HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-21, Page 3AT A WELSd VYLD
Hunting 11
Her. Ransil
. Barricade
(A Narwtive sf talk Life
tin tale morning of the wadding (it I
wua Friday, of C,onMr; everybuity On
the uuxutt+Lih gets hurried Oa a Fri-
day) I wandered &Crum up F'rui-wsa
tho lime of the bride. The farm Iles
just uadsr the ridge, and as tits round
of Malay Voklw rlug[ng @arae to my
Burr. I Itx)ked roluW. This brhle-
glvula alai n Large party of Ilia friends
marched lutea sight aver a furzy ridge
slid bare Liuwu upon Fwn-wan chant•
11µf jly')ue!y. I spreteig h1W tit•+ path
and w llt towards the houua, reaching
the farmyard as they pourelt tea by
ar olhar gate.
Tlo br degrocAu, ret the head Or fila
irio-side. adlancoml ill the door of the
hauflts, whurw Lilo bride's party w;/r
drawn ftp, nud dcasaaded his fairta:er.
. They rep.led that they knew nothing
almout her, and #tucked at the Idea,
that they shw!d or wuultl tell him
'aught If they did. Uport this he gas/
tliu word -to Ilia friends. and till tis•
y,.uag teilowN ispecad! about in eager
rcwrch for than 1almakas girl. This 'is
all put of tare cere0raily. On the
arrullLakt .
It b blot Etlg•lette
for the lady to e:hitilt laidea,ont haat,
LJ gr't married. Wall moat felgla Coy -
new if rho doer eu: pragseno It ; it
must appoiar to flu ge than weddiner
rtug, wild give the lov"iek law,its rel
ilit, troub:p tbgt Site cava to get II,•r to
tit- altar. The first step Item I1 tit
itetlid o of her friends, whu hills her lar
ekhtially am th y knew how, and grea,
IN tho scorn east 141"I the fr ip'e•mn
brld.•groocu alai Ilia l,ralu when tile)
fall to dlmcOtcr tit• spot In which fill,.
line Wan bentowe 1, nud ha%e W resort
t.• entreaty And b ti for a clue.
into time bods•, first of a!1, poure0.
tit•, searchers, and rattackoJ ever
Haim in,m kitch:,n to garrrt, then the
!airy, the• cowhoure taw atub.er, tit
granary, lb,, barn, tb� hsnh wry, tura
Ing ovor 'heap3 of tt'ty. traveling 'arLk-
frurdavlof tit,aw, vuntilug:y dlapoHwt t
I;nk like bldlfag place". huutitor here
lutating th0ro, bat a!i lit Vatu. )1eYau
whih, the bride d Mends epnrrd then.
cost with Jtavtr and haunts, made lour
telr,rt of tiv'tr effortm. !augtwd nlorala .,
cupped their hu0s, dauvo,l with de-
lytht am the baffled wekerm ren hither
nud thith •r, ti.I th a h:llabb Orsini
_rigain will! the babski Of OUL(.rhw tllit,
fuel rinaten t.
The Gr,wiu ret Itay.
At- Last the bridooggt[m,m tumod ret
flay. trho sweat enuring ctowr his fed:'e
a;,,1 lar bpdyflu,rd Art•w almost h.m
'sialok ht re, 1\I ham" hr cilr•d to ht
prompertlre fatht•r-tn-law; 'she's nu
lih'lUt the p:al••, tth.."oho go•le aw•1).
that's why we can't find hrr."
" Nu, JoUn, my i,oy, nu, eo :" •teen•.
U k.lam, bmttair hist hnnda Vqg the
wlJs a #nighty l.:u„h, a:.d file party
es•hurd him. ' An mnris fin we ,•tan•
help, rhes cl.mi0 to las, p!u,'s kt,kitit
uc yolk th.r very minute.”
Fred Were dm,I f - .F-" -I,"V po!a
lrmm whi,^h the. cant CODA hu rpt,.
upla. at the wln,loit., lit tit, ln,"lin•
tit • ;pug slice whi,•li ael:nittod t Ir tl
tit I stab:(+ maul Rra:,arls,s, and, tit•
riwlro tJtetuh',gm where h ty wn.
p.lehrd w tho :odtm: Away Llan;
yuutgg Once' rn„rf, rfoj+"%rd u, oto:
tit•, dilogrmcp of (!tete it. m„1 h •arletie•
by N'i fiats i'rUll"wemt'm asAimural4'0.
1 Stood In the s"nsltina arlertg th"
latighlrig spn•trit+or", but mm�ug tit
whikeand Xrtm Ictnl6.l giih,•rfar clue
swan W Margaret's orm.k, am] "'oij J o'...
await e1ev0.opmpale a td Isms nit • :r„
ant- found tar. etepure it hiding place
as did
Ha elr+,a 11einir.'
famOtst Ira misery. )(altalr Is 4)110 del
many a Ilaterrn of ai'el"II legend..�ht
•ver a gay, happy ytsu/g fawd wbe
taut to bine Irvin •htr Invs. a,t Itet
wettdutg muni, dee )L•Irgaret had ruh
i,ow, fait toll none of tit prate -slat.
