HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1901-2-14, Page 2•
I 'l
Tile Signal
rt etlru$D
tY U. No-'ILLICUPiAl. ,
THUJUIDAY, }10. 14, 1901 T 1
TElllvORAIts' SND 1'I:itll."104'C
Dl' usi lli Kki.
There ill no room fur doubt ?not
of-tarlu call pruducu le-ty frulu
which au abundance, of •ugnt• tion flu
oilractod, yet it dusts lint ivia-
tlout it would be ecou•teulcal to pro-
duce the sugar here• lurlcad of lul-
Writing It from furcicu cuuuteita.
woo pay fur lite Impurtn(d at(gar with
%arluua pro4bectr tit C'furtahau ILkwr.
,.nil the quotation b whether the pro•
ductfou of thurc things w•hieh ',vu
%•%port tr not mora profitable tiles
1140 ilt►lar production of lbs aogar
»until tit•. rhe cost of labor Is the
multi element affecting the .tiles
tiuu. The muKar be•e•t cu11nut bu 4ul
I ivetted to aJ%anti,ge, %flit m tchim
cry. The wan with a hue has to
l;et him work ln. anti tilts J•dmlt tit
that kind tit labs to higher in ('tie
o(ha than in Eu1•ope.Jruued.
Wan there t•%er anytW119 ?little ata
absurd as the free IVIIde. Ifi.4)ried
that are kmeked Int,, rolls peupi•.•'a
hradr when they sire t,w young tJ
know letter? The proper caper. AV,
cording to the Hamilton Tnaes Blau.
would !le fur Ontar o faruks•rs to
grow sugar beets. send tgelu to
liermnny )tied give flat- Cerlsomi tllc
work. wages uud prolate Vf mann,
farluring the salter, tai well n4 the
vnlaables refine, and import the m:ur
ufactured su fir from uerm illy. '1'!114
Proceeeding would boom both Zhe ec-
Iort table+, uud Nle itnprt ultile.l.
loud the Timer w•o I.1 rued theca
farther, call the rti Ili Trade, tnJ
gloat over !tis "ttie au," lbs 4nio.
being conlml+raehnbiP 14 ves:e of the
t.rallerity of t'anxd, -pe: tiator.�
R'e du dot know wit t kin.3 of
rleCutcles oar friend suit ritte In the
8lreotator offirt. uses, hitt hey ritual
five tela vlcolua a tclrr)UI(! twist to
enable film to. filed 403thin• Ill elle
• Tamen like a augReation that boetn
alluufd be grown In Canaria and sent
t 1 uermatuy to be w3udfucturl�l, ill
sillier to enlarge tll•e figurer of 7or-
eign trate. Tho Timed Conten cxt
-----U that the 1 roliln ol- Ch"a"ts.. t
. to puraue .the course with regard 1
sugar which is most pr0futabin. it
it pays better to produce the eng:lr
ill our .rnn cOaDtry let, ai Ju it ; it
tl:ern le more profit -In proomeiiig
fomoth!ag else In Can:'dll Vt he eout
::bruad t•r Puy fur imlwrtt4l aiuRnr.
lest n,r do that• Just lie wit Blow' ex.
•___-_-,.._- _. ____ ___-____-_
_ -
__ _ _---- -__.-
o work under the favoring cundltl BJ royal tralcrultlng. And wry should � I
�-��u�1;� lo1P°tuud. °�.: w�
the warty uratlJu was f'.u$Uk
wembv'd Could
M 1' e
The a t�
if a settett uuwernlurut, and that there 11ut b.. g'am. Ivllowrhip funougl0OMIN-10 I
L••%un as tit was,
lheaudits Crum
tit creme of as enteruutlu11el filter
weans that the cumpetltlro of tlir th. sovereigns tit this world? .\ but•
ouae with the brut will be mare lo• for acquaintance would tend t) wake
star(•"," 'LIT t
altarting b their plaudits hu.v
deeply they had leen 111uved. Never
Put A;ainst Those ��
Leadlug \l'lrwt lloAng►.
ss li
tense. 'the profuctl u' tit bre? sagas quurrrb leer Ilkcl ThY rrrY fact
Th Tossing Bouquets From $It�e
Dir. Burduu, in seconding Sir Wit-
la au uupretan•
Her AQvisers '
Fulluwiug are lbs cluJing ,Iuotd•
u( Enrol
in Cunsian b an eAyrrllneut, for the m-
that the fans
!1 it t b• tofteni to tilde lJ1 'he Houses
frld'd caution. "paha
tdalr Walmer, amid %%till Ilia CUretM/•
I more the adjtlllrau,ent of
tions at ( upurtaut wheat centre« t,,.
ducce•ad Of whicil w V Islay 1► tl are
1 I
ami closely relates. asked .. !
unit simplicity Uf mtYle whlell
t pronn•e that we ethould un .e n
Cauveyin3 tp the KInK tit•• rxpre+afon
I-qunlly auxlour. But we do nut wunl Into
ruusldtlratlon las tiny reasonable
Ill the Honda of Cowwour y(lrterduy,
were decidedly plea ding. Ht 41,1 not
CIONS (1 i� �IVi�AU
IuJu;try which wan Duly rurcl%�
tit creme of as enteruutlu11el filter
luuring that the vpeech from
df+tuPl'bint the e%pretatit) a ent"r• A
lost n laerutanenl pauper. - charucter.
thrond rbuul.l be c0i'll cid uu
alt 1\'llf[IJ Luurler raid-
thIlled of Islam, and tits address war
addltunl to the puger
I`ir \t'lllrld (Racier.)
"" `-
Thu Liberal malurlty In -the House 'Oclura
I more the adjtlllrau,ent of
it creditahto
tit IlluearA. Thu ruwolutiun wile
Bul thou loris teatur+s rf
tLt\1'1'U1i,\ RAll"WAY ('(imrvit is
about ;.0. North Bruce Ir hl doubt, lhu
House, I dorire I,, give nutee
it ba
i,Ju ttv,l u11dnlluouriy and In rilenw, reign
tit Queen ck:torka► wlJrfa
1'1l le the
court hnwimg tau fur tuft the vote that
to•m.rrow, i( couveltfeut
huuoraWu frieu.l: uu the otU%e
1,eas there Iwi11g nil further businwll JueCtly
trurtaablo to her
'fits World Ilan it :' ,ry from Will' x
Uel nail tiers urn rubftbbleLier u!
P est{t+
w wy
lit Lha HJu+J, I llrokwo'V to Ulu'
Iltr AuJ-rty the l►iug.
befere It, lhu lluurt+ ndjourued
ill Mundu and
Ira w Owl' ap•
Ir I were tU g 7�
tit events ata they bare
ullxa lb tfa0 e[tett tit Hun. Nugu (,thee
rtv rlgrr. The Yru)encoaf %toad, au
Cull. Ind, tit
addrear to
wllluh l luliwated the nature yrs•
� ,______ preclateuu
their liaprmrlsluu upon n:y jutlg
lobo Jlncdnnald, lot'''s fib short -
:. •snitohn. lied
ontari0..,... 8U (1 lorday,
1 will tend( wmy of thus
?Fader my congrntu•
USE[ TO TOE KiNS atoll?,
1 %vuulJ ray that in theca
tures lel I'rrmler of
..... .........
58 7 uP1or►umLy
r,lthuktYr h r sus rrylu tit
npg(otiutesl wash Ve•%r '+ •rk tuplLal•
QilebrC•.,.a is •• ..... lutlusd,
1) '+
ua wall cid Lha c:.ugrttulu-
-- %lctvra
taco wort bwunU tit ala
1•tr. who were la,ekrd by l'uruulti.'
Vew Brunswick..... ...
%civil Scotia... ... ... ... 15 S ... tiunr
of this ride tit the eluate. tie
my hue, the %solar m whir fur
1 1, been
etuted nWre thou ,tic. th.a/
a wudul cukwtlttwual Sor-
und,liexk'efeller, loud roved ut.111mand
h, g Island... ,,, ,•, ,,, 8
HslUtx uu Ula plectlou Lu the high
ill, b
Alio ted b the Of she
P y
KUu wsw wur• Luau that.
t f rti11rlriut
S;U.000.I)W Of Cu iital, to
Manitoba ... .. ..... ... - if - uffleV
N. W. Terr.torlPr •1 V .
of leader of hied llajeAty's Inyul
It 'would two$
Commors Yestur,iayt :he
war not only u til n•
a ruisd to 1lufatta, stake over the
... .- (.1plw.itJn.
Britivb Columbia... ... it � 1
Of course
b,e fittlnr for lee to offer any rag-
*Ito will;
a0tureigu, bol colse tear uu.
