HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-7, Page 3r THE _WOi.YES OF THE B,ARABOOS, (r"X.11dw WSLL& Cdutlrr. In Tusth's COripr,.IOA.) !J.�&,err,A-gu #lgR��cruLereta-'VJ Y.J:!✓✓%r%- -- -- - -- nue of the moot stirring encounters r •bet's give 'ens %lug. It'll small n ill+ wu)vem rotated !n central 11'Is- whulo crowd,' r.'urlu Ir that o! the two aartxlure With She backwt udrmap's quic futher and sou-und "Liph" Junes. stuet fur action, tale three sprin gether back of the top lug, u It took place nwuuS the big wuoda foul cut nearly three feet Ill dl, •,( tlw BArAbOu Bluff*. The Barbour* ter. The elder Barbour and ' had a cabin iu the woods fit that tlhrust their han'.1*plker Into the touu, und ware malling lugs of the licit and got a -bite' ugslust the er lug, "fid Parry IH film eager Krent white oak timber. fleaval with blit rhuulder fur Ileavy allows 1011 In February and ill "spike. A steady der f nn about the (loot of klRrrIt of that year, the ants of their Inver* raided alai when there war no crust the big lug above ilio level of ity o ( h"ppers often Led to wuda to their 1 situ #felt lower nrlghtor, 1111 un kueer to nail (ruts the bluff. Anxfuus tru lieuve Wlted It over. t„ Kat a tut o/ logs down (lie river From the Lull of the log.pllo )u touot to milk" n raft for the rprlog great trunk plunged, going Over oterf)ow, the chopperto cleared a wide brink of the bluff, straight ,town roadway. or rather rullway, dawn uu the struggling pack, ad If the bluff. They began at the toll at charged from a cats pull. The clef n imdut whero n ,great many of the ant struggle of th'i pfled•up Cao I"Re already cut vould be "drifted" wolvem prevented them from me d'Iwn w iib "hanrbplte■" until they fir hearinR until the huge ml should Lo fit the brink of the bounced :directly unions thPnn. desueut, which Pitched oil rater end- the dotitructlun, the howls, 'JeDly- Frvm tbis liolnt the lugs loundr of the surihors. 'Liph sal plunged and slid and rolled flume three wall 'like striking your fist into a hundred yards fir more down a rwif% Plate full of parched corn.' Thuse hu'liue, ►udglug In n bayou-Ilke depres- w"li which had escaped crus Mill, it sort of elbow from the river, leRPml aud wr"mbled In every fit tine foot of the bluff, rection, frightened out of t Tlno stumps In the rullway were wits, some Of them darting off o cut ref close to the ground that they the brush al"I debrlm into the w Interfered uuly ahon the snow was Ou either hand, aud others lilting Iltiht-latrking and sometimes "Plln- Wit, tremendous rpringd .lire tering a fug. A week's rolling would down tile rullway, the log bump t lona off a moderately heavy snow, nail brx)ming rice* once their he Hol woes the *tumle showed tax, with a twine and rurtll that ml bumptloudy, the t �l er would 'tuft well have orared the boldest all ni Hutt part ill thsvwork, fled trait fur Tu the hindmovt of these eche u herb snowball. eariuuv thing happened. Hp was uv Ona rrrnlnR fi slUd s Rhea the taken, and the log rolled over 1 mon had Just flabheot skWtting the and left him kicking. Then he eco Inst IoR np vb the pyramid at the bled to ham feet and fled how•1 brink of the biuIf. Perry Barbour, a alonir the "t(s-ldll. Ile had 1N south of seventeen years, suddenly 0aertAken rushed for the • flintlock wnsk*t contalned c /11ablrrablea rnaow`p to "hich leaned against a tree. Tile 11th- Into this he find hPrq preyaed dee rr saw that perry meant to aho of Tlw trluml)hsnL bRman n -yearling fawn, which was gazed to pl(an9- e1M11RIl to dbcuver that seven 't tnR In tht snow not twenty yards WOlvOP lay "cattere-i-about thev dbtnnt. It *ink nbnvp Its keels at Can of the deer, and that an sigh +-very Jump, and was nearly worn out yet-erel with running. toward a ubrastl as ttrn[RhIR t The boy's shot klllf-d it, pile. Then th ' Cuod for you, Perry !" 1,+1,11 Juries `et to and heaved oven log niter 1, ahuuted. for tl►ev heeled frr+h swat, unit rix had gone booming and cra The words were hardly out fit his th dthe the bluff, Then, lI v mouth when there was a sudden that the pact, t re was he to burot of y1rYIP-yl-yl-Nl&g, awl the 1090 w re might te. th when 1,h astonished otC[en sew, coming over IoRd were exhanrted, they picked th•• rlsp of the bluff, one, two, three, their coats and the gulf und hurri A ('OfPn a conntlee"I islet of big grey seroer the bluff, making a stiff wolves running laboriously, tongues clreult to keep high, clear ground lullinz and breath atr,annlnor. Thry getting to tbalr (1111111). They do word hot Upon the trail of the deer. n`i more wolves that uight, i,owev Ihrry stared at the Iuogin/t brutes They dM flat return to the ner nn Instant, and tlhen, dropping ht" Of their 61Plolt until the next mo Kun, ran to -the fawn sell selsed It IaR. when Uley found the peck h by the hill(' ,egg returned dome til"" in the night, a "1'm gufnit to have tt,ie ,Irpr!" lie •lgane,l the bowel of the fawn. Bev Phouted. "Shoo! Shoo' HI-yi•ytp," and ,'eA(! bodies of hlg. gray wolves I, he harried backward, dragging the close by untourhed, nn•) the woun rd-(1aAx AftPr him, e,1 ons Was also found +lead under lint the big brutes, emboldened by brush-plle, th,-fr nlimb-re and mavtdpnpd by `It Iu11R fndtlen ehnsy, come un nt faq 4��a,eNNHN��,aeNa6 jump. yelp(ng virinn.ly, HISTORY OF Three fit the funronst