1.144 fA talyd- ,At a Ilitl•, dlstauct
loom tsar intuit' rWOJ an ageJ nal
111tu which s:w c:{mbtkt tut.t Ir:l, fu.
thi, trunk was bul.ow, ;d.uty u din,)
leasee,sl, #peat by her w•rvtl•he.l hate,
m framed ssan.h. until a tray came
u .lay of dreeadful Moran, whin A,
ot,uld search no inowg r. bat eu ag.ge-
Wardell weak, And weary. end dynti.
to the cold oak, their lovei tryeting
I';uetp. Here Im breathe) a prayer that.
he might lie b:pr.•rd with One gulp,•
mr tier before hs dt"J. whoomrpr wit
m CIA be. tar whatever sults• she
w.mr. Thi& prayer wax gmntai. t.
IP%In-Ir,1t flaalloml trim heaven nn
'torn in trpiiratern the witherwl oak
sail tate klllrd were fismr to fare
[lift what a tryst wain theism ! it
oinking Lint)" the lightning -stroke.
Ghattiy ttkrletan,
flatten with mould, the bewl4leceJ tat
tora of tier welling -garments akna,
pluclaimlaag her the .uub.lppy )!vols.
u, tl,tmo who foveal them, amt 'Inn.
trl7ack:eev loverm In eltr. grab, Hoeft
bullas United to ,,anth.
Well. wp11, thins If not n %cry chprr
I'll story to alnmp Over on so g:uwutb
a Trornmg whiles haU a snore of flush
(x1 3(mug felkrws nre hot ode the truce.
of tOrle►y's brlilp. Bcidden, the sly k,ok
of krsnvlelge cat the laces Ar and nut
ussarw Iter another tate that& )tea
Ip stalrs, down -stairs, In my lady'.
chnniber, in anti taut an 1 round nbOlit
n low sea #she,
1 ant.
ants] ;oft t
a 11P
- p.oaPeliedt wrA •at,111 .tbay otOlUgl Ula 091'
Of Margaret, while tinder and ohriher
row the laugh of those whu' land hat
fitxl there. so cleverly. ,W then 6114
was found ; by plate Accident IL wan,
_�1 though the y secure l the bride,
Ir tbo Hidden Bridan--Taking
Iting. to Church Over !Many
4by Jolts FUmmw Bred
i� *+4+++* +++4+�;�}0
by the bard with whoto John land fur•
"6t Ad htmeolf. Nothing Is dune on
the mountain without poetry. John
Ty'n y Pant land allows the sense
which lay Peke , away in hls head
by Ills ciluico ut u bard, Craig yr
F.ry'r (H Igle's Crag) was a tall, hand -
Inure Ind, young, burning to dlatllf
aUIWI himseif las tit@ lists of poetic
f • up, and In hove hinwilt. For weeks
10"Ot he had been hamluering wt
.10110's commle lon, writing, burnllaR,
re-wrlting, to the p+ata again, at
l ,at lie ]'till shwpnd his verwr to film
w Isla.
Irhlrty stsuxas of isI
Us drno+vn it out i alai opens the
p"per with a careening touch, rmn-
nlnC Ilia r,,•e critic illy' over the lines
it c di
p h 1! not no I v e t
k %v the ) h a t.
m r
Ind Obtain at once a re#)mctfi l
Silence. Re bestlna to read, Isn't till
•ttPlltlon is profound. ('fear, sonor-
'MR, music ll, Ills volce ring" out
stanza After etansa, and the verd,#
'rr undeniably gold. H^ draws with
minute, dellogte touches a picture of
, IonPly' life on th" mquatnin. where
40 two, lions"" stand toRPther. where
to live nlobm 1e to live In a deperl :
tip p,lnt• the wild winter-atorin
which converts evpry dw(elllnr Into) r
"rlson and 'wrnna the sr,litary In n
Ville as-intle of drrndfnl., sr,ht 11p.
b 1t Is to live nl�np. Than lie tnrn-
fhl- *10fold "n,) Shown "v Bvvthyn hnrh
,o rwelit 'Ir ResnH y Frnn (the little
tit-trhrd cmltArp 1n the Irp, cif thy.
Mill" r{ncing with rheorful aoemdp
'not 1nn¢hter. anti chllWatt (acre prem"
^d with rlre to tits wlnd„w to w••trl,
'he trptnest, which, doubly ernpi tr
ohm split^rv. shuts theta in but to r
nip^rmnt nrlvary of storm. And a,.
with h:,w4p„m,t trlbuten to the prin-
1n^1 ehnrrtctrrs of the dav, lir
wwinrm ntonQ through no- thlrt'
version. tip hr %tow •,till drawn hrrntl•.
in n prrih�nnd allpn-P. which Is nn'
lnteerrnotood, ,sn4 whirls Is to let tnkpn
a s ernet roainliment,
Willl^m Fawn -woo •teas f-rwnrd tr
'vnirrrm. th" e'+mn^rev nq if trips• hist(
filet ^r`lvoml. nn'1 rpfr-nhmoonta mrp of
frrood. The nett thin•, Lt in farm 11ir
procession and set off to the church
Foelltinx a li Av In r'hu,•eh.
