HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-3-7, Page 1THREE ' aArs'r Avvers AAP AOT/VE AGENTS WHIN PLACID /N THE SIGNAL itmat. THD I &DINQ. NDWBPAP3E1Iis OP HURON OOVNTY_ FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR 2820 GODERICH, ON ! AItIO, CANADA : MARCH 7, 1901 • 0 LOOK 'Ai- POUR LABEL / IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR . 1901 THE WEEKLY MAIeweT REPO you Wheat Odeon nni, titan 0, Ia01. 0eVso es t lour. tonsil). per ewe..,, 1 10 te t 10 flour. Went. per eWt t 60 10 1 30 Hrsn. 0 too.. 10 00 loll 00 Shorts. 0 toe 11 00 to10 00 ricreealap. per owl ...... .... .. 100 to 1 00 nye, mor bush 0 40 b 30 0w to 30 Ostw (r boob . • • • 17 to M Peso,, boob....... _ . re N 57 Marley. par bosh 0 ni to Bay, •tot .. .. 7 1e to Potatoes. 0 bash.... . ... .. 0 33 to Batter, -•-......... *17 to (Thoem ear lb.......... ... . 0 10 to ggv*. troth eapssk04. s dia.-0 16 to Woos......... 1 to to 1441.... ... ............... ..., 60) to Lemb•ektm0 --. 0 et. to Live Here 6 76 to lease Hoes 0 6O to *10000. ............ -_ 0 11 to Ham. per lb.. ........ ........... Ale to 0 Ilia preme HmkwdAast./here wanner MtIweeed Hos. hi d'' 0 o Cattle, Tso • Ordeal ' Oil hpr both rt n 11 10 11 le m 70 10 13 00 11 16 13 CO 00 00 60 altuauona Vacant. Ltt.RVANT UIRL WANTRD, APPLY IJ to Mn& 10•41LLiCVDDT, 77 Westin. Yod& TRi30P(ps WK W19H 70 ANNOUNCE TO THE gement Nilo that we have again *proof 00) • tallrta; setab)Lbmear nest 0rwo'. fah, corner of VI est street and the o,u.rs We .eareal.0 all our work equal to it• fret city trade. %knotty ash .ad Dao or ce only. WM. BTAPL(TON. February 11'h. 1101. 17 Int Por Mat. To REST. -'PHK VARY OF TBS t 4a lr. Orr, sette halter lot. I0 tad f 1, cuacetoloo A eaderlob township. Thi, farm ooatens 100 saves sneered, 10 *aola.rel, 6 sore• of orchard. and 1. is w bion .tate et len p r, ,mat, There are • good- booms. hook tarn. etc.. m the farm. APP16 c s e prom- ,., • or to 600the 011.1*. Is 10 G.derl:b For lisle. V,1B SALE OR TO RENT -TWENTY P On and oa.►dt • roe of land. at 1b. .oath eel of Olt• ewe. Posrwbn Oren by Atoll 1•t for Corm t .an particular* ..ply te H. Id:SLOP. Writs serve Ml= 1,WK SALK OR TO RENT -TWO• lt' story brick shod corner Motor a std Trotlgar ptreete. Oodwiok Apply to W. J. I'ASMORL- Ito VOR S A LL -LOTS 96. 96, 117. 118. 119 r and 111 la Hate8*....at1.arv*7, ell 1a Uodrtod rev partisoloss p.to PHILIP IiULT. liar sister. Oke.. 0od.nc b. Marob Ito• If00. MU A0000 80 ACR). FARM POR SALE Lot fl. ee.oe.s0o. It. Oederlob Towel Masted 11 miles from H. m..vlll., 1116 from lal.1*.. Bead bttlldlnst., feaces. , wells. and swim creek. Amete- Meg Odd fall wheat. Terme caeca or prt. Me ly to TH°tl, MUMMY •uotW.eee. L0ARM tOR MALE -THAT FiRST i nue farm ksown as the '•Coa.sd•r Arm.- Mime 1. half Iso 11 comeesloo 1. Haas Weoanoe6. Meares, Wares cleared •.d to a stood sate et .Wtiv.tion, 1 acre bosh. There la on Me please arced two senor fame d •.Misr howsolMOIS with slag 11x10, and a good atone seller. • frame hart 1Mx1a with stone a1.YM l aorta el good ore8wd, 1 g ood MA borer- eprleg walla The soil L a clsJ loam. CM saes V gr... o ►ores nr ttll wheat. sod ..me fall N.a[b1eg. The :nose as geed. Ills w • Issdtag gravel rood convenient to literalist w6001 Me -1 colla from tee village of Auburn. ti false from Htyth, 111 silos Irnm the mons of Goderlob and Clinton. This le s very d.W.bie Mem- o poor or waste load. for rill p.i4056w* apply le PRILiP HOLT. solicitor for the NOM* of 1l. late Mrs. Cans day. Mueie. WGLENNCAMPIIKL4 • unmans' end musical dires0ar .t Nwtboit. Methodist cherish, mad masher sf POa0Ot rs0. Plot ora .ad them. will be flmsmsi m "- rot,* Peelle. iassrw.Uis gloss titer M etueio mi M ft ilerhpm.. as deatrsd. Mttdte at ttmr.so', Mode etre. Weslet. TTt( N d1en1• FIRS. SHANNON k OALLOW, t'KY J MC OPOrel Sargaou.. Q00 a 1. %oak of Commend tapirs., suet gide of Bgaaro. Nett nalle at rest - a -ms. Ila 0trn,..a, Dr. Galmw. old reeldestee. hostler at. 117Rt! a 'Phase 1e. Inenre,nes, ere. PHA' E. SHAW, UENERAI1hsJR- Saad teMM 8doer 1110 or P O.°Nwi. seem is i" Omen mat.•) Rm 1.10,,.0s nom peeler and leadingstook M00.e maaart.R reek• 01 lowest ratty O•il at smear w. R. ROB1cRT8UN. t and tae '.neo Agent. 1404• t•watltfgs made ma Noted and mats maned, Pare Ito pans.Com .With*...s With*..d (snips. s w silos. feet R Says' so /. North Fj J. T. MATTEL, GENERAL IN . fiURANOI mid kW Rome mem Tito Life, Ao0de.t..d Plat* Glass Inmeraaos efeetel on mutual w sash 0100 •t low"' wee soesiNa. remitted. lee . &What sad C•.dl.a menma100 reP (Meat hart dear lo Barrow t (farrow. Har rioters, 00.mllte. sorest. NM's to Oredtltoiso FXYCUTORH' NOTION TO CRRDIT• J OR•, 1m the ratter ist t6t estate of 0Ar late JM, Gorier, of fte.tmestnitp or 1-wUdf, In Shemoth, =as, yeoman. Notion le vied Mato*, 0mw,dmemN others ha said tato !6e 2nd _ or before wend by A. Gavle M McIlee ' nn of the 6nst4. t 6,.a tl., or the mw need to thump the 3m g•Moao o."s"-2ferrf 'bathebavo mill .Obeaha trIt• etW mets or meON s.lA exeeeter. tort to porno w pwemN wham *Islam 001 met Y, Meml.ad•ed by wt rrt»ttss.4 meolwf and the Mae of th. led on w .60nt leak. am abed on day et April. A. D ape. to a to deliver to Rlobard Mention. Of th. township A, A.b.r. P.O.. Me .toot of the said deeeaees, leer oddments, and de- et tblr aloha, seee0ats and the nature m tt a. Oetd M eh.m. 1,1kr*8.0.08. SsI3. bast- Svill Wl "TVs deceased N iii.,,, of oath e, RI