HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-21, Page 6r
.__ __ _ _ — ----___.. ----_ .---- - _ _ _._� �p�
iMillNiiiiifiNiiii tell Iter to have a fire lighted is the women In order at Does ueltlg flow 1 eOl1RIQi11Ci 111 TBIti KIItO. tr�a?iJ E NO %re 1�i0� e
old nursery, arm\ to take care that all lxaceutrated upon title swlt'try LITTLE RAPIDS irothtaits rearwltb Regardtothej -
GERAEDINE'S FORTUNES `a °lu ~"' well ems Pbeth Il m1IN, elle wad drilled pad Ineful 40t n 1 Future'
wad lucky that ),firs Ellxnbeth did Flood lu,t>rovs,l with a watchful �rsl
r riot stay to hear theme dlrevtfons, -I.Indiy rtrictl,esr which tiublu-d the Wh o 7►s ca11oos estlmaN the Ilfe-
%I non, after Ginner, tn• ladles left iulltu,rl%e mm�uurw Flood kept her nn• �- work of \aero ,'IrWrla fur humanity. ►' ytlid6aialtarw
1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNNiiitii iiiiitiiiiiiii their brother, ov total, winegg In JNr line wIW spirit, heir o. lit) +ice:, SENSATION w9 eau at any rate, nom, to lGlr un
rolltnry stale over the wino whlo11 rnuo )coon pws►eJ Ip their warn, tau a.r s'elusion, and are jumtl,l_d ll, dull,,• w,
�v ,
'rlto ditinar hour drew near, nand L it." sl,:d he, with unuduu'. decision. was not likely to tempt film 4, In truce ..t tofu puughty b Shy wua Lu I "Hoot -that eras hieLwt &risen. and .n., -..w
•till bir Charlom did nut leave this i ••it ir. (only Sidney of )ours u1suut jutneloila to dulgrner, he wnited o111y be sewn h th„ Fifty, rerer%ed, anJ of the human room have arlsea, Sad r+•t.�
library, wu%•re tae d.td shut hlwrel( up LiuJlmy ;. uaJ 1 tell yl,u 1 bora a ru- uptll he heard the drawing -room dela auJlarar 9{rl that at 1S yw\re told wills liras which bare prewded her ��
with W• Ile. Jest Im the LtJk• ecru ll, rmliUuw teclhtg ab utt kue In;; the chime upon them before he "a, left she flail heromo. A Very Sick Man Ma to Very Well lora Gnvn br el, full l,1 prtaepsrlBr ash
IN P Advaucem^nt, W) far as Lbs Srltlsb
leuvht the draws¢ rem to •Irww bttiu oreaturu. 1 belluve - Ucu%e11 h1r usu+d temclnnting nftrr.11pnrr oe- During nl) tla►K n.uv yesrr odor
g g cupatloo of ataring with vacant oyes efstir'u.; never fallsd except oll tub to a Very ShorL Time.people are concerned, at any rote,
their brotuer'r volae, oullYua Lhcto kuuwa �;lnat l tk,11't GrU*ve utout her over the shaded laro anti two padre ooerwion, when u slight hvtxure oaf unit while hl.tury furulrhes many in-
taastily, soandoi through Lite b.tll. - lwshupa shy will bring lack luck P stances of the liver and work of men
They caan, to tint lar..ry, the dour uI ll, tow Utwnyw Veto, jet, I um ail of flickering osodies Flt the ter• •omP sort, which frightened the
witch war o{,e+.,'lhe b.aW wArlslttUtg rYl v us ,a mtxaa-rtrwk uunu meld traits of ilia anceNwrr Flint nncPs- hoawehoM by a threat of IKtralysle. The Case of D. Halsbt ►s as Intertest -land wuvuen which have been of the U
in her arm -ch .1r, with its wuteu cowl ula�ul thin, 1 kuuw. l'll ,tom uli ll, w) tresses high above hill, In the flu •m oou(hlPd blm to the iinuw+ fur +.Pr• IKreatwi ytwrlUln uJt'nutago to
lag Mary of How r Despairing luv,t-
metU for its .) thiugr. and sir t harlw, p„wer to fiu l out b r. wo"ller-the di t i wall. wmo e y t what them veal Mime to week ur ride tltr.•;e ur mind ull" we coon nce t ably allege The most beautiful thin
bu laud flwbM wLh rxeltettaeaat, w,.e yy dW with thrtr mo,npv to leave him four tlwewD u week the roles wll:r ofd bluruy l:rtuPd HrruD Suit of la,llwo tint. hum the creutla' $ lq
wumaa wow left he ,Wuuever she of the wurW nu huroau belua hes
Ace Ilttle• alt orhopphag eery stairs, within hty betwtrn 11'utingh uu, �umt , ��
rla'at o%PI her with r darty ell• any, be"-Ae pwum9.1, Iilth hlto Byer ftreuatD rhruuab the Cee of Ilred upon Lldr recti trues whew nett the WOiI 1S t e baby,
prtlntlag tot to balW. fixed ou tbecuftd-"anJ I'll hero tier !Ike w t sed sa•htnlD'►y, se the staler, withal, the ich w oaf Sufi, an•f
Look Deco, l.11xabeth-Isn't It ul i r- brought up -as a lady.'• Go lnLusca! at d nursery ed Lo hougy, which war ll, Fuffolk - f 1Dsdd s lClduey Yells, and love anJ prrsopallLy hnvo gI or dimples and joy. The moot
velour! Mirk at that eGJat uud then i ,hut Gen," u J her rioter, 1lstcp to a snail wl►lch moved him lbuugh the iarun ao!1 Fahy Klrl wllb __ out ru such of good to all bee
at dials." qu'ANut "It e." uyiawwirh Elexnur au0 etrrengely-the prattle of chlMron plgtuil load scewui-ruom :tpron had - fellow huwan hinge as from Luo
The picture was th•.t of a smooth, A,, to ion%* %t aeon haw. You cunuot �1e door was ajar ; he could louk Is tart, for the time at Iatwt, a 190011 Little -Rapids, Algoma, Opt Veto. great k,utwn, the great Monarch pitiful thing is that aerate baby,
smlllug, PhdKtrutely-drrtme•1 r1Nd. un expect �uur Attrin+gto rsYou under wltltnut being sera• The fire, which doatl of the charm of lits tnxrilwlh,f >�•-tdpeciall.-Must ut the ..uabt- whose Ism we sl, o1 -"ply deplore. In
awn\ dot tlaetr., µ.luWd ubcrosli!'.aLe., exp ctf sr . with u 0 uuwre loft- woo" never ilghtol fou )taster .lamvs. rant forward baby. tact* of this dlrtrict are con,Lnntly Ithin respect all nations have joined thin and In pain. And the
four, by Nor Tha•nuar Laawr. uc i'iiu eJ opt-" y was burning brlgl►lly epough to During the very hr,;t week aft:•r expuaed to fnolenarnt w"utb, : S11d "x- together.