At till- ire id of the bridal procession
walked the bridegrwin, with n -sup
porter on rich wide. Then'foliuwed n:
tarry traln, land at the rear crime
tqe bride under gas erd lel the
gra m's two most p:irticular friends.
Th-fr duties trill be explained pres-
eu ly . ' •
Thii first f arm kis cattle, upon after,
.tt,rblux the road was L1hl(artmaPn-
,rwyn (the oRtte of them, White Stomps
tier,• they were really for Im, and in
t tra•n.rt 1141pr was run acroeN tit
tree tninkm. This brought the pro.
'twnh,n up. and Urres was tin prieslting
•Inti[ the bridegroom haul explained
taw import• nnot of 'Ills errand that
lay -apt by !W_,l Move to pm -aped tr
hl" lLnppitlt•„s. Thou the t Lrripr avant
witbArawn amid a shower of good
wielbrp. - amt on' we plodded again .
f.verw plaee, we pamAr•d 11`t,s I ort.
-'too -Ven ►rads. slit -sok e. lash
tnr•m. gates; emlity4frarty, nnyth'-r
•hat would t)tn.tk rite track according
to Immo-mortnl custom. Th'e mtlf,•r
-nm'nr rep• the m'tuntain with a Ion,'
,lf "ncka. t„rntrt his hors- nrroas th-
wav: an oil! wntn,n, who hn•1 tu,th.
Ing ir'tt. r,_ootro•t •hid a coni Lwtweer
'I", ix-di;rruww, �anT-tb" brblegrnu,•'
,von lair+ way Almost Inch by ineh
with fervent entrosetty.
!n ('h„rxim of the .Ieridp.
And voliat was Uxt bri.lee�doiag? !:k
:oras st ll an,kr Use tnfluem,a of las%{n
Ib,o coyness, veld evpry nu,l
Ind again made . 1(wift, and
:,•n I,unita for fre ndo)n. To torn” �,l
it or• vram the business u( the canal•
e11nw•s who lord )min drt 1'lrt et
luctr•h wit's bor, nn l It vv ti4 the h
m,utxtnn duty to ciedivrr f r i ntr an(
�^V en t a c
lm at Wi 1 ant i 1 t
•vh„h, the Tmr-h wav obsiruc•t.,
•hey brook la br duuhly ode tit • wlf'rt
ill• pe,•piom did :!ll they (.mtW to us
1st flail Iyriis to est•apa. Ir)urs acct
Ipriv-•1 for her to ditrt Into,, ami In
tnn,ly m1ninth,od In tis, far^ of tilt
,tzmlub m nn 1 Lel I nr, ilalmt tar In 11"
11 tll--V forct•J the+sir WILY in land
bretilght bo r oat again In. triumph.
=unrhow er other .tky-y alvirily,r man•
iu• l to Iw iag her U) th•e rburch dtx)t
,n'1 term Cop nsail ts'rpluony follow,".
Aftnr th!••. arm-in•arnl fnr ti)" tt-'t
:tNt anent Orety ttttr+in their -lives. LIu
w-w-mrarrlPd couple, followed by their
'rientls, re f. ern bona^ to npen•1 tilt
Uy in elmple, revelry.
ltreipfftor,• 9nmrilenra Real.
Dften enough the straggles, of the
urlde to #,cape from her guardian:
lar of the falntrvt, Atli mnrp that nn
.ancient traditfnn may not iII" wham
'."I than intended to give real trouble
lint ret •tlmpi it happens that n
young In-ly or great mpirlt Anil
trength h:►s to t,r• Icd, or rattler
bagged, to tine altar, and then thing
are lively `U011 n brhle I sow not
lonlg since ret Lite tall of n procema{on.
Ind alar played her part {n a v'rry
portmmm�l:ke famhlon. I came. &Lcros
the train qultn by accident aN it
wound fix way down the monntnln.
:and for A moment wondered, for I
hn,t not heard there Kai a marriage
nfo nt. I)t•tep.1, when they camp. npar
or and.I iregan to recognize innn}
of them, I 101111'1 them people from
t wit
e t11Pr
pi:1e o
f the m
ountn In
ill 0
r thrr
were com
!cot memo r ancon Ir o ,
stmt _tin_ than. zhumh..Q, thi's blope. i
atom) ahold i on a little eiaine`if"'t
watch thein pass, and Just an I' wan•
cheerfully wishing them lack, tit
brl,le made a splendid burst
Ror Forvedi.m. .
Huvv Rltie'ivms Friaond. 1
oneactlre youth sea• a inrlr.•, roan,
Lnie mtldp.ld in than wall ret tit! Craft -
Ivry. Ile fAA• ,-rel It lei turf a part whcr,
.rnaalajs +baa.impomalhlu�.pll�fina^oLTf nd,
fir. the building wan Ac r
with stay. "They havr` put a Indite:
rep them; iv, thought, 'pnlle,l mo,"'
of the ]lay out and atoffed hrr fn,
dead we ensild not mach her from th,
ether a wL'• H•' dl I tint Knit for n bad-
der him3elf, for tilere wits a Iona
Ptark lie" to tilt opening, Affil
from five top of It I» brllnvrd he coup!