i R MO t «n ars e ma Amoy a A R R eAA«« g.i pp !1M Yw y ROw Ihelr eal6Maesa Winds L ■dl$rllr's I,iinfN' tetnreed oft. .Mal diatom,M .008matisisnot Ig1e wilt orad sem 1 of roggows mey la 11.sa w PeretiN tame, p .a oaf bre ABOUT BINDER TWINE Row the Factory Promoters Work the Farmers. Ta. gamma* br Witte& a Tone Tea per flay Plant Is anllt(es I.es. lien 3p*,e., and Seidl ler 300... -Wye the feirme a b/d. Borth. That 18. Ferment' Wedge Testas (.Jompsoy, Brantford, baa been stemmata' in giving •b normal dlvidwdo let eke peas throe years hes emboldened • Dumber of ptomot.n to work the farmers fa otaar leo•Iltles In re - goad to etabllehing other twine factories, sad as • regal. • number 6•v• sprung .p or been promoted during the past year or w. It r aye proposed to Morew the copaolty of the Farmer' Company by 'in- tik/ In new aho.belder. and new capital, bet shy, la Ibe latter oaa.,the shat.Oolders .bald be new mea is memot8lhg ,bat we dea't usderetaad It Ohm abnormal pro - mamma of profit-sem• 250 per oat. In Woe's yesra-!i a sots 0111x105 to no 00, one would think that toe old stockholders weal 1 ksow • good thing wheel they oew 1►, sad take up all the nook taat name their way. As • matter of fact the big dividends -6, per meat to 18913, 100 per mot, 1. 1899 and 90 per mot. to 1900 - were not earned by prep.ss of manptoo tea, but Dame sopor from the fat Mat an nnermoa. (001500• in the raw material bad bees .id• owing to the wta to the Philip, pines acid the liability of manufacturer" to obtain raw manilla and sisal at former prices. The Farrow*. Cowpony was In the fortao•te po.ltioo of hayloft option. tea • lame quantity of raw matenal .t tar de q'noiog of the war and that, pnnotpal ly, woe the Ouse of their loge dtyldeod to the three years •bo•• r'woo. The follow. log figor,• Loos the New York Cordage Journal thew how the pro* of outwits ad. v toad u • result of t8e Sp*oieh Amerioan wt., the Mdheet Dittoes at toe workout' dates b.f....ed : 1898 Jan. 1n 4, July 1,1 .840 1899 . tico 1900 " . 14o '• , .9io Frau thew decree It can very wily be a•deat'.od that the dl•idads mw• tlob.d mold have bees paid by "loftily sill• tag • ferly large stook of raw motorist, without manalse6.nng • pound of It. In thla0a•try there aro millions of °spite' ready to b. Invested in any legitimate oma - sero that will Mr ol..r 10 per 0000. dial. dead ; and 6•d the profit. of the Farmori Co, hem dee to any otroametanme likely to be miotioud, additional futonme would q*lob ly bare bees pea is operation by large °optional,. Bat snob has not bore 1h. Oa.., Th. Walkerton ('o Dumber' shoat 4500 farmers ame.g Ira •borsho:doe. ; the $30.000 addics..al stook beteg issued by the Formers' Co at Brantford, sad the money required to be Id the second tooter, there. as w•Il as the .se at Ohath•m I• beteg •obolted prtweipally from farmers, O.e preemato' ears that Nose bet formers are wanted, and atwitter wants 5000 far more to t.1. stock Moab prospsotus h Ads out the 250 per mot. divldand paid by ►6e Partners Co. 1, three year. no the gilded bolt to aware Ibis dotard *spiral for the new lactones and the Chatham proeo.olo• asks the farmers of K..., Korot and Lomb tea M ge down Into their pooke'o and hand over $125,000 64 mart the proposed i.c'ory la that sky. Tee promoters tiro a vary ..Iloilo,• hot the weltsre of the farmers that they are willing to g1•e rhino the privilege N subsortblo* the built of the s'ook. '1'h. promotion are the same men who pat up the Walkerton Mowry and pot la the plant. At • mooting in Chatham the, sated tort the Walkerte0 factory. ready for operation. oat 160 000 ; boo with toe ex0erfe.0s gamed at Wa.k.rton, the Chatham factory oould W built end .gotp- ped for $40,000 On this point we may .4464 that we have token the trouble 60 en• quint Isco the ooateatloe of the pro - motor for It le hardly to be erpeot• d that a pro•poroa•county like Huron .111 ,..op.. visit trout these geotlemen while the fever Is en, and the 'revolt of nor ee• quirles hes been as follow,, for a three too plant : Brlok balldl04 200:45 It ,,.$ 5.000 1 Corse breaker 1,150 1 Omni* *toreador 900 1 Fee spreader 900 1 Gomm drawing from* 480 1 line drawing Mame 440 2 Finishers at 1480. 960 30 Doable jinni.. at 1250 7,500 5 I/ ruble bailing machines . 1,000 Total .... $18,745 We bad, ales, that by the addition of I spreader, 20 double jimmies sad two ballets, at an additional *emote of $6,500 the above plot °mild b* inotsa.ed to a o•palty of flys tom per day ; to that when th• pro meter* Olsen 166,000 nr even $40,000, ler a 3 tin plan) there is • wide triargln left, for "getting In • graft " 00 the gorlon of lore dl•tdent., here are some 90 nt• .00h the formers will de well t reed, study and inwardly digest 1. Manila hemp advanned from 34 ante, and sisal fibre from 24 Beate per Ib. to 10 and 11 o.nte reepeottyely in 18911 die to the Spanish Amerlmn war 2 This sodden .n4 unespeeted fn. armee meed twine to advanoe c,rres• pendingly, mating largo profit" for mono. (saturates who had bought liberally of raw met•rWe at low prior. 3 This explains the large dividend paid by the Farmer.' Uompay,Rrostford, eseted by • tradition ov.r whioh they bad so Notre'. 4. If that company had .old the hemp they owned when the hightet advance neared, they Nold have pod as lore dividends as they paid alts making it le- t twine. 