Nfiow the boy, In ills night-shirt, sit- rlelJr.i r de acture from Wrrrtwghnln, trewatr tut haat and void, kith s ra- w9 eaJ, tben, that while we cur- mother does not know that a
liLeucar wear undcul tide ; the milk) hdr ; "No. nu=of course I did not mens P row, our sorrow lr hos without Its
hair, a.ltuo-I Move:' : ih0 :Arg'•• iclrety ' here," till explained, falling into film tlnR urp 111 bed to talc to heldate, yprtrr Jamcr rends bre nppr.irvi,nN cult \hut very many bad cad+o of I little fat makes all the differ.
brown eyrie, n q¢alut good-hrnmr in usual tuner of lubwlrsl:,o. '•I nouns whose cot was drawn, by his desire. ,In tin. t tp of Lilo hlgit garden wall chronic kidney dba:are, lame back Sad rih'er l alalf- \'e my that while ws
close up to the rhe of file bed. go if the dull-Gwkin old hou„o ll, lb Theuwatisw ore to be found umunR'sorrow for the ri membrance of the
tine expre•au,a-all wen attributes u( fieri weer proper persona to take g 1~ (great-Roverelgn who has 90119, and ence.
till, portrait-Lriktagiy rrirrud,9w•1 in otharge of tier, and-" was apparently telling her n story tMy )Flat at. the inauu•nt whoa t1iN our p,atupls. Mr. D. Ilulght Lr one of whlll• we realise that the great pnhnc
the living child 1,pfure. them. )lien ••AA.1 whet will people sa) 'and she t"pt Intprrnp;lnq lite, with .,Irl, h•nrlods Fond mlNchlevous rid amu- our wualt rer;.+•tod residents who
Elitabrtu IOukwl startled uud uud nr)', +lerpy and entirely untelligutle com qualities which rhe brou$4t to treat Dimples and joy have gone
f'lwrlesT al, having esc.•►ped Intel tho mt►r.nv has beta a terrible martyr to this ,
allot gluum),1 up ludo icer brutht-r'm : '•1. th,n•t tpuch rare. 1 blve wade inputs. At last tin stopped, and lean- and how flowerless strip of gru,gJ, dread torture of chronic kidney elle broulnhtrmorerclearl1 Into bllrwdtier
fa,'a w ►"e i( lar rA trod Life ruspic4u' , In oyer the eau of the Dot to ex• R r and left hollows and fear, the
which had fl.urhoxf nhrtw b leer oa u , up wy moat about file as Qrmly ar- aa�tnr IMr lure, sold Rravel7- vn i umusiuR hrrrc►t hr tr,liu;t to ottse• vlrtuer xN n wuwau, S wife and a
x a► If )l,6 heid grade It up fur wit, Eli- you the rest take u%vay; a M,no tr.tin a Gib dug For four years iw had suffere3. He m„ther, we muu ince the future fat, that was comfort and
wind. The aunt whome pleture I -Yr Meth. 1 tell )'on tow child became "•►nit I think I'll tell ,hat wits chained Dai there. Just as has tried overy prcr. riloCon, patent wltG naulmlt TIi r• fore, w" way,
t'hnrles h.ld h..d marrk"1 bialy anJ ,, curt of Tell in to me from the tr`morrow, Deldpn, f -w ,1 don't Jatucy, unllJ Grcat'th•sr, anJ rnvice- 1 medlctnn and bowo remedy teat her we ire t Klo� kdwurd. offrrl
i gr ng color and curve–all but i
Ned, ocarina ar asp who had been fur ,u(omcut row i1Nvr you're Ilaenln[•
dears u JI P it lier chubby little eA with mud, silo] d tau tiro troll n11d i beep suRptrrteJ to film d¢ aJvertlrrd, him our condoleote, so evpreseed by p
►grace to the fuanlly. alae matde no aiw%%Nr, not the 1'oy
cram M oar w(orrt kind, ttlPtiunurt :•a.. u'°r rd9nnd wy neck," itNt Pnt oat h'm hared and R•ently pat• rttfi up t(o her, Mimes nrctton teyp:.are,p ! Dut all to on purpwse. Mr. Haight tbo motlop. an.l wee say That we have d love -is gone.
P "And have yaw• any idea what them . :.t the brick drnwing-ru.,m window, enumerate,, at least a dotspto iia- nothing to fear for the future under
wylt ar dlAarautr. Iw•'h,d hero shlploeel Flea• r,•llglrxl will cost you'! Iiuw •v1 Lir one chubby IlttlD fbt which
off ag.ln find aigatn to Lida pIIIA-V Anti %1,1 ,add a fo war lying ern the ryRenterpnnP, nu, 'anJ, nut uupetnrnlly miminklnl tam { egreeabts flows whlnh h" has furcNd,l the re19n of n mna. Ilkp UIroNNIf, of The little One gets no fat
fluff by fife rc1:lives, nod nturuia! y f !e1 to drew" thin rchlift. 0 -hen ISN lar dowro on h!v awn pllIQw for some uudprrable nequaintutire down hie thr flet In the hop, of got• , great rpirlt. tit great knowledg • of
a,a%rn time, amliing, fiffectic;h'ite :u,d 'ill! educate. It nod puny• fur its main- cod settled lthnv,•lf for alt-ep. An 1 lair Uwl.iec load p!cked np before twr ria' tl11gsome rv•Ilef, but :►II la ralp..kn11u til" w(oriel, a11J wltb tint Iplhilte from her food. There is come-
nna'elwnu, :o Iwo, Irorruw nod Styul trnaneo with 'proper persons' %vale' ^Stories went rktwn Aiaira Fi[aln ami n UIr, ,hu hutrloJ tow pour boy1of thea+ would help him for a time, tact which was a remarkable aattrl•
will Lank" proy•r ehxrgea for thlr 1, y p•%►n would return but" of hie lamented mother. ,roti
in every Ingenlnete' way til tt -a op,ed qutrtlf Into Lha dlnlnR roam laroul h oho houro anJ out at flu, but vet loo At the thing wrongitis either her food
cell -deco Ing .bond crus. tootomy sort titaun ertaking!" 'car n fps mnmt-ntd Hefner ury•nlnP (u ,r wllhuut lirteutn: to hls'Axptlu- with renewed vigor to torture him. at man pomme"N"J of thede of alltl: s
find heard of him for sour^ years row, •'I Flo c ku , 1 must ft r some and abutting the dortr Again loudly nritlun:. Tired anJ murtlfla•1, ha ut At Init arms one ru arced that cnmtett to the throctA. as he IIAI come,
a 1y. A•rhnpm I'll Yelt tT:ntmtlrk; 1 R or food -mill. She has had no
Fled Alw Luolly wiYr lm•glunlnR to hanlly ever rid,• trove,'• 'a Pm^reA to tin drawlrtg room. - hack to 11',nringham, partly riot its King Flt ra,mrdlo9, 1)udd's K{Jney xel the clrcumatnnees quint to s wire
h, pN n R•It fila gullty artion Imd been wit- -%vary feet• partly by the help of a Pllld, He had tried so many medi- nn4 prosperous retail. fat for weeks; Is liven On what
iced was t„o bad for him to bav'r ---7 etc has era nam,: ht ;•,nic rintom that he had very little faith• One of the ablest mon In the United g
ctoomltted; and, as him con►In Visa- p"rhapto you re,a rldd i� �ult to kepp nus et ;o a Brand reaulution; nod lice nex b{e- 4tat r V)Alo , a man who 0ccuple+ n
hesh hwttJ rernestl7 Yrum throhilA p'opase goring her yoers-ours." •edit in the 111.11 htrd hall. from Do boo ht and used a tars. He com-'high pees un n pt)i c. ahC--� FtQnd In that kltjl-
"No. Im.. I meet think about that. R Morninit, when Mr Charlca hood nu11O'' g rine whQ has Iwd malty opnn�tualNes ' t
tti the icture, rhe-falterted Instinct• ' +Asch hr had swan h'v mister creep. bled thruugh pruyur, In tits usual hl. mrneeo to Improve from thN float I little body of hers' and thatis
ivel P i thlnt 4tro mtghL deo wfttoert onegFor ,n¢ roo.arl•anly dawn nte►l-s: audlWu tpnrv, Ids nrpuew- uulJs A dose, and gained c'eadlly as theluf gnuRlaR the rluallNes of the ruler r
J year or two,, on.t that w'II Inf (trent Britain nn.l IrelnnA, has I She is starvin for fat;
"Linitis F'INIJin19 "it iA the oilleat thing T river err;, nervuu+_rush• at him nil he was teav- treatment continued• till tluall.r Qne.