Inas (n► At ttxn peat-atlrk ha toren
%with a will till bW,%o to acrambl
rep 1t. It (pawn way uvirisr film at Once,
nMl down ha relied ; a grant shower
cot ppaM mlkm,d niv'r h m. and h'
(Meads net ara A mighty about of Jay,
tOr the bride WA.a f0nn1. Rlx, bad
hn+n wlthln arm's length of them mil
Ute Linn, An l thoky we're comppilyd
to acknowbtdgw then skill o f a devl('P
---hetama amthoughtt, at. _-_ . -- ..
vhp ttard'a Turn.
John Ty'n t Pani sprang forward
and drew Uae blushing Rlrl from leer
coneeatment, amt the whole pl:le,
mug, with braid Brous ro pirt". At!1
it weir far froin plain @ailing wlth
the bridegroom yet, N(►rgwret drew
away from him, mo'f llr>TaN Ot ' tier
fr4nttlet began to dlapnrmg't John's
nMkansee and charaettaor nnA drww
CIO=! pletill" of the wn•s of tit,
n nrrto(1 Vial*, Hilo trlpalds nun+ man•
fully to bis rnm'itI and palnMd him
as at Ono an Adonis sell a Reystol'
hitt the "tNl W" pM1h sattlell
were almost out at sight, dropping e•s•ssNNNiNooN"aoNa**"*"4d•eNNNesdt�*s•Mw1N+ss
d,)wn' the aide of a deep glen, before
elle wze eertor.d to her format prY jz Haw KiNG EDWARD
A f3uslsess Volk.
diter every marriage on the
aviuotain u festive meeting to held
culled 0pithlor. its main object Ir
not rejoining, however, but a esvere-
ly Irruotical o0e. It it true that It
W vary merry, but it you utteud
bringing •)uly a oviall tape shot a
cheery laugh as your allure of the
untartuinlueut, ynu will be loullood un
with u trifle arlre than ooidueds. It
is intended to give the young coupls
a start las kilo, and the nolghty)rs and
frieude crowd las with gifts In money
Or kind. It 0 the outs feas.urs of the
ancleast form of marring, which )a
naves neglected.
The laeitld,)r lit Frun-wen after
Murgaret'd marriage was more than
ortimarily well atteudud, nod uchiev-
wI Lite dlrtinctl,ou of being the best
kn-)wn fur many years its the amount
fault Value of contribution.
Title is a matter of great
rivalry, usaJ house vies with
houmu, un ocension of u wedding, to
Katheriug friend* from-"naaY and tar,
Land heapiag high the pile to the
(s•„plc un Ilio aluuntain w•ho have
,i;en r{xty ,)carr and more of Wed.
d:d life, and will still rtwite pr�mpt-
ly the unwuni their nelthior yleldiA,
,,very article which mado It up. and
full partiuulura of Lilo Jouors. There
are rrimu Willi exaggerate ; the
aab)uut has grown with the yesra ;
but they oro promptly ret right.
Wised I reached F•ruo-wen I found
the big, low -roofed kitchen full of the
young folks of the mountain, laugh -
Ing, talking, walt:ug fur their tura
to deliver their presentm, and keeping
Ia keen eye un what toad glt'en In.
A 1., ror,l Ih'Lpl.
\t a small r9und tutgw met near
the great dresier wap Rb ls. the in
vitor. It lie purl of bis duty to tie mec-
rftary to ties meeting• fur -the gifts
art, nut handed over with thanks and
there an end. Var from It ; ►thy.4 hall
.l Iltrok before film and pen and ink. Ila
the bolok he wrote with labiriuu.
cratchiug, than name, the tuldress,
the amount, of every giver and every
ll'ift. Th{e recurJ merver as it guide,
sere guidance needed, to the name.,
A lhu,e wait) were prement find who
expect, in their turn, las be aspbted
when their nelthlor arrived; it IN a
•ort of mulutl insurance arrnnge-
ment, S3ume Illy down money, and
Rhys counts thin carefully- pincer
,l las a blue china bowl ret Idd tilde,
lobi his pias in his mouth (fit* writ
Ili= Is generally done with a pencil
which he marks to blacken the mtrokp).
platters, Luker another dip of Ink;
tea the record IN made. Some bring
Aferlagm of tea and sugar. anti ell
rend,)' a huge mound of tiagv of mu
gar anal fatekete of tea ham aceutnu
tated, piled neatly ode the great tahle
under the little deepry-met Window.
I Stayed nn hour lar more, and then
an irremtmtihin dreirn for tie clean.
trong•, ■weet air of the mountain
outmi.le name over nip. But lar I went,
A'llu:tm Fou -Kea drew tee aside to
whimper proudly that aurally ))to
iaughter'm neithior had ),sully' beaten
Anything of recent , card. Up to that
moment, they hall received thirty-i4st
lief it guarh•r pound; of tea, n stun
Iced and seventeen p.)und_i of mug•tr.
tw•o quilts, three bla aketm, n couple,
of ehnirN, a mettle, n cuplx.lard, t:tr
th/aware and cr,ckeeyware. lay- tike
0.,. five hen”, a little round table.
l:, ; uenrly twenty-eight pounds In
uu.uev 1 --John Fimlemore. '
hi)1,t) Ill' "filE CHAPLAIN.