5. Coe/idiom are h.00ming normal le the Philippines. and hemp will In tart re- cede .cede to Ire former low prim. 6. Tbti gradual rednminn t• prim will mean Noud.rahle Ina to mills carrying over .n.nld twine nr hemp, se !ha prlos of both will likely ha lower earth •ee- 0e.41n seams for sem several years to m*. 7. Pries et Mantle ranged Iron, 15; pubes Notlos. • RILL MR A MRRTING 07 J *eft lI *eft holders and patrons of West Huron ('kweao sad Hutto.. Manufacture, Co , I.M. ti at Caawo.Il,h March for the poems* of .Idees whey and lotting milk route,. 1. Tler1N, R. M. YOUNG. Pr wL ,sero' ('anart. Carlow, rob, hitt, 1001. t0 M NOTION 18 HERKRY GIVEN TO THE p.MM aid pallor hald.n of Th. Bine DYw1d Mattel riffs Ieenrsnos ('omma theft W declared mother moue/ rooted of twat per mat. ea all premium* mid by th0 .tenni ed the Gator tee) war sed Ina Me. M. *lmltet fw► saYe. ohes ma* Mile rotted for i t W iheNRireama1Ols1War strongest mints to Jamey i07i oats in September, 2900, sad Sisal 8uutuated b.tweeu 134 mots and 54 mints d0rtag tae woo period. 1•n. Uord0O. Trod* Journal, published in New York on February 716. bad the ful- lowlog nolo of warning : While there a always " room 0t the Lop" to every lodu.try for atm mete and plants, atom. °outlet. should be observ- e d to mitering any baa owe that hes an abundance of fallacies for supplying t6* demand. These ooinder.tions should n ot be over.00ked by those wbo are org.a- Isiog homers' Rieder Twins oompaotee In Canada. Bemuse ons company was lotto sate mouth to make a largo profit i0 two o r three years -largely doe to the occult - nous over which it had no cootie -le not • g Les leas now companies, maorg, ed, perhaps, by mw wbo ars not 1•m,laar with psoaho statures of a most mtrioote bustles, will duplloao that rscor,', ter even make lour pm mini. on the money havoc ed loveetor. will serve their nano tutor* b- oaoe a waist. by sOrutlnlzing slowly projects for making binder tome in tar msii Ste too mllla to Canada. Possibly e on or two may mat* a sole return to the Ioveslar, but other* will mike a heavy lose, especially 1f 50 or 100 oompaocw are started, oe is .toed to be the plan of the projector of tom* memos oomp0ores l0 Canada. The Cordage Traci* Journal, i0 the .boa, •peaks words of w hernees and troth; and the farmers ot Huron will easily toe that 16e instituting of oord.ge plant., at more th.n two prices per phot, 1e not Oolor to be productiv• of benefit to Iuveston. 11 there was fayt0lag In the establishing of sash t*• dustrles aha ma of apt el would not keep la the bakgrouod, and 1..•e the financing of the ahem.. to the allotting of lndivlduai share* by men who 'eery often are merely moo; p'gant la ib* hands of wily chaps who reap the I port of the returns. Business matt be carried on on outmost methods, and paying $6,5,000 or avec 840,- 000 for a olaot that o.n be bought for less than $20.000 le not a basins*" method, 1t allows too mush for'•1he boy The day ot mammoth pronto 1, the word• age brads is ,tut Already a Dumber of the concerns are ebortantng sail, and the men who upset big tic urns from invest. moot. In proposed twine Industrie' could be better employed in chasing roiobows te 00' trot hirh odors from them. THE POWER COMPANY. ruble, •eelleg en '..ad.y greening - The Xaesus■ else■seed. la ►000rdaooe with the public *Doming - meat signed by the M.yor, • mooting of the ratepayers was bold In the two 11011 o0 Moody easing, the chair being occupied by Mayor Wilson. 'Chairman Homier, of the special com- mittee, protected the proposlooae that had been laid before he oommlttee. Two pro positions hod been made by the Power Com- p.oy. The first woe to supply the entire power required by the two, and to relieve the moetolpehty of the entire cost at the pumping ad electric light Batton, for . fiat rete of $3,000 The second offer was that, d the oorporatloa gave the Company con• trol of the laoands*met gytve's, 18. (:em pony would supply •ll 16. aro lights to the too° fres, would refund $3000 from the $8,000 to the town, .n4 would immediately redoes the oreart schedule to the electric li,bt oo.somen by 20 per cent. The Oora- mtttee bad asked the two eaglooer to fur- nish arnish figures of preecnt oat at power honer and he bad given the 00*' int $'7,702, the time being made op of the foliowuog rams : Coal $5,124, woes $2,268, 9.06.0, $100, oylmd.r 011 $70, machine oil $60 and Gtr boas 180. Uf course 06er0 were a loge number of other mems that went Into the met of maintenae0, at tot pumping •tattoo, but there was • difference of opinion 0o t whether some of it ehoald not be charged to capitol account. Th. committee had given a great dal of time to threshing nut, the 'it °tion, and had finally refused both prop osulo0s, and having done eo had now come to the r•kp•y•rs W got their cpioioD con- miroi.a the project. Pen0o•lty be believed In 16. aoceptsnoo of power from tot oom• posy, as.t the prew01 time he wee *at'e- 8d that the town was losing money. 