can give you
just such le service, and chum to have the beet pro.
vision facissling and assay in the County. Better
give se s*W. so matter what physu-ran you hath
Bear in Mind
that guaranteed cure of
Gun for
Laxative Bromo Quin
• constitutional treatment, a ,
syr. Whits Pine & Tar
for the cough
There is nothing else "just a..
good." Cie the best.
Bid Bargains...
all this month...
it the Cash Hardware Store.
Axes Whips
Axe Handles Sleigh Bells
Cross -c4 Saws Team Bells
Cross -cut Saw Handles Curry Combs
Buck Saws Cattle Combs
Black Diamond Files Horse Brushes
Hay Knives Leather rlitts
will make ees••d prooeta►le.
The aponaretori the ewwJt er serr-
ied experiment and le ►sat ■ em fly
to date_
Met the merle is @eve COSIea Ow .
b z1.0.111t•ea. as,: oa ti of he
ww.i-4thts •yrum.as a .tkl"a
. es tkeeeai 1. AI - wad
brass ertigadtate made how drswe
brawl bees in pane Inc velmee.
labiaSewn fifty per arca is rho,
Most smsomaal bense+0 .dorso■
son farther✓ sad mem ellartWe be-
haves It throw aeposteg Rem • m Iso y
spray to • weld etwea.
whitewash er haat yew bailing'.
Tree testis+ Omprewr emMess,
�..� ELLO !
Into; ilard coal
All cora weigh ad on the Market Males,
where you get M00 lbs for a ton.
Ord.,. haft at 1.21 R 8E1PB.d,AD'B
`store promptly attended to.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rollance
Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranon,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are as good se the twat male in any
elty in Canada.
Centelon leers the trade in
in fanny designing son ornament
ing and almond ming.
Give him an order end year awl
whetitm will he seaerscl.
ii sa An adjective signiying sound,
palatable, pleasant, etc.
» - floods such as sugar,
tea, spices, etc.
The kind we sell. -------- --
rulephouo No. 91 - Market Square.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which 1-
The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market,
and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than att>
furnace on the market.
We have the largest assortment of coal and wood stoves illi,
side of Toronto. Also have a number of second -ham(
stoves In stock. Old stoves taken in part payment flit
new ones.
LEE & 5 thEPhARD
Can you afford
to he without a newspaper when we deliver them free( Man`'
people have take -i advantage of ear offer of last week to ,1,.
liver to your home or place of basins( one of Toronto's
daily papers for only20o a month. Did you miss tin ,
great opportunity 1 Iio, now is the blme to take advantag^ ,4
it, and we trust you w111 do in. The papers now contain par
liamentary news from both Rennes, happenings about the Ile.
King, anri also many newsy leanly you cannot afford 10 mice