:eI. Ja-slcs Rcherteuu 'folks About
l;.e hues Tlnl,s.-
TII+. Rev. Jamas Auticrtroa. p.
r:n t . tLe H.R1iLuld Brigade. In e
,,,.e•1 to n frLlud. pttblirah,rd In till
Agan Mat.•r,' Abertti-va, uu,l w•r,t-
o [ruin kdeugurg. orange fret
..ung. ,•a Sit. AudmWa ikLy,'mays:
'f L,J1am, We IUL%e gut W dee kn,.,W11
lay-)Iact+ona.d'r liars:-spaki vul
.m A how to 'hog. uLauuni. ,u {;round w'.
i;ti.• ruwere a. We Oagiat tet know, th<
r S:;it.• 'erste aLv tut tree e.
1 0 I s ) {arc
.o, r wd nnq tupvgn,phivai ex.ant ua.
t)u yO,l can mirk, giting the: m-lativ,
izi% not ualy of the kopy•d, but of
lar Nery an. -heap for I havm nut
only mer•n tho latter by day, but
L•uniblied o%cr Uig is by n gist. Though
'to lilul been mLltinO'• 1 On Nle n-ar)
r • 1,04!•1 nut h:1Ve 100011 !!lure mobile.
ntk • 1, 1 mammitides sny half In jest,
elf it iaFilr'nt, than the warlA-ritrg
,f th. childrrn of Iara'1 in tit • on der.
,►red will not, W In It compared with
h' tr(•kk n:g of the High4aml BrigaA,•
, ' r UI.• Ve.l.tt ere we are. dune with
oath Aftlt.
I ikat Istrael _lit old, 've. _LSO, A�1t••ut1m-
,Lrl A Colt over thin wearinnot of -the
coy rand Ont of lunging for tit+, M -el
x,bd of Egypt ; bat, anfiket them,
s•:, were in no (L•ing0r of trnnvgreas-
ing froin rnlrfeft of fMyl, fur At timrt
,her(, trox prerlona little mnnnn or
•walls, or any curer proilsbn to In-
lnigr in. We have much, however, to
.x, thnnkfnf for, ,your htsmi,l- . ta•r-
ant, C"WCLtlly, and i nhould Ix• an
ingr•fiU)fnl Wr,L,'h• If i ritd not. thn•-k
'ully aeknowlodgA the name. We
'Ince had frwer alek hail any mth'•I
')rlgn,l nml nre rev hard nm nnitp
\t lengt Lite ieiRa,lw wan a 1"ttutl
/fin: 1 I:Ave not ra,rn much mf it alacr :
'or, ase ,rn:l have prmhahty road in
h" pap-ro, it Iraq grit broken lilt,
rntfavred in small pinta over a w•lar
'tree. B„Ing on tot•+ 4.01, I of rrntrmr
-pmntnett with hradquarterm anti
Atm h -m with General Ataellor,nl,1,
Ivi ;hla_po`nt }vas cbnsidrm,l n eentre
'rom wh'cli the dsiermc JioM ttrutd
Is' worked,
r tr
la Barr how vrr rn l rs In r
Tl c n
1 t f t !m vee v
njnman ran lank dl tical IY+ r,
n Xve nn f nMgnitoup. If von were
tri il;le hitt a iifflii-� tVraTl!t--. -cif
tnkingevr'1se the pr)txtblity IN that
p nem would come nrrogs him. or rnth
^r lie wrml,l come nervi• you. n'
•Duron, if any ettrlmiderabfe force went
♦NwNNNNNaneNNNranNNe*N *Haan+*+* a anNe�ananean�wa
The next oeretaony mt groatast ln- I
learned the •tory of the rlug rad
It, and bads the ttwu reLuru
terest fn connection with the chap e +
IL to the Klug. This behest he obeyed,
it to ti
of movervigns will be the curuustluo !
un -1 the eircldt was used qj all autr
of Klug Edward. It Is difficult to
sequ"lit coronatioam until the Itrlclt-
After Effects.
muton. whfln a new ring wnd mangle,
realfie khat to maul ee66pl1alr LIIC
engraved simply with fila at.
crowning of King Edward VII. of
Qourge's crown. This ring ham been
England.' and Etoileror of India.
us"d ever #life@.
bears a striking resemblance to the
Equally pretty Is the @tory 04VOCi-
anted wltb another ublict which will
adethronliutlon of Jelultash, of wham
figure la tht• corobatlou. It Is related
we road its I1. King@. xU- That Jr
that lit Bethel Jacob slept ou la
huida brought forth this King's sun
"rtuney ,pillar," which war after
and put the crown up•nl Itim, land
wartis taken to Egypt. Thither :&Lull•
they clapped their hands, uud Bald,
Uallelur, run lit than King Ot Atiteud
"Glad save the King.” The samepar
whu took to *ftp 81uted, daughter del
rage alto tells of t►w curunatl•,u
I'haraull. Fearful of tun gruwing
')nth living administered and of lists
Lower of Moteem, they fled with LLP
ceremony of enthruning.
