HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-21, Page 1S THREE "11'8 r' ADv•rs Alyg ACTIVE AGENTS WHEN PLACED IN THE SIGNAL 1 Zbr TIDE LDAI?ING} ND WI3PAPDR OF FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. '2818 jowl. I -ITT IA. OINT OOVNTY.. GUDRItIC'H, ONTARIO. CANADA : THE WEEKLY MANwat RlPORT. GO.*aswl, Veit en, 1901. Fill Wheat 0 02 so 63 Flour. family. per esrt-....110 w t In Vivo:, pound.. par cwt f 30 to 3 50 Man. M tr... .. ....._ 11 10 toll 00 shorts, *ton .... 16 00 told 00 Horeeolua'• per owl .. Rye, per bush...-.... Ituokwb0at, per bush Oats. 0 boat.... , Peas. bosh. . .... _ I(arl.v, per bush Hay, new, M too. Potatoes. new. • boob.... Metter. .......•••.... . Cheese. Der i0.... - kgs, froth anas pkd. • 30L Wood .-.. Hitt, 1..ebMklu. �y 1,100 Hove Dreamed Hoa, - Lard. pnr I►. Droseo.1 Beef, fere quarto, I tressed seer bind l`aule,Ordinary 100 to l r3 010 to 050 010 to 050 37to0311 56 to 0 57 0 'N to 0 37 7 i0to8W OB)to0'J5 n 17 t0 le 10 to011 16 to 0 18 10 ,o 1 On O1 to 6 50 60 ton 7u TS to 635 3n to 7 If to 018 I5 to 0 15 14 -e 13 0( to 0 00 0)to0W 75 10 150 001.310 Apprentioeo Wanted. APPRENTICES WANTED - DRESS making ap .. rentaes wanted at olio MR8. D. MCIVOlt, Beath street, It ode& Tailoring W6 WISH 10 ANNOUNCE TO THE Honors/ puerile (loot we have •g•Io oprnel out • Whitlow etrbOLhmeot over 1'.rsoo'1 Pair, oor'asr of 51 rat street and the Square We amanita ••• .II .,ur work equal to the he11 Lily Inde, Dtrictl cash aid one pr or only. N' 11. BTAPLi Tetouan 11th. 1011. \ 17-Im For Nle. L'UR SALE. -1 WO SILVER BHUta ✓ CA1218. ro od treater, one six fav •od see sight fat. with top. P. O. H X 1n. fJodo- Mab• FOR 4ALM. ()R TO RENT. -TWO. Mon Irick s'.op, corner Victors and Trafalgar -Ir.o•ts, .aderiesb Apuly to W. J. PArIMultlL L OR SA 1. E. -- I.1)TS 06. 96, 117, 118. 119 i' find Ito to Ifutchisoos survey. 11 to podsrloh. For W tIonlan apply to PHILIP HOLT. Restrain. to.. Oodertcb. Marek lith, JIM. Mitt( H OUSh AND IAT FOR -GALE -LOT 36. Wldd.r street. Hdtoblso.'s survey. the pro -terry of rhe lite Mrs, Clyne. Apply at this tilos or to THOS. LACEY, Uodertoh P. O. 16 18 AGOOD 810 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. 1 of 21. °ownr•los It. Oodsrloh Town. ship.shouted Ij m les from Ho memento. 34 miles from Maine Good buildings. (woes, orchard. wells, and e; ring ereek. A good Geld of fail abort. Tsrn•• •..sone^Ie. For porno - wars apply to ?Mao- .41;311.1.14Y. HU.HY. auctioneer. Ooder1ch. 1011 FARM lOR 441LE -THAT FIRST Mar farm known ea the ••O..mid•y r. : being K. half :nt 04. concession 1, Rae' Vi swaoosb. 1 0 saes, &Jaorns cleared and to • good •vete of oultivtlon, t acre bosh. There Is on the 0401. • rad two storey frame dwelling hones 11x.37 with wing 16190, anti • g, od stone cellar. a frame barn 36.56 with stone stabler oder, 4 teres of good ereboM. 2 good ne0.r faille, spring wells The soil 40 • g ood clay Isore a m. about 70 soIn gram. 8 sores of fall wheat. and some fall plooghl0g. The tenoes 5r. good. It a on a leading gravel road oo.veOlent to lharebee..ohool oto., t mile from the r111s', of Auburn, 5 tulles from Blyth 11 milee from the towns of Uoderloh and Clinton. This is • very deetrakio-plao.- r Or waste land. g For toll particulars apply to PHILIP 11 )1,T. .eHsitor for 1).• Mato of t M sate Mrs. yeses dor. Muato. W. GLENN CAMPBELL Organist and muslo•1 director of Northet Methodist churoh. •,ud teschor of pianoforte pipe organ and theory. will be pleased tore ogles pupil'. Instruction given either at stuao oras pupil's home. as desired. Studio .t imes,os'g Musts More. Wet at. 71-1.1 DISCUSSING THE COWS. epeeist l'ommlttee to rasping • S71aw- er. Knox rusks the Vete Wasn't Vale. rho 'nowhere were all prseant •6 the meeting ot the ouunoll on Friday evening, His Worship the Mayor to the chair. The auditors' repot wos rood and retor- ted to the flown. oommittee. Osie of the reuummeodatluot mode by the auditors sora that the uemetory Sexton be required 1.0 make • monthly re1ur0 of 10t.1m,m(., oto. The following oommunto•tioh from Wm. Marlton, tartar muter, to Mayor Welsou was resin "Your letter of today rouoivsd and lave wntteo Mr. F. B Hoban re meal but have yet roo.i,.d oo reply. 10 lbs moan time the coal is buroiag, mud as It is planed 00 tae street and riot o0 6ho Government wharf 1 think It ie the duty of the town to ha•e it removed and also give proper fire ptotsotlon to the pier and .urrouudiog property, nu matter who le 6ho .weer of the o0.1." The U.yor stated that this letter was In reply to one he had wrtiten to Mr. Marlton unto' him to request Mr. Holmes to re• move the 0uol. A oommouiootlou from the Maitlmd River Power Co., sating that the wunotl 00104 10 • dsoluoo la regard to the propoeb Hon made by 10. °outplay to the town, was referred co the special 0ommlt1ee. The 5tlm0145 of the p0b14o lihrary board raping for the amount of $360 from the town, were referred 6o the domino* 00mm t toe. A letter from Wm, Aohe.on, requesting permission to on down two trees opposite his property • e Trd•lgar street, we left In the hoods oo the paolio works m0mmitteo. An •pplloatloo from James Thomas, night wetohwan, for on morass, of votary was rr forted to the spwlal wmmtttee. 1 A oiroular from the Stogie 1'.x Awatu• tins, Toronto, eovlos:oi • petition to the Legislative Assembly of Oot.rtotaking idiot the Ass.sso.sot Aot be 40 "moulded as to permit muoloip•l,tise to reduce or shot eh the taxes on buil.tinks and other i.:yrov0. meats on rest estate, penuo•I property sod t00,.me or on any or 611 of these, sou ntsr- rmi to the special 00mmett05, wish power to Ont. A letter from Dlukiasoo&Hotm.