Vurtlxru 1'umifl: 111 liaulluhn,
N.r milia tit lore railway las tit at
- - _
18U 80 :1
ge•tiu" wfaato%or or assay ulwcrt•u•
ltd t) what Idlauld b,' this in
the first ¢ua•1,,tut,uua!
the world ever raw': whu
(trot ulWuliltsy cusim"Lu
I'ru%iurr, tad generally %%;uses til°
Tlkisre-ckoningigl%eR'ttcleill.Thcru• leraul
Volley til' the Cuuaerwative
but, 0s to ritl>rn u(
u0nu1 Atl%rru `u who h k.urluuJ uwdr
railit y rltuution, the cuumidernliu'I
toll.and Rubinson to til a Culld0[Vf1• lrlrty,
I aah sure that title
r'.lr \\'flfrl.l Laurier raid- Shu war
find k.ugi.ind, esu kuuw, utas
Leulg'ks Ruaruntue of 1 Iwr %cut•
?Ives, uu•1 VrF:wru and McCarthy W
s,iitwi elevatiou
of rev fault. frirlhl to the
a Queen, but rile wur ammo Jt wife been
is udvanco of the worU In eon -
fur "If y •gua wl ole oval tit C.,q•
live , Puttee, Itlt•McCar ll sato toil?
wherh Ile will occupy Is wur which
anti a mother, Shu Iliad her full aututluual
rarluuuuvetury guveru-
wlllwu1, tx•
rtl-uctiun. Tito rest 'of the story Ir
Ralph Builth aro flue ln.lrpenileula• loud
ba. gratifying. . !'ermotmlly
ns leader Vt this lk.ur7, It
share of tile. J )ys and morrow% of life•
»cut. !t may be could
Upw'salluu tial up w lite ?ewe of
11111? the tach Irakeal nut, anti (110
Brltit'h return shown that
affurdd ale utuch plearurse Lu ?faint
She IuccJ Ned sulfured.
lite ucewriuu 0f t,juten \►?•tore to
'e cid 11xcKuucie S
t'nuf.di.ul PuciL 1 c
.A reoeut
hi the like? twrlce muntfae the num• las
ai►vuncP lhnL the r, U%Lluun tin••
l my Ilan. friend'rill
[huigfa a QuaOn buil x IurKrr
shire of the morrow•" than tit( taw J )ym
(Ile throne, tutu I mitury of k.uglaod
%%as a record of cuuteol `x twu,•n
Maim put their h+.adr ,t,)
thwart lough .Toho. 'they"iuJucad
un anise re Irtered w'Ith
Dpr of c ip R
tw cru wys,•lf uta
be nlw•a d leamant. nal. Cordlul. l am
y t
tit Nfe, fur, nr Claalraubrind i.ume•
tau: t;u%ctrl;u stud the 1'arlutm0u
'That contest wur tit
u rue n ioinat flat. tiir. Istftuu
links t g
nominal sal e1Lp1 war 4,8y't ui
„(y41 lad office- witblu Ih'e ulster
well nw•nrc that IL will ba 'uY Pain•
fol daty on many uMRR10,,Y to d1,.
where , Y0. w • boyo oolue to know
furs trelnnc
M! Y•
wuuy ceuulrw' durutou, and ►t
til Brandull, uud helptxl l , Jufuut
of Ywt o(flce, facie ag-
acus Prow tit^ el •ws •a my I -on. frirml,
i:uw' lull, h tiler:! 1+ of teem !U tba a per
wool nut terminated uT tha revutu-
hun :old dri,o hie Ilk"A' public. hoc.
.efts grueral
to ,ca ital bein C'-45.1139.615.
Y g
becnune, uta It Is tits misfortune to
of queetir." tier married lire wits 0110
nun of Itlr18. :or Altlhough attar
the casted tie
7 hen Prewlnr ltublin Lusk fauld :wd
of whieb L42,LI4,867 Waco paid up
be Ill the wrong all tIW 111;1111 .IIP•rt10:1
[ du nut presume h,- »'ill b;- reRht nn
tit tlir uubltet that caul.! b •roues Ned.
that rely vi le t Wna1
tai► .fay farm. ild
l!nrKentlo i Munn, Laing l'Auudltua,
and 1.73,488.:11_ wur cuueldereJ ata
tit • nllor times, but w•r %rill "grate to
It Dau br auwweJ up las ane
h Bub death lire nature•
cuulluuetf tnd many %%liras. to Cwrt
for ma
»err irYfrrrrd to the Vow 1'Ork
pall on vendors' and other shares. ,ill-ugr•p,
an we have Jon^ hl the palat;
h ' :
Jt wait appy.
Ili@ listed upon h: r bnpph
lutrlgurd uud plot"; tutu mtruggiu ou
d0terelgu be-
1,ee.tda, with a haw iSUgh )ihn tinea
th V ILiun.
alt .ipri{ cart it war bcUeved th/it.
•tml I nail quite sure that 'By
trtend wilt bettrre to rely nbl,40"te a1
ly placed cold
hely by the removal orf the usable t•uro•
the hits[ of the
Ing to rnie aeCusalang tit
ste. 11:18
Let4 ill ui '1•he •tory has a
there were ::8.750 Joint-stock- Cum•
cearity when I tell hien that I hope
Ln,uJl "f her lira l►t fill earlY-Rage.
,,, uwp ?www uud talo atrus-
r,.Illrwb:lt flmlly ++I { oThe
carrylveg un business out Uf
with ah fay heart Its mays rOatT� 1l'
�,' cul lbtt ILd,111e11t mile never \Veto
gkt on tilt* part of Parliltalenl
Itugh John Could 1m- no eamily Inalkip- •pealed
the 69,7-9 with nowinal Capital,
to rierebe for .et tong. tong, R
exa1�fly the mame. To the end Lit her
(n,i"K to tau ccorthu4 Lu ties '(uud
ulauti.uud t n(h(ceJ to hrliuw Litr
which have beef& reffbsler cel riucc
ewrlol tlir function° 0f leads of the
O , Rittotk"
.ife ,itis govern -Li Ilk'- Radar" we••p•
ll:g fuk` lire chit.tren, and -%-,stud nu,
ui t,r: fik .pie. e;ugeu %i-tt.rla wits lite
,trot vi all rover: iy•Ir vi ui w'as ab+
course. uu,pped out for hue by the
IbB-. who n gregnte 11-u t cu f•
g Pte i P
1tr. It. 1.. Bordeu v%sea ren•d•Ivwt Witt'
be eoudulea. After tht lapse of 40 '.ately
iwperruafil:,impermoveM 110.11,1
railway wee La one ill d
sal of tbrq still living eoneesnd le .
applause. from both sided sot the
Y,.ae+ Utter• MAY hit%e laa=u.'grd, but
,.ally.! meal,, Wlictiler thu gmostiva
saw Isihri. Tlutt itis coon tit fab
ilii at 11.8 -,(?41,118, wtd;e
Ilotlr" ata le iwP to nokuaw"ledge
Il dIJ not ew.,c0 her Kreef. And ver
rt ld•ua wuY tId a1,UdtJl1 of tit •cur
rusher rfauuld adapt a pLaL for d!•
tiro total nuwioal share uppilal tit
the rivartsoutt and cordial refere5e'^
tt • tiir Wilfrid Laurier Ln him -elf.
call b 1 t her the beautiful, an•
VP 7
tit the 'tench pxt- "Ikon+ ■n
Inwr, ur site war las tits Crimea, o
tide citeioion of uta til
%ertin�, the train of llnaltilia from
ilio 89,7-9 cum,anter re Irtgred Is
f g
fir eah� "[ flank the rltthl
Premiere larme, ells uuya sun coeur'
uldeRta►blirum •tit w who l i.0 Cherub
i'iinudl:an Ts t711t1ld "EK*toeYi,antw4o
given at the unornnow ngure`nt t5:
a eni
able gentteman for the klmlrsg0. "Ael
(i11 dlfir-nest tie. she drowar.l h r
O' ho111e rata itt iaclgitl-tile aj,aoe
-fh.ui Fort \t'lllLlm to Du;utl'-
7!+ :78 1G7 etrrliul;. Ttw returns
cuurtcay which hp has so well ex•
U •art '). Site it a:) 1 Or.% No Mort'. V ty,
uev.: r gave e%Ideuco of whut her ties
would a Lu alu,iv that tlir old wo%l
,•how that the awuukst' of talc 8fapb
pretdesl In the r+•mnr-94 tie Wt-' itemt
til to tante %with regard W
I Ivr!dly may she fives -liver 141 the
nit her rub •cb, lives 10 the
%ren• tepid any o, thrte Bleat I.J4113 •41
f -sura. H • I,GJ cu serer thew win
e( .1vanaid.a fur the Cal114lithand" Isar
tnl of 110 potuicd re Irtered la
caul g
nlyreif. He will permit else., buwr:rr.
pages of history.; oily aw tilt• mgrs
1%t•r•• her formawl_ violva (list' Vt'w
ir'en forKuttrn Office• Wei John alt,''
ih91i war lower [have the aggre-
to stay, In paaslnic. tient If i should
revoIrP. .%a tier pure pr"flir R(a lids
Jlee halt, Im'r.lumd ■ile Wtt•4 rt wVlaa
il,innbl tied. Then one 'any wonder
gager of the three pre%.uud year%,
'"Call"" leader or the oplaomition'or
more marked ngalnrt the hnrfeon of
, I strung Intelleet• awl wit know tlla
law' It came las 1'1fe1f ?test_ 1IuK11
whlt'ft -were L27a,11W,000 for law.
ata long a perltsl :am Iflat J)las Is "kill,
Hill Ix w•1riGy Ire;' ,111 MY exlw'c•
time, the verlles of Ix,at^rity will
ratify th^ JolRro lot of thi+ve will)
,hl• 1(iao%v,v! pubLr I vent+ ittthlrrv.t
..agern.•xm)• %Yr Can presume. ItuI
Jahn )ltuJeipaf3. tiae pu11T1rT0 11M.