actually ptoun^Pal upon the hend and fore parts ---ill-Lha deer. an 1 find �"I jerked ♦♦tv trip animat nut of Perrys `ramp bit- ♦ 011ie-- UEF.NS rori• I,I9 father &nil 'Liph came up Poll beat then% off with their spikes- ve,,,,,,aeN�6ss#+** O" Th,• May plu(•klly held to' Ilia game The "Queens of Englnnd," from th nul dragged it back to the Ing -pile. Norman coni{Inset to thew reign of t•I tch,le tln two old"r teen fullewOA. h.,)Jinic back with their spikes trip Lorin, are dl+cuq",l and portray,• "naly,inR park. which Ilk-rens.d in '"'a new work (Wasson 4 Co.) b nca,h.r* every Instant. Four wulveP glary 11owttt, revlNw-1 by lienee arer- knnekpd eprrlwl►ng, anti yet. Armstrong. Jn .lets• ill (4u(x•ll 1'1 avhPn the three time had rrached the torli"m recent death it mall be ante 1"R -pito with the deer, the whole <sting W recapitulate the chron enrage Crowd wan pressing upp m •exical list or tht•re royal women wo three aides, anapping, yelping•. fild reigned ua the titruae before her. I b•lufi('Irlg over one another, and runs as follevc b•trk end forte v blows were nim0tt Vora. Die fit them. "' ' Matilda of Handers -Wife It he'grla 1111-°1 to the men wo if of William the coa- It would be a fight fax IIic The 'for"r... ...... ... ... ... ... 1081 108 bigRnvt and buldest of the pack did Amilltla Of "clotlaud- nJt )'*Mtate to leap directly at the Qu'en of Henry I... ... 1077 111 I,gicrd, with viehwls snip@ Ot thr Adelaly of Laura►ne-,;T(•c- tpctll that roundest hie the clickhhR und wife of Henry L. 1118 113 of r 1 many pairs of shears, and yet I11ai st the '•Empren ... the brut3a were careful to keep be- atrst Qof Regent ,,, 1110': 118 �,nd the swing of the clubs. Perry. 14ntIWa u( Boulogne - tl0wever, while the others were fl ht- WIle ut Stephen...... ... 115 R Eleanor Ot Ar uitaine - tnR, he tcV of th pyla i his vpnlson Wife of Henry ll. ...... 11:8 l -,O tit the t(tL of Lho pyramid. 8erengtarla of Navarre- 'Liph and Perry's father then Wife of Richard I... , Stirling upon the lase, and climb,d to iamb: Ila wf Angouleme- lhe t•)p of the pile %-here the hoy Queen of John... ... ...... 1133 12'4 now PtImId. One hardy wolf Immedl- Fleenor of Pretence - Rlnly followed with a jump, Allght- Qttaen of Henry IIs..... • 1:.19 IaR on the barer logs, but a down- Elen7r)r of Cautile--Queen ' anrd awfl of 'Llpiid handsplltr of Edward i... .. .-- 1214 12 itnorked film heals over head, and Marguerite of France - sent him limping and howling away Second wife of Ed- ,limn the bluff, probably with a bro- ward I... ... 1L'81 131 kill' I, K. This had the ef(rct of 111 leabpli I of France utten tillli�l 1ting the pack from making any (if Edward if... ... .. ... 12.'95 185 irnmedlr,tcr attempt to rush ape the Plillhps of Haloiult - h-Kgers. Queen of Edward IIi.... 1310 lab Thi, wolves--'Liph counted thirty- Anne fit Boherola-Queen eight of them -Squatted abaat, !1(1k. of Richard II.. . .. ... 1887 1894 Cal their jaws agxie uely, or shifted (flat"•ila oL \'&lots-SSc- hnek and forth as If tempted t,. cad wife of Rleh"rd If. 1� 141 mnke it leap upon the IuRe. Jo&aua of Navarre --Wife The beslegsxf Otampetl atot)ul nimin of Ifenry IV.... , . ... ... 13TO 14ST the tulp of their pyramid, "hunted, Katherine of .. .old-Wtfo Aml wav0d thPfr clubs to "care the "l llenry 1'... oil- ,,. a 21301_�la7 henstm. Bnt the gaunt horde, deeper• MnrRRret of Anjrnn-Queen n ate with lnrtlnR, press atlout the of Henry VI. .... .. 14.8 148^ 1oR heap on All Alden with snapping Elizabetlh µcoo -Ille-wife lhavy and eyes that, aeon in 1h",)pep- of F,dwnrd IV ................ 1431 149_ Pn►nR hvlRRht, Rleamtd Mn clon.ly. Anne of Warwick -wife of Snide irem Imminent danger nt trip Richard If[. ......... 1464 14 Intl., orf Hae brutes, tiles situation of Elizabeth of York-(2ueen tliq *nen Poon became most uncom of Henry vili, second- _ tortablP, for the night was losing Qrlpen ftegnnnl ...... 1466 15W "'I with a cutting wln,l from the KFirst a of of Hen — n„rtil, and their outer coat" were 1'irat Clues■ of Henry rill hanging Upon the slump of the Vitt . ......... ......... ............ 1455 1:)86 ftr"t biR tog they huA rollrrl down to Anne Boleyn - Seocpnd the heap after dinner. Fxpneed nes Qnepn of Renry Vfff.. 1501 1.586 thev were On the brow of a bluff 'Toone Rpyrnour - Third F facing the north, the cold wind (1,u,," OT Henry VI1J.. 11587 Pipcv-1 t<, their honeN the snow quick- Anne of neves-Fourth Iy berause, in tugging at the log", wife of Henry VIII. .. 1517 1557 t1'p9 fill been sweating. Katherin' H•)w,ard-Fifth "'y Led b s L, wits Of tIenr-v VITT"'...:.. TdS21tlr4t Alt„itle,l g' got to lie (lone . Katherine Parr - Sixth lir. B&rbour to hlph, Cahn wife of Henry Vfff. _.. 1518 1548 Cana atlll ftre1 0 demonatMi"Ons nt Lady JRnP RrPy ............... 1687 1!1.54 the wolves. ". methlnR'm got to bit Mary t. - Third Queen +1011° or i'll frPOSS plumb to death, Inst 1516 15M alone ireing eat np by these vermin!" Rabetht -,otic -.....Quee. 'I,Iph turned atltnit. "Tell ye what;' FIR nnet Fourth Qneen "n 1,'1 he, "let's fling that fawn down K ••e 1553 1608 the hiliff. Arlt) whlln thoy'ro rhewln Anna Of m I ...t -Queen It lip we'll rut for home." K of fetta T o lfiTb le1T filo^ Perry, who had Been "o fool- HFranceA llRrta of hirdlly anvirl tO save his RAmP, paw France - l2nPs.. of th" WiddOm of thiN lay. and prised ('hArlep T. It109 ltid9 tion fila(% Ir P Csthrinr O! Ilrnganza- the h T W* Of the fawn to nsslet Queen of Charlpn i I. ... IBM 1705 to And ,,Rather they awtv%g thptleer %f Bentrive of Modena to l m' tilfllal twle"' three tim"P., �prn of Jame" r1 16,;R 171R ar it a►"ighild not morn thnn Mary IT.