1, not make any dt8ereor,e *8*68.r the de. tiMt was charged to mato64naam or to capital oc0000t, the tazp.yers ban to toot the bill. He hoped to 105 the qt,..tion fully, freely sod fairly dismissed, Mr. A. McI). Allen, the next speaker, was 0awrs*rd as • ratepayer ' bore to a good power passing by the town, which hod been passing by for years. The otttzens' ooma.rtoe were often asked by outside manabooturan who,' spoofs' advantages did Uodenok powers.. and If the Power Com- pany want on with their project one of the hest lodoo.men15 to m•aafutorars oouli bs o6e ed. TIM town factory men were pleas ed that the 'grower Company medirsted enpolying power, sod the town factory ores were men wbo knew what cheep toilette meant. A reprs*.otative of the new Elea trio (;nmany of Ottawa was now in this n eighborhood aborting cook, and the figures on hie schedule* showed that horse power was quoted at $50 for the maxlntam, and $34 for the minimum. He wee in favor of glom, the project • fele ohsooe, and if tot oompany onold supply the power at what 11 was metier tins town now be sou prepared to have them get Beery coot of what. It now met (Applause Chairman Homier, On newton to ,..a tient, stated that at pr.s*et 79 140 /Ones were primped, there were 4J aro lights and 1,900 toceodwoent lights. 2660 horsepower wan the maximum, hat Not average bon.power was 22fi. At Port Hope and rebonrg the towns had now loo fon them a proposition from power forty miles away Jame. Sbepbard was 1n favor of gado( power 1n the way suggested, and ge'tlog it on the hest terms possible from the Com- pany. We ehoold keep the plant, and se there would be no octal to bay throe would he no .xtt.noive lawsuits. (Hear, hear.) I) Motlilllon Idy said the cat.me*ts r. Reeding the propos tloas sobm.t'ed by Mr. lambs and the regreesr's figures wee* praettmilly correei, bat rte •mood olaimed to b. dartyd from the waterworks and deetrle right receipts was wrnnr, to no yeer had the rnoelpte execeied $8,010. sod last year is had not reeoh.d that hone*, whit* ohs mai0t.sanne moment hod g0n0 to $11,071, lea•lo,:a de9nit of 13,000. Soma of the 00enntller, etiolated that the deficit should gn t molal gamier, hot, as Mr. Homier had a44towt, no metre what it was nhardd to It had to to paid by the tx- min the 00m rt r tax- payer. Oth m h m ter" t Iso,/ 64 w Noor the defiebt by °homing aha nom r f the aro Itale against It, hat If the (Jnmpony's Orr of • Bat rate of 18,000 had bean •0 o.pl••d rho town Weald get free aro heirs jt.t Ohm mime and aye the $3.000. Thin re loom from Me treasurer'• books for the peat tea y..n showed that *h(1e the r.- °. me for that pored had been 155,000 M. oat M maietm *aro had ',mama the sem of $67,0011, nod 1.01 • d&Veit nl $11,000, or se I &*Roti of 11,200. in addition to that the .leek!o light plait alone had a Ammo re espial •eeant. against 1e of ever $%' Mole6,000. The teen was Is s Mole stew, mid 16 mite getting deeper late It every year (Es yearn tee • prop..•] sum Osten eb* D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR miaow* to supply power, but It woe rejaot ed, and today everyone regret. that It was oot •.icepted, 1f ttt project wee endorsed by tuo town the Compasy proposed to star .t once •ted have the work oomph. t..1 by Nut ember. 'Th. Duet of owletruc •nit 'he dam would be from $30,000 to 830.000. Otos putting an •vetrgo of a ,h•'u.ond dol Itre • week to ulrcal.uuo among the work tog urea. Other towns were m.kiov •Hort, to Improv• thou o0nd,tton and if ()oOerlch oegleo'ed ite'pree.ae opportaoity it, would bate Gauss to regret it• wenn In t6. future Alter some Orr. I. want dla0uasioe bed been 104014ed in, Wm. Campbell et•lod th.t be did not consider tbe town would be giving •way soy fra0ohise. Ho Ushered olio Mr Smith that it was not r ght to give franchisee away. The q0..Uro a, are we going to bon. fit ! is Ila. offer a fair •°d ram...b•ble oat T The hearts given by Mr Heidir ouddy were sobetentlolly vorreot Loaf Year was an as94*11*e year and by his figures the oat was over 111,000 'Ve Dever before went over 18,000 If we oould get power at 1e.s that, rho fait figure flooded Iv w• ■h..uld eeoept i4 Why .hould we not bs prepared to seat oar towpmen instead of sending thoaaarrle of dollars out of town toe coal' so doing we would enootiraaeo her !intones to cams la. Is tR• offer a Io.r one! 1 1610k It t, and time $50 per hoer power is • re..unable rate. Mr Saundsie believed the proposal of 'he Power Company would tags 111.000 • year to the town. The org.0 factory rot enlog to take power from the Power Cow, p.oy, it r i e scheme went on It ooet $23 for ooal atone to produce one horme power at their factory, rod lMe did not take in the shaving. and light wood or the cue; of labor at the tarpami. The tendency war. for the coat of the horse tower produced by •team to lncr,aw eanh year. Tel. was mused by tool motioning In priors and the bollen, *to , deorwiog in et0icte.oy Counotllor Mart& followed, the burden of hie address `ming that the ooll bill Draticsfy represatnd the amoual of power ngnire.f t.y the town. Mr. M.li,lbnuddy In reply said tb.t not only was $5.124 travel to on.l,hut two men'. wages arr000ting to 1912 wool] also be .•veil- This amount wool' more then pay $30 per horsepower for 200 horse power. The following r.en:ation was then pat and minted without • dt.wutmg co c+ t Moya,/ by A. Sauoder., oeoonded by Wm. Camphrll, that 1t is the °potion of the edi- tions of the town that the council should a- gotet• with the MatiliO4 Power Uo o+ either of the plane proposed, or •t a figure advantageous to the town. The meeting thee obeli& AROUND TOWN. Fourth No? GCILTY.