HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-14, Page 4r
4 Tsonena r, Web. '14, 1901
- what they believed to be true, and POLITICS IN PARABLES
ZUthLentury Rave vigor to every utterance+.
Today that policy ja changed.
Bargain Sale Where jourt.alistic lone once held Unlaoke Looks Horns.
With a
Toronto Editor.
sway, monkeys and parrots bow jabber
I mud gibe.
The forward policy of the sheet has A Luras 1 row e, r alar wu.r eatr.me■-Mr
Nsae 1 ■ wlrwtld .
to Tak< RI
been IeverM•d mull straight-out lying err Moil.wetoo Nere.ti the Nest
n i" now the parr iortinant feature of The reerury.
During the month of
February we commence
of Stoves.
our busineaai year with a groat
Bargain Sale of
Wood Cooking Stoves
Heating Stoves and
second hand Coal
and Wood Stoves.
This is a chance to aecurc a
good stove at \our u.v0 p lit,
As they must go.
Liberal discounts on tin and
granite ware.
Remember this sale well be for
Feiau.'y month only
J. H. Worsell
Stoves, Foresees, Granite
and T.owaro, uoderiuh
All 1900 sc0000s mart he settled et one
the Signal,
m PDRLlselm
• •. MeepiIANT
OUR esteemed local contemporary in
its last issue endeavored to work it-
self into + state of hind because THE
SIoeAL objected to the dilly-dallying
tactics of the Court of Appeal in con-
nection with the West Huron election
Tris SIONAL has no desire tel emu-
late its contemporary iu the hri. k
throwing business, es our space vett
be used to better advantage at pres-
ent. We might, however, point out
that the dilatory, action of the Court
has shut West Iron out of repre-
sentation this season, and that, ao
this is probably the, last session the
preseut Legislature '11 hold before
dissolution, the constitu ncy hss.been
rather Scurvily trigs
So tar as we are concern
care a fig what the decisio
Court is likely to be. If Mr.
is sustained he certainly should
we don't
..t in
his place in the House ; if, on the
other head, he was unseated, .th
was no reeson for the judges' holding,
back the decision until the House
met and it was too late to issue a
writ for an election in time for repre-
mutation at the sitting session.
If there be no further session of the
present Legislature, there will he no
necessity for the belated judges' spin-
ion at all, and all the money expended
by the litigants and all the grey
matter wasted on the case by their
lordships will not avail to the value of
the proverbial hill of beans.
From our pant of view it has the
earmarks of a fake oft the constitu-
WE ere pleased to see that the Min
later of Justice, in reconrue 1,11 rig
appointments to the bench, ha; hoer'
governed wholly by the qualtfii •tions
of the appointee.
The recent elevation of Mr W .
Loutrr, K. C., to the bench is s mite
in point. For many years Mr Lo uer-
oocupied a front place at the Ontx.uc
bar, and his elevation to the Ben. h
was a foregone conclusion by 1110..•
who felly estimated hie abilities.
Among flee front rank sten remain
ing are A. B. ATLwIWORTII, K. C., of
Toronto , H. M. BRITTON, K. C., M
P., Kingston ; Hon. J. T. GARllow,
H C., (lodench ; E. F. B. Jointer*,
K. C., Toronto; G. H. WA'tW1114-i -
Toronto, and half a dozen others
names d
eats o not occur to
aseus at the
time of writing. Any one f these
gentlemen 1s eminently ('nalified to
fill a place or, the lean lid every
one namal is a ratan in loll po.seution
of his working power., and earning a
good annuity at hie :-hoseu vocation.
In the dietrihntion of future .judi-
udi"cial appointments it is ,to be hoped
that the unseemly pushing forward by
interested parties of inferior men will
be done away with, and that abi'ity
alone will govern any recommenda-
tions that may he made to the Min-
ister of Justice. The best men possible
should be on the High Court bench,
and the cloture of men without legal
record should he thrown Dot
Mail's doukey-engiue.
A specimen of the low-down tactics
of this wart on the journalistic body
was presented betely when The News
publish, a stetemen', that the editor
of Tilt ARINAL, now that Mr. Bonnie
was selected as Conservative leader,
would repeat his 0xpiOelien, "BORDEN,
you are a liar 1"
When The News published that
mendacious statement it knew that it
wits publishing an absolute falsehood.
