HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-21, Page 4THEY1UMAT, Feb. 21, 1901 t • 4 " • ' " ° "T.,*,"f"-; • . •-• . * Ot-tt • • ot -17, 7777 -•-• • it •• THE SIGNAL: GODERIOR ONTARIO - • -1i. • „' 20th Century\ POLITICS IN PARABLES Bargain Sale A of Stoves. During the month of ▪ February our bunions year with a groat Barran Sale of Wood Cooking Stoves Heating Stoves and second hand Coal and Wood Stoves. - Thi. is • chance to secure s ;,, good stove at Jour Join price as they must 40. • - Liberal discountei on tin and granite ware. Remember thie sale will be for February !Reath only. J. It Worsell, fiNr7af-in sieve., Furnaces, Graeae Isnd Ttnwaro, .tederoh A1111900 maculae moat, be settled at *coo Ihe pfigttal te 1.171Mtlinem EVERY THURSDAY MORNING O IneltilddellilleOT aao*Rion. THIMBDAT. M. low THE LABORER WORTHY OP HIS HIRE. AN agitation is on foot at Ottawa to 777 advance the salaries ot the members and to increase the pay of the Pre- mier and Cabinet Ministers. To the roan who has not given thought to the '': subject it will seen, that there is tiO warrant for the proposed increases, '474' but to him who hiui looked into the voceo question no doubt will remain con- :: earning the increases. Canada is a democratic country and must be gauged by democratic coun- - *ries in so far as its governmental el rodituree are concerned. In the ailed States the representatives re- _ tain_15.000, per session and the ser- vices of a secretary; in Australia, which is more on a par with Canada, the sessional indemnity ie $2,000 ; while in Canada the fixed figure ante 1867 bas been $1,000. The most poorly paid man in the House is the Preruiet, who receives 48,000 • year and his sessinnoin demnity of $1,00(1. His responsible position entails all kinds of expendi- tures upon him that the uninitiated have no idea of, and the fact that nearly all of our Premiere have been poor men aooentuates the necessity for increasing the salary The living expenses during the parliamentary anion in Ottawa are very much increased ftom what they were in 1l67, and Ministers and mein ben have felt the increatied expend'. tare heavily. The present agitation is a step in the right direction, and if it should result in increasing the Pre- mier's salary to $15,000 per annum and sessional indemnity, in giving the leader of the Opposition say, $3,000 and sessional allowance, and in fixing the indemnity at $1,500 per mission there will be few of the to.xpayers who will object. This is the growing time, and Can- ada is well able to pity the 1111311 who teanasct her public busineos. eaSokialer, • RATHER INCONSISTt NT OUR ..teemed local contemporary is inc/ignant that THE SIGNAL should object to the dilatory action of the Court in the Wen Huron election pods. We regret our contemporary don not take our view of thi• and we regret much more that it doee not take its own view of the ear. which it published in it. issue of 5, 1900, PA follows: The electors of Weil Huron (Provincial) have the maims* stJoh-th..iss-emesaprie- mantel so long. The Cottrt 2, '.bout aa atom ma th. Grit politmians awl wire pullers. Now, if anything i ; insulting oould be said of the (lour* it len't in our esteemed contemporaYy's voca- bulary. "As slow MI Grit politicians and wire pullers." ..71/41.11.0..• SNAP SHO TS. -Keep your eye on CMARLWI MAW ti., i-te-e••• • M. P., and watch him soar. -Taking sugar from hate to preferable to having .ugar taken by home. - Col. Sas Henson will have hi. toad .tabby. into Col Rrrron before the Ottawn session clones. - It le safe to say that there will he oo bye -election in Wool Huron rInrtng tIle NY. istIng term of the Logielat ore. -The blue hooks are being brought down so fast in Parliament that et -en Hon. ct.enx Wou.ses cannot put the Government the black hooka -The presence of Hon G. E. Forrest in Ottawa none mom 11 ewe inclination that the Conservatives will have a ommulting actuary on hand. --Maas W•LLArm ta having a growl Mae in Ottawa trying to make himulf g elid with these whom he looltenpon se a floonquered race." t• • • ha bt........."I-owsne. Bluensdee Opinion on Beet Sugar Question the 'ITU. Room Peter. '14selltleg twee ow, of Tsar ••• derrig- • ...gas sine kelt swap Predicted - • t etwerb "I ors. tepiolal oorrespoodimos of 1 t t eiromm_i 1,413'N: rtI, , bob It. 19.1. Say, lir. Elliot, tbey need be sty that "There a nottuag lia• loather, but 1 m a Moser It sugar hasn't the eel, lost nuts in the male of a lot of sour Valero, fora& 1 me some of the papers of t our Prov.00e to the re•dlog room o•er in to• arty th•t'• Hahn:Toad It ;Liftmen* se if that pestemad $1S0) boasty that Promo, Roes Le hanging up is goo x to mat• earn* of you folks crazy When we wore little -k.ds we got Boger or ready whoa we oriel -that ta when dide't get • spenkieg irstead. ihen when we got Muter we had an ttz.oesivna: .crape et a sager boriel in the u..1 days eters the mous brewn sugar errs all the so Most of tne elderly respectettlis gentlemen of Hali fax today oould to toiled years ago with a piece of crap c.repitit chrinke of sugar or thlok mature. al the Derrell eo the warms or in the ha:A yard of • he 'heard* booms. 