Y . ifnot to think It o%er. Of enures mhP lectured him to be on^ of til^ wMest, g g
ctlr Charlet started and turned to •nt.7 hr that eventnY. Vp tin eNrvnnt'•. 'nil the room• And jerk -A out, In n every reetlgP ands m rtom a.t fila uIJ 1 It !k death, be UlCkl
mvt int.• n ('hrlrUui Hama: that ,, ) I If not t wlsrwt, of til* tnblta ma•n q
1 all. where thin unheard-of even* n+ enem had diad e
bre ohnrply. w•ul lie sleepier.^ , chok!uR voice: y PP tired, and he ens M Earope. If that bA fru", rtnd we com•
Rnroo rxr t+,1 plenty of rommr,nt swell man. Thhe Is over a Par a Jcott•s Emulsion of Cod
"Konseome, EIIxalDfltjt_.__-Ifn never_ Tile ch'll rellpve:t horn of that I:r -".,t Sone, whIno,ortrg, In which fir "t'dule.Marten. I found her -I 7 go believe It tel be tru then we hers.
near In Ireland... fl.•ultr herself. few• bpltire the discus- brought her here. Uu htn't they L, anJ lir. Haight hav had uo return
r,indprt Fi "ITua .I" a was t. 'dtb•i• C Fla tib spbJertn, reallxt- whet the Liter Oil i9 the fat she can
"Von can't bu sure. ftp I:uveu't i.bea between him an.h ills els yr atwmit ,t with n AnwA'1" after It, 'that t� mo mise brei 19euTDT i¢Ik�Ytrnroo" arlRa Ol the old trouGle. taamtlmoaT mealli _ ie enminq Wim'
heard of him her a long tlmw now." tier had laat,ut many mlanutee more, vir CharlPar, who seenatrigly can't 1l's uncle e40pp +I and lonkrtl .Mwn HU has bet•n regarded by the pito- rurh A sowrrr, ani Alan a" Rireni by take' it will save her.
*%%'hy. 1• should Gave been ears to all- IN•tvwn tt cart h"r evrm rem I axly ,idiom rhlldren, fi7 the SVAy hes trent► It If no. Ile %r•cv not fnn-b of til-rl.w- epos hue ae one of the n9,st remark- We MAJ'aty himself w t -w daym aft''. '
have beard something of Lis -dAu a rye _ to ry p ttlahly, l.ieppIng out- sinster James, 10P own brothe4'a eqn D • htJ.t soil 9w pry ju•Ikr nA.0 ll, +L hUn nDle carat that hAs over beyq ef= when hp dreln re,t that h+ pr •nn MA iii T�eendl�had tl%L )aetrn oa
when 1 wail quartered Flt .:+lil;o with "1)rhtrn goo }wy•Gr. Ilelrl`0 90 by -by and nn or hnn, should tato-stir n 'very `lay ween• -Lw°- ala» .torted to Algoroat. Jit. Ha1Rht Bays tallow the Pvautpl- of his tonther as k
P X' 1 i/ ou ha.re le, trod r arra
wy regimcut, if be find tinrn thrra•1-D••Id,•r tired• 'wM'f to tlffa cnrt•off child ,f•f a 'c'N"''r'• b+ hvl tnkon the bx• to tt'ar- "Four yea ea app•i my kidneys were In M►Ittt an breath rnronln••1 In fila hods• flee Iawpte he
Lindley_gew-rally mannges to male "llint'a !t, tha4's her name•" said tram "whiut ort the thenth of h!d younger a bad state; I tried old mpdicin-s And dirt not •h*-Itmt- so rx+iress tits vino will sarprismyoll
him. presence• knowa-wlthIn-m-tnraA cc 1m• it mrlwutl xs the +\lo- ••lint men th0 Ilttle_ tided /Ie' wo 'rot'Ir r• 3iaaG'r Jnmmi int her: hit! I sad pew mediclpoe of all ttpJs. doom I,lpterminntl�n for the indoors Ip hU ��ppT� N �pLyptR
sullen or r, of wherever hu olmy loop- r II rang• ' I r nnmr Tw 71eTTeo pretty. Rho's ns near tc rii -' MR. bs;�' orf=ualJce L�1J hl+a tktt titelf• for*' presoilytfun8 'sad hums-mndo hemwly Anglo•AAxnn woo f. w. then I - CMntlata.
i -loT loo•+• eh;Nry _=a"An - Wan reason In hb ne rh •w a w, rJal. ourea. Some of them relieved me fur mny. i pay: tali ertnf4lwat that In \_ TOTOM .
(men to�ba." I,Ittieltr the AAReIr err. %v Chat i
. r!'el aft what, t.e-nt,n,nr" a west th-nrell'rrth .Ittnww ww_,
Well, aeu•I the child away some- ile'yv9Dng and goo mtrAlgll up to Hen• Htt1e w1Mie, Dat T wotw so to as bad deotln[ f9rwnrl tp the future we and iLQo
w11Pre, don't let the Ooriaynr take H's sister. f13aUng him obstinately ren nm anrth'n-T I P%pr ru n hl n pie• dri en orb' to Ogteley to eat C,fIll" ss ever again, and a s,,, d trial elf shall have finthioR to fair In a moa-
ilrlit 21 ti's purlsim-. un hr rhrays woo^ boys n. joy D^Neem "r•hity to the mtdff the snroe thin yr rtltntlonnl sense, uml all AI[pv mt
care of her. t could not rest ITtlttw tore b aoL" stud ons. f-�►� - • R pro d Its worth- y t
o, torr• rare• Ocrns orl@i when hA iiiA In ti • siatal\ Ire con•I fforr,l- as Int
AhP rens Id the ncirhborhood I !t in ie tip hew owd mind. lett the library m"W sen hat Illy• _-._-___ of hx• two s, who t���' At tact -1 wad recommend- and roe •rnna rPj Inff ; 1 else i r-`-- Qultr Iryffwr9a.
u,nker taw quota) uneomtort:ibto to µ. WPII, what I sp �y iia, remartrA , gSatdlan tlerttb t ed to urs Ikea Kidney Yells and. P P ttR•-)ir: wett4+T
lar•.k Flt liPr. ('hsrk•N •• 1LICbtfrr►altltrg-tor hear file e•aI•efal rohnnorl. dr•rgr111 . •'tt tau% idle sees h.At a vers• R:rrtb•Dn•inlp ,fray. Gut 'they cnr,d errai Spit I haus stayed the LeRlstat¢re.._.. -.- ------ - lute -Do yea remember .._tJl4 -tir11
Jlrectbnn tta Juhtason to take '\fie rather dd•ferlrrsial in ills rp:amucts.f - _- - qu,rre1 you had with yourwlfp7"
"You will get used t't ties ai i Gf Minter James.' Deceit." - ` --- - - '
nth edwng latdo to lin. f+ymw, anJ Lo F.uL, wit en t1o.t two 1•a,1h•s we:nr. tea til • l'atw►rii Pklian tT6oT� "-- Ae Dtsttnetl --
"Yaster James Is so rough when T \•a.