-Qnswn of Wit- Oixty or seventy ponrltla, they flung tram I'f , fifth Qud•en 1t NevPrnl yaR1Fi dlown or*r the brink Rpgnsnt 1AA' IA,O ""'fore It atrnck the amooth, NIPPP Anne Slxth Qnepn RcR- "urfmcp wherae It slid rapidly for nnnt ....., _ f"r-r. 1714 'line dlttance. Carolina of Anmpach - Tfo• whole anrrnun,flnR Tack of onoen of roonrce 11. ...... 16Ra 1787 w"Ivep had been leaping fairly ing r Ith Pr pnphla ('hnrtntte-QnMn h tli W psetanry AN they nr Georg" iiI. ........ ... 1744 1818 a I'll d 'Liph and Perry heaving the Carolina of BrnnNwlelt- "a•aYing btw)y Of the deer: and naw the horde rushed ell tog0th"P pPll- *laid Of if At Ip 1V. ,,,,.. 1788 1$?l m"11 Mown the bintf In the wake of AdelahlP Of MlM IV..R- the circa". Qnwen of William iV,ep, 1791 1819 pvorhanllhR It,'ppundng Virtnrlw--ttlwvP»th QUses "'�h other iU tthei rdPaperat" w%Rer Regnant ... .,,.., 18dA 1P01 ..... ......... n"S" a Pnnfused and ecrambitng mow C"tarrhnedM c1 OG Catarrh. of )uwm, 1094 and trill. "fA thn pIpggers, ,in wenoely relieved At ebt, maned theft Metra to The Cp*pner's jury At 11-01nclt rp Inwn At the turmoil, an Inapira- turned a vproilet of murder again"[ f (211 came to 'LlplL ltharpa for the Shooting of \1'lltlnm T1i"y're soegre below a P he tried. 114". , 1 VIEWED or THE BUDOHiST 1 t -'&J want b fllieu T►leu Klug hPIP a,dr etly ant. Ing ply, aoolial �`�"``�"°�`"`" y`'"°tl°°' uWblHuu by rtrAitg uy 1111* uuprlu- copied rubble tial Bi�DER TWi�E SCANOAI, _— NAY TflAOE IS 6flOWIN6 nit_ c►al diwtrese nN well nit moral corrup- Ad touatr sli(1 with tills ubAoLt bt ,tUW IOUAle their tiordngrr ('ompiuly, vans made ag,•n for tin• Conservative (klyernnlellt the ba In Rood she y Tri• but Cabo 1100 tOrL)y. China's Troubles °fin' r f:athe"1ra)r n earl i,! asy- aoc(yotnnce aud appnr.al. Thr first 1y —_ Subject of a f erl law fur crhhuunll. If derk)tw tv be described In detall. How ea• anti when to sorb a disorganisatf-ftl Elliot the occleahtrtical a0turltlea fp iho Pagan Circular, "Tie t•lliaup beget w entertain tin, 41an that the wlsdlouaries were How the Tories Stule the Some of the Plans Tried to I iutlmataly tvwuWtel with alta for• ('oga lS,llry of t,utlr own couutriw/. 1 Peoples Mone, Build it Up. THE MISSIONARIES ARE BLAMED, atrl tlhut hnvblg wu,lu tbemrfllvar fn oor, ref from the market until tbu for asci." Tfis all(lyredl fur unlfori]! d1RCk- +tires. uniform grade, with (air pm. ►trumental Int carrying out the 1,u- ry remain of ent aslth Intdel b(IiAd 7 --- - t the $!x high gea (rt BIn Bu reply_ rv11ting Lina grant Japan Bud('birW' the.) to of talk• awn gov ime 4ntr, ttn•y wart hove h/IN)red foe• same *Ildy NN EXPOSURE IN PARLIAMENT PRESSIN GIS tR FAVOR NOW, k lu• g to 11111011, at their lleadquurterr as Ken- ter devigli, such car v,XW,twutl u( %er- ritory, along with the dovelopment Ottawa despatch wyr the war• Aa IndltltlEy tlhab hYs dereluped of 80- 1110 temple in Kww, Japan, have 0( OQUIR IMM. 'llley waw with grow terly ex osure by 11,011. t'. Fitapi►t- late yearn iii the expirting uI bay to fine- lrrts,d a circular letter In oounee- Llph 11011 with what Ita elgners describe appt•etwushRl that ht respect of (Occistl migichhlatimill the tnirsh,nar• rick last night u( tllu rcanilul which ultuclr.l to the dldpodal of bintlfr ureal Brltalu."" The application u! the Mct►In,ey tar►*[ Iltact1eu11y shut ow. pa "the tllilleae emergency," It Ir law• kw w ere this nrot to apfae, fultowat by c naauim, with gtvternls at their twine nder the Inte Utiveruncent w'do Cam►ulan nay out of tatl Auherlouu "" Holds nddresrtSl "til all tlw ecclayfuyticr b1, buvkm, anti Whey have loured that uuu o(ltbu molt telllu g Indictments markets, w theft we had to I tar a market eimewhere. Tile the world." bedhlrst the maul w -ho find toad* with of Political humbug stns hylocrlry ptir,t OWUSutl fifty linen a fairly satlrfactury uln,n Tlw document, prepared by there til! +t Itible it' Ilia ltairt rtoolt a warrior whlcp )tale be, -n heuri Ili 1'urtwtu(llt One to ezporterr,, ur tole ruling vaiu-•r / kadew of the dlt(errut recta which { Ins)- Arumoll W lth a rpear and a sword. Ter thio la to to attrlbut(xl tie cause ret n turhg tore, 16 la iaely thaU at tate uhli •rell% turelgn amrlctr Wert. wnkltruleJ un a rtrWe ex. embrace the religluu fit Bat('ha, rknaly with ale causer which t!d LO fit du"Ipi(1hxt aS we'I nit a VDrehelmhon (dl tan' port c>( LiIC ('iihletse ; (n thtr ,r,)w aur time (urwar-1 the uplodl• 0 ,1,,u wilt enr.