•s in ro• card to the 01.4.1 of David Rood 1(1,1. t the town for d•m•ges for Injury doh. 6n one of oil hones by lalling into t has iso.hs rood was referred to the pablto works committee with power to interview Mr. Reid. Mr. Martin ettted'that • oommttt s nom• mused of Mr.Muroey, Mr. Kafir and bum self. had .1.mi11.4 Into the matter of Mr. Reid't claim and had oleo mterviswod rte Mara soltortor, who stated that the town was not re.poogible to the matter. A lector from the Northern Nwigitlon Co.. noting that they fond it Iespoe..Lla to orange a ..raine by one of their stamen to the east shore ports of Lab Huron, was re- ceived sod filed. An appliorldoo from the Godsrloh Musical Suo,ety for the must yearly groat of $200 was rood, and the request lots granted. The followtog •000•oto were referred to the Beano. oom•ntttes ; H. K. Jordan, ler Marine Bead, 48 ; ten. Stewart, rebel, 84 A, Stewart, M. D.. Palmentoo, 050040• pointe, 815 ; Guth Pero0• & Robber Mfg 0o., Toronto, Bremen's coat, oto , 114 60 ; Te• StoNA1., p1404401, 821: Jaa. Hays, Bony, 16, Tns report of the B0 snos oommtttee re- oommeoding payment ofonumberof.000u1161 011e read 0110 adopt/id. The spacial oommttt*e reported that they had heard • disputation from the board of directors ot the Uoderiob Elevator Cr., Messrs. Periodic/et, Mooers and Cart, ark int for a suspension of legal proceedings u0 til the first of next D'oember. and having carefully oonudord the matter the oomwlt tee stated that they 000ld not re0om0,eo,1 the delay asked for, m 1t 1a of vital tm p011100.thattoe cnuovd should know at 10. earliest p055441e moment its position to them►tter If,howe•er,,hedireotors would withdraw their d.f.uco to the.otlo0 sod per • \litodliaL DR8 TURNR L & TURNBULL, Pb rlclae5, NerireO*e. 5121 ORI... Hamilton etreoL - -' Night calls an.wer•+d frarnvsem. Telephone 101. J. LTU "NHUt.1. tr . TURNBULL. (ARS. SHANNON & OALLOW, t'HY ll WIC IA NM and Surgeon' (Mos In Hank et C"mmeroe building. wast side of Square. N lg..( rails at randeooes Dr. Shan -on. Dr. (Dillow. old residence. Napier at. Elgin et. or. 'Phone 44. 'Phone 00. Inouranoo, eto. CHAR. R. SHAW, GENKRAI. IN4UR- ANt'R and real estate agent. Office. toe door wt of P. 0.. Oderloh. Agent for the leading manual Arm Inure... oom .ode, and leading stook mmM040. Meroant4e and manufacturing risks at lowest rates. C.11 at 01600. Wit. 1.0ftP:RTS()N. Accountant and ln1ann00 Agent Hooks and aornnnts made 40. Buildings rented and note oolleotevi. rite losutenm In 4Mtiah and Canadian Companies. °Moe -In Proudfoot & Hoye' office North street .dertoh. 41.11 11 1. T. NAFTEL, GENERAL IN , 1' FURAN .i and Iter) Saw, soma. Fire. Life, Accident arid Plate Glass I00nrao e effected on matwl or oath plan 51 lowest rates p0ml bin. Hest ingltsh and Comedian oompsnttr rep 04.555!pp104. 0(110. nest door (*Harrow k O•rrnw. Hrr rioter• Hamilton Street. Eipbeinia ta. McLeiufi s Linimeut 701 external use only. le • positive naro for spinal dame ye, hip dl•ease, Inflammmlory rhes mat em, lame back, Ioretag •, a ,re three' weak d sore lunge, broier•. ,rsi05 guff Joints. rupture and .It kindr-,l .fossae... It has also been tonnd • care for th'oat .1 factions in honing. None gao(oe wlthnnt having the trade mark 0.1 l*',els and wrap p.rs end R, A. Mclennan • Liniment, Hod, riot, (ML. stamped on wax seal on ea to bottle. Manuftotured only hy LUI'iILMIA A. Mo LLNNAN, ale patent• and proprietor. are. gate street, Ooderioh, Ont, 10-91 CHURCH NOTES. Devotions will be bold 1s Mt. Peter'it oburoh every Weduesdsy, 'Thursday and Friday evening at 7:30 o'ulook 0.111 Beater Sunday. Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Seaford), rural Mien for Huron, preaola0 very .00epl•Wy to Sr. Osorge' s oburoh bat Suuday eveat0F. He took so his tut the words, "Pray 010. Mit 0.aee0g." The Woman's Auxiliary of St. li.orire', oburoh will hold • work meeting on Mon- day, 25th, in the eoboolroo'n at 3 r M , anal eaoh following Monday during the mason of Lent Tos literary oomm(ttee of North street Epworth League provided • pleasant outer talnmsot on Tuesday evening to a progrem dealing with the authors and artists of Can- ada The live and worse of the foran,cat Canadian writers were dteoueeed by moochers of the League, gni • well.written paper on Canadlen art and atelsts was rood by J. Ade Fowler and was much appreciated. At •speold meeting of the Presbytery of Heron held .t Clinton loot week, the ono• gregatlona of Limber°, Smith's Hill and Auburn were united In one charge, with the Rev. J. A. Anderson, of liodorloh, as mol• orat41 during the vacanoy. Colon church in I:oderlob township, Bethany .ad BAybeld wave also awitad In 0115 obarge, with R.v E H. Sowers, of Bruosfield, aamod.r- •tor durtug the va .00y. In order to boob tate the.. unions, Rev. J. H•milt,m recoil ed the pastorate of Leeburu and Colon ehurob. The pastor of Viotoria et. obatoh will oomm10oe • series of sermon' OD the Ilk of -Ioesph sett Sebbath moraipg. Subject, 'Was Jaoob indiscreet in lamfy povero, moot, or, .Joseph the dreamer.