- ;
u111 CW1.000000 and i3110,Od0,0:
th,tiun. uud murk In•yuud t'he ex•
wrote her subjects -she ennobled
,ve know• that wit n•ver itUew'1 '
teflr Ot air Chnriew Tupper, who bs
ror tiro two prcvi(YUM years.
failitntou of gentleulrn un thin ,Ib11.
,nnnklnd. she rx91t,•d r•raltY i tlir
„ass pre,t•nted to her by her frim
and always Iwr leen u V. l'. R.
war• iestrov^d by tier, mtarted r
of the Hoare. It will in) our painful
world in better for her fire,
1loweter, ,as' dbso•upe4•d that t101fc
pawn ; Hugh John \lactluuald, who ill
Il lues been suggested that the
duty, I may rra%' I expert' salon rum.
to differ 'with ttie right
'Sir, the Quern t4 lid nlure; let .uta
heart duty : "Lonst Ifve the
ssIL). luta, awl rumetlmrr approv.•o
,•r ruwrlim -r 1ti•rh.tpr tuisent vd. flu
t� �{y)rr«lii with : ii CU rleel 'ruP
.f s P
T1�seuty•Fuurth of k1aY tboui t Gen
hunurable gl, .tieroan ::ni 'thuds ,vhu
with one
King." I propose to. the Hour,• that
,vh,t(er db•• approve,) tar not. all osa
tr" Ron hili ,made his !reu,(1 RIVI
tirui• Yo be observed its a uutluna.
bnplll.rl )6.11 "a t•) ulkat will Le In
wit phr.ni•l unite. In a rreobltinn tq
ov,.r k!1ew- w11at h•'r Jews were, n
bus er'Tiir- ea)a Ly acting sen roti'
holiday After the gtwe u'm death,
taw iJedtt interest* of,' til. ronrltrY
ill+ MnJt.aty tit • KInR to eon%;,r tlir
wlu )eft tit pelt. • o: the blahs t
sur tilt C'nua,11�11 l'ucffir,
1x.1 onl - ;tin a mark: of poet to
y 1
t'ut 1 e11n .only d y liL%t 1 mtial; ad,l
I,x i.CmAou Of lour torr,w at tlir IOWA
to"•e wil,) w •':,' rcplm.usbllP Lu lit
t: kit las rar11col to o[-
.alauaf under t
Jahr ltd.• So%er!ign. lout beeaeae' it
My effurtR t•) hl• In liar dira•tbuti
that our 'ifcrrtlet•n " r,,!.11 lots aul•
he hn� ■offered, a loss which wp mxy
as V with every respect 19 turn *two.
loot 1•. Tluatwhr Ia„1.•j• tiI)uu the par
.,i Var (rite 1iJV. rrltia early bore g
b ,
port wheat, beef aid oheere, wallop
ur iong0r. ellluer and raw
gllntie wit Ptfu-titu competition equws
the Canadian Pat:11W ay the :a
tit a tine of the year when jested.
holhlay Is mullt Welcuiu+I.:Aud'ea- juo,ted
nm fn + they Can b• tai(•
In fhb •?sates, in a .kindly
t pronn•e that we ethould un .e n
Cauveyin3 tp the KInK tit•• rxpre+afon
(rult, and las ever uhtrrltdulet a uu
deice. Tile reward to Lhe (Lueeu wa
Ke import
cottuo fur talo produetl0i -cif w'faich
aid of tvr Turk Clapital. if there ,
)'able. Thee birth(L'ly of the •and
Courteous neer. Tn raying
that, I SON I vulcn flu 9caL1•
of the loyalty of bin Cants lan meb-
1KtR, Only n few dayR ngn plm
a.)t only in the gratitude alxl aft
tionot her I"op;r. Iwo In the secant
is Canada the n*tural copditieesarr
w•as any uch scheme. sad 1t. wa4 now
Kang Is use taw 9th u►
weuts of everyl o .er gentf,man •,n
Majesty /•'116 a mem<agr t. hie Mr ml
,a her thruur ah.t dyuasotY. Rhee tl
elRJelxd\ i,y ukile uud, wus'tile bluer .�uu•mi,cr,
e1two to our Thanks.
tilt ride of tlir t use. it id need •IOminlvn9
Arrdem the sea. In wh1eh
terrlW year of leers (came. 1'.11% 11 a
v:ho are looking for n beet
-14%r'a un�ie ugh Jobe !Au•dunu1.11 atiiing
Day, and tori Irate . !n
least for me to any t at I have :tic-_
lie mall tit would be his nim in life
theriatuns of Furors,, wereoou%uU
_ _.._
_--_----_._ - - -_ ... -
m(-YerOn rear -a -+l ty�If-uu
CepttrI the trust Nbt h tend leer ro r(•
til f_o!law the fantsterem of him great
by re%elation. when throul wr
Yid ata hOD6R fiOm
-- .. .._ file
pore3-T9 ala--toiy� I it,", m�u
nn 1 nn ji mritji I; - lose--.It'l-
at4i �iJ iFi( iu7iirlaTeT TiM.iMfi1
that only temporary ni,l 'will br re,
nn -
+ to
of the (hoarse
»sot that nrauranee on this Isnrt of
pupu!ar pam,iun•s, Kngl,n i. }:ngla
qulred to put tits' beet mugar bumioem«
;,o oireer%e+1 taut King George 111.
,with It great delal or i eoce
1, that illi-
., n �.
the conduct or the
' *d veer
fill. Throiies crumbb•d to
utmaa n profitable beet«, sed Han. Jur.
w:ua born on ''Lamy '34th. Be ?into was
greatsleyal of hersitation, a
ly,tl,•v and• wise
^+ p'1
ham 1
?alit t
R(som is disposed to give them a fair
cau-ida's Ot rt of iotne pr+alunt$
reaC4.-wiwM! lA 17sS :anal In .ilia o•,I
iumpiro load imit, lean rte not
humph: b}' tray of tlir loyalty
,re t (tthr whom ld im *Z
"n tlir throne would • h.• him ;(ISdr
Ih, piss, !u nn earthquake•
1 tiro lb Gi the �+o:'PretRn Q0••rm or En
% truth of
[_ %bandy, to delaunrtrate tI r
In ahs five mu the eliding Vow. 30
'%' tit a4 L.r
Peor.tt(es tlksat (hate IP gl a
ed telly
pr fedellty of ltCatlenuru tilt + ride
we hive.brllrvP'i frfiJn the nrmt that
1 n •1 %ca'• wam ter
-of_, bell.
""-- - ?their tttrorr. Rtro lfhnrm wiFi l+v�s°r '
i" J V.M,-Xezrgatnst rrtt(ct.l(w:
lei lwwK•* Jaa+aa the JaW
of tit. Hatsoe;'itc,rrA•omw;
_Alec L'rLlcr wnntllLm`.
feed- n u
In_.Lli.alhr tf,.n .,� tits.. eufls.11 _
gla,l It It ,Iturns out to tin correct,
%77.908,314 In t mhme twriod of
ain bJ Woe (ilr•Rurian reeckohing w(in
trait perfect Confidence. • They- +ivF
a wfw• Kltg, and that the lw)Ilcy
hheh had auade.the_1'Irltlsh Fnoptrf
tlir reign ndcaaca It beca I- t
err auly_cLa that there w
ror nu on} rerognito-4 nrorr cletrl�"
the prrrrding yeah Thr• Yhowlag Ir
wade by Act of Parliament inL'reAt
been-rntl'a'r huelaieed by mY Oww
lskrati%e InexpCrience hl public h ,
m RI'ent un ter film prrdeersror WOul•1
niorr fr,•eJ )no hi moonrcheal F,n
thea we iso tie" nd%att1kga to le
`t healthy one. Our`, total foreign
ilr.tain in &-ptemher, 17:.2, the lard
and by tho Lict tbmt I duubteol m '
alisn bs Join poll^y anti the rpirtn of
Iln•t town under any 0etnex'ratic
( ire est bllmhmunt lot such
rt, lx. Isom *
"trade trim gper881,4X11 gPFutrr thou
ui fila Ilx,mth lsliu4; Cal}eal the 14th•
owe aapsclti tr follow las the font-
K1nR Edward illi. wnnlrl I)e• "Imply
Kryublfenn farm of gitr••rumrnt
An Industry. Sit,,__C& A(ttsne__nre
}p'tfic 11489 periold , •
osoLis yt u( taut clmn a thelArth- _�tC.
