The Signal, 1901-2-21, Page 8g TiolrlwAT, iib. 91, 1901.
The Greatest
M ark -down
We ever made
ISyron. The local sinewy 1. UunasuUOY ruler u not •a tuts. stranger to this
DUNGANNON. ILI..intl.. about the flet of April. kir,
We mean to make our FEBRUARY SALE the best
we ever had. A mild Fall and Winter has left us
with quite a few Winter lines still on hand, and to
clear out and make room for our new Spring stock
1000 yards very wide nice Pink and Blue style 8c
heavy flannelette, worth 121c, for
Bargain Linen Toweling, worth Sc, for 5c
NicebesFrieze Overcoats, ree-
Special Boys' Frieze Overeat*
sizes 30 to 34, to clear, $2 50
Extra value Men's Tweed Work-
ing Pants, worth $1 25, to clear
at 85c
Boys' Underwear and M. 's, as-
sorted sizes. Boys' wool Shi and
Drawers, worth 35c and'
clear at
Men's Underwear, regular 3
Special line Men's Shirts
Drawers, at -
---One lot, -, -
mouth $4 to $6, W clear, ....$1 50
Some very nice black best cloth
Beaver Jackets, worth $S to $10, to
clear at $i1 00
Ladies' tine bleck wool Mitts, reg-
ular 50c for 3: c
Full size white Blanket., wnrth
$1 00, for 75c
Extra value heavy grey Fleunel,
regular : •c, for 20c
and Balance of our Furs at cost.
Spezia' heavy Oottonade, regular
25c, for, w... 17e
Best heavy Shirting, worth lig.
for 120
Big range Men's and Boys' Suite,
Good stock heavy Shawls, and
fapcy plaid Shawls, at reduced
torTratlloN•L is •s thear W
tet I u •linI .td Will moo
0 friends and toand
J.1'.oorve)anuer, Ru. who will rtw!•e t' eeibbore of►h
dere for ear 1pUuos. •avertW.g and 10b h
work, 004 le ruthoriws oy. moelya for towuoalVa ego
amounts Data for thesame
&Ioudey evening el
east week Mr sad Mrs.
Robert Buchanan, 01
Vuitton, Moo , who
are down on a violet to
relatives and former
neighbors with ex reeve You./ and
Mrs Yowls, of Carlow, F. sod Jae. HN
don, of Sh.ppsrdtoo, sod others, spool •
most pleasant eveoiag with Mr. and Mn.
James Young and family. The '.eats
was spent in oonvers.tlon and music on the
piano and violin and was one of the most
e lement gatherings of the w.otor. Owing
to en at,ok of grip we wore not able to be
present. _ _
MOND•v, Fob 18th
11'0 an told 0 young German kolght loot
• photo met.. I tet a valoutms to a yu•t
office to lioderloh township. Cow.
1). Lawson, E. N. Shaw and H. A. Hor-
ton, elders of the church here, were at 0.r
low on Monday morning last to arrange
with delegate. from Carlow and Auburn
the hour of terries for Lieburo on Junday,.
We learn that service at Leeburn will be
at 4 r. u , and after neat Sunday mlui.tor•
will preach es oaodidates for the oombined
charge of Auburn, Carlow and L•eb'rrn.
Mrs. J. J. 1Vright, of the Point Farm,
came oaok atter a visit of soon months so
her reIstives in and near Guelph, roeohing
Ooderich on Wednesday atter the big snow
dieooutiuued his trips to Dungannon.
',11 be pleased to mmu „a► from that oeigh-
borhoud who tory require ha services •1 the
home Mike. Luokoote, where he will b.toaod
every day, in the week ±11091 Thornier. when
be visite Ripley. Semite! •ttlirton paid to
prvwrv•tion of natural teeth crown and
bridge work, etc. Racy methoue et extract-
Lidie.' and children's .1:111.7
wear all at reduced prices.
'See our Factory Cotton, wortb 7c,
for .. fie
Te..usv, Feb. 1911.
W INTIOW W Sarnia. -Juba Frost sod
Was Snow are Dow 10 the aeowdsnt. Yob -
fumy thus far 1. giving us winter lu good
form. So mote it be.