,x•asleiu every yeti r, 9:r l'hxrles U k Which sacans, du uud as woll as "That wits It about
1 - lP'r sol sh7 ; he Isn't a tatlpg cors M wtaDlbht r v)ottve. g
u r c,f rhlld." nrgrrrd the cook. It ln4a tilt hw.l 4o uk Lieu to inks �� a[ get gt"a-1• This 1s Uuw it ,,prarteer "Oh, abort a kir."
b`; nephew also; Seel Lhaw Aollelty I will est yon pow," the actor- Pearl Lake JUtI,
nmta- Out he'd got a go,wl heart, hq tJtte., August, ltJl10. "I'dinw 1" '
°' wl. Flt tiwt. Loot bar► De's trot to ww ke wrh'ell the 4-1111,lrv+u rlrnt to , ney for the pro+ecUtlofi sold to the-•'L•'uclosed find 46.00; rend rax out• "Yew"
thin little tear-your-eyes-out-if-yro- ^' h'r over., a 9ti!tL-u ll:u> for :.,ih r19 wltren, 'lit the dP(eoalapt ►a this pts to friends" aw folluws-" A short "But doran'L. Atte like g!" -
Ic tot-In-plrnaed wed creature•, thnof, ,k*mb•Ifeln x theft thir"a ��d Deer I ehootl `fin deceased." motive 1. lex Mr. Lll'ergu�he would nQt now . "Wb.y'thon. dW she obis! Y'
V .lulug. net tel and moods much of, JiJ_tul.1 11-:Y tbst-sit:\ 1LI>t
while he. thitra the heiranlo'isht W lar c "D-- I- _ Hold on t" Interrupted the sttor- port with It for twice its v.a,tw f M+-, "I ale k:u'nR atwtker w asap:'-,
bwe everybody, Ia just olded Find getting old ennn7h to th! ak •ere nmIr eel fax. the deretcs. "1 object-" - Bt�f Dne too-]Tontrc•+I, having ireew� Yonkers S'ta'tesman. ----- - --r'
si d th'hg;, and that r of intim Lwak mm� l "I only want to flnA oat whether-" fnformrd -of your remedy by my la-
■ fine@ by toy ilea t t even Fla. tbat blin :I- her future bA':and. Ve:de9 "I object r' (Legal wrangle for ther • It h:u acted wonderfully to I I'
It giiwm to m7 heart to ere It -tint was n Le re'Idv t., do ihtt-tor, reiuf halt an hour,) . I Nt."I Catarrh of lopg rttLn,ling. Malt-
...- . _ . __ It lines ! And all 'b^call@ie he happens q
..,� Juno • :h utuht-for. h • rnubl cot t ut , "The wltnens ma answer,', .ruled ed• Thum. rausrons
fi �MWk4at�Wiyt1, .JV ""' " ' 'to be n bit she ani Awtwnrd, whtlr ;t,e! Lite tDe prem +Isar wttb which tDp jut a (/(]ws
thea peeked -alp rnRraet boos the cheek pal go• y I Mr, . Iseorul says n Runt deal mare. v W /�/r
-- In nu bleat asmrnt, beer n p!erP ut "Now, Limo, sir, I will ask you i but wfiP.t a man meA•le fur dx anttrits This
of CNd fin cry . it'm a sltnme, that's nmol l raxk a h : h h • wt, sooting, to n9nin. Dld or did net the prlsoser of Catarrhottone thnt mrnna m,rr mnuor• +. un rrcry hna or too• tw■
Foy _ _ - ",I . It tm�a shame alt ad+ ralto nr, , ILionr he a,a again.e to Laxative Br0 tdaiDe -,i
� ft p• you hb motive In shoot= than a bushel of words. Such nothm
�. • Into. the, r� nlr yenl re,�o Dee t "-1_% tt+Nant of .Jag the deceased t."___ gt;inrlm fur eoaslctlutr that he hna die � �ir Neat "Free a mmM to las sky
a„ $ i errntm which theme wowrld bring in ml i 1 wit! b pot l o b r eon t n ,r,T-'rAn�ii F7" - --
_ " Yotl are a r -t lty girt, Irldrr!" Whi t wail It T' ;aloe. Irruggtatw oft w 11 1,Atarrfiosotoe, rs, a r our sop s rTirT--
f� nringham Iiafl. even Johnson l Y
y tf u" • r c+' 111 •N. ` E enol f not hnvo I;en ell ills Ity a'J k e• patr0talzlrugl7. • Ycw cbn't r'He wanted to Idlt 41m '-LotMon Alit them to show IL to fou ; oaak lege 7 ltrn. Malaproop-O, my, yea; be's
'+ g. P uwirrataud ih*ngs h•tlf as wr It Fin I - l Sit. them to les you try It. We will send been there two yPars. He's In what
Who 1. i. to "Hester Jsanns.? •lid wb est I w yr ytwr ng.•_ But thNn. I t to won dor *1.011, ur n r:tmple fur they call the eyeamore class now."
e� �• f CBAPR'6R IY. of course, you're a Rirt; am.! Chet Nervlllee a Kla[ of Pale. clinti.h.i. rosib „ - -
,t_, \•lir Charles' unummal buret of en- "'lite+ a difference. )yell. I wont Nenlllns b s owmbiaatlon of the Out" Hurtford,' Collo, •.B�d STRAWBERRIESI:'
have , + `d srgf Inlrted Irwag enough for him to siKak t0 you tfiuut It when you pec , port potent pain curing substances -
.,i � oorry file point with regard to the older." Crardlaw P/toy Iiroueda.
r!uL alas fur humnncons;steno kraiwn to medical aicleuce. It eeprr 1s(YtwfaMaLSAIdfArt►.V,. Rendt•rlbt
to{ucntins of the child so strangely y l At Bents the latest disooveries to the . The puoraengvr Aepnrtmrpt of the A. IL >11ALLOST, Illenhrtm,, oat.