1 recount:me, wheat a voemear, that two little darker gtrle came dowo the her hot Is get some of tho mootarins matt •r, and some of our fellows wive drew the color Imo chased them off. It wee down right mem, 1 Mica. but 1 wee • little cub :oat, and was allowed with Ma ormd of bigger fellows on sufferance, demo 1 aey a word. Well, the littlest wench she eried as2.2 her poor heart would break, for she was sired on sager, as meet of that color of hide is. But her .tat., -lbs was.about ten the says to the most comfortins way I oyer heard : 'Never ailed, Sal ; you may be • quesu some day and he suceiou Leaden °CT Or ruca owe eAR'1...'' 'the piccaninny joat nappedaryJait. and I'll Dever forest the look of triaspe and disdain that older deckey fatly hag •1 us. And l'yo often thought *icor, how away of as hare been oomforted by the hope that we may yet be -nosing 'lames est el ewe ewe barreL " 1 geese Hops must bays bon is the form ef • °aroma' or a .Minh of toolimese oaady, when it stuck la I'aedera's bee after a" the other obasforts bad flows! Well, yo.. :elks in Ontario hare the best "agar fever, and are anxious to took UMW out of your own barrel, in very fact. Can you do the trick ! You oast, sod you an's. You ma, and you will. make • tot of sager, and some otl you will make meaty tor • tuns, and • few all alone ; but tee farmer who gem tato • co-operativ• sugar oompaoy will get steak as sure as ne pietas down • wad. 1 see that the Government of the Prov• Mos promises $100.(00 a year homy,. Wed, Gorr ler will that go: It is ow:ordered that there ought te be a aunty of • met • pseud for all She /nurse mods. What will .• tutor v cera, _Well, 0 21 2* up to date - and it most be in order to ethos -It witl resoles a *apply of loots trons •Iseut 5,000 acres, and the headings, plant, etc., will cost about $500,000. Hall a million dollars for one futery will ksep one from going on every corner lot the way some,of your oleos* factorise popped up. One of thee. fact ries will melte all the way fres ti,J09,000 to -10.2100.0r21 pounds ef sugar • seam., end that eletas *ill eat np prectioall, ell of year 0100,0... benstY• But it toe or two lector's' close out the messy hung up fur the broitnees, what si oat Owe* that owns along hoer. I guess ther• will be five to teu tootories started in • year Or two, it this think lupe ea growth,. And where will the bounty come from Has the Prottnotal Government any t ght offer bounties for 1.h• enoourset meat of trod.? It swam to me 't et trade arid ammermi come under the • nee cf the Dotninion Goveromenf, if I byre read the Itritieh North American Aot aright But, ot course, 1 am an old fogey, and no! • law. yet or • politician. Bot I do know that the State of Michigan g••• a bounty , or tried to, and that • tut o: factories were started for sugar making, and the Supreme Court knocked th• lama, on the head, anri there is weepier In Mien Igen among a lot of farmers who put their hard simnel donors Into these comma Some of thorn are being bonabt up obeap to the ; and 4•410 of them 141 00MIOX over from Baotou Harbor to your Province In the hope of gratin* • bonus, • bouoty, or wb•t ever ea. it oats capture. Now, do not maunders:end me I think that scone experionood sten can handle • beet sugar taotory with profit to Oco•rio. But If some Toronto Mining S!ock sharks get floatiag around the township', after routing an a little sugar literature, aud start stook °empower, and get themselves on the menagement, and try to rue too surer busing'', before fl.-• years there will b• es many rusty pane la the sugar buil n ese, aa there hays been In the salt trade. If the moaey oomes from o.her worms than that of the farmers, and the plant is theme to rnak• sugar, it will pay to grow beets, even though you have to compete with the dimities of the West Indiaand the poor Polooke of idiabigso, where the women and girls work to the root 12.24. 