•Iulr uvu.J ale suo .y h'i'f• IrutltaWe liul) (row Mono• Tle average fur S/uUtrilll Calla rUa. IUs any, the the recent anti -fore) gta yprWtrig Ip the Chino, aad suggests u pumylble rel- .4 w tPu futtrkl an elotne"t, of two%'('- catiu,l flu the recent Imilurrectlon In ih/ clwrge his beell mu,10 in lila Inert %lint the t;ov'erumrut mut! to Ito rlredr the Wndar cu CUL UHtI 3 T c1, tau fur lung hay. Tho usrelupwrpt 0t tht* trades uuJ Up• ut1Un of Lho t.roubler Ux•re. It giver mlr careful anti l at the a Chinn. "Socia tndrly tie ease, we, Lho err t at Kinlpwu nt ler* tnuu fur it l i wunul ile r'Jst ill Iproutk lona tt aha metlwdr empluyud fur putttns llie Ila y p 7 In thf ver Lett aha fur v rincip mor character and lays iho he dourm of bintte fes t!1! dlffbultlas at the tkxrrr Cw14) list* of Ja iha ll tale but rz- /locos (Car (tealre ghat all the ea1Politw e U tlrU all! !noir? Tuc C.peasrntlr Uucernni. fit rhl I i Vling par t.P•er Ir m(Ist InteresHug. t 1 11310J. Owing to a *hurt crop Iv rias (it tate furel Ocie gal les of t"eu t los in fire world wad(' fn can unction ,kill 6110,00•) fur u plant w-ilich uat ( t' ,Ih, %1111%tactor only nbnnb #%8.000. (;rent Britain a very large uurluerd ave Cll alar fin Ptl trae0 Gent to tyle se. WIL)i Ua re00gn11rA1 ale al)Oa'e fn('t-ft tivi►ell ale inuUrtry wad @%Itrted Ill was (little to exporting Unit- ev scleral tountrler u! Europe, North the And Wuth America, and to tie Brl- (act which ckarl,v *hoer that the missionaries til China pro(•Codrad far t13Ul than output uI that year w+tw Sold to Sar. ndlun tiny, But It aterrwardr re LPla Pat A C!lPCk, C/Ilelly f, w'tug (U %til! d It Lich aoloulee. A (x,py, translated lnbu bey(ui t the f11llf1amenta! ixlndpleN td John Connor, WHO wits tare mur(ng elNrit oC the r'tlgllsh trade rtelulrurg a different Lln Epglisll, sear la Fort- ant- "We, the Blrldhiets of Orem Ju- mIIRIOu-u1w1 devote thrlr PnPrYlerto formulating• a plan by whicll the rue- combine aud io11lro/ltfl til! wtwf' bin('(•r tw'un grads of ItaY to ours, "fid that it nut properly Ilii It took ]ed pa[t, beg t) Inform our revered ec- alo•lal ar well am tilt) ap- Jutput of Lalwda. der. ("floor sold it till lie thought b.st, nos lit the obi NI rtOw UYP ton. e t (from df- cle Ila itleaf brethren in tile world that the dietarbam-es In China hav- tweilenri(xi harhOrel by the f Wirewe against* the forella :u1 of the year uwe.1 the Guverumeut wonellung Were -of I were of OU polnr r1,ti•e, rdtigtpg (iOm in lU0 to 31010 IruusJs, trotting It lu{ros- ver ing nvw reached their chiaar, tier n hatonarfee way ale speedily re• like ar8,W0. Nutw►th• rlanuing this ublfgaHon the uutlpuj urWe to NPIVCt it large quantity of anti rani prMilge !r r.t Stake, tier Ins udminirtruton 1r vlrttlally held 1,u Inovrd. Unfew *,1 ,1t n selemq be a(doptetl the 400,1100,(N)n of *coir are Jf 1805 war &1110 sold b Ido. Gbn• y *Lor, and to Elbe month of ,,lune+, Itt1).r, gtn0 !n UrlItor m Packager. Tu Overcome tbese and other difilcultles abeyance, and, morvtrver, the box- Ing befog nerteln to deRvneratn Into a state he hart reeelk, (rum rd ler 1/'_8UOJ, n pumper of ex1wrlmencs In the way ere "till at large, the ftmda- or overwhelm'wl dlAr-toto an'1 aft'1^• to Augudt Of tive dame ear Ile re• Y of pressin 1 g. grfnslHg, etc., tv'rre ell, ul(mtal •teatates of the country hate !ion, and t11A E,i*L .S"i (n firmament U(1ce.1 ulwther ><,rUJJ fnml the dater, tried. A %plea W"a trietl whereby the gilt falheu lath dboeder. It Is tree that * mrmanentic to b'I dirknnP,l with ^Iou(1s waking altogether ;33,01111. und Iwy wuN gruwul tutu meal fit xmall els, within men of public spirit are not of dtwastwr nrnl Insurrection I ilia wIJ fit I)ecenlber Lhtl rum nnhoalIV tort And pelt Ili bugs containing 11:.' r a wanting, who, with the atatcxt en- Well sty dis'•Iplwm of Bu•h11 cin iction rte to pearl Y $h0,000. acturtlly d:•- v 1)(JuAdr vetch, which would "how ns or- ergy and enthuslasm, arc en'eacoriug "gain air fear awl larrrntatlon tit rives by Wm froth binder twine, fat well am b•igged flour. It tvur found, tiro to "vert the prcyleirt. situation, and that without etwew of the friendly '"a" I a P ORYN•t w•hPn wo think of "Je K -Plitt. tenth shining nlogwe rind wilirlt Its tlnd paid practically cloth• ing to lowever, %hut told luau !n}fired Lha („o f, and find 1,u tm abandoned. powers are ready to assist them In of ,100,001,000 sonic groping below. the Gurerrrtttent. Then till. C'Ounor matte nn n"dlt(tunent to Lir♦ Tlul eecop f pinu ear tO chop the •ell tlejr cattle. Tet there Is hardly nn 11'.w to Dlam, v+1• M'wr. l:O,vernmpnt of certain notes Whitey hay nt Montreal and re -pre t; It. IS) rat ptiapect f t the reetornttCsl of the nil empire to its former c0nditi,fe. and "But low is ttlp fear an.1 uppreheu- often on the p,lr of the Cldnums to be: In, lieltil. In order to recoup it 111ai tilt, gtodr which hr had this r p 1 lin n unif rlu bale wa" secured, licit tate cost WAS tau great. A third 400.000,000 Ao.ule are virtually nt a -Inared away ? . n tldv d uPatloa ws received. TI f0flowing year 1896 Sar Yat 1 attempt %Mas to ye•presr , ordinary The Signal u rvsLm"p tYiRY TtlURYUAY YORNITSY DII D, 1100II.LICUDDY. -.n 7fsrw,• .r ealeMlap�rrI One month. th advann... ..§ Is Thren ."it., . .....I .............. pia m,atl►P, •' ., Uns rwr. •• Advertising "f-0. Legal aad other ca.