-Tb. Mud of Albert Evans, of Colborne township, on the charge of ste•ltog a number of articles from Dame. MoCorvt• was held on t rids, before Judge Doyle, sod Ih,000uved wan lou0d not guilty. W 0-roudfoot wan noun.el for the defense, A BUSINESS CHANct, - A. R. Cornell, who formely ooactuated the furniture and undertak.og Outlines* lately Darned 01, t.y Becker A 00*'.,,, hoe re purchased the business and 'as taken into partner,hlp ooh him be too, Perry Cornell, whose en- t.ranen into the I u•tne.. community of I;ode. rich we telt. ple..Ure to annouooing. The n aw fi•m of Correll A Hoa wilt continue the bo.mess ro ■II i,e bT.nohee, and ask for a .hats of tie public patrons.. Their .' 0o.ncement appear. ,mm wrek In the ed•_ Vert ming columns of THg Fto.AL, Tug NORTH AMILRICAN Lit.. ')n aa- o:ht r paw of ibis issue will bs found the two herb au0001 statement of the North An ."can tole Assurance Company. It '.11 b • r el the' the showing there mode 11 one t wt,.h not only the managers end cock•holhos but alto the pnhoy holders may well be proud. The Uumpaoy le 00w nee of the sVonge.t. a,,d most prosperous m Canada, and the volume of borne.. whioh It does le a •trla.og manife,6a1!„O that a gond comp.ry can always do • good busi- ness. ustnes*. The' report, oonWmioR the proceed r its of the annual meeting may be hid bon the had cffr:e or from any of the Com- pany'. arr,ol9', F. J. T. Nolte', Hamil- ton street, at the rapre..gt01ire i• God. doh. Beam' ANSivLtt4ARv.-The antilverrtry dieser.oder the au.p,ces of Internee* (limn, No 54, will be hold on Uddfsllo,. Ha 1 this ( 1'hur.d•y) evening, at eight Jolook. The following toast leat will be prevented : The K•ng-National Anthem. The land We Leh -Hoo. J T. (farrow. Robert Burn -1) M*:Douald, The i..M' W. L vis is- 1L G Cam.ron, the Army rod Naoy-Cot Vorcee, -Copt. A M Mo(iregor, M.jir Beek, (.'opt. Groot, and Pte McO.lhooddy Judicial Institutions -Judge. Matson and Day!., Sheriff Royeotds, W artleo Hoo, Mayor Wagon, J. L (not and W. Line. Oar Rats N.'teealtties-7 Campion,K C , Mar.. Dolton, A. Sounder.. R S. W1I. ham., F. Jordon. The Pro -A. M. Todd. - Th. Pihroch-Rob. rt Craig'.. Aecomptolet.. Hann .Jordan. 'the members of Invertors Camp sill meet at the lodge room at 7 30 sharp for pre'•romary excetoi.a1. THE FoRR"TER.v' KNTSRTAI`t MINT. -The Temperance H•It was the once of a .000.1. ful ga•hering on lhundap evening, whim the members of Court Gorior,oh, Caoadt.a Order of Furedero, held their oyster snpp*r acid eateries:rent. The first part of the @ vomit/ was devoted to developing an in timate s'qu.isteacs with the silent but oomtorting nester, and whim .11 were la Rood humor u • result of their effort. Ju - this direction • onuo,ral and literary prom .m w•► commevo*l. Rev ,James A. Anderson, who nooupi.'1 the chair, spot. of the bene fits of membership In ah order 1004 as the C. (0 F., and later in the evening A &tondo's 04o gays an addrems op a similar strain. Mt . McColl gave • pt*ne tete, wed moo* solos were rmod.red by E. Belcher, John S. Conk( ct.1 itr. Smith. A ohmic song by Harold Rlaclr.tno woe well r. .owed, .ed Wm. Luuham'a yoo.l e8. r, also took wall. ,Jai Tett gave a reading and there were recitations by M1.. bottle Mc ('retch, Mfn Cora V,vi.e, Mute Rrydg.. and Moe MloCol'. A quutattw, the Mu... Budge., Will Brydgee end (,has. Also., also pee • Wootton. The Parmas, nom ben were recaivel with warm appl•or and some of the performer. kindly responded to encores, SVe most not forget aha servlr., of the Rlocktloss ovohortnq which were road.rd in good si,le dsri.g the Popper Ahrgef6A +h. evening '.Si a very rein able one,anti A tM largo number who attend 0d sweet .way when the program vitae at an .e'1 with aha Impreoslou more 'imply rooted then avow 1h•t the 70,rolets 0 (Joort (loos rioh are first rate esterM'eer.. Stir MI- BA IN -- A privity tomtit woe sol - sheeted at the r..Aeno. of John 00.10, 'grit - and. road, on Wednesday atoning, F.bro- aty 27th, lbs mamma being the mot•ga ot his dae.h,,r,'forth. i..h.,, to.1. (1 M,mp *on, marine angmeer• of Wrarten. R..•, or lJr. performed the 0remony and Mie. K Aednws played the weddteg march The bride looked oharmt.g In • pretty travolfm e daimons of cavy bine Ve.eti.w Moth teimmod with =Itched 1.0er• mad meaner • Reiman bole.. over • delaly pink silk wales trimmed with daebanse l see e.4 tore et W.1bfl6* I,r Mak 'Wow sad wnite satin and oatryiug• bone Put ho0gwt of whit. bridal rase.. he w,....i.ted ty MIN Mary Ceu.pbdl, who lookwt yery pate HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE od,.' ty la blue o'ti.trimmed with Valeaui• eons. lace stud iota', too ecd black .: 1 c, 1 Judire Lount boby ribbon and large blank V1 ll picture Qratul0Uon■ 6.1, and oarrylog pink carnotit's. Th. gro'm wa. twisted by Muton Loot/retie. of 1C O.rtn, Moo the uenmnuy wag pet - formed aril moor, • *Dons tauderwi, some hundred guest. a Joureed to ;he din'ug room. which was pettily daoorated with red, white and blue hunting and lighted wttM('tt nese Iwnterns, where they p.rteok of • d.tnty supper to the ernes of the tar wpm., manipulated by Angn• McKay, of Luoknuw. After supper dancing woe In- dulged in, Jack Hogan au 1 Piper McKay supplying the mumu with pipes and v'olio, and was uoolloued till the wee, ams' hours. The Mai. was the morphea, of a lora num hero/ very patty acid valuable presents, ahowicg the high esteem In which stn 1s held by her many friend. 