0 thee. 141eht mea who In the
contlmuatl%n of lhP relrtn of Quern
Ort oar part Ips n4 offer
existent That being trial 1t
Qu Pt has rendered her po,opte
bond, nm a matter of erlf-pwL etlon
,�y of George 111. Is generally slat-
Int position of leakier
rec hacu fillvl the
on nue tilde o.i• the otic% la tlle'lluuse,
LO tIP KInR An (•xpre PRl,ln of n12r
Ane• not
vert reit moirvi'•P lude•ed. Shp mvi%'
fu IWk At Lle w'hUlo slt,pwtpe
sir I(ackenlie Ii oar 11 1tAs� gh"tan
cid taw un Juno 4th, IurteAct Or Vay
of the ells which I naw hate the
Iny ty-a loyalty vrhteh
them from socleUttic aRllatlnn. a
n►crelp wt Bou stile of IL. If coo•
ntoice do( motion for the nppoitlteneut
_1{111. Whatever'lelrtiun fully lid takru
neater l�i lead in tial+ IfuuBe. And 1
`priu• from nn% myrophnnev or
hearts. wh•) Pa'y
Po the great pr('aperlty of Fi-919
tinuour' lonuning. direct or indirect
of a t enpetr G4nmittem to In%'esti•
bl' 1'arlisuuent with ngurd to the
reme,mbur also that the lratditiwu,•t
l his blot ntpi'm
"t R'
A Jet re tr tlir bur mafng4 of Ihing
Grdisy Ir die not only wire a
?%enol»IC htws, blot ,111% emu Gr t
h u;e4led t0 keep the feet rugr.r In*
y;�tr tilt. if. H. Cook charg_•e. That's
future recognition tit flay 24th tea
this Houle hnce been su►taintJ by
•aha tlir
,index R ItI If I iftlhuti"O'k. Let u*
rsonalit of Lim tern ant fish
Pe 7 Q
atnwtry gofa►g la C*nail[►, the vont%%'
Lhe• wit t,) do thing+. 9oMebexly
w IsmAklay, a generation will ['nese
6'1e•+tt mmn are now cm
other: oiale of the I1.Rua, but who fur
,... hien undmpecd, anti let ng hope
I,hat him I n n,ny bP as fruitful of
prudent eunlurt all through the
will be better utr without float
shoal? err to IL tlmL tlir J{R,t int-
w awe before t lie llue.n ►
I,[l,sl y
W;lle ' years, fought thn hatllcs of
r R
R+od/Q RM Kll Lhat (If him wl9e prtr
yearm of reign.
. dustry. It Is But profitttl)lu to I'a)
,-sl Herinan do^r n )t' effort alvn On
L'irthdny will ba ful>gott0n.
their party with mor or leen vary'-
!eceeror I w beg to move-
8 cents for 2 cent" v%.orth nhgoodr.
by the 1►IxU
" lone; jonrnoy just befur:- the- coal-
Ing rortul o from thin 4:46 of •the
Ilomw,. wI11CI1 IY [IOw l.'Cn d41 by my'
talo tau, Klrl + )to.t I'%,•.dtrnt lIn-
(1i a ��
�l S ��
T Y�
T110 arguments ndcanced
Ilrlttei! lilt -eta.
\V oho 7't 11 hat
b` t�
nn l }:ryplre, for instance, acro enough
_ _ -
friek✓ii loud mieelr. It will be quite
lfo«t Grnrfe m Stovenl n,-- \%'+.
tit make one itutloum of the rxloJi-
I'relmier Itoss'prombed tiro fleet
%%:m 1telonned ro tlir .H.6 0,le
owed tontitli,
mnvalueut to divepusr lot'ties- mutlun
of which tiir Wilfrid L+ulrier hat# re-
%aur Matpetiva dm L'ul and Irynl Sub-
J-etm, the 8,nnte t Hou:+e of Cour
.__ J
vac uta Lr las `1u produce Rt" from-
y g
algae deputation old Isom the Leg•
frrrxl las-norr,r%v, nn,l l nm F, re
....,:... of (':u,a,l.a, In 1'arllnudeut
Rochester, 4'a' Has :: $500
the beet ro..,t. That p,urnnf nnyR that
Gla lure, to the extent of 11100,000
Uue of ole mixt notable figures o0
th.'t ihn mutlun w'hbch tut % been r q-
trill til" 1,m►mt cord of
tgartabl'ed. ht,mbfy leave to air
'pron,•h llujrt_+ Mtit tier
••lid%vprompnt favor is all.. tat
tie make of thin n flourisohl'tgg_
un a twixtmum. Ili- m"lal be would nut
hunus if it train nil Ve gn to
the fl„or tit the House of Commous Is'
Hon. Will. NOR", who ails ou the trout
Kr,t,•d ric:ive
,upt'art from. Ktntlemrli ,tel tliG%lde
Yvur -
-•%I,rr9A I I Uf our sleep► Ad INlatueit
agricultural and mauulaataring In-
Kive. a
Line fuetnry, Ind this tonna would
1lnt9terfatl bench between fir. Juba
of tlw Hower.".Tito Mond- then lid-
:orron• lot t4r drmlMp •,ar
ul%rrs•I¢n I)toty (arra ori (, I i
. -
dnwtry," and it gvps Ou Lu may that
be, nlch 'aR to '%amore fiolr prb eso to
Charlton utwl >ttr. \I'. L'. }award-. AI-
though a veteran in politic", find the
ottawit. Frh. K -IA m!eVn►g an M4iw
'eefrt"K.0 wit; t•aM-4wliYaa
II �.1 1 ���
the tuduntry is rnlret•.tit1•A by tier
the farmers for the recta.
flight of time team 101%erpd lila head,
Irr.ia o,t eondoli•uee t:r ills lfnjrwy
EtlwarJ CII. uud tiir womb ,.
ill part:; of tits- rm;drP, K d�ylnrP
the lore u! n great rwb•4 esti'• -man{•
F'ILtabnrg, Pn .Feb. 1.3.-!trnrlY t
(14,%erimpntg of ucrmauy, ltel!;ht*u
�1r. Itn«s haR n robust c"knmtftutiun,
and him enial featured low• with the
••` thasprnyal family thim Aft4rnsti, .vTil.
UW nm1 exalt 0 %Jello •e have f h
of tit • Nationter to
lot tit^ 1VAtlonnl G
F 'r :e and Austria to the extent Or
?'wile%, has
lir. Monk. Of Jtty
tau lay hu: of health. HR w•Rm n mem
%\'bfr1,1 1.tWr:, r prolouticed a lour
•r•nrrxtbnn4 -re mmnndwl til^ �tptct
tiler work"
bier rlso
r'(lmpnny. for Jargrmt an+1 nnPrt
1 • su ata
=1'5,000000 a year. jfaak q, K
tris n fur the
ben cholln•n ,Irputy M,/d r
tier Of the Nova Scotia Howe for
;ylf• ulon Quem Viutorta which fo:
tmi admiration of till. wor61.` %t
tile. world, firnL +1 nL Rnrhester,
front the beet In rust a upw• industry
hvlRrr%ativer of Quebec. Ile will "rot
(-:Kilt years Deform the union of lite
luttinar.( lir tlought lived f•Icgnnco "I
In Caua,tlan
•eprementative4 of the Cnnndltn lie+t•
we, lantern for tit„ W4,ve•d S,w:.N
war• iestrov^d by tier, mtarted r
:ern rnn conntrirs• It
tie theme F P
o ?fere lore loaf
les overworked, t r
I'ruvince•+, ant rntrrr+J tUe Uomhdun
CrmferlPrntfutl. He
dletiou has nu parallel
Parl:aro.atmly auaaal s4uA r.taki wl.h
dga under whom our IAlminlon !I;.t
midnhllt. Thr t. will &mount
I war established in France by the
more then half a rl,tsen or them.