atufaP l.- sl,uln. Oth•-r wa,k,lee'*,gs It
In Alts Visited Kingdon] anre-itintlune
lwtl, and finally it wear vamot ode the•
date from atout the year.:,50. wilau
shore')f Ireland, having then .tied am
Wormal wnm made mupreaue uanareh
tut anchor by I:t.uwn Brerll. It %%a,:
of Ireland. uud aft Kings on•
thin ca11^d th.' " S:"ne of i)PNlllly,"
The es tl u e t n
m 1Pr eYltlttl tU thin to 7 I
l e du will
all ')a {t t 'il 'Y slleeeY r
Ill. It. 1 R
muhument Lu tine V,:uerALlenrrr mf !
t/111UW lair ill/g UaL motile r'Y 1•\11 nIf1Ie.
the ceremony. On the King's mtuuc '
Prof. Itummny thrown dodbt ode the
In the nuirket•pinco of that town (
story bf the mtone'N enrlleml Ira%rle
Ftlwurd the Elder and meveu other
but the avcurfacy of Its tkutrl trtllor
rulerm were cruwnetl.
purtntpaa tie Weatminster •Abbey Is
The first curonation at Weatmlu?
#ler wars WHiLLou this Conqueror On
Another interesting custom at the
(hrtstouas day 1066. The cr)wes
coronation will be the anointing lit
war placed on file hpad by Aldred,
King Edward Vii. train an ampulla,
Arehblrhup of York, the Archbishop
lar vial of holy oil. tit. Thome,; a.
of Canterbury having been muspend•
11ecket-flu the story gees-s%ns pray-
ed In cun►eltuenpo of bb refusal to
img its a Fretleh church by night -luring
perform, lite eeremuy beeausn or
hl+ banishment, schen the Vlrgin
the Ealperur'r cruelties. tau tumul-
Mary appeared to hint and gavehim
tuoud waw tire euthumiassn wi,hin
the anipu,bl. It ham been represvpt-
the abbey that tilt. roldlore ogtridn
sd at F;,ul;l(a11 coronations slave the
feared that a relleViou had broken
yearn 14*J, Its present counterpart
nut and rut lira to tits buUdia..
is he the shape of an eagle of gold
1'lu, affrli laced congregaLiou were
Leven Inches high, the holy oil flow-
tramplod under fuut by the hordes
Ing through the beak. At the forthr
of the military.
coming coronation the Arehb(shopof
A low detys Is•fore tile- coronation of 1
Canterbury will pour doune of the
our new hang tap regalia at prement
bit little a gulden spoon and anulnt
In the Tower will tar removed to the
the King In ate form of a cross on
lerumalem chsalbor at Weeitmhteter,
It Id nut generally. known that the I
thr crown lit the head and on both
pnlmN, @uyinR-
Jewels lnelu,fe a rinq, the putting on I
"Ite thou anointed with holy oil no
of w filch will migulfy tliut the King
kluge, prledte, an ! prophets were an'
"is wedJ'•d to hid people."; The story (
alnte.l. all i an Solomon Wad anolut-
-4414A.th at one day EIAVlard the Con- 1
ed and Nnthan tine prophet, Nit be
h)seor was walking n^ar tits patncr o
}roe anrtinted, blessed. and cotlms-
at Westmaster ivh n lie wall over -.i
rratrd King over theme peoplew•hum
tuke•n by it poor pilgrim bound fur' '
the•i,oal your rod hath given Yon to
frrnaaf,-m. Fir rt)lk4t,41 alms lit the
rule" -the ArcJtblbhpp cloaing with
hlag, who, havim nu money on Id" '
in Invuanton of the 9aoly uumes.
person. took off thin ring !rout ilia �
Perhaps no other ceremony ever
Inger find gave It to the pllgrim.'
heli In morn beautiful or full of a
When, in don ctmirm0, the ge"of innn '
rrenter eaignificance titan the ceirona-
rPuchrd .irrueJl-tm. a holy personage I tion.
The rareamm (of n widely read novel, I title .were nut so there would be nu
sncu as ••i)u%id Harum." invariably I second -tinny look dealers.
set} pcoplP tnik,u,r glo�t cUOrU1UUfi t rut ku w•isill the ai1u1('. Tau Laity
d.,wo, an 1 rniagra,,itm tin.] their way hunt the tuwfa over, ynu maty d,Ivt:
.ntU pruaL recu:,hltz the fact that mu ' among dumt covered tWasem in out us
la:taly taoadand. art CupU,r lucre been I than w'a)" buox. stored until your beau
.pts. Atli ova talk about it as though I grows duty, and 1 doubt a you w•ul
A ski a little day a' %von ler, totwly I Uud a dozen secunif hand, Uibl..'d las
unni'll- dei o(-a;aa,xtlt, watch-hna,_rant.I all New• York. i asked tilt- pruprlet,-r
through cu,mtless edltious, and lit; or -One of tlu,se-old booz 1111013.1 if hl
wu'ea nearly CIh)O,UJJ copied were I c,,uld exnluiu wiry it was. ]lir Ahrug.
pruned u1 ar.w York Inst year. 'Chat ' ged lits suoulderm and fratnkly-adatee
uook I" the B_ ible. Led that it hall been tt puzzle to hint
del runrke• everybody knuwm that � t,.r yearn. And he wnm a mail of rlp,-
:pure copse" of toe Itible httve been experience. tau.