1 he groom's gat to the bride was a hand.oine gold watch rod chain moth opal ..rungs, and to the bridesmaid • very pretty p/w ot emeralds and than. atones. Among the guests from a dl.ftomi were Mn, W Hackett, of Woe - too. norm of the groom, and Pete and Joe 80061, of Lackoow. Regrets were recstved from London, Sarni*, %Vlsrton, Ji' kson, Mich., en other pointe. Mr and Mn 'o Sempn left 'on the 3:15 train Thur.y afternoon for chair boost to Wurtoo, amid tie `est wishes sad .how.,, of rice from their many friends. CHURCH NOTES. Rnv, M, M. Goldberg, rector at Dungan non end Port Albert, will primer next Sun day to 87.. (leorr.'sobaroh, The collections int the wrviote will be in aid of the mi•doo font of the duioe.rs. Rev. M Turnbull, rentor of 81 George's, will take Mr. Go13. berg's work, The meeting, in the Salvation Army hayracks on Soturday night next will take the form o1 • "e'ne tong," sad on Suad*y evening Ensign (_ .wford will rake for her monitor, "Snort Beds and Narrow Cam- inito" Ho. meetingm commence at 8 o'clock and .H are invited. Tho forty hour"' devotion will broil. at St Teter'. next Sunday and will oonolado with a"l0mn high maw on Wednesday. Prayer' will be offered without interruption for fnrly boars The morn ono will be deoora'ad, Her. Father McCormack will pre•oh Sunday syeomg •6 mm•p•r. and ►Lo Moodily morning at the 9 o'clock mase. Rev Father McMenamin will preset 14*,,. 10*' IYOOIO4 and Tuesday morning at the 9 o'clook mase. Rey Fonar McCabe will Poach Toeeday evening and OVedn..day morning at the last mase. :The devo• inns in the evening will M at 7:30, the regular hour for the even• iog devotion during Leos: W.dneedey firming the subject will bs : "Why it a I ffiJolt for • riot moil to voter heavers." 1'oursd*y evening question from the ques- tion box will be *wwared. Friday : Tee meaning of the devotion* of the Stations of the Crow." Tbe ohoir amuse at all -public devotion,. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF'. Daring 'bo Out week the weuher inn var- ied groin sero to very m'Id weather, but the ga.tl-v. style and workmanship of 'rrdh.m'e own 1 , : roma ne ooaatant sad the priors are ka:e1 to vas posuble. 1 e boys are now tklne to roller skates. -Ma 'tlroms, priaoipal of St. David's ward sebool, a oo the sink let this wait. The publro Bohool 'ard est 02 Monday °yenlog and traoroted some routine boar. esu. Thos. Loo -y h." soli hie house and lot on Wu1.l0r a tett to Poll'p Holt, the price Pe - toy $300. An•o, Duimisr., of Lskeleo, hat boos op - polo.. d • .1 maim of the Peso* for the oounty of Huron. .108,3 Creigie has parch... I the toe bud- ner.f h,. la, h, r, ,1.m,, Cr..14,e, sod will c 'nduot i Iv the bower. (lir rep, et of the town council, 'evert' Midgets of mot ',sputa Moos and other matter *rt. crowded M'• the week If you don't toe why you want, look for it nett week. ANNOUNCEMENTS. A special 'nip for one week at S'IFWART'S gr very in 3 the. of raters. for 25 Phone 105 Wanted, 1000 bash. timothy and alone seed, 100 turkey, olto dried apple. and batter. 0. N. Knu, Wlegbam. Omitme. Get them et the Viotnri. R.e• Moran', Wen tree', Tiny receive them regularly -Away. fresh, Ie. tweets, enn- lec000ery, fruit. and owe, 0. 131.400- aTJNR, proprio'or. T.lephooe 70. AUCTION SALES. AH parties getting their gale hills printed at Me otfloe will have • free notice inserted In the Ilst no to the time of sales. SAT0O,1Y, M.roh 9th.-Ann'Inn vile of tatters, al,14hs, baggies -' Ile, new and moon,! haul, at J 1. r, 'rrlage shop,, opposite Buxton's ban -.i. ' to nommen°, at 1 o'clock P. M JI MA it. . t, auctioneer. T .:SPAY, Starch 12th.-Auotion sale of farm stock sod lop). notate at lot 15, nos cees10n 3 E. division Colborne township. .ear Bait'. b•.44., mointeooi*g at L o'clock ✓ M Jou!r HALI.IDAY, proprietor. JOHN KNOx, auctioneer. THCASDAY, M.rob 1418.-Ettanaive ano. lion sato of tum stook, implement., oto., IlllDlgl ptow I.,, 1.me, D.vtoel., ae *t , 02000ts 00100of 3, towns'hp of 0 Iborae, at 1 o'clock r M *harp The hot i0o'ad0B a large number of good animals ; ' qrr*ultoral implements, including binder, motor rs, harrows, ploy's, drill, cultivator, fanning mill, Oto ; huggy, moire, slw'gbs, wages', Mru.et, et , alio a las of imams. hold furniture. R 1i. WILLIAM% 1)0110ea fetor. TIP*. (lvytay, auctioneer. FRIDAT,blaroh 1518 -Auction sale of form aleck trot Implements, proper,y of ,1OH* 9r*ntrL, oon 3, Gode•,oe township kvety thin/ to be .old without , .as Mr. Sproul i0 riving tip termini,. Tnoi,t)ty.,. PRY, AtiOtioneer - ','RDNwtb*r, Marob 20. --Amnion sale of term atooa, Implemea15, too , the proper of George May, at Int 11, ooneesslne 1, .A•hfinld (near Nolo Y. 0.) Kv.rv'htng will h' sold et. het s, a. Nr. 01.y 6.. sold the farm. 'TRORAI Ut.n.y, aaoton• Ne. w .v 1p MDAr if are h27rh- A00ti m sate of farm stook, implement*, hone/mold furniturw • ad effect' belongingf laww, nmtaie of than tat•• David Orr, el lot 20, 000 3, tioderiok tow*.bnp Rale to 00,nmeio* at 11 n'olnok •hsrp Lomb leered at soon. Roan? ORA, admiulafrater. Tm,*s*, 0baba?, auctioneer. MARRIED. RIMP:IGN-RAIN, - At 0odkrlc8, en Feb roar/ 17th, by the How. Dr. I; rSg, !Was O. A. R(mpoen, of wiser's, to worth. its tolls, eaeo.d dauohter of Jobn Bain, of Yodeneh, DI8D. HAYWARD Q*'hetM(1 rehruery, et the residence of her d*gghter, Mrs, Matthew Lo h, t'lsinaeld, N,J., formerly of (;fir fi (o.