Parlinmrrnt lot
w•np returned by flcclnmatlun lot the
tlir• beat ;(Mets or Imts>rlal rlaWJ
•elle. Into br•Ing. nn'1 tkj lghl)we K{Rr
'l1R)tlt l3:0'1,000- nnA Iv be!t^veil
les rov. rpd by insurance_ An area
first Napoleon, and In the other client-
cur llackenzie..Bowell hit, !rr)misrd
rS •c wax lir 1988, 187 lona 1674, IunJ
mesa. .111 write h:nr,l It --:end there
lmt leP►R,tlC�nI sway lore In no
Its nn.l p os
0!e by 1. 00 fort war tmrnPA Ov
. trips more than half a century 4140,
him rordiil enppirt- to `.fr. Burden.
fur -, few• yent•me wan Miniater of 111!1-
wer+ many, tar lu•mtlery' n.,
.cell ns gall• rirm vvere filled-
tma!1 meal""tar growth
pelt%. Miy wit v, nture to ad 1 that
Ain't t1e ¢r ntP«t rlrlm,rtmpntm In
vel Il appPaN that It ham not yet
That naght (;, nual.e a fent Of Tl,tn.
tin iy •lir. Mackrntlr's .admiueminr
llon.'.11e`was turn appointed Culled
err;• im;,rre,n,l by Lhtn m"gulfi„-nL
4ltpv(• and beyond th'elate wentila,mtm,
wnrkR Aestrn�rd.
Tli•,itnrh^eter tumbler works 1
goi beyond elle nureloR-brtllr ring«
,Toho EfagKnrt.
U)r u: ('u;tomm lot Hnftfnx, whrrn he
+ ,trilmthro tl) yonrlentnpntury ►hero-
wial'•h the and rKcam.un natnrnfly ,!allm
n rnpicity of AG.OtIn Amen• tnmtrt
of P%Irtenr°. Tlrer Remit Journal says";
ronutio I Until 1880. Hes dimnl)smal 1Tn
Lair, loud d,•.td sil•n^e reigned v,ldlrt
!rrth, tlwr.e hits encu, to (fioeh Dae fit
>, Of roonal hf•rrnr,•brent
n w"nt•k. , Th^ plant cowered wa n
that. In Addition to a prnt°ctice c)td-
Tbo, Reml official announcement
that y • •r by the Tery (lovernmr.-YA
tial' Ir anthiul, %iell-ronndrd Imlrinls
lowed In nn nnfaturruytt•d ,Arellm.
14 seas! p
wblrin,. wP may !t with till Io,:m1bl • rr-
Of fiftrfen,.:•lcrP"-
tolall duty, the Vnited Ntates lie$
tial? the projected. visit of ihn tinkle
w-tlr kmll. A upon vas n meandaloun mie-
nice of Power. Shortly niter this event
hit %cam ti riIs•1 eh e,itlt r1,4 rouhl n•)t tali
Itpt.L Rotor duty, makes your Maj-rty'm
loaf of d erod of 1;-(N). 6U0
LFIII ole rrneftsred Idle•
eWed the beet sU ata ludo«t.r by n
K y
Lif ('orawahl And York to Altotrltlla
he mucerede•d llenjltinin Carrion am
to 1, Paw F:n;;litihin immensely, fuel
ulrrow title own. We pray that the
dtre%t Federal booaly, and ''n grriol
rile Cauadu will be mala them y;nr•
e;rnn] `+ectptnry tit the iinwd Ludgee
the ism• regret, Imerhap.+, K11R that Il
Arai of rouan)atlon noiy comfort %aur
\VENT IN! iIiINI: IJ ('Ifl'H('ll.
ninny of thr'Stalew eontnuo to aai,t
notwitamlanding the death of the
sit Nova Scotia, A., F. & A. M., notal
onuhl tat orp b•rn I"•ard ht &late
1'011-' of weptnsinster,
1filjPRty and tit^ m•ntlprR tit
,ornJ family In thrir nlr0rtion. !L 1r
--_.. _
the IaJuetry by i► Montle, which
(luefn, will b• received with great
retained the office until again ;feet.
whleh hnce reboed with tie(! unrning
,witli-tee lnam. vat less deep 9114: nlllC@rfl
8lmf- Or!If..Hrhn jM ILIYIne %Uddm
r*ngrm from one crnl to two "Pnl9
Rati-laction to the colonies. Thr
uJ 111 thn DomtnlOn House at
lnrt genual election fur the County
1 apnea is( Burke, Lhe monoroum dr
thus, theme tel %will, ice haw.• j'Ist
IlestAk"wo. Ptnenterl.
n anti." Then It gars un to ndrin+•
b)unty "were
leer of .\Ibrkst I:dwnrvl. Pr1oeP of
\\nlcm, forty ng0. in an in-
of Victoria, Y. F. Dr. ilethune rethrrd
lir. Ro1em to
elnln.•itioa lir t'Itt, the mtutely fri'•:c.
of llnalahty anti tit. ' (nrhnuling
rhe%. retternnet. taint %we tlnil Your
NnjiAtv-'R no -c s41un' to trip thrrme of
To•onto, Feb. 11.-0neof th• Slat
d bt. JAhn the Dlrin i was a prIRO
that It tilt* German pet
icy additional lcwlumr)_dou.
ower yenrr
llnr tupic of to
In otvtrr to permit ran,
unit the bitter defeated Mr. D. A.
t•Im'elf (11 0111ddt•al1, 1:1 thos,•
your a"e'entory. \Y+ 1'•q to aR+:are
et Vo. 1 Pullen atatlan Inset nl
y?axlucere of bort maga% ,wunld have
this day, na l rverytlody Will Ire ql*d
J1cl:amkill of Montreal, who came
11ii'1Pnt 111111%,--'Ttrfed" with ttr
or }:ngland, RUCK nn (•las-
sour;tor}M,r n1 s,(tr f4weiP+F+tt4wele-
meat to Mnj +L}'m prraon nn'1
( i with l"lmtttt�." f3ft+e it
MagefulPnr Keefer of \0 72 AJm
a dJettwr claocP, aN,I jt...esy,rerrea..Sat.t[e3cUw9.1<.i}J14n.__
, ties
.'-fYF•_- -.....__..
Out lot tiir Clonriem Tupler's Invitation.
3fr. FtswRi +e_ (t lawn -err -pow# if-" t
uud m ter l).; (al pr.ciAilUA
llsr!FeFLr __ .. �-azer'-_'►u.�
_--thni"iFr ,try
- _:�_.__ �_.. .__-`
the fear that Mr. Rome w Ill n,)t Ov.,
Luipt•rnr }rnnr..lom^ph W."1,h1 tit Is"
tegrity unit ,•inning mnnsient, and Im
vrry Popular with bum fellow -mem-
0f the dead Quern n.+ that utlereJ
to_11t� by C,Onda'- I'renitvr would
•msnndr,l roar (Matic K
kits] t'in grratnrRs of the 1lrltlmh Eno-
%limit Keefer and her .sis`ter,
Johnaton,' won' to S , llnrg,lr-
ante enon h. adding that Ill.
lxI R
to wp•1 }'eau Aehratt, w"
have penetrated the mn9n of %loll
:)!tar nitrnnd, load tit• Inppril
via loth r- iles mn(n
dopa ought to Ile sutgdt•mt.111464ijy the
---- --- -
ne4m nu 1 reserve mLi omen n,enme•d
w`rll-h"•Ing of rYn' 1THI'tit:t'i iMritdTr
find whsle tit r^ firm, .tohn9tnn Holl
i)ominton (lovernment not only la
uctre9n, w"ho recently Obtninnd from
1- i.C►t,ItAl`i(N OK /'ULLit-110 4. •
by like public men of the obi Innd,
•1t home• will allffer no dltnitlutlOn
her Plater acting AtrttnotAy. T)1ev
the way of countorvrtiling dutlrR '111
tit, Trop^ A dump(nmatiun nuttifying her
. _.
awl won from them expremrionR of
antler yopot MnJJasty''n grnelous rule."
the• eloureh, Anel walked toward.
Vurropean beet -root eugnr, h,lt naso
nl;trringe to 1t41ruu Klemch, ley whom
cirnme, In 110 b-
In-tltut!an•, Ior 1litalnr-s Tralnln;t
}.Irr -t a I otltbinpetlem,
wonder and delight. The wonder
wont l be Catesed by the Intimate
_-� ---_
N'noklelorla NRn Killed.
.%ndrew'm mark t, and wlt,,n t
rpnrhetl the pollee atntion \ism. .tin
by means of direct honuR, as Mr. Fos-
mile ham n Ron. Raid
kneeling displayed by the French-
e. Irrr
Rtnn took tier picotco
tar did wine,, bee seam las ofrlcr.,,
w"rkrd lop over the rumors nb,ot
Lettermt ent have beenIrmuod b•
I)al y
Canndinn 1'remlvr of ihp gfentrm(
%c, Rnlrtork. Feb. 10.-R'orJ ham
:fs. t
tbn4 rnntlnnln ; tit^nn •n, sit' meroe
A few renes Ago, tlir Speclamr dr•
the nnt(ln. Arrhlttlkr FrMinnn,l mar-
t lir l'ro%I".l.ai �sRerolsery to the Fe l-
colony In the et" Ire of taw Con-
re;ach-'d tutvel tit th" ,1" Iltll-.1d1 tigll
saw dt►ty 4t+pllewd I"•► -•,IP, Lrater. In
Ilei Cnnntrifn ('hotrk enA rpn0uue,ed
rrgtr,! f1n«illemd ('n,IPge- of Untiori"•
Rtltntlnnnl history Of Englan I and tit(.
to rc; i•1+til n^lir \Ynik••rtun, o hien•
Asp Mrn. .tnhnstnn yid Dre, fist
!.'aresl tit&t Rngnr War ioo[
tilt+ rl ht to the murt•esslua. and It 14
I,lalttp.l, a I orp.)ratlw, whL:h pr( pis. es
dlr%rl erpMent nI free Inrtll
.1. Runm, who w I In the .mpiuy n
\%'Ind Cump:int
Smith and .T. H. Halt expensive^
Rtuff, eomparPJ las clone sd lir ; lhnt
ter ata sire the good-whi and adnote
would be ocat:+y ed lot.