112. way men and boys do hors. The Roes Government means well, and e re anxious to wive the eager tameness • fair trial ; but woe unto that man who pule his trust lo host root sugar for making a sore fortune. Oar economical French friends in Quebec have tried It, and now find that butter and cheese is bettor The one to the hope at rural Ontario. When she is ratted for milk or for beef, with in• tents:eau, she is the hest paying streak to the land. Stick to the oow. Some want the Dominion (Internment to vas a sugar bottoty, too 1 wonder if the 472569* interim er creamer woi Wee sok for • bounty on their exportAll It they do,by what law of reasno ng will Province tetDemlutor, that them out, while they put the gilt eerie on sugar Then again, do you think we Bluenoses are • Let of stokers, and will see our shipping Madre with the West India ' Mantled by Government bounties to sugar? Say, there'. fun •heeti. Thine. will hem for • few years while the bounties .ad tn• paid up stook hold ot t. The folks who read Oda will sey,That obi Noy. Sootian was • croaker : ese bow the beet enter business 1. booming." Then It will begin to lag Then will onme the oat in pram for sugar to the mummer, and the out to price for biota to the prodnoer and then Say, MrEditor, If • company with mid up Oak "rant to set up la f ;oderion sa oourage them. It will pay the farmers to grow beets, for if the perantage at enter awl the oo efficient of purity are • little low they can feed the roots to et.cia. But do sot advise the harmers to nneathe for nook, Let them dlodera that risk, Rent growler aleans the land, and that le a good way to heel off mustard. 1 will give five, 011 11 Trost :en, years for this hoot NOVI, term to first. out At the end of that time things will he so *yen that • salt well and plant, whtnh haa deteriorated a wee Lit In value Moo* the first derrank welt op, 1011 be swapped "nneight, nation" fee • sugar plant. And how are your salt men «Meg to mak. that Mildness pay? I haven't a Alen, hot I wonld Ilk* to same This prawn' mods of doing boats'." In the salt line np year way remands nye of a story I heard of an old oobbler who woo seemilast • shoo for • osammobel nee over le !Metitthe one item. The shoemaker be leek eat • hex with • 41.1en gender, sad took • Ohne of le 51.1 r"That's very bibs ii osier ter ma: say. iii. demesne "It Yea ..et" my. Live otter atsly ' "it's my naterrh wire " "Ls ti good!' asked the Ms with the gripe•cs. The 0...bbter he looted •t the dretineelle proudly, •od ce oils es setae8e4 Se yell plasm, -Why, yr l'is tan 'efforts* with catarrh for thirty years, and this re the ouly cure I se •ver takes tar it.' I guess, your salt man we eppareatly tali• log • smiler care. It's a fan. U. K. A Pam s • 1 WHAT OTHERS ARE SAVING. ithilittilliee T00 '000105 •1141ei. Brantford evert*t : Tall eb.wt the de- prnsttint .1 11. Irma tate '. Whe umrly•very lbw jet 111 Canada 2. an. • Cum. IT alllit'lls • 1 :Mel ' Kiarnarchae Helve. : I,. Hemilton Speo• 1 tape premoterely urges the libel 11'm of *in trailing skirt- inter. Weer in man main ether wonders for e westass ler sideman& vo ases...rusertion l Belleville Istelligeoteer : The Verssisrs should get reet their au.. Tim st.*** Iton tee Mettle.' Weldia's that leak* you toil' wee It g •ktit NOT OILATOlte. Tor ea to Siyr rte. avers*. 0.1.049. 9511 is . poor meeker, 1,0.401e 4210 15 schemed to be el,oueu:. ti• 25 .21.1 h• •ril• be aught •1 it api :la t• tun of, 11.) he moves slung et solemn as a salliog Moe. FATES Ltroltrg Londe& News! hanker frith et the la's: 11.R Oder, K C, a greet lawyer, goes to jois the eteat rosjaar, while Williams Lomat, K. C.• duo posed egotist Mr. One, its ' the lesial weise,wasnds the beads. TONNOTtin II POITYY, Montran Herald • A Mont/sal mat useroial traveller orh• was never koowo be tell • lie goys he totted this 'binary notiers in 5128nemetny Beneath this hale We noisy Loa Alexander Tates Vie/vett...1 upon the 8th he May, Of spouil areetagttle. ilia ilio4e" 18101011 *1111*, Kiritimati eGnt• AlfreBooty. h)e anther: aboribeet/er bhp anewwenn popula.hae bad • n t itelyentereee *arra. Ben 2*1832, be woo orroppletiag his ousel? at Cambridge what the Crimean war oom morrood He immediately i.olawl the army, amid after sharp sitridos wee ingal.dsd hums. tater he retaraed to do same of conflict with the Italian Legioa, sad tarred until tite- War ended- la 1865. after 1Sltiliolon at. oommirelon in the arm*, tie aimed the staff of The Louden Standard, sad .I,war correepoadent served thrown the Ass • Italie°, Franco-German and Torcf.fferel wan : la the early Abyesialas aad Ansel sgpsdpiaos 'sopa Garibaldi in the baba* war for fre;lom, and fa malty ether 00 P&255* and expeditions. Els aow &notes but whole time to the writing of stories tor beys and novels. Mr. Beaty le aa gains!. anis earenna sad vitehmon. LIR TORONTO PAT 1011 ITS /TAWS. 91. iliiry's Argos: The Tornio pipses are inosediegly annul that T roate should have •• nate, .1 10. Quetta. Si fn, so good. They propose that it s` °tilt he paid ter b eabeeription from people rill ever inatordanse whis the sentiments of • ally t o Mayor an ins:panels:led gentleman who gets down to his othve sI four o'uloes in the atoning sad wean kid gloves as stancti meetings : instead of a pesetas/ mon of business who has proved his capability for oirio envies by being one of the beet alter. _had_. This is tne.so_Leimt. T*, --t" If the goon coy wants • mato. of rho ttosern let it pay for it instead of begging all over the Pro•Inoo. Ths