printed nn i sold than lit any other ' At the ufficem of the American Blhlr
0"WI, but f.•w• persoao rpullz,•, mr stop I Buclety I wan only bew)lder,•d W' fig-
�tag.a-04.#".44.IL-U".t• do incl las ; ares without haalag tiny light throwu
what 1.1tt•nt the- Ifitrie ii eitUututsd.: ufmir-Tlfn ii,dl-iittrstion-r)r--irtyNt-trr-
tvl.at timcumo•m ytl ail the 11,11.4-!" in comes' of all the alible" -tit:, Bibles
a quvL4tf')n tont-(las never beest mutlA- '-:b it are not sent t, LIr• hcrltti, n. Ttle
faetorly sulvt-,1. • v:itat la:cumes')f flgurem fate to pru.lurtion were atil-
.ill the 1libLrs't" la `one that ie even I p,adous in themd.dvpe. I wens told
more ddf(•.tult. of •elution. A pin us- i that the var►,us Bible eiicl,tips alont•
sum's Inf,ultrmitual pro{ortimi.4 eom- 1 flat] dislrlbute.l m )re titan '011,tlOt),
pared I%Itli a Ixwu l book, and when � UUJ mince the year INOI, nud this
un,' vonaiders that the Increased pub- , uumbar did m,t include th,e output dei
Aratiun or ltibl,•A is nut of all prop„r- I ill AsI lual publishing houmpr„ of which
lion Ila- till, natural IncreaAe las Im,pu- , tlr•ry are about a dozen In New York
ua gait, ane caltnut help wunderhlg I. alm'P, which )-#Ilan Iilblps.
want 1„•comrs of flit of them. , Thp British and Foreign Bible Hu•
It rtamis to reomon that a great cle(Y of London operated on even n
ninny copiei funk their way into tile:Inrger wenle than the \mprienn
nanld of furetrtu missiuuury sucietiey ' lube Society. Lent year 4.47ti, I:t,.)
nn 1 are sent to the henthen of other t topics wPr(r printed and ttfntrltmted,
laintr. Po.miblj the proTs,rtfon is one-, nud Polyp IMOt, when the society tvatm
.t1uf. But :,v.'r1 tirf•n the tinlun,.e for erRanl •d, it has Immup t nu• Ieme than
1!wwi cunentnption, if mo partly mer- ' Itio,ou!t,Riri Bibles,
caul 1, a Lara, -pray b: lel rufi.mlblc, � Tit- tamtribntion of nlhles In for-
spry con el, ruble, tent. .<'ei1• YOM elfin tn�ldq in ri,t nerottr Itpit with.
p awh4witz aiofa.r. shine, the Ante•ricnn „ret Nevvre harlshlps and often dnn-
Bild” tbcletc, Ivsurd during %hr last Rpr to life. The en1portrur•. a" th0
}ear I.;.so.to-, c•nprpa, of which a traveling afrefitet nre call"d, nre quit"
trlile store titan half were itnut harole to thplr devotion to tit • wi,rk,
unread. An I ono year In %viy mach dampcoialiy in Intids where innnticlmnt
.no-nnuti rr-im-'litin--respaoi..-Tamta._1lulils nKl]y, Chinn In Jumt ret prp"ent
may ba goui or tinars ntny be had, ` the thontrn cat the moat fut�•rilsitlrix
but Vie printing of the Sacr{pturem lacllvity.
gree, on, I it let entlmated by the most enrr-
itow, what becomes of them all? fol nufhnrltlem that nlmut 1,r,00,000, -
One meldonl dimc•ards u.l)ible, nn nlnt- 000 111blem harp bepn printed In th!m
ter_ ho" told or worn. nip ortfinnry ' enntnry. g"mr estlmai^s nrs aim high
lmx,k., except to lilt, hihliophiln, IN re- an three bllllonm.. An •the portitHtion
Rdrde l am nn artlele or cotunlrree- of the• tivw'll Im PNtlmntnd ret :alk,tit
Nom;•thing to boy and medl, nomrthinr' 1.r00-00O.(W)'), it than latter eatilnnte
to retail an I Pa Joy. au I (:lett, if nectar- were trap, there harp been tan, til
mity dematnfm, (sesta along that antne- htep fnr every Inhabitant of the
one plop may enJC,y its Meurfitm. If world,'
Mr,, George Johnson. Voraltilun Sta. Ira• thrift their pro)ortion in lilt the
IiAI, ian, ham prepared a mtatetne tt six dIV4N14sol" def crJtue .except its ref-
ghlnR the statimticm of rrlmo 1n I fcncps Agnaamt property with tln
t e e •creel
Ir cr wUrru tt ell fill
Y Y )
ion! i7 -9a.
ad ger the r 18 Unel ro #ton.
inn a p' � r p gs
1'or the thlrtten yearm there was I 5. That tlft• professional class pro-
.. _—._.__ __..-.. -Vide A -loll' perceil-ago _
nu average of A W coni•-ieT uTM Tnt"7 to r O crlmina s,
oflenoem of All kill is. In 18.1'J the Con- 6. Thal Indiare o every ' ilii,?r
sictluud Ker, L8,71u. loth nbno_ than lurks mhnre t0 #very cln"x of
%ictlo nnJ r. i.9cly to population � crime• their p.rrcenlage b„Ing-]'rime,
)uhfthe.! culaue in ISJA vvnlr higher 9 (urns crnt.; lxq/ulatlnn, lJ pl,r c •ret.
i Ahn• t 60 rpt ce t o f the ct-%Ieted
she was a fine, rtrappang werlcn.
ap intron` rts a horns, wn 1 In charge
_ The Signal
1 1 a
a Pa .rano
A Campden lady Cured of Its
Mat ad nittnge is tall (n hla sl'e, nett
mY D. riWILLICUDDI. .. -
After Effects.