The l,l
A(fllr•r. ¢Irl, nn•1 tit•i A•rt
It wfam •'cher, and nasty," nmm ave
t K
e11It1 that IL Is the Frut,pror's 14,ten-
an•1 to carr on #tied conduct thefol
v ll
ihn nnmimtaknblc rinc0rtty with
He ens rngtRe4 In errrting n wlnA•
Insane, whlrh ens s1f(Irlrnt to �
fruit and "r► Cory cup'ol
tion to abllente nftelt him marring%.
lk,whlr institutions -The Hrltimle ala-
which tier premier pnld homage to
mill.on tit, farm of Itobert Lnug, fh•p
mit her t.o th^ amylum It mnlntenA
toe" a bad color amt tnstP. of rourat
St,tpmsewn fear the prospect of such
erlenb Hnminenm College• lot Toronto;
1hr Forest City Humiuems L'olfege, of
this purity Pull g(x>dneRR Of the
life and its Influence upon her
udl,,e from Wivikerton, and w•hIl-
•-Iimbing t0 thi top of the horn,
war provided. Mims K^rfpr rofnR"d
jent'f Lien atntlon, however
- tint wall nonean AR, fur the re•
loll •eweOt &fill Its effect on the people.
London ; the liamllton Ba. Install ('of-
pms,pin, and the accuracy of his do-
.'tMng-l•1r of which the wifi tm'AI wap
will 1Mce to h•• h)rmvll� rvrmnslt
filled product of the beet root
IPI9% the nitlt numhterr Collrge•nna
tiulttua of the Queen'■ pomltion ns
being placed• hr, slipped from a banns
in the Prillep Court thin mnrnlnig.
w th►Mlu►Ily Identlnal with tbo N
%c, C. Oro:'lt, on tehnif cif the Tories,
the Iterldn BuMnfeN (k,llego, and any
a evinmtitutlonal ruler. A born F.ng
and fell a distance of '21 or 30 frPL
1lnrlhe tiro rxxminn
finaall produat of the m"Rnr cAne, Vo(r
hall nnswnksPli Fir Charlps Topper's
"thpr business CalleRsrDOW esLabll-lt•
calor tohs established, and to pull-
Itahurta colll,t not have more truly
emtmnle,l trip ndwnntaRem which re�
e" thn florist. film mkfill was fractured
and h^ died after lying for thr^r. lir
-e It
held tie with tr shit h&d httak no
with the Craks ltnssia
mit tame we call 14ring e,%ne rill ar t'
Dt R
fnrewPll (otter. S� h,,nsurm loll liar ulil
pal, tett•la(s)b, anti to deal In bu►i•
from this Vaff(,C reign,
four hours 1n an unconsrfnnm Onndl•
LhP T'rviefko ai Il
In raga
Caoadpe from Cuba lir rlprwh•ki,• lot
man's fads, an•I emulAtem him i'll0e)
tie:+w college scapiles•
lir paid a more afd•atlonate
lino. ens n man nomost Lhi.
QIIepA VM'toksln'v Ae&th..-
A rOmet of 8 cents n pound, send Inc
h} tatting of ihn Tnr,r prinrlWle of
Thr Ah#tra capital t0 ile Onp hna
lrlh"te to tlir lend Snvrr
tele Wenn Of loge nn•1 nmm�rNed. A^
tit,• rucouriegrm►nt "f Witt mug.ir
Prltl•h ronnettion bring adopted by
dred thoumand dolhosa, deviled Into
car• thousand AhnreR lot onP hnndrrd
Plgln'M perteooal worth, and he'
wunld hove drmpnlrA(1 tit neer glvinet
hits a br•)ther near Sbnkespr#tre And
nor In Lpnmtngtoo.
A TNAI!f b1 R.41r+1C D.
p,roductioB In C'xnada wd lwfoliu
a l".• Fdlwrwlg. Jt was a Tory. leader
Atirnll•s retch; And the heaad OlrleP
f,,, prig%bin - to Hill wmtb-P.11ts t"
- ...._,-_..-.-.-,..�-�-
_ '�'- .
Pirrie+AA Klltrd, 7TId1 '{K'(' iKp 1
I,PrmYnt•nl duty ..( 1 rent anti ploy
near n Tery new•a1191ler that until, if
of the com ny to tr In Toronto.
hu illge of steel, hnnuty. Fir \cis•
Irrmr ItnA t:Mllslan.
nonRrrr IterspP,
n wrmnnrmt burnt t,f 1 rent, the(
to Thr CnilrldlAn
lit,' Netloenl Polley rndangered Brit-
"eo thr w•orsr
Thp provisional dlrertr'rs Of the
a,MPnny are Charlem itobert MrCul-
frlrl'At apperh will Ile rend and f"!ly
nPlirosrinte:I in print, trot roll type
Wiil-:Or, Out.,�,Farh. 11.-A rt•nr end
Divestur. Tmt., Feb. iL-,l w
making the cosot Pe"o
loft rotlarctlon, Inutile
laugh llnmllto'" ; JnmPR W9gh1"R
cannot reprodripe the attrnctivenpAd
enlll•4on orcinrra„ In - the Michigan
tounrl pnmar•nger train on. the Chie
pl« 5 nrnte n mnlnd, wr tin cit n
fur Brltl4l, ronnPetlon." Has. :Hr.
ton WP.tPrvelt. Leon Ion ; Day' 1 1" a
lot the delivery.. The tall send dlgni•
C,pntrrel itnilro"d yard beep Tp1aPr-
R i;rlr ltAl!roaA wits partly dery
hrgetwtlrt) In sit Ing t11Rt ('nnn,ln
Creek forgotten that nearly all the
klns, Tornnto; Willlem Rruoka,OnIV
fiat flgnry of tlir OpPnk,•r, the tfenr,
sill°• A light rnglnn In charge of
twOre miles Ps.tt of thin city r
a" I, ) p m
tP off % 'tit sit t ! u ata
t r
wo Id M• bP R
ellonrkss of tiro .\nnexwtlon m#tnlfpvto
r L A
nmm J9mem WIIIIam w 'ntpr• 1 I+O
rat lonulrreR nnght with nntmallrnl,
4r wit stA din un
u,�• John n s •
t:n d1 r R
to -d P a e g r
ay. ile m n F1nn � I r pit
Industry on much trans than with It
wept 'Curies, lend that Lord Vigfs,
the earnest v,d-p %Wrant. with •sin
the mnln Ile track, when a west
h"(tml frotRht ewe►° w4>vsg wt&eearh-
to ht ve h -en klll•,d In Jumping.
A�1� to tim rotIims,trlffl-1
Thv quPRtlon Iw oar Or flRser's, artA no
ilom'&'O" or Pr•ovl'telul,
w.l,en rrprPsentlnlg Her llaJesfy to
--• --'---
King ??Award Is having A chair Of
carity and rn,otl,m. trip grnrrfnt n'r'v-
lure, nil theme grove to till, m)mp(•b
@d Into thn engine. Engineer 1,Ivtt-
the train was IonAe•l w'th emlgr&
(•snail&, was ston(rl RAJ rotten -egged
matt* fur th
n Ieffecti" %harm load I n 'tar
n t .t 1 ,fl
f ho fr I ia m
hart o t lt 1 Teed Q
noon f whom. Nam w
u In Jnr A_hnwP
PAa alfrxrl t0 It blind," nR the
by Torles7
a Mr l ?Aron•
with the a
ill aid
I uwin the l of Avery
lag pir
hfr, Ant •/n )timh.wn
11p"fator And the Mall and Fmplre
Therm will pfoMahly tM n0 "COnROrt"
There w
lIA1PnPks. iL wag nn „r•r,rmian +wit^n
oin n
waw caught hotwtfen Bumf tlmhwra,
Wien ole
Nlwg&r& F&Ily. CML.. baa fhrR to
atwsm dlnpngwd to do. We Rxpert to
P t King FwlvvArd b to go to nerlin,
Invited on to nor Qn+•••n'e title.
nppina-,• wonl,l h:.ve t'^Pn nn4,•nm y.