(bkkkt•TtoN.-An error was made last
week to the Dunes of the pall -bearers at
Mise 11 aeon's funeral. 'rhos. Clark was
loves Instead •1 '1'0os. dime and Wm.
l'lgert ,.tend of J. 'Nett.
les H•kvo.Tiiu.-The proprietors ul the
Melteugh busses and the Queen's. aho our
viutueller, Ju. O'Cunuor, 'and others hove
bees busily engaged teuuriog their supply
of los tor Bummer during the past fortnight
from Nine Mile river.
CoNVALte.'INU.-We ars pleased to loo
that la grippe, whiol has beea lot some
time troubhogpuny of our oltizew, le tak-
ing it. departure. U. Jardine std daush•
ter, Moe Jennie, of A•bfl.ld, also our pope.
ler harness maker, D. ankle. Mrs, A.
Foliaged, Mn. T. Pentland and others are
gradually nonvale■due.
Big stock of new and right styles tin Dress Goods
and Silks, all reduced. It will be to your interest to
buy now.
Smith Boo's
Gold Mining Co.
Owning Big Horn Mountain Tunnel and Veneta Vein, 200 acres
situated on the Western Slope of Pike's Ptak, in the famous
Cripple Creek Gold Mining District.
100,000 Shares Preferred Stock at 25c. per Share.
- - It le prloted 00 each Garth:oete that subscriber, to sh,v-' t'r.rerradd Munroe will be entitled
to receive In all tdends the full .mount of money invoere.i, before (they stockholders ±.calve
any returns, signed by the l'reoldenr of the Company.
This District Produeel More gold lo 1900 than soy other In the United States.
This property 000.1et. or E100 by 311e feet, or 2.10 ace... of gold land. The mine haa been
worked. The feature of this mine is I he Veneto Veia.:lO to IOn. In width. and Is certainly one
of the strongest veins In Dile famous district There are some fifteen openings on this vein, the
ore from which assay. in gold from all te ono per us. The property Is sdventageously
located for development by tunnel which willmake It possible to produce an enormous
amount of ore dally. the quantity varying from 200 to MC tons per day. The development by
tunneling 1s the most economical and advantageous way of working this property.
At a (listens* of 9 1 feet the tunnel will int enact the Veneta Vein ata depth of about 0!r1
fret, and will also intersect several other veins. The tunnel will cut the Big Horn Mountain
2100 foot ,cep. and will the yls Company over -3,000.000 tons of ore. worth over g20 a aro.
The new railroad. now praotioally completed from Colorado S ±logs, rolled the Colorado
Springs* ('ripple Oseek road. pares within 2,000 feet of this tunnel.
Adjoining this property is the Colorado Springs Tunnel (Company. in this property at •
depth of 400 feet. the \ eneta Vein was cut. At this point the vein was folly 20 feet In width,
and its value from $24 to $1/ 1 a ton.
There are already In op•rnt Ion mills and smelters sufficient to treat the output of tale prop-
erty, ••01,11 gives at opoet cash returns.
Capital Stock, $1,000,000. Par Value. $1.00 per Share.
100,000 Shares Preferred Stock at 25c. per Share,
In buying this Stook the purchaser owns a threat title In the Company's property. This
Company often you no watered deck, but s legitimate high grate gold mining Investment In
she Cripple Creek die riot.
The above offer of {'referred Dividends 1s an eesuranoe of early rer•crn.. After additional
machinery la er.oted.tbh property will he earning dividends atm ret wlns! to Its Capitalytook.
Make all Ch.x•ks and Money (irders payable to
Tlio Aristos Gold Miflifl Co
411 Cooper Building, Denver, Colo.
DIVISION COI:KY.-Owing to Hi. Honor
Judge Doyle being unwell, there was Do storm of Tuesday e1 last week. Being
. encs of Conti held on Saturday last, the I drivee out home one could not get within •
mile of the Point Farm oD amount of the
big drifts on the road and had to go back to
Goderloh. Mine Hoot getting tiding. ot
her oomiog managed by Y•turd t to vet •
clean root• to drive to God•riah and bring
her home.
date scheduled 'for the regular session.