Weak , . brotrgkt matter his roof, but not IonR lt!nchrstrr the lonely br,y toned healing urt-9n concentrated lhnL IGrand Tru11k hallway y•tem Ir In
a,a Q. t � entntgh*for film to purono his Ili hhleseef In a new 1vorl,l• amua9,new one drop of Nervillne Is equal In rwelpt of n letter from a lady at int 1pt �s(a
4A ?� .Ny st s "[I" , ' 4�, rias Into tier Antecedents %ery fns. axieupution+, new piensvres loop in•rubdula Chi ago. who. with fur hnrtmnd. tK�101s N�Jn[g
�,r r
- �t� ,W r pan g p•w:r to five drops of
wr•A!'!% }..,.:1 It diel Indeed nudJeul c,crnr tu11lm, .rt:irdy, clumAy furor l;rew atrti!ght. any other. l'ur Neurnlg:a. Rheums• ►pent a few weeks In tGe 9tmk,ku_ SestonTrW
Lungs .,t �l , t ' -t ni..7ri the evening off illi rlA ifTt^r "gPPte• and ttthtrtic too, ttt� -pity \lam• Cram f'nirt M-t#e 8aekr- ��aken district• of the I11ghlandN of _
`w w j1 a1 F• that rf her unexpected arrival• that scruun•.I, bir ineiiity in le' ning made action Is raid and certain Sure tel""tarlo, frtiw vrhioit the fo11ktrisa l atwb'.tooLk °a
""-'�. '" ,'t�Sf� r �''' ho nu rho ll, t t0 fiRJ oat het film P it not rtd.etoorrst
y " "vv r * fir° ' i.- mother ( but heyput 1t nff in iii a ti hucrh�to tt enter t eamll in d bdi ileal _ cure. Tour ntauep back 1! you e!o ab"I wish Ito elpreae the ylos cure and ..a.ae (7 e. �ateedu w
: « , �. Y ft - wt \tad It so. Drtrgglmts .ell It.
,i ^-•■,; e'', �✓ nmual J -In tory Liah;cM ,far two or Linn gave him danT. cane pnpnlarity, I profit we dcrl%rA boor our troy to eaa,er revel M
Pt+- •ass" ",.%L .ia -1, ,a' y three. days• at that, when at :not Whimi hp returne1 t, warifigham, at Tketghed Cottage■ DlarppeartaR. �thr-Muskoka 1•ak:m rgiou,!nringthe� i yoLhe rra Mss
' i.a ; '. bq ca¢scd an ingnlry to be etch @iuccretive vncatin 1 t.t11^r. band• I ortW¢ally and Lao ewDrly Lbs old nrawt season. I1'P %cone a Ilttle Iatr+ ,o Wes rku •
'a'-siva■' ,;, ,,,. mtda ht tom nPll;Itb,rha►i n• to til•• w,iut•T, nA4 wadi n 1►ottnr rey,rt of tea tchal col i,f i•;t lead an RetttnR off,fiwt ern weer hdlg rppnll si"•d emboss ler Amen tw to ►...oto. Ra
-sr.., , �w[es r Lags 'g or the feel toy by tont: Ging the ht 1µ1a lm tn"•,ry motile. Tbna,and- In one. Por terve
rL O`er,-.�-,,,. nlpenrrahco and ,hwapponran^e of Mer cottrge sna'-,raseew, hr• did Indeed gong. Where the thatch exists telnhr of 07tR-oto to altthrdr itt;ttr Flt t(cto- "audPrlt"addrsin
�tM- ~ �P�R�9 4"` F ts►e wumta tssakvlter w1CDOnt Lek "till sabmlt fondly t i !!-i.l.:.i'a rap- is true mubatntutedfor It; It is reps Ind bier's glory. It I" a won 1, rful reglon i4T�ltDAAusCI'FLi co., namuloa, oma
'••-ow, GA �%O r_ : ,._ IatP` tiCPP AA-1rgntI-Iuc t to r. m:n•1 her-tli,tt what nccemwry wlLh etrnw or rewots, th¢t thr_OranA Trunk ,,;,ton+ upend -
r *. ANTI5Et (�. - Ing sours rnergell: tireawun:n than fir esu, wnato-twusal�ira rrl.wa.yltu-gsaaw mese awauaunly with _LladluttLtal`..I33LL ��- 1 - - _��Qp
:t, wFia reads to oder•. llwldee., ester sw. ese-Ithat ar Toe.
r'' � t:tlnal that he ttf the n•,mn whlnb xr' IoeeE At enPr+ r lace til re w,ti a al.cm, n thacchef oottaRa tumblemp�rP. TDrOpI,v pltyis tout pea 7rsatedFree, g
`e.l`j �R.S_151i Elf R Ruraedl to 'Imdr mnrnn( tuuln h!s prnpnsnlnai tit pie0oa or im burnt• Lite feuw one per do not knnr rrn!Ixe morefuhy Wrhavemwraml„ aaANs
mr,mo In eniuig farm IA;1. Snore of errlo,:ru•:sa lit 1wr Sac• that takr" eta aue Is len a state wh,t on reamed Of wi•nithl of bewnty I R aompticauons asp•rlalcy for
aR (`/l� UDE o1a r hares born url Inn (:rr:aldinr. nnuld P' ^
(rl:l; W1 f\ �' f give %cr tittle. Mt an 9ot,l tDp 1elttnnre of It, nntll, whenhe•n hog, teach. writes an Engliah corneospond- a brttlpr of tont anlgladrefrrsh-! Ourrowon\rts quick relief.
`'....Z. ;' ARRH C .. y bright• 9,x91-I:ioliing la:l of ieveutpea, cot. Large. numbers of the oleo cot
*t �� ;.. myatrry nliouf berme '. Skov cried to ,k fence Flt her In aftectl0matr batt tngae, a lth Lie wOotMw beams nmW matt are to Ae foumJ in lbs marvel- rsavtroauu .ed Il, o.ts
Flt fleet from diene to time, for "roma• lou' Yumknta District ' trwatwanceau
'_ O,XOJELL� �� ma,' lint was LYxuio!ed with rase, meat •Ilrcly ins'don nn tfio necnefon (of tbrir txlcks aM tin thatrhe.i roof e, ! Thon[h Lbe Ornn'1 Trask Ra1lwar 1t Da H. ti.UalsEN eaax*,
a Iter 1tolnR to yrnncrt to b^ "tin! -heel," are rjowtroye:l by fire, Thpre In llt-
1 �. _ r2C'i\� which-itaMi Illtte lelre-hnc.cnttatancl. exp„n•llnR thnuvnnin of rlollnrs 1, 11- , IsoE O AttreTA.OA.