Ontario Legis latore are to be invited to pot • wane of the Quiets In front .2 4242. Perham int Ba01- iota. This we hope will be dope en 1 paid for -as- It thould-ota of tee foods of tto Provtoos. WHAT WILITARINN Ootris THIL UNITED NTATICS Montreal W anise : For th• ourrent fiscal year the army will oost the Coded Sta••• the ..;olostial sum of four hundred million dollars. This Includes the main- tenance of the arrny and navy, the expenses of .ne wet re the Poilitipinee and wag pee- sloos. This Is more thus militariem oats Fr.noe sod Germany combined ; Gaits than (1eats ,he triple allionoe, and 'alt. re much as It coots Brame, exolusim of the war lo South Afrioa. Enormous as Gat expimditure Is, it is ooly • berms:no of what will have to be met hereef,er wiles the navy is bratIght ap to the strehno pro- tested, the army inoteesed to .. hundred thousand inn, and the pmeloos for yiotims of the Outran and Philippin• ware provided. War Is a terribly catty bust nese, bad eyen • potpie posseesed of the vett reroute.* of the United Stelae 010.1 feel the weight of the burden thus imposed u pon thsm, • floNTA4410re 01411•111.. Uhlo•g0 Tribune : The lawless methods of Mn. Carrie Nation, the Kenna arod sada, are fleeting many sympathaus and Imitators In various parts of the ociontry, lo Indianapolis a "Cerra Nation Club" has been formed for the purpoup of wryest on her wort, In wilresees made se the or gen,rition of the *lab it was predioted that Mrs_listipe would moot a ''marlyr's death' and that "her name woold be honared in • blaze of glory." . A: Poona. 111., a meeting of :Salon "comes haft hen held, with the ilea of formlog as orksolzahos with the same purposes la yaw. Mn. Nation her- self declares that whop she has "cleaned out the joints of Kansa." she will ;needs other mate*, and will not stop until the ham driven the "rum traffic) out of existence." Is is impossible for the l.w abiding 0.1 rens to indorse Mrs. Nelon's methods. They are utterly lawItas and wino!. the pen of the law, It le no more poseible to justify them than it 1* the operation' of a band of white ciaps, who tar and feather &man charged with some offline* for wt.ioh the grand jury has failed to lorliot hien. PRICSIER totem AND TOM MOM RITIONO11".. -rivtapir lifeseary-r- 19.0 • pesvin will never attato the end they aim at unless their loaders @how a huts more commits settee. Grant • a, if noel he, the. politicians are tricky and onverninerve ars not enemas to unduly offend the liquor in:erupt, these oonelderetions wave no warrant ether for • demand upon the Domininn Government for total prohibition on the beds of the No• satisfactory plebiscite vote, or for a demon/ u pon the Ontario Government for Provincial prohibition, when the Manitoba Prohibition Aot le before the aorta In order to tett the legality of It. prosimone, by akin, 11 10 the P. Ivy Conned. 11 1. the slow movement of the great body of moderate optnion that ftlVt• foroe L. soy good ems.. I' le useless to expect that title moderate holy will eon- 4enin the Ontario Government ler not pass ing • prohibitory law to be hoof/ up for • Gentle of years, until the 00411,6 dettle on the \tenants., mt. 'fnle moderate body would rightly mindemn the floyernment Ald it pans • law upsettine the present oondl• t• one, and isus::ng ibises in a atom until ih• Privy Council pronouloed on the powers of the Prnitiortee in this reepeet. Premier Rue me very wise to reins ng to take any radical Winn until the veer of the Fro •Inoes had been defined by the hitheet authority, when a sitter Praire* had parse owl prohibitory legislation with (12.extreme view of hatless throe powers defined, and when Ile law sae ea the way through the aorta fer enoh deolein. Itel..rm..r orals Or. oraaaaatekb• "Ur. Clinton A married" boa hoes @avenged between Samuel Cooper, a prominent nen. tractor ol Clinton, awl Min Haan. of Mil - ',artful tlortle tlae MoKee. head Wetter le the 4 ;nrrie sohool, 12.. reestned, and le going in 10 112. noereantilo lomonses at Fordwioh. hav tag hestakt nut Wads h Jeanne& MATTERS OF MOMENT. . of the D cussed. Ilettlita and Illosos-Intly Iliaeles• and Haft 111•1150.•s4512• ignickressee Waiting 1.r • Lmmilirse to 11.1•.• Ip will the Coinalles. Toiataeo, F•b 11, 1901. tit tattier or sot 0,11.4110 is the "pivotal mat Coarser•atit• potato', it seems 10.24212. 2 .tr pallia, Obetr•throwing *sally "tatty •t 0:2.ws rewards 11 ttot way. Mr. hor feu we ar• toll, is an =me.0:1 rha tloo, more Moue, who is to expire la Sight of the prom105.1 land, but 10'. 10 1.04 as) body these. Joshua ts 10 10001 from Ontezlo-Joehut, who is to enjoy the sweets of oltoe, the reign of plsoty, who is to be AU the %Vey for 02.tiatimal term of his ex- isneoa Happy Joshua %0.lio will 12. 