■al aArertinmeab, lee. per I,n• fur nr•t lu..rtlu ,. ant 1 .wa{of per ane or a►ch •ubtenueat lasortl'm. Meaeared ler a coo {{+,13a11(1 . ale. I)ueluesr Cards ol ate Ilnat and under, $S per rear. Advertlaem Oaks of Lest, Found, airuyed Phuallona dao•°% BIta-lot. Wanted an% Buono*• Chance• �a•amtrd. ■n e%oedlag r tills non parell, tI per Ono lith. Ifoti.e• nn Bale and Farrua en Rai•. not t• •%,,soil aUnaw a ar Mt m"utl,. See. per .aD er,tue-t m-%ta- I,arr• r advu. to wepertion. Any special anti• , the ob)a�t or wale► is to promote the prnuuLtry bC-eat At any indlvld. list Or company. to he owis'd.rvd an ad renis moot eharReA a.wurdin`ly. Lica ■nal, W h, auopareil type one 0004 pat word, no ant Pro tem than rbc. Local notices, /s ordinary reading type two centd per word. No nolies for le•. &loan yin. Nntles. for churc►eto aud other religious au1 benevolent Institutions, half rete. Subscribers who tat) to racer its Tax ,!spat regularly by m.11 will coif -v a tat or by ar- analnund ns of the tact at n early a Bats its p00elble. W hell a elranme of sAdreow Is desired, lent► *6 Old and tho new Address ahoutd be dire l rubl4ber's 11.14”. J. C. Le Toitri, of Garerich, hu bse0 are Painted t.ecrl Tmvenlna Apat for t►s Town allies or Ooderich, Colborne, Aab Seld aud WawaO"sh. L-val p"etmasters over the district are alae empoweted Lo rwrwve, babsorlpnOes M Ins plrwaL AL oommgalmtlora most be addreaad D. HOOt.LIVITI)DY, 'dna SIOWA4 TWepbeso Call $ill oadwtaa.tb.L TIi('r4RD%1% Mli(('H 7, 1tit)1, -- TRAVELLING dt UML-_ -_-- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AKWTL np lolls to know Tvhat course to take. Pad Under these circumstances the so- tw BuAdhlrW are purprlred tau submit Kelly cillo( clerk of aha Brnntfur, baled hair to Ogg half Its bulk by rt y- draullo pressure. This landed M►red .• ...................... 110&.on. a tine r:pow 1.r• nit_ c►al diwtrese nN well nit moral corrup- two•prolwraaly to th*+ propaRAtpn of cell:;ion In tho world fur th',Ir Nincere tiordngrr ('ompiuly, vans made ag,•n for tin• Conservative (klyernnlellt the ba In Rood she y Tri• but Cabo 1100 tOrL)y. •••••............. Pto- Mail l ........................ -u p.,w. %Leif cud lt[presa th, thymi have now reached a Itch too P aoc(yotnnce aud appnr.al. Thr first 1y bluder twine. out qq Iwlt. The object w•a'1 A fourth and rather tiovel plan war ........ ........... 10.m p. s. ��v' If derk)tw tv be described In detall. How ea• anti when to sorb a disorganisatf-ftl Elliot the occleahtrtical a0turltlea fp iho tar enalale the roml)ine either to cool troll. tO have the hav ehopfped, mixed with murhe,t Rrnln nail syru )tau s0A IC%prem..................... f IS a.m. tQ, tO be rem•ndled ? II'aty a it p(is"ibio los world shoul•t eservi*c their in• flucncP 111 reetraihing till, tltw outlet bur LbaL yeae.or t keep t,o ut f hat, Il P yo ns to �e a caa&plrta-taLtilll called "Far- IM.0 and [:pre.* ..................... !!a p.rs. S(11.t4 ►u uh- um, will) here pledged Ourselves to "g uu(lertnkq Lho work trf asl7atoh, Lo misaton• carte" In Chlua from prot•aldon 1!kply oor, ref from the market until tbu for asci." Tfis all(lyredl fur unlfori]! d1RCk- +tires. uniform grade, with (air pm. _ __ ry remain of ent aslth Intdel b(IiAd 7 am to create ,nwPlrton oil the n the Isart of tho Chtnwee as to the exist. mer had ill,, pneil fit Ila Hwa Up to tIry time of iho stow• - age' but It remains to be seen how It DttxrlsTRi. Plr _ lsauea b Chlia.• 11►' "1'11* Pnt•e of their secret connection with t►wL fine ch:111 g'' Of (ki%orhnleut nothin wn g will t&ke, tyelt>R ar yet obly Ip Its !nl- tial Stage, The fifth enleavor to j j( NICHOi.SON, L.D.B.. 1011. ueet iOn ed q )UeUfies %bell when wt) 1 fill ley of LlhPtr oma coun- tr10r. They done tu_relleve the altuattun. Tlie alt - ' put hs in altrutiru form Is naw PaNT1L;V Re■n N, Rnoma op Ile th• U)Nt Owen. oolbef(ier that the. Prelint cum. ht ple.atigrn In C'1111t't are likely to af- shatld, t0r lastence, he wlthM 1,d fmmlaJtu in R their own Gov- put -a2 b<in¢stun was mior 4i a ? s:) that Il could not tit ns: sr Cas it been worely Y. R good, pure 0otd FI1u BpPc tatty. n`' (row■ and BrilFie work s In w fact ton ePrlgtte oxter,t iho Inter .+rnments to carry out aehemem cOn• t go Oa mar- t^C. aud thus affect the twine oaf- hay Prt'ssed In uniform style by means of the Lowry preys lit r r k of Years, gzptrie■°e. _ *elle (A the whfi a w•urld. Stilt mere rr. forcibly dues It apemen Itrelr when rn c °- r' n' d: 8 1 7 8 9 O ' ue.vf. to successful agAran•lizernPnt Ott Unw extLeane of China, on the plea fere) by the combine. One million, pounds wits thus cost. It U clallbed for t1, id style of ne Iwe ,x)tglder tlLat the dieturbnnces O( fir'nvs utoU infilete,i-a plea fee• ■tur•,t) until the, time had gone by to •affect a Sale. Pressing that a "towage of 71) cubic feet to the ton Ir Attained, that In 11drha are allpputreti to have lend nil their Origin is the workingm of roll- quently rmuted to whenever more Or levw suffering Ives lren lntNcteJ on Thon an effort w'as made to fore(! Kelly- tO executa file bi'V8 Are of uniform rill•, thttt tlPy can tae ni1, rEk"I• .Although to regard to mellemes eN for the arnell(Irat Lal thein by the Chlrlpye. Nor should 'Jfey 1,w• Allowed to claim cos contract, but it, was found that ho had left the toun- put up of uniform grade, that It Improve" the Quell {Y of lIle riay, of the coo i1,- ly tion of thn Mid,% iCingdne, in fit d- Pt' raft• ''IOn for damaytrs incnrrel, ns tlwy t ry. In aMtev of this the C'ondervn- tivey had the audicity to say iH giving that awret Smell wiles op- erred, 110 much wanted by the ttlre, Can Imre to Ic»[ to the nm a turd ll,ROtJltions between the pro• httin•rtio have don•, for nothing ran h" nlo-e fneoalMtible with the true re. 1t rd W the tnkle which they thein- a -Ives had stored t:nlF limit trade- Besides, the butler are