There was a large number of interested poo•
p1. who had put in an appearance, some of
whom oame from Blyth, Amberley, Luok•
n ow end seven miles north of Lncknow, and
they were yery mull disappointed. Law-
yer Morrison, of Luoknow, was among the
diuppotnted ones
MuNtctr41. i vC'c1L-On Thursday, 14.h
4 hinit., the mon copal hither. of West \Ya•
w•noeb met in 13. 0.001 pleas, in sword -
sow with adjournment. All the member.
present with Reeve R. Medd its the oh•ir
We were planed to see councillor J. A
Sialloovh preient who owing to illness was
not rule to be present at last semion. He
was duly Intoned in ethos as oounoillor
Auditor. Ju. Young, Auburn, and Richard
H. ADdereoo, Fordyce, present• 1 their re•
port (the result ot whish will •pp..r in due
time), which was accepted and passed, end
the treasurer's bond accepted. It was de-
cided that the next meeting should be held
on the 20th day of Mereb.
SrssTANTIAL AND GOot WORK. - OD of last week we nod the pleasure
of vieltiog M.S. No. 3, West Wawsao.ti, and
were much, plowed with Miss Gordon'.
method of teauhi❑g. Sae 1. now in 0.r
third year in the teaubtng proteswioo. The
f ouls being heavy for travel and the westh•
or very stormy, there were only about
eighteen pupils present, who acquitted
.hemeelves, in the various exercises which
they ware studying, with great promptness
end acouraoy, "ideating gnat credit to the
diligent and painstaking me'hod of the
tesoher. Good order was nottmable. The
trustees and ratepayers of the .oboot 1.01100
deserve Monica mention for the sr ludo],
oommodiou• and oomfurtable school hoose of
brick, with a good basement of stone and •
fora.. '1 he triok and Mona work and
ptaster low warn dine try tieu Stetirere Dost
.teff. Waiter Stewart and son Andrew, of
Lncknow planing factory, had the o.otraot
mod they completed the work to the entice
satisfaction of the board of trustees and tie
ratepayers. It will now be in order when
spring weather Is fairly set In 10 put the
sohool premises into. good and attractive
HITHER ACID THtteaa,-Mr, Welsh. .f
.+ttratlord oily, formerly of Listow.l, lit.
tnsuranoe motet, 1a plying' his vocation In
this locality suco.esfully, hu bead quarters
nee. being the M•Iloogh boos., in which he
enjoys himself imm.nsely... . Ale.. Wel,
k.r, of Mpo•.min, N. K. T., who oame
here rennin to .pend put of the whiter
visiting ire venerable parent. and other
rsl.tivey to the vtciaoty, returned here on
his way homewards after having about
throe week, p.e:sant visit with relatives at
1•1/er.o11 sod other points south and .tel of
here. He intend, remaining with his
patinas until some time In March, whoa he
will trend hom.werd to Moosemia. ..
Mrs. Jas. Harris, of Lahorne township,
formerly a re.(dent of Dungannon. came
Into no Frtd•y, the 15th Coit , on • visiting
tour to relatives sad Irieuds Mr.
Wm Fowler. formerly Mrs. Martha Hoover,
of Srr•thcon•, Alberta. is visiting renting
sod friends hen and other pointa....Osorg.
Dawson sod wife, now of Parry Sound, gnu
formerly of Wes' Wawanosh, lett for home
on Monday, e:a Goderloh, atter having •
pleasant week's vetting wick Mn. newton'.
broth(r ai 1 Ater Dunkeld and family sed
other rel•tive. In this locality.
CelttFeet eNe
Lower the temperature
.,t the body aid influence the circal.tiou
of the bloat.
Its coley W understand that when the
circulation is def,ctive it person is lieble
to grippe and other sickness, god apt
to suffer from sudden changes of weather.
• A 1st Tater iettle •
tea gteut haat in February and Man'h as
to December and obviates such oon'itions
ao noted abole. Nothing quite so con-
venient, nothing retains the heat so ling
Of couree you know that begone curing
cold feet the application of a Hot Tater
Bottle relieves pain like magic. If any•
thing goes wroue we will replace it for a
a new one or hand you back your money.
For grippe use our Lass tive Q tittle.; Tab,
lets and Browns Ba'eam of Wild Cherry
Bark. Bring your doctor s pre .:.,.eons
to us and have them dispensed with drops
that are tc.ted before being used.
Wilson's Prescription
Drug Store.
Term. cash. N" credit.