Such a statement was never matte by
voice or pen against Mr. B0110EN by
the editor Of Tar SIGNAL.
To t lie contrary, our relations with
Mr. Bognor have always been most
friendly. He is a gentleman, and has
always been treated as a gentleman
by pis SIGNAL and its editor, and
whew guttersnipe journal undertakes
to say otherwise we don't hesitate to
brand it with the requisite trade -
We have, perhaps, given too much
space to Toronto's journalistic two -
spot, but even two -spots deserve wild
censure at times.
Because the revenue from Loyal
poetotlice, Mafeking and Prosperity is
small, representing only part of a
year, as it .hoes, The Star argues that
there wa.Y tittle or no necessity for the
opening of these offices. Let The
Star ask the people who nee these
offices if they would like to see them
closed up, awl it will soon find out
whether the offices are appreciated or
not. It has usually been the custom to
establish poetotlices for public con.
veniencs, and the fact that at thele
office*, as well as at others, the public -
can get their letters and papers with
the least delay proves the advantage
of opening them, regardless of revenue
THE two-pot of Oanedian journalism
is The Toronto News. The man who
now edita it is evidently a knave or a
tool, or both.
There was a time when The News
was well, though forcibly, edited. That
was when BRIPPARD and KNIPP. di
rooted its policy. That policy was,
perhaps, not always wise, hut the men
responsible for its utteranr wrote
tSpeotat oorreepaaleuoe of THE t(1uN11.,1
DANTMOt'Ttl, N. S., hob. 9, 1901.
Say, Mr, Editor, just let without "Cout•
•-doodle-dh0000u" through your uolumus
tor os,.•. The old Bluenose Provluoe 1v on
top os08 more. N • prow statesmen, and
leaders al statesmen hen i the Atlantis,
it's• feet. K. L Bordeu hes been oilmen
as the Couservative leader, And he le the
best of the let on hie aide, even If he 1s
se iy beak when compared to Leerier.
Ontario has furnished three Premiers at
Ottawa out of amity mbmbete; Quebec has
elves two, out of sixty five, and little Nova
Soods has had two Prem;or5 to her ordit
out of only twenty members. Thee, within
the last six years hntb the Opposition lead-
ers have Dome froul our seaside Provinee,
while the strongest roan on the Liberal stile
nut to Laurier is Billy Fielding, also •
Halifax 'oy. 'Kith tor the !dayflower
I'roymca Once more, "Coot a•doodls.
Say, 1 was epeiklug alien! !wheel last
were, and Chet reminds me of • ht11S 1001
dent that happened when 1 was peeing
tt ree.h 'Toronte at election time. I was
near King. reser' on Bst when 1 mer a
young Indian looking chap with • black
holt hat, that Thought was Ra the
about• Mimed wbo used to hang
Northwest Arm.
I out out my hand, and sats, "Jrok, old
men, when did yen get to Toronto? 011
you walk, or swim
He shook hands not very beery like, and
he Days, "v5 ho are you!"
"Well, that's pretty good," says!. "Yea
Mtomsa going book on Cools Uai•ots.''
Angd Iwink. poked n;m in the gibe with • know -
Soy, he got het, *el ho "aye ea peppery
as you please, "I'm neither. a Mie nor a
Man. My risme a Robinson "
His eye shoes In • threatening sort ot
way, and 1 saw that e1 hrdnode a mistake.
Tame i. says..' . your
but I,reelby did thiok you ,sae a Micmac ;
Mout iojuo."
Say, he got hotter stili, and 1 guess if I
bad bean • young chap he would have heal
ed me one for myself. But be just said,
"Now, who in thunder are you!"
"lam Uoiscke Roweled' Alcibiades Pooh,
at your sesvloe," "eye 1.