y(i neat and compactly par nulhoritiaa of Chin+ anf the Isrrwors, yet we are fust oontinced N y orfn hen. o -t retl¢me _ When, sr)mq timq rlRn, s Talisnesp R"ddht"t up trial It had re- ulatned fu the Government'x hnnJoi atoll had been roc to (aleurites put up 1hRt Practically so.11tter b left behind from handling. r that the w)rk of erMteatng the roots t)f coil nr.d consoll,latileR the tPmpleat Arwvywow boraed by the ChlnesP, Cao Ru(Ir)hlaty, bPInR Tl hAt nt Ion than colt:, Whal rxenrred alit this: Tiro pTP*ell% (iOPPrllmPnt The hfy trade of C!ann(fa s a very ifl oeeisdooriregoetitty-"7,,veu- permanent welfare null peace of (I Ila must irefzsarll be laced•In .. Y P ,1e"irnus to nPraanda the home Govern- mint to refrain from preAsln¢ the ndycrttwit for tendert, "nil ll 91srnd of the twiuw publicly to SIffer. BIVM., oars which cola put up 1113}� in nn at - tractive form to putt cOnsumers In the hatlltiv (>I Lho propagan'11"tN of Chinese nuthoritlps on this narticn- lar nc_cou_ nt,have rpnounc-A all clalma m" Cain) s,tr4 In the highest offer. Slnee the mnrtet to�w-hlcb It Is shlpppd, and at the same time its t slew, Ott t1w ot'w• %los, w:, the fi.loWeTrr nf--hutldlii. or tea Res, rind this we AfA Ids with n cfew to the dimrption which t)lnt time, np to Augumt, IR109, the twitlo had been di dPOSPd of in the etmu reduce bulk sufficient to faellltate Ile being handll•d by railroad eompanien nail e lint of friendly feeling! tewElr t to ezerciNe In the intrests aqua, leaders bcflg called far. After that vent It Cann mn+len steamship lines cannot fall t( LIP a to (,'Mlle As n rwighbur, In discharge tit a 11ut,v obi atom u 1 `g y iwd ne nm or rpliginn. -_ "ThP **Coad prvenerabl wP LAce to (,,n_ .,►tl(rn that funncrx should hncn lhr. great Advantage to the town' at •t large, more repecinlly farmins iHter- prwtchrrx of rrllgfop nail murolulr- y tieularly fruin the Qubmit tO our sen,rnbl" brethren vig-It to enter ht and make their )air- cline,a, hut, notwithetunding the fa- Petit, i tens! of n re- n sonne tion ith r upon ny in conelmtN in withholding the mission- ack! In Chinn trop nit forms of pro- eiiitics afforded, hall the out put arum hft oil hand Inst 'Il1A Y A GIRL'S o ell ou"u,rli(NI wlih religion in ('h!pa, IMvo Lho ht it ex rfi pedient to war cedNrw which might pawibly b, re- warded ar disturbing the soel:N in- yPnr. queN- lfua pow arias: µ'hat pulley Rhull PERIL. W mlt our sentiment to fire olonsider. o atl(xi of (crlusiastld throughout Rt'tntlons of Chinn. "Z'i1Py moat. In taej bo b^ persued during tie conllnR *en- Can t Ddring the tt011cibir-General'" --- % tDLv wwhl- Ilt.lamuell ail ta;c rare plrr- fectly confident that the bonevo prohlWt- aad from any line of c9nduct trubvor- •treof the ancient sweell, Mr. Clancy suggested tl:tt evidence to b ick up hid statemnnts r. A Brief Story of Interest to lent and genen>iw eccfeiilastta ' Ut m mtoms and m+n- tMr9 of Chinn, or derog!•ttory to her out=tif to b•+ h)rthrwnilnR. Mr. Fits / tlwl world, g the b air nudaelly ap+1 rptgov111g the b rrkrs now ex• )a µ•p fir liable •to b, rocoW"Iff"d As patrick th•-n, amidst loud Nlnlmteri I cheery, offered to clearly emtablifill w Ali Young Women, t° { seting to reslw+ct elf thrterenced Ili religion, to nroduc'ng - nbuspe of misprision through ►mrtiality dlmpl.tyed tnwnrd term If n "In•ciul committer. war np- twintad to investigate "Wilily results lhnn an • norrlir fie. 71trw net promptly will novelle nild og mpR• e the concerts ne nim% ponbnl)evlyd the matter or -s thizo with Our propaials for thp, make which cah in no way n rtrferencr. granted to the Public Ac- N of the w.rlfare of the Chinocie ) I (e Rud Lho trntttlulllty of the world be rrce cIIpd be reooncflel with the legltimntp doc- (,(rutile Committee• Prlior, Ilerdwehr, Dlaxincas red • at nt elige. 7 "Religion trine of religion. True, the Chlnone cieillsnthln Is n* yet rudimentary, The Out1 Hc,d Cure fur C'ulwrrb. 'resting of r CO"011algt hmagaor Overcotwe - Hope fur colhalla?f n eu deme D path to be tolluw'ed by men, RNA and Impf'-wetiients mny to many re- Itnyan, g 4ui.-" I have tried a reat Slinllar Fe nuRerers. H 1 therefore the ators of its PhyDrig' (Inctrine Ought never to be disturb- atN•ets by n,ressnry to thA euetome and manners of the ori ntry. Stili, p faun rcuse(ltes for Catarrh, aud but )' low of there ever helped me. As m 791ere are thouaftiom fir youn girls 1 , beyond Pd by teOf the gif, nothing can lip a greeter mistake on the pert of forelRrlera than to at- Catarrhozone effectually cured nip I Y eonrlder it the opt real cure Loc Y throughout Canada Who oweRtheir J re( !6 )nln t/f re(g!On. If, yieltltnK to • ie reytrirtiurw. Imlarretl by society- tempt to ucrthrow thn whole or- ¢unizatlon nt Catarrh. F. 0, Fitil(hrn• \1'indror, Ont.-" I nm dolt bled good health, If not Ilte itself, 1,u the %(mel nNe of 3 Dr. WlllinnlA' I'luk Ulllr un they rare tit( chi the ltil d)( t16e S1► In neepect of the their nce One blow. with a view to "ubetitulin¢ tholr own sus- toms R will iho 1 the of ('atarrhou,ne, anJ think IL la filo b:-st remetl in, the for Pale Peo Ple. Among thele I" MIsP for oHta ort(m Iri(s Cirenmatatrz'ir and manvers.' Y world for l'rhtarrlr,-Thos. ilaud Pnttecdos, wlxose borne tit In cue tr res of a country, Its race, tivflisatto:l and custonst atnl tanners, or are to - TIt.tVLr 1.t.1:D A8 A �1\N, Brief r>trncts Only, tot teonvJncing. ,Lot Not claims but proof tint C'#ftnrrh- the fllrlpitY of Strathlroy, Ont. '11) a C'u a% reporter who Interviewed her, Mirm s a!ftdeavpr !b- ilei atlttr other than tlloto dictate by the tegitl- town Bm Fit/y 4ilr1 E'ruasc(' aur War ozone really cure" Catarrh. Breathe lhitterson Slid: ':lea coal \'Carp aR0 matte principles of retigkm, by gut sblp Dhrauised In 11ule .