` 10 the •0101118 refers, ce will he made to this dra'h of the late Wm. Ramey. who fell dead at L nduy station last week. and ea. a uremher of the abnye ohuruh. At. the 1 u• • noes meeting on Monday 'imolai( • ase lis non was passed by the , lliupal board .1 Pressing the r appreclation of the work dons by the pastor and his w,fr, and pledging themselves to r.n•op.r•a he.rtely in the work of Ind oo '0.01,00,1. They oleo .x r5n.led • unan.mnu. *001101400 to the par tut to return for • Gehond mar. The termite second almost Sabbath .ohool °ooveation of •he Dungannon and Nile air cents will b, held in the Dunos0000 st.rhn- 44.1 oharoh on Friday, 22•,4 (nest, Ther w111 he three emealons, •r 10 A. M., at 1:45 r.M., and at 7:30 r.M. A oordl•l 100,1•• soon is extended to all who are Isherwood la Sunday school work to be present and tn. part to the damns -ono A' the morn ,eq srdoo there will be addressee from A. P. Sheppard and Gorge Stealing, reports of superinteodents and 5sorotarlem, and 10 .ddr..s of waloomalrem E 8aad.r..w. Ie the afternoon Wm. Hiles, lira. D. e. Robert Moll wain, Wm. Wmiraen, John Dancer, Jahn McLean. 1',.. Girton, Nr• J. I)astow sod Mrs. (Rev.) T. R. Mete.•' will give addressee. and there will oleo be an open p•rllameot. The addresses at rte evening ees(nn will be by Joemph Nelher tngtoo, Rey: T. R. MoNEtr and Rev. M. J Wlh.00. COMING AND GOING .1, ft Davie, of Wmgb•m, was to tows lase woes. v e from b '• � ed Do Rao. H Robinson has rr m Th...slon. Dr. R. Le Tonal has rouged from his Montreal trip. Geo. Carey was • visitor at the rectory the put week Mies Louie Acheson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Holhar•ke, at Hrlmehy. Judos Mason and Mrs. Masson left on 'luord.y on • via• to Toronto. Frank Pretty and Walter Shannon left this weak on thole long trip to the Yukon. Mrs. Thos. MnL,•n and son Will, of Lontoow, spent Sunday with relatives in town Hugh M.oM.,h, of Toronto, was in town the past wok on •00011ot of tho death of his tether. Mae Ehtsberh L.htdl5, of Hleshetm, le vetting her deter, Mrs. Chas. Porte, Tr• fafgar street. Mrs R. M Cassels and ohlldrsu. of 4tra. ford, are vatting at the former'• parent., Mr. and Mrs. C A. Humber R .1. M.oMath, of W'ogh•m, and .1. C. MauM ah, of Clinton, attended the fen.r., of their Goole, Smoot MsoMarh, no 4a'u•• day• Notice to Credltorm tXECUTORR' NOTICI6 TO CREDIT- OR mit judgment for Historic] to be t.ken, there by dsolarlog t h -town's rlghte laths premises, and pro•ided an.rr.ngemeot mould be made with the bank to carry the Dotes glean for stook, the committee would noommsod the desired delay. The oowmitre. asks) for further tlmo to report upon the proDosttloa of the Maitland River Power Co. Tb. re- port was adopted, Hflaw No. 4 of 1901, toauthorize the borrowing of the amount ot 415.000 for ex penes notal the taxes Dame in, was passed, Mr. Nobel voting "nay." J. C. Martis moved, "eoonded by C. A. Humber, that the town .olloltor he lost' nor ed to notify the directors of the Goderlob Elevator Co., of the report of the oeuooll in regard to their rrquest to stay Drooedtnge 1a the town's olatm until the let of siert Deoember. Carried. Mr Martin moved, seconded by W. T Marney, th.t an order tor 815 be Issued to Wm. Campbell for the consolidation of the bylaws. Carried. Mr. Motto moved, s000dd by Mr Moron, that the dark be instructed to prepare • bylaw prohlb.tlog the running at large of oows, etc., In the town of Goderioh Mr. Knox moved In amendment. seconded by Mr. Canttis°, that the matter be re- ferred to the IPIOltI 0010104' to?. Mr. Notts' expressed the opinion that 1r W.44 high time the nano,' took action In the matter. as people would require some time to make arraniemsnto for tumorous tf the noire were not to be allowed to run at large. Mr. lanai 00.0tplo054 tae cone Hai thnaght the vote taken •1 New Year'. was not a fair one. People who had property In 011 four wards voted lour %Imes agalast the 0210.. There was • Tota on the amendment, Messrs Mambo,, C•naloo and Knot vet• log "yea,'' •od Menem. Martin, Mornay and Naiad voting "nay_" The amendment was oarrld by the Mayor's Tote. Mr. Martie then mooed that 1ho spsotel oommtttee be InetruOtsn to prepare • by low to shat op the crews. There was • timothy die3uMlnn as to whether this mo. Oen was In °r('sr or not, and on the Mayor's ruling that It was In order • vote was taken and the [MAIM was cranial, 11 Ham hot, Martin, Moretti and Neftel voting for and Meters. Knox and Oantelon against It. The Mayor told of • trmmo who had ar- rived in town whghad no mon0y, mold net. spate English and didn't know where he was. He name Imre Irnm Petrology, and Dm Mayor bought a tiobt and sent him b,.ok there. The Mandl then •dlonrmd. 7. the stetter of the estate of IAF late .1.An tiMrfr, of IA• township of 11u1lffl. (a *As 000610y of /heron, promrrn, drrwnarrl. Nwles Is barony given. portant to the It. vIeM Montag of Ontario. 11197 Minter IS and amendments thereto, that all meaner' and Were h•vlsg elalmalainst the fallout of the said let. John 00.1.x, who tiled ,it nr •hoot the Ind da] of Fr,wnary Dost.. are rend. d on or beano eha tooth day of April, A 1) 1001, to send by pmt prepaid, or to 4el,•.r In 4inhard A.Oovl,r or Henry McHr!.n. of th, township of Halley aforesaid, Althorn P O., the *seem ton et the loot well of tho mold d,n.ase,, their Christian and anrn•mes, .4dreseer nae de. sorlptloms. the foil nartionlars or that Maims, the .lalem•nt of 10.1. eomnetw ant !Mt nature of the seenrltles (if ewybold lir tam. And forth/sr mite mule.. that after snob lard - mentioned (tato the maid 0.5nuter+ will pro. 1.x1 to dlstrlhul. the •sept, of the 1..was04 *moos tLn "slurs eetiid . ,beret ,•, having r0 tled only to the Halms ot +blob th.7 shall hea bars staler.. mind that 161 said •Lenton will ant ha 1151.10 h r '1.o fowl meets nr an; port thereof to any porta., or ponee0 of .80.0 eta, m• no/les obeli not hay* boon rao1•nd be them et th. um. M aunt'* lobi nntloa. Dated l RICHARD A. OrIV ilia and HKNR, M(1 4lssMers or the IrsbyO1A(wa MARROW, eltel00. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL! 4T SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR ...1901 FEBRUARY, :1 1901. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. CARLOW FA111w1LL To R10. Uz,oa eoN.- Od the moms of Monday. Fob. 4th. • largo uumber of the Presbyterian oongre 'ration here met at the mantle •t Auburn to ery farewell to their former pastor, Rev, 51r. H,odsiruo, and his wife. The follow Ing .4dree was presented, ecuompauted by • silver sugar -bowl, ore0m jog, etc.: Rev. Mr. Henderson and Mrs. Henderson, 1)0AR FRl1Nne.-We, the people of Smith's Hot Preabytertao church, oo this he eve of your departure from amongst 11e, Leg to tender our sowers regret that you have found it nem015517 to your opo 000,10n with us 'Swing the sight and • half years you hev• been with u5. you have •'wife hien faithful to the discharge of your duties, g.'• mg in and out mown us and preacb,og the word ot God with siouerity and love, leading many of our young people to • av- ing koowl.die of the truth. As • alight token ot the estoem •nl appreciation in whish you ars held, we bog that you will swept thea gifts as • nomad( of your so j•,orn amongst us, and as • symbol of our frt.ndehip. Hoping that Providence In His great moray and love mill see 6t to restore you both to health and strength, out that you will ba permitted to so- no reltb the treat Wort to whish you hove given your love,, this Ie atgoei oo behalf of S,, i•h'a HJ. church. (GORDON Yonoe, THO8 Bross. tl b. SAL1.OWI. The Christian flaard las A. E. M. Thomson, who 14 sew attOd40(1 Vletoria College, hu remlvd an levitation too heoome pastor of the Ootam Methodist oiroolt I and that RS.. James Haar, of 0,5dltee, hu boon invited by :he Holmen• wife 5516gr.gatina Mrs. Reynolds and M es Hays loft Mon• day alt for Toronto, where Mrs, Rey• anld• is securing ated(oel erea1mest fn- bar epee. Mrs. Campbell, of W et5,ld, and Mr.. (Or .)Gordon, of Luoknow, have been TOW. Ing this smolt at the home of Mr. and Mr.. W, A. Harrison. 3 H. Mold ultra, of Hunter, North 1)a. Icon. hate been wetting Thai. Kllior and li M Elliot for a tow 4.y'. Mr. Moldollen Is an old Hruoe boy but has hes. In Dakota for twenty years. Home Hho tUL. oto. I I AVING KNGAOED N. D. MUNN. i 1 maat0r hones Miner. I will even • shoe - Mg *hop ,a ronn.ntlnn wltn m7 bl•ok.mIth and mu,hlne Anslna•*. RDe5401 anent*On Oven to 101,1101.100 and had lest. Tour trod* eM/dt.d,eatHu tllooKnots rites& II„ITRAORAN, I1 a Tlewrle st. SPOR r8 OF WINTER. axe. R. 1110 D1L805. Mr. Henderson mode a fitting reply, el - priming 0,.-.ppreotat,00 of the ktaduam of be people. He bad. alwrys lilt that helm! ahoy worm bloods rmoug the Smith's Hell people, .sod woe very much moved by their -xpreasion of goo 1 wt I on th • 0000110•, Clinton played at Wrngh•m last Frldey and was beaten by the home team 8 to 5. Some of the young ladles of town hove org•o.zed • h-iokey nlnh, and they ars ppre• p•r,•i ro receive challenges from any-dner tidies' .lob on the mitinen1.. The (Ioderloh hockey seven plays at ('lin ton this eve0log, and to .00nmmrn1014 those who m.y wleh to.onnmp•ny them • Iron will leave 0.15 of 6:30 1 M The return fors will he 553. Tne some as S.aforth last week some to have Alt the people of that rood town very hard. Keen "Grogan" woe Det •hla to sir;( In his nmol merry Mo., but etrook a peso. motto key. Th. Seoferlh team entered • proton in oonoe06io.. with the gams with (;oderloh loot week. The thing was threah5d out at Clinton Tawd•v analog and the protea was disallowed. A challenge matoh was played between two rinks of curlers last 'rhund•y after noon. • teem of "youngsters" - Copt. Donnelly, W. Wallace, C. Reid end Dudley Holmes (skip)ehall.n .ng a team of "old heads" -W. Lon., R E. Watson, A McD.' Allan sod D. C 4tranhan (skip). The ohellenrsn trot* defeated, how..... the 'old hood." winning 8 and., oath 17 .bete, agdnat 6 ends and 12 Mints for the "young. Man." The mrnival last Frldey evening was well •tand0d, both hy rosrnm.re and speoaterl, and there was Item 00mpetiW0n for the prime •,Herd. Th. p,4ge were W Wel Ian, Frank Pretty and Chas. R.1d, and *boy modes their awards a5 follows : lady's fancy, Min F.thal W,Il,.ms ; I•dy'e "ambo. Miss !'lo M loan ; .0nt'. l.noy, Hnr.oa Reguem ; font'• ,'omen, Lnrn. M,IMnald sod AI's, Wri4hl ; girl'. f.noy, Mies Cor FI. Frain ; girl's nomin, Mies Rita Jordan : bey'.Iasoy, Willi. Peon dfoot ; hoe's eom.n, Asa. Tumbril. The Manse land was lit 1Mtsasas0. 8.. owned her now ',mooted husband to (he pouoe .tattoo at 3:40 eon. in a (roten over filly moire ago, and until their re 000dltton. S•deriok was found at the dour muvel to U) lerinb some thirteen yawn of Mr. Colder's house on Alexander street, slope ouot404,3 to reside In the to•ioship trying to gain an eotrenoe. Mr. Colder 8he bates two ohlldren, George, of Moot- soot for Ur. Douglas, who sold be would one, and Mrs. Knight, of Gnderech town loos his fingers. Hie fast are also badly ship. 1'hy funeral took plane on Thursday Irotso. and he has now been sent to the ,beruoou, Rev. M. 