When we say Good
we mean it.
But you don't have to take our
wont for it. Aek anygoe who
haa used our " White Pate Com
pound with Tar " fora oold and
they will tall you 11'. the best
thing they ever used for • mild.
It giver quick relief and will
cure a cold quicker than any
other remedy.
Tx per bottle or 5 for fLN
i F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.,
Ll our of Neel ,St. god .•.Inare.
'1'bree 1001• of young people, forty or
mon la .9, drove to Point Farm Moeda,
evening and had a good time there. r•tun-
Eng .t an early hour of the morning. Tae
trip was enlivened by • number of ap..W,
bat to one was seriously injured,
Not Profit But Cash
'rltis is not • case of selling to wake a profit.
It weans we must have MONEY AND ROOM.
In certain lines we And our stook is too large
at this MANOR of the year. To wake room for the
urw spring goal. we Must turn our surplus .tock
lilt') Cash.
If such values ss these are any induct'mtt.1.
yore lo buy row, we will be pinaaetl to see you
60 pairs of wen'., women's and children's
aha s, i egular prices from $1 00 to $1.75. 75
Your choice for, per pair g
'±hest, shoe: are all right in every way, but as we have only • pair or
two of each kiwi loft, wt' d,wltlwl tr clear thew to make room.
51)p:.' 1 of girls' school .host, our regular 81.15 and 81.'25 988
lines, but as wt• 11.00 too many, offer them for the next two week. }V(
only at, pot pair
Never mind how or why we
do these extraordinary things
occas"onally - that we o them
and that you benefit thereby is
.Lough. /11a,
Sole Agent for Queen Quality.
Repairing •
It's Easy
To Figure up
e Saving
you make, supplying your dry goods needs at this great sale. There's a
big differ--11ce between the new price and the old. It's all in your favor and
you'll fi ' .i your dollars do almost double duty if spent here. Try it and see!
We don't tell you of everything that is selling under value -haven't room
to --but just give you hints in the paper of the way we are selling the well-
known and reliable goods that are in the Robinson stock.
Engagement Extraordin ry
MOINDAY, Feb. 18th,
Min Sara Mackay, of Ood.ricb, 14 visit.
ing In our midst.
O. W. Roes, of Clinton, was In air
midst for several dove last week.
dohs Cummings has returned from the
lumbering o•mpe near 11' tarter, where he
has been the put three months. It was
35 degrees below zero wbeo be lett on the
Ou Sunday last two farmers comlog home
from church in lioderioh noticed from their
nutter an ewe that bed given birth 10 bio
Lembo on the snow. '1 hey •t once went to
its moue and toot them to the farmer'.
barn. :lo far they are provreeeinv nicely
and will perh•pe M read♦ for the Easter
market. fuse lamb. are the Bret to our
knowledge of the new century.
Chas. Fuller. nl the Huron road, WNW
Taylor's! corner, (:r.dorich township, will be
the held manager of the H•mlink Ileo this
summer, and with his femlly ii1T1 MEM 0
We have let the contract for fitting our
store with cut glass, tine china and sterl-
ing silver cabinets, which when completed
will he second to none in Canada. You
know we are progressive and bound to
keep abreast of the times, so, in order to
give the contractors • clear sweep, we
have decided to clear certain goods itt a
price sooner than remove or store them.
Enough said. Watch our show windows
for prices.
Our Telephone No. is 100 B.
Um your Telephone. -
Don't waste time and money
tt •veiling.
Continuous servicer.
I.rxa1 Manager.
',Phone No. 100
No goods charged at sale prions.
Porter's Book Store,
Court House Square, Ooderich
Victoria Opera
Tuesday, February
We want to see the last of the Robinson mantles leave the store before the end of the
month. Nut one is to be on hand when thisgreat sale is over. To make sure work of the
t : divided the stock into two lots and marked them at prices that border on
the ridiculous. Never t :ore in c~tai : ' t • . mantles such aasIlhese_en sold for so little
money. The first lot are up-to-date, stylish garments, the second, garments that have been
carried over.
$7.00, $8.00 and 510.00 Mantles,
....Your choice now for 52.45.
_ Just 19 garment. io this lot, the seat and popular short
Styles, bought f.,r tole reason's t•sde, names o,o i.e..