1.? Last week's proossedings •1 Ottawa ladd cite that tee Ostario faction beg nut aialte decided on the man. They are not nue who will be equally effective before and at - ter lakiag. They are oot realto trait eil their ego. in me haslet becaues ono baste le not strong suough bo hold so many chtakea-yolokenlog Mtge ; at any time these sa. rre likely to break, wed Minn there will Is • merry fight of twangs aeelterels. The harmony "blob Wr. Boa dee is supposed to envisage was very much steltified to th• auouses. It transpired this the. in Osumi. are two tretleee of ILs Ornesservative witty -on headed by Billy liseleas, tat k• Walla,., Dr. Nesbitt. and an kidnapping brieedo, the other nadir the thesib of Kr. Sam Harker, M. P.. who believer la the old Polar the old dyemety. 112 .5* a/1200/ the any members treat Ostarierakat Harker did his misstep nit week tor Borden. and it was by an Jason of tbe new men tad the Wow I Provinces that the hiscinn•Walmos notion was !mood dewn. The mortificatloo of the; Toroat, schemers may well be imagthed. Tioy were very muob epok•valtoop. They ▪ snothlisd, sada), thought, the College- 7•1101 per, y in Oaten°. Havant retain the body, they OAMID 2.0 Mr. Whitney and &Mad him if he would tether i1 with neat as simardians. Mr. Whitoey was too wily to refute*, and so he remented leader of the party in Ontario. Thr kidnappers Were greatly emboldened by their easy victory, and imagand they (wad make nets owa corms a'. Ottawa. They argot that Sam Barker, represent's', respectability and the old order. had • little bag of Woke of We owa. Items this oversight that boomeranged them at Ottawa. AU the smart .mea la the CosservatIve party don't hold meetings ta 10e World ethos, Toronto. However, Mr. Bordeu old net hese (wanted oa support from the Ontarto bedy- snatchers if they 12.4 ,01 twee soothed with • proms** Mr. Bordee is merely Hone leader. .k gteater asap is outvote,' to be /rowing- in Ontartowbo will he souttpt• able permatmotly to the whole party. Whet will determine the iitiestioa 1 Mr. W•liaots, with his natiority cf 600, thinks that be is material for ludersh.p. Mr. majnoty 700, magma 1.1 12. ought to hays • big flamer to somebody's phs. If he can't be fleeces. he watits se be h. They *Dana 1kIt5 MN that the next • Moo to (7510,11.04 14 the *bole question. Mr. Whamey must go bemuse he Wisps in with &WM Barker and one or two other organizen that dea't take their orders from the riser quartet What 's arntagessent • The queerest muddle of ()Mgt and (Meets that was ever oor..r,vel .-merethise thomothiy in lthe with the 12)117 00161 that wawa L.) get 14 books in some way, by hook or by urook. The Protestant horse cannot wan on ele011on ✓ e01 In Ontraio, btv. it may wain • good beat of burden .2ter the rue is woo The Proteetent hero" must find stebllog and fodder somewlm re. No hope at Oaawa- all op to Ontario. Mr Foy, tape, is to be /land In the yea when the *mama sound. He is to drat. off • sufErtieet im her of the Irish brigade tsi let th- t' Aloe tent horse ride through the r of the foe. This done, Brigadier r is to draw off 10(Pairs and Grind L :r Walla*" is to put Oaten° under martial law. This is • clever scheme, bet there 115 055 of Iwo ✓ estesail why it may tolearry. °shwa may resent being cozened up to the eye* io this way, and a oonsiderable section of the Party, the Sam Barker following, may not fall In with it, Premier Rose was talking the other night about a remount depot. From the &mu wo should say tint the Goa' 'errata's party 20 Onta•io is most memos t hou" remtnute. They are not eatioeled wilt) Whitoey, the willing, plodding eerie, hut they b -,In to mention Poy and t't alarm as change KOMI ..td .2 10 that Mr. Whatley was • good driver aod hid • fast taro. A fast team indeed-eo feet that It Is likely to kick through the daehbard and kill the driver Bac what can you input when an Iritsh bunter and a Pro taunt horse .re In the same moose? to contrast to all these man,toares is the straightforward alloy of Prouder Kota He bre alms,' driven the same four In hand -julitioe, rota rights, good government, tad progrees--and a mighty good whip he . . In allotting free homesteads to the South AftiOan heroes Premier Ross does his duty 'both by the Empire end by Ontario. Re shows that he believes not only la Canada for the Ciornadlarie. bot In eanadlons for Canada. It le no Garet that the Capetian' were offered many loducemente to remain to South Afrioe god oelooire. The Indithe• mesa trefoil! going emend redly 11.South Afro;an constabulary Ioak• very tempting. Very sliming also was that offer to send oat so assortment of British spinsters, warranted honest, to South Africa, so that the Canadian n.44656 good oomfortable wive* or their own kind, Rot young Can• &Mans were not lead away by the glamor of South Atria' There was plenty of sport sad wiyeetur• to he son, hat they restive:I that their line sure befcre them, .nd that is was not aTT Fen. ass-rwtram. ttatt en On see