14p,ttic-m which, nre used In surgical
Twvaa of
O” mmtk. to advasee...................I
Throwal"tbte, ..., .. ......
abs Wake Left Weak and ltua Uuwu,
Sic months. ;,i,,,.,
Oae/esr. .. .............. ..... 1 V
cud Unable w Urgul■ Her Strength
Adrerlletsg itatw,
VolitlbShe t/•edDr.ivllllama'!'ink
per lino l�r ar.t io..rtio a. ae1174� ate Mr Ila
In the village of Camlid Ont.,
forennb alba cadet Intortiun. M•ad&rad b
and throughout the surruunding
ll,et ears cards of rix liar hoed radar, 06 ter
cOUAt ry, tAPre are low xw tie bet-
1 I
Adrert"rovente of Lttel. Ven6A, OLrayed
Lltuath"t• Vska-ut Woou•.lere Wasted Osl
ler known oe murU Highly ertermrd
Ru.luwe Cb&qten Wa..wl nM atoeedha t
than Mr. and Mrd..11inniel Albright.
��..Satleand ,PQ"6:a bate net te
Air. Albright ideas fur many 1•vurm
filled the
ex'se,t I tin". pl for mn.t at•'mb, met par .rl.
aogaent Ote-se m. lAr radru. W pore�,,�tiipn.
plldtlua of Village portions•
trr, 4u addltiuu to conducting it bout
pruli•ote the-/w•u"tterf b.r,ell of ear Ind{rlit-
m&1 or,o"a,p&ny, b, be (ma,e,Aered aan advet'Mtea
and debate buduedr. lint It Is with
rtgnt&ndeveremsk=contln tr.
t hr lx,atmaNter's estimable Kirk,
41oa1 ontl• a, In n„uparMf type one Mat p4a
word, deo sol ice Iw tkaa 160,
that thio article kala chiefly to till•
Luong&oticestoeartimary reading gptwo
lar (I ia'pY, y
g pruetwall ill her own
Banta per word. No notice tar Ir than W.
*otroe.forobmrehee►a1 el ha m1t.4re W
wordy; the Imrticutt)rr Ur Iger rt4,11+r-
benevolent laetltutiene. half rats.
e r
rY rum a revere Ilin,wr through tit»
arbsr�itmste wbe tsU N neelve Tire 7lorst
are of Dr. WtIlla rel"' Ph1k- ll Ili#. Tu &L
regularly by ao.11 will etxlhr a taver by a.'-
reporlrr who acted )Ira. Albri ht.if
a"alntma no of tae feet at Y earim adata&4
kht• wuul.l consent' to give the par•
N hw•a shamed ad I b deslrted. beta
.IC Ulllrm 11( ]ler 11111t -Nd al illi •lire tUr
oho old and the naw bdrer eboald lie give.
publication, she fluid-- "It Yuu think
rubllsbar•e Police.
illy experleuco w:11 help rime Other
J. S. Tomrti. of oalwleh, bas lent &p
sufferer, I am quite willing to give
it, fur I cony t,•11 you that 1 link a
point Leeal Treavelil7tR Agent tareko Tewa-
Mq of Ooderich, Colborne. Ae►leld w A
very enthusiastic admirer of Dr.
am ws d b enables blaber/pl�u~rt to Tan
Lii,llalnll' flak I'tlld. Fur risme year&
to the
AU wmmuniost'Ms stated be OAAr�a"d
prior winter ut 18Jd I ,suffer-
AJ with 1t keine back, w'hl,h frolu qtly
Taa arar�i.
Telaphese CaU @a ooArloa. Or►
prevented m:, from doing my house-
vpy yen, Jny snot nntlstactinn
whish fm telt In thlot I'rnvinro up.,n
mdd work. Later e.xpoorare tU cOld
lev'ek-ped rclulieal, null every move-,
VIUMDA1, Fir,B "r1, 1001•
assent .d the boitly caummd lutenae
palls. Ill tilt," way 1 founded gluouly
path n gi pr of steels
wr!c�m& nml rcomiarel n sire npytam.
Jnym and rrmtlemd nighty, until the
tt'iatrr of 1,+Pt1, when My troubfe
, __,_-_ .._.-.._
%'alts aggravated by an attack of In
grippe. The first nud almost severe
--- `
ynlplumr nr thlm trouble pamsed
Aaall s. .
awn y, but ,It left me in a vvenk and
)fixes+ ... .......... 11.00 as x � `
lepressed condition. I dill lint rep•
DI:0 and Extortion ................ Lie VIA, to
petit to be able to recover m Y
)Blind ... . ............................ ..at liar ;;