\(tire. It dally land ltl"ure yuurmelf n ninnt ('oo Pix. Brunehltiv, Catarrh g M'Rau to palter from headaches, avaP Plicating them-Sivea In humin am- bitten fir Intrigue, they must virtu- \Iles Margaret Tlttemore, a a•Pll- known society belle of SIOUX City, and Alcthmn, We w•111 refund your money If Cnttlrrhozone does not protect *edify tired Out, and coned see that u1N henith Ras pot what it IIAli beau. I ally be rralyded nor bavllg lust the footing on which their fuudament,l► Iowa, nnide a Jr,urney of thOuratlote of pules neroas the pacific tO you "C."Inat these dixeasar. Complete' oat; fit, $1.00; #mall nice, :,5c.; A4 firma I Aid wit think there wow A! principles require them firmly to ('ritua. for the purpose of Joining her lover, lit drug. glats or by mall, A. trial meat for ilk. nnylhnlR serious the matter, and _ stand, y, but was unable to find b1m and bas by N• C'• Polson k Co., Kingston, thought the trouble wouhl %less Crr,dtt to Chat. fates. fiat rttaraPd ntpmw, having entre on , om4n. or Hartford, Com., t' ); away. In this, however, I wall auto- R "allele can be Hol deny,ltl� that tM the battlerlilp Indiana drewsed fin ` " (loo trNten, for "w tints+ went oh I bOULIne sincerity all well as enthusiasm dim mala attire, aq the rogulalh,n* forbid Lashes for tialoklux. sealer. Tile hPiLdnelled attnCted full ►afaytif' by th minbtPro of Chrbatinr hurchcu In China ix anything but in women from traveffinl oil war vee R Cain here, nn the nntiorlt of the S cml IS WuI rt, fregUuntiy, my appetite (Rile,; r° i 1 sloo Ind 1 Would [ Rrnw so dizzy W p1, nittrnnt. Th heare, Hot bel au' g y y T)t- runwrkable romance of Illds Tittemorr And Lieutenant 1►lprr, litPtnl tran"Inllon of a plfR Aunntpn whMh wap lapued In the tslmo t 1 would nlm(r,rt fall oce I toh _ yrs rPPs)al In Cwtab11Ph1[Iq charchas in µ'arren rniddlr rf( I1Premircr by Lhr hrcRl 3 IMle, nn.I alwa s telt tired y L�c 1MARtg, D.D.S. LD.IL--DCdfTAL e Ruraeon-tat at and spprored met),(hb for all dental opsmLioua. Preeery Alin dol the natural tenth a Specialt . OnlrP: Cor. ween 131. and Ppmare lap Nis•). Entrsaes ee wase Te'lepbouo No. 3), JY- T['RYBULL D.D.S., L.D,a,-Duff• • tat Su ooa, I ,alel amorlstd with Dr, n son. of et,mtrenl 1 .Gatti fed poreotwla• arliaclal troll mon-led o° Iro1M m alusrlwam, ha -en. Special attention dive■ to the Pews atlon of the ,lateral teeth. Ogee la N• I.asn's taw kfWL so tet! _-_"�,t_LLOAL --- ECAMPiON. QC.-RARRLSTgR, BOU F cfw. Notary, as Office over Idedli al 91311. Spuarw, 0oderlch. r O. JO:iYSTOV- BARRISTER, 8OL/- lo •,fur, C'Om+UIS4011e , a oneJ 4 an. OMom: Cor. Rambtoo and BL Aodrrlr reets. 00dOrhrh, Or,L Ira PROI;DFOOT a HA ISARRISTZRs solicitors, notaries pulnivt'octote in the arltime Court. ac. OSlee: lv,.rth aL, next eonStOVALoflhra PrirafeFunds to lend a4 WOOL rate- at IntermL • .y, . PROUDFOOT. R. C. HEYS. GARROW a 0ARR0W BARRISTIL'RP, A'torner,1, Solldtors, arc., Gndrrlch. J. Darrow, 4C., Charier Uarrow, LLIL 1191111" HOLT, Q. C., BARRISTER, Boneltor. Notary ulelle, etc. Omd ftaml de Corrthou.e Mauro. Mone r to Iola as w rate" of interest. DICKINSON a HOLMES - RARRI:t ern nolletters, Aotanee Pulite. Oto. onel to Lown, OfAce, Witat PtreeL L DIf$IN9oN, DUDLLY i(OLMER. !'%RAR. SZAORR - RARRISTER, Bot, L lector. notary and convOy°noer, Odea i oalllton street orpntte the Colb" W. Utoeorich. I"vsta funds to lead ae ortgages at d per ant, to forest. Faroucri It10(4 a.hed• 0. WARD. CONT1yANCiR, ole., A)11P e cnmml-stoner for taking sad reawivlr,d recornieancw of b't ll. a/Bdartu er a/pma. nes, do,D-itinns or •nisnn Aeelsraliens la nit cen,••rnln`any amine, ■till or prwaedlnrti e HISh ('Dort of Justice. the d isrt of Arroml Untarie, nr in any l oil or Mvrien art Ali t. annodons caret. Ply and p cculted. Re•Idence ►nM r. O. addrew-Ifei nanoa. Ont. 11/Isd LOANS A7) BMVRAIWCXL ON1,T TO LF,h�-A LARGE AMOUNT of Private Funds for Investment at tow• rated and erpersa on Bretmksm mortgages. ply to Uarrow k Dart Ow,� RAIWI,IFFE-0[NF.RAI, iNRt'R- e arae. Itcal ra"(s ant )t.,usy Leasing t. Only antriaM en,noon,e. "1)1 sennt.en . oney In lend on straisht loan., at the l wsut te,rf ante. c• -t aoing, in •n way to suit the rower. Once: Second �oer from !3°nare eat alree1, Oodoric4 d every territor and distrllar-In th Jr Y g prearh•rs in thi Ivari(wy pulvlwsew, 011 Uean. of the Rlatii I nitei Rtntea Cav- airy, bPRnn Inst ennimer at colorado Springs, Stnglntrnte ; "Billhnid! I4moking- rn""'• Wrorpan �11 I worn out• I WAN advised to tit U ) li ms' 111ltl4illll,tallua•edinve AUCTIONZR1tt"Et. T19011AB OUN`RT, AUCTIONZZIII AIM i ut alsrr socuredl b dint of unremit_ Y Vntl' PffortW suttoble tivirldltery fur ('of. The Noun foike met R there for the first limp, atlJ IL w -n" fur tobacco) •'IN n "Pee ell of fo0(l, blit lit Pmoking nia ni Mla•ieP, Rol nes I contiuuwA their Ilse, insurance A ent, Ooderck.Ost. A��eea■aa jjoadon and twncwshlre