wierohol, treeless veldt, they thought wistfully of Csoada, 2., Caned', with bar Italian sumor.r*, he? omen, inners, and her bounteous variety of seasons. So they tame back dutifully to build ap their native ocwatry, to multiply and repleoish the richeet earth under Heaven, the earth • ', it has only nne lack -population. In the ',tile valleys of New Ontario these sturdy soldiers will find homes and neoplasms, and those titielltaw whloh enabled them to boat down • "'silent foe will win fortune from Dam. Nature, who is stubborn only till she meet, her mast sr. Demos. "111 41.4'. lake Gra We • Plage le an 212... words were uttered • few weeks ago by • poor fellow as he lay on his death bed to • hotel at (iravenhuret A week totem he had travelled • whole day to moth the Manfaarium, bat on medleel St. eminstion It was found that the disease inoosomptinal was too far ati•anood 10 .4. mit him. He tile/ to get hoard In Graven - horst end Agony, after repeated faller's, D emised admission to ono of the hotel*. He soon booanie worse and the resident phy 11101•41 of the Sanitarium was called In. When it became known that he had oon e rimparm, it was found Impossible to get &nutrient" to weft oe him throngh fear or onntsglon. The hatter of the hotel war riaite4 te help me en his refused he was offered 01.00 • 4ay sett& hat preferred to giy. up ht. position rather than expose himealf, he thought, to the (tenter of In feetion from the The physimen from the fienttsrlem had to perform the 4utlia nf nurse and mald aa well es hie owe When the poor foto* found that the tnanagemeet ofthe beast wished to get hint out he h•fr«* saner Per God's sake te lasi • pls. • ow die In, Ties &toter Looked Mter hire for Nate days, remainag win lam en his last vlsib ontll e11 o .lock in the moratog dhe Igoe,' sailers! wet fared deed nest day or hie bed au4 afield Wist mod et let ther 12.29. 1.4.1•Ittrallse had loon emit to hie frietide, and his ouster, • fine vast( eumaa, ruched GI Meet oaly la time to take way the dead body of bee brother. Various prouurals have bum wade to erect soluble etra.ures bo ovinioemosate our late beloved Queen. Whoa her lbw mead Jubilee was oelebratad leer yam ago lame hospitals undertaking" were begun is Laidun sad elsewhere vetth hoe special .1112100 .5 the beet exprownoa of the ••• thsn's ombigratelat WW1. 1.0 make it noised sal, shill eg '-octritut:oss veers called for. The Nett teal Sawnriuns Ano.unitea o tw provittod • place in (amoeba:et for athlete who are able to pay, and this has Proved its adulator by 8101115 a11144110d• of late" Mae it was opened three years alto. A free hospital for poor pat:ewe ebo can. oot pay and who are to the early stages of the damn (1 now te process et tratioo 110.1 th•Smuorium. •ICTORIA HOorITAL tUlt nisetarrivas. To round op this work the Nemesia Stu& tartest Ageocatioti desires to build mother hospital, Leer Toroatu, for inouratie OOu eumptlyes. Whet tatter memorial could be erected than • ••Viotoria hospital' for such mem' All the largo owes, of mare", will have their statue of the Qum, but this will pot be • stational undertaking. We Ors, howiner, have the "Viertest'l Heepital" seder the emirate's of the Nation 51 Saattarlam Association, and this might be hell§ by cootribot long, from all ever Can id. Every %%late and tarn °cold good •o it oureamp lye tetanus and thus benefit by • memorial to the 44.1111•11. to &lots they have contriboted Human y deenaada that something should be d000 self promotion arrainst the dither of oontagioa deemed, Gat eraniablog be done; but the very dolav of titie by stetting dread of the dismal makes 21 wore dielSoralt for its hopeless lootims 1.0 ret Nye !he •tten, tlos neosomay to salable them to die in pease "For (42od'. mks, get me a place to die," is • ory that should be no longer left unan- swered. You dollar will kelp to answer It. Coatribuiloas an already wigwag la foe this much ended undertakinr. Tosi NATIONAL SANITAAICIIII ASSOCIATION Toroato. 1901. Notre -Those desirous of bet Log may remit to Hoe. Hr. William id• ith, •loo- presideot, or W. J. Gage, treseurer, both of Toronto. The editor of this pew will as he glad 12. soknowledre oostribution. TO ADVZHTIBRRfi. :oflor of Che' nine? be left al this offlop co. tor thall Saturday noon. Oopy for changes must be lett not iater than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements .00epted SD 10 noon Wednesday 01 each w•-ek. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE ALL KINDS OF ALWAYS ON HAND Ttlit BEST Scranton Hard Coal TRU MARKET A 11 Coal wetghri on the Market nobles, where you 1142 104) The. for toe. WM. LEE. Orden loft at L1.3 & BEIPBAZD'13 Mate promptly attended to CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Pailles,Tarts. Shan Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses, Macaroons, images, Brandy Snaps, Etc. %CO on good am the beat made in any city in Canada. CAtilialOO 441,1141 the trade in - WEDDING CAKES in fancy deargrong and ornament mg and almond icing. lhoe him an order and your sat. oda, non will be assurech D CANTELON. WEST- T. BIG Stock -taking Sale We have jun tinned stock -taking and have already found many 'illicit+ we wish to turn into CASH, and in order bo 110 60 we are going to SLAUGHTER PRI0103 right and le/t. WO aro going to offer you bargains that have EMIT& been offered here before. Call and get our pries,. Snow Shovels. . few left at 3o• U L.1* I•Xi Sleigh Bells. Only a 21.• eiroup left at greatly red uoiel prices. ffse„our long .trings of 14%61 bail. at 81 90. A few lis'f strings which usually .41 et 75u sod &St Your 4:11)100 63,u Shaft Bells. Only a few left at prima to suit all. Only UM pair of Shaft. Chimes, tickle plateni ueual prioe 01.75, at $1.2.5 LLS OF ALL KINDS AT LOW PRICKS Especially low prices in - Axes X-eut Bows Hand Saws Buck Saws Curry Combs Cattle Card, Horse Brushes Cow Chains Hockey Sticks Hockey Skates Hockey Pucks Whips Cutlery and Sil verware. Furnace Scoops. Only 2 WI, usual price 6125. Yours at $1.00. Several diSensit kinds of lined ruins that halt - ally sell at 60o, 60o and 76o, selling "sow at 40c, 50c .014 60 Razors 1 Razors I 7 wily Hoary SAW* best hollowirround ran. on, retail price 01.40. Your choice .1 11.00, 23 more of difterent kinds and different makes, usual prices 750 and 01. Your choice 5, A good strong num for 25c, usual price 60c. Remember them big snaps are to CASH customers only. A. McD. ALLAN, dicsrai WWI sad heavy hardware. .4644ir 1 4, n7.! Honest goods at hottest prices. About Prescriptions Farm Implements and Machinery. Deerlog Roder& Mower., Rake. and Twirls. Also I W. Mann goods Ploughs, Pulver". eta WalkervIl e Witirons• specialty, 'Everything made of the very beet motorist Repelre of ell kinds kept Oa hand. Would be gleamed to hare you cell and in- spect ROCK% before purehaeincr elsewhere. 11,02241 CARO &'M18. Will open op In :the old Aragon McKinney stand about ilieleber 0,4 A. W. WISE, Hamilton Sweat We have just • few wordo to ..y --.d hero they are . If you uned mallowe you are looking for • •tire. If you want a cure you must have the bat medicines that science can prto tile Thai you should paroutio a stare where the purest tested and assayed drugs are used We hink we can give you jury such a service, and claim to have the best pro. slum for testing and sway 212 the County. Better give us a tnal. 00 11141110r what physi you TOY have Bear in Lid that guaranteed euro of ours for LA GRIPPE, OOLDB, etc.., • • Laxative Bromo GItua. Tablets. • oonstituttonal treatment, and ..... ay. Whits Pine & Tar • for the cough. There is nothing else "last 11 good." Use Use ban W. C. GOODE, -- \ Chemist. BEDFORD BLOCK. Big Bargains... all this month....... at the Cash Hardware Store. Axes Whips , _ Axe HandlesSleigh Bells -----77 '-':: -..: Cross -cut Saws Team Bells _...7-- Cross -cut Saw Handles_ Curry Combs Buck Saws Cattle Con-i6s Black Diamond Files Hay Knives • • le • •i• • „.„,.44,...„ Horse Brushes Leather rlitts - N. D. ROUGVIE. - OODERICH. *"."-•.•••-• ,-L•r"," A LESSON IN ENGLISH. ter - - " COOE " - An adjective si gniying sound. -_____,........r. palatable, pleasant, etc. g I ........ cRocERIEs I) an tea, spice*, etc. ti "400D GROCERIES" , - . . ,,,,,o9e• 1,7.2 T1,e kind we sell. STURDY di CO., ▪ GROCERS Telephone No. 91 - Market Square. ASK YOUH DRUGGIST FOR McLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR, A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. ,LEE & SHERHARD___ are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market, and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than any furnace on the market. We have the largest assortment of coal and wood stoves this side of Toronto. Also have a number of second-hand stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for new ones. LEE & SHEPHARD. "1 41111 Great Snap.. Can you afford A is our Ginger Snap, at So. • pound, of whlnh ere .oli • harrel a week. Thiel ion't nor only rinse. se 05 oarry everything that oar' be toned In an un- to AM. groctery store, and nnr prior are right. The lat mars know that they *en alwaye tot from tie a +nap Per their proton.W. dr•te the lin at ne legitimate trade - evetything gam (answers or potatoe', earden stuff .r ohomeet table Chios. We deal In all of them. to he without a newspaper when we deliver them free? Many people have taken advantage of our offer of last week to de. liver to your home or place of business one of Toronto's leading ' pPePrvs for onl20.3 a month. Did you miss this aliipormino great opportunity? TV'.., now is the time to take advantage 04'- • it., anti we trust you will do so. The papers now 000tain par. liampntary news from both Houses, happenings about bin nest King, and also many newsy itetno yen cannot afford to miss • T. G. TIPLING & CO -•\ 1.