(xalh*H.. *11 '.0 4. relict of toe late Pr6ga/war'd, N Pant Hope au% Rissoles. h Rua ser. Receives Con - Prom the Bat.. Re Criminal .'room ea Oka Der►et sad ■l. Lordship beta a Pair o1 White kids - A tread real That Yana aketeld Have a New ( cart Monne The Moises for the Cou,ly of Huron Opened ch Tu..day, February ::r,, h, tooter lusplo'ois .nrtam.Mna cos. The members of the bar of the couoly took the women et Mr. Justice LounO'. Bret appearanoe ben - 10 was also the Bret Assizes a0 whlob he pre- sided -to present btm with*000rratulatery *Admen, to which His Lordship made • most gm:moue reply. Aoo/ter pimento °Moum- et.noe was tae pr..0Dt.tion to HI. Lord- ship by (hn Sb.r10 of a parr of white 84 gloto, ib token of the fact that there were 0o criminal charge* b fore the Court. The Court ope0.d on lueedav afternoon, and the grand jury was immediately swore in. The jury was oompowd of the following gentlemen; J. A. 8. Varooe, Colborne (foreman) ; Henry Chuff, As68eld ; 1). A. Forrester, Clinton ; Peter Hosting., Tur,, berry ; B. R.O,00, 85.101(0, ; Geo Murdt., MoKlllop ; J. A Molotosh, Uoderlob ; Hoot. Roberson. Usborne ; Chas. Stewart, Ashfield ; John Wotsmiller, Hensall, `Sheriff Reynolds stepped forward and banded to Judge Lount 112o symbolical white gloves, and His Lordship, addre.;ng the grand jury, said 1t was a matter ot pleasure that there was not wltht* the wails of the oounty jail aoyoae to be obarg• ed before him with a criminal Offence. Th• pair of whim glover" with whioh he hod lase beim presented were r*pre.sotative of purity and of the freedom from crime of this loge and populous oou0ty. It was observable that crime was decreasing throughout the Dominion and porttoul•rly t0 the Proving of Ontario. Whale they could not expect that the oounty would b• gine absolutely hoe from alms, still the present 000ditlons were lodloativs of good. He Lordship then referred to the foot that for upwards of nxty years grand juries bad been coiled in 18. name of the good Queen who had just passed away, Kw reign was one of sin.' 1 r blessedness to *M world at large. Nothing but ble.eln4e seemed to MJog about her ; the empire had baso en- larged to • marvellous extent, and she de- velopme0rs of t8• put century, which had almost •sto,uhed man, had been largely within her reign ; and though It was In the order of things that she should pass away it was the boast of her @ablooto that she had departea with the love not only of her own people but ot people of all nationalities The new king during the past year* had teamed Doom kingly a000mpb.hmea15 which would stand him in goof cud in h1e new and high position, to which he promis- ed to follow to the tootsr.pe of hie mother. 1n speaking to the grand jury se to the, dutims in inspecting the county institutions, H.. Lnrd.hip spot. of lbs court house as an "antiquated" banding and sagg..td that a wealthy emu,'v 1,k. Huron ooald af- ford $ better of . The men bets of the her rose while the Hoo J. T Barrow, K.l',,reed an oddrra to Hu L rd.hlp. Ibe other lawyers present +ere : Ira L.was, oounty Crown attorney ; Phtllit Holt, K. C., E. Campion, K. C.; thou. H. Pardom, K. C, London (appoint- ed t take the Crown business) ; R Vao- cooe, St'logh•m ; E. N. Lawn, C. Yeager, M. 0. Cameros, George A. J. Fraser, Cha. (Jarrow ; Jas. Surat, Clinton ; W. Proud foot. R (' Hays; F. W. Madman, Hooter ; K L U caletoo, W15gham. Th. addr..s was a follows The members of the bar la the want v of Porch Amite to avail themselves of your Lordship's first official vldt to the oounty town to n0er thine cordial and sincere con- gratulations upon your Gordehip't recent appointment t the Bench. You are no stranger b us. We harm long known you as so Industrious, pal0s- ,aki°g and eminently fair (Town oon.5.l .t many Ass zee in flod.rloh. Your eminence at the bar, a for many years our" of Its leaden, and your long and varied mzperiaoo0 as solicitor, counsel and legislator, made your el.vatto0 a mat tie. tineone, upon whioh not you gloms, but the Province, is t ban onnoratulated, This Pro,looe, fortunately, bas always In the poet gloried, with good reason. in the high oharater and atMlamont of Ito judos". We feel that It is toot being unduly toilsome, b',', merely expressing our honest coo.lo- tnoo, based apo° long and somewhat Intl.. mete immolation with you, ohms we my that we raogolze In you a fit and worthy euco•s.or to the able and distinguished jud.re who have Dreaded Too on the High Court tench of the Proving. That you may be permitted by Providence to spend many useful years in your now welter with mutual advan1Rn to yourself and the Province is our fervent hole. Nigne41 J. T, (iARttnw, on behalf of the Huron 71.r Association. l0 reply Judge Lount stated that he re. called with great planate the fact that one of the first ;doom he visited as Crown Nno- ref woe (lederne6, nosey year. ago. Ha re. forted to the great and serious loss whioh the couotry bad suSMiee'i In the death 01 he predecessor, aha IoM .lodge Rna, • min of great ripeness of intellect, and ropreese,l the hope that be would be able In tome meteors to approach the 4,,ted Of memo. nevi by him. A man gold ooiy do hie beet and to do his beet would be hie oudeaynr He eino.r.ly tha,ke.l the mem here of the bar for the kindly welcome Leer had Elven him. The docket was thea taken up. Barns v. Clark, 00 a0tlon for malicious 0,01,001 ion, was by nndsert of counsel post- poned M the nett jury sittings for this conn!]. Philip Holt, K. C., for p111. ; J. M. Bost for dell. Davidson wt. Fottuoe was an melon for r".dtsat(ea Ry consent verdlot was entered tnr plolotO i* $200 0od ooetm, including 00,15 .l t6. er.mtn*tlone for dI.00...y. R Yankton • for plff. ; ,f. T. barrow, K. (J , for d.1 1. (: anent were not, reedy to qn 00 with acv other case., and the (Court adjourns,' ld 9:30 u'olook Wedaee4ay morning. , RnN.abAY e des M Rr . Moore r M e •I was the 8nt cue 1.0,. 