last; ;yy! Inde„1, aIle gave %cry f,e%r A!Rnm of - A of \wetvq xith tie Qhanoe of I%opp!lig a tiro when laetrnto:l ani deecrlptlre pnmphirte, ' -` - --- -
+ I;!!ryF�" pac-sr►oiuif city of the qualitleia. usu- ho r fat-ttlr 4L1i1 Ihyist oil Sind finsii- til N laid holt of flee wood or file pnttlnq forth the attracll•in+ ani . �11NTEU-llt7gNfF T\ tTERY To%vN
t a yes of velvety -brawn that prom putts les* of the alar cermet■ in to t snada too rII 'llladw'PIAe Fleece
Wily enlletl g-tod; shoo watt Impatient, iced to dei their eh re of Inlaehlof I - -------- pop ctahlnt; pend er,a+od-•fen,-: flu pwrrlcm■n
exneting, wiihJ, art'eity, and ah�o• P' l the Alghianis of Ontarlo, no health crews fauoA oa. Mcl6lnnon IRA Te
•: - �-w11 j lutely savage when thwarted. Dal 11rRw ru a - rr,w draw her Check from How's This? and rerreation roato,Ont tK s"
Y --grew 4 it-nt and nwkwar t, Rruunde dprin9 - __,the., �___
- i whoa, wnn am tA'rI�-ra, ISrMkln �r1 a We oder One Hundred fenllare ftewwrd for , awmmer months, there are• of courve•, _
the amtter-oGOourie tT*g lt`ltlidt lie• �Vp—,if catarrh thatmronotbe cured by many who do not realitto that lh••rp ORN��PQC'CFN/PDEADIEVERY
i, 1 find much fn•irinnUng, coxing Iltll: Ha IlaCatwrrt•,'Ito. �balCwr,wdawnw! wsnta'LlfedtJuw
This is a Positive Cute for tall , wayd that It nrqulrea! rtre11gtlt of grnw11 M'I'f ewough now, gate her in F. J. CHEVEY & M.,T„Irde.0. Ia @inch a marnifteent play ground f'Icu,r;•.- tyrwlRMva the Dr u, r pon
nefn.l "ooh ns on1,1 Jtt@ir f:Iiraheth, of Alar• very prexa•nee of t!r* MirNre We, flim under",■ne,l, hare known F. J. within rRey r-•neh. Thr dl.atrl••ls ret and tNyt. A bright, authentic n.w bunk A
Throat and Lun Troubles also P Orelton. Chene for the la -t lA year", and belluve him which the•+ reeiun Pmlxrllpo nre with- ' near t"'1r'r 1'mparsa bra drill"guieMM t ea -
9 p 1 all lh11 hutLvclarlA _At_ \1'uriRghatn• pert• r•�ly honorable In all busine,w tratimebon■ adlan annum•. Com► a ernvaoa■Ima outot
1 pnvaawmari, to rrsiat her, lint for Dial " Von A;r "'It tie ko"N+t titan muu are Ana aoanci.11y'Nietocarryout anrobblissUoda not doubt the moat to dutiful tom the rrslled for lar. Bares GOeral terms IscDom-
sister. Sir Chnrloe would have bre:- 'Ogak'"1 to ae. Ih,a'L ML tar+ hvlr of . by their arm., NOtth American crinttntat, tnlAk I,galthLondon,
C 0 N S U f PT I O N et1 comment Uy kMping the ehiM at ve0r Nlrtlr:yy{t wlib eomo nth ItIlne 'x� a Ta, Ax, K bnlwsafe Drnlrsl-a Toledo, I s _.
at : Freuth 1 ef.w." Ile found un o JrnsIf Llnn s Lollers. a NUINttRB itHLldl?N. MACIiINIR"
the ilail ; he wait miserable at Y P WALDno, KI'rHAm k .MARVIN, Wholesale ( 1 �i and ulertrlalwn--new N tars hist
Imtrtlnd from her ; and• whets mil%, 'wrrtnnity r:( wh! Pvi:ig to her pre ur,.rmlaw I,i!rdo.I1. Jeesny Ltpd'a Masters to a wotaen l�oonntaanlns rine,rilone w-kM , �F,aamP•t-s
utlerrJ n sharp scream, an•I riong n•n[hy, era h prewmol ht 7 rad• luny H•11.I4Larnc�ure to taken Intomoolly,ar•t- frhnd living In Italy from 181b Ln 1luamofr:nrinernrrnttrre. coo. A. %toner.
Tri EsE �oUR R 1 R ;ire A hattlo Flood q lvr h_r u lunit a,eu f the •yI.tem T� liruoniala11nrnt free. lH7t will anon M iaih11w1eA A 1'na4+li*4'It Loeb, lea. C. R A. Plea.e mre
to tits coat ns hes Svc her n htet y nn bora bber, 1per.
c fdmd hu before lea%9r her In t,meut:Il loa,k %yl,h hl; gacrl-huan•,rei,1. Prlre7.t Italian firm. The letters, It Ia re. I _ -_-_
MEDI S g p bot le. Reid hr arumt!•r. -- --- --` – -
- -the two exeell,mF gwltlrt bloc efeia+• 1L11'•TamllyPllMw tachr.t l9artrml. number nvrr a hupdrrd, and I.CTiON >lAI.1 t IT PA RM Ile
•r%% ha nonce tar .w ryry�(
t a pospie, Tiga Indlleft who a m e`rf&Fe�re- I -' UJ 1 - - --- Rive tin prltrun dooDa's nutdpoten A erne: seen. aatwiday, lcth March. 1wa1.
BepteMn New tlytatern of treatment weak callow Off Wanted i8 7t3ilw naw n Frtt. stag �t
for chs weak and toe those s1Qer;n!; hrallln cunstit¢tiona. ePnnslbhlty Flt her phyNleal and men
y the censtc and roan o !^rase. Mink rn, aeon wAb r. 1
from Conenm tion, waetM diseases Val wnnty, it tDpidPA All tlw.lr remon_ a,nnc Uld Catioir,iiv Nrws. The Rirl ova■ very rich ono] the Y tbn muslrlans station O.T. (t MartinA Martin, tlamlltron
P g The haste of Lha entire Bystem b a strnnue■ mvt their ton true Fimuur- �onng m arr wars pour but honest. She of Mr diene.
or ip$ammatory conditions of nesse flesh building, nerve and tissurrenew- i r:.bl • (room Cap:+ Q'own mayor: I,. ------ - --
:w Foo" Sad -"use _- nneed that aha woad] be consoled aN 11, MucL+an, a nuts -J lur+nen, nn,a Ilked film, but tit it was all, nnJ he �Z 6(:Ir FARK rOR tIALIS oNR oy TNS
knew It. One night be [lid been n Asoat. In pee Vfa ra W"InauK At
Tis tr«tment is tree. You hero Eoer i11calid and sick \son n..de Men Make Monev. µ'loon IOmtlea troeOF ilwamaron nn two rwlh
yy Pe prorPnt Alm from- tnkloa her Dome haw died of fever at Juhnnneabur
only to write to obtain it. etttngth. Thio food givice it. a non w1tA film. g' "Yen are very rich," dee ventured.
Its offleac is e: f Ih+ tvna nn acting capsaln o, Yeo 'T,•w" she rr led, fr t1
y plained a Simply as Meny people lrPt the cmnPlete syetdm fief Ytrsos vretton, who had bean manry. D1 7. "I 610
possible below. for the stake of the Emulsion of Cod r, oininenied by the Vicar of War- Th: Oxforil•Cainfirldge bo►t roc• worth one million two haM»d and
By the now system devised by DR. Liver (oil, which their themselves need, lug •tan Ao the very persona for such will be roweJ un Saturday. Mwt•cll fifty thous,nd dollars.'
n t , ,k as that of turning the willful 30th. With Hr. W. Vietr,hor Shill ,%n,l I cin poor."
p A. nary anY, the edeat apeeiaallt in and ppivd away the other three prepare- wayt int•ov M wvodel yoneeng Ieiy, w tvt•�'ar+►w.11.44e. "Te•w" I
pnlrooro•ryandkindreddiAcasee,allthe tions to their friends. nil t!:r latest Improvements, were dooi tM•rr, the Ox,nlanr will b+; .,N�„ you M7ri7 teq!'a-- _- __
mend n
s t the sick h
t+V od an
supplied by the Ieur remedies, eonsti- The second article da a TOic, n it fa two ll, !•lot al Rad miatera wtut had for- cnarbea fiy Jit. (f:. C. ilnurne. Ncrernl e, ,
Rood for weak, thin, d •peptic, nerroum uuerly k'pt n fnehlt/nnbin IaN11P@i'achd l rbanRo+ boors taken t t'ThrnRh7 did ycrr nlsk mA a"
tutdnx his Special Treatment knownae ►fiend Ill Ill'\
Tire Mooum ! stem. PeoDls, for those who ave no •ppxtite, ,at a well knnNFi senmlle town nn the . Ight tritely ant the bitpat @itrolc-• {m
1 who need bracing up. a;ncth eonst. ,but' who hall retired C'mme•Kpym oar, who his i exrllnnited hen j,mt to ser haw n, min freta
Whatever your diseaato onto or more Thousands take only tbs Emnisioa early, owing to time 111 -health of the sentm with llnntlpy. Jfr. Clan; 1. wlarn he totem nor ton Ilion two finn-
sf thoaes four prapuratwns will be of •till the Tonic. yonnger, and settled In their birth- coaching tlar i.ight nin.a, dred and fifty thousand dollars."-
bene$t to you. lace, Co s1Py', R doll' Tittle town In it seemR like that ther* wile boo Stray Stories.