:end, It I+ fPnrrd, fatally lnpired. lie
whlrh gutted the Anderson • Ln
are Allenparrants vulgar and morn
"f tt rpiuti th^ Knlmwr'n vlmit 1) hit(
ill"nrrn knowil.,lge 19 the parent at
niherwlms, the Admiration lot tilt,
wnm removal last night to tit.
Mark and damagitl lh,• Flp
It for the world's Ilea when Cohn Rpt-
at t,ondnn, And w• shall have mars doubt.--ONvllds. Hoes" mist hA•w broken into an Thomas,
J:arh. May,
Chicago .. ...... ... ... SOW to 71 J•4
Naw Turk............ (f OC 0798.4
Milwaelfoe••• ••• • 073 000
ill. Laine•... ... ... ... 0 like Q 7'- 7•p•
Toledo .................. 0781-'S 0L`I)1-x
iletrolt, red... ... ... 0788.4 08ANI
0etrult, white ..... 0783.4 O(yl
1►uluth, Nu. I
northern............ 072 8.1 0 71 11 4'
f)eleth. Nu. 1
bard ... ...... ... ...... 0745-4 000
Mlnnenpona No. 1
northern........... 000 071
Taranto FarmeM � misill
I-eb, 11.-urum-Yrie eta wen air
ehaugtal ler wheat. barley wal ,late,
lite uflerlage emitting stoady at yur-
terday r figures. tither grain% wort.
not ullared. Four hundred bushels tit
w4'tY anti ;iW Mashela of red sold at
/yak:, ;iW bualielr of goo" at 811c, 411;►
bushels of barley At 45 to 48e, Buil,
5(10 ouruels of Date at n 1-S las :m,
Say as Straw -flay w&e cheaper,
but offerings were very sa'alf. Three
lor,lr w►a JHe lower at 618 to $11
per ton. Straw le quoted steady til
to to b9.
stutter -There w'as u good demau-I
fur coulee pound rulld, and %uwt w,IJ
tip to 24c for roksall luta. Thu ra11K„
of the general muter ecu% 18 to ::its.
Large rolls were out plentlful, (full
sold steady at 17 t%J :%Our
Eggs-Ufferlagr were only Inrge
ellougn for the demand, ami prices
ruleu steady. Bull.ug §test eVid a4 -1
to Lee, and fresh at 18 to 280, 1'ackb I
eggs were dull a&1 unsteady.
Poultry -There was a plentiful soul.
ply of fresh stock, and trade ens at• -
tire. Prices were steady to ferment,
Turkry'tt sold readily at 9 to lac, and
a oho!ce nen war worth 1L'o.' Geon,
were nesmar at 7 to licit an'1 rhlckeno
•o:d higher Bi, Mo to tittle. Frozen
"- stople wall dull and praclicnlly unatt•
a hie.
a Lpplee-tiPllasrirr were moderalnll^
large. ltu4 trade was guo•1. Thr rhutr•
r wt lot% cold al +Rl to e1::, And rush►
° were steady lot AILW to 61.73.
\egrtnbloe-The demand was smnl
u and the rerpipts wore, owiug lu ilw
• weather, l�mitetl. !'ricer rale) rlpnd.-
1 1so)tatoem were fairly active, at :111 t„
L 40e per long
« Dreamed Hogs - IsHiceksler ver
u email. I"Tes are higher, In synipalh>
t with tier slight rise In the pelt» of
t leve huge. -Dressed are quote l at 1g
I to Pol.50 per : wt.
Y I,rprred Upnts-Reeedpta are sell`
' elln& far the dewt►u:1, nu 1 the gnnla,
Y is fair. There is a plentiful supply , f
I. Common and m,•.h,kUe beef. Likknol aril
L quoted 1 _c higher, at 7 1 _ to 8 1.2r.
e 'I'ereatu LIte -torts lrarkel9.
WI ek:Xpart c•lU_. rhnlUa. oar cel, :1 L,. u. 1:• w
t1 Vx DniI rAILIO, Iiyrllt. pt+r cwt. . L St t• 1 "'.
r ll,lichw. awltle Yr L'.d_ t 6w 1n a r
t HW -hrt,,: t«Itlr..-Mace.. . . • /S ,0 1 li
,�,i Iso:, her.' clttole Butyl .. .... . 3 s•i s^ : 'i
4•. 111A1.r.an. fluxed.. .... 3 Iii M
I- Hmeahert,-.1.,tocm'. net cwt.. . S W to 1 i1
s Ilal:..ccanrt. MarT, yerewt.. 3 t, b a ''
�. Hrit..IIWWl.liehL w-rewL... i ata Y 7 \'
Fceder...lsurl-lawto . .... 3 ll b 1 N,
Y du rlodinm ......... 3 b so. :1 .)' -
ia tea basil 3 a) 10 3 16
11 Awfore.. wt to ltue ls. ....... 1 M to 3 N
eJ oir.Matnrs au4ltelterd .. . . 1 7.1 to I •I
Fed,llaa hull, .. . . ... 1 yt to '3
re 1 hl .tort bull. per cwt . 1 !r t„ 1 tar
at- a revels, l,T . � -:. :--So 29 uta -10.40- -
M1 r •1 cer. et•r hand ... 't, I* to 1•r
`+herr. • %;Mort ewes, per e: w•. - a 'r1 in 3 -. , .
w. . u list, kit. B/ 10
e e•n,r r I r
br lan.lr.alw,a!r,t. o. --I I:e t • I :,
g- lamb., reef I is / , f '
m m4r•. ,.:...,,-t. Ler cwt . _ i w 1••' • •
,��, How. r:a). .err e._ a's M ` .
he 7Mec "yrtir. pea"cwt .. -?ht, iv,- -
,`.ar..trr,wt _ .. .. l,% tits «-0
NR r awai. - . 1 w ,tin _ift--
lg liVa.lot'. \1 heat Vrum►
In WrinhlSgton• Jan. PA).-Uoneul Hour,
it W. hialrfch, writing frim Berlin tr'
a the ?Stele l►Pportment under date of
e'1 INcember It, guys:
nil "Aeotrding to the varloue auth•:r.
til ties, the crisp of wheat for the y'r.,r
nil 19(x; whin a,onspere,l with that a!
11" INti!), shown a decrease ranging he
Wtavern 1,•'LW.0:10 anal 1.900AW bud!'
nes. As t•) the different oonntrl -
the e•«timetton fvr the year's crop.
are report(41 as follows :
Ftlrrrting 1M99. 19($►
er)antry. Bnahele. Buehrl•
U. Stat,'%► ...SS2,9115.003 4Y7.1C:1.-I1
Reasis.........4W,1118,400 41S,::br.tm,I
HIMIgary .....129,G8n.067, 114.'±14 I't,
1_ Rvunlanin ... _6.001.578 61,5'-"1. II 1, ,
nuh(ariu......:4,014,480 51J.'s..:It
`tie r v 1 a ......... 9,9f 10,967 11,977.1 1 s
Turkey In F.u.
rif1P ...... 2!1,954,.98 31,9:'-lt.l-"r
LE T .I r k_e L in_
Asia ......... 8l►!J8.7,917 89.9Aa.y4,
he 1'errla .. . =0112,=1 'r2,08.:.8(:-.
m- Hr. India ......2;13,984,437 179,6'! 1,310
ane ('an,alda ... .. 00.4'_8.029 45.471.11:7
In Mex*) ... 12,518.827 12,4:.141.610
Ya., Chill ... .. ... 12,518;1127 12,311+,-.7
b it� Argen. Rep... 95,877,893 93,877,:(" :
t" Uruguay ..... 1„440,584 16.8(7.7 .