'Pas an anion for mmpes..0l0n Workman's under hn V 1 orkman's Act for r rtarles r.- o-ived by !h. plol0ti0 while working on the (lodenr:h break water rocon•trnctinn last year. K. Campion, K (J., for p10. ; .7 T Henew, 14 C., for dolt The jury r.turn,d •.01,001 for plaintiff for $400, and H1 Lot 4ahlp diroot*/ that omits, lnotudleg oats of .tam,n•ttons for di000yery, be adde1. Procan boy* were ,toyed for thirty days. TltttganAY. MoD.rmott n. L*mbkin. -This woe an .erten for •'esnit and battery brought by John MoD.rmolt asaleat Edwin W. Lemli kin, No- It partial Video of the to nehlp of nwlek There woe a quarrel be,wesn the Owo le regard le some pre tly, *blob r. .Mired is the.rmalt sem flied .f. Arses r Wouldn't be Without it. That's what • lady told as about our White Pita Compound with Tar. It curse A fold quicker than anything she one, used. This Cough Syrup iv tunic and sold only by us and every bottle is guarantee!. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B., DRUGGIST, Cotner of Weat 8t. 81)11 Square. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS- MAR. T. ees 1?:reot Form Cornet -W. A. MoKtm„P °Marlow Marsh Sale -Porter. Book 3toa 8 Wouldn't d. Without It -F. M. Daobam 1 Just 8 Day. More -Hodgen. Bro. 8 For Sale or to Kent -Hugh Dunlop 1 Speages-J. Wilma 1 Furortore and Uodertaklug-Cere11l R Roo The Greatest Mark Down -Staab Brook Co Auction Notice -T. Gundry AOaoaao.meat-(leo, Stewart Public) Notlo.-T. °. Tipling 8 1 1 ypottoo (H•rnatoo) for pig,: B. L Dnokl,• .op for dote. 'the jury brought In • verdict' for p110. tor $100, to *blob His Lordship added oma. Allan vs. Allan. -An action for alimony. The defendant, William Allan, of the town- ship of Howick, and his wife had been separ- ated for several years. W. H. Blake (To- ronto) for p10. ; E. L. Utokt.gos for deft. Allan vs. Allan was continued, sora a1 the conclusion of the h..rlrsg • awroe was giveu ID plaintiff's favor for alimony with costs (party and party), with referooe to Muter ft Goderlob to fix the sum 64 be payable wkly. Logan et al. vs, Logan ot aL-Ao melon for the ooustruotlou of the will of the IoM William Logan, of Bayfield. Phillip Holt, K C , for pill.. ; W. Proudfoot for adult dolt.. ; J. T. Garrow, K. C., for Iofan4, Judgment was reserved. Stewart v.. Stewart. -Aa .orlon for the reott6*stlon of the will of the late Thomas Stewart, of M. towoahlp of Ashfield. Chu. Seager for pit. ; Pnlhp Holt, K C., (•( deft. Hie Lordship ordered judgmeat 64 be *stored remilylhg the will u asked ; outs to all parties not el the carte. Holmes v.. King, an sotto* for the prim of some apple*, was postponed to the next o o°•j(ry sitting.. Th..e were all the oww* on the doeket The grand jury to their presentment m0• gra:ulated Hi. Lordship upon his dev.tton to the High Court bench and thanked blot for big refereaoet to the late Queen and to Hie Mel..ty King Edward )',r:rtar0 Was 10- pre•.rd at the evidence of the law.ab•ding priooiploe of the peoolr of this coast, ,n the ammo. of any criminal ohargas helots the Court. '1 he opinion was expr...ed that the jailer's quorum, which they had gutted, were osNnly unit for the purpose for whet. they were seed, HESS FOR SOUTH HURON. THE nomination of FR11D. Hog, of Zurich, to contest South Huron in the Elbe. rel nitete.t, which took place in H.naoll 00 Tuesday last, is .}the prelude to the retire, merit Of HARRY EILngR, the boy statesman of Crediton. KIL... sae the beneficiary of a political accident to 1898, whin the Liberal riding of South Huron 'lipped a cog, but the neneu.sry repaint have been made, and when election day tomes around it w111 be found that the oonotituency will work again W Liberalism as in former days. '18. friends la 0od.rl0h of Dr. sad Mn, Juke. Johnson, of Toronto, sympathies with them to the low of their youngest daughter, Ueo11 SVidder, .t the age of four years and nine months. Th. little one died o) p0.sase0:a e. W.d5Mday of last w..k. Pubtto Mottos. PUHLICNOTIOK,-FROM THIS DATE forward my grocery business will be oend a .ted on the thirty dare' oath basis,and I rostecttu Ir solicit patronage from old and s were never h9 ter. and we roan Ido Letter for oo tomer) rimier three oonditIono. All Indebted are 1*_ t ,arrange21 4.iTIPLIroce , Bedford Bleck Sponges... may be poor in quality -some aro halide to be, of course. Hut there'll* ,hfTerrn''e ju•t n0 there in in the quality of etlk. To keop good -that is to wear w,•I1-O'poop moat be kept in a proper place and even temperature in the store. W n have *Arial to our ,torn a 0pecial opon4e, case t„ kwep the temtloratiae nt • certain heat arul.luut.ture-the only way to keep opongeo perfect and , lean (.all in and ,can our way of keeping 'pongee soft And clean. W 'ht 1 a teeing w Pprmg, it meal M washed ocoa*10 ally in loam and wmhing mind*, then dried with heat. They list twine as long when treated in this manner. Gall and Pee our new, nice, clean stock. If you have • drx•lnr's prescription to he dispeneorf bring it to u• and have It properly di.pen.ef with drown that are Meters before hmn4 used. and your pro• acriptiat checked twos, befnrs leaving the store For Grippe um our Laxative Quinine Tablet.and Hrown'a R*Imam n( Wik1 Cherry Bark. Rvwrelhleg gtar*ntrod r,r mosey hack. .1. Wilson. Prescription Drug Store. Terme rash. No mode,