HHousese p and black The Rol m: on prime wore from 57.00 to
ou$10 00 apiece. Kerner than take ohence. of Oat tying
one over we give you your oho10., commencing
2*t11, IMI, rod.v, for
15 Mantles at your choice for 65c.
There are l5 mottles left that are • octopi* of esesees old,
of course the styles are • little on. bat 6,2111
•r• wood, the former price has octet ren t geif led '.
making • prlort to oleo[ them eh/ yes • • 'dm pr '
choice now for.. ,•.lss,s zip•••
Just a few of each left in stock. People who are lucky enough to get them will have a
and America's Greatest (. ,..nett.,
the four greatest Biagi:. .t America. big bargain. Only a few, so come early for best choice.
M r. RRrrHvzw McDow.n Amer-
ica's greatest Baritone ; •
MR. NEWTON LARGE, America's sil-
ver -toned tenor i
sweetest Soprano, and
MR. EDWARD OAttTNHa, the great
English Baseo Profundo. LACE CURTAINS.
We are at E►ewe etpenae getting an . We, would like to make short work of the 1 ' c(' curtain'
attraction accounthie this ti vinrickr It 1. There are odd lines that you
is only on of giving a return stock, don t want to have a single, solitary pair when the sale
date in Lond..n on Monday that they is over. We ve clipped a generous slice off the price and can hay in many cases at
you 11 be money in pocket buying here while this sale lasts. about half the Robinson prices.
consented to corm. here.When t
During the Program the Quartette will gone hese areyou'll not be to buy as good for 118
ableUndressed Kid Gloves 28c,
little money.
Alone in the Desert ...... . genteel As extra good .Mein. fill tweetsintr. andre••ed kid gloves, /bodes
Sands o' the (!Iceyy Iwo. norMlDs, oic. pot' tM. fl wide, 3 yards loot. toped edge,, ▪ gaily. 4 buttons, were good
The Wolt.... Ahielr(s strung oat, 3 yards long, sMt' 45c strong not, neat patterns Spear- vHla. at • 70 weer, choice ler 28c
Ship on Fin Bussell tale ono. par Dar iaf for rile ref-
Honor one Arms, from'•Sara.on" ..Handel .B quslUy :ort a, reed Pe-
'1'fie-Sailer'.-(ie ve - T SuUiass:- -taard etllss. E setas lung. QKoe= red 1101 loos enrtslss. fe'i
The Blue Bells of itr•otland, My Old Ken- :Omni 101 .lib at t ,r p.t • .... c Si yards long, tepsd .age% gs,.f
tucky Home, e'ol others. See programs, patterns 5.l• tame
5.75 Cloth Capes for 1.95 3.50 Tweed Skirts for Tallor-made suits at
4 only tweed skirt., dark brown
mll.urts, all pure wool, popular
.tyle, velvet btodtor. sad lined
hrnuobout with linenette. They
wen che.p at 53.50 but go 00
rale w tth the mantles at .sob
7 black c'otb oaten, fashi •-.' •+
Icugth, tul, 'nese, warn., c .. 1
for' able and setytoeabfe gar
men's. The Koh mon pries w•1
$5.75 Oa @,'e with the man'l•e
at ynur cn0c0e lar
Jut h.11 pries .gutty, Daly 3 of
them to .ell, ladles' teller made
mato, made from materials,
smooth fleuh, pray shade, lied
throughout with goad Beings,
out and skirl, unsalting et... 3.60
This is en attraction everyone
should hear.
Each one of these artists is capable
of giving • whole evening's perform.
Plan is how at Porter's.
- -and- 0c.
Even if you had made up your mind not to buy a fur
jacket until next winter, we will make it pay you well to
change your mind and buy now. Buy one now and you get
the use of it for the rest of the season and get it for less
money than there ifany possibility of buying it for next
1 only Mack aaraey •n 1 gtat wipe, • ttra good •k..,
.vire and bnrht esti, morn. t• thick, far, onllsr, evod
. "- b+ . goodwnmrea
Soldor sai•
Made of Large, Strong 'tires, Heavily Galvanized.
of Stronb 'tires, Galvanized.
Amply provides fer-expansion and contrac-
tion. Only Best Bessemer steel wires
used. Always of uniform quality. >.w
Never goes wrong no matter how
great a stride
is put upon tt.