Accordin to the needs of our ra The third reparation lean •ntiseptie Mdfulk. r t7 -- _ - - --
ft 7 naimorJeil It ourea elatarrhe 1 had mads mno7 oDJee- to rs ep 1 n,l,r ht-ere,tlnx rout "t Asa Ood want thnsw thin a d0ae
fully explainail !n the Treatise given It hAlps all irritation of the nose, tions Flt first to use unioatiafnetory for the Diamond Senile Flt i:rul •y r R
free with the free medicine, ton¢ may throat And muroue membraaN. It pnrratage of their proposed charge. thin year, rte, {n nd•litlua to our men, vii you rho every ola} . 'Chen he
tats ones or any twos or til ley or givice Immediate Pellet, tint the might at a beak to be iirltied �IMto a InTX,- number of foreig a onr+• who doer those_thingm may dare to
Flood tree to b^ tvtned nut waw to tbie niton hA;r PLprrnve l their ' AnAlre t, think of hhnaelf as Ood'a too-work^T,
all }Durr in combinauop' Tlinnsanda of our readers need the elder Mims Gretton no the sound of ^nter. The m mt
A cure is eertaln If the aim In ph,) wo at of ocro it end down the mrpmen Flt their corn -
P OxOJell lure for Catarrh withowl uy the baRlr to the old war•hnrsr, and nre Y. Rerrlan, wli0 won the Senile mon work the prrmeoce of ohm Orrnt
directions are followed. of the other articles. before. Del tee had been many min- at the International regatta In P.L• worker may flaw an,l surround Hlm
Tito Remedies are especially adapt*d The fourth article b an (I x -,.0/'• nine In their pretsome both detern ria Inst year• and Ja Prevel. it Is fallow-laborpr.-P. Rr.xk",
fox thole who amQer from weak I intra, ant, Congh and Cold Cure. Can had yielded to the wnnr)ertut charm nlAn r¢nmrr-1 that an Arorr{enn-- @be -I are there was a girl mnr-
eop hes sortothroat.,hronaleitis,cat•rih, poeitivelyberelitoaiupnn. L•beolutaly the IIttio creature exerclset on at- Tohn-oa,of 1lnr%nrd Unlverl'y--mty riled In New York rrerntly woo wan
try too blas. , and other pulmon• Plain for children goes to the reef root moan �arrry ins with whnm she come br fonrF4 amnAg the romp^thorn, only 18 Ybara olre. Don't you think
trortblea. of the trouble. and not merely allev. In contact. Hnwpll• the old Cxntnh nml winn-r Item wrong for rlrla to merry before
But they are 1140 of wonderful fates, but ONres. "Why, I bailers it Is a falry l" ex- if the nrn'In in iR9g an•1 1019"). av!ll they rearh the age of dlerre.tlon 7
efsoany in the uphuildfng of weak Thw Emir rr AraNenPl term • ono 1 rinlmrd MI" Emma Gretton, tin ha/e another try for the last temp. Ae-Orneinue, nn ! i wouldn't have
I�fence, in urifping th@i brood, P P P P y yarnRFir, Flt last. lin wait by nn meanv hlma••If In -it getu ro•ninln aingfe nll their ilves,
king fleet r and restoring to of strength asainet dlveuslawbaM Anil that agrerrh, nRrePlriR ale well vPAr, when h4Rien In &hit final fl
i ever a ape it may attack you, , t - ----
_ ,_-A ll► air Chartres' sulrentltt" roru itenitnrrolr, Will, ham a�toonneed hN Ini
H O O s -e A p! CD K P,O ve T"K A,r11A K fV T. - i eerning lla pet• wry his henrZ, ni+i1' •i ntt'In trr Thi" - - -'----- - NeRkrt wt m Cwefh x sate
anllafla) him th•Lt he had ,loop right - ' i • Tions! may molt Is u
In troating Ibaldrw to th* care n' TDA Illablwwd,•l1M-Nr.pri.l.
Yow er yo+,r seek friends ren have • F$F.F, e0nrse of Tnaitment. of I tllrw I Incurable Tbront Tresbleor
writs to Teo T. A. l+I.rinon ('usrrnAt, Co., Limited, 179 Kin Street West, Rentlto Indlew win, when tial+ The IRth Highland„ra' naml v.rr
�'i tint reluctance was once ovpreom,+ ,n the mlddlA of a cnncort In frtlr,, •, CenaemptlAn.fnrr•Ikflt4e
oron4e, 9i;lns post. oodles and exprAes o1Boe addrees, Sad the peas medioias pmmlard faithfully to do their lievt N. 1'., when word cam, of the ,1,•ntl, DRO%N'S 11PONCRIAI-
fThs 81oe¢m (ate►) will hto n alwa7 a*nt for her, of the Queen. ant ROtwlthAtan ling TROCMPL Nothing steels this simple
a writl- far them wow•yye menHnn this parser. Th*y kept their wrxA-to the nee the urglgq of th) loral mann,r •r- tl:e, I;sedv. tau rat. r" s-...
Persons in Canada• sating Alocurn a frrw oRer Ili Amerlsaa paper, wW ruiy tMhlen w r,oat Th %Igllance Mtortpied rlgh
'loses owd for samples to the Toronto laboratories• which had kept twenty floe budding the detsam
Ryderulasapart rfthe rtimebendiiet PROaT
! NC ad
li ]t OAT
eau w-n+r,l
Tat iROSr WIRE FENCt CO. pd , Wadaed, oat,
,, Ill be anld 1. one par el
dlS to 30 acres to soft pI
w de.ided larrwln. ,1 lure
ler. 1'. O. bei m(m. ,#Inca
%f r•. Iron -low's Pm,thln Nyr"p should aL
w ef
• rbru C rah
oma for hlldr- r sin t
n et 1
tx r
E rARA an N . meow
1fttll Lias s'urli . r•erea w1rr1
and Is the bear. remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty
ave cents a bottle
to your Grocer
in the Sugar matter, If you speak plainly and
ask for St. Iaw'rence Sugars
a, 'e°
You save S per cent, In value.
Our Oolden vellOwn s. good as most Oranulated
now offered.
�-�. 890110191A
s. eate,'5, _..--
IAar.:ca*A.= .......-
Much Ammunition and 50
RIM Prisoners Captured.
4 �-- _—.