••••• • • * KIDD & CO • •. Redford bleak. (lederielit ' ▪ * • • es • • or-;•••":" • - . • •• W. Acht _ :Of 4 Eight hundred garments EIGHT [JUNO OF LADIES' TO BE CLEAI • • being manufacturers et Man • Ave-, Ladies' heavy union vents, I Regular value 50c, at each L Ladies' fine all wool and white, greys, pinks, beautil would be from 80c. to 11.21 • Last Act it 10 only ladies' fine &street's sweep, long length, all & Selling at W.ACTh - BUFFALO TO DULU1 Past the Twin Cities and on Lake Superior. teettansallen of 111. T's Trip - • feu Whit. Ilileplusot-The Gress Cop ▪ Coninist glow a lust Is gips nial-nessas by ihs Way. Three or foot intim below the Samar hand divert* ths watered tht river int• two ebitanwsi-the (bunch Amerman tor Hay Lake) Foresee Oseadian stream was mash and, len yews extensive Westing and d orientates have eo improved the H• division that sow the deepest dreamt beam have very little trouble th their way through the rows of be loaning the nage light or beacon , *SLOW Tbillt RAPID5, As Ilse steamer swags round the Hagar lel•od, • pretty and animate, is revealed, la the foreground, • I yards away, ass et the great B stainers to earefally rounding Is obansel. Resod her hews sweep w preesive majesty and geom. °booked right esentent by • oseyensent of the As the great meter glides by, me • ellenete of pretty loose and the 6. bright dresses ea the bridge, of as la sailers' forward mamas the be wheelman In the pilot-bouse tato _ the diminutive enema -fooled wheel bends i ere and there oolling army I eroding iso fender", th. steward, • &pressed and capped, arms akimbo, doorway of the 1.tobea, and • I ; Psopplag ha greasy face wtth an olij - .1 mute, Inane out of ao after vs Four hundred feet behind, connect. heavy Mool hawoor,00rnee her 000sor -..- beat has fryer seven thousand tom ore and* bar bombes Bh,uld the °halos on one of these boat" part, moan ealsosioulass the extent of 122 Tory little ciao matobwom would • of any woodea boat that ought ha • Ile in the path of one of these le _ roasting amuck. Ohne behind the Remmers o ▪ "sew," s000mpreied by her litter re As the •pproeohee. ase notion' the noes projsotict across 11. wet 11 the moot of the animal •er takes (almost Inverably to swimming. Al eb. pas carved deok shows where th " whalebaok " speller, while the o • mg bow and eters, mentilned with th deok amidships, gas to the hull peerags' of • algae Bootleg somi.se In the water. Forward la a turret steam mama& Then ooirei a and fifty beet of den, eine Gaye Ilan along mob eld• The osptain and the pilot house are reaabed tht other turret, while moose to lb. room and the men's quarter" 2. throngb • third The turrets • with wawirtinit doors, and the h• seourely bolted down when the bo pert. In • storm the wavers s 'swirl al e.teb.re.rt f el:44f .512P % .2)... 112. i ths level. Evervtitiag being water' harm is dose, while at the 5•1131, i*0114 lamp= a grist portion of the to which a blab -hulled ship le sob) 1245 1118014111011112 ORZAT NORTPIRM IN& A mile below the Soo nos of am sent Great Northern steamers is m pretty is the plottire of whiob ehr ope.irdt.. aAndlonwgoodei t..dh er. ospiLre i Michigan, reaming farther upofirl1.0t0.! Ings and strewn of the twin WON flowing, blue and majestic., co river to the feet of the rapids, v tilos turas to whites, gt•Ing to 8115 waters the appearann of a &nowt tan slope. Surrounded by each settinp is the steamer herself, • the inland seas. Her tail, whit lined with rows of portholes ; bra and guards flash book the raye of and from three greet *teem 11 Wouda of black amok*. With t Moo of the St. Paul and the 2 Arnerioa 905101115 50 boat that these palace lila steamers, whl oninmodation and °mufti's 11, y paned by so trans-Atlantic hoer water • first-class paseerther Ls ate in • stuffy, tea -by -ex room, en along sae side se whloh to locale shelves along the other for roo peon, while • tee-leolt porthole light and ventilation (If, happily, lie next the hull and not remov Wen keereiren.) Oa the lakes t passsagsr bona carry bet fon peassaceers, detentes as muob to newt boats for the s000m mod I Memead pamearrers. A mite 00 three ,no latitudes • sitting nished with notufortable ,hairs a hedrooln with doable bed, and s sontaialog all modem applies., pared with an aeon V0ylf,, • nowt Buffalo bo Duluth ea either Land or the North West wool( .""sisiGtaathLLUteleterreager".." 02 5tes. 2 save •111 11.1WYOl for five esfroheor six eat et sight .1 1.54, and when an leanly always sit or men boats to relieve the meardeny Oestleenst to the fent of the hen Mee up, awaiting her tarn 1 leek From the eleelt may he view et the hose/Inc wators, mid .ild, Jotted will Indians • from ..m 2. TWO TWIN olTtlik. 02 1212. twe plans, the Ansi le the seen 'important, 55.. sammeemally. The bewisess 7.