Does not muti-
late, but does
efficietltly turn
Cattle, horses.
hogs mud pigs.,
■a li7til
'AMU 11111111111111111M11111_1411 '.
rrel .-... 111114111iiit•
11,1111111111111111110fa1111111111111011111111ta=Ian atM11r"
a t+11111MtllIIN NIB - INN --itMM_s',gl
• *011 fit! IMAM - MIN .a'Ivr
Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money.
We have sold miles of this fencing.
This year it in better than ever.
It will pity you to size up your requirement and give us your order now.
The pleas to hay all Hardware 'heap.
$25.00. For sole
1 010k•n peke', go.l
nu.hty, v. re gtnwy curl, gaol
ikios, nulled doing Re
Ruler 13.13 00 For n'•
1 goat nape, even and thick lar,
mero.ri•ed lining, black we.
sum nollar, regular $7 76 Fnr
sale . . 5.75
18.50 1 Doty lento goat robe, Wet k,
extra good quality, good 11..
Ines, rrpelar price was $12 00
For sale
About half a dozen odd
caperines and neck infls to be
cleared out at big reductions
from the Robinson prices.
Pillow ends I5c.
Zed. of olroolu pillow tettoe, fine,
•ven thread. strew/ cloth, restate'
250 per yard, end. 1i and li yards,
40 to 46 lonhe. wide. Choles per
and . 15c
Wool Eiderdown 29c
30 yard. of wool eiderdown. plain
oolors and fumy patterns, regular
prom priwar 450. rlp•olal for vele... • 290
80c Black Lustre, 50c
1 end fatty figured luau., satiable
for skirt., ours 00041 quality and
w111 er.ed no end of hard weer, r.-
gular 800. For sale 500
Towels, 2 for 15c.
Linen hook towels, red borders, hem-
med endo, good weight and sire.
Sp.otml tor .ale, 2 for 15o
Cashmere Gloves I7c.
100 pair. hl•ok and tutored oohmers
f loes*, aasortd makes, floe quali-
ties, regular 250 and 38.. Cherie
of let to clear
Robinson's Old Stand, Godench.
Get )nor ane tailoring at Ma-
terial and workmanship unsenelted and setts -
faction gnarantaod
Where is that eau who said we were to
have a mild winter!
The O. C 1. Literary Suety *111 Med
ODI of Its regular meetings tomorrow sew
The dog-pnleuer le again In evidence.
We have heard of Ave doge that were rie-
tlmlrad ail. week.
Mr W ereelt'. friends are menh viewed
at the good sews of his returning
He Is new able to sit up *Tory day
Word has NMI by Ale potent.
Iles Wm. J. Carrie, who le on his way to
South Africa, bee remised Leedom cattily,
a lid le Ores to whew thn royal f.aer.l.
TM Ladies' Aid Society el Nnrth .erre.
1lethodiet oh.eoh hiveenveged Mtn Key.,
a]]-Wont.d and snooe.•lel eleeotine•
let of Ohio•go, for • realist! ea mond•,,
Sarah 18.0.
Edward Shannon, brother e1 J. Shan-
non, of the Kensington runiter. Motor,.
died last week at The.eslon. Mr, t0han.M
attended the lon.rei, which tool plum all
Tara on Friday
TM harbor is sew the Nene of the usual
Ins harvesting operations. A good le•I of
lee hueton btaken out of the river aloe, J.
Kuntz, of the Saltford brewery, and Milers
ge4M.g Weir supply (Mere.
osorse Silypard •ad family have re-
moved to Torinse, eters they will la failure
Thos* who aro Interested it ehs matter
are asked so remember the meesi.g M be
held at Carlow on Friday evening to sea
eider she .drlrMlly of estsblbiblag a pork•
panting ledalry la this 11.lrle4,
J A. El Linehan has soeared • send putties
In the maohlse department of IM Fano
iron Nerks, Wia.lp.t, and le ..tkael..ti.
i. Ale praises of the seamier and he people.
J. A. is an old O.d1lob hey sad • clever
macbI.1•t, and we are pleased he learn of
his eneees.. HIe many frien& bare j.1s is
welling himself and family ea.0ta. pees-
psrity Is the Prairie Prevl.en.