'fttousaud Horses Ua tured b ' the
urltbk Neu atanderion - victoria
IHeade Another Contingent --
! beyds' Papers litolen - Kwger
tavore tlboirurtrou of the )tines.
Loudon, Fob. 15.-A Vapu Town do
apaloh ray*— lien. iwa Wit Ir rapidly
de•cendlug tail' the Cap, Colony.to
the southwest. Ifo ham Crowded the
rdilruaal above Du Aar, eipludlug two
Od%erld. He Iwo 1,A)J m,•u unit mev.
eful gums. Colonels Y.um*r, Henniker
and C'rut►be, with rehtru►a cdiurwnm,
are pursuing Into.
It Ir reported that& Col. I'iuuaetr Ism
. upturud a great part of DDWet's
nmmuultlon train. -
Uurltag a four daayr' fight Ire cul►
turud u Maxim gull.
.\ ciArsiberg deapatch mnyr- IMam•
Pr•r culutnu enguz.et IM Wet lrrtw•Nen
lblesberg and Pulllptotuwn, Feb• 18,
hod gradually pushed back thou Duerr.
Thu British b.ul u buttery u( field
artillery, and the Boer" ale ffftseu
!pe,under. The shrnpuel buret hpiro
'llyy..,Ttelll of the Dritlmot were %round•
e -T asrh.e tDr r
.tit ualarlonal dcAA Boer woo* touud.
The engugernonl is bring o,ntinued
today. All the Distad at tirarfunteln
base been arrested. There Is plenty
..f evidence that tln•y veru urdating
t he Boers.
Krager's I'uoeplolut+,
55tr Pall Yell (taxetto will pubrpwh
Ft -b. ]lith an interview with Mr. Yre•
ger in part as follows- "Will nu one
NrbltrittN 7 WIII Ito ono giro- us a
chance of defending ourselves 7 We
way have Juno wrongly, We have our
hudts and four weaknesses.
-We declared war, but our beads
were forced anti we can prove It, flet
aumeono to Judge between thin Eng-
land and ourselves, .
"But the Lord well! help as (n the
uud. We shnll win. I du mit know how•
or when, but we shall win nt hams."
lir. Kruger says the TrauNvaal of-
fered more reforren ll, one week than
an older country would mnkr in ft,rty
years, giving in on •ill pointe alwosi
to the uttermost, but that the as-
'ormost was mel" Upon as a ett els.
,Ing block. Referring V, blot rereptlon
In Europe, which � bitterly dleap+.
►r)Inted him, Mr. Kruger says-- ' 1
rare nothing for flowers, nothing,
ea,thing. The prvlale who seati them
roawn well, ami i mai gralPloN ; bat
I care nothing for them. Wh+t i want
ter a filr hearing. If they will only
give nr r fair hearing amt judice ;
i eek for ktotlrt.
"We are a littler•folk, but we'have
mndo great steps."
When meted why Ile came to
Europe. he sal l tot the Intervlewer-
"I ruul'i not go out with the coos -
-.lit, but I may be of wame wr
Regarding Yrs. Kruger he nald-
'•1 am sorry for her. too. t have a
deep sorrow for her, bus i have fu
more for my country. My wife bite
her cblldren ; mix are still with her,
They were left with her In her home.
Twat of my sone bayt died on tbP
�-tttlefhld. Two i
were captgred.
believe two more are dead also, am
i bare not beard from them for two
nrinths. ami 1 know they were In
the thick of the light.
"Tbirty-one nems anJ grapdrons I
have In the .Held yet, bat i seem"
not go on commando. I haws not
heard from my wife for sixteen tlnya.
bot she -ha■ mix ohlldren with her,
find she le oto$ to be foltled."
- a
HrlHiaat Bayonet Charlie.
Kimberley, Feb. ta.-The DoeraflreJ
,n the. arx,uts of n ctooirciy raluralag
to Mmlder Rlver from Koffytonu-la,
in the Wlnterhoek Hills. Three ('at),•
Tiiy+i were wounded. - f"fliarm,*
IMcontto anJ n party of Irtape.rial Yeie-
maary then charged the enemy. who
Met 17 killed and a number wound-
ed. The charge was cnverpd It- n
AJ i
LS -pounder anal two prim-p,uum. The
_ . �
enemy broke ao•i rlpd In tau lrirtl"m.
tae rNl
Kltrh,•ner's Flahtina gout+.
killed i
( lar, William. Feb. 1:,.-Inforniattrm
Bili, -
ripe`. t
I+nA (tern rateelvwd that KilchCprr'A
Flghting Scout" have had an engage
,nett with the (hers al Windhoek,
after a forced march of :10 miles.
i'aptAin C'llntou, who wan scoutlnR
nhea•I, find tern t --•n a r.
,rounded at a di,tance of 7G yarda.
blit heli blit pontoon natil the rnRln
post a
ho if arrived, when the Dnerq were
of Kru
-Irhen tint front some strong kop-
h•e after smart mklrmlahing by our
lett `
t-upaure of \:,n Hbt u'a 1)orp.
was pl
Conn William, Fah. 1:,.-C.ileobrand_
er entered Van Rhyn's d'irp A 10
lfie It,
•✓ckick on the morning qt t3ilo,ta).
- The suers And retired preelpitalily
.9 -3 oar err a ,
,naantlty of we►ptns, merrhandhr, And I
bona I
ooh I
other Mot. They find horn aware i
of air coming. rind find sent a force
the B�
t`i nppome nn Flt r)otirn Ayer. We �
The it,
tong xeupled thrlr trenehea. N'e were
thna wnabiMl to Inflict considerable
bow tom the enemy, who fled. We
1:t tl
thaw f9llowod tl;..o up to van Rhyn'a
brat A
dnrp, where they again tntlted.
___hers Its t ; T -i iiii
p sei�ex ) R
r7hnr p;,.Fnb. 1a.-un�rthy IxerrKe
a 1,
'town a InrgA party of Itrwrs model
., Amtdnn Find daring attempt to'
'-,rry off the st ck on tilt- town com-
m•,nnrn Find adjoining terms.
Thr R ter force, which waw Pel+- f
rd of
"lilted Flt rbout 100 *trrmg, Seas, re-.
vilified. Ta n of the enemy were till- I
ell Sad two raptured. WA Mat one
killed and three wonndr,d•
-_-- •mer'
Nmllvra Mlstuttwg.
ll II n
Durbno, Natal, Feb. 1Tr.-In tin In• t
torTlew with meow atf the British
nn,• t
realotrnts of 7waitpttlmtwerR. In the
Northern Trnnevsnt, they dminr,-d'
that they heel hose well trsoi un•`i
II r.
tit tb.y sem PjPrtod a fartsfuitt1
RIP. Tis (krrry in the dietrlct Are '
not apparently antiewre to fight, boot
a majyrliy of totem tin cr bo"n com-
all mi,
win Of
pelted W bear arm• against the
Ing ,
Rritlah. M:iny wbi w•,er a sant to the
front sltppro b tet os n n r Fla they
to 0
were able, saying that they woald
be as well content to lire nndnr the
RMtlah as umMir tho Tranevnal flag.
When the RritlNh wer, ej^etaA n
nnmbar of mrrcrnArlra fr„vn Komatl•
P,trirt visited 7�Stutpnnab+tog, and be•
R so
hived badly. The natioes Oak AA-
"" ' fy
0 {. 4 i