Fire In. Ce., &heOeia the selvat4tu fit tlt� saws d alt. Ohl- taw I'M Ntorc of love nt trip first ez- 0110 Ilse tO )IUIll a loci g It pilty obliquely and "wallow lire seemed nes though fifty by tiny they' IMF1rIrtMutualInatc. Nalematteeded to Ia fir Iwwt et aha oeeatr. »1,j peal people by insa-u tag a h,oty. Thaw orf glaeeps. mtwi Tlttemore Is -fine ran It ars without Ia}Ory Lu fila were Imparting new life to ane. My JOAN KNOZ ONNCRAI, AC(-TlONMy and land Vaivatar.uodert,a,Onf_ Me_ iibrarl(s, h IGlls. ylnm", (P ovn poor as Tb lnngrs, kin(M rRortM", prin ns n iuetly, hlnck Pyed little mem", 1111 d enol not tall, aud ust au, h n It) 1 ttl,pwtite hylatpne? Furthermore, ,,tar. RPnor- (tropic &mprorgd, the Ileaduches tJi- n )PPareA, the troll An publishing Offl-mr, all 01 tlhcm ll t AbSo'nGlp hu0 for %lits nP a 4talwart, finudsoms sOldlef P I.)puttaaul Pearl would to Px- all,r flue nah,s On the roadmhle. "SIIOUId LhP,y 1,M taken I1,1 1)y the rlizz dst, dlza.peaN thnt�lo0tlerr"d mit "nc mu�h ppenre(', I frit Ing had Considerable expartence 'a Lbe ,,, deseervor trod^• ho is to a pdwldea tit dga aha (fee N)w•nitioi veb)mxlt of civilisatlo 1, nn I all m^t ('ruled t0 lore. Hly manly form and t 11 of µ'Ind, Rrn w"-rnofal bw huts IIP* will, 111 n twhl.kle of nn ntrl AUORp Ifkp n different i/eroalnl. I feel Gbmrrr with thorough esu-fartlen all �rsr mWone entrusted W him. omore Leh y nificMtly egalpp o1 and mninta)ppaattl t th, inrthernncq Of social welfare n handsome face a ftiwd to leer, and I>Pe before ahs returned 1,O her jpwo home " a, v W n f prey til the flume", That IN the ren- tirefy eon kn t I owe guy renewed- health Mr to Dr. Willi ams Pink I'tll*, anro rxton'• Hold, or Fent hr nail to his atAnr� M°r1°h P. G.. eareruuy attended to. JORt AOE,Co■ntr China. TiI'• ChitleM-, however, cool ntf ►L WAN iarraaRed that they were to he why nn InterMr offlrinl, Ilk* n>v- nit :clip Itluer herewith an order rt;ICily T know %tat .there Are many Rirbl A0etlonaFr, tley.y' IlfAiilAplS LFCL els tel expectattot, have no. 0611 (allell to n, recL,htP th- favors lq.tolv"d iP mnrri(,d Then camq the order for i.4utpnunt DPIIIIN rompanp to mace Ly11U R % tit tin yon, the people, to (001 Waem with hong yl!(fCr n i I (bird, ( iPUUIt( Ill e R to lose no time In Ilia tiffs R upon tbrm by ib• fore'gn mldafol•Irica, IPev to are Po china. nail IAter It war, ordered tO lJhina. While the ChI"f",' pipes and to "wallow fire. "8honld any of you dare to a'IulntP K metllrinn, n fair trial." 'i'1 le (•aFP Jfi"N �r LAN & f"t7IrR *,AI�RI�p� is 00d hlao tkwtnr;el chnrch bnlldlugs. TrerrPretedt t%MN'r,ttarlennail tttk_u lltp trouhlPO were at ihNr hPlRht the thiv prohlltovo. I "hull none no I,r,rnrrlPR he,"itntlon to Ot 1'ulterwm r,•rtuln• with It ti lesson to others _ On W► � Ilvfs and property (A (hrfetltttr, tvl h little or n) tivrr ht tonompiennen 3 ft v.t„��� "a&. w� made up iter mint that She womtd Re rnnfimcnte the lung PIi)p aIle elf tlrcp%weltvF ale•e'e11e,w a� [Lowry, 4Nwd, tt'hsn your Oftpnes .,cFiPrPP,N LO bw ma tit• y pule, Iungnid, en"Ily ytP mwiljweL ta/-Iwwrlarthaw w. iric Antd M'hh thane at Thi r^ se,� -.'it slwprt, their alai a nwi crarti• S hlcP t ori tO th" side Ai her flRhting loyPr to become hl" wlfr. Tha mother of far- tI&, liver dealt with, yon "hall rn(1elve 1300 blphea!"-IartmlOn other dtatrspping pWmpt„mp thin% mark the onwar,l lrrogr~ Tu murk th" nrtvent of Lho tern• mur1M. 1,y i "8ardy th>t'e slut Is+ m1lNtnntlsl 1111111111 Dpan nlAn wnN anxious LO aeP o See ':xpro•pd• 111 of nnap• (,l. in rnwPP of thin fief Dr. µ'It- teeth century the cer"mony of re- rmarme for ro h n.n arlumnl,v. Wiletr tier Pon. and ngrgiwl to accom IanN the y'onnR wntnen. They *tartes� Catarrhos,me curer Catarrh. llama' trajn i'fnk Pill" will Rive more w -r find StOrinR nal nnclent relic -"To Aukl Fiah Steno." -took Pve- ace r Il• is of the (1,r um t n'es we eAnrwir, telt expre-iM Mir p-of111n(1 I,,at Out fail, And It way understood at --.__-. lilts of Philosophy. other "Wilily results lhnn an • norrlir fie. 71trw net promptly Pined do Tburno. Provost Durran, In thn name of the rywrrt he the dards of Lha m'rh!olr nllPw h, Lf the the time that to"s Tittemorp wan to relnrn to America n" the wife of her nn Studied dimplay chrappex. blgi 1 dlrPelty, milking new, rich, rel 1, An'i Strenathoon trip norvem, town, took glt;NewNiou of the r"Ile. The "Arid Prodi 'Stang' i* nn Inter- th- ct. cA ttvr of t h • n rld t 'i tett" "pint fit t ltP g1clum apiri , ('h order, we flrrl tblt the at/pmhnrr ",Idler Pweethpart. ill"" Tlttomorn finally FiP(LarA1Pr) Loml talk wentons on ar ulnent, Awl The ma n w R Io IN alwAyl, aloe"red In Pbinnt rorrect till tike irregularities In. to thin critical perha(1, t,n(In relic of Thu cion. At ono time R It stood In the Market Pince• "'ret final terra- entcrtnIned totem from th • far'Rll wow her t/romPertive mother-in-law and started hark t0 America, while the latent Atyie and als-elv" top- IIPnrP an though hP lint- llopiwI out twit., Sold bl- All denhwe or Nent prmtt nt hO Penta a hot, but vt'tw removed to then High strepl, where It fol"M gin ofsth1 iW trolly th) ortpy toward Irwtlllty. They iived Mrs. Drnn t" rrrnttaw(nx hoe jwwrney Lho ninon where her son 1w of a bawl -box setdont can v lalnl any fete tither distinction. Julihlm Caewir Hnmp' or sly Mlle* 111':