'Turnbull conducting general hospital. Sederlok worked for J. the mayoral, and tl•, pal6bearore being R. P. Keeler, barber, and says his home Is In 'Thompson, John •lohnetoo, Jos. White. Uodertoh, Ooh. He •oouunted for his frozen lr, Th .• Hall, 11 m. MuClymont and Me oo oditlon by saying that his was o0 his way Nohulson horns from uhuroh whop he was taken sick SOCIAL AND ENTBRTA1NMINT_-A "box" with onmps mid fell down on the transfer eool.l nod sutert.mocham,ot w111 be hold mor tock, where he lay until •short time ba- the auspioes of the Royal Teh,plare to the (ors being found. Tempeeano. Hell next Monday sveotng, at A GRAND McefcAL FviNr -Press reports 8''rlo.k A good progratp, corsistlug of of the great organitatlo0 which 1e to appear wogs, recttatloos, tableaux, hoop drill by here Tumidity evening, at Victoria Opera twelve young toil.., Highland danotog and House : Loudon Free Press-" Th. •ud ue'rumsotal music, will b, provided. All 'Looe wee:eotraooed by the stogieg of \1r. ladies are requested to bring • bo; ot re. H. Ruthyen Macdonald and .t the oonclu treatments with them Admission for an ut nos of his songs the silence mould be gentlemso, Iso; up ohargs for ladies. All are felt. Tb. people soarooly breathed, so Inv1,01. deepl9 were they affected by the magoit ANUTHLR Fula o2,01111 HARBOR.--Satur- eenl randenog. 'the audience showed (. day mmulog, short atter 1 o'clook, the •Dpreci•tloo ot his fine vocal power by re lrem.a were relied o t of their bads by peatedly pilling for oo00r..." Hamilton the alarm fur another h s at the (mastless Kooning Times-" The Mwdooald Uuar noel beep .t 460 harbor, rm. time um, piestette after last *venial; will doubt lees be Inugelde was burmog mo teas 'the Owl. heartily welcomed on their return dote. Their surging was the best ever board m Tome sou some correspond ea the previour Otte oily. The program was *indent throughout, but • beautiful number worthy of special mottling was - 1.ye my mother's ptotmrti from the sate.' " Seoul, 25c , and 50o. Don't miss Y. day between the Mayor, th harbor matter and Mr. Holmes r.gordiog tbNMI and the imager involved in leaving It 11,4 pr.seu' 00.14on, but nothing ha yet be done to wards it. removal. HPCMANAN. & LAwsoN.-Mews Boohoo. .o & Soo have token into psrtnerobi with tnnn in their planing mall bueinere John L.waou, ni 'Dunlop, and the firm a ow Buchanan. & Ltwsou. The w styled Buoh o �. porton I a yauog eau tfho 1, well • favorably koown in Godertoh and vicinity; and who has had inful experience to this one. There m • f•m,her stwtd is 40. new firm 00m., as Mr. Lawsoo's father wits some t erre 040 • partner rn the um. busiuou. Fuag,Txw'' OY9TBR SOrrxi.-The oyster sniper ro revels by Court Oodi•ich, Can, adtan Order of !',resters, rex- w.rk prom• las to be es.0joy6hle as these affairs have teen in the pact, and Court Gall/nob bre gotta • reputation along tate hue. 1'h. upper will be given in the Temperas.* Hall on Thursday 50sa.n1, the 28th tom. oyerere being marten from 7:30 to 8:30. and ole Iselin followed oy • pn.g,a,n of song', reo,t•elons, 510„ by loco' t .lesb. Liable rich Marin. B.udand the Blackstone 0• contra Iia bl, to attendanw. Admin 1100, 25s. Go and lave a good time. TH1 Let SaM('IL IdAoMATH.-Another of the worthy p4000ere ot the Hurou trot," has joined the great majority, In the pinion of Samuel M•cMatb, who passed away at his residence on Nat sang on Thursday lot at the age of sigbtysevso yeses and (doyen months. The immediate cause of death was an attack of what is oommeely res." the grip." Mr.-M..M•tb woe li hly respected by thous whit -imam him, so• although be was of a gnat, unobtr*s lye isposition, hie- life history poes•mu ...in 401.1• ot Interest. He wee born Mitch 2th, 1813, to B. Bast, Irel•od, of Scottish • ren -s Coming to C.o•da with his (other o 1832. he lived at Kingston 00 - til 1834, w the family moved •o Amherst Island. whbe lived for several years In 1839 beesm Held Miss EI's.belh John stone, d•ughtr\of the late William John• eso0., veterlo•r surgeon, of Belfast. Ire 1.4d. He Dams t liodenoh the same year• ad porob•eed lot n mbar )6 on the four h c °cession of ()odes township, where be 11w •od made • o for,able home for Maria f and family uoti 1873 10 the year Tux Assizas NIX? W sox. -Up 10 Wed' be moved l,, o (lodsrioh, and lived here oesd•y a"oh four •anooe•had leen entered until bis death. Daring a rebellion of for trial at the Amuse to be held neat week. 1837 be served for mibmins oath' is 10e oommsnuIog on Tu -qday. The jury one* 6oluntest•mlhttls of tae oity ot Hlsi•loo are: UAvids,o vs. Fortune, an sumoofir ie 'pot, woo y5•lsod to .repot s loyalties' ductJon; McBride,v,...M.ors et •1, an from the Q ••!skald.."'.l whioh u thr_ Action for damage. ; Horns vs. Clark, an *toed .t that t4m•. H• r•oslvsd T,oeor- .often Ler m.11ciou pi °aecution. Met* is .ble discharge Irom Sir,Francis Bo • He.d, FARMERS' INSTITUi E MEETINGS. Supple, eotary me.UPpV of the 6Y. await Farmers' lnItti 0T! will be btld .