A lg:err ..... . 12,0:17,X33 16,2fd). t, a l
(.f Tnntit.......... 5,flfl7,39a 7.N=L2•ri7
t he F:q�pt ........... 11.471.578 12.904.1$_ 1
Cape Uobny . 4,8W.347 4.014, l � I
,ed Anrtrolin...... Iilv.778.299 55,6_6,517 1
lore i-.nlgland .- ... se/3ta7,261 51,611, J9"
ren N"rway ...... aw'sequ 812.91+11
Nwerleu ... 4,459,937 4AP3,111R
men Drin;4trk ..... 4,211,183 4.1:1.1- t.
itnllnuA ...... .:,,019,7(17 4,S1U3,48
Ileelirhur ... .. 15.97a.490 17,6:15,14-
Franca ........::81.882,2'28 304,242.:11
Sllnin ... ....hs1,888,951 109,95tl.ltiu
sly P-wtugal...... 4,586;-24 5,IrtItoIo1
I t a l y ..........1R1), x.'{0,190 1 t 4.858, JN
ere "w'tscrinnd 8.91'2,18:4 4.514; p)0
tier (irrmany .....141.R8H,4•;el I I5,M77,31m1
ght. Austria ... ... 50,816,05A 42.51.010
lft+w ur,:uo* -.... 4.778,821 3,145,991
iral lirnda.frtef'a ue Trade.
ltrs, . '4V*'i� RF I iififow fifiuiTowio motorist,
r n
t + Improvement thug week sail travels r
rep.,rt tee prospects for the Coming
InR auuwau (•xPPllr•nt. Remittames Are
r I 11141, x11111 to hnve been wt'mewhnt
Ir[t ,inv'J^r than usunl lot title s•e►•On o'
91. the ►ear. Therp has been gniln A
Ileo n,nrknl Impnl%emnnt In mome lin, A lot
hn- •rormat0 tM4 wvpk. The dry goodm
n'" trotJp hR4 re•eoiolf4l numerou.a orders
n' Tor liar spring, tlir very strong mar -
the kat for n nmmtr!r of trading i'mwm "
%ler Ing had the-rrroct of rtimal,ting
the hu+inl.Rg. Tito Improve(] country roasts
he" hm%r hM1 the effect of causlag In-
one' Prn.tre l grain dellvrrlas at tJ:e rout
tit's try markets. Trate at WlnalpeR coo•
t" tintmi to show a moderate lmprrrvr-
n"d ment. A grant deal of buJI(IInC
tett lot the larger citing la look-
»fpr f >r the coming dwason.
The mArketm lot the. large eoa$t Cen-
rre- trey of trade have been quiet and
and Moro or IrRR f„nturclnRR the past
M to week- It IlAmiltnn thim week whn:p
Return report flip reepipl of larger
nnnilw•ro, Of ordrrm ror the spring. &nil
nil trade conditions In the country'
hRve been Improved by better roadm
1.` retntlpra will, it Is b ellsved, hs' pre'
prel now to Inerrame their ptlr-
rat- rha,pit. Lnregr quantities of or -
ago ,term are M•InR fl'IP,I by local honmp+
lied now', RA i It 4,okso An If the trade wilt
nrly he kept ha0y far many weeks G,
tan lir
mit hr n m
T r hRe w I .h
hen m Ir
%ted Rr1�1,11.7 in tra•lo. at Ottawa thin
min - weak In mwsegcenrs of the op,tdag
ntw. of Pnrlletmont. rho retell (rade sa-
ns,• perlslly In more hrlak.
The 'Aephle sr.11eres.
-Any FAfinreo for the week were 2MA In
Ann the I sited !Matas, ng&tnat 24JIImnt
venni yanks, and 85 In ('anada. &g&Inwt QR
I&st year.
mawoanr J
s1.11oq v rlua
-law% 7metWvtll loo Lpaw+J mry+yl0
'NMa u1r rasa+ mt12117 ayi tualJ-'PIIV
,v1 7 JNIVIw,t u+JPtly.) 4oy pa.n *9
is Pt°Ogr dna 6 )u14100S d.rol,itll,tt .
po,Upp % u vLp p+Y rJP e�lylu.1
»•+•+PPV 1
JnA 14n" of ruJw (w ,1 SI loalol ales Pv
a 1, Jw1 ,,no til plow +y 111.1\ inJy •sod J'
i1wJ4at tie gall tael}ifsLU+I.l�ye opt ust01 oia'
r •Anerl(f11�� aJeBrt\' m wt "so"
■..0 30 9,,10-87716 1103 KUVA bin
- . -. -.- •"Ishod sty
•�o�netwald'YV'1«of�t hnol-!.soap,
Urnsez 'V w 'oa1111iermJaauleu_ yu
ed/0111 r;11 LO pollee swpl,•iii't, i
lady mod ,rllrraQ0 ra.l-.ueliol*ioIw the
F1�IMIHJVIII XXK11113 •61138X11
9 W) •uopuwl 'usow 1
,anal? -na»1IYJ,911lullX ':'et�ose1
,V1Oo BulnrwaurJ al+Amu:) •Joe)lie
1.l p0y-ut ollU ItI a .�4 pAq V24' ill P
. 1ooV w• •'u Jpurllnr Yy t+p V 'I+,aq P
,wy J •.a.msly ayi ear11111-H 'vF
. pearl y,l rye'`` w SIVA% ala uvlpvuwp IVA
;1fyAi iuY9a811H311labiH1-'LK,
.- - - - s
•/t4lanff •-e, sml+I"oN f Pl * hddV
lt[t•J., "a-setawJ 01 JJJ Pwl pe1J
•,tOaq ,deso !9110111.% is I A 10 IUh-)f PU
31AI-I T111 HOJI-(J91XVJf 61\:
.+,,1 •uo,NIJJj'As, '1Jl)tb ellim :Bu
fupl4do 0114•' M V•wtH IeNMImI ! aoe t J,
' •J+ui seat 1'4y•Itif I- , Built- Jo1
Vtract ill elou 1 -)UB . auto uolll•.V.
yu tar paole !ll old it- . asla Mello"
110.4 31.1\yH.) ituyot "- 671Y1'P.I
poo • y4lan f 1 'AusduDO3
•r1�d gaU.0 esti, LtddV -tau ytlr p,.s+M
er„«wArw Jt 1 of Lisa JB s1 Pun 11its'
71qud jello Illy foulwetuseJ wim"v
.%»seesaw o7 cal; reyad+oJd
!, Yd •ole• Illy •aulsualten uv!pru
yp Jol{Pr 1+•t+w,.)'V ugor Pia• :pee Yt
llL mtJJ tie[ "Is, 4 P+IVJgqat- 0g1,t
vyul• •.IJoby,% """ise AMfvK J,H
•uny2nw ea141 :µ•4.w11. .g,•wkBulnv
•it," u «o d,tt.e•iv ; J+11 -if rrJoe+.'.1
wl• U4 InP,1r : od to' •flies'%:oln)
Mauay Lto1e'It J-11 LV op-mis bp,
yl u) a)�(•r(( ,eI las 1sainor eve Juan
wO1t..BUJRIJ6+1 •gJowT.1 •+se.•A.,N++Wa
uXv NAIrl 9111 11W (191\ve% 61!
-vo'1rsse"AT 0 see '
'Atiost, XgHn'it'R'8a
anti laemlwl
sir" pI pen reavtsoalassI
yo i„OQ •,ossa Imloa wn�
'pattau salnll saw.( L1apr1
Jot i t In ta.dr s suol i va lidaJo+
suvalladU1P a4 r
s 'aM+d+1
--_--__, •ase'vvvtrr':�.YI�W two ltee
wasom `pees.,•,,•„Lail awl •n,,w It-st
•� J•oL psi AY,kn1eilwL�•,1�J11!{.i
3= -
Alunpoddp plpuaeld
,l u.
eye Rv ''d 'd *H 'tlaAhod 'II
;Ily 174av140 til dymvyax3
e aJol til poploaP uaaq ee44
K 1 eD n Wnl.UPIV.JAWfI'.'
9aJe0 Al gOrl ll )1 .%auouk ey1 punleJ'
- UV •,Wtgvl rulnlnb ausoitl isAIIw
leV ago all plo.) u 4Jn 1
- •pvq alAa svq alfa • ill 1
eqI 04 IIIA Jva.r 0q3 111143
-as ways rl,ual dlfroulullm i14.1
sy) til tellial- X,6x!1I- 1
04, OR eat stimlvli AM vl IIIA
'lslNeK L•IIs1gM l,elweJO
lllef."nip flu *.00'1$ PUI
f 16161 W e'
( 3NM08 1p J
snort eta
M S e
I11 gl �
, I _E ell 'lid»
AO) pugs 11
lou eA yjo (
'll uo olAnit
aet4 eulnue;
11tuTl11 aAIJ_1IIU' JU 2uIC
. lis sl-1cls W14i flo 101
;o Nois'iana\ S,110:)S
;)Mrs alll Inoq ail Tat
pus-Ic scAa aI nal i
luaA s s t mo
ayi q3 i I
'111nq cit sia,%o:)ai Xt Is
2141 ! 1:)rq .311103 ssq tI
'2110; ill: slam 1l; .
waill lsol ;m JCag; S y
Ito 1-
'iso, prq sat�snul aql
)SOT lou pelt sau0q
1st ulE3 a l In .W
W.%InJS alto[ E pus ! Po'
.isca 0111!1 E 1sa�1p 01 I
!fa glusn� 1j 'gll.a uC
ilia O 00 a I st ti
q 1p 3 4 .1.
poi 10 Nots-IflfY-q S,.1
lagunq pule - ram ct n
>[E2M 21E pu►w puE
1! til
Oil f1 asagi • punod
01 1119U311c san18 a:lnn,
•?(heat{ aq
pin aoTSlnw4 s,J.I()-
t xmno tie SutIrl, I
r punod r ulc8 ill.%% sa
t1EUlom 10 urw r
ji vow lefnlulr ];)ql ,
6[061 "t ON �.