And then be thsw0S out, sod said that
he hal beard of me through Tint SISNAL,
and we 410 a big tent &bout politics and
things, I'm • sinner it be Isn't better met-
ed on polities the& any fellow 1 ever mot,
exotp►ine Ned Fuser. Bat Diem blamed
narrow in hie judgments that if one of them
tali en • wo,dea ail:walk it would she
through • crack. We a loot. Ween we
talked about Senator Cos, he shook his
fists. And when 1 nsppend to say that
Cliff Stfton h.d shown himself the man for
Manitoba he got so mail, and spouted so
bard and fast s alnet bunt that hie mouth
looked like ihn t temblsr
'hey should be m Dated. We aerials'
;y Limit w loo. The 000etl[ueooy was oa-
r prewoted le the Legislature last session
met�ow another ses.lon has opened and
still West Huron bas eau phos to the
cautions of the Provisos, •0d all through
Me dllatorlusee of the uuetta, of whluh we
are prone to plums ourselves so moots. It
u an outrage, and should not be tolerated,
Chu, however, is simply one Malone* In
many, whoa similar aggravating and •a -
evasive delays ocular through the red tapetsm
and tardlpeas of our ouurts. 'foe judges
seem to sell their own couveoleaio and that
•Ione, without any regard to public inter -
time. We du not know whose duty It Is to
look atter them In this reepest sod stir
them up when they become too indolent to
properly perform the duties for whlob they
ars .o liberally remunerated Hut, upon
whoWoever power the duty devolves, it b
high time they were taking some action.
11 the judges have more work ea band than
they ion properly perform, additional
judges should be appointed, and 11 the sal.
Arles of the new appolo'eea were deduotd
from themof the exl.tdog judges, it wouldu
be apt to have a very stimul.ug Iufiomee
and the public would have lees owes for
complaint in the future.
-(;ens'al McNees will be Saw. Hcuase
mutton this session at Ottawa.
--Hot. CLAIMS WALLACE evidently slip-
ped a tog et the Ottawa Tory c•aueUe.
-The honorable Kxvsm.s Tamen still
elatme that he is the man behind gee.'
- Ontario's majority didn't count for
much in the ram for the Tory leadership.
- Tho change from TCPPLR to BORDEN
speaks for the regeneratioh of the Tory
-It Waw a good thing 1.,- NV-VIOLAS
FLouu perk?: that he took hie trick at the
Tury leadership last .ee.io,.
- And ao The Star prefers to boy. west
Huron unreprewutcsl on the floor of thean
Legielature. Well, the real aloe of The
—_— -
- It s quite evident that every eaort is
being put forth by the Ottawa Tories to
reek.) the Hon. Gamma ECLA5 FO.rria stay'
- "Slim" Sas, BARxtb, of Hamilton,
and W. "R. Ham*, of Toronto, evidently
know how W
play the minis against W. F.
M ACI.IAN. bar
-The boof the 41 brigade were out
In it for the Tory leadership in the Com -
!metre, leech to the eati.feetiou of Hon.ytecteeezie lfowau..
-The atomic" of Moue', u so
Kir CHARLES TUPPRa, lion. (1, E. Fowrea,
Hun WALTER Harrah is MuNTAoo■ and
11 l? A. POWELI. ought to Shorten the
901011 by three mouths. at
- A Tot)' newspaper says that Ht'oi
.rTHR1R, member for Mouth Wellington, is
he largest man on the Grit aide of the
House. save Duncan C. FRA,IR, the (lays.
hero' giant. if •11(1(111 takes off hie hat it
will oleo be e, that he 1. big mentally.
--The gala tiuu . of W. P{. (:A4.taas, •d
\Year Middleae�tp_toe chief Onierla-whip-ia
a well-deserved tribute to an able young
nlan. if anyone repeats Tom CrRRy's
P rpt ' W hero in Honolulu was Blur
CAI., ihn,r there ought to be no ditlticulty in
answering., - - - -
Toroulo Star : The West Huron election
sue has been so sternly contested that the
conetltueooy was unrepresented at the last
session of the Legislature and Tut (:ODS"
Rp'll SIGNAL expresses a tear that the same
thing may occur again. THE 510NAL pro
tests against the slowness ot the oourtd, and
says : "I1 the appellant has been snstalod
he should receive so early Intimation ; if,.aoo
on the other baud, be has been uoe.etul
to appeal, that feat should be mane known
to the public, so that no thole would be lost
is obtaining a representative for the postal
froths so. ty, be woo • oorker"te Moot
off against the Orlt leaden, and I'm blamed
if be had s god word for tbs Tories either.
He took another whack at Sinop, and 3
just keel -battled him with a little yarn.
"Say, young man, say I, "I guess 1 vs
trade you out eves if your name is not
deleted ho the hull. I guess your the men
.hal grtuis out the wormwood prim on The
Telegram. Did Sefton ever throw you of
your boss to a deet Certainly he has done
• to this here election.' Tben 1 Pave him
hie story :
Ono there was • horse doctor that bad
• pretty gond practice, and had to ake In
on oSloe boy. He bad • rush of business,
and one of the bottlers bent him bad to get •
powder. Tb. old doctor kit says MON boy,
'•Here's the powder In the tubo. Slip the
tube down the horse's throat, and blow the
powder down through it.'' And out the
young obey goes, as proud as a peacock, bar
0e 0514. In with • face as long as a fiddle.
••Did you get the tube down all right,"
says the old horse doctor.
• "Yee," says the young lellow,whimpertag
like a soared dog.
• "Did he pet the powder all debt?" says
the vet.
"• No, ver." says the lad, and his vows
•hook awfully.
Blame your picture," ehouled the old
doctor. " Why ,Lda'r you blow ; that's 511
you had to do -to blow.'
The young. fellow he looked up, end shook
hie head, -sed ..yo -to Ute 1.0111, "Tor Homs
H■ 1,LEW v1WT."
Wel'. the dusky diamond on The Tele
gram had a pretty hitter powder to pot
down the politlosl throat of Nihon, but tt
didn't get down the esophagus of the manl-
.ba statesman. The prairie blizzard blew
:t Into the eyes and down the gullet ot the
editor of the Toronto evening piper, and
llftoo basbeen getting •• rest more or less
.wer stool.
Now, I dldn'e say these last things to the
vrung man. lint he saw the point. lie's
-11 bright, and he inn take • dig if he trete
it straight. He jolt said that Hugh Jelin
was not • strong man after all, and that
Stites had the whole Department of the
luterior behind him, and It would be a mire
ache to defeat him, and all that, and I lost
says to him that he ought to let up on that
whoa his correspondents had Bitten hesten
two to one for the month before the .Ieettoo.
Says I to him, " You're the wore,. .hap
1 ever beard of 1. mwke,:oases. Some of
them ate shout as weak as that of a chap
down near Shsmogo• Harbor thee eloped
with a grabs widow, and ozonised himeelt by
e.ying that he was suffering from nay fever
et the time. it'e a fact."
Say, he got mad, and Wm be says,
Come ,ip '4) 0,. o(Fim as eek our Dew
quarters." 1 went there't and I tell you they
. MIAhave thing1MIAin chsh.w.paner shop-
et.g•nt memo, easy chairs, bright light.
vil', piney and polish. it's a porker. it
bets anything en Nova Moot,.. or Cenada,
1 Name. Then he pointed with pride to the
grsat nano palled "Unidwin Smith." 1t is
a costly bit of machinery.
1 turns to .Tank, se 1 called him, and l
'aye " How in thunder dews it happen that
yon stink yner pen tete the 11Nso meow
Monists and toast them totem the publln
fire, and that yon peek out the ohletest of
them and give him this grand monument in
your own buthilog ! "
Say, he gnt. lock-jawaA. 1 says to him,
" My friend, on remind me on this here
router inn of a nhap 1 heard of who got ep at
so •rperlanoe meeting, and he say..
" Frleods, honesty le the heat policy. I
know If. for I've Tann Sora wave."
He took It pretty well, end we shook
hand. and i wit bowed eat of 'bee handsome
building. As I was Iesves i say., " May,
sonny, yon don't feel bad ever tee mletiking
you tar a Mimetic?"
Oh, the devil." sap he, end .I made for
the hotel. IL R. A. Posse.
As the ott of the olboat beard of the
Retleobury street oburob held lass night •
unanimous Dail was eateedat to Rev. W. U.
Howsoe to Dome hack tor tee third term
Both baud sad 000gregatlou are more than
pleased trite hte pulpit and pastoral work.
Reseed. -Clinton News Reseed.
Notloe o1 changes utast be lett at this
Offioe not later than Satarday
noon. The Copy for changes
mast be left not later than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advurtisementt
aouepted no to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Tat onto Star : It looks as (1 1t would
take one pobloeman for each Boor man.
woman sod child W ea
preserve name after It u
secured by force.
Toronto Star : The majority of the lea•
tier Uovernmsat Is 47 over the Coeasrva-
tivu and Independents oombinod, 60 over
the Conservatives, sod 53 to Daae. where
Musts. Riobardsoo, Puttee and Smith vote
with the liberals.
N1ie 1Iscsisi iv•Tlnv'.
Owen S,uod Advertiser: In Toronto they
lit • hypnotist bays full swing,delnc all man-
ner of abnormal sod unnatural things, butDetested• poor palmist and fortune teller le •ested
milt cast into jell. 'Toronto 1. • city of mss•
n 16ceot discrimination.
Simoos Reformer : Mr. Carrie Nation,
the female who has been wreaking saloons
10 &anew, *aye roma ys the ren sho hales the
liquor trade is bemuse her first husband
did a drnokerd. Shonlio't be hard to
tied s'reaso0 for the poor devil taking to
POC ,otereoro'e VIr1°9.
Th. members of the GOdertoh Hortioul
to rah Soolety *111 hold their winter
m eetings for disoossing various subject' eon.
r,rotd with hoitloultere In the secretary's
othoo, oommenoing at 7:30 ,soh evening on
thefollewing dates:
February 16thtb.-Tomah aulturs. - C.
V1 silo
Feb 22nd. -Hones plant., kinds and
es re of, -,1, TAruNrrT.
Maroh let. -The oultly•tlen of rhubarb.
-T. O. NAnIL.
Maroh 8th. -How to grow artiohokes.-
Maroh 15 -Beet varieties of grapes,
raspberries, strawberries, ourr.nte, goose -
beetles and dewberries. W. WARxo0x.
Maroh 22nd,-Hortlonitnre in school. -
Ho 1). (;RANT.
M. LANs, T. C. N1rrel.,
hoer itary. Presides&.
%lmom Reformer : So 1)r. Mantage• Is 10
the employ of the Foresters af.er al
W ; ..•, de-
n e, and he Is off to Australia to put the
Order on a. feet In the new oonfderaoy,
bond lack go with him. He was over •
good natured enemy and 11 he can talk
Forestry se well a he has talked politico his
mission should add • few thousand more to
the salary of Mr. lrosetkettb.
LOUD SALtnsysT-Te -tt inose.
Toronto Mail and Bemire : Is a hew
weeks Lord Salisbury will leave wade a re-
cord in the matter of the length of bis time
of eervioe as Premier. Oladstooe'. Premler-
.hlp extended over four periods oomr,rlslog
12 veers and 137 days. The first Salisbury
Administration lotted 227 days, the second
year sod 16 days, and the Premier has
sow Men In office since July Zed, 1895.
Lord Salisbury mlehrated his 71st birthday
on Seeday last, end bis phyoioal and mental
vigor seem. to remote untmp•lred, glylog
promise of many more years of distinguished
Morrie A. U. h:unm told eight hogs, bj
menthe el& that weighed 1450 pound.. He
vwoelved .Aft few the Fends. They wore
T.mworth Chester brood.
Only : floor's Coombe' pleked a thletle
out of neo of hie finger with a pie, and se •
result blood pots:mine est In and he has Men
ender the docker's oar. with • very palnfnl
'tray : Th• tenth oneoeeslon name In for a
a. v random! on Wed■a•Aay,Jan. 3044,wkes
h u MoOuarrie, a woll known young farm
art brought hole. his bride In the penes el
Mies KIN, estimable 4aoihter of Wm.
Me()•11. sves►h Iles, Monis.
its the Conaltlon or • Your
Nerves That Either Males
Your L.lfe a Round 01
Pleasut'e of. a Use-
less Burden
'1'o many women life is one round of eek•
(e**, *solutes., and ill health. To attempt
even the slight -et hotterhold duties fatigue.'
them. Many of the symptoms s000mpsny
rug this stale of deelue are : a feeling of
tiredness owaking, faintness, dizziness.
winking fooling palprtet1011 of the heart,
ehnrt,t•e• of breath, lies of appetite, cold
halide and feet, hewiaelie dark eirul es under
the eyes. Dein in the back and aide and all
the other ac mpanime,a Al a run down
and weskeed constitution.
All thesymptoms and conditions are
simply the moult of a poor quality and
defective circulation of the blood, with a
westing away of the nerve forcer,
lt)' feo.bng the ',peen] with
You strike at the root of the disease and
try a solid foundation on whit h W build.
Soon the weight io:ruases, the sunken
cheeks and fiattonel teats till out, the eye*
get bright end the thrill hof renewtxl health
and strength vibrates through the system.
Exchange . Speaking of all the newspaper
foes over weddings In high life, Col, Thames
Wentworth Higglason hu recently len
nocasio0 to remark (hat the best .rrlags
of this sort recorded to all hitter) i5 that of
Samuel .Tohneoo, es decor 1 Ly Hamill.
"I told her,' he said, "that 1 has of mean
e xtraction, that I had no money, and that I
had an mole hum," to which the My re
' minded that she valued no man the more
of Ines for his patentees, that se for money
t he had none herself sod bail nothing to ax-
o mot on that score, and that although abs
had had • neer relative literally and
exactly hang, she had bad as many as twes-
t y who deserved to be, and she wished they
were. Atter *bion they were marled.
Guelph Mortuary : Clark• W•II•oe sod
A. F. Maclean will Dent be Dominion
leaders unless they /acorns hrodrr gauged
men. The narrow Orange 'Tory polities
which domin•tee Toronto and district le
speed out by the rest of the oountry. 'here
ars Orange Tortes who have some sense of
other people's rights, and some sympathy
with their point of view, het they are of the
E F. Clarke stamp, not of the Clarke Wal
lace stamp. W. F Maolsen Is broad In •
good many ways, but, i1 he Is ever to attain
Dominion prominence, he mast impart more
liberelt.m into the Conservative politics of
Toronto. Fancy the late Sir John Mae -
denim(' permitting mob a campaign as the
Terence Mail Empire and 'I'orooto World
pot up last election I
14T101 e11..1•I.n P. TARIM.
S.atorth Kzpooltnr : Tit (Inuxat 111 810 -
NAL of le.' west, very properly sod with
good gronnd., protests a,•tlnst rho m5nser
to whlnh the 00orte are dealing with she
West Baron election eels. Title erre has
hewn before the courts in one .haps ear an
dh.r ler ewn years or more. 15 hoe now
boon Meer. the Court of Aimee! at 1'oeensn
for well sigh • ger. The soma! was
heard by the Indies of that nowt early 1n
Deesmher laso and no d.nuree has y.
been gives. TeestnIAI. thinks 11 the jedees
have not bees able In two months M maim
Ilate the evidences and mom be • decision.
50 (01110 per 1, , at all dru tats'. or
Toronto, Ont.
We Have it Now
We have just reoeivmi a shipment of the eelebrated " LEMON
OIL" for polishing Pianos, Organs, Furniture and all varnished
and oiled surfacer.
Lemon Polishing 011
Is positively not injurious and will make your old furniture look
like new. TRY IT. We are BOLE AGENTS for Goderioh.
Granitine Floor Finish
Is the beat finish for all hardwood doors, oil cloth, linoleum, oork
matting, eta., etc. Now is the time to brighten up that oil sloth
of yours. Try GRANITINE Floor Finish on it.
Big Cut in Prices
Of Skates, Hockey Sticks, Ash Sifters, Crosscut Saws, Ages
Axe Handles, Mitts, eto., etc.
A. MoD. Allan,
General. Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
Sciiitou Hard Coal
IN rHx MAI 11(w'
About Prescriptions
All Coal weigh et 00 the Market scale.•
where ,ou get 100u Item for a ton.
e have just a few worda W say -and here they
aro : If you need medicine you are looking tor a
euro. 'It you want • cure you must have t Fel
medicines that science cart provide Then you
should patronize a store where the purest tested And
assayed drugs are used We ' bink we Dan give you
just such a eenioe. and claim to have the best pro-
vision for testing and assay in the County. Better
give us • trial, no matter what physician you have
Bear Ia find
that guaranteed cure of
our* for
Laxative Bromo Quin
a ronstitutionel treatment, and
Syr White Pine A Tar
for the rough.
There is nothing else "just 10
good." Ue the beat.
Orden 1.1t at LEE s f3R1lp8AAD13
Seamed Roberts
Save, in sp,akisg of the part taken by the
Cenadtans a' the battle o1 Paardeberg, that
It was their forward position whlnh was the
final move that o'mpelled Commandant
Omni' to lay down him arm. on the anal•
varsity of Majnba Day. The Weekly Globe
le enabling ite yearly snMortben to hand
down le their chtldren an exoelleo' mem
onto of thst important event by presenting
e hem with a cleverly exeoa'ed picture whtoh
000veye • very correct idea of the Boer
lager and the position of the Canadian
Iron'," sI that time. Mr. Frederick Hamil-
n enleet and others,
The (ilnbe • err
o sap
who were eve Witneeer». express the rrd.t
set satisfaction with the plenu , and 1t
eertaoly is worthy of that journal's enter
prise in making It possible to keep the event
ever In memory. The Motors est be Deicer
ed by becoming a enh.oriber of The Weekly
Glebe, at the regular prem. The picture
Dan he risen at this n(5 oe.
Stere promptly "teen t. Li to
The Gum law.
'Ins game commission will recommend be
the Ontario (Government that no nhaeree bs
made 1n the game laws al the coming soles
of the Leglolaturs, so that an extension of
the deer shooting season Is not • probability.
Such • /Mange 1s almost oartaln, though, to
be urged In the Renes, it bas some argu-
ments to IM favor. Many mss who °angio► go
to the north wood. during • two weeks' sea -
500 world have the oh•noe to hunt If the
open Leeson veers tortes as long 1n the
nor►h•sest portion of the Province, partial
lefty, the present open asann Is the meet
unsuitable time of the year for getting about
in that oountry. The Monne*. of the pres-
rewent meson meads all of the b,000 deer hun-
ters Into the north oountry a1 one time, and
the danger from th1s will tnor.a.e mar by
year. With a longer season we would net
have all the hunters net at neves, Meanie
with mooh more than the m•lorlty a two
week.' holiday is all they oars to give to the
sport. 'them propeeit Ions might int be of
creat weight If a man could k111 ee many
deer at he °hose, but the 1•w "Beers seal.
heater to take only two doer In • semen.
What differentia then If he has fear weeks
Instead of two weeks In whloh to moors the
pair allowed him? The total number e1 der
killer} throughout the Proven,. will not he
',worse/ad szsept ley therm banters elm nes•
not go tete the woods tetwsm Nevembae 1
end Neesodir 15, end who certainly ars
eeN11d W twsddsratlee.-Toasts Gobs.
Pastry, Oyster Paities,Tarts, Shore
Bread and Cream BoI1,Mlnce
Pies add Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranon,
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are t good as the beet mule in any
Pity in Canada.
(:amnion levle the trade in
ill fan'y designing an(1 (tenement
Illy and almond icing.
I;Ive him an order and your sat•
iefaotion will be assured.
nt:51 r, I
Farm Implements and Machinery.
Big Bargains...
all this month
Also J. W. Mann goods
Minutia, Pulver'', err,.
Walkervll a Wagons a upeelalty•
!Cron -thing made of the very beet material.
Repair of all kinds kept on hard.
Would he pleased to have you salt sod in-
spect goods hetet,' porehaelog deswhere.
(q,r,slt ('ASH PHICHs.
Will open lip In ;rho old Anson M
stand about egeaer Sri.
Hamilton &root.
A Great�Seap�
at the Cash Hardware Store.
Axes Whips
Axe Handles Sleigh Bells
Cross -cut Saws Team Bells
Cross -cut Saw Handles Curry Combs
Buck Saws Cattle Combs
Black Plamond Files Horse Brushes
Hay Knives Leather i litts
N ear Mem Snap, at 50. •
vetted. of a hinh we tali a barrel a week.
This tent one oily reap" es we earn'
• vi ryi hing Met ean M found in an nee
to date grocery store, and on, prime
aro right. Tke formers know that they
nee always pet from es • map tar their
prnAees. We drew the lino at en
legitimate trade P•arythIug goat
01•osrars ver potatoes, gar left von. or
ihn e..t iota* De.ea. We deal in .I'
of them.
T. G. TIPLING & 00.,
liodferd Meek. Gederle►.
are the agents for the celebrated Kelsey generator, which is
The Only Warm Air Generator on the Market,
and will heat your place with one-third less fuel than any
furnace on the market.
We have the largest assortment of coal and wood stoves this
side of Toronto. Also have a number of second-hand
stoves in stock. Old stoves taken in part payment for
new ones.
Co1ients Of Ilie Season
to all our customers
and friends.
STURDY & 00.,
WA are now delivering (when requeste(1 by oar subscribers) all
daily papers, periodicals and magazines. is your Yuma amongst those
who do not take a daily paper 1 If so, cast your eye over the follow
ing• and then, atter reading, we trust we will reoeive a personal call
re your subscription.
HKRB iS OUR OFFi P. ;—We will deliver to your home or place
of blueness, one of Toronto'. loading daily papers for only 20 ownts a
month, which mean. Iwo than ono cant per issue. Can you Ret such
value anywhere else 1 We are eati,fiewl yon (wnnot, and are folly alive
to the fact that the public will apprwoiate a good thing when they me
it by handing their subscriptions to
.• • A
We believe Ch1
have ever offered
40 pieces of 13
color and
900 yards of
or dress(
Colors w
Special .
50 pairs larg(
weight a
pair . , .
Men's Fru 0
W. 2
IS' the ■area re
•ensues -n
Fellewior is the
sahlblttes of the
Steak Aseoolattos,
west :
Brahma" light -
John Tbomeeo, erl
Carling Bros mid
000kerel, Jeho Thi
pullet, John Thi
Carling Brio , squ
$ranms dark•
iod ; hes, John
Armstrong Bros.
am let.
Ceobtne, p•rtri
Brea 2nd ; hen,
cockerel. Armstr
Armearun, Bros. i
Cm bin black -
mit lo! ; hes, Sou
Laa,eban- Mal
Macro ; hen, Jim.
Jae. A Orly let
Poetistewaltbe, J
Plymouth rock,
sr, Armstroog H
411. Booker ;
Armotroog Bros. ;
AI ab Brea
Plymouth rock,
Beeler & Orley" ;
Booker and Se011
eookerel, A. Hook,
U. Campbell, Alp
Plymouth reek
1st; Pea, •Beek
AetWL, A. Beek's
Wyaedetts, poi
Wm. 1)oak ; ►�,
erbon ; cockerel,
pullet, Ir. 'Mew,
Wyandotte, •
Dullest, W. M 1
Cullen, god ; 000l
e. Hamuwa ; pal
S. Hamlltes.
W yandota,
Bartlett, Wesley
BsNett, Weals,
met & Bartlett
>loatbmtt t Bart
Wyandotte, k
1st ( hoe, (1. Cu
lett ; cockerel, J
Bartlett ; ;pallet,
U rat tea
Wyandotte, 1
Brea, let sad 2.
Senior & Grieve ;
O. C. HomtItoe ;
Armstroog Brea
Game B. B. n
A. J. Gnq ; bet
bride ; cockerel,
pullet, Chas. K
Game B, lid,
and tad • bee, 1
pollee, Chas. w
Game Pyle -h
Thea Bower le
A. J. Grip ; P
blame, ladies
L. Booker ; hi
eoakerel, Arm
Armstrong Bros
Game, ptk—M
W. Blackford t
2.d; ppuallet, W.
1)eekmp, 8.
oeskerel, W. G
Campbell 1st;
Poland•, W.
Ise; Dockers',
let, Plekard & I
Poiands, gold
End; pellet, W
Yolanda, div
P.lends, A. I
and pad; bio,
Carter Lt,
Famborp (,
hen, W, Cert.
1st; pollee, W.
H.mburgs, a
2.d; pellet, W
W. Can r ; be
& Cullen ( om1
Dollen ; pullet
Hamburg, S,
hen, W. Carew
Darter 1.s; pe
Bartlett lot;
W, M. Mo►...
Ed. Munro ;
Ir. Seen let
Rd es -1
Campbell toil
Bartlett 154 ;
omkorel, W,
Legberns, F
Bartlett Lt
Bartlett, U. t
bell, Nouthoe
es►t A. Bartle
Lowborn. w
H. Hewson;
god; meg ere)
pallet, 1) A.
tad i hes, .1
eeekevel, Jan
etc pullet, J
!Aphorise, I
he.. A. Ask.
hes, P. R.
Alpaogh Bre
Rees, Alpane
Waimea, I
Wm. I teak
Ferguson ; a
Reverie ; Dol
1n ; wallah,
Mems, Alba