• follows: RUTH, FRIDAY, MARCH 1. Ten.peraoo. Halt, 1'30 P. se. President'. addrn, James S11. Five minute speech -"Small Fruits" -A. J•oobe, Blyth. Fire Minato apesoh-"Family Oardeb'- F. C. Elford. Address-"dtock Feeding on 5- ••'4 Farms" -A. MoNs,h, W•Ikerydle. Andr.w-'• W .man's Institute, Alms and H.nelte"-M.as Maddock. f;nelph. Eveulug anion, 7:30 P. M. Address ( hsirm.n. Ad,lrose-'•Th. S•t0oettoo of the Former' -A. M. Nell Adiress-"l)oute..tc Se,enes"-Miss Mad- dock. Adores•-"fte'ation of H•asohold to Farm" -Pr-..dent Womo.'e Imituute. AfE. Rrederin, F. Metcalf odd others will .peak also. HOLML0y1Ll.x, NATCRDAT, MARCH 2. W,Ifeoa's Hall, 1:30 r. M. President'. Address. Addrees-'B,eedtnr and Growing Stook" - D. A Forrester, Cuolnt. Addrees - "Woman's lustttutes" - Miss Maddock. Addrser-''Clover sod (oro" -A. defied'. Evening Mesetou, 7.30. Co.lgms's'. address. Address -" the Boom' Side of Feral Life" - A. McN..11. A Idrew,."1 he Importance of the Home" - Sirs. C. Veempient,. (iod.rtoh. Address- mestio Nolen.." -Mies Med• dock. IINTAIL, MONDAY, MAR4'R 4. Young's Moll, 1:30-r. M. President's address. Addter-"Tbe Hao.."Nog"-A, McNeill, Address - " Wow.&'. lnetHates "- Mite Maddook, Address-••Ilredlog Hor.M"-Dr. J. E. Blaoke,l, V. S., Clinton. Kooning Semon, 7:30 r. M. Chairm's'. ddre.. Addre.s-"TrIming of Young Htnress"- Dr Bleckall. Addrees-"Some Sociel Problems" -A. Mo. Neill. Address -"A Few Points in Dairy Work" Miss M,Jdoiik. NT. 1111.1:18, TUESDAY, MARO5, 5. Public Hell, 1:30 r M. President's address Addrrse-'•The Form %%.ter Supply" -A. liCN6H1. Address - "Woman's Instituto." --- Mies Maddock. Address -"Mistakes in Sheep limed' 01"- .1 Snell. rico ooe noo-jury oast, 11 dine. vs. King, so wino for this prce of some apples. Tbo.. H. Purdom, K l',,f London. hoe been -•p• mooted to oouduct orimioal business for the Crowe ; but Whir there ore no snmbo.l east. ,n sight. A FoRMza R1siDBNT tor Oolaki ase 18 r.. font's most h.gnly r.epwtede tiseos toned sway Iasi Friday morn's', In the persoo of John McLegw. at th• ripe old .,ge of mighty en• ye+n and four months. Mr. MoIngen was boru in Perthshire. Scot- ian 1. oot•lan:1. coming to Cmnado, with his wife and .m.iy, M 1854, and settling in Godertoh e eft'.rwsrd removed to Brune -hi. He n resoled In 8 r.tford moos 1874, and iso I about isov nn g • o worked .t his grads as wFpeaer and badder. Besides h,s widoir, he Iao•• lour children: Mrs Gib- son, of Grant's Pass, Oreroo ; Mrs. Camp- bell, of W tampon ; Cnerloe, of Denver, Col., and alms% 40roiture maout•oturer, oI Stratford. Hi PASNID THB Ci'T17RT MARL -Duo- .I•1 MoLaran, one of the oldest rceideuts of (M ane, di. 1 at 1:30 o'clock Monttay morning 07, his hem', 268 l.rve street, Toronto. Inecor flue s deoth, The Irian soya : ' was ooe hundred years. two mouths ••.d espoteeo dys old, and lived in thrill* oentatr:ee anti eve reigns of littlish snowier,. He "15 •native of Scotland and cams to Toronto from Milton. During hie lila he was engaged in the ohm outi0 05, and woe op to • short time ago •upndogly soave for • tem of hs year* He 'haven a f•milj of seven oh.ldrsn." Mrs A. D Comoro'. of town, is • daughter of the deceased, and was present at the wele• bration of hrr Islher's hundreth aunt y in Toronto last 1)eoembor. Lieutm.ot•Uoosroor of l'Jpper Chet•. ed to that discharge the Governor state that •' he hoped th.t Hier Majesty's loyal v. iso teem would be well repaid for their soya to the ('rown and for th• b•rd.bupo th rhey'had endured during the time . of ser Tree " Th. Governors haps was not ful 8Tfod; 4hii eltmaere mailed waiving fa religion Mr Met4lath was a Prrhyt.rlan, having joined the Established Churoh of 4a.tl.01 when he was nineteen years of age. He was eleotsd to the most honorable position that the church Wald confer upon a ley member, namely, that of elder, lo 11857.7. .01 s t 1 t t the time of his death was senior elder In Koox church. Th. date of the ereutmo of Koox church Is the some u that of Mr. M•oM•th'• emotion to elder- ship ; ldership; he wase member of the Sconce nom motes in 0000e0tlo0 with the building of he church. In politio• the deceased was • Liberal o1 the Liberals He voted in 1840 .t the ele•tlonrof a member of the farta meat of Upper Cando for the counties of Huron, Brum and Perth, the opposing can dtdittes being Dr. Dunlop and Capt. Stroh en, of Toronto, and he voted •t every sub sequeot eleatlon during hie life l0 1840 • mao had to hold • clear dad of Me prop- erty to entitle him to vow, and at the elsotio0 of that year there were only 511 voters l0 Gderloh township Mr. Mao Math was always on the side of religion and tempsr•nm and believed In Illustrating In his own life the prinolple. whioh he held. His enamel. as • total abrasion and els loiusom no doubt tended towards the se- t.bltahmeot of temperance principles In Oodsrloh township and enabling that mao- ,olp.lity to earn the title of " the mid ora - tar township " He leaves three 50114 : W':1- I:am, who lives on the old homestead in Gnd.rinh township ; Hugh, of Toronto, and James J , of town. 'I'hra brothers survive him : Hugh. of Detroit ; William, of Duo- g•nnno, and Charles, of W•Ilaoebarg. Mrs MacMath died In 1875, and it Is remarkable that her death 000urred on 'l'horydoy, Feb- ruary 14th, as did her husband'.. The last tribute of pobllo respect was paid to the do- nned no Saturday, when the remains were interred in Moltland cemetery. the funeral prooeselon including miry residents of the township. Rev. Jas. A. Antietam' 000duot• d the servloes, soil the pall darer. ware James Buchanan, A. Stratton. John Welk er, A. P. MoLe.., Voter MoEwao and David Stoddart. y NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - FEB. 21. PIs Can You Afford !-Kidd & Co.... ..... 4 Hit/ Stook taking Sale -A. Moll. Allan.. 4 A Lams to English-Sburdy & Co 4 lee hay to Figure up the S•ylog-Hod• gene Bros 8 Anoououement-Prot, 8 L. Taub. 1 Building wad Alterstlon Sale -Porter's - Book Store 8 Underwear and Uepee-W. Aohewa & Soo 8 Showcases tor Sale -P. 0. Box 173 1 AuctlouSale-T. Guidry 1 A Grand Mwloal Event -Victoria Opera House. ....... 8 Aouounuemeot-l),o Stewart 1 Anuuuooement-U. E. King, Wingbam, 1 Cold Feet -los. Wilson 8 ADpreotlo. Wanted -Mrs. U. MoIvor1 Aristos hold Mining Co 1 Nolo* to Creditors -Ostrow & ()arrow 1 1)o Mg2.0410011 ADDRW.--We are In reosipt of a neat little hook 000tll0ie1R an rddrossby Rev. A B. Meldrum,ofMt. Paul. on "Slotl.od's Contribution to American Life end Hetorv," as read ba me the So- ciety of Colorist Ware. Dr. Meldrum men- tions many xcottish nomas that are well known la Amarlr•n history, and makes an eputcelntive anslyeie of the Soottish-Amer• .can character. 1'o show, by way of troop, tion, the innate modesty of the Soot 8.1.145 • story of the unly pompous Scotsman he ever heard of. This one wco met on the road by an old wife WI te.•u to mn!ng after her 000. Desperately to 1 ,e,l, s4e cried not, "Mao loin that coo." With i•. Lona. tion he replied. "Woman, I'm so a ruin I an a magistrate." COCNTY JCtN4LN CRIMINAL Coowr.- Jadge Doyle delivered jodrmeot on Moody In the one of Albert Evans, of Colborne towh.hip, en the oharge of stooling • ehstp. He Hanoi found the prisoner not gmlly,on he trotted that. It had not been proven •.6.4 tddie/IMe4..pRtepr4oa.r 414-w wash the (06eatiee of remitting the °amus. Evade is to bo tried on March let on an- other oblate, tied he w•5 admitted to bill in the meantime. At the some mutt 5eoteoo0 was pawed upon Patrick Hlck.y, who -item* weeho ego resat .fro Police Mogietrate Beattie, of Seeforth, with an xA He was Gentian(' to two mooch* In at hard 1•bor, with th5 advtue to re move hie family from 8saforth when he was taleaeod and keep himself away from robe key. the magistrate, and trouble. Evening Session, 7:30 r, M. Chairman'. address. Address -"Possibilities of Poultry" -A. McNeill. Addeo., -"Domenic Soienoe"-Mies Mad- dock. C. Tebbolt, .1. Gaunt and others wilt also take part. Magical programe will be provided for the eyenlug meetinge. Some of rho officers of tho Woman's iaah- lute will be pr. at all the meetings. A 'peeled ruviratt,n for the 4.4,.. to be present at nosh •f.ernoo,i end event g eesanne. We wont to form local rranoh. e of the Woman'. 1011ito1ee at each plow. The suhjeou will be shot 1, so w to give ample time for dlscoeslo0 All are *Moons. JAN Snort., orseident, F. C. EI-reRn, WC. AROUND TOWN. - f HE BEET SUGAR QUESTION. Di1RING the uort few uwnth., and perhaps -[or, a few years, the sugar beet industry will be prominently be- fore the people of this Province. There is much to be said for and against the raising of bente for the manufacture of sugar, more especially when the matter of a bounty is oon- cerned. We think the letter of our Nova S.:otiai) correspondent is worthy of Special reeding in this comseotion. He is clot as hopeful of ultimate ono - cess so many are, but it may be that he loo'.. at the matter from the stand- point of the man who does not wish to see the carrying trade of Halifax and lit. ,joliu injured. If any discus- sion - 11.0.. place in our columns we trust that sweet words and cry.f•alllzed argumeuts, which moat befit the subject, will be used. 1t•OARINO 071. A Government with • sugar policy is not likely lo.54l up Salt Creek. The Rumor (:o7ennnunt hoped to sugar bast the Opposition at the mitt electiou. \ do.ul brat and a sugar boo, are alike in aH. roopoot : lhot when loll twee both aro likely to be "pulled." The Ontario tkiverrtment is not giving the farmers toffy when they may that tarp Proviu'e can mire A 1 sugar Mete. WESTFIELD.-- - MonuaY, Feb. Nib. w Wm. Camphill od Waal los are virtu g In Unclench. ENT - TAINMINT PO(rr,OK1D. - On WO- count smount ..t he atom' and heavy roods, 11 was ,mpoesihl to hold the mitert0leme06la W'eeitleld c aroh loot Tu.edsy night, add it was poop• . ad pall Tuesday .vsalag, hi mob 5th, wh ' so uoellent program will bo toy no. K,Nu'e Deiroi r*L'i Soot AI,. -A bugloss• meting and soul eyenteg of th. King'. Daughters will he held tom orrow (Freda, ) evening •t "eves o olook, al the home of Mrs. Pwme.e Anyone int mow in the work of the Otte • will M made wel- come. Tin LAit MR. Ourrrri ,-On Ta al.y, 12th toot., Mary Ana Ha mdton, wile ot Arohibeld M.Ihotr, (hod •e .deely .1 hart Iodine 4ne ha.i he.. soft snot for some Mme from beau trnehlo, bet was able to b. .boot. Mr. Rh,ort w• as hors la Ire- land reland meant eev.e v5wre 05 n used am. es Canada when • young w. roan, aetllt•g with her family le God." fah tewa.fkf5. C ' LOW Moon*T, Feb 18. C..nper, of (lot rioh, •pent SOodsy at Sir. McKnight'.. Ales Martha Sallow. 1 Puff.r,ug from • severe attack of to grippe. Rev John Youog, of Hamilton, preached to a full hoose on 8•bba10 last. Hey. R. Henderson, we are pleased to sloe, 1e able to he around again. Dont' forget rho annual Sunday .ohool convention to bo held in the Presbyterian and Methodist churches on the •fur0000 and evening of,Febrwsty 21st. - ANNOUNCEMENTS. A inmost earewa4T's thls.week and nett in • 40o black um for 2.5o. Only one pound et • time to one „ustomer. Wanted, 1000 hash. timothy and .lover weed, 100 tu'keys, siso dried apples and batter. O. K. Kral, rttrw Vm w�.. tsamant, Wes% street. They reai0o them regularly -always fresh, im cream, 000 (5, tonery, fruits -mil cigars. C. Bieck *Tool, propr•et0r. T.I.phone 70. Cout'u,-Prot. 9. L Taube, menufeotur• Bid npttohm nett -eye miesimilio. of Toranto. will be at th. Bedford Hon.., (;nderioh, on Monday, 25th, until Friday noon, March ler, and will teat eyes and hilt glasses to all defeo'ive r ght. No metier whet Is wrong with your 5yea, come and Ste me and if you ran he suited 1 n.n make the Flues for yon. t am eh0 oldest opt loion to Toronto and have bison established linos 1873, making ereetasles and fitting tree Over eeyeoty-five thousand oases hove nen aucoessfnlly treated by 105 where others Anne balm". The advantage I h... over others 1. that 1 grind all my own lenses, and as m•kit i spectacles Is • preleuton and • sC(rnee, as le 5001nm spectacles, It rmlolra yoga. of ',tidy sod hard Isbor 10 THCL.DAI, Frh 28th. -Unreserved ono. he Ohio M onrr.ot the errors of rofraotiOn lion 5.15 of farm 'took and Implements at \nu phew' twenty alghr year, o1 my •_ west half of los 15, 000c.eaton 7, W. Wows. potteries 5t your service. Come and 5.e nosh, at 1 o'clock p.m. Roti. DCININ, 50 a.d gat your ape t.5t.0. Come early, proprietor. Toon. Groner, .soNossw. as y'•a my redulr, a second testing. Coe - saltation free. For relerwnn a and test'• monists eye airrnlara. Toronto •ddre• : 4. L Tarsi, 254 R•ohmend Street Ww1 1J MARRIED W R1annlry tesfi of the Meierrrh !, by vRe . Mr. M.nIt ~heraldof filo , third son of Vino.d tRoOtA- r•M, eree5 40h, tent.. to Bosons May. K nrth dangtuer of Bat. R. 1.. Vleken. Rnwmor0on, Manitoba. To*ONTo UNIvaRNITT ALUMNI AN.'l"IA- TWN eon Humus. -At • me0u0g held at the Chiron Lollrat• • last1tate on Saturday, he 16 h lost , for the parpoes of nr0.0mting an alumni vaooutton for thn county of Heron in 0000est,on with Toronto Uolvnr- e,tT, the follewmg officers were ideated Honorary Presides', H. I Strang, B. A , Gods/lob ; prwldeet, Dr. Gone, Clinton ; y.c5 pres,de0ty, Mr Mime. 4ealorth ; [h. Tayl•�r, (:odsrtob ; Rev. Mr. Stewart, Clm• t.,m ; Rey. Mr. 'Fletoher, I.oeter ; Dr. Agnew, Wl.gh•m : eoretary - Contort Iteret e, K. A., LL. H , 1;odenoh 1 ,'ounmllors. Rey. J H.mlltmo, 11 4„ and 4 M. Field, B.A ,0ed•noh ; lasso ('.riing, R.A., Exeter; Mean. Hooson. H A , sod Hrydua., I.L. R., Chilton ; Mies Kirkwood, B A , S..forrb ; RSV, .1. A Hom,lton, l.ond5.horo' ; 1)r. Bsehen.n, Zoom ; 1)'. J 1:, Inedes,. Bluth i Dr Holloway. Wing ham. Tn• 0111.01 of IM asintvanon 1. to .5.156 el bringing heifers lbs Dahlia. ,D th 5 neiehhrn,hood, the amts o1 the Ptolemaic! U.,y,rsity, and the n.new,ts of rendering It eta y nema000 to enable It to limp Ile OIEC. props planus 05 0.01100.4 501 el le" ell!' MOMATH. In fro,:11.V.. 1(OEe. 0n Thnrted a7. r0h, A Uonsmen MANN MnroRTnng.-The 11th, Samuel McM•th, egad 07 ream sod WIaa1 Free Pts.. 01 ih. 12 h rays 11 m w„h. Ogg emnls mos agent. [),.kN . In Aabfl td en the Uth lost the 72 "Yr, AMI. alder, Y Waved wife of J. V. And nus, aged bssegbi a leery ass named Bert Solarisk rete. COL BOR N FREIT AY, Feb. 15. On Thursday, th...yeoth Inst., the reel- deon0 sof John Mugford was the em0* of as Interesting 001510000, luso y0Uog people he• Ing j-lnsd to matrimony by Rev. E. A ;thaw. The prine:pals wr'o Charlet Mugford, of Colborne, and Miss Mary BsreArd, of Took. erendth. COaeretulaIfus• to the young cnu pie. A union 000veotioo of the Mothodat and Evangelical ohurohes will he held la the Evangelical church nn Moroh 3rd and 4th, Go Suod.y there will Le 'prelate at 10130 A .N 06 2' 30 r. N„ and to the .0anlog. The aft !noon nowts will be a Sunday si.hool roily, atilt -eared by J. H. MoCliorso, l\.,*field, and O. Elliott, floderloh. On Monday there will be morning, afternoon and evening seulon'. Oo WdnoSA•0 •happy avant took place at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blab, heMg the marriage of their daughter. Mae Joint., too Samuel &Means. Rm. E A. S'..w p, r!. row' th• oeremony. In the pres- ence of over e5Yee1•ive guests. The •,.,.taste o1 the bridal maple were • dater ot the be'de, Mus Ella, ae bridesmaid, and a brothr•, W'lllt.m, as proomsmso, Tbe bas•'• reeelv5d many beautiful pre.enls, 4,e- _ww�wwtnr'h, 0.1,0101 In whioh ohs 11 hdd. Mr, and Mrswill Ism next week for their future home near Brandon. Mme., whither they will ha followed L0 the god wishes of many frr.nls AUCTION SALES. Ail parties getting thole gale bills printed at this om.e. will nave a Mie noune maned in this list uo to the time of Dalai. M*yI 41DAY, Feb. 23rd. -Auction solo of cotter., Belga, boggier, and w•gon..new and ...rood hand, at Mr. Rrydgsi s oan•ro shop opposite hue on's hotel. Rale to oommwm 1t 1 ,. M 1. KN,'\ •untioneor. FstnAT,M.rcb 141,0 -Attrition Dale of form stook and implements, proper.y of Join Simon., 000 3, ()oderiob lowwhtp. kriiry• thing to be sold without toreros. as Mr. Sproul is riving op tarmbor. TwomaoGoy- PRY, Aootloeeer. THesan*T, Marcie 14th. -Extensive sso- tion.el. of fatal et001, Implemsaa, 4WD, belonging to the (saes of the late James I )a v'eoo, ar Int 4, cog wwloe 3, township of Colli oras•, •t 1 t; olnok r M. sharp The 11s6 loolud.e a large 'tomt•ar of good salamis 1 •aricultutel implements, Iselnding binder, m0wsr4, hotfoots, pine*, drill, onitl•.MM, limning mill, etc. ; boggy, ente5r, sleighs, Worm., Musette, 510 , also a Int of hens. bo'd furnitere. R 8. WILLIAM., dminls- Mater. Too•. (pNb*i, asotte•..r. W,ngb m John J. R.Ilash, whoretorn.d from Mlostran a short Mete ago